Thinking About Home

Love, A Matter Of Survival

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kathy Matthews, Karen Tsigonoff, Jennifer Jill Schwirzer, John Tsigonoff


Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000110

00:31 Hi, I'm Kathy Mathews and I want to welcome you
00:34 to Thinking about Home. Today we're going to be
00:37 discussing some things that might a little
00:39 more controversial, but I think you're going
00:42 to glean a lot of benefits from it.
00:45 And we're going to have a few future programs
00:47 that will be continuing to deal with the subjects
00:50 that we're going to be talking about today,
00:51 we're going to be starting.
00:52 we're going to be starting.
00:53 And it's going to be about the subject
00:56 of love in these last days.
00:58 And I know that in our home life
01:01 that you may have some skeletons in your closet,
01:05 some of you may have and then some of you
01:07 maybe young enough not to have any past that
01:11 has caused you pains and hurts and that I thank
01:14 God for and I hope that our program will be such
01:18 that can prevent you from having relationships
01:21 that will cause you a tremendous amount of pain in
01:26 your life and then we'll be able to give you the
01:29 information that you need to hang to
01:31 between you and God and have a relationship
01:34 that God can be very happy with and you can be very
01:37 happy with. We're going to have
01:39 Jennifer Schwirzer for a guest, she is from
01:43 Connecticut and she is studying for a degree
01:45 and she has as some information about love
01:48 and how people think about love
01:51 today and the difference between what people think
01:55 about love and what the Bible teaches about love
01:58 and we're also going to have a couple of more guests.
01:59 And I'm going to introduce them to you now.
02:01 Jennifer, I'm glad you are here.
02:03 Hi, glad to be here. And we have
02:05 a young couple this year with us as well
02:08 and that's John and Karen Tsigonoff,
02:11 now that's an interesting name.
02:12 I think it has a little Russian background
02:14 doesn't it? Yeah.
02:15 But you weren't born in Russia were you?
02:17 No. No, and I want to explain
02:19 to you John and Karen have come to be with us today
02:23 because my husband Tom and I have,
02:26 we met them about a year ago
02:28 and some months after that John and Karen
02:32 showed an interest in some Bible studies
02:34 and of course that through all our hearts,
02:36 so we've tried to take it on tenderly
02:38 and they have come along with beautiful,
02:41 beautiful and swift desires to follow the Lord
02:45 and I just want to help the viewers to realize
02:50 that John and Karen are still studying and they
02:52 and they are here probably mostly as listeners
02:55 today and learners and they'll be with us
02:58 in a few other programs and they'll still be
03:00 here learning because they are going to share
03:02 just a little bit of their testimony
03:03 with you and you'll be understanding
03:06 more about their lives. But we want to start out
03:09 with Jennifer and the questions that we're gonna
03:14 start with are why do so many people
03:17 make mistakes in the love area?
03:19 In love area. Love is a basic need
03:23 and the more I read and study the subject
03:25 the more I come to the conclusion that people
03:27 actually need love to survive usually we think
03:31 of people needing food, water, shelter to survive.
03:35 I'm convinced that people need love
03:37 to physically thrive and I base that on a couple
03:41 different things one was an experience
03:43 that a South American orphanage had.
03:46 They had 97 infants, the infants we are given
03:50 excellent care in every way, it was a clean place,
03:53 they were given good food, good nutritious food,
03:56 but the staff was so hurried that they didn't have time
04:01 to hold the children and nurture the children
04:03 the way a mother would nurture a baby.
04:05 Hmm. Hmm. And one by one the infants began
04:08 to exhibit symptoms of disease starting a few months
04:12 into this period of time and ultimately over the
04:17 next several years 76 of the original 97 orphans
04:22 died of seemingly no cause.
04:26 Now since that experience they've come up with the term
04:29 for the condition and the term is marasmus
04:32 and it just literally means wasting away.
04:34 Really? And you remember the orphans of Romania.
04:37 Yes. Of recent years many Americans
04:40 adopted those orphans and I was just reading
04:42 yesterday about some experiences some of
04:45 those parents had. They started to see behavior,
04:48 behavioral and emotional problems in these orphans
04:51 and they took them into to have them looked out
04:55 and I'll read this from the studied that I was reading
04:57 from, it says radiological imaging was taken
04:59 of their children's brains. The images revealed
05:02 that there were areas of the brain that were
05:04 quite literally black holes or areas of brain tissue
05:09 that did not receive adequate stimulation
05:11 and simply died. Oh.
