Thinking About Home

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TAH

Program Code: TAH000103

00:31 Hello, I'm Kathy Matthews and this is Thinking About Home.
00:35 And I'm glad you've joined us again.
00:37 You know there's been so many times that I thought
00:39 that I would love to have my family on here.
00:41 And today I have the privilege of having Sarah,
00:43 our oldest daughter on with us.
00:45 Sarah, thank you for being here.
00:47 Thank you for letting me, mom.
00:49 We have been talking about study skills,
00:53 because you're in college now.
00:54 And Sarah is a student at Weimar College in California.
00:57 And the other day we were discussing the importance
01:01 of her making it though the work study,
01:04 and the hectic schedule that she has in class time
01:09 and the units that she's taking
01:10 and its been pretty overpowering
01:12 and... There's been times that we wondered
01:14 how in the world she's done it.
01:15 So, we thought that it would be very important
01:19 that others may be able to learn
01:21 some of the things that she's learned.
01:22 So she's gonna show us and help us to understand
01:25 some of the student study skills that she's developed.
01:28 And I think that you find them a blessing to you
01:31 if you're a student and maybe in your home,
01:35 if you're a younger student as well,
01:36 you might be able to apply some of these things.
01:38 But for the college student especially.
01:40 Yes, college or even boarding academy.
01:43 Particularly in a boarding environment,
01:46 because it contains so many other factors
01:50 than if you're just going to school during the daytime
01:52 and coming home to, you know, of relaxing home environment
01:56 or whatever your normal home duties are.
01:58 When you're at a boarding environment
02:00 you have so many other responsibilities,
02:03 so many other things you have go to
02:04 and people around all the time.
02:06 It's not just, you know where you can recluse home
02:10 to just your family in your own room
02:13 and without other bunch of other people around
02:15 always demanding your attention. Right.
02:16 did you, did you learn some of these skills
02:18 at home? Did you extend it out into the..
02:22 Yes, yes, all these principles that I've learned,
02:24 that I put down on paper or on graphics for this program.
02:30 I got the foundations for them at home,
02:31 the foundation of the principles,
02:33 the ideas, the basic reasons why.
02:38 And but I didn't fully develop them
02:40 and put them into my own, my own life
02:44 until I went away to boarding academy.
02:46 And that was where I start feeling out the differences
02:50 and trying to drive myself to become a person
02:55 with good study habits,
02:56 a person that could get everything done
02:57 that I needed to get done.
02:59 At least when it was humanly possible.
03:01 And then I noticed that in my own life
03:03 that they've really become very personal
03:06 to me in college,
03:07 because college is very different from academy.
03:11 In some ways you have more time and in some ways
03:13 it seems you're so much more busy. Right.
03:15 And it just depends on which factors are playing there,
03:20 and I know, I know I have, I have a heavier academic load
03:23 in college than I did in academy. Right.
03:26 And there's been times when I've had other people
03:27 come and ask me, how do you keep up
03:29 with the academic load that you're taking.Yes.
03:32 And still work half time, 20 hours a week or more,
03:36 and still get all your other responsibilities done.
03:37 And not start failing your classes
03:40 and not start just pointing average grades because,
03:44 although some people do say,
03:46 you know people say that grades
03:48 are only the teacher's opinion and they don't really reflect
03:52 the students' performance and everything.
03:53 The grades aren't important to me,
03:54 because when someone is evaluating my performance
03:57 in an academic environment,
03:58 that's what they're going to look at. Right.
04:00 And they're not going to look at well,
04:02 how was the student feeling when he took this test. Right.
04:05 They're going to say this is how this student did.
04:08 And this was the basic trend of the student's academics.
04:10 Right, unfortunately that's what we have to go by,
04:12 since that's the kind of world we're in.
04:14 Right, in other countries,
04:16 under a different academic standard,
04:17 different levels of different forms of teaching,
04:20 it maybe different. But at least from America
04:22 and most of the first world Europe and so on.
04:25 Grades are very important, in a,
04:28 particularly a college environment.
04:30 And we've been talking on some programs about
04:33 the motivation of learning and the best way
04:36 is the natural way and one of the areas
04:39 that we had discovered is it's sometimes when we learn,
04:44 we learn best when it has been fun, when it's been,
04:47 the emotion has been involved and has been enjoyable.
