Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP190033A
00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness 00:10 the implanted Word, 00:11 which is able to save your souls. 00:13 And to be diligent to present yourself approved to God, 00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth." 00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel. 00:25 Our study today is, "The Least of These." 00:32 Hello, friends. 00:34 And welcome back again 00:35 to another week of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel. 00:37 Such a blessing always to have 00:39 each and every one of you join us 00:40 for this incredible study. 00:41 We're continuing through our study 00:43 on The Least of These. 00:45 It has been a wonderful, powerful study, 00:47 I've learned so much thinks 00:49 that we should know as Christians, 00:51 we should know as servants of Christ, 00:53 but there's always plenty in God's Word for us 00:56 to learn and acknowledge and grow Him. 00:58 And I'm so thankful to been a part of this panel, 01:01 and I'm so grateful for each one of you 01:02 are part of this panel as well. 01:04 Thank you. It's good to see all of you. 01:06 Thank you. 01:07 I might as well go ahead and introduce each one of you. 01:08 This is Miss Jill Morikone, General Manager of 3ABN. 01:10 It's good to have you. 01:12 Thank you, Ryan, privilege to be here. 01:13 Praise the Lord. 01:14 And, of course, to your left is Pastor John Lomacang. 01:17 How are you, Pastor? 01:18 I'm doing well, excited about the topic 01:19 and praising the Lord that He gives us this privilege. 01:22 Amen. Praise the Lord. 01:23 And, of course, 01:24 with us for the first time in this particular quarter. 01:27 Pastor Kenny, how are you, Brother? 01:28 Oh, it's good to be here, feeling great. 01:30 That's right, Lord is good. Amen. 01:31 Praise the Lord. 01:33 And, of course, the great Miss Shelley Quinn, 01:36 always good to have you. 01:37 Thank you. It's wonderful to be here. 01:39 Amen. Praise the Lord. 01:40 We have so much fun on this panel. 01:42 And we want to just acknowledge the fact 01:45 that you can get a copy of this study for free 01:48 if you don't have one already. 01:49 We've made ourselves through this particular study now, 01:52 we're at about the halfway point. 01:54 This is studying number seven. 01:56 And the title of this week's lesson is 01:57 "Jesus and Those In Need." 01:59 And if you don't have a copy of this particular study, 02:01 you can go to 02:06 Again, that's 02:10 And you can access the study for free online. 02:13 Or we always encourage you 02:15 to just simply go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church, 02:17 and I'm sure they would be more than willing 02:19 to place one in your hands for free 02:20 and invite you to study with them. 02:22 I always encourage that 02:23 because small group Bible study, 02:25 you just learn so much more and glean 02:26 from each and every person involved. 02:29 Jesus and Those In Need, 02:31 this is a very special, special study. 02:33 And before we get into this study, 02:37 it would be a disservice to us 02:39 and those watching and studying with us 02:40 if we didn't first go to the Lord in prayer. 02:42 So, Pastor Kenny, 02:43 I'm gonna ask you to pray for us if you will. 02:44 Absolutely. Let's pray, shall we? 02:46 Father in Heaven, thank You again for another day 02:48 we can come before the Lord 02:50 where we give You praise, we give You honor, 02:51 and give You glory for the wonderful day 02:53 that Thou has made. 02:55 We're gonna rejoice and be exceedingly glad in it. 02:57 We invite Thy Holy Spirit, 02:58 Thy presence to come near 02:59 to each and every one of Your children today. 03:02 We come seeking, we come searching, 03:04 we come wanting to learn more about Jesus. 03:06 And these lessons are so vital as we study them to learn more 03:09 how Jesus handle situations of everyday life. 03:12 So we pray that You'd bless 03:13 each and every one here on the panel. 03:15 Bless everyone who is at home, whether they listened, 03:17 whether they view, 03:18 may it all to be to Your honor and to Your glory, 03:20 we lift You up and You said, 03:21 "If I be lifted up will draw all men unto Me." 03:23 And we thank You in Jesus' name. 03:25 Amen. 03:26 Amen. 03:27 Let's get right into our memory text for this week. 03:30 Our memory text is found in Luke 4:18-19. 03:35 And the Bible says, 03:37 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, 03:40 because He has anointed Me 03:42 to preach the gospel to the poor, 03:45 He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, 03:49 to proclaim liberty to the captives 03:51 and recovery of sight to the blind, 03:53 to set at liberty those who are oppressed, 03:57 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord." 04:01 Amen. 04:02 When we speak of the poor, the oppressed, 04:06 or those crying out in need, 04:08 there is none in the history of mankind 04:12 that understands these realities 04:14 more than God the Father and Jesus, 04:16 of course, His Son, the Son of God. 04:18 The Father experienced these harsh dealings 04:21 of the oppressors on this planet 04:23 through the experience of His Son, Jesus. 04:24 Amen. 04:26 Jesus Himself would be tricked, 04:28 plotted against, arrested, 04:30 unjustly tried, beat, mocked, 04:33 and murdered by those 04:35 who were filled with bitterness, hate, 04:36 and the carnal passions of this world. 04:40 In Jesus, God knows what injustice feels like. 04:45 And in His death, He exposed the horror of evil. 04:50 In His resurrection though, 04:51 He triumphed for life goodness and salvation, 04:55 and I praise God for that. 04:56 That's right. 04:57 And it is through the many powerful testimonies 05:00 and praises of prophets and biblical servants, 05:03 that we can see the power of the salvation of Christ 05:07 throughout the scripture. 05:08 And one of those powerful records 05:10 comes through the experience of the mother of Jesus herself. 05:14 Of course, that is Mary. 05:15 And that was kind of a little bit 05:17 of a coverage of what Sabbath afternoon 05:20 was setting us up for. 05:21 But really, I wanna jump right into Sunday's lesson, 05:24 which is entitled Mary's Song. 05:26 Now, have very short but very profound. 05:28 This is one of the most powerful text, 05:31 one of the most powerful praise reports 05:33 that one could possibly read and study 05:36 and it comes from the Mother of Jesus, Mary, 05:39 and it's entitled Mary's Song 05:40 and that's what Sunday's lesson is entitled Mary's Song. 05:44 Sunday's lesson begins 05:45 in the light of the wonderful news. 05:46 God has just sent to Mary the Mother of Jesus. 05:49 She's obviously with child, 05:51 she hasn't yet told anyone 05:53 but aims to visit her relative Elizabeth 05:56 who is also experiencing 05:58 or expecting a miracle baby herself. 06:01 Together these ladies have lots to be thankful for. 06:05 And we experience those praises in Luke Chapter 1. 06:08 And so that's where I would like to take us 06:09 at this moment 06:11 over into the Gospel of Luke Chapter 1. 06:13 And we're gonna begin at verse 46 06:16 with Mary's song or the song of Mary, 06:18 as it might say, in your Bible. 06:20 Beginning with verse 46, 06:23 it says, "And Mary said, 06:25 'My soul magnifies the Lord, 06:29 and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior." 06:33 I think many of us, 06:35 all of us should be able to give a praise report like this 06:38 because we are so grateful to serve a mighty God 06:41 and to be able to magnify the Lord 06:42 should be our first priority. 06:44 And I love how she begins 06:46 with almost a thesis statement here. 06:47 Everything about her is sanctified for the service, 06:51 praise, and worship of God. 06:53 Her entire being is extended in happiness and praise 06:56 in these opening lines. 