Equipping The Saints

Why Jesus Was Always Talking About Plants?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SUES

Program Code: SUES000004A

00:17 Once again, friends,
00:18 it's good to be here with you today.
00:20 We're with Secrets Unsealed here in the islands of Hawaii
00:23 in Oahu particularly and having a blessed time
00:26 studying in this series, "Equipping the Saints."
00:29 We're looking at what does God expect of us
00:32 in His work in the earth today.
00:34 And so we want to go right into the Bible and study that
00:37 and this message today
00:40 is "Why Jesus was always talking about plants."
00:44 Why Jesus was always talking about plants?
00:48 That's an odd title, but we're gonna see
00:49 where we're headed with it in just a few minutes.
00:51 But before we do any study from God's Word,
00:53 as usual, let's begin with a word of prayer.
00:56 Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You so much
00:59 that You give us the opportunity
01:02 to be connected with Jesus through working with His body,
01:06 which is the church.
01:07 Please help us to not only be members in attendance,
01:12 but be missionaries for You.
01:15 Please teach us Christ's method of working.
01:19 Show us what we should do
01:21 and then strengthen us to do it,
01:22 for we pray it in Jesus' name.
01:24 Amen.
01:26 "Why Jesus was always talking about plants"
01:29 and again, it's an odd title.
01:31 But if you look through the Bible account
01:32 when Jesus talks to people and gives parables.
01:34 Now sure, He talks sometimes about money,
01:37 and sometimes He talks about fishing
01:40 and these kind of things.
01:41 But over and over again,
01:42 you see that Jesus repeatedly comes back to that
01:45 agricultural theme.
01:47 He was always talking about soil, and seeds,
01:50 and plants, and harvest, and crops, and grain
01:53 and why was Jesus always talking about plants?
01:56 Well, let's go and find this from the Bible.
01:58 Go to Luke Chapter 4
02:01 Luke Chapter 4, Jesus comes in
02:04 to His hometown of Nazareth
02:06 and He attends the church service.
02:09 Verse 7, I'm sorry, Matthew Chapter...
02:12 Luke Chapter 4, I apologize.
02:14 Verse 16 says, "So He came to Nazareth,
02:18 where He had been brought up.
02:19 And as His custom was,
02:21 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day,
02:24 and stood up to read."
02:25 Now I want to highlight a couple of things
02:26 before we get into the meat of our sermon.
02:28 This is kind of a parenthetical aside,
02:31 but please notice,
02:32 Jesus went to the church
02:34 or the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Why?
02:36 Because it was His custom.
02:38 It's just what you do on the Sabbath.
02:41 Did Jesus go because people always love to hear
02:43 what He had to say,
02:45 or eager to have Him attend?
02:46 No.
02:48 How did Jesus day end later this Sabbath?
02:50 Those very people tried to throw him off a cliff.
02:53 But you know, He did the next Sabbath,
02:55 He went back to the synagogue.
02:56 Why? Because it was His custom.
02:59 Notice this also,
03:01 He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day
03:02 and stood up to read.
03:05 He wasn't just a passive watcher,
03:08 He was an active participant in the worship service.
03:11 And this day, He goes to His hometown church,
03:13 which He always did when He was growing up.
03:15 And He prepares to read the scripture reading.
03:17 And it says in verse 17,
03:19 "He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah.
03:22 And when He had opened the book,
03:24 He found the place where it was written:
03:25 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
03:28 because He has anointed me
03:29 to preach the gospel to the poor,
03:31 He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
03:33 to proclaim liberty to the captives
03:35 and recovery of sight to the blind,
03:37 to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
03:39 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."
03:42 Verse 20,
03:44 "Then He closed the book,
03:45 and gave it back to the attendant
03:46 and sat down.
03:48 And the eyes of all
03:49 who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him."
03:52 Verse 21,
03:53 "And He began to say to them,
03:55 'Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.'"
04:01 Put it another way, Jesus just said that
04:04 what we just read is all about Me.
04:09 Jesus Christ recognized that His mission statement
04:12 for His work on the earth
04:14 was found in the prophecy of Isaiah,
04:16 where we would find in the Codex Bible today,
04:19 Chapter 61.
04:20 So let's go back and read it in the original.
04:23 Isaiah Chapter 61.
04:26 This is where Jesus drew His inspiration
04:30 to declare to the believers in Nazareth
04:32 that this was His mission.
04:34 Again, He quoted verses 1 and 2,
04:38 but I want to draw your attention
04:40 to the last verse, verse 11.
04:45 Clearly, we've established that Jesus recognized Isaiah 61
04:49 as His personal mission statement
04:51 for the work God had given Him to do on the earth.
04:53 He said, "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."
04:58 But I want you to see that
05:00 Isaiah 61 has more than just those first two verses.
05:04 And it concludes
05:05 with how the ministry that Jesus came to do
05:08 will eventually be spread with the whole world.
05:12 Notice verse 11.
05:14 It says, "For as the earth
05:18 brings forth its bud,
05:21 as the garden causes the things
05:24 that are sown in it to spring forth,
05:26 so..."
05:28 Now I'll just pause and let's think about
05:29 our sentence structure.
05:32 As this, so that.
05:36 So He's making a comparison in the same way
05:39 that a garden causes things to grow,
05:42 as the earth brings forces,
05:44 but so in like manner,
05:47 what will happen?
05:48 Look again in verse 11,
05:50 "So the Lord God will cause righteousness
05:53 and praise to spring forth before all the nations."
05:58 Jesus identified Isaiah 61
06:01 as His personal mission statement
06:03 and He recognized that the righteousness
06:05 that He came to reveal would be spread
06:07 throughout all the earth in the same way
06:10 that a garden causes the seed to grow.
06:14 He recognized there was this agricultural metaphor
06:18 that was the guiding principle
06:20 for how the gospel would be given to the world.
06:23 Thus, it is little wonder
06:25 why Christ repeatedly compared soul winning
06:28 to agriculture
06:30 because it was written into His mission statements,
06:35 why Jesus was always talking about plants.
06:41 Like Isaiah 61:11, Christ's use
06:45 of the agricultural metaphor
06:47 repeatedly emphasized not just in a general way
06:51 that the gospel we given
06:53 and the earth will be grown like a garden
06:55 or something like that.
06:56 He actually in His ministry breaks
06:58 that agricultural process down to its sequential elements.
07:03 It's piece by piece.
07:05 Participants, notice that what it says here.
07:07 Christ use of the agricultural metaphors
07:09 repeatedly emphasized
07:10 the sequential nature of the work,
07:12 akin to agricultural production
07:16 evangelism is a process, not merely an event.
07:21 If there was one idea I'd wish for you to take away
07:24 from this message today, is that evangelism,
07:28 the winning of souls to Christ is a process
07:32 and not merely an event.
07:35 It's a process,
07:36 akin to the agricultural process
07:39 from by which a seed becomes crop, okay?
