Secrets Unsealed Miniseries

Sabbath at Creation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SUM

Program Code: SUM000014

01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:14 Our Father in heaven, we thank You for the awesome opportunity
01:20 of coming into Your presence to open the Holy Word,
01:23 which You have given to us as a way to determine
01:27 what is Your will in these last days.
01:31 I ask, Father, that You will open our minds and our hearts
01:34 to receive the seed of truth.
01:36 And Father, I just plead that those who will watch this
01:42 presentation, those who are watching it this very moment,
01:46 might receive a blessing, and might choose to follow
01:50 the Lord all the way.
01:52 I thank You, Father for hearing my prayer for I ask it
01:56 in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:58 The title of our study is Hidden Sabbath Truths.
02:06 I'd like to give you a little bit of background.
02:10 I grew up in a Seventh-day Adventist household.
02:14 My father was a minister for over forty-one years.
02:19 I studied in Seventh-day Adventist institutions through
02:25 all of my levels of education: primary, secondary, college,
02:30 and post-graduate.
02:32 I also had the privilege of teaching theology in one of our
02:38 institutions for a period of six years, and I've been a pastor
02:42 for the Seventh-day Adventist Church for over thirty years.
02:46 And in the course of this period of time, until very recently,
02:51 as I read the story of creation, in Genesis, I had a serious
03:00 question, actually two serious questions, that
03:05 had perplexed me for years.
03:07 The first of those questions is this: if the Sabbath is so
03:14 important, as the Seventh-day Adventist Church underlines,
03:20 why then didn't God give Adam and Eve a direct command
03:27 to keep the holy Sabbath in the Garden of Eden?
03:31 You see, Genesis says that God rested on the seventh day.
03:36 Nowhere are we told that Adam and Eve rested
03:39 on the seventh day.
03:40 And so I've hoped throughout the course of the years that
03:48 I could find an explanation as to why God had not given
03:52 Adam and Eve a direct command to keep the Sabbath,
03:55 if that was God's plan for them.
03:59 The second question which I had was concerning the expression,
04:04 the evening and the morning.
04:05 You see, Genesis 1 explains that after each day of creation
04:11 there was an evening and a morning,
04:16 but when we read about the seventh day,
04:19 there is no reference to an evening and a morning.
04:23 First day, evening morning, second day, third day,
04:27 fourth day, fifth day, sixth day, we're told there was
04:30 an evening and a morning, but when we come to the seventh
04:32 day, there's no reference to an evening and a morning.
04:35 And so my two questions were, why, if the Sabbath is so
04:39 important, didn't God command Adam and Eve to keep
04:42 the Sabbath? And secondly, why in Genesis don't we have
04:46 a reference to an evening and the morning for the seventh day?
04:51 And then a few months ago, as I was studying the story of
04:56 Genesis again, suddenly, I believe that God's Spirit
05:01 through a study of the word, revealed to me two things
05:05 which I had never thought of before.
05:07 And this is what I would like to share with you
05:10 in our study today.
05:13 The first thing that I want us to notice is that God is the
05:18 subject of the story of creation,
05:21 of the six days of creation.
05:23 More than thirty times in the first chapter alone we find
05:28 expressions such as, God created, God said, God saw,
05:34 God called, God made, God blessed;
05:39 over thirty times in just the first chapter.
05:42 We're told that God did everything during
05:46 those first six days.
05:48 Man did absolutely nothing.
05:51 And then when the creation account reaches its end,
05:56 in Genesis 1:31, we find this fact underlined that God was the
06:00 subject of creation.
06:01 God is the center of creation; the six days of creation.
06:07 Notice what we find in Genesis 1:31. It says there:
06:19 Notice, everything that He had made.
06:30 Do you see in this verse, at the conclusion of the story
06:34 of creation, that God was the one who made everything?
06:39 God saw everything that He had made, and it was good.
06:44 In other words, at the center of the first six days of creation
06:47 week is God Himself; God does everything.
06:52 And it's not less true, also, about the seventh day.
06:57 God is at the very center of the seventh day as well.
07:01 In fact, let's notice Genesis 2: 2, 3 concerning the seventh day,
07:08 and see if God is at the very center of the
07:11 seventh day as well.
07:13 It says there in Genesis 2:2.
07:45 Somehow I think that the author wants us to know
07:48 that God did this, that God worked the six days,
07:53 and it was God who rested on the seventh day.
07:58 Now the word rested here is used twice in Genesis 2:2, 3.
08:06 And the Hebrew word for rested both times is Shabbat.
08:12 Now it's important to realize that the word Shabbat means
08:18 to cease. It means to stop.
08:23 In other words, the word Shabbat does not refer to the manner
08:28 in which God rested on the seventh day, but it's telling us
08:32 that after the sixth day God Shabbat, God ceased.
