Secrets Unsealed Miniseries

God on Trial: God, Leviathan and Job

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SUM

Program Code: SUM000016

00:36 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:38 Father in heaven, what a joy it is to be in Your presence,
00:41 and we ask that as we open Your Holy Word today that Your Holy
00:46 Spirit will be with us.
00:47 Help us to understand the great things from Your Word.
00:51 Help us to apply them to our own person experience.
00:56 And we thank You for hearing and answering our prayer
00:58 for we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:02 The title of our next two studies together are:
01:08 God, Leviathan, and Job, or God On Trial.
01:14 And before we get into a study of the book of Job itself,
01:19 I want to share with you some introductory matters that will
01:22 help us understand this great book.
01:26 The first thing that I would like to say is the book of Job
01:30 is the most ancient book in holy scripture.
01:33 It was actually written by Moses when he was in the desert of
01:40 Midian tending Jethro's sheep.
01:43 Actually, when the book of Job was translated into the
01:49 Septuagint, that is into the Greek Old Testament,
01:51 there were sections of Job that had such an archaic Hebrew
01:57 that the Septuagint translators had trouble
02:01 translating the Hebrew.
02:03 That's how ancient the Hebrew of the book of Job is.
02:07 As we examine this book, it is a literary masterpiece.
02:13 It is a fantastic book, as we'll notice, as a work of literature
02:19 other than being an inspired book of holy scripture.
02:23 The story of Job takes place in the early patriarchal period,
02:28 approximately the year 2000 B.C.
02:33 This is slightly before the time of Abraham.
02:37 Now the book of Job is organized into three great sections.
02:42 Two of them are prose, and the larger portion is poetry.
02:48 The first two chapters are prose.
02:51 Then from chapter 3 through chapter 30, actually through
02:56 chapter 41, we have poetry.
02:59 And then, finally, chapter 42, at the very end of the book,
03:03 the book ends up once again with prose.
03:07 It's very interesting to notice that this book describes
03:12 something that is happening before the eyes
03:15 of the on looking universe.
03:17 In other words, the story does not only involve Job,
03:20 it involves all of the heavenly intelligences, as we'll notice
03:25 as we study along this book.
03:27 Another very important thing to remember about the book
03:30 of Job is that the book of Job actually describes a trial.
03:35 And as we get into the study of the book, we'll notice this
03:39 a little more carefully.
03:40 But in this book we have all of the elements
03:44 of a judgment, or a trial.
03:46 First of all we have an accuser, and, of course,
03:50 the accuser is Satan.
03:52 Secondly, we have a judge and a defense attorney.
03:55 By the way, in the Old Testament the judge was
03:58 to defend the innocent.
04:00 And so you don't have a separate judge from a defense attorney,
04:03 but you have a defense attorney and judge, who is God.
04:07 You have the evidence which is being examined,
04:09 which is the case of Job.
04:11 You have a jury, a group of individuals who are
04:15 called the Sons of God.
04:17 You have One who is accused, which we will notice is not Job.
04:22 Primarily the One who is accused is God.
04:26 And at the end of the book we have the pronunciation
04:31 of the verdict of the story.
04:33 In other words, in this book we have all of the elements
04:36 of a trial, or of a judgment.
04:38 And we're going to find that at the very center of the book
04:42 is God being judged.
04:45 One final point before we get into a study of the book itself,
04:49 as we examine, particularly the first two chapters of the book,
04:54 we notice that heaven is looking at what is happening
05:00 on the earth, and is understanding many things
05:04 about the character of God.
05:06 In the other hand, on earth Job is going through this
05:10 experience, but he doesn't have any idea about
05:14 what's happening in heaven.
05:16 In other words, heaven knows what's happening on earth,
05:19 but what is transpiring on earth, the individuals involved
05:23 are totally oblivious to the fact that what is happening
05:27 on earth is a repercussion of something which has
05:30 happened in heaven.
05:32 Now we want to notice also that the book of Job fluctuates
05:37 between heaven and earth, particularly
05:40 in its first two chapters.
05:41 Now lets go to Job 1 and we'll notice that this chapter begins
05:48 with an earthly scene.
05:50 Let's read Job 1:1-3, and we're going to notice here that Job
05:56 was a very prosperous, rich man.
06:01 It says there in Job 1:1...
06:23 By the way, in Old Testament times the more children you had,
06:27 the greater the sign of God's blessing. Verse 3:
06:49 An extremely rich man.
06:52 The greatest man in the East, according to what we find
06:55 in these three verses.
06:57 But not only was Job a very rich, prosperous man, but Job
07:04 was also a very spiritual man.
