3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Least of These

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190034A

00:01 The Bible tells us,
00:02 "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:16 approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now
00:21 for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, "The Least of These."
00:32 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:34 And we are so excited
00:35 that you are once again joining us
00:37 for 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
00:39 Our quarterly is The Least of These.
00:43 It's talking about ministering to the poor and the oppressed.
00:47 And we're on lesson eight already.
00:49 It has been such a wonderful study.
00:52 I want to tell you right up front
00:54 that if you'd like to download these lessons,
00:58 you may go to ABSG.Adventist.org
01:04 or you are always welcome.
01:07 I know they would throw their arms open
01:10 and welcome you,
01:11 if you went to your nearest local
01:14 Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:15 And they'd give you a copy of this quarterly,
01:18 that way you can study along with us.
01:20 I hope you have your Bible.
01:22 We've got some wonderful panel members,
01:24 they're my brothers and sister in Christ.
01:27 And I learned so much from each one of you each time.
01:31 Thank you for your,
01:32 the preparation that you put into these.
01:34 First we have my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang,
01:38 and then Miss Jill Morikone,
01:41 Pastor Ryan Day, and Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:45 So glad that you're here.
01:46 John, could you open us up in prayer, please?
01:49 Sure.
01:50 Loving Lord, we always rely on Your inspiration,
01:54 Your Holy Spirit, Your power
01:56 to pour into us that as we pour out,
01:59 that Your perfect will
02:00 may be revealed and accomplished.
02:02 Come now and anoint our hearts and our lips
02:04 and what we have studied,
02:06 make it relevant and pertinent
02:07 to those who are listening and watching this program.
02:10 For me all the glory go to You, in Jesus' name, amen.
02:14 Amen and amen.
02:16 Well, lesson eight,
02:17 we're actually coming the title of this lesson
02:20 is The Least of These
02:21 just like the title of the quarterly.
02:23 And you know, when we think about it,
02:26 the way in which Jesus lived His life.
02:28 First of all, He always taught in a practical manner.
02:31 He taught in such a way that you could see and know
02:36 how to put God's truths into practice.
02:40 But the way in which He lived His life,
02:42 He set an example for us
02:44 as He ministered to the poor, to the needy,
02:47 the oppressed, the sick,
02:48 and He demonstrated by His own actions,
02:52 that these are actions that please God.
02:56 So He set us an example.
02:59 And what we do as we minister to others like this,
03:05 it helps us to develop His divine nature
03:09 of unselfish love.
03:12 So I wanted to read just one thing
03:15 here from the Sabbath lesson on lesson eight, it says,
03:21 "Jesus' teachings set up the blueprint
03:25 for His kingdom."
03:26 You know,
03:27 the kingdom of heaven is a reality
03:29 that we can enjoy even now, really.
03:31 Because what we're doing now,
03:34 we see the kingdom of heaven
03:35 has different priorities, different standards.
03:38 But as we put those into practice, now,
03:41 we are seated in the heavenly places
03:44 with Christ Jesus, right?
03:45 Right.
03:47 But it says, Jesus teaching set up
03:48 the blueprint for His kingdom.
03:50 It includes a strong focus on how we serve God,
03:55 and in serving Him how we are to relate to others.
03:59 We also discover that serving others,
04:04 caring for their needs and uplifting them is one way
04:09 in which we can directly offer service to God.
04:14 Who would like to read the memory text,
04:16 which is Matthew 25:40?
04:20 Kenny, do you have that? Yes.
04:21 Okay.
04:24 "And the King will answer and say to them,
04:26 'Assuredly, I say to you,
04:29 inasmuch as you did it
04:30 to one of the least of these My brethren,
04:33 you did it unto Me.'"
04:35 And this is Jesus talking, isn't that amazing?
04:38 And I'm not going to get into it,
04:40 'cause I know somebody's covering it.
04:41 My lesson is Sunday, "The Sermon on the Mount."
04:44 And this was Jesus' longest sermon.
04:47 It's actually a collection of teachings.
04:50 I wouldn't say He necessarily sermonized
04:53 but we call it a sermon.
04:55 And you know, in three chapters,
05:00 covers the Sermon on the Mount.
05:02 And what we find is that this is a survey of the life,
05:06 what life is going to be like in God's kingdom.
05:09 Well, it opens up with statements
05:13 that we have come to call the beatitudes,
05:16 and it's going to be my joy to go through the beatitudes.
05:19 Let's just go straight to them.
05:21 Matthew 5:3, "A beatitude is a blessing."
05:27 And Jesus starts off saying,
05:29 "Blessed are the poor in spirit,
05:33 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
05:37 I think that we really need to notice
05:39 that it's poor in spirit.
05:43 The word poor here indicates a dire spiritual poverty.
05:49 It's people who sense their need of God,
05:53 their need of a Savior,
05:55 and the need of the grace that God can give them.
05:58 So poor in spirit means
06:01 to recognize we are undeserving sinners,
06:05 in need of a Heavenly Father and His grace.
06:09 But it's interesting because Jesus says,
06:13 "Blessed are the poor in spirit,
06:15 for theirs is the kingdom in heaven."
06:17 So only those who recognize their need for God,
06:20 I think it's safe to say,
06:22 are going to enter the kingdom of heaven.
06:24 Those who don't recognize the need for God
06:28 will decline His grace
06:30 and they will lose that blessing.
06:32 The next verse, Matthew 5:4,
06:35 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
06:41 And I wish I had time
06:42 to connect all of this with Isaiah 61.
06:45 But just let me say this, Isaiah 61,
06:48 the word mourning there
06:49 as it's talking about Israel mourning.
06:52 What they are sorry about
06:55 is that their sins caused them to have to go into exile.
07:00 So if you connect these two,
07:04 what Matthew 5:4 is saying is those who mourn,
07:09 are those who are suffering
07:11 the consequences of their sin, if you will.
07:15 And it brings them to an attitude of repentance.
07:20 You know, that is a natural, if you are poor in spirit,
07:25 you recognize your need for God because you're a sinner.
07:29 It's natural,
07:30 then that you will mourn over your sins.
07:33 Don't you see that's a natural progression?
07:36 So what Jesus though is giving a message of comfort to them.
07:41 This is, you may be in this condition,
07:44 but you're going to be comforted.
07:46 "I'm gonna forgive your sins."
07:48 Hallelujah!
07:49 He meets us,
07:51 He meets our spiritual poverty with a riches of His grace.
07:55 I think that's so exciting.
07:57 And then He sends His Holy Spirit
08:01 to be our comforter, to be the one our Paraclete,
08:05 the one who walks beside us.
08:07 He's in us, He empowers us to do God's will.
08:12 So that is the second requirement
08:15 if you consider yourself a candidate
08:18 for the kingdom of God.
08:20 Matthew 5:5,
08:21 "Blessed are the meek,
08:25 for they shall inherit the earth."
08:28 Meekness is a gentle quality
08:34 of humility.
08:36 Meekness doesn't mean you're over here being
08:39 like the little scared rabbit in the corner.
08:41 Meekness is an attitude of your heart and your mind
08:47 that prepares the way for sanctification.
08:50 Because if meekness is humility,
08:54 I always say, based on Philippians 2:5-8, it says,
08:57 "Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus."
09:00 And it goes on to talk about, He humbled himself,
09:03 he was totally dependent upon God.
09:06 That's what humility is,
09:08 is to recognize our total dependence upon God.