08:37 We could give an analogy.
08:40 You know, in a court of law when the prosecution finishes
08:46 presenting its case they say, the prosecution rests.
08:53 Now that's not talking about the quality of rest.
08:56 It's simply saying that the lawyers are finished presenting
09:03 the case. They have ceased to present the case.
09:06 And so the word Shabbat used twice in Genesis 2:2, 3
09:12 simply means that God ceased, that God stopped creating
09:18 on the sixth day, but it does not describe the manner
09:22 of His rest on the seventh day; that is to say how He rested
09:27 the seventh day. The emphasis is He ceased working
09:31 after the sixth day.
09:32 In fact, from Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words,
09:37 we find this interesting statement:
09:39 The writer of Genesis 2:3 is not stressing rest from work,
09:47 but rather God's ceasing from His creative work
09:52 since it was complete.
09:56 So the emphasis is that God ceased.
10:00 God stopped creating.
10:01 He suspended His work of creating.
10:05 It's not talking about His quality of rest
10:08 on the seventh day.
10:09 Now immediately we have to ask the question, Okay, God ceased
10:14 after six days of work, but how did God rest on the seventh day?
10:20 Obviously the seventh day was a day of rest, even though the
10:24 word Shabbat means that He ceased creating after six days.
10:28 We would like to know how God rested on the seventh day
10:31 before the weekly cycle began again.
10:34 Allow me to read you a statement that we find in the book,
10:37 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 47.
10:40 This book, Patriarchs and Prophets, is a magnificent
10:44 history of the Old Testament.
10:46 In fact, it begins with the fall of Lucifer in heaven,
10:50 and it goes all the way to the period of the monarchy.
10:53 This is what it says on page 47:
11:05 Are you catching this?
11:32 In other words, God wasn't tired, He was well pleased
11:36 in the work which He had created.
11:39 In other words, He looked upon His works with satisfaction
11:43 on the seventh day.
11:44 For God it was a day of contemplation.
11:48 By the way, are you aware of the fact that it was not only a day
11:53 of contemplation for God, but also for all
11:56 of the heavenly hosts?
11:58 Notice what we find in the book of Job 38:7.
12:04 And I'm going to begin earlier, actually around verse 3,
12:08 where we are told something very interesting about this
12:12 moment of creation.
12:14 It says there, God is speaking to Job: Where were you when I
12:20 laid the foundations of the earth?
12:22 Tell me if you have understanding.
12:26 Who determined its measurements?
12:29 Surely you know. Or who stretched out the line upon it?
12:34 To what were its foundations fastened?
12:38 Or who laid its cornerstone?
12:41 And now notice this: after speaking about God doing the
12:44 work of creation. We're told:
12:55 What happened when God created this world?
12:59 We're told that the stars of heaven, as they're referred to
13:06 here, the morning stars did what?
13:09 They sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy.
13:14 In other words, all of the heavenly hosts also celebrated
13:19 the work of creation on the seventh day.
13:22 They contemplated, they meditated upon the magnificent
13:26 work that God had done.
13:29 Now it becomes obvious that God did not rest on the Sabbath
13:34 because He was tired.
13:35 We noticed that in that statement from
13:37 Patriarchs and Prophets.
13:38 It's also biblical.
13:40 Notice Isaiah 40:28, Isaiah 40: 28.
13:46 It's speaking here about creation, and it says:
14:10 God doesn't faint.
14:12 God doesn't get weary.
14:14 And so it becomes obvious that that rest on the seventh day
14:18 was not a rest because God was tired, or because God was weary.
14:24 It must have been some other kind of rest.
14:27 And as we've noticed, it was a rest of meditation,
14:30 and contemplation of the magnificent work
14:34 which He had performed.
14:35 By the way, we have a clear nuance of this in scripture.
14:40 We read a quotation from Patriarchs and Prophets,
14:42 but in scripture we have clearly revealed the manner of
14:47 God's rest on the seventh day.
14:49 Notice Exodus 31:17, Exodus 31: 17.
14:58 It's speaking about the Sabbath as it related to Israel,
15:03 but the Sabbath was not exclusively for Israel.
15:05 It says there, God speaking about the Sabbath:
15:24 By the way, that's the word Shabbat, the same word
15:26 that's used twice in Genesis 2. It says:
15:32 And now notice how the verse ends. It says:
15:40 It's the Hebrew word nephesh.
15:43 And basically nephesh means to sigh, or to take a breath.
15:50 You can imagine an artist who has just made a
15:56 magnificent work of art, and when he gives the final strokes
16:01 of paint to the canvas he steps back and he goes,
16:06 Ah, it's beautiful!
16:12 That's what God did.
16:14 Nephesh, He was refreshed.
16:17 He ceased and then it says, that He was refreshed.
16:21 In other words, He gave a sigh.