07:08 He was a rich, spiritual man, which is indeed
07:12 a strange combination.
07:14 I want you to notice the description that is given
07:17 of this man. Once again Job 1: 1, and this is repeated
07:21 several times in the first two chapters.
07:23 There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job,
07:27 and that man was blameless, and upright, and one who feared
07:33 God, and shunned evil.
07:35 In other words, he rejected evil.
07:38 By the way, these are not only the words of Moses,
07:41 God gives the same testimony.
07:43 I want you to notice Job 1:4, and also verse 5, well actually
07:53 instead of reading verse 4 and verse 5, lets go to verse 6.
07:56 We'll come back to those verses.
08:04 Notice, this is God speaking.
08:27 Notice that not only does Moses describe Job this way,
08:31 but God actually speaks the same description
08:35 from His own lips.
08:36 In other words, Job was a rich man, but he was also
08:41 a very spiritual man.
08:44 Now I'm not going to read the passage,
08:46 but I'm going to mention the verse.
08:48 In the verse Job 29:12-17, Job speaks about how
08:52 he used his riches.
08:53 He used his riches to help the blind, and help the lame,
08:57 and help those who were oppressed, and he clothed those
09:01 who were naked. In other words, he was a very pious man,
09:04 very generous with his riches.
09:06 He tried to benefit humanity with everything
09:09 that God had given him.
09:11 And so we have in Job 1:1-8, an earthly scene,
09:20 and then we're going to notice that suddenly there's a meeting
09:24 that takes place in heaven.
09:26 In other words, we're going to go from earth, where we found
09:29 a description of Job, to heaven.
09:31 Job 1:6-8, you see, somebody was watching Job.
09:38 It says there in verse 6: Now there was a day when the
09:41 Sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord,
09:46 and Satan also came among them.
09:49 And now a conversation takes place. Verse 7.
09:53 And the Lord said to Satan, From where do you come?
09:57 So Satan answered the Lord and said, From going to and fro
10:01 on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.
10:05 Then God, probably with a certain degree of pride,
10:10 we find in verse 8 said to Satan, Have you considered My
10:15 servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth,
10:20 a blameless and upright man, one who fears God, and shuns evil?
10:26 Haven't you seen my servant?
10:28 Even though he lives in your territory,
10:30 he's actually My servant.
10:33 And then, of course Satan has his comeback.
10:37 And here we reach the core issue in the book. Job 1:9.
10:41 Job chapter 1, and notice verse 9.
10:53 In other words, does Job love God enough to serve Him
10:58 no matter what, or does he serve God for the
11:01 loaves and the fishes?
11:02 And then Satan continues saying, in verse 10:
11:22 In other words, the devil is saying to God, The reason Job
11:26 serves You is because You've given Job everything.
11:29 But does Job serve You because he loves You?
11:33 Would he serve You if only evil came to him?
11:36 Basically he's saying, Job serves You out of self interest.
11:43 And then I want you to notice what we find in Job 1:11, 12.
11:50 The devil says to God, But now stretch out Your hand and touch
11:56 all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face.
12:02 In other words, the devil was putting God on the line.
12:06 The devil was saying, you know, make every evil come
12:12 to his life, and You'll see that he serves You, not out of love,
12:16 but out of self interest.
12:17 And then notice verse 12:
12:32 So the devil is given permission, Satan is given
12:35 permission to take everything he wishes from Job.
12:39 So you have first of all the earthly scene.
12:42 You have Job who is this very prosperous, rich man,
12:47 very spiritual, and then the scene changes to heaven
12:51 and the conversation between God and Satan.
12:54 And then God says to Satan, Try him and you'll see that he
12:59 serves Me because he loves Me, not out of self interest.
13:02 And so the scene now changes again to the earth.
13:06 Notice, and we're not going to read all of the verses,
13:10 but notice the following verses, starting with verse 13,
13:13 a series of calamities come to Job.
13:15 He loses first of all of his children, all ten of them die.
13:21 He loses all of his beasts; they're stolen.
13:24 He loses all of his servants; his servants are killed.
13:28 He loses all of his possessions.
13:31 In other words, Satan has gone out from the presence of God
13:35 and he's taken everything that Job has that is valuable
13:39 in his life. I want you to notice the response of Job
13:44 in chapter 1, and beginning with verse 20.
14:09 He was only half right because God didn't take away.
14:12 God did give, but God didn't take away.
14:14 The main point here is that we're told that Job did not
14:19 curse God; Job actually blessed God.
14:22 Notice verse 22: In all this Job did not sin,
14:27 nor charge God with wrong.
14:30 So the scene now switches, once again, from the earth to heaven.
