3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP220003S

00:01 If you've been joining us on our study journey
00:03 here in the last couple of weeks
00:05 on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:06 Then you know we're studying through the Book of Isaiah,
00:09 such a powerful book, indeed.
00:11 And you know what?
00:12 There may be someone who is new to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:15 who may not know
00:16 how to get access to a copy of our study lessons.
00:19 So we want to tell you that right now,
00:21 of course, we always encourage you
00:23 to go to your local Seventh-Day Adventist Church,
00:24 where you can study with like-minded brethren.
00:26 And, of course,
00:28 they will give you a copy for free,
00:29 but, of course, you can access the study online for free
00:33 at ABSG.Adventist.org.
00:37 And there you can get a free digital copy
00:39 to be able to see it on your iPad, computer,
00:42 whatever it is you're studying with.
00:43 So, again,
00:45 we don't want you to go anywhere
00:46 because we're about to dive
00:47 into lesson number three this week
00:49 in our study on Isaiah entitled,
00:50 "When Your World Is Falling Apart."
00:53 See you in just a moment.
01:25 Hello, friends, and welcome to another week
01:27 of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel,
01:30 where we are always thankful to have you.
01:31 And we're making our way through the Book of Isaiah.
01:34 This is week number three,
01:36 in which we're going to be talking about
01:37 when your world is falling apart.
01:40 I think we've all had that experience, right,
01:42 where it seems like maybe for a moment in time,
01:44 our world just seems to not be going
01:46 just the way we want it to,
01:48 but the Lord has an answer for that.
01:50 And we're going to see that clearly in His Word today
01:53 and in this study.
01:54 Before I go any further,
01:56 I would like to introduce our panel
01:57 as each and every week.
01:59 I'm excited to be able to study with you guys.
02:01 And we have a blessing this week.
02:03 We have brother Greg Morikone, president of 3ABN.
02:05 It's a blessing to have you, Brother.
02:07 Thank you. It's good to be here.
02:08 And, of course, to study of the Word of God
02:10 is always a blessing.
02:11 So blessing to be here with you guys.
02:12 Amen.
02:14 And, of course, next to you is Pastor John Lomacang.
02:15 Brother, it's good to see you here.
02:17 You know what a title
02:18 when the world is falling apart.
02:20 What an interesting lesson, we're looking forward to it.
02:22 Amen.
02:23 Of course, next to you is our sister Jill Morikone,
02:26 and you're the vice president, COO of 3ABN.
02:29 And it's always a blessing. I know you've got to list.
02:33 There might be something in there.
02:35 Always a joy to open up God's Word.
02:36 And one of my favorite books, Isaiah.
02:38 Amen.
02:39 You know, Pastor Ryan, I'm going to add in there
02:40 that she's actually my wife too.
02:42 That's right. Yay!
02:44 Absolutely.
02:46 And, of course, far on the other end down there
02:49 of this big table, we have Ms. Shelley Quinn,
02:51 and it's always a blessing to have you as well, Sister.
02:53 Oh, I love studying with you all
02:56 'cause I learn so much.
02:58 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:00 We have lots and lots and lots to study
03:02 to talk about during this hour together.
03:05 But before we go any further,
03:07 I'm gonna ask brother, Greg Morikone,
03:08 if you wouldn't mind opening us in a word of prayer.
03:11 Absolutely. Glad to do it.
03:13 Father in heaven, Lord, we're grateful for this day
03:16 that You've blessed us with.
03:17 Thank You that we can open Your Word.
03:19 And when it seems like our world is falling apart,
03:21 Lord, all we have to do is look up
03:23 because You've got everything under control.
03:25 Lord, we just pray for Your Holy Spirit
03:26 to be with us, lead and guide us.
03:28 We thank You, in Jesus' name we pray.
03:29 Amen. Amen
03:31 Amen. Thank you so much.
03:33 Our memory text.
03:34 I think this sums up probably this,
03:36 obviously this entire study
03:38 that we're going to be talking about today
03:40 when your world is falling apart
03:42 and when your world is falling apart,
03:44 keep in mind our memory text, Isaiah 7:9,
03:48 which tells us,
03:49 "If you will not believe,
03:51 surely you shall not be established."
03:55 I love Sabbath afternoon's lesson
03:57 because it has a nice story
03:59 to kind of illustrate and set the foundation
04:02 for what it is we're studying
04:04 and the story was kind of an interesting one
04:06 because I think we could somewhat relate to this.
04:09 Lady and gentlemen
04:10 was coming home one day from church,
04:12 I guess it was on a Sabbath afternoon.
04:14 And as they were pulling into their driveway
04:17 one of their pet birds,
04:19 I guess it was a chicken
04:21 goes flying across the hood of their vehicle
04:23 and they immediately stopped the car
04:24 because they knew that wasn't normal.
04:26 That wasn't right, right?
04:27 Because they normally keep them locked up
04:29 and put away,
04:30 but they were out.
04:31 And so they knew immediately
04:33 there was some type of issue going on.
04:34 And as they investigated the situation,
04:36 they found that
04:38 the neighbor's dog had gotten also loose
04:41 and made its way into the area
04:43 in which they kept the pet birds.
04:44 And, of course, as they investigated,
04:46 they found that there was a couple of birds
04:50 that had been killed.
04:51 And, of course, the family was close to these birds.
04:53 They were their pet birds.
04:55 And as the mother was laying there in the lawn,
04:58 I guess, kind of embracing and holding the you know,
05:00 the lifeless bodies of these birds
05:02 and weeping, of course, in distress.
05:05 They also have another pet on this farm,
05:07 sounds like old McDonald's farm almost.
05:09 They had another pet on this farm
05:10 or on this property.
05:12 It was a duck.
05:13 And the duck was, you know, often, okay.
05:15 But in this situation,
05:16 as the duck was taking in the scene of the mother
05:19 or the lady there holding the two birds,
05:21 this bird, this duck perceived that
05:23 the mother had killed the two birds
05:25 and it kind of caused distress in the mind of the duck.
05:28 And so now every single day after this,
05:31 when it normally would not do this before,
05:33 of course the duck would then attack the owner
05:36 because in its mind
05:39 the mother was responsible for the deaths
05:41 of these other two birds.
05:43 And so the lesson ends with,
05:45 sometimes it's hard to sort out
05:48 who your friends and enemies are.
05:51 And I thought that that was a nice, interesting foundation
05:53 because all of us can relate to a certain extent.
05:56 We live in a world today where it's just hard to trust.
05:59 It's hard to really understand
06:00 and know, who's your friend, who's your enemy,
06:02 who can you trust, who can you not trust.
06:05 And that is exactly
06:06 what lesson three is all about this week
06:08 is that we for sure.
06:09 And I'm just going to kind of lay the thesis
06:11 of this whole thing out here.
06:13 If we can't trust in the Lord,
06:14 then who can we trust in, right?
06:16 At the end of the day,
06:17 you know, for sure
06:18 that you can trust in the Word of the Lord.
06:21 And, of course, the Lord of that Word.
06:23 And I'm going to go on to Sunday's lesson now,
06:26 which is entitled,
06:28 "Danger from the North."
06:29 And it kind of illustrates and helps set the foundation
06:32 for what Isaiah Chapter 7
06:35 in this case is talking about
06:37 in reference to the experience of King Ahaz.
06:40 And I was looking at the how to pronounce this,
06:42 you know, we read it in our English Ahaz,
06:44 and I'm going to say King Ahaz,
06:45 'cause it's just easy to say, but I think it's like Ahaz.
06:48 I think that's how
06:50 you would say it in the original.
