Thinking About Home

Why Monogamy?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, John Tsigonoff, Karen Tsigonoff, Kathy Matthews


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000111

00:31 Hello, I am Kathy Matthews,
00:33 and I am glad you've joined us on
00:34 Thinking about Home. On our last program
00:37 we were talking about true love weights
00:40 and we talked about the love of God and
00:42 relationships and having some difficult
00:46 relationships and then learning that God has
00:48 a better plan for us and that our foundation
00:51 should be found in Christ even in courtship
00:54 and our love relationships. And we have a guest,
00:58 her name is Jennifer Schwirzer and a couple of
01:01 other guests and I want to welcome them again,
01:03 Jennifer I want to specially welcome you
01:05 and I like to welcome John and Karen as well
01:08 and I would like to make a little explanation for
01:11 the viewers again and that is that John and
01:15 Karen Tsigonoff are a Bible study couple that
01:18 Tom and, my husband Tom and I have been
01:21 studying with and they're joining us again today
01:24 about this subject of love and Jennifer has
01:29 similar beliefs that I do that God's plan for
01:32 people and romance and human sexuality is
01:36 monogamy and can you explain to us
01:40 what is monogamy. What is monogamy,
01:42 well it is not a type of wood, that's mahogany.
01:47 Monogamy in the word monogamy we see
01:49 mono meaning one. Yes.
01:51 So, what monogamy means is one partner
01:53 for life in contrast to polygamy which is many
01:57 partners for life. And monogamy is God's plan,
02:02 won't you say? It is.
02:03 Yes, I believe it is God's plan and I think God's
02:08 plan is that our romance in our life should be
02:10 geared towards seeking out one partner to bond
02:13 with. For. For marriage. Our entire life.
02:16 Yes, for our entire life. That's right. Yes.
02:19 What I have come to realize is that human
02:22 passion is like fire, it's something that God has
02:26 given us the capacity for and it has tremendous
02:30 potential for you know keeping the race
02:35 populating, Right.
02:37 So it's very useful, it's like the fire of the sun,
02:41 without the sun we would instantly die.
02:43 Right. So it gives life, passion gives life
02:46 but if it is not like fire kept within certain
02:49 constraints it becomes destructive, the very
02:52 thing that gives life becomes destructive.
02:54 Good illustration. Without certain constraints.
02:56 I can appreciate that. And human passion
02:59 without certain constraints allow to run riot
03:02 so to speak, yes, becomes a very destructive force
03:05 many people have realized that in the most bitter way.
03:08 I know. And so I am a person that promotes
03:12 monogamy and I promote monogamy's partners
03:17 which would be abstinence and chastity.
03:19 And you were telling us chastity that abstinence
03:21 refers to most often to young men and chastity
03:25 refers often to young women, I don't know why
03:27 that is but that seems to be the way I have
03:29 always heard it anyway I am no expert on that it
03:32 just seems to be that that's the way it was used.
03:34 They both have the same basic definition and
03:37 that is waiting until marriage and so I am
03:40 a big advocate of monogamy and chastity
03:42 and abstinence and there are number of reasons
03:45 why I believe that way and I know you share
03:47 that belief with me. I do.
03:48 I do want to look at some of the reasons
03:50 for monogamy. Okay.
03:52 Some of the benefits. Benefits.
03:54 Of monogamy and correspondingly some
03:56 of the draw backs of extra marital sexual
03:59 activity. So, lets look at the first graphic actually
04:03 no, I don't want to look at the graphic right away
04:04 I want to quote a study or just sort of paraphrase
04:07 a study. Its been found that people are more
04:10 happy within their marriage relationship when
04:13 they wait until marriage. They are just more
04:16 satisfied generally with the relationship and with
04:20 the physical aspect of the relationship if they
04:22 wait until marriage and especially if they have
04:24 one partner for life time.
04:25 Don't you think probably the guilt factor or.
04:28 Has a lot to do with. Has a lot to do with that.
04:29 That's right, that's right. Another benefit
04:32 of monogamy is that monogamous people are
04:34 healthier physically. Let's take a look at some
04:37 statistics here 75 to 85% of HIV positive adults
04:42 were infected through unprotected sex.
04:45 There are about 8500 new HIV infections a day.