04:49 That's true, that's true.
04:51 But when you get down to the nitty-gritty
04:53 also and you can't, because we're not in a perfect world
04:56 where it's always enjoyable and you get right down
04:58 to the difficulties of determination.
05:02 Then you have to learn some skills and in studying.
05:07 It comes down to self discipline. Yes.
05:09 You know that making learning fun is important
05:13 especially with younger children,
05:15 when they're learning the importance of learning,
05:17 when they're first discovery that education is important.
05:21 And it is essential to make it something that is enjoyable,
05:26 but as you get older, as you start finishing high school
05:29 and even maybe for some people depending on your school,
05:32 earlier than the late high school years.
05:34 But particularly in a college environment,
05:36 learning is not always fun,
05:38 a lot of times it's a lot of hard work,
05:40 there will be subjects you hate,
05:41 there will be homework that you do not want to do.
05:44 And there will be times when you have to study
05:46 for hours to grasp a concept that does not
05:48 make sense to you, and it's not fun,
05:50 but you have to do it.
05:51 Because that's what is going to make
05:55 or break your education.
05:56 You only have to do it if you want
05:57 your grades to stay up there.
06:00 Well, yes, but this is assuming, that you..
06:03 Yes, that you wanna do your best.
06:04 Desiring to do your best to get decent grades
06:07 and I'm not saying that everyone needs to get A
06:09 to do their best, but or that an A is everyone's best.
06:13 But in order to do your best whatever that is for you,
06:16 you need to be looking at what will,
06:21 what factors will help you
06:23 become a well balanced, happy,
06:28 self disciplined person with good study skills.
06:31 Right. Because you can have an extremely intelligent student
06:35 that has terrible study skills
06:37 that will flunk an easy class.
06:40 And you could and not so bright student
06:42 that may even be academically challenged.
06:44 May have a learning disorder,
06:45 but if they know how to study,
06:47 and they know how to apply themselves,
06:49 they know what little things that so many others
06:52 leave overlooked. Yes.
06:54 They can make a better grade than the brilliant student
06:57 that doesn't apply themselves. Right.
06:59 So a lot of it is just looking for tiny things
07:01 that make a big difference.
07:02 Okay, so let's begin. All right.
07:04 What is it that you want to stat with?
07:05 What do you think is this thing,
07:07 the very first important thing,
07:10 principle which you would like to share with us.
07:11 But before we start that, I'd just like to suggest
07:14 to the audience that if you,
07:16 if you're a parent that would like to share this
07:18 with your children or your college student,
07:20 academy student, and you wanna get a pen
07:22 and a piece of paper to write these down,
07:24 we're gonna have some basic, very basic principles
07:28 that are gonna be coming up on the screen
07:29 that will help you, if you wanna write these down,
07:32 make a list, see if you can apply
07:33 any of these into your own life,
07:35 maybe you've overlooked one of these.
07:36 Maybe you've already applied them
07:38 and you just wanna list them for yourself.
07:40 If you wanna do that,
07:42 something that applies to our first,
07:44 our first principle is a text in Psalms 5 verse 3.
07:47 And I really like to share that you today.
07:52 Psalms 5 verse 3 says,
07:53 " My voice shalt thou hear in the morning,
07:55 O LORD, in the morning will I direct my prayer
07:58 unto thee, and will look up." Amen.
08:01 Now I think that this must being something
08:03 it's important about the morning.
08:04 I think so. I think, and if you know
08:07 is we also have an example of Jesus
08:09 rising early in the day.
08:11 He just always spend time with his Father in prayer
08:13 and in study. Particularly out in nature,
08:16 but it was always early in the morning, it's mentioned.
08:19 And I think that it's important to get up early.
08:23 And I know that a lot of people are cultured,
08:26 conditioned, not to be morning people.
08:28 Some people are more naturally morning people,
08:30 and you have to figure that out for yourself.
08:33 But within reason I think it's important to rise early
08:37 and never to sacrifice your personal time with God,
08:39 because this sets the tone for your entire day.