06:51 His name is Ahaz.
06:53 We're not going to say that
06:54 'cause that's gonna cause me to say a lot of things
06:55 that is going to be difficult,
06:57 but Ahaz is what we're gonna stick with,
06:59 King Ahaz.
07:00 I wanna start here
07:02 by kind of opening up who is King Ahaz
07:04 and what does the Bible reveal about
07:05 what kind of king that he was?
07:08 I want us to go to 2 Kings Chapter 16.
07:10 We're gonna go there
07:12 because the Bible tells us in 2 Kings 16
07:15 and also in second, or excuse yes, 2 Chronicles Chapter 28,
07:19 it reveals to us what kind of king,
07:23 King Ahaz really was.
07:25 And, you know, there's many, many different kings of,
07:29 what we would consider the nation of Israel.
07:31 But, of course, at this point,
07:33 we're talking about a divided nation of Israel,
07:35 kingdom of the North kingdom of the South.
07:37 You have Judah in the South.
07:38 And, of course, the 10 tribes in the North,
07:40 which is referred to often as Ephraim.
07:42 We see here that King Ahaz
07:44 was one of the kings of the South,
07:47 which is one of the kings of Judah.
07:48 And the Bible reveals that he wasn't a very good king.
07:51 Notice what the Bible says in 2 Kings Chapter 16,
07:54 beginning in verse 2 through verse 4, it says,
07:57 "Ahaz was 20 years old when he became king
08:00 and he reigned 16 years in Jerusalem,
08:03 and he did not do what was right
08:05 in the sight of the Lord,
08:06 his God as his father David had done.
08:10 But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel."
08:14 Of course, this is speaking in a negative context,
08:16 the bad kings before him.
08:18 He goes on to say,
08:19 "Indeed he made his son pass through the fire,
08:21 according to the abominations of the nations,
08:25 whom the Lord had cast out
08:26 from before the children of Israel.
08:29 And he sacrificed
08:31 and burned incense on the high places
08:33 on the hills and under every green tree."
08:36 So this was not a good king.
08:38 In fact, 2 Chronicles 28: 2-4 goes on
08:42 to tell us how he molded images for the Baals of Gore.
08:45 We're talking about the Baals were the gods of the sun
08:48 that they would worship the Astaroths
08:50 and the goddesses of and gods of fertility.
08:53 All of these false gods
08:55 that the heathen nations around Israel,
08:57 that God was calling them out of from.
08:59 He was wanting them to be separate,
09:01 to be peculiar in a holy way
09:03 from these other surrounding nations.
09:04 But King Ahaz had led them in a way
09:07 that was not according to the covenant of the Lord.
09:10 It was not according to God's commandments.
09:12 And so, now we see
09:14 when we go onto the bulk study of our lesson here,
09:17 the passage
09:18 that really we're studying today is Isaiah Chapter 7.
09:21 And so let's go there.
09:22 I'm gonna read through these verses
09:24 to set the scenario,
09:25 and then we're gonna have some closing comments
09:26 on what is happening here and how does it pertain
09:29 to what we can learn in reference to
09:30 when our world is falling apart.
09:33 Isaiah 7:1-9.
09:35 This is the scenario
09:37 in which King Ahaz finds himself
09:39 in an interesting predicament.
09:40 Who can he trust?
09:41 Who is he going to put his trust in?
09:43 Notice what the Bible says.
09:44 "Now it came to pass in the days of Ahaz
09:46 the son of Jotham, "
09:48 I guess that's how you would say that,
09:49 "the son of Uzziah, king of Judah,
09:53 that Rezin king of Syria and Pekah
09:56 the son of Remaliah, king of Israel,
09:58 went up to Jerusalem to make war against it,
10:02 but could not prevail against it.
10:04 And it was told to the house of David, saying,
10:07 'Syria's forces are deployed in Ephraim.'
10:10 So his heart and the heart of his people were moved
10:13 as the trees of the woods are moved in the wind.' "
10:17 That was some movable hearts, right?
10:19 They were not grounded in the Lord's ways.
10:21 That's why fear set upon them.
10:23 Verse 3,
10:24 "Then the Lord said to Isaiah,
10:25 'Go out now to meet Ahaz, you and Shear-Jashub."
10:31 I guess that's how you would say these names.
10:33 There's a lot of interesting names
10:34 in this study.
10:36 "Your son, at the end of the aqueduct
10:38 from the upper pool,
10:39 on the highway to the Fuller's Field,
10:41 and say to him."
10:43 So he's going to talk to the king,
10:44 "Take heed, and be quiet, the Bible says,
10:47 do not fear or be fainthearted
10:49 for these two stubs of smoking firebrands,
10:52 for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria,
10:55 and the son of Remaliah.
10:57 Because Syria, Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah
11:00 have plotted evil against you, saying,
11:03 'Let us go up against Judah and trouble it,
11:05 and let us make a gap in its wall
11:07 for ourselves,
11:08 and set a king over them, the son of Tabel.'
11:12 thus says the Lord God.' "
11:14 So here it is.
11:16 As we continue on here in verse 8 here,
11:20 we're going on through verse 7 into verse 8.
11:22 So let's just keep in mind.
11:23 There's an alliance being created
11:24 between the kings of the North,
11:26 in this case,
11:28 the kingdom of the Northern region of Israel.
11:30 So the Northern kingdom and the king of Syria,
11:32 and they're wanting to come against the Southern kingdom.
11:35 So notice what verse 8 and 9 continues to say,
11:37 "It shall not stand, nor shall it come to pass."
11:40 Verse 8,
11:41 "For the head of Syria is Damascus,
11:42 and the head of Damascus is Rezin.
11:45 Within 65 years,
11:46 Ephraim will be broken so that it will not be a people.
11:49 The head of Ephraim is Samaria.
11:51 And the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son.
11:54 If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established."
11:57 There's our memory text.
11:59 If you will not believe,
12:00 you shall not surely be established.
12:02 So they've come together to form this alliance
12:05 because they ultimately why?
12:07 They're coming together
12:08 because they're hearing wind
12:10 of the growing kingdom of Assyria
12:12 and the king of Assyria
12:14 and their armies are growing, their empire is growing.
12:15 So if they can take over Judah, the Southern kingdom,
12:18 they can plant a puppet there, a puppet ruler,
12:21 and they can take over its resources
12:23 and they can have a little bit more of a stronghold
12:26 and an influence in coming against the king of Syria.
12:29 Now, what was the response of King Ahaz?
12:33 That's the question
12:34 'cause the Lord has sent His prophet,
12:36 the prophet has spoken.
12:37 He has communicated what the will of the Lord is,
12:39 trust in the Lord.
12:41 The Lord will see you through this.
12:42 What was the response of Ahaz?
12:44 Well, let's go into the 2 King 16:7-9.
12:48 It tells us clearly.
12:50 2 Kings 16:7-9.
12:51 It says,
12:53 "So Ahaz sent messengers to,
12:55 I'm going to say Tiglath Pileser."
12:58 I'm going to call him King TP for this study.
13:01 All right.
13:03 "So he says to King TP of Assyria saying,
13:05 'I am your servant and your son.
13:07 Come up and save me
13:08 from the hand of the king of Syria
13:11 and from the hand of the king of Israel,
13:12 who rise up against me.
13:14 And Ahaz took the silver and gold
13:17 that was found in the house of the Lord,
13:19 and in the treasuries of the king's house,
13:22 and sent it as a present to the king of Assyria.
