Equipping The Saints

The Ministry of Angels

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SUES

Program Code: SUES000001A

00:17 Greetings, everyone.
00:18 My name is Kameron De Vasher,
00:20 I am a pastor in the Michigan Conference
00:22 of Seventh-day Adventist.
00:24 Yet today we're coming to you
00:25 from the beautiful state of Hawaii
00:27 on the island of Oahu
00:28 and we're so blessed to be with the friends here
00:31 in this part of the world field.
00:33 And at this time, we're gonna begin a series of messages
00:37 entitled "Equipping the Saints."
00:40 You know, it was Jesus who said in Matthew 24:14,
00:45 "And this gospel of the kingdom
00:47 will be preached in all the world
00:49 as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come."
00:55 Friends, I don't know about you,
00:56 but I am anxious, I am eager,
00:58 I am ready for that end to come.
01:01 But we want to be part of God's team,
01:03 part of God's body and the earth
01:05 to accomplish the work that He's given us to do.
01:08 That is the giving of the gospel to the world
01:10 in this generation.
01:11 So that's what we're looking
01:12 at in this series of presentations
01:14 entitled Equipping the Saints.
01:17 We're gonna look
01:19 from the perspective of the Bible,
01:21 what our responsibility is in God's work of redemption.
01:26 Now, as we go through this series,
01:28 let me outline the flow of the thought.
01:31 We're gonna begin in the courts of heaven
01:33 and roughly through a chronological sequence,
01:35 walk through the history of God's people
01:38 and His expectation for them
01:40 right down to our day today,
01:42 these very last days of earth's history,
01:44 and to see what God wants from us
01:46 and what He has promised
01:47 to provide for us
01:49 in the responsibility of finishing the work
01:52 and hastening the coming of Jesus.
01:54 So we're gonna move from broad principle
01:56 and each time we walk down,
01:58 in the next presentation,
02:00 it'll get a little bit more practical,
02:01 a little bit more practical until we leave here.
02:03 Hopefully not just having some theory,
02:05 but having some practical lessons
02:07 that we can take home to our local communities,
02:10 our local church families,
02:11 and do the work as God gives us the ability.
02:15 So we've got a large task
02:16 and we're gonna start today
02:17 with a message entitled "The Ministry of Angels."
02:22 But before we begin any study of God's Word,
02:24 we always need to begin with a word of prayer.
02:26 Please bow your heads.
02:27 Dear heavenly Father,
02:29 I thank You so much for the life
02:31 that You've given us to live.
02:34 Lord that would be yours, that would be ours,
02:36 even if we spurned Your invitation for salvation
02:40 but more than just this life,
02:43 You've provided eternal life for us in Jesus Christ.
02:47 So, Lord, we're double yours.
02:49 So You have the ownership of our lives
02:51 and You expect from us loving service.
02:56 Help us now as we study Your Word to understand
03:00 Your thoughts, Your plans for Your work
03:03 that we can be part of.
03:05 So bless us now, send the Holy Spirit
03:07 to guide our minds for we pray it in Jesus' name.
03:10 Amen.
03:12 Please take your Bibles out
03:13 since you already have them open,
03:15 hopefully to Matthew 24.
03:16 Let's go to the right to the Book of Revelation.
03:20 The Book of Revelation, we're gonna go to Chapter 4.
03:23 Revelation Chapter 4.
03:26 We're not gonna be studying Bible prophecy from the book,
03:28 but we're gonna learn some practical lessons
03:30 that begin here in the Book of Revelation
03:32 again starting with Chapter 4.
03:35 The Apostle John out on the island of Patmos
03:39 receives a message from the Lord.
03:41 Were recorded here in Revelation 4:1
03:44 it says, "After these things
03:45 I looked, and, behold, a door standing open,"
03:49 where?
03:51 "In heaven:
03:52 and the first voice which I heard was like
03:54 a trumpet speaking with me saying,
03:56 'Come up here and I will show you things
03:59 which must take place after this.'"
04:02 Now here's a very practical lesson
04:04 right from the start for any Christian believer.
04:06 Anytime the Lord God calls you from heaven
04:10 and opens the door and says,
04:12 "Come up here," you know, what you should do?
04:14 Go.
04:15 Anytime the Lord wants to take you to heaven,
04:17 go with Him.
04:19 We can talk about Enoch,
04:20 we can talk about Elijah,
04:22 they've got good testimonies.
04:23 Moses raised from the dead and went to the heavens.
04:24 But here the Apostle John,
04:26 in spirit, in vision,
04:29 was invited into the throne room of heaven
04:32 and watch what he writes, Verse 2,
04:33 "Immediately I was in the spirit:
04:36 and behold, a throne set in heaven,
04:40 and one sat on the throne."
04:43 Notice it was not an empty throne,
04:45 it was an occupied throne and one sat there.
04:47 This is God the Father sitting on His throne
04:50 in the courtroom of heaven.
04:52 Verse 3, "And he who sat there was like a jasper
04:54 and a sardine stone in appearance,
04:56 and there was a rainbow around the throne
04:58 and an emerald in appearance like an emerald,
05:00 around the throne were 24 thrones
05:02 and on the thrones I saw 24 elders sitting
05:05 clothed in white robes
05:06 and they had crowns of gold on their heads.
05:08 And from the throne proceeded lightnings,
05:11 thunderings and voices,
05:12 seven lamps of fire
05:14 were burning before the throne,
05:15 which are the seven Spirits of God."
05:20 Now, you see that it's starting to describe the attendees
05:24 in this courtroom.
05:25 This throne room of God,
05:27 you have the Father Himself sitting on the throne,
05:29 you have the 24 thrones for the 24 elders around there.
05:33 And in verse 5, it describes the seven Spirits of God,
05:37 which is a representation
05:38 symbolically of the Holy Spirit.
05:41 You never see the term Holy Spirit,
05:42 by the way, in the Book of Revelation
05:44 but repeatedly you see the seven Spirits of God
05:47 being a symbolic representation
05:49 for that third person of the Godhead.
05:52 But it goes on in verse 6,
05:53 "Before the throne there was a great sea
05:55 of glass like crystal
05:56 and in the midst of the throne, and around the throne,
05:58 were four living creatures
05:59 full of eyes in front and in back.
06:02 The first living creature was like a lion,
06:03 the second like a calf,
06:04 the third living creature had a face like a man,
06:06 and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle.
06:09 The four living creatures,
06:10 each having six wings,
06:11 were full of eyes around them within,
06:13 and they do not rest day or night saying,
06:14 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
06:17 who was and is and is to come."