09:11 And right now, it says right here,
09:14 Jesus is saying,
09:15 if you will be dependent upon God,
09:18 if you will be meek toward God,
09:21 accept His will for your life, except His direction,
09:26 then check on it, inherit the earth.
09:29 Hallelujah!
09:30 All right, Matthew 5:6,
09:33 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
09:39 for they shall be filled."
09:42 You know, this hunger and thirst
09:44 is a metaphor for fervent desire.
09:49 Remember, what David said,
09:50 as the deer pants for the water,
09:54 so my spirit pants for you, so I long for you.
09:58 No earthly source can satisfy this kind of hunger and thirst.
10:04 When you have that hunger and thirst
10:06 for God's righteousness,
10:07 you know, we all were born with eternity in our heart.
10:11 That's what,
10:13 what is that Ecclesiastes 3:11, I think?
10:16 But that's what Song of Solomon
10:18 or Solomon said in Ecclesiastes.
10:21 Solomon was the wisest man on earth.
10:26 And he tried to fill his life
10:28 with philosophies, with material riches,
10:32 he tried to satisfy his physical appetite.
10:36 He had honor, power, he tried it all.
10:40 And what did he end up saying, it's all vanity.
10:43 He realized nothing will bring satisfaction
10:47 like a relationship with Jesus and with God.
10:50 And He finally recognized and you'll see that
10:53 in Ecclesiastes 3:12, 13, and 14,
10:56 that he's recognizing that
10:58 this is the only thing that matters
11:00 is having that relationship with God
11:02 and following Him.
11:04 But I wanted to point out when it says,
11:07 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst
11:10 for righteousness,"
11:11 notice this, "they shall be filled."
11:15 That's passive voice.
11:17 That means, if it weren't an active voice,
11:19 that means you would be saying,
11:21 "You'd have to fill up yourself."
11:23 But this is passive voice,
11:25 which it's called the divine passive here.
11:28 It means, God is going to do that action.
11:31 You can't make yourself righteous.
11:33 All you can do is surrender to God.
11:36 And God is the one who's going to fill you,
11:41 and make you righteous.
11:43 When Jesus said,
11:44 "Lest your righteousness surpass that of the Pharisees,"
11:48 they used to scare me to death.
11:50 And I think, per se,
11:53 He's talking about a divine gift,
11:54 it is God who's going to do it.
11:57 Matthew 5:7,
11:59 "Blessed are the merciful,
12:00 for they shall obtain mercy.
12:04 Blessed are the pure in heart,
12:08 for they shall see God."
12:11 And let me, I'm skipping over the mercy.
12:14 I think that one's pretty clear.
12:16 But when you're pure in heart, this is your mind,
12:19 your conscience, your inner man.
12:22 And the pure in heart will be clothed
12:25 with the robe of Christ's righteousness,
12:27 because they have forsaken sin
12:30 as the ruling principle of their life.
12:33 If you're pure in heart,
12:34 you're going to follow God's will,
12:38 and being pure in heart
12:40 doesn't mean that you're perfect,
12:41 doesn't mean that you're sinless.
12:43 It just means your motives are pure.
12:45 And if the motives are pure, the life is going to be pure,
12:48 if you're following God.
12:49 "Blessed," Matthew 5:9 says, "are the peacemakers,
12:53 for they shall called sons of God."
12:56 And in verse 10 says, "Blessed are those
12:58 who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,
13:01 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
13:03 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you,
13:05 and say all kinds of evil
13:07 against you falsely for My name's sake.
13:10 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad,
13:13 for great is your reward in heaven,
13:17 for so they persecuted the prophets,
13:19 who were before you."
13:21 I don't have time to get to the salt and light,
13:24 but I'm gonna pass it on to you, John.
13:26 Okay, Overcoming Evil with Good.
13:29 Wow, what a concept!
13:31 It's one that is completely foreign
13:33 to the natural person.
13:35 You know, the existence of the common people
13:36 in the days of Jesus
13:38 was made even more difficult under the Roman rule,
13:41 and also dealing with the Pharisees,
13:44 who were anything but spiritual.
13:46 They were very religious,
13:47 but their standards was so high,
13:50 that they set standards that they themselves
13:52 were not willing to accomplish.
13:55 But they put these burdens
13:56 on the shoulders of individuals.
13:58 And, but the Lord came to offer something
14:04 that was completely unavailable on earth.
14:08 This whole concept of overcoming evil with good
14:10 is completely unnatural.
14:12 Yes, it is.
14:14 Totally unnatural.
14:15 I'm going to read Matthew 5:38-48,
14:18 to just encapsulate what Jesus came to offer.
14:22 And then we're going to walk through how this could happen,
14:26 and how it cannot happen.
14:28 Let's look at this, Matthew 5:38-48.
14:32 "You have heard that it was said,
14:33 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'"
14:36 And by the way, that's practice in some places
14:37 around the world still.
14:40 "But I tell you, not to resist an evil person.
14:43 But whoever slaps you on your right cheek,
14:46 turn the other to him also.'"
14:48 I cannot tell you the last time I did that.
14:53 No confessions,
14:54 but I doubt we'll find that on this table either.
14:57 "If anyone wants to sue you,
15:01 and take away your tunic,
15:02 let him have your cloak also.
15:05 And whoever compels you to go one mile,
15:07 go with him two.
15:09 Give to him who asks you,
15:10 and from him who wants to borrow from you
15:13 and do not turn away.'
15:15 You have heard that it was said,
15:17 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
15:19 But I say to you, love your enemies,
15:21 bless those who curse you,
15:22 do good to those who hate you, and pray for those
15:24 who spitefully use you and persecute you,
15:27 that you may be," and here's the key,
15:29 the identifying factor,
15:30 "that you may be the sons of your Father in heaven,
15:34 for he makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good,
15:37 and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.'"
15:40 In other words, don't think you're unique.
15:44 "For if you love those who love you,
15:45 what reward have you?
15:48 Do not even the tax collectors do the same?
15:49 And if you greet your brethren only,
15:52 what do you do more than others?
15:54 Do not even the tax collector do so?
15:57 Therefore you shall be perfect,
15:59 just as your Father in heaven is perfect."
16:02 Can I just say it, Lord have mercy?
16:05 Praise God, it's divinely.
16:07 What a tall order!
16:08 Yeah. Yes.
16:10 How do we go the extra mile?
16:13 How do you turn the other cheek?
16:16 How do you give the shirt off your back
16:18 when somebody is already taken your coat?
16:20 And how do you keep your mouth shut
16:22 when you just want to just purge,
16:25 what's stirring in your chest
16:27 and surely already in your head?
16:29 I want to begin by saying, let's go to 1 Corinthians 2:14,
16:33 because we are incapable of turning the other cheek
16:37 and loving our enemies with our natural tendencies.
16:41 Jill, 1 Corinthians 2:14.
16:43 Here's the reason why we are incapable.
16:45 "But the natural man does not receive the things
16:48 of the Spirit of God,
16:49 for they are foolishness to him,
16:51 nor can he know them,
16:52 because they are spiritually discerned.
16:54 That's right.
16:55 When somebody says,
16:57 "So I heard they punch you in the face in school.
16:59 Go ahead and turn the other cheek,
17:01 let him punch on the other side tomorrow."
17:03 You'll say like Paul the Apostle, "What?"
17:07 You know, I love the King James Version
17:09 for that reason, Paul said, "What?