08:42 So this is one of the points, get up early.
08:44 This is the first point, get up early
08:46 and never sacrifice your personal time with God.
08:49 Now this ties right into our second principle. Okay.
08:52 And that is always eat breakfast and lunch.
08:56 Always? As best you can.
08:59 As best as possible. I try to make it a habit.
09:01 I will admit that there's times when I even don't get
09:03 all the meals I need too.
09:05 But nutrition affects your learning habits,
09:08 these you need to eat well and have good balanced meals,
09:11 because if your brain is not well fed
09:15 it cannot function properly. Right.
09:18 Now there's always the illustration
09:22 I like to use this, with you don't anywhere in your car
09:27 with an empty gas tank.
09:29 Before you go on a trip, before you start the day
09:32 you know that you need to have gas in your car.
09:34 That will be a preparation.
09:36 And, yes the preparation, but my point is in order
09:39 to have a clear thinking brain for the day,
09:42 you need to have it fed in the morning.
09:45 And when I emphasize breakfast and lunch
09:50 it's for a reason, I'll get on to that
09:53 later as far as particularly those two meals. Right.
09:57 But breakfast is very important and if you're
10:00 getting up early you will want to eat breakfast. Right.
10:03 Because if you get up really early and you wait
10:05 all the way till the middle of the day for lunch
10:07 you're gonna be starving and your brain
10:08 is not gonna be functioning right,
10:10 because you're gonna be thinking food,
10:11 food, where is the food? Food, food.
10:13 And you know I got to eat.
10:14 Well, you know that's physical food,
10:15 but did you put in there anything about the spiritual?
10:18 Well, yes, our first principle was get up early
10:19 to have your personal time with God.
10:21 Right, so left with that purpose.
10:22 So and then but, you know,
10:23 after you fed your spiritual life
10:26 you also need to feed your physical body. Right.
10:28 Now, our third principle is to use your
10:31 spare time efficiently. Now most people think nothing,
10:37 this is what I've observed, especially those young adults
10:40 in a college environment think nothing
10:42 of wasting five minutes. Right.
10:44 It's just five minutes,
10:45 I can't sit down and write a paper.
10:46 I can't concentrate long enough to get homework done,
10:48 and that's true. I don't know anyone that can sit down
10:52 on a partially written paper and actually add
10:54 something worth while to it, that they're gonna wanna
10:57 keep when they go back and edit it in five minutes. Right.
11:01 I can't do that. Not too many that focussed.
11:02 Well, it's hard to get your thoughts rolling
11:06 and to pull everything together
11:08 and start thinking coherently as far as that is concerned
11:13 within just five minutes or six or eight or ten.
11:15 But you think five minutes makes a difference.
11:17 But five minutes will make a big difference
11:19 if you learn to use it to get the other things done
11:23 that will keep you from writing that paper later
11:25 when you have a chunk of time. What are the other things?
11:27 Now you can have in a college environment,
11:29 you can have laundry, you can have room,
11:33 your room needs to be picked up, cleaned up.
11:36 Make you bad, tidy things,
11:39 fold your clothes.
11:41 You know, There are a million little tiny things.
11:46 You know, organize, make a list for the day.
11:49 You know jot down your thoughts about something else,
11:52 memorize a Bible verse, something.
11:55 There is any, there is any number of things
11:57 that you can do in five minutes and it's amazing
12:01 if you concentrate how much you can accomplish
12:04 in just five minutes.
12:05 So the idea is don't waste time, right.
12:08 Exactly, exactly do not waste
12:10 even the small amounts of time.
12:12 Even the ones that don't occur you to be important.
12:14 King Solomon is called the wisest man in the world,
12:19 in world's history I suppose.
12:21 And he has said in Proverbs 6:6, Go to the ant,
12:24 thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:"
12:27 And he goes on in the following few verses to talk
12:29 about how they don't have a ruler,
12:31 they don't have an overseer,
12:32 now that's that is the picture of a college student.
12:35 Especially a boarding student, you know there's authorities,
12:38 there's deans and so on. Right.
12:39 But you don't have your parents right there saying,
12:41 now you need to go and do this,
12:43 and now you need to go and do that.
12:45 Come on, Johnny, let's go do this.
