3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190032A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, "The Least of These."
00:33 Hello, and welcome the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 I'm Jill Morikone.
00:37 And we're so glad that you have joined us
00:39 for the study of the Word of God.
00:41 We're on lesson number six, "Worship the Creator,"
00:45 and our study of "The Least of These."
00:48 How God calls us to get out of ourselves
00:50 and to minister to those in need.
00:53 Last week was just an anointed study,
00:56 "The Old Testament Prophets," and their cry for repentance
01:02 to turn from oppression, to turn from injustice,
01:06 to turn from idol worship, and to worship the true God.
01:10 This week Worship the Creator
01:12 will be a wonderful study as well.
01:14 I want to encourage you if you want your own copy
01:17 of the Sabbath School quarterly,
01:19 you can download it at ABSG.Adventist.org,
01:24 that stands for
01:26 AdultBibleStudyGuide.Adventist. org.
01:29 We always encourage you to visit
01:31 your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:34 They would give you a quarterly
01:35 and you can follow along with them.
01:37 I want to introduce our panel at this time.
01:40 To my left, Pastor John Lomacang,
01:42 it is a privilege to have you here.
01:43 We have been blessed by this lesson
01:45 and we know the Lord will bless again.
01:47 Praise God for that. Amen!
01:49 And we love studying together.
01:50 I don't know if that comes through our home
01:52 but we love studying together.
01:53 Pastor Ryan Day, another brother in the Lord
01:55 and thank you for being here.
01:57 Amen, it's always exciting to study God's Word.
01:59 Amen, and to your left is my sister Shelley Quinn.
02:01 Thank you, Shelley,
02:03 for your insight into God's Word.
02:04 I'll tell you what?
02:06 I enjoy so much each person's study
02:07 because, you know, we're not just teaching here,
02:10 we're learning, so it's blessing.
02:12 Amen, and to your left is my sister and friend,
02:16 Miss Mollie Steenson.
02:17 We're delighted that you're back
02:19 and your studying with us.
02:20 Thank you so much.
02:22 You know, I take so many notes that I've used all the ink up
02:23 in one of my ink pens and I had to get another one.
02:26 I love the teaching that is coming forward.
02:29 Amen.
02:30 And we hope that you are taking notes at home
02:32 before we go any further,
02:33 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:35 Pastor John, would you pray for us?
02:37 Sure.
02:38 Precious Father in heaven, wisdom and understanding
02:40 belong to You alone.
02:43 We open our cups, Lord, and we say, fill our cups.
02:46 We pray that You'll pour into us,
02:48 Lord, that as we pour out, that it will be evident
02:51 that we have been with Jesus.
02:53 Anoint this lesson, may the understanding be clear,
02:56 may the points be concise,
02:58 may all the glory and praise go to You alone.
03:00 In Jesus name I pray, amen.
03:03 Amen. Amen.
03:04 Thank you so much. This week, Worship the Creator.
03:08 I just want to start out with a question,
03:10 "What is true worship?
03:12 Is worship about a person or a divine being?
03:16 Is worship about a location or a place?
03:20 Is worship about my motivation, and the attitude of my heart?
03:25 What is worship?
03:27 Can you be "religious"
03:31 and not actually engage in worship?"
03:34 I would submit to you that that is true.
03:36 Jesus, this is Matthew 15:8-9,
03:39 Jesus, this is quoting actually from the Prophet Isaiah.
03:43 "These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
03:46 and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
03:52 In vain they worship Me,
03:54 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
03:58 We can have all the trappings,
03:59 the outward appearance of religion,
04:02 and actually never engage in true worship.
04:06 Worship is about the heart and motive.
04:08 It's about loving God with all our heart, mind,
04:11 soul and strength and our neighbor as ourself.
04:14 As we've been studying this quarter in particular,
04:17 who was our neighbor
04:18 and reaching out to our neighbor.
04:20 There's two aspects to worship, before we read our memory text,
04:23 I want to look at in the Book of Hebrews.
04:25 Hebrews 13:15-16.
04:29 Hebrews 13:15-16, it says, "Therefore by Him
04:35 let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God,
04:41 that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."
04:44 So the word sacrifice in the Greek is offering.
04:48 Let us offer to God the sacrifice
04:51 or the offering of praise.
04:52 This is worship.
04:54 And what is this act of worship?
04:56 It's an act of the mouth.
