Secrets Unsealed: Silencing Satan

The Day The Devil Dies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SUSS

Program Code: SUSS000004A

00:15 Greetings once again, my friends,
00:17 here in the beautiful Islands of Hawaii on Oahu,
00:20 specifically, we are glad to be with you
00:22 with Secrets Unsealed.
00:24 And we're looking at a series of messages
00:26 entitled "Silencing Satan."
00:29 We're looking at how God responds
00:31 to the wickedness that began in the heart of Lucifer
00:34 and where we are now in that process.
00:37 Now in our first messages,
00:38 we looked at the origin of evil was in the heart of Lucifer,
00:41 in the very heart of heaven itself,
00:46 and there was a war in heaven,
00:47 he was casted to earth and we've seen how.
00:49 The reason why Christ had to cast him out
00:53 instead of blotting him out
00:54 so that other people could see what was in his heart.
00:56 And Christ came to be the evidence
00:58 of the truth about God
01:00 in response to the lies of Satan, and in Calvary
01:03 the righteousness of God was revealed.
01:06 And we're told that the last link of sympathy
01:08 between Satan and the heavenly world was broken
01:11 when they saw the sacrifice
01:13 and selfless love of Jesus Christ.
01:17 Furthermore, we went on to show
01:19 that the fall of Satan was not just a one-time event,
01:22 but it had multiple stages,
01:24 four, in fact, distinct phases.
01:27 First, we had the initial casting out,
01:29 in Revelation 12:7-9,
01:32 then we have the casting out
01:35 from the sympathies of heavenly beings
01:37 which Christ accomplished at the cross
01:39 and as we described in Revelation 12:10,
01:43 and then we saw the response of the redeemed
01:46 those who God intended to save
01:48 because His plan is more than just destruction,
01:50 it's the salvation of mankind,
01:53 says, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
01:56 and by the word of their testimony."
01:57 And they did not love their lives
01:59 even unto death.
02:01 So we've seen God move in these three steps,
02:04 and there's still that great final day
02:07 when Satan will be destroyed
02:09 and that's going to be the focus of our study.
02:12 At this time,
02:13 we'll be looking at the day the devil dies.
02:17 But as we always do and must do,
02:19 let's begin with a word of prayer.
02:22 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much,
02:25 that You give us not only this life
02:26 but the hope
02:28 and assurance of eternal life in Jesus Christ.
02:32 And now, Lord, as we prepare to go
02:34 and be with Jesus,
02:35 we would ask that You would make us
02:37 like Jesus.
02:38 We would have not only a transaction,
02:41 but a transformation.
02:43 And by knowledge of Your Word today,
02:46 help us,
02:48 for we pray it all in Jesus' name.
02:50 Amen.
02:53 Now, I want you to take your Bibles out,
02:56 since I know that you have them with you,
02:58 take them out
02:59 and let's go to a rather obscure
03:03 book of the Bible,
03:04 Nahum 1:9.
03:10 In the Book of Nahum,
03:12 we find what I believe is God's biggest promise.
03:17 And I know that sounds like a lie.
03:18 You remember John Chapter 14, where Jesus said,
03:20 "Let not your heart be troubled,
03:22 you believe in God, believe also in Me."
03:24 And He promised to come again and take us to live with Him,
03:26 that's a big promise.
03:28 John 3:16
03:29 is perhaps the most well-known passage in all of the Bible,
03:33 that God so loved the world that
03:35 whoever believes in Him can have eternal life,
03:39 that's a big promise.
03:42 But in Nahum 1:9,
03:44 I believe there's a promise
03:45 that's even of greater consequence
03:48 than those promises.
03:49 Now I know it seems a little silly
03:51 to rank the promises of God, but in this small little book,
03:54 we find one of God's biggest promises.
03:57 Nahum 1:9,
04:00 a question is asked rhetorically,
04:02 "What do you conspire against the Lord?
04:06 He will make an utter end of it.
04:11 Affliction will not rise up
04:16 a second time."
04:19 God makes the promise that
04:20 when this great controversy is over,
04:23 there will never be a sequel.
04:25 Amen.
04:27 That once Satan is destroyed and once sin is ended,
04:29 it will never rise again.
04:32 Now, that is a fantastic promise.
04:35 But let's ask this question.
04:37 How can God make such a promise?
04:40 Now again you could say, "Well, He is God,
04:42 He can make whatever promises He wanted."
04:43 Of course, that's true, but let's think it through.
04:48 There was a time when Satan was just Lucifer,
04:51 the covering cherub in heaven and there was no sin,
04:54 and he sinned.
04:56 And there was a time
04:57 when Adam and Eve were brought forth
04:59 from the hand of the creator in perfection,
05:01 and they sinned.
05:03 So how can God
05:05 given the experience of both angels and men
05:09 make such a bold prediction
05:13 that affliction will never rise again?
05:18 Well, I suppose there's only so many options He could.
05:21 First of all, change how we operate
05:24 so that we can't make choices anymore,
05:26 so there's no risk of sin anymore.
05:29 Well, friends, if He could change us
05:30 into mindless automatons,
05:33 then the question,
05:34 why didn't He do that years before,
05:36 why have we gone through all of this disease,
05:37 and destruction, and famine, and plague, and death?
05:40 Why didn't He do that before?
05:42 And furthermore,
05:43 if we were all mindless robots
05:45 just obeying without rational part
05:48 or choice of volition of our own,
05:50 then would that even really be love?
05:53 Of course not.
05:55 You can program the computer to say,
05:56 "I love you," ten times a day,
05:57 but does that really mean it really loves you?
05:59 No.
06:00 That's not how that works.
06:02 So God must keep intact our freedom of choice,
06:08 yet He somehow guarantees that no one will ever choose
06:11 to rebel again.
06:15 We're going to start looking at this more closely
06:17 in this message and in the message to come.
06:20 Well, we're going to look at the day the devil dies.
06:22 The destruction of Satan
06:24 as we start to inform ourselves
06:25 about this particular truth.
06:30 First of all, we need to do a study
06:31 of the second coming of Jesus
06:33 and the events immediately
06:35 preceding and following Christ's return.
06:38 For that, let's do a Bible study
06:40 if you don't mind.
06:41 2 Peter 3.
06:43 We're going to go to the New Testament,
06:44 that little Book of 2 Peter 3,
06:48 and we're gonna see the experience of the wicked
06:51 when Christ returns.
06:53 It is not a pretty picture that scripture paints.
