Equipping The Saints

Who Fed The 5,000?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SUES

Program Code: SUES000002A

00:17 Hello once again,
00:18 my name is Kameron De Vasher.
00:19 I'm a pastor in the Michigan Conference
00:21 but we're enjoying time here in Hawaii
00:23 with Secrets Unsealed,
00:25 and we're in the middle of a series of messages
00:27 entitled "Equipping the Saints."
00:30 Now in our previous message, the Ministry of Angels,
00:34 we noted that God has a particular method
00:37 of governance
00:39 by which He controls His created universe.
00:42 In the courts of heaven, of course,
00:43 there's the three members of the Godhead
00:45 and the four living creatures and the 24 elders,
00:48 but also there's 10,000 times 10,000 angels
00:51 and the Bible describes them
00:53 as ministering spirits sent forth to minister
00:56 for those who inherit salvation.
00:57 And we established the concept
00:59 that most everything God does with rare exception,
01:02 He does through not His own personal work,
01:05 but through the agency of created beings
01:08 through the angel messengers and Jesus prayed
01:13 and taught us to pray
01:16 that we should speak to our Father and say,
01:18 Your will be done on earth
01:21 as it is in heaven.
01:23 So we need to work for the Lord on the earth
01:26 in the same way
01:28 the Lord is going about His work
01:30 in the courts above in heaven.
01:32 And that passage reminded me
01:34 of a particular Spirit of Prophecy statement
01:36 that I wanted to share with you now,
01:37 you can find it in the book Christian Service, page 90.
01:41 Speaking of the Lord's Prayer
01:43 and our responsibility to do the work
01:45 of God here on the earth.
01:46 Mrs. White writes,
01:48 "How can you who repeat the Lord's Prayer,
01:51 'Thy kingdom come,
01:53 Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven,'
01:56 sit at ease in your homes
01:59 without helping to carry the torch of truth to others?
02:03 How can you lift up your hands before God
02:05 and ask His blessing upon yourselves and your families,
02:08 when you are doing so little to help others?'
02:12 "Clearly the Lord has given us the three angel's message,
02:16 but what He's looking for now
02:17 are those three angels' messengers.
02:20 And thus our series "Equipping the Saints,"
02:22 we want to know
02:23 not just what God wants us to do,
02:25 but how He wants us to go about His business
02:27 and by His grace to hasten His soon return.
02:30 Now we're gonna turn attention
02:32 to our second message in the series,
02:33 who fed the 5,000?
02:36 But before we begin, as always,
02:38 let's start with a word of prayer.
02:40 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much
02:43 for the privilege and joy of being Christians.
02:48 Oh, Lord, help us to truly be followers of Jesus,
02:52 not just watchers, but workers with Him.
02:54 And as we study the method of Christ's ministry,
02:59 help us to learn our lessons
03:01 to be your servant, your ministering spirits
03:05 that we may enjoy
03:07 the fellowship of service with You
03:10 and by Your grace see Jesus come soon and very soon.
03:14 For we pray it in Jesus' name.
03:16 Amen.
03:19 Let's go to Matthew Chapter 4
03:20 as we begin the message entitled, "Who fed the 5000?"
03:25 Matthew Chapter 4
03:26 and as you're working your way there,
03:30 let me pose this almost too simple of a question,
03:34 but it's one I wrestled with it a while ago
03:37 and it was this question right here.
03:39 Why did Jesus have disciples?
03:45 Why did Jesus have disciples?
03:48 You think about it, if He came to do ministry,
03:50 why did He have around Him a group of 12 men
03:54 who witnessed His every move was it...
03:55 And this is what I had concluded earlier in my life,
03:58 I thought well, He must have had disciples
04:00 because He needed people
04:02 to be firsthand witnesses of His work
04:04 because He knew He was gonna leave
04:05 and He wanted to convey
04:07 the story of His life and death
04:09 and resurrection to those who would follow.
04:11 And there is an element of truth to that,
04:13 but what I want you to see from scripture itself
04:16 is that when Jesus called His disciples,
04:20 He did not only call them
04:24 to be witnesses of His work.
04:28 Watch in Matthew Chapter 4,
04:31 it says here,
04:33 where is he talking about Jesus collecting His first disciples.
04:37 It says in verse 18, "And Jesus,
04:39 walking by the Sea of Galilee,
04:40 saw two brothers, Simon called Peter,
04:44 and Andrew his brother,
04:45 casting a net into the sea for they were fishermen."
04:49 Then He said to them,
04:51 'Follow Me,' "and watch closely, "
04:53 and I will make you fishers of men."
04:58 He did not say,
04:59 "Follow Me and witness my fishing for men."
05:04 He said, no, no, "Follow me
05:06 and I will make you fishers of men."
05:10 When the disciples left their nets,
05:12 which by the way, the verse says, verse 20,
05:14 "Then immediately they left their nets and followed him."
05:18 They knew what they were signing up for,
05:21 they knew what they were getting into.
05:23 Jesus had made it clear
05:24 what He was calling them to do is not just to watch,
05:28 but to actually work
05:29 that they were gonna be trained to do ministry.
05:33 And this is one of the main points
05:35 that I want to put right here at the very beginning,
05:37 the foundation idea that we need to have in our heads,
05:40 that Jesus did not merely come to do ministry,
05:45 but to train ministers.
05:49 Jesus, of course, did lots of ministry,
05:51 but that wasn't His primary purpose.
05:52 Primary purpose was not merely the accomplishment of ministry,
05:56 but to actually train up ministers.
05:59 He kept in mind the view
06:02 that someday He would be gone,
06:04 but the church would have to go forward.
06:07 And if you think about this,
06:09 Jesus entire personal ministry here on the earth
06:12 only lasted for a short time.
06:15 Basically, He was here for three and a half years
06:17 doing public ministry.
06:19 He stayed 40 days after His resurrection
06:21 and a little bit here and there,
06:23 but for the most part, His job was done
06:24 within three and a half years.
06:28 But He also knew that long after He ascended into heaven,
06:32 the church that would be built in His name
06:34 would go forward.
06:36 And so when He called those first disciples,
06:37 He was telling them right off the bat
06:39 what He was gonna do,
06:40 "I will make you fishers of men."
06:44 And from that introduction,
06:46 as you study the life of Jesus
06:48 and the ministry of Jesus,
06:50 you will see this recurring theme emerge over and over.
06:54 For instance, let's give it an example of this.
06:56 In John Chapter 3.
06:59 Matthew, Mark, Luke, then John Chapter 3.
07:02 Let's go to verse 22,
07:06 still towards the beginning of His ministry.
07:09 It says here,
07:11 "After these things
07:12 Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea,
07:15 and there He remained with them and baptized."
07:20 Now the way that that particular sentence is worded,
07:22 it seems like Jesus did two actions,
07:26 that He remained and baptized.
