3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Living The Gospel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190036A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:16 approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, "The Least of These."
00:32 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 I am Jill Morikone and we are so glad
00:38 that you have joined us as we journey through
00:41 quarter number 3, "The Least of These."
00:43 We're in lesson number 10.
00:45 It's hard to believe, we're getting toward the end
00:47 of the quarter, "Living the Gospel."
00:49 I wanna encourage you,
00:51 you can go to the following website
00:52 and you can download your own quarterly
00:55 so you can follow along with us.
00:57 That website is ABSG.Adventist.org.
01:02 That stands for
01:03 AdultBibleStudyGuide. Adventist.org
01:07 or we always encourage you to visit your local
01:10 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:12 They would welcome you
01:13 and they would give you a quarterly
01:15 and invite you to join a lesson discussion.
01:18 Before we go any further,
01:19 I wanna introduce our panel here.
01:21 Sitting on my left is my boss and friend and mentor,
01:25 Mr. Danny Shelton,
01:26 it's a privilege to have you here.
01:28 Oh, it's good to be here.
01:29 I don't know about the boss part
01:30 but I kind of leave her
01:32 to make those decisions nowadays,
01:33 she and Greg,
01:34 but it is a privilege to be here
01:36 and to be able to study with my brothers and sisters
01:38 and those of you at home too.
01:39 Amen.
01:41 And on your left is Pastor Ryan Day.
01:42 We love having you here as well.
01:44 It's always a blessing to be a part of this panel.
01:45 Amen.
01:47 And on your left is my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
01:49 And thank you for your insight in the Word of God.
01:50 Praise the Lord.
01:52 We've been really finding out some new things
01:53 even though new things are not always new,
01:56 but I appreciate the author's approach to this lesson.
01:58 It's a blessing. Amen.
02:00 It's been a wonderful study and at the far end,
02:01 my sister Shelley Quinn.
02:03 And thank you, Shelley, so much for being here as well.
02:05 Oh, it's always a joy to study with you all
02:08 and we're just so glad you at home are joining us.
02:10 Amen.
02:11 Before we go any further and we open up God's Word,
02:13 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:16 And, Pastor John, would you pray for us?
02:19 Gracious Father in heaven, we thank You, Lord,
02:21 for the privilege and opportunity
02:24 that You afford us to come into Your presence.
02:27 We pray that as we open the Word,
02:29 You'll open our hearts and pour into us.
02:30 Lord, send Your Holy Spirit to empower us.
02:34 May we make sense and may the words of our mouths
02:37 and the meditations of our hearts
02:39 be acceptable in Your sight.
02:41 We pray in Jesus' name, amen.
02:43 Amen.
02:44 Our lesson is "Living the Gospel,"
02:47 and I wanna start out with some questions.
02:49 Are we saved by grace or by works?
02:51 Grace. Grace, okay.
02:53 If works don't save us, what role do they play
02:56 in the life of the Christian
02:59 and how do we know if we're becoming legalistic?
03:02 Could we think we're saved by grace
03:05 yet somehow we're still clinging to works
03:08 for salvation?
03:09 Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart's deceitful
03:12 above all things and desperately wicked."
03:14 So that means could we be even self deceived
03:17 as to our assurance of salvation
03:20 and the method of salvation?
03:22 I think of Paul writing to the Galatians believers.
03:24 In Galatians 3:1, he said, "O foolish Galatians!"
03:27 In Greek it means, mindless or stupid.
03:30 That's a pretty strong word.
03:31 Oh, stupid believers
03:33 or brothers and sisters in Christ.
03:35 He says, having begun in the spirit,
03:37 are you now made perfect in the flesh?
03:39 In other words, they began with grace,
03:41 but then they somehow transitioned to believing
03:44 it was all about works.
03:46 Could even this quarter we're talking about
03:49 ministering to the least of these
03:51 and reaching out in service
03:53 to other people.
03:54 Could even our works of mercy and compassion
03:56 become works based instead of grace based?
04:02 I wanna talk just one moment about works versus grace.
04:05 Works say, "What I do has bearing on who I am."
04:10 Grace says, "Who I am has bearing on what I do."
04:14 Works say, "Actions are more important than motive."
04:18 Grace says, "Motive informs my actions."
04:22 Work say, "I am what
04:24 other people perceive me to be."
04:26 Grace says, "I am who God says I am."
04:29 Okay.
04:31 We're all in need of divine grace.
04:32 Isaiah 64:6,
04:34 "All our righteousness is as filthy rags."
04:37 The lesson had a great quote, this is from Faith and Works,
04:40 page 24, "If you would gather together
04:44 everything that is good and holy and noble
04:47 and lovely in man,
04:49 and then present the subject to the angels of God
04:52 as somehow acting a part in the salvation
04:55 of the human soul or in marriage,
04:57 the proposition would be rejected as treason."
05:01 That's how the angels would view
05:03 because our righteousness clearly is as filthy rags.
05:07 Love is the motive,
05:08 love is the reason for our existence.
05:10 It's the reason for service.
05:12 Our memory text, scripture is Ephesians 2:8-10,
05:17 "By grace you've been saved through faith,
05:20 that not of yourselves, it's the gift of God.
05:23 Not of works, lest anyone should boast.
05:26 We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
05:29 for good works,
05:30 which God prepared beforehand
05:32 that we should walk in them."
05:35 On Sunday we look at God, for God so loved the world
05:37 and you could quote that scripture along with me.
05:40 We're going to John 3:16,
05:43 "For God so loved the world
05:46 that He gave His only begotten Son,
05:49 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
05:52 but have everlasting life."
05:56 So who's doing the giving?
05:58 In this verse, who does the giving?
06:00 God. God.
06:01 God so loved the world that He gave.
06:03 Often we think Jesus loved us and Jesus died for us.
06:07 But John 16:27 says, "The Father Himself loves you."
06:12 God loved so He gave.
06:14 And who is on the receiving end,
06:17 God is giving Jesus, who's receiving?
06:20 World. The world and we are.
06:23 God so loved the world,
06:26 everyone that whosoever believes in Him
06:30 should not perish, but have everlasting life.
06:33 And the conditions, what are the conditions
06:36 to receiving that everlasting life?
06:38 It is belief, right?
06:39 Whosoever should believe.
06:41 Now in the Greek, it's an interesting twist
06:44 on that word belief
06:45 'cause the verb tense indicates
06:47 those who are continuing to believe.
06:51 It's a constant action over time,
06:54 not at one particular point in time.
06:57 So in other words, we don't believe once
07:00 and we're saved for eternity.
07:02 It's a continual believing in Jesus.
07:06 And the result, whosoever believes in Him,
07:09 we don't perish, but we have everlasting life.
07:12 Now the lesson made a connection here
07:14 between the John 3:16 and Romans 8:20 and 23.
07:19 And let's turn there to Romans Chapter 8.
07:21 I hope that this connection will be clear to you
07:25 at home as well.
07:26 Romans Chapter 8,
07:27 we're going to verses 20 through 23.
07:29 Now, you all know Romans is one of
07:31 my personal favorite books of the Bible.
