Thinking About Home

Women As Mothers Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Arlita Winston


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000122

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home I am Kathy Matthews.
00:34 Today we are going to be talking about women as
00:37 mothers and the surrender that they go through
00:41 Again our guest is Arlita Winston and she has
00:45 grown up in the Jungles of Sumatra and went
00:50 through many bouts of turmoil in her years as her
00:56 parents were missionaries and they were in the
00:59 Orient and now she lives in New Jersey
01:01 with her husband Joe. Thank You Arlita
01:03 for being with us. Thank You for having me.
01:06 You Know Arlita you've been talking so much
01:08 about women as wives and the surrender that
01:12 wives especially go through and now we're
01:14 going to address women as mothers and
01:18 you have five children. Did you ever feel yourself
01:22 deprived because of the things that you gave
01:26 up in your life? No actually I feel like
01:29 it's the best thing that ever happened to me, but
01:31 I know that one person I had a conversation with
01:35 friend years ago all the children were at home
01:40 that time I can remember the day as clear as it was
01:43 yesterday, the children were cheerfully doing
01:47 their jobs, music was playing through out the
01:50 house and this friend and I were washing the dishes
01:53 and doing them up and she was engaged to be
01:57 married to another friend of ours, so she stood there
02:00 and I said tell me about your family and she
02:04 ignored my question altogether and she turned
02:06 to me and she said Arlita, don't you feel that your
02:10 body has been insulted by having to bear children?
02:14 Oh! My! Don't you feel that motherhood is an
02:18 insult that you've been taking advantage of?
02:22 How did you feel about that?
02:23 I nearly dropped the plate at the time. And I told her
02:30 a story, I didn't know what else to do except
02:35 to tell her the story of the incredible joy that was
02:41 to be a mother. Good girl. And she knew that I had
02:45 given up going into medicine to be a wife and
02:49 a mother and so she knew that much but she didn't
02:52 know that I was glad that I had done it.
02:56 So, I took her back to those days when I was in
02:58 Shanghai, I was 12-years-old and.
03:02 Beautiful story I love this. Well the communists
03:05 were just coming in to Shanghai, Peking had
03:08 already fallen. My sister and I were coming home
03:11 from school one day and we passed by the long
03:15 rows of soldiers, they were the nationalist
03:18 soldiers at that point and we burst into our home
03:22 glad to be in safety in our own home and mother
03:26 met us at the door and her eyes were just shining
03:30 and she said I have a surprise for you girls,
03:34 and we looked at each other and said what is it,
03:36 and she said you're just going to have to go and
03:38 look for it. And she just waved anywhere here on
03:43 the first floor, just look for it, well Andrea was
03:46 the first to find it behind the heavy drapes there in
03:49 the living room she found a little pair of hand
03:53 crocheted booties. We took one look at those
03:58 booties we already had three little brothers and
04:01 we said mother are we going to have another
04:04 baby? She said yes. And then just hugged the
04:08 two of us. Well in those next months Shanghai did
04:13 fall to the communists and we were routed out
04:16 of our house and placed under house arrest and
04:20 mother was very near to giving birth to number
04:23 six. And she wasn't sure that she wanted to go in a
04:28 rickshaw in labor, so she decided and definitely not
04:33 a petty cab, so she decided to check-in to the
04:38 mission hospital early. Well nearly the whole
04:43 family had already checked-in, dad was in
04:45 there with a severe case of asthma.
04:49 Two of my little brothers who were in for
04:51 Tonsillectomies and so mother might as well be
04:54 there, that left my little brother five and some
04:59 missionaries took him into their home and that
05:02 left Andrea and me at the home with the Cook
05:03 Alma. We continued going to school and
05:08 Shanghai John was born. Shanghai John.
05:11 Shanghai John. What a name.
05:13 Well, his name is really John Robert. But, we
05:16 loving called him Shanghai John and he is
05:19 admittedly the favorite of the whole family.
05:21 This is not the one that's the attorney is it? Yes.
05:24 It is? And so there John was born and Andrea
05:29 I could hardly wait until that day when the whole
05:31 family came home from the hospital and I came
05:35 running in, taking the steps two in time where
05:38 as Andrea walked rather sedately behind me.
