3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Violating The Spirit of the Law

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190044A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:14 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth.
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Ezra and Nehemiah.
00:33 Hello. I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:34 And we welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:37 This quarter we are studying Ezra and Nehemiah.
00:41 And it's been so exciting.
00:43 We've looked at how Zerubbabel went
00:47 and took 50,000 people in the first wave
00:50 of the return of the exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem.
00:55 And then we looked at Ezra
00:57 and how he came to restore the Word of God.
01:01 This wonderful man of God taught the people,
01:04 how important God's Word is to their daily life.
01:08 And we're also considering Nehemiah,
01:10 who led the third wave.
01:12 And this was a man of God,
01:15 who was a prayer warrior and he rebuilt the wall.
01:19 Today is lesson number five,
01:21 and it is violating the spirit of the law.
01:26 So we know that they had a few problems.
01:28 If you would like your own Sabbath School quarterly,
01:32 you can go to the nearest local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:37 they'll be happy to give you one.
01:38 I'm sure they would even invite you
01:40 to stay and study with them.
01:42 Or you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org,
01:48 and download your personal copy.
01:50 Well, let me introduce our panel,
01:53 my brothers and sisters in Christ.
01:55 We have so much fun doing this series together.
01:59 And next to me is my precious friend, Jill Morikone,
02:02 who is the COO of 3ABN.
02:04 Welcome. Thank you, Shelley.
02:06 I love to study the Word of God with you.
02:07 Amen.
02:09 And then we have Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:11 Pastor, thank you for all you do for 3ABN.
02:15 I know you work full time.
02:16 And then you volunteer here and we appreciate you so much.
02:19 It's a quite a blessing.
02:20 Thank you. Amen.
02:22 And then my dear, dear friend,
02:24 Mollie Sue Steenson from Alabama.
02:27 You never know it.
02:28 She sounds like, she's from Boston.
02:31 Yeah, I tell people when they asked me,
02:32 where are you from?
02:34 I tell them, "New York City."
02:35 But they don't believe me for some reason.
02:39 Well, we thank you that you...
02:40 even though you're retired,
02:42 you still come back and join us for this panel.
02:46 And then my very own pastor and dear friend,
02:49 Pastor John Lomacang.
02:50 Always good to be here. I am from New York.
02:54 But we tell people you're from Alabama.
02:57 Okay. It's good to be here.
02:59 Well, before we begin,
03:00 Jill, would you like to have our prayer?
03:02 Sure.
03:03 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
03:05 And we just thank You for the gift of Your Word,
03:08 and the gift of Your Spirit.
03:10 Then we pray right now as we open up Your Word
03:12 that You would illuminate our hearts and minds,
03:15 that You would touch us with the convicting
03:19 and converting power that only You can do in Jesus' name.
03:23 Amen. Amen and amen.
03:24 And so what is the spirit of the law?
03:29 Anytime you hear someone say, the spirit of the law,
03:32 and it can be referring to God's law or even man's law.
03:35 It's talking about the original intent of the law.
03:40 And God's eternal moral law, the Ten Commandments,
03:44 and the temporary covenant that He...
03:46 the law that He gave to Moses,
03:49 that was written in the book of the covenant.
03:51 It wasn't just a written means to an end.
03:57 It included principles of righteousness
04:01 that God was trying to impart to His people,
04:04 and it was for the good of the community.
04:06 Now, it is possible
04:09 to keep the letter of the law
04:12 and ignore the spirit of the law.
04:15 But it is impossible to keep the spirit of the law
04:20 and ignore the letter of the law.
04:23 We first must learn to keep the letter of the law,
04:28 and then we evolve into understanding
04:32 the spirit of the law, we go deeper into it.
04:36 So it's our attitude and our approach to God's law.
04:41 It goes beyond just a list of do's and don'ts
04:44 is what we're saying here.
04:46 So, Israel's...
04:48 as far as Israel's actions, they were quite defective
04:52 in keeping the spirit of the law,
04:54 even the letter of the law, you could say.
04:57 They were blind to God's purposes,
05:00 they were selfish, they were thoughtless,
05:04 and obstinately deaf to His purposes.
05:08 But the heart of God revealed in His law, His wisdom.
05:14 And it was purposeful it had His spiritual purpose.
05:17 Isaiah 42:21 says this,
05:20 "The Lord is well pleased for his righteousness' sake,
05:24 he will exalt the law, and make it honorable."
05:28 And we see that when Jesus came,
05:30 He did just this.
05:31 He frequently referred to the Sabbath,
05:34 about it being the day of worship,
05:36 the day of rest,
05:38 a time for fellowship with family and friends.
05:41 And he showed us that it was a time for good deeds.
05:44 And then on the Sermon on the Mount,
05:45 He showed us that even lust is considered adultery.
05:50 Hatred is considered murder.
05:52 So He came to exalt the law.
05:56 So in our lesson in Nehemiah,
05:58 we're going to look at Nehemiah 5.
06:01 What's happening?
06:02 Nehemiah is confronting the people
06:05 because they are breaking the spirit of the law.
06:09 And the rich Jews were taking advantage
06:12 of the plight of the poor Jews.
06:16 They were charging usury,
06:19 and that was against the law for Israel actually.
06:21 So Nehemiah comes in and he boldly defends the law
06:26 and he confronts them to return
06:29 what they have confiscated from the poor.
06:31 So that gets us to our memory text,
06:33 Nehemiah 5:11, Nehemiah 5:11.
06:39 "Restore now to them, even this day, their lands,
06:42 their vineyards, their olive groves,
06:45 and their houses,
06:46 also a hundredth of the money and the grain,
06:49 the new wine and the oil, that you have charged them."
06:53 So, basically what this lesson is doing
06:55 is it highlights this ongoing struggle
06:59 of the rich getting richer
07:01 by taking advantage of the poor and oppressing them.
07:05 And Nehemiah is going to deal with this problem.
07:10 It existed before the exile
07:12 and unfortunately it reappears when they return.
07:17 I wanted to read one quick thing
07:18 from the Sabbath School Panel.
07:21 It says, "Be careful..."
07:23 Sabbath School Quarterly, ha, ha, thank you.
07:26 It says, "Be careful not to let rules
07:29 and regulations become an end in and of themselves,
07:34 rather than a means to the end,
07:35 which is to reflect the character of Jesus."
07:39 That's the spirit of the law
07:41 reflecting the character of Jesus.
07:43 So, let's look at Monday's lesson.
07:47 It starts out in Nehemiah 5, and let me set the stage.
07:51 Times were difficult on the outside of the city,
07:54 they had constant oppression from their enemies,
07:58 the opposition was bad,
08:01 then there were devastating economic conditions
08:04 because they had crop failures that was adding to the problem.
08:07 But united under the leadership of Nehemiah,
08:12 the Jewish community was withstanding
08:16 these outside assaults.
08:19 And they were working to rebuild the city wall.
08:22 This meant though that the workers
08:25 who were working on the wall
08:27 couldn't be out in the fields to work,
08:30 to get food to support their family.