04:48 And that's from the World AIDS day resource
04:51 booklet. So monogamous people are physically
04:55 healthier. They are also actually back up
04:59 a little bit that's not to mention other STD's
05:03 and other physical problems that can come.
05:05 Right. From non monogamy, we can't ignore
05:09 though the fact that there is a mental aspect to
05:14 whether we follow God's plan or not. For human
05:17 passion and so I am going to make the assertion
05:20 that monogamous people are mentally healthier
05:24 because whenever we follow God's plan in any
05:26 area of life it's going to lend itself to our mental
05:28 health. Right, right.
05:29 So let's look at some more information here.
05:33 Research indicates that sexually active teens are
05:36 more liable to drug and alcohol abuse, and more
05:39 likely to have trouble in school. That's from
05:42 Pediatrics. Sexually active teenage girls are
05:46 more likely to be depressed, have low self
05:49 esteem, a big problem, feel lonely and even
05:53 more likely to attempt suicide from the same
05:55 journal. So monogamy is conducive to mental
05:59 health. Yes. Physical health. Yes.
06:02 And happiness in the marriage relationship.
06:04 We can't ignore the fact that monogamy also is
06:08 culturally healthier and this is another study
06:12 I want to look at, culturally?
06:14 You mean socially healthier. Culturally,
06:15 Socially healthier. I see, okay.
06:17 One study reports "an unvarying correlation
06:20 between the degree of sexual restraints
06:23 and the rate of social progress. Cultures that
06:27 were more sexually permissive displayed less
06:29 cultural energy, creativity, intellectual
06:33 development and individualism,
06:35 and a slower general cultural ascent."
06:38 That's from an article from Christianity Today.
06:41 Well, I can completely attest to that. I am living
06:43 I am living example of that, that is true.
06:48 I went to Africa in April and of course there is
06:51 much polygamy in Africa and you can just see
06:54 how there has been damage that's been wrought
06:57 through that practice and many other
06:59 non Biblical practices that they have.
07:03 The last aspect that I want to bring out is cost,
07:08 I would say this way I would say monogamy
07:10 saves money, lets look at this last statistic here.
07:13 Oh that's an interesting statistics.
07:14 Yes, more than 80 percent of pregnant
07:17 girls under 17 who give birth and keep their
07:20 babies end up on welfare, costing society a
07:24 staggering 21 billion yearly.
07:27 Yeah, somebody has to pay for that.
07:30 Somebody has to pay for all this,
07:31 so isn't that something. It's incredible.
07:35 Do you feel that if more people were aware of
07:39 all these draw backs would they wait
07:41 I think so. As a matter of fact I know so because
07:45 the love weights movement that you mentioned
07:46 before has had an impact on the youth
07:50 of America. It has had an impact in fact between
07:54 1995 and 1997 the number of virgin teens has
07:59 increased from 46 to 52 percent because in the
08:03 love weights presentations they show them the
08:07 benefits of monogamy and they compare them
08:09 to the draw backs of extra marital sexual
08:12 activity. And it's clear to these kids that if they
08:14 want to be healthy and happy for a long term,
08:19 period of time. Right. That they need to practice
08:21 monogamy. So it's a good thing.
08:25 Okay, are you going to list the benefits
08:26 and the risks? Well, I just did that but what
08:30 I want to talk about now is the fact that
08:34 it's important for us to count the cost and I don't
08:37 think self preservation is a bad thing
08:40 if something is bad for us and we abstain from it
08:42 that's a good idea. However I think God is
08:45 calling us to a higher motivation then merely
08:50 self preservation, doing what's good for me.
08:53 Right. Now we were discussing that last night.
08:56 We were discussing about more than just the
09:00 self preservation and that we should have
09:02 another motive. That's right, the purpose of a
09:04 Christian is not merely to look out for number
09:06 one. God's desire is to reproduce his image in
09:10 man and the word image as well as several other
09:14 Biblical words that convey this concept really
09:18 needs character. God wants to reproduce his
09:21 character and character we are told is a
09:23 combination of thoughts and feelings,
09:25 so if we are to have God's character reproduced
09:29 in us through the process of character
09:30 development we are going to think like God
09:33 and feel like God and that encompasses our
09:35 motives. So if we are merely doing something
09:38 good for a selfish reason. Right. We are really
09:41 failing of measuring up to God's high and lofty
09:44 standard that he has for us. We are not just
09:46 preparing for happiness in this world.
