Secrets Unsealed Miniseries

Sabbath at Redemption

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SUM

Program Code: SUM000015

01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:13 Father in heaven, as we open Your holy word once again,
01:20 we ask for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
01:23 We realize that this book was inspired by that Spirit,
01:27 and only through the Spirit's aid will we be able to
01:31 understand what it means for us today.
01:33 And so I ask that as we open Your holy book,
01:37 that You will instruct us, and You will give us the willingness
01:41 to live in harmony with what You teach us.
01:44 And we're thankful for Your being willing to hear our
01:48 prayer, for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:53 I'd like to begin our study by going to the fourth commandment
02:01 of the holy law of God.
02:03 It's found in Exodus 20:8-11, Exodus 20:8-11.
02:14 This is the central passage that we studied in our first part of
02:21 Hidden Sabbath Truths.
02:23 And, basically, when we study this passage of scripture,
02:27 we notice that the original reason for the Sabbath was
02:32 in order to remind us of creation.
02:34 In other words, it's a commemoration
02:37 of God's work of creation.
02:39 I'm going to read the passage so that we can grasp this clearly.
02:46 Verse 8 says this:
03:16 So basically God is saying, work six, rest the seventh.
03:23 And then He gives us the reason in verse 11.
03:27 That means because.
03:45 Or made it holy.
03:46 In other words, God is clearly saying in the fourth commandment
03:49 to us, work six and rest the seventh, because at creation
03:57 I worked six and rested the seventh.
04:00 In other words, follow My example.
04:04 In this sense, the Sabbath is a creation ordinance.
04:08 It comes into existence before sin.
04:12 It comes into existence before the cross was needed.
04:16 So the original intention of the Sabbath,
04:19 the original meaning of the Sabbath has to do with the fact
04:23 that it is a sign of creation.
04:26 However, when sin came into the world, the Sabbath now
04:33 had an additional function.
04:35 And we're going to notice that actually, it has a third
04:39 function as we reach the end of our study today.
04:43 But the Sabbath, as a result of sin, now had a second meaning,
04:49 or a second reason for observing it.
04:52 Go with me to Deuteronomy 5, and we're going to read
04:57 verses 12 through 15, Deuteronomy 5:12-15.
05:03 This is a repetition of the fourth commandment,
05:06 but we're going to notice that it has a different
05:09 motivation clause.
05:10 In other words, it gives us a different reason
05:13 for keeping the Sabbath.
05:15 In Exodus 20 the reason for keeping the Sabbath is
05:19 a commemoration of creation.
05:20 In Deuteronomy, chapter 5, the motivation for keeping
05:25 the Sabbath is different.
05:27 It's the second reason for keeping the Sabbath;
05:29 the post fall reason for keeping the Sabbath.
05:33 It says there in Deuteronomy 5:12:
06:18 And now notice the motivation clause.
06:43 Now the reason for keeping the Sabbath in this passage
06:47 is not creation, it is redemption from bondage.
06:50 And you remember that the sign of the redemption from bondage
06:55 was the Passover.
06:56 And the Passover actually pointed forward to the
07:00 liberation that would come through Jesus Christ.
07:04 In other words the Sabbath, after the fall, has a second
07:08 reason for its observance.
07:10 It is a post fall reason for the observance of the Sabbath,
07:14 and that is that God, who created,
07:17 is also the God who redeems.
07:21 In other words, the Sabbath is a sign of the Creator,
07:25 and it is also a sign of the Redeemer.
07:29 Now in our subject that we're studying now, we are going to
07:33 take a look at the Sabbath and its meaning in redemption.
07:38 In our first study we noticed the meaning of
07:40 the Sabbath in creation.
07:41 Go with me in your Bibles to the gospel of John 5:45, 46,
07:50 John 5:45, 46. Here Jesus is speaking to the Jews of His day.
08:00 He's speaking to the Hebrews, to the Israelites,
08:03 and notice what He says to them:
08:25 Notice in these verses that Jesus is saying to God's people
08:31 of that day and age, If you believe Moses,
08:34 that is the writings of Moses, you would believe Me,
08:39 because Moses wrote about Me.
08:42 In other words, the central meaning and content
08:45 of the writings of Moses is Myself.
08:49 Now in our study we want to take a look at one of those verses
08:54 that is found in the writings of Moses,
08:57 which pointed forward to Jesus Christ.
09:00 Go with me to Deuteronomy 8:3 and remember, as we're looking
09:05 for this verse, that this verse, written by Moses, points forward
09:11 to Jesus, because we're told here in John chapter 5 that if
09:16 the people believed in Moses, they would believe in Jesus,
09:19 because Moses wrote about Jesus.
09:22 So what I'm saying is that this verse that we're going to look
09:25 at now, is centered in Jesus.
09:29 Moses was speaking about Jesus.
09:32 Let's notice Deuteronomy 8:3.