13:25 So the king of Assyria heeded him,
13:27 for the king of Assyria went up against Damascus and took it,
13:31 carried its people captive to Kir,
13:34 and killed Rezin."
13:36 And so, what is happening here in this passage
13:38 is his response to God is, Lord, I'm not gonna trust you.
13:44 I'm gonna continue doing what I wanna do.
13:47 And, in fact, I'm gonna reach out to the king,
13:48 another king,
13:49 and I'm gonna create an alliance
13:51 with this Assyrian king.
13:52 And I'm gonna go on about my way,
13:54 and I'm not going to trust in Your word.
13:55 And so the lesson that we can learn from this,
13:57 my friends, as our message says,
14:00 and of course, if you read on about the story of Ahaz,
14:03 he was not a good king.
14:04 He eventually, he didn't reign as long as other kings,
14:07 because he did not trust in God.
14:10 And so the lessons
14:11 that we can learn on a personal level
14:13 is if we're not obeying the Lord now, right now,
14:17 what makes us think
14:19 that we'll have the faith to trust Him
14:20 when the real trials come?
14:22 Amen
14:23 And that's what we need to learn to take away
14:24 from this lesson.
14:26 I'm thinking of James 2:22, right?
14:27 "But do you want to know, O foolish man,
14:29 the faith without works is dead."
14:31 And, of course, verse 22 says,
14:33 "Do you see that faith was working together
14:35 with his works and by works faith was made perfect."
14:39 So God sometimes will allow us to walk through trials as Ahaz.
14:44 Of course, his world literally was falling apart.
14:46 Did he put his trust in the Lord?
14:48 No, he did not.
14:49 So the lesson we take away from this, my friends,
14:51 as we're moving forward
14:52 is we need to understand that
14:53 putting our faith in the Lord is the right thing to do.
14:56 Trusting in the Lord's word is the just thing to do.
14:59 Absolutely. Amen.
15:00 Wow. Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
15:02 Well, I tell you studying the Word of God is so exciting.
15:05 There's so many things to be found and to learn
15:08 lots of names, Ryan too.
15:09 That right.
15:11 I have... King TP.
15:12 Yeah king TP and I also have that name here.
15:14 So maybe I'll have to refer to him as that too.
15:16 It's a new one.
15:18 So mine is Monday,
15:19 "Attempted Interception"
15:20 and Pastor Ryan and I have basically the same passage.
15:22 I have Isaiah 7:3-9.
15:26 And just give me some quick backdrop again,
15:28 Ryan touched on this briefly,
15:30 but Ahaz becomes king of Judah in about 735 BC.
15:35 And that he's about 20 years old,
15:36 which is really young.
15:38 You think about this being king,
15:39 but he's a wicked king.
15:41 Like Ryan mentioned,
15:42 and as the scripture has mentioned,
15:43 he causes his children to pass through the fire.
15:45 You have 2 Chronicles Chapter 28,
15:48 excellent reads by the way,
15:49 you just touched on some of that.
15:50 And then also you have 2 Kings 16,
15:53 some really good passages in the Bible
15:54 that gives more of the story of King Ahaz,
15:56 and what's going on.
15:58 But he worshiped Baal
15:59 and had those around him worshiping Baal
16:01 in the high places.
16:02 And then in 735, 734 BC,
16:05 you also have
16:07 the Syro-Ephraimite War going on.
16:09 So you have Rezin, king of Syria,
16:11 joining forces with Pekah, king of Israel.
16:14 They're forming an alliance together.
16:16 King Ahaz says,
16:17 "Oh, no,
16:19 I'm about to be annihilated
16:20 wiped off the face of the earth.
16:21 I need to do something."
16:23 You think about this.
16:24 He's a young man, young king,
16:26 and he's about to be wiped out, he feels.
16:27 So then he says,
16:28 hey, I'm going to join forces with who?
16:30 He's going to join forces with Assyria and King...
16:34 TP. TP, thank you.
16:35 Tiglath Pileser, king of Assyria.
16:39 And on Monday's lesson, read this in your lesson,
16:41 I like this part.
16:42 It says,
16:43 "Although appealing to Tiglath-Pileser for help
16:46 seemed logical and attractive from a human standpoint.
16:50 God knew it would bring the Davidic kingdom of Judah
16:53 under foreign control
16:55 from which she could never recover."
16:58 Now, this is where you see
17:00 the entrance of the Prophet Isaiah.
17:03 This is in Isaiah 7:3.
17:07 And it says here,
17:09 "Then the Lord said to Isaiah,
17:10 'Go out to meet King Ahaz,
17:12 you and Shear-Jashub your son at the end of the aqueduct
17:17 from the upper pool
17:18 on the highway to the Fuller's field."
17:22 Now this is the first national crisis
17:25 in Isaiah's ministry.
17:26 So Isaiah 6,
17:28 which you studied last week was the call of Isaiah.
17:30 So here's the first national crisis
17:31 in Isaiah's ministry.
17:33 So this is about 735, 734 BC.
17:37 And you have the Syro-Ephraimite coalition.
17:39 And it's interesting because Isaiah's son comes with him.
17:44 God asks Isaiah son to go with him
17:47 and meet King Ahaz.
17:49 And they meet where?
17:50 They meet at the aqueduct
17:52 from the upper pool on the highway
17:53 to the Fuller's Field.
17:55 Now fast forward about 34, 35 years
17:58 to the second national crisis in Isaiah's ministry
18:03 was taking place here.
18:04 This is the siege of Assyria against the Jerusalem.
18:07 So Isaiah 36:2 says,
18:09 "Then the king of Assyria sent to Rabshakeh
18:12 with a great army from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem.
18:16 And he stood by" where?
18:18 "The aqueduct from the upper pool,
18:20 on the highway to the Fuller's Field."
18:23 Very interesting here,
18:24 Isaiah, his first national crisis
18:25 in his ministry,
18:27 he meets King Ahaz basically by the aqueduct,
18:30 35 years later, he meet who?
18:33 King Hezekiah at the same place.
18:35 Who's King Hezekiah?
18:37 The son of Ahaz.
18:39 So you have Ahaz who is,
18:40 we know didn't choose the right way,
18:43 but as we'll study further on here coming up,
18:45 Hezekiah chose the way of the Lord.
18:47 So praise the Lord for that.
18:49 So then I'm going back to this whole meeting here
18:52 of Isaiah and his son.
18:54 And I can only imagine,
18:56 now you've got Ahaz here who's what,
18:57 has his young kids go through the fire
18:59 and sacrifice them.
19:01 And here comes Isaiah with his son
19:04 as part of the ministry.
19:05 Wow. Can you imagine what that would look like?
19:07 Yes. Wow.
19:08 This is amazing.
19:09 But then Isaiah introduces his son to King Ahaz,
19:12 and you know, the meaning of names
19:14 and things like that.
19:15 It's been interesting to look this up
19:17 and it's in the lesson,
19:18 Isaiah son's name is Shear-Jashub.
19:21 Boy, I sure hope I'm saying this right,
19:23 Pastor Ryan.
19:24 Right. Okay.
19:25 And it means a remnant shall return.
19:28 So the root word for return
19:29 can carry the definition of repentance.
19:32 So Ahaz needed repentance.
19:34 The people needed repentance.
19:36 So Isaiah son's name was really a rebuke to the king.
19:41 You know, the name had a message
19:43 for Isaiah and it was from God
19:45 for King Ahaz and it was from God,
19:48 turn from your sins or go into captivity.
19:50 So basically he's saying, turn from your sins now,
19:53 or go into captivity,
19:54 or two, you're going into captivity,
19:57 but a remnant will return,
19:59 you know, with rebuke, which is powerful to me.
