Secrets Unsealed Miniseries

God on Trial: Job and the Messiah

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SUM

Program Code: SUM000017

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:38 Father in heaven, we thank you so much
00:40 for the opportunity of being here today
00:42 to study this magnificent book of Job.
00:46 We ask Father for the presence of your Holy Spirit.
00:49 Give us clarity of thought and give us willingness of heart
00:53 to receive the word that You will plant
00:57 and we ask this in the precious name
00:59 of Your beloved son Jesus, amen.
01:04 In our last study together, we analyzed the story
01:07 of this great patriarch Job and today in part II
01:12 we want to study the story of Job
01:16 from a different perspective.
01:18 We want to look at the messianic meaning
01:22 of the Book of Job,
01:24 because the Book of Job really is not only about Job.
01:28 It's first of all about Job, secondly about Jesus
01:34 and in the third place about what will happen to God's people
01:38 when they go through the end time tribulation.
01:42 Now, what I'm saying is that the Book of Job is actually
01:46 a type of what would happen with Jesus, a type of Christ.
01:52 Now we need to understand
01:53 that a type is never as perfect
01:55 as the fulfillment or the anti type.
01:58 In other words, Job is a sinful human being
02:02 who becomes an illustration of the experience
02:05 that Jesus would go through.
02:07 Now there are other types of Jesus
02:09 in the Old Testament as well, you know we have David,
02:12 Joseph and other individuals
02:14 in the Old Testament that prefigured
02:16 what Jesus would do in his life time.
02:18 And Job is no exception to this rule
02:23 that the Old Testament characters
02:25 are types or illustrations of Jesus Christ.
02:29 In other words, Job foreshadows the experience of Jesus
02:33 who would come about 2,000 years after this story transpired.
02:40 Now, something that we need to remember
02:42 about the first study that we had together
02:45 and that is that the entire heavenly council is observing
02:50 what is taking place in the story of Job.
02:53 In other words, this story is transpiring in-
02:58 on earth but it's been seen or it's been witnessed in heaven,
03:03 because God is trying to prove a very important point.
03:07 We also notice in our last study,
03:10 that Satan was the culprit working behind the scenes.
03:14 Job did not understand this,
03:17 but the story is very clear that all of the calamities
03:20 that Job suffered came to him as a result
03:23 of the work of Satan behind the scenes.
03:27 In other words, it was Satan who unleashed
03:30 all of the powers of hell against this man.
03:34 And as we noticed in the first study on Job,
03:37 the purpose of Satan's work was to lead Job
03:43 to let go of his relationship with God.
03:47 In other words, it was to prove before the universe
03:50 that Job served God not because he loved God
03:54 but because of everything that God did for him,
03:58 because God helped him and God prospered him.
04:01 So we are gonna take a look at the story of Job
04:04 from the perspective of the Messiah.
04:06 In other words, we are going to draw
04:08 a parallel between this Old Testament patriarch
04:11 and the experience of Jesus Christ.
04:14 The first point that I would like us to notice
04:16 is the moral uprightness of Job.
04:21 We are told in Job 1:8
04:24 the following about this great patriarch.
04:27 And by way, these are the words of the Lord.
04:31 It says, "Then the Lord said to Satan,
04:34 "Have you considered My servant Job,
04:37 that there is none like him on the earth,
04:39 a blameless and upright man,
04:43 one who fears God and shuns evil?"
04:47 Notice the description, He was blameless, upright,
04:51 he feared God and He shunned evil.
04:55 In other words, he had a sterling moral character.
04:59 Now, Jesus also had a sterling character,
05:04 moral character.
05:06 We find in the Book of Hebrews 7:26
05:10 a description of that character of Jesus.
05:14 We are told there in Hebrews 7:26
05:18 "For such a High Priest was fitting for us,
05:22 who is holy, harmless,
05:26 undefiled, separate from sinners,
05:30 and has become higher than the heavens."
05:33 Notice the description of the character of Jesus holy,
05:36 harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.
05:39 Very similar to the description that we find in Job 1:8
05:44 and which is repeated also in Job Chapter 2
05:48 the first couple of verses.
05:50 Another parallel that we notice
05:51 between Job and Jesus is the fact
05:55 that Job was a very rich man.
05:58 In fact, he was the richest man
06:00 in all of the east according to Job Chapter 1.
06:04 And of course we all know
06:06 that Jesus was the owner of the universe.
06:09 And we also know that Job lost all of his riches.
06:13 And Jesus also gave up all of His riches.
06:17 Notice 2 Corinthians 8:9, 2 Corinthians 8:9
06:23 speaks about the riches of Jesus
06:25 and how Jesus gave up those riches
06:27 to come to this world.
06:29 We are told there by the Apostle Paul.
06:31 "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
06:36 that though He was rich,
06:39 for your sakes He became poor,
06:41 that you through His poverty might become rich."
06:47 So very clearly the Apostle Paul tells us
06:49 that Jesus was rich, but Jesus became poor.
06:54 And according to scripture, He not only became poor,
06:57 He became the poorest of the poor.
07:00 He took the place of a servant
07:02 and He even humbled Himself more than a servant
07:05 dying the death of the cross.
07:09 Another interesting parallel
07:10 that we notice between Job and Jesus
07:13 is the fact that both of them
07:15 lost the support of their own family.
07:18 Their own family did not understand
07:21 the experience that they were going through.
07:24 Notice Job 19:13-15,
07:28 Job 19:13- 15
07:33 speaking about job we find this words
07:37 Speaking about God,
07:39 "He has removed my brothers far from me,
07:45 and my acquaintances are completely estranged from me.
07:51 My relatives have failed,
07:53 and my close friends have forgotten me.
07:57 Those who dwell in my house,
07:59 and my maidservants, count me as a stranger,
08:04 I am an alien in their sight."
