Thinking About Home

Falling In Love God's Way

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, John Tsigonoff, Karen Tsigonoff, Jennifer Jill Schwirzer


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000113

00:31 Welcome to Thinking About Home. I'm Kathy
00:33 Matthews, and as you may remember we have
00:37 been discussing a love in the last days.
00:40 The deception of worldly love and the beauty
00:46 of God's Agape love. And last time we were
00:49 talking about the media and Jennifer Schwirzer
00:52 is with us again today and John and Karen
00:54 Tsigonoff and they're learners and listening to
00:58 the things that we are discussing because in
01:00 their lives they are wanting to learn how to
01:03 promote God's loves in their life, Agape love
01:06 and we are going to just jump right into our
01:08 subject here. Jennifer, we were talking about
01:12 how the media is promoting this false
01:14 love. That's right. So, what can you tell us on
01:15 that? Is said that Hollywood doesn't do
01:18 Agape love. Hollywood does Eros and the
01:22 powers in Hollywood pretty much totally
01:24 devote themselves to promoting this false idea
01:27 of love, which is the kind of love that love
01:30 selfishly, the kind of love that seeks after
01:35 someone else to acquire them for themselves
01:38 and in order to enrich self. Where as God's
01:41 loves by contrast is a type of love that gives
01:44 of itself in order to enrich someone else.
01:46 Right. Hollywood doesn't preach Agape.
01:48 No. It doesn't do Agape. Yeah. We were talking
01:53 about the movie The Titanic. And we started
01:54 out by showing all the awards that the movie
01:55 won. And people worked very hard on this
01:58 movie, it had a larger budget than any other
02:01 production has ever had and yet I think it was
02:04 more than that made the movie so successful.
02:07 As a matter of fact it went beyond what people
02:09 thought it would do. And my belief is that
02:11 people are searching for and desiring love in
02:15 their lives, they feel the vacuum and into
02:18 that vacuum the devil through the media
02:21 presents his most clever counterfeit for love.
02:24 Right. Which is Eros love; a self love that is
02:28 discussed as love for another.
02:31 Might even than almost to look as if it's
02:33 selfish, but you need to really understand
02:35 God's love to be able to discern it right?
02:37 That's right. And I was talking about the fact
02:40 that the movie has earned, as far as I
02:42 understand about two billion dollars, which is
02:45 also unprecedented. I took that figure,
02:48 I went to Africa in April on a mission trip and I
02:51 took that two billion dollar figure.
02:52 And I figured out how many people or how
02:55 much money excuse me would go to each
02:57 person in the country of Zambia, which is where
02:59 I went. If that two billion dollar figure was
03:02 divided up among the citizens of Zambia,
03:04 $200 a person, now to a Zambian that's a huge
03:07 amount of money. And yet that money is not
03:11 going to help the poor as far as I know, I think
03:13 it's probably going to make rich people richer.
03:17 And again it's promoting an idea of love that the
03:19 Bible does not agree with and yet it is very
03:22 deceptive and let me just share a little bit from
03:25 the movie with you. So that you can know in
03:27 what way it's deceptive, I wanna take the kind
03:30 of love that was promoted through the movie
03:33 and is so often promoted through the
03:34 media and was promoted. Right. In olden days
03:37 through Greek mythology and I wanna contrast
03:40 that with God's true Agape love so that we can
03:42 see the difference which is sometimes hard to
03:45 discern. I never saw the movie myself,
03:49 but I asked enough people that did see it,
03:50 what the basic thought line was.
03:52 And you did some studies on this,
03:53 on what it got, these awards and all that sort
03:56 of things. That's right. So that you could
03:57 familiarize yourself. That's right, and in the
04:00 story, this young man and woman fall in love
04:02 with each other. And when the ship starts
04:04 sinking she is lowered down in a lifeboat and
04:07 I actually saw this on a preview to the movie.
04:10 The women got out, the men were the ones that
04:12 have to stand aboard the ship while the women
04:14 got in the lifeboats. She is going down the side
04:16 of the ship in this lifeboat and she can't
04:18 stand the thought of being separated from this
04:20 boy she has just fallen in love with and she
04:22 jumps back aboard the ship. So, apparently this
04:24 girl would rather be, she would rather die with
04:28 this boy then live with out him. Seems like a
04:30 pretty strong love, doesn't it? Right.