06:20 Now if you notice each time,
06:22 it doesn't just say that God was on the throne,
06:24 there was one sat on the throne
06:27 and then there's the 24 thrones,
06:29 and of course,
06:30 there's the seven Spirits of God
06:31 which represents the Holy Spirit,
06:33 that person of the, third person of the Godhead.
06:35 And then you have the four living creatures,
06:38 everything is enumerated, everything is quantified,
06:42 that's an interesting thing about this.
06:44 Now, we're gonna find
06:45 why that's particularly interesting.
06:47 But in all of Revelation, Chapter 4
06:49 you see the Father, you see the Spirit,
06:51 you see the 24 elders,
06:53 and you see the four living creatures,
06:54 but there's one member of the Godhead
06:55 who's notably missing and that is Jesus Christ.
06:59 But in Revelation Chapter 5, He joins the scene as well.
07:02 Notice in verse 5,
07:05 "But one of the elders said to me
07:06 do not weep, behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah,
07:09 the Root of David has prevailed
07:11 to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.
07:14 Verse 6, "And I looked and behold,
07:16 in the midst of the throne,
07:17 and of the four living creatures,
07:19 and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb
07:20 as though it had been slain,
07:22 having seven horns and seven eyes,
07:24 which are the seven Spirits of God
07:26 sent out into all the earth."
07:28 There's so much we can say about this,
07:30 but for our purposes today,
07:32 I just want to highlight the attendees in this room.
07:36 Now we have the Father,
07:37 the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
07:39 all three members of the Godhead.
07:41 You also have the four living creatures
07:44 and the 24 elders.
07:48 And almost every sermon
07:51 I've ever heard on Revelation 4 and 5
07:54 outlines and discusses
07:58 and studies deeper into some aspect
08:01 of those persons we've just described.
08:03 Either it's about the members of the Godhead
08:06 or maybe it's the 24 elders,
08:08 maybe it's the four living creatures.
08:10 But there's one group of individuals
08:12 that is in Revelation 4 and 5
08:14 but somehow we missed them almost every time.
08:17 Stay in Revelation Chapter 5,
08:20 and go down now to verse 11,
08:26 says, "Then I looked and I heard the voice of many," what?
08:30 "Angels around the throne,
08:34 the living creatures and the elders."
08:37 So notice the throne is the headquarters
08:39 of the Godhead.
08:40 And we, of course, we have the living creatures,
08:42 the four living creatures, the 24 elders,
08:44 but beyond that,
08:45 apparently there are many angels.
08:49 And if everything else has been quantified and enumerated,
08:53 we should anticipate the answer to the question,
08:55 well, how many?
08:56 Well, let's keep reading.
08:59 "And the number of them
09:00 was ten thousand times ten thousand,
09:05 and thousands of thousands."
09:09 Now, friends, ten thousand times
09:12 ten thousand is what?
09:14 That's a 100 million
09:18 and beyond that there are thousands of thousands.
09:21 Now I'm not here to debate whether this number is literal
09:25 or symbolic.
09:26 But can we all agree that either way it's really big.
09:31 That there is a vast congregation of angels
09:35 in the heavenly places here.
09:38 And it says here,
09:39 "Saying with a loud voice,
09:41 Worthy is the Lamb
09:42 who was slain to receive power,
09:44 and riches, and wisdom, and strength,
09:45 and honor, and glory, and blessing."
09:46 So they're joining the refrain of praise
09:49 to the God the Father,
09:50 they are in the courts of heaven.
09:53 And one has to ask.
09:56 Well, let's just at least note
09:59 that according to Scripture itself,
10:01 the overwhelming majority
10:04 of heaven's inhabitants
10:07 are not the three members of the Godhead,
10:10 the four living creatures or the 24 elders
10:13 even though they get most of the attention.
10:16 There's this almost innumerable throng
10:21 of angels.
10:23 Now why are we bringing that out today?
10:26 Well, let's find out what the Bible tells us
10:28 is their job description.
10:29 What is it that they do?
10:31 Let's go now to the Book of Hebrews.
10:33 Go back to the left
10:34 because you can't go to the right in Revelation.
10:36 Go back to the left, Hebrews Chapter 1
10:40 and notice what the Apostle Paul
10:42 describes when he's contrasting
10:44 the grand superiority of the ministry of Christ
10:46 over that of any other angel.
10:48 He describes the work of the angels.
10:52 We'll look at verse 7, Hebrews 1:7,
10:56 "And of the angels he says," and now he quote scripture,
11:00 "who makes his angels spirits,
11:03 and his ministers a flame of fire."
11:07 Do you notice there's an equivalence
11:08 there between angels and ministers?
11:12 Look at verse 14 in the same passage.
11:15 Speaking of the angels again, he asked rhetorically,
11:17 "Are they not all ministering spirits
11:21 sent forth to minister
11:23 for those who will inherit salvation."
11:27 According to the Bible,
11:28 what is the job description
11:30 of the typical run of the mill angel in heaven?
11:33 Is to be a ministering spirits sent forth to minister
11:38 to those who will inherit salvation.
11:40 They're not just decorative
11:42 and they're not just onlookers,
11:43 they're actually workers in the cause of God.
11:47 Sometimes we might just read through Revelation and think,
11:49 oh, they're just watching things.
11:50 No, no, friends, apparently the Lord uses them
11:53 as His workers in His field seeking the lost.
11:58 That's a fascinating concept.
12:01 Go now back to the Old Testament
12:02 to the Book of Psalms
12:04 as we study deeper into the ministry of angels.
12:10 The 104th Psalm is exactly
12:15 what Hebrews was quoting from there.
12:18 Psalm 104:1-4 it says,
12:22 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, O Lord, my God,
12:25 You are very great.
12:26 You are clothed with honor and majesty.
12:29 Who cover yourself with light as with a garment,
12:31 who stretch out the heavens like a curtain.
12:33 He lays the beam of his upper chambers
12:35 in the waters,
12:36 who makes the clouds his chariot,
12:38 who walks on the wings of the wind,
12:40 who makes his angels spirits,
12:42 his ministers a flame of fire."
12:46 So again, that New Testament concept
12:49 was just a quote from the Old Testament,
12:51 Book of Psalms.
12:53 In fact, let's go back even deeper
12:55 into the Old Testament
12:56 as far back as you can to the Book of Genesis.
12:59 We're gonna see that this concept of the angels
13:02 being the ministering spirits of God sent forth to minister
13:05 for those who will inherit salvation
13:08 is not a novel concept,
13:10 it's a one off in one little book
13:12 or you might be able to twist scripture
13:14 and see it this way,
13:15 that this is a theme from literally Genesis
13:18 to Revelation
13:19 of how God operates His work.
13:24 Let's go to Genesis Chapter 28.