14:36 And another council meeting takes place. Notice Job 2:1-3.
15:06 You have the same type of conversation as we had
15:08 in chapter 1. You have another council meeting, and God asked
15:12 the devil, Where do you come from?
15:13 And the devil says, Well, I come from my planet,
15:16 from planet earth, my kingdom.
15:19 Because Satan had stolen the kingdom from the original
15:23 owner who was Adam.
15:25 And now I can imagine that God, with a certain degree of healthy
15:30 pride, according to verse 3, says to Satan, Have you...
15:55 In other words, God is saying, See, he passed the test.
15:59 I told you that he obeyed Me.
16:02 I told you that he's my servant because he loves Me,
16:05 not because of everything that I give him.
16:08 But then, of course, the devil always has a comeback.
16:13 We notice in Job 2:4, 5:
16:27 In other words, You didn't let me touch him.
16:29 You only let me take everything that he had. Verse 5.
16:42 In other words, the reason why Job was faithful to You was
16:45 because You took everything from him, but You did not
16:48 allow me to touch him.
16:49 Let me touch him and You'll see that he will
16:53 curse You to Your face.
16:54 And now notice how God places Himself on the
16:57 line again; verse 6.
17:08 Now do you see how this story is fluctuating
17:12 between heaven and earth?
17:13 It begins on earth then goes to heaven.
17:16 Comes back to the earth, goes back to heaven.
17:19 And according to the book of Job, the whole heavenly universe
17:23 is observing what is happening to see who is right.
17:27 Is Satan right that people serve God because God is good to them,
17:32 or do they serve God simply out of love?
17:35 You'll notice that in the story it is God who is accused.
17:39 Primarily the accusation is not against Job,
17:42 the accusation is against God.
17:44 You have given him all of these things,
17:46 therefore, he serves You.
17:47 You're to blame for everything that Job does
17:52 in harmony with Your will.
17:53 Now I want you to notice that the scene then comes back
17:58 to the earth again.
17:59 And the devil comes down, according to chapter 2,
18:02 and verses 7 and 8. Let's read there.
18:04 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord
18:07 and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot
18:12 to the crown of his head.
18:14 Verse 8: And he took for himself a potsherd...
18:19 A piece of pottery.
18:20 ...with which to scrape himself while he sat
18:23 in the midst of the ashes.
18:25 In other words, Job has now lost his health.
18:29 And in a moment he's going to lose his wife,
18:31 for all practical purposes. Notice verse 9.
18:45 By the way, she was serving of an instrument of the devil,
18:48 because the devil had said that Job will curse You to Your face.
18:52 She is saying, Curse God and die.
18:55 And, of course, Job rebukes his wife.
18:58 And then when we go down to verse 12, we notice that the
19:03 friends of Job, three of them, three special friends,
19:06 come to console Job in his suffering.
19:09 In fact, let's read verse 12.
19:11 It seems like Job was practically disfigured
19:16 at this point. It says there in verse 12:
19:19 And when they raised their eyes from afar and did not recognize
19:25 him, they lifted their voices and wept, and each one tore his
19:30 robe, and sprinkled dust on his head toward heaven.
19:34 In other words, he was so disfigured by scratching himself
19:39 with the piece of pottery that they did not even
19:41 recognize who he was.
19:43 And then as the story transpires we discover that his three
19:47 friends become his enemies.
19:49 In other words, his three friends start accusing Job,
19:53 and saying that this is happening to Job because Job
19:58 has been unfaithful to God.
20:00 And they're actually trying to encourage Job to forsake
20:04 his relationship with God.
20:06 In other words, in a short period of time Job has lost
20:11 all earthly support.
20:13 He has lost his possessions.
20:15 He has lost his children.
20:16 He has lost his health.
20:18 He has lost his wife, for all practical purposes.
20:21 He's lost his friends.
20:23 And we're going to notice in a moment that it seems to Job
20:27 that he has also lost his relationship with God;
20:32 that God doesn't care.
20:34 We're going to notice that in a few moments.
20:35 Now something which has puzzled scholars that have studied
20:39 the book of Job is that Satan appears as the culprit
20:44 in Job chapter 1 and 2, and then he seems to disappear
20:49 from the rest of the book.
20:50 And so they say this is the biggest travesty in justice
20:55 that could be imagined, because at the end of the book most of
20:59 the individuals in the story reappear; but Satan doesn't seem
21:04 to reappear at the end of the story.
21:06 He comes, he does the evil things to Job in chapters
21:11 1 and 2, and then he seems to disappear from the story.
21:15 We're going to notice in our study that he doesn't really
21:18 disappear from the story.