08:08 In other words, forsaken by His own family,
08:10 misunderstood by His relatives and by His acquaintances.
08:16 Now, we find several instances in the gospels
08:19 that Jesus was also misunderstood.
08:21 We have for example in Mark Chapter 13,
08:24 the mother of Jesus and His brothers come
08:27 because they want to take Jesus home
08:29 because they feel that Jesus
08:30 is going to have a nervous breakdown.
08:32 Obviously, they don't understand His mission,
08:35 and in fact, in John 7:5
08:39 we find this very telling short statement.
08:43 John says, "For even His brothers
08:46 did not believe in Him."
08:50 Even His brothers did not believe in Him,
08:52 just as happened with the patriarch Job.
08:57 Another interesting parallel
08:58 is that Job was not only forsaken
09:01 by his relatives and his family,
09:03 he was also forsaken by his friends.
09:07 Notice Job 19:and I'm going to read verse 19
09:12 and verses 21 and 22.
09:14 Job 19:19 and then verses 21 and 22.
09:21 Here Job is speaking and he says,
09:23 "All my close friends abhor me,
09:28 and those whom I love have turned against me."
09:33 Verse 21, " Have pity on me, have pity on me,
09:38 O you my friends, for the hand of God has struck me!
09:44 Why do you persecute me as God does,
09:47 and are not satisfied with my flesh?
09:51 So we find in this passage
09:52 that Job is actually persecuted by his own friends.
09:57 He is forsaken by his friends, not only by his family.
10:01 Now it's interesting to notice
10:03 that Job was especially forsaken by three very close friends.
10:08 You can find that at the end of Chapter 2.
10:11 Now, we find in the New Testament
10:13 that Jesus also had three very close friends
10:17 among the disciples.
10:19 They were called Peter, James and John.
10:23 Notice Mark 14:33 and then we are going to read verse 50.
10:28 Mark 14:33 and then we will read verse 50.
10:34 It says here, "And He took Peter, James, and John with Him,
10:41 and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed."
10:45 Notice that he took three disciples to be with Him
10:48 in His greatest sufferings in the Garden of Gethsemane.
10:52 A little bit later on in verse 50
10:55 we find that these three close friends
10:57 as well as the other disciples forsook Him.
11:01 In fact, it says in verse 50,
11:03 "Then they all forsook Him and fled."
11:08 It's interesting also to notice
11:10 that Job even though God said
11:12 that he was blameless and upright
11:14 and he feared God and he rejected evil.
11:18 He was accused by his enemies as being a great sinner.
11:22 Notice the words of Eliphaz to Job 22:4 and 5,
11:28 Job 22:4 and 5.
11:34 Here Eliphaz says to Job,
11:37 "Is it because of your fear of Him
11:39 that He reproves you,
11:41 and enters into judgment with you?"
11:44 In other words, is it really because you fear God
11:46 that all of these things are happening to you.
11:49 Notice verse 5, "Is not your wickedness great,
11:53 and your iniquity without end?"
11:57 In other words, it's not because you fear God,
12:00 it's because you are iniquitous that these things,
12:03 these calamites are falling upon you.
12:06 Do you know that this is the very accusation
12:08 that was made against Jesus
12:10 when He hung on the cross by His enemies?
12:12 They said if this man was of God,
12:14 he wouldn't be going through all of these sufferings
12:16 that he is going through now.
12:18 In fact, allow me to read you a passage
12:20 that we find in The Desire of Ages,
12:22 pages 60 and 61.
12:24 Once again, The Desire of Ages, pages 60 and 61,
12:28 this magnificent biography of Jesus written by Ellen White.
12:33 Notice what she says,
12:35 "Satanic agencies confederated with evil men
12:41 in leading the people to believe Christ the chief of sinners,
12:46 and to make Him the object of detestation."
12:51 Detestation means, somebody to be rejected,
12:54 somebody to be refused.
12:57 So notice, satanic agencies confederated with evil men
13:01 just like in the story of Job.
13:03 In leading the people to believe Christ the chief of sinners,
13:06 and to make Him the object of detestation.
13:10 She continues saying, "Those who mocked Christ
13:13 as He hung upon the cross
13:16 were imbued with the spirit of the first great rebel.
13:21 He filled them with vile and loathsome speeches.
13:25 He inspired their taunts.
13:27 So notice that the enemies,
13:29 the enemies of Jesus taunted Him,
13:33 the enemies of Jesus filled their,
13:35 their mouths with satanic arguments
13:38 just like happened with the friends of Job
13:40 and with the enemies of Job.
13:43 Another interesting parallel between Job and Jesus
13:46 is the fact that both of them were physically disfigured.
13:51 Notice for example,
13:53 the description that is given up in Job,
13:54 in Job 2:7 and 8, Job 2:7 and 8,
14:02 it says there, "So Satan went out
14:04 from the presence of the Lord,
14:07 and struck Job with painful boils
14:09 from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.
14:13 And he took for himself a potsherd,
14:16 that is a peace of pottery.
14:17 "With which to scrape himself
14:19 while he sat in the midst of the ashes."
14:23 Very interesting here,
14:25 that Job had to scratch himself with a potsherd
14:29 and we find a little bit later in the story
14:32 that when the three friends of Job come to visit him to-
14:35 to comfort him they actually don't recognize him
14:38 because he is so physically disfigured
14:41 according to the last couple of verses of Job Chapter2.
14:45 Now, what about Jesus?
14:47 Notice Isaiah 52:14
14:51 on the physical aspects of Jesus.
14:56 It says in Isaiah 52:14
15:00 "Just as many were astonished at you,
15:05 so His visage was marred more than any man."
15:10 Notice that the visage of Jesus was marred more than any man,
15:14 this is a messianic prophecy.
15:16 It says, "And His form more than the sons of men."