04:58 This is physically praising God,
05:00 gathering together in praise to God
05:03 in repentance and joyous praise.
05:06 Now there's another act of worship in the next verse.
05:09 "Do not forget to do good and to share,
05:13 for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."
05:16 The same word for sacrifice is that word for offering.
05:20 So worship is an act of the mouth,
05:21 but it's also an act of love with the hands and feet.
05:25 Acts of love, the sacrifice for the good of other people.
05:30 And that's our focus is that worship of love
05:33 with our hands and feet for other people.
05:36 Isaiah talks about that, that's our memory text.
05:38 Isaiah 58:6-7.
05:42 "Is not this the fast that I have chosen,
05:44 to loose the bonds of wickedness,
05:46 to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free,
05:50 And that you break every yoke?"
05:51 This is worship, what's taking place here.
05:54 That's right.
05:55 "Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
05:56 and that you bring to your house the poor
05:58 who are cast out, when you see the naked,
06:01 that you cover him, and not hide yourself
06:04 from your own flesh?"
06:06 On Sunday, we look at idolatry and oppression.
06:09 And I know worship throughout the Bible
06:11 is linked to oppression and mistreatment of others.
06:14 Why?
06:16 Because something else is supplanting
06:17 God in our affections.
06:18 And when we don't truly look at
06:21 and worship and adore Him alone,
06:25 other things take the place, what happens?
06:27 Selfishness creeps in, pride creeps in,
06:29 and I forget to even look at the needs of other people.
06:33 There's a principle I want you to remember,
06:35 if you remember nothing else from Sunday's lesson,
06:37 remember this.
06:38 We become what we behold.
06:42 2 Corinthians 3:18,
06:44 "We all with open face beholding as in a glass,
06:46 the glory of the Lord
06:48 are changed into the same image from glory to glory."
06:52 If we behold Jesus,
06:54 we become like Him in character.
06:57 We learn to love like He loves,
06:59 and we learn to live like He lives,
07:01 and we learn to serve other people
07:04 as He served other people.
07:06 If you look at the Bible, the history of idol worship
07:09 in the Bible, I think of Jacob,
07:11 remember when he fled from Laban,
07:13 and he took his wives and his children
07:15 and all his flocks and herds,
07:17 and he's running back to the land of his father's.
07:20 And then Laban pursued him, why?
07:22 Well, of course, because Jacob left,
07:23 but he's looking for his idols that Rachel had stolen
07:29 from her father's tent.
07:31 I think of the children of Israel
07:32 when they left Egypt,
07:33 God had given tremendous miracles,
07:37 the parting of the Red Sea.
07:39 He had sweetened the bitter waters at Marah.
07:42 He had provided manna in the wilderness.
07:44 He had provided water.
07:46 He had given the Israelites victory
07:48 over the Amalekites.
07:49 And on their journey just a short while
07:52 after they left the Red Sea,
07:54 they arrived at the base of Mount Sinai
07:56 and The Ten Commandments were given.
07:59 Exodus 20, the first two commandments
08:01 specifically deal with that idol worship
08:05 which is what Sunday's lesson's about.
08:07 Commandment number one, we're in Exodus 20:3,
08:10 "You shall have no other gods before me."
08:14 Commandment number two,
08:16 "You shall not make for yourself a graven,"
08:19 King James is graven, New King James says,
08:21 "a carved image, any likeness of anything
08:24 that is in heaven above,
08:26 or that is in the earth beneath,
08:27 or that is in the water under the earth,
08:29 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.
08:33 For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God,
08:35 visiting the iniquity of the fathers
08:37 upon the children
08:38 to the third and fourth generations
08:40 of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands,
08:43 for those who love Me and keep My commandments."
08:46 And the first two commandments are given there.
08:48 And now you notice, it says,
08:50 "I, the Lord, am a jealous God."
08:52 Now we always think of jealousy is an evil attribute.
08:55 And jealousy is an evil attribute
08:58 when you are jealous of someone.
09:00 Another words, you are envious of someone.
09:03 It's something or someone or something
09:06 that you don't possess,
09:07 and you think I have the right to this.
09:09 That's an evil jealousy.
09:11 But this godly jealousy is a jealousy for
09:15 because God owns us.
09:18 He created us, and He redeemed us.
09:21 So He doesn't want anything coming between us and Him.
09:26 If we have an idol and an idol is literally
09:28 anything that we put in value.