12:46 I should have been learned long before.
12:48 Exactly, so this is why you want to apply
12:51 this into your own life now. Right.
12:53 Okay, the fourth principle, study your teacher.
12:59 Why is that so important do you think?
13:01 Because so many students
13:03 don't realize how much difference it can make
13:08 if you learn to see the subtle differences
13:14 in different teachers, methods of getting
13:16 their information across.
13:18 Now there is different ways that different teachers
13:22 stress different things, there is different ways
13:24 different teachers give assignments.
13:26 Different teachers grade on different things.
13:28 Example, okay, I've had teachers that grade
13:33 on class participation, they grade on your behavior
13:37 in class as well as your assignments
13:40 and your discussion and so on.
13:42 And I know one teacher that if there is she keeps
13:47 an extremely orderly classroom.
13:50 Now a lot of times college classrooms
13:52 are not extremely orderly. Right.
13:54 Because this is no longer elementary school
13:56 where they turn out the lights when you're being too noisy
13:58 or whatever, the teacher stands
13:59 and looks simply serious to try to get your attention.
14:01 So, but this teacher, all the students in her classes
14:07 know, you don't talk, you don't whisper,
14:09 you don't ask unnecessary questions,
14:11 you don't pass notes.
14:12 This is a sit down, pay attention to the teacher,
14:15 listen to her lecture kind of class.
14:17 Now on the other hand, I know another teacher
14:20 who doesn't, who grades only on assignments
14:23 and you can talk, do other homework.
14:29 Maybe talking to your neighbor or whatever,
14:31 and it does not really matter to her as much as
14:34 it does to the other teacher.
14:35 Of course you don't want to be unruly,
14:37 but if you get your assignments turned in
14:38 that's what your class grade is based on.
14:40 Learning these subtle differences
14:42 or not so subtle differences can make the difference
14:44 between an A and C.
14:46 Now there's also different ways that different teachers
14:51 stress in their lectures what is important.
14:53 And I can't really, I don't believe that
14:56 I can explain how to tell except that
15:00 you have to learn to feel how?
15:03 To just to sense when the teacher is expressing
15:05 something that they think is important.
15:06 Like what? What do you mean?
15:09 Like what would it be that they would be
15:11 stressing that anything is important.
15:13 Any concept, any particular principle,
15:15 particularly of science classes or whatever,
15:17 when teachers, when teachers,
15:19 sometime it's really easy.
15:21 If they go over and over and over it,
15:22 then this is obviously something that is going to be
15:24 something important. Going to be something of a test,
15:25 right? Right, and for me
15:26 Right, and for me and up until the first quiz
15:29 or the first test
15:30 all I try to do in a class is figure out the teacher,
15:35 because you do not,
15:37 you can't really learn about a teacher
15:39 until you've taken their first test. Right.
15:41 And that way you can look back on
15:43 what they put into the test,
15:45 to test you on and how they stressed each
15:47 of these points in their previous classes up
15:51 until that first test and you can learn
15:52 how they got those across
15:54 and if they repeated themselves on these issues,
15:57 or if they quietly did
15:59 I had one teacher that said that we might have,
16:03 we have might have quizzes once in while.
16:05 She didn't an announce there was gonna be quiz,
16:07 but because I was alert
16:09 and I was waiting, watching. Right.
16:11 One day she had a lecture
16:14 and the majority of my classmates did not notice
16:16 that this was not new material.
16:17 This was a point by point
16:19 subtly point by point recap of the material that
16:23 we've covered last two and half weeks
16:24 at the beginning of the class. Right.
16:26 The beginning or we can have--
16:27 And people say oh well, I've heard this before,
16:31 so I think I'll take a nap.
16:32 And I want to shake them
16:34 and say this is your ticket to an A,
16:36 hello, wake up. Yes, yes.
16:38 Do not go to sleep when they're doing a recap,
16:41 because this is almost certainly
16:43 something is going to help you
16:46 when it comes down to showing
16:49 what you've learned. Okay.
16:51 And something else,
16:53 give a teacher your full attention,
16:54 take notice during lectures.
16:56 When this particular teacher went over her recap
16:58 I noticed that it was former material.