06:58 She would go on to say in verse 48, 07:00 "For He has regarded the lowly state 07:03 of His maidservant." 07:05 And this is very interesting 07:07 because she is basically being very candid in recognizing 07:10 that she belongs to a lower social class. 07:13 She was what would basically many would 07:15 consider a poor young peasant at this particular time. 07:18 And we were talking about a lady 07:20 who gave birth to the Master of the Universe, 07:22 in an animal stable or in a barn somewhere, 07:26 a very, very lowly person, 07:27 if she's recognizing the lowly humbleness of her state 07:31 and her social class, 07:32 but she praises God for His humble mercy, 07:36 care, and blessing 07:38 that would be extended even to her 07:40 and I just praise God for that. 07:41 Well, I love these words, in the same verse, verse 48, 07:44 she goes on to say, 07:46 "For behold, henceforth all generations 07:49 will call me blessed." 07:51 Now again, somebody might read into this 07:53 a little bit of arrogance, 07:54 but I don't believe this is arrogance at all. 07:56 She's simply acknowledging the fact 07:58 that she has been told 08:00 that she is going to give birth to the Son of God. 08:04 And I just wanna ask this, has she had this baby 08:06 when she's making these statements? 08:08 This is a statement of faith 08:09 and I praise God for these words 08:11 because what faith she is putting on display here 08:14 that she's already recognized and I could just imagine people 08:17 that would be put in her situation, 08:19 women that would perhaps been put in her situation 08:21 been given the amazing news 08:24 that you're going to have a miracle birth 08:26 as a virgin 08:28 and you're gonna give birth to the Almighty Son of God. 08:31 You could imagine most people would stop and say, 08:34 "Did I really speak to that angel? 08:36 Did I really receive that message?" 08:37 Perhaps I daydream that. 08:38 Perhaps that was a dream I had but not Mary. 08:42 Right here she says, "Behold, 08:43 all generations will call me blessed." 08:45 What a statement of faith 08:47 and I praise God for this powerful woman. 08:49 She continues on in verse 49. 08:51 She says, "For He who is mighty has done great things for me, 08:55 and holy is His name." 08:58 So again here she praises God for His goodness 09:01 and magnifies His holy name, which is... 09:04 I think we could do a little bit more of that 09:05 in our own lives. 09:07 Amen. Absolutely. Amen. 09:08 I wanna encourage you at home, give praises to God 09:10 because it uplifts your spirit, you will be a happier, 09:13 just joyful person all in all because of it. 09:15 We can follow the example of Mary here. 09:17 She goes on to say in verse 50, 09:19 "And His mercy is on those who fear Him 09:23 from generation to generation." 09:26 So here she acknowledges the humble mercy of God 09:31 that was shown upon her 09:33 and anyone who reverences or respects God for who He is. 09:38 What a powerful statement of faith there as well. 09:41 Verse 51, she says, 09:42 "He has shown strength with His arm, 09:46 He has scattered the proud in the imagination 09:49 of their hearts." 09:51 So in this particular verse, she testifies to the fact 09:53 that God is judge and a righteous judge at that. 09:57 And the right arm, of course, 09:59 is a symbol of covenant and authority, 10:01 and Mary recognizes that God will rightfully 10:04 vindicate the oppressed by humbling the proud. 10:08 And so we know we can place just as Mary had faith, 10:10 we can place faith in God and know 10:13 that vengeance is his that no matter what situation 10:15 we may endure in this lifetime, God will take care of it. 10:18 God is the ultimate judge and He will judge righteously. 10:21 Amen. 10:23 Verse 52, "He has put down the mighty from their thrones, 10:27 and exalted the lowly." 10:29 So again here, she's basically stating that God stands for, 10:33 you know, again, God stands for His humble needy servants 10:36 and deals with the arrogant high ones accordingly. 10:40 She goes on to say in verse 53, 10:42 "He has filled the hungry with good things, 10:45 and the rich He has sent away empty." 10:48 So she continues her expressions of contrast 10:52 and how God deals with those in need 10:55 compared to those who perhaps feel entitled. 10:59 Have you ever been around someone like that, 11:00 someone who just feels entitled, you know, 11:03 it kind of just rubs me the wrong way at times, 11:05 but I have to really, you know, seek for the mercy 11:08 and the grace of God to see me through 11:10 when I'm around people like that. 11:11 And, you know, I think we've all probably been like 11:13 that a little bit in our life. 11:15 But we certainly need the Spirit of God to humble us 11:17 in those moments. 11:18 And He certainly will and if we would allow Him. 11:20 Amen. 11:21 Again, she's stating here 11:22 that He provides for those in need 11:24 and humbles those who are haughty. 11:27 And then I love these last two verses here, 11:29 powerful message just in these last two verses. 11:33 In fact, an entire sermon can be built on verse 54 11:37 and verse 55, of Mary's Song. 11:39 Notice what she says here. 11:41 "He has helped his servant Israel, 11:44 in remembrance of His mercy." 11:48 And that right there, 11:49 that one sentence right there 11:51 can sum up the entire Old Testament. 11:53 But she goes on to say in verse 55, 11:55 "As He spoke to our fathers, 11:57 to Abraham and to his seed forever." 12:01 So in closing here in these last couple of sentences, 12:05 Mary reaches back into the rich history 12:08 of the lineage of Israel to uplift God 12:10 for the mighty promise keeping God that He is. 12:14 She highlights the fact 12:16 that God remembered and honor the covenant 12:19 He made with Abraham. 12:20 And as a happy descendant of Abraham herself, 12:24 Mary exalts God for His mercy upon a lowly Israelite woman, 12:29 such as herself. 12:30 I mean, you could imagine she probably considered herself 12:32 the lowly of the lowliest 12:34 and some people might even consider her 12:35 the weakest of the week in this particular generation. 12:39 And as I consider this entire beautiful song that she sings, 12:45 I'm reminded of a beautiful promise 12:47 that Jesus Himself gives us in Revelation 3:20-22. 12:52 Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." 12:55 Amen. 12:57 He knocked on the heart of Mary and she opened. 12:59 So He says here, "If anyone hears My voice 13:01 and opens the door, 13:02 I will come into him and dine with him, 13:05 and he with Me. 13:07 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me 13:09 on My throne, 13:11 as I also overcame and sat down 13:12 with My Father on His throne." 13:14 You know what, we just learned from Mary 13:16 she says that God brings down those 13:19 who sits on thrones 13:20 when they reach the point of arrogance and haughtiness. 13:22 But Jesus says, "If you're humble, 13:24 I will have you sitting with Me on My throne one day." 13:26 And I love how this ends. 13:27 "He who has an ear, let him hear 13:29 what the Spirit says to the churches." 13:31 I pray that this is ministered to your heart, 13:33 and that Jesus is speaking to you 13:34 and that you will open up yourself 13:36 humbly for Him to come in 13:37 and transform you like He did, the mother of Jesus. 13:41 Amen. Amen. 13:42 What a great job, Pastor Ryan, thank you so much. 13:46 You know, I wonder what it would be like 13:48 if an angel came to you, 13:50 you know, and said, 13:52 "You're gonna be the mother of the Messiah." 13:54 I mean, what an incredible privilege and responsibility, 13:59 how humbling, I love what you shared. 14:01 That was incredible. 