Thinking About Home

Surrender: Women As Wives Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Arlita Winston, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000120

00:31 Welcome to Thinking about Home.
00:33 I'm Kathy Matthews and I'm glad
00:35 that you are joining us today.
00:36 We have a wonderful guest with us and
00:38 I think you will enjoy the programs that we
00:40 have planned for you. I want to
00:43 read to you though about what
00:46 our guest has been through in her life its
00:48 been such a rich and full experience
00:51 and the subject we're going to be talking
00:54 about is women and surrender or anyone
00:57 facing surrender,
00:58 understanding relinquishment,
01:01 exercising that relinquishment
01:04 and putting it into the worship of God,
01:06 putting it into praise after that thanking God
01:09 for him working in your heart to surrender to
01:13 him those things in your life, all things
01:16 in your life. And let me give you
01:18 the background of our guest before I introduce
01:21 her, she spent her earliest years in the jungles
01:25 of Sumatra part of the Dutch East Indies
01:28 with her missionary parents who were
01:30 reaching the Cobu tribes, formally
01:33 headhunting, nomad, and cannibalistic,
01:36 until World War II forced them out.
01:39 They escaped through the jungles and after
01:42 three months of Darjeeling submarines arrived
01:45 safely back in America. From there
01:48 they sailed China where they lived until
01:51 after Shanghai fell to the communists.
01:53 After a year under house arrest whole year
01:57 under house arrest they were released
02:00 and her parents moved to Japan to minister.
02:02 She came back to America for her formal education
02:05 and married a medical doctor who also is a son
02:07 of missionaries to Belgium is that right?
02:09 That's right. In 1965 they sailed with their children
02:13 to Hong Kong to help setup a mission hospital for
02:16 the medically indigent refugees pouring
02:19 into Hong Kong out of China.
02:20 They now live in New Jersey where Joe
02:23 her husband practices family medicine
02:25 and they have five grown children and their
02:28 24th grand child is due this spring.
02:31 She teaches women's Bible classes and trains other
02:34 women to teach and councils and speaks
02:36 at conferences and retreats
02:39 and she is also in the process of writing a book
02:41 on the wonderer's things that had done
02:45 and was doing during her father's ministry.
02:47 Arlita I want to welcome you. Thank you Kathy.
02:51 This Arlita Winston. It's a privilege, and
02:54 you've done many radio programs
02:56 with Elisabeth Elliot haven't you?
02:57 That's right. And I am just privileged to have you here.
03:01 Well it's a privilege. You know you had such a
03:05 rich and full experience and have had
03:08 and even from your early years you had a really
03:11 face building experience and a surrendering
03:14 experience when your are early,
03:16 when you were really young in your early years.
03:18 That's right. Could you tell us about that?
03:20 Well from I suppose I took it in with my
03:23 mothers milk I learned how to love the
03:27 Lord with all my heart and wanted serve him
03:29 and all through those years I really
03:35 expected to be able to go back to or fore
03:38 in mission field when I grew up and had planned
03:41 to go into medicine myself. Mission in your blood.
03:44 And that's right. And it was there
03:46 but I had a very major experience
03:50 when I was 15 I left home to go to a boarding school
03:54 actually when I was 14 but the experience when
03:57 I was 15 happened when my parents left
04:00 us to go back to the orient and I will never
04:04 forget that water shed experience
04:06 because up until them I have been with mother and
04:10 daddy and my family and it didn't
04:13 matter whether bombs were falling or
04:15 whatever we were family. We were
04:17 together and God had sent us, God was
04:19 going to care for us if we died we died
04:21 for him but when we were living we were living
04:23 for him but now I was leaving and it was going
04:27 to be on my own and I knew it would be for
04:30 a lot of years and my sister and I stood
04:33 on the dock of the ship waving good bye to mother
04:39 and dad and my four little brothers
04:42 and they would throw these steamers
04:46 from the deck, these bright colored streamers
04:49 and we would just catch them and then we
04:51 would cling to them and they would,
04:53 they would just bound and wave in the air
04:57 as the boat pulled away in that siren went
05:04 and the whistles went and the gang
05:06 plank went up and there was just excitement
05:09 in the air and of course my grandparents were
05:11 so thrilled because they were sending more
05:13 weepers out in the harvest to bring in more,
05:16 more people to love the Lord.