16:24 He took a breath, a deep breath, because of everything
16:28 that He had made, which was absolutely gorgeous,
16:30 and beautiful. And maybe even God thought,
16:33 I even outdid Myself.
16:35 And then we catch another nuance of the manner of God's
16:40 rest on the seventh day by going to Exodus 20:11.
16:44 Go with me to Exodus 20:11 and lets notice the last portion
16:51 of the fourth commandment of God's holy law.
16:54 It says there in Exodus 20:11:
17:15 Now if you go to the original language in which
17:19 the Old Testament was written, you find something very
17:21 interesting about this verse that is found in the fourth
17:25 commandment of God's law.
17:26 You notice that the word rested is used here.
17:29 It says that He rested on the seventh day, therefore the Lord
17:33 blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
17:35 Do you know that the word rested here in Exodus 20:11 is a
17:40 different word than Shabbat in Genesis 2:2, 3?
17:44 It's not the same word.
17:47 The word rested in Exodus 20:11 is the Hebrew word nuach.
17:53 And basically nuach does mean the experience of rest.
18:00 It's referring to what happens after God Shabbat,
18:05 after God ceases, He enjoys the experience of rest.
18:10 Now what does that mean, He enjoys this experience of rest?
18:14 Well, this same word is used many times in the Old Testament,
18:18 but there's one particular one that I want to make mention of
18:21 and that's in Esther 9:17, 18, and I'm not going to read
18:26 the verses, I'm just going to tell you the story.
18:28 You know that they were delivered from their enemies.
18:30 Haman wanted to destroy all of the Jews, and Esther came and
18:36 interceded and God's people were delivered
18:39 from their enemies.
18:40 And it says there in Esther 9: 17, 18, that God's people had
18:47 rest, nuach, the same word as in Exodus 20:11.
18:54 But not only does it say that they had rest, but the same
18:59 verse said that they celebrated the day with feasting
19:03 and with gladness.
19:06 In other words, their nuach was an experience of feasting
19:12 and of gladness. They were resting from the destruction
19:16 that their enemies intended to execute upon them.
19:21 And so the word nauch means that God took a deep breath
19:26 after creation in the contemplation of His work.
19:29 The word nuach means that He experienced rest and gladness.
19:34 And we've already noticed in Job 38:7 that all of heaven rejoiced
19:41 when God created this planet.
19:42 The stars of heaven, and the sons of God rejoiced
19:46 in the work that God had created.
19:48 In other words, it was a joyous rest in meditation
19:53 and contemplation of the great work which God had done.
19:57 In other words, God took the seventh day simply to step back
20:01 and look at the work that He had done, to meditate in it,
20:06 and to enjoy it with gladness and with feasting,
20:11 if you please. Now we come to a very important question,
20:17 and that is when was the Sabbath sanctified and blessed?
20:26 You know, I used to think that God blessed and sanctified
20:31 the Sabbath as the seventh day was beginning.
20:35 In other words, the Sabbath was about to start,
20:38 and God pronounces, He says, Now the day that is coming
20:42 I am blessing and I am sanctifying.
20:45 But as I've studied, I've discovered that God did not
20:51 bless and sanctify the seventh day until after
20:56 the seventh day had ended.
20:59 And this, we're going to find, is an extremely important detail
21:04 in the study of the Sabbath, and it explains the reason why
21:08 God did not command Adam and Eve to keep that Sabbath.
21:11 You'll notice that what we've studied so far is that God
21:14 Himself kept the Sabbath.
21:16 The heavenly beings kept the Sabbath.
21:19 They rejoiced with feasting, with gladness, taking a deep
21:23 breath, if you please.
21:24 They experienced rest: Exodus 20:11,
21:28 enjoying what God had made.
21:31 But it was an experience of God.
21:33 It was an experience of the heavenly hosts.
21:37 Now the question is, what about man?
21:41 Genesis doesn't say that man rested, and we're going to find
21:45 that the reason why God did not tell man to rest has to do with
21:49 when God blessed and sanctified the holy Sabbath.
21:52 The fact is that God did not make the Sabbath holy
21:56 until the Sabbath day ended.
21:58 God did not bless the seventh day Sabbath until
22:02 the day came to its end.
22:04 Allow me to read you, first of all, some statements from the
22:08 writings of Ellen White, and then I'm going to prove
22:11 that what she says is in perfect harmony with scripture.
22:13 And, by the way, I've read dozens of books on the Sabbath
22:17 and no one that I have read has ever caught what I'm
22:21 going to share with you save Ellen G. White.
22:24 Not even the greatest scholars in the Seventh-day Adventist
22:28 Church that have written books on the holy Sabbath
22:30 have I been able to find that they caught this point
22:33 that I'm going to share with you now.
22:34 But Ellen White caught it and she has it
22:37 all over her writings.