07:34 And I know Shelley and Pastor John
07:35 and maybe some of the rest of you,
07:37 it is yours as well.
07:38 Romans 1 through 4, Chapters 1 through 4
07:41 talks about the great sin of mankind in general,
07:45 and our need for righteousness and justification.
07:50 Romans 5-8, Christ,
07:52 our righteousness and sanctification.
07:55 Amen.
07:56 By the time we get to Romans Chapter 8.
07:57 To me, that's the pinnacle of the entire Book of Romans
08:01 because Romans 7 was all about,
08:02 I can't do it myself, and what am I gonna do,
08:05 but Romans 8 comes in.
08:08 We are powerless to keep the law,
08:10 but the Holy Spirit comes in, in Romans Chapter 8.
08:14 And we see that power
08:15 to keep the law of Christ in us,
08:18 the hope of glory.
08:19 The verses we're going to is verses 20 through 23.
08:22 But before we get there,
08:24 I wanna read verses 14 through 17.
08:26 So in Romans 8:14-17, the two concepts
08:30 that we're gonna be discussing here
08:32 is the context of suffering, and sonship,
08:36 and then the concept of groaning.
08:38 So those two concepts are even a little interrelated.
08:41 So hopefully, we can unpack that.
08:43 The context of suffering, Romans 8:14,
08:47 "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,
08:50 these are the sons of God."
08:52 So from that I get that the Spirit of God
08:54 equals the spirit of sonship,
08:57 'cause if we're led by the Spirit of God,
08:59 we are the sons of God.
09:02 "For you to not receive
09:04 the Spirit of bondage again to fear,
09:05 but you receive the Spirit of adoption
09:08 by whom we cry out Abba, Father.
09:10 The Spirit himself bears
09:11 witness with our spirit that we are children of God.
09:14 And if children, then heirs," look at what's coming here,
09:17 "heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ if, indeed,
09:22 we suffer with him,
09:24 that we may also be glorified together."
09:27 Suffering is a necessary prerequisite
09:30 for entering into that full sonship.
09:33 We are fellow heirs with Christ if we suffer with Him,
09:38 but the benefits of sonship far outweigh
09:41 any price we pay for suffering.
09:43 The next verse, in verse 18,
09:45 "I consider the sufferings of this present time
09:47 are not worthy to be compared with the glory
09:49 which shall be revealed in us."
09:52 Now we transition from the concept of sonship
09:55 and suffering to groaning.
09:58 This is our verses 20 through 23.
10:01 There's three different groanings taking place,
10:04 creation's groaning, the Christian's groaning
10:08 and the Holy Spirit's groaning.
10:11 We're gonna look at all three of them.
10:13 Creation's groaning is in verse 19.
10:15 "For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits
10:19 for the revealing of the sons of God."
10:22 Jump down to verse 22,
10:24 "For we know that the whole creation groans
10:26 and labors with birth pangs together until now."
10:30 The groaning of creation is you can say universal.
10:33 All of creation is groaning together,
10:36 the groaning is universal.
10:39 Then we see the Christians groaning in verses 23-25.
10:43 "Not only that, but we also
10:45 who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,
10:48 even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
10:51 eagerly waiting for the adoption,
10:53 the redemption of our body, for we were saved in this hope,
10:57 but hope that is seen is not hope.
10:59 For why does one still hope for what he sees?
11:02 But if we hope for what we see not,
11:04 we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."
11:08 In verse 23, we see that suffering and groaning
11:11 are linked to possessing the Holy Spirit,
11:16 'cause we had the firstfruits of the Spirit,
11:18 that's the Holy Spirit.
11:19 We ourselves also grown within ourselves.
11:23 The spirit within us bears witness
11:25 that we are the sons of God.
11:27 The spirit bears witness that we live,
11:30 the world we live in is not the kingdom of God yet
11:33 'cause we have not seen that.
11:35 Christian suffering and groaning are intensified,
11:38 because we're Christians
11:39 and the Spirit dwells within us.
11:42 Then we see the Holy Spirit's groaning in verse 26.
11:46 "Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses.
11:50 For we do not know
11:52 what we should pray for as we ought,
11:54 but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us
11:57 with groaning which cannot be uttered."
12:02 So suffering leads to sonship
12:06 and groaning leads to glory.
12:09 We all experience some sort of pain.
12:12 We all experience some sort of tragedy
12:15 that unites us as brothers and sisters as believers,
12:18 but also just as people in general in the world
12:21 when it said, "God so loved the world."
12:24 That's not just the people we like.
12:27 It's nice to think, Mr. Danny,
12:28 that salvation is for my friends,
12:30 salvation is for my family, salvation is for those
12:33 that I like, but salvation is also for our enemies.
12:37 Salvation is for those people who have hurt us.
12:41 Salvation is for even those people
12:43 who we might be afraid of, that God calls
12:47 He gave His Son Jesus to this world,
12:51 so that you and I, each one of us have the hope
12:54 and the gift of eternal life.
12:58 We'll end with John 3:17,
13:00 "God did not send His Son into the world
13:03 to condemn the world not to judge,
13:06 but that the world through Him might be saved."
13:10 I'm so grateful for the gift of Jesus
13:13 and the gift of salvation not just for me
13:16 or the people that we like, but for the world as a whole.
13:20 Our Monday's lesson is compassion and repentance.
13:23 I may switch it around a little bit to repentance,
13:25 and then compassion because we're gonna be
13:28 looking at the story of man briefly
13:30 and maybe what's expected of us by our Creator God.
13:34 We're all born into a sin sick world.
13:36 Now, while we still bear the image of God, Ryan,
13:39 sin is in our lives.
13:41 It's the same nature as evil.
13:43 So we were born in the image of God,
13:45 but the sin in our lives is the same nature
13:48 as evil that causes so much pain,
13:50 oppression, exploitation all over the world.
13:53 In fact, no one is born perfect.
13:55 Our spiritual nature comes from Christ,
13:57 and we have an earthly or physical tendency
14:00 which is the result of sin.
14:02 Now everybody that I'm talking
14:04 to that has ever lived has dealt with this
14:06 great controversy that's going on
14:08 between good and evil.
14:09 They're good and evil, their powers,
14:12 God Christ on one side, the devil on the other,
14:15 all vying for our souls.
14:17 And so that's why we're tempted so often.
14:20 So what happens, the choice comes to us
14:23 as to where we will spend eternity
14:26 and what we will be able to do that
14:28 Jesus has asked us to do, in order to be a witness
14:31 to those around us.
14:33 No matter how hard we try to live spiritual,
14:35 we will still reap the consequences of sin.
14:38 Now, aging is a constant reminder
14:40 that we're all born
14:41 with a terminal illness called death.
14:43 You can see Ryan and I,
14:44 there's a big difference in our ages and so,
14:47 that's a result of sin.
14:49 Some things maybe I've done and things that's just born
14:51 into this world.
14:53 No one escapes death on their own
14:55 as death is caused by sin.
14:58 And sin is what?