17:11 Do you not know that your body is the temple?
17:13 You'll say, "What are you talking about?
17:15 He hit me."
17:16 Well, tomorrow let him hit you on the other side.
17:19 And don't say anything when he does it.
17:20 And you're thinking, "This is not even sensible."
17:23 Even in Revelation Chapter 16, there's this echoing of Lord,
17:27 how long is it going to be before you avenge our blood
17:31 on those who dwell on the earth.
17:33 What's up with that? What's taken so long?
17:34 He says, relax,
17:36 just take a while I'll take care of it.
17:38 But this radical reaction, listen,
17:40 the radical reaction to natural tendencies
17:43 was the means whereby Christianity
17:45 became the religion of empowerment.
17:47 Radical reaction to natural tendencies
17:50 was the means whereby Christianity
17:53 became the religion of empowerment.
17:55 Jesus was continually challenged throughout His life,
17:59 this is powerful, to show His divinity
18:02 in the phase of human challenges.
18:04 See the temptation, let's go ahead and get to it.
18:07 Satan tempts us to reveal our humanity
18:11 while we're claiming to be partakers
18:13 of the divine nature.
18:16 Satan tempted Jesus to reveal His divinity,
18:19 while claiming to be partakers of a divine,
18:21 of a human nature.
18:23 That's good. That's really good.
18:24 Look at the comparisons. Look at the comparisons.
18:26 Matthew 4:38, let's go there.
18:28 Look at how he tempted Jesus continually
18:31 to reveal His divinity because he knew that
18:33 if this divine being revealed His divinity,
18:36 all bets would have been off.
18:38 Not that our salvation was a bet,
18:40 but any attempt to save us would have been cancelled.
18:43 Matthew 4:3, you have that, Ryan?
18:45 Absolutely. What it did to Jesus?
18:47 The Bible says,
18:48 "Now when the tempter came to Him, he said,
18:50 'If you are the Son of God,
18:52 command that these stones became bread.'"
18:55 If you really are divine,
18:57 stop dealing with this week humanity,
18:59 show us who you are.
19:01 Look at another one.
19:02 Matthew 27:42.
19:04 Shelley, can you get there, Matthew 27:42.
19:06 Look at what the devil,
19:08 he continually buffeted Jesus to show His divinity.
19:11 Matthew 27:42, says,
19:16 "He saved others, Himself He cannot save.
19:19 If He is the King of Israel,
19:21 let Him come down from the cross,
19:23 and we will believe Him."
19:24 That's right.
19:26 Continually he said, show us Your divinity
19:27 'cause, oh, you have on human flesh.
19:31 But we know where you're from.
19:32 The devil knew where He was from.
19:34 That's why he continually pressed that divine button.
19:37 But Jesus could not overcome sin in a divine way.
19:42 He would have defeated the fact
19:44 that He's tempted in all points just as we are.
19:47 But He couldn't have been. Perfect sacrifice.
19:49 So He had to be that perfect sacrifice.
19:51 Here's another one, Isaiah 53:7.
19:53 Who can get there? And I haven't read that.
19:56 Could I have read Matthew 4?
19:57 Isaiah 53:7? Isaiah 53:7.
20:00 "He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
20:02 yet He opened not His mouth.
20:03 He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
20:05 and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
20:08 so he opened not His mouth."
20:09 Look at that.
20:10 How many times do we get to the point
20:12 where we just don't want to say anything?
20:14 Matter of fact, I think what Christians do is
20:16 we go home and we argue,
20:17 we practice what we're going to say.
20:19 Have you ever done that?
20:21 You know, what I should have said?
20:22 You know, what I should have said?
20:23 You wait till I see him tomorrow.
20:25 You wait till I get to work.
20:26 I'm gonna be waiting for him at the entrance of the...
20:28 When I see him come to studio, remember yesterday.
20:33 And that's human tendencies.
20:34 And so Christianity is not a religion
20:39 that defaults to our natural tendencies.
20:42 The uniqueness of Christianity
20:44 is not contributory to inherent qualities.
20:48 You can't get. It's not in here.
20:50 I know that in my flesh dwelleth what?
20:53 No good thing. No good thing.
20:55 And so it says, and I wrote this down,
20:57 it recognizes man's utter helplessness
21:00 to exhibit divine qualities.
21:02 John 15:5, look at that.
21:04 Pastor Kenny, could you get there, John 15:5?
21:06 If not, I'll read it. Sure.
21:08 He was so quick.
21:09 He says, you don't have the ability to do anything.
21:11 Try it. And look at what Jesus says.
21:13 Try it, try to do it without my help,
21:15 and you'll really be in trouble.
21:17 John 15:5 says,
21:18 "I am the vine, you are the branches.
21:21 He that abideth in me, and I in him,
21:23 the same bringeth forth much fruit,
21:25 without me ye can do nothing."
21:27 You try to control your temper without me,
21:29 let's see how far it gets you.
21:32 Overcome evil with good, really, honestly
21:34 after what he did to you,
21:37 do you really want to overcome evil with good?
21:39 Try it.
21:41 And the devil urges us and pushes us
21:42 to that place where we say, "You know, I'm so sorry."
21:45 And we say,
21:47 "I should have thought about it."
21:48 Because you know, here's one thing
21:49 I've learned as a pastor.
21:51 This is powerful, and leaders,
21:53 there are certain things that leaders do
21:54 that will not be forgotten soon.
21:58 And people will remind you,
21:59 but you're the General Manager of 3ABN, you're not just...
22:02 Yeah.
22:03 And they'll mention other departments.
22:05 You just don't have the freedom
22:06 to just tell people off from the foyer.
22:09 You know, and I know you haven't done that.
22:11 And I know Shelley has never gotten mad at anybody.
22:14 But we just don't have those licenses
22:17 to put God's character on trial.
22:20 And that's exactly what happens when we blow it.
22:23 So the Lord is saying,
22:24 here's what he's come to do for us.
22:26 Philippians 4:13,
22:27 I'll just read it in interest of time.
22:29 "I can do all things through Christ
22:30 who strengthens me,"
22:32 including chew that lip.
22:39 The Christian life is not a natural practice
22:41 but a spiritual enabling.
22:43 The principles of Christianity
22:45 are not lived out of natural grit,
22:47 but out of spiritual power.
22:50 So you can't just do it.
22:51 So what is easier to lash out or to be restrained?
22:55 It's easy to lash out.
22:57 What is easier, to fight back or to walk away,
22:59 or to argue or to hold your peace?
23:00 Well, here it is, very quickly.
23:02 What did God promised to do?
23:04 Exodus 14:14,
23:05 "The Lord will fight for you, you shall hold your peace."
23:08 Exodus 14:13,
23:09 "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord,
23:12 which he will accomplish for you."
23:14 1 Samuel 17:47,
23:15 "For the battle is the Lord's,
23:18 He will give them into your hands."
23:20 God is a... Psalm 46:10,
23:21 "Be still and know that I'm God."
23:23 When we get there,
23:25 then we will be able to overcome evil with good.
23:27 Amen. Amen.
23:28 John, that was powerful. Thank you.
23:30 And we hope that you're enjoying this
23:32 as much as we are.
23:33 We'll take a short break and be right back.
23:36 Please stay tuned.
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24:15 And now we're continuing in lesson eight.
24:17 Jill Morikone has Tuesday's lesson,
24:20 "The Good Samaritan."
24:21 Thank you.