05:19 Right. And Andrew and I stood there though
05:22 on the dock just weeping
05:25 because we were loosing mother and dad
05:28 and our family. She was going off to college
05:32 and I was going out to finish my schooling in
05:36 High school. Before going to college
05:39 and that both boat pulled out and those streamers
05:43 pulled tighter and tighter and when that last one
05:46 pulled and broke and fell into the water
05:50 I just thought my heart had broken
05:56 and I really thought somebody had died
05:57 and I went through such a grieving of realizing
05:59 that they had gone. So, on the way home
06:02 it was a very quite carload back home
06:06 when we got back to grand ma and grand pa's house
06:08 I fled down to an apartment of a couple
06:11 who had always welcomed me, Skate
06:13 and Viren Delma and they just opened their arms
06:17 and I just sobbed and sobbed
06:19 and they held me close to them and then sat me
06:23 down and they opened up the scriptures.
06:26 The particular scripture in Matthew
06:29 and it said and everyone who has left houses
06:34 or brothers or sisters or father or mother
06:37 or children or fields for my sake they will
06:42 receive a 100 times as much and will inherit
06:46 eternal life and that's found in Matthew 19:29.
06:49 That scripture looked me full in the face.
06:54 I can see how. And I knew right
06:58 that in there I had a decision to make
07:00 I could either hold this grief to my heart
07:04 and nurse to my dieing day my right to
07:09 have a family or I could choose to offer it up
07:16 as a gift to my Lord that overwhelmed me to
07:21 think that I could offer a gift to my Lord
07:25 and I could choose that day to be a part
07:29 of what they were doing and to sacrifice my home
07:35 life so that somebody else could come into the
07:39 family of God and the scripture just rang bells
07:47 in my heart and set me free.
07:49 I stood up dried my tears.
07:51 Gave you strength! And I went on,
07:53 now there came another time later on
08:01 when I became engaged and of course I still have not
08:02 seen mother and dad since then so I went
08:03 through those years without mother and daddy.
08:04 It did last that long then. Yes. Alright.
08:06 And there came that time when I was engaged
08:08 to be married and here I had been planning
08:12 to go into medicine and he looked at me one day
08:16 and he said Arleta I don't want to come home to
08:20 a doctor I want to come at home to a wife
08:23 and to the mother of my children. Amen.
08:29 And I listened to that and it was just
08:33 another opportunity to say yes, Lord.
08:36 I offer this up as a gift, I don't know
08:41 what you're going to do but I offer it up,
08:44 I relinquish all the plans that I have made.
08:50 I believe this is what you want me to do.
08:52 Was it a simple struggle at that time though
08:54 did you fight? I didn't fight it for long.
08:58 Did it come easier though? It did come easier
09:01 I think because of the earlier relinquishment
09:03 that God had woofed in my heart and
09:05 I was beginning to understand the very principle
09:07 that when we relinquish some thing that we
09:10 have planned our agenda in the light of
09:14 something that God is going to do
09:16 so much greater that we may not have
09:19 clear sight as to what he is going to do
09:22 but we just now deepen our hearts that God's ways
09:25 are better than our ways.
09:26 Then it lightens a Lord and you look with
09:31 anticipation. I believe we can look with
09:33 anticipation that the gift we've offered,
09:36 the gift that he accepts and then he turns
09:39 something beautiful out of what we have
09:43 offered may be far greater than what we
09:45 had planned ourselves.
09:47 I think Paul must talk about the trails
09:49 and joy and trials too and that probably
09:52 would fit your situation looking for,
09:55 I think so. Not, not denying them to come
09:59 along or guarding yourself so much that they can't
10:03 allowing the Lord to work in this. To
10:05 develop character to make us ready to live with
10:08 angels don't you think? Yes little bit I
10:10 know that he was developing that character
10:13 in me a promises of relinquishment
10:15 and acceptance of something better
10:18 which would result in my utter prays
10:22 to who he is? Right. And what he can do?
10:25 And that's an experience that you can rely
10:29 on for future and each time you can have
10:33 a stronger face that will help you get through
10:37 what's coming. And that did you mean that
10:39 I didn't miss mother and daddy? Not at all.
10:42 The grief and the anguish at different times
10:48 but I always knew where my home was.