05:14 Isn't that awesome? Ah! Yes.
05:16 They their discovered later what it was from.
05:19 That's right, I read from another magazine
05:23 that was put up by folks of the family that
05:26 when children are neglected or abused in infancy
05:30 they put out stress hormones and the stress hormones
05:33 actually have the effect of keeping the brain
05:36 developing properly. Hmm. So, children that are not
05:40 loved literally come into adulthood brain damaged. Hmm.
05:45 So we need love to survive, a lack of love
05:49 can even lead t physical death. Hmm.
05:51 Now the means where by we get love shifts
05:55 as we grow from physical touch
05:58 to verbal communication. I think our primary avenue
06:01 of receiving love is verbal, the older we get
06:05 although I do believe in touch even into adulthood.
06:08 Yeah. And you're very huggy person
06:10 and I'm not so that's good for me,
06:12 but we need to have communications as we mature.
06:15 And this isn't going on either.
06:18 So older children are not getting the nurture
06:21 they need in the area of communication. Right.
06:23 There is mass communication break down. Right.
06:26 In the home. Let's take a look at some statistics
06:29 having to do with this communication break down.
06:32 Okay. The average mother talks
06:34 seven minutes per day to her teen
06:36 while the average father talks to them five minutes
06:39 each day. But the average teenager watches four
06:43 and a half hours of television everyday.
06:47 This means that the average more input from the TV
06:52 than from their parents. I got that from a book called
06:54 Reviving Ophelia by an author named Mary Pipher. Hmm.
06:58 Isn't that shocking! It is shocking
07:00 and it's pitiful. I have to put my comments
07:03 there because isn't the family really designed
07:06 to meet the social needs? That's right
07:08 and if those needs are not met,
07:10 peoples' love cup so to speak is not filled,
07:13 they experience a lack of development
07:16 and they come into adulthood
07:19 broken empty people. Not just social needs
07:22 but you need communication needs is probably what
07:24 I should have said but social as well.
07:26 That's right, that's right and you know this very
07:29 fact is echoed in the Bible. Let's look at the graphic
07:32 from Matthew 24, "and Jesus said
07:36 and because lawlessness is increased,
07:38 most people's love will grow cold."
07:41 Because of the break down of communication,
07:43 because of abuse in the home, because of neglect
07:46 in the home we see people incapable
07:49 of even natural affection. Hmm.
07:52 The human race is just going downhill. Hmm.
07:57 Big time with every generation.
08:00 But there is a scripture that talks about
08:02 that the Lord told us about are the affections would be
08:08 unseemly or the natural affections would not be there.
08:10 That's right. I think in Matthew. That's right.
08:12 Brother would betray brother. Yes.
08:14 Children will betray parents. We are seeing it happen.
08:17 And we are seeing it happen, that's right.
08:19 Things are pretty grim. Hmm. So what's the result?
08:22 Well, the result is lot of damage
08:24 but there is also hope. Amen.
08:26 And God can through his grace restore people,
08:30 he can restore his image in man
08:33 and he can also restore relationships,
08:35 because you can't have a functional
08:38 healthy relationship that's based on love
08:41 and communication when the people in
08:44 the relationship are broken dysfunctional people.
08:47 Right. So God restores the individuals
08:49 and he also restores the relationships. Amen.
08:52 And I think that's probably what John and
08:53 Karen are discovering. Might be too, might be too.
08:55 And with some struggle but are discovering it.
08:58 You know the whole movement of true love
09:01 waits is something that, it's going on across
09:06 the nation maybe around the world
09:08 and we're going to be going into more of the idea
09:11 of true love waits so that you don't have
09:15 such broken lives and relationships.
09:18 God has a wonderful plan for us
09:22 and if we will just come to him and submit our
09:25 hearts to him we're going to be able to find
09:28 much more happiness than any other way,
09:30 any place that we could possibly search for it.
09:33 God has the way an John and Karen are
09:36 discovering some of this. Hmm.
09:37 Did you want to allow them to share with, Yeah
09:41 me Jennifer, that's perfect. Do you think that's
09:42 probably be a good time for this?
09:44 Tell us how you know you came into your relationship.
09:48 Maybe a little testimony. Without the tools
09:50 that you needed but that the Lord is giving you
09:52 those tools and he is restoring you.