08:34 So what many of them lacked the necessities of life
08:39 and then with the crop failures on top of it,
08:41 and Persian taxation,
08:43 this was making the poor families
08:45 seek help from the richer Jews.
08:49 And the leaders were exploiting these people for selfish gain.
08:54 So it was all against God's principle of community
08:59 and brotherhood.
09:01 So here comes Nehemiah.
09:05 And I have to say something.
09:07 What was going on in the community
09:10 was worse on morale
09:13 than that outside opposition, you know.
09:16 So Nehemiah knows that the community is broken inside,
09:20 the families are crying out for a relief.
09:22 And let's look at Nehemiah 5:1.
09:25 "There was a great outcry of the people
09:28 and their wives against their Jewish brethren."
09:30 Now these were either Jews who'd become wealthy in exile
09:33 or maybe they were descendants of the Jews
09:36 who had come in during the first wave
09:41 under Zerubbabel
09:42 and they maybe had an established business.
09:45 Verse 2, says, "For there were those who said,
09:48 'We, our sons, and our daughters are many,
09:51 therefore let us get grain, that we may eat and live.'"
09:55 So this first group is the landless poor.
09:58 The husband's normally worked out in the fields
10:00 as day laborers.
10:02 And right now they quit
10:03 because they were working on the wall.
10:06 Verse 3, says, "There were also some who said,
10:09 'We have mortgaged our lands and vineyards and houses,
10:12 that we might buy grain because of the famine.'"
10:16 So they were mortgaging their property to survive.
10:19 And normally that debt would be paid off at harvest time.
10:23 But because there was a famine,
10:25 and because the men were working on the wall,
10:27 they were facing foreclosure.
10:30 Then verse 4,
10:31 "There were also those who said,
10:33 'We have borrowed money for the king's tax
10:36 on our lands and vineyards.'
10:37 Yet now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren,
10:40 our children as their children,
10:41 indeed we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves,
10:45 and some of our daughters have been brought into slavery.
10:48 It is not in our power to redeem them,
10:51 for other men have our lands and our vineyards."
10:55 So this third group was mortgaging their property,
11:00 their fields, their vineyards
11:02 and their homes to pay the mandatory taxes.
11:06 And the historian Herodotus said,
11:10 "It was 350 pieces of silver annually."
11:13 So these people couldn't pay these taxes
11:17 and what they would do,
11:19 it was customary that they would sell their children
11:22 into the service of the creditor
11:27 in order to work off the debt.
11:29 And then once again,
11:31 they could at any time usually at harvest time
11:34 redeem their children.
11:36 But they couldn't right now.
11:38 They couldn't buy their children back from slavery.
11:41 So the gap between the rich
11:45 and the poor is growing wider.
11:49 And as that is stretching the social fabric,
11:53 it is fraying and our Sabbath School Quarterly says this,
11:58 "There are times in life
11:59 when we find ourselves in trouble
12:01 because of the consequences of our own actions.
12:04 Of course, there are also times
12:07 we end up sick or in financial straits
12:10 due to no fault of our own."
12:12 The story of Nehemiah 5,
12:15 recounts a time when government policies
12:18 disadvantaged the people, leading to intensified poverty.
12:24 They were caught in the spiral of deepening poverty
12:30 with no way out.
12:32 So we see that Nehemiah, who was a wonderful leader,
12:37 a humble man,
12:39 we're going to see how he reacts to this outcry.
12:45 It was truly a moral travesty,
12:49 because people were not following
12:52 God's righteous principles,
12:55 the spirit of the law.
12:57 Jill, I think you have Monday's?
13:00 Thank you so much, Shelley.
13:01 What an incredible job,
13:03 good foundation for the issues
13:05 that they were dealing with their inside the family,
13:07 you could say, not external pressure,
13:09 but this is looking at internal.
13:11 And the three issues
13:12 specifically that they were encountering.
13:14 In Nehemiah Chapter 5,
13:15 I do have Monday's lesson against the spirit of the law.
13:19 And I have three verses here that we'll be looking at,
13:22 Nehemiah 5:6-8.
13:25 And that covers the beginning
13:27 as it were of Nehemiah's response
13:30 and then the rest of the panel
13:31 will take the rest of Nehemiah 5.
13:33 You know, the story is told of a man
13:35 who heard his daughter
13:37 and her friends arguing loudly in the backyard.
13:41 So he let it go on for a while, and then he thought,
13:44 I better go, Pastor Kenny, and do something about this.
13:47 So he went to the backyard to intervene and she said,
13:49 "But, Daddy, we were just playing church."
13:53 You know, the church is sometimes marked
13:57 more by disagreement than by fellowship.
14:02 When Satan found he could not destroy the church
14:04 by persecution, he tried to join it.
14:08 And you see some of that taking place here.
14:10 Shelley, already laid such a wonderful foundation
14:12 in Nehemiah Chapter 5.
14:14 Nehemiah 4, they encountered external problems, right?
14:18 The enemies came against them as a people,
14:21 as a church as they were seeking to build the wall.
14:24 Nehemiah 6, again is external problems,
14:27 although there was a bit of internal problem
14:28 in Nehemiah 6, as we saw last week.
14:31 But Nehemiah 5 specifically deals
14:33 with the internal problems that they had,
14:36 you could say as a church.
14:38 The community was broken from the inside.
14:43 There was the famine, there was the tax,
14:45 there was the slavery.
14:47 Those are all external,
14:48 but the internal issue is greed and exploitation,
14:53 and not following the spirit of the law.
14:57 Charging interest and selling fellow Jews as slaves,
15:01 not having enough food to feed their families,
15:03 mortgaging properties, all of that,
15:05 borrowing money for the Persian tax
15:07 and not being able to pay it
15:09 and then having your children become slaves.
15:11 So let's read our three verses here.
15:14 And then I wanna unpack that
15:15 and look specifically at resolving conflicts biblically.
15:20 So we're gonna read, we're in Nehemiah 5:6-8.
15:25 Nehemiah, "And I became very angry
15:29 when I heard their outcry and these words.
15:31 After serious thought,
15:33 I rebuked the nobles and rulers,
15:36 and said to them, 'Each of you is exacting usury
15:39 from his brother.'
15:41 " Usury being interest.
15:42 We're going to look at that in just a moment.
15:44 "So I called a great assembly against them.
15:47 And I said to them, 'According to our ability
15:49 we have redeemed our Jewish brethren
15:50 who were sold to the nations.
15:52 Now indeed, will you even sell your brethren?
15:57 Or should they be sold to us?'"
15:59 So let's look first of all at the interest.
16:01 I want to look at biblical counsel
16:04 what was in the Word of God,
16:06 what they had already in the Word of God.
16:08 Regarding interest, Exodus 22.
16:11 We'll look at a couple different verses.
16:13 Exodus 22:25.
16:16 "If you lend money to any of My people
16:18 who are poor among you,
16:20 you shall not be like a moneylender to them,
16:22 you shall not charge him interest."