14:59 It's the transgression of the law of God,
15:01 which separates us from our Creator God.
15:04 So the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is?
15:08 Eternal life.
15:09 Eternal life through Christ, Jesus, our Lord.
15:12 So once we repent, when we realize that
15:15 we're sinners and we get to certain age,
15:18 and we understand who Jesus is, and we say,
15:22 "I don't wanna live an evil life,
15:24 I wanna accept, I'm doing basic things here.
15:27 I wanna accept Jesus."
15:28 Now, some churches, they say, they get saved,
15:32 and we see young children, you know, from early ages,
15:35 sometimes they sprinkle.
15:36 You know, sometimes they baptize,
15:38 they do whatever.
15:39 But I think when we get to a certain age,
15:42 I know in my life,
15:43 I can go back to the time saying,
15:44 "Wow, I really want Jesus to be Lord of my life."
15:48 So each and every one of us
15:51 make that decision at some point.
15:52 When we do, we see that sin causes death
15:56 and as we just mentioned, but now we want eternal life.
16:00 So the Bible says in 1 John 1:9,
16:02 "If we confess our sins,
16:04 He is faithful and just to forgive us
16:07 from our sins and to cleanse us
16:08 from some of our unrighteousness."
16:10 All!
16:11 Okay, now, once this happens, Jesus says we should go
16:15 and tell what He's done for us.
16:17 But the Christian,
16:19 it should make a big difference.
16:20 Okay, the Bible says the rain falls
16:22 on the just as well as the unjust.
16:25 So that means if I go outside in a big storm,
16:29 now that I've just became a Christian
16:30 and got saved if some people want to use that term,
16:33 am I still gonna get wet?
16:35 Yes. Yeah, I'm gonna get wet.
16:36 Why?
16:38 Because I live, still live in a sinful world
16:40 because we are still separated from God by sin.
16:45 So we'll still go through the same storms of life,
16:47 but the difference is we'll have peace
16:49 in the midst of that storm.
16:51 If you're no longer taking it by yourself,
16:54 you're no longer facing that storm by yourself.
16:57 When I had open heart surgery this past year,
17:00 did a quadruple bypass, I was amazed that the piece
17:04 that I found when I was there, I didn't know how,
17:06 you know, no one knows how you'll act
17:08 and so when you're getting right to go into the surgery,
17:12 and you know, there's a team waiting
17:14 to basically take your heart out,
17:15 cut you open.
17:17 Ryan, that's not a very pretty feeling.
17:19 But I didn't know what I would do.
17:22 I just said, "Well, Lord,
17:23 we will take it one day at a time."
17:25 When I got up that morning, I said,
17:26 "This may be the last time that I did put
17:29 on these clothes on this earth."
17:30 But I decided you know what, I win either way,
17:33 because when I wake up, let's say that
17:36 I died during a surgery,
17:37 when I wake up the first face
17:39 that I see is that of Jesus Christ.
17:41 Amen. Amen.
17:42 Now that's a win, right?
17:43 We've read the back of the book.
17:45 It says they overcame him by the blood of the lamb
17:47 and the word of their testimony.
17:48 I didn't do it,
17:49 but Christ's righteousness in me and through me,
17:52 but we each have to allow Him to work in our lives,
17:56 to give us that hope of glory, that salvation and all we do
18:00 is accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our life.
18:03 Then I've thought, well, if I die, you know,
18:06 I go to heaven when Jesus comes into second coming,
18:09 but if I live, hey, I get to stay here
18:11 and be with my wife and family and, John,
18:13 maybe even end up back on the basketball court again.
18:16 That's right.
18:17 So, once this happens, and we accept Jesus Christ,
18:20 Jesus says in Matthew 28:18-20, "Go ye into all the world."
18:25 So take the gospel to literally to all the world,
18:28 but the problem that we're finding today
18:30 in many churches and many of our own lives,
18:32 I've been there, maybe you're there now.
18:34 You can't share what you don't have.
18:36 That's right.
18:37 So that's why it's important to develop
18:39 that love relationship with Jesus Christ,
18:41 so we can be vessels of honor for Him.
18:43 So getting saved is not a onetime process,
18:46 when we get saved and then we live like the devil
18:48 the rest of our lives and always go back on to point,
18:51 "Well, hey, I was saved when I was nine years old
18:53 or eight years old."
18:55 Being saved is a process of sanctification,
18:58 that during our life, we endeavor,
19:01 as we talked about on other programs,
19:03 to do more than just talk.
19:04 So faith without works is dead, but we do our part.
19:08 There's nothing good in us.
19:09 But we endeavor to do our best to become Christlike,
19:12 then let God do the rest.
19:14 All I can do is say, "Lord, You take me the sinful
19:17 and human agent that I am.
19:19 And You help me as I grow from day to day to day,
19:23 getting closer to Lord Jesus Christ."
19:26 So sanctification is the work of a lifetime.
19:29 It's the act of perfecting our character,
19:31 of God perfecting our character
19:33 over a period of life here on earth,
19:35 so we can be more like Jesus.
19:38 Now, we talked about our greatest asset,
19:40 Ellen White says,
19:42 "it's our own personal testimony."
19:43 I think maybe Satan's greatest assets
19:46 are his advocates sitting in the church
19:48 pews every Sabbath and every Sunday.
19:51 Unconverted Christians do more harm
19:53 to the gospel than an atheist ever could.
19:56 This is a person
19:58 who am I talking about the unconverted Christian,
20:00 we've all been there.
20:01 So I'm not pointing fingers at those of you,
20:03 I've been sitting in the pew, there's been times in my life
20:06 where I'll admit, I've been in the pew not converted,
20:10 going to church every Sabbath, but not really converted.
20:13 Thank God for His love
20:14 and His compassion on all of us.
20:17 But this is a person who finds fault with everything
20:19 that anyone does in the church,
20:21 quick to oppose evangelism outreach
20:23 because he doesn't wanna drain the money
20:26 in the coffers, church coffers.
20:27 He is quick to condemn others on how they eat,
20:31 and how they dress, and how they act.
20:34 And yet he's slow to show love and compassion for the lost.
20:39 So I can tell you that some of the meanest
20:43 un-Christ like phone calls
20:44 we've ever gotten hasn't been coming from the Muslims,
20:47 and the Buddhists, and the atheists,
20:49 it's been coming from people who sat in church pews.
20:53 My time is slowly going, so I'm gonna jump up
20:56 to the part about compassion.
20:57 Once we submit and commit our lives to Jesus,
21:00 we continue to study and to pray,
21:02 then our responsibility, and our joy,
21:06 and our privilege is to show love
21:08 and compassion for a lost
21:09 and dying world just as Jesus did us,
21:12 because without John 3:16, we would have no future.
21:16 So it's our responsibility as Christians to love the lost
21:19 with compassion just as Jesus did.
21:21 We cannot rightly represent Jesus,
21:24 I wrote here, to a lost and dying world
21:26 if we don't have compassion for our fellowman.
21:29 Selfishness, greed, meanness, prejudice,
21:31 ignorance and carelessness, all it says all are at the root
21:36 of the world's evil.