13:27 Genesis Chapter 28.
13:31 We'll start with verse 10.
13:33 This is the story of Jacob
13:36 as he's fleeing,
13:38 and he's having a night there off by himself,
13:41 and he goes to sleep.
13:42 It says in Genesis 28:10,
13:45 "Now Jacob went out from Beersheba
13:47 and went toward Haran.
13:49 So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night,
13:52 because the sun had set.
13:53 And he took one of the stones of that place
13:55 and put it at his head,
13:57 and he lay down in that place to sleep."
13:59 Now the crucial verse is verse 12.
14:02 "Then he dreamed, and behold,
14:06 a ladder was set up on the earth,
14:09 and its top reached to heaven."
14:14 So there's a ladder that he dreamed.
14:16 He saw in his dream
14:17 and it went all the way down to the earth
14:20 and he extended all the way up into heaven.
14:23 Please note it didn't sit on the earth
14:25 and get halfway to heaven
14:27 or didn't dangle down from heaven
14:28 and not make it all the way down to the earth.
14:30 It extended all the way down and it went all the way up.
14:35 And then it adds this,
14:37 "And there the angels of God
14:41 were ascending and descending on it."
14:47 So ascending means going up, right?
14:50 Descending means coming down.
14:52 So apparently they are both going up and down
14:54 on this ladder,
14:56 so I imagine it's a wide ladder,
14:57 you've got an up lane and a down lane, right?
14:59 But there's angels going back and forth, up and down
15:02 between earth and heaven
15:03 on this ladder.
15:09 Now that's basically the end of the dream,
15:11 it leads to its principal parts.
15:18 And what's fascinating to me is
15:20 there is almost zero commentary
15:22 in the rest of the Scripture about this mysterious ladder.
15:27 He just dreamed about a ladder.
15:29 The Lord gave him reassurance that He was still with him
15:33 and there were angels going up and down on this ladder.
15:37 Dream over.
15:40 In fact, it's not until we go all the way
15:42 to the New Testament Gospel of John,
15:45 do we see the biblical interpretation,
15:49 the explanation of this mysterious ladder?
15:54 Matthew, Mark, Luke, then John Chapter 1,
15:59 the very beginning of Jesus' ministry.
16:03 John Chapter 1.
16:04 We're gonna begin in Verse 43.
16:07 Here Jesus is just beginning His ministry,
16:10 He's gathering some of His first disciples to Him.
16:14 And it says here in verse 43,
16:15 "The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee,
16:18 and he found Philip and said to him,
16:20 'Follow me.'
16:23 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.
16:28 Philip found Nathanael
16:30 and said to him, we have found him,
16:32 of whom Moses in the law,
16:34 and also the prophets wrote,
16:35 Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
16:41 And Nathanael said to him,
16:43 'Can anything good come out of Nazareth?'"
16:49 Now, let's put a little context here.
16:51 Philip was called by Jesus directly.
16:55 Jesus said, come follow Me and he obeys.
16:58 But notice that the first response of anybody
17:01 who comes to Jesus is to find someone else to bring to Jesus.
17:04 So Philip goes in search of Nathanael
17:07 who he knows apparently to be a devoted
17:09 student of the Word of God,
17:10 eager to see the Messiah come in his lifetime.
17:13 And now he eagerly goes back,
17:15 he joyously reports that we have found him
17:18 of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote.
17:20 And I'm guessing at that point,
17:22 Nathanael's heart was beating excited.
17:24 Oh, yes, tell me, tell me who it is?
17:25 And he said of, "It's Jesus of Nazareth."
17:34 And automatically, Nathanael thinks
17:38 whang, whang, whang.
17:44 You had me there at first
17:45 but then you, come on, Nazareth, really?
17:50 It's a response can anything good
17:52 come out of Nazareth.
17:57 I love Philip's response.
17:59 It was not argumentative, it was not harsh,
18:02 it was not cutting or cruel.
18:03 He simply said, "Come and see."
18:08 You come see for yourself.
18:10 Now, let's lay the foundation again.
18:13 Is Nathanael genuinely seeking the Messiah?
18:16 Yes.
18:18 Is he been studying the scriptures of Moses
18:20 and the writings of the law?
18:21 Of course, but he has some doubt,
18:24 does he not?
18:25 Yes, he's skeptical about the identity
18:27 of this individual being the Messiah.
18:31 So Philip says, come and see.
18:32 Verse 47, "Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him
18:35 and said of him,
18:37 Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit."
18:43 Now we don't have record of him saying
18:45 anything that affirmative
18:46 and positive about any of the other disciples
18:48 who he called, He just said, "Come follow me,"
18:49 and they said, "Okay."
18:51 But He takes a different approach with Nathanael.
18:53 Why?
18:54 Because Nathanael has some skepticism,
18:57 and so the Lord is breaking down
18:59 those walls of suspicion and doubt,
19:04 and He makes this interesting pronouncement,
19:06 Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no deceit.
19:10 That caught Nathanael's interest.
19:13 Verse 48,
19:14 Nathanael said to him, how do you know me?
19:20 And look at one of the tiniest little slivers of a miracle
19:23 in all the Bible is right here.
19:26 "Jesus answered and said to him,
19:28 'Before Philip called you,
19:32 when you were under the fig tree,
19:35 I saw you.'"
19:41 Now, I don't know the topography
19:43 and the geography of that land exactly where they were.
19:46 I don't know if the fig tree was far, far away,
19:48 was around the corner or down a hill
19:51 or some sort of obscuring thing,
19:52 but apparently the fact
19:54 that Jesus before Philip even talked to him
19:57 had knowledge of where he was and what he was doing.
20:01 That little bit of a flash of divine insight
20:05 was enough to melt all of Nathanael's doubts.
20:12 Watch his response, Verse 49
20:14 "Nathanael answered and said to him,
20:16 'Rabbi, you are the Son of God,
20:18 you are the king of Israel.'"
20:22 And I look at that and I think,
20:23 I wonder if Jesus thought, wow!
20:25 That was easy.
20:27 I hope the rest of My ministry go so swimmingly well.
20:34 In fact, look at verse 15,
20:35 "Jesus answered and said to him,
20:38 'Because I said to you,
20:39 I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe?"
20:43 Like that's it.
20:46 "You will see greater things than these.'"
20:50 Now pause right here.
20:51 What are the things
20:52 that He's gonna see that are greater
20:54 than these he had just seen?
20:56 Clearly, He's talking about miracles, right?
21:00 Because it was a miraculous,
21:02 it was a divine, it was a superhuman thing
21:04 for Christ to have been able to identify Nathanael
21:07 before Philip had even spoken to him, right?