09:54 Amen, amen. Growing up and I m sure
09:57 my husband John can attest to this, we,
10:00 I had for myself I had a very, very dysfunctional
10:03 upbringing. I never got the chance to really
10:07 truly see what true love was so I have
10:10 this misconstrued idea of my life.
10:12 Right. And in seeking love outside of my parents
10:16 I always came across relationships
10:19 that were very damaging.Yes. And then we're more
10:22 selfish and emotion based then God based
10:26 then you know what the Bible has to say. Right.
10:28 Did you have some dysfunction in your family?
10:33 This, the things that you saw and heard that
10:36 were causing you to develop the wrong idea
10:39 of what love could possibly be.
10:41 Well, a lot, right, a lot of emotional abuse,
10:42 fathers that were you know drinking and alcoholism.
10:48 And drugs too. And drugs too drugs also yes ma'am.
10:51 And some of that and you were exposed to
10:52 that at a young age. Yes, and now we're going to turn
10:55 to you John I want to hear a little bit your testimony
10:58 because I know that yours is somewhat similar to
11:01 Karen's there are some similarities
11:03 but there is lot of differences too.
11:04 Didn't you live in a home with your grandmother?
11:08 Yes, I did I was pretty much. What was that like?
11:11 Well, I was always pretty much pond off
11:16 on my grandmother for one reason or another
11:20 and growing up you know being raised by grandmother
11:28 there was resentment in the home from my uncles
11:30 and my grandfather. Right. And there is concern arguing
11:33 and fighting. Right. And you observed that a lot.
11:36 Yeah and she also had to play a mother
11:41 and a father figure. To you. Kind of yeah. Right.
11:45 Yeah, it wasn't the, she did the best that she could.
11:47 You have a lot of special feelings toward
11:49 your grandmother don't you? Yes I do,
11:51 I've been with her for most my life and. Yeah.
11:53 You know it's not that way you know now the as far as.
11:58 You mean the relationships between your father,
11:59 I mean between your uncles and so forth,
12:01 various other ones. Between yeah, between my family,
12:02 I just, you know even though it's not that way
12:04 now during that period of time as I saw in that.
12:07 Hmm. It was. You mean things are better?
12:09 Yeah I've had, I'd say within the past five or six years
12:13 I've been able to establish a relationship with them.
12:16 Amen. And since you've been studying
12:19 have you established a little bit more relationship,
12:21 has there been some reconciliations with a sister
12:23 or someone? Oh, yes it has different,
12:29 what I felt that I've made piece with my family
12:32 you know different people in my family. Right.
12:36 Because like I said growing up there was constant
12:40 arguing and fighting. Right.
12:41 And there wasn't, there wasn't a whole lot of love
12:43 there. Hmm. Go ahead.
12:46 So just in this, like Karen was saying you know, yeah.
12:53 About getting a misconstrued idea
12:56 of what God's love was. Yes. There is many,
13:00 many misconceptions also of what I thought that I
13:02 was you know had the foundation from.
13:05 From your grandmother. Yeah, from having that
13:07 upbringing. Great. We got to put a raw role in
13:11 for grandma, you know. Yeah. Who keep,
13:15 wanting to put the love of God before
13:18 their young ones, you know and probably doesn't talk
13:21 about the grandmothers of Israel or the mothers of Israel
13:24 and from generation to generation passing down
13:27 what is it that God would have them to do.
13:28 So we thank God that you had that grandmother
13:31 in your life. Yeah. Yeah. And praise God we've both
13:34 had some what of a foundation, I even
13:37 with the abuse growing I've had a foundation
13:39 we've have bible studies and things with my
13:41 uncles and things so that. So you knew that was a God
13:44 and you knew that there was a Son of Jesus Christ
13:46 and that he was our savior. Right, right
13:47 right and that laid the foundation, so when we
13:50 started studying with you and your husband,
13:52 we just were constantly convicted by the actions
13:58 that we had an old relationship, we got married
14:01 and we were faulty and we started to study with you
14:04 and then as the months went by we would read certain text
14:08 that the text out of Philippians
14:10 in chapter 4 verse 8. This had a profound effect
14:13 on you I think. Yes, yes, I read this text
14:15 it as if I may I read it? Yes, go ahead.
14:18 Finally Brethren whatsoever things are true,
14:22 whatsoever things are honest,
14:24 whatsoever things are just,
14:26 whatsoever things are pure,
14:28 whatsoever things are lovely,
14:30 whatsoever things have good report,
14:32 if there be any virtue, if there be any praise
14:36 think on these things and I became convicted
14:40 by the Holy Spirit. Yes. And I thought this is not right.