09:36 It's talking about the manna which God sent to Israel.
09:41 It says there:
09:46 That is, Moses is saying, God humbled you, Israel.
09:59 And now notice the reason why God gave the manna.
10:04 It wasn't to provide Israel with physical food primarily.
10:09 It had a deeper intention, a deeper meaning, and that meaning
10:14 pointed forward to Jesus Christ.
10:16 Notice the last part says, He gave the manna...
10:35 Why did God give manna?
10:37 He not only gave manna to satisfy the physical hunger
10:41 of Israel, but He gave manna in order to teach Israel that
10:46 man will not live by bread alone, that is physical bread
10:50 like the manna, but man will live by every word
10:54 that proceeds from the mouth of God.
10:57 In other words, the manna represented the word of God.
11:04 God gave Israel the manna to teach them that they were to
11:07 survive, they were to live, by the word of God, as they were
11:12 living by consuming the manna that God had provided.
11:16 In fact in 1 Corinthians 10:3, 4, 1 Corinthians 10:3, 4
11:25 we find that the manna was not mainly,
11:28 or primarily, physical food.
11:30 Let's read there in 1 Corinthians 10:3, 4,
11:35 speaking about Israel's trek through the wilderness.
11:40 All ate the same spiritual food, and all drank
11:46 the same spiritual drink.
11:49 What kind of food was this food? spiritual food.
11:53 What kind of drink was this drink? spiritual drink.
11:57 For they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them,
12:03 and that rock was Christ.
12:06 So, you see, the manna had a deeper intention,
12:10 a deeper meaning than just being physical food.
12:13 The manna was a spiritual food.
12:16 The manna represented the Word of God.
12:21 Now the question is, who is the Word of God
12:26 according to scripture? Jesus.
12:29 Go with me to John 1:1-3, John 1:1-3.
12:37 Here we're going to find who is the Word,
12:41 according to scripture. It says there:
12:53 Who is this Word? Jesus.
12:56 Later on it says that the Word was made flesh.
12:59 It says in verse 2:
13:11 So God gave the manna to teach Israel that they should not live
13:15 by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out
13:18 of the mouth of God.
13:19 And the Word of God is Jesus.
13:22 He was trying to teach Israel that the only way that they
13:25 could subsist spiritually was to partake of whom? was to partake
13:30 of Jesus, the Word of God, who was symbolized by the manna.
13:35 Now in John 6:48-51 we find Jesus explicitly referring
13:44 to the manna, and He applies the manna to Himself,
13:48 spiritually speaking.
13:50 John 6:48, and we'll read on till verse 51.
13:56 Here Jesus is speaking to a group of Jewish
14:00 people and He says:
14:29 And now notice; this is very important:
14:42 So what did the manna represent, more specifically?
14:46 The manna represented the flesh of Jesus.
14:51 Did you catch that?
14:52 I'm going to read it once again, the last part,
14:56 actually verse 51.
14:58 I am the living bread that came down from heaven.
15:01 If anyone eats of this bread, that is of me because
15:05 He's the one who came down heaven.
15:06 He will live forever, and the bread that I shall give is
15:10 my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.
15:15 So we found that the manna represents the Word of God.
15:19 The Word of God is Jesus, and Jesus says that the manna
15:24 represents, primarily His what? His flesh.
15:28 That's what the manna represents.
15:30 Now why is this important?
15:32 Go with me to Exodus 16 and lets read verses 19 and 20,
15:38 Exodus 16:19, 20. We're going to remember, or recall
15:44 the experience of the manna that fell in the wilderness.
15:47 What happened if the manna was picked up on Tuesday
15:52 and it was saved for Wednesday?
15:54 It had two characteristics.
15:59 We're going to read that in a moment.
16:01 1. It bred worms, and it stank.
16:07 Two characteristics, bred worms, and stank.
16:12 I want you to remember that.
16:14 If it was picked up on Monday for Tuesday,
16:17 Tuesday for Wednesday, Wednesday for Thursday,
16:19 Thursday for Friday, Sunday for Monday,
16:22 invariably it bred worms, and stank if you
16:28 saved it for the next day.
16:29 But what happened when the manna was picked up on Friday
16:34 and the people took it out on the Sabbath?
16:38 The Bible says that the manna did not breed worms, or stink.
16:44 In fact it was as fresh as ever.
16:47 Let's read Exodus 16:19, 20.
16:55 He's speaking to Israel.
17:16 So notice when they picked it up for one day for the next
17:20 other than on the Sabbath, the manna bred worms and stank.
17:26 But what about when it was picked up on Friday for Sabbath?
17:29 Notice Exodus 16:23, 24.
17:37 This is Moses speaking to the congregation.
18:18 So when the manna was picked up on Friday and saved for the
18:22 Sabbath, the manna was as fresh on the Sabbath
18:25 as it had been on Friday.