20:01 There's also a message of hope here.
20:03 So, yeah, God is definitely a God of justice.
20:06 We know that, but He also provides hope.
20:08 There's a way out.
20:09 And, you know, it's interesting.
20:10 It's really a solemn thought here is that
20:12 the decision was King Ahaz,
20:13 what's he going to do right here?
20:15 The decision is his, God wasn't gonna to force him
20:17 to make the decision,
20:18 but this is the way, walk in it.
20:20 But it's up to King Ahaz.
20:21 And I think it's a good lesson for us
20:24 to learn right now too,
20:25 you know, as we face different things,
20:27 who are we going to choose?
20:28 God's not going to force us, but we need to choose God.
20:29 I think it's Joshua 24:15, it says,
20:32 "As for me and my house, we will," what?
20:35 "We will serve the Lord." Amen.
20:37 Wow, time's going by in a hurry.
20:38 So this is Isaiah's message, okay?
20:40 Isaiah 7:4-9,
20:43 and he said to Ahaz,
20:45 "And he said to him,
20:47 'Take heed, and be quiet,
20:48 do not fear or be fainthearted
20:50 for these two stubs of smoking firebrands,
20:53 for the fierce anger of Rezin and Syria,
20:55 and the son of Remaliah.
20:57 Because Syria, Ephraim,
20:59 and the son of Remaliah
21:00 have plotted evil against you, saying,
21:02 'Let us go up against Judah and trouble it,
21:04 and let us make a gap in its wall for ourselves,
21:07 and set a king over them, the son of Tabel.' "
21:09 Verse 7,
21:11 "Thus says the Lord God:
21:12 it shall not stand nor shall it come to pass.
21:15 For this head of Syria is Damascus,
21:17 and the head of Damascus is Rezin.
21:20 Within 65 years, Ephraim will be broken
21:22 so that it will not be a people."
21:25 Verse 9,
21:26 "The head of Ephraim is Samaria
21:27 and the head of Samaria is Remaliah's son."
21:30 This is really key here.
21:31 "If you will not believe,
21:32 surely you shall not be established."
21:36 You know, to Ahab, to Ahaz
21:39 the situation was really serious.
21:40 I mean, he was really afraid,
21:41 but as you go back to the very beginning of this,
21:43 it's in verse 4,
21:45 Jesus is saying, God is saying,
21:46 "Don't worry about that. It's just two stubs.
21:49 They're just smoking firebrands.
21:50 It's nothing to me."
21:51 And again, I think another lesson for us to learn
21:53 is that sometimes we can look at a situation,
21:56 look at the world we're in and say, Whoa, this is it.
21:59 I think we're done for, no one can save us from this.
22:02 We know that God is our savior,
22:04 and we can trust in Him as you were talking about,
22:05 Pastor Ryan.
22:07 Verse 9,
22:08 in order to make this decision
22:10 Ahaz needed to trust the Lord and His promises.
22:12 He needed to believe in order to be established.
22:16 Believe and established are from the same Hebrew root word,
22:20 meaning that which is reliable or true.
22:22 So therefore Ahaz needed to be sure.
22:26 Sure in what?
22:27 Sure in the Word of God in order to be made sure.
22:31 He needed to rely in order to be reliable.
22:35 And I think here too it's just, it's really sad
22:37 'cause here you have King Ahaz,
22:39 he was trying to establish himself.
22:41 He realizes that the kings of the North,
22:42 they're coming against him.
22:44 And he's thinking in his own strength,
22:45 my own power,
22:46 I got to survive, I've got to do something.
22:48 Ah, the king from Assyria, let me join forces with him.
22:51 He's wanting to survive.
22:52 He's trying to establish his kingdom,
22:54 but in trying to establish his kingdom,
22:56 God provided an answering key in the Prophet Isaiah,
22:59 but he didn't listen.
23:01 And so therefore he was not established.
23:03 So sad.
23:04 Here are the lessons that we can learn
23:06 from Isaiah's message to Ahaz,
23:08 trust in God and His promises.
23:11 I want you to turn to Numbers 23:19.
23:13 This is a really good passage.
23:14 So we hope that
23:16 you're not just listening to Sabbath School,
23:17 but that you're actually opening your Bible
23:19 and your Sabbath School lesson as well.
23:20 And it says, Numbers 23:19,
23:22 "God is not man, that He should lie,
23:25 or a son of man that He should change His mind.
23:28 Has he said, and will He not do it?
23:30 Or has he spoken and will He not fulfill it?"
23:33 Praise the Lord. We can trust in God.
23:36 We can count on God's promises because God is love.
23:40 1 John 4:8. We know that God is love.
23:42 I think of John 3:16, powerful passage,
23:46 for God so loved the world.
23:47 We can count on God's promises because God is unchanging.
23:52 Malachi 3:6,
23:53 "For I am the Lord, I do not change."
23:56 We can count on God's promises because of His infinite wisdom.
24:01 We think of James.
24:02 We can look at the passage, James 1:5,
24:05 "If any of you lack wisdom,
24:06 you shall ask of God who gives generously to all
24:09 without finding fault.
24:10 And it will be given to you."
24:12 Amen.
24:13 You know, in closing, you know, we're in tough times.
24:16 We know the year 2020 was tough.
24:18 We're just in the first few weeks of 2021,
24:20 you know, your world maybe turned upside down
24:23 it may seem to you,
24:24 but I want to leave with you to trust God, be sure in what?
24:28 The Word of God in order to be made sure.
24:30 Don't lose your faith.
24:32 We must establish ourselves in the Word of God.
24:34 We must trust in God.
24:37 I want to encourage you to build relationship with God
24:39 because to trust
24:41 you have to build a relationship.
24:42 I love my wife, but I trust my wife.
24:45 And the reason I trust my wife,
24:46 because we have a relationship for years now.
24:49 Build that relationship with Jesus Christ.
24:51 Study His Word on a daily basis.
24:53 Go to Him, talk to Him,
24:55 then sit back
24:56 and let Him talk back to you from His Word.
24:58 So I want to encourage you to trust in the Lord.
25:00 Believe in God's Word, and you will be established.
25:05 Praise the Lord. Amen.
25:07 Hey,
25:08 we're just getting started, right?
25:09 The Book of Isaiah has so many wonderful gems
25:11 and wonderful lessons to learn.
25:13 We're going to take a quick break.
25:14 Don't go anywhere. We'll be right back.
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25:50 Hello, welcome back to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
25:52 We're going to kick it over to Pastor John
25:54 for Tuesday's lesson.
25:56 Yeah, no pun intended, but I have another chance.
25:58 By the way,
26:00 that's the title of this lesson for today,
26:01 "Another Chance."
26:03 If you have your lessons
26:04 go with me to Tuesday, January 12th,
26:08 you know, Ryan and Greg has been laying foundation
26:12 that's so critical at this point
26:14 because they've been laying out the circumstances
26:17 and the conditions that Ahaz was facing in the wars
26:22 that were coming up against him.
26:24 But there was something inside of Ahaz
26:26 that God wanted to get out.
26:28 And I want to just say this before I go into.
26:30 Lot of times,
26:31 God will bring difficulty our way
26:33 to break our self-reliance.
26:36 That's something that Ahaz wasn't getting
26:39 because the Bible says
26:40 when a man's ways please the Lord,
26:43 he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
26:45 Wow.
26:47 Now, why were his enemies not at peace with him?
26:49 Because his ways did not please the Lord.
26:51 And sometimes God brings difficulty our way
26:54 so that He can break what we call our self-reliance.