09:32 We think about more, we look at more,
09:35 our heart affections go out after more,
09:37 anything that gives more value to that
09:40 instead of the Lord Jesus Christ.
09:43 So the Israelites affirmed of the covenant
09:44 and this is in Exodus 24:3,
09:47 the people answered with one voice,
09:48 what did they say?
09:50 All that the Lord has said, we're going to do,
09:53 Pastor John, we're going to do.
09:55 And Moses went up into the mount,
09:56 after that point for 40 days and nights to be with God
10:00 and receive the rest of the ordinances.
10:03 Aaron and Hur went back down to the people
10:06 and the people got pretty restless.
10:08 Exodus 32:1,
10:11 "Now when the people saw
10:12 that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain,
10:16 the people gathered together to Aaron and said to him,
10:18 'Come, make us gods that shall go before us
10:21 for as for this Moses,
10:22 the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt,
10:25 we do not know what has become of him.'"
10:27 Just a few days before, God has said,
10:31 "You shall have no other gods before me."
10:32 And they had eagerly said,
10:34 "Oh, yes, we're going to follow You, God."
10:37 And then they're all ready, ready to turn to idol worship.
10:42 Aaron called for the jewelry and we know the story.
10:45 He made a molten calf,
10:47 which the people began to worship in verse 6,
10:49 we're in Exodus 32:6,
10:51 "They rose early the next day," this is the people,
10:53 "they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings,
10:55 and the people sat down to eat and drink,
10:57 and rose up to play."
10:59 Which has a sexual reference for some pagan worship.
11:04 That's not the best going on here at the golden calf.
11:09 Aaron followed the people, instead of leading the people,
11:14 and the Israelites so quickly forgot
11:16 what God had just told them.
11:19 I see a difference here between Moses and Aaron.
11:22 Moses established a pattern for true worship,
11:24 Aaron established a pattern for false worship.
11:27 Moses listen to God and obeyed Him,
11:31 Aaron listened to the people
11:32 and did what the people wanted him to do.
11:35 Moses made an altar, Aaron also made an altar.
11:38 Moses offered burnt offerings and peace offerings,
11:41 and Aaron did the same.
11:43 Moses went up into the mountain with the 70 elders,
11:46 and there they shared the covenant meal,
11:48 Aaron declared a feast
11:50 and the Israelites had a drunken orgy.
11:53 We know as we look throughout the history of Israel,
11:57 one of the most pivotal points I think of a idol worship
12:00 is Elijah on Mount Carmel,
12:02 and there's the 400 prophets of Baal
12:04 and then the 400 prophets of the Grove,
12:06 and then God clearly declared that He alone is God.
12:12 Psalm 115,
12:14 we don't have time to read it all.
12:16 But it talks about the danger of idol worship,
12:19 because the works of men's hands,
12:22 they have mouths, but they don't speak
12:24 and they have eyes but they can't see.
12:26 They have ears, but they can't hear.
12:29 They have noses and they cannot smell.
12:31 They have hands, but they can't even touch."
12:34 So an idol is anything in my life
12:36 that takes priority over God.
12:41 So what is the danger in idolatry?
12:44 We become what we behold.
12:47 Psalm 115:8,
12:50 "Those who make them," meaning idols,
12:52 "those who make idols become like them,
12:56 so is everyone who trusts in them."
12:59 So if I worship something else that can be clothes or food,
13:04 or money or cars, or position or power,
13:06 or people or influence, or self or selfishness,
13:09 or pride or arrogance, or envy or jealousy,
13:12 or anything that is in the place of God,
13:15 I become what I behold.
13:18 The danger in idolatry
13:20 is means we short circuit our relationship with God
13:23 and we sever that relationship with God.
13:27 So God calls us not to worship idols,
13:30 but to worship Him alone.
13:31 Amen.
13:33 Thank you, Jill,
13:34 for laying that foundation about worship.
13:36 Mine is Monday,
13:37 and "The Reasons to Worship."
13:41 The Reason to Worship.
13:43 Now, worship is and has always been
13:48 and will be the deciding issue.
13:50 Yes, amen.
13:52 It has been, it is and will be the deciding issue.
13:56 In the Great Controversy,
13:58 we find in the beginning of the Great Controversy,
14:01 when you read the claims.
14:03 Let's go to Isaiah 14,
14:04 when you read the claims
14:07 that laid the foundation for the Great Controversy.
14:10 And by the way, Jill,
14:11 I'm not in the comforting part of Isaiah.