18:29 Now what did God want to teach by this miracle
18:35 that He performed?
18:36 Well, we need to remember that the manna represents whom?
18:41 The manna represents Jesus.
18:44 What particular aspect of Jesus?
18:48 His flesh, which He was going to give for the world.
18:52 Jesus Himself said so.
18:55 So the manna represented the flesh of Jesus.
18:59 Now lets take a look at what happened a little less than
19:05 1,500 years later down in history when Jesus comes.
19:11 It is the sixth day of the week: Friday.
19:16 In fact the gospels call it the preparation,
19:20 and it's late on Friday.
19:23 It's late on the sixth day of the week,
19:26 and Jesus is hanging on the cross of Calvary,
19:30 and He's about to finish His works of redemption.
19:34 He's about to finish providing the means by which men
19:41 and women can be delivered from slavery to sin,
19:45 as Israel had been delivered from slavery,
19:48 literal slavery to the Egyptians.
19:50 Do you notice that what happened in the Old Testament is literal,
19:54 and when the fulfillment takes place it is spiritual?
19:58 In the Old Testament it was literal manna, a literal rock,
20:01 literal water, literal task masters, literal deliverance,
20:07 literal passing through the Red Sea, etc.
20:10 But all of these things represent spiritual
20:14 realities in the future.
20:16 In other words, the manna is a symbol of Jesus,
20:20 and Jesus the sixth day, which is the day in which the manna
20:24 fell, where they were supposed to pick it up for the Sabbath,
20:27 and it was not going to spoil, breed worms,
20:30 or stink on the Sabbath, Jesus says those famous
20:34 words, It is finished!
20:39 Does Genesis say that after creation He finished His works?
20:45 That very word is used.
20:49 Now on the sixth day Jesus says, It is finished!
20:53 And, by the way, it is late on the sixth day.
20:57 The sun is about to set on the sixth day.
21:00 The sixth day is about to end.
21:02 Notice John 19:30, the words that Jesus spoke on the cross.
21:08 He's going to say, I have finished now the works of
21:10 redemption, and He finishes late on the sixth day.
21:14 It says there in John 19:30:
21:33 Now I want you to notice the sequence of days
21:36 that we have here.
21:37 Go with me to Luke 23 and we're going to read verses 54 to 56.
21:44 I want the sequence of days to be clear your mind,
21:46 because some people say, well, how do you know that Sunday is
21:51 not the seventh day?
21:52 Do you know that it's common today for people to say that
21:54 Sunday is the seventh day.
21:55 Well, the fact is that that's impossible.
21:58 Sunday is not the seventh day.
22:00 The Bible says that Sunday is the first day.
22:02 It's the day in which Jesus resurrected.
22:05 So much for the calendars in Europe.
22:07 I have nothing against the Europeans, but in many countries
22:11 the calendar begins on Monday, which means that which day
22:16 would be the seventh day?
22:18 Sunday would be the seventh day, but that does not square
22:22 with holy Scripture.
22:23 Notice Luke 23 and beginning with verse 54; it says here:
22:31 Joseph of Arimathea.
22:49 The day when He said, It is finished.
22:56 What was about to begin?
22:57 The Sabbath was about to begin.
23:16 ...Sunday...
23:19 Thank you. I knew that you would protest.
23:22 I just wanted to make sure that you were awake out there.
23:25 It says that they rested which day? on the Sabbath,
23:29 according to the commandment.
23:31 Let me ask you then, which day did Jesus die?
23:34 He died on Friday.
23:36 What time on Friday?
23:37 Very late; almost when the day is ending, when the Sabbath
23:41 is going to start.
23:42 What is the day after the death of Jesus?
23:45 It's the Sabbath, which is what number of the days of the week?
23:50 It's number seven, because in the very next verse, Luke 24:1
23:56 it says that Jesus resurrected early on the first day
24:00 of the week, which means that on the seventh day
24:04 Jesus rested where?
24:08 He rested in the grave.
24:11 In fact, lets read again John 6: 51, because it's very important
24:17 that we understand this specific verse when it comes to what
24:21 happened to Jesus while He lay in the grave. He says there:
24:42 So the manna represented the flesh of Jesus.
24:45 When the manna was picked up on Friday no worms,
24:49 and it didn't stink on the Sabbath.
24:51 Let me ask you, when Jesus rested in the tomb
24:56 on the Sabbath day, did His flesh begin
25:01 the process of decomposing?
25:04 No, it didn't. His body was as fresh on the Sabbath
25:10 as it had been on Friday when He died.
25:13 Notice the prophecy, the Messianic prophecy that we find
25:17 in Psalm 16:8-10, and I'm reading from the NIV because
25:23 the translation is more accurate.
25:25 Psalm 16:8-10, this is a prophecy about the Messiah.
25:31 It says there:
25:51 By the way, do you know that that word that is translated
25:54 body in the New International Version, that is not the best
25:58 translation. The King James translates that word
26:02 in a more proper fashion.