21:37 I mean, all of these things, and justice, poverty,
21:40 oppression, confessing our sinfulness
21:42 is the first step in addressing this evil
21:45 as well as the first step
21:46 towards allowing the love of God
21:48 to take its rightful place in our hearts.
21:51 There are untold millions, untold millions people
21:54 looking for peace and joy that only Jesus can bring.
21:58 That's right.
21:59 They just don't know how to find it.
22:01 So how about your church?
22:03 When people come to your church,
22:04 will they find love and compassion for the lost?
22:07 Will you greet them in a way that they wanna come back,
22:11 they wanna be around you.
22:12 That's our response. We're here in Sabbath School.
22:14 It's our responsibility and privilege
22:17 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
22:19 and maybe whatever church you go to,
22:21 that we show compassion and love for the lost.
22:26 Jesus was moved with compassion,
22:28 Matthew 9:36, so it's only following Christ.
22:31 Matthew 14:14, and John 11:35, where Jesus wept.
22:35 And so that's what we wanna be able to do.
22:37 I'm gonna go to the close.
22:39 I wrote a song some time ago, in compassion and love,
22:41 God looked down to earth,
22:43 then He sent His son born of a virgin birth.
22:45 He knew from creation what was to be
22:48 so with great love for man, He planned Calvary.
22:53 It's my hope and prayer that each one of us
22:55 can show love and compassion to those around us,
22:59 just as Jesus has us.
23:01 Amen, thank you so much Mr. Danny,
23:03 what a wonderful job.
23:06 God calls us to reach out in compassion to a lost
23:09 and dying world, I love that.
23:11 We're gonna take a short break, we'll be right back.
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23:51 Welcome back to our study of Living the Gospel.
23:54 We're gonna pick it up
23:55 with Pastor Ryan Day on Tuesday,
23:57 "Grace and Good Works."
23:58 Thank you so much.
24:00 It was fantastic, Danny and Jill,
24:02 as always, I appreciate your insight.
24:05 We are going to be discussing the relationship
24:07 between grace and good works.
24:09 And this is probably maybe not so much
24:12 within the Adventist Church,
24:14 although it could be to certain extent,
24:15 but with throughout
24:17 the Christian world in its entirety,
24:18 this is probably one of the most controversial topics,
24:23 just because there's so many
24:24 different versions of the gospel
24:26 floating around in the Christian world today.
24:28 But we wanna set the record straight.
24:30 We wanna go to the Bible and let the Bible tell us
24:32 exactly what the proper relationship
24:34 between grace and good work should be.
24:37 And so I like how this lesson begins
24:39 because it gets right into it.
24:41 In fact, I put it right here in my notes.
24:42 The very first words of this lesson
24:44 is summarize Ephesians 2:8-10 in your own words
24:50 and then it goes on to say, what do these verses tell us
24:52 about the relationship between grace and good work?
24:54 So we're gonna begin in Ephesians 2:8-10.
25:00 And actually how I'm gonna approach this topic
25:02 is I'm going to basically very quickly
25:04 early on in my particular segment,
25:06 I'm going to identify from a biblical perspective
25:10 exactly what this relationship
25:11 between grace and good works is.
25:13 And then the remainder of the time I'm gonna use
25:15 just to further establish
25:16 through different biblical authors
25:18 and servants of the Lord within scripture.
25:21 What they have to say on the subject
25:22 just to further confirm exactly what the Bible teaches.
25:25 So Ephesians 2:8-10 tells us,
25:30 "For by grace, you have been saved through faith,"
25:33 and I just want to pause there.
25:35 What does the Bible teach us on how we are saved?
25:38 We are saved by? Grace.
25:39 We are saved by grace through faith,
25:42 and I like what it continues to say,
25:44 "And not that of yourselves,"
25:45 because we can't save ourselves.
25:47 We know the Bible teaches that.
25:48 It is the gift of God.
25:50 Grace, the salvation that comes by grace
25:53 from God is a gift.
25:55 And he goes on to say in verse 9,
25:57 "Not of works, lest anyone should boast."
25:59 So can we work our way to heaven?
26:01 No.
26:02 Do we take that works approach to salvation?
26:04 Absolutely not, for we are saved by grace
26:06 again and again.
26:08 It goes on in verse 10, to say, notice,
26:10 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
26:15 for good works,
26:16 which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
26:21 And I just wanna pause there.
26:22 Many people remember and are very quick
26:25 to memorize Ephesians 2:8-9,
26:30 but they don't follow up with verse 10.
26:32 Verse 10 is the response
26:34 to what Paul says in verses 8 and 9.
26:36 Many people are quick to say, oh, no, no,
26:37 we're not saved by the law.
26:39 We're saved by grace through faith alone but yet,
26:42 when you go through on to verse 10,
26:45 we understand that there still is a major aspect
26:48 of works that plays a major role
26:51 in the salvation experience
26:52 and in the Christian experience on a daily basis.
26:55 We know that we are not saved by the works
26:58 but yet the works are result from us,
27:00 or of us being saved by God.
27:02 In fact, there's another text that I have very rarely heard
27:05 ever any minister really preach on
27:08 or mention in reference to this particular subject
27:11 and that's found in the opening verses
27:13 of Romans Chapter 1.
27:14 We've spoken a lot about the Book of Romans.
27:16 And I like how Paul, he isn't, he's not messing around.
27:19 He just gets, he just cuts right to the chase early on
27:22 in the Book of Romans.
27:23 And I'm gonna start with verse 3,
27:25 and work my way to verse 5.
27:28 Notice what the Bible says, Romans 1:3-5,
27:31 "Concerning His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord,
27:34 who was born of the seed of David,
27:36 according to the flesh,
27:38 and declared to be the Son of God
27:40 with power according to the Spirit
27:42 of holiness,
27:43 by the resurrection from the dead."
27:45 Notice verse 5 though, this is the key verse.
27:48 "Through Him we have received grace and apostleship."
27:54 Why? How? Obedience.
27:56 "For obedience to the faith among all nations for His name,
28:01 among whom you are called,
28:03 are they called of Jesus Christ."
28:05 So we are, notice here, it says, "Through Him,
28:08 we have received grace, we are saved by grace."
28:12 But why does God bestow that salvation or grace upon us
28:15 for what he says?
28:16 For obedience to the faith.
28:18 So does works play a major role in the Christian experience?
28:23 Absolutely.
28:24 And what we wanna establish
28:25 is what is that proper relationship
28:27 and I think that, I think we have kind of
28:29 already answered that question.
28:32 We are not saved by works,
28:34 but we were saved by grace through faith
28:36 but once you have been saved by grace,
28:39 and God has shown His divine favor upon you,
28:42 and He has justified you in His side
28:44 because you have received
28:45 Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
28:47 Now, the natural response of a Christian should be
28:50 that you show forth a life of good works
28:54 because you have been saved in Jesus Christ.
28:56 Now what I want to do is, I want to go through
28:58 and highlight a few Bible characters,
29:00 Bible writers that actually support exactly
29:03 what we have just said.