15:21 So this text indicates that Jesus was actually
15:25 disfigured in His sufferings in this earth.
15:29 Notice, Isaiah 53:2,
15:33 speaking once again about the Messiah,
15:35 "For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant,
15:39 and as a root out of dry ground.
15:42 He has no form or comeliness, and when we see Him,
15:47 there is no beauty that we should desire Him."
15:51 So clearly the Book of Isaiah indicates
15:54 that the Messiah was not going to be physically attractive,
15:58 in fact in His sufferings He was going to be disfigured.
16:03 Another interesting parallel between Job and Jesus
16:06 is the fact that both of them were mocked by the multitudes,
16:11 they were mocked by the nations.
16:14 We notice first of all that the family forsook Job.
16:18 Then we notice also that his friends
16:20 forsook him and did not understand him
16:22 but also the surrounding nations,
16:25 the multitudes scorned Job.
16:28 Notice Chapter 16:9 through 11.
16:31 Job 16:9 through 11, He is speaking about
16:37 what he appears to think that God is doing to him.
16:41 "He tears me in His wrath, and hates me,
16:45 He gnashes at me with His teeth,
16:49 My adversary sharpens His gaze on me."
16:52 And then he goes to the plural,
16:54 "They gape at me with their mouth,
16:57 they strike me reproachfully on the cheek."
17:00 I want you to remember these things,
17:01 they gape at him with their mouth,
17:03 they strike him reproachfully on the cheek.
17:07 "They gather together against me."
17:10 God has delivered me to the ungodly,
17:13 and turned me over to the hands of the wicked.
17:18 You know the description which is given of Jesus
17:20 while He was on the cross is very similar.
17:23 Notice Matthew 27:28 to 31.
17:27 Matthew 27:28 to 31,
17:31 it says, "And they stripped Him
17:34 and put a scarlet robe on Him.
17:37 When they had twisted a crown of thorns,
17:39 they put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand.
17:43 And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him"
17:46 notice the idea of mockery with Jesus also
17:49 "and mocked Him saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!",
17:53 Then they spat on Him,
17:55 and took the reed and struck Him on the head."
17:59 We just read a few moments ago
18:00 that Job was struck on his face.
18:02 Verse 31, "And when they had mocked Him,
18:05 they took the robe off Him, put His own clothes on Him,
18:09 and led Him away to be crucified."
18:12 Another very interesting parallel
18:14 between Job and Jesus
18:16 is the fact that both of them were spit upon.
18:20 Notice Job 17:6, Job 17:6
18:27 it says there, "But He" speaking about God
18:31 what God he perceives God to be doing with him.
18:34 "But He has made me a byword of the people,
18:38 and I have become one in whose face men spit."
18:44 Notice also Job 30:9 to 13 the same idea
18:49 of the surrounding people spitting in his face.
18:52 Job 30 and beginning with verse 9,
18:56 And now, "I am their taunting song,
18:59 Yes, I am their byword.
19:02 They abhor me, they keep far from me,
19:06 they do not hesitate to spit in my face.
19:10 Because He has loosed my bowstring and afflicted me,
19:15 they have cast off restraint before me."
19:18 In other words, there is no restraint
19:19 for these people that are abusing Job.
19:22 Verse 12, "At my right hand the rabble arises,
19:25 they push away my feet,
19:27 and they raise against me their ways of destruction.
19:30 They break up my path, they promote my calamity,
19:34 they have no helper."
19:36 Now, notice what happened to Jesus
19:38 in Matthew 26:67 and 68.
19:43 Job 26, excuse me Matthew 26:67 and 68.
19:49 Very similar to the experience of Job,
19:52 it says there, "Then they spat in His face"
19:56 that is in the face of Jesus
19:58 "And beat Him and others struck Him,
20:02 we already read this about Job struck Him
20:04 with the palms of their hands,
20:05 saying, "Prophesy to us, Christ!
20:08 Who is the one who struck you?"
20:10 His crown and glory were torn away.
20:14 In fact, let's go to our next point.
20:16 Job 19:9 speaks about the glory of Jesus
20:21 being removed from Him and His crown
20:24 being removed from Him as happened with Job.
20:27 Let's read first of all about Job
20:29 and then we will read a statement about Jesus.
20:32 Job 19 and we'll read actually verse 9 through 11.
20:37 Speaking about God once again,
20:39 Job is perceiving that God is doing this to him.
20:42 "He has stripped me of my glory,"
20:45 notice he is saying, God stripped me of my glory.
20:48 "And taken the crown from my head.
20:52 He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone,
20:56 my hope He has uprooted like a tree.
20:59 He has also kindled His wrath against me."
21:02 Notice that he is feeling the wrath of God against him.
21:05 "And He counts me as one of His enemies."
21:09 In a very interesting statement that we find
21:12 in the Desire of Ages, pages 22 and 23,
21:16 we find that Jesus also left aside His throne
21:20 and His glory to come to this world.
21:22 It says, there in Desire of Ages,
21:24 pages 22 and 23, speaking about Jesus,
21:28 "He might have retained the glory of heaven,
21:32 and the homage of the angels.
21:35 But He chose to give back the scepter"
21:39 that's what a king has the scepter into the hands-
21:44 of "into His Father's hands,
21:46 and to step down from the throne of the universe."
21:50 In other words, He set aside His glory
21:52 and He set aside His crown just as happened with the job.
21:57 Another interesting detail about Job
21:59 is it evidently after a period of suffering,
22:03 His body was-
22:05 actually his bones could be seen through his skin.
22:08 He was suffering so terribly.
22:11 Notice Job 19:20, Job 19:20 here Job says,
22:18 "My bone clings to my skin and to my flesh,
22:24 I have escaped by the skin of my teeth."
22:27 In other words, he just barely hanging on to life
22:30 according to this and all of his bones can be seen.