06:55 2 Peter 3,
06:58 starting with verse 3,
07:01 it says here,
07:04 "Knowing this first that in the last day,
07:06 scoffers will come,
07:08 that scoffers will come in the last days,
07:09 walking according to their own lusts, and saying,
07:12 "Where is the promise of His coming?
07:14 For since the fathers fell asleep,
07:16 all things continue as they were
07:18 from the beginning of creation.'"
07:20 But then he adds, "For this
07:22 they willfully forget..."
07:23 Now I'm not at the age
07:24 where I want to forget anything,
07:26 and praise the Lord, I'm not forgetting too much,
07:27 but I don't know of anybody who chooses to forget.
07:31 But apparently, there are those
07:33 who know something they don't want to know,
07:35 so they willfully forget, and what is it?
07:37 "They willfully forget
07:39 that by the Word of God the heavens were of old,
07:41 and the earth standing out of water and in the water,
07:44 by which the world that then existed perished,
07:47 being flooded with water.
07:48 But the heavens and the earth
07:50 which are now preserved by the same word
07:52 are reserved for fire
07:53 until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
07:58 So notice that these wicked scoffers
08:00 who taunt the coming of Christ do so
08:02 because they know that when He comes,
08:04 they are done.
08:05 It is their destruction.
08:07 The wicked, whenever it comes
08:09 to the return of Jesus,
08:10 don't look forward to it as their great hope.
08:13 They want to willfully forget it.
08:16 Revelation Chapter 6, let's look at another example.
08:20 Revelation Chapter 6,
08:23 we'll begin with verse 14.
08:25 Revelation Chapter 6,
08:29 notice the description of the experience of the wicked
08:31 at the return of Jesus recorded here
08:33 in Revelation 6:14,
08:36 "Then the sky receded
08:37 as a scroll when it is rolled up,
08:39 and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.
08:41 And the kings of the earth,
08:43 the great men, the rich men,
08:45 the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man,
08:49 hid themselves in the caves
08:51 and in the rocks of the mountains,
08:52 and said to the mountains and rocks,
08:54 'Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
08:58 who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
09:02 For the great day of His wrath has come,
09:04 and who is able to stand?'"
09:06 So what is response to the wicked
09:08 when the revelation of Jesus Christ
09:10 is on the eastern sky?
09:11 They run not to Him,
09:12 but from Him to the rocks and the mountains
09:15 crying out fall on us and hide us
09:17 from the face of Him who sits on the throne,
09:19 and from the wrath of the Lamb.
09:21 Do they look forward with the great joy
09:23 to the coming of Jesus?
09:24 No.
09:25 They want to forget it, they want to push it away.
09:27 They are afraid of it.
09:29 In fact, in some of the most graphic language in the Bible,
09:31 Revelation Chapter 19
09:37 describes this experience of the wicked
09:42 at the return of Jesus.
09:44 Revelation 19:11,
09:47 "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse.
09:50 And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True,
09:52 and in righteousness He judges and makes war.
09:55 His eyes were like a flame of fire,
09:57 and on His head were many crowns.
09:59 He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.
10:02 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
10:04 and His name is called The Word of God."
10:06 Friends, there's only one person in the Bible
10:08 who's ever called the Word of God,
10:09 and who is that?
10:11 Jesus Christ, right?
10:12 Verse 14, "And the armies in heaven,
10:15 clothed in fine linen white and clean,
10:17 followed Him on white horses.
10:19 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword,
10:21 that with it He should strike the nations.
10:23 And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.
10:25 He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness
10:28 and wrath of Almighty God.
10:29 And He has on His robe and His thigh a name written,
10:32 King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
10:37 Now this is a description of the return of Jesus
10:42 and the destruction of the wicked.
10:44 In fact, watch how...
10:45 If you were to read through the rest of the verses,
10:47 the destruction is total.
10:51 In fact, by the end of the chapter,
10:53 it says in verse 21,
10:54 "And the rest were killed with the sword
10:56 which proceeded from the mouth of Him
10:58 who sat on the horse.
11:00 And all the birds were filled with their flesh."
11:05 The wicked here are not only fleeing from Jesus,
11:10 but they are destroyed
11:12 with the brightness of His coming,
11:13 with the sword that proceeds from His mouth.
11:19 And it's sad
11:22 as the destruction of the wicked
11:24 that we've just seen described is...
11:29 You could at least say...
11:33 Well, at least when Jesus returns,
11:36 the whole matter is finished.
11:40 Or is it?
11:43 Because if we stay in the Book of Revelation,
11:45 just go to the very next verse,
11:47 Revelation 20:1, it says,
11:52 "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven,
11:55 having the key to the bottomless pit
11:57 and a great chain in his hand."
12:00 Verse 2,
12:01 "He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old,
12:04 who is the Devil and Satan,
12:07 and bound him for a thousand years."
12:11 Now wait a minute,
12:12 all the wicked were destroyed at the coming of Jesus.
12:15 We've seen this in passage after passage after passage.
12:18 Well, I should say almost all the wicked,
12:19 there's at least one
12:21 and presumably his angel host with him,
12:23 who survives the second coming.
12:27 And that is Satan himself.
12:31 And when the angel comes down
12:34 with that great chain,
12:35 he doesn't lay hold to choke him,
12:36 or to whip him, or to beat him,
12:38 it's just to bind him for a thousand years.
12:42 Verse 3,
12:43 "And he cast him into the bottomless pit,
12:44 and shut him up, and set a seal on him,
12:47 so that he should deceive the nations
12:48 no more till the thousand years were finished.
12:52 But after these things,
12:54 he must be released for a little while."
12:58 What in the world is going on?
13:00 You mean to tell me that
13:02 Satan lives through the second coming?
13:06 That the antichrist power that all the wicked,
13:08 the mighty men, the great, all of them are destroyed,
13:11 but Satan,
13:12 the instigator of all wickedness remains.
13:17 Why is Satan, and again
13:20 I assume along with his evil angels,
13:21 the only wicked to survive the second coming.
13:25 I mean, think about it.
13:27 As we walked through the series,
13:28 if unfallen angels and redeemed humanity
13:33 have finally rejected Satan,
13:37 why give him anymore time to live?
13:42 Is he inherently immortal? Can he not be killed?
13:49 Of course not.
13:51 There must be an answer.
13:52 Satan's continued existence beyond the second coming
13:56 only makes sense
13:58 when we understand God's process
14:01 for judging the world.
14:04 Let's go back now to the Old Testament,
14:06 the Book of Ecclesiastes.
14:10 In the Book of Ecclesiastes,
14:13 we read about the judgment of God.