07:43 Just as the agricultural cycle includes preparing the soil,
07:49 planting or sowing the seed,
07:52 cultivating, harvesting,
07:56 and preserving the crop.
07:59 This cycle of evangelism
08:02 requires corresponding phases
08:06 that are essential for true success, okay?
08:09 So when you look at the agriculture,
08:11 how do plants grow?
08:12 Well, you have to prepare the soil first,
08:15 then you have to sow the seed in that tilled soil,
08:19 then you have to water, and fertilize, and weed,
08:23 and otherwise cultivate the crop in the ground
08:26 and it will begin to spring forth,
08:27 you got to continue to care for it.
08:29 Then after it is grown, you have to harvest that crop.
08:34 And then once you've plucked that fruit,
08:36 that grain, you have to do something with it.
08:37 You have to preserve it and put it to use.
08:40 This is exactly what Jesus says
08:44 throughout the gospel record and the Bible itself
08:46 about the process of soul winning,
08:49 that it's not just an event,
08:51 it is an ongoing process with multiple sequential,
08:56 essential phases.
09:00 Let's start with soil preparation.
09:02 Just like the agricultural cycle,
09:03 you have to start by fixing the dirt,
09:05 you have to go straight to the ground.
09:08 The same thing happens in the gospel,
09:10 giving gospel to the world.
09:11 Let's go to Luke Chapter 8.
09:13 Let's see Christ put this into action.
09:15 Luke Chapter 8 Jesus taught this very idea.
09:20 He gives a parable surprise, surprise of a sower.
09:24 Luke Chapter 8
09:27 starts in verse 4, says,
09:29 "When there great multitude had gathered
09:31 and they came to him from every city,
09:33 He spoke by a parable,
09:36 'A sower went out to sow his seed
09:38 and as he sowed, some fell by the wayside,
09:42 and it was trampled down,
09:43 and the birds of the air devoured it.
09:46 Some fell on rock,
09:47 and as soon as it sprang up,
09:49 it withered away because it lacked moisture.
09:53 And some fell among thorns,
09:54 and the thorns sprang up with it
09:56 and choked it.
09:58 But others fell on good ground, sprang up,
10:01 and yielded a crop a hundredfold.'
10:05 When He had said these things He cried,
10:07 'He who has ears to hear, let him hear!'"
10:11 Now, he explains
10:13 what he meant with that parable.
10:14 Go to verse 11.
10:16 "Now the parable is this:
10:19 The seed is the Word of God."
10:23 Okay, so notice,
10:24 we can start making the application
10:25 he uses the agricultural metaphor,
10:27 and then he makes a spiritual application.
10:29 He starts by saying that the seed is what?
10:32 The Word of God.
10:34 It is Bible truth, the word of God.
10:38 So notice in the parable
10:40 that all the different results started with the same seed.
10:46 Whether it hit rocky ground, or fertile ground,
10:48 or thorny ground, or whatever,
10:50 it all was the same seed.
10:52 It's not like sometimes he sowed good seed,
10:54 but other times he sowed bad seed.
10:56 No, no, they all got the same seed,
10:58 yet there is different results.
11:00 So what made the difference?
11:02 It must have been his technique for sowing the seed.
11:06 But the Bible doesn't say that either.
11:08 It does not say that some he tossed over his back,
11:11 some he was scientifically analyzing one by one by one,
11:14 some he scattered to the wind,
11:16 it doesn't say that he had a different method
11:18 for sowing the seed either.
11:19 It's the same seed and the same sowing technique.
11:25 So it's not a difference in the seed
11:27 and is not a difference in the sowing.
11:29 What made the difference in the result of the work?
11:34 It was the condition of the soil itself,
11:37 was it not?
11:38 Look again, Jesus said, "Now the parable is this,
11:40 the seed is the Word of God.
11:43 Those by the wayside are the ones who hear,
11:47 then the devil comes and takes away the word
11:49 out of their hearts,
11:50 lest they should believe and be saved."
11:52 Notice the people that fell by the wayside,
11:54 the seed that fell by the wayside,
11:56 I should say.
11:57 The wayside represents people
11:59 who hear the message, but it never sinks in.
12:03 The devil comes and snatches away
12:04 and immediately that even start to grow,
12:06 they just in one ear out the other.
12:10 Look at verse 13,
12:11 "But the ones on the rock are those who,
12:14 when they hear,
12:16 receive the word with joy,
12:19 and these have no root,
12:21 who believe for a while and in time of temptation,"
12:25 what happens?
12:27 "They fall away."
12:28 So notice the second group
12:30 actually received the word with joy,
12:32 but they didn't dig down and put down roots.
12:35 They didn't stay in the message and in a time of temptation,
12:39 they were gone.
12:41 So they had a mountaintop experience.
12:42 Amen,
12:44 they might have come down front for the appeal,
12:45 they might have given their heart,
12:46 but they really didn't surrender all
12:48 and continue in it,
12:50 and lo and behold,
12:51 the first difficult when that comes through,
12:54 they're gone.
12:56 Verse 14,
12:58 "Now the ones that fell among the thorns
12:59 are those who, when they have heard,
13:01 go out and are choked with cares,
13:03 riches, and pleasures of life,
13:05 and bring no fruit to maturity."
13:08 Notice it does not say, they don't grow,
13:10 they just don't ever bring forth fruit.
13:12 They just grow up with the weeds
13:14 and they get caught up in the cares of life,
13:15 you know, the hode-hum,
13:17 jump drums kind of life,
13:19 and they don't bring forth fruit.
13:22 They never have a harvest.
13:25 But verse 15,
13:26 "The ones that fell on the good ground
13:28 are those who,
13:30 having heard the word with a noble and good heart,
13:34 keep it and bear fruit with patience."
13:40 So think about the only difference
13:42 in the results of the sowing of the seed
13:46 and the harvest was not the technique,
13:49 or the quality of the seed.
13:52 It everything had to do in this parable
13:55 with the condition of the heart of the receiver.
13:59 Notice this from the book Adventist Home, page 145,
14:02 "As the garden must be prepared for the natural seed,
14:06 so the heart must be prepared for the seed of truth.
14:09 No one settles upon a raw piece of land
14:12 with the expectation that it will at once yield a harvest."
14:16 You can't just go to a raw piece of land,
14:18 drop some seed on it, say all right,
14:20 let's see it grow.
14:23 "Diligent, persevering labor must be put forth
14:26 in the preparation of the soil, the sowing of the seed,
14:30 and the culture of the crop.
14:33 So it must be in the spiritual sowing."
14:38 We read this when in Christ's Object Lesson, page 57.
14:41 "The sowers of the seed have a work to do
14:43 in preparing hearts to receive the gospel."
14:47 And this is cutting deep as a pastor, it says this,
14:49 "In the ministry of the word there is too much sermonizing,
14:56 and too little of real heart-to-heart work.
15:01 There is need of personal labor for the souls of the lost.
