Thinking About Home

Women In Society Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Arlita Winston


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000124

00:31 I'm glad you joined us again.
00:33 I'm Kathy Matthews,
00:34 and this is Thinking About Home.
00:35 We've been talking about women
00:37 in all aspects of life,
00:39 women as mothers, women as wives.
00:42 And now we're gonna talk about women in society
00:45 and we're going to discuss how we as women
00:49 can be fulfilled after our children have flown the nest.
00:52 And how we can be fulfilled
00:56 if we are childless or single.
00:58 Our guest is with us again today Arlita Winston,
01:00 and we are so glad that she is.
01:02 Thank you Arlita for being with us again.
01:04 Thank you for inviting me.
01:06 You know you have many examples
01:09 of how you did things in your home
01:12 and after your children were gone.
01:14 And I would like find out what those are,
01:16 what did you do?
01:20 Well, I think before I talk about myself,
01:23 a wonderful example to me was an older woman
01:27 that I saw, that I knew had, had a sever depression
01:32 after her children have flown the nest.
01:35 She was the wife of the physician.
01:37 She had everything that she needed.
01:39 But those children had flown
01:42 and she was grieving over that.
01:45 And she took very seriously that scripture in Titus 2:3,
01:50 "Teach the older women to be reverent
01:53 in the way they live... to teach what is good."
01:57 And she became a mother, a mother in Israel
02:01 to the women around her and her husband
02:05 became a father to those around.
02:07 And they got the most ingenious idea.
02:11 They decided to open up their home
02:13 every Sunday night for popcorn night.
02:16 They had big signed made that said "Popcorn Tonight"
02:20 and when that was hanging outside the front door.
02:23 All those students, all those young people
02:27 from the church, they all knew
02:28 it was popcorn at their friends home.
02:32 There open that home in over the years
02:35 hundreds and hundreds of young people
02:37 came in there.
02:38 Ate popcorn, sat on the floor, drank sodas,
02:42 learn to know one and another.
02:44 Marriages were established through that evening,
02:48 engagements, deep friendships
02:51 and Dorothy and child Shellenberger.
02:54 Our dear friends became true mothers and fathers
02:58 in Israel at a time when their own children had grown,
03:02 their grandchildren were coming along,
03:04 but they standup to me as a wonderful example
03:09 of what I have wanted to do and be.
03:13 Now as far as your question what I've done.
03:16 Yes. I drag my feet frankly.
03:19 You didn't. I did.
03:21 You are not a feet dragger, are you?
03:22 Well, I did because I felt I had made so many mistakes.
03:27 And one time my daughter Sarah came home from college
03:31 and she said mom would you study a book in the Bible
03:36 with me this summer and I just nearly burn the toast.
03:40 And I said sure Sarah, I would love to do that.
03:44 I would be thrilled if my daughter said that to me.
03:47 Well, I went to bed that night
03:51 and the Lord convicted me.
03:52 He reminded me of several women who had asked me
03:55 the same question and I had rejected them
03:59 and the Lord ask me that night,
04:01 why haven't you been quick to accept their invitation.
04:05 And I said Lord, I cannot teach other women.
04:09 I have made far too many mistakes,
04:11 there is no way I can do that.
04:14 And he said would you, if I ask you to.
04:19 I said oh Lord, yes.
04:23 Next morning I went down, I said to Sarah
04:26 would you mind if I just invite a couple of my friends
04:29 who have asked to join us around the kitchen table
04:32 and she said no mom and I thought oh no.
04:36 You rather have her said no.
04:37 That's right, and I went to the phone
04:40 and I called up this friend of mine
04:42 told her what we were doing.
04:44 Oh, I would love to join you when do we start.
04:47 I said about this next Thursday.
04:50 I'll be there.
04:51 Did you do with fear internally?
04:52 I did and so I prepared
04:55 of course for the Bible study.
04:57 And I also called the second person who had asked me,
05:01 so I told two people.
05:03 Next Thursday morning I go to the door and I open it
05:08 and there are 12 women standing on my doorstep.
05:12 And you are, oh 12, just...
05:13 Some of them I didn't even know.
05:15 Like disciples.
05:16 Those two friends of mine had gone out
05:19 on their own and brought others
05:23 and we had a study started that summer.
05:25 Now that study I thought would end in that summer,
05:29 but somebody announced oh no it goes on,
05:33 and on where upon I literally went upstairs
05:37 to get a grip of myself to make sure
05:40 I wouldn't loose it
05:42 While they were there. That's right.