22:39 The first reference is in Patriarchs and Prophets,
22:42 page 47. Listen to this:
23:00 Did you catch that?
23:01 When did God set the Sabbath apart as a day of rest for man?
23:05 After God rested on the seventh day.
23:10 Once again, after resting upon the seventh day,
23:13 God sanctified it.
23:14 That means He made it holy, or set it apart
23:17 as a day of rest for man.
23:20 In The Desire of Ages, page 281, we find this
23:25 very interesting statement:
23:47 Why did God bless and sanctify the seventh day Sabbath?
23:51 She says, because he had rested on the Sabbath.
23:56 In other words, He rests the whole day, and then He blesses
24:01 and sanctifies the Sabbath.
24:03 A couple of other statements.
24:05 This is found in the devotional book, My Life Today, page 259.
24:11 The Lord's day, she's speaking about Revelation 1:10,
24:15 where it says that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day.
24:17 The Lord's day mentioned by John was the Sabbath, the day on
24:24 which Jehovah rested after the great work of creation,
24:29 and which He blessed and sanctified because
24:35 He had rested upon it.
24:38 Notice, He blessed and sanctified it because on it
24:42 He had what? He had rested.
24:44 And one more quotation, Volume 4 of the Testimonies, page 247.
24:50 She says, God blessed and sanctified the seventh day
24:53 because He rested upon it from all His wondrous
24:58 work of creation.
25:00 So the day wasn't even made holy until the day was over.
25:05 The day was not blessed until the day was finished,
25:09 and you say why? Very simple, you see it's the presence of God
25:14 that makes something holy.
25:15 And each minute of the Sabbath that passed, God was making that
25:20 minute, He was making that hour holy by His presence
25:24 in those minutes, and in those hours.
25:26 And it wasn't until the last second, the last minute
25:30 had passed that that minute and that second was holy,
25:33 because it's the presence of God in those minutes, and seconds,
25:37 and hours, which makes those minutes, and seconds,
25:39 and hours holy. And it could only happen after God had been
25:44 present in those time periods at the end of the Sabbath.
25:49 Now you say, Pastor Bohr, does the Bible corroborate
25:54 what Ellen White says?
25:55 How is it that she caught this?
25:57 The greatest books on the Sabbath have missed it.
26:00 Well, I believe that she had more than human wisdom,
26:03 and she was in harmony with scripture.
26:06 Notice Genesis first, chapter 2, and verse 3, Genesis 2:3.
26:12 It was there all the time.
26:13 I don't know how I've missed it in all of my experience in the
26:17 Seventh-day Adventist Church, growing up in a pastor's
26:20 household, being a pastor myself, teaching theology,
26:23 going to our schools.
26:24 I don't know how I missed this.
26:27 It's so clear and so simple. Genesis 2:3 says:
26:44 Is that clear? It said that God what?
26:48 He blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it
26:54 He rested from all of His work.
26:56 Notice also, once again, Exodus 20:11, which is the last verse
27:02 of the fourth commandment of God's holy law.
27:05 And we're read this before It says:
27:18 Now notice this:
27:22 That is because He rested on the seventh day.
27:30 Is it Biblical that God on the Sabbath day and He made it holy?
27:36 It's very Biblical.
27:38 We find it in Exodus 20:11, and we find it in Genesis 2:3.
27:44 It says, very clearly, therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
27:49 and hallowed it, because He had rested upon
27:53 the seventh day Sabbath.
27:55 Now we're going to find in a few moments that this has tremendous
27:58 implications as to why God did not command Adam and Eve
28:03 to keep the Sabbath in the Garden of Eden.
28:05 Now, let me ask you, is it clear in your minds that this
28:09 first week is God's week?
28:11 Is it God's week? It's God who worked six days.
28:16 Is that right? It was God who rested on the seventh day.
28:22 In other words, this is God's week.
28:24 This is not man's week at all.
28:26 At least not at this point, not this first week.
28:29 In a few moments we're going to notice that God gave
28:32 the week then to man, but this first week is God's week.
28:35 He worked six and He rests on the seventh day Sabbath.
28:40 Now we know the reason why the seventh day had
28:45 no evening and morning.
28:48 You say, Why not? Let me ask you, has God created any more
28:57 in this world since creation week? No.
29:04 Notice Hebrews 4:3, and I'm reading from the
29:08 New International Version.
29:09 Hebrews 4:3, and I'm reading the last part of the verse. It says:
29:15 And yet His work has been finished
29:21 since the creation of the world.
29:24 And this is over 4,000 years after creation.
29:30 What does the apostle Paul say?
29:32 He said His work is what? finished since the creation
29:36 of the world. In other words, since creation week,
29:39 what has God been doing with regards to this world?
29:42 He has been what? resting from His works of creation.