10:52 And I like that, that you said that you
10:55 work together you would do this so that
10:58 you could be together in your efforts for
11:01 others to come into the family of God. Yes,
11:03 in fact years later when you mentioned that I
11:05 was writing a book years later I was
11:07 sitting with my father and a micro phone
11:09 over a table, listening to the stories.
11:11 Of his side? Yes. Of all the wonderful things
11:16 that God had done through these years
11:18 through mother and daddy and I was taking
11:21 them all down on tapes so that I could be writing
11:24 about them and at that point I felt the presence of
11:28 the Lord standing with me and saying
11:30 Arleta do you remember that day
11:32 when the streamers broke and your heart broke
11:35 that day when you gave your parents
11:39 to me as a gift and your right to have a family
11:43 and I said yes Lord by now the tears
11:46 were spilling down my cheeks and dad was
11:49 wondering what I was crying about and
11:52 the Lord continued speaking to me
11:54 and said you're only seeing a very small part
11:58 of that 100 fold that I've given you.
12:02 Oh! yes and I'm sure that is a wonderful conclusion
12:06 or confirmation. A confirmation of what
12:10 you've done there. And totally by
12:12 surprise show me that the beauty of that sacrifice.
12:17 Think of family though to it doesn't have to
12:20 be if you choose and you surrender to the Lord.
12:23 If you're working on that together
12:26 family does not have to be together to be family.
12:28 No. You know you were just as much family
12:32 and longed for that closeness by being a part.
12:35 I can remember one time Kathy where
12:38 I was in just desperation as to what college
12:41 I should go to and I was waiting for that
12:43 transatlantic telephone call to come early
12:47 in the morning and waiting to hear that voice
12:50 crackling over in those days she didn't
12:52 get clear calls and it was a Christmas time
12:56 and I heard mother coming on the phone
13:00 and she said merry Christmas sweetheart
13:05 and the government of our lives is upon
13:08 his shoulders. Amen. And then she quoted that
13:11 Verse from Isaiah 9:6, that his name will be
13:15 called wonderful councilor, the mighty God,
13:18 the everlasting father, the prince of
13:21 peace and government of my life was upon
13:24 his shoulder and so mother and dad had
13:27 to have they'll see the same kind of grief
13:30 in a different of relinquishing their
13:34 children in the same way that
13:36 I had relinquish my parents.
13:39 I will be glad to read your book when
13:40 it comes out because I like to see their side
13:42 being a mother I'd like to see their side
13:45 of the relinquish. I had a similar experience
13:48 not so far a part but still a part
13:53 with our older daughter when she went home
13:56 school for 10 years with her all ways together.
13:59 Everyday not getting up and going off on
14:02 a business where you'd ever were a custom to
14:05 that daily separation and you can't do that
14:08 unless you have a great deal of tolerance
14:11 a great deal of patients and love for your children to
14:14 be around you at all times.
14:16 And there came the time that we decided
14:21 the cause of her social and leadership ability,
14:24 she really needed to go on and she chose
14:26 to go to school and in a private academy
14:29 and we drove her away and the whole trip
14:33 was probably 13 hours or so and I may be more
14:39 and in the car we would have music and
14:42 there was a piece a violin piece that she
14:47 had played and every I heard ir that day
14:50 and I'm about to cry now every time I heard it
14:53 my I ate inside because I knew
14:56 I wouldn't be hearing her, don't hear any more.
14:59 I know that she will. But it went eventually,
15:02 but when we came back home we would pass by
15:06 her bedroom and it was like a deaf,
15:08 it was like a desert family, but I had
15:10 to relinquish that. I had to get over that
15:12 and I had to give it to the Lord that she would be
15:15 alright and I am very glad that she is, what
15:20 the Lord has made up her today and she
15:23 has seen that as a, that grows and family
15:28 experience and this come to lot of family all
15:30 the more, but now I wanted to ask you,
15:33 you have all these rich experiences
15:37 and we're gonna hear much more of them
15:40 but there is, has there been a time
15:44 when you did not easily relinquish,
15:49 yes, did you had trouble surrendering to the Lord.
15:52 Yes, it wasn't in the early days it was much later
15:56 and in fact it was after we had five children
15:59 and had been on the mission field and we felt
16:04 great dismay and discouragement,
16:08 they are on the mission field at not being able
16:11 to see what we had hoped would happen on
16:14 the mission field and we actually because we did
16:18 not handled that correctly that turned into
16:22 bitterness in our hearts and that provided the
16:25 atmosphere for my personal rebellion
16:28 and a rebellion in going along with what God
16:34 wanted and with what my husband wanted
16:37 and those churn I found ourselves in a period
16:41 of time or for your period where we would
16:43 deeply alienated from God.