16:26 Also, Leviticus 25:36-37.
16:30 "Take no usury or interest from him,
16:33 but fear your God,
16:34 that your brother may live with you.
16:36 You shall not lend him your money for usury,
16:38 nor lend him your food at a profit."
16:41 Now in case there's any question here
16:43 that they're not supposed to charge interest.
16:46 We look at Deuteronomy 23:19-20.
16:49 "You shall not charge interest to your brother,
16:52 interest on money or food or anything
16:54 that is lent out at interest.
16:56 To a foreigner you may charge interest."
16:59 That means to someone not of the church,
17:02 someone not of the Jewish community.
17:03 "To a foreigner you can charge interest
17:05 but to your brother you shall not charge interest,
17:09 that the Lord your God may bless you
17:11 in all to which you set your hand in the land
17:13 which you are entering to possess."
17:16 Now let's look at one scripture regarding slavery
17:18 and then we'll unpack this.
17:20 Exodus 21:12.
17:23 If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years,
17:28 and in the seventh, he should go out free
17:30 and pay nothing.
17:32 If he comes in by himself, he should go out by himself.
17:35 If he comes in married,
17:37 then his wife shall go out with him.
17:39 There was this principle put in,
17:43 God had put in as counsel as regulations
17:46 for the children of Israel,
17:48 that they were not to have this disparity
17:50 as you talked about, Shelley,
17:51 between the rich and the poor,
17:52 because they're not charging interest of their brother.
17:54 And if there was a slave on the seventh year,
17:57 they were supposed to set them free.
17:59 And that provides that equalization as it were.
18:03 The Jews were charging as we looked down in verse 11.
18:06 In the lesson indicated 1% interest per month
18:10 or 12% annually.
18:12 Now that was way less than the Mesopotamians charged,
18:16 they charged 50% for silver.
18:18 Can you imagine, 50% interest?
18:21 I can't even fathom that.
18:22 It sounds like some credit cards now-a-day.
18:24 It does, and they charge 100% for grain annually.
18:27 So the Jews could have been patting themselves
18:29 on the back, right?
18:30 We're only doing 12% annually.
18:32 But it was still against
18:34 what they were supposed to be doing.
18:36 They weren't supposed to charge their brother any interest,
18:38 it's against the spirit of the law.
18:40 So let's look at resolving conflicts, biblically.
18:44 Bring complaints to leadership.
18:47 This is for the members
18:48 and then the rest we're gonna look at it
18:50 from a leader's perspective, but this is for members.
18:52 Bring complaints to leadership and obviously,
18:55 somehow it got to Nehemiah.
18:57 I don't know if someone actually physically
18:59 went to Nehemiah and said,
19:00 "This is what's going on amongst the people right now."
19:02 Or whether he just heard about it through hearsay,
19:05 but somehow it got to Nehemiah.
19:07 You know, often we bring complaint, Shelley,
19:09 to everyone except leadership.
19:11 We just say, I wanna see
19:12 if other people feel the same way
19:13 I do about this situation.
19:15 I just really need to air my feelings right now.
19:17 And you're a good sounding board for me.
19:20 The leaders' too busy
19:21 and I don't think they're gonna listen to me anyway.
19:23 But no, the biblical model
19:26 is to bring those complaints to leadership.
19:28 Let's look at what Nehemiah as a leader did.
19:31 The rest of this council for resolving conflicts
19:34 is dealing with the leader.
19:36 First, take time to hear the complaint.
19:40 Nehemiah could have said, "You know what?
19:42 I'm busy building the wall.
19:44 We're hardly even taking time to sleep."
19:45 We're working so hard, Miss Mollie, I don't know.
19:48 I don't have time.
19:50 But no, take time to hear the complaint
19:52 to realize the seriousness
19:54 of what people bring before you.
19:56 Second is take action.
19:59 Not just sit back and hear the complaint,
20:01 but take action.
20:03 Underneath that,
20:04 I see that he had some righteous
20:06 anger going on here.
20:08 It said, we already read it, that he became very angry.
20:13 The original word means to burn or be kindled with anger.
20:19 Righteous anger is never about self, Pastor John.
20:22 It's never about my own feelings.
20:25 They were hurt, and so I'm angry.
20:26 That's not a righteous anger.
20:28 That's all about self and pride.
20:30 Righteous anger is about injustice for others.
20:34 It's about standing up for wrongs
20:36 that need to be righted in the sense of Jesus
20:38 going into the money changers and throwing them out,
20:41 because there was a wrong that needed to be righted.
20:44 In addition,
20:46 he coupled that with self control.
20:48 Did you notice that he said here,
20:50 in verse 7, it says, "After serious thought,"
20:53 and then it goes on what he did.
20:55 So he initially got angry
20:57 about what's going on in the oppression of the poor,
20:59 but he didn't react out of anger,
21:02 he exercised self control
21:03 and he took time before responding.
21:07 Proverbs 16:32,
21:10 "He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
21:14 And he who rules his spirit than he who captures a city."
21:18 The next thing I see he did as he's taking action
21:21 is he did a private confrontation
21:23 and then a public confrontation.
21:26 The private confrontation started first.
21:28 And that would be
21:29 what we call the Matthew 18 principle.
21:32 You go to the person first before you do anything public.
21:36 And we see that he did that.
21:37 It says, "After serious thought,
21:39 I rebuke the nobles and rulers."
21:41 So he talked to the leadership first,
21:44 before he called a general assembly
21:46 and dealt with the whole issue.
21:47 He first went to the nobles and leaders.
21:51 Sometimes we have that anger
21:53 and it might not always be righteous,
21:54 I'm just being honest with you.
21:56 In my case, it might not be.
21:57 So we have that anger
21:59 and then you might take some time to cool off,
22:01 and then what happens?
22:02 You say, I guess it wasn't a big deal,
22:03 and I just want to address it.
22:05 No.
22:06 Sometimes if you wait,
22:07 and maybe you're not as hard on with the collar,
22:09 and you think it's not an issue,
22:10 but it still needs to be addressed.
22:13 So he did the private confrontation with the leaders.
22:16 Then he did the public confrontation,
22:18 because in verse 7, it says,
22:20 "He called a great assembly,
22:22 all the people came together to address the issue."
22:25 Finally, the last point, he addressed the issues.
22:30 He didn't sweep them under the carpet.
22:31 He didn't say, well,
22:33 we're just not gonna deal with it.
22:34 And he said in verse 7,
22:36 "Each of you is exacting usury from his brother."
22:39 So he told them clearly,
22:40 you are charging interest
22:41 and you're not supposed to be doing that.
22:43 And then in verse 8,
22:44 he addressed the other issue of them
22:46 selling their brothers and sisters as slaves.
22:49 He said, "We redeem the Jewish brethren
22:52 from the other nations,
22:54 and yet you're selling your own brothers and sisters
22:56 to each other as slaves."