14:19 Ecclesiastes Chapter 12,
14:23 the wisest man ever to live in verses 13 and 14,
14:27 the very conclusion of his reflections here,
14:32 says these words,
14:34 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
14:39 Fear God
14:40 and keep His commandments,
14:42 for this is man's all."
14:45 By the way, that's a fantastic summary
14:47 of our Christian duty.
14:48 Everything God requires of us is very simply,
14:51 fear or love God, and keep His commandments.
14:55 This is man's all.
14:56 Then he answered in verse 14,
14:58 "For God will bring every work into," what?
15:02 "Judgment, including every secret thing,
15:05 whether good or evil."
15:09 So as far back as the Old Testament times,
15:12 there was this understanding
15:14 that there is a judgment to come
15:15 where God will assess
15:19 the choices, the actions, the motives,
15:21 the character of His creatures.
15:25 In the New Testament, in the Book of Acts,
15:28 we see the same thing refer to,
15:30 Acts Chapter 30,
15:33 I mean, Acts 17:30,
15:36 be a long time looking for Acts Chapter 30.
15:38 Acts Chapter 17,
15:41 as the Apostle Paul was speaking to the Athenians
15:44 there at the Areopagus,
15:47 reasoning with them these thinkers,
15:48 these philosophers,
15:50 he explains to them why his message is so timely?
15:56 Acts 17:30,
15:57 "Truly, these times of ignorance
16:00 God overlooked,
16:01 but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
16:05 because He has appointed a day
16:08 on which He will judge the world
16:10 in righteousness
16:12 by the Man who He has ordained.
16:14 He has given assurance of this to all
16:15 by raising Him from the dead."
16:18 Now think about this.
16:20 The Book of Acts is written
16:21 after Jesus died on the cross
16:23 and after He rested in the tomb,
16:25 and after He arose,
16:26 and after He ascended into heaven,
16:29 and yet the Apostle Paul is still looking
16:31 to this great day of judgment as something in the future,
16:35 is he not?
16:36 Ecclesiastes talk about it in the future,
16:38 but it even goes beyond the first coming of Jesus.
16:40 The Apostle Paul says, "He will judge."
16:43 In fact he says, "There is a day as though
16:45 God has a calendar event for this work of judgment."
16:48 There is a day when He will judge the world
16:50 in righteousness by the men
16:53 whom He has ordained.
16:55 Let's go back to the Old Testament,
16:56 Book of Daniel,
16:58 see if we can nail this down a little bit more clearly,
17:00 as Daniel was prophesying
17:05 about the end time events
17:08 of this world.
17:09 Daniel Chapter 7 we are going to now,
17:16 and we'll start with verse 9.
17:18 Daniel Chapter 7, of course, if you recall,
17:21 the Book of Daniel describes the history of the world
17:24 starting the time of Babylon,
17:26 in Chapter 2, it's Babylon,
17:27 Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome as the parts of that image.
17:31 In Daniel Chapter 7, it's the lion,
17:33 the bear, the leopard, and this terrible beast,
17:35 but there's the same sequence,
17:37 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
17:38 then divided Rome and the papal,
17:40 little horn of Rome
17:42 and right after it describes that
17:43 little horn power.
17:46 It says in verse 9,
17:47 "I watched till thrones were put in place,
17:50 and the Ancient of days Was seated,
17:53 His garment was white as snow,
17:55 and the hair of His head was like pure wool.
17:57 His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire.
18:01 A stream issued and came forth from before Him.
18:04 A thousand thousands ministered to Him,
18:06 ten thousand times,
18:07 ten thousands stood before Him.
18:09 The court was seated, and the books were opened."
18:12 Clearly, this is a reference to this great judgment
18:15 that it had been so long predicted.
18:19 Now if you skip down to verse 13,
18:22 you would think, oh, this is at the coming of Jesus,
18:24 this is when this happens,
18:26 but notice what the Bible tells us.
18:28 Daniel continues there in Daniel 7:13,
18:31 "I was watching in the night visions,
18:33 and behold,
18:34 one like the Son of Man,
18:35 coming with the clouds of heaven!"
18:37 And at first blush, you're like, ah-ah,
18:38 there it is, Jesus returns to the earth.
18:41 But no!
18:42 "Coming with the clouds of heaven,
18:44 and they brought Him near before Him."
18:48 Now what did Paul said that God would judge the world
18:50 through the Man He has ordained,
18:52 which is Jesus Christ.
18:54 Well, like we saw here in Daniel
18:55 that judgment seems set up
18:57 where the court is seated and the books are open,
18:59 and now the Son of Man
19:01 is being brought into that judgment hall,
19:04 'cause we read here,
19:06 "Behold, one coming like the Son of Man,
19:07 coming with the clouds of heaven!"
19:08 But where is He coming to?
19:11 And they brought Him near before Him.
19:14 This is not a reference to Jesus coming back.
19:16 Here it's Him
19:17 moving into the work of judgment in heaven.
19:23 Then verse 14 says,
19:25 "Then to Him was given dominion,
19:27 and glory, and a kingdom,
19:29 that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
19:31 His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
19:33 which shall not pass away, and His kingdom
19:36 the one which shall not be destroyed."
19:38 So before Christ receives His kingdom,
19:40 before He returns to this earth,
19:42 He goes into the presence of the Father
19:44 to do that work of judgment.
19:45 My point is simply this.
19:47 The Bible has long anticipated a final judgment
19:51 even after the cross of Christ,
19:55 but notice it does occur before the return of Jesus.
19:59 Okay?
20:01 So the judgment of this world happens after Calvary
20:04 but before the second coming.
20:07 Revelation Chapter 22,
20:08 I think most simply describes it this way.
20:11 Revelation Chapter 22, the very last book,
20:14 the very last chapter of the Bible
20:16 speaks about this issue,
20:18 starting with verse 11.
20:20 And I want you to notice the sequence very clearly,
20:23 the judgment precedes the return of Jesus.
20:27 Revelation 22:11,
20:30 the declaration is heard.
20:32 "He who is unjust,
20:34 let him be unjust still, he who is filthy,
20:37 let him be filthy still,
20:40 he who is righteous,
20:41 let him be righteous still, he who is holy,
20:44 let him be holy still."
20:45 Notice, there is the distinction
20:47 between the righteous, and the wicked, the holy,
20:49 and the filthy that is made.
20:52 Then in verse 12,
20:53 we read, "And behold, I am coming," when?
20:56 "Quickly."
20:58 So clearly, the distinction
21:00 between the righteous and the wicked
21:02 is made prior to Christ's return.