24:23 Thank you so much Shelley and Pastor John,
24:24 what a wonderful foundation!
24:26 I could sit for a long time and listen
24:28 to what you were just sharing about overcoming evil with good
24:32 and sitting back and waiting for God,
24:35 that's powerful.
24:36 On the Good Samaritan.
24:38 Before we jump into that,
24:40 turn with me to Luke Chapter 10,
24:42 'cause we're going to spend our time
24:43 in Luke Chapter 10.
24:45 So you can turn there.
24:46 I want to talk to you just a moment
24:47 about the letter of the law versus the spirit of the law.
24:51 And to me, this is the crux of the matter
24:53 of what the young lawyer is asking Jesus.
24:56 The letter of the law versus the spirit of the law.
24:59 When one obeys the letter of the law,
25:01 but not the spirit.
25:03 One is obeying the literal interpretation
25:06 of the Word,
25:07 but not necessarily the intent of those who wrote the law.
25:12 What does a Christian's life look like that pleases God?
25:16 Is it a life of rules and restrictions
25:18 or life of freedom and joy and peace?
25:22 I think I'm sure you all have met people who say,
25:24 "I'm a good person.
25:26 I tried to obey The Ten Commandments.
25:29 Yet, somehow I don't have any peace
25:31 and joy in my life.
25:33 Am I not doing enough?
25:35 Is there something wrong here?"
25:37 And this is really what the young lawyer said.
25:40 So let's look at that.
25:42 Luke 10:25-29, we'll set the stage here.
25:46 "And behold, a certain lawyer," or expert in the law of Moses,
25:51 "stood up and tested Him, saying,
25:54 'Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?'
25:57 He said to him, 'What is written in the law?
26:00 What is your reading of it?'
26:01 So he answered and said,"
26:03 we've talked about this before on this panel for this quarter,
26:06 "You shall love the Lord your God
26:08 with all your heart, with all your soul,
26:10 with all your strength, with all your mind,
26:13 and your neighbor as yourself.'
26:16 And he said, You have answered rightly,
26:18 do this, and you will live.'
26:20 But he," this is the lawyer, the expert in the law,
26:24 "wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus,
26:29 'And who is my neighbor?'"
26:31 He quoted from Leviticus 19:18, which says,
26:35 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
26:37 The lawyer's question showed his heart and his motive.
26:41 Really, he's saying, is like a little kid.
26:43 "Do I have to," right, a little kid?
26:46 And the mom says, "Do this,"
26:47 and says, "Do I have to?"
26:49 So let's look at the story of the Good Samaritan.
26:51 I've divided it down into seven parts.
26:54 I always like when I read stuff, to me,
26:56 I like to just compartmentalize.
26:57 So seven parts here,
26:59 we're going to look at the question,
27:02 the attack, the priest,
27:04 the Levite, the Samaritan,
27:07 the lesson, and then the attitude.
27:09 So let's look at the question.
27:11 There are really two questions that the lawyer asked.
27:14 The first question,
27:16 "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
27:17 And the second question, "Who is my neighbor?"
27:22 Most of the parables that Jesus told,
27:24 answered a question,
27:26 but they also dealt with an attitude,
27:28 Pastor John.
27:30 Not just answering the question,
27:31 but we're dealing with some sort of attitude.
27:33 And the attitude in this parable
27:35 is self-righteousness.
27:37 The lawyer was seeking to justify himself.
27:41 That was the problem with Israel,
27:42 and Jesus addressed that
27:44 by giving the parable, and frankly,
27:46 that can be the problem with us today as well.
27:49 I want to talk to you before we get to the attack,
27:51 just a moment about the Jewish hierarchal society,
27:54 because this is important as we look at
27:56 what takes place in this parable.
27:59 Robert in the control room did this for me.
28:02 So thank you very much.
28:03 If you see here at the centre, if you imagine a circle,
28:06 so at the center, you have the priests.
28:08 This would be like the highest order there
28:10 in their Jewish society.
28:12 Then, next, if you go out of the circle just a little bit,
28:15 you would get to the Levites, you can see that.
28:17 You will go out a little further,
28:19 you get to the Jews.
28:20 Then you have the tax collectors,
28:22 the outcasts or the sinners.
28:24 Now these are people more untouchable.
28:26 They're not as welcome or highly favored in society.
28:30 Then we get to the Samaritans who were a mixed race people,
28:34 combination of Jewish and Gentile in it.
28:37 The farthest outermost point would be the Gentiles.
28:41 Now, we know this is not how God looks at us.
28:45 And this is not how God looked at the people at that time.
28:49 But this is how many of the Jewish people
28:52 looked at other people.
28:54 So keep that in mind as we hear this story.
28:56 So let's look at the attack.
28:58 Luke 10:30,
29:01 "Then Jesus answered and said,"
29:02 now I'm going to stop right here
29:04 'cause the word answered in Greek
29:06 literally means taken up.
29:08 So in other words, the lawyer said,
29:10 "Who is my neighbor?"
29:12 And Jesus took up the challenge.
29:13 He didn't just simply,
29:14 "Okay, I'm going to answer you."
29:16 But He actually took up that challenge.
29:18 "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho..."
29:22 And those of you who have been to Israel know literally,
29:25 you go down in elevation,
29:28 from Jerusalem to Jericho,
29:30 it descents probably 3000 feet, from Jerusalem to Jericho,
29:34 over a distance of maybe 18 miles.
29:37 And it's very rocky there.
29:40 And so a certain man went down,
29:42 he's leaving Jerusalem going to Jericho.
29:45 "And this man fell among thieves
29:46 who stripped him of his clothing,
29:48 wounded him and departed,
29:51 leaving him half-dead."
29:53 So now we'll see three different people
29:55 who come along.
29:56 First is the priest.
29:58 Now, where is the priest in that circle?
29:59 Where was his position?
30:00 Right at the center. It was at the center, right?
30:02 Okay, so this would be the top position.
30:04 First comes the priest.
30:06 Luke 10:31, "Now by chance a certain priest
30:09 came down that road.
30:11 And when he saw him," what did he do?
30:14 Passed by.
30:15 "He passed by on the other side."
30:18 Now in English, we have a whole bunch of words
30:20 passed by on the other side.
30:22 And Greek is one word, but it means the same thing.
30:26 Literally, he passed by opposite to
30:29 or on the other side.
30:31 Now in their culture, the Jews, if they touched a dead person,
30:35 they would be considered unclean.
30:36 So at first glance, you might think,
30:39 "Okay, we might be able to excuse him
30:41 because he doesn't want to be considered unclean.
30:43 He didn't know if this person was dead."
30:46 But I don't think that they could use that excuse.
30:49 He was leaving Jerusalem,
30:51 meaning probably he had been there
30:53 to officiate somehow, and he's probably headed home.
30:57 He had accomplished his duties, and he's going home.
31:00 The story reveals his hypocrisy 'cause he went to worship God,
31:04 and he's not even willing to love his neighbor.
31:08 He loved God or he thought he did,
31:10 but he's not loving his neighbor.
31:12 So the second person who comes along is the Levite,
31:14 this is the second sphere for going out in our circle.
31:17 Verse 32,
31:18 "Levite, when he arrived at the place,
31:20 came and looked, and passed by
31:23 on the other side."
31:25 The same Greek word as the priest,
31:27 passed by on the other side.
31:29 Now I want to look at the word looked,
31:31 'cause we're going to see the Samaritan
31:33 had the same word for looked.