15:06 In Christlike sympathy,
15:08 we should come close to men individually,
15:10 and seek to awaken their interest
15:13 in the great things of eternal life.
15:16 Their hearts may be as hard as the beaten highway,
15:19 and apparently may be a useless effort
15:21 to present the Savior to them.
15:24 But while logic may fail to move,
15:27 and argument be powerless to convince,
15:31 the love of Christ,
15:33 revealed in personal ministry, may soften the stony heart,
15:38 so that the seed of truth can take root."
15:41 Sometimes one of our failings
15:43 in evangelism is we go to sow seed,
15:46 and we just keep throwing seed at rocks,
15:49 instead of first taking the time to prepare the soil
15:53 to receive the message from God.
15:58 So the first step in this
16:00 what we call the cycle of evangelism
16:02 based on this agricultural cycle
16:04 is the preparation of the soil of the heart
16:07 by doing good works and personal ministry.
16:10 You come close to the people, you befriend them,
16:13 you mingle with them as one who desires their good.
16:17 Also that their heart is softened
16:20 to receive the word when it is sown.
16:25 Preparation of the soil, step number one.
16:27 Step number two,
16:29 sowing the seed.
16:32 Now I know this sounds like a very elemental concept,
16:35 but hear me out.
16:36 The purpose of preparing the soil
16:40 is so that you can sow seed.
16:43 Does that make sense?
16:45 No one goes out and tills the ground
16:48 and prepares the soil,
16:49 looks back at what he's done and say, oh, that's good.
16:52 And then he just goes and does it again.
16:54 And then he turns around looks that's good.
16:56 And he goes back in it,
16:57 he doesn't spend his whole time.
16:59 No farmer goes out and just tills
17:00 in the spring and in the summer,
17:02 and he's just always turning over the dirt.
17:04 At some point he prepares that soil for what purpose?
17:07 To sow the seed.
17:10 The purpose of preparing the heart
17:12 is to make entrance for the Word of God.
17:17 In Christ parable, the seed is the Word of God.
17:21 At some point,
17:23 my Christian brothers and sisters,
17:25 you must sow seed.
17:29 Now I know a lot of us might think,
17:30 oh good, my ministry,
17:31 my call to ministry is to simply be a friend to people.
17:35 I'm gonna smile at my neighbor,
17:37 and therefore I have done my part.
17:40 No, you haven't done your part, you've done part of your part.
17:44 You've done the first part,
17:47 which is starting to break down those barriers
17:50 and soften the ground and till the soil
17:53 and you might, you know,
17:55 give them a gift on their birthday
17:57 or a member to come by and do whatever,
17:59 doing neighborly thing,
18:00 bring them some nice loaf of bread or something.
18:04 But that is not the end of your ministry, friends,
18:06 that's the beginning of the work,
18:08 that's the preparation of the soil.
18:09 At some point,
18:11 you must go beyond just merely good deeds
18:13 of disinterested benevolence
18:15 and do evangelistic labor
18:17 of putting in their hand a piece of literature
18:19 or speaking from your mouth, a part of your testimony
18:21 or sharing some truth or some little sample seed,
18:25 some something
18:28 that you can test the soil
18:30 and see if they're truly ready
18:33 for the Bible study that needs to come.
18:36 Too many people make the mistake
18:39 of not sowing the seed of truth
18:40 because they're afraid they might do it poorly.
18:44 Right?
18:45 You might even think this in your own mind,
18:47 you know, I would go
18:48 and share the gospel with my friends.
18:50 But you know what? I won't do it well.
18:53 I wanna let you know a secret.
18:56 You probably won't do that well at first.
19:00 We remember from our previous presentation,
19:02 not being good at something
19:03 is not evidence you need to do less,
19:05 its evidence you need to do more.
19:08 Practice makes perfect.
19:09 And the same is true in the spiritual sense.
19:11 And if you're afraid, well, I don't want to do it wrong,
19:14 so I'm just not gonna do it at all.
19:17 Let's think about the logic of that.
19:19 So you're afraid that you might do it wrong,
19:23 so you're gonna guarantee to not do it at all.
19:27 I'm afraid if I do it wrong, they won't hear the message.
19:31 So the best thing I should do is not ever say the message.
19:36 That doesn't increase the odds of success.
19:38 It guarantees failure.
19:41 Well, we never want to approach someone
19:43 with Bible truth in a careless or prayerless manner.
19:47 We far too often
19:49 go to the opposite extreme of being so cautious
19:54 that we never actually sow the seed.
19:56 We make friends, we do good deeds,
19:58 we have lots of neighbors who like us and blah-blah,
20:00 but we never say,
20:01 "Hey, would you like to study the Bible?"
20:07 It is far better to risk failure
20:10 because of a poor approach
20:13 than to guarantee failure
20:15 by making no approach at all.
20:19 Listen to the words from scripture,
20:20 Ecclesiastes 11:4-6,
20:24 the counsel is given.
20:26 "He who observes the wind
20:29 will not sow,
20:32 and he who regards the clouds will not reap."
20:37 Think about what he's saying, again,
20:39 using that agricultural metaphor.
20:41 He's saying if you are always as a farmer,
20:43 as a sower of seed
20:45 waiting for all the meteorological elements
20:48 to be just right before you sow seed,
20:51 you know what's gonna happen?
20:52 You're never gonna sow seed.
20:54 You're like, it's too windy up,
20:55 it's too cloudy, it's too sunny,
20:57 it's too rainy, it's too cold, it's too hot,
20:59 it's too this, it's too that,
21:00 you can always come up with an excuse
21:02 for why you don't go sow the seed.
21:03 But at the end of the day,
21:05 you're gonna have a field with no seed.
21:07 "He who observes the wind will not sow
21:10 and he who regards the cloud will not reap."
21:12 And listen to what he says to do,
21:14 "As you do not know what is the way of the wind,
21:17 or how the bones in the womb of her who is with child,
21:20 so you do not know the works of God
21:22 who makes everything."
21:24 So what should we do?
21:25 "In the morning sow your seed,
21:28 and in the evening do not withhold your hand,
21:32 for you do not know what will prosper,
21:37 either this or that,"
21:40 and I love this third option,
21:41 "or whether both alike will be good."
21:45 You could say, I don't know
21:46 if I should share this with my neighbor
21:48 or with my co-worker or with my family member
21:51 or with my friend or with my stranger
21:53 or with...
21:56 'Cause I think that that one will reject it for this reason.
21:58 I think this one won't like it, because I think this
22:00 and you're always second guessing
22:02 as though you're a prophet of the Lord
22:04 to know what will happen.
22:05 The Bible says you don't know.
22:06 This one might accept it,
22:08 that one might not or you know what?
22:09 They all might take it,
22:10 but wouldn't it be better to try than just stand back
22:14 and watch second guessing,
22:15 waiting for the perfect one moment.
22:19 So beside all waters, the scripture says,
22:22 2 Corinthians 9:6, listen to this.
22:25 And the Apostle Paul says,
22:28 "He who sows sparingly will also reap," how?