21:04 Is that clear?
21:06 "And behold, I am coming quickly,
21:08 and My reward is with Me,
21:10 to give to every one according to his work."
21:14 So Christ is already determined through that judgment
21:17 that God has ordained be done through Him,
21:19 who is righteous and who is wicked.
21:22 Let's put it this way.
21:23 Christ determines
21:25 who is saved and who is lost
21:26 during the judgment that takes place
21:28 before He returns, yes?
21:31 Now,
21:33 in this what we call pre-advents
21:36 or prior to the coming of Jesus,
21:38 this pre-advent judgment,
21:40 the verdict of every case is rendered
21:44 by Jesus Christ Himself.
21:48 He doesn't bring you and me,
21:49 He doesn't bring us into the deliberations
21:52 of who should be saved and lost.
21:54 Praise the Lord.
21:55 You don't determine whether I'm in or out.
21:57 That's on Jesus Christ and Him alone.
21:59 Amen?
22:01 Praise the Lord.
22:03 And when Jesus returns, of course,
22:05 we know from those familiar passages
22:06 like 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4, let's go there.
22:09 What is the experience of the righteous
22:11 when Jesus returns?
22:13 Unlike the wicked who run from Christ,
22:16 the righteous have a whole different experience.
22:20 Starting with the verse 15,
22:23 "For this we say to you by the Word of the Lord
22:24 that we who are alive and remain
22:26 until the coming of the Lord will be by no means
22:28 precede those who are asleep.
22:30 And He describes the second coming this way,
22:32 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
22:35 with a shout,
22:36 with the voice of an archangel,
22:38 and with the trumpet of God.
22:39 And the dead in Christ will rise first.
22:42 Then we who are alive and remain
22:43 shall be caught up together with them in the clouds
22:46 to meet the Lord in the air.
22:47 And thus, we shall always be with the Lord."
22:50 Therefore, comfort one another with these words.
22:54 So when the righteous experiences
22:55 second coming of Jesus, they don't run from it,
22:57 they, in fact, gravitate to it.
22:59 They are lifted up from this earth
23:01 to join the resurrected saints in the air with Jesus Christ
23:04 to ever be with Him forever more.
23:09 Of course, at the same time,
23:12 while the righteous are being gathered into,
23:14 if you want to say Christ's barn,
23:17 the wicked are bundled together for the burn.
23:22 We saw that in Mathew Chapter 13.
23:23 Go back there again.
23:25 Let's make sure we see this parable once again,
23:27 Mathew Chapter 13.
23:30 Notice what Jesus says in verse 30,
23:33 "Let both grow together until," what event?
23:36 "The harvest," which is a reference
23:37 to the second coming of Jesus.
23:41 "Until the harvest, and at the time of harvest
23:43 I will say to the reapers,
23:44 first, gather together the tares,
23:46 and bind them in bundles to burn them..."
23:49 Now it's here, by the way,
23:51 that I think we should make an interesting point.
23:53 It just doesn't say burn them.
23:54 It says, "Bind them to be burned,"
23:58 right?
23:59 Do you see that distinction?
24:01 "Bind them to be burned,
24:06 but gather the wheat into my barn."
24:08 The wheat go directly into the barn
24:10 with Jesus Christ,
24:11 but the wicked are bundled to be burned.
24:16 Now that's interesting.
24:20 And again, we come back to...
24:23 If the righteous resurrect
24:26 and ascend with Jesus at His coming,
24:28 and the wicked run away and are destroyed,
24:30 and gathered together in the grave
24:33 for their ultimate destruction.
24:37 Then we come back to our question,
24:39 why allow Satan to keep living for,
24:42 according to Revelation 20, another thousand years?
24:50 In fact, let's go back to that Revelation 20,
24:52 which is going to be
24:54 a key passage in this message.
24:57 Notice what it says again about him
24:59 for that thousand years, it doesn't just say,
25:00 for a thousand years and then he'll be destroyed.
25:05 In fact, it says something entirely different.
25:07 It says so that he should deceive the nations,"
25:09 we're in verse 3,
25:11 "should deceive the nations no more
25:13 till the thousand years were finished.
25:15 But after these things he must be released
25:18 for a little while."
25:22 Apparently, and as we keep reading,
25:25 we can find this out.
25:30 The wicked will live again.
25:35 Now why is it so clear
25:37 that Satan can deceive the nations no more
25:39 when he's bound to the earth for the thousand years?
25:42 Because all of the righteous are with Christ in heaven,
25:45 they're not even there,
25:46 and all the wicked have been gathered
25:47 in to the grave
25:50 peremptory to their destruction.
25:53 So all human life is gone
25:57 either in death or ascension.
26:00 So for thousand years, he has no one to tempt,
26:02 but apparently at the end of the thousand years,
26:05 he will be released
26:07 from that chain of circumstances.
26:09 And notice as we keep reading here in 20:4,
26:12 "And I saw thrones, and they sat on them,
26:19 and judgment was committed to them."
26:24 Now wait a minute.
26:26 Is this a judgment that takes place
26:28 after Jesus returns?
26:31 Yes.
26:33 Yes, it is.
26:35 Let's keep reading.
26:38 "Then I saw the souls of those
26:39 who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus,
26:41 and for the Word of God,
26:42 who had not worshipped the beast or his image,
26:44 and had not received his mark
26:46 on their forehead or in their hands,
26:48 and they lived and reigned with Christ
26:49 for a thousand years."
26:51 So during the thousand years,
26:52 those redeemed are going to be entrusted
26:55 with His work of judgment,
26:56 and will come back to that what in the world!
26:59 But look at verse 5, "But the rest of the dead,
27:02 that is the wicked,
27:03 did not live again
27:05 until the thousand years were finished."
27:09 Clearly, the wicked
27:10 who are dead will live again at the end
27:13 of the thousand years.
27:16 He describes,
27:18 this is the first resurrection speaking of those redeemed
27:21 who are seated with Christ
27:24 calls that the first resurrection.
27:25 Verse 6, "Blessed and holy is he
27:27 who has part in the first resurrection,
27:30 over such the second death has no power,
27:34 but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
27:36 and shall reign with him a thousand years."
27:38 Are you telling me that God is going
27:40 to resurrect the wicked
27:42 at the end of the thousand years
27:44 just to kill them again?
27:49 Well!
27:51 Yeah.
27:54 This whole time we've been seeing
27:56 how tender,
27:57 and merciful, and compassionate,
27:59 and longsuffering,
28:00 and gracious the Lord is
28:02 to allow this whole process to go on.