29:04 Let's consider James, of course, we can't
29:06 talk about this subject without considering what James,
29:10 the beloved brother or half brother of Jesus
29:12 says in this subject.
29:13 So I'm finding myself in James 2:14-17,
29:18 we've read this many times I think throughout the series,
29:20 but I just wanna highlight it again.
29:22 In verse 14, James says, "What does it profit my brother
29:25 and if someone says, he has faith,
29:28 but does not have works?"
29:30 Can faith save him?
29:32 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food,
29:36 and one of you says to them,
29:38 'Depart in peace be warmed and filled,'
29:41 but you do not give them
29:42 the things which are needed for the body,
29:44 what does it profit."
29:46 And then verse 17, "Thus also faith by itself,
29:50 if it does not have works, is dead."
29:53 So what is James saying here?
29:54 Is he's saying that, you know, just toss faith aside
29:56 that it's not important?
29:58 No, no, what he's saying here is he saying,
29:59 "Look, you can tell me all day long
30:01 that you are a saved Christian,
30:03 because you've been saved by grace through faith."
30:05 He says, "But I'm not going to know that
30:07 I'm not going to believe that until I see
30:09 the fruit of a Christian."
30:10 And that you can go out and point to a tree and say
30:12 that's an apple tree, Danny.
30:13 But until I see that there's apples growing on,
30:15 and I'm not going to believe that it's an apple tree.
30:17 The same thing applies to a Christian.
30:19 We show forth the life and the salvation
30:23 that Christ has bestowed upon us
30:24 because and we want to follow through
30:27 with those good works because He has saved us.
30:30 What better person to go to on this subject
30:34 than the Creator Himself, Jesus Christ.
30:36 Notice what Jesus says in Matthew 7:21.
30:40 He says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord',
30:42 shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
30:44 but he who, notice,
30:46 does the will of my Father in heaven."
30:49 So there is a doing factor that Christ
30:52 absolutely is looking forward to.
30:53 In fact, we know in Revelation,
30:55 He tells us that He is coming back
30:57 and He's going to bring the reward of the wicked
30:59 according to their works.
31:01 So again, we are judged by our works,
31:03 because the works tell the story of the faith
31:06 that is within us and the salvation
31:08 that God has bestowed upon us if we've received it,
31:10 or we have not properly received it.
31:12 Notice again, John Chapter 14.
31:15 And I'm gonna be looking at verses 15, verse 21, 23 and 24
31:19 within the 14th Chapter of John.
31:21 So we know what John 14:15 says,
31:23 it's that famous verse we often quote, Jesus says,
31:26 "If you love Me, keep my...?"
31:28 "Commandments."
31:30 Okay, so the obedience factor is there
31:31 and notice how Christ automatically applies
31:34 that this is a love issue.
31:36 It's not necessarily, you're keeping the commandments
31:39 because you're working your way to heaven.
31:40 Christ says, "Look, I know that you love Me,
31:43 if you're obedient to Me, if you keep My commandments."
31:45 And then in verse 21, He says, "He who has My commandments
31:48 and keeps them it is he who loves Me,
31:51 and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
31:54 and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
31:57 So again, that love factor.
31:58 It's all about love, if you love Him
32:00 you will follow through in obedience.
32:02 Verse 23-24, He says,
32:05 "Jesus answered and said to them,
32:06 'If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word
32:09 and My Father will love him,
32:10 and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
32:13 He who does not love Me does not keep My words
32:16 and the word which you hear is not of mine,
32:18 but the Father who sent me."
32:20 So again, Christ confirms that, yes,
32:22 while you are saved by His love and grace,
32:24 He still expects us to follow
32:26 through in obedience in the faith
32:28 by following through with those good works.
32:30 How about John,
32:32 the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ?
32:35 1 John 4:19 again confirms this whole love connection
32:39 and obedience to God.
32:40 He says, "We love him"
32:42 in verse 19 of Chapter 4 of 1 John, he says,
32:45 "We love Him because He first..."
32:47 "Loved us." But how would we know that?
32:49 He died for us.
32:51 Jesus could show up all day long,
32:52 God could show up to humanity to say,
32:53 Oh, I love you.
32:55 But how did He show us that love?
32:56 How did He bestow upon us that love?
32:58 Notice verses 7-11, He says,
33:00 "Beloved, let us love one another,
33:02 for love is of God and everyone who loves
33:05 is born of God and knows God.
33:07 He who does not love does not know God,
33:09 for God is love."
33:11 And then notice what it continues to say.
33:13 "In this, the love of God was manifest towards us,
33:17 that God has sent His only begotten Son
33:20 into the world that we might live through Him
33:23 and this is love not that we loved God,
33:25 but that He loved us and sent His Son
33:28 to be the propitiation for our sins.
33:31 Beloved, if God so loved us,
33:33 we also ought to love one another."
33:35 So to put the cherry or the cap on this whole thing.
33:39 This relationship between grace and works,
33:44 it's like a hand and the glove.
33:45 You can't have one without the other.
33:47 God has bestowed His divine loving favor upon you
33:49 and He has saved you by His love and grace.
33:52 But now in response to that,
33:54 He wants us to go work in the world.
33:56 He wants us to show forth that love from us
33:59 to others by working the good work
34:01 that Christ worked while He was here.
34:03 Amen. Amen.
34:04 Thank you, Ryan, thank you so much.
34:06 There's so much in here that we can grab from it.
34:08 And in some sense, some of the lessons cover
34:11 in a similar approach to what we're talking about.
34:16 Mine is Wednesday, "Our Common Humanity."
34:24 What I've noticed in this is what the writer approaches
34:27 and what the writer addresses is,
34:30 are the obstacles that often prevent the community
34:34 from having a common connection
34:37 and that's something that you find in the gospels,
34:39 you find that a couple of examples,
34:42 I'll go to one particular instance,
34:45 when Jesus met the woman at the well.
34:48 The obstacle was, He sent His disciples away
34:51 because He knew that they would be an obstacle
34:54 to reaching out to the Samaritan.
34:56 We talked about the hierarchy of the way
34:59 that the people viewed each other and the Samaritans,
35:04 if you look at John 4:9, when Jesus asked,
35:07 you know, give me something to drink.
35:10 She says in verse 9,
35:12 "Then the woman of Samaria said to him,
35:16 'How is it that you being a Jew.'"
35:19 By the way, she points out His ethnicity,
35:21 His nationality, ask a drink from me,
35:24 a Samaritan woman, "for the Jews
35:27 have no dealings with the Samaritans."
35:30 So He had to send His disciples away because He knew that
35:34 if His disciples were there,
35:36 it would be a roadblock to reaching this woman
35:38 with the gospel because they had this mindset
35:41 that carried on throughout even the time that
35:43 Jesus was working with him,
35:45 this mindset still needed to be addressed.
35:49 They had to get away from the idea.
35:52 And that's why they had to get away
35:54 from the idea that other nations
35:55 was subservient to the Jewish culture,
35:58 that other nations were beneath them
36:00 and that's one of the roadblocks
36:01 in the Old Testament why the Jews
36:03 really never reached out to other nations.