07:31 Did Jesus did that work?
07:33 Then it adds in verse 23,
07:34 "Now John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salem,
07:37 because there was much water there.
07:39 And they came and were baptized."
07:41 But as you keep reading the story,
07:43 you know, there was some tension
07:45 between the disciples of John and disciples of Jesus
07:47 and John humbly says,
07:49 "He must increase and I must decrease,"
07:50 and it's beautiful.
07:51 But go to the next chapter John Chapter 4,
07:56 "Therefore, when the Lord knew
07:58 that the Pharisees had heard
07:59 that Jesus made and baptized
08:02 more disciples than John."
08:04 Two times it certainly seems like Jesus
08:07 was doing all the work.
08:08 He was doing the preaching,
08:10 He was doing the baptizing,
08:11 and that would be the impression
08:12 the disciples were standing around watching.
08:14 But look at verse 2,
08:16 in parenthesis the scripture adds,
08:18 (though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His)
08:23 whom? (Disciples.)
08:26 So the question comes, did Jesus baptize?
08:30 Well, yes.
08:32 It was by His authority,
08:35 but the agents who did the actual labor
08:38 were His disciples doing the act of baptism.
08:41 Does that make sense, right?
08:43 So Jesus commanded baptism,
08:45 but never personally baptized anyone.
08:48 He left that to His disciples
08:50 because He was training them to be fishers of men.
08:55 Go to the... I'm sorry.
08:57 Back to the Gospel of Luke Chapter 9.
09:02 Luke Chapter 9.
09:05 Again, as we recall that Jesus only had three and a half years
09:08 of public ministry.
09:09 You would imagine that
09:10 once He called those disciples to them
09:12 with such a limited amount of time
09:13 to spend with their master,
09:15 they wouldn't want to have even one day apart.
09:19 But somehow the Lord in His wisdom knew
09:21 that would not be best for them.
09:22 So He actually sent His disciples away.
09:25 Look at Luke 9:1,
09:28 "Then he called the 12..."
09:32 "Then He called His twelve disciples together
09:34 and gave them power and authority over all demons,
09:38 and to cure diseases."
09:40 Now up until this point,
09:42 Jesus had been casting out demons
09:44 and healing diseases,
09:45 but at this point now, He gives them the authority,
09:48 He delegates that responsibility.
09:51 Verse 2,
09:52 "He sent them to preach the kingdom of God
09:55 and to heal the sick.
09:57 And He said to them,
09:58 'Take nothing for the journey,
10:00 neither staffs nor bag nor bread nor money,
10:02 and do not have two tunics apiece.'"
10:04 So notice this instruction
10:06 is not just general platitudes of go and bless people.
10:09 No, He was very specific.
10:10 Here's where you're gonna go, here's when you're gonna go,
10:13 here's what you're gonna take with you,
10:14 who's gonna go with you.
10:16 Verse 4, He continues His practical instruction,
10:19 "Whatever house you enter,
10:20 stay there, and from there depart.
10:23 And whoever will not receive you,
10:24 when you go out of that city,
10:26 shake off the very dust from your feet
10:27 as a testimony against them."
10:29 So verse 6,"They departed and went through the towns,
10:32 preaching the gospel and healing everywhere,"
10:35 which is exactly the ministry Jesus Himself had been doing.
10:38 He had been going everywhere, healing diseases
10:40 and preaching the gospel.
10:42 But now at this portion,
10:43 He says, "Now wait,
10:44 I want you to go do it."
10:46 And He sends them out,
10:48 and He gives them intensely practical instruction.
10:50 Again, about what to take with them,
10:51 about where to go,
10:53 about who will be their companions,
10:54 all of this?
10:55 He's intensely practical.
10:58 In fact, go to Luke 10:1,
11:00 we see that Jesus does it again
11:02 with an even broader group of people.
11:05 Luke 10:1,
11:07 "After these things
11:08 the Lord also appointed seventy others also,
11:11 and sent them two by two
11:13 before His face into every city
11:16 where He Himself was about to go."
11:20 So now he... After He sends out the 12,
11:22 now He sends out an even larger group
11:24 of the 70,
11:26 which you put the two together,
11:27 that's 82 people
11:29 He has sent out in mission work.
11:30 And notice where He sends the 70?
11:33 Everywhere where He Himself is about to go.
11:38 Now, friends, let's think.
11:39 By the way, I'm trying to get out
11:41 of my vocabulary, empty phrases,
11:42 like let's think logically
11:44 because there is no other way to think.
11:47 We're built to deduce truth step by step, logically.
11:53 So let's think about this
11:55 in a logical manner.
11:59 Why would Jesus sent
12:00 70 disciples,
12:05 70 followers of His 70 trainees
12:10 out to go do ministry to the very places
12:13 where He Himself is about to go?
12:17 Wouldn't it have been simpler just to have them tag along
12:19 because He's going there anyway
12:22 and do the ministry,
12:23 watch them, have them witness His ministry.
12:27 Of course, it would have been.
12:29 But He sends them out ahead of Him,
12:30 so that they can get the practice
12:32 but then He comes behind
12:34 for what purpose do you think?
12:36 To check on their progress,
12:37 to see how they're doing,
12:39 to right any wrongs, to correct any errors,
12:40 to fix anything is going on, right?
12:42 So they send out first...
12:44 He sends them out first,
12:45 and then He follows up with them.
12:47 Basically, for all intents and purposes,
12:49 Jesus was a living training school
12:53 for Christian workers.
12:55 He was a training seminar day in and day out.
13:00 When people signed up to follow Jesus,
13:02 they were not gonna be watchers,
13:04 they were gonna be workers.
13:06 He was gonna make them fishers of men.
13:10 And why did He do this?
13:12 Why was this His method of ministry?
13:15 Well, He explains it in the very next verse.
13:19 Luke Chapter 10, now look at verse 2,
13:22 "Then He said to them,
13:24 'The harvest truly is great,
13:29 but the laborers are," what?
13:31 "Few.'"
13:34 He said, I'm only one,
13:35 the disciples of mine are only 12,
13:36 and you all are only 70,
13:38 but there's a vast harvest field beyond.
13:44 And so what is the resolution to this problem?
13:46 We've got so much work and so few workers.
13:49 Notice what He says,
13:52 "But the laborers are few,
13:54 therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
13:57 to slow down the harvest."
14:00 Is that what He says?
14:01 No.
14:03 He's not asking for the work to decrease,
14:05 He's looking for the workers to increase,
14:07 right?
14:09 "Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest
14:11 to send out laborers into His harvest."
14:15 Christ was a minister and He got 12 around Him
14:18 and trained them and sends them out.
14:19 Then He had 70 others and sent them out
14:21 because he's look, the harvest is great,
14:23 but the laborers are few.
14:29 By the way, speaking of this Luke 9 and Luke 10,
14:31 Jesus sending out of the 12 and the 70.