22:59 Now, the rest of what he did,
23:00 I can't address because that comes in the next day.
23:03 But I love that Nehemiah was a man of God
23:07 that he thought and he prayed
23:10 and then he took action.
23:12 Amen. Very good.
23:14 Well, we are going to take a short break,
23:17 and we will return in just a moment.
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23:55 You know, I always love to hear Jill.
23:57 I really appreciated that conflict resolution
24:01 and what you, how your mind works
24:04 as you're reading this scripture
24:05 to pull out these principles for us.
24:07 Now we are going to Kenny Shelton...
24:10 Pastor Kenny Shelton who will do Nehemiah acts?
24:14 You know, to me that's quite a challenge.
24:16 You know, when you get to that,
24:17 there comes a time when we have to act.
24:21 It comes a time when situations
24:22 whether it be in the church or in the home,
24:24 individual life.
24:26 You talk about things, you try to work them out,
24:28 you compromise.
24:30 You know, you do whatever you think to work something out
24:33 and then there comes time that we act as so,
24:36 here Nehemiah had come to that point,
24:39 and the good foundation that both of you laid
24:42 is also the foundation most of mine.
24:46 So, that it's good to repeat,
24:48 it's good to go over
24:50 but also it brings into the point
24:51 that Nehemiah had to do something about it.
24:54 He felt convicted of God to do something.
24:56 I think, this is all personal we can look at.
24:58 It comes the time like one of the message
25:00 you can't just put it aside,
25:02 you can't dismiss it,
25:04 while you're a little aggravated,
25:05 you could have said something or you've cool down.
25:07 Now you're not gonna say anything.
25:09 But it's an issue that needs to be dealt with.
25:12 And some of it, I think,
25:13 you brought out first of all was the letter of the law.
25:15 I like to just read a passage scripture
25:17 because I think I'm gonna incorporate that.
25:19 If I have time, I'll tell a little story on myself.
25:21 And I'll let the panel decide
25:23 whether I was the letter of the law
25:26 or whether I was of the spirit of the law.
25:29 We'll make a decision on that. Okay.
25:30 I'm gonna read this right here.
25:32 Everybody have to judge,
25:34 I'm gonna let you be the judge, okay?
25:35 So you can say, he's guilty or he's innocent.
25:37 It's been a long time ago.
25:39 You repented.
25:41 Well, if it's wrong, the text,
25:44 I wanna consider just 2 Corinthians 3:6.
25:47 2 Corinthians 3:6.
25:50 Now again, we're talking about
25:52 the violation of the spirit of the law here, right here.
25:55 I'm gonna read that, 2 Corinthians 3:6,
25:57 so have your Bibles turn along with,
25:59 it says, "Who also hath made us
26:01 able ministers of the new testament,
26:04 not of the letter,
26:07 but of the spirit: for the letter killeth,
26:11 but the spirit giveth life."
26:13 So it's a little bit deeper than okay, we're just not...
26:15 that talks about here the letter does what?
26:18 It'll kill you.
26:19 The letter here simply any kind of grammar,
26:21 anything that's may be written in a letter form,
26:24 but if it's not taken the right way
26:26 from the right motives of the heart,
26:28 it can kill you.
26:29 you know, a lot of people you don't die immediately,
26:31 but you die a little bit daily from the things that are said,
26:34 some of the things that are done here
26:36 or misapplied.
26:37 Romans 5:10 said,
26:39 "We shall be saved by his life."
26:42 The Spirit gives what?
26:44 Spirit gives life
26:45 and we shall be saved by Jesus
26:47 talking about his life, Romans 5:10.
26:50 Here, Paul, in this passage
26:51 that we're looking at 2 Corinthians 3:6,
26:54 I like the way he does it.
26:55 He does it in Chapters 6-18, or verses 6-18.
27:01 He predicts a contrast
27:04 between the letter and the spirit
27:06 and there is a big contrast
27:08 between the letter and of the spirit.
27:09 Romans 2:27-28.
27:12 I'm just saying that so you can jot them down
27:14 and move right on, Romans 7:6,
27:16 jot them all down.
27:18 Because one refers to the outward,
27:20 you know, and then one's mentioned to the inward.
27:23 So we're dealing with two different things here.
27:25 So Paul wants to get real clear to the people
27:27 because there's always a misuse
27:30 it seems like when you think about
27:32 when you mentioned letter, some people get tight.
27:35 When you mentioned law, some people get tight,
27:38 you know, it's the way that it is
27:39 because maybe background
27:41 or maybe it's just something they think
27:43 they have learned or that they know.
27:45 But I'm also to agree the spirit gives life,
27:47 I like that.
27:49 God intended in Judaism,
27:52 to have someone mentioned here,
27:54 "both" that means both the letter of the law
27:57 and also be the spirit of the law.
28:01 The formal creature,
28:03 Paul was right in the midst of a big discussion.
28:07 And he could spend hours doing it.
28:09 Big discussion of about that the formal things
28:12 that took place about the rules and regulations
28:16 all that's not bad.
28:17 But yet, you know, people, we don't like rules right away,
28:19 but we do without them.
28:21 You see an overbalance of them and stepping beyond that
28:24 which God has ordained
28:25 which we're talking about in this lesson.
28:27 We get ourselves into trouble here.
28:29 And so Paul mentioned as he said,
28:31 the Jewish priesthood, as it passed away,
28:34 became what like it, it really is a dead letter,
28:37 even though it's still good,
28:38 even though as far as you know,
28:40 there's principles and things that we can learn from.
28:42 He said, it's really rules and regulations.
28:44 But the contrast that of Christian ministers
28:47 here is of the Spirit of God.
28:50 So there's to me, there's a big difference.
28:52 Paul had been educated quickly on the spot,
28:55 have been educated on number one,
28:57 I think really, to the letter of the law.
29:00 When you say he was, I mean,
29:01 he was hard-nosed about the letter of the law,
29:04 but when the spirit of life got a hold of him,
29:07 when the Holy Spirit got a hold of him,
29:09 changed his life, changed his thinking.
29:11 All of a sudden, he's thinking, letter of law,
29:15 what about the letter of law?
29:16 It made all good,
29:18 but has nothing to do with my salvation.
29:20 So the letter of the law, what does a person do with it?
29:24 Here, there was overreaching,
29:26 here there was plain in Scripture,
29:29 of what should have taken place.
29:31 I don't know about it, Pastor John,
29:33 but a lot of times I've seen things
29:34 it's just as clear to me, to you.
29:37 As clear as the bail I read in Scripture,
29:39 and yet someone else reads it
29:40 and they're going off the deep end somewhere over here.
29:42 I said, we just do what it said here by the grace of God,
29:46 we would not be having these issues.
29:49 So anytime we deviate from that
29:51 we're going to have issues always
29:53 because God's gonna bring us back to center,
29:56 I believe.
29:57 He always does.
29:59 I had it, and I got more.
30:00 But there was one thing I thought was interesting.
30:03 Many, many years ago, I built a house for a guy.