28:05 Why at the end does it end like this?
28:11 How does this millennium in anyway
28:13 demonstrate God's character of love and justice.
28:18 Let's keep studying.
28:23 You know this idea of...
28:25 Look back in Revelation 20:4, remember it says,
28:27 "And I saw thrones and they sat on then."
28:30 Who are the "they" that Christ pulls up a seat,
28:32 a throne in heaven for
28:34 at the beginning of the thousand years
28:36 or after Christ's return?
28:39 It says, "And judgment was committed to them."
28:42 Who are "they" in them?
28:44 Well, it said, verse, the next sentence,
28:46 "Then I saw the souls of those
28:47 who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus
28:49 and for the Word of God,
28:50 who had not worshipped the beast or his image,
28:53 and had not receive his mark
28:54 on their forehead or on their hands,
28:56 and they lived and reigned with Christ
28:59 for a thousand years."
29:01 So clearly, this is a group of the redeemed, is it not?
29:04 These are people who have been brought
29:05 out of that tribulation
29:07 who will remain faithful to God,
29:09 and the saved, the elect, this redeemed group
29:13 are now entrusted by Christ
29:16 with the work of judgment.
29:20 Now wait a minute.
29:21 Didn't we say that
29:23 the verdict of every case was rendered by Christ alone
29:25 before He comes?
29:26 Yes.
29:29 Then what is this judgment all about?
29:32 Well, first of all, it'll be helpful to know
29:34 that this is not the only place in the Bible
29:35 that speaks of this judgment.
29:37 Let's go back and see what the Paul Apostle says.
29:39 Go to 1 Corinthians 4.
29:43 1 Corinthians Chapter 4,
29:52 speaking to the brothers and sisters
29:53 there in Corinth
29:55 and taking about this work of judgment,
29:58 we find 1 Corinthians Chapter 4,
30:02 where he says this almost odd statement.
30:06 He says, "Therefore judge," how much?
30:09 "Nothing."
30:11 And if only he'd stopped there with us, that's right,
30:13 we should not judge anything.
30:15 That's not what he's saying, he says,
30:16 "Judge nothing before the time..."
30:21 Whoa! Wait a minute.
30:23 Notice he's not talking to Jesus Christ,
30:26 he's talking to the brothers and sisters in Corinth,
30:28 the Church of God on the earth,
30:30 he's saying "Judge nothing before the time."
30:35 And what time is that?
30:36 He says it,
30:38 "until," what event?
30:40 "The Lord comes."
30:43 So apparently, there will be a judgment
30:45 that happens,
30:46 at that time,
30:48 when the Lord comes
30:49 that the redeemed from the earth
30:51 will participate in.
30:55 "Therefore judge nothing before the time,
30:57 until the Lord comes,
31:00 who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness
31:03 and reveal the counsels of the heart.
31:06 Then each one's praise will come from God."
31:10 Now, why does the Bible tell us
31:13 that we should not judge one another?
31:17 It's because we don't have all the information,
31:21 plus we've got some simple hearts and tendencies
31:23 that would be bad in judgment.
31:24 It's a good idea for us not to judge one another.
31:26 I can't tell you whether you're going to heaven or hell.
31:29 I can hope and pray,
31:31 and urge, and plead, and appeal,
31:33 but that's between you and the Lord,
31:35 and there's things on the inside of you
31:36 that I will never have access to,
31:37 I can't read your mind, I don't know your heart,
31:39 I don't know your true character
31:40 and motives.
31:41 The God of all heaven and earth,
31:44 the Creator of every intelligent being,
31:46 He not only sees to you, He sees through you,
31:48 does He not?
31:50 The Bible tells that the man looks
31:51 at the outward appearance, but God looks on the where?
31:54 The heart.
31:55 So He is our judge because He knows the truth.
32:04 But apparently, there will be a time,
32:07 and that time is when the Lord comes,
32:10 when He will reveal
32:12 and bring to light the hidden things of darkness
32:15 and the counsels of the heart.
32:18 Interesting.
32:20 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 6,
32:22 staying right in the same book,
32:23 the Apostle Paul returns to this concept of the redeems'
32:28 participation in Christ work of judgment after He returns.
32:33 1 Corinthians Chapter 6.
32:36 Apparently, they were doing
32:38 some very not so Christian Christ like things in Corinth
32:42 and he was a little ashamed of them and aghast,
32:43 and he gave them his counsel.
32:45 He says in verse1, in 1 Corinthian Chapter 6,
32:48 "Dare any of you,
32:49 having a matter against another,
32:51 go to law before the unrighteous,
32:53 and not before the saints?"
32:55 Apparently, they are taking each other to court
32:57 and suing each other,
32:58 and having the local magistrates
33:00 in secular courts deal out
33:02 punishment, or justice,
33:03 or reward for things
33:05 that were happening inside the church family.
33:07 Can you imagine such a thing?
33:10 Paul says, "What are you doing?"
33:11 In fact, in verse 2, he says,
33:13 "Do you not know."
33:15 There's that phrase again, I love of the Apostle Paul,
33:16 "Do you not know,"
33:19 this should be common sense for the Christian,
33:20 he says, "Do you not know
33:23 that the saints will judge,"
33:25 what?
33:27 "The world?"
33:33 Wasn't the Apostle Paul aware of the coming judgment
33:35 where the saints would be participants?
33:37 Yes.
33:39 He says, "Do you not know
33:40 that the saints will judge the world?
33:42 And he makes the application,
33:43 "If the world will be judged by you,
33:45 are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?"
33:49 By the way, do you notice him saying,
33:50 "You should judge things, just not people."
33:54 My fear a little aside,
33:57 is it in our zeal to not be judgmental?
34:00 We have lost the ability to be judicious.
34:05 God expects us to think through things
34:08 to know right from wrong,
34:09 to inspect the fruit of something
34:11 and see if it is worthy,
34:14 to have discernment and judicial
34:15 to practice righteous judgment
34:17 because there's a responsibility coming
34:21 in the life to come.
34:22 He comes back to this in verse 3,
34:24 "Do you not know
34:26 that we shall judge angels?
34:31 How much more,
34:32 things that pertain to this life?"
34:36 Clearly, Paul understood
34:39 that there would be a judgment to come
34:42 in the future life.
34:48 Let's go to the great Book of Psalms.
34:50 The 149th Psalm,
34:53 right there to the very end of the book.
35:00 We're going to read the whole Psalm,
35:01 all nine verses of it.