14:34 Mrs. White comments in Acts of the Apostles, page 32,
14:39 and I want you to listen carefully,
14:40 "In all His work," how much of his work?
14:44 All of it.
14:45 "In all His work,
14:47 He was training them for individual labor,
14:53 to be extended as their numbers increased,
14:57 and eventually to reach to the uttermost parts
15:00 of the earth."
15:01 Think about that.
15:02 Sometimes we think, well, why did Jesus do it this way?
15:05 Well, they were just a really small band of people
15:08 a little scrappy insurgency,
15:09 so every man had to play a part.
15:11 If you've ever been in a local church,
15:13 all the reason this person has this responsibilities
15:15 because we only have so many people, right?
15:17 But when you get into a bigger church,
15:18 you can think, well, don't worry,
15:19 there's someone who will do that,
15:21 and there's someone else who will do that,
15:22 and there's someone else and the bigger it gets,
15:24 the less responsibility you personally have.
15:27 Christ went the other way,
15:29 He came down here to model ministry in His own person,
15:32 and then train the 12 for individual labor
15:36 and then train those 70 for further individual labor,
15:39 so that every part does it share
15:42 in the body of Christ.
15:44 And notice, she says,
15:46 if this was to be extended as their numbers increased.
15:50 Friends, Christ had a model of ministry in mind
15:53 where every member was a missionary.
15:57 Every single part of the body of Christ
16:00 was an active functioning outreach for Christ,
16:06 eventually to reach
16:08 to the uttermost parts of the earth.
16:10 Individual work
16:13 by individual people,
16:14 by individuals
16:16 was not supposed to be only a stopgap measure
16:20 until the church grew large enough
16:22 to establish mammoth institutions.
16:24 Oh, now that we are big and established,
16:27 now that we have a printing press,
16:28 now that we have a hospital,
16:30 now that we have a school,
16:31 now that we have a large church.
16:33 Good, now I can just pray for those workers over there.
16:38 It was never supposed to be that way.
16:42 The intent was that every individual will do their work
16:45 as a disciple of Jesus Christ
16:48 and that would continue as new disciples were made.
16:54 We'll come back to that institutional framework
16:57 later on in this series.
16:59 Just a little teaser there, it's gonna be a good one.
17:02 But let's look at another example
17:04 in the ministry of Jesus,
17:05 how He modeled this training ministry.
17:07 Go to John Chapter 11.
17:11 If you're already in Luke, just go to the right
17:12 to the Gospel of John Chapter 11,
17:15 and here we read the story of the death
17:17 and resurrection of Lazarus.
17:23 Now, we're gonna take just a minute
17:25 and look at the story a little bit more entail,
17:28 but clearly Jesus had a plan in mind
17:33 when this situation with Lazarus arose.
17:37 For instance, it says here, verse 1,
17:41 "Now a certain man was sick,
17:42 Lazarus of Bethany,
17:43 the town of Mary and her sister, Martha.
17:45 It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil
17:49 and wiped his feet with her hair,
17:50 whose brother Lazarus was sick.
17:52 Therefore the sister sent him saying, Lord, behold,
17:55 he whom You love is sick."
17:58 So because they had a close relationship with Jesus,
18:00 they felt comfortable with Him
18:02 and they appealed to Him on a personal level.
18:03 Lord, "You love him and he is sick."
18:05 The implication being he's sick and you can help.
18:10 Right?
18:11 Verse 4,
18:13 "When Jesus heard that,
18:14 He said, this sickness is not unto death,
18:16 but for the glory of God,
18:18 that the Son of God might be glorified through it."
18:20 And if you heard that comment, you're like, oh, well, good.
18:22 He's not going to die.
18:25 No, Christ, just said,
18:26 it wasn't going to end in death,
18:29 but He saw this as an opportunity
18:31 to glorify God.
18:33 Now, let's keep reading verse 5.
18:34 Now Jesus...
18:36 And watch how oddly constructed these sentences are.
18:38 It's almost funny.
18:40 Look at verse 5.
18:41 "Now Jesus loved Martha,
18:43 and her sister, and Lazarus."
18:46 So, comma...
18:49 Now whatever is gonna come next
18:52 is big out of a motive of love, right?
18:55 It specifically says He loved Martha,
18:57 He loved Mary, He loved Lazarus,
18:59 therefore so, what did he do?
19:02 "When He heard that he was sick,
19:04 He stayed two more days in the place where He was."
19:09 Because He loved them so much,
19:12 He purposefully stayed away.
19:16 That's weird.
19:18 But Jesus has a plan.
19:20 Let's keep reading.
19:23 Then after this, He said to His disciples,
19:25 let us go to Judea again.
19:27 So He purposely holds off two more days
19:31 and just kind of waits.
19:35 And, of course, the disciples didn't understand this
19:37 and the Lord tries to explain it to them.
19:39 When He said that our friend Lazarus sleeps, right?
19:42 That means that he has died.
19:44 But look at verse 12,
19:45 "His disciples said, 'Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.'
19:47 However, Jesus spoke of his death,
19:50 but they thought that He was speaking
19:51 about taking rest in sleep."
19:53 Verse 14, another weird sentence,
19:55 "Then Jesus said to them plainly,
19:57 'Lazarus is dead.'"
20:00 Verse 15, "And I am," what?
20:04 "Glad."
20:06 What?
20:08 Because He loved him so much, He stayed away.
20:11 And now it says, Lazarus is dead,
20:14 and I am glad.
20:16 He's dead and I'm happy.
20:19 What in the world?
20:21 Is He glad for Lazarus's sake that he's experienced death?
20:25 No, look at the text again, He says why He's glad?
20:28 "And I am glad for your sakes
20:32 that I was not there,
20:36 that you may," what?
20:38 "Believe,
20:41 nevertheless let us go to him."
20:43 Now apparently they believed Him enough
20:47 to be following Him already, right?
20:50 And they would have been working for Him,
20:52 they've been baptizing with Him,
20:53 they've been witnessing all that He's done,
20:54 they've obeyed His command,
20:56 so what do they still not believe?
20:58 Well, for instance,
20:59 did they believe that if Jesus had shown up,
21:01 He could have healed Lazarus?
21:03 Yes, that's why they were antsy to go.
21:07 But Jesus said, you know what?
21:08 "We've done sick before. Let's let him die."
21:13 And Lazarus dies and Jesus said,
21:15 "All right now, good.
21:17 Now let's go."
21:21 And by the way,
21:23 Thomas
21:24 must have been just a ray of sunshine to have around.
21:26 Look at verse 16,
21:27 "Then Thomas, who is called the Twin,
21:28 said to his fellow disciples,
21:30 'Let us also go, that we may die with Him.'"
21:35 I'm sure he was on the subcommittee
21:36 for morale you know.
21:39 Anyway, verse 17, "So when Jesus came,
21:42 He found that he had already been in the tomb four days.