30:06 Now this is where we sit in the judgment seat.
30:08 Bless your heart and I love you for
30:10 where I'm guilty or innocent.
30:11 It's okay.
30:13 But anyway,
30:14 and I'm looking at the letter of the law,
30:16 I'm looking at the spirit because in the letter
30:17 there's a contract.
30:20 There's an agreement.
30:22 So even in that there's agreement,
30:23 and if we stick by the agreement,
30:24 isn't it okay?
30:26 Well, this year, I had no idea, building a house in LA
30:29 and the guy when he's buying is all of his own materials.
30:32 And so he was responsible.
30:33 So he went the lumberyard.
30:34 He ordered all these trusses,
30:36 but he found out they're little higher
30:37 and what he thought so he came to me,
30:38 he says, as a contractor, now,
30:40 could you get those cheaper for me?
30:42 I said, I don't know.
30:43 But I'll sure try to save you the money.
30:46 And so I just went in there saying about
30:48 I just said I'd like to wear so many trusses...
30:50 And sure enough,
30:52 the lumberyard gave a $300 discount.
30:56 So I went back to the man
30:57 and I said well praise the Lord $300.
31:00 The man said he'd given to me.
31:01 So you know, he said, Oh, that's brought us savings.
31:04 Praise God. So that's good, man.
31:07 I get the savings right.
31:08 I said, All right, well, absolutely $300,
31:10 what he sign down here
31:12 and I'll just pass that on to you.
31:14 So I pass that savings on to him.
31:16 He was very happy.
31:17 That was our agreement.
31:18 That was our arrangement.
31:20 If I could save your money, I would.
31:21 And the amount and laid it all out.
31:23 I went the letter, right?
31:26 And then, you know, here's what I found out.
31:28 I found out the next month billing
31:32 that the lumberyard went ahead and discounted me 10% more.
31:38 No, take them all down say, well now.
31:42 Ten more...
31:43 I had to enter some dealing here is going to set now what?
31:46 The letter of the law, the agreement,
31:48 the contract with the amount was all agreed upon.
31:51 I didn't know about the other,
31:53 you see, the motives be clear, clean.
31:56 And so, you know,
31:57 I didn't realize that next month.
31:59 But before I could say,
32:01 I don't know that I was even going to say
32:04 because I never had thought about that myself.
32:05 I don't pay much attention that we're going,
32:06 going, going all the time.
32:08 But he came to me.
32:09 He drove up in the car said get in the car with me.
32:11 I went, well, this is good.
32:12 I gotten in the car with me.
32:14 And he started telling me, he said, you done me wrong.
32:18 You profess to be a Christian, and you've done me wrong.
32:21 You cheated me.
32:24 I went to shock.
32:25 Wow.
32:26 How did I cheat you?
32:28 He said because I found out
32:29 you got a discount above what you said you'd give me.
32:33 I said yes, I did.
32:36 I didn't know to begin with.
32:37 I just got what they gave me and paper
32:39 and I showed it to you.
32:40 He said, no, you cheated me and just so happened,
32:43 bless his heart.
32:44 He had an accident and he just had one leg.
32:48 And so he looked at me and he pad his leg like that.
32:53 Like are you taking advantage of me because I'm disabled.
32:57 I felt like a heel.
32:58 I had tears in my eyes.
32:59 And it wasn't my intention at all to do that to him.
33:02 So I looked at the...
33:03 We had an agreement.
33:05 We had this, the letter was there.
33:08 But do I go along with that letter?
33:11 Do I let the Holy Spirit speak to me and say, Kenny,
33:16 this man has made some accusations.
33:18 He's talking about Christ who's supposed to live in you,
33:22 even though you didn't realize it here.
33:24 I looked at that man.
33:25 And I said, Well, I'll be more than happy
33:28 to give you what they gave me.
33:30 But we're tempted to admit,
33:32 I think it was $100 what it was.
33:34 He said, well, you're not gonna do that.
33:36 You're not gonna do that. Why would you give it to me?
33:37 I say because it's the right thing to do,
33:39 because evidently we have misunderstanding.
33:41 And I want to go beyond what the letter of the law
33:44 and I want to do this right spiritual thing.
33:48 And the man got really happy.
33:50 He shed tears.
33:52 I shed tears.
33:53 We learned over that.
33:54 And I wanna be, you know, on the spiritual side of it.
33:57 Amen, brother.
33:59 Amen. That's my story.
34:00 I'm sticking to it.
34:02 That's a good story.
34:04 Thank you, Pastor Kenny.
34:06 Well, I've got Wednesday and we're looking at the oath
34:10 and we're in Nehemiah 5:12-13.
34:17 Now, Nehemiah was dealing
34:20 with a heart problem in his country.
34:24 When he saw what was going on,
34:27 and he heard of the cruel oppression, he...
34:30 What does it say, he became?
34:32 Angry. He was very angry.
34:35 But as Jill pointed out,
34:37 he didn't react off of his anger.
34:40 He and we should never react out of our anger
34:44 but he did act.
34:45 So the problem was and that's being lined out,
34:50 it's was oppression,
34:51 mistreatment at the less fortunate
34:54 by the stronger and that's an age old problem.
34:57 Do you know it's a problem that still exist today?
35:00 Yes.
35:01 The strong mistreating the weak.
35:03 The outward trappings were obvious,
35:07 but it revealed a deep seated problem
35:10 in the heart of man,
35:12 a deep seated problem in the heart of God's people.
35:16 A simple verbal admonishment
35:19 wasn't sufficient to make a change,
35:22 nor was a simple acknowledgement
35:25 on the part of the people
35:27 that they shouldn't do what they were doing.
35:29 And I want us to look now,
35:31 Nehemiah dealt strongly with them.
35:34 And here's their response.
35:36 So we're in Nehemiah 5:13-13.
35:40 So they said,
35:43 after Nehemiah whined out their shortcomings
35:48 and what they were doing
35:49 and how they were mistreating the people.
35:51 Here is how they responded to him.
35:53 "So they said, what?
35:55 'We will restore,
35:57 and will require nothing from them,
36:01 we will do as you say.'"
36:02 You see, all Nehemiah was doing
36:04 was bringing them back
36:06 to what the Lord had already shown them they should do.
36:09 He wasn't giving them a new law.
36:12 He was telling them just do what we know to do.
36:18 "Then I called the priests, and required an oath from them
36:22 that they would do according to this promise."
36:25 Verse 13,
36:26 "Then I shook out the fold of my garment and said,
36:29 'So may God shake out each man from his house,
36:33 and from his property,
36:35 who does not perform this promise.
36:38 Even thus may he be shaken out and emptied.'
36:42 And all the assembly said, 'Amen!'
36:45 and praised the Lord.
36:47 Then the people did according to this promise.'"
36:50 Now, he takes it further.
36:54 Have you ever heard the saying that words are cheap?
36:57 Anybody ever been promised something
37:00 and it didn't come to pass?
37:02 Somebody gives you their word
37:05 that they're gonna do something but they don't.