04:32 And then at the end of the movie the two of
04:34 them are floating aboard a door. That is part of
04:37 the wreckage of the ship. And they realize that
04:39 the door can not support both of their weight
04:41 and so he lets her stay on the door and he sinks
04:45 down to his death. In the icy deep and he is
04:49 willing to die for her. Now that seems on the
04:54 surface to be a divine kind of love doesn't it?
04:57 Yes, it seems. And it seems to, and yet there
05:00 is a contrast and I wanna look at a text in
05:03 Romans chapter 5, verses 6, 7, and 8 and
05:06 I'm just gonna, I know by memory it says
05:08 scarcely for a righteous man will one die,
05:12 perhaps for a good man some would even dare
05:15 to die but God commends his love toward us
05:19 and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died
05:22 for the ungodly. Right, so the point is this that
05:26 these two lovers were willing to die for one
05:28 another. They did not want to be separated,
05:32 they had a love that we rarely see today.
05:36 There was a certain nobility to that love.
05:38 But, really what it was, was the very best,
05:40 that human love has to offer, it's a love that's
05:43 based on the worthiness of the object, of the
05:46 person who is loved. But only God's love will
05:51 die for someone unworthy. That's the difference.
05:55 That's a beautiful thing. Many people think that
05:58 passage in passage in Romans chapter 5 is based
06:00 on a Greek myth and let me just give that to you
06:02 in a nutshell. Okay. This is the myth of Alcestis
06:04 and Admetus. Admetus was a man who fell in
06:08 love with a beautiful woman named Alcestis
06:10 and he won her hand in marriage.
06:12 But, shortly after the marriage was contracted
06:14 he became ill and was apparently going to die.
06:17 However the Gods came into the picture and
06:19 they struck a deal with Admetus that if he were
06:22 to find someone who would die in his place he
06:25 would not have to die. So, he went around to all
06:27 his relatives and he said please, you know
06:30 somebody die in my place, he asked his aging
06:32 parents, you don't have much life left won't you
06:34 die in my place they wouldn't do it. He went
06:36 to his slaves, you know you are not pretty
06:38 probably thought they weren't worth too much
06:40 anyway, they wouldn't do it. Nobody would die
06:42 for him. Until finally Alcestis herself
06:45 volunteered and out of that context Paul says
06:50 sometimes the very best, the most noble of
06:54 human love is willing to lay its life down for a
06:57 good person. But, only God's love will die for
07:02 a sinner. I think that's a beautiful contrast
07:05 don't you. Oh! Absolutely.
07:06 Now I like to think about what would have
07:08 happened if Jack and Rose had lived.
07:10 Okay. The two lovers in the movie Titanic and
07:13 personally I think they would; was a good
07:15 chance that their marriage wouldn't have
07:17 survived. And I base that on statistics.
07:20 But, this is how it may have happened.
07:22 Okay. They get to the United States, okay,
07:24 they set up housekeeping. She has a couple of
07:26 children and you know, she had a tendency to
07:30 take a little weight, she gets kind of chubby as
07:31 women often do after bearing children and
07:32 you know he is a poor man and he an artist,
07:34 so we he has to work two jobs and you know
07:37 she is the one that's with the children all the
07:38 time, they have very little fatherly guidance
07:41 because he is always working. So, he starts to
07:43 come home every night and she is nagging him.
07:46 Pretty soon he doesn't even wanna come home
07:47 at night so he goes out and drinks with the guys
07:49 one night and then two nights then three nights
07:51 a week and pretty soon he is drinking pretty
07:54 heavily. And she is totally frustrated and the
07:57 marriage disintegrates and don't call me a
07:59 pessimist, you know what because the statistics
08:02 bear me out that there was a, almost a 50%
08:04 chance, that that's exactly what would have
08:06 happened, I wanna look at some of those
08:08 statistics. Okay. This is from the national center
08:10 for health statistics. And we're gonna see a
08:13 little about divorce. In 1996 there were
08:17 2,344,000 new marriages and 1,150,000
08:23 divorces. In 1988 there was a 43 percent chance
08:28 that new marriages would end in divorce.