26:04 You see, in the Greek language the word for body is soma.
26:08 That's not the word that is used here, soma.
26:12 The word for flesh is sarx.
26:16 The word that is used here is sarx.
26:19 In other words, flesh.
26:21 It's the very word that is used in John 6:51, which connects
26:26 John 6:51, the manna is the flesh, My flesh that I will give
26:32 for the world, is the same word that is translated body here
26:36 in the New International Version.
26:37 And so really what it says is, Therefore my heart is glad
26:41 and my tongue rejoices.
26:43 My flesh also will rest secure, or as the King James says,
26:49 my flesh will rest in hope.
26:51 What does the flesh of Jesus do?
26:53 It what? It rests in hope.
26:55 Why? Because His body is in the tomb which day?
26:58 His body is in the tomb on the seventh day Sabbath. Verse 10:
27:14 Are you catching what this is saying?
27:17 The body, or the flesh, of the Messiah was going to rest
27:22 in the grave in hope, and His body was not
27:26 going to see corruption.
27:27 His body was not going to decay.
27:30 And the question is, why is it that His body was
27:33 not going to decay?
27:34 Because Jesus was the living what? He was the living manna.
27:41 And when the manna was picked up on Friday for the Sabbath,
27:44 it was as fresh on the Sabbath as it was on Friday,
27:48 so Jesus died on Friday, and His body was as fresh on the
27:52 Sabbath as it had been on Friday.
27:54 His body did not begin to decompose.
27:57 Someone might say, Pastor is this really
28:00 a Messianic prophecy?
28:01 Well, lets go to the sermon of the apostle Peter
28:05 on the day of Pentecost.
28:06 Acts 2:25-27, Acts 2:25-27.
28:12 And once again, I'm reading in the New International Version
28:15 with the exception of the word body, which really should be
28:20 translated flesh, it's a good translation.
28:23 Notice Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost.
28:46 Once again it's the word sarx in Greek.
28:55 By the way, the word that is used in the Greek Septuagint,
28:58 the Greek translation of the Old Testament is sarx.
29:01 So we know that it should not be soma, it should be sarx.
29:06 Verse 27.
29:07 Because you will not abandon me to the grave...
29:11 The King James Version says, You will not leave, what?
29:16 My soul in hell. The New International Version says,
29:20 You will not allow me to remain in the grave.
29:23 So the soul is me, and hell is the grave.
29:27 Are you catching the point?
29:29 And so it says in verse 27, Because you will not abandon me
29:33 to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
29:39 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me
29:44 with joy in your presence.
29:46 And then lets go down to verse 31, Acts 2:31.
29:51 Now Peter is going to interpret the meaning of this passage.
29:54 He says:
30:05 Once again, it should be flesh.
30:11 Have you ever heard of those people who teach that
30:15 the crucifixion took place on Wednesday,
30:17 and Jesus resurrected on Sabbath?
30:20 This prophecy makes that impossible.
30:23 Jesus could not have been crucified on a Wednesday,
30:29 and resurrect on a Sabbath to fulfill this prophecy.
30:32 Because the only day in which the manna fell when it was
30:37 as fresh the next day as the day it fell was when it was
30:41 picked up on Friday for the Sabbath,
30:43 not Wednesday for the Sabbath, not Thursday for the Sabbath,
30:47 Friday for the Sabbath.
30:48 So this shows that really the Messiah was going to die
30:53 on which day? on Friday, and His body was going to rest
30:57 in hope, and His body was not going to see decay.
31:00 It was not, in other words, going to breed worms,
31:04 or to stink. Now somebody might say, Pastor Bohr, are you saying
31:08 then that eating the manna means that we eat
31:11 the physical flesh of Jesus? No.
31:14 We need to understand the way in which Jesus says that we
31:18 assimilate Him as the manna.
31:20 We assimilate His flesh.
31:22 It's not by eating His physical flesh, it's actually by
31:26 consuming His word.
31:29 Notice John 6:63, because when Jesus said these words,
31:35 the people said, Oh, this man is teaching us to be cannibals.
31:38 He's saying we should eat His flesh.
31:40 That's gross! That's forbidden in the law of Moses.
31:43 You see, Jesus wasn't saying, eat My physical flesh.
31:47 His physical flesh is assimilated by studying
31:52 the word, because Jesus physically is composed of flesh,
31:56 but His word is Jesus in written form.
32:00 Now notice John 6:63.
32:02 Jesus says to these people:
32:10 In other words, it doesn't do you any good to eat My physical
32:13 flesh. Then He says this:
32:20 In other words, we assimilate the flesh of Jesus through
32:23 partaking of His word, because the manna represented
32:27 the physical flesh of Jesus, and the physical flesh of Jesus
32:31 represented His written word.