16:45 On no small time. No small area. No small time.
16:48 It was for long years which seemed liked
16:52 eternity and were alienated from our
16:55 families, we were alienated from God.
16:58 Through your feelings, through the bitterness?
17:01 Yes. I see. Yes. And we decided to get God's work
17:05 done in our own way
17:09 and which was a major mistake and it let us into
17:15 sin, it us let us into alienation
17:18 and yeah during that time I did not sense
17:23 that God had left us but that he was allowing us
17:27 to go through this to really discover what
17:30 it was going to be like to be without him
17:32 and doing it our own way and one time
17:36 I was coming down then we were
17:38 up in the mountains about 7000 feet up in
17:44 big bare lake California and I was coming down
17:48 the mountains one day alone and I was just
17:51 ogling down as fast as I could around those
17:54 hairpin curves and I saw the storm clouds
17:58 gathering and I knew snow was coming
18:02 and I knew it wouldn't be long and sure
18:05 enough it wasn't three minutes before my
18:08 windshield was discovered with snow
18:12 and I could hardly see three to four feet
18:16 ahead of me and I saw a little light
18:21 Oh! those were those sticks
18:25 that were pounded into the mountain side long ago
18:28 when this world was built they told me about
18:30 it when we moved up here that when a
18:33 snow storm came sometimes you just
18:35 could not see the road.
18:36 Yes. And of course that was 7000 feet cascading
18:41 below you and so here I was blinded
18:45 by the snow, I couldn't stop there was no
18:48 way to turn around, I knew if I did stop
18:51 someone would come in behind me
18:53 but I knew there was one thing those sticks
18:57 with a light right ahead of me if I could keep
19:00 my eye on that stick I would stay on the road
19:06 and I could see about two sticks ahead
19:10 so I knew where I had to go and for three hours
19:15 I just hold the wheel like this and just starred
19:18 to watch those sticks and walked to my way
19:23 inch by inch down but not inside
19:26 and during the terror of those hours
19:30 as I would catch one light and then the next,
19:34 and then the next God began speaking to my heart.
19:38 He said Arleta you're in a storm of your life
19:44 and you've lost your moorings completely.
19:49 Someone very wise years ago placed these
19:52 sticks here so that you wouldn't fall off the
19:54 mountain side and you're going to come through
19:58 because I'm gonna help you to see those lights,
20:03 but somebody wise is still putting sticks
20:07 before the foundation of the world.
20:10 Amen. Amen. And those sticks were meant
20:13 to keep you on the straight and narrow road
20:16 that road that leads to life instead of
20:20 destruction and you need to get back to those sticks
20:24 Arleta, you need to get back and look for those sticks
20:28 that I have placed there to keep you on the road,
20:31 to keep you from crashing below
20:35 and it wasn't long after that
20:39 God really met me and there was a Verse
20:42 that came to me in John 14:23
20:47 if anyone loves me he will obey my teaching,
20:51 my father will love him and we will come to him
20:56 and we will make our home with him
21:02 and at that point when I had missed moorings
21:05 I didn't love him and I wasn't obeying him
21:09 and I knew that the first thing I needed to do
21:12 was to confess that to relinquish my own plans,
21:15 to relinquish my way of doing things
21:18 and to get back to him and then he would
21:22 help me to get back on the right way.
21:25 And I began thinking about and I just what
21:27 are those sticks hat God has planted there.
21:30 Well, was any of this having to do with
21:33 any wifely rebellion towards your husband
21:38 during this time? Yes, because my husband felt
21:41 that we should be doing a certain thing
21:43 and I didn't, during the whole four years or, yes
21:48 and we did go ahead and do what he felt
21:52 we should do but then I decided alright
21:55 if you're going to do that I will do my thing.
21:58 I see. And I did to all of our near destruction.
22:04 And it was only God, who could deliver us
22:10 out of what we got ourselves into but it was coming
22:14 back to those sticks that helped me to get back
22:20 on course during this four years
22:22 we were just nearly destroyed because of our
22:25 disobedience and thinking that we knew better than
22:28 God and then one thing led to another
22:33 I think if I had seen the end at the beginning
22:35 I never would have gone down that path.