21:47 Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles away.
21:49 And many of the Jews had joined the women
21:50 around Martha and Mary, to comfort them
21:52 concerning their brother."
21:53 Verse 20, "Now Martha, as soon as she heard
21:56 that Jesus was coming, went and met Him,
21:58 but Mary was sitting in the house."
22:00 Verse 21, "Now Martha said to Jesus,
22:02 'Lord, if You had been here,
22:05 my brother would not have died.'"
22:09 Notice she does not equivocate,
22:10 she said he might not have died.
22:12 There's a hope You could have helped him.
22:13 She says he would not have died.
22:18 Friends, does Martha believe that Jesus can heal the sick?
22:22 Yes.
22:24 Did the disciples believe Jesus can heal the sick?
22:27 Yes.
22:29 But watch what she continues to say,
22:32 "Lord, if you had been here,
22:34 my brother would not have died.
22:35 But even now
22:38 I know that whatever You ask of God,
22:41 God will give You."
22:44 Do you notice that there seems to be a split in her mind?
22:47 There's the Jesus level things
22:48 that He can do without having to check in with the Father.
22:51 But the big things you're gonna have to,
22:54 God will do that.
22:57 Apparently they had a striated view
23:00 of Christ's abilities.
23:03 That He can do, you know,
23:05 the little things water wine,
23:08 blind to see, okay.
23:10 But once some...
23:11 They had this view that once someone went beyond the grave,
23:14 they went into the grave to death.
23:18 Well, Jesus couldn't do that one,
23:19 only God could do that.
23:25 Look at how plainly Jesus speaks.
23:28 Verse 23, "Jesus said to her,
23:29 'Your brother will rise again.'
23:33 Martha said to him,
23:34 "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection," when?
23:38 "At the last day."
23:40 Well, I believe in the resurrection.
23:42 You know,
23:43 the big one at the end that God does.
23:48 And Jesus said to her in verse 25,
23:50 "I am the resurrection and the life."
23:54 You know, sometimes I think that Jesus was always calm
23:57 and placid and maybe otherworldly kind of spacey
23:59 when He said these things.
24:00 I think He genuinely had some emotion in His voice
24:03 when He said,
24:05 'I am...'
24:07 Who do you think is gonna be coming at the last day?
24:09 That's Me.
24:11 It's the same Me now as it will be then.
24:15 I am the resurrection, like He who believes in Me,
24:18 though he may die he shall live.
24:22 This is frustrating.
24:24 By the way, let's skip over now
24:27 verse 32,
24:28 "Then, when Mary came where Jesus was, and saw Him,
24:31 she fell down at His feet,
24:32 saying to Him, 'Lord, if You had been here,
24:34 my brother would not have died.'"
24:36 Word for word, the same lament
24:37 that Martha had shared.
24:40 So far, we have the disciples, we have Martha, we have Mary,
24:43 all believing that Jesus can heal the sick.
24:47 But now that he's died, they're completely undone.
24:50 In fact,
24:52 verse 37, look at the on looking crowd.
24:56 "And some of them said,
24:57 'Could not this Man,
24:59 who opened the eyes of the blind,
25:01 also have kept this man from dying?'"
25:06 The crowd, Martha, Mary,
25:09 His own disciples,
25:11 they all believe in His ability to heal the sick
25:15 and prevent death.
25:18 But none of them had the idea in mind
25:20 that He could actually return life
25:22 and resurrect the dead.
25:26 This is what they needed to believe.
25:28 Then, verse 38,
25:31 "Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself
25:34 came to the tomb.
25:37 It was a cave, and a stone lay against it."
25:39 Now, let's set the context here,
25:40 I want to be clear about this.
25:45 Everyone there to a person
25:49 believed He had some power,
25:52 but not that kind of power.
25:58 Everyone was doubting His strength,
26:01 His capacity, His ability,
26:04 His power
26:06 to do this level of work.
26:11 Christ knows that that's their doubt.
26:13 This is why He allowed the scenario
26:14 to develop as it does.
26:16 He wanted the circumstance to arise
26:18 so He can dispel those doubts, right?
26:20 So they would believe.
26:22 So as He comes to the grave, and everyone's watching,
26:27 there's an obstacle in the way, what is it?
26:29 A stone, right?
26:31 It says here
26:32 and a stone lay against it.
26:34 Verse 39, wouldn't it be powerful, Jesus said,
26:37 and the Bible says,
26:38 and Jesus commanded the stone
26:39 to fly out into space.
26:42 Or He just looked at the stone
26:44 and it crumbled in His presence,
26:45 or He opened the earth
26:46 and it just caved in under its own weight,
26:48 or He sent fire to the stone and like it like...
26:51 What does He do?
26:53 He strides up to the tomb...
27:00 and He says,
27:01 "Oh, can somebody get the big rock?
27:05 It's really big, can somebody help?"
27:09 And what's the one thing they're doubting?
27:11 His strength, His ability, His power
27:13 to do this big thing.
27:15 And He runs into a rock
27:17 and He's like,
27:18 can we get some folks
27:20 to move, roll the thing away?
27:22 I need to...
27:24 And notice the response.
27:26 Martha tries to save face for Him
27:28 and bail Him out of this embarrassing situation.
27:30 "Martha, the sister of him who was dead said to Him,
27:32 'Lord, by this time there is a stench
27:34 for he has been dead four days.'"
27:36 It's like, you know...
27:38 We know your heart's in the right place.
27:42 "Jesus said to her,
27:44 'Did I not say to you,
27:45 that if you would believe
27:46 you would see the glory of God?'
27:50 Then they took away the stone
27:52 from the place where the dead man was lying.
27:54 And Jesus lifted up His eyes, and said,
27:56 'Father, I thank You that you have heard me.
27:58 And I know that you always hear me
28:00 but because of the people
28:02 who are standing by I said this,
28:04 that they may believe that You sent me.'
28:08 Now when He had said these things,
28:09 He cried with a loud voice,
28:11 'Lazarus, come forth.'
28:17 And he who had died came out,
28:21 bound hand and foot with grave clothes,
28:24 and his face was wrapped with a cloth.
28:27 And Jesus said to them, 'Loose him,
28:30 and let him go.'"
28:37 There are several lessons we can learn from this.
28:41 But I think that Jesus intended to teach
28:43 two primary lessons that day.
28:46 First of all,
28:47 He wanted them to understand what He could do.
28:54 But the second lesson is He wanted them
28:56 to understand what they should do.
29:02 If Jesus were gonna go to
29:03 all the trouble of raising the dead
29:05 and do such a powerful evidence
29:07 of divine power,
29:11 why wouldn't He just move the rock?
29:14 And furthermore, as Lazarus comes out,
29:17 why wouldn't He just take, I mean, think about
29:18 as Lazarus is coming out of the tomb?