21:19 He reappears at the end of the book, but he appears
21:23 under a different name.
21:24 Now beginning with chapter 3 you have poetry
21:28 in the story of Job, and the poetry continues all the way
21:33 through chapter 41 of the book.
21:36 Basically from chapter 3 to chapter 37 you have Job
21:43 struggling in his relationship with God;
21:46 to hang onto his relationship with God.
21:48 As we read those chapters we notice that he's
21:52 tempted to throw in the towel, and to think God is dead.
21:56 I might as well curse God and die.
21:58 He's plagued by questions and by doubts.
22:02 He's looking for answers.
22:04 Everyone has forsaken him, and it seems to him that even
22:08 God has forsaken him, because in these chapters
22:12 he cries out to God.
22:13 He asks God for an audience.
22:16 He requests that God give him an explanation
22:18 for what's happening, and all he gets back
22:21 is a deafening silence.
22:23 There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what's taking place.
22:27 He can't understand why, if he offered sacrifices for his
22:32 children every day, if he used his possessions to benefit
22:36 the needy, if he was an upright and blameless man
22:40 in the sight of God, why these things would be
22:43 happening to him; why God has turned against him.
22:47 In fact, what I would like to do is read a series of texts
22:51 where you find very clearly revealed these feelings of Job,
22:56 beginning with chapter 3 all the way through chapter 37.
23:01 Notice Job 16:10, Job 16:10.
23:08 Here he's going to say, God has turned against me,...
23:11 He says, speaking about the wicked people who surround him.
23:16 Verse 10:
23:27 Notice verse 11:
23:32 See, he's thinking that God is doing this.
23:38 I was at ease but He has shattered me.
23:42 That is, God has shattered me.
23:44 He also has taken me by my neck and shaken me to pieces.
23:49 He has set me up for His target.
24:01 He breaks me with wound upon wound.
24:04 He runs at me like a warrior.
24:07 Quite a view of God, isn't it?
24:10 He can't understand why God, apparently,
24:13 has turned against him.
24:14 We need to remember, let's not be too hard on Job,
24:16 because Job had no written scriptures like we do.
24:20 Job did not know what was happening behind the scenes.
24:23 He had no idea that this heavenly meeting
24:25 was taking place, and so he's puzzled,
24:28 and he's tempted to doubt, and he's tempted to release
24:32 his relationship with God, but he hangs on.
24:36 Notice chapter 16, verses 16 and 17, and we'll also read
24:41 verse 20, Job 16:16, 17.
24:46 Here Job speaks about crying out in pain, in an agony,
24:51 shedding tears. He says this:
25:08 Notice what we find in verse 20:
25:17 Let's go to Job 19:9-11, Job 19:9-11.
25:24 He's speaking once again about God. He says:
25:50 Can you grasp the way that Job is feeling in these chapters?
25:54 You see, he doesn't know why this is happening to him,
25:57 and so he's saying to God, God, please explain
26:01 what's taking place.
26:02 My friends say that You've forsaken me.
26:04 My friends say that I'm a great sinner.
26:06 I've lost everything that I have.
26:08 I've lost even my health.
26:10 I'm at the point of losing my life.
26:12 Please explain what's happening.
26:14 And he cries out to God, and, of course,
26:16 God's answer is a deafening silence.
26:19 Notice Job 19:6, 7.
26:23 We're only choosing some passages so we get an idea
26:26 of what's happening in these chapters. Job 19:6, 7:
26:52 Notice also chapter 23, and verses 3 to 5, Job 23:3, 4, 5.
27:02 He wishes that he could find God, and he could argue with God
27:06 face to face, and he believes that God would understand
27:10 his case. It says there in verse 3:
27:22 Do you see the judicial language that is used here,
27:24 the judgment language?
27:38 If I could just find Him, I would fill my mouth with
27:41 arguments, and I know that He would accept and believe
27:45 my point of view.
27:46 Notice Job 30:20, 21, Job 30: 20, 21.
27:55 He's speaking to God.
28:13 In other words, instead of answering me, You're opposed
28:16 to me. You've become my enemy.
28:19 Notice Job 30, Job 30:9-13, Job 30:9-13.
28:27 It says here, speaking about the reaction of the people's
28:32 of the nations, he's taunted by not only his friends,
28:37 but he's taunted by the nations that hear about his plight.
28:41 Verse 9:
28:54 Notice the reaction of His enemies:
29:22 And we could continue reading about how he was treated,
29:26 not only by his friends, but he was treated by the nations
29:30 that surrounded him.
29:31 And yet Job knows that if God could hear him,
29:35 if he could go before the presence of God,
29:38 that God would see the justice of his case.