17:00 I noticed that this was something basically points
17:04 that we had studied
17:05 and she was listing them in order
17:06 and so I took notes, I started things
17:09 and the textbook that we were doing
17:10 and it turned out that
17:12 I had a question by question quiz right there.
17:17 And every point that I had taken notes
17:19 on was on the quiz and needless to say,
17:22 I felt kind of good about myself,
17:24 because I had, you know,
17:28 I wasn't cheating I was just studying.
17:29 And here I had the quiz in front of me. Right.
17:31 And I realized that after I had taken the quiz.
17:33 And I told other classmates, listen,
17:36 you guys there is gonna be a quiz the next class period.
17:38 They said, huh!
17:39 She didn't say that there would be a quiz,
17:40 that okay fine, it's your grade,
17:42 you don't have to listen to me
17:43 and you should of heard the groans
17:45 when she passed out he quiz paper
17:47 the next class period. Right.
17:49 But anyway-- What's the next point?
17:50 Give the teacher your full attention,
17:51 that's the next point. Okay.
17:53 And this is kind of a no brainer,
17:55 but a lot of times people don't do it. Right.
17:57 Take notes during the lectures,
17:58 the sixth point is write down assignments immediately.
18:02 And you'll be surprised
18:03 how many students fail to do this.
18:05 They try to rely on their memory
18:07 and when you have a number of classes
18:09 and a work assignment or a job that
18:12 you have to do and you have other chapels,
18:16 meetings, responsibilities,
18:17 outreach you're involved in,
18:19 people you're gonna go do things with,
18:20 you will forget assignments.
18:22 You will forget when they're due,
18:23 you might remember in the back of your mind
18:24 that this is something I need to do.
18:26 But the due date will creep up on you.
18:29 So what I decided to do for this, for my own,
18:32 this was something I started in academy,
18:33 and this has proved a life saver to me.
18:35 I think, I remember what it is. What?
18:37 You got a notebook.
18:38 I got a notebook. I got a notebook.
18:39 I have a special notebook
18:40 and it says "assignments."
18:41 Big, bold, black print across the top.
18:43 And I put the date and the class
18:45 and I keep it with me in every class
18:47 and I put down the due date
18:50 and the specific requirements
18:52 and the teacher, and just exactly
18:55 what I'm supposed to do.
18:56 And you'll be surprised how popular you can get,
18:57 and this is a ticket to popularity.
18:59 Now when people you're used
19:00 that as classrooms around you.
19:02 Well this may not be true popularity,
19:03 but you'd be surprised and in the class
19:06 you have people tapping on the shoulder,
19:09 all the time saying, hey wait, wait a second,
19:11 did you write that down,
19:12 can I take notes of each stuff,
19:13 can I please. Did you tell me?
19:16 What does that assignment due?
19:17 That was due why didn't you tell me.
19:19 I know you always write it down
19:20 and before long you'll be saying,
19:22 look, I worked for this.
19:25 You too work for your own.
19:27 You know they're only 50 cents
19:28 a piece or whatever a little notebook.
19:30 Anyway the 7th point, get as much homework done
19:34 during your class periods as possible.
19:36 How can that be? It's possible.
19:38 You get homework done in a class?
19:40 Well, what I mean is this has to do with learning
19:44 to study your teacher.
19:46 Now with the teacher who grades only
19:49 on the assignments, if you can learn to do
19:52 two things at once, you can be filling out a worksheet
19:55 for another class, you can be taking notes
19:58 on her class assignments or whatever if this is not
20:02 an important lecture, you can tell that
20:04 the teacher's wandered off to,
20:06 when they were 25 years old and they took a trip
20:09 around Europe, and this does not have anything
20:10 to do with the class but.. Right.
20:11 You can pull out something else
20:13 and use this time effectively it will save you 15 minutes
20:16 when you're, in the evening
20:17 when you're doing your homework.
20:19 If a teacher says, I'm giving you
20:20 the rest of this class period to finish this assignment,
20:23 by all means buckle down and work on that assignment,
20:26 go find a quiet place, do not use that 15 minutes
20:29 to go sit on the grass, go check your email
20:31 and I know I've been guilty of this
20:32 and I've been in trouble for this with myself. Right.