05:43 You did that while they were there.
05:44 I just walked right upstairs, I say excuse me
05:46 a moment please and went upstairs and I said now Lord,
05:50 you and I need to have a talk.
05:52 And the Lord said will you do it for me.
05:55 You just repeated it.
05:56 And I said yes Lord, I walk back down stairs and I said.
06:01 Now the biggest problem we're gonna have is
06:04 this living room is too small,
06:06 because we had grown already
06:07 to more than double what started.
06:10 And so we were about 27 in that living room
06:14 and somebody immediately raised their hand
06:16 and said well my house will take us.
06:18 Oh, wow! We outgrew that house
06:21 and then we went to a church.
06:23 And to me its lovely story because
06:28 it shows me how God takes us
06:31 as frail as we are and is broken as we are.
06:36 And He is so true and faithful to His word
06:40 and when I taught the word of God,
06:43 it just brought life to all of us.
06:46 And it bring forth, so that class is still continuing on,
06:52 but not being taught by me.
06:54 It's been taught by those that I trained to take over.
06:57 Then I started to another class,
06:59 but it just goes on and on and on.
07:02 When somebody makes himself
07:05 available to God and says yes Lord.
07:09 We can be prepared for all kinds of joys of being able
07:13 to teach younger women, the experiences
07:16 that God has taken us through in order to give them hope.
07:20 The whole idea is to give women hope.
07:22 Amen. Hope in who God is,
07:25 and so when our children have flown the nest.
07:29 I believe it's terribly important
07:31 for the older women to be there to encourage
07:35 the younger women who are discouraged.
07:38 And that makes me think of those scriptures
07:40 in Titus 2.
07:42 Yes verses 4 and 5,
07:44 "Then they can train the younger women
07:46 to love their husbands and children,
07:48 to be self-controlled and pure to be busy at home,
07:53 to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands,
07:56 so that no one will malign the word of God."
08:00 That's an amazing statement at the end,
08:02 so that no one will malign the word of God.
08:05 But that's the impact we have.
08:07 When we train these young women to do this.
08:12 We have a story that I'd like to tell you.
08:16 Good. Tom and I have some good friends
08:19 that are evangelists, he is an evangelist.
08:21 So we love revival of speaker
08:22 and he and his wife were in London and they flew back
08:29 from London to the East Coast
08:32 and this one of this man's students met them
08:37 and by this time the student was married
08:39 and they had little one or two year old
08:42 and must have been around two years old.
08:45 And Melissa and Steve had gone to this home
08:49 where the young couple was and they spent the night
08:52 and the couple was going
08:53 to take to the airport the next day.
08:55 And during this day there,
09:01 they had a little child ruling the home.
09:06 And Melissa and Steve noticed it quite a bit
09:09 and one of the things that he had spoken on much
09:12 was child training.
09:15 And so as they were going back to the airport,
09:18 their prayer and their thoughts was,
09:22 how can we help this young couple and so they did
09:26 and it was kind of little touching situation
09:29 and they try to help the young couple.
09:30 But Melissa's heart cry was
09:34 where are the mothers in Israel
09:37 to do this kind of helping.
09:39 And I was sitting there when she was telling me
09:41 the story in her home later.
09:43 And I said Melissa, we don't have the mother's in Israel.
09:48 She said I think I realize that
09:51 just soon as I heard the cry in my mind.
09:54 So those scriptures spoke to us
09:58 and they are teaching us that this is so necessary
10:00 in our world today, in our church today,
10:03 we need to have mothers of Israel.
10:05 And I think if it's not initiated
10:07 by us as older women.
10:10 The younger women need to reach out
10:13 and when they see somebody that is modeling a God
10:18 fearing women, somebody who is ruling her home well.
10:22 I think they need to go ahead and go to that women
10:26 because it maybe that the older women
10:28 hasn't even thought she was capable of doing that,
10:32 hadn't even thought that anybody
10:34 wanted to hear her advice.
10:36 After all most of us by now
10:39 have learned to keep our mouths shut.
10:42 Because you are afraid of what they might think
10:44 or say if you were to interfere
10:46 with the child training.
10:47 Well, and you really not wanting to interfere,
10:50 you wanting to do more interceding than interfering,
10:53 aren't you? Well that's the desire.
10:55 But you know the idea of a mentor
10:57 is lost for the most part?
10:59 That's right. And we need mentors.
11:01 And they are those that would like to be mentors.