14:14 Are you in the judgment part?
14:15 Judgment part of Isaiah. Okay.
14:17 You know, when we read the scenario
14:21 what devil had claimed
14:22 he would one day rightfully be able to insight.
14:28 Notice, His claims in Isaiah Chapter 14,
14:32 and we're going to begin with verse 12.
14:35 "How are you fallen from heaven,
14:37 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
14:39 How you are cut down to the ground,
14:41 You who weakened the nation!
14:44 For you have said in your heart,"
14:46 notice all the claims of worship
14:47 going to now enter into the picture,
14:49 "I will ascend into heaven,"
14:51 only God has that rightful claim.
14:54 "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,"
14:56 throne where God alone is worshipped.
14:58 You'll see the throne is the focus point of worship
15:01 in Revelation Chapter 4, Revelation Chapter 5.
15:04 The throne room is where we run into,
15:06 and the throne room
15:08 is the central focus of the place of worship.
15:11 God is the central figure of the person of worship.
15:14 He wants all these items and He wants to be worshipped.
15:20 The third reason,
15:21 "I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
15:23 On the farthest sides of the north,"
15:25 a place that God alone is worthy of occupying,
15:28 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
15:30 I will be like the Most High.'"
15:33 And the only thing that is ascribed
15:34 to the Most High is worship.
15:37 That's the way the Great Controversy began.
15:39 And that is why when we go now to Revelation,
15:41 let's go to the counterpart.
15:44 When we go to Revelation,
15:46 the very thing that Satan has successfully led the world
15:48 to do arbitrarily and falsely is to worship,
15:53 and that is exactly what the warnings are.
15:57 And I refer to this as a global warning.
16:00 This is a global warning,
16:02 not a global warming, a global warning.
16:04 It's good.
16:06 Notice, Revelation Chapter 14,
16:08 and we're going to look at the everlasting gospel.
16:11 You see, the reason I begin with the everlasting gospel
16:13 here is the everlasting gospel
16:16 has always established the parameters of worship.
16:19 Here it is, verse 7.
16:22 It says, "Saying with a loud voice,
16:24 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
16:26 for the hour of His judgment has come,
16:29 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
16:33 and the sea and the springs of waters.'"
16:35 But you'll see also in the very same vein,
16:37 the warning now of false worship
16:39 is also included.
16:40 Verse 9, "Then a third angel followed them,
16:43 saying with a loud voice,
16:45 'If anyone worships the beast and his image,
16:48 and receives his mark,
16:51 on his forehead, or on his hand,
16:53 he himself or the same shall drink
16:54 of the wine of the wrath of God,
16:56 which is poured out full strength
16:58 into the cup of His indignation.'"
16:59 And it says,
17:01 "And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone
17:03 in the presence of the holy angels
17:05 and in the presence of the Lamb.'"
17:06 Why?
17:08 When you usurp what belongs to God,
17:10 there is a penalty.
17:12 But when you participate in what alone is,
17:17 God is worthy of, then there is a benefit.
17:20 So we have to decide,
17:21 do we want the penalty or do we want the benefit?
17:24 The benefit is, God brings us into His presence.
17:26 So what I want to focus on are the motives,
17:28 the reasons why God is worthy of our worship.
17:32 Let's begin by looking at Exodus 5:2.
17:37 First of all,
17:38 Pharaoh was one of the first arrogant ones
17:41 described in the Bible,
17:42 not the first but one of those
17:45 who had lorded his authority over the people of God
17:47 and making them slaves
17:49 when they began to outnumber the Egyptians.
17:51 And a very important request was made.
17:54 And I put this in the form of a request
17:57 because Moses was in essence, he was not saying to Pharaoh,
18:00 "Now God is asking for you to let us people go."
18:04 He says, "God has given you an opportunity to do it."
18:08 He's not appealing to you
18:10 to accomplish something he cannot.
18:12 But he's starting with you.
18:13 "Are you willing to do this?"
18:15 See, willingness often cancels judgment.
18:20 If he was willing... Say that gain.
18:22 Willingness often cancels judgment.
18:25 If he was willing,
18:27 he wouldn't have to endure the judgment
18:28 that came from his unwillingness.
18:30 Willingness cancels judgment.
18:32 And he said, Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord," Exodus 5:2,
18:36 "that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?
18:39 I do not know the Lord, nor will I let Israel go."