21:10 And that little bit of a miracle
21:12 was all that Nathanael needed to say,
21:14 You're the king of Israel, you're the Son of God.
21:17 And Jesus comes back, like, really, that's all.
21:22 What you're gonna see next is gonna knock your socks off.
21:26 The blind are gonna see,
21:28 the deaf are gonna hear,
21:29 the lame are gonna walk, the dead will live again.
21:32 And you're here because of the fig tree thing,
21:35 has nothing.
21:37 And then he adds this one interesting sentence.
21:40 Verse 51
21:41 "And he said to him, most assuredly,
21:46 I say to you
21:47 here after you shall see heaven open,
21:49 and the angels of God
21:52 ascending and descending upon,"
21:55 and he doesn't say the ladder.
21:57 He says, "The Son of Man."
22:01 Jesus interprets the ladder of Jacob
22:07 and he says that ladder is Me.
22:12 Jesus is the one who comes down to the earth
22:14 and takes our experience,
22:16 our humanity as His own and yet,
22:19 He remains His divinity
22:20 linking heaven with earth, right?
22:23 And notice that in the dream, the ladder is a fixed thing.
22:28 It does not go up and down every time there's a need.
22:30 It remains planted on the earth and it extends into heaven.
22:34 What are the moving parts of the ladder?
22:36 It's not the ladder itself.
22:38 It is the angels moving up and down upon the ladder.
22:42 Does that make sense?
22:44 So every time something happens,
22:46 Jesus is talking about miracles here, by the way,
22:49 and he doesn't say that I'm gonna do this.
22:51 He says the angels are gonna go up and down
22:53 through the conduit, through the ladder that I am.
22:57 Jesus connects heaven with earth,
23:00 but His ministering spirits are the angels.
23:06 And if you start looking through Scripture
23:09 with this lens in mind,
23:11 it actually is quite eye opening.
23:14 Genesis Chapter 19.
23:18 Two angels visited Lot.
23:21 In Daniel Chapter 9 angels give messages.
23:25 By the way, the same Gabriel in Daniel Chapter 9
23:28 shows up 500 years later in Luke Chapter 1
23:31 to speak to Zachariah,
23:32 the father of John, the Baptist.
23:36 Go to Daniel Chapter 6.
23:38 Let's give an example of this.
23:39 We could look at so many of them,
23:40 I just want to highlight one or two.
23:42 In Daniel Chapter 6
23:45 when Daniel faced persecution for his faith.
23:50 Verse 18,
23:51 "Now the king went to his palace
23:52 and spent the night fasting
23:54 and no musicians were brought before him."
23:55 You remember the context of course this is King Darius
23:58 who was tricked into enforcing a law
24:00 that would punish his good friend Daniel.
24:03 And he spent all day trying to look for a loophole
24:06 in that law to save his friend from this sentence,
24:09 but he had sealed it with the signet ring.
24:11 It was the law of the Medes and Persians.
24:13 It could not be changed.
24:14 There was no loophole,
24:16 and Daniel went into lions' den.
24:18 But all that night King Darius was troubled.
24:21 It says here also, "his sleep went from him."
24:23 Verse 19,
24:24 "Then the king arose very early in the morning
24:26 and went in haste to the den of lions,
24:28 and when he came to the den,
24:30 he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel.
24:32 The king spoke to Daniel saying,
24:33 'Daniel, servant of the living God,
24:36 has your God whom you serve continually
24:39 been able to deliver you from the lions."
24:42 He says, "Did God save you?"
24:46 Verse 21, "Then Daniel said to the king,
24:49 O King, live forever."
24:51 By the way, what a great example
24:53 for Christians in persecution.
24:54 Even from the midst of a lions' den
24:57 to the man who threw him in,
24:59 he was respectable.
25:00 Oh, good morning, King.
25:01 I hope you slept well, live forever.
25:07 Then he adds, verse 22, "How he's still alive.
25:11 My God sent his" what?
25:14 "Angel and shut the lions' mouth,
25:17 so that they have not hurt me
25:19 because I was found innocent before him and also,
25:21 O King, I have done no wrong before you."
25:24 By the way the reason that Daniel would come out,
25:26 he lifts him out because apparently
25:28 there was no what do you do after you throw them in,
25:30 the law presume that once you went in,
25:33 you never come out.
25:34 So there was no like exit strategy for the lions' den,
25:37 you go in and it's a one way trip.
25:39 But Daniel survived the trip into the lions' den
25:42 so Darius was still within the law
25:44 to bring him back out
25:45 because he'd executed faithfully the written code.
25:48 So Daniel can come back out and by the way,
25:50 a replacement was found and they filled that...
25:52 We won't get into that right now.
25:54 But Daniel does say that God saved him
25:56 but he says, how did God save him?
25:59 Did he say God himself came down?
26:01 No, he said he sent His angel.
26:06 Go to Psalm 91.
26:08 This principle is laid out of how God operates
26:12 from His throne room in heaven
26:14 that He Himself does not go
26:16 up and down, up and down
26:17 between heaven and earth every time
26:19 there's an emergency.
26:20 But He works through His ministering spirits,
26:23 the angels.
26:25 Look at Psalm 91:10-12,
26:28 it says, "No evil shall befall you,
26:30 nor shall any plague come near your dwelling,
26:33 for he shall give his," what?
26:35 "Angels charge over you
26:37 to keep you in all your way."
26:39 So you notice that God
26:40 is the one caring for them,
26:41 but He gives the responsibility
26:43 to His angels to take care of people.
26:47 He shall give His angels charge over you
26:49 to keep you in all your ways.
26:50 "In their hands they shall bear you up,
26:54 lest you dash your foot against a stone."
26:57 So God's protective care of His people.
26:59 His watch care over his own
27:01 is of course personal with Him,
27:03 but He doesn't directly do it,
27:05 He sends His agent, His angel to execute His care.
27:09 Does that make sense?
27:11 This is how God operates.
27:13 Go to Matthew Chapter 4.
27:14 Jesus Himself was a recipient of this angel care.
27:20 When Jesus was wrestling
27:22 in the wilderness of temptation,
27:26 three times He was tempted by the devil
27:29 and each time He responded with a confident
27:31 thus saith the Lord, it is written,
27:35 and through that power of the Word of God,
27:37 He was able to repel the devil.
27:39 But after 40 days of not eating and drinking,
27:42 and after three rounds of hand to hand
27:44 spiritual combat with the devil,
27:46 you can imagine that Christ
27:47 was completely worn out.
27:49 And that is an understatement.
27:51 Apparently, He was near the point of death.
27:54 Look at Chapter 4 verse 11,
27:58 "Then the devil left him
27:59 and behold," what happened?
28:01 "Angels came and ministered to Him."