14:43 Yes. This conception I have of love is not true
14:46 and I began to search. We both began to search.
14:50 Yes. And we wanted to find the truth
14:53 we knew that what we, the idea we had
14:55 was not the true idea of what God would want us
14:58 to do. And it's incredible because Tom and I
15:01 have had to be very careful because
15:03 we don't want you though we watch.
15:06 You watch our lives like people watch Paul's life.
15:11 We want to lead you to Christ not to us.
15:14 Right. But there are things in our lives
15:16 that had changed and I think maybe those
15:20 were witnesses to John and Karen
15:22 and helped them to want to make some changes
15:24 in their lives, though the Lord is not finished
15:26 with us yet either. And now Jennifer we need to move
15:29 back into the subject I think. Subject matter yes.
15:32 I think Karen and John would agree
15:34 with me that the first step in making
15:36 any changes in our relationships when we see
15:39 that there are changes that need to be made
15:41 is to understand what true love is.
15:44 Yes, right. Yes absolutely.
15:45 Yeah and sometimes we do that by contrasting it
15:48 with what it isn't? Yes. This is interesting
15:51 First Corinthians 13 which is the love chapter
15:53 of the New Testament puts its descriptions
15:57 of love mostly in the negative,
16:00 there are 9 references to love that are in the negative
16:03 and only 7 that are in the positive.
16:05 Right. In other words there are 9 that say
16:07 things like love is not rude. Yes.
16:10 And there are only 7 that say love
16:11 is patient and kind. Yes. So God often describes to
16:15 us his love by telling us what it's not. Right.
16:18 Its called comparison in contrast and sometimes
16:21 the only way we can figure out what it is,
16:23 is by looking in our past and saying that
16:25 wasn't it. Am I right? Right.
16:27 So the first step in making these changes that
16:29 we need to make in the way we relate to one another
16:32 especially as pertains to marriage and courtship
16:35 is to understand what God's love is.
16:39 Yes. And of course understand what it isn't.
16:42 Well in English language we only have one word
16:44 to describe that. That's right
16:45 and that's the thing I was going into next.
16:46 It's important for us to expand our vocabulary,
16:50 you know there are only, there is only one word
16:53 for love in English language like you said,
16:54 but in Greek there are four words.
16:57 Yes. And that's of course the language that the
16:59 New Testament was written in.
17:01 Now you know we go to church and we hear pastor
17:05 say God is love and he is talking about
17:07 the pure Holy love of God. Yes. Then the next day
17:11 we go to the grocery store and we hear
17:13 baby I love you booming over the loud speakers.
17:15 Yes. That's talking about a totally different animal.
17:18 Yes. It's not talking about the same kind of
17:20 love that the pastor was talking about. Right.
17:22 And yet because we use the same word
17:24 there is a certain confusion that comes about. Right.
17:27 And that confusion stems back to our limited
17:31 linguistics. Yes. So, let's expand our love vocabulary.
17:35 Right. And look at those four words
17:37 for love that we find in the Greek language:
17:42 1. Storge - which is familial love
17:45 such as the love for a mother for a child.
17:47 Yes. 2, Phileo - which is brotherly love
17:50 or friendship oriented love. Yes, aha.
17:52 3. is Eros - which is romantic love,
17:56 which is based on attraction usually between the genders.
18:01 Yes. And the 4th last but definitely
18:04 not least is Agape, which is God's unconditional love.
18:07 Hmm. Now I think John had a comment
18:11 on one of those particular ones.
18:14 Well I think I believe that the, the Eros
18:17 kind of love is what we based our relationship
18:21 on in the beginning, so I think that
18:23 for you know why we had such a tough time. Right.
18:27 And you know finding. And you know it's not just
18:29 why we had such a tough time it's because you are still
18:33 having such a tough time and you're not out of
18:35 it yet you're recognizing God's truths.
18:37 But to get them out and get certain things out of head
18:41 it takes a little time and you need to be a little more
18:43 gentle with yourselves I think.
18:45 You now, I think it's important to recognize
18:47 as well that God created us with the capacity
18:50 for all those different kinds of love.
18:52 He created us to have a love partner
18:56 and get married and experience Eros love.
19:00 He created us with that capacity.
19:02 He created women with a capacity to love like
19:04 a mother and men to be able to love like a father.
19:08 He created us with the capacity to have friends.
19:10 Hmm. And those are all God given
19:13 you know impulses that we have. Right.