36:05 The Lord gave them the responsibility
36:07 of carrying the gospel,
36:09 but they believed that the gospel belong to them.
36:10 Right.
36:12 So I want to say, to clarify something,
36:14 we don't have the truth, the truth has us.
36:17 That's good.
36:18 All together, we don't have the truth,
36:20 the truth has us.
36:21 It's like saying, well, that's my plane.
36:23 No, we're in, the plane is carrying us,
36:25 we are not carrying the plane.
36:27 It is the gospel that's carrying us,
36:29 we're not carrying the gospel.
36:31 It's the power of Christ that's carrying us,
36:33 we're not carrying the power of Christ.
36:34 That's right. And you find that when...
36:36 I forgot the name of the gentleman
36:38 that saw the power of the apostles, and he said,
36:41 "How much is it gonna cost me?"
36:43 And the devil turned him inside out,
36:48 because he tried to buy the gospel.
36:50 But one of the roadblocks that you find clearly
36:53 that was pointed out in the lesson is that,
36:56 and I'll read the introduction of the lesson here,
36:58 by his ministry and His teachings,
37:00 Jesus urged a radical inclusiveness.
37:03 And that's something that was very difficult
37:05 because you're telling the New Testament believers
37:07 now to be inclusive.
37:08 And they're thinking, "Does that mean?"
37:12 And then the gospel began to go throughout the whole world.
37:14 Jesus showed the inclusiveness of it,
37:17 even by sending Stephen,
37:22 Philip to join himself to the Ethiopian eunuch.
37:26 Philip means a lover of horses, and who better would have been
37:29 excited about seeing a royal Steve than Philip.
37:32 He said, "What a beautiful horse.
37:34 Oh, by the way, what are you reading?"
37:35 And the gospel went to Ethiopia
37:37 and outside of the Jewish nation,
37:39 they've kept the Sabbath almost as long
37:41 because the gospel went to them
37:43 broke down that era of inclusiveness,
37:46 I mean exclusiveness and made it inclusive.
37:48 Right.
37:50 Another example you find is the Book of Acts Chapter 10.
37:53 Let's go there, Acts Chapter 10,
37:55 the Lord had to, Peter had so many obstacles
37:59 in his life to overcome.
38:01 It was just, you know, you kind of saying to Peter,
38:04 "Peter, would you just stop talking?
38:06 Peter, would you listen for a moment?"
38:08 And the Lord had to, what I liked about the Lord
38:11 is that He continually addressed Peter
38:14 in those weak moments of his life
38:15 because He already planned for Peter to be the speaker
38:19 on the day of Pentecost.
38:21 You think about that.
38:22 Peter was the one that preached on the day of Pentecost,
38:24 what did he preach?
38:25 Repent.
38:27 And be converted.
38:28 And be converted, which is exactly
38:29 what he experienced not too long before that,
38:31 repentance and conversion.
38:33 From that point on, the Lord still had
38:35 one more obstacle in Peter's life,
38:37 and it's addressed in Acts 10:9,
38:40 "The next day as they went on their journey
38:42 and drew near the city,
38:44 Peter went up on the house top to pray
38:45 about the sixth hour, and then he became very hungry
38:48 and wanted to eat.
38:50 While they made ready, he fell into a trance
38:51 and saw heaven open and an object like
38:54 a great sheet down at four corners descending to him
38:57 and let down to the earth.
38:59 In it were all kinds of
39:01 four footed animals of the earth, wild beasts,
39:04 creeping things and birds of the air."
39:06 And by the way, let me pause right there.
39:07 And remember one of the instances
39:09 where a woman that was not a Jew
39:10 came to Jesus and they said to Him,
39:13 "Why are you gonna cast your pearls to the swine?
39:16 Why are you going to give your food to the dogs?"
39:18 They continually looked at non Jews
39:20 or Gentiles as not even worthy of the gospel.
39:23 So the Lord says,
39:24 "I got to get it out of your head
39:25 because we got to use you on a broader scale."
39:27 That's right. So he says, on verse 12.
39:32 I read verse 12 now, verse 13, "And a voice came to him,
39:35 'Rise, Peter, kill and eat.'
39:37 And Peter said, 'Not so Lord,
39:39 for I have never eaten anything common or unclean.'
39:43 And the voice spoke to him again the second time,
39:46 'What God has cleansed, you must not call common.'"
39:48 We have to make it
39:50 an evangelistic plug right here.
39:51 This was not the lifting of dietary restrictions
39:54 on unclean foods.
39:55 That's right.
39:57 This is not saying if it crawls,
39:58 hit it with a hammer and eat it.
40:00 That's right. That's not what it was saying.
40:01 What this was saying is not about
40:03 what you're eating, it's about what's eating you.
40:05 That's right.
40:06 It's not what's going into your stomach,
40:08 what's coming out of your mouth.
40:10 It's not your dietary restrictions
40:13 Peter that I'm concerned,
40:14 it's about your racial discrimination.
40:17 And Peter had to get past that.
40:19 Even the Jewish leaders, they were so bent out
40:21 of shape by Peter saying, "I got to go see Cornelius."
40:24 They sent a contingency just to prove
40:27 that he was not going to this Gentile's house
40:30 for distorted reasons.
40:32 Him going to the Gentile's house,
40:34 so the vision continues.
40:36 Verse 16, "This was done three times
40:38 and the object was taken up into heaven again.
40:40 Now while Peter wonder within himself
40:42 what this vision which he had seen meant,
40:44 behold, a man who been sent from Cornelius had made
40:47 inquiry for Simon's house and stood before the gate,
40:50 and they called and asked whether Simon
40:52 whose surname was Peter was lodging there.
40:54 While Peter thought about division,
40:56 the Spirit said, 'And behold,
40:57 three men are seeking you, arise,
40:59 therefore go down and go with him
41:01 doubting nothing for I have sent you.'"
41:03 And later on, when he got to Cornelius's house,
41:06 we find the crux of the verse in 28.
41:09 Then he said to them, because the Jews had
41:11 a really difficult time,
41:12 "You know how unlawful it is
41:14 for a Jewish man to keep company or to go
41:16 to one of another nation.
41:18 But God has shown me that I should not call
41:21 any man common or unclean."
41:24 That's right.
41:26 And so this inclusiveness for the inclusiveness to work,
41:30 the Lord had to break down barriers and today,
41:32 what has the devil done?
41:33 He's made denominational barriers,
41:35 which can be broken down,
41:38 if we let the gospel be the focus
41:40 and not the denominational tag.
41:43 Oh, you're Baptist, you're Pentecostal,
41:44 you're Methodist, you're Presbyterian.
41:46 As one pastor said to me and once he said,
41:47 "I got my verses to back up."
41:49 What I believe you have your verses to back up
41:51 what you believe.
41:53 I said to him, Pastor,
41:54 "I don't have any verses and neither do you
41:56 and the Bible doesn't back up opposing views."
41:58 If we let God's Word speak,
42:00 then God's Word will be our guide.