22:32 "Sparingly,
22:34 and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully."
22:38 Now I know this sounds a little bit crass,
22:40 but this is true.
22:42 At some point, the work of soul winning
22:45 is basically a numbers game.
22:49 For instance, if you send out for an evangelistic series
22:52 you're gonna do when you send out handbills.
22:54 Let's say you send 10,000 handbills back,
22:56 how many people should you expect
22:57 to come to your meeting
22:59 because you sent out 10,000 handbills?
23:01 Should you rent an auditorium has 10,000 seats?
23:04 It seems almost laughable, right?
23:06 No.
23:07 You recognize that
23:09 some are going to accept it but not all.
23:12 So does that mean oh, I should never send out?
23:14 No, you send them out and you recognize that
23:16 only a certain few are gonna be drawn
23:18 at that time by that particular approach.
23:21 So what you do is you expect that
23:23 and if you want to get your numbers up,
23:25 you know, what you do?
23:26 You send out more.
23:28 Let's make it 20,000.
23:29 If we want more than 10 people here,
23:31 we want to double that.
23:32 Let's now double it, that's the principle.
23:35 He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly
23:37 and he who sows bountifully, will also reap bountifully.
23:40 In Isaiah Chapter 32
23:42 we read this passage in verse 20,
23:43 "Blessed are you who sow beside," what?
23:47 "All waters,
23:49 who send out freely the feet of the ox
23:51 and the donkey."
23:54 We're blessed when we sow besides all waters.
23:56 Listen, the Publishing Ministry, page 395,
23:58 The Spirit of Prophecy gives us this counsel.
24:01 "From the light which God has given me,
24:04 He desires that His people shall improve every opportunity
24:08 for disseminating light."
24:11 If you have a little business card thing,
24:13 leave in the gas pump card register.
24:15 If you have an opportunity to speak to someone,
24:17 use your mouth.
24:18 If you have a DVD ministry you want to share,
24:20 slide it into their door.
24:21 Whatever opportunity you have, like here's my resource
24:24 what can I do in this moment to share crew,
24:26 even if it's just a little tiny sliver of a thing.
24:29 Every opportunity increases the odds
24:32 of finding a receptive heart.
24:36 Testimonies for the Church, volume 7, page 35,
24:39 "In the parable of the sower,
24:41 Christ gave an illustration of His own work
24:43 and that of His servants.
24:45 The seed fell upon all kinds of soil.
24:47 Some seed fell upon poor soil,
24:49 yet the sower did not therefore cease his work.
24:53 You are to sow besides the seeds of truth
24:56 in every place,
24:57 wherever you can gain access, hold forth the Word of God.
25:01 Sow beside all waters.
25:04 You may not at once see the result of your labors,
25:07 but be not discouraged.
25:10 Speak the words that Christ gives you.
25:12 Work in His lines.
25:15 Go forth everywhere as He did
25:17 during His ministry on the earth.
25:19 Now listen to this sentence.
25:20 The world's Redeemer had many hearers,
25:24 but few followers.
25:28 What was Christ's example when it came to sowing the seed
25:31 and giving the truth and preaching to the people?
25:35 He had multitudes listen to Him,
25:37 but did multitudes follow Him,
25:40 sacrificially giving of themselves,
25:42 becoming disciples of Jesus Christ?
25:44 No.
25:46 Almost everybody heard Him and almost nobody followed Him.
25:50 Remember, John Chapter 6,
25:52 He prepares a feeding of the 5,000,
25:54 it's a beautiful miracle.
25:56 The next day, they come back looking for seconds
25:58 and Jesus says, "No bread today.
26:01 I am the bread that you get today.
26:04 You don't get seconds, you get a savior.
26:06 How about it, you want to join me?"
26:08 John 6:66,
26:10 "From that time on, many followed Him no longer."
26:15 Got so bad that He went to His core 12,
26:17 His disciples and said, "Are you too going to leave?"
26:22 He went from 5,000 the day before to 12 the next day.
26:27 Don't be discouraged
26:28 when you don't see massive numbers
26:29 come out of your humble efforts.
26:32 God knows what He's doing.
26:33 He wants you to be faithful to the work.
26:40 So step number two, after you prepare the soil,
26:44 is to sow the seed.
26:46 Look for those spiritual interest
26:48 gather opportunity to share truth with others.
26:51 So step number three now.
26:54 It's cultivating the crop.
26:55 Let's say that you did as a individual
26:58 and this by the way, this cycle of evangelism,
27:00 I should say this now
27:01 is not just applicable to an individual,
27:04 but this is how our churches,
27:06 our local churches should be thinking about evangelism.
27:09 Oftentimes when you say, does your church do evangelism?
27:12 Yes. They say, yes.
27:13 We did that three years ago.
27:16 We did evangelism.
27:17 And what do you think they mean?
27:18 They meant they hired a speaker,
27:20 they put out banners, they advertise,
27:22 they held meetings for two, three, four weeks
27:24 and therefore we did evangelism
27:28 and we do it every few years.
27:31 But, friends, evangelism is not an event.
27:33 Evangelism is a holistic cycle
27:37 of winning souls systematically.
27:40 So you don't just cultivate, I mean, you don't just,
27:43 you know,
27:45 prepare the soil and then sow some seed,
27:47 then let's say that as a local church,
27:49 you did some outreach event that was merely to help people.
27:53 You did, let's say, a health expo, right?
27:54 You're checking blood pressures,
27:56 and this kind of stuff,
27:57 and helping people to be more mindful
27:59 of their physical bodies.
28:01 And in doing that good deed for others,
28:03 the last stop was trust in God.
28:06 Let's say, you're doing the NEWSTART program
28:07 and trust in God and you say, I don't know
28:09 if you want to just want to lower your blood pressure
28:11 and this but there's a wonderful way
28:12 to find rest and peace and joy,
28:15 and it's in a relationship with Jesus Christ,
28:16 would you like to study the Bible?
28:20 What happens if that person comes to the event?
28:22 He is blessed by finding out
28:24 that they have such a problem, they need to address
28:26 and they're so thankful
28:27 that they hear about the message and they say,
28:29 "Yes, I'd love to study the Bible with you."
28:31 What do you do next?
28:35 A lot of times, this is what happens.
28:37 You take down their name and information.
28:40 Oh, great, great, great
28:41 and you get little information card,
28:43 and you set it down.
28:45 And let's say that you have
28:46 100 people come to your event that day,
28:48 and five of them decide to sign up
28:50 and follow through your five little cards,
28:53 what do you do with those cards?
28:57 Most places do something like this,
28:59 they'll gather up the cards,
29:01 and humbly approached the pastor
29:03 and lay them on his desk.
29:07 There you go, Pastor, we've done our part,
29:08 now it's your turn.
29:11 Because we have this mentality,
29:14 that giving Bible studies and winning souls,
29:16 that's the pastor's job.
29:21 But, friends, that's still your job.