09:49 We are preparing for heaven. Right.
09:50 We are preparing to inhabit a sinless heaven that
09:53 is characterized by unselfishness and not only
09:56 that but we are preparing for the end of time
10:00 and that's why I call this love in the last days.
10:03 Its possible to seek you know good things for
10:07 the wrong reason. Yes. It's possible to even be
10:09 monogamist and chaste just because we care
10:11 about our reputation or because we want to
10:14 preserve ourselves. Right. And that's okay as far
10:16 as it goes but it does not accomplish God's will
10:19 in our life ultimately.
10:20 So you think it's possible for us to be morally
10:22 pure for selfish motives.
10:24 I think so and I think what happens when people
10:27 are morally pure for selfish reasons is they
10:29 tend to become very self righteous and they
10:32 have an attitude that actually turns people away
10:36 from what the standard that they're upholding.
10:38 Yes. You know I am someone that promotes
10:42 monogamy, I promote morality. Right. But I try
10:45 to do it in a Christian spirit and I know that
10:48 nobody can be moral without the grace of God.
10:50 Right. Not truly moral. Right. In the true sense
10:53 of the term, they can be hourly moral and they
10:56 can fool people through their behaviors into
10:59 believing that they are good people.
11:01 But God sees the heart, man looks on the
11:03 outward appearance, God looks on the heart
11:06 and God is seeking to transform human hearts
11:09 and not just people's behavior.
11:11 Right. In other words it goes, what God is
11:12 calling us it goes way beyond behavior
11:15 modification. And while we, well, even
11:17 Proverbs promotes my son listen to me
11:21 and the Bible promotes doing things because it
11:25 might shame your mother, if you
11:28 don't do this or it may cause the reputation of your father
11:30 decline as well as your own, that's a step but the
11:34 deepest reason is to glorify God and to develop
11:38 a character like God. That's right, the ultimate
11:40 goal of a Christian is to give honor to God.
11:43 Right. And God wants to turn us away from our
11:46 typically selfish motives. You see if we're doing
11:49 the right thing for selfish motives we're really
11:51 not exercising the Agape principal. We are
11:54 exercising the Eros principle. In other words
11:57 I am loving myself and I am doing things in
12:00 such a way that I am bringing glory to myself
12:04 which is the essence of Eros, but without God's
12:08 Agape even my right actions are going to be selfish.
12:11 Right, And so God is leading us to something much
12:13 higher than that. You go ahead.
12:14 The Holy Spirit too also, one of the things
12:18 I've noticed in the last 8 or 9 months since
12:19 we have been studying this is that the
12:20 Holy Spirit continually convicts me. I am sure
12:24 my husband would agree that I feel conviction
12:28 to search out my true motives.
12:30 Right. So I know what my motives are
12:33 I will feel the need to do that.
12:36 I know that many times John, we have had
12:37 conversations and the three of us or four of us,
12:40 Tom and I and the two of you and that you have
12:43 brought a, what if a person really doesn't realize
12:49 they haven't changed yet or some idea like that,
12:52 what if they don't really know their motives
12:55 and they just, it's on the outside but they don't
12:57 understand what's going on. They may appear to
13:01 be changing but not quite enough on the inside
13:04 and I am not certain what was behind those
13:07 kinds of questions but I know that you are
13:09 struggling with something and this is what we
13:11 are getting it is that our motives be pure
13:14 and that we are not deceiving ourselves and
13:16 we are not fooling ourselves that
13:18 our change is genuine. Right.
13:21 You know, So. We got to seek him to bring him
13:23 about in our lives, it's not an outward
13:25 observance so much as an inward
13:30 transformation Yes.
13:31 He wants us to inculcate an embody an inward
13:33 principal that then will result in an outward
13:36 transformation in our lives but it's possible for
13:39 us because we are blind legalists and our natural
13:43 tendency is to be legalistic.
13:45 It is possible for us to get the cart before the
13:47 horse and look at God's standards and say, okay
13:50 you know I can measure up to that and typically
13:52 what you'll have is two classes of people
13:54 the strong willed and the weak willed.
13:56 The strong willed can do it, they can handle it,
13:58 they set their eyes on the prize and they go for it
14:01 and they decide that they are going to conquer
14:03 and that they are going to be good.