29:47 Has He not? Allow me to read you a couple of statements from
29:52 Ellen White, where she corroborates
29:53 this Biblical point.
29:55 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 115, she says:
30:06 Are you understanding that point?
30:16 And then she quotes the Bible. She says:
30:23 But then she adds this:
30:33 In other words, He ceased creating during creation week,
30:38 but He still upholds, and sustains that which He created
30:43 during creation week.
30:45 Another interesting quotation is found in
30:49 General Conference Bulletin, February 18, 1897,
30:53 where she says this:
31:11 So, in other words, God is still resting from His works of
31:14 creation in this world, because God has created no more.
31:19 And so for God, so to speak, the seventh day did not
31:24 come to an end because God is still what?
31:27 He's still resting from His works of creation.
31:31 Now let me ask you, when is God going to break that rest?
31:36 In our second study we're going to notice that God is going to
31:41 break that rest when He once again creates this world
31:46 in six days, and rests the seventh day.
31:49 So you don't want to miss the next presentation
31:52 that we're going to give the second part of this,
31:55 Hidden Sabbath Truths.
31:56 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
31:57 In other words, this is God's week, from God's perspective.
32:01 Now don't misunderstand me, we know that for man,
32:06 the Sabbath has a beginning and end.
32:08 It has an evening and a morning for man.
32:11 But this first week is whose week?
32:14 This first week is God's experience.
32:16 He works six, He rests the seventh, He's still resting,
32:20 because He has created no more.
32:23 When He breaks His rest, when He creates this world again,
32:27 then He will work, we're going to notice, six days and then He
32:32 will what? He will rest on the seventh,
32:34 as He did at the very beginning.
32:36 Now some people they say, Ah, Pastor Bohr, but what do you
32:39 do with John 5:17, 18, where Jesus says, My Father has been
32:45 working until now, and I have been working?
32:48 That question always comes up.
32:51 Let me tell you that the works that are being spoken of there
32:54 are the works of upholding, and sustaining the universe.
32:57 He's not talking about works of creation, He's talking about
33:01 works of redemption.
33:02 Very clearly, in the context, He has just restored the legs
33:07 of a man who was paralyzed to what they should have
33:10 been at the beginning.
33:11 In other words, He's restoring his ability to walk.
33:16 He is not doing a work of a new creation,
33:19 He's actually upholding, and restoring that which was already
33:23 created, according to the context.
33:25 In other words, the works that He's talking about here,
33:28 that He and His Father are performing, are not new works
33:31 of creation, because those were finished from the
33:34 foundation of the world.
33:35 They are works of what?
33:37 They are works of redemption.
33:40 Now I don't want you to misunderstand.
33:43 For God there was no evening and morning to the seventh day,
33:48 because God is still resting from His work of creating.
33:50 That doesn't mean that for us there is not an evening
33:54 and a morning, because God told us to work six days,
33:58 and rest on the seventh, on a weekly cycle basis.
34:01 We know that the seventh day the sun rises, and the sun sets.
34:05 Correct? We know that God said that from even to even
34:08 you shall keep the Sabbath.
34:10 So we know that for us, once God gives the week to man,
34:13 then the seventh day has an evening and the morning.
34:16 But because this first week is describing God's working,
34:20 and God's rest, no evening and morning is mentioned
34:24 with regards to God.
34:25 Are you following what I am saying?
34:28 This is very, very important.
34:29 Now, whom did God create the week for?
34:37 You notice that this is God's week.
34:40 The first week is God's week, but God doesn't need a week.
34:44 God, obviously, is molding the week, and He's going to give
34:49 the week to whom? to man.
34:52 That's why Mark 2:27 says, And he said to them, the Sabbath was
35:00 made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
35:04 In other words, even though this week is, this first week is
35:07 God's week, because God worked six, God rests on the seventh,
35:13 He's still resting because He has created no more since
35:17 creation week. God marked off this week in order to then give
35:25 it to man. Allow me to read you an interesting statement in
35:29 Patriarchs and Prophets, page 111.
35:44 Now notice this:
35:51 So what did God do the first week?
35:54 You can see Him using a tape measure: six, seven.
36:01 So He measures off the first week...
36:35 Did you notice, once again, the idea that God rested
36:39 and He then blessed this day, and set it apart
36:42 as a day for man?
36:43 Another scholar, Henry Morris, staunch creationist,
36:50 in his book, Biblical Creationism, page 62, says
36:56 something similar to what Ellen White had to say. He says this:
37:16 What did God establish during creation week? a what?
37:18 a permanent pattern.
37:20 He worked six, He rested on the seventh, continues resting
37:25 because He's created no more, and then He takes the measured
37:28 off week and He gives this measured off week to man,
37:33 and He says, now you work six, and rest on the seventh,
37:36 and your rest is not going to be continual without interruption.