18:44 One of the first parameters of worship
18:45 is you have to know the Lord.
18:47 One of the reasons why Pharaoh would not acknowledge God is,
18:49 he didn't know him.
18:50 And he didn't know
18:52 because God had made himself unavailable,
18:54 but he didn't want to know Him.
18:56 And so, if you want to know God,
18:59 He will be known of you.
19:00 Seek the Lord while He may be found, Isaiah?
19:03 Call Him upon while He is near.
19:05 Call upon Him while He is near.
19:07 Let the wicked forsake his ways,
19:09 the unrighteous man his thoughts.
19:11 And so you have to see, if you want to know God,
19:13 you will know Him.
19:14 He'll make Himself available.
19:16 And seek the Lord while He is near.
19:18 But let's look at Deuteronomy 10:17, reasons,
19:22 and there are so many reasons here.
19:24 It's just actually beautiful to read the reasons listed
19:27 in Deuteronomy 10:17-22.
19:30 And I'm going to go through those very quickly.
19:32 Now, Moses really list this beautiful.
19:35 It's just a soliloquy about God.
19:37 I believe, he's not writing this
19:39 because he's just writing it as a fact.
19:41 I think he's caught up in the beauty of this worship
19:44 that belongs to God
19:46 that God is giving him the privilege to communicate.
19:48 He says, "For the Lord your God,"
19:50 reason one,
19:51 "for the Lord your God is God of gods,"
19:53 one of the reasons to worship Him,
19:55 "and Lord of lords,"
19:57 another reason to worship Him,
19:58 "the great God,"
20:00 another reason to worship Him, "mighty and awesome,"
20:02 another reason,
20:03 "who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe,"
20:06 another reason to worship Him.
20:09 "He administers," what?
20:11 "Justice for the fatherless, and the widow,"
20:14 praise the Lord for that,
20:16 "and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing."
20:19 All these are reasons that Moses is listing
20:22 as to why God is worthy of worship,
20:24 but he continues, now he's telling us,
20:28 if the Lord that you worship is worthy of these,
20:30 let's emulate Him, let's be like Him.
20:32 "Therefore, love the stranger,
20:35 for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
20:37 You shall fear the Lord your God,
20:39 you shall serve Him and to Him you shall hold fast,
20:45 and take oaths in His name.
20:48 And here's another reason,
20:49 "He is your praise, and He is your God,
20:52 who has done for you these great and awesome things
20:56 which your eyes have seen.
20:58 Your father's went down to Egypt with seventy persons,
21:03 and now the Lord your God has made you
21:05 as the stars of heaven in multitude."
21:09 In other words, you went down in a small number,
21:10 but look at how you're coming out.
21:12 And we know the Lord brought them out
21:14 with a mighty hand.
21:15 Another reason to worship God, Psalm 101:1, I included this,
21:20 I think a few weeks ago, but I want to put it back here.
21:23 Because I love the way the Bible says this.
21:25 Psalm 101:1,
21:27 "I will sing of mercy and justice, to You,
21:30 O Lord, I will sing praises."
21:32 God is worthy of our praises,
21:34 not only the worthy to be worshipped,
21:36 but there's a difference between,
21:38 I'm a musician,
21:39 there's a difference between
21:41 singing songs, and worshipping God.
21:43 Amen. Thank you.
21:45 Some people sing, but they don't worship.
21:48 That's right.
21:49 There's a difference between singing and worship.
21:52 Psalm 146:5-10, look at that again,
21:55 another reason to worship God.
21:57 "Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help,
22:01 Whose hope is in the Lord his God,
22:03 Who made heaven and earth,
22:05 the sea, and all that is in them.
22:07 Who keeps truth forever,
22:09 Who executes justice for the oppressed,
22:11 Who gives food to the hungry.
22:13 The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners."
22:15 If all those reasons doesn't bring His worthiness
22:18 to be praised, then what else?
22:20 Notice what else He does.
22:21 "The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.
22:23 The Lord raises those who are bowed down.
22:25 The Lord loves the righteous.
22:26 The Lord watches over the strangers.
22:28 He relieves the fatherless and widow.
22:30 But the way of the wicked He turns upside down.
22:32 The Lord shall reign forever,
22:34 Your God, O Zion, to all generations.
22:36 Praise the Lord!"
22:39 David is just caught up.
22:41 Another one, Isaiah 5:16,
22:43 even though this isn't the part of the judgment,
22:45 there's praise to be found here.