29:21 What options for mobility did this poor brother have?
29:24 It lists the parts of his body that are bound, right?
29:27 His hands, His feet...
29:33 and it even goes too far to say
29:34 that His face is wrapped with a cloth.
29:37 So that means his eyes are covered too,
29:38 his eyes, his hands, his feet,
29:40 and Jesus gives the command, "Come forth."
29:44 I can almost imagine him mumbling.
29:47 How?
29:49 What options for ambulatory movement
29:51 does he have?
29:53 I mean, he could kind of like,
29:55 maybe sideways shuffle or shimmy,
29:58 you know, out of the tomb, or maybe he would hop.
30:02 By the way wouldn't it be tremendous
30:03 if the Bible said and he who is dead
30:05 hopped forth.
30:08 And I guess the least dignified of all would be just simply
30:13 fall forward and roll on out
30:15 but somehow he made it out, right?
30:18 He struggles to get out
30:19 and Jesus says,
30:20 now loose him and let him go.
30:23 If you're gonna raise the dead,
30:24 why don't you just remove the cloths anyway?
30:27 Why don't you have a glorious moment
30:28 where he comes striding out free?
30:35 But He leaves the stone in place
30:36 and says you guys go get it.
30:38 And He leaves the grave clothes on and said,
30:39 you go help him, why?
30:41 Because He was trying to teach two lessons,
30:43 number one, here's what I can do
30:44 and here's number two, what you can do.
30:48 Listen to this, Desire of Ages, page 535.
30:52 "Take ye away the stone."
30:54 She's gonna comment on his delegation
30:56 of this responsibility.
30:58 "Take ye away the stone."
31:00 Christ could have commanded the stone to remove,
31:03 and it would have obeyed His voice."
31:05 Right? That's an option He had.
31:08 "He could have bidden the angels
31:10 who were closed by His side to do this..."
31:13 At His bidding, invisible hands would have removed the stone.
31:16 By the way, that would have been
31:18 a really interesting way to do it.
31:19 Just have the angels go do it.
31:20 And invisibly, just watch it just kind of be carried off.
31:27 "But it was to be taken away by human hands."
31:30 Why?
31:32 "Thus Christ would show
31:34 that humanity is to co-operate with divinity."
31:38 Now listen to this principle.
31:39 I'm gonna say it twice.
31:41 It's just that important.
31:42 "What human power can do
31:46 divine power is not summoned to do."
31:50 I'll say it again.
31:52 What human power can do
31:55 divine power is not summoned to do.
32:02 God does not dispense with man's aid.
32:06 He strengthens him,
32:08 co-operating with him as He uses the powers
32:11 and capabilities He's given him.
32:13 So notice this,
32:14 there are things God can do.
32:16 By the way, are there things God can do?
32:19 Sure.
32:20 But are there things God won't do?
32:24 Because those are things He's given you to do.
32:29 What human power can do
32:31 divine power is not summoned to do.
32:33 Let's think about this in the work of saving souls
32:37 and giving the three angels' message to the world.
32:40 Could the Lord Himself just like He did from Sinai,
32:43 I speak audibly across all the created sphere
32:47 and give the message Himself?
32:50 Yes.
32:52 Could He send angels to go do the work?
32:55 Yes.
32:57 But He is elected not to do that.
33:01 He has given us and, you know what?
33:03 You have tools and abilities
33:08 to actually work for Jesus.
33:10 You have a voice that can make words
33:13 and you can interact with other human beings.
33:15 You have a hand to reach out and give literature.
33:19 You have eyes to read and a voice to...
33:22 Maybe people can't see for themselves
33:24 and you can be their eyes,
33:25 you've got tools that you can use.
33:26 And sometimes let me just cut to the chase this way.
33:29 Sometimes I fear that when we pray
33:31 for the powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit
33:33 and the latter rain power, right?
33:36 That we don't know what we're asking for.
33:40 We want the Holy Spirit to come down
33:42 and do a work in us to be alive to witness it.
33:47 That's not how it's gonna be.
33:50 God is not gonna do a work
33:53 in front of us.
33:54 He's gonna do a work through us
33:58 in giving the message to the world.
34:01 What human power can do
34:03 divine power is not summoned
34:06 to do?
34:07 Let's look at another example from the Gospel of Mark.
34:11 Mark 6:35
34:17 tells the story of the feeding of the 5,000.
34:21 And you know, they were all gathered that day
34:24 and multitudes were with Him.
34:27 And it says here in verse 35,
34:29 "When the day was now far spent,
34:31 His disciples came to Him and said,
34:33 'This is a deserted place, and already the hour is late.
34:37 Send them away,
34:38 that they may go into the surrounding country
34:40 and villages and buy themselves bread,
34:41 for they have nothing to eat.'"
34:43 So notice they recognize the problem.
34:45 We've got all these people and no food.
34:47 Our solution is to send them away
34:51 so they can take care of themselves.
34:53 But verse 37,
34:55 "He answered and said to them,
34:56 you give them something to eat."
34:59 Jesus saw this as a training opportunity
35:02 and I'm this close to thinking He set the thing up.
35:04 I'm guessing He just went all the way through lunch
35:06 just to set up a scenario to test their faith.
35:09 He did it with Lazarus, why not do with bread?
35:13 But he answered and said, you give them something to eat,
35:15 "and they said to him,
35:17 'Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread
35:20 and give them something to eat?'"
35:23 By the way, I don't think
35:24 it's ever the wise course to sass Jesus.
35:29 Sometimes I look at the scripture count,
35:31 I think, boy, if I would just shake them,
35:34 you know.
35:36 But they first, oh,
35:37 we're supposed to have all that money.
35:39 Now we just gonna go buy food for everybody.
35:43 Look at the simplicity
35:45 and practicality of Christ's response.
35:47 Verse 36, I'm sorry, verse 38,
35:50 "But He said to them,
35:52 'How many loaves do you have?
35:55 Go and see.'
35:56 He's like, you're dismissing the whole, idea,
35:58 you're just jumping to the whole.
35:59 Let's go buy it without even seeing
36:01 what you have on hand.
36:02 Why don't you go check and see what we have first
36:05 before you get all panicky
36:06 and start threatening the...?
36:07 Come on.
36:09 What do you have on hand?
36:12 "And when they found out they said,
36:14 'Five, and two fish.'"
36:15 My guess is that they felt they were off the hook now.
36:19 Look, we went everywhere,
36:20 we dug to every hand, every basket
36:22 and you know, we came up with five
36:25 and two fish.
36:27 Five loaves, two fish, that's all we've got.
36:28 So I'm guessing they were like,
36:30 you know, see, I told you so.
36:35 But verse 39,
36:37 "Then He commanded them
36:38 to make them all sit down in groups
36:40 on the green grass."
36:41 Now, maybe your picture in your head
36:43 is the same as mine used to be.