31:35 The Levite looked,
31:37 so the priest is passed by in the other side.
31:39 He just, "I'm going by."
31:41 But the Levite actually had a look,
31:45 it means to see, to perceive, to experience.
31:47 So he actually looked and then he passed by.
31:50 Now Jesus, you would think if you follow this structure,
31:54 who is Jesus going to go to next?
31:55 The tax collector.
31:57 Maybe the tax collector is going to come by.
31:59 Or a Jew, maybe a tax collector,
32:01 but here he skips a few steps.
32:04 All of a sudden, a Samaritan comes by.
32:07 Verse 33, "A certain Samaritan,
32:09 as he journeyed came where he was.
32:12 And when he saw him, he had compassion."
32:15 When I see the Samaritan, I see compassion, I see care.
32:20 And then there's a cost involved,
32:23 to having compassion,
32:24 and there's a cost to giving care to someone else.
32:28 He had compassion.
32:30 He looked, it says,
32:31 when he saw him,
32:33 that's the same word in Greek as the Levite.
32:36 So they looked the same, but the Samaritan acted.
32:40 He was moved with compassion for this person.
32:43 Then he gave him care.
32:44 Verse 34,
32:46 "When he went to him, he bandaged his wounds,
32:48 pouring on oil and wine,"
32:49 which would be like their medicine kit of that day.
32:52 "And he set him on his own animal,
32:54 brought him to an inn and took care of him."
32:56 So probably,
32:57 if you put the man on the animal,
32:58 he probably walked,
33:00 so that the man could ride his animal.
33:02 And then we look at the cost.
33:04 Verse 35, "On the next day, when he departed,
33:06 he took out two denarii,
33:08 and gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him,
33:11 'Take care of him, and whatever more you spend,
33:13 when I come again, I will repay you.'"
33:15 Two denarii is probably two days wages.
33:18 But he didn't just give him two days wages,
33:19 he gave him an open ended invitation.
33:23 He was willing to be vulnerable.
33:24 I'm willing to pay whatever it takes,
33:27 so that this man can be taken care of.
33:30 The lesson.
33:32 Verses 36-37,
33:33 "So which of these three
33:35 do you think was neighbor to him
33:36 who fell among the thieves?'
33:38 And he said, 'He who showed mercy on him.'
33:42 Then Jesus said, 'Go and do likewise.'"
33:44 You notice the lawyer couldn't even bring himself
33:46 to answer the question.
33:48 He didn't say, "Oh, it was some Samaritan."
33:49 He said, "Oh, he who showed mercy on him."
33:53 The lawyer asked, "Who is my neighbor?
33:55 Who do I have to love?
33:57 And how much do I have to love?"
33:59 Jesus flipped the question on his head you could say.
34:03 Love asks, "What can I do to help?"
34:06 Finally the attitude.
34:07 The attitude of the robbers is what's yours is mine,
34:10 and I'm going to take it.
34:12 The attitude of the priests and Levites
34:14 is what's mine is mine, and I'm going to keep it.
34:18 The attitude of the Samaritan is what's mine is yours,
34:21 and I'm going to share it.
34:23 Amen. Wow!
34:24 Praise the Lord!
34:25 Wednesday's lesson, "The Rich Man and Lazarus."
34:30 This is one of those parables that we often,
34:33 we use to explain
34:37 or to try to get around
34:39 the false concept of hellfire
34:41 and brimstone for, you know, all eternity
34:44 and whether you're Adventist or non-Adventist,
34:46 this seems to be the mentality
34:48 we take when we're reading this particular parable,
34:50 we focus more on the aspects of the judgment
34:53 that the rich man has to endure as, you know,
34:56 versus in contrast to that of Lazarus.
35:00 But actually,
35:01 when Christ told this particular parable,
35:03 He had a different intent in mind.
35:04 It wasn't His purpose to communicate
35:07 the truths regarding hellfire, or heaven, or the afterlife
35:10 when He was presenting this particular parable.
35:12 So we'll come back to some of those points
35:14 in just a moment.
35:15 But I want us to go to Luke Chapter 16.
35:18 Lots to be said,
35:20 and as I want to just jump right into it.
35:21 Luke Chapter 16,
35:23 we're going to begin with verse 19.
35:24 We're just going to introduce this parable
35:27 of the Rich Man and Lazarus.
35:28 Now, I want to just say up front,
35:30 I've had many people challenge me
35:31 over the years, they say,
35:33 "How do you know it's a parable?"
35:34 Because many people in the outside
35:36 of the Adventist sectors,
35:38 I guess the non-Adventist sectors,
35:40 they believe that this is a real true story.
35:43 And as we read through this particular parable,
35:46 if you were to apply
35:47 literal applications and interpretation
35:50 to every single aspect of this story,
35:54 you will see just how insane you must be to think
35:57 that this particular story is a literal story.
36:00 And I don't mean that
36:01 in a disrespectful or critical sense,
36:03 but just simply,
36:05 you will see that by the wording
36:06 and the details of this particular parable,
36:08 that it is indeed a parable.
36:10 I'm going to begin in Luke 16:19.
36:13 The Bible says, "There was a certain rich man
36:17 who was clothed in purple and fine linen
36:20 and fared sumptuously every day.
36:24 But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores,
36:28 who was laid at his gate,
36:31 desiring to be fed with the crumbs
36:33 which fell from the rich man's table.
36:36 Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores."
36:40 So we kind of have an idea that
36:41 this is a parable type story that Jesus is telling,
36:45 just by simply how He introduces it to us.
36:47 "There was a certain rich man,"
36:49 Jesus would often use this type of language.
36:51 But then He introduces the two main characters
36:54 of this particular parable,
36:55 one that He just calls the rich man
36:57 and then another one,
36:58 He gives an actual name to Lazarus,
37:00 which is very interesting.
37:01 We might get to that in just a moment,
37:02 as to why Jesus might have used the name Lazarus.
37:05 But in the absence of social welfare,
37:09 and then lesson brings this out,
37:11 in the absence of social welfare
37:13 community hospitals, or soup kitchens,
37:17 it was a common practice for those in need, disabled
37:21 or otherwise disadvantaged,
37:24 to beg outside the homes of the wealthy.
37:26 This is a common historical thing
37:28 that you find in many civilizations
37:31 in the older days.
37:32 It was expected that the rich would be generous
37:35 in sharing a little of their wealth
37:38 to alleviate the suffering.
37:40 And of course, Christ's Object Lessons,
37:43 page 261 confirms this by saying,
37:46 "The rich man was selfishly indifferent
37:50 to the needs of his suffering brother."
37:53 And so now we're kind of getting
37:54 into the core purpose of why Christ
37:57 is communicating this particular parable.
38:00 Because again, if you read before this,
38:02 the Pharisees and the teachers of Israel
38:05 have approached Jesus,
38:06 and they've presented this concept,
38:08 this idea many times to Him,
38:10 not just in this aspect, many times,
38:12 throughout the gospels,
38:14 we find where they're challenging Jesus.
38:15 And they almost have this sense of, you know, entitlement,
38:18 like, "We're the Jews," you know,
38:20 "We get special treatment.
38:21 We're of a higher class.
38:22 We're of a higher race. We're special."
38:25 And indeed, we have scriptures, of course,
38:27 that Great Covenant in Exodus Chapter 19,
38:29 where, you know, God communicates to Israel,
38:31 that He wanted them to be His special people
38:33 on the condition that they would obey His voice
38:36 and keep His covenant.