29:43 Notice Job 31:5, 6, Job 31:5, 6. He says:
30:01 See the idea of judgment there?
30:09 Finally, Job 31:35.
30:23 See, the idea of a prosecutor, and the idea of evidence
30:27 in a book, and defending his case.
30:29 You have this judgment that is taking place
30:32 before the Universe.
30:33 In other words, God is being judged.
30:37 The devil is accusing God saying, Your people serve you
30:40 because of the fact that you protect them, and you pour out
30:44 every blessing upon them.
30:45 They don't serves You because they love You.
30:48 And, of course, the whole universe is watching the case
30:50 of Job to see if the followers of God serve Him because they
30:55 love Him, rather than because of self interest.
30:59 Now, I must say, that in several passages in these chapters,
31:05 chapter 3 to 37, you have flashes of magnificence
31:10 in the faith of Job.
31:11 In other words, even through he's going through this
31:13 suffering, even though he's asking God for an audience,
31:16 even though he's saying, God, judge me correctly,
31:19 and he's saying to God, Explain what's happening to me,
31:22 and he's saying to his friends, It's not because I'm a great
31:25 sinner. God has not forsaken me.
31:27 Even though he feels very, very down, there are flashes
31:33 of magnificence in Job, where he reveals his staunch faith.
31:38 Let's notice some of those passages.
31:40 It's kind of like a teeter totter experience.
31:42 He's up and then when he falls, he comes up again, and so on.
31:46 Notice Job 13:15. This is a very well known verse, by the way.
31:53 Probably many of us could recite it from memory. He says:
32:08 He says, I know that I can defend my ways before Him,
32:12 and, however, even if He slays me,
32:15 I'm still going to trust in Him.
32:16 He's revealing there that he serves God, not because God is
32:21 good to Him, but because he simply loves God.
32:26 Notice also Job 19:25-27, Job 19:25-27.
32:35 This is another place where he shows his magnificent faith,
32:38 even in the midst of suffering.
32:39 You know, he feels God has forsaken me;
32:42 God is not listening to me.
32:44 But then there's a momentary flash where he says,
32:46 I know my Redeemer lives.
32:48 Though He slay me, yet I'm going to trust in Him.
32:52 Notice Job 19, and beginning with verse 25.
32:58 This is also a very well known passage.
33:00 He says, For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall
33:05 stand at the last day on the earth.
33:07 And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh
33:13 I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes
33:19 shall behold and not another.
33:21 How my heart yearns within me.
33:25 So he says, I know my Redeemer lives.
33:27 And I know that even if this skin becomes decomposed,
33:30 in this flesh I am going to see God.
33:33 Notice also, Job 23:8-12, Job 23:8-12.
33:43 He seems to understand that he's going through this trial
33:46 so that his character can be cleansed and purified.
33:51 It says there in Job 23:8:
34:01 That is God is silent; He's gone.
34:19 See, he knows that he's going through the furnace,
34:21 and he has this momentary feeling that he has to hang on.
34:28 He has to preserve and conserve his faith. Verse 11:
34:46 And so you have this ambivalent feeling: God is absent,
34:51 God has become my enemy.
34:53 Lord explain what's happening.
34:56 He rebukes his friends: You're wrong when you say that God is
34:59 doing this to me, because I'm a big sinner.
35:02 You're wrong when you say that God is dead.
35:04 You're wrong when you say that God is not a rewarder of those
35:10 who are faithful to Him.
35:12 And yet God keeps silence.
35:18 That is until you get to chapter 38 and verse 1.
35:23 Now, have you noticed the amount of material where God
35:27 allows Job to complain and to whine to Him?
35:30 All the way from chapter 3 to chapter 37.
35:32 Finally, at the end of chapter 37 God has heard enough.
35:36 And so now God is going to break His silence.
35:40 He's going to tell Job that something spectacular
35:44 is happening that he doesn't know about.
35:46 Job 38:1. Then the Lord...
36:01 In other words, Who is this who is speaking foolishness?
36:06 is what God is saying.
36:17 In other words, God says, You've spoken enough.
36:20 You've demanded answers.
36:21 You want to know what's happening.
36:23 Well, God says, I've heard enough.
36:25 Now I'm going to break my silence.
36:27 Now I'm going to speak.
36:29 I'm going to ask you the questions, and you answer Me.
36:32 And then, of course, God begins to describe creation.
36:37 And, of course, we can't study chapter 38 and 39 where God
36:42 describes the days of creation in their proper order.