37:07 Words can be cheap, can they not, okay.
37:10 Even though the leaders agreed to restore
37:14 and give back what they had taken.
37:17 Nehemiah isn't satisfied with mere words.
37:21 And we're gonna look at words here in a minute.
37:23 He needed solid proof.
37:26 Therefore he makes them swearing oath
37:30 before the pray staff swearing
37:33 before the priests carry weight,
37:36 it made the proceedings a legally binding
37:41 valid enforceable action.
37:45 They swore an oath before the priest.
37:49 And it became a legal action.
37:51 But then he goes one step further.
37:55 He pronounces a curse against anyone
37:58 who doesn't carry through with the promise,
38:01 not only would there be legal consequences,
38:05 there would also be retribution from God
38:09 if they didn't do what they promised
38:12 that they would do.
38:14 And remember where,
38:17 when God in the prayer of Nehemiah,
38:21 he put him in remembrance of the covenant.
38:23 And he said,
38:25 "You said that if we were disobedient,
38:28 you would scatter us."
38:29 And what they were disobedient, what happened?
38:32 God scattered them.
38:33 But if we are obedient, you're gonna do what?
38:36 Gather us back together.
38:38 So with this there is retribution
38:44 to them being disobedient,
38:46 if they're obedient, all is well,
38:48 but if they are disobedient, something gonna happen.
38:52 So let's look at this.
38:53 Now Nehemiah in verse 13, he gives him a visual aid.
39:00 Jill, you teach a lot.
39:01 Do you like to use visual aids?
39:03 And I know you do.
39:04 What do the visual aids do?
39:06 It imprints it more strongly on the mind.
39:10 You're not as apt to forget the crux of the teaching
39:14 if you've got a visual aid to imprint it.
39:17 So here is the visual aid.
39:21 "Then I shook out the fold of my garment,"
39:24 he shakes out the fold of his garment
39:26 there's the visual aid.
39:28 "And said, 'So may God shake out each man from his house."
39:32 Jill, if you get shaken out from your house, what happens?
39:37 That's really rough if you're outside.
39:38 Yeah, here she has.
39:40 And from his property,
39:41 "Gets shaken out from his property,
39:45 who does not perform this promise.
39:47 Even thus may he be shaken out and emptied."
39:51 Wow, now that's a curse.
39:53 In other words, if you don't fulfill this promise,
39:57 you will lose everything yourself.
39:59 You know, what was the promise?
40:01 The promise was to restore.
40:03 The promise was to quit charging usury.
40:06 The promise was to return the children.
40:09 Okay.
40:10 The keeping of the promise
40:12 to restore all that had been taken
40:14 from their fellow countrymen,
40:15 their land, their vineyards, their olive groves,
40:19 their houses, the money,
40:20 the grain and release the slaves
40:23 they had made of their people was so important to Nehemiah
40:28 that he used drastic measures,
40:31 a twofold persuasion,
40:34 both an oath, now what did the oath do?
40:37 Made it legally binding,
40:40 oath of promise before God
40:43 and pronounced a curse from God,
40:45 if they didn't fulfill the promise.
40:48 Okay.
40:49 Let's look at what a legally binding
40:52 the authority of an oath is.
40:56 Have any you ever taken an oath?
40:58 Oh, yeah. Okay.
41:00 Now what is an oath?
41:01 An oath is a solemn promise,
41:05 often invoking a divine witness
41:07 regarding one's future actions or behavior,
41:10 there's your oath.
41:12 Now, in court any of you have had to swear in court?
41:18 I guess this is true,
41:19 even I think in taking depositions
41:21 and that sort of thing, you have to swear an oath.
41:23 What does the bailiff say to you,
41:26 or have you say?
41:28 I promise to tell the truth,
41:32 the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
41:35 Wow.
41:38 And what happens if you don't tell the truth?
41:42 What is that called?
41:43 What is it called if you don't tell the truth?
41:45 False witnesses.
41:46 False witnesses is called, you perjured yourself.
41:49 Now, here in the United States, in the States,
41:54 if you perjured yourself there is a penalty,
41:56 there's a financial penalty
41:58 and you could serve time in jail.
42:00 Now that's in the states, in a federal court,
42:03 if you perjure yourself, it comes with a five...
42:07 the possibility of a five year sentence in prison.
42:10 I mean, there are consequences to breaking that oath,
42:14 to perjuring yourself.
42:16 Now I want us to look at...
42:18 and that's talking about a natural oath.
42:20 Let's look at the sanctity
42:24 of the oath that is given by God.
42:26 Now this is how seriously God takes oath that to Him.
42:31 And, Shelley, I've got you in Numbers 30:1-2,
42:36 will you read that for me, please?
42:37 Numbers 30:1-2.
42:39 "Then Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes
42:41 concerning the children of Israel, saying,
42:44 'This is the thing which the Lord has commanded:
42:47 If a man makes a vow to the Lord,
42:49 or swears an oath to bind himself
42:51 by some agreement,
42:53 he shall not break his word,
42:56 he shall do according to all that proceeds
42:59 out of his mouth.'"
43:01 He shall not break his word.
43:02 I had this looking at Deuteronomy,
43:04 but I think I'm gonna skip Deuteronomy
43:07 and that it says if you break your vow,
43:11 and it would be sin to you, but, Kenny,
43:13 I've got you in Ecclesiastes 5:4-5.
43:18 It says, "When thou vowest a vow unto God,
43:20 defer not to pay it,
43:22 for he hath no pleasure in fools:
43:24 pay that which thou hast vowed.
43:26 Better is it that thou shouldest not vow,
43:29 than that thou shouldest vow and not pay."
43:31 Or is it six? Yeah.
43:33 No, that's it.
43:35 What does he call someone that doesn't fulfill the vow?
43:37 He calls him a fool.
43:38 Okay, there is power in our work.
43:41 Speech is a powerful gift from God.
43:44 There is power of death and life in our tongue.
43:48 He who guards...
43:49 Proverbs 13:3,
43:51 "He who guards his mouth preserves his life."
43:54 So my encouragement to each of us today
43:57 is watch the words that we say be careful,
44:00 don't make a vow
44:01 unless you've got every intention of fulfilling it.
44:05 Amen. Pastor John.
44:06 You guys, you know what I like about coming last
44:08 is I get to glean off of all of you.
44:11 Thank you, so much for the example.
44:12 We're gonna go to Thursday now, Nehemiah as example.
44:16 And I'm going to read very quickly verses 14-19,
44:19 because the situation here arose
44:21 that really troubled Nehemiah.
44:23 They troubled him because he began to see
44:24 in the lives of those around him,
44:27 that they were doing things
44:28 that Nehemiah thought were not only underhanded,
44:32 but burdensome and unjust.
44:35 And Nehemiah is example
44:37 is one that really carries a lot of weight with it.
44:39 I think we all should follow that.
44:42 And let's start with verse 14 of Nehemiah Chapter 5.