36:44 But I had this picture of the 5,000 plus,
36:47 of course, women and children,
36:48 this massive group of likely 10,000
36:50 or so was just kind of scattered on a hillside
36:52 and they were just indiscriminately
36:53 dotting the landscape
36:55 and that Jesus prayed this prayer
36:57 with these five loaves and two fishes
36:59 and He handed to the disciples
37:00 and they just started willy-nilly
37:01 passing it out to all the people.
37:03 But that is not what the scripture says.
37:04 Look again at 6:39,
37:08 "Then he commanded them."
37:11 Let's break down the sentence.
37:12 Who is the He in this sentence?
37:15 He is Jesus, right?
37:16 That's capital H, He commanded them.
37:19 Who's the them?
37:21 It's not the crowd, it's the disciples.
37:24 Commanded them to make them
37:27 all sit down in groups on the green grass.
37:29 Now, if Jesus wanted everyone to sit down,
37:32 what would be the simplest way to make that happen?
37:36 I mean, aside from taking out their legs
37:38 and forcing them to sit, you know,
37:40 what could He have done?
37:42 Is there maybe one voice
37:43 they've been listening to all day?
37:46 His, right?
37:47 It wouldn't be simple for Jesus to say,
37:49 everyone sit.
37:54 And all of sudden, 5,000 to 10,000 people going.
37:58 He would have taken, I don't know,
38:01 four or five seconds,
38:04 but He doesn't do that.
38:05 He turns to disciples says, all right,
38:07 I've been talking to them all day.
38:09 Now you go make them sit down.
38:14 And my imagination likes to think
38:16 of Peter stepping forward.
38:17 He's like, I got this no problem.
38:18 I know how to do it.
38:20 Hey, everybody, listen.
38:21 Sit but look carefully.
38:23 Sitting down was not Christ only objective.
38:26 Look again.
38:28 He commanded them to make them all sit down how?
38:32 In groups on the green grass.
38:38 Now sitting down is one thing,
38:42 but sitting down in groups,
38:45 that takes a little work,
38:46 that takes a little organization,
38:48 that's gonna take a minute, isn't it?
38:51 In fact, look at verse 40,
38:53 "So they sat down in ranks."
38:58 That means they were order,
38:59 there's order within the groups,
39:01 in the ranks,
39:03 in hundreds and in fifties."
39:07 How big was the group to start with?
39:09 At least 5,000 people
39:13 and he wants them to make them
39:14 all sit down in groups, in order,
39:20 in groups as small as hundreds and fifties.
39:24 That's gonna take a while.
39:27 If His only goal is to get them to sit down and be quiet,
39:30 He could have done that almost instantly,
39:32 without even a miracle just by the command.
39:35 But He purposely has the disciples do this work.
39:40 So they sat down in ranks in hundreds and in fifties.
39:44 It says in verse 41,
39:45 "And when he had taken the five loaves
39:47 and the two fish, he looked up to heaven,
39:48 blessed, and broke the loaves,
39:52 and gave them to His disciples
39:53 to set before them.
39:55 And the two fish he divided among them all."
39:57 So they all ate and were filled.
40:01 So Jesus takes the bread
40:02 and notice neither in the story of Lazarus
40:04 nor in the story of the feeding of the 5,000,
40:05 does He delegate the miracle itself to the disciples.
40:10 He does the divine part,
40:11 but what human power can do
40:13 divine power is not summoned to do.
40:15 So He organizes them and He says,
40:17 "All right, now I'm gonna provide this miracle,
40:19 but we need a structure in place."
40:21 So He organizes the whole group.
40:24 And as He prays,
40:26 the Lord answers His prayer.
40:28 And the bread is multiplied given to the disciples,
40:32 but the disciples then don't just take basketsful
40:34 and go hand them out.
40:36 Why were they in groups to start with?
40:39 And why were those groups ordered
40:41 and structured in ranks
40:44 as though you had a first one,
40:45 second one, third one, fourth one,
40:49 why?
40:51 The disciples did not go randomly tossing bread.
40:57 They gave to the groups
40:59 and what would the groups supposed to do?
41:02 Well, let Sister White help us out.
41:07 Desire of Ages, page 369,
41:11 "In this parable is wrapped up a deep,
41:13 spiritual lesson for God's workers.
41:16 Christ," now notice the chain of command,
41:18 "Christ received from the Father.
41:22 He imparted to the disciples,
41:25 they imparted to the multitude."
41:27 And then she adds one more step.
41:30 And you think what is left to add to the step
41:32 the disciples give to the multitude?
41:33 No, no.
41:36 "And the people to one another."
41:42 So you get the idea.
41:45 Father and the Son is the first step,
41:49 then Christ to the disciples,
41:53 and then the disciples give to the multitude,
41:55 but they don't get to every individual in the multitude,
41:57 they just give to the leaders of the groups.
41:59 And then the group leaders have to pass that along
42:02 so that every person is fed.
42:05 So my question is, who fed the 5,000?
42:12 Was it God the Father?
42:15 Yeah.
42:16 Was it Jesus Christ?
42:19 Yeah.
42:21 Wasn't it the disciples?
42:23 Well, yeah.
42:26 And wasn't it every individual there
42:28 that day feeding his neighbor?
42:31 Yeah.
42:34 God gets the credit,
42:35 but He works through an organized structure,
42:39 so that every part does its share.
42:43 This is a fascinating concept.
42:49 You know what the one sentence application she makes,
42:51 she says,
42:52 "So all who are united with Christ
42:56 will receive from Him the bread of life,
42:58 the heavenly food
43:00 and impart it to others."
43:02 Every one of us
43:03 who has received the gospel message
43:06 is expected by God
43:08 to share that with someone else.
43:11 God intends that every member is a missionary
43:15 for Jesus Christ.
43:18 Listen to this,
43:20 Signs of the Times, January 22, 1902,
43:24 "None can keep His law
43:26 without ministering to others."
43:31 Think about that.
43:32 Is it possible you can turn a faithful tithe
43:33 and keep the Seventh-day Sabbath
43:35 and honor your parents and not kill,
43:36 and not steal, and not...
43:39 And keep all of the law
43:40 and still come short of God's expectation?
43:42 Yes.
43:44 "None can keep His law without ministering to others.
43:51 Happiness is the gift of God to him
43:55 who in the Spirit of Christ, toils for the good of others."
43:59 If you want to be, you know, two little things,
44:02 saved and happy.
44:05 It comes from doing the work of ministering to others.
44:09 Let me tell you something, friends,
44:11 oftentimes in the Christian church
44:12 and even inside the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
44:15 we are rich with a message
44:16 and we receive and receive and receive.
44:19 But we're very little emphasizing the obligation,
44:22 the responsibility,
44:23 and the joy of giving to others.
44:27 But this isn't eat just as much as we receive
44:29 we're supposed to give.
44:32 Now...