38:37 These people were indeed not obeying His voice
38:39 and keeping His covenant.
38:41 So Jesus has kind of flip the story around
38:43 to particularly minister to them of the wrong concept
38:47 of the social prejudices of the day.
38:50 And we'll just go on
38:52 and continue to read some of the details
38:54 of this particular parable.
38:56 Notice verse 22 and onward, it says,
38:57 "So it was that the beggar died,
38:59 and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom."
39:03 So automatically, we're starting to get some language
39:05 and if we were to apply this literally
39:07 as a real story,
39:08 notice how Christ is clearly using figurative language
39:11 to describe, you know, a righteous man in this case,
39:14 Lazarus going to the kingdom of God.
39:15 He described it as Abraham's bosom.
39:17 And so we know that not all of the righteous
39:20 are going to fit into Abraham's bosom,
39:22 that would just be a little corny to believe that.
39:27 But we know there's some figurative language used here.
39:29 He goes on to say,
39:31 "The rich man also died and was buried.
39:33 And being in torments in Hades," okay?
39:36 "He lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off,
39:39 and Lazarus in his bosom."
39:41 Verse 24, "Then he cried and said,
39:43 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me,
39:45 and send Lazarus that he may dip," notice this,
39:47 "the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue,
39:51 for I am tormented in this flame.'"
39:53 So we know automatically,
39:55 the very language of this particular sentence here
39:57 confirms to us, this must be a figurative short story
40:01 that Christ is telling to teach a moral lesson.
40:03 Because again, if you were inflamed,
40:05 that a little tiny drop of water
40:08 on the end of your tongue
40:09 is not going to soothe your soul
40:10 or soothe your torments,
40:12 if that was the case.
40:13 So Christ is speaking in symbolic language here.
40:16 Verse 26, says, "And besides all this between us,"
40:20 excuse me, I missed verse here, did I?
40:22 Yes, 25. Verse 25.
40:24 Verse 25, here we go.
40:25 "But Abraham said,
40:26 'Son, remember that in your lifetime
40:28 you received good things,"
40:29 So notice here,
40:30 here comes that social indifference here,
40:32 "you received good things
40:33 and likewise Lazarus evil things.
40:35 But now he is comforted and you are tormented.'"
40:37 So Christ has actually flipped the stake here.
40:39 Because again,
40:41 from this fairy cynical concept of the afterlife,
40:45 and the blessings of life,
40:46 if you were rich, you were blessed by God,
40:48 if you were poor, you were cursed.
40:50 So now Christ has flipped the picture.
40:52 We go on and read in verse 26.
40:54 "And besides all this, between us and you
40:55 there is a great gulf fixed,
40:57 so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot,
41:00 nor can those who pass from there to us.'
41:03 Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, Father,
41:05 that you would send him to my father's house,
41:07 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them,
41:11 lest they come to this place of torment.'"
41:13 And then notice this, "Abraham said to him,
41:15 'They have Moses and the prophets,
41:17 let them hear them.'
41:20 And he said," notice his response here,
41:23 "No."
41:25 No, he doesn't just say that.
41:26 But the first word out of his mouth in response is,
41:29 "No, Father Abraham,
41:30 but if one goes to them
41:32 from the dead, they will repent.'
41:34 But he said to him,
41:35 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets,
41:36 neither will they be persuaded
41:38 though one rise from the dead.'"
41:40 So we read this particular parable,
41:41 and it teaches us that
41:43 just because you are rich and wealthy,
41:45 that doesn't mean you have an automatic right into heaven,
41:48 because of the blessings of your riches.
41:51 Okay, we know that, you know,
41:52 God does bless His people abundantly in many ways.
41:55 But that does not necessarily mean
41:56 that you are in favor with God.
41:58 In fact, we should be reminded of the words of Christ
42:01 in Matthew 19:23-24,
42:04 where He says, "Assuredly, I say to you,
42:06 that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
42:09 And again, I say to you, it is easier for a camel
42:11 to go through the eye of a needle
42:13 than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
42:16 It's not that Christ was saying
42:17 that it's impossible for a rich man
42:19 to make it into the kingdom of God,
42:20 but very, very unlikely
42:22 given the fact that, of course, associated with
42:25 the different pressures of society
42:26 and the different things that take place.
42:28 Again, many people,
42:30 when they're seeking and searching for riches,
42:32 they do it at the expense of their salvation.
42:34 And we're seeing Christ calling this out.
42:36 This parable also testifies to Christ's understanding
42:39 of the prejudices of the day.
42:41 You know, I read this parable,
42:42 and I see, now Lazarus was would have probably
42:45 been likened unto that, you know,
42:47 that Samaritan or those Gentiles, you know,
42:49 'cause Israel looked at them in a very negative light.
42:52 And of course, the rich man here, the Jew,
42:54 that special people, but Christ is clarifying
42:57 and making a special point here.
42:59 Also want to encourage you to go read Luke 12:13-21.
43:03 We don't have time for that.
43:05 But if you also read that,
43:06 it's the Parable of the Rich Fool,
43:08 who again, Christ tells the story
43:10 about how he yielded plenty in his crops and in his farm,
43:14 but he tears down his old barns and builds new and he says,
43:16 "I'm going to build greater and I'm going to, you know,
43:19 create more and more and more
43:20 and build up more and more for myself."
43:22 But Christ rebukes him,
43:23 He says, "I will say to you,
43:28 'Soul, you have many goods laid out for many years,
43:32 take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.'
43:34 But God says, 'Damn fool!
43:35 This night your soul will be required of you,
43:38 then whose will those things be which you have provided for."
43:42 You know, I think of Jesus' words
43:45 in Matthew Chapter 6.
43:48 When I read these particular parables,
43:49 Christ is trying to communicate to us
43:51 that we should all thinking in a sense of equality,
43:55 that we should meet the needs
43:56 of our brothers and our sisters in need.
43:58 Not searching after the things of the world.
44:00 Jesus said, "Do not lay up for yourselves
44:02 treasures on earth."
44:03 This is Matthew 6:19.
44:05 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth."
44:07 This old world is passing away everything
44:09 and it's going to burn,
44:11 we should be seeking first in the kingdom of God.
44:13 That's what He says in verse 33.
44:14 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
44:18 and all these things shall be added to you."
44:21 Seek Jesus, and Jesus will make all things better.
44:25 All things will be right. Amen.
44:27 Amen. Praise the Lord!
44:29 Oh, that's good.
44:30 I have Thursday's lessons, and the title of it,
44:33 the title of it I guest of our whole week here,
44:35 "The Least of These."
44:37 And I was really blessed by it.
44:39 And I think it changed my thinking
44:42 and in my heart and things that I know
44:45 that I think I should be doing
44:47 that sometime I've neglected to do.
44:49 So that's what a lesson I think is for us when we read it,
44:53 that there's a reformation to follow.
44:55 So we're not just reading and trying
44:56 to get a hold, you know, a certain point,
44:58 but we're wanting to change our hearts in our lives.
45:00 So take the name of Jesus, we're talking about
45:03 if a person takes the name of Christ,
45:05 to me, that's a heavy responsibility.
45:07 To say, I'm a Christian, I'm Christlike.
45:10 There's a lot of responsibility with that.
45:12 And if we do it lightly, sometime,
45:15 we'll find that there's no power in the life,
45:17 there's no meaning in the life,
45:19 there's no action going on.