42:01 Amen.
42:03 And so today,
42:04 the Lord talks about this inclusiveness.
42:06 Another example you found in Acts Chapter 13,
42:09 let's go there quickly, verse 42-46.
42:13 "The gospel was being proclaimed with tenacity.
42:16 And what I'm addressing here is the very issue
42:18 that the Jews had.
42:20 So when the Jews went out Paul and Barnabas preaching,
42:23 the Gentiles begged that these words might be
42:25 preached to them the next Sabbath.
42:27 Now when the congregation had broken up,
42:28 many of the Jews and devout proselytize,
42:30 as converts follow Paul and Barnabas,
42:32 who's speaking to them, persuaded them
42:34 to continue in the grace of God."
42:35 Good sermon, Ryan?
42:36 What a message Amen.
42:38 Danny, what a powerful song you sang.
42:41 On the next Sabbath, Ryan and Danny
42:43 did the same thing but a different reaction.
42:45 On the next Sabbath, almost the whole city
42:48 came together to hear the Word of God,
42:50 but when the Jews saw the multitudes
42:52 they were filled with envy
42:54 and contradicting and blaspheming.
42:56 They oppose the things spoken by Paul.
43:00 Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold and said,
43:03 "It was necessary that the Word of God
43:05 should be spoken to you first.
43:07 But seeing you rejected and judge yourselves
43:09 unworthy of everlasting life,
43:10 behold, we turn to the Gentiles."
43:12 In the next verse. That's right.
43:14 "So the Lord has commanded us,
43:16 I have set you as a light to the Gentiles,
43:19 you should be for salvation to the end of the earth."
43:22 And what did the Gentiles do?
43:24 It says, "Now when the Gentiles heard this,
43:26 they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord,
43:29 and as many head as had been appointed
43:31 to the eternal life, believed."
43:33 So here's the key, if we walk in the light,
43:35 this is where fellowship begins.
43:37 Fellowship is not an international thing,
43:39 fellowship is internationally exclusive.
43:42 Fellowship includes everyone but here are the parameters.
43:44 Are you ready?
43:45 The parameters are this, 1 John 1:6-7.
43:50 Actually, I'll just do verse 7.
43:52 "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
43:57 we have fellowship with one another
44:00 and the blood of Jesus Christ
44:01 His Son cleanses us from all sin."
44:04 You got to walk in the light
44:05 and the fellowship will be the gift.
44:08 Amen.
44:09 You know, I love having Thursday's lesson
44:11 because I get to build on everybody else
44:13 and it's been so great.
44:14 You're gleaning now.
44:16 I'm gleaning, yes, okay.
44:17 Thursday's is the everlasting gospel
44:21 and I first have to say that Malachi 3:6,
44:24 "The Lord says, 'I am the Lord, I changed not.'"
44:28 Then Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus is the same yesterday,
44:33 today and forever.
44:34 He is an unchanging God with an unchanging gospel."
44:39 We're going to look at Revelation Chapter 14,
44:43 Revelation 14:6-7.
44:48 And this is the three angels' messages.
44:52 This is where this network got its name.
44:55 It's from Revelation 14 and verse 6 says,
44:59 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,"
45:03 having what?
45:04 "The everlasting gospel to preach to those
45:07 who dwell on the earth,
45:09 to every nation, tribe, tongue
45:10 and people saying with a loud voice,
45:13 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
45:16 for the hour of His judgment has come
45:19 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
45:22 the sea and the springs of water.'"
45:25 What is the everlasting gospel?
45:30 We're not gonna take time to turn there
45:31 but Revelation 13:8 tells us that Jesus Christ was the Lamb
45:37 who was slain
45:38 from the foundation of the earth
45:40 before time ever began, before God created this earth.
45:45 He had the Calvary plan in mind,
45:50 this was His salvation.
45:52 Hebrews 13:26 says that,
45:55 "Jesus' blood is the blood of the everlasting covenant."
45:59 He says, Hebrews 13:20, "Now may the God of peace,
46:03 who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead,
46:06 that great shepherd of the sheep,
46:08 through the blood
46:10 of the everlasting covenant."
46:15 The covenant of grace was established by God
46:21 for redemption before time ever began.
46:25 It has never been salvation by works.
46:28 You know, some people think that the Old Testament
46:30 was salvation by works.
46:32 That is not the truth.
46:34 The everlasting Gospel of Revelation 14:6
46:38 was preached to Adam and Eve in the Garden in Genesis 3:15,
46:43 "When God came, and he said to them,
46:46 and said to the serpent after they fell, he said,
46:48 "I will put enmity between you and the woman,
46:52 between your seed and her seed."
46:55 "He shall bruise your head,
46:58 and you shall bruise his heel."
47:01 "See, do you remember
47:03 when Jesus said it's in John 8:56."
47:07 He told the Pharisees, your father Abraham
47:12 saw my day and he was glad.
47:15 Ah, they were so upset.
47:16 It was like Jesus is calling Himself.
47:19 You know, you're 33 years old.
47:22 You're saying that You've seen Abraham
47:24 and Abraham has seen your day.
47:27 In Genesis 15, is when God put Abraham
47:32 into a deep sleep, remember?
47:34 And he had the animal's chaff and God was the only one
47:38 that passed between these chaffs.
47:40 He was creating a covenant of grace.
47:42 And we know that Abraham,
47:44 the salvation and righteousness,
47:48 justification by faith was made with Abraham.
47:53 And when Genesis 22:8,
47:57 when Abraham took his son Isaac
48:03 to Mount Moriah and God said, "Offer him up as a sacrifice."
48:08 You know, I believe, Abraham had already seen
48:12 God's day, I mean Christ's day.
48:14 And Hebrews Chapter 11 tells us that Abraham reckoned,
48:19 well, even if He kills him, He's gonna bring him,
48:22 He's gonna resurrect him.
48:23 So Abraham knew
48:25 that he knew and he told his son,
48:28 he said, "My Son, God will provide Himself
48:32 the lamb for a burnt offering."
48:35 Everything you see throughout the New or Old Testament,
48:38 we see the story of Abraham,
48:40 it's all salvation by grace through faith.
48:42 When you see the sanctuary, you know, it's salvation
48:46 by grace through faith,
48:48 and that was theology in physical form.
48:51 So what God did is every one of His covenants
48:55 is just an unfolding revelation,
48:58 a progression of understanding
49:01 of salvation by grace through faith.
49:04 Jeremiah 33:16.
49:07 Jeremiah said, "The Lord, our righteousness,
49:10 he knew it was salvation by grace through faith."
49:13 Isaiah 64:6 says,
49:15 "That the best you and I can do,
49:17 our righteousness is like filthy rags.
49:20 It's always been righteousness by faith."
49:23 Salvation, the Bible says
49:26 both in the Old Testament and the New Testament,
49:29 salvation belongs to the Lord.
49:31 That's the everlasting gospel.
49:33 So when we get to Revelation 14:6-7,
49:37 and it says that this angel comes forth
49:41 with the everlasting gospel, and unchanging God
49:45 has an unchanging message and unchanging gospel,
49:49 and it will give assurance
49:51 of salvation to all who receive it.