14:03 And what would it be like moving on to my day here? 14:06 What would it be like to realize 14:09 that you are the Son of God? 14:10 You know, Jesus didn't have any recognition of that 14:13 when He was a baby. 14:15 But as He grew, and were told when He was 12, 14:17 and He was in the temple, 14:19 and observing the sacrifices and realizing, 14:23 that's me, 14:25 I am called, I was sent forth to be the Lamb of God. 14:30 Right. 14:31 And so my day on Monday is Jesus' Mission Statement. 14:36 And we're gonna go back actually to our memory text, 14:38 which is Luke Chapter 4. 14:40 If you wanna turn with me 14:41 to Luke Chapter 4 back from Revelation there. 14:44 We think, what is a mission statement? 14:47 Now this is just from Google, it says, 14:49 "A formal summary of the aims and values of a company, 14:52 organization, or individual." 14:55 But what Jesus preached here in Nazareth 14:59 is not just a summary of His aims 15:03 but it's a fulfillment of the prophecy 15:07 found in Isaiah Chapter 61. 15:10 And we see the outworking of this prophecy 15:14 fulfilled in Jesus life because what He preached 15:17 and proclaimed there is what He lived. 15:20 So let's take a look at that, Luke 4, 15:22 we're gonna begin in verses 14 and 15. 15:24 Now this is just the background to Him 15:26 coming into Nazareth and speaking. 15:29 Verses 14 and 15, 15:30 "Then Jesus returned 15:31 in the power of the Spirit to Galilee," 15:34 now if we have just come through the time of temptation, 15:37 He had His baptism, 15:39 and then He was led by the Spirit 15:40 into the wilderness to be tempted. 15:42 And now it says right after the temptation, 15:44 "He returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, 15:46 and news of Him went through all the surrounding region. 15:50 And He taught in their synagogues, 15:52 being glorified by all." 15:55 So He's becoming well-known, you can say. 15:58 John had called him out there at the Jordan, 16:00 Behold the Lamb of God. 16:02 And then He disappeared for a while 16:04 with the temptations. 16:05 But then now He's becoming known. 16:07 There's followers coming after Him. 16:10 They say, this is probably a year anyway, 16:12 from the temptation to this time here 16:14 and what takes place at Nazareth. 16:16 So when He comes to His hometown, 16:18 the people think, "Oh, this is Jesus." 16:21 "Oh, I remember Him." 16:24 And so there's all kinds of remembrances. 16:26 Well, He was... 16:28 Well, we don't know what they said. 16:29 So I can't read into what they said. 16:31 But you imagine, you know, 16:32 growing up in a little town like Nazareth, 16:35 I remember Jesus, but now He's pretty famous. 16:37 So He comes in, we're in verse 16, 16:39 "He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. 16:43 And as His custom was, 16:44 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, 16:48 and stood up to read." 16:49 This shows us that Jesus kept the Sabbath. 16:52 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day 16:54 and stood up to read. 16:55 "And He was handed the book of the Prophet Isaiah. 16:58 And when He had opened the book, 17:00 He found the place where it was written." 17:03 And then He quotes from Isaiah Chapter 61. 17:07 Jesus chose the Sabbath which to me is incredible, 17:11 as the day to announce His ministry of preaching, 17:14 His ministry of freedom and liberty, 17:17 His ministry of healing. 17:20 Later stories, as we see the life of Jesus shows 17:24 that especially on the Sabbath, 17:25 He went about doing good not only preaching, 17:27 but healing and ministering to those who were in need. 17:32 Let's read verse 18, 17:34 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, 17:37 because He has anointed Me." 17:39 And then He goes into the mission. 17:41 But to me, it's interesting that it begins with this, 17:44 the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 17:46 Amen. Amen. 17:48 This is as it were, 17:49 the preparation for Jesus' mission. 17:52 How can He even give the mission statement? 17:54 How can He say this is what My calling is to be, 17:57 if He's not been imbued with the Holy Spirit? 18:00 Now we know He had the Holy Spirit from birth. 18:02 We know that because the angel said 18:04 that the Holy Spirit would overshadow Mary. 18:07 But in a special way, 18:08 if you turn back to Luke 3:21-22, 18:11 at his baptism, 18:13 the Holy Spirit descended upon Him as well. 18:18 It says, "When all the people were baptized, 18:20 it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized, 18:23 and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. 18:25 And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form 18:28 like a dove upon Him, 18:30 and a voice came from heaven, which said, 18:32 'You are My beloved Son, in You, I am well pleased.' 18:36 " So He not only had the Holy Spirit from birth, 18:38 but He had a special anointing of the Holy Spirit 18:42 at His time of baptism. 18:43 I believe in preparation for the mission 18:47 that God had called Him to fulfill. 18:50 So the Spirit is upon Him 18:51 and He is anointed for this work. 18:54 So what is the mission? 18:55 Number one, to preach the gospel to the poor. 18:58 This is in verse 18. 19:00 He's anointed to preach, 19:01 let's read the whole thing and then we'll dissect it. 19:04 "He's anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, 19:07 He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, 19:10 to proclaim liberty to the captives 19:12 and recovery of sight to the blind, 19:14 to set at liberty those who are oppressed, 19:18 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.' 19:22 " So let's break that down 19:23 to preach the gospel to the poor. 19:24 He's called to preach 19:26 to proclaim the good news of salvation, the gospel, 19:31 but the word in Greek for poor 19:33 is one who crouches and cowers, 19:36 one who's deeply destitute. 19:39 So I believe this is not just people 19:42 who are poor physically 19:43 'cause the gospel goes to the rich and the poor. 19:45 It's for everyone, but when I read that, 19:47 deeply, destitute, 19:50 who's deeply destitute? 19:52 We're all in need of Jesus. 19:55 We're all sinners in need of repentance. 19:59 So the gospel specifically is for you. 20:01 If you're feeling, I am destitute, 20:03 the gospel's for you. 20:05 It says, "He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted." 20:09 Now the word for broken in Greek means 20:10 to break by crushing. 20:14 Have you felt crushed? 20:16 Have you felt broken down? 20:18 Jesus came to heal you. 20:20 That's part of His mission. 20:23 And the healing in Greek can be either physical healing 20:25 and Jesus did physical healing while He walked this earth, 20:28 but it's also sometimes 20:31 He used to symbolize spiritual healing. 20:33 So I think His mission is both physical healing 20:36 and spiritual healing. 20:38 He was sent to proclaim liberty to the captives, 20:44 to break those bonds asunder and to set them free. 20:48 The word for liberty, we think is just to set free, 20:51 but it also means pardon or forgiveness. 20:55 So if you're in prison, and someone says, 20:58 Pastor John, what if I was in prison 21:01 and someone came to me and said, 21:03 "Okay, Jill, you've been pardoned." 21:04 What does that mean? You are set free. 21:06 You are released from that prison. 21:09 It says recovery of sight to the blind. 21:12 Now this can be physical blindness. 21:14 And we know that He healed people's physical blindness, 21:17 but also spiritually. 21:19 He brought sight to those 21:22 who are spiritually in darkness. 21:24 And then it says to set at liberty those 21:26 who are oppressed. 21:28 That word for liberty is the same word 21:30 as the liberty for the captives meaning, 21:32 it can also mean that pardon or forgiveness 21:34 and those who are oppressed, 21:36 means to crush break in pieces or shattered. 