35:06 But it is my belief that this passage
35:13 is speaking
35:16 from the perspective of the redeemed
35:21 during the time of this judgment
35:25 that we've been talking about, the post-advent judgment,
35:27 the one after Jesus returns.
35:31 Psalm 149, we'll begin with verse 1,
35:34 and you will notice a stark contrast,
35:36 two competing ideas that live together.
35:40 Psalm 149:1, "Praise the Lord!
35:44 Sing to the Lord a new song,
35:46 and His praise in the assembly of saints.
35:49 Let Israel rejoice in their Maker,
35:51 let the children of Zion be joyful in their King.
35:54 Then men let them praise His name with the dance,
35:58 let them sing praises to Him with the timbrel and harp.
36:01 For the Lord takes pleasure in His people,
36:03 He will beautify the humble with salvation."
36:07 So it's clearly talking about the praises of those
36:09 who are redeemed and saved.
36:12 It continues in verse 5.
36:14 "Let the saints be joyful in glory,
36:17 let them sing aloud on their beds."
36:19 Verse 6,
36:20 "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,
36:23 and...
36:26 a two-edged sword in their hand."
36:31 Now up until verse 6, everything is about the joy,
36:33 and the singing, and the praising,
36:35 and everything is wonderful, then all of a sudden,
36:36 they are apparently dancing around
36:38 with swords in their hand.
36:40 Why?
36:44 Well, it tells us,
36:47 "To execute vengeance on the nations,
36:51 and punishments on the peoples.
36:59 To bind their kings with chains,
37:04 and their nobles with fetters of iron.
37:08 To execute on them the written judgment,
37:12 this honor have all His saints.
37:16 Praise the Lord."
37:22 Please note,
37:25 the work that they are to do is not to write the judgment.
37:29 The judgment is already been written, right?
37:33 But their work is to execute on them,
37:36 the written judgment.
37:37 The verdict is already been rendered.
37:39 What now needs to take place
37:43 is the deliberation over the sentence.
37:47 You know, even in earthly courts,
37:49 judgment takes place in multiple phases, right?
37:54 When someone goes into the court
37:56 for the first time
37:57 having been accused of a crime, there's a trial,
37:59 there's an investigation of the facts
38:01 to find out the truth and at the end of it,
38:03 a verdict is rendered.
38:06 You have an investigative judgment,
38:08 and you have a verdict being rendered
38:10 declaring guilt or innocence.
38:13 Yes?
38:15 Friends, in the spiritual realm,
38:17 this is true as well.
38:18 Christ is our judge
38:19 and He is currently undergoing this work
38:23 of what we call the investigative judgment,
38:25 the pre-advent judgment
38:27 determining the verdict of every case
38:31 brought before Him,
38:32 who is saved and who is lost,
38:34 the unjust or the just,
38:37 the holy or the filthy.
38:41 But then,
38:45 according to Revelation Chapter 20,
38:47 "He brings the redeemed into His counsels,
38:50 pulls up a seat of judgment, a throne to share with Him,
38:55 and the saints will judge the world."
38:58 And so again I ask you,
39:00 if the verdict is already been rendered for every case,
39:04 unless we do a little deductive thinking here.
39:08 If...
39:14 the verdict of every case is already been rendered,
39:19 and the determination is made as to who is saved and lost,
39:21 and the evidence is clear
39:24 because the righteous are the ones
39:26 who have already been taken to heaven,
39:28 and the wicked are the ones
39:30 who have already been bound in the grave.
39:34 The question they are wrestling
39:36 is not who is saved and who is lost?
39:39 Jesus Christ made that determination,
39:42 rendered the verdict,
39:43 and gave the reward at His coming, right?
39:46 Either eternal life
39:47 or gathered in the grave.
39:50 So if that's the case,
39:53 the only thing left to do
39:55 is render a sentence for each case.
40:00 You'll find this passage in the Great Controversy,
40:02 page 661.
40:09 At this time,
40:10 speaking of a direct commentary on Revelation Chapter 20
40:14 in that thousand year millennium time phrase,
40:17 timeframe that follows the coming of Jesus.
40:21 Again, Great Controversy, page 661,
40:24 "At this time,
40:25 the righteous reign as kings and priests unto God.
40:31 John in the Revelation says, 'I saw thrones,
40:34 and they sat upon them,
40:35 and judgment was given unto them.'
40:38 'They shall be priests of God and of Christ,
40:40 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
40:43 It is at this time that, as foretold by Paul,
40:47 'The saints shall judge the world.'"
40:50 Notice, she's taking all the same scripture
40:51 we just looked at and piling together
40:53 doing a Bible study.
40:56 Then she adds the clarifying explanation.
41:01 "In union with Christ,
41:03 they just the wicked,
41:08 comparing their acts with the statute book,
41:12 the Bible,
41:14 and deciding every case
41:16 according to the deeds done in the body."
41:20 Now notice it does not say,
41:21 they're judging the people to determine
41:23 who is righteous and who is wicked.
41:26 They're judging the wicked because they are righteous.
41:29 That determination has already been made.
41:32 So what there is left to do?
41:37 She adds, "Then the portion
41:39 which the wicked must suffer is meted out,
41:42 according to their works,
41:45 and it is recorded against their names
41:47 in the book of death."
41:53 You know,
41:55 when we talk about the destruction
41:56 of the wicked
41:57 and we sometimes refer to it as the fire of hell
41:59 or whatever you want to call it,
42:01 the lake of fire, it's fine.
42:02 But we're talking about the same thing,
42:03 the destruction of the wicked.
42:09 There is one notion that many, many Christians
42:12 adhere to that praise the Lord is not found in the Bible,
42:15 and that is that the wicked suffer interminable,
42:19 unending, unrelenting torture
42:22 for eternity without end.
42:26 They referred to as the eternal burning hell,
42:28 right?
42:29 That they can suffer, but can never die,
42:32 that God keeps them alive just to hurt them.
42:36 That if they sin for 7 years or 70 years,
42:38 it doesn't matter, they all get that same eternity
42:43 condemnation.
42:46 And again, I praise the Lord
42:48 that concept is not found in the Word of God.
42:50 Amen?
42:52 But does that mean
42:54 that everybody is going to live forever?
42:55 No.
42:59 And sometimes,
43:01 even devoted Bible teachers
43:05 in an effort to disabuse our minds
43:08 of that incorrect notion
43:11 will infer another incorrect idea
43:14 and that is that the wicked
43:16 will be immediately destroyed without any hesitation.
43:19 Shoo, they're gone.
43:24 But that's not what the Bible teaches either.