22:34 Notice the very interesting messianic prophecy
22:37 in Psalm 22:17, which is referring to Jesus.
22:41 The whole Psalm 22 is a reference to Christ.
22:44 Jesus is speaking here and He says,
22:47 "I can count all My bones."
22:51 See His bones could be seen through His flesh.
22:54 "They look at Me and stare at Me."
22:58 Now, another interesting parallel
23:00 between Job and Jesus is the fact
23:02 that both of them cried out to God for answers,
23:06 but in both cases God was silent
23:09 and God did not answer their pleas immediately.
23:14 Notice Job 16 and verses 12 and 13.
23:17 Job 16 and verses 12 and 13,
23:21 Job once again is describing his experience
23:24 and he can't understand of course what's happening,
23:28 he wonders why God has turned against him and he says this,
23:32 "I was at ease, but He has shattered me,"
23:35 speaking about God,
23:37 "He also has taken me by my neck,
23:41 and shaken me to pieces,
23:43 He has set me up for His target.
23:47 His archers surround me.
23:49 He pierces my heart and does not pity,
23:53 He pours out my gall on the ground."
23:55 That's an important detail,
23:56 He pours out my gall on the ground.
23:58 You remember that gall was given to Jesus.
24:00 It says, you have become cruel to me and do not hear me.
24:06 So he is suffering this terribly cruel experience.
24:09 He is crying out to God
24:10 and God does not immediately answer his pleas.
24:13 It appears like even God has forsaken him.
24:16 Notice Job 30:20 and 21,
24:20 the same idea of Job crying out and God not answering Him.
24:25 It says, there in Job 30:20
24:28 "I cry out to You, but You do not answer me,
24:32 I stand up, and You regard me.
24:36 But you have become cruel to me,
24:40 with the strength of Your hand You oppose me."
24:44 Both Job and Jesus were men of sorrows
24:48 acquainted with grief.
24:50 In fact, notice Job 16:16 and 17
24:54 that Job actually shed an abundance of tears
24:58 as he was going through his sufferings,
25:00 he was a man of sorrow, he was filled with grief.
25:03 Notice Job 16:16 and 17,
25:07 Job says, "My face is flushed from weeping,
25:13 and on my eyelids is the shadow of death."
25:16 And then he says,
25:17 "Although no violence is in my hands,
25:20 and my prayer is pure."
25:23 In other words, this is not happening to me
25:25 because I'm a big sinner
25:27 because I deserve what is taking place,
25:29 there is no violence in my hands,
25:31 my prayer is pure
25:33 and my face is flushed with weeping and on my eyelids-
25:37 and my eyelids are the shadow of death.
25:41 Notice that Jesus went through the same experience,
25:43 Isaiah 53:3, Isaiah 53:3
25:49 Once again this is a messianic prophecy,
25:52 speaking about Jesus it says,
25:54 "He is despised and rejected by men,
25:57 a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."
26:02 Notice the idea of sorrow and grief.
26:06 "And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;
26:09 He was despised, and we did not esteem Him."
26:15 We have already noticed that Job felt forsaken by God,
26:19 every earthly support was removed.
26:22 In other words
26:23 not only that Job lose all of his possessions,
26:26 he also for our practical purposes
26:28 lost the support of his family,
26:30 he lost the support of his friends,
26:32 he lost his physical health
26:34 and now it appeared that even God had forsaken him.
26:38 The same is true of Jesus when He hung on the cross
26:41 He had nothing in this world to lean upon.
26:44 Notice Job 31:35, Job 31:35,
26:50 Here Job wishes that there would be one in heaven
26:54 who would listen to him, he says this,
26:57 "Oh, that I had one to hear me!
27:00 Here is my mark.
27:01 Oh, that the Almighty would answer me,
27:05 that my Prosecutor had written a book!"
27:08 In other words, I wish that
27:10 God would answer me when I cry out.
27:13 Notice Psalm 69:20 and 21
27:16 it's speaking here about Jesus
27:18 and the fact that Jesus also had no one to listen to Him,
27:22 He had no one to answer His pleas.
27:24 It says there in Psalm 69:20,
27:28 "Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness,
27:34 I looked for someone to take pity,
27:38 but there was none,
27:40 and for comforters, but I found none.
27:44 They also gave me gall for my food."
27:47 Remember we noticed that in the story of Job.
27:49 "They gave me gall for my food
27:51 and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink."
27:56 Both of these men apparently were forsaken by everyone,
27:59 they lost everything
28:01 and it appeared that even God had turned against them.
28:05 Notice in the case of Jesus, Mathew 27:46,
28:09 the words that Jesus speaks to His Father
28:12 while He is hanging on the cross.
28:14 Mathew 27:46,
28:18 this is slightly before Jesus dies on the cross of Calvary.
28:24 It says there, "And about the ninth hour
28:26 Jesus cried out with a loud voice,
28:29 saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?"
28:32 that is, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
28:38 You see Job and Jesus had basically the same prayer,
28:43 they felt forsaken by everyone including God Himself.
28:48 And they were going through suffering
28:50 without any apparent reason at all.
28:53 Notice Desire of Ages, page 753, Desire of Ages, 753
29:00 about these terrible sufferings of Jesus
29:02 where He actually sheds these tears and He suffers alone.
29:08 It says there,
29:09 "But now with the terrible weight of guilt He bears,
29:13 He cannot see the Father's reconciling face."
29:18 See Jesus could not see His Father's face.
29:21 "The withdrawal of the divine countenance
29:24 from the Savior in this hour of supreme anguish
29:28 pierced His heart with a sorrow
29:31 that can never be fully understood by man.
29:34 So great was this agony
29:37 that His physical pain was hardly felt."
29:41 You know, you read the story of Job,
29:43 you don't find Job complaining about his physical suffering,
29:46 you don't say oh, but you know,
29:48 I have this terrible disease.