08:31 Wow! Isn't that something? Yes.
08:34 It's kind of shocking. So, my pessimism is
08:36 pretty well substance, you know it's a pretty
08:39 reasonable pessimism isn't it. Yes, it is.
08:40 It was about a 50% failure rate in marriages
08:45 So, how do we avoid becoming one of those
08:46 statistics? Yeah, nobody wants to be a statistic,
08:49 how do we avoid it, good question.
08:51 I think God has a plan for courtship and I
08:54 wanna get into that because you know God
08:57 doesn't want us to be a casualty and I think if
09:01 we follow God's plan there are certain things
09:03 that we can learn in the courtship phase of life.
09:07 That we will also then use in our marriage and
09:13 in deep courtship can be a phase of life in which
09:14 we prepare for marriage by learning certain,
09:16 certain principles. Absolutely.
09:18 And I wanna look at those principles through
09:21 looking at a very beautiful story in the
09:23 Old Testament. God doesn't leave us does
09:26 he without an example to follow in this area.
09:29 He gives us. There is a theology on courtship in
09:32 the Bible I think. There is a theology on
09:33 courtship and my favorite theology and my
09:36 favorite passage is Genesis 24. It's a story
09:39 of Isaac and Rebecca. I think it's the most
09:43 exemplary courtship in the Bible don't you?
09:45 Yes, I do. It's well, it's probably the one that's
09:47 most detailed where we can see all the details
09:51 in it. That's right, that's right,
09:52 that's right and interestingly enough
09:55 there was no polygamy in the marriage of
09:57 Isaac and Rebecca. You remember Isaac's
10:00 father Abraham did have a second wife and
10:03 Isaac son Jacob was a polygamist and many of
10:06 the patriots were polygamists.
10:07 Unfortunately that was a common practice of
10:10 those days. That's right. Not an approved thing
10:12 of God but it was a practice around.
10:14 But, it was something that God reasons
10:16 according to his wisdom, didn't deal with right
10:19 at that time. Yes. And that's true.
10:22 But, this particular marriage had no polygamy.
10:26 And it had this exemplary courtship I think there
10:28 is a message there. Yes, I think you are
10:30 right. And I think the message is this.
10:32 Follow my will in the courtship phase of your
10:34 life and you will be more likely to follow my
10:37 principles in the marriage phase of life.
10:39 Oh! I think that's probably a very astute
10:42 assumption you have made. Okay, good,
10:44 alright. So, does that mean, in hearing that
10:48 would I, does that mean that we're not to go
10:52 along with our feelings? While looking for someone
10:56 to spend the rest of our life with, I mean do we
10:57 end up robots or. Well you said two different
11:00 things; you said that we shouldn't look to our
11:02 feeling in the choice of a life partner and I
11:05 would agree with that part but the second part
11:07 about being robots I wouldn't agree with.
11:09 Feelings are gonna be part of the courtship
11:12 process. Right. Yes. We are emotional beings.
11:14 Yes. And to just deny our feelings, right,
11:16 or to try to somehow snuff them out,
11:18 is not gonna work because you're emotional.
11:20 But, ordering them and guiding them by God's
11:23 word. That's right. Disciplining them.
11:24 The function of feelings is not to lead, principle
11:28 leads. And we have to remember that we are
11:30 fallen beings, we cannot any longer trust our
11:32 feelings. Right. So, God's will comes first.
11:35 So, let's look at this story and just take it
11:38 step by step and I'll be reading part of the
11:40 chapter and sharing the story of Isaac and
11:43 Rebecca and bringing out seven principles.
11:46 Seven things that Agape does in a Godly
11:49 courtship. The background of this is that Isaac
11:52 was of marriageable age. And verse 4,
11:55 Genesis chapter 24 has Abraham telling his
11:59 servant Eliezer to go to "my go my country and
12:04 to my relatives and take a wife for my son
12:07 Isaac." He did not want him to take a wife from
12:11 among the heathen people, the Canaanites
12:13 that were in that area so, the servant was to go
12:15 back to Mesopotamia, find Abraham's relatives
12:19 and find a believing wife from among them.