26:59 That's why Tuesday is so vitally important.
27:01 Isaiah 7:10-13.
27:03 Now let's look at all the Tiglath Pileser
27:06 and the names that were difficult.
27:09 The adversaries coming up against Ahaz,
27:13 and look what the Lord says through Isaiah, the prophet.
27:16 "Moreover, the Lord spoke again to Ahaz saying,
27:20 ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God,
27:23 ask it either in the depth or in the height above."
27:26 Meaning from,
27:27 you go from the grave to the highest heavens.
27:30 "But Ahaz said,
27:32 'I will not ask, nor will I test the Lord.'
27:36 Then he said
27:37 'Hear now, O house of David!
27:40 Is it a small thing for you to weary men,
27:43 but will you weary my God also?' "
27:47 You notice something here.
27:49 Ahaz is saying, I'm not going to ask.
27:52 Now when the Lord says ask.
27:54 If Solomon did what Ahaz did,
27:57 then Solomon would not have received the wisdom.
27:59 The Lord said to Solomon,
28:00 "Ask whatever you want."
28:02 And Solomon asked for wisdom
28:03 and Solomon is now known as one of the wisest men,
28:06 a thousand women later.
28:09 You get a lot of wisdom out of that,
28:11 but God gave him something that still to this very day,
28:14 we all admire.
28:15 The wisdom that comes
28:17 when God gives you a blank slate and says,
28:21 ask for help.
28:22 And I'll give you help.
28:23 Ahaz was given the privilege to ask from God,
28:27 whatever he needed.
28:28 God was giving Ahaz a limitless invitation
28:32 to have his request granted.
28:35 Now think about it.
28:36 In the times of war,
28:38 who would you prefer to be on your side?
28:39 God.
28:41 But in this case,
28:42 one another thing
28:44 we have to come in realization of
28:46 not only does God bring difficulty
28:48 to break our self-reliance,
28:50 but God never forces Himself where He is not invited.
28:54 He will never impose Himself where He is not invited.
28:58 The writer of the lesson
28:59 brought one of the questions out.
29:01 Why did Ahaz respond in the way he did?
29:03 And I'll give a couple of reasons.
29:05 Ahab responded in the...
29:07 Ahaz responded in the way he did.
29:10 And this was an indication of self-reliance
29:12 not one of respect.
29:15 He closed his heart to God's offer
29:18 because he thought he could handle it.
29:21 He thought that his kingship was sufficient.
29:23 And that's why later on,
29:25 he went ahead and started making alliances
29:27 because he thought,
29:29 if I could handle this situation myself,
29:32 we'd go back to the children of Israel.
29:33 Remember the battle.
29:36 What was a small nation...
29:38 Ai.
29:39 Ai, very small two letters.
29:42 Thank you, Jill.
29:43 They figured we beat big armies,
29:45 we got this one.
29:47 That little nation made them run for their lives.
29:50 Here's my point.
29:52 When anything seems handleable,
29:56 you're not going to find that word in the dictionary.
29:58 If you think you could handle whatever comes your way
30:00 without God's help.
30:02 That's the first step in failure.
30:04 That's why we find in the Bible,
30:05 notice this.
30:07 And this is what we experienced through our scripture,
30:08 because Ai is not the only one.
30:10 When the word of the Lord came to Jonah.
30:13 Jonah decided,
30:15 look, not only do I not need your help,
30:17 I'm not even listening to you.
30:19 But look at Jonah 3:1-2.
30:22 Look at Jonah 3:1-2.
30:24 And it says,
30:26 "Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah
30:30 the second time, saying,
30:33 'Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city,
30:35 and preach to it the message that I tell you.' "
30:37 And we find in verse 2,
30:39 and Jonah decide this time I'm going.
30:43 When God takes you
30:44 through the washing machine of personal cleansing,
30:47 which is what Jonah went through.
30:49 Think about that.
30:51 Jonah went through a cleansing process.
30:53 He was the only, Ryan, as an evangelist.
30:55 He was the only one
30:56 that showed up at an evangelistic series,
30:58 smelling like a fish dinner.
31:01 He got chucked up on the shore of Nineveh.
31:05 God never intended for him to get there in that condition,
31:09 but because he refused God's offer
31:12 because he refused God's directive.
31:14 He ended up in a condition
31:16 that God said one way or the other,
31:18 you will comply with my conditions.
31:21 But notice what the Bible says,
31:22 the reason why we should not put ourselves
31:24 in such a predicament.
31:28 Psalm 46:1.
31:29 And this was true
31:31 in every condition of all the battles
31:32 that the Israelites faced.
31:34 God is our refuge and what else, Jill?
31:37 Our strength. Our strength.
31:38 A very present help in trouble.
31:41 That's right. God didn't have a past.
31:43 God didn't have a future.
31:44 That's why whenever I talk about God
31:46 or when I talk about Jesus,
31:48 I don't say Jesus was the son of God.
31:50 I say He is.
31:51 He's never a was.
31:53 God is never a was.
31:54 He is our refuge and our strength,
31:57 a very present help in trouble.
32:00 Ahaz refused God's divide offer.
32:02 It led him to difficulty.
32:04 But notice, I'm gonna bring out about five points.
32:07 One of those is found in Hebrews 12:25.
32:14 The warning.
32:17 Hebrews 12:25,
32:19 "See that you do not refuse him who speaks."
32:22 What did Ahaz do?
32:24 He refused God's,
32:25 "For if they did not escape, who refused him,
32:28 who spoke on earth much more shall we not escape,
32:32 if we turn away from him who speaks from heaven."
32:38 The Book of Hebrews points out five dangers,
32:41 and one of the dangers was refusing God.
32:44 When we refuse God, it's dangerous.
32:47 And so many people,
32:48 I said to my wife the other day,
32:50 we always talk about salvation.
32:51 I said, nobody's going to be lost
32:53 because of sin.
32:54 No one's going to be lost because of sin,
32:56 but they're going to be lost
32:57 because they refuse to repent of sin
32:59 because all have sinned.
33:01 No one is going to be lost because of sin.
33:03 They're going to be lost
33:04 because they refuse to repent of sin.
33:06 God extends the help and they refuse God.
33:09 If they refuse the one who speaks from heaven.
33:11 Well, I think that enough's said.
33:15 Let's go to another situation.
33:16 Exodus 7:14.
33:18 Look at all the conditions
33:20 where God was giving these leaders
33:22 more than one opportunity.
33:24 And we know the fate of them.
33:27 Exodus 7:14.
33:29 So the Lord said to Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hard.
33:33 Why?
33:34 He refuses to let the people go.
33:38 And we know the story.
33:40 Did they go, Ryan?
33:41 That's right. They left with.
33:42 And I read Ellen White made this point.
33:44 I want to just insert this here.
33:45 Ellen White says, it was God's plan
33:48 to give Pharaoh the credit
33:50 for freeing Israel,
33:53 because he refused to participate with God
33:56 in the freeing of Israel,
33:57 God did it without his participation.
34:00 So when God gives us an opportunity
34:02 to partner with Him,
34:03 He wants to give us the credit
34:06 and the partnership of obedience.
34:08 Second thing,
34:10 refusing God affects our hearts.
34:11 And I know we've talked about this before,
34:13 but Isaiah 1:19-20,
34:15 "If you are willing and obedient,
34:17 you shall eat of the good of the land.
34:18 But if you refuse and rebel,
34:20 you shall be devoured by the sword,
34:22 for the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
34:25 Let's go now to Hebrews 3:7-11.
34:28 Once again, refusing God affects the heart.