36:45 If we had the time we would show you that in those two
36:49 chapters God goes from the light, to the firmament,
36:52 then to the green grass, then to the constellations in heaven,
36:56 then He speaks about the birds, and finally He ends up with
37:00 land animals. In other words, He's describing creation
37:03 in the order in which it occurred at the very beginning.
37:07 And God is saying to Job, Where were you
37:10 when all of these things happened?
37:12 If you know so much, tell me.
37:14 In fact, let's read verse 4, actually lets go to verse 3,
37:19 and then we'll continue with verse 4.
37:21 Now prepare yourself like a man.
37:23 I will question you, and you will answer Me.
37:25 Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
37:28 Tell me, if you have understanding.
37:31 Who determined its measurements?
37:33 Surely you know. God is speaking somewhat with sarcasm here.
37:37 Or who stretched the line upon it?
37:40 To what were its foundations fastened?
37:43 Or who laid its cornerstone?
37:46 In other words, Job, where were you when I performed
37:49 all of these marvelous works?
37:51 And, of course, Job is thinking, Hum, I wasn't anywhere
37:56 to be found at that time.
37:58 He's starting to catch a glimpse that God is far
38:01 greater than he is.
38:03 In other words, as God gets larger and larger,
38:07 Job gets smaller and smaller.
38:09 And finally, after describing the days of creation
38:13 in their proper order, God ends His speech to Job in chapter 40
38:20 and verses 1 and 2, by saying:
38:30 In other words, do you have a right to correct God?
38:39 In other words, God is saying, You've tried to rebuke Me.
38:43 You've tried to correct Me.
38:46 He says, Do you really have a right to do this as,
38:52 pardon the expression, a puny little creature?
38:57 And, of course, now Job speaks to God, and I want you to notice
39:02 what he says in Job 40:3-5.
39:19 Hadn't Job said that if he could appear before God and talk
39:24 to Him, he would present his arguments before Him?
39:26 Well, there's no arguments to be had at this point. Verse 4:
39:42 In other words, Job is saying, Okay, Lord, You've made
39:45 Your point. I'm not going to speak anymore.
39:47 I'm going to keep quiet.
39:48 However, we're going to find in a few moments that Job found it
39:54 necessary to speak again.
39:56 Even though at this point Job says, You've made Your point.
39:59 I'm a puny little creature.
40:01 You're the great universal God who created the heavens
40:04 and the earth. Who am I to be demanding answers from You?
40:08 But Job, even though he says, I will not speak again,
40:15 we're going to find in chapter 42 that he finds
40:19 the need to speak again.
40:20 So we need to look at what happened between chapter 40
40:25 and chapter 42, to discover why Job felt that it was necessary
40:31 to speak again after he said, that he was not
40:34 going to speak anymore.
40:35 Now what is it that transpires in chapter 41?
40:39 You see, folks, the devil, Satan, does not disappear
40:46 from the story after chapter 2.
40:49 He's called Satan in chapters 1 and 2, but he reappears
40:56 at the end of the book with a different name, and that name
41:00 at the end of the book is Leviathan.
41:03 In other words, at the beginning of the book he's Satan, Hasatan,
41:08 the adversary, the accuser.
41:11 At the end of the book he doesn't appear as Satan,
41:15 he appears as Leviathan.
41:17 You say, How do we know that?
41:19 Well, let's notice some verses from Job 41, Job 41.
41:23 You know, many scholars believe that this beast that is being
41:26 described in Job 41, called leviathan,
41:29 was actually a crocodile.
41:31 But this can't be a crocodile.
41:34 I want you to notice the details.
41:35 Job 41:1-4. God is going to now ask Job some more questions.
41:50 In other words, are you able to fish leviathan out of the sea?
42:14 In other words, are you able to defeat leviathan?
42:18 Are you able to take leviathan as your servant?
42:21 Now I must tell you something, the mention of leviathan
42:25 would not have surprised Job, because archaeologists have
42:29 done digs in the area where this story took place,
42:32 and they have found that, according to the culture of the
42:36 time, the people believed that enemy of the gods
42:41 was called Leviathan.
42:43 So, in other words, Job would have understood that Leviathan
42:47 was the great enemy of God.
42:50 Of course, he wasn't a polytheist like the surrounding
42:52 nations, but he would understand the code word leviathan meant
42:56 that the enemy of God was the one who
42:59 was causing these things.
43:00 And God is saying, Can you fish leviathan and make him
43:04 your servant? Of course, what's the answer?
43:06 Job is saying, No way!
43:08 Now let's notice a few details about this leviathan.
43:11 Job 41:18, Job 41:18.
43:17 Speaking about this creature, it says:
43:26 In other words, his eyes gleam.