29:24 Listen to this,
29:27 once the seed has taken root,
29:29 the new plant must be cultivated.
29:31 This nurturing work is by far the most time consuming
29:35 and labor intensive phase of the growing cycle.
29:38 Let's just think about an agriculture itself.
29:40 If you had a plot of land,
29:41 let's say a garden in your backyard
29:43 that you wanted to turn into a fruit and vegetable,
29:46 you know paradise.
29:47 You'd have to start by tilling the soil,
29:49 how long would it take you to till that soil?
29:53 And if you had a rototiller it maybe not that long at all.
29:57 In the latter of an hour maybe or less.
29:59 If you did it by hand, it might be a little longer
30:01 and maybe take a full day,
30:02 but it's not like it's a three week process, right?
30:04 It's just pretty much an event,
30:08 and how about the sowing of the seed?
30:09 How long does that take?
30:13 Probably not long at all.
30:14 You might want to, you know,
30:15 organize it a little bit put tomatoes here,
30:17 put potatoes here, you know,
30:18 but you lined it up, you sow it,
30:19 you pack the soil on top of it, and your seed sowing is done.
30:23 How long does it take to hand someone a GLOW tract?
30:27 Not long, few seconds.
30:31 Make friends, hand them the literature.
30:33 Ask them if they'd like Bible, that's the fast part.
30:36 But what happens if they say, you know, praise the Lord,
30:38 I would love to have Bible studies,
30:41 then what do you do?
30:43 Then you got to take your time and cultivate that crop.
30:48 You got to take the time.
30:50 Just like the agriculture cycle,
30:51 once that seed is in the ground,
30:53 that's when the hard part starts.
30:55 That's when it's gonna take weeks of arduous labor, right?
31:00 You got to water it, you got to fertilize it.
31:02 As it starts to grow up,
31:04 you got to weed it and protect it,
31:05 you got to shade it and shield it
31:07 from birds and animals,
31:08 you got to take care of that crop
31:09 as its tender and growing.
31:12 It's the same thing in giving Bible studies.
31:15 It takes a while.
31:18 It's not easy work.
31:21 The primary way to nurture growth
31:23 of a new believer is
31:28 giving Bible studies.
31:29 Listen to this, 1 Peter 2:2,
31:34 the apostle writes, "As newborn babes,
31:36 desire the pure milk of the word,
31:40 that you may grow thereby,
31:42 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious."
31:45 So if you've had your first encounter with Jesus,
31:47 your first taste of His goodness,
31:50 the way that you grow in Christ is through the Word.
31:55 Let me tell you something, friends.
31:56 Every single member
31:58 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
32:00 every single one,
32:01 at some point,
32:03 if you become a baptized member
32:04 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
32:05 you have gone through a set of Bible studies.
32:08 Now not everyone
32:09 who becomes a member of the church
32:10 has gone to a health expo or vacation Bible school
32:13 or some outreach event of that kind.
32:15 And not everyone has had a GLOW tract put in their hand,
32:17 but every single member of the church
32:19 at some point has to learn what the Bible says.
32:24 And that's only done in a couple of ways,
32:26 either through a public evangelistic series
32:28 or for personal Bible studies.
32:32 This is the most important area of the agricultural cycle,
32:37 is the longest, the most hard working
32:38 and let me tell you something,
32:40 it's the least active amongst our members.
32:44 We have people who are soldiers with their GLOW tracts
32:46 and their DVDs and their literature media.
32:48 That's great. Praise the Lord.
32:50 And we have people who are great at friendship,
32:52 evangelism, social networking,
32:53 and all kinds of collaborative things
32:55 to make friends and break down...
32:56 Praise the Lord for that.
32:59 But the purpose of making the friends
33:01 and giving up the GLOW tracts,
33:02 so they become interested in Bible truth
33:04 and when they are,
33:06 we need to offer them that precious truth.
33:13 Acts Chapter 8.
33:14 If you're there in the Book of Luke,
33:16 go two more to the Book of Acts Chapter 8.
33:24 Acts 8:30.
33:32 Here the deacon Philip
33:35 is charged with going to find this particular individual
33:39 who's returning from Jerusalem worshiping.
33:41 Says in verse 30, "So Philip ran to him,
33:43 and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said,
33:46 'Do you understand what you are reading?'
33:50 "Now let me pause right here for a moment.
33:53 This man is coming back
33:57 from worship in Jerusalem.
34:01 He has a Bible in his hand,
34:03 and he's reading it for himself.
34:06 He is clearly a believer in God.
34:08 But are there things he still does not understand?
34:12 Yes.
34:14 Friends, don't for a moment think,
34:15 well, if they're already a member of another church,
34:17 they've got their Bible in their home,
34:19 they're fine, we'll skip this house.
34:20 No, no, no, no, no.
34:22 There is present truth to share,
34:25 the Sabbath message, the State of the Dead,
34:27 the Spirit of Prophecy, the Second Coming that
34:29 all of these wonderful, precious truths.
34:33 This man was a believer in God and a worshiper in Jerusalem,
34:37 yet he didn't understand what he was reading.
34:41 It says here,
34:42 "So Philip ran to him
34:44 and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and said,
34:45 'Do you understand what you're reading?'
34:46 "And he said, 'How can I unless someone guides me?'"
34:51 What did he need?
34:52 He wanted somebody to give him Bible studies.
34:55 And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him.
34:58 And of course, we read and he was reading
34:59 from the Prophet Isaiah from Chapter 53.
35:03 And the clarification is given and Philip works with him.
35:07 "So the eunuch, verse 34, answered Philip and said,
35:09 'I ask you, of whom does this prophet say this?
35:12 Of himself or of some other man?'"
35:14 Now notice what Philip does with this question.
35:16 "Then Philip opened his mouth,
35:19 and beginning at this scripture,
35:22 preached Jesus to him."
35:23 Was that the only scripture he had?
35:25 No, but that was the starting point.
35:27 He said, you have a question,
35:29 let me answer it with a Bible answer
35:30 from the place you're reading,
35:32 and then he developed from the Scripture,
35:34 the truth about Jesus Christ.
35:37 "Now as they went down the road,
35:40 they came to some water.
35:41 And the eunuch said, 'See, here is water,
35:43 what hinders me from being baptized?'"
35:45 Now that he understands Bible truth,
35:47 he feels confident to say,
35:49 yes, I'm ready to commit my life to Jesus Christ.
35:51 Now I know who He is.
35:54 Let me just pause right here also
35:55 and tell you something, friends.
35:57 This example in Scripture from Acts Chapter 8
36:00 is often used to say that we don't need to preach
36:03 all the distinctive doctrines before baptism,
36:05 just as soon as they say they love Jesus,
36:08 baptize!
36:11 But that is not what we see here.
36:12 First of all, let me ask you these questions,
36:15 if he was in Jerusalem worshiping
36:17 which the Bible says he was,
36:18 would he'd been aware of the Seventh-day Sabbath?