21:39 So to me, Jesus' mission is specifically 21:43 for the most broken, 21:45 the most needy, the most... 21:52 needing His help. 21:53 That's right. 21:55 And that's why Jesus came. 21:56 And that's what He stood there in Nazareth. 21:59 It says, "He closed the book, 22:01 and gave it back to the attendant and sat down." 22:03 That's right. 22:04 "And everybody's eyes are just fixed on Him there 22:06 in the synagogue. 22:08 And He began to say, 22:09 'Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.'" 22:13 He's saying, 22:14 "I am the fulfillment of that prophecy." 22:15 You've read it, your whole life there 22:17 in the Book of Isaiah the scroll. 22:18 I am the fulfillment of that prophecy 22:22 and we know that they had a little issue with that, 22:25 and we won't get into that 22:26 but they actually took him out to throw, stone him 22:29 and he just disappeared off over the cliff. 22:33 Jesus' mission, what takeaways do I take from this? 22:37 Service is equally as important as preaching. 22:41 That's right. 22:42 I think of what Jesus said when He sent out the disciples, 22:44 Matthew 10:8, "Heal the sick, raise the dead, 22:46 cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. 22:49 Freely you have received, freely give." 22:52 Service is just as important as preaching. 22:55 Number two, ministering to those in need 22:57 whether spiritually, emotionally, 22:59 or physically is part and parcel 23:02 of the proclamation of the gospel. 23:03 The gospel is for the sin, sick, soul, 23:06 but it's also for those 23:07 who physically need that healing. 23:10 Number three, it's more important 23:12 to obey the call of God 23:14 than to strive to please people. 23:17 Jesus knew what His mission is, He knew what His calling was, 23:21 and nothing diverted Him from that purpose. 23:25 And number four, 23:26 the gospel goes to the most needy. 23:28 That's what I love the most about this mission statement 23:31 is that Jesus came for those who need it most. 23:34 And so we are called as Christians, 23:37 people who claim the name of Jesus 23:40 to take the gospel message to those who need it most. 23:43 Amen. Wow. 23:44 Praise the Lord. 23:46 You know, just as our memory text says, 23:47 you know, I pray that the Spirit of the Lord 23:49 will be upon all of us 23:50 just as it was upon Jesus Christ. 23:52 Please don't go anywhere, we're gonna take a short break, 23:54 and we'll be right back. 24:01 Ever wish you could watch 24:02 a 3ABN Sabbath School Panel again, 24:04 or share it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? 24:07 Well, you can by visiting 24:12 A clean design makes it easy 24:15 to find the program you're looking for. 24:17 There are also links to the Adult Bible Study Guide 24:20 so you can follow along. 24:22 Sharing is easy. 24:24 Just click share and choose your favorite social media. 24:27 Share a link, save a life for eternity. 24:32 Hello and welcome back to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel. 24:34 We're gonna send it on over to Pastor John Lomacang 24:37 for Tuesday's lesson entitled "Jesus Heals." 24:41 You know, this topic Jesus Heals can catch you off guard 24:45 because there's so much to talk about 24:47 when it comes to Jesus' healing. 24:49 I think you laid the foundation well 24:51 about the mission of Jesus, 24:52 Isaiah 61 and also Luke reiterated that in Luke 4:18, 24:58 the mission of Jesus, 24:59 but there are parameters 25:03 under which healing takes place. 25:05 Healing is just not this arbitrary thing 25:07 that Jesus does. 25:09 Like some of these evangelists nowadays 25:11 they have healing seminars, or healing. 25:15 I call them, you know, flea markets, 25:19 you show up, everybody's healed. 25:21 You wanna be healed, you're healed, you're healed, 25:23 and they wave their hands in directions 25:24 and people to fall all over the place. 25:26 That's not the Bible. 25:27 That's not the way the Bible communicates healing. 25:29 That's right. 25:30 But I wanna go ahead 25:32 and point out a couple of things 25:33 about the mission of Jesus. 25:34 You know, the gospel, the writer in this lesson says, 25:37 "The Gospels are peppered 25:40 with the stories of Jesus' miracles, 25:42 particularly those of healing. 25:45 As Isaiah had prophesied, 25:46 He healed the blind and released those 25:48 who had been held captive by disease, 25:51 sometimes after many years of suffering." 25:54 I did a sermon once called a woman with an issue 25:57 and that was a woman with the issue of blood 25:59 but as a pastor you play on the woman with an issue, 26:02 they're kind of tying the church today 26:04 the woman with an issue. 26:06 And the reality of it is, the issue she had 26:09 where she went to the wrong physicians. 26:11 And so many of us that are seeking healing 26:14 in other areas of our lives, it may not be physical healing. 26:17 But we tend to go to the wrong physicians, 26:20 before we go to the master physician, 26:22 and she spent money 26:24 and when she had nothing to show for it, 26:26 and I think that in some areas, 26:28 we go to the diet physicians, 26:29 we go to the dress physicians, we go to the music physicians, 26:32 we go to all these different physicians 26:33 looking for healing, 26:35 when simply we need to go to the master physician 26:37 to find healing. 26:38 But that's the story 26:40 that had been a major focal point of the beginning, 26:42 but I wanna point out a couple of things. 26:44 Let's first go to John Chapter 5. 26:49 And I'll come back to some of those other items 26:51 if I have enough time to do that, 26:53 but I wanna point out the condition of healing. 26:57 One of the conditions of healing is John 5:6. 27:01 It says, "When Jesus saw him lying there," 27:05 that's the man by the pool, 27:07 who had given all the reasons why he hadn't been healed yet, 27:11 well, people keep stepping ahead of me 27:12 when the water moves that the angel touches the water, 27:15 they jumped down. 27:16 And I like this. 27:18 This is a very powerful point 27:19 that's brought out about healing. 27:21 "When Jesus saw him lying there, 27:22 and knew that he had already 27:25 had been in that condition a long time, 27:28 He said to him," look at this, 27:30 "Do you want to be made well?" 27:32 Yes. 27:33 And that to me says, 27:36 you have to want to be healed. 27:38 That's right. 27:39 There are some people that 27:40 their stories of their affliction 27:42 is their identity of their lives. 27:45 They can't wait to time to time a testimony. 27:47 When I was five years old, 27:48 I got caught on a blender and, 27:50 you know, my hand fell off 27:52 and now it's been attached for 15 years. 27:53 I'm not belittling that. 27:55 But what I'm saying is, 27:56 they use that same old story 27:58 over and over and over and over. 28:02 That's what the first thing 28:03 this man who is at the pool did. 28:05 He tells you, "Well, now 28:07 I want you to know why I'm in this condition." 28:09 Here's what happens. 28:10 And he repeated the story. 28:11 And the Lord said, "Do you want to be made well?" 28:14 What that means? 28:15 That's a powerful question because that means, 28:17 do you no longer wanna be identified by that affliction? 28:21 That's good. 28:22 Do you wanna put that story down finally? 28:26 Do you wanna stop telling the same old story, Kenny? 28:28 Oh, yeah. 28:30 And how long have you been telling that story? 28:31 That's what, but I'm just saying. 28:33 I'm using Kenny as an example 28:34 'cause we have that kind of brotherly love. 28:36 But how long have you been identified there's that guy? 28:41 Yeah. 28:42 If he asked him, how is he doing? 28:44 He's gonna tell you his whole life story. 