32:34 By the way, 1 Peter 1:23 speaks of the word of God
32:40 being incorruptible, just like His body was.
32:43 Notice what it says there in 1 Peter 1:23.
32:49 It says, having been born again, not of corruptible seed,
32:54 but of what? Incorruptible through what?
33:00 Through the word of God, which lives and abides forever.
33:07 And so, interestingly enough, the Sabbath not only points
33:12 backwards to creation, but the Sabbath also,
33:16 in the Old Testament, pointed forward to what Jesus was going
33:20 to do when He died on the cross.
33:21 The sixth day, towards the end of the day, He was going to say,
33:24 It is finished. His body was going to be placed in the tomb.
33:28 On Sabbath it was going to rest in hope.
33:31 His flesh was not going to see decay.
33:35 It was not going to see corruption,
33:37 because He was the living manna.
33:40 In other words, we have a beautiful Messianic prophecy
33:44 here in John 6, as we compare it with Exodus 16.
33:53 But do you know that the Sabbath has another dimension?
33:56 The Sabbath also has a future significance,
34:00 and this future significance would have never come up
34:04 unless man had sinned.
34:07 Are you understanding that the Sabbath has a primary
34:11 significance, and it has secondary applications
34:14 as well after sin?
34:15 Before sin the purpose of the Sabbath is
34:20 to commemorate creation.
34:21 After sin it still commemorates creation, but now it also points
34:27 forward to redemption, where the Creator is going to finish
34:32 His works the sixth day.
34:33 He is going to rest in the tomb on the seventh day
34:35 like He did at the beginning, from is works of creation.
34:39 And the Sabbath also points forward to the end of time
34:44 when God will create a new heavens, and a new earth,
34:47 which is necessary because of sin.
34:49 In fact, lets go to Isaiah 66 and read verses 22 and 23.
34:57 Isaiah 66:22, 23. It says there:
35:16 Is this verse talking about a new heavens and a new earth?
35:20 God making a new heavens and a new earth? Absolutely! Verse 23:
35:26 In this new heavens and new earth.
35:33 By the way, New Moon could be translated from one month
35:37 to another, because the New Moon marked the beginning
35:41 of the months among the Hebrews.
35:44 You know that the months are lunar months.
35:47 Am I correct? Even today the months are reckoned by the moon,
35:51 and the days are reckoned by the sun.
35:54 So, in other words, it could be translated, from month to month.
35:59 And then it says, And from one Sunday to another...
36:04 Ah, you're still out there, and awake.
36:09 It says, And from one Sabbath to another, all the Jews shall
36:16 come to worship before Me, says the Lord.
36:20 It doesn't say, All the Jews.
36:23 So the New heavens, and the New earth is just for the Jews?
36:27 Of course not! It says here, From one Sabbath to another
36:31 all flesh shall come to worship before Me, says the Lord.
36:37 Now the question is, why are we going to go there to worship
36:42 before the Lord from month to month?
36:44 Obviously, we're going to go and worship before His throne,
36:49 because that's where, according to Revelation, people are going
36:52 to bow before God on the sea of glass, before His throne.
36:57 So why are we going to go every month?
37:00 Well, Revelation 22:1, 2 has the explanation.
37:04 See, Revelation explains the Old Testament.
37:08 You can't understand Revelation without going back
37:10 to the Old Testament.
37:11 So those who say that they're New Testament Christians
37:14 are really studying with one hand behind their back;
37:18 tied behind their back.
37:19 Notice what it says there in Revelation 22:1, 2.
37:33 And what is there?
37:58 So why is it that we are going to go to worship
38:03 before the Lord every month?
38:05 Clearly, we are told here, that we will go to partake
38:11 of the tree of life.
38:13 Did you know that we, even in the kingdom come,
38:18 are going to be conditionally immortal?
38:21 In other words, we will continue to live because we will continue
38:25 to eat from God's tree.
38:27 We will not be inherently immortal.
38:31 Our immortality will be derived from God's tree.
38:35 We will have to go every month to eat from the tree of life,
38:39 to continue living forever and ever.
38:42 But then there's the issue of going every Sabbath.
38:45 Why are we going to go to worship before the Lord
38:50 from Sabbath to Sabbath?
38:51 Folks, Isaiah 66 makes it clear.
38:55 It says that it's because God is going to make a new what?
38:59 God is going to make a new heavens and a new earth.
39:04 Now the question is, why would God have to make a new heavens,
39:07 and a new earth? The book of Revelation makes it very clear.
39:13 You see, when Jesus comes back to this earth,
39:17 the earth is going to return to the condition it was
39:21 at the beginning, before creation.
39:24 You remember that in Genesis 1: 2 it says that the earth
39:30 was without form and void?
39:34 And the planet was what? in darkness.
39:38 Notice Jeremiah 4:23, Jeremiah 4:23, speaking about the
39:46 condition of the earth after the second coming of Jesus.