19:16 Or instincts that we have. Right,
19:17 it's we that have changed and perverted it.
19:20 But because we are fallen. Yes.
19:22 Everything goes dry, when we were originally
19:25 created in our original state of perfection
19:27 we were programmed as it were with God's Agape love.
19:31 Right. And that was the under pending
19:32 or the under goading, underneath every
19:35 relationship, every relationship exercised
19:37 the principle of self giving love.
19:39 Right. But unfortunately because we are
19:42 fallen we tend to thrive on our natural affections
19:46 without per taking of the Spirit of God's
19:50 Agape love and any relationship that is
19:53 based on natural affection alone
19:55 will ultimately self destruct,
19:57 I'm convinced of it. Hmm.
19:58 So, we need to at this point approach it
20:01 differently then we would if we were still
20:03 perfect and we need to have the infilling of God's
20:05 Spirit working in ourselves, in our hearts
20:08 and in our relationships so that those
20:10 types of relationships can survive.
20:13 Right. And God is good and he does that for us.
20:15 So without God's love then all human. That's right.
20:19 Love fails. That's right.
20:20 A good example would be you know,
20:23 Bible says can a mother forget her sucking
20:26 child that she should not have compassion
20:28 on the son of her womb. Yeah she may.
20:30 And then the word goes on to say
20:31 yes she may forget them but I will not forget you.
20:34 And you know that makes me think of Melissa Drexler
20:36 who is the girl that you know so many of us
20:39 know about who became pregnant out of wedlock
20:42 she was at her High School prom,
20:43 gave birth to the baby in a bathroom
20:45 and threw the baby away literally in the garbage.
20:48 And this is. You can imagine.
20:50 Well, this is not uncommon you know this is
20:52 on public news and that was not uncommon
20:54 and its' somehow that got to be very promoted
20:57 or very public news. But this proves that God
21:01 and what God said that ye she may forget,
21:05 but I will not forget you. That's right.
21:06 That's the worse case scenario.
21:08 You know most of us wouldn't resort to something like
21:11 that and yet without God's Agape working in our
21:13 relationships our relationships
21:16 will disintegrate. Right. Over time.
21:18 Okay what else information do we have?
21:20 What other information do we have?
21:21 I think it might be good idea for us to get a real
21:24 clear definition in our minds of the difference
21:27 between God's Agape love.
21:29 Right. And typical human love. Right.
21:33 And I in a nut shell, I would put it this way
21:36 I would say God's love, well let me start with
21:39 human love, human love is an acquisitive type of love.
21:42 Hmm. That reaches up to something that
21:46 that the individual deems valuable and tries
21:50 to obtained that something or that someone
21:52 in order to enrich one's self.
21:55 Did you say inquisitive? Acquisitive.
21:58 Acquisitive, I thought it wasn't inquisitive.
21:59 No not inquisitive, acquisitive,
22:01 in other words being motivated to acquire.
22:03 Acquisition, okay. To acquire something.
22:05 So I'm reaching up to acquire something
22:07 that I deem worthy or good in order to obtained
22:10 it for myself so that I can enrich myself. Right.
22:13 It's a love based on desire. I see something
22:16 worth loving, I think it's beautiful,
22:18 I think it's good, I think it's valuable
22:20 and I want it so I can have it for myself. Right
22:23 That's human love, alright, and that's how everyone
22:25 of us is destined to love apart from the grace of God.
22:29 Yes. In contrast to that is God's Agape love. Right.
22:33 Which works on the opposite principle.
22:36 Agape love gives of itself actually descends
22:41 or condescends like Christ condescended.
22:43 Right. To help something that is in need
22:48 of help or to save something. Right.
22:50 That is in need of salvation in order to make
22:53 that something richer. So human love
22:56 seeks to acquire to enrich self.
22:58 It's selfish. God's love seeks to give
23:00 in order to enrich others.
23:02 Selfless. That's right. Selfish, selfless
23:05 and I think of the text he became sin for us who knew
23:10 no sin that we might be made the righteousness
23:13 of God in him. Amen.
23:14 So we need to think of human love in terms
23:16 of a love that is seeking to obtain that is ascending
23:20 or going up and God's love in terms of something
23:23 that is seeking to give like the Bible says.
23:26 That's reaching down. Jesus poured out his soul into
23:29 death Isaiah 53, something that is seeking
23:31 to give that is reaching downward. Yes.