14:05 Right, right. So to speak and they make it
14:08 and then you have the weak willed ones on that
14:09 same program. Right.
14:11 That just can't seem to ever measure up, right,
14:13 because their wills aren't strong enough
14:15 and the strong willed ones often make the weak
14:17 willed ones feel defeated. Yes.
14:20 Unless the gospel of Jesus is present. Amen.
14:24 And its made everybody involved. Right.
14:26 That only God's grace can save a person from
14:30 themselves and God is seeking to transform
14:33 people internally. Right, right.
14:35 And how we view one another in this subject.
14:37 Yeah, that's right.
14:39 You know, God can transform our life
14:41 principles from selfish to self giving,
14:43 That's right. Don't you think?
14:44 that's what he is looking to do,
14:45 that's exactly what he is looking to do. Yeah.
14:47 And I think if we don't proceed with that
14:53 process we might run into trouble later.
14:55 You mean deal with our motives.
14:56 Yeah, I think if we were refuse to deal with our
14:59 hearts we refuse to go down on our heart level
15:01 and get in earnest with God and get honest with
15:03 God about what principles we're operating on
15:07 if we refuse to come out of our natural enate
15:10 legalism, into his righteousness which
15:13 crucifies self glory. Right.
15:16 If we refuse to part with our own pride
15:19 and you know pride can mask itself pretty well
15:21 and you can be a religious person and be very
15:23 proud. Right, absolutely.
15:25 Yes and so if we don't deal with the motives
15:28 our heart and allow God to transform us I think
15:31 that what will ultimately happen is that a test
15:35 will come along that is more than even our
15:37 strong master for wills can handle and we will
15:41 crumble. Absolutely. That's right.
15:44 And we can say some more, is there more that
15:45 you can say about the positive side of
15:48 monogamy you want to say any before you go
15:50 into your more the next text that you have.
15:55 Sure, I think its God's will and I think that there
15:59 is an aspect to monogamy that is impossible to
16:02 document and that is the spiritual aspect to it,
16:06 a person lives according to the principal of Eros
16:11 and it leads them into a polygamous approach to
16:14 relationship, multiple relationships or even
16:17 infidelity within their relationships or getting
16:20 too involved too fast as a young person.
16:22 Right, right. I think it can actually do spiritual
16:25 damage and people can be lost and they can be
16:27 caught up in a delusive spirit and they can be
16:29 lost unless they are part of that ultimately.
16:32 You know, I think too that our nation is
16:34 beginning to realize this because books are
16:36 coming out on subjects of true love weights,
16:41 there is a lot of information I believe
16:42 that God is really inspiring people, that's not just
16:46 been in this past year. This has been going on for
16:49 10 or 12 years every bit of it, if not more
16:52 by some people that God is touching to write
16:55 and try to reach people but I think its really
16:59 happening over the last two years or three
17:02 and people are waking up that what we have
17:04 come out of in the last 30-40 years and throwing
17:07 away authority and throwing away what God
17:10 had said and we are reaping the whirlwind now,
17:14 we are really reaping the results of our choices
17:18 and now we have a swing back towards wanting
17:23 to do what God would have us to do
17:25 in relationships at least its unbecoming much
17:29 more aware of it and I think there are many
17:31 that are. That's right.
17:32 Karen, did you have some other questions may be
17:34 that you would like to throw in.
17:36 Well no I just as far as what you were saying
17:38 it becomes, in the beginning of our relationship
17:41 it was very self serving and even before we got
17:46 married just a month before we got married,
17:48 I was very, very strong about wanting to wait,
17:55 we didn't even move in together you know,
17:58 John got the apartment and I'm moved in after
18:01 we were married. I remember, Yeah,
18:03 and I was very impressed with you because you
18:05 don't run into well first I might add that
18:08 my husband and I are property managers
18:10 and so we run into several people who have chosen
18:15 for their way of life certainly some things
18:18 that God would never have them to do,
18:19 but they are not recognizing God in their life
18:22 and consequently many of them have ruined lives
18:27 and when this young lady came along we had
18:29 several hours of discussion one day
18:31 and I was very impressed with her desires to do
18:34 what the Lord would have her to do, even
18:36 though her life was, had a lot of changes coming
18:40 and we all do when we start out coming to know
18:43 the Lord and she had a desire to have the
18:47 apartment rented and that her husband would
18:50 or rather at that time her fiance would move in
18:52 and she would wait until they were married
18:54 and then they would be together in their
18:56 new little home and I, you know, that thought is
18:59 something that I thought was a wonderful thing.