28:06 By the way, that happened
28:07 at the beginning of His ministry,
28:09 it also happened at the end of His ministry
28:10 in the Garden of Gethsemane,
28:12 when He was near death again,
28:13 this time spiritual death, leading to His physical death.
28:16 He was literally bleeding drops of blood,
28:18 and He was calling out and what happened?
28:20 Angels ministered to Him.
28:22 Every time God wants to help His people,
28:25 He sends His angel messengers.
28:27 That's how He accomplishes His work.
28:30 God has a method of working.
28:33 And we're not anywhere near the application for today.
28:36 But let me tell you something, friends,
28:37 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
28:39 has been given a message to give to the world.
28:42 We find it right in Scripture.
28:45 But let me tell you something else.
28:46 Seventh-day Adventist Church also has a method
28:49 of giving that message
28:51 and it's also found in Scripture.
28:53 Let's keep studying.
28:56 Let me lay out this framework.
28:58 Most of the things,
29:01 most of the things God does,
29:06 God doesn't do personally,
29:11 God delegates.
29:14 Okay.
29:15 Most of the work that God does,
29:18 He does not do Himself directly or personally,
29:23 He does it through an agent,
29:24 He delegate someone else to do this.
29:27 I mean, you think of the great works of God.
29:30 For example, the inspiration of Scripture itself.
29:34 The Bible is the Word of God. Amen?
29:37 But did God come down,
29:39 take out a blank piece of paper
29:40 and physically take a pen and ink and write out the Word?
29:42 Of course not, how did He do it?
29:46 He inspired the authors and they wrote down, right?
29:50 He sent His agent,
29:51 He worked through the middleman,
29:53 that's how He worked.
29:54 It's fascinating.
29:55 Let's get some other examples.
29:57 Go back to the Book of Genesis Chapter 4.
30:00 Maybe some that we haven't thought of before
30:01 and there will be a little bit of eye opener here.
30:06 Genesis 4:4 says,
30:11 "Abel also brought of the firstborn of the flock
30:14 and their fat.
30:16 And the Lord respected Abel and his offering,
30:18 but he did not respect Cain and his offering.
30:20 And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.
30:24 So the Lord said to Cain..."
30:26 Pause right there, timeout.
30:30 What?
30:33 Well, I thought that
30:34 after the fall of our first parents
30:36 in the Garden of Eden
30:38 and their separation from God
30:40 that our sins have separated from God, right?
30:44 Is God here speaking with rebellious Cain,
30:49 face to face directly?
30:51 What does it mean when it says, "The Lord said to Cain."
30:55 Why are you angry
30:57 and why is your countenance fallen?
30:58 Did he just have a voice from heaven,
31:00 what happened here?
31:02 He counseled in verse 7, "If you do well,
31:05 will you not be accepted?
31:06 And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door.
31:08 And its desire is for you, but you shall rule over it."
31:14 But notice this
31:15 from the book Patriarchs and Prophets, page 74.
31:17 A direct commentary on what we just read
31:19 from Scripture.
31:21 Sister White writes, "Through an angel messenger
31:26 the divine warning was conveyed:
31:28 'If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?
31:31 If thou does not do well, sin lieth at the door.'"
31:35 How did the Lord speak?
31:37 Through an angel messenger.
31:40 Fascinating.
31:41 Let's go to the Book of Genesis Chapter 11.
31:43 We're just with a few examples from the Bible here.
31:46 Genesis Chapter 11.
31:49 Here at the building of the Tower of Babel.
31:54 When the people start rebelling
31:56 against God shortly after the flood,
31:58 once again, verse 5 says, "But the Lord came down to see
32:01 the city and the tower
32:03 which the sons of men had built.
32:04 And the Lord said, 'Indeed the people are one
32:07 and they all have one language
32:09 and this is what they begin to do.
32:10 Now nothing they propose
32:13 to do will be withheld for them.
32:14 Come let us go down
32:16 and there confound their language,
32:18 or confused their language, that they may not understand
32:21 one another's speech.'
32:22 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face
32:26 of all the earth
32:27 and they ceased building the city.'"
32:32 There's a lot of the Lord doing thing,
32:33 the Lord saw, the Lord went down,
32:35 the Lord confused, the Lord scattered,
32:38 there's a lot of action verbs
32:39 that are credited directly to God.
32:42 But now notice this Story of Redemption, page 73.
32:45 How did He actually execute that plan of confusing
32:48 and scattering the people?
32:49 Story of Redemption, page 73, "As the word was passing
32:54 from one to another and its descent,
32:56 the angels confounded their language,
33:00 and when the word reached the workmen upon the ground,
33:02 material was called for which had not been required."
33:05 So how did God execute His plan of confusion and scattering?
33:09 He sent His angel messengers to do His bidding.
33:13 The Lord always has a message and He has a method
33:16 that is consistent from heaven to earth
33:18 to our time today.
33:21 Perhaps no better example of this is found
33:23 than in the Matthew account
33:26 of one of the encounters of Jesus.
33:27 Matthew Chapter 8,
33:35 starting with verse 5.
33:41 During the ministry of Jesus,
33:43 this principle is clearly outlined.
33:47 Matthew Chapter 8 starting with verse 5,
33:50 says, "Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum,
33:55 a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him,
33:58 saying, 'Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed,
34:01 dreadfully tormented.'
34:05 And Jesus said to him,
34:07 'I will come and heal him.'"
34:12 Now that seems like a pretty typical interaction
34:14 for the day in life of Jesus.
34:16 Someone comes, makes an appeal, Christ graciously responds
34:19 and said, "I will come."
34:21 But what changed in the situation make it quite
34:23 unusual is what happened in verse 8
34:27 "The centurion answered and said,
34:28 'Lord, I am not worthy
34:31 that You should come under my roof.'"
34:34 So Jesus Christ has heard about the man's need,
34:38 offers himself to come directly to his house
34:41 and the centurion bids Him no.
34:45 He says, Lord and He gives two reasons.
34:46 What was the first one?
34:48 Lord, first of all, I am not worthy
34:51 that You should come under my roof.
34:53 He recognized the divinity of Christ and say,
34:56 woe, woe, woe, woe am I,
34:58 woe is me that I'm a man of unclean lips,
35:00 quoting from Isaiah.
35:01 He says, I'm not worthy to have You come in my house.
35:05 But then he adds a second more intriguing idea.
35:10 "I'm not worthy that You should
35:12 come under my roof.
35:13 But only speak a word,
35:16 and my servant will be healed."
35:19 Now notice this, Christ was willing to go
35:21 directly to the house and perform this act
35:24 right then and there.
35:26 And this centurion said,
35:27 please don't come for two reasons.