34:31 It affects the heart.
34:33 Hebrews 3:7 says,
34:35 "Thus therefore as the Holy Spirit says today,
34:40 if you will hear his voice,"
34:43 what is that?
34:44 "Dot harden your heart, as in the rebellion,
34:47 in the day of trial in the wilderness,
34:49 where your fathers tested me,
34:51 tried me
34:53 and saw my works 40 years.
34:55 Therefore I was angry with that generation and said,
34:58 they always go astray," where?
35:00 "In their heart.
35:02 And they have not known my ways.
35:04 So I swore in my wrath."
35:06 Thirdly, refusing God is the same spirit
35:09 that surrounds the rejection of God's Ten Commandments.
35:13 Exodus 16:28,
35:14 "And the Lord said to Moses,
35:16 'How long do you refuse
35:18 to keep My commandments and my laws.' "
35:21 Brethren, the refusal of the commandments of God
35:23 is not because God's commandments are bad,
35:26 but a stuck heart once again,
35:29 refusing to be obedient at any point
35:32 is because of the carnal heart of humanity.
35:34 And so, when we get that precious invitation
35:38 to respond to the invitation of God.
35:41 Keep this in mind,
35:43 God is not willing that any one of us should perish.
35:46 God is not willing that
35:47 any one of us should experience failure.
35:50 But if we simply refuse
35:51 to respond to the conditions of God,
35:54 the impact of that refusal will be felt.
35:59 Thank you so much,
36:00 Pastor John and Greg and Pastor Ryan.
36:03 We're jumping back to Isaiah 7.
36:05 I forgot I still have my mask on.
36:06 I need to take that off.
36:08 We're jumping back to Isaiah Chapter 7.
36:11 You know,
36:12 what's so sad to me in this section
36:14 as each one of you have brought out
36:16 with this incredible coalition that came against Judah
36:19 and the fear that would be an Ahaz's heart.
36:21 I certainly would be afraid.
36:24 And yet God in His mercy and His love
36:27 extends this grace and says, just ask a sign.
36:30 Like he's saying you can trust Me
36:33 and I'll be there for you.
36:34 And just ask for the sign.
36:36 And what's interesting to me is it says,
36:38 ask a sign for yourself from the Lord, your God.
36:41 But then when Ahaz says,
36:43 "I don't, I'm not going to ask for a sign."
36:46 Then it says,
36:47 "Hear now O house David!
36:48 Is it a small thing for you to weary men
36:50 while you weary my God."
36:52 Awesome.
36:53 Do you notice that shift.
36:54 It was your God as in Ahaz's God.
36:57 Now it's my God as in Isaiah's God,
37:00 'cause Ahaz had refused his God.
37:04 So then God says,
37:06 okay, you're not going to ask for a sign.
37:08 I'm going to give you a sign.
37:09 And that's what I have is verse 14.
37:11 And Shelley also has verse 14.
37:14 So hopefully I won't step on
37:15 the same section that she's discussing.
37:17 It says, therefore, because you're wearying my God,
37:22 because you're not even reaching out to Him.
37:24 You're not allowing Him to give you a sign.
37:25 "Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign.
37:30 Behold, the virgin shall conceive
37:31 and bear a son
37:33 and shall call his name Immanuel."
37:35 Now before we unpack that,
37:36 I just want to look for a brief moment
37:38 at the history of signs throughout the Word of God.
37:41 You know, in the Bible,
37:42 many times people asked for signs.
37:44 The one I think of first of would be Gideon.
37:47 Remember in Judges 6,
37:49 he said,
37:50 am I gonna have victory over the Midianites?
37:52 And the sign he asked for him was that
37:54 the fleece would be wet with dew and the ground dry.
37:57 And he said, well, that wasn't quite hard enough.
37:59 So the next time the fleece would be dry
38:01 and the ground wet.
38:03 King Hezekiah asked God for a sign
38:05 that he would live longer.
38:07 We see this in 2 Kings 20,
38:09 and the sun dialed
38:10 the shadow would go back 10 degrees.
38:13 The Pharisees and Sadducees in Matthew 16
38:16 asked Jesus for a sign from heaven.
38:17 But He said,
38:19 "You're not getting any sign,
38:20 but the sign of the Prophet Jonah."
38:23 Herod, he hoped for a sign from Jesus
38:25 because he had heard about Him.
38:27 We see this in Luke 23, but Jesus answered not a word.
38:31 Now in the Bible,
38:33 it seems more rare for God to ask someone,
38:37 to ask for a sign
38:38 like God asking Ahaz to ask for a sign.
38:41 I think about Moses with the children of Israel.
38:44 And Moses said,
38:45 "What if the children of Israel don't believe me?"
38:47 This is at the burning bush experience,
38:49 and God is calling Moses to deliver the people.
38:52 And Moses says,
38:53 "What if they don't believe me?"
38:55 And God says,
38:56 "The staff you have in your hand
38:57 to throw it down,
38:59 it'll turn into a snake and then come back to a staff,
39:01 your hand put it in and pull it out
39:03 and it'll turn to leprosy and go back to normal.
39:06 The water from the river would turn to blood
39:08 and then back on the dry ground."
39:10 And Ahaz, of course,
39:11 was clearly told to ask for a sign.
39:14 This verse in verse 14,
39:17 the sign that the Lord Himself gave
39:20 has a dual application, which the lesson brought out.
39:24 We're going to spend the balance of our time
39:26 on the application
39:29 that comes in the future.
39:30 That would be Jesus, the Messiah.
39:32 I want to touch just briefly.
39:34 The lesson talked about it,
39:36 the present day application for the sign as well.
39:38 Now this is interesting.
39:40 Usually when we read this,
39:42 "The virgin shall conceive and bear a son
39:43 and should call his name Immanuel."
39:45 We kind of stop there.
39:47 But if you look at the literal application,
39:49 you need to keep going.
39:50 The next verse, verse 15 says,
39:52 "Curds and honey He shall eat
39:54 that He may know to refuse the evil
39:56 and choose the good,
39:58 for before the child shall know to refuse the evil
40:01 and choose the good,
40:02 the land that you dread will be forsaken
40:05 by both her kings."
40:06 Now who are the two kings
40:08 that Isaiah is talking about there?
40:09 That would be the king,
40:11 the Northern tribes of Israel and the king of Syria.
40:15 So this coalition that was coming against Ahaz
40:19 that would be broken by time
40:21 this child were to grow up
40:23 and would know to choose between evil and good.
40:26 So basically by the time
40:27 they reach what 12 years of age,
40:29 that this kingdom would be broken.
40:31 And then verse 17,
40:32 "The Lord would bring the house of Assyria upon you
40:35 and your people, and your father's house,
40:37 days that have not come
40:38 since the day
40:39 that Ephraim departed from Judah."
40:41 So that's obviously a prophecy looking forward to 701,
40:45 when Assyria comes against the city of Jerusalem
40:48 and besieges it.
40:50 And then we know the end result of that,
40:53 which we will get to.
40:54 God destroyed 185,000 of the Assyrians in one night.
41:00 So the literal application,
41:01 there are several different interpretations.
41:04 The lesson mentions two.
41:06 Briefly it could refer to Isaiah's son,
41:10 not the first son, of course, we already talked about that,
41:12 but the second son who's born in Isaiah 8:3.
41:16 If you see there's a correlation there,
41:18 Isaiah 8:3,
41:19 "I went to the prophetess,
41:21 and she conceived and bore a son.