05:41 And I bust into the room and suddenly just a hush
05:47 and awe fell over me. And I closed the door on
05:52 all the chaos of Shanghai and I looked in that
05:57 bedroom room. With mother dressed in a satin
06:02 robe that women in America had given to her
06:06 for the last baby. And roses were spilling all
06:10 over it and this lovely afternoon sunlight was
06:14 pouring in through the curtains and I just walked
06:18 in to peace and there was mother holding the baby
06:24 and daddy sitting next to her and we came in and
06:28 mother lifted the baby up and said here don't you
06:31 want to hold him, and I just cradled that baby in
06:35 my arms, and I just looked down into his face
06:40 and I knew it was foolish to say it, 'cause as soon as
06:43 I said it, but I said mother could he belong to me?
06:54 And she said yes. He could belong to you,
06:56 I figured she had five of her own, this one could
07:00 be mine and she said yes he could belong to all of
07:04 us and you could take care of him whenever you
07:07 like. Well the years passed and that dear
07:13 brother of mine I feel very special, special
07:17 attachment to you because of that, but that,
07:20 at that moment, that's why it's so vivid in my
07:24 mind, 'cause at that moment.
07:27 Something happened. Something happened, and
07:30 I knew that the scripture Psalm 127 verse 3,
07:37 "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and
07:43 the fruit of the womb is his reward." So, I knew this
07:49 is what I wanted more than anything else in the
07:52 world. Here I was looking at my mother in the midst
07:55 of all the confusion of Shanghai, the bombings,
07:58 the takeover, wondering if we would live for one
08:01 day to the next and yet she was sitting there
08:03 radiant holding this gift from the Lord.
08:07 What a miracle. And I said yes Lord that's
08:09 what I want, I want to say yes Lord to your plan for
08:12 families, knowing that we cannot depend on a
08:16 security of our times. We can not depend on
08:18 anything except the Lord and I was saying yes Lord
08:23 to families, yes Lord to leading me into
08:27 dangerous places, if it was he that was leading
08:30 me that was alright, but I just wanted to say yes
08:33 and so really the longing to be a mother was born
08:37 that day in that room holding baby John.
08:41 That's beautiful. So, I related this story,
08:44 this retelling of when I was 12 to this friend at
08:48 the kitchen sink and then I told her I said you know
08:53 I know that a lot of women today have that
08:55 great fear and I can understand it because
08:59 I think it's part of the whole curse that we
09:02 brought on ourselves when we sinned.
09:05 And in Genesis it talks about when God came to
09:11 Eve and told her that because of her taking the
09:17 fruit and deciding that she wanted to be God of her
09:21 life and she wanted to be as wise as God that as a
09:25 result she would have great pain in child
09:30 bearing. But, to the woman he said I will
09:35 greatly increase your chains, your pains in
09:39 childbearing. Now in fact I feel that when we give
09:46 birth to children, yes we go through that pain but
09:49 we're also saved in childbearing because we
09:52 die to ourselves. And that whole self fulfillment has
09:57 to be set aside in favor of getting up to feed a
10:02 helpless baby. Right. Of nursing, of nurturing.
10:06 Constant caring. Of constant 24 hours a
10:09 day but a woman does have to lose her life in
10:14 bearing another child and giving herself to that child.
10:19 And it's a joy so. It's a joy.
10:21 I don't have better memories when I do of
10:25 taking care of my children.
10:26 Well it's one of the deepest fulfillments
10:29 I have ever had. It is. And the most challenging
10:33 there is no question. Oh! Yes.
10:35 The most challenging. Developing that character
10:37 is a heavy thought, it's a very heavy thought.
10:41 Your mother went through this with sounds
10:45 like full of grace and her words about herself
10:50 talking to you as you were 12-years-old,
10:52 when you burst into that room. It's a beautiful
10:56 memory. But, what you do with women who don't
10:58 have children. They didn't you know,
11:02 they're suffering. What you do?
11:05 I stumbled the more of course, but what about
11:08 somebody like Hannah? Yes I, you know she,
11:11 I was just thinking of Hannah, here she was
11:14 dearly beloved by her husband, dearly beloved
11:18 but she couldn't bear children. What made it
11:20 even more grievous is that he was also married
11:25 to Peninnah and she was giving birth right and left
11:29 to children. And dear Elkanah says to Hannah
11:33 aren't I as wonderful as of 10 sons to you.