35:30 Number one, I'm not worthy of Your presence in my house,
35:34 and number two, You don't need to come,
35:37 all You have to do is speak a word.
35:40 Now, when I was growing up, and I heard this story,
35:44 what I had in my mind is that God had the ability
35:49 which of course He does through the power
35:51 of His Word to do things directly.
35:53 Now let's be clear, there are some things God
35:55 does directly.
35:57 For instance, when He says let there be light,
35:59 He didn't say, angel, go make light.
36:01 And angel can do that.
36:02 God makes a light out of darkness.
36:04 Amen?
36:05 He makes something out of nothing.
36:07 When God wanted to write down and articulate for the people
36:11 His own law, He sent Himself, right?
36:14 To speak the Ten Commandments
36:15 and to write with His own finger,
36:17 the tablets of stone.
36:18 There are occasions where God Himself
36:20 does things directly,
36:22 but for most of the things He does, He sends an agent.
36:24 And here I had the impression well,
36:26 this must be one of the things
36:27 Jesus will just dig into that bag of divinity
36:29 and speak this powerful word.
36:34 But watch very carefully,
36:36 that is not what the centurion had in mind.
36:39 He explains what he means.
36:41 Look at the text again.
36:42 After he says but only speak a word
36:44 and my servant will be healed,
36:45 He goes on in verse 9 to explain.
36:47 "For..." Here's his explanation.
36:49 "For I also,"
36:53 now think about that, I also means,
36:55 I just like you,
37:00 "am a man under authority."
37:04 What an interesting concept.
37:07 He says, I'm under authority just like you are.
37:10 He recognizes that in the work of Christ,
37:12 there is a chain of command and being a military man
37:15 he recognizes that for himself.
37:17 He says, "I also am a man under authority."
37:20 And then he explains what he means by that.
37:22 Having soldiers" where?
37:25 Under me.
37:28 So this man was an centurion, you got to know
37:30 he's got to have a general or a boss or some sort of,
37:32 you know, commend on above him.
37:35 But in his chain of command,
37:36 he also has soldiers underneath him.
37:39 And he explains how he uses them.
37:41 "I say to this one, 'Go,' and he goes,
37:44 and to another, 'Come,' and he comes,
37:46 and to my servant 'Do this,'
37:48 and he does it.'"
37:55 Think about the power of this.
37:56 He says, I have this structure just like You do, Jesus.
38:03 And notice, it almost took Jesus by surprise,
38:06 if something can be taken by surprise by Jesus.
38:09 Look at verse 10, "When Jesus heard it,
38:12 He," what does it say?
38:14 "Marveled."
38:18 Now, friends, there are a lot of occasions
38:21 in Scripture where people marveled at what Jesus said,
38:25 but there are very few indeed
38:26 where Jesus marveled at what they said.
38:30 But Jesus heard this centurion, this Gentile, by the way,
38:35 saying, please don't come to my house, I'm not worthy.
38:39 Look at that humility, and beyond the humility,
38:43 the wisdom of understanding how my ministry works.
38:48 He says in verse 10, this is from Jesus' own lips.
38:50 "When Jesus heard it, He marveled and said
38:52 to those who followed, 'Assuredly, I say to you,
38:55 I have not found such great faith,
38:57 not even in Israel!'"
38:59 Everywhere I go in Israel, if I get an invitation home,
39:02 they're like, yeah, come on in.
39:05 But this man won't even have me
39:07 and besides that he knows how I work.
39:12 It's fascinating.
39:14 Now, we're gonna take this chapter that we just read,
39:18 and we'd look at the second account of the same story,
39:20 this time from the Gospel of Luke.
39:23 And you will very quickly notice some,
39:26 I'm not gonna say discrepancies,
39:29 but some distinctions between the two accounts.
39:32 Go to Luke now, Matthew, Mark, Luke Chapter 7.
39:37 And I want you to notice something.
39:40 Luke 7:2 says,
39:45 "And a certain centurion's servant,
39:48 who was dear to him, was sick and ready to die.
39:51 So when he heard about Jesus,
39:54 he sent elders of the Jews to Him,
39:58 pleading with Him to come and heal his servant."
40:02 Wait a minute.
40:04 Leave your finger there. Go back to Matthew Chapter 8.
40:07 What is the first thing you notice?
40:09 In Matthew 8:5, when it talks about this example, it said,
40:15 "Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum,
40:17 a centurion came to Him."
40:20 Luke Chapter 7 does not say that the centurion came.
40:26 It's saying the centurion sent people to go to Jesus.
40:30 By the way, let's think about the strategy.
40:32 Why would you send elders of the Jews to Jesus?
40:36 He's a Gentile, right?
40:39 And He's got a need
40:40 and he's being very strategic here.
40:41 He's like, you know what?
40:43 I don't know this Jewish Messiah.
40:46 I believe in Him, but He doesn't know me
40:48 and there's a pretty big rift between the Jews
40:50 and the Gentiles, you understand?
40:51 So my best move is to send someone
40:56 who will be sympathetic to my cause.
40:58 And by the way, why are they sympathetic?
41:00 Well, let's just keep reading.
41:01 Luke 7:3,
41:04 "So when he heard about Jesus,
41:06 he sent elders of the Jews to Him,
41:07 pleading with Him to come and heal his servant."
41:09 Verse 4, "And when they came to Jesus,
41:12 they begged Him earnestly,
41:14 saying that the one for whom He should do this
41:16 was deserving, for he loves our nation,
41:19 and has built us a synagogue.'"
41:22 Isn't that so kind of these Jewish leaders
41:25 to embrace this Gentile friend?
41:30 How honestly unexpected of them.
41:35 But why were they in favor of this particular Gentile?
41:39 Because he loves our nation and has demonstrated
41:41 it by building us a synagogue.
41:44 He's worthy because he's given us money.
41:49 Now I'm in verse 6, "Then Jesus went with them.
41:56 And when He was already not far from the house,
41:59 the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him,
42:04 'Lord, do not trouble Yourself, I am not worthy
42:06 that You should enter under my roof.
42:08 Therefore I did not even think myself worthy to come to You.'"
42:12 He specifically says,
42:14 I'm trying not to come talk to You.
42:18 "But say the word, and my servant will be healed."
42:22 "For I also am a man placed under authority,
42:24 having soldiers under me.
42:26 And I say, 'Go,'
42:27 and this one goes and to another, 'Come,'
42:28 and he comes and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it.'"
42:35 Now first of all, let's talk about this.
42:37 What do you do when you find
42:38 what appears to be a discrepancy in the scripture?
42:44 Two different accounts of one story,
42:47 but the details are quite different.
42:51 Do you do as the non believer and say, Ah-huh,
42:54 riddled with inconsistencies, sits contradictory.