44:38 John Chapter 17,
44:41 Jesus praise to His Father.
44:48 This is truly the Lord's Prayer,
44:50 the rest was our prayer like the model prayer for us.
44:52 But here Jesus is having a conversation in prayer
44:55 with His heavenly Father.
44:57 And in the first five verses, He prays for Himself,
45:01 and then in verses six and onwards,
45:03 He prays for His disciples.
45:06 But I want to draw your attention
45:07 specifically to verses 18 through 20.
45:11 Notice what Jesus says,
45:13 "As you sent Me into the world,
45:17 I also have sent them into the world."
45:22 Right, Jesus sent out the 12,
45:23 He sent out the 70,
45:24 now He's gonna send them on the Great Commission.
45:26 He has this sending idea
45:27 and where did He get it from?
45:29 From God sending of His Son, Jesus Christ Himself.
45:32 He said the same way that You sent Me,
45:34 I have sent them.
45:37 Verse 19,
45:39 "And for their sakes I sanctify Myself,
45:41 they also may be sanctified by the truth."
45:43 And then He adds in verse 20,
45:44 "I do not pray for these alone,
45:49 but also for those who will believe in Me
45:51 through their word."
45:54 Notice that Christ is expecting a chain of command.
45:57 God sent me, I send the disciples,
45:59 the disciples go out
46:01 and other people are gonna hear this message
46:02 and they're gonna go out too.
46:03 It's the same model
46:05 that He set up in Mark Chapter 6
46:07 with the feeding of the 5,000.
46:08 He said, this is how the gospel is gonna go to the world.
46:13 So when Jesus in Matthew Chapter 28
46:15 gives the Great Commission.
46:19 And He says in verse 18,
46:20 "All authority has been given to Me
46:22 in heaven and on earth.
46:23 Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations,
46:26 baptizing in the name of the Father,
46:28 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
46:29 teaching them to observe all things
46:31 that I have commanded you And lo,
46:33 I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
46:35 When He says, go to the ends of the earth.
46:37 He didn't just mean, you 12 are My only ones.
46:40 Now you go.
46:42 Jesus modeled not only ministry,
46:44 but the training of ministers.
46:47 And He says, "Now you do the same thing.
46:50 Go and cover the whole world
46:52 the same way I began to work,
46:54 you continue the work."
46:58 So we go to the Book of Acts.
46:59 How do they understand and apply that teaching.
47:02 Acts Chapter 2.
47:04 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
47:05 and Acts Chapter 2,
47:07 we have the beginning of the Christian church
47:10 with Jesus ascended into heaven.
47:14 The power of the Holy Spirit is poured out.
47:17 The ability to communicate
47:19 in others tongues is given to the disciples,
47:22 and Peter stands up
47:23 and he preaches a powerful sermon.
47:25 By the way, we're not getting into this now,
47:27 but you look at the things
47:28 we typically call Pentecostal these days.
47:31 Whether it's loud music
47:33 and whether it's you know, faith, healings,
47:34 and whether it's speaking in unintelligible tongues
47:37 and all of that kind of stuff.
47:39 Not one bit of that was actually occurring
47:41 on the day of Pentecost.
47:44 There's no mention of music at all.
47:45 No, I'm not against music,
47:47 but there's nothing in that passage
47:48 about music that happened on the day of Pentecost,
47:49 nothing.
47:52 Also, there's no faith healing.
47:54 I have no problem with Jesus being a powerful healer
47:56 and the great physician and we can pray by faith
47:58 but that was not a powerful demonstration
47:59 that people were just falling out dead,
48:02 healed, slain in the spirit, that wasn't there.
48:05 Also,
48:08 that whole speaking in tongues
48:09 was not so arresting to people
48:12 because they could not understand
48:13 what they were saying.
48:15 They were interested
48:16 because they could understand
48:17 what they were saying.
48:19 In fact, it's the exact opposite of everything
48:21 we typically call Pentecostal.
48:23 And Peter stands up and he preaches a sermon,
48:25 not about his own opinions, and not just emotion,
48:27 and not just all kind of shouting and screaming.
48:29 He preaches a Bible based present truth message,
48:32 it's 26 verses long,
48:34 13 verses are direct quotes from scripture,
48:37 11 verses are explanation of those scriptures
48:41 and 2 verses are the appeal.
48:43 And let me tell you something,
48:45 Peter preached, he preached straight.
48:46 Look at verse 36.
48:48 He preaches "Therefore
48:51 let all the house of Israel know assuredly,
48:54 that God has made this Jesus,
48:56 whom you crucified,
48:58 both Lord and Christ."
49:01 Got to remember, this is the same crowd
49:03 who just 50 days earlier was chanting,
49:05 "Crucify Him, crucify Him.
49:06 Let His blood be on us and on our children."
49:10 But now that that mob mentality is calm down
49:12 and the fog of war is left their heads
49:14 and now they're clear thinking again,
49:16 Peter comes in with a sword of the Spirit,
49:18 which is the word of God.
49:21 And he tells them, you killed your own Messiah.
49:26 In Peters, and they said in verse 37,
49:29 "When they heard this,
49:30 they were cut to the heart,
49:34 and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,
49:36 Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
49:39 Praise the Lord, Peter didn't say, oh,
49:40 there's nothing you can do, you're lost.
49:44 His response was simple,
49:45 "Repent and let every one of you be baptized
49:48 in the name of Jesus Christ
49:49 for the remission of sins,
49:51 and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
49:53 And as we go over to verse 41, it says,
49:55 "Then those who gladly received His word were," what?
49:58 "Baptized:
50:00 and that day about three thousand souls
50:03 were added to them.
50:05 By the way, I must make this point too.
50:08 When they were baptized,
50:09 they didn't just join Jesus in a spiritual way,
50:11 they joined the body of Christ in a literal way,
50:15 and they were part of the body, which is the church.
50:18 They were added not just to Jesus,
50:20 they were added to them,
50:21 the apostles.
50:23 And what happened in these newly converted people's lives?
50:26 Boy, they had an experience like none other.
50:29 Look at verse 42,
50:30 "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles'
50:33 doctrine and fellowship,
50:34 in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."
50:36 Now look at verse 44,
50:37 "Now all who believed were together
50:39 and had all things in common,
50:41 and sold their possessions and goods,
50:43 and divided them among all as anyone had need."
50:45 What a beautiful utopian picture?
50:47 Almost Edenic, where everyone is converted
50:49 by the power of the Spirit.
50:50 They become like Christ
50:52 and disinterested benevolence
50:53 and anyone who has need they give.
50:56 Powerful.
50:59 Go to Acts Chapter 4.
51:02 Acts Chapter 4.
51:04 We have almost the same thing happen.
51:08 Acts 4:31,
51:10 "When they had prayed,
51:11 the place where they were assembled
51:13 together was shaken
51:14 and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit,
51:16 and they spoke the word of God
51:17 with boldness."