29:50 You know, I have to scratch myself with the potsherd
29:52 and I'm bleeding and everything is so painful,
29:55 you never hear Job complaining about his physical pain
29:58 because his spiritual anguish is so great
30:01 because his friend apparently has turned against him.
30:04 His family all of his friends,
30:06 the multitudes have turned against him
30:08 and he can't understand why this is happening
30:10 and with Jesus the same transpired.
30:14 Notice another statement Desire of Ages, page 753,
30:18 same page different statement,
30:21 "Satan with his fierce temptations
30:25 wrung the heart of Jesus.
30:27 The Savior could not see through the portals of the tomb.
30:32 Hope did not present to Him His coming forth
30:34 from the grave a conqueror,
30:37 or tell Him of the Father's acceptance of the sacrifice.
30:41 He feared that sin was so offensive to God
30:46 that their separation was to be eternal."
30:51 And meanwhile Satan is saying to Jesus
30:53 and as he said to Job
30:55 it's because you are bearing all of these sins
30:58 that this is happening to you
31:00 and if you go forward with it,
31:02 you are going to be separated from your Father forever.
31:05 The difference is that Jesus was actually bearing the sins
31:10 of the whole world upon Himself.
31:11 And the devil was saying to Him,
31:13 it's because of those sins that you are suffering this
31:16 and you are never going to see your Father's face again.
31:18 In the story of Job, in the Old Testament
31:21 the devil also accused Job of being a great sinner
31:25 but Job said, you can look at my life
31:28 and in my life
31:30 I have consecrated myself totally to the Lord,
31:32 I fear Him and I reject evil and the devil whispers to Jesus.
31:38 You know, how can you trust a God that treats you this way.
31:42 If God really loved you, do you think
31:45 that God would leave you
31:46 suffering on the cross like this?
31:48 He says, sin is so great that you are gonna be
31:51 eternally separated from your Father.
31:55 Notice Job 13:23 and 24 how Job feels this anguish
32:02 because he looks for sins
32:03 and he can't find sins in his life
32:05 that would justify the experience
32:07 that he is going through.
32:08 Job 13:23 and 24, here Job says,
32:14 "How many are my iniquities and sins?
32:18 Make me know my transgression and my sin.
32:22 Why do You hide Your face, And regard me as Your enemy?"
32:28 In other words, he is saying showing me my sins.
32:30 In fact, at the beginning of the story of Job,
32:33 we find that God Himself said that Job was a man
32:36 who feared God, he rejected evil,
32:39 he was blameless and he was upright.
32:41 In other words, God Himself confessed
32:44 that Job was a righteous man
32:46 and yet Job says show me my inequities
32:49 which would justify what is happening to me now.
32:53 You know with Job as I mentioned with Jesus,
32:56 his physical sufferings were secondary
32:59 to his deep spiritual anguish.
33:02 In fact allow me to read you from Job 9:32 and 33
33:06 and then I'm gonna read you a passage from Desire of Ages.
33:09 Job 9:32 and 33, "For He is not a man,
33:15 as I am" Job is speaking about God.
33:17 "That I may answer Him,
33:19 and that we should go to court together.
33:22 Nor is there" now notice this,
33:26 "any mediator between us,
33:29 who may lay his hand on us both."
33:33 In other words, Job here is pleading for a mediator.
33:37 He wants somebody to stand between Him and God
33:41 and yet there is no one
33:43 that mediates between God and himself.
33:47 Notice Desire of Ages, page 686, speaking about Jesus,
33:52 it says, "As the substitute and surety for sinful man,
33:57 Christ was suffering under divine justice.
34:01 He saw what justice meant.
34:05 Hitherto He had been as an intercessor for others,
34:09 now He longed to have an intercessor for Himself."
34:14 So just like Job, Jesus longed to have
34:17 an intercessor with His Father
34:19 because He knew that if He can present His case
34:21 before His Father,
34:22 His Father would see things as He did
34:25 and yet the answer of God was silence.
34:29 Now, you remember in our first study
34:31 that Job had these moments
34:33 where he was deep in the valley
34:35 and then he would come up to the mountain top.
34:38 In other words, his faith would rise and he would say,
34:41 I know that my redeemer lives,
34:43 I know that at the end of days God is going to resurrect me
34:47 and in this flesh of mind I'm going to see God.
34:50 The fact is Job 13:15,
34:54 Job in one of his higher moments says,
34:56 "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.
35:01 Even so, I will defend my own ways before Him."
35:05 Do you know, Jesus had the same experience?
35:08 Immediately after Jesus said,
35:11 "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
35:15 The next very words that He spoke
35:17 expressed faith and confidence in His Father.
35:21 In one breath He is crying out to His Father,
35:23 Father I feel that You have forsaken Me.
35:26 But in the next breath He says, "Father,
35:29 into your hands I commend my spirit."
35:33 That's Luke 23:46, "Into your hands I commend my spirit."
35:39 And having said this he breath his last.
35:43 In other words, Jesus and Job
35:44 even though they were going through this intense experience
35:47 refused to let go of the hand of God.
35:51 through 6,
35:56 Job 27:4 through 6.
35:59 Here we find that Job refuses to release the hand of God
36:04 even though the devil is telling him,
36:05 it's because of all of your sins that this is happening to you.
36:08 How can you trust the God that does this to you?
36:11 How can you love a God
36:12 that allows you to suffer in this way?
36:14 And the devil is trying to break his confidence in God.
36:17 Job hangs on for dear life to his relationship with God.
36:22 Notice Job 27:4,
36:25 Job says, "My lips will not speak wickedness,
36:29 nor my tongue utter deceit.
36:32 Far be it from me that I should say you are right,
36:36 Till I die I will not put away my integrity from me."