42:58 It's a man made document.
43:01 Of course not.
43:03 Listen to this.
43:05 From the introduction to the Great Controversy,
43:06 we find this explanation, "Written in different ages,
43:11 by men who differed widely in rank and occupation,
43:14 and in mental and spiritual endowments,
43:16 the books of the Bible present a wide contrast in style,
43:20 as well as the diversity in the nature
43:22 of the subjects unfolded."
43:23 We understand how inspiration works,
43:25 that God did not pick up their hand and make them write.
43:27 So it's the dictated Word of God
43:29 from Genesis to Revelation.
43:30 He inspired the individual and they wrote
43:32 from their perspective in their language
43:34 with their own experience, right?
43:35 That's why the style of writing is different
43:38 from Moses to the Apostle Paul, or Luke and Matthew
43:42 might have two different ways of expressing the same thing
43:45 or perspectives on the same event.
43:47 She continues, "Different forms of expression
43:50 are employed by different writers,
43:52 often the same truth is more strikingly presented
43:55 by one than by another."
43:58 So for instance, the fact that the foot washing of Jesus,
44:01 where He washed His disciples' feet
44:02 is only found in John Chapter 13.
44:04 Does that mean that Matthew disagreed?
44:06 No, it just means he didn't record it, right?
44:10 She goes on,
44:12 "And as several writers present a subject under
44:15 varied aspects and relations,
44:17 there may appear to the superficial,
44:20 careless, or prejudiced reader,
44:22 to be discrepancy or contradiction,
44:25 where the thoughtful reverent student
44:27 with clearer insight discerns
44:29 the underlying harmony."
44:32 So somehow Matthew Chapter 8
44:35 and Luke Chapter 7 are saying the exact same event
44:38 but from two different perspectives
44:40 or two different emphases.
44:43 Let me ask you a question.
44:44 Did the centurion come to Jesus?
44:50 I love this room.
44:51 It's so full of honesty.
44:53 I have heads going like this and heads going like this.
44:56 Well, you're both right.
44:58 In a sense, did he come?
45:00 Yes, He directed his agents to go speak.
45:04 But did he personally show up?
45:06 No.
45:08 Could you write the same thing
45:10 and say apparently contradictory things
45:12 but mean the same thing?
45:14 Sure, you can.
45:15 Let me give you an illustration,
45:17 it's from my own life.
45:18 When I was first in ministry,
45:19 I lived out in the great state of Idaho and I built a house.
45:23 I did, it was a wonderful little house.
45:26 I wish I had a picture I could show you.
45:27 It's a cute little house, I was very proud of it.
45:29 And I was happy that the price was right
45:30 and I got to pick out the location
45:32 and the style of the house
45:34 and although the finances all that kind of stuff,
45:35 it worked it all out and I got to live in it.
45:38 I built a house.
45:41 But when that process was done,
45:46 I could claim rightfully that I built that house but,
45:48 you know, one thing I never did.
45:52 I never built that house.
45:56 Now what do I mean?
45:59 Never one time in that whole process
46:01 did I pick up a hammer.
46:03 I didn't saw a board, I didn't lay a tile,
46:06 I didn't put a shingle on the roof,
46:08 I didn't do any of the plumbing.
46:09 I didn't do any of the concrete work,
46:11 nor the landscaping,
46:12 not one bit of the first hand frontline labor did I do.
46:17 But at the end of the day,
46:18 I get to claim that I built a house.
46:22 What right do I had to do that?
46:26 Because I chose it.
46:27 By the way, I funded it.
46:31 I built the house, but I didn't go down
46:33 with a hammer and nails.
46:35 I hired a contractor and, by the way,
46:38 you know what the contractor did?
46:40 He didn't do the work either.
46:42 He hired sub-contractors for each part of it.
46:44 And you know what they did? They hired laborers.
46:46 So at the end of the day, my house was built
46:48 by some 16 year old kid that I'll never meet,
46:50 you know, but I still get to say
46:53 I built the house.
46:57 This is how Jesus operates,
46:58 this is how God operates from the throne room of heaven.
47:03 Notice what the Desire of Ages,
47:05 going back to our centurion illustration,
47:06 Desire of Ages, page 316 speaking first person
47:10 from the perspective of the centurion,
47:13 Sister White gives us this insight.
47:15 Desire of Ages, 316,
47:17 "As I represent the power of Rome,
47:21 and my soldiers recognize my authority as supreme,
47:26 so dost Thou represent the power of the Infinite God,
47:30 and all created things obey Thy word.
47:35 Thou canst command the disease to depart,
47:39 and it shall obey Thy voice."
47:41 What was one option Christ had with His voice?
47:43 Could He command the disease directly
47:45 through the power of divinity
47:46 that He had at His command?
47:47 Of course, He could.
47:54 But then she adds, "Thou canst summon
47:56 Thy heavenly messengers,
47:59 and they shall impart healing virtue."
48:03 Which is clearly what he meant in the text.
48:06 Speak but the word and my servant shall be healed.
48:15 So I started thinking, you telling me that not just
48:17 from God on the throne, but even when Christ was here
48:20 on the earth that most of what He did,
48:24 He didn't do directly, He even used
48:26 the ministry of angels in His own work.
48:31 Yes.
48:33 Let me give you some inspiration
48:35 to back this up.
48:36 Anytime I say something even remotely controversial.
48:38 I want to hide behind inspiration, okay?
48:42 Desire of Ages, page 143.
48:44 Listen carefully.
48:48 "The angels of God are ever passing
48:52 from earth to heaven,
48:53 and from heaven to earth."
48:56 Remember that's a reference to the ladder, right?
48:59 She goes on, "The miracles of Christ
49:04 for the afflicted and suffering were wrought
49:07 by the power of God
49:10 through the ministration of the angels.
49:14 And it is through Christ, by the administration
49:16 of his heavenly messengers,
49:18 that every blessing comes from God to us."
49:22 That's a powerful thought.
49:27 In fact, you can find for the deep scholar
49:30 if you'd like to look at the original context,
49:32 because the Desire of Ages actually pulled
49:34 that from a previous writing.
49:37 You can find in the Review and Herald, January 21, 1873,
49:42 also the second volume of the Spirit of Prophecy,
49:44 page 67, it's word for word identical
49:48 from what we find in the Desire of Ages with one change.
49:54 It says instead of saying the miracles
49:56 of Christ for the afflicted and suffering were wrought,
50:00 it adds this one word,
50:01 three letters at the beginning.
50:02 It says, all the miracles of Christ, for the afflicted
50:08 and suffering were wrought by the power of God
50:11 through the ministration of the angels.