12:21 Right. That is the first principle and that
12:23 principle is that Agape respects God-given
12:28 boundaries. Yes. This is not spiritual snobbery.
12:31 Yeah. This is good commonsense and as
12:33 I see it there are two reasons for this. Right.
12:36 The Lord tells us to marry someone who
12:38 believes like us. Amen. For two reasons the
12:40 obvious one being that it will easier to get
12:42 along with someone who you agree with it.
12:44 Right. But, the other reason is this that a
12:47 third entity is created in a marriage.
12:51 Not only are two people serving the Lord
12:53 individually, but a couple is serving the
12:55 Lord in a marriage. And so the whole in a
12:58 marriage is greater than the some of the parts as
13:02 pertains to the service of God. You see what I'm
13:05 saying, so the potential in a marriage is very
13:07 great. In terms of what a married couple can do.
13:10 For the honor and glory of God. Right.
13:12 So, why miss out on the chance to marry
13:15 someone that you can pool your energies with
13:17 in that respect and bring glory to God.
13:20 Well a thought just came to me of another
13:21 scripture where Christ is the head and we are
13:24 his bride or we are the body. That's right.
13:26 As one with him to parts him the head,
13:29 us the body, that's right. But he the groom,
13:33 we the bride. We the bride.
13:34 And but are to work as one. That's right,
13:37 that's right. So, the story goes on and I'm
13:41 gonna read verse 5 now of Genesis chapter 24,
13:45 And the servant said to him, suppose the
13:47 woman will not be willing to follow me to this
13:49 land. Should I take your son back to the land
13:52 from where you came? And Abraham said to
13:54 him, Beware lest you take my son back there.
13:57 The Lord, the God of heaven, who took me
13:59 from my father's house and from the land of my
14:02 birth, and who spoke to me and who swore to
14:04 me, saying, 'To your descendants I will give
14:06 this land,' He will send His angel before you,
14:11 and you will take a wife for my son from there.
14:16 Here is the second principle. Agape puts God
14:19 first. Amen. That may seem obvious,
14:22 but it cuts straight across our cardinal
14:24 nature. That's right. It does. To put God
14:26 first, especially in his area of choosing a life
14:29 partner. I know. We have his attitude
14:31 naturally that this is one thing that's just
14:33 between me and me. Right. Don't anybody get
14:36 involved in this process. Not even God.
14:37 Not even God and we are very prone to exclude
14:40 him from. And surely God just can't understand
14:42 my emotions. That's right. Obviously.
14:44 That's right. You know God is going to deny
14:47 me of something that I really do like.
14:49 You know God created me and he created all
14:51 my complex emotions. And certainly he can't
14:53 understand. We need to recognize that.
14:55 The third principle that I wanna bring out is
14:58 something that's implicit here. The servant is
15:02 going to find a wife for Isaac, but he is doing it
15:07 at Abraham's bidding. And evidently Isaac is
15:11 cooperating with the program. Obviously.
15:14 Agape respects authority. This is something we
15:18 have totally lost sight of. Yes.
15:21 And I would like to communicate to the young
15:22 people that are listening, take people
15:25 into your confidence. People you can respect,
15:28 people that you know are Godly people and
15:30 respect their authority, ask for their opinion.
15:33 And trust it. That's right,
15:36 ask for their opinion and get people involved
15:39 especially authority figures. Now it may not
15:41 always be a parent. It may have to be a
15:44 guardian. It may have to be a spiritual
15:46 guardian or elder pastor. Somebody
15:47 that I would say an experienced Christian
15:51 person. Not just a Christian, but an
15:53 experienced Christian person. Because many
15:55 Christians they don't understand this subject.
15:57 That's right. It needs to be somebody who
15:58 understands this subject to guide you rightly.
16:00 In regards to teachers. Yeah. And in regards to
16:03 your parents even if they are not believers they
16:05 may have some wisdom to offer you anyway so
16:07 by all means ask their opinion, let me just
16:09 share something that happened with my
16:10 courtship with my husband. He was
16:12 determined to do it by the book and you have
16:14 to realize I wasn't a Christian growing up and
16:16 I was dating from sixth grade on. I went
16:19 studying in sixth grade, I was 11 years old.