43:30 It seems like we have to choose,
43:31 either they will suffer for eternity
43:33 forever, and ever, and ever
43:35 or they will be instantaneously evaporated
43:39 with no suffering whatsoever,
43:43 when the truth is somewhere in between.
43:47 Now, one of the two things you would think
43:48 that those are completely opposite views,
43:50 but interestingly enough,
43:51 they have several things in common.
43:53 Number one,
43:54 neither it's found in scripture.
43:58 Number two,
44:00 is that they have this one other common problem
44:04 is that they are both one size fits all.
44:11 That here it doesn't matter
44:12 how heinous of a crime you have done,
44:13 how wicked of a life you've lead,
44:17 you get the exact same punishment as someone,
44:20 you know,
44:22 who's rejected Christ but wasn't out there
44:24 murdering people, and raping, and pillaging,
44:27 and all these other horrendous things.
44:32 I mean, think about it this way.
44:34 If they would say a 28-year old kid,
44:36 who is rebellious in his heart
44:37 and he was just mean to everybody,
44:38 and he just had a bad attitude,
44:40 and he just rejected every prompting of the Holy Spirit,
44:42 and he was just
44:44 tragically killed in a car accident.
44:49 Does he deserve the same punishment
44:51 though he is equally lost as a...
44:54 I don't know, Hitler?
44:58 Or let's even raise the ante even more,
45:00 as Satan himself?
45:04 Of course not.
45:06 You don't have to be even righteous to think that,
45:08 even the most secular-minded magistrate
45:10 in this world would say,
45:12 "Wait a minute, that's not fair,
45:13 there's got to be some sort of differentiated culpability,
45:15 there's got to be some designation,
45:16 there has to be a hierarchy of sentencing.
45:19 We can't just give one size fits all
45:21 for the shoplifter and the murderer,
45:25 there has to be degrees,
45:26 and it has to be individually apportioned.
45:32 So while, in the end,
45:34 their final destruction is just as permanent,
45:37 the destroying is differentiated.
45:43 And the same thing on this side.
45:46 If the destruction of the wicked is instantaneous
45:48 with no suffering whatsoever,
45:49 so you gonna tell me that Satan has sinned
45:51 for 6,000 years
45:52 and doesn't have to suffer at all?
45:57 That's not biblical or fair.
46:02 The only fair system is to have
46:06 an individualized process,
46:08 where every account is individually,
46:11 distinctively judged
46:15 apart from all others.
46:20 And for some reason, in God's wisdom,
46:22 for this phase of the judgment,
46:24 He brings the redeemed to the table,
46:27 and says work with me now.
46:28 He doesn't turn over the keys and says,
46:30 "I'll be back in the thousand years,
46:31 whatever you guys come up with, I'm good with."
46:32 No, no, no.
46:34 It says, "In union with Christ,
46:36 they judge the wicked."
46:43 I believe He does this to demonstrate His wisdom,
46:47 and His justice, and His love.
46:54 The redeemed are unique in all of heaven's
46:57 inhabitants at this point
47:00 because they are the only ones
47:02 who have ever been sinners themselves.
47:06 Gabriel has watched from the courts of heaven,
47:09 he has seen the result of rebellion
47:13 in his own experience there with Lucifer
47:15 and third of the angels who fell in.
47:18 He witnessed the death of Christ on the cross,
47:20 but he doesn't know
47:22 what it's like to have been in that pits
47:25 and been redeemed out.
47:28 And dare I say it, "Even Christ,
47:33 though He was tempted in all points as we are,"
47:36 what does the scripture say?
47:37 "Yet was without sin."
47:40 Now He became sin for us and He took upon Him our sin,
47:44 praise God,
47:46 but He never sinned.
47:51 The redeemed are the only citizens
47:53 of God's kingdom
47:55 who have ever rebelled and come back home.
47:59 Now why is that important?
48:05 Now, let me tell you something.
48:06 As I mentioned before,
48:08 I have no intention of being lost.
48:10 Amen.
48:11 I want to be part of the redeemed
48:13 on that side of it, right?
48:15 But if,
48:16 by some fault of my own,
48:19 I spurn the Lord's redemption
48:22 and find myself awaking in the wrong resurrection,
48:29 and I have to face the judgment bar of God
48:31 to receive sentencing.
48:36 I don't want Gabriel in the deliberations
48:42 'cause he's never been where I've been.
48:47 Friends, there's only two people
48:48 I want at that judgment bar
48:50 if my name were to come up,
48:53 and that is my Savior Jesus Christ
48:57 and my own mother.
49:03 Why do I want mom there?
49:06 I want the most sympathetic sentence
49:11 ever imagined in the heart of man.
49:20 I imagined it will go something like this
49:22 and again I could be wrong but,
49:26 that Christ will come to the redeemed and say,
49:27 "Look, I'm going to open up the books of heaven,
49:29 the counsels of the heart,
49:31 show you what was really going on
49:32 inside of each person who's not here."
49:35 And I want you to think about,
49:37 what would be a fair discipline,
49:40 what would be a fair punishment,
49:42 I should say?
49:43 Discipline's got in a bad rap.
49:45 God always disciplines
49:46 with the idea of redemption in mind,
49:48 but this isn't redemptive, this is punitive.
49:54 We have all these different cases,
49:56 take a look.
49:57 First of all, I want you to understand
49:59 why they are not there?
50:00 And second of all, I want you to tell me,
50:02 what would be just,
50:03 what would be fair in their destruction?
50:08 And I imagined after deliberations go on,
50:10 for each name Jesus Christ has a sealed envelope.
50:15 And when the sentence is rendered for each case,
50:18 He says, "Right now open the envelope.
50:21 I want you to see what I chose to give them
50:24 as a punishment."
50:27 And lo and behold, for each single case,
50:31 what He came up with
50:32 is just as sympathetic as what we came up with.
50:37 It'll be demonstrated
50:38 that nothing more could have been done
50:42 to be fairer or more righteous
50:45 in God's own process of judgment
50:47 that He set up as outlined in His book.
50:51 Removing all doubt,
50:53 as to His fairness and justice,
50:54 Christ invites the redeemed,
50:56 the only inhabitants of heaven
50:58 who can fully sympathize with the wicked
51:01 into His deliberations about the destruction of the lost.
51:05 Thus, when we go back to Revelation 12:20,
51:11 we see these words, verse 7,
51:13 "Now when the thousand years have expired,
51:15 Satan will be released from his prison
51:17 and will go out to deceive the nations
51:19 which are in the four corners of the earth,
51:20 Gog and Magog,
51:22 to gather them together for battle,
51:23 whose number is as the sand of the sea."