28:45 I've been at this pool for so long, 28:48 and so the condition of healing 28:50 doesn't just heal you physically, 28:52 but it gets rid of your war stories. 28:55 That's good. 28:56 People don't wanna get rid of their war stories. 28:59 And so they get to together with people that have maladies, 29:02 and they can't wait for their turn comes 29:03 because my story surely the way 29:05 I hear was way worse than what you ever went through. 29:08 And I tell you as a pastor, 29:10 I endure that only because I know that people 29:12 sometimes wanna communicate their heart. 29:15 But sometimes you can almost predict 29:16 what they're gonna say when they stand up. 29:18 Here they go the same war story. 29:20 And you wanna say... 29:21 So the Lord says, "Okay, 29:23 it's time to lay that story down. 29:24 It's time to put that story to rest." 29:29 Another one is, let's go to 2 Chronicles 7:14. 29:32 We all know this one. Yes, we do. 29:35 We all know this one. 29:36 And this one is powerful 29:38 because healing is conditional 29:41 for those with higher accountability. 29:43 Right. 29:45 That's deep. 29:47 Healing is conditional to those with higher accountability. 29:49 They want to be healed, 29:50 but do they wanna change their ways? 29:53 Is what Jesus was asking the question? 29:55 "If My people He right away identify with who they are, 29:58 who are called by My name will humble themselves, 30:00 and pray." 30:01 Do you wanna do that? 30:03 Do you wanna seek my face? 30:04 Do you wanna turn from your wicked ways? 30:05 If you don't wanna do that, 30:07 then the if and then is a conditional thing, 30:09 "Then I will hear from heaven, 30:12 and will forgive your sin and heal your land." 30:14 A lot of people don't wanna humble themselves. 30:16 They don't wanna pray. 30:18 They don't wanna seek God's face. 30:19 They just wanna be healed. 30:20 That's true. 30:22 And they want to take two pills 30:23 and call me in the morning kind of faith. 30:24 And so that's the kind of people 30:26 that look for all these fake evangelists 30:27 that just wanna heal them. 30:29 They don't wanna stop smoking. 30:30 They don't wanna stop drinking. 30:31 They don't wanna stop living a loose life. 30:33 They just wanna be healed. 30:34 Jesus is not that kind of person. 30:36 And to those believers, 30:37 this is particularly to the believers 30:39 because higher accountability 30:41 for those with higher accountability 30:43 there are higher requirements. 30:44 Look at another one. Look at Matthew 13:15. 30:47 The Lord made it clear. 30:48 Matthew 13:15, it says, 30:51 "For the hearts of this people have grown dull. 30:53 Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes, 30:56 they have closed, 30:58 lest they should what see with their eyes, 31:01 hear with their ears, 31:02 lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, 31:05 so that I should," do what? 31:06 Heal them. "Heal them." 31:08 So you don't wanna stop what you're doing, 31:09 you just want the benefits of your Christian identity. 31:12 Yes. 31:14 Another one, Malachi 4:2 31:17 showing the conditions again. 31:20 "But to you who fear 31:22 My name," there it is, they honor me, 31:25 "the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with," what? 31:27 "Healing in His wings. 31:29 And you shall go out 31:30 and grow fat like stall-fed calves." 31:32 You're gonna be healthy after this. 31:34 People that are emaciated, falling apart, 31:36 their lives have no definition of health at all. 31:38 The Lord says, 31:39 "I'll arise with healing in My wings." 31:41 Why? 31:42 Because You honor Me, because you fear Me, 31:44 because you acknowledge who I am, 31:46 then I could be a benefit to you. 31:48 The sun will arise. 31:50 I will arise with healing in My wings. 31:51 But you have to understand 31:53 that everything about those who have higher accountability, 31:55 there is a higher qualification to prepare for that healing 31:59 and so here's another one. 32:02 But then now, healing is unconditional 32:05 to those that are candidates for salvation. 32:08 Let's go to an example. 32:12 Psalm 103:3-4, 32:15 for those that are candidates for salvation, 32:18 notice what the Lord talks about, 32:20 "Who forgives all your iniquities, 32:23 who heals all your diseases, 32:25 who redeems your life from destruction, 32:29 who crowns you with lovingkindness 32:30 and tender mercies." 32:32 Notice, the people that are in that category. 32:34 They're on their way to destruction. 32:35 He says, "I could do something about that. 32:37 I could heal your diseases, I could forgive your sins, 32:40 I could redeem your life from destruction. 32:43 I'll do all of that." 32:44 But He does that. 32:46 And I remember I read a story just recently, 32:49 and it's very quick about in Rwanda, 32:53 where these men were lining up Christians. 32:56 They'd already killed the fathers, 32:57 but they were now gonna kill the children 32:58 and the mothers very next day, 33:00 and during the night the Lord appeared 33:01 to one of the children. 33:03 And the children said to the mom, 33:04 "Mom, do not be afraid 33:05 the man in white appeared to me last night 33:07 and told me it's gonna be okay." 33:09 The true story. 33:10 And I just read it, he says, 33:12 so they lined them up against the wall. 33:15 And as the gun was being aimed, 33:16 snakes began to bite the heels of all the soldiers. 33:19 I mean, literally tormenting. 33:21 Biting, biting, they just came out of nowhere. 33:23 And one of the people that were lined up on the wall 33:26 when the soldiers dropped the gun, 33:28 they turned around to pick up the gun and shoot 33:30 and a little boy said, "Don't do that, 33:31 can you see the men in white that are fighting for us?" 33:35 And so you'll see that the Lord steps in unique ways. 33:38 And they said, "Well, why did the angel 33:39 appeared to you and not to us?" 33:41 And I remember the answer. 33:43 You have the Bible. 33:45 You already know what God says, I'm too young to understand it. 33:48 God has given me a revelation of who He is. 33:51 So God does special things 33:52 for people that are in different places. 33:54 Another one, 33:55 let's go to Matthew 15:28, 33:59 conditional healing, 34:00 let's just hit a couple of these. 34:05 "Then Jesus answered and said to her, 34:07 'O woman, great is your faith! 34:10 Let it be to you as you desire.' 34:13 And her daughter was healed from that very hour." 34:15 Another one, Mark 5:34. 34:21 "And He said, 'Daughter, your faith has made you well.' 34:24 " That's all the faith healing is not faith healing... 34:29 In like spraying people with a water hose of healing, 34:33 but the independent connection from our heart 34:36 to the Savior who heals. 34:38 Matthew 8:13, I segue on this one. 34:40 "Then Jesus said to the centurion, 34:42 'Go your way, 34:44 as you have believed, so let it be for you.' 34:48 And his servant was healed that same hour." 34:50 So if you wanna healing, 34:51 let the conditions of your walk with Christ first be met. 34:55 And then the healing comes. 34:56 Amen. Amen. 34:58 Praise the Lord. Pastor Kenny. 34:59 You know, yeah, this part of the lesson 35:01 I really liked it because I had questions on it 35:03 when I was a youngster, you know, 35:05 about how Jesus came in and cleanse the temple, 35:08 clear the temple. 35:09 Wednesday's lesson, Clearing the Temple. 35:11 And I wondered about, I was always heard, 35:14 "Well, He got a little aggravated. 35:16 He got a little upset." 35:17 Well, that wasn't it at all. 35:18 I got a little quote here. 35:20 I wanna read start with, 35:21 comes from Desire of Ages 310. 35:24 Because sometimes I felt like I've been in this position. 35:26 Maybe I put myself there. 