36:41 Notice, he says, till I die
36:43 I will not put away my integrity from me.
36:46 "My righteousness I hold fast,
36:48 and I will not let it go,
36:50 My heart shall not reproach me
36:53 as long as I live."
36:55 You know, Job realize that his experience
36:58 was actually a refining experience
37:01 that was going to benefit him in his future life.
37:05 Notice Job 23:8 through 10, Job 23:8 through 10.
37:12 Here Job understands that the experience
37:14 that he is going through is a refining experience
37:17 that is actually gonna make his character
37:19 come forth from the furnace as pure gold.
37:23 He says there, "Look, I go forward,
37:27 but He is not there, and backward,
37:30 but I cannot perceive Him."
37:31 See I can't find God anywhere.
37:34 Verse 9 "When He works on the left hand,
37:37 I cannot behold Him,
37:39 When He turns to the right hand,
37:40 I cannot see Him."
37:42 But then notice verse 10,
37:44 "But He knows the way that I take,
37:46 when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold."
37:52 I know that this is a good experience
37:55 for the refinement of my character.
37:57 By the way, do you know
37:59 that Jesus also went through suffering
38:01 to prepare His character
38:04 so that He could serve as our mediator in the heavenly courts.
38:08 It was also a refining experience for Christ.
38:12 Notice Hebrews 5:7 through 10, Hebrews 5:7 to 10,
38:20 it's speaking about the sufferings of Jesus
38:22 and it says, "Who, in the days of His flesh"
38:26 that is while He was on this earth,
38:29 "when He had offered up prayers
38:31 and supplications, with vehement cries and tears,
38:38 " see the experience of Job there
38:39 "and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death,
38:44 was heard because of His godly fear,
38:48 though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience
38:52 by the things which He suffered."
38:54 Doesn't mean that Jesus was disobedient,
38:55 it means that He grew ever more in obedience.
39:00 And so it says, "Though He was a Son,
39:02 yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered
39:06 and having been perfected" that means refined,
39:10 having his character been set
39:12 once and for all,
39:13 "He became the author of eternal salvation
39:17 to all who obey Him."
39:21 Now, it's interesting also to notice
39:23 that Job seeks for sin in his life
39:25 and he cannot find any sin in his life.
39:28 and 6, Job 31:5 and 6,
39:35 here Job says,
39:37 "If I have walked with falsehood,
39:39 or if my foot has hastened to deceit,
39:43 let me be weighed on honest scales,
39:46 That God may know my integrity."
39:50 In other words, he says,
39:51 I'm willing to have God weigh me on His scales
39:54 and He is going to see that I have integrity,
39:58 that there is no sin in my life
40:00 which would bring this about that I'm suffering.
40:04 By the way, in Desire of Ages, page 761,
40:08 we find that Jesus as He hung on the cross was also sinless.
40:13 Notice Desire of Ages, page 761,
40:16 of course He was sinless in His own character
40:18 but He was bearing the sins of the world.
40:21 Ellen White says this,
40:23 "Could one sin have been found in Christ,
40:28 had He in one particular yielded to Satan
40:32 to escape the terrible torture,
40:35 the enemy of God and man would have triumphed.
40:40 Christ bowed His head and died,
40:42 but He held fast His faith and His submission to God."
40:47 Not one sin could be found in Jesus
40:51 other than the sins that He was bearing for the world.
40:57 In other words, both Job and Jesus
40:59 lost every earthly support.
41:02 The devil tried to shake their confidence
41:05 and their relationship with God the Father
41:07 but the devil could not do it with Job
41:11 and the devil could not do it with Jesus.
41:14 By the way, do you know that in the experience of Job
41:17 the wile character of Satan was revealed
41:19 before the whole universe?
41:21 We noticed in Job Chapter 1 and Job Chapter 2
41:24 that this experience is taking place
41:26 in the presence of the heavenly council.
41:28 In other words God is saying to the heavenly council,
41:31 look at Job
41:33 and he is saying to the devil take everything he has,
41:35 take his health only don't kill him.
41:38 And you will notice that he is gonna continue serving me
41:41 because he loves me even if calamities come.
41:45 God the Father said the same about Jesus
41:47 before the heavenly beings.
41:49 I'm gonna send Him to the world.
41:51 You can do your utmost to tempt Him,
41:53 you can do your utmost to make Him suffer,
41:55 you can take everything from Him
41:58 and you will see that He will be faithful to Me.
42:01 In fact, allow me to read you a very significant passage,
42:04 Desire of Ages, page 761, about the sufferings of Jesus.
42:09 Desire of Ages, page 761,
42:14 speaking about the death of Jesus on the cross
42:17 and the way that the devil made Him suffer,
42:19 "Satan saw that his disguise was torn away.
42:25 His administration was laid open before the unfallen angels
42:30 and before the heavenly universe.
42:33 He had revealed himself as a murderer.
42:36 By shedding the blood of the Son of God,
42:39 he had uprooted himself
42:41 from the sympathies of the heavenly beings.
42:44 Henceforth his work was restricted.
42:47 Whatever attitude he might assume,
42:49 he could no longer await the angels
42:52 as they came from the heavenly courts,
42:54 and before them accuse Christ's brethren
42:57 of being clothed with the garments of blackness
42:59 and the defilement of sin.
43:01 The last link of sympathy between Satan
43:06 and the heavenly world was broken."
43:10 In other words, the story of Job was given in the Old Testament
43:13 to show the heavenly intelligences
43:15 what was going to happen
43:17 when Jesus would come to this world.
43:19 In fact, I have no doubt whatsoever
43:22 that as Jesus was going through His experience,
43:25 the people in heaven, the being in heaven
43:28 were remembering the experience of Job
43:30 and they were saying, this experience of Jesus
43:33 is taking place on a much larger scale
43:37 than the experience of Job.