11:39 He's trying to, trying take the place.
11:41 Why is not my love enough for you and She
11:45 says I want a child, I want a child and so when they
11:49 go down for their yearly sacrifice, because
11:52 Elkanah was a very God fearing man, they
11:54 went down yearly. She understandably was not
11:57 going down to rejoice like everybody else was and
12:01 when she got to the temple she just poured
12:05 out her soul, so much so that Eli the priest thought
12:09 she was drunk. And there was something
12:12 I would like to say about that desire for a child
12:16 because all the women of Israel were taught that the
12:19 Messiah would come. That's right. They wanted
12:22 a child, they wanted a boy.
12:23 That's right. And there was such deep
12:26 spiritual connection with having children.
12:28 That's right, that's right and I think Hannah
12:34 certainly longed for that child in that same way,
12:38 but it's interesting to me how she very quickly
12:41 when she pours out her soul to God, that she
12:46 pours out even the bitterness, it says in.
12:51 You can find the story in First Samuel 1 and in
12:56 verses 10 and 11 it says, In bitterness of soul
12:59 Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord,
13:02 remember me, give me a son, I will give him to the Lord.
13:10 She decided if you give that gift to me I am going
13:14 to just give him right back to you Lord and
13:21 when I think of this bitter soul, bitterness starts with
13:27 hurts, she's been hurt by the other wife, she's been
13:33 hurt by probably other women looking to see
13:37 that she was barren and she had been hurt for
13:41 really no fault of her own. And because that hurt
13:45 wasn't fully dealt with it, it turns to self pity and
13:50 I see a progression, it goes from hurts that we
13:53 receive of no fault of our own if they're not dealt
13:56 with, they develop into self pity and that self pity
14:00 goes rancid and it turns into bitterness, then if
14:05 that's not dealt with it turns into anger.
14:10 Anger turns into hatred and from what Jesus tells
14:15 us, hatred turns into. Murder. Murder,
14:17 so here you see this chain that all started way back
14:21 here from a hurt that we didn't even cause.
14:27 And so here is Hannah she gets to the point
14:31 where she is bitter and she just pours it out to
14:35 her God with all that she can and she prays
14:41 earnestly and then she just relinquishes, but she
14:46 knew, she had a very definite prayer that she
14:49 asked of God, I think some of us don't pray
14:52 definitely enough. Not specifically enough.
14:54 So, that I don't know that we would recognize the
14:56 answer if we saw it. But, she prayed, she
15:01 poured it all out to the Lord, she prayed with
15:04 deep conviction of what she wanted and she
15:08 relinquished it and it says that she went, got up off
15:14 her knees and she went and began to eat, 'cause
15:17 up until that point she has been weeping so hard she
15:19 couldn't even eat and she went home her
15:22 burden completely gone, and it says that when they
15:26 went home she conceived a child.
15:32 I don't. That kind of an answer to immediately
15:39 remove all that burden must have been a
15:42 wonderful peace from God that she felt.
15:45 And what do you think that Hannah did the most
15:51 in her family, that would help Samuel.
15:56 You know before we get to that I think you've
16:00 touched on something, this bitterness area that
16:04 maybe would be helpful because I think Hannah
16:09 had to do this first. Okay. Before she really raised
16:13 that child but how do you deal with bitterness, aside
16:19 from just pouring it out to God. I think number one
16:23 we can't do anything about what somebody
16:26 does to us but we can do something about
16:29 our reaction. Now if we see where our reaction is,
16:35 where we are in that chain, self pity, bitterness
16:40 anger, hatred, murder, we may be already at this end
16:43 of the murder but if we can recognize it for what
16:47 it is and say Oh! God, I need your forgiveness
16:51 as much as that person who hurt me. I need your
16:57 blood to forgive, to cleanse me from my sins.
17:00 So, I think I call it the Balm of Gillard there are
17:03 four ingredients to this wonderful ointment that
17:06 you can just carry in your pocket all day long.
17:08 So, that you can use over and over and over and
17:11 over again. Good. Seventy times seven.
17:14 Okay. And that is number one, I repent of my sin of
17:21 self pity or whether it's anger or whatever.
17:26 Number two please forgive me and wash me.