20:35 Because this is something I've had to learn the hard way.
20:39 When a teacher gives you time to do something,
20:41 get it done. Do that thing.
20:43 Use that time and you'll be thankful if you can get
20:45 to bed half an hour early, or you have time
20:48 in the evening to make that phone call,
20:49 spend that time with your best friend
20:51 or write a letter, or go to town.
20:54 or whatever else you need to do that would be taking
20:56 for your homework time, you haven't gotten it done.
20:58 Do what you need to do when you need to do it.
21:00 Exactly. Now Principle Number 8,
21:04 Use verse packs to aid memorizing.
21:06 Verse Packs? Verse Packs.
21:08 You know I didn't know what that was until
21:10 you explained it to me so what is that?
21:12 Well, you know I should have brought one with me
21:15 to show today but I don't have it with me.
21:17 Basically it's a fold-in-half tiny little vinyl
21:22 or cloth pack with pockets, two pockets on the inside.
21:26 One could even make that for themselves, I suppose.
21:28 Make them for themselves. Yes, I have one
21:30 that's homemade, handmade.
21:32 Fold them in two, if it's in a pocket, shirt pocket, purse
21:36 back pack whatever it is that you have to carry around
21:39 with you, it's very easy to keep with you
21:42 and you can write down if you have say,
21:44 Biology Concepts or excuse me you're learning muscles
21:49 and bones for AMP or you know like I'm taking Greek
21:52 and I have all those Greek vocabulary
21:54 that I'm learning and if you can write those down.
21:57 Not only we're writing it down on the cards
21:59 help to implant them in your memory.
22:00 But you can also pull the card out
22:03 whenever you have 30 seconds,
22:05 whenever you're walking across campus,
22:07 you're standing in line for your meals in the cafeteria,
22:11 you're sitting, eating by yourself
22:13 and you know whatever.
22:16 And then the 9th principle ties directly into this
22:21 and that is learn to multi-task,
22:23 learn to do two things at once now,
22:25 from what I understand this is particularly hard
22:27 for guys to do. Why? Why do you say that?
22:30 Well, girls tend to do two or three,
22:33 or four things at once easier than guys.
22:35 Buy guys gonna have to start teach you in the kitchen
22:38 to do this and that and this at the same time?
22:41 That was a long time ago, mom.
22:42 Did you learn? I think so.
22:44 You're beginning to learn. Beginning, wait a second.
22:47 I think. In college, in college.
22:48 I think that this is something that
22:49 I have now tied to my life. Okay. Okay.
22:52 More than just beginning, but you're right.
22:54 I remember when you're trying to teach me
22:56 that and that's probably what gave me
22:57 the principle for this, for my own self.
23:01 But even though, you know guys,
23:05 the Psychologists say, the guys are more focused
23:09 and they can do only one thing at one time,
23:10 don't let yourself to be limited by that.
23:11 If you can learn to do it, if you can make yourself
23:14 break out of your comfort zone as you always
23:15 used to tell me when I was younger.
23:17 I think that was your daddy that started that with us.
23:19 Expand your comfort zone, learn to do something new,
23:21 learn to challenge yourself, set your goals high
23:23 and you know, you can use your work time
23:28 if you have a desk job, I work in a printing press,
23:31 when I'm running a press I can be checking proof sheets,
23:34 I can setup a card with Greek vocabulary on it,
23:38 right there on the light table beside
23:40 where I would be putting, checking my printing sheets.
23:42 And I can, I can memorize a word
23:45 or memorize a Bible verse.
23:47 And something else that's very effective with this is,
23:50 is Bible memorization.
23:52 Actually quick is Bible memorization.
23:53 I think of David Livingstone
23:55 who did that on his line of work.
23:58 Can you tell us about that?
23:59 That's what gave me the idea.
24:00 I remember reading when I was a little kid,
24:02 the biography of David Livingstone
24:04 and how when he was 8, 9 or 10 years old.
24:06 He worked in I think in a weaving factory.
24:09 And he had to tie the broken threads together in the looms.
24:12 This is in England? Yes, no, Scotland.
24:14 Oh, I was thinking of England. i'm Sorry.