35:28 I don't know what but there's times 35:30 when things bother you when someone attacks the God 35:33 or the calls of God, 35:35 that I call it a righteous indignation. 35:36 Yes. 35:38 Comes out not selfish, not just anger. 35:39 But here, you think is a really ever time for that. 35:42 Desire of Ages 310 says, 35:45 "It is true there is an indignation 35:47 that is justifiable, 35:49 even in the followers of Christ. 35:51 When they see that God is," here's the stipulations. 35:55 "See that God is dishonored, 35:57 that His service is brought into disrepute, 36:00 when they see innocent oppressed, 36:03 a righteous indignation stirs the soul. 36:06 Such anger, born of sensitive morals, 36:09 is not a sin." 36:11 But again, it gives warning, 36:13 we had time we'd read warning underneath, 36:14 it don't get all bent out of shape 36:15 by every little thing that happens, 36:17 and not carry beyond 36:18 what the Word says for us to do. 36:21 I thought, well, that's good clearing the temple 36:22 because when we read about in Scripture, 36:25 all the gospels mentioned the cleansing 36:27 and the clearing of the temple 36:28 and Jesus work there and what He was doing. 36:32 And I thought how interesting it was 36:33 because this look like to me when I was younger that 36:37 it was challenging the character of Jesus. 36:40 Why did He do this, it's so out of character, 36:43 with everything that I read about Him 36:45 and that I thought I knew about Him is how, 36:48 why this change? 36:49 Why was it necessary? 36:51 What was taking place that made Jesus do what He did? 36:54 And so I came to find out bottom line is 36:57 we were trying to mix the holy with the unholy. 37:01 That's good. 37:02 And that happens, that happens in the church today. 37:04 We try to get the common and the holy 37:06 and try to put them together through compromise 37:08 and that never works. 37:09 You can never compromise the truth of God's Word. 37:12 Disciples came together and they said to Jesus, 37:14 they said, you know, 37:15 tell us about what's going to happen, 37:17 the destruction of Jerusalem and then Your Second Coming. 37:19 And really, if you look at it, 37:21 I was just kind of addled and amazed 37:22 the way Jesus handled it. 37:24 Always add when I read what Jesus did, 37:25 I'm gonna handle it different ways. 37:26 But no, then we come back Jesus said, 37:28 this is a way to do it. 37:30 So we do. 37:31 So what He did was in there, 37:32 He began to talk to them about what they asked Him 37:35 and here's the way He finished up. 37:37 The finish up is what to me 37:38 is really is really, really good. 37:40 When He says, and again, when you go through the, 37:42 when you talk about we read, 37:43 they went through the courts of the temple here 37:45 just simply means they were going through all, 37:47 that's all the courts, that's all the temple 37:49 and things were going on. 37:50 Jesus happened to be there in the temple, 37:52 He saw some things going on. 37:54 And where are you? Matthew what? 37:56 Yeah, really when you read Matthew Chapter 24, 37:59 and Matthews, thank you, Chapter 25. 38:01 Okay. 38:02 This gives all the information. 38:04 So the men were bringing in all the stuff 38:06 they were carrying it in. 38:08 And when you went in temple, 38:09 you were supposed to lay all this stuff down 38:10 and not carry your burdens in. 38:12 But it really got so far out of hand that Jesus, 38:15 He was in a particular place there in the temple, 38:18 and it was assigned to the Gentiles. 38:21 And so He saw what was going on there. 38:22 Now remember, these Gentiles were the ones that 38:24 that love God. 38:26 They're the ones that were serving God. 38:28 But they were having a difficulty 38:29 trying to figure out what was going on here 38:31 because religious leaders were saying one thing 38:33 and doing another. 38:35 I don't know if ever happens 38:36 or you've ever been involved in that. 38:38 In the temple there was buying and there was selling going on. 38:41 I don't know what you think about the day, Pastor, 38:43 if you came into the sanctuary day 38:45 and somebody had some turtledoves out here, 38:47 and they had some animals, 38:49 and they had some cereal, and they had some salt, 38:51 and they had some incense, 38:53 and they had some oils, 38:55 and they said we need to have these here 38:57 because it's gonna be a convenience. 38:59 For those who travel in, 39:00 we're not gonna make it difficult on them that way. 39:02 They'll have their sacrifices and so on and so forth. 39:05 And so, you know, 39:06 there was noise of buying and selling, 39:08 there was bickering. 39:10 You know, when you get a couple of guys together 39:12 wanna make a profit 39:13 and other one wants to make more than the other, 39:15 then there's a lot of confrontation that goes on. 39:16 And so they get, 39:18 and this was not just the individual people, 39:20 these were the priests and the rulers 39:22 because they were making a profit too, 39:24 this was about money making. 39:26 This misrepresented, this why Jesus had, you know, 39:29 why He rose to the occasion in my opinion here 39:32 is because it was challenging the character of God. 39:35 It was challenging this sanctuary, 39:37 the service of God, 39:39 it was taking away everything that had, 39:41 you know, the requirements, 39:43 the religious rulers were simply making 39:45 sacred things common, 39:48 and that was simply wrong. 39:49 What was happening? 39:50 God was being robbed of His honor and His glory. 39:54 And so what Jesus is simply stepped in, 39:56 and this implies that this was a bad influence 40:00 on the Gentile Christians. 40:01 Yes. 40:02 Gentile Christians could not figure out 40:04 what in the world was going on 40:05 because they looked that the religious leaders 40:07 are supposed to be their example. 40:09 And they simply said, "You know what, 40:10 these guys here are a bunch of thieves." 40:13 So, I mean, how would you follow along with that? 40:14 They're a bunch of thieves. 40:16 They're not doing the right thing. 40:17 How would you want to follow? 40:18 I mean, this was heavy duty stuff. 40:20 This is why Jesus did what He did. 40:21 John 2:14-15, quickly moving on, 40:24 Jesus began to correct those that sold. 40:28 Now the first cleansing, the first of the temple, 40:32 the first act, 40:33 it was national importance here. 40:35 Why? 40:36 Jesus now declared that 40:38 He was to have the right to administer where? 40:40 In the temple. That's right. 40:42 He was making a statement here. 40:43 And so and He announced to that His mission as what? 40:47 As the Messiah. 40:48 This was very heavy duty. 40:50 Second cleansing took place... 40:52 What was it? 40:53 Three years later, about the fourth Passover 40:55 and so on and so forth. 40:56 Verse 15 quickly moving on, 40:58 "Jesus takes a whip of scourge 41:00 and then and symbolic of," what? 41:02 "Of His authority." 41:04 He takes that whip and He begins to let it fly 41:06 around in the air. 41:07 He begins to, you know, 41:09 I got to feel like here whipping and snapping, 41:11 if you ever heard somebody take a whip 41:12 and do that in the air, 41:13 popping and cracking and turning over tables. 41:16 Also unlike Jesus the way 41:18 He always conducted Himself in there. 41:20 But notice, He never struck anyone. 41:22 He never did anything. He just got their attention. 41:24 They were scared. 41:25 And all those who were buying and selling ran for fear, 41:28 they wanted to get out. 41:29 Jesus simply said, "You're not gonna make My Father's house," 41:32 what? 41:33 "House of merchandise!" 41:35 John 2:16, or a common place for business. 41:39 Jesus set forth His claim to divinity here. 41:42 Matthew 21:13, I thought was interesting here. 41:45 It tells us, what did Jesus say to them? 41:47 He said, you know what? 41:48 "Seek to make our Father's house a house of," what? 41:52 "A house of prayer." 