44:46 "Moreover, from the time
44:47 that I was appointed to be their governor
44:49 in the land of Judah,
44:51 from the twentieth year until the thirty-second year
44:53 of King Artaxerxes, twelve years,
44:56 neither I nor my brothers ate the governor's provisions.
45:00 But the former governors
45:02 who were before me laid burdens on the people,
45:06 and took from them bread and wine,
45:08 besides forty shekels of silver.
45:10 Yes, even their servants bore rule over the people,
45:15 but I did not do so, because of the fear of God."
45:19 "Indeed, Verse 16,
45:21 I also continued the work on this wall,
45:23 and we did not buy any land.
45:26 All my servants were gathered there for the work.
45:29 And at my table were one hundred and fifty Jews
45:32 and rulers, besides those who came to us
45:35 from the nations around us.
45:37 Now that which was prepared daily was one ox
45:40 and six choice sheep.
45:41 Also fowls were prepared for me,
45:44 and once every ten days
45:45 an abundance of all kinds of wine.
45:48 Yet in spite of this
45:50 I did not demand the governor's provisions,
45:53 because the bondage was heavy on this people.
45:57 Remember me, my God, for good,
46:00 according to all that I have done
46:03 for this people."
46:04 I love those examples.
46:06 Nehemiah saw that the burdens
46:08 that were being the benefits to him
46:12 meant burdens to others.
46:14 And sometimes I like the fact here,
46:16 the question was,
46:17 what reason does Nehemiah give
46:20 for not demanding the governor's provisions
46:23 or fees from the people?
46:25 He said it was a burden.
46:26 It was costing them too much,
46:28 it was making life difficult for them.
46:30 And I think about it, Mollie, and one of the points
46:32 I brought out is Nehemiah set an example
46:35 by not taking the governor's provision.
46:37 There are times when our conveniences
46:41 could be somebody else's inconveniences.
46:44 And we have to be very careful and mindful
46:46 not to allow that to happen.
46:47 Don't allow your convenience.
46:48 Some people will say, hey, well, they gave it.
46:51 But if... and we've been in countries
46:53 where we know that for people
46:55 to do certain things for us or to provide certain things,
46:58 we know it'd be a tremendous burden.
47:00 We've gone to countries where the difference in income
47:02 is so drastic,
47:05 and in some cases people have said,
47:07 and I've heard this before,
47:09 some people have said, "Okay,
47:10 well, what you would pay me if I come?"
47:13 And my wife and I don't do that.
47:15 We don't sell the gospel. Amen.
47:17 We said,
47:18 we don't even say it to put a burden,
47:20 we don't even say, all of you want to get me.
47:21 We don't even say that.
47:23 We said, let the Lord,
47:24 if the Lord wants to impress him,
47:25 let's not do that.
47:27 And we were recently somewhere where we heard,
47:30 was in a foreign country.
47:31 I'm gonna be vague about it and we heard,
47:33 even though they were in a pretty affluent society,
47:35 by their standards,
47:37 it was not affluent by our standards.
47:39 And we knew that when we saw the difficulty of raising funds
47:42 for camp meeting and not making the budget,
47:44 and they were talking about quite a bit of budgets
47:46 and tithes and offerings,
47:47 how tight things were and the economy.
47:49 We thought, wow.
47:51 And I looked at Angie said,
47:52 I am so glad we didn't ask them for anything.
47:54 And what we paid to come into the country they gave us
47:57 when we left the country, but the Lord blessed us.
48:01 By just doing something special for us,
48:04 I'll be vague about that.
48:05 But the point of the matter is,
48:07 when your concern is blessing others,
48:10 rather than them just blessing you,
48:12 the Lord will provide all of your needs.
48:14 And so one of my points, I wanna make is,
48:16 don't make a vow
48:17 that you don't intend to honor.
48:19 You took Ecclesiastes 4:4-6.
48:23 And the passage Brother Kenny is gonna read is,
48:25 don't allow your mouth to cause your flesh to sin.
48:29 In other words, there's some people that will say,
48:31 I'll give $500 and they raise their hands
48:33 and the energy of the moment,
48:35 but later on, they don't do it.
48:37 And our example is Ananias and Sapphira.
48:39 Yes.
48:40 Acts 5:1-4, I'll read it very quickly.
48:42 "But a certain man named Ananias,
48:44 with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession
48:46 and kept back part of the proceeds,
48:49 his wife also being privy of it,
48:51 brought a certain part
48:53 and laid it at the apostles' feet.
48:54 But Peter said, 'Ananias,
48:56 why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit
48:58 and to keep back part of the price."
49:00 Now we know the rest of the story,
49:02 of the deacons that day buried Ananias,
49:04 and about three hours later
49:06 his wife came in three hours later.
49:07 Why?
49:09 Because all the money that they kept back,
49:10 she went and bought a nice brand new wardrobe.
49:12 That's my pastor's imagination.
49:14 Took a three hours to get ready.
49:16 She came later.
49:18 And the pastor said, did you really pay this amount?
49:23 Why have you agreed with your husband to lie?
49:26 You see the dirt on the deacons feet,
49:28 they got a plot for you in the back of the church,
49:30 and she dropped dead there.
49:31 And I read why...
49:33 And I read and in Acts of the Apostles,
49:36 Ellen White said,
49:37 the reason why God allowed that
49:39 at the inception of the New Testament Church,
49:41 He wanted it to be very clear
49:44 that the Lord does not ignore deception.
49:49 Amen.
49:51 He does not ignore a double tongue.
49:52 He wanted it to be clear.
49:54 Well, you know what, Pastor Kenny, that day,
49:56 everybody seeing that that was the first Sabbath
49:58 where everybody returned an honest tithe.
50:02 So, but look at the examples.
50:05 And the key was it says,
50:07 "Why have you conceived this thing in your heart?
50:10 You have not lied to men but to God."
50:12 So the third point, the truth should not cost us,
50:17 the truth should cost us more than it costs others.
50:19 Yes. Yes.
50:21 Proverbs 23:23,
50:23 "Buy the truth, and do not sell it."
50:26 "Buy the truth and do not sell it."
50:28 That means, I'm willing to pay something for it,
50:30 but don't charge anybody else for it.
50:33 That's why when you invited to preach,
50:35 don't set a price for your sermons
50:37 because the Lord gave it to us freely,
50:39 we give it to others.
50:41 If somebody wants to be moved by the Lord
50:42 to do something like I've seen many instances
50:44 where Danny's gone out and 3ABN gone out,
50:46 and they've done things and sometimes people say,
50:48 Lord impress me to give this donation to 3ABN,
50:51 but, you know, Danny didn't asked for it.
50:53 And that's how God does above and beyond
50:56 what we often asked for when we set prices on things.
50:58 Somebody said, but what if I want to give more than that.
51:01 Let that be a movement of the Spirit of God,
51:03 not a demand of the human heart.
51:06 Peter, Acts 3:6, says, "Silver and gold I do not have,
51:10 but what I do have I give to you."