37:40 Once you rest on the seventh, then you're going to go back
37:43 and you're going to work six, and then rest on the seventh
37:46 in a continuous cycle.
37:47 And so God then takes the week and He gives the week to Adam.
37:54 In fact, it's interesting, in The Desire of Ages, page 281,
37:58 we find this remarkable statement: Because He had rested
38:01 upon the Sabbath, God blessed the seventh day
38:06 and sanctified it.
38:07 Now notice this very carefully; this is profound.
38:10 Written by a woman who had 21/2 years of primary education.
38:15 Because He had rested upon the Sabbath, God blessed the seventh
38:18 day and sanctified it; set it apart to a holy use.
38:22 And now notice this.
38:23 After He set it apart at the end of the Sabbath, it says:
38:32 When did God give the day of rest to Adam?
38:35 After the day ended, which means that God did not give Adam
38:42 the Sabbath when the Sabbath day began.
38:44 Now let me tell you very clearly the reason why God did not
38:49 command Adam and Eve to keep the Sabbath.
38:51 First of all, it's because in order to keep the Sabbath,
38:57 in harmony with the fourth commandment, Adam and Eve needed
39:01 to work six first.
39:03 Are you with me?
39:08 The commandment says six days you shall labor and do all
39:11 your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
39:14 your God. How could they have rested on that first Sabbath and
39:18 keep the commandment, if they had not previously worked six?
39:21 In other words, what I'm saying is that God did not command
39:27 Adam and Eve to keep that first Sabbath.
39:29 Adam and Eve were commanded by God to keep the second Sabbath
39:33 of human history, after God had set it apart.
39:37 Because the commandment says that they had to work six,
39:40 and then they had to what? they had to rest on the seventh.
39:44 Furthermore, how could Adam and Eve have been commanded by God
39:50 to keep the Sabbath holy if the Sabbath
39:52 wasn't holy until it ended?
39:54 You're not with me.
39:57 Are you with me? When was the Sabbath made holy?
40:01 At the end of the day, which means that God could not have
40:05 said to Adam and Eve, Keep the Sabbath holy, because it wasn't
40:08 yet holy. It was the presence of God in the day
40:12 which made the Sabbath holy.
40:14 Furthermore, we're going to notice that God gave Adam and
40:18 Eve an example of Sabbath observance.
40:21 But let me tell you something, you cannot ask somebody to
40:24 follow your example until you have first given an example.
40:29 In other words, this first week is God's week.
40:32 God worked six days, He rests on the seventh, then He blesses
40:37 and sanctifies the seventh day.
40:39 For, He does it for man, not for Himself, because He still
40:43 continues resting after this.
40:44 He has created no more, but He's doing this for man.
40:47 So at the conclusion of the seventh day God says,
40:50 now I have made the week.
40:52 Here's the week, Adam and Eve.
40:53 Now tomorrow you start working six, and the next seventh day,
40:58 you keep the Sabbath, as you saw Me keep the Sabbath.
41:02 Now we know the reason why God did not command Adam and Eve
41:07 to keep the Sabbath.
41:08 He couldn't, because the Sabbath was not yet holy.
41:12 How could God tell Adam and Eve, Keep the Sabbath holy,
41:14 if it wasn't holy until the day ended?
41:18 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
41:20 Now, which day of the week were Adam and Eve created?
41:26 Let's read it in Genesis 1:26- 28, and then we'll also read
41:32 verse 31. It says there:
42:11 And now we'll jump down to verse 31. It says:
42:25 Ah, thank you. The which day?
42:30 The sixth day. So which day were Adam and Eve created?
42:33 They were created on the sixth day.
42:35 So let me ask you something, were they present when God
42:39 rested on the seventh day?
42:42 Did they see God create anything?
42:46 No, but were they able to observe God's rest?
42:51 Did they see how God rested?
42:54 They most certainly did, because they were created the sixth day.
42:57 They saw how God rested.
43:00 In fact, let's go back to the fourth commandment
43:03 and you'll see that very clearly.
43:05 Exodus 20:8, because some people are going to say, Well, Pastor
43:10 Bohr, you're saying that Adam and Even, what did they do
43:12 then on the Sabbath?
43:13 So we're going to notice what they did on the Sabbath;
43:15 on that first Sabbath. Exodus 20:8.
43:36 God is saying to man, in this case it's to Israel,
43:41 because He's giving the law directly to Israel,
43:45 doesn't mean that the law is only for them.
43:47 The ten commandments, Christians would agree,
43:49 apply to all Christians, but most Christians would say,
43:52 except for the fourth.
43:54 Now that doesn't make much sense.
43:57 The Bible says that if you break one, you're actually
43:59 breaking them all.
44:00 They stand together, or they fall together.
44:03 So God says, work six and rest the seventh.
44:10 Why does He say work six and rest the seventh?