41:53 This is what we're supposed to be doing, 41:55 not buying, and selling, and live animals, 41:56 and things going on. 41:58 We have some things like that 41:59 may be going on in the church today 42:00 that's totally unacceptable. 42:02 That we have to keep an eye on and we have to make a change 42:04 when we see it taken place. 42:06 The common certainly and the spiritual, 42:07 we wanna make sure we're not trying to mix the two. 42:10 Notice this, in the sanctuary, 42:12 it's not a place really for common talk. 42:15 It's not a place for just common thought. 42:17 It's not really a place where you talk about 42:18 what you did you were, 42:20 what you accomplished all week long. 42:22 That's not what it's about. 42:23 We come to be with God, 42:24 we come to sit at the feet of Jesus. 42:27 And so we see here that we come to church. 42:30 It's a place to me, 42:31 it's awesome reverence that we are seeing it, 42:35 but do we really believe it? 42:36 We're standing on holy ground. 42:38 Do we really believe that we're standing on holy ground? 42:40 Jesus knew that He was standing on holy ground. 42:42 Why? 42:43 Because He was there, He was present. 42:45 And so when these things took place, 42:47 He put a stop to it. That's right. 42:49 Just as those in charge had to put, 42:50 stop the things that shouldn't be taking place there. 42:53 Evangelism 6:39 says this, 42:57 "To handle sacred things as we would common matter," 43:01 notice this, "matter is offensive to God." 43:05 Now no one wants to be offensive to God here, do we? 43:07 None of you want to be offensive to God, 43:08 but to handle things as with common matters, 43:11 they're offensive to God in His house. 43:14 Spiritual inside, 43:15 and the common is outside the walls here. 43:17 We must be careful of placing sacred things 43:19 on the same level, 43:21 thus separating ourselves from God. 43:24 None of us want to be there. 43:25 And this is what happened. I love this. 43:28 I just had to be as careful as I can, Pastor, 43:29 if I get too carried away, 43:30 you kind of tap me on the shoulder. 43:32 And I'll probably say more. 43:34 But, you know, this is the thing right here. 43:35 The real church service began, 43:38 when the imposters and the professors 43:40 and those who were in a posse, 43:42 those who were doing the wrong things were cast out, 43:45 then church service began. 43:46 Amen. That's good. 43:48 And sometimes that has to happen in the church. 43:50 Not that that's what we think we're here for. 43:52 But sometimes sin has to go, 43:53 the issues have to go that's separating us from God 43:57 and then who came in? 43:58 Because we're talking about while ago, 44:00 He's interested in to sit on the front row. 44:03 The poor came in, the maim, the bind, the halt, 44:06 those who couldn't think maybe very properly or think clearly, 44:09 they were welcome to come in and sit on the front row 44:12 because Jesus said, 44:13 "When you've done unto least of these, my brother, 44:15 you have done it unto Me." 44:17 So that's when church begins 44:20 when you have leaders in position 44:22 that have the spiritual backbone enough 44:25 to deal with sin issues in the church, 44:27 get rid of the hypocrisy, and the apostasy, 44:30 and the backsliding, 44:31 and simply set forth this is the house of praise 44:34 and prayer for all people. 44:35 And the God is inviting them to come in. 44:38 And remember, He never turns His back on anyone, I believe. 44:42 I believe there's some housecleaning 44:44 that needs to be done. 44:45 There's some cleaning that needs to be done 44:47 and it goes beyond some spray and some, 44:50 you know, you need more than a vacuum cleaner. 44:52 It's to me it's a cleansing of the heart, 44:54 and of the mind and of the soul. 44:56 Amen. 44:57 If you wanna have real church, 44:59 if you want God's blessing will do exactly what Jesus did 45:02 when He threw out those who were messing up 45:05 the cause of Christ. 45:06 Amen. 45:08 And we need to stay with the program. 45:09 This is what is that to me is all about 45:10 cleansing of the temple. 45:12 Amen. So God can bless. 45:13 Praise the Lord, and we are our bodies are the temple. 45:15 So we need to be cleansed ourselves, do we not? 45:19 I have Thursday's lesson, The Cross of Christ. 45:24 The lesson points out how comforting it is to know 45:27 that God hears, 45:29 He sees, He hears the cries of the oppressed, 45:32 He sees what is going on, 45:35 and it is astounding to think 45:38 that God in Jesus Christ has experienced 45:44 the worst of the worst. 45:46 He understands problems, 45:49 He understands in humanity in oppression and injustice. 45:56 I want to point out one thing because sometimes... 46:00 This is my hobbyhorse, I guess. 46:04 I think sometimes we don't realize 46:08 the sacrifice Christ made in becoming a man, 46:12 not just on the cross, 46:14 but in becoming a man. 46:16 In John 1:1-5, it says, 46:18 "In the beginning was the Word, 46:20 and the Word was with God, the Word was God." 46:25 And what we see here is, 46:29 God became a man. 46:32 And let me say this, it is not God the Father, 46:35 God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, 46:36 that's one plus one plus one, 46:38 which equals three and it confuses people. 46:41 What we should say is God the Father, 46:46 Son, and Holy Spirit. 46:48 It is God is one times one times one. 46:54 Does that make sense? 46:56 One times one times one equals one. 47:00 It's God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 47:04 God's presence one to the third power. 47:07 That's one cube. 47:09 God's presence is in the cube. 47:11 We see it in the holy of holies was a cube. 47:14 The New Jerusalem is a cube. 47:15 Guess what else is a cube? 47:17 Salt. 47:19 Did you know salt's a cube? 47:20 You're the salt of the earth. 47:21 All right, let's look at this. 47:23 Philippians 2:5-8. 47:26 Philippians 2:5-8. 47:29 I love this passage because when, I don't know, 47:33 I bet I've read this 400 times before one day, 47:36 God got my attention in it. 47:38 He rocked my world. 47:40 It says, "Let this mind be in you 47:43 which was also in Christ Jesus, 47:46 who, 47:48 being in the form of God." 47:49 In other words, He was God. 47:52 "He did not consider it robbery to be equal with God," 47:55 because He was God, 47:57 "but He made Himself of no reputation, 48:01 taking the form of a bondservant, 48:03 coming in the likeness of men." 48:06 Creator God came town, 48:09 it was incarnated in the likeness of mankind. 48:15 And it says, "Being found in the appearance of a man, 48:18 He humbled Himself and became obedient 48:21 to the point of death, 48:22 even the death on a cross." 48:26 Oh, holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, 48:29 who was and is and is to come, 48:32 the King of eternal glory, 48:38 left heaven and became a man. 48:41 He came down to dwell with us, 48:44 to live a life as a human being. 48:48 And He was tempted as we are yet without sin. 48:52 And when you think, 48:54 oh, how humbling and amazing it is 48:56 to think of the love of God, 48:58 that He was willing to live this perfect life 49:02 and then a sinless life 49:04 and give His life as a payment 49:08 for our sins. 49:12 Now there is a messianic prophecy in Isaiah 53. 49:17 Let's turn there. 49:18 Isaiah 53. 49:21 Oh, how hopeful we are to know 49:23 the power of salvation by grace. 49:27 This is the suffering servant. 49:30 Jesus Christ to whom the power of God, 49:32 to overcome sin was made known. 49:37 Isaiah 53:3. 49:40 "He is despised and rejected by men, 49:43 a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." 49:47 Jesus understands what you're going through. 