41:22 Then the Lord said to me,
41:24 'Call his name,'"
41:25 whatever that is,
41:26 "'for before the child shall have knowledge to cry
41:28 'My father and My mother,
41:30 the riches of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria
41:32 will be taken away before the king of Assyria.' "
41:35 Do you notice, it's very similar.
41:37 You have the one before the child is of age
41:40 that the Northern kingdom of Israel and Syria
41:44 would be destroyed.
41:45 And here you see the same thing take place.
41:47 Now, of course, there's no reference
41:48 to the name Immanuel.
41:50 So it's not a direct correlation.
41:52 The lesson also mentioned, it could be Hezekiah,
41:55 but Hezekiah was never referred to as Immanuel.
41:57 And we also clearly know
42:00 that Hezekiah was definitely of age
42:02 long before that came to pass.
42:04 Now let's look at the final fulfillment
42:06 or application
42:07 that would be of Jesus.
42:09 We see this correlation in Matthew 1:23,
42:13 Matthew, of course,
42:14 quotes from this passage in Isaiah 7:14,
42:17 "Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear son.
42:20 They shall call his name Immanuel, "
42:23 which is translated God with us.
42:26 Now in Isiah's day,
42:27 there were two enemy kings
42:29 poised to take out God's chosen line of Judah.
42:33 Who were those kings?
42:34 The Northern kingdom of Israel and Syria.
42:37 In Matthew's day,
42:39 there were two enemy kings
42:41 poised to take out the Messiah.
42:44 That would be King Herod
42:46 and, of course, he had an alliance with Rome.
42:50 In Isaiah's day,
42:51 the birth of a child
42:53 the sign that God is with us
42:55 pointed to the physical
42:56 and local deliverance of the nation of Judah.
42:59 In Matthew's day,
43:01 the birth of a child,
43:03 the sign that God is with us
43:05 pointed to the physical and universal deliverance
43:08 of everyone everywhere from there since.
43:13 Jesus is the final fulfillment
43:15 of that prophecy in Isaiah 7:14.
43:18 We know He is divine.
43:20 If you jump over just two chapters,
43:22 Isaiah 9:6,
43:25 "For unto us, a Child is born, unto us a Son is given,
43:30 and the government will be upon His shoulder.
43:32 And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
43:35 Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
43:39 He is divine.
43:41 He is not only divine, He is with us.
43:45 We read this in Matthew 1:23,
43:48 "The virgin will be with Child and bear a Son.
43:50 They will call His name Immanuel, "
43:52 which is translated God with us.
43:55 We won't touch any more on that
43:56 'cause I know Shelley's day touches on God with us.
43:59 He is the root and branch of Jesse.
44:04 Isaiah Chapter 11.
44:05 We have another messianic prophecy
44:08 come forward here in Isaiah 11:1,
44:10 "There shall come forth a rod from the stem of Jesse,"
44:14 referring to the coming Messiah,
44:17 the Lord Jesus,
44:18 "and a branch shall grow out of his roots."
44:21 You jump down to verse 10,
44:24 "And in that day,
44:25 there shall be a root of Jesse
44:27 who shall stand a banner to the people,
44:29 for the Gentiles shall seek him,
44:31 and his resting place shall be glorious."
44:35 Jesus is the root and branch of Jesse.
44:39 references this as well.
44:42 I, Jesus have sent my angel
44:45 to testify to you these things in the churches.
44:47 I am the root and offspring of David.
44:51 I am the bright and morning star.
44:56 But He is not only divine, He's not only with us,
44:59 He's not only the branch,
45:01 He's not only the root of Jesse,
45:03 He is my savior.
45:06 To me that's the incredible promise.
45:09 This sign that was given to the people
45:12 at that time carried forward those hundreds of years
45:16 until the birth of Christ.
45:18 Matthew 1:21.
45:20 "She shall bring forth a son.
45:21 You shall call His name Jesus,
45:23 for He will save His people from their sins."
45:28 Ahaz was offered the opportunity
45:31 to make a choice
45:32 and to just choose to trust God.
45:34 He chose not to trust God.
45:36 He chose to go his own way.
45:39 And God said, I will send a deliverer.
45:42 The Lord Himself will give you a sign.
45:45 The virgin shall conceive and bear a Son
45:47 and shall call His name Immanuel.
45:50 Amen.
45:52 We do have the same verses,
45:53 and I'm going to repeat a couple of those verses.
45:56 I have Thursday,
45:57 "God Is With Us."
45:58 And let's read that again
46:00 because this is an important promise
46:03 from God.
46:04 It's an important prophecy.
46:06 Isaiah 7:14,
46:08 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign."
46:11 And remember, Ahaz refused the sign.
46:13 So God's telling Isaiah to tell Ahaz,
46:18 hey, God's gonna give you a sign
46:21 whether you want one or not.
46:22 "Behold, the virgin shall conceive
46:26 and bear a Son
46:27 and shall call His name Immanuel."
46:32 Jesus Christ is the great fulfillment
46:36 of this prophecy.
46:37 What it shows me is that
46:40 God will always be faithful to His promises.
46:45 Some ways, sometimes in ways that is beyond our expectation
46:51 because Jesus Christ was not just the sign.
46:57 He was God who became a human,
47:02 who became the Son of man
47:04 and the Son of God, God incarnate.
47:07 God came down to be with us in person.
47:11 So Matthew 1:21,
47:14 the angel is telling Joseph
47:17 that Mary has conceived by the Holy Spirit
47:23 because, you know, here, Joseph and Mary are engaged.
47:27 Actually they were married
47:28 because they'd signed a marriage contract.
47:30 They just hadn't come together physically.
47:33 They weren't living together.
47:35 There had been no relationship,
47:38 physical relationship between the two of them.
47:40 So when he finds out she's pregnant,
47:42 it's like what?
47:44 And then the angel tells him no, no.
47:48 That what she has conceived,
47:50 who she has conceived is of the Holy Spirit.
47:53 And in verse 21, Matthew 1:21,
47:56 the angel says she will bring forth a son.
47:59 You shall call his name Jesus,
48:03 which means the Lord is salvation.
48:07 And He will save His people from their sins.
48:11 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled.
48:15 So we know we can tie this back to Isaiah 7:14,
48:19 'cause it says all this was done,
48:21 that it might be fulfilled,
48:22 which was spoken by the Lord
48:23 through the prophets saying,
48:25 "Behold, the virgin shall be with Child
48:28 and bear a Son
48:30 and they shall call His name Immanuel,"
48:34 which is translated.
48:37 This is what the scripture says,
48:38 verse 23, God with us.
48:43 God with us.
48:45 This is not an abstract concept.
48:51 God came down
48:52 and He lived on this earth 33 and a half years
48:56 before He was crucified and resurrected and returned.
49:00 But you might ask, well, is God with us now?
49:03 You know, sometimes people say, well,
49:05 I know the Holy Spirit lives within me,
49:08 but if Jesus took our flesh back to heaven,
49:11 He can't, you know, He can't be with us all here.
49:15 Let me read to you.
49:16 And I encourage you to look at this,
49:18 Ephesians Chapter 3,
49:21 and let's look at verse 16 through 19.
49:27 "Jesus lives in our hearts
49:31 by faith, through the Holy Spirit."
49:33 So Paul writes to the Ephesians 3:16, he says,
49:37 "Oh that God would grant you
49:40 according to the riches of his glory
49:42 to be strengthened with might
49:44 through his spirit in the inner man that"
49:49 and any time you see that or so that,
49:51 it's a purpose statement.
49:53 So he says,
49:54 the reason I want you to be strengthened
49:57 with might with dynamite, dunemis power inside you,
50:02 inside your heart by the Holy Spirit
50:05 is so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.