11:04 I enjoy sharing what the Lord
11:06 has shown me to younger people.
11:08 We've taught growing kids God's way classes
11:12 and we have more friendship out of that kind of class,
11:16 we have more satisfaction of heart
11:18 out of that sort of thing
11:19 than most anything we've done.
11:21 Well, I'm beginning to think though
11:23 that some of the initiative needs to be taken
11:25 by the younger women to go to the older women,
11:28 because in our age right now
11:33 age is not revered or honored.
11:36 And I think there are lot of women there
11:38 who have gold in them thar hills.
11:42 Who feel that they aren't wanting to be heard?
11:47 Right. And I think our younger women
11:49 probably are maybe embarrassed to say anything
11:52 or shy and I would like to make an appeal.
11:56 Amen. To the younger women to say
11:58 I need to learn from you and this will give courage
12:03 to the older women who are maybe discouraged.
12:05 I would like to do that too.
12:07 We should directly appeal that to our viewers.
12:12 If there is anyone out there who is a mother in Israel
12:16 who has solid experience in God
12:19 that know some younger people,
12:21 get something started with them or pray about it
12:24 like our leaders talking about
12:26 go to the Lord and ask Him, what you would have me to do.
12:30 And like he told you in the bedroom
12:32 that morning Arlita, will you do this for me
12:36 don't be afraid, you can do it.
12:38 Well, and you younger women need to realize
12:42 that those of us who are just little bit
12:44 ahead of you have made a lot of mistakes.
12:46 And so maybe we are not too quick to just come out
12:50 and say we would like to help you.
12:53 On the other hand there maybe a lot of us
12:55 who are too quick to do that.
12:58 And so God needs to put that wonderful humility
13:03 and mixed in with hope, so that we can work together
13:08 as mothers and daughters in the Lord
13:11 encouraging one and another
13:13 to fulfill God purposes for our lives.
13:17 And the Lord is coming.
13:18 We need to be able to do this.
13:20 A work that needs to be done in our hearts.
13:22 That's right. And to bring the mothers and daughters
13:25 and the families together, the fathers,
13:27 this is something that we can't do without,
13:29 we need it, yeah.
13:31 That makes me think of emptiness.
13:33 When I'm thinking of some of the older women
13:37 in the sense of emptiness.
13:39 I think there is also that sense of emptiness
13:41 with younger women, of all women of all ages.
13:45 And emptiness and I would like to talk about
13:49 this emptiness not avoid without meaning
13:53 not that kind of emptiness.
13:56 I wanted to talk about a form of emptiness
14:02 that has shape for a purpose.
14:05 And when I'm talking about that
14:07 I'm thinking of like reed pipe
14:10 that is totally empty, but its there to receive
14:15 a piper's breath to utter a song.
14:18 Oh beautiful.
14:19 Or the emptiness of a chalice, a cup,
14:25 that's beautifully made,
14:27 but its empty ready to hold something for purpose.
14:32 The Lord pouring Himself out of you.
14:35 Or the emptiness of a birds nest
14:40 it's formed waiting for the fledgling bird,
14:43 that kind of emptiness that had shape
14:46 and form for a purpose and we hear a lot
14:50 about emptiness these days.
14:52 And I think that we need to get perspective on this.
15:00 Are we having emptiness with purpose?
15:03 Are we reed pipes just waiting to be sung,
15:06 right, through?
15:08 Are we chalices waiting for God's love
15:12 to be poured out of us?
15:14 Are we nests waiting?
15:18 Does He desire a warm sweet abiding in us.
15:23 I'm sure He does.
15:24 And if we think about these three things, the reed,
15:28 and the chalice and the nest and how they are made.
15:33 It will help you identify more easily I think.
15:37 The reed is a very simple thing,
15:39 it just grows down by the river.
15:42 But in order for it to be used, it has to be cut
15:46 with the sharp knife and then pierced with holes
15:51 for that breath to come through
15:53 and give the different tones.
15:57 The cup made out of gold or silver.
16:00 Gold is found in the water or in the mud
16:02 and having to be dug out
16:04 of something out of the sides of the mountain.
16:08 Sliver has to be dug out and then put through fire,
16:12 to be purified, so many times to be purified.
16:15 The nest is made up of all different kinds of flouts
16:19 and get some thick bit, that daring little mother
16:24 has flown who knows how many miles
16:27 to bring back each little piece to tuck in
16:30 and to form that with her breast.
16:33 And so each one of these.