49:56 What I love about the gospel is
49:58 it reveals the unchanging love of God
50:02 and everyone needs to have a chance to hear this.
50:05 That's right.
50:07 You know, I just want to take this moment.
50:09 And I don't do this on this program.
50:11 But thank you for those of you who support 3ABN.
50:16 We are taking the everlasting gospel into the world.
50:20 And we see the fruit of it every day,
50:23 it comes with letters, emails, prisoners, phone calls,
50:28 people who are joining the church,
50:30 people returned to the church,
50:32 people who are accepting Christ for the first time and you,
50:37 your support makes this possible
50:40 to take this message.
50:42 In Ephesians 1:4-5,
50:46 I love this and it's something
50:49 that's so interesting, He says, "He chose us in Him."
50:53 This is Ephesians 1:4-5,
50:57 "Before the foundation of the world
51:01 that we should be holy and without blame before Him
51:04 in love having predestined us,"
51:09 Do we believe in predestination not in the sense
51:12 that God is saying,
51:14 okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, you're saved, 1, 2, 3, 4, you're saved.
51:18 No, but He predestined us to be conformed
51:22 to the image of His son,
51:24 and to adoptions as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
51:28 according to the good pleasure
51:32 of His will.
51:35 He chose us before we were ever born,
51:40 that anyone who would accept His Son
51:43 and oh, his heart is that all would accept His son
51:46 that this act of salvation that He was pouring out
51:50 that we could be called the children of God.
51:54 You know, he tells us in 2 Timothy 1:9
51:58 that this salvation was before time began.
52:03 You know that they have proven
52:06 and I'm trying to think of the branch of science,
52:08 I'm too sleepy. Who is it?
52:13 Okay, not a chemist but a...
52:16 Physicist? Not a biologist.
52:18 Thank you.
52:20 Physicists have proven time did not exist
52:24 before our world was created.
52:27 Now, ain't that fascinating?
52:29 So there's several times that the Bible tells
52:32 before time began, before time began.
52:34 The Bible always said that time didn't begin until our world,
52:38 but God had this plan for us
52:43 before time began.
52:45 Our lesson points out a couple of interesting points
52:49 that I want to hit.
52:50 Revelation 14:7, it says,
52:53 brings together three key elements
52:56 that we've already studied about concerning God's feelings
53:01 about evil, poverty, oppression and throughout the Bible story.
53:05 This one, Revelation 14:7 is bringing out judgment,
53:09 the appeal for judgment for justice to be done.
53:12 There's still the blood.
53:15 This is metaphorically speaking the blood
53:17 of the saints crying out,
53:19 how long, oh Lord, before You bring us justice.
53:23 We see it's coming.
53:25 The second thing that Revelation 14:7 brings out
53:29 is worship, and we've been studying that worship
53:34 that God desires most are the acts of kindness
53:38 and love for the poor
53:40 and the needy and then creation.
53:44 I'll read this very quickly.
53:46 God's call for justice is the common family
53:50 of humanity that we are created in His image
53:54 and love by Him
53:55 that we all have value in His sight
53:57 that no one should be exploited or expressed
54:00 for the unjust gain and greed of another.
54:03 It seems clear that this in time proclamation
54:06 of the gospel is a broad and far reaching call
54:11 to accept the rescue, redemption,
54:14 and restoration that God wants for fallen humanity.
54:20 Amen.
54:21 Thank you so much, Shelley, each one of you,
54:23 what an incredible job.
54:24 I love seeing the gospel from Genesis 3:15,
54:28 that first messianic promise all the way to Revelation,
54:32 and you see it interwoven throughout the entire Bible.
54:35 We have a few moments,
54:37 we actually have a few extra moments I think
54:39 so feel free to take time and share a closing thought.
54:42 Well, I would just like to say, I'm so thankful for John 3:16,
54:46 for God so loved the world.
54:48 You can say it with me there in the audience and here too,
54:50 "For God so loved the world
54:52 that He gave His only begotten Son,
54:55 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
54:59 but have an everlasting life."
55:01 Amen. What a great promise.
55:03 Thank you, Jesus.
55:04 Amen. Praise the Lord.
55:05 Pertaining to my particular day,
55:07 grace and works,
55:08 I found this incredibly powerful quote
55:11 in the book Faith and Works,
55:14 and this is what it says,
55:15 "God's promises are all made upon conditions.
55:18 If we do His will, if we walk in truth,
55:21 then we may ask what we will
55:23 and it shall be done unto us
55:25 while we earnestly endeavor to be obedient,
55:28 God will hear our petitions,
55:30 but He will not bless us in disobedience.
55:33 If we choose to disobey His commandments, we may cry,
55:36 faith, faith only have faith and the response will come back
55:41 from the sure word of God.
55:42 Faith without works is dead.
55:45 Such faith will only be as sounding brass
55:48 and as tinkling cymbal in order to have the benefits
55:51 of God's grace, we must do our part.
55:53 We must faithfully work and bring forth fruits
55:56 meet for repentance."
55:57 Amen.
55:58 1 Corinthians 12:13, "For by one Spirit,"
56:01 talking about common community,
56:03 "we were all baptized into one body,
56:05 whether Jew or Greek, whether slave or free,
56:08 all have been made to drink into one Spirit."
56:11 We are not united by a common proxy
56:13 but by divine provision.
56:17 Oh, that's good.
56:18 Amen.
56:21 I guess all I could say is this.
56:25 Do you have any idea how much God loves you?
56:28 You are worth nothing less to Him than the price
56:31 that He paid for you
56:32 with the precious blood of His Son,
56:35 Jesus Christ.
56:36 And He wants more than anything to adopt you as His child,
56:41 to have you spend eternity with Him.
56:45 And it is all salvation is by grace through faith.
56:50 But obedience is by grace too.
56:53 It is as God works in us to will and to do His good
56:56 pleasure by the power of His Holy Spirit
56:59 that He will complete the good work
57:01 He has begun in us.
57:03 Amen. Amen.
57:04 Thank you all so much. Thank you, Danny.
57:05 Thank you, Pastor Ryan, Pastor John, and Shelley,
57:08 thank you for sharing your heart
57:10 and the Word of God with each one of us.
57:12 And we thank you for joining us as well.
57:14 I wanna leave you with a closing scripture.
57:16 This is from the Sermon on the Mount.
57:18 Matthew 5:16, Jesus speaking,
57:22 "Let your light so shine before men,
57:25 that they may see your good works
57:27 and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
57:30 'We talk a great deal about preaching the gospel
57:33 and that is vitally important that we proclaim
57:36 an undiluted three angels' messages.
57:39 That's what this station is all about.
57:41 But at the same time,
57:43 we are called to live the gospel.
57:45 We're called to show forth the praises of Him
57:48 who called us out of darkness into this marvelous light.
57:52 We thank you so much for joining us here
57:55 on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
57:57 Join us next week for Living the Advent Hope.


Revised 2019-09-10