36:22 Of course.
36:23 If he was worshipping at the temple,
36:24 would he be aware of the sanctuary
36:26 and its services?
36:28 Of course.
36:29 If he was worshiping with the brothers in Jerusalem,
36:31 do you think he would have been aware of the health message
36:33 that they were to carry and their dietary lifestyle
36:36 based on Bible principle?
36:37 Yes, he would have.
36:39 He would have known the truth about the State of the Dead,
36:41 about all kinds of things.
36:43 The one piece of his theology
36:44 that was missing was the centerpiece of it
36:47 all which is Jesus Christ Himself.
36:50 The present truth at that time was that Jesus is the Messiah.
36:53 In beginning at that scripture, he preached Jesus to him.
36:56 Our culture today is completely the opposite.
36:59 Everybody's heard of Jesus,
37:00 but they don't know the distinctive truths.
37:03 So the goal is not just as soon as they say the name,
37:07 baptize them and say, all right, we won one.
37:09 Good, good, good.
37:10 No, our goal is to teach them
37:12 the whole truth of Scripture and then notice
37:14 that Jesus is the center of it all.
37:17 It is they love Jesus,
37:18 they love the doctrine of His Word.
37:22 Evangelism, page 338.
37:23 Listen to this,
37:24 "It is not preaching alone that must be done.
37:27 Far less preaching is needed."
37:29 Again, it cuts to my pastor's heart.
37:32 "More time should be devoted to patiently educating others,
37:36 giving the hearers opportunity to express themselves.
37:41 It is instruction that many need,
37:43 line upon line, precept upon precept,
37:46 here a little, and there a little.
37:49 Listen to that, giving opportunity
37:51 to express themselves.
37:53 Is it possible that when you introduce someone
37:55 to say the truth about the state of the dead,
37:57 you're informing them
37:59 that your grandmother is not in heaven,
38:02 like you've always thought?
38:05 Do you think they might have a question or two,
38:08 maybe a frustration to share, maybe a confusion to sort out.
38:14 They might even be emotional about it,
38:17 might shed a tear.
38:20 That's why the personal work is so important.
38:22 Often, you come to an evangelistic series
38:23 and tonight,
38:25 your grandmother is not in heaven,
38:26 like you thought.
38:28 And tomorrow night, that secret rapture
38:29 you believe, that was wrong,
38:30 and the next day,
38:32 you've been going to church on the wrong day of the week,
38:33 and the next, you know,
38:35 it's all true.
38:36 But they need a context, a framework
38:38 where they can talk to people
38:40 and sort it out and express themselves
38:43 and weave those truths into the tapestry
38:45 of their own experience.
38:50 You know, we often pray
38:51 for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
38:53 and latter rain power.
38:56 But I ask you, what do we expect to happen
38:57 when that occurs?
39:02 What is this great reformation that's gonna happen?
39:08 In The book Testimonies for the Church,
39:09 volume 9, page 196.
39:13 Mrs. White was shown what that would look like
39:17 and it might surprise you.
39:20 "In visions of the night representations passed
39:22 before me of a great reformatory movement
39:25 among God's people.
39:27 Many were praising God.
39:30 The sick were healed,
39:32 and other miracles were wrought.
39:35 A spirit of intercession was seen,
39:37 even as was manifested
39:39 before the great Day of Pentecost."
39:40 And then she adds,
39:42 "Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting families
39:48 and opening before them the Word of God."
39:52 When the Holy Spirit is poured out,
39:53 we're not gonna be watching, we're gonna be working.
39:57 Hundreds and thousands of individual members,
40:00 little family groups going to their neighbors
40:02 and opening before them the Word of God.
40:06 Friends, we don't need a revolution in the church
40:08 and turn over the tables.
40:09 We need a reformation in the church
40:11 to bring us back to what we were called
40:13 to be in the first place.
40:15 We need a Bible study reformation.
40:18 We need individual members, ministers alike to go around
40:22 wherever they have opportunity, prepare the soil, sow the seed,
40:25 and share the truth of God
40:27 as we cultivate that precious crop for harvest.
40:32 Which brings me to that next phase, harvest.
40:36 Here's a principle in agriculture
40:38 that works in evangelism too.
40:39 It's very simple one sentence.
40:41 Crops never harvest themselves.
40:47 I don't care if you have a garden,
40:49 if you have a farm, if you have an orchard,
40:52 anywhere where you have a fruit bearing crop,
40:55 it never harvest itself.
40:58 When you go to the apple trees,
41:00 those apples are gonna stay on there
41:01 until they rot and fall off.
41:03 But they're never gonna organize themselves
41:04 in a bucket,
41:06 walk over to your house and land on the front porch
41:08 and say we're ready.
41:11 That's not how it works.
41:12 Same thing is true with apples, and oranges,
41:14 and tomatoes, and potatoes,
41:15 and peanuts, and squash, and watermelon.
41:17 You go down the list.
41:18 There is not one plant, not one crop
41:21 that ever whenever it gets ripe,
41:22 announces itself, clips it off from the vine,
41:25 comes into your house, and sits on the,
41:27 you know, the deck.
41:30 Crops never harvest themselves.
41:32 The same is true in evangelism.
41:36 Psalm 126:5-6 reads,
41:39 "Those who sow in tears,"
41:41 by the way that sowing process is not always happy,
41:43 it could be hard.
41:45 Let me tell you something.
41:46 When you get that Bible study interest,
41:49 you know, what they're gonna probably do?
41:52 Fizzle out.
41:55 It's not gonna be your fault.
41:57 That's what happened with the sower of the seed,
41:58 right?
42:00 When he sow that seed, how many of...
42:01 Within the majority received the word,
42:03 and we're happy, and we're fruitful,
42:04 and multiple.
42:06 No.
42:07 Some had this problem, some had that problem,
42:08 that you're gonna run into people
42:10 and as soon as they get an interest in Bible study,
42:11 all of a sudden,
42:12 my kids got a soccer schedule, oh, we got sick this week.
42:14 Oh, I'm not interested.
42:15 Things just fall apart and you're gonna say,
42:17 "Oh, I just invested this much time."
42:20 And now I got to start over. Yep.
42:24 It's hard work.
42:27 "Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy."
42:30 But praise the Lord, some will come through.
42:34 "He who continually go forth weeping,
42:36 bearing seed for sowing,
42:38 shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
42:40 bringing his sheaves with him."
42:46 Listen to this from Welfare Ministry, page 93,
42:49 "Personal, individual effort
42:52 and interest for your friends and neighbors
42:54 will accomplish more than can be estimated.
42:58 It is for the want of this kind of labor
43:00 that souls for whom Christ died are perishing.
43:03 Your work,"
43:05 speaking to an evangelist here, she says,
43:07 "Your work may accomplish more real good
43:09 than the more extensive meetings,
43:12 if they lack in personal effort."
43:16 So she said there's the public work,
43:18 and then there's the personal ministry,
43:20 and personal ministry is better than public ministry.