16:37 We're formed by a knife
16:39 we could be form by knife and pared down.
16:42 We could have been hammered with lots of little blows
16:46 like goldsmith or silversmith would have to be done,
16:50 or we could be shaped for our destiny
16:53 by the love and a tender home.
16:58 Any three of these things, but we are shaped
17:02 according to a plan that God has for us.
17:05 So that no matter what to you are right now,
17:08 no matter what shape you are,
17:10 whether you are beautiful or ugly,
17:14 whether you are intelligent or not too smart,
17:19 whether you are mild or passionate,
17:24 whether you are clever, whether you are stupid,
17:28 it doesn't matter.
17:29 But it's all planned to give shape and form
17:34 to a purpose that God has for you.
17:37 I love this idea.
17:39 And so this emptiness can have purpose,
17:42 yes maybe you were beaten like that gold hammer.
17:47 Maybe you are pierced.
17:48 And maybe you are pierced.
17:51 Or maybe you grew up in just a tender loving home
17:55 and haven't experience that, but can understand.
17:59 Yet there is purpose and God has that purpose
18:03 designed for you and you need to find out,
18:06 I need to find out what that purpose is?
18:09 It also reminds me one of my most favorite,
18:13 favorite metaphors that Jesus uses for us
18:18 in His relationship with us which is found
18:21 in John 15 verse 16,
18:27 "You did not choose me, but I chose you
18:33 and appointed you to go
18:34 and bear fruit-fruit that will last."
18:39 And here He is talking about a wine.
18:41 Now what is a vine, a grapevine?
18:45 It's empty, its one sole purpose is to take the sap
18:52 through to the branches to give life
18:56 to that branch to bear fruit.
18:58 So here you have this empty branch
19:00 coming out to receive the sap.
19:03 Well, it's not really used for anything,
19:06 we don't use grapevine for furniture,
19:08 or to built houses.
19:10 I think the only thing we use grapevine for
19:12 are to make wreaths
19:14 that we hang artificial fruits on, artificial flowers
19:20 and Jesus says wait a minute.
19:22 But it does such a work.
19:23 I want you to be alive.
19:26 I want you to be connected into me.
19:30 And what's more you didn't choose me,
19:33 but I choose you and I want you to be empty branches,
19:39 so that I can pour my life through you for what?
19:44 To bear fruit.
19:46 Now Joe and I where in France
19:48 visiting his brother.
19:50 He has two brothers there who are missionaries,
19:52 one in France and one in Belgium
19:54 and we were visiting there and we saw the grapevines
19:59 over the hill side.
20:00 Oh! They are beautiful on hill sides, aren't they?
20:03 And I was struck by how they were just stretched out
20:07 crosswise one after the other mile after mile after mile
20:13 these white crosses with the grape wines
20:17 and I thought, oh my Lord,
20:19 that's a picture of that first vine that first hung
20:25 with his arms stretched out crosswise.
20:28 I've never thought of that.
20:29 And many times I've seen those,
20:31 I was over there too and I've seen
20:33 those stretched out like that.
20:35 Of course we live in Washington State
20:36 and you see a lot of up there too.
20:38 But I haven't thought about that
20:39 being stretched out like the cross.
20:41 I thought of that wine and I thought
20:46 how does the natural growing of that wine represent us
20:50 and the more I thought of it,
20:52 I thought here is first of all it's a wine,
20:54 usually a vine trails everywhere.
20:57 But no, a grapevine dresser
21:00 doesn't let it just trail on the ground.
21:03 The first thing he does
21:04 is lifts it up and puts it on a stake.
21:08 What did Jesus say,
21:09 if you will follow me, I'll lift you up, yes.
21:12 It says if you will follow me pick up your cross,
21:17 follow me if you want to be my disciple.
21:20 So he tenderly picks us up binds us very tenderly,
21:26 so that those shoots are not damage
21:28 until it grows out and you know
21:32 the grapevine doesn't have any flower,
21:35 much of a flower.
21:37 In fact the little tiny flower blooms
21:39 and is gone before you've seen it
21:41 and its starts bearing food.
21:43 So it doesn't lift up a beautiful flower
21:45 to be enjoyed its first thing is to move in
21:49 after that tiny flower to make the grape cluster.
21:55 Now after that happens and we were there
21:59 at several different time, so that we saw
22:02 the different seasons of the grapevine.
22:05 And soon we saw these tender shoots growing out,
22:08 you think, oh surely that mother vine
22:12 because of course that's what we are mother's
22:15 bearing fruit.