19:02 Well, the Lord instills, the beginning is the
19:06 desire to change and then the Lord just guides
19:08 you along, the minute, the moment, the very
19:11 moment that I wanted to change the Lord just
19:13 said, okay, my child and he held my hand
19:16 and he showed me. It wasn't even like a
19:18 challenge for me, it wasn't like I had to try.
19:23 I just this is what flowed naturally, the Lord just
19:27 showed me this is what I would love you to do
19:29 and I just immediately wanted to do that
19:31 and same for John.
19:33 Choices, but you were making choices even
19:36 though you may not have realized it they were
19:37 choices at the time. Right.
19:39 because love for God doesn't flow naturally,
19:43 it flows divinely. Right, right.
19:46 And it, our natural nature generally fights
19:49 against it, but obviously you were making
19:51 choices and the Holy Spirit was working on
19:53 those choices. Amen. And making things work out.
19:56 If you can look back to that period
19:58 of your life what would you say were the
20:00 reasons why you were wanting to make those
20:02 changes to begin with. Because you weren't
20:05 always there. No. You know something was
20:06 changing, what was it that was changing?
20:08 What was changing was my, I began to see
20:11 other people and see that they had a different
20:14 kind of love and I began to desire and I realized
20:18 there is something different than what
20:19 I have, there is something different
20:21 that what I know and I wanted to know that
20:23 because what I saw looked a lot happier than
20:26 what I had and it looked a lot better and
20:28 I thought there is something better
20:30 and I wanted that.
20:32 You know, that's a watch word in our church
20:34 something better, something better,
20:36 John did you have a comment that you want
20:37 to add a moment ago.
20:38 I was just gonna say that it wasn't, it wasn't
20:40 always easy you know it's not always easy.
20:42 No, it's not. Making those decisions.
20:45 New decisions. But as you learn more and more
20:48 about God's love and you know, you let him
20:52 transform you. Yes.
20:56 You just, I don't know how to explain it,
20:58 you know I don't know how to describe it.
20:59 Sometimes its not describable. Yeah.
21:02 It just pulls you in. Right.
21:03 The Holy Spirit moves in your life.
21:05 But I think a scripture here that would be perfect
21:09 is the transforming by the renewing of your
21:13 mind, now you, I had learned new things
21:17 and being as you thought on them that word in
21:21 your mind began to make new thought patterns,
21:24 so you began to think differently then you did
21:26 before. Yeah.
21:27 And those new thoughts created new feelings
21:30 and that whole thing began to change your
21:33 character, I mean that's what the Lord tells us.
21:35 Right, it's good. And it's by the renewing
21:38 of your mind. I want to go back to the thought
21:40 that I made, the point that I made a little while
21:43 ago that if we don't deal with our motives,
21:46 if the Holy Spirit that moved in your life and is
21:49 moving in so many lives doesn't get to the
21:50 bottom of our motives, we won't be prepared for
21:53 the tests that's going to come upon us very soon
21:57 and I want to make a comparison between the
22:01 church and the wilderness. Yes.
22:03 The Hebrew people as they travel through the
22:05 wilderness and the present day church,
22:09 we are told that they were examples for us
22:11 and when they were on the borders of the heavenly,
22:14 of the earthly Canaan, Yes, they were faced with an
22:18 unprecedented temptation, nothing that they had
22:21 ever faced was equivalent to what they were
22:24 facing on the borders of Canaan, when they
22:27 were faced with a temptation of idolatry
22:30 and infidelity with the Moabite and Midianite
22:33 women and we are told pretty much, wholesale,
22:37 the camp of Israel fell into sin
22:39 Right. As a result of that we are told that the
22:42 same scenario will be reproduced at the end of
22:46 time when God's people are on the borders
22:48 of the heavenly Canaan. Heavenly Canaan.
22:50 Isn't that heavy thought? It is.
22:52 It is and we are seeing it.
22:53 And I want to look at that text right now,
22:58 it says "as we approach the close of time,
23:01 as the people of God stand upon the borders
23:03 of the heavenly Canaan, Satan will, as of old,
23:06 redouble his efforts to prevent them from
23:09 entering the goodly land, by worldly friendships,
23:13 by the charms of beauty, by pleasure seeking,
23:17 mirth, feasting, or the wine cup, he tempts to the
23:22 violation of the seventh commandment."