39:49 It says there in Jeremiah 4: 23, I beheld the earth,
39:55 and indeed it was without form, and void; and the heavens,
40:00 they had no light.
40:03 So let me ask you, Is this planet going to return
40:06 to the chaotic condition it was in before creation?
40:11 Absolutely! So what is God going to have to do?
40:15 He's going to have to make a new heavens, and a new earth
40:20 just like He made when? just like He made at the beginning.
40:25 In other words, He is going to suspend His rest from creation.
40:31 Are you understanding me?
40:34 In other words, God, since creation, as we studied in our
40:37 first subject, has ceased His work of creation.
40:41 In other words, the evening and the morning of the seventh day
40:44 has not come for God, because God has created no more
40:48 with regards to this earth.
40:50 But when this earth returns to the condition it was in before
40:55 creation, God is going to break His rest, and He's going to
41:02 start creating again.
41:04 Let me ask you, how many days do you think God is going to use
41:08 to create again this world?
41:10 Now where did you get that idea from that it would be six days?
41:16 You know, I used to that when God makes the New heavens,
41:20 and the New earth, He's going to say, Let there be the New
41:23 heavens, and the New earth... it's all there!
41:27 But it can't be. You say, why not?
41:31 Because in Isaiah 66 we are told that we are going to worship
41:37 before the Lord from Sabbath to Sabbath in commemoration
41:42 of the creation of the New heavens, and the New earth.
41:44 Now you cannot keep the seventh day unless you have the first
41:50 six, because the seventh is reckoned on the basis of the
41:56 first six days. Are you understanding what I'm saying?
41:58 If we're going to go from Sabbath to Sabbath
42:01 to worship before the Lord, it must mean that there are six
42:05 days before that Sabbath, which means that God when He recreates
42:12 this earth, and He remakes the heavens...
42:15 By the way, do you know why He has to remake the heavens
42:18 and the earth? Go with me to Matthew 24:29, Matthew 24:29
42:26 tells us what's going to happen when Jesus comes. It says there:
42:30 Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the
42:34 sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light.
42:39 The stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens
42:46 will be shaken. What's going to happen with the sun,
42:48 the moon, and the stars?
42:49 They are going to be thrown out of their orbits.
42:52 The powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
42:56 By the way, who are the powers that rule the heavens?
42:59 The sun and the moon.
43:01 Notice Genesis 1:16, Genesis 1:16.
43:07 When God created the sun and the moon, notice what He
43:10 created them for.
43:11 It says: Then God made two great lights; the greater light
43:18 to do what?... to rule the day, and the lesser light...
43:24 ,... to what?
43:25 to rule the night: he made the stars also.
43:30 So who are the powers of the heavens that rule the heavens?
43:33 It is the sun and the moon.
43:35 Let me ask you, when Jesus comes, are the sun and the moon
43:38 going to be thrown out of their orbits? Yes they are.
43:42 And that's the reason why during the millennium we're told that
43:46 the earth is going to be in what?
43:48 The earth is going to be in darkness, because our whole
43:51 solar system is going to be thrown out of whack,
43:54 so to speak. So is Jesus going to have to reorganize
44:00 the heavens and the earth?
44:03 He most certainly is, and He's going to do it in six days.
44:08 Now here's the marvelous thing.
44:10 At the beginning, when God made the heavens and the earth,
44:15 and worked six days to create the heavens and the earth,
44:19 Adam and Eve were not eye witnesses, because God made
44:26 everything before He created Adam and Eve, and furthermore
44:32 when He made Eve, after Adam, but He put Adam to sleep,
44:36 and so Adam did not see the creation of Eve.
44:39 Adam and Eve did not see God create anything.
44:41 In other words, they had to take Jesus, God, at His word when He
44:47 said, I was the Creator.
44:48 I made everything.
44:49 They had to believe it because He said it.
44:51 In other words, they had to walk by faith not by sight.
44:56 But the beautiful thing is at the end of time
45:00 it's going to be different, because God's people
45:03 are going to be alive.
45:05 Can you imagine what it's going to be like when God is going to
45:09 remake this earth again, and organize it
45:12 like He did at the beginning; put it in order and fill it,
45:16 and He says the first day, Let there be light,
45:19 and light appears.
45:20 And then He says, now I have to let twenty-four hours go by.
45:23 Twenty-four hours go by then He says, Okay, now second day.
45:28 Let there be the firmament!
45:29 And God's people are there watching what He's doing.
45:33 Then the third day He says, Let there be productive land.
45:39 Let there be trees, and plants, and flowers.
45:42 And so all over the earth you have these beautiful plants,
45:46 and flowers, and trees sprouting out.
45:49 And then God says, Let the sun, the moon, and the stars occupy
45:54 their places again.
45:55 And He's going to organize the cosmos.
45:57 He's going to organize the heavens.