17:30 Number three, please forgive the person who
17:35 hurt. Number four, bless that person, bless that
17:40 person. Love your enemies. Yes, you see I don't think
17:44 for a minute that Hannah went back to her home
17:46 and gloated. To the other wife.
17:49 And when she conceived I really don't think that
17:52 she gloated before Peninnah. And we can learn from that.
17:55 Yes, and I think she was so taken up with the fact
17:59 that God had given her a gift and now she was
18:03 preparing to give this gift right back.
18:05 She wasn't going to let the hatred or the
18:07 bitterness ruin her moment. Right, right.
18:11 So, now back to your other question. Yes, what
18:14 do you think that Hannah did most in that family,
18:17 for little Samuel? I think she brought him
18:23 up in the fear for the Lord and when I try to translate
18:26 that into today, I feel that we need to take a page
18:32 out of Hannah's book and we need to take that
18:36 scripture where she says I prayed for this child,
18:40 now I give him to the Lord, for his whole life he
18:46 will be given over to the Lord. Now, I think are we
18:51 raising our children for ourselves, are we raising
18:55 them for their sakes? Or we are raising them for
18:58 Christ's sake? We want to raise them for
19:02 Christ's sake. But, generally we're raising
19:04 them for ourselves. I know. We want to
19:06 realize and fulfill all our own dreams in that child,
19:10 right. And Hannah straight off says and
19:15 I give him back to you. So, I think that was
19:19 number one, her first sin but then I think as soon as
19:23 he could even understand, he began understanding
19:26 what it was to talk to God and I think in their
19:30 normal daily life, she talked with him while
19:33 they sat down, while they walked, while they read,
19:36 while they ate, while they played, I think she talked
19:40 about the Lord. Amen. I agree with you. That he was
19:42 going to serve, because she had to prepare him to
19:46 be ready at a very early age to go and listen to
19:50 this, she had to prepare him to go and serve with
19:54 a priest whose own sons were defying God.
20:00 Were disobedient and defying. And were being rebellious.
20:02 Yes. Can you imagine how Hannah felt knowing
20:04 she was relinquishing her child.
20:06 Oh! that would bother me a great deal. And putting
20:09 him in the hands of the priest but whose own
20:13 sons did not regard God. So, I can imagine those
20:17 early days were spent particularly preparing him
20:21 to know the fear of the Lord and how to worship
20:25 him and I think of our own families, how do we
20:30 do it. I think we need to do it from the very start.
20:33 I agree with you, because that early preparation,
20:35 that's just what I was thinking. If you have
20:38 done a great deal of preparation, God can
20:40 honor that. But, you can't just say well I have done
20:43 the best that I can do, you better be sure that you've
20:46 done all that you can do. And followed what the
20:50 Lord has for us to do, you know seek out the Lord's
20:53 Will in raising your family. But, I think you have to
20:56 do something more, I think you do need to
20:59 establish in actual time, what I would call a
21:03 family altar, she offered him up to the work of
21:10 the temple. As a living sacrifice. As a living
21:12 sacrifice, and we as families need to have a
21:15 daily family altar where we as husbands and wives
21:19 with our children in the most natural of ways have
21:24 a family altar. Now in our family. Some may not
21:28 really understand what the family altar would be?
21:32 I think one way to describe it would be,
21:35 it needs to become very normal in the way you
21:39 talk, so that with us we brought it up at dinner
21:42 time and we made our dinner times very
21:46 sacrosanct, my husband is a busy physician, but all
21:51 the time the children were growing up, he made
21:53 meal times very important to be home
21:56 with the children. And during that time we
21:59 would talk about all sorts of things everything from
22:02 why you don't punch your brother in the nose when
22:05 he's offended you or why you have to honor your
22:09 sister, even though she is just a scamp, you can't
22:13 stand her. And things like this is were
22:15 like the First Corinthians 13 would come in, love is
22:17 not rude young man. That's right and you can't
22:21 say First Corinthians 13, the love chapter is an
22:24 easy thing to do, that's a very.
22:27 A divine sacrifice or rather grace a work of
22:32 grace in the heart to be able to that?