45:21 And as a Christian,
45:22 we need all of those things going on in our life.
45:25 And, of course, when Jesus walked this earth,
45:27 He was asked questions after question
45:29 after question, all the time.
45:30 I like the way He answered. He took up the challenge.
45:32 I kind of like that.
45:34 You know, the Bible study sometime is like a challenge.
45:35 There are the people in challenge.
45:36 And so Jesus always took it up.
45:38 And they were always asking about
45:39 when He's going to come again,
45:41 what's going to happen
45:42 in prophecy and different things.
45:43 And I thought
45:45 it's very interesting in this part,
45:46 The Least of These, what Jesus really constitutes,
45:48 it's more than us realize or wanting to know
45:51 the day and the hour when Jesus comes
45:53 when no man could know that.
45:55 But we can know it's near, even at the door.
45:58 But it's interesting how Jesus went over that,
46:00 but He really begin to hit on the things
46:02 that was very, very important.
46:04 Maybe most important,
46:06 is how to be ready for His coming.
46:09 And so He did it in a way,
46:11 talked about there in Matthew 24:25.
46:14 I'm going to go over like six points Jesus makes.
46:17 When He goes over and details disciples,
46:19 they asked question,
46:21 He tells and then He talks to them about that.
46:23 Then He gets into, I want to call maybe some meat.
46:26 The meat of the word when He talks about here,
46:28 for instance, Matthew 24:23.
46:31 Now remember, He's concluding the talk already,
46:34 but now He's coming back and say,
46:35 "Yeah, now you know the answers to this."
46:36 But how is your life?
46:40 Is it more important to prepare
46:41 and be ready for the coming of Jesus
46:43 or is it more important
46:44 to know everything in Scripture?
46:46 It's just the thought. Here's what Jesus said.
46:48 So He opened it up with a parable of
46:51 in Matthew 24:32,
46:53 The Parable of the Fig Tree.
46:55 And so we know about the Parable of the Fig Tree.
46:57 What is He doing?
46:58 He's going back and saying, "Yeah, but are you ready?
47:00 You want to know when I'm going to come,
47:01 but are you ready for Me to come?"
47:03 And so He answers the question, but I thought...
47:06 It says the open sinner is less guilty.
47:10 Think about, the open sinner
47:11 is less guilty than the professed Christian,
47:15 notice this, who bears no fruit.
47:19 If you're looking to tree,
47:21 now you think about that's pretty heavy duty.
47:23 Then He goes on, and He goes on with Matthew 24.
47:26 Each one of those you can spend a lot of time.
47:28 Matthew 24:37,
47:29 then Jesus goes in right quick, and He says,
47:31 "As it was in the days of Noah."
47:34 Wow! What is He doing?
47:35 He just talked about the destruction of Jerusalem,
47:38 He's talking about the signs of Second Coming
47:39 and all the things that would go on.
47:41 But then He comes right back, and He says,
47:42 "As it was in the days of Noah."
47:44 He's letting us, no, man, as a word it's going to be
47:47 is coming of Jesus.
47:48 That's two.
47:50 Number three, Matthew 25:1,
47:53 He says, "The kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins."
47:57 You know, there's a wise and then there's a foolish.
47:59 Man, what a lesson in that!
48:01 Was He going back?
48:02 Are you ready? Are you ready?
48:04 You're wanting to know the answer to this,
48:05 you want to know the answer,
48:07 but are you ready to meet Me when I come?
48:09 Matthew 25:13, number four, He says,
48:12 "I want you to watch and of course, to pray,
48:15 because you know not the day or the hour."
48:18 It may come, we're not ready for the coming of Jesus.
48:21 You think you are but no man knows the day or the hour,
48:23 but you need to be watching, you need to be praying.
48:25 Number five, Matthew 25:14,
48:29 talks about the Parable of the Talents,
48:31 the five, the two and the one.
48:33 Jesus is saying here,
48:35 "I've given you these gifts, are you using them
48:37 for My honor, and for My glory?
48:38 Are you doing?
48:40 And when I come, is there going to be
48:41 some interest in on these things?
48:43 Now remember, He's talking about those
48:44 that's going to inherit the kingdom.
48:46 It's not that all knowledge,
48:47 it's all I've memorized the Bible,
48:48 I know every text there is to know,
48:50 I can never cover every subject.
48:51 He said, "Are you using those gifts
48:54 that I've given to you?
48:56 Are you ready? Are you watching?
48:58 Are you ready?"
48:59 You realize in the days of Noah.
49:01 And then He goes on...
49:03 See number six, Matthew 25:31-33.
49:08 He goes about the sheep and the goats.
49:11 Think about that for just a moment.
49:12 I thought that's interesting, sheep and the goats.
49:15 Jesus separates the sheep from the goats.
49:19 There's certainly a reason for that.
49:21 He said, sheep going, what?
49:23 The right hand and the goats will go on the left.
49:27 So He's separating here
49:28 because He's talking about the sheep on the right hand
49:31 will inherit the kingdom.
49:32 Well, that's where I want to be.
49:34 That's where you want to be.
49:36 That's where we all want to be.
49:37 But we have to realize
49:38 we're going to have to follow God's plan
49:40 in order to be the sheep on the right hand.
49:42 And He makes it very clear.
49:44 Oh, you may have all these gifts,
49:45 you may have all these building,
49:47 you may do all these things right here,
49:48 but have you done the things
49:49 that I've asked you to do as a Christian?
49:51 And then He gives six more things
49:53 I think is very, very important for us to look at.
49:55 Now notice these six things
49:58 cover the physical and the spiritual.
50:02 Jesus was always good about getting the physical, wasn't,
50:04 and then He give you some spiritual.
50:05 Man, He just did such a wonderful way
50:07 and we can learn from that.
50:08 We should, I think take that to heart.
50:09 Here's what He does, quickly.
50:11 He said, first of all,
50:12 those are going to inherit the kingdom...
50:14 He looked at me and said,
50:15 "Kenny, have you fed the hungry?"
50:16 "Well, but, Lord, I've been giving Bible study.
50:18 Man, I've been out doing ministry.
50:19 I've been holding evangelistic series.
50:20 I've been," you see, some time...
50:23 And He said, "Kenny, have you fed the hungry?"
50:26 And I thought, "Man, fed the hungry?"
50:30 How many of us have really done that?
50:33 Then He says...
50:34 Again, it could be meat in due season,
50:36 He talk about physical and spiritual.
50:37 Are we getting the word?
50:38 Are we getting the physical food
50:40 when they need it?
50:41 Number two, he said,
50:43 "Have you given water to the thirsty?"
50:45 And I thought,
50:46 "Man, this sounds pretty simple."
50:48 Physical and spiritual, and you think about it.
50:51 He says, "The water that you will drink,
50:53 if you drink the right water, you'll thirst no more."
50:55 And then there's time people are really thirsty.
50:57 They have no good water to drink.
50:58 Are we trying to meet that need?
51:00 Number three.
51:01 Jesus said, "Kenny, I was a stranger."
51:04 Notice this.
51:05 "And yet," what?
51:07 You took me and this is what He's saying.
51:08 Have you took in the stranger that needs something?
51:10 You think about the guys passing by,
51:12 the guy's laying drunk or with drugs
51:14 on the side of the road,
51:16 are we really interested in that?
51:17 I passed him up a lot of times,
51:19 I'll be honest, and also get down to him.