22:47 Isaiah 5:16,
22:48 "But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment,
22:52 And God who is holy
22:53 shall be hallowed in righteousness."
22:56 So He's holy and He's righteous.
22:58 Isaiah 61:11,
23:00 another reason to praise Him.
23:01 "For as the earth brings forth its bud,
23:03 as the garden causes the things
23:05 that are sown in it to spring forth,
23:08 so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise
23:12 to spring forth before all nations."
23:16 And my last one,
23:17 I don't have time for all of them.
23:19 But Psalm 145:8,
23:22 "The Lord is gracious and full of compassion,
23:25 slow to anger and great in mercy."
23:27 And I praise Him for that.
23:29 And for that reason, I choose to worship Him.
23:31 Amen! Amen!
23:33 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
23:34 What a privilege to worship a God who loves us
23:37 and who is all of those things.
23:39 We're going to take... And a whole lot more.
23:41 That's right!
23:43 We're gonna take a short break.
23:44 We'll be right back.
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24:23 Welcome back to our study of Worship the Creator,
24:26 we'll pick up with Ryan's lesson on Tuesday,
24:29 Religious Oppressor.
24:30 Amen.
24:32 This was an interesting study indeed.
24:33 And I'm going to begin actually
24:35 with the opening paragraph of this particular lesson.
24:38 I like how they worded it, and I just want to begin there.
24:41 In the lesson it says,
24:43 "During the better times
24:44 the kingdoms of Israel and Judah,
24:47 the people would return to the temple
24:49 in the worship of God,
24:51 although, even then,
24:54 their worship was often mixed with inroads
24:57 from idolatry and the religions of the surrounding nations.
25:02 But according to the prophets,
25:03 even their best attempts at religion were not enough
25:08 to return them from the evils perpetrated
25:11 in the lands in their daily lives.
25:13 And no matter how hard they worked at being religious,
25:16 through their rituals of worship,
25:19 the music of their hymns
25:20 could not with drown out this
25:23 the cries of the poor and oppressed."
25:26 So basically,
25:28 what my lesson is covering this week
25:31 is considering the fact that
25:33 there are many people with this idea
25:35 that they can basically forget about
25:39 or overlook many of the other major aspects
25:41 of serving God and serving their fellowman,
25:43 if they just go through the motions,
25:45 if they just do what is expected
25:47 or sing a few songs,
25:49 say a few prayers, you know,
25:50 maybe with some uplifted hands and God will just accept that,
25:54 but that is not always entirely the case.
25:56 In fact, notice how Amos
25:58 describes the people of his day.
26:00 We're going to go to Amos Chapter 8,
26:03 and I'm going to read verses 4, 7, 8.
26:07 So Amos 8:4, 7, 8.
26:11 Notice what the Bible says,
26:13 "Hear this,
26:15 you who swallow up the needy,
26:17 and make the poor of the land fail.
26:21 The Lord has sworn by the pride of Jacob,
26:24 'Surely I will never forget any of their works.
26:28 Shall the land not tremble for this,
26:32 and everyone mourn who dwells in it?'"
26:35 He says,
26:37 "All of it shall swell like the river,
26:40 heaven and subside like the river of Egypt.'"
26:44 And so basically, Amos what he saw
26:47 was their desire to get done with their rituals
26:50 so that they could reopen the market
26:52 and get back to their dishonest trade,
26:55 that of buying, according to Amos 8:6, here,
26:58 "The buying the poor with silver
27:00 and the needy for a pair of sandals."
27:02 And this kind of brings me back
27:04 to that scripture you read earlier, Jill,
27:06 where Jesus talks about, "In vain they do worship Me,
27:09 teaching for doctrines of commandments of men."
27:11 I wonder how often we worship God in vain
27:14 with a certain mentality, but yet our heart.
27:16 God knows our heart.
27:18 He knows if we are fully engaged
27:20 in true biblical worship.
27:22 We are worshipping Him in spirit, and in truth,
27:24 as Jesus said.
27:26 Now notice what God says also to His people
27:28 about the religious practices and rituals.
27:31 Actually going to go over to Isaiah Chapter 1.
27:34 We've been in the Book of Isaiah
27:35 quite a bit throughout this lesson,
27:37 and that's because it's full of many wonderful teachings
27:40 on this particular subject.
27:41 Isaiah Chapter 1,
27:43 and I'm going to actually read verses 10 through 17.