16:22 So, I had always done exactly what I wanted
16:24 to do. And my husband comes along and he
16:27 wants to court me, I'm 21 years old. And he
16:30 calls my mother and says can I have a courtship
16:32 with your daughter. And my mother was just
16:34 like why he is asking me this, she has been
16:37 doing whatever she wanted since she was 11
16:39 years old and now she's 21 and he asked me if
16:41 he can have a courtship with her. She doesn't
16:43 even know what a courtship is you know.
16:45 So, sometimes it's difficult to fit your
16:48 parent into the Abraham paradigm you know,
16:51 right. But by all means asked their opinion
16:53 about this person you are considering and do
16:55 take spiritual authorities into your confidence.
16:58 Right. I would like to just say one sentence
17:00 about our life and recently Sarah has been
17:04 having some letter writing going on and
17:08 learning about a person in relationship and it
17:10 has been amazing how she would ask us our
17:15 advice and we love it, we love it. And because
17:18 she is asking our advice we tend to want to
17:22 bring her out and say, what do you think is
17:25 best. Instead of just telling her,
17:26 that's right, and, she is open, but she is open
17:30 to us. So, I know that she is kind of in a safe
17:32 thought you know way of emotions there.
17:35 Alright, the next part of the story is in verse 10
17:38 it says the servant took ten camels from the
17:40 camels of his master, set out with a variety
17:43 of good things. He took ten camels full of good
17:47 things, the next principle is that Agape
17:50 provides for the future. Oh! There is a lost
17:53 one too. That's right, I was talking, that's
17:55 coming in today, couple of weeks ago to a man
17:57 who is a very generous man, he does a lot of
17:59 ministry to youth and he said one of these
18:00 young people approached him and
18:02 hey I need $300 to buy a weeding ring,
18:04 I wanna get married and the man who would
18:06 normally would be willing to share of his money
18:08 and whatever, he said no. If you can't even buy
18:11 a wedding band, this is a fairly an expensive
18:15 piece of jewelery, if you can't buy that then you
18:17 have no right getting married. Right.
18:19 We need to provide for the future and be
18:21 practical. The story goes on and it talks about
18:25 the servant getting to a city called Nahor.
18:29 And it says he made the camels kneel down
18:31 outside the city which is in Mesopotamia, yes,
18:34 by the well of water at evening time, the time
18:36 when women go out to draw water. And he said,
18:38 "O Lord God of my master Abraham,
18:40 please grant me success today, and show loving
18:43 kindness to my master Abraham." That's the
18:45 fifth principle I wanna bring out, Agape thinks
18:48 of everyone involved. He was praying for the
18:51 happiness of Abraham, we typically think of
18:54 marriage and the choice of a marriage partner
18:57 only in regards to the happiness of the people
18:58 getting married. Right. But, in fact that person
19:01 will impact, your brothers, your sisters,
19:04 your friends, your parents, mother, father,
19:05 yes. Right. Think about everybody involved.
19:08 You know the Jewish mind was more capable
19:10 and more prone to accept the corporate nature
19:14 of man. They saw themselves as part of
19:16 a web of humanity. Right. In western culture
19:18 today we have this rugged individualist attitude
19:21 and we've lost sight of the cooperativeness of
19:24 human nature. That we are accountable to
19:26 others. That we are accountable to one
19:27 another and we affect one another.
19:28 There is a ripple effect that goes out from each
19:30 one of us. Okay, so in verse 13, the servant
19:37 prays "Behold I'm standing by the spring
19:40 and the daughters of the men of the city are
19:42 coming out to draw water. Now may it be
19:44 that the girl to whom I say, Please let down
19:46 your jar so that I may drink, and who answers
19:48 drink, and I'll water your camels also may
19:51 she be the one, whom thou has appointed for
19:54 my thy servant Isaac. And by this I shall know
19:57 that thou has shown love and kindness to my
19:59 master." In other words he prayed, I will ask a
20:02 girl for water and she will offer water to my
20:05 camels as well and by that I will know that
20:07 she is the one you have chosen. Right,
20:09 now I wanna look for moment at what he
20:11 prayed, he could have prayed send me
20:13 a blonde, he could have said make sure she is
20:16 gorgeous. But, he prayed about a quality of
20:19 character and from that I wanna extract the
20:22 sixth principle which is Agape is more
20:24 concerned with the inside than the outside.