43:38 The experience of Job in other words,
43:40 illustrated the experience through which Jesus went.
43:46 Now, there are two senses
43:47 in which Jesus exceeded the experience of Job.
43:51 You remember that I mentioned
43:53 that we're dealing with typology here.
43:55 Job is the type and Jesus is the anti type.
43:58 Job is the shadow and Jesus is the substance or the reality.
44:02 You know, the shadow is never identical to the substance.
44:06 In other words, the type is never as great as the anti type.
44:10 In other words, Job is a small scale model
44:13 of the experience that Jesus would go through.
44:16 There are two senses in which Jesus exceeded Job.
44:20 First of all Job was not allowed to die.
44:26 Jesus did die.
44:28 And secondly, Job was not bearing upon himself
44:33 the sins of the world.
44:34 In other words, Job was innocent and yet He was suffering.
44:38 Jesus was innocent but He was bearing upon Himself
44:42 the sins of the whole world
44:44 and that is what lead to the sufferings of Jesus.
44:48 So in other words, Jesus was far greater than Job,
44:51 His sufferings were greater because He was bearing sin.
44:54 The devil hated Jesus all the more than He hated Job.
44:59 Now, what was the secret of the victory of Jesus
45:03 in His trials here on earth?
45:06 Well, it was the same secret that Job had when he overcame
45:12 the devil as the devil came
45:14 and put him through all of the suffering.
45:17 You know, Job was close to God in times of prosperity.
45:22 We noticed in our study last time
45:24 that Job kept his integrity when things went well.
45:29 He was a family man.
45:31 He offered the sacrifices for each of his children
45:34 on a regular basis, daily the Bible says.
45:37 In fact Job himself says in times of prosperity
45:41 I was clothing to the naked, I was eyes to the blind,
45:44 I was a blessing of giving necessary things to the poor.
45:48 In other words, I used all of my riches to benefit humanity.
45:52 We noticed that in our last study.
45:55 In other words, Job had a very strong relationship
45:59 with God in times of prosperity
46:02 and because he had this strong grasp on God
46:05 in times of prosperity
46:07 when times of adversity and difficulty came,
46:10 he could lean on the experience
46:12 which he had developed previously with God.
46:16 I want to read you a passage in Desire of Ages, page 756,
46:21 where Ellen White describes the secret
46:25 of the victory of Jesus.
46:27 Once again, the Desire of Ages, page 756,
46:33 speaking about Jesus as He hangs on the cross.
46:36 "Amid the awful darkness, apparently forsaken of God,
46:42 " not really forsaken of God because Job wasn't forsaken
46:44 of God either, it just appeared that way.
46:47 "Amid the awful darkness, apparently forsaken of God,
46:51 Christ had drained the last dregs
46:54 in the cup of human woe.
46:57 In those dreadful hours He had relied,
47:00 " notice this "In those dreadful hours
47:02 He had relied upon the evidence of His Father's acceptance
47:07 heretofore given Him."
47:09 In other words, the evidences of His Father's presence
47:12 up till this point in His previous experience,
47:16 she continues saying, "He was acquainted
47:19 with the character of His Father,
47:22 He understood His justice,
47:24 His mercy, and His great love.
47:28 By faith He rested in Him
47:31 whom it had ever been His joy to obey."
47:37 You will see that His past experience colored
47:41 the sufferings that He went through,
47:43 once again by faith He rested in Him,
47:46 whom it had ever been His joy to obey,
47:49 "And as in submission He committed Himself to God,
47:54 the sense of the loss of His Father's favor was withdrawn.
47:59 By faith, Christ was the victor."
48:03 Now, do you remember in the experience of Job
48:06 that after He went through these terrible trials
48:08 and tribulations that at the end of the book appears
48:13 the individual who caused all of the sufferings of Job.
48:18 At the beginning of the book, His enemy is called Satan.
48:23 At the end of the book, Satan is no longer referred
48:27 to with that name.
48:28 He is called what? He is called Leviathan.
48:32 And God asked Job, He says, Job,
48:35 are you able to fish Leviathan out of the sea
48:39 and to cut him in pieces or to take him as your servant.
48:42 Of course, Job would have understood immediately
48:45 when God spoke of Leviathan that this was the enemy of God.
48:49 Because in that cultural context,
48:52 it's been discovered archeologically
48:54 that there was a creature called Leviathan or Lothan
48:58 who had several heads who was considered
49:01 to be the enemy of the God.
49:03 And so suddenly it dawns on Job he says,
49:06 oh, it's Leviathan who is doing this to me.
49:10 And then after God shows Him this portrait of Leviathan.
49:14 Job says, now, I know that you can do all things.
49:19 You can even defeat Leviathan.
49:22 You can even defeat the devil.
49:25 By the way do you know, that we were told in scripture
49:28 that Jesus is going to defeat Leviathan.
49:33 He is going to defeat the devil and destroy Him.
49:37 Notice in the Book of Revelation if you go with me to Revelation,
49:41 let's read first of all in Chapter 12.
49:43 Revelation 12 and we are going to read
49:47 about this multi headed creature.
49:50 Revelation 12 and notice verse 9,
49:56 it says, "So the great dragon was cast out,
50:00 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,
50:04 who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth,
50:08 and his angels were cast out with him."
50:10 Now, this casting out that is spoken off here
50:13 is the fact that the devil before Jesus died on the cross
50:17 could go to the heavenly couch representing this world.
50:20 But after Jesus died on the cross,
50:23 he was cast out of heaven
50:25 as the representative of this world.
50:28 Now, notice the names that he is given.
50:30 He is called the great dragon.
50:33 He is called the serpent of old, and he is called Satan.
50:38 You know, it's very interesting,
50:39 we noticed in our last study in Isaiah 27,
50:42 the Leviathan is called the dragon
50:46 and he is called the serpent.