27:46 So what we're looking at here is
27:47 the religious practices and rituals
27:50 of the people with this particular mentality.
27:53 So beginning with verse 10, the Bible says,
27:54 "Hear the Word of the Lord,"
27:57 and I just want to pause there and say,
27:58 "Hear the Word of the Lord."
28:00 I think much of the result of this not caring for
28:06 or misusing and abusing power and not really, you know,
28:09 giving the attention that God's people really needs
28:11 is basically do from the lack of hearing,
28:14 and listening to, and engaging in
28:16 exactly what the Word of the Lord is telling us.
28:18 So "Hear the Word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom.
28:22 Give ear to the law of our God."
28:25 There's another one,
28:26 not just near to the Word of the Lord,
28:28 but even deeper than that, the law of the Lord.
28:31 "You people of Gomorrah."
28:32 It goes on to say in verse 11,
28:34 "To what purpose is the multitude
28:36 of your sacrifices for Me?'"
28:38 So God is questioning,
28:40 "Why are you giving these sacrifices to Me?"
28:42 It goes on to say, "'I have had enough
28:45 of burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed cattle.
28:48 I do not delight in the blood of bulls,
28:51 or of lambs or of goats.
28:54 When you come to appear before Me,
28:56 who has required this from your hand,
28:59 to trample My courts?'"
29:01 So again, he's establishing the fact that,
29:02 "Look, you can do all of the things
29:04 that I have commanded you and told you to do.
29:07 But if your heart is not fully engaged in it,
29:09 if you're doing it in such a way
29:12 that your heart is not involved,
29:13 and you're not doing it out of love,
29:15 and you're not paying close attention
29:17 to all the principles I have established
29:18 then it is in vain."
29:20 He goes on to verse 13, it says,
29:21 "Bring no more futile sacrifices and sins
29:25 is an abomination to me.
29:28 The new moons, the Sabbaths, and the calling of assemblies.
29:32 I cannot endure iniquity and the sacred meeting.'"
29:36 Wouldn't it be such a hard thing
29:37 to hear from our God,
29:39 don't even gather anymore, don't even pray to Me,
29:41 don't even offer up a sacrifice?
29:43 You know, I'm not even going to hear it.
29:45 You're meeting in vain.
29:46 That would be just a harsh thing to hear.
29:48 He goes on to say in verse 15,
29:50 "'When you spread out your hands,
29:51 I will hide my ears from you.
29:53 Even though you make many prayers,
29:55 I will not hear."
29:56 Those are very hard words.
29:59 Your hands are full of blood,
30:01 wash yourselves, make yourselves clean,
30:03 put away the evil of your doings
30:05 from before my eyes,
30:08 cease to do evil, learn to do good,
30:12 seek justice, rebuke the oppressor,
30:15 defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.
30:17 So He doesn't just go for a full on rebuke,
30:20 He follows it up with a nice instruction.
30:22 Look, if you want to come back into harmony with Me,
30:24 you got to do these things, that is cease to do evil,
30:27 learn to do good, seek justice, rebuke the oppressor,
30:29 defend the fatherless, and of course,
30:31 plead for the widow.
30:33 Back to the Book of Amos,
30:34 we're going to go to Amos Chapter 5.
30:36 We're just highlighting a few things here
30:37 that highlights how a person
30:40 adopts a heart of a religious oppressor.
30:43 Speaking of worshiping God in vain,
30:46 Amos 5:21- 24,
30:49 and God gets very, very graphic with His words here
30:52 in the sense that He's very straightforward,
30:54 not beating around the bush at all.
30:56 Notice right off the bat,
30:58 He says, "I hate, I despise your feast days,
31:02 and I do not savor your sacred assemblies,
31:06 though you offer me
31:07 burnt offerings and your grain offerings,
31:10 I will not accept them,
31:11 nor will I regard your fattened peace offerings.
31:15 Take away from Me the noise of your songs."
31:19 So He says don't even sing to me.
31:20 You might want to sing to me,
31:22 look, I don't even want to hear it,
31:23 don't even sing to me your songs
31:24 for I will not hear the melody
31:26 of your stringed instruments.
31:28 But let, here it is again,
31:30 "But let justice run down like water
31:33 and righteousness like a mighty stream."
31:36 So right here in Amos 5:21-24,
31:40 what we read of God as we read of Him saying
31:43 that He hates, notice the words, He hates,
31:45 He despises and is generally disgusted by their worship.