20:28 You know I think personal appearance is
20:31 important, yes, and I think people need to be
20:33 attracted to one another, but I think we put too
20:36 much emphasis on it. We have a very looksist
20:38 culture and a very looksist mindset. I was
20:40 sharing the story with my daughter she got
20:43 all squirmy and I said what's the matter honey
20:45 and she said, well you know I don't want God to
20:48 pick for me, pick my husband for me. She is
20:50 like 7 seven years old. And I said well why not
20:53 she said what if he is ugly, and I said why do
20:55 you think he will be ugly God cares if you feel
20:58 attracted to him or not she is, she said I just
21:00 don't think that Isaac was good looking.
21:02 And I said well why do you not think that,
21:05 she says Rebecca was beautiful she says yeah
21:06 but not Isaac you know. And I said why do you
21:09 think that. It turned out with the end of the story
21:11 she sees Isaac at a distance, she asked the
21:13 servant who is that he says its Isaac you know,
21:15 she knows that this is one she is gonna marry,
21:17 she jumps off her camel and it says she puts
21:19 her veil over her, she covers her face with her
21:21 veil and I just read she covers her face and so
21:24 Allison thought that she was going, Oh!
21:26 No he is so ugly please, you know so I had to
21:30 explain her the custom of veiling the face.
21:33 But that is a real concern for people.
21:35 Will I be physically attracted, if I let God
21:36 for me. That's right. I don't think we have to
21:38 worry about that. I think you're correct,
21:39 God cares about little details like that.
21:42 But, we need to be concerned about
21:43 character. Right. Because character is what
21:45 makes or breaks the relationship in the long
21:46 run. So, the story goes on, and his prayer was
21:52 miraculously answered she does exactly what
21:54 he prays then she, then he finds out the she is
21:57 a relative of Abraham and he falls down and
21:59 worships the Lord, he ends up at the house to
22:02 have dinner and he spills out his whole story
22:05 and they see the hand of God in it and the next
22:07 morning the servant wants to go back with
22:08 the girl and the relatives say whoa! Wait a
22:10 minute you know we want her here for 10 days
22:12 you know, we are not quite ready for this,
22:15 but then they say something really
22:17 interesting and I wanna look at that.
22:20 It says verse 56 he said to them, Oh! No I'm
22:25 sorry. In verse 57, We will call the girl and
22:28 consult her wishes. The last principle,
22:31 I wanna bring out is that Agape is always a
22:35 choice. Even in this custom of prearranged
22:37 marriages which is no longer something we do.
22:40 In God's prearranged marriages.
22:41 In God's prearranged marriages there was
22:43 always a choice. The person could say yeah
22:47 or nay. Absolutely. And the point is that you
22:49 cannot force a person to love. You can't like
22:52 what if you were to take a gun to his head and
22:54 say now love me. You know it wouldn't work,
22:57 you cannot force love, it is a choice.
23:00 And so that's the beautiful story of Isaac
23:02 and Rebecca, and those were the principles that
23:04 the Lord is trying to share with us.
23:06 Proper courtship. And betrothal.
23:09 That's right. You know I bring that word in,
23:10 I don't know we haven't use that word at all.
23:12 So, what does that mean? Betrothal.
23:13 Betrothing someone who was it, Mary was
23:18 Betrothed to Joseph. That's right, they were.
23:19 Promise contracted. It was contracted or
23:21 promise contracted or promised already.
23:22 They were promised and seen were maybe
23:24 I'm wrong but wasn't she already seen as his
23:29 wife, and as married. As I understand it
23:31 typically a man would contract with a woman,
23:33 she would be asked permission, he would
23:34 contract with the father and then if girl agreed
23:36 the contract would be sealed and he would leave
23:39 for a year and build a house and that's the
23:42 custom on which this passage of scripture is
23:44 based where Jesus says I go to prepare a place
23:46 for you and I will come again and receive you
23:48 to me. Isn't that beautiful? Yes it is.