44:12 What is the foundation for working six
44:14 and resting on the seventh?
44:15 God is going to say, because I gave you the example.
44:17 Notice verse 11. It says in verse 11:
44:21 For, that is because, you work six and rest
44:24 the seventh because...
44:40 Do you see what's happening here?
44:43 God is saying, you work six, and you nuach on the seventh.
44:49 That is experience rest on the seventh, because, the reason is
44:54 because I, at the very beginning worked six and what?
44:59 and rested on the seventh.
45:00 In other words, you are to follow My example.
45:05 But how could man follow God's example unless God
45:09 first gave the example?
45:11 Allow me to illustrate what I mean.
45:15 Have you ever seen these Lego's that people, you know,
45:19 kids don't use those anymore.
45:20 They only want video games now.
45:22 But, you know, there used to be a time when you had these Lego's
45:25 where you fit one piece into another and you'd build things?
45:27 Some of them could be very complicated.
45:31 You know, I never had Lego's.
45:33 I never, we never really bought our kids Lego's very much,
45:37 maybe once or twice.
45:38 But I've seen a father who will sit down on the living room
45:45 carpet, and his little son is there, and the father says,
45:50 son, come here. I'm going to show you how to do this.
45:53 And so the father starts putting piece upon pieces.
45:58 Are you watching? Are you watching?
46:00 And then he builds it, and then the father takes all of the
46:03 pieces off and he says, now you do it.
46:06 That's exactly what we have at creation.
46:09 God observes the Sabbath, and then He says to Adam and Eve,
46:14 Did you see how I did it?
46:15 Now you do it the same way.
46:18 You keep it as you saw Me keep it.
46:21 Once again, in this magnificent book, Patriarchs and Prophets,
46:25 page 47, we find this comment:
46:31 We read this part already.
46:39 And now notice this:
46:50 Did God rest upon this sacred day? Yes.
46:54 What did God do when He rested upon this sacred day?
46:57 It was a day of what? joy, gladness, contemplation of His
47:00 magnificent work, His masterpiece.
47:02 He was just enjoying what He had made,
47:04 along with the heavenly host, according to what we read.
47:07 The author continues saying: following the example
47:11 of the Creator...
47:18 Notice, look upon the heavens and the earth.
47:22 That means to meditate.
47:39 Does that sound like the Sabbath was a curse?
47:41 You know, Christians today say, Oh,
47:43 the Sabbath was for the Jews.
47:45 That was this burden that nobody can bear.
47:48 You know, they're really casting a shadow upon God,
47:52 because God made the Sabbath.
47:55 God exemplified Sabbath observance.
47:58 And then God said, I worked six.
48:00 You saw Me rest on the seventh.
48:02 You saw how I did it.
48:04 In fact, probably, God gave Adam and Eve the scenic tour,
48:07 if you please. And then God said, Now the day has ended.
48:12 I'm setting it apart.
48:14 I've given you an example.
48:15 Here's the week for you: now you work six, and next Sabbath
48:20 you keep the Sabbath like you saw Me keep it. Amazing!
48:25 In another statement, which we also find in Patriarchs and
48:29 Prophets, page 48. We find this:
48:42 The Sabbath was what? essential for man where? in Paradise.
48:50 Let me ask you, if the Sabbath was necessary in Paradise, would
48:53 it be much more necessary today to remember God? Of course!
49:11 And now notice the purpose.
49:26 Once again, I like that!
49:28 He needed to lay aside his own interests
49:31 and pursuits for one day...
49:58 Are you starting to comprehend the purpose of the Sabbath?
50:02 why God established the Sabbath at the very beginning?
50:05 It was so that man would remember Him.
50:08 That's why the fourth commandment begins by saying,
50:11 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
50:14 And at the end of this commandment it says the reason
50:18 why I want you to remember the Sabbath day is because it
50:21 reminds you of the great Creator of the heavens and the earth.
50:25 His greatness, His power, and His love towards you,
50:28 in giving you everything, without even asking for it.
50:32 You'll hear many Christian churches speak irrespectively
50:39 about the Sabbath of the Jews.
50:43 But do you know something interesting in scripture?
50:45 Whenever the Sabbath appears in scripture, it is called
50:51 the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
50:55 In other words, it's a day which belongs to whom?
51:00 It belongs to God.
51:02 It's the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
51:04 Not once is the Sabbath referred to as the Sabbath of the Jews.
51:09 It is always the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
51:13 In fact, in Isaiah 58 God calls the Sabbath My holy day.
51:20 In fact He says, You take away your foot from stepping on
51:24 My holy day. How dare someone say that the Sabbath
51:30 was for the Jews.
51:31 You know, in order for the Sabbath to be the
51:33 Sabbath of the Jews, the Jews should have been the ones who
51:38 rested first on it, if it was their Sabbath.