51:27 Some of the most discouraging lines
51:28 in all the scripture,
51:30 whose number is as the sand of the sea.
51:32 "Then they went up on the breadth of the earth
51:34 and surrounded the camp of the saints
51:35 and the beloved city.
51:37 And fire came down from God out of heaven
51:39 and devoured them."
51:40 "The devil who deceived them
51:41 was cast into lake of fire and brimstone,
51:43 where the beast and the false prophet are,
51:44 and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."
51:47 We can talk about that,
51:48 but their torment is until the end,
51:50 not without end.
51:54 But notice they arise from their grave
51:56 and Satan leads them into battle
51:57 to take on the city of God,
52:00 and it would appear that immediately
52:01 fire comes down and kills them.
52:05 But here's something it's interesting
52:07 about the resurrection of the wicked in that time
52:09 in the universe's history.
52:10 This is the only time
52:12 ever when all of God's created intelligences,
52:17 both righteous and wicked will be gathered together
52:19 at the same time, in the same place.
52:21 It's the only time it ever happens.
52:24 And the righteous would have an opportunity
52:26 to see the wisdom of God's judgments.
52:30 The angels would have an opportunity.
52:33 The only group of people
52:35 who has not seen the wisdom of God
52:38 is the wicked themselves.
52:40 And thus we read in verse 11,
52:42 "Then I saw the great white throne,
52:44 and him who sat on it,
52:45 from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away,
52:47 and there was found no place for them.
52:49 And I saw the dead, small and great,
52:51 standing before God, and books were opened.
52:53 And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.
52:55 And the dead were judged according to their works,"
52:57 over and over, you see that refrain,
52:59 according to their works,
53:00 it's an individualized personal judgment.
53:03 "By the things which were written in the books.
53:05 The sea gave up the dead who were in it,
53:07 and Death and Hades delivered up the dead
53:09 who were in them.
53:10 And they were judged,
53:12 each one according to his works.
53:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.
53:17 This is the second death."
53:19 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
53:21 was cast into the lake of fire.
53:26 The wicked are the only ones who have yet to see
53:27 the contrast between Christ and Satan.
53:30 God saw the rebellion in Satan's heart from day one
53:32 and cast him out of heaven.
53:34 The angel saw the truth about the character of God
53:36 and the character of Satan at Calvary,
53:38 and they rejected Satan.
53:40 By God's grace, we the redeemed,
53:42 see in Calvary the same contrast,
53:44 and we have cast or casting,
53:47 you know, any sympathy for Satan
53:48 that might remain out of our hearts,
53:50 but even the wicked need an opportunity
53:52 to see the truth for themselves.
53:56 This isn't another chance at salvation,
53:57 this is simply time to understand
54:00 why they are lost.
54:03 The wicked see
54:05 that they would not be satisfied
54:07 living in God's pure kingdom.
54:08 You noticed by the way, what's the first thing they do
54:10 when they resurrect?
54:11 They charge the city.
54:13 Friends, do you think that the wicked would like to live
54:14 for eternity in a city of gold?
54:17 Sure.
54:19 They want the kingdom,
54:21 but they don't want the King.
54:29 Friends, it's a simple deduction,
54:30 but heaven comes with Jesus.
54:37 And they don't love Jesus.
54:41 In the Great Controversy,
54:43 we read these words from page 670,
54:45 "For thousands of years,
54:47 this chief of conspiracy has palmed off
54:48 falsehood for truth.
54:50 But the time has now come
54:52 when the rebellion is to be finally defeated
54:53 and the history and character of Satan disclosed.
54:56 In his last great effort to dethrone Christ,
54:59 destroy His people,
55:00 and take possession of the City of God,
55:02 the archdeceiver has been fully unmasked.
55:06 Those who have united with him,
55:08 see the total failure of his cause.
55:11 Christ's followers and the loyal angels
55:13 behold the full extent of his machinations
55:15 against the government of God.
55:17 He is the object of universal abhorrence.
55:20 Satan sees that his voluntary rebellion
55:22 has unfitted him for heaven.
55:25 He has trained his powers to war against God
55:28 the purity, peace, and harmony of heaven
55:31 would be to him supreme torture.
55:35 His accusations against the mercy
55:37 and justice of God are now silenced.
55:42 The reproach which he has endeavored
55:44 to cast upon Jehovah rests wholly upon himself.
55:47 And now Satan bows down
55:49 and confesses the justice of his sentence."
55:55 You know the Bible talks about that
55:56 when every knee and every tongue,
55:59 every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess,
56:02 it doesn't say every righteous' knee,
56:03 it says every knee,
56:04 that includes the wicked as well.
56:07 And not out of love, and not out of contrition,
56:09 and not out of genuine repentance
56:10 but by the sheer inescapable weight of evidence,
56:16 they will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.
56:22 And in that moment they will say,
56:25 you know what? "I'd rather not be
56:29 than have to live and be with you."
56:39 They confess the justice of their sins,
56:41 they are like, "Yeah,
56:43 that's about right."
56:46 Continue on, we read, Great Controversy 670,
56:49 "Every question of truth and error
56:50 in the long-standing controversy
56:52 has now been made plain.
56:53 The results of rebellion,
56:55 the fruits of setting aside
56:56 the divine statutes, have been laid open
56:58 to view of all created intelligences.
57:01 The working out of Satan's rule in contrast
57:03 with the government of God has been presented
57:04 to the whole universe.
57:06 Satan's own works have condemned him.
57:08 God's wisdom, His justice,
57:10 and goodness stand fully vindicated.
57:12 It is seen that all His dealings
57:14 in the great controversy
57:15 have been conducted with respect
57:16 to the eternal good of His people
57:18 and the good of all the worlds that He has created.
57:20 The history of sin will stand to all eternity as a witness
57:23 that with the existence of God's law
57:24 is bound up the happiness of all beings He has created.
57:28 With all the facts
57:30 of the great controversy in view,
57:31 the whole universe, both loyal and rebellious,
57:33 with one accord declare: 'Just and true are Thy ways,
57:37 Thou King of saints.'"
57:41 Friends, God's going to take every one to heaven
57:45 who would be happy there.
57:48 That's the burden of this life, to learn to love Jesus.
57:51 So we're gonna live with Him for eternity.
57:54 Let's bow our heads.
57:55 Heavenly Father,
57:56 thank You for Your plan of salvation
57:59 and thank You for Jesus, for we pray it in Jesus' name.
58:04 Amen.


Revised 2019-05-23