45:59 He's going to place the sun, the moon, and the stars
46:01 where they were before they were thrown out of their
46:04 orbits when Jesus came.
46:06 And then the fifth day He's going to say, Let the sky's
46:10 have birds in them, and let the waters be filled with fish.
46:14 They all died as a result of the plagues.
46:17 And then the sixth day He's going to say, Let the Earth
46:21 produce living creatures.
46:22 And He's going to create all of these wonderful animals
46:27 that we've come to love: cats.
46:31 I see my wife smiling.
46:35 Dogs, pet rats; You don't like those very well, do you?
46:43 Some people do. The world is going to be a gigantic zoo.
46:49 But everything will be perfect.
46:52 Animals will not kill animals.
46:54 And then Jesus is going to say, I've made this whole world
47:00 in six days. Now come, I'm going to give you the scenic tour.
47:06 And so now He's going to show us everything that He has made.
47:11 And see, He started working again.
47:13 He suspended His rest.
47:14 Now He's working six days after He does the work on six days,
47:19 Man does nothing like at the beginning.
47:21 Now God steps back and He takes a breath, Nafas!
47:27 And God enjoys the experience of rest in gladness and joy,
47:32 and the heavens are singing, nuach!
47:36 He's enjoying the work of His hands like a master artist.
47:41 He's contemplating the beautiful things that He has created,
47:46 and so He will give His people the scenic tour.
47:49 And then He will say to them, now this day is holy.
47:56 I've rested on it, therefore, from now on you will come
48:03 into My presence from Sabbath to Sabbath to commemorate
48:08 the glorious work of re-creation.
48:11 In other words, the Sabbath has a prophetic dimension.
48:16 It has a future dimension.
48:18 It points forward to the times when God is going to create
48:22 a new heavens, and a new earth, and God's people
48:25 will be eye witnesses.
48:27 And He will once again establish the Sabbath after creation
48:31 as a sign that He's the wonderful,
48:33 generous, loving Creator.
48:35 Now some people say, Pastor Bohr, there's not going to be
48:40 any monthly and weekly cycle in the kingdom.
48:44 Haven't you ever read Revelation 21:23?
48:49 Well, let's go to that verse and take a look at it:
48:52 Revelation 21:23, and let's read it carefully.
48:58 We need to read things carefully. It says there:
49:16 Does it say that the city doesn't have them? No.
49:22 Does it say that there's not going to be all over the earth?
49:25 No. It's the city, and the city has no what? no need.
49:31 See, we've got to read carefully.
49:44 Maybe I can illustrate it.
49:46 How many of you have seen a person with a flashlight
49:52 trying to find their way around at high noon?
49:57 I mean, if you shine your flashlight on the ground
50:04 on a 110 degree day in Fresno, when the sun is beating down,
50:12 can you even see the ray on the sidewalk? No.
50:17 It's shining, but the light of the sun is so bright, so bright,
50:22 that you actually, it's like you don't even have a flashlight.
50:26 That's what's going to happen with the sun and the moon.
50:30 The sun and the moon are going to have to step aside,
50:33 and they're going to allow the glory of God to shine
50:37 in the holy city.
50:38 Notice also, Isaiah 24:23, Isaiah 24:23.
50:47 This is related to what we just read in Revelation 21:23.
50:53 It says there, speaking about after the millennium when God
50:56 makes the new heavens and the new earth, it says,
50:58 Then the moon will be disgraced.
51:03 It doesn't say that the moon is going to disappear.
51:04 It says the moon will be disgraced, and the sun ashamed.
51:09 How come? Ah, it says, for the Lord of hosts will reign
51:15 on Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem before His elders gloriously.
51:21 Now allow me to read you a statement, as we near the end
51:26 of our study, from Early Writings, page 41.
51:29 This is a powerful statement.
51:31 Ellen White says this: The powers of heaven are the sun,
51:37 moon, and stars. They rule in the heavens.
51:41 The powers of earth are those that rule on the earth.
51:46 The powers of heaven will be shaken at the voice of God.
51:53 Then the sun, moon, and stars will be moved
51:59 out of their places.
52:01 That's what I was talking about a little while ago.
52:04 She says, they will not pass away, but be shaken
52:08 by the voice of God.
52:10 Now let me ask you, do you think the devil
52:15 loves the Sabbath?
52:16 The devil hates the Sabbath.
52:20 In fact, the devil has led Christians
52:23 to despise the Sabbath; to call it a Jewish institution;
52:26 to call it a yoke of bondage, but the fact is the Sabbath is
52:31 not a yoke of bondage, it's not a Jewish institution.
52:34 Did Jesus only come to redeem the Jews?
52:37 He came to redeem the whole human race.
52:39 The devil hates the Sabbath because the Sabbath exalts
52:44 Jesus at creation, because the Sabbath exalts Jesus
52:49 in redemption, and because the Sabbath points forward to the
52:53 new heavens and the new earth where we'll go to worship Jesus.