24:16 And he brought a book, a Latin book
24:19 at under 10 years of age.
24:20 A Latin book that at end of his route
24:23 and he would catch a word or two
24:25 or just a phrase at every time he came back
24:27 and forth to the end of the machines
24:29 the roll machines he had. So little steps at a time?
24:31 And he learned languages that way,
24:34 and this is a child under 10 years of age.
24:36 Now if they can do it in, college surely we can do it.
24:39 Well, we don't have much time.
24:40 So let's go ahead and finish the last one. Okay.
24:44 Something that I found was important
24:45 is to skip supper, now I know not everyone can do this,
24:48 nor everyone has the metabolism
24:51 that can handle doing this. Yes.
24:52 But something that I found,
24:54 is something that has helped me,
24:56 not only do I sleep better,
24:57 I wake up hungry for breakfast. Right.
24:59 And a lot of times if there is,
25:02 especially if your college has a set supper time,
25:05 you can use that time.
25:07 Because everybody else most likely would be
25:09 at the cafeteria eating supper.
25:11 And this is half and hour, forty five minutes
25:13 of uninterrupted dorm quiet time.
25:16 And that is almost non existent. Right.
25:18 Any college student will agree with me
25:21 that a dorm is a loud, noisy, obnoxious place to live,
25:24 a lot of the time, not always but a lot of a time
25:27 and I know my dorm is great,
25:29 the girls in my dorm are wonderful. Right.
25:31 But there is still noise when ever you get a bunch of girls
25:33 together, or a bunch of guys and this is some time
25:36 that you can take for personal time,
25:38 or extra study time. Right, you've to move on.
25:40 Yes. Keep a very carefully, tightly balanced social life.
25:45 And I've heard people say, social life is important,
25:49 don't let your education get in the way of your learning,
25:51 make sure you have fun at college.
25:53 But, you know, I want to balance that out
25:55 with the fact that, yes, social life is important.
25:57 But college is not entertainment.
26:00 You're paying thousands of dollars a year,
26:02 or your parents are not paying thousands of dollars a year
26:04 for you to have fun, for you to entertained.
26:06 This is where you're here to get an education.
26:09 Right. You need mere fun only.
26:12 Right, but you can be entertained anywhere,
26:16 you can have fun anywhere, you can be social anywhere.
26:19 At college, you're paying to learn. Right.
26:21 And while you make friends, you have fun,
26:24 you have a social life that is not the priority.
26:26 So keep it balanced.
26:27 Priority is a balanced learning environment. Right.
26:30 And if you have to cut back on your social life,
26:32 in order to be able to create good study skills
26:36 or develop good study habits then do that,
26:38 and you may back off drastically and then work
26:40 your social life back in after you have
26:41 these other principles established.
26:43 Okay. We've got no time. Just a little bit left.
26:46 Two more principles, one, never use free time
26:50 before it's really yours. Yes.
26:51 And this is more commonly said,
26:54 don't procrastinate. Right.
26:55 Don't wait till the end to get something done.
26:58 Don't take your free time to go to town
27:00 and go and have fun when you need to have a paper written.
27:02 Write the paper, and if you have time
27:04 after the paper's written, then go to town.
27:06 Okay. Now next.
27:07 And the last one is, pray about cutting back your load.
27:11 Pray, ask God if there is something
27:13 you need to read out, some extra curricular activity
27:15 that's just taking up that time that you need to apply
27:18 to something more important, that's gonna make a difference
27:19 later on and you have to count your GPA
27:22 or you have to get a job or whatever.
27:25 Okay. And you wanted to read a scripture then.
27:27 Yes. I wanted to read Second Timothy 2:15.
27:32 I think this sums it up great, it says
27:35 "Study to show thyself approved unto God,
27:38 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
27:39 rightly dividing the word of truth."
27:42 Study to show thyself approved.
27:44 That's great, Sarah.
27:45 And I appreciate you being on the program with us.
27:47 Thank you, mom. It's been a pleasure for me.
27:49 And I thank you for being on the program with us too.
27:52 I pray that you can use these principles in your home
27:55 and I want you to join us again on Thinking About Home.


Revised 2014-12-17