50:11 What's the purpose of Christ
50:13 dwelling in our hearts through faith,
50:15 that, I know they're purpose statement,
50:18 you being rooted and grounded in love
50:20 may be able to comprehend with all the saints.
50:23 What is the width, the length, the depth, the height,
50:25 to know the love of Christ,
50:27 which passes knowledge
50:28 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
50:32 Oh, hallelujah.
50:34 So Jesus, you shall call Him Jesus.
50:40 That means the Lord is salvation.
50:44 And it guarantees eventual victory
50:49 to the remnant of God's people.
50:51 It's the promise
50:53 that God will be with His people.
50:55 This is a covenant formula.
50:57 What did God always say?
50:58 Part of the formula is,
51:00 I will be their God and they will be My people.
51:04 So it indicates His relationship
51:08 between God and His people.
51:10 So what's the significance of such a promise?
51:13 Well, I'll tell you what?
51:15 I praise the Lord that he said,
51:16 I will never leave you or forsake you.
51:19 And when I was walking through such a dark time,
51:23 I suddenly realized
51:26 that God's divine presence was with me.
51:29 I mean, I had a divine awareness
51:31 of His presence with me
51:32 and, you know,
51:34 nowhere in the Bible does it say,
51:36 nowhere does God say,
51:38 "Hey, if you're my kid,
51:39 you're not going to have any trouble."
51:40 No Jesus said,
51:42 "Hey, on this earth, you will have tribulation.
51:44 But don't worry, I've overcome the world."
51:48 Just because you're God's child
51:49 doesn't mean you're not going to endure pain and suffering.
51:53 We suffer for many reasons.
51:54 Sometimes we suffer for our own mistakes.
51:58 Sometimes we suffer for other people's mistakes.
52:02 Sometimes we just suffer injustice,
52:05 but God will settle all accounts.
52:08 You can count on that.
52:09 And when we know that God is with us,
52:12 it gives us great assurance and comfort.
52:14 Psalm 23:4, David wrote,
52:17 "Yea though I walk through the valley
52:20 of the shadow of death.
52:21 I will fear no evil, for You are with me.
52:25 Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."
52:29 The valley of the shadow of death.
52:32 That's a perilously threatening situation.
52:39 Boy, we've been through some, haven't we?
52:42 But we can fear no evil.
52:44 I mean, we can have that complete assurance
52:47 that our Great Shepherd is with us.
52:50 He takes His rod.
52:52 This is a comforting instrument.
52:54 It's He defends us.
52:56 It's like a club
52:57 that defenses for our protection.
52:59 He walks before us, He protects us from assault.
53:05 And then His staff was used for guiding.
53:08 And when God is with us,
53:10 we know that our gracious God is leading
53:13 and guiding and directing us.
53:16 Isaiah 43:2, you love this, I love this.
53:20 This is a fabulous promise.
53:23 And somebody who's listening today
53:27 needs to hear this.
53:29 When you pass through the waters,
53:31 God says, I will be with you.
53:34 Waters are calamities that overwhelm us.
53:37 And it's symbolic for chaos and evil.
53:42 But God says,
53:43 when you pass through the waters,
53:44 I will be with you and through the rivers,
53:47 they shall not overflow you.
53:49 When you walk through the fire,
53:53 that's a calamity that consumes.
53:56 And he says, when you walk through the fire,
53:59 you shall not be burned
54:01 nor shall the flames scorch you.
54:03 Doesn't that remind you
54:05 of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
54:07 There they are in the fire.
54:08 And all of a sudden Jesus is with them.
54:11 And the only thing they came out,
54:13 not smelling like smoke.
54:15 The only thing that burned when they were in the fire,
54:18 were the ropes that were binding them.
54:20 So it is such a beautiful thing
54:23 when we think about walking through the waters.
54:27 Moses' generation walked through the Red Sea.
54:30 Joshua's generation walked through the Jordan River,
54:34 but this is a general promise of God's protection.
54:37 And I wanted to read something to you
54:40 because, you know,
54:41 if we look at the history of God's people,
54:44 we see that God with us, this is a true promise.
54:48 And there was something so sweet in our quarterly.
54:54 And here's what it says.
54:56 Where was the Lord
54:57 when the Babylonians threw
54:59 Daniel's three friends into the fire?
55:01 He was with them.
55:02 Where was the Lord
55:04 during the time of Jacob's trouble
55:05 when he wrestled until daybreak?
55:08 Hey, listen, Jacob's arms as close as you could get.
55:12 And then it says that when Stephen was mobbed,
55:17 where was the Lord?
55:18 He was standing
55:20 at the right hand of the throne of the Father.
55:23 What do you mean He was standing?
55:24 The Bible says that
55:26 Jesus is sitting
55:28 at the right hand of the throne,
55:29 but I love this.
55:30 Morris Venden,
55:32 who is a an Adventist pastor said this.
55:37 Why did Stephen see Jesus standing?
55:41 And he said,
55:43 "Jesus wasn't gonna take that sitting down."
55:46 So it is true.
55:49 It's a promise that God is with us.
55:51 He will never leave you or forsake you.
55:53 Amen
55:55 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
55:57 It's been an exciting study.
55:58 Let's go through it and get some final remarks.
56:00 Sure.
56:01 You know, Ryan, something else that stood out to me
56:03 about this whole thing with Ahaz,
56:06 is that God hadn't given up on him,
56:08 even though he's such a wicked king,
56:11 he sent Isaiah the prophet to him
56:13 and he says, take heed, be quiet, do not fear.
56:16 So I don't know where you're at.
56:17 You may feel, you know what?
56:19 I'm so bad, God would never, you know what?
56:20 You're special to God.
56:22 So I want to encourage you today
56:23 to build that relationship,
56:24 to find God, to say,
56:26 let me find what You've got in Your Word,
56:27 because God loves you.
56:30 When God gives you
56:32 the privilege of asking for a sign,
56:34 Matthew 7:7,
56:36 "Ask and it shall be given,
56:38 seek and you will find,
56:40 knock and the door will be open."
56:43 Take advantage of the blessing
56:45 that God wants to put in your possession.
56:48 Amen.
56:49 Isaiah 41:10,
56:51 "Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed,
56:53 I am your God.
56:54 I will strengthen you, I will help you,
56:56 I will uphold you with my righteous right arm."
56:59 So if you're afraid today, if you're facing something
57:02 that seems insurmountable, the Lord Jesus will help you.
57:06 Listen, I love Isaiah 61.
57:09 And I'm gonna read verse 3
57:11 because it's talking about God being with us,
57:14 "To comfort all who mourn,
57:16 to console those who mourn in Zion,
57:18 to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning,
57:24 the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."
57:27 Boy, I'll take that wardrobe change any day,
57:30 "That they may be called trees of righteousness,
57:33 the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."
57:37 Praise the Lord. Thank you guys so much.
57:39 It was a special lesson
57:41 learning so much in how to trust in the Lord.
57:42 And we know sometimes God will send us trials.
57:45 He will allow us to go through that fire,
57:48 but He promises to indeed be with us.
57:51 We just need to learn to trust Him.
57:52 Don't be like King Ahaz, right? That's right.
57:54 Learn to trust in the Word of the Lord
57:56 because He is sure.
57:58 My friends, thank you so much for joining us this week.
58:00 Gotta come back next week though,
58:02 because we're going to be taking
58:03 on lesson four, entitled,
58:05 "The Hard Way."
58:06 We'll see you right back here.
58:08 God bless.


Revised 2022-01-07