43:24 But that's not to say you stop doing public ministry.
43:26 Here's where the recommendation is.
43:28 "When both are combined,
43:31 a more with the blessing of God,
43:33 a more perfect
43:35 and thorough work maybe wrought.
43:37 But if we can have but one part done,
43:38 let it be the individual labor of opening Scriptures
43:42 in households,
43:43 making personal appeals,
43:46 and talking familiarly with the members of the family,
43:48 not about things of little importance,
43:50 but of the great themes of redemption."
43:52 She says making personal appeal,
43:54 now that you presented the truth,
43:56 do you actually seal the deal
43:57 and make an appeal for them to actually surrender
44:00 and commit their lives to Jesus.
44:04 Let me give you a somewhat embarrassing,
44:06 but hopefully providential illustration from my own life.
44:13 I have a beautiful wife named Emily.
44:15 And we now have three children.
44:16 So I can tell you now how the story ends.
44:19 But when I was ready to propose marriage to her,
44:24 and I was certain she would say yes.
44:26 But you don't wanna go in too early,
44:28 you wanna nail this down, right?
44:30 I went to her house and I said,
44:33 tonight, we're going out to dinner.
44:35 When you get back from class, I want you to be well dressed,
44:38 I'm gonna be dressed up, we're gonna hit the town.
44:41 It happened to be Valentine's Day is very...
44:44 I know what I'm doing.
44:47 She comes and while she was in school that day,
44:50 I went downtown.
44:51 And I went to the most expensive restaurant
44:53 I could find, we've never done that again.
44:57 And I looked at the menu to make sure
44:59 they had something would we want
45:01 and I put down my name on the reservation.
45:03 I even told them how to pronounce my name.
45:05 It's De Vasher, none of this De Washer,
45:07 Du Washer business.
45:08 It's De Vasher.
45:10 I wanted to come in.
45:11 Oh, Mr. De Vasher, your table's ready.
45:13 I wanted to look smooth.
45:15 And I did.
45:19 Go back to the table.
45:20 Man, we had a good time.
45:22 Beautiful meal.
45:24 And I knew she was expecting something.
45:29 And I didn't do anything.
45:31 I just sat there and let the meal go on.
45:35 They came and took our dishes.
45:37 And they said, "Well, you're ready to go."
45:41 And I could tell she was a little disappointed.
45:43 I was thrilled 'cause it was working.
45:46 She's like, "Yeah, okay, we can go, sure."
45:50 Did take her out and head to the car.
45:52 And I said, you know, before we head home,
45:54 there's one more stop I'd like to make.
45:57 And, of course, I had this planned out too.
45:59 There was a particular spot I had chosen
46:00 where I wanted the question to be asked,
46:02 well, I wanted the moment to occur.
46:05 We parked the car, we walked hand in hand,
46:07 I had a little gift for her.
46:10 I prepared a little speech, written it down and everything.
46:14 And I got down on my knee,
46:17 looking up into her eyes in the soft evening twilight,
46:20 it was perfect weather.
46:22 It was great.
46:24 And I read this, and I'm telling you,
46:27 I was moved within. I began to cry.
46:30 It was beautiful.
46:33 And I ended the speech saying this.
46:34 I said, "Emily, I would be honored
46:38 if you would be my wife."
46:45 And a second went by
46:48 and another second went by.
46:53 Things got a little awkward.
46:57 She wasn't saying anything.
46:59 She was just sitting there smiling.
47:01 And I was standing there with my knee down
47:03 and my face hanging out, right?
47:04 And I was like
47:08 and she mumbled some sort of.
47:11 Okay.
47:14 That would, that'd be good.
47:18 And I got up and I stood up and kind of gave her a hug.
47:20 And I said, "All right, good."
47:25 Hand in hand started walking towards the car.
47:29 And as we got in the car, I just kind of as I said,
47:31 the things get weird there for a minute,
47:33 what just happened?
47:35 And she said, "Well,
47:37 you never actually asked me anything.
47:43 You just declared what you would like,
47:47 but you never asked me the question."
47:50 I said, you're gonna hang this up on a technicality.
47:54 I said, "Will you marry me?" She said, "Yeah, fine."
47:56 Okay, and we got engaged in the car.
48:00 Because I said, I would love to have this
48:02 and it would be great.
48:03 I would be honored if this would happen.
48:04 And she was like, "Yeah, that sounds good."
48:07 So and I never actually asked her to be my wife.
48:16 Friends, a lot of times this happens
48:18 in presenting the Word to people,
48:19 we'll present the truth and will make it case
48:23 right from the Bible is very true
48:25 and it's convincing, it's convicting.
48:29 And then we'll say, well, thank you.
48:30 All right, have a good night.
48:32 We'll talk to you later next Tuesday at this time.
48:33 All right. Bye-bye.
48:35 And we never make an appeal.
48:39 Don't just present
48:40 that the seventh day is the Sabbath day, friend?
48:42 Do you want a covenant with the Lord
48:43 to keep His commandments?
48:46 And remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
48:50 Actually, ask the question, make earnest heartfelt appeal.
48:58 Review and Herald, April 24, 1883,
49:01 "The salvation of sinners requires
49:03 earnest, personal labor.
49:05 We are to bear to them the word of life,
49:07 not to wait for them to come to us.
49:09 With personal piety and a consistent course of life
49:12 our earnest heartfelt appeals will be,
49:17 through God as sharp arrows of the Almighty
49:19 to pierce the sin-hardened heart,
49:21 as sharp sickles to reap a precious harvest
49:24 for the heavenly garner.
49:26 If we are co-laborers with Christ,
49:29 we shall all have sheaves to bring to the Master,
49:32 souls saved through our instrumentality."
49:36 Friends, don't just tell them what the truth is,
49:37 appeal to them
49:39 to make a decision to follow Jesus.
49:44 That's the harvest phase.
49:47 Then there's the fifth and final phase,
49:49 the preservation phase.
49:51 If you are in the agricultural cycle
49:53 to think about it this way,
49:55 once the crop has been harvested,
49:57 the grain must be preserved.
50:01 Think about this,
50:02 if you plucked tomatoes off the vine,
50:03 you spend all the time of cultivating the soil
50:06 and you sow the seed
50:07 and you prepare the soil, you sow the seed,
50:09 you cultivated the crop,
50:11 and it was growing, you fertilized,
50:12 and watered, and cared,
50:13 for, doing all this kind of stuff,
50:15 kept all the pests away.
50:16 And right as it got ripe,
50:17 you did the right thing you harvest,
50:19 and you plucked, you reached and you made that appeal
50:20 and oh, you got one in your hand.
50:22 Now you go in the house, you set it on the counter,
50:26 and you walk away.
50:29 What happens?
50:33 If you don't do something, if you don't can it,
50:35 if you don't cut it, if you don't serve it,
50:37 it's not gonna do you any good.
50:38 It's gonna sit there and what? Rot.
50:44 We do this so many times with members of the church.