23:50 I will receive you unto myself, that was the
23:52 Betrothal. Oh! I like that. I do too.
23:54 It kind of makes my heart go.
23:56 Maybe women like it more. Women like houses you
23:59 know. Well there's, well its Agape is always
24:05 a choice now, you've left us with that and
24:07 that's good and all of these principles and I
24:09 think people would have probably really
24:11 enjoyed this story, I have anyway and saying
24:14 these principles of courtship. And there is a
24:17 movement going on in this today. Where people
24:20 are moving back, families, parents and
24:23 not and singles are seeing the necessity
24:27 to move to this way of finding a companion
24:30 and having love in their home, but we need to
24:33 get John and Karen's response now.
24:36 We have a little response from you guys,
24:38 before we close. Oh! Definitely,
24:41 brings to mind and it's just amazing to me how
24:43 even through what we; what we were raised in,
24:47 and everything we watched and saw and the
24:50 things we saw in our family life,
24:53 God can bring us out of that. Amen.
24:55 God brought us together in fault, yet brought us
24:59 out of that together and we are learning and it's
25:03 just amazing. What do you think of God's
25:04 Agape love? It's more than I ever at all you
25:07 know I'm feeling tearful, it's more than I ever
25:10 imagined, right, and all this time I had no idea
25:14 that he loved me so much that he was willing to
25:16 allow me to feel this kind of love. Right.
25:18 And he is willing to show me the tools and it
25:21 just, it helps me to realize that, you know
25:24 there is a lot more we have to learn.
25:26 There is a lot more waiting for you.
25:28 Right. Right. How about you John?
25:31 Well, I can realize in the beginning when we
25:35 first started our relationship we had more
25:38 of the Eros love and we had none of these
25:43 Agape principles. Right. And since we have
25:46 been studying with you and Tom, we've learned
25:50 you know more of these Agape principles,
25:53 but one thing that Jennifer said that really
25:55 struck in my mind was Agape it puts God first.
25:59 Amen. And that's you know I think that's the
26:02 most important thing. That's beautiful.
26:04 And that's one thing that I can say for myself that
26:07 that I really needed to work on because I've,
26:10 I was always putting everything else first.
26:12 You know I had all of these other Agape
26:15 principles that I was learning. Yes.
26:18 I was now putting God first. Amen.
26:21 You for you to recognize that I can see you're
26:24 on the road to healing, Amen.
26:26 And I would like to say something in closing
26:27 to those that recognize that they did not follow
26:30 God's plan. Right. Sometimes looking at
26:33 courtship and looking at the high idea that God
26:35 has for us, actually provokes a response in
26:37 some people of defeat, because I already blew it
26:40 and they even feel sometimes that their
26:42 marriage is cursed, and I just wanna
26:45 encourage those people that are out there,
26:47 God is able to heal, he is able to pick up where
26:49 you left off, God is in the business of taking
26:53 broken pieces, just like the show you and I
26:55 wanna spend my life mending broken people.
26:57 God lives to mend broken people and if
26:59 you're willing he will make a monument of his
27:02 Agape out of your marriage, no matter of
27:04 what your past is and I think of Mary
27:06 Magdalene when I think of this because she was
27:09 someone who knew better and yet fell into
27:11 a lifestyle that was totally opposed to God's
27:14 plan for her life. Right. And yet she was the one
27:17 disciple that Jesus commended more than any
27:20 other disciple not because of her mistakes
27:22 but because of her faith. Right.
27:24 He said whatever this Gospel is preached,
27:27 tell what she's done, he said nothing of that
27:29 nature to any of the other disciples, but he
27:33 said it of her because of her faith. Amen.
27:35 Through faith God can restore everything we've
27:38 lost through sin. Oh! I believe it, Amen,
27:41 you know and he wants us to be in heaven with
27:43 him don't you know that. Yes. I want to
27:45 thank you Jennifer for being with us,
27:47 it's been exciting. And I'm glad that John
27:49 and Karen has been with us.
27:50 Thank you Kathy. And I thank you for being
27:52 with us. May you find true Godly Agape
27:55 love in your home. And join us again
27:57 on Thinking about Home.


Revised 2014-12-17