22:37 But the Lord doesn't always allow us that.
22:39 No. And teaches us, it certainly teaches us.
22:42 So when thinking about just what are those
22:46 sticks that God does plant there,
22:49 I feel that there is some major stakes in my life
22:54 I look back on that have been anchors for me
22:57 and one is the fear of the Lord.
23:00 And the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
23:04 And the fear of the Lord is to hate evil
23:07 and enmity in us. He would enmity in us a hatred
23:13 toward sin. And I needed that and I needed
23:17 to recognize and admit to God that even
23:20 though I enjoyed what I was doing it
23:22 was at enmity with him and I needed to relinquish it
23:27 and confess it a sin and saying God
23:29 I don't want to do this, I don't to want to let go
23:32 of my own ways. It's going to kill me
23:35 to let go of my own way and God says
23:39 sure enough it's going to kill you.
23:40 And he says anyone would follow me
23:44 let him pick up his Cross deny himself,
23:52 follow me, obey me, and then in the very
23:56 obeying of him he comes in and resides in us
24:02 and makes a home in us which I was wanting
24:07 desperately. And so the fear of the Lord
24:09 relinquishing of our own agenda accepting
24:13 his is being so much greater than ours
24:17 and then being able to worship him and praise and
24:22 thanks giving and in end I think in anticipation
24:25 of what he was going to do even though we didn't
24:27 think that it was going to be as good as our idea.
24:31 And you want to go onto cover some stakes
24:33 before we have close the program.
24:35 Can you do that? Relinquishmentx
24:38 of our agenda. Yes. Accepting God's purposes
24:44 And then anticipating with praise and worship
24:48 for who he is because its not the situation
24:51 that we are so new and to be concerned
24:54 about its who God is and what he is going to do
24:57 with us is poor miserable creatures.
25:00 Well let's cover a little bit about that relinquishment,
25:04 a little bit more and that acceptance and
25:07 that praise we have a little bit more time.
25:10 What more can you help us to understand
25:12 about those stakes. Well, I think of
25:18 two women in the old testament that remind me
25:22 of those who had big stakes and that they lost
25:27 them and then they gained them again
25:30 and that was Sarah and Eve
25:35 both had husbands who communed with God,
25:38 both for women who were beautiful,
25:40 they both had to leave their homes,
25:43 they both took things into their own hands,
25:46 they both found out that they ran him up,
25:51 and they messed things up royally
25:55 and God had to intervene somewhere along
25:59 the line. We know that Eve finally accepted
26:03 because her son Abel was taught on the ways of
26:08 the Lord and he offered a perfect sacrifice
26:10 and then her grandson, Enos says that after
26:14 he was born men truly began to call upon the
26:18 name of the Lord and if you call on the name
26:21 of the Lord that means you're not the Lord,
26:23 you are calling on him to be the Lord
26:26 and the Sarah of course. She to me
26:31 is a prime example who at first,
26:34 she didn't believe and yet she is the one
26:36 who is noted in the 11 Chapter of
26:39 Hebrews as being a women of such faith
26:43 because she called her husband Lord.
26:47 She submitted to him. Now can you imagine
26:50 calling your husband Lord when he has just
26:55 palmed you off on to a heathen king
26:58 and it was amazing that she could call him Lord.
27:01 Yes and we wives are asked to be like
27:04 Sarah and I first Peter 3, 5 and 6 it says
27:08 they were submissive to their own husbands like
27:10 Sarah who obeyed Abraham and called him
27:13 her Lord goes on to say that you do it
27:16 without fear because its not your husbands
27:19 you're trusting it's the Lord your trusting.
27:21 That's right. And that's who we need to
27:23 trust isn't it and it gives us hope,
27:26 we're going to be talking more
27:28 about women as wives women and surrender
27:31 aren't they and we want our viewers to join in
27:34 that way we do yes. We've got a lot to share
27:37 because it's hopeful. It is hopeful and as you
27:41 try to put these things into your lives
27:45 and you pray about women as wives
27:48 and in surrender I pray that it will be joist thing
27:52 to you too. And our ladies gonna be back with
27:54 us next time and I want you to join
27:57 us on Thinking about Home.


Revised 2014-12-17