50:47 It's almost criminal.
50:50 We do all this work.
50:51 We're inviting them to the meetings,
50:52 and sharing your testimony, and giving us,
50:54 and all the hard work of cultivation,
50:57 may even make an appeal,
50:58 you have the stirring evangelist coming in
51:00 and be pour down that sit around,
51:01 they come to the front.
51:03 They make the decision for Christ
51:04 and they be baptized and all the church says amen.
51:09 Then the banners come down and the signs get taken away
51:14 and the new believers just kind of sit there.
51:19 They might have heard a prophetic message once now.
51:25 They might have mentally intellectually agreed
51:28 as an academic pursuit.
51:29 Yes, I see that it is true,
51:31 but they haven't woven it into their lives yet.
51:33 It's so new.
51:36 They don't know how to cook that clean food.
51:38 They don't know how to keep that Sabbath holy.
51:41 They don't know how to return a faithful tithe.
51:43 They don't know how to do all these things.
51:45 They just know it's true.
51:48 But they don't know what to do.
51:53 There's just as much work to be done
51:55 after the baptism as there is before the baptism.
52:03 When the evangelism cycle comes full circle,
52:05 it accomplishes its purpose of making disciples
52:07 who in turn make other disciples.
52:11 Listen to Isaiah 55:10-11.
52:14 "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
52:17 and do not return there, but water the earth,
52:19 and make it bring forth and bud,
52:21 that it may give seed to the sower
52:24 and bread to the eater."
52:25 What is the crop supposed to do?
52:27 It's supposed to be bread for your house
52:29 and seed for the next crop, right?
52:32 He says, "So shall,"
52:34 in the same way and like manner,
52:36 "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth,
52:40 it shall not return to Me void,
52:41 but it shall accomplish what I please,
52:44 and it shall prosper in the thing
52:45 for which I sent it."
52:46 Friends, we must not be satisfied
52:48 with mere retention of new members.
52:51 Let me tell you a little pet peeve,
52:52 we always talk about closing the back door
52:54 and keeping the membership and retaining those interests.
52:57 Friends, there is something far higher of an ideal
53:00 that God has for us than merely keeping people in the pew.
53:04 We need to grow them into active disciple makers
53:08 for Jesus Christ.
53:10 We have again, well said, we have far too many members,
53:13 and far too few missionaries.
53:16 We're fantastic at making members
53:17 but we have to continue the work of cultivating
53:20 and preserving them
53:22 so that they will not only stay as bread in the church,
53:24 but also be seed for the next generation
53:26 that's gonna come in.
53:29 John 4:14, Jesus said to the woman at the well,
53:32 "Whoever drinks of the water
53:34 that I shall give him will never thirst.
53:35 But the water that I shall give him
53:37 will become in him a fountain of water
53:39 springing up into everlasting life."
53:41 It's not just good for you this message
53:43 but when you receive it,
53:44 you have an obligation to share it with others.
53:46 And in so growing and sharing you become more of a disciple,
53:51 you become more like Jesus Christ.
53:54 Christian Service, page 9.
53:56 "Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God
53:59 as a missionary.
54:02 He who drinks of the living water
54:03 becomes a fountain of life.
54:05 The receiver becomes a giver."
54:08 And listen to this from Review and Herald, December 3, 1908.
54:11 "It is an eternal law of Jehovah
54:15 that he who accepts the truth
54:17 is to make it his first work to proclaim the truth."
54:22 It's a law of Jehovah.
54:25 "But who is it
54:26 that makes the burden of perishing sinners his own?"
54:28 She asked rhetorically.
54:30 "Among God's people today
54:32 there is a fearful lack of sympathy
54:35 that should be felt for souls unsaved.
54:38 We talk of Christian missions,
54:41 the sound of our voice is heard,
54:44 but do we feel Christ's tender heart-longing
54:48 for those outside the fold?"
54:51 Friends, it's one thing to say amen
54:53 to the vision video or spotlight testimony.
54:57 But it's another thing
54:58 to roll up your sleeves and say,
55:00 here am I, send me.
55:05 Maybe end it with this encouraging note.
55:08 It is not uncommon for Christians
55:10 to express disappointment at meager results
55:12 from their efforts to win souls.
55:13 Oftentimes, however,
55:15 the problem lies not in realizing
55:16 that the growing cycle is a process
55:18 involving multiple steps,
55:20 each of which demands careful planning and hard work.
55:25 There are no shortcuts
55:26 when it comes to winning souls for Christ.
55:28 If even one step
55:29 in the evangelism cycle is overlooked,
55:31 results will suffer.
55:33 We must prepare the soil of the heart,
55:35 plant the seed of God's Word,
55:37 cultivate spiritual interest with ongoing Bible studies,
55:40 harvest decisions to follow Christ
55:42 through personal appeals and preserve those decisions
55:47 through systematic discipleship.
55:50 Yet even our best efforts will fail
55:52 without the power of God to produce results.
55:57 In 1 Corinthians 3:5-7,
56:01 "Who then is Paul,
56:03 and who is Apollos,
56:05 but ministers through whom you believed,
56:06 as the Lord gave to each one?
56:08 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
56:14 So then neither he who plants is anything,
56:16 neither he who waters,
56:18 but God who gives the increase."
56:19 We must understand that there is no such thing
56:21 as natural church development.
56:24 There is only supernatural soul winning
56:27 according to God's principles.
56:29 That's how it works.
56:31 In Heavenly Places, page 331,
56:33 "We are individually to work
56:35 as though a great responsibility rested upon us.
56:38 We are to manifest untiring energy
56:41 and tact and zeal in this work
56:43 and take the burden, feeling the peril
56:45 in which our neighbors and friends are placed.
56:48 We are to work as Christ worked.
56:50 We are to present the truth as it is in Jesus,
56:53 that the blood of souls shall not be upon our garments.
56:56 At the time we are to feel
56:59 entire dependence and trust in God,
57:01 for we know we cannot do anything
57:03 without His grace and power to help.
57:06 A Paul may plant, and an Apollos may water,
57:08 but God alone can give the increase.
57:11 Then we are indeed to go forward to the work,
57:14 weeping, sowing the precious seeds of truth
57:17 and trusting in God to give the increase."
57:21 Friends, this is a work of God's
57:22 own appointment.
57:24 And we need to be about our Father's business.
57:26 Let's bow our heads for word of prayer.
57:28 Heavenly Father, thank You so much,
57:31 that in Your infinite wisdom,
57:33 You have decided to use us as co-laborers in Your field.
57:39 Lord, teach us to work the way that Jesus worked.
57:43 Help us to have that cycle of evangelism
57:47 as part of our DNA.
57:49 It's not just an event
57:50 but, Lord, let it be an ongoing process
57:52 that individually and corporately
57:53 as local church bodies that we work like Jesus,
57:58 for we want to see Jesus.
58:00 And we pray it in Jesus' name.
58:01 Amen.


Revised 2019-07-12