23:34 To help. It's beautiful Jennifer, thank, it is,
23:36 you, beautiful and that's the basic difference
23:37 between human love and God's love
23:40 as I said before we were created
23:43 in God's image originally and when we were
23:45 perfect we were programmed with Agape. Right.
23:48 So we would naturally love in order to enrich another.
23:51 Right. Now how about friends betraying one another.
23:54 What about that kind? Well any relationship
23:57 that is based on merely human love
24:00 now that we are in fallen state and we no longer
24:03 have Agape working in us naturally.
24:05 Hmm. Any relationship would disintegrate.
24:09 It will simply die out or people will
24:12 betray one another. Right.
24:13 You know and the same thing is true of romantic
24:16 based relationships. You know if lasting
24:20 relationships depended on good equipment
24:22 or strong passion. Right.
24:24 There would be divorces in Hollywood you know.
24:28 Right. Because they have the best equipment
24:30 and they have the most. Lots of passion.
24:33 Fiery love affairs. Yes. But do those relationships last.
24:36 No, they don't. Once we began to study
24:40 and we both agreed that something wasn't right
24:45 and I had to literally pray constantly
24:50 I mean night after night I would pray and
24:52 I say Lord please instill in me your knowledge
24:55 of how I should love my husband?
24:57 How do I love my husband with your kind of love
25:01 not with my kind of love, because my love
25:03 is sinful, my love was more you know
25:07 feeling bound and. Based on desire.
25:10 Selfish as you say. And John wanted
25:13 a selfless love. Have you developed patience
25:15 with some of this? Or you would develop patience.
25:19 Everyday developing patience yeah there is.
25:21 And coping with your own thoughts.
25:23 Well, yeah likely was good and said you know
25:26 I'm not where I ought to be but I'm glad that I'm.
25:30 You're glad your not where you used to be.
25:32 Yeah. I'm glad that I'm not where I used to be definitely.
25:35 Right, amen. And you know I talked about human love
25:38 being based on desire, often times romances
25:40 start out with a real strong motivation of desire,
25:43 you meet a person they are good looking,
25:45 they have a great personality you just have some kind
25:47 of chemistry with them and you feel very motivated
25:50 to be with that person and often a commitment
25:52 follows, but after the commitment is made
25:55 and the marriage alter is crossed often times
25:59 I say probably 100% of the time. Wouldn't you Kathy?
26:02 The feelings die out and the desire kind of dissipates.
26:08 So would you say that there is the principle
26:10 of love that has to be a decision
26:12 it's not based merely on desire.
26:14 And if there isn't a principle there. Hmm.
26:16 Then what's going to perpetuate the relationship.
26:18 You know I would say you know every white knight
26:21 that fights dragons and you fall in love with him
26:24 ends up having dragon breath in the morning.
26:26 You know, so there is always going to be something
26:29 in your relationship with a person
26:31 overtime that turns you off.
26:32 You know, what are you gonna do if you
26:34 don't have a principle based relationship at that point?
26:37 If your relationship is based on desire
26:40 and you no longer have the desire,
26:42 how is the relationship going to survive.
26:45 Right. Without God's Agape love.
26:47 You know mothers and fathers have to ask God
26:50 to give them love for their children you have to ask
26:52 God to give love to you for you for your husband
26:54 and he has to do that at times for you.
26:57 Right. And so forth, John did you have something
26:59 you wanted to say? We've coming into out last
27:01 few seconds what did you have?
27:02 I just wanted to say what she's saying about
27:04 the Agape love is once you learn about the Agape love
27:08 those things seem they disappear after a while,
27:13 they disappear and they are not noticeable, those
27:15 flaws that you find. They fall into place.
27:19 That's good thought. Thank you.
27:20 And I even think of my children you know,
27:22 you know I can be so in love with my children
27:25 you know I can just, they are so cute
27:27 you know and I can feel so endeared to them,
27:30 but then they do something that
27:31 just drives me crazy and you know.
27:33 You know we're going to go into more
27:34 on this aren't we Jennifer? Yes, we are.
27:36 And we don't want to lose you on this.
27:38 I think, that in our love relationships the only
27:43 thing that's safe is to be bound by Christ.
27:45 Amen. That's right.
27:46 Amen and I want to thank you for being here
27:48 I know you have been nervous.
27:50 Thank you for having us. Its' been great.
27:51 And I want to thank you for being with us
27:54 as well and don't miss next time
27:55 because it's going to be good
27:57 on Thinking about Home.


Revised 2014-12-17