51:18 And what was the response?
51:20 "Now the multitude of those
51:21 who believe were of one heart and one soul,
51:22 neither did anyone say that any of the things
51:24 he possessed was his own,
51:25 but they had all things in common."
51:27 Verse 34,
51:29 "Nor was there anyone among them
51:30 who lacked for all who were possessors of lands
51:33 or houses sold them,
51:34 and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold
51:36 and laid them at the apostles' feet
51:39 and they distributed to each one
51:41 as anyone had need."
51:45 I read that kind of fast
51:47 but I don't know if you saw the difference
51:48 between Acts Chapter 2 and Acts Chapter 4.
51:50 In Acts Chapter 2,
51:52 everyone saw the need of the other person
51:53 they gave of themselves
51:54 and address the need,
51:56 in Acts Chapter 4 that same spirit is there,
51:59 they see the needs and the other people,
52:01 this time they sell their goods
52:02 and they lay it this time at the apostles' feet
52:06 and the apostles distribute to anyone who has need.
52:10 They've established a middleman.
52:15 When they were first converted,
52:17 they gave directly to the cause.
52:19 They saw someone need, they helped.
52:23 They saw something to do, they acted.
52:26 In Acts Chapter 4, they saw the same need,
52:28 they felt the same conviction to do,
52:30 but this time instead of doing directly,
52:32 they lay at the apostles and say,
52:34 "Could you on my behalf go do this?"
52:39 Thus it's little wonder in Acts 6:1,
52:45 we find this statement.
52:48 "Now in those days,
52:50 when the number of the disciples
52:51 was multiplying,
52:53 there arose a complaint against the Hebrews
52:54 by the Hellenists,
52:56 because their widows were neglected in the daily,"
52:58 what?
52:59 "Distribution."
53:03 A complaint arose.
53:05 By the way, I like to joke
53:06 that this is the official beginning
53:08 of the Christian church.
53:10 Now that there's complaining, it is a church family.
53:15 But what is the basis of their complaint?
53:17 What is their concern here?
53:19 Is that there's being a discrepancy,
53:21 some unfairness, some inequity
53:24 in the distribution of the goods?
53:26 And whose responsibility was it now
53:28 to distribute the goods according Acts Chapter 4?
53:31 The apostles.
53:32 So they came to the apostles and said,
53:34 look, I know this church work is great
53:35 and your winning of souls.
53:36 And I'm glad the message is going out,
53:38 but we got some problems here at home.
53:39 Did you know that you guys are not being fair?
53:41 Did you know, and a complaint starts rising up
53:44 and it's racial, it's ugly,
53:45 it's Hebrews and Hellenists,
53:47 it's all kind of cultural divide, it's ugly.
53:53 And I'm guessing
53:56 that it was at this moment
53:58 because you know, they had 3,000 baptized,
54:01 and then the church grew some more in Acts Chapter 4
54:03 and here in Acts Chapter 6, it says,
54:05 when the number of the disciples
54:06 was multiplying,
54:08 now they have a great multitude of followers, right?
54:12 And they're all complaining
54:13 about something being distributed fairly.
54:20 And something flashes in their mind.
54:24 Doesn't this remind you that one time
54:27 where Jesus had that multitude following Him
54:31 and they're all needing, something distributed?
54:35 It's the feeding of the 5,000.
54:39 Watch what they do.
54:41 Verse 12,
54:42 "Then the twelve summon the multitude
54:44 of the disciples and said,
54:46 'It is not desirable
54:47 that we should leave the word of God,
54:49 and serve tables.'"
54:50 Is there anything ignoble
54:52 or ungodly about serving tables?
54:55 No.
54:57 They're just saying that is not our job.
55:01 It's a good job, it's just not our job.
55:05 Therefore, so what are we gonna do about it?
55:07 If the pastor doesn't feed us,
55:08 what are we gonna do?
55:11 Verse 3,
55:12 "Therefore, brethren, seek out from," where?
55:15 "From among you seven men of good reputation,
55:19 full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom,
55:21 whom we may appoint over this business,
55:24 but we will give ourselves continually to prayer
55:27 and to the ministry of the word."
55:29 They said, if we were to stop doing our ministry
55:31 that God has given us,
55:33 we would start caring for every individual effort
55:36 and start serving over the tables,
55:38 hovering over the church
55:39 and our expansion forward work would halt.
55:43 Instead of going out
55:45 we would just stay in and settle over you people.
55:48 There's nothing wrong with you people
55:50 and your needs are legitimate,
55:51 but it's not our job to do that.
55:56 One of the first miracles in the church is verse 5,
55:59 "And the saying pleased the whole congregation,
56:02 the whole multitude."
56:05 And it lists off the name of those chosen
56:07 to do this work and what was the result?
56:09 Verse 7,
56:11 "Then the word of God spread,
56:13 and the number of the disciples
56:14 multiplied greatly in Jerusalem,
56:17 and a great many of the priests
56:18 were obedient to the faith."
56:24 Ministry of Healing, page 147,
56:25 you can also find it in Christian Service, page 10,
56:28 "Everywhere there's a tendency to substitute
56:31 the work of organizations for individual effort.
56:34 Human wisdom tends to consolidation,
56:37 to centralization, to the building up
56:39 of great churches and institutions.
56:41 Multitudes leave to institutions
56:43 and organizations the work of benevolence,
56:45 which is the doing of good for others.
56:49 They excuse themselves from contact with the world
56:51 and their hearts grow cold.
56:54 They become self-absorbed and unimpressible.
56:57 Love for God and man dies out of the soul.
56:59 Christ commits to His followers an individual work,
57:03 a work that cannot be done by proxy.
57:06 Ministry to the sick and the poor,
57:09 the giving of the gospel to the lost,
57:11 is not to be left to committees or organized charities.
57:14 Individual responsibility, individual effort,
57:17 personal sacrifice,
57:19 is the requirement of the gospel.
57:22 Friends, let me tell you,
57:23 we have the three angels' message,
57:24 what he's looking for are three angels' messengers,
57:27 who will individually see the need
57:29 in their families, their homes, their communities,
57:31 the people around them
57:32 that the mission fields are local and abroad
57:33 and go and give the gospel to the world.
57:36 Praise the Lord for wonderful institutions,
57:38 but what we need are individuals
57:40 who are gonna take the Word of God
57:41 and be a soldier for Him,
57:43 a ministering spirit sent forth to minister for those
57:46 who will inherit salvation.
57:48 Dear Heavenly Father,
57:50 I thank you so much for the joy
57:51 and the responsibility of ministry.
57:54 Please give us Your method of working,
57:57 help us to be your angels,
57:59 your messengers here in this world
58:01 that we may do the will of our Father
58:03 and hasten the coming of Jesus.
58:05 For I pray it in Jesus' name. Amen.


Revised 2019-07-12