43:33 Have you ever seen a fire breathing crocodile?
43:36 I haven't ever seen a fire breathing crocodile. Verse 20:
43:53 In other words, this is a fire breathing creature.
43:58 Let's jump down to verses 24-27. It says:
44:09 Notice that this is a hard hearted creature. Verse 25:
44:31 In other words, this is an invincible creature.
44:35 He's a creature with a stone heart.
44:38 He's a creature that breathes fire.
44:41 Now who is this creature?
44:43 What does this creature represent?
44:46 Let's go to the end of the chapter, chapter 41,
44:49 and verses 33 and 34, comes the climax.
45:02 And now comes the key verse:
45:12 Let me ask you, who is the king over the children of pride?
45:17 The first creature who ever had pride.
45:21 His name was Lucifer, according to scripture.
45:25 Now fortunately, in other places of the Bible, we have references
45:30 to this same creature leviathan, which proves that
45:35 leviathan is a symbol of Satan.
45:36 And God is telling Job, Listen Job, My problem is much larger
45:41 than your puny little questions.
45:43 You want to know why little old you is suffering,
45:46 and why I can't answer at this moment what's happening to you,
45:51 and you complain, and you whine.
45:53 Don't you know that My conflict is with Leviathan,
45:57 is with this enemy of God?
46:00 Do you think that you can defeat him?
46:03 Do you think that you can take him as your servant?
46:05 Do you think that you can fish him out and cut him in pieces?
46:08 No way! Those who live on the earth when they see him,
46:12 they're filled with fear.
46:13 No weapon can conquer him.
46:15 He has a heart of stone.
46:16 He's king over the children of pride.
46:18 In other words, God is saying, I'm dealing with a
46:21 cosmic problem here.
46:22 I'm dealing with Leviathan.
46:24 Leviathan is the one who is causing all of your problems.
46:28 Now let's notice a few other verses that
46:30 speak about Leviathan.
46:32 Go with me to Isaiah 27, Isaiah 27 and I want to read
46:38 verse 1, Isaiah 27:1.
46:41 By the way, this is found in what is known as
46:43 the little Apocalypse of the Old Testament.
46:46 It's Isaiah 24 to27.
46:50 There are many elements in these chapters that are found later on
46:54 in the book of Revelation.
46:56 Isaiah 27:1. Here it's speaking about the day when God is going
47:01 to punish and destroy Leviathan.
47:05 It says there in Isaiah 27:1,
47:25 What is Leviathan?
47:27 Oh, Leviathan is the fleeting serpent, according to this.
47:38 And I'm reading from the New King James.
47:44 Actually, the King James Version says He will slay the dragon
47:50 that is in the sea.
47:52 The word that is used in the Greek translation of the
47:56 Old Testament is Delacon, where we get the word dragon from.
48:01 So Leviathan is identified as the twisted serpent,
48:05 and as the dragon who lives in the sea.
48:10 By the way, did you know that leviathan
48:13 is a multi-headed creature?
48:16 Notice Psalm 74, Psalm 74 and beginning with verse 13,
48:22 Psalm 74:13. Here we find a description of leviathan.
48:29 And we're going to find that leviathan had
48:32 more than one head.
48:34 It says there in Psalm 74:13, speaking about God when He
48:40 defeated the Egyptians at the Red Sea.
49:07 Notice that Leviathan is a him, it's one, but he has many what?
49:12 He has many heads, according to this.
49:15 Now the question is, how many heads does he have?
49:19 Go with me to Revelation 12, Revelation 12, and I want
49:25 to read verses 7 through 9, Revelation 12:7-9.
49:32 It says there, speaking about the origin of sin in heaven:
49:36 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought
49:41 with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought,
49:44 but they did not prevail; nor was a place found for them
49:49 in heaven anymore more.
49:50 And now notice the terminology.
49:52 So the great dragon...
50:01 Did you catch that?
50:02 He's called the dragon and he's called what?
50:10 Is that name in the book of Job, at the beginning of
50:13 the book of Job Satan? Absolutely!
50:25 Now how many heads does this dragon have?
50:28 Go back with me to Revelation 12:3, Revelation 12:3.
50:34 And another sign appeared in heaven; behold a great fiery
50:39 red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns,
50:44 and seven diadems on his heads.
50:47 So the question is, who is Leviathan?
50:52 By the description in chapter 41, and by examining Isaiah 27,
50:59 and Psalm 74, and Revelation 12, there can be no doubt that
51:04 Leviathan is a symbol of Satan.
51:09 So does Satan reappear at the end of the book?
51:13 He most certainly does.
51:15 And what is God saying at the end of the book?