51:22 Jesus said, "You want to make the heaven,
51:24 have you pass these people by?"
51:27 I was a stranger and you took me in.
51:30 I mean, we might have been alone
51:31 without any hope.
51:32 And He said, I was naked.
51:36 Number four, "I was naked and you clothed me."
51:39 Think about this.
51:41 "I gave you a robe of righteousness."
51:43 He offers to us His robe of righteousness.
51:45 We have no clothes.
51:47 Have you seen those who have no clothes?
51:48 Are we willing to help them and to go do those things?
51:51 Or is it kind of out of our ways
51:53 that we're out of our line of work?
51:55 Are we too busy doing other things?
51:56 He's saying, "These are My sheep.
51:58 They hear My voice and they do these things,
52:00 they will inherit My kingdom."
52:03 So sometime I think I have maybe priorities
52:05 maybe in the wrong spot,
52:06 and I need to have those things corrected.
52:08 Because we can be doing both, you know,
52:11 getting the message out and doing what God asked to do.
52:13 But we have to be doing these things here.
52:15 Number five, He said,
52:16 "I was sick, and you visited me."
52:19 You know, that's a ministry himself
52:21 to visiting the sick.
52:22 You know, this sick and well,
52:24 so many times get physical and spiritual again,
52:26 sick and in sin.
52:28 And Jesus comes to heal that.
52:30 And we were sick physically, and He's a great healer
52:32 has been brought out here in our lessons.
52:34 Number six, He said,
52:35 "I was in prison and you did," what?
52:38 "I was in prison and you visited me."
52:40 Think about it.
52:41 You see what, prison house of sin.
52:42 Naturally we're talking about gaining the victory over sin
52:44 through the righteousness and the blood of Jesus Christ.
52:47 Again, you visit to me physically and spiritually.
52:50 The goats, He said, get on the left over there
52:52 because the goats, He said, Jesus said,
52:55 "That entered to everlasting fire
52:57 prepared for the devil and his angels,"
52:59 in Matthew 25:40, for one, I believe it is.
53:02 The difference in the sheep and a goat,
53:04 you may think you're a sheep today,
53:05 but you may just be a big old goat.
53:08 You know, I'm going to challenge myself,
53:09 and I'm gonna challenge those out here
53:11 because we have to really look at it.
53:12 Because a lot of times I'm talking about myself,
53:14 because when you're in ministry,
53:16 and you're doing all the time,
53:17 it seems like for others,
53:19 we forget to do these things that Jesus said.
53:21 These are the ones going to inherit eternal life.
53:23 We can't forget these things.
53:25 And He said, the difference in sheep and goat, what is it?
53:28 The sheep hear His voice and do what?
53:30 And they follow.
53:32 And the goats,
53:33 they're always going and saying what?
53:36 I would do it, but, did anybody get it?
53:39 Goats are doing what? But.
53:42 It's but, that's all they did.
53:43 They're going to do it.
53:45 But it's just, but, and that's what they do.
53:47 Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, quickly,
53:50 "Inasmuch as you have done it in to," what?
53:51 Least of these.
53:53 "The least of these,
53:54 My brethren you have done it unto Me."
53:57 Desire of Ages, 638, read quickly here.
53:58 Notice this.
53:59 This is just so beautiful,
54:01 brought tears my eyes when I wrote it down.
54:02 "How surprised and how gladden
54:04 will be the lowly among the nations
54:07 and among the heathen,
54:08 to whom from the lips of the Savior,
54:11 'Inasmuch as ye have done it
54:12 unto one of the least of these My brethren,
54:13 ye have done it unto me!'"
54:15 Matthew 24.
54:16 "How glad will be the heart of the Infinite Love
54:19 as His followers look upon with surprise and joy
54:23 at the words of the approved.
54:25 Not to any, Christ," notice this,
54:27 "class is Christ's love restricted.
54:30 He identifies Himself with every child of humanity."
54:33 Amen. God, thank you.
54:35 You know, it occurred to me
54:36 as we've been going through these lessons
54:38 that some of the things we're talking about,
54:41 we actually don't spend that much time preaching on.
54:43 And there's so much in the Bible
54:46 about the poor and the oppressed
54:48 and reaching out and ministering to others.
54:51 Because that's how we develop the divine nature
54:54 of unselfish love of God's.
54:57 He actually pours His love into our heart
54:59 which enables us to do that.
55:01 Quick comment.
55:03 Overcoming evil with good gives us an assurance
55:07 that not overcoming evil will never give us.
55:11 You know, when Jesus tackled evil,
55:14 the Bible says,
55:15 "Therefore, if the Son makes you free,
55:17 you shall free indeed."
55:19 So don't battle the evil yourself,
55:22 et Jesus battle it, and you will really be freed.
55:25 Amen.
55:26 This has been an incredible study,
55:28 each one of the lessons but I think in particular,
55:30 this lesson really spoke to my heart.
55:32 And I was just reminded, who am I?
55:35 Am I the Good Samaritan?
55:37 Or God forbid, am I a priest or a Levite
55:41 in that case or I mean,
55:42 in that situation passing by?
55:44 So we just come to God and say,
55:46 "Search me, O God, and know my heart
55:48 and try me and know my thoughts reveal to me.
55:51 That's my prayer, reveal to me my heart.
55:54 Amen.
55:56 You know, reflecting on my particular day,
55:58 the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus,
56:01 I see that the rich man could not see his need
56:04 to serve his brother, Lazarus,
56:07 because of his own selfish chase
56:09 of the things of the world and the riches of it.
56:13 We live in a world today
56:15 where people are really striving
56:17 to get more and more and more and more and more.
56:20 You know, they can't get enough,
56:21 you know, we got to have more and more.
56:23 But, you know, truthfully, the Bible tells us here
56:25 and these are the words of Christ
56:26 on the Sermon on the Mount,
56:29 Matthew 6:21-24, it says,
56:31 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
56:35 No one can serve two masters
56:37 for either he will hate the one and love the other,
56:40 or else he will be loyal to the one
56:43 and despise the other.
56:44 You cannot serve God and mammon."
56:47 Amen. Very good.
56:48 So the question comes to me is, who is my neighbor.
56:50 That who is my neighbor.
56:52 It's not just the one who lives next door,
56:53 is not the one that we go to church with,
56:55 and my brothers and my sister,
56:57 for our neighbor is, every person we come in contact
57:00 that needs our help,
57:02 and every person who is wounded and has been hurt by the enemy.
57:06 Who is my neighbor? Everyone.
57:08 Amen and amen. That's good.
57:10 You know, I'm just thinking that
57:12 in the Sermon on the Mount,
57:14 in Matthew Chapter 5,
57:15 Jesus said that, He says,
57:18 "You are the salt of the earth."
57:19 Then He goes on, He says, "You are the light there."
57:23 And you know, salt preserves, salt adds flavor,
57:28 salt is something very important.
57:31 And light pushes back darkness.
57:35 I mean, darkness cannot exist when there is light, right?
57:39 So I think that Jesus is telling us
57:41 through all of these three chapters
57:44 of the Sermon on the Mount,
57:45 this collection of teachings,
57:48 He's just saying, "Hey, I'm going to use you.
57:52 And I will empower you
57:54 to influence and improve the lives of others."
57:59 Because that's what the kingdom of God
58:01 is really all about.
58:03 Join us next time, till then bye-bye.


Revised 2019-08-22