49:49 That's right. 49:50 "And we hid it, were our faces from Him, 49:52 He was despised, 49:54 and we did not esteem Him. 49:56 Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, 50:00 yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 50:04 But He was wounded for our transgressions, 50:07 He was bruised for our iniquities, 50:10 and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, 50:13 and by His stripes we are healed. 50:18 All we like sheep have gone astray, 50:21 we've turned away every one, to his own way, 50:24 and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." 50:28 Yes. This is interesting. 50:31 In verse 5 of Isaiah 53, 50:34 in the Septuagint to where it says, 50:37 "He was wounded for our transgressions, 50:42 He was bruised for our iniquity." 50:45 This is not referring to Jesus scourging. 50:48 This is figurative 50:52 of a stroke of divine judgment 50:56 that God administered to Christ vicariously on our behalf. 51:01 The innocent suffered for the guilty 51:04 and God dealt this bruising blow 51:09 to Christ that many could be justified. 51:13 How exciting is that? 51:15 He suffered willingly as our substitute 51:19 so that if we receive Him, 51:22 anyone who receives Him 51:24 has the gift of salvation and eternal life. 51:27 Now, of course, 51:28 that thought is repeated in 1 Peter 2:24 says that 51:32 "Christ bore sins in His own body on the tree 51:36 that we having died to sins 51:40 might live for righteousness 51:42 by whose stripes you were healed." 51:45 You know, here's how it happened. 51:47 Adam was created by God. 51:50 Adam was a representative of humankind. 51:52 Adam sinned, and when he fell, 51:55 his sin was spread to all. 51:57 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. 52:00 God's people sinned against His commandments 52:02 and God couldn't just simply put His commandments aside. 52:05 This is His eternal law that His kingdom is built on. 52:09 So what He had to do, it had to be a man who died. 52:14 It had to be a human who died to pay that penalty for sin. 52:19 So God came down and became a human 52:23 and He became Christ was the last Adam. 52:27 Now He's our representative in heaven. 52:30 Hallelujah. 52:31 So His suffering culminated in the substitutionary death 52:36 but boy, that death gave away resurrection 52:39 and the exaltation of Jesus 52:43 as our Savior and High Priest. 52:46 There's only one sinless man, that last Adam, 52:51 who can be our High Priest. 52:53 He's died in the flesh. 52:55 He approaches as God 52:57 as the representative of human kind. 53:00 Look at Hebrews 4:14-16. 53:05 Oh, I wanna get this in. 53:06 Hebrews 4:14 says, 53:10 "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, 53:13 who is passed through the heavens, 53:15 Jesus the Son of God, 53:16 let us hold fast our confessions. 53:19 For we did not have a High Priest 53:21 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, 53:23 but was in all points tempted as we are, 53:27 yet without sin." 53:29 Amen. 53:31 That's who our High Priest is. 53:32 Now watch the next statement. 53:35 "Let us therefore," 53:37 anytime you see the word therefore it is a bridge, 53:41 what's just been said is going to be bridged 53:45 to what's next being said. 53:47 So let us therefore 53:49 because Jesus knows all of our temptations, 53:54 we can come boldly to the throne of grace 53:57 'cause we've got a High Priest up there 53:59 who is representing us to obtain mercy 54:03 and grace in to help in time of need. 54:07 He understands our broken and fallen condition. 54:10 He sympathizes, He empathizes with us. 54:15 The life and ministry of Jesus was one of compassion. 54:18 It was all good. 54:20 But He suffered a grueling ordeal. 54:23 He was betrayed, He was beaten, He had this oppressive power. 54:28 I think of Him in the garden, 54:30 His anguish, prayer and then on the cross 54:32 when He's saying, "My God, My God, 54:34 why have You forsaken Me?" 54:36 But Revelation 13:8 tells us 54:40 this was God's plan from the very beginning 54:42 because Christ before the foundations of the world, 54:46 He was the Lamb who was slain. 54:50 This was God's plan is that 54:52 He was going to come down and save us. 54:56 That's the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6. 55:00 There's only one gospel 55:02 and that is Jesus Christ on the cross of Christ 55:06 paid everything for our sin. 55:10 That's good news if you receive Him, 55:13 but if you reject Him, there's nothing left for you. 55:17 So I encourage you to choose Christ today. 55:20 Amen. Amen. 55:22 Praise the Lord. 55:23 Brother Kenny, can you control that fire 55:25 at the end of that table down there? 55:27 I am catching fire along with her. 55:29 That was powerful. Praise the Lord, at the Cross. 55:32 That's the message. That's the message. 55:33 Amen. Praise the Lord. 55:35 We have just a couple of minutes left. 55:36 Why don't we go back through the panel 55:37 and give some final thoughts. 55:40 Luke 19:10, "The son of man has come to seek 55:44 and to save that which was lost." 55:46 That was why Jesus became a man as Shelley talked about. 55:49 That's why He died on the cross 55:51 was to seek and to save those of us 55:53 who have been abused, 55:55 and neglected, and oppressed, 55:57 and forsaken, and poor. 55:59 He came to save you. 56:00 That's right. 56:02 Desire of Ages, 406, 56:03 "Every miracle that Christ performed 56:04 was a sign of His divinity. 56:07 He was doing the very work 56:09 that had been foretold of the Messiah." 56:12 And so what Jesus did, 56:13 His miracles were not just to heal individuals, 56:16 but His miracles were to confirm His identity. 56:19 Right. 56:20 Because one person made it very clear, 56:23 no one can do this except God is with him. 56:25 Amen. 56:27 And that was clearly the confirmation. 56:29 Call his name Emmanuel, meaning God with us. 56:32 So yes, He is very much the Messiah 56:34 not just because of His miracles 56:36 but because of His identity. 56:38 Sure, sure. 56:39 Thought that kind of strikes me is it that those who think 56:41 that God is too merciful to execute justice, 56:45 you know, upon the sinner 56:46 needs to just to look to we talked about, 56:48 just look at Calvary. 56:49 Amen. 56:50 And Jesus death bears witness to that 56:52 and certainly we know the wages of sin is death, 56:55 but the gift of God is eternal life 56:56 through Jesus Christ. 56:57 Amen. 56:59 And, you know, if God, we're gonna do away 57:00 with His law, 57:02 then He owes Jesus an apology because Jesus died 57:04 because of our transgression of the law. 57:07 And the law is eternal. 57:09 And it's still standing and He understands you 57:14 and He will give you the power to overcome sin. 57:16 Amen. Amen. 57:17 Praise the Lord. 57:19 I think from today's lesson, what really stuck up my mind, 57:20 Brother Kenny, is when you mentioned, 57:22 you know, how it seemed out of character for Christ, 57:24 you know, to come in 57:26 and that act of cleansing the temple. 57:28 I mean, this is the same Christ 57:29 that stood in the face of demons 57:31 when they were running at Him, 57:32 you know, after He got out of the boat up 57:34 on the shore of the Gadarene, 57:35 and He just stood still so poised 57:37 but yet it shows His love, 57:39 His passion for that which is holy. 57:42 And, you know, my desire 57:44 and my prayer for everyone at home, 57:46 is that we see Christ each and every day 57:47 and that we allow Him 57:49 to cleanse us from the inside out. 57:51 We're so thankful that you were able to join us this week. 57:54 I hope you join us again next week. 57:56 Next week's lesson is entitled The Least of These. 57:59 So you have a blessed day 58:01 and we hope to see you again very soon. |
Revised 2019-08-27