51:17 He's saying to Job, Job all of your trials and tribulations
51:22 are caused by Leviathan.
51:25 And, of course, a light goes on in the mind of Job.
51:28 He says, Oh, now I understand where my trails are coming from.
51:32 They're not coming from God, they're coming from Leviathan.
51:35 And God is saying in this story, He's saying, this being is
51:39 invincible. He has a heart of stone.
51:41 He's king over the children of pride.
51:43 You can't take him as your servant.
51:45 You can't defeat him because he's invincible.
51:48 But God says, I will defeat him.
51:51 I will defeat the one who is causing all of your problems,
51:56 because I sit on the throne, and I am in control of history.
52:00 And so Job now, after he sees Leviathan he feels the need to
52:05 speak again, even though he said that he wasn't
52:07 going to speak again.
52:08 Notice Job 42:1-6, Job 42:1-6.
52:17 Here Job says, Excuse me Lord, I need to talk to You again
52:21 now that You've shown me what's going to happen to Leviathan.
52:24 Now that You've shown me that the culprit is going to get his
52:27 just due. By the way, did Job ever lose his relationship
52:32 with God? Did he ever release the hand of God? No.
52:35 We're going to find in our next study that he kind of felt like
52:38 Jesus when He was on the cross.
52:40 Where Jesus says, My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?
52:46 But then in the next breath almost He says, Father into Your
52:50 hands I commend My Spirit.
52:52 In other words, Job felt much like Jesus would feel later on
52:56 in history. And in both cases, it is the devil who is causing
53:01 the suffering. And the devil was going to get his just due
53:04 for causing the suffering.
53:06 So could we say that the heavenly universe gave Job
53:11 and God a great round of applause when
53:14 this story was over?
53:15 Absolutely, because Job did not lose his hold upon God.
53:21 Notice chapter 42 and verse 1.
53:31 Even defeat whom? Leviathan.
53:53 What was Job's big mistake?
53:56 He uttered what he did not what? understand.
54:00 When he saw Leviathan does he suddenly understand?
54:03 He most certainly does.
54:05 He continues saying:
54:27 In other words, when it says, My eye sees you, He says,
54:31 Now I what? Now I understand you. Verse 6:
54:42 I want you to notice that Job is not repenting of sin.
54:45 Job is repenting of having the audacity as a creature,
54:49 to demand answers from God.
54:52 And, you know, the interesting thing is the story ends
54:56 as you read the last part of the chapter with Job not only
55:02 receiving what he had lost, but he received double
55:06 of what he had lost.
55:08 And he lived a very prosperous life the rest of his days.
55:14 Now why would God give us this story of Job?
55:19 Actually, we're going to find in our next study,
55:22 that this story is a microcosm.
55:25 It is a miniature illustration of what is going to happen
55:30 in the great time of trouble such as never has existed
55:34 in the history of the world.
55:35 Once again God's people are going to be tried
55:39 to the utmost like Job.
55:41 They are going to lose every earthly support.
55:44 They are going to lose children.
55:47 They are going to lose possessions.
55:49 They are going to lose their health.
55:50 They are going to lose their freedom.
55:52 They are going to lose their friends.
55:53 The whole world will turn against them, them
55:55 according to scripture.
55:57 And they will feel like God, perhaps,
56:00 has forsaken them in this world.
56:02 And they will cry out to God for deliverance day and night,
56:07 like the widow in the story of Luke chapter 18,
56:11 who kept on coming to the judge asking for the
56:13 judge to do justice.
56:15 The wonderful thing about God's people during that period is
56:19 that we will have the benefit of the story of Job.
56:21 God has given us this story to know the controversy
56:26 that is going to ensue at the end of time.
56:28 The devil says, Oh, Your people serve You,
56:31 because You're good to them.
56:33 You prosper them.
56:35 You protect them.
56:36 But if you gave me control of the world, and you allowed
56:39 me to take everything from them, they would
56:41 curse You to the face.
56:43 And we're going to notice that the end time generation
56:45 God is going to have a whole group of people
56:48 who will prove the devil wrong.
56:50 They will prove that God is served simply out of love,
56:56 without any self interest.
56:58 And God's people will say, Though He slay me,
57:01 yet will I trust in Him.
57:03 They will say, I know that my Redeemer lives, and even after
57:08 this skin falls apart, I know that in my flesh
57:12 I shall see God.
57:13 And in this way, they will slap the devil in the face,
57:17 and they will vindicate the character of God
57:20 before the Universe.
57:21 And God will be proven right, and the whole universe will
57:25 end up with a great round of applause.


Revised 2014-12-17