50:14 That everything God does, through Christ's ministry
50:19 on earth even was through the agency
50:22 of those ministering spirits sent forth to minister
50:26 for those who will inherit salvation.
50:29 That God has a ministry of angels,
50:34 and that's how He operates His government in heaven.
50:39 Is that making sense?
50:41 Now let's go a little bit deeper.
50:46 Go to Luke Chapter 11.
50:55 Luke Chapter 11.
51:00 Jesus is praying to His Father,
51:03 and His disciples catch Him in the act.
51:09 Verse 1, "Now it came to pass
51:11 as he was praying in a certain place,
51:14 when He ceased that one of His disciples said to Him,
51:19 'Lord, teach us to pray,
51:22 as John also taught his disciples."
51:25 Now there's a lot we can say about prayer.
51:27 But clearly Christ lived His life
51:32 through prayer
51:34 and that connection with His heavenly Father.
51:37 And as He was starting His morning that day,
51:39 He was praying to His Father and apparently
51:41 he was so poignantly praying that His disciples came
51:46 upon Him took note and step back,
51:47 they didn't interrupt Him,
51:48 they didn't peck on His shoulder
51:50 they waited till He was done.
51:51 Christ, you look at the Spirit of Prophecy will even tells us
51:53 that He was praying out loud and they were just listening
51:55 in eavesdropping on this personal time
51:58 between Christ and His Father.
52:01 And whatever it was about His prayer,
52:03 they looked at that and they said,
52:04 "Lord, teach us to pray."
52:05 Now does that mean
52:07 that they had never prayed before?
52:08 Of course not,
52:10 but there is something qualitative
52:11 about that prayer life of Jesus that He thought
52:14 that they thought we must have that.
52:18 And they said, "Lord, teach us to pray."
52:23 And don't we serve a good God whenever we ask?
52:25 He answers.
52:27 Look at verse 2, "So He said to them,
52:29 'When you pray, say,
52:34 Our Father in heaven,
52:37 hallowed be Your name."
52:40 Now listen carefully, "Your kingdom come,
52:43 Your will be done on earth, as it is," where?
52:49 "In heaven."
52:55 I don't know what your experience was growing up.
52:56 That was just words that we said.
52:59 Ironically, when Jesus other times
53:01 would teach them how to pray,
53:02 He would say make sure
53:04 you don't pray in vain repetitions, right?
53:06 That you think you'll be thought,
53:07 you'll be heard for your many words.
53:09 And then He says,
53:11 "When you pray, pray like this."
53:12 And, you know what people have done?
53:14 Have taken that model prayer
53:15 and turn it into a vain repetition.
53:21 But Christ was not saying these are the magic words
53:23 that if you pray, your prayer will get answered.
53:25 You must say it like this in this way.
53:26 No, no, He was teaching them how to pray, right?
53:28 He was giving the template for prayer.
53:30 Think these thoughts, think along these lines,
53:32 communicate in this style.
53:34 Does that make sense?
53:35 So when he says, Our Father in heaven,
53:38 hallowed be Your name.
53:39 He's saying this is how you approach
53:41 He's not just God on the throne,
53:42 He's Your Father in heaven.
53:44 Address Him familiarly, but still with reverence.
53:47 Amen?
53:49 That's that hallowed be Your name,
53:51 recognize the character
53:52 of the one to whom you're addressing
53:54 and remember to reverence His name.
53:57 So after you address Him as your Father
54:01 and you recognize His character of love and justice.
54:05 Your first appeal should be your kingdom come,
54:09 Your will be done.
54:12 And then it specifies how we should expect
54:15 that will to be accomplished.
54:17 It should be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
54:23 Friends, we just spent the better part of an hour
54:25 looking at the biblical basis for how heaven operates,
54:30 how God's system of governance runs.
54:33 And we recognize that there is structure
54:36 that there's a hierarchy, there's a chain of command,
54:39 and then when God says,
54:41 'Go,' He doesn't come Himself
54:42 but He sends the angel messengers,
54:44 He sends His agents,
54:45 He sends His people to do His bidding.
54:50 So when we pray Your will be done,
54:54 we should want the earth to operate like heaven.
55:05 In the Desire of Ages, page 297,
55:10 we find these powerful words
55:13 as we come to our close today.
55:23 "With almost impatient eagerness..."
55:27 That's interesting.
55:29 It's not impatient.
55:31 Angels don't sin, but they're almost impatient.
55:37 "With almost impatient eagerness the angels wait
55:41 for our co-operation,
55:44 for man must be the channel
55:48 to communicate with man.
55:51 When we give ourselves
55:52 to Christ in whole-hearted devotion,
55:54 angels rejoice that we may speak,
55:58 that they may speak
56:00 through our voices to reveal God's love."
56:04 And so let me tell you something.
56:08 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
56:09 has been raised up by God not to be just
56:12 another denomination,
56:13 but to be a movement to finish the work in this generation.
56:18 We have a message,
56:19 we have the three angels' messages,
56:21 but you know what we lack?
56:23 Are the three angels messengers?
56:27 God has a message that He wants to give
56:30 to the world and He wants to use angels
56:32 but He said, wait, wait,
56:33 I'm not gonna let the angels go,
56:35 now we need man to co-operate with the angels.
56:37 Now I want to use you just as the angels are used in heaven.
56:41 We need man's co-operation on earth.
56:42 We want the Father's will to be done on earth
56:45 as it is in heaven.
56:51 As we go through the rest of the series,
56:53 we're gonna be taking a look at what it means
56:55 to do God's work on earth the way it is done in heaven.
57:00 That if God has His ministering spirits sent forth to minister
57:03 for those who will inherit salvation
57:05 in the courts of heaven,
57:06 He needs ministering spirits down here as well.
57:09 God's looking for three angels' messengers,
57:12 and He's calling each one to play our part.
57:14 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
57:16 Heavenly Father, we want to thank You so much
57:17 today that You give us not only the great joy,
57:23 but the responsibility of being co-laborers with You.
57:29 Lord, help us to study more deeply,
57:31 not only the message You have to give,
57:34 but the method You want to use in giving
57:38 that warning to the world.
57:40 We know that You have raised up the Seventh-day Adventist
57:43 movement at this time in earth's history
57:45 to give that gospel message
57:47 to the world and then the end will come.
57:51 But, Lord, help us not to be
57:53 merely satisfied being watchers,
57:54 but help us to be workers in Your cause.
57:57 Forgive us if we've been merely mission members
58:00 of a church instead of missionaries of the gospel.
58:04 Lord, transform us into ministering spirits
58:07 so that Your will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.
58:11 For we pray it in Jesus' name.
58:13 Amen.


Revised 2019-07-05