51:42 But the reason why the Sabbath is called
51:45 the Sabbath of the Lord your God, is because God rested
51:49 on the seventh day Sabbath, therefore He's saying,
51:52 this day belongs to Me, because I rested on the Sabbath.
51:55 And so He says, now I want you to respect My holy day.
52:01 I want you to respect my Sabbath, because I rested on it.
52:05 It's mine. I made it holy.
52:06 I rested every single minute of the Sabbath day,
52:09 therefore it's My day, and if you want to enter My rest
52:13 you have to enter My rest on My holy day.
52:17 You know, many Christians today say, you Seventh-day Adventists
52:23 keep the seventh day as your Sabbath.
52:27 I keep the first day, Sunday, as the Sabbath.
52:32 Do you know, it's absolutely impossible to keep Sunday
52:36 as the Sabbath? Do you know the reason why?
52:39 Genesis makes it clear.
52:41 You cannot keep Sunday as the Sabbath, because Sunday is
52:45 not the day that God rested.
52:46 It's that simple. If you're going to enter God's rest
52:52 you have to enter His rest on the day in which He rested.
52:56 He never rested on Sunday, therefore you can't enter
53:00 His rest on Sunday, because God did not rest on Sunday,
53:04 He rested the seventh day.
53:06 And if we're going to enter His rest, we have to enter His rest
53:09 on the day which He rested.
53:11 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
53:14 So as I examined these things, I said, Now I have the answers
53:20 to the questions that have kind of tormented me
53:22 for such a long period of time.
53:24 Why didn't God command Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
53:30 to keep the Sabbath, and why doesn't the seventh day
53:34 have an evening and a morning?
53:36 And when I realized that the first week was God's week,
53:41 that God worked six, that God rested on the seventh,
53:45 and therefore the seventh day is God's.
53:48 It belongs to God.
53:49 It's His rest day.
53:51 Now I knew why there wasn't any evening and morning,
53:55 because really, when God finished His work the sixth day,
53:58 and rested on the seventh day, He has continued resting
54:02 from His works of creation.
54:03 In other words, for God there has been no evening and morning.
54:06 For us there is an evening and morning, but not for God,
54:09 because God is still resting from His works of creation.
54:13 He has created no more with regards to this world.
54:16 And I discovered also the reason why God did not command
54:20 Adam and Eve to keep the Sabbath in the Garden of Eden,
54:23 because God could not command Adam and Eve to keep the Sabbath
54:26 holy before He made it holy.
54:28 God could not tell Adam and Eve, keep the Sabbath and follow
54:34 My example, unless God had first given the example.
54:37 God could not tell Adam and Eve, six days shall you labor and do
54:41 all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
54:45 your God, if Adam and Eve had not worked six.
54:48 You see, the commandment not only requires keeping
54:52 the seventh, or resting on the seventh, the commandment also
54:55 requires working six first, and Adam and Eve
54:58 had not worked six days.
55:00 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
55:02 And so as we look at the Sabbath at creation, we see that it's
55:09 part of God's original plan for the human race.
55:12 It's not something that God gives as a afterthought
55:17 to the Jews in the wilderness.
55:19 It's part of God's original plan before sin.
55:24 He gave the week and the Sabbath to Adam and Eve before sin.
55:29 Some people say, Well, the Sabbath actually pointed
55:32 to the redemption of Jesus when He would die on the cross.
55:35 The fact is folks that that is a secondary meaning of the Sabbath
55:39 as we're going to notice in our second lecture,
55:41 but it is not the primary meaning of the Sabbath.
55:43 The primary meaning of the Sabbath is that God gave this
55:47 as a day of rest, to look backwards not forwards.
55:51 The purpose was to look back at the magnificent Creator;
55:56 the work that He had done.
55:57 His generosity, and His goodness in giving Adam and Eve,
56:01 and all of their descendents this beautiful gift: life,
56:06 and a beautiful world to live in.
56:08 In other words, the Sabbath is part of God's original plan
56:14 for the human race.
56:16 It is not an afterthought.
56:19 And as we're going to see, in the second part of this
56:23 mini series, Hidden Sabbath Truths, we're going to notice
56:29 that the Sabbath is going to be observed in the earth made new.
56:34 So the Sabbath points us backwards, and the Sabbath
56:39 also points us forward to when God is going to break His rest,
56:45 and once again He is going to create a new heavens,
56:51 and a new earth, as we'll see.
56:53 And He's going to create it in six days, and then He is
56:57 going to rest on the seventh day, giving us an example,
57:01 and then He's going to say, now you work six days,
57:05 and rest on the seventh day.
57:07 And you come and worship before Me; all flesh come and worship
57:14 before Me on the seventh day in commemoration
57:18 of the new creation.
57:20 How marvelous is this gift of the Sabbath,
57:23 which God has given us.


Revised 2014-12-17