50:50 So you put it together, the dragon, Leviathan,
50:54 the serpent, Satan mentioned in the Book of Job
50:59 make reference to Satan,
51:02 the enemy of Job and the enemy of God.
51:05 Now, the question is, what is gonna be the end
51:09 of this being who is called the devil, Satan,
51:14 the dragon and the serpent?
51:17 Notice, Revelation 20:7 and following,
51:23 and following.
51:27 "Now when the thousand years have expired,
51:30 Satan will be released from his prison
51:32 and will go out to deceive the nations
51:34 which are in the four corners of the earth,
51:36 Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle,
51:39 whose number is as the sand of the sea.
51:42 They went up on the breadth of the earth
51:44 and surrounded the camp of the saints
51:46 and the beloved city.
51:48 And fire came down from God
51:50 out of heaven and what, and devoured them."
51:54 In other words, Satan, his angels
51:58 and all of the wicked people who oppressed Jesus
52:02 and the devil who oppressed Job
52:04 eventually is going to be destroyed by the Lord Himself,
52:09 just like He prophesied in Job Chapter 41.
52:13 And then you remember in the story of Job,
52:16 that Job received a double amount of the blessings
52:21 that he had enjoyed before his trials.
52:24 And of course, the Book of Revelation says that
52:27 God is gonna make a new heavens and a new earth
52:29 and those who have been oppressed by the devil,
52:32 Jesus Himself who went through these savior trials
52:35 is gonna sit on the throne of God
52:37 and He is gonna reign on this earth forever
52:40 and ever among His people.
52:43 And so the story of job will have reached
52:45 its fullest fulfillment at the end of the millennium.
52:50 Now, there is one further dimension of the Book of Job
52:53 which I'm going to mention only in passing
52:55 and that is that the experience of Job also is an illustration
53:00 of what's gonna happen to God's people
53:02 during the great final tribulation
53:05 in the history of this world.
53:07 There are many texts in the Bible,
53:09 I'll only mention the concept
53:11 perhaps those who are watching this now,
53:13 will be encouraged to go to scripture
53:15 and look for the final fulfillment
53:17 of this story of Job.
53:19 But the Bible tells us, that in the end time
53:22 God's people are going to lose the support of their family.
53:27 They are gonna lose the support of their friends.
53:29 You can read it there in Matthew 24 in Mark 13,
53:33 in Luke 21, they are gonna lose the support of friends.
53:36 The nations are going to arise against them.
53:41 And they are going to go through a severe time of tribulation
53:43 such as the world has never seen.
53:45 They are gonna lose everything that they have.
53:48 They are gonna lose houses, they are gonna lose automobiles,
53:51 they are gonna lose the money in the bank,
53:53 they are going to lose every single
53:55 earthly support on planet earth.
53:59 And when they go through the severe time of trouble
54:01 it's going to even appear
54:03 that God has forsaken them on this earth.
54:06 In fact, the story of the widow in Luke Chapter 18
54:09 where it says that this widow kept on coming
54:11 and coming and coming to the judge,
54:13 so that the judge would do justice against her advisory.
54:17 The advisory of course here is the devil
54:19 and finally the judge says, I'm going to do justice to her.
54:23 The same is going to happen during the time of trouble.
54:25 God's people will cry out day and night,
54:28 they will plead with the Lord to deliver them
54:31 from the hands of their enemies
54:33 who are being used by the devil
54:34 to persecute God's people.
54:37 And yet for a while at least,
54:40 God will keep His silence,
54:43 but just like in the Book of Job where God after Chapter 37
54:48 now is revealed in a great theophany.
54:51 In other words, He is revealed in creation at the end of time.
54:54 God is going to be revealed
54:56 in the midst of great scenes of nature.
54:58 He is gonna speak to His people
55:00 and He is gonna invite His people
55:01 to inherit the kingdom which was lost by Adam.
55:06 In other words, God's people are going to go through
55:08 the same experience that Job went through.
55:10 They are going to suffer
55:12 the same sufferings that He suffered.
55:13 They are gonna feel like God has forsaken them,
55:16 but God will not have forsaken them.
55:18 God will be as close as ever,
55:21 even if they do not feel Him.
55:24 Now, what can we learn from the story of Job.
55:28 We can learn the fact that Job was faithful to God
55:32 in these severe trials because He knew God
55:35 from the prosperous times.
55:37 In other words, he had a connection with God
55:39 when things went well.
55:42 Now these days we don't have persecution.
55:45 We have many material possessions.
55:49 We have every thing that the heart could desire,
55:52 but are we developing that relationship with God
55:54 in these times of prosperity,
55:56 because times of adversity are coming
55:58 where we are gonna lose every earthly support.
56:01 Are we so connected with God
56:04 that no matter if we lost everything
56:07 if we lost family, spouses, friends,
56:12 if the whole world turned against God's people,
56:15 if we lost all of our possessions,
56:17 if we lost our health.
56:19 If it appear like we were gonna lose our life.
56:22 Would our relationship with God be so strong
56:25 that we would say like Job,
56:27 "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him."
56:31 That is the kind of faith
56:33 that we are going to have to develop in the end time.
56:36 In fact I'd like to end by reading a text
56:39 that we find in Revelation 13,
56:44 Revelation 13 here it says in verse 9,
56:51 "If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
56:55 He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity,
56:58 he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword."
57:01 And then it says, "Here is the patience
57:04 and the faith of the saints."
57:06 Notice Revelation 14:12,
57:10 "Here is the patience of the saints,
57:13 here are those who keep the commandments of God
57:15 and the faith of Jesus."
57:17 Yes, my friends, God's people will keep the faith,
57:21 God's people like Job will be patient
57:23 and in the end they will be victorious
57:26 because they trust their life to the Lord.


Revised 2014-12-17