52:57 And the devil hates Jesus, and therefore he's going to hate the
53:02 sign that points towards Jesus.
53:04 By the way, if you want to know how much the devil hates
53:08 the Sabbath, all that you have to do is look at
53:10 the history of the Sabbath.
53:11 That will tell you how much the devil hates the Sabbath.
53:15 From the moment that God gave the Sabbath in the fourth
53:19 commandment, we're told that Israel trampled on the Sabbath.
53:22 They worshipped the sun, they worshipped other gods,
53:26 they trampled on the Sabbath.
53:27 And so God says, Okay, I'm going to send you to Babylon captivity
53:31 so that you learn to keep my Sabbath.
53:35 And so Jeremiah 17 says, that because they trampled on the
53:39 Sabbath, they disobeyed it, they desecrated the Sabbath,
53:42 God led them into captivity.
53:43 But the devil, you know, the devil is very sly.
53:46 So the devil says, I'm going to use this to my advantage.
53:49 God wants to teach them to keep the Sabbath.
53:51 Well, I'm going to tell them that they need to establish
53:53 a whole bunch of laws that will make it impossible
53:56 to break the Sabbath.
53:57 And so the Rabbi's established this system of laws, Rabbinical
54:03 laws, supposedly to protect the Sabbath from being desecrated,
54:06 so that they're not taken captive again.
54:08 Among those laws is if you had false teeth, you had to take
54:12 them out of your mouth because that's carrying
54:14 a burden on the Sabbath.
54:15 If you have a prosthetic leg you've got to take
54:18 the prosthetic leg off, because that's bearing
54:20 a burden on the Sabbath.
54:21 You can't look in a mirror and pull out a hair on the Sabbath,
54:25 because that's the sin of plucking a hair on the Sabbath.
54:28 You couldn't jump over a river, because you might fall in,
54:32 and then you would get wet, and you might fall into the
54:35 sin of wringing your robe, or your garment.
54:38 Nowhere in the Bible do you find these rules and regulations.
54:42 They were Rabbinical rules and regulations.
54:45 In other words, the devil led Israel from trampling on the
54:49 Sabbath to idolizing the Sabbath, and making the Sabbath
54:53 a means of salvation.
54:55 And the devil was preparing the way, eventually,
54:59 for the Christians in the early church to look at the Sabbath
55:03 and say, Look at that Sabbath.
55:05 It's a yoke of bondage.
55:07 It's a bunch of rules and regulations, so let's not keep
55:11 the Sabbath, let's keep Sunday, because it's a happy day.
55:15 It's a day that honors the resurrection of Jesus.
55:18 It's not that old Sabbath yoke of bondage,
55:21 full of rules and regulations.
55:23 Are you understanding what the devil is doing?
55:24 What the devil does, he leads Israel to
55:27 trample on the Sabbath.
55:28 Then he leads Israel to establish a mass of laws to
55:33 protect the Sabbath, which makes the Sabbath a yoke of bondage,
55:37 because eventually he wants to lead Christians to reject
55:40 the Sabbath, thinking that the Sabbath of the Pharisees
55:43 is the Sabbath of the Lord.
55:44 Do you know that the Rabbinical Sabbath
55:47 is not really the Sabbath?
55:48 It is a distortion of the Sabbath.
55:51 Jesus didn't come to break the Sabbath, Jesus came to deliver
55:55 the Sabbath from the mass of human laws
55:58 that had made the Sabbath a yoke of bondage.
56:01 Jesus would not give the Sabbath as a blessing,
56:03 bless it and make it holy, and then curse the Sabbath,
56:07 and break the Sabbath.
56:08 In fact, Jesus came to deliver the Sabbath from the bondage
56:13 that had been created.
56:14 And do you know that Bible prophecy tells us that there was
56:18 a little horn during the period of the middle ages that actually
56:22 thought that it could change God's holy law.
56:25 It's a church in the world today who says, We were the ones who
56:29 changed the day of worship from Sabbath to Sunday.
56:31 Let me ask you, who would like to see a change of the Sabbath
56:34 from Sabbath to Sunday? God, No, it would be Satan.
56:41 Because, you see, the change in the Sabbath points to
56:44 the person who changed it.
56:45 The original Sabbath points to God who established it.
56:49 So the question is, who's authority are you going
56:52 to accept? God, who established the seventh day Sabbath,
56:55 or this power which established Sunday as the day of rest?
56:59 The issue is not one day verses another, the issue is whose
57:03 authority do you accept? God's authority or man's authority?
57:09 The Sabbath is a great blessing.
57:12 I enjoy it. It reminds me of my great Creator.
57:16 It reminds me of my great Redeemer.
57:19 And it reminds me that soon we will be in the kingdom;
57:23 in the new heavens and the new earth
57:25 wherein righteousness dwells.


Revised 2014-12-17