22:16 Surely that vine can take glory in the shoots
22:20 that it's thrusting out these beautiful tendrils
22:23 and those leaves waving in the sky.
22:27 And surely the mother can glory in that, but no.
22:33 There is somebody who has vested interest in that vine
22:37 that's just been planted
22:38 and he has pruning shears and his hands.
22:41 Oh, no. And he comes and he takes a long look
22:46 and he says which ones of these vines have branches
22:50 that are going to be strong to give good fruit.
22:53 And he take shares and he cuts
22:55 the way the ones that aren't needed, so that more fruit
23:00 can be produced on fewer branches.
23:06 So then the fruit begins to ripe in,
23:10 in that hot sun and it gets bigger and bigger
23:13 and surely the mother vine can glory
23:16 and that fruit its coming and she is waving
23:19 her green beautiful leaves now and those grapes
23:23 are just coming just so beautifully.
23:28 But the fruit is getting heaver,
23:31 so what does the vinedresser do.
23:33 He just comes and he ties that vine up
23:37 straighter and straighter and harder and harder
23:41 in order to bear up the weight of that fruit.
23:46 And so as hat vine feels
23:48 the strength of those strings holding it,
23:54 it knows its holding it up
23:56 because its bearing precious fruit.
23:58 Well, then what happens
24:01 the heat pours on to that fruit it comes
24:05 to its glorious color,
24:07 but the leaves begin to fade and droop.
24:10 But nevertheless the vine is thrilled
24:14 because the fruits coming and the mother is thrilled
24:17 because she is beginning to droop,
24:20 but the fruits coming and her fruit is growing
24:23 to maturity and surely she can glory now.
24:28 Her fruit, her children are coming to maturity.
24:33 Just as the time when they are at their peak,
24:39 the husband then comes and strips the vine there.
24:45 And now its drooping leaves
24:48 and its stripped of its fruit.
24:51 Then the fruit is taken away and feet already to trod
24:59 and to press the juice out of that fruit
25:02 in order to give joy to the land,
25:05 to the rest of the land and then the husband
25:08 when comes along and it prunes again.
25:12 He prunes very, very sharply.
25:16 The fruit in the harvest has come.
25:20 Now comes the really dark days
25:23 where the vine stands all alone,
25:26 all through the winter and the harvest,
25:28 it's not bitter for the torment,
25:32 it's not barren, because of the fruit it gave up,
25:35 but it's fulfilled and next spring.
25:39 That's ready to bear again.
25:40 It blooms again. Yes.
25:42 And so we'll go
25:43 Bassi back in 1800s said in a sermon.
25:48 The vine from every living limb bleeds wine.
25:51 Is it poor for that spirit shed?
25:55 Measure thy life by loss instead of gain,
26:00 not by the wine drunk, but the wine poured forth;
26:05 for life's strength standeth in love's sacrifice,
26:08 and whoso suffers most hath most to give
26:13 and this is a picture of a mother.
26:14 And of Christ.
26:15 And of Christ and he living in us pouring His life out
26:20 through us and Jim Elliot
26:25 and Martyred Missionary went to Ecuador said,
26:29 "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
26:33 to gain that which he cannot lose."
26:36 Amen, that's beautiful.
26:39 I know going through all of that
26:42 you can see how mothers in society can be very useful.
26:48 They can bear fruit again in God's work.
26:52 That's right.
26:53 And the grapevine lives a very long time.
26:57 Yes. And the lovely thing is
26:59 in John 15 it says,
27:02 your fruit will remain I've chosen you to bear fruit,
27:06 fruit that will remain, that's for eternity.
27:09 Amen, and that's what we want, that's what I want,
27:12 I know that's what you want.
27:13 I want nothing more than to do
27:15 what I was created to be and to do.
27:18 Arlita I want to pray again for our viewers.
27:21 All right. And I want to tell them good bye
27:23 before we start praying and you are going to be back
27:26 for another session on women in society, is that right.
27:28 That's right. Good and I want you to be with us as well.
27:32 Don't forget to join us we will be praying for you,
27:34 we're gonna pray now.
27:36 Would you our prayer.
27:38 Father I thank you that you have chosen us
27:41 that it's not even a question of whether or not
27:44 you love us but you just do.
27:46 We have to understand that you really do love us
27:49 and you've chosen us and you want us
27:52 to bear fruit and that it will be inevitable
27:55 if we abide in you.
27:57 If we let you come and make your home.


Revised 2014-12-17