51:12 And so they didn't go
51:14 as apostles touting silver and gold,
51:17 they went campaigning for the kingdom of God.
51:20 It was not the focus of their ministry.
51:22 The other one, do not demand of others
51:24 what you are not willing to bear yourself.
51:26 And that's what Nehemiah, his focus was.
51:28 He says, I refuse,
51:30 these people are laboring to kill these animals,
51:33 laboring to gather these fruits,
51:34 laboring to provide us food.
51:37 And look, even the people that are working for the kings
51:40 are putting burdens on their shoulders,
51:41 and even the servers
51:43 are charging us more than we should.
51:45 This is a terrible thing.
51:46 I'm not even gonna eat any of it.
51:48 I don't even want to give the idea
51:49 that I support this.
51:51 That's what he said,
51:52 there's 150 sitting at my table,
51:54 we wouldn't even partake of that.
51:55 And so therefore the principles were,
51:57 do not demand of others
51:59 what we are not willing to bear ourselves.
52:01 Luke 11:46,
52:02 "Woe to you also, lawyers!
52:05 For you load men with burdens hard to bear,
52:08 and you yourselves do not touch the burdens
52:10 with one of your fingers."
52:12 I know somebody that had a lawsuit settled,
52:16 and what the lawyer told them what it would cost
52:18 and what the lawyer charged them
52:19 was just insurmountably different, terrible.
52:22 And I said, you know what?
52:23 What's terrible about that,
52:25 as the lawyer you can find a legal way to justify it,
52:26 and you can't even fight them
52:28 because they'll take you to court on their own dime.
52:30 It's a terrible thing, but that's what happens.
52:32 Some lawyers use the law to lie.
52:35 And that's why I heard somebody once say,
52:37 being a lawyer doesn't mean you tell the truth.
52:39 They just find a way to use the law to win.
52:42 And it's a terrible thing.
52:43 That's why the Lord used the phrase lawyers,
52:46 because the practice was prevalent
52:47 and but not all lawyers are that way
52:49 I want to make that point.
52:50 The other one,
52:52 burden bearing should be mutually agreeable.
52:55 In other words, we should agree.
52:56 This is a powerful text.
52:58 Look at this one, 2 Corinthians 8:12-14,
53:01 burden bearing should be mutually agreeable.
53:04 Here it is, "For if there is first a willing mind,
53:08 it is accepted according to what one has,
53:11 and not according to what he does not have."
53:12 Yes.
53:14 "For I do not mean that others should be eased
53:16 and you burdened, but by an equality,
53:20 that now at this time your abundance
53:22 may supply their lack,
53:24 that their abundance also may supply your lack,
53:28 that there may be equity."
53:29 That's a beautiful principle.
53:31 You know, I say, Mollie,
53:32 I know you're not making right now.
53:33 But hey, in the future, I know you,
53:36 you know if when my time comes, I get to come to you.
53:38 And that's the mutuality of burden bearing.
53:41 And that's what the beautiful thing
53:42 about the New Testament church,
53:44 they had possessions
53:45 they didn't consider it themselves,
53:47 they didn't consider it their own,
53:49 they consider that...
53:50 Today, I have a burden you help me,
53:52 tomorrow I'll have a burden,
53:54 I know I'll be able to help you.
53:56 So that should be mutually acceptable.
53:57 And fact of the matter is, God will bless us.
53:59 "Bear one another's burdens,
54:02 and so fulfill the law of Christ."
54:05 Galatians 6:2. Amen.
54:07 Thank you, John, I mean,
54:08 that gets down to the point of the spirit of the law
54:13 is keeping the spiritual principles of righteousness
54:17 that God put in place for the community
54:21 of the brotherhood.
54:22 So praise the Lord.
54:23 But we have just a couple of minutes left.
54:26 Why don't we do a little recap,
54:27 something special you want to mention
54:29 about your day, Jill?
54:31 I wanna mention 1 John 1:7,
54:33 "If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
54:36 we have fellowship with one another,
54:38 and the blood of Jesus Christ
54:40 His Son cleanses us from all sin."
54:43 And I love that because we must walk in the light with Him,
54:48 before we have fellowship.
54:50 And you see the Jews of Nehemiah's day
54:53 and the Christians of today.
54:56 We can have strife
54:57 and internal struggles and problems.
55:00 Trying to follow the letter of the law,
55:02 but ignoring the spirit
55:03 because we leave Jesus out of our church,
55:07 we leave Jesus out of our heart.
55:08 But if Jesus comes in all those,
55:12 all that strife and all the struggles
55:14 will be pushed away.
55:16 Amen. That's right.
55:17 Well, I've kind of learned on here the customs of the world
55:20 are no example for the Christians.
55:22 God has said His principles out,
55:24 Prophets and Kings 6:52, says this,
55:27 it says, "Every attempt to take advantage
55:30 of the ignorance or the weakness,
55:33 or the misfortune of another is registered as fraud
55:37 in the ledger of heaven.
55:41 You know, the golden rule certainly would apply
55:43 do on to others as you have them to do you?
55:46 I've gonna read the first part of that if you don't mind,
55:49 it's Prophets and Kings 6:52.
55:52 Okay.
55:54 And it's concerning the golden rule
55:55 and that what we were looking at
55:57 was how people were oppressing other people.
56:00 "Every unjust act toward a fellow being
56:04 is a violation of the golden rule.
56:07 Every wrong done to the children of God
56:09 is done to Christ Himself, and the person of the saints."
56:13 And then you finished up that quote,
56:15 and so just remember and realize,
56:20 when we are unkind to others,
56:23 we are being unkind to the Lord Jesus Christ.
56:25 That's right.
56:27 In Philippians 2:3-4,
56:28 "Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit,
56:32 but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others
56:35 better than himself.
56:37 Let each of you look out not only for his own interest,
56:40 but also for the interest of others."
56:42 There's no greater joy than knowing
56:44 that your life is a blessing to someone else.
56:46 That's why the Bible said it is more blessed to give
56:49 than it is to receive.
56:51 Amen. Amen.
56:52 You know, we always mentioned that
56:53 the law of God is a transcript of His character
56:59 and what we have to remember is that
57:02 our God is a merciful God and praise God,
57:05 the mercy seat was above the law, right?
57:09 He always mercy over justice is His band.
57:13 So the spirit of the law is to reflect
57:18 that love and that mercy of Jesus.
57:21 And that's what we all need to be doing.
57:25 As I said earlier,
57:26 you can keep the letter of the law
57:30 and not keep the spirit of the law.
57:33 You can be like those Pharisees
57:35 or but it is not possible to keep the spirit of the law
57:41 and ignore the letter of the law.
57:43 We need to learn to walk in God's law
57:46 and see what the spiritual principles are.
57:49 Well, thank you so much for joining us.
57:52 We hope you'll join us again next time.
57:54 Our prayer for you is that
57:56 the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:59 the love of the Father,
58:00 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
58:02 will be yours today and always.


Revised 2024-09-04