22:33 But, in order to work that out you have to talk about
22:36 it and live it with you children. Yes. So, that
22:39 I love that scripture that says hide not thyself from
22:42 thy own flesh. And it was during those times around
22:46 the dinner table that we often talked about our
22:49 own difficulties and how God helped us and how
22:53 we were able to relate with the children, so that
22:56 our family prayers we kept them very simple,
23:00 very short to the point and always made it
23:07 pertinent to what the children were going
23:09 through. It may be a math test that day, it maybe the
23:13 fact that a neighborhood child had punched my
23:17 child in the nose and I needed to go and talk
23:20 to the mother about it and find out what really did
23:22 happen. So, all these things were discussed
23:26 around the dinner table. And that would build
23:28 their faith wouldn't it, as you're working those
23:30 things out. And then would talk to the Lord
23:31 about it, we would have games together around,
23:35 Joe would read the scriptures, usually a Bible
23:38 story appropriate to the ages that the children
23:41 were, as they grew older they were the ones who
23:44 helped to lead it and would initiate it and then
23:49 we would have what we call the M&M games and
23:52 Joe would have a stack of M&Ms and then he
23:54 would ask questions of the children about what
23:57 were you talked about and he would slide one
24:00 down the table to you if you got the answer right
24:04 and they stacked up their M&Ms at the end of the
24:06 meal. As we nipped together, the truths of
24:11 God with where we were living and this means of a
24:16 family altar. Doing it day after day after day.
24:20 And never making it just one time of the day, but
24:23 incorporating it, the sacred with the secular.
24:27 So, that it was not two separate things.
24:30 We have because of the scripture, we have
24:35 Morning and Evening worship like that.
24:39 And you had more that you would share on
24:43 Hannah or shall we move into.
24:46 Well, I was thinking more of a woman who.
24:49 Susanna? Yes. Susanna Wesley. I was thinking
24:52 actually of a woman who was not in the Bible
24:57 times, but a woman who had a great many
25:00 children, whom most of our listeners will have
25:05 heard of and that's Susanna Wesley, the
25:07 mother of John and Charles Wesley.
25:09 She had 19, didn't she? 19 children.
25:12 I don't think all of them lived?
25:14 No, they didn't, I think nine of them died and she
25:18 was a firm minded mother. But, she had a big
25:23 household nevertheless to take care of. She did well
25:26 from the what the history I read about her.
25:28 In fact one thing I love about her is that before
25:33 her husband came home at night, she always made
25:35 sure that she had her hair combed pretty and a new
25:40 fresh hair ribbon. Really? So, that she was lovely
25:44 before he came home. Another thing I love
25:46 about her is that every night she took turns and
25:52 laid down with a different child and had a time just
25:56 alone talking with that child. I like that.
25:58 And I came across a letter that she wrote to her
26:03 husband, that's in the journal that I would like
26:06 to just read, where she is talking to him about her
26:13 ideals. Though I am not a man nor a minister, yet if
26:18 my heart was sincerely devoted to God and I was
26:21 inspired with the true zeal for his glory, I might do
26:24 somewhat more than I do. I thought I might pray
26:28 more for them and might speak to those with who
26:31 I converse, with more warmth than affection
26:34 and so I resolved to begin with my own children,
26:38 in which I observed the following method, I take
26:40 such proportion of time as I can spare every night to
26:44 discourse with each child a part, as I am a woman,
26:48 so I am also mistress of a large family and though
26:51 the superior charge of the souls contained in it lies
26:55 upon you, yet in your absence I can't but look
26:59 upon every soul you leave under my care as a talent
27:03 committed to me under a trust by the Great Lord of
27:06 all the families both of heaven and earth, and if
27:09 I am unfaithful to him or you in neglecting to
27:14 improve then I have failed.
27:17 What a wonderful model as a mother.
27:20 A marvelous model and I think of Eunice and Lois,
27:23 in the New Testament, how Paul commended
27:26 them and they had brought up Timothy and
27:31 Second Timothy 3:15 says how from infancy
27:34 you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able
27:37 to make you wise for Salvation through faith in
27:40 Christ Jesus they will also models for us to model after.
27:45 Oh! Amen. You are going to be back with us on
27:47 mothers aren't you? Yes. Good, I am glad,
27:50 we will be looking forward. Thank You.
27:52 And I want to invite you to be back with us again
27:56 until next time on Thinking About Home.


Revised 2014-12-17