23:25 That's from patriarchs and prophets which is a
23:27 great book. So the same scenario is going to be
23:32 reproduced in the present day church, that hit
23:36 the ancients. Yes. On the borders of Canaan
23:40 and I believe if people are not prepared by doing
23:43 the hard work that is necessary for that
23:46 preparation they are going to be hit with
23:49 something that they had no idea they would ever
23:51 confront and they will be caught off guard and
23:53 we're told that many bright lights will go out.
23:55 Yes. So, that's what God is leading us to I think
23:59 at least in this context, he wants us to make
24:03 real earnest and really focused on the hard aspect
24:08 of Christian growth. Amen.
24:10 Would you agree with that? Oh absolutely.
24:11 Yeah And if you would like to give us a little
24:16 recap now of what we're going over. Sure.
24:18 And what we've been going over. Sure.
24:20 We're talking about the difference between
24:22 human love and God's love. Human love is
24:26 typically what theologians and philosophers
24:30 call Eros which just means self serving love.
24:34 Right. It can be love of various types,
24:37 but it is a love that is characterized by seeking to
24:41 acquire another to in which self.
24:44 Right. And it's a type of love that appears to be
24:48 love for another but it is really self love.
24:52 You know, how you can just seem to be so
24:53 passionately in love with another person
24:55 or a relationship can seem to be so passionate,
24:59 people seem to love each other so much.
25:01 Yes. But in fact they are involved in a sort of
25:05 self love. When you dive deeper you notice that.
25:08 You realize that its just self love. More selfish.
25:10 And you really don't weather the storms,
25:13 that kind of love doesn't weather the storms
25:16 together. It doesn't weather the storms
25:17 and we're going to be talking more about that
25:19 later, but in contrast of that is God's love which
25:23 is a love of service. I love another person based
25:27 on commitment, based on a desire to do them
25:30 good, based on a principle rather than a feeling.
25:37 God is trying to lead us to a place where we
25:40 have the Agape principle in our own personal
25:42 experience. Right.
25:44 And so while monogamy is God's ideal,
25:46 we need to go deeper than just a behavior mode
25:49 programmed that leads us to do the right thing
25:52 for the wrong reason. God is trying to lead us to
25:55 the place where we are pure within and without
25:59 and I believe that only that will prepare us for
26:03 the unprecedented test before us. Amen.
26:05 Would you agree with that?
26:06 I agree with that. Yeah.
26:07 And you know some of the things too that
26:09 I would like to say just before we come to a
26:10 close is some of the material that I have been
26:14 reading that other people have been recognizing
26:17 this problem that flows around the world,
26:19 its inhumane nature. But you know, I read those
26:22 things that come out of the Western World
26:24 and I have been interested by the
26:28 statistics that have shown that even churched
26:31 youth have difficulties and there is got to be that
26:36 hidden reasons, not even hidden, that reasons
26:39 why that just behavior modification is not going
26:44 to always keep them out of trouble.
26:45 That's right. I am not saying that a person
26:46 can't be overwhelmed even when they are truly
26:49 converted and so forth. But that if we have more
26:55 than and I just recently read this out of a very
26:59 influential book that we can trust today
27:04 and even more than 50% of churched youth are
27:09 having difficulties in these intimate areas
27:12 and they don't know why, they don't know how
27:15 to stop themselves and why do they fall into
27:18 these kinds of situations. Now I can go back to
27:20 mine and I wasn't a churched youth
27:22 and but we have an overwhelming problem
27:26 in our nation today That's right. And it's not
27:28 exclusively, it is not, in the unchurched.
27:31 It's the church does well and I personally
27:34 believe that part of it is that we have a lack of
27:36 understanding of God's Agape love
27:38 and I'm going into that. Right. In the next session.
27:40 Right. That the deception of Eros has even hit
27:44 the Christian church. That's right.
27:45 It has, it's been there for a while
27:48 Jennifer thank you and John and Karen.
27:49 And I want to thank you too for being with us
27:52 here on Thinking about Home.
27:54 Don't miss those programs that are coming up
27:56 we want to see you again. Goodbye.


Revised 2014-12-17