31:51 And that's hard to even begin to fathom or even to consider,
31:54 but, you know, is it possible that many of us
31:56 are in that particular state
31:57 that while we believe
31:59 we are fully extending ourselves to the Lord,
32:01 again, in spirit and in truth and worship,
32:03 God is saying, "Look, your worship disgusts me,
32:05 stop praying, stop singing, stop worshipping me,
32:07 don't even gather
32:08 because your heart's not in it."
32:10 Their gatherings are described as...
32:13 And this is the NIV word
32:14 and this is actually translated correctly.
32:16 Their worship was like a stench to Him.
32:19 And so those are very, very hard words, indeed.
32:22 And now I want to go on
32:24 to how the Prophet Micah describes this as well.
32:26 Notice how Micah highlights the same concept as well.
32:30 We're going to go to Micah Chapter 6,
32:32 and I'm gonna read verses 6 through 8.
32:35 Micah 6:6-8.
32:38 In verse 6, he starts with,
32:40 "With what shall I come before the Lord,
32:43 and bow myself before the High God?
32:47 Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings,
32:51 with calves a year old?
32:53 Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams..."
32:56 There's almost a sense of sarcasm,
32:59 you know, within this particular passage,
33:01 "Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams,
33:04 10,000 rivers of oils..."
33:07 And notice he even takes it up a notch here,
33:09 he says, "Shall I give my firstborn
33:11 for my transgressions."
33:13 So this is very, very strong wording,
33:15 "The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul."
33:18 So basically, you can see
33:21 a series of increasingly inflated,
33:23 even mocking suggestions almost coming from Micah here
33:27 suggesting that the harshness and the reality
33:30 of this greatly oppressed time period
33:32 that God's people were living in
33:34 as they were just simply
33:35 not adhering to the Spirit of God,
33:37 not adhering to His principles
33:38 overlooking that of the needy.
33:41 But notice here in the end,
33:42 though, I want to highlight verse 8
33:43 because this is the good news.
33:45 Even though God sent strong rebuke through His prophets,
33:47 as we have highlighted here many times,
33:49 He always gives a message of hope,
33:50 He always provide some type of instructive way
33:53 that we can come back in harmony with Him.
33:55 So in the end, though,
33:57 we see that the Lord truly wanted for them
34:01 to act justly and to love mercy,
34:03 and to walk humbly
34:04 before our God there in Micah 6:8.
34:07 Look at verse 8, here it says,
34:08 "He has shown you, O man, what is good,
34:12 and what does the Lord require of you..."
34:16 But there it is, again, "To do justly,
34:19 to love mercy,
34:21 and to walk humbly with your God."
34:24 That is my prayer for myself, for my church,
34:26 for every single person
34:28 that we will have a genuine worship experience with God,
34:30 that we will indeed worship Him in spirit and in truth
34:33 and allow the Holy Spirit to direct us and guide us
34:35 always, to Jesus Christ.
34:37 Amen and Amen. I love this.
34:39 Thank you so much.
34:41 My day is Wednesday,
34:43 which is a way to worship
34:46 and we've been talking that what is worship,
34:49 it is our way of revering God,
34:52 we are honoring Him,
34:54 expressing our adoration for Him
34:57 because as John covered of who He is,
35:01 because of His attributes, because of His power,
35:05 and because of what He has done from us.
35:07 But I do want to make out, point out one thing.
35:11 The Bible teaches us,
35:13 only God is worthy of our worship
35:17 and I want to take you to Revelation 19:10,
35:21 because it's clear,
35:22 none of His servants are worthy of worship.
35:26 When John fell at the feet of the angel
35:28 who's giving him a message in Revelation 19:10,
35:32 the angel says to him, "See that you do not do that.
35:37 I am your fellow servant.
35:39 And if your brethren,
35:40 who have the testimony of Jesus, worship God."
35:46 So it is wrong to worship an idol,
35:48 it's wrong to worship a prophet,
35:50 it's wrong to worship a saint,
35:53 it's even wrong to worship Mary,
35:55 the mother of Jesus,
35:57 you know, and I want to say that in a tender way.
36:01 I have a dear friend
36:03 who was reared in the Catholic Church
36:06 and we began talking, she began studying and she said,
36:09 "I was so shocked when I read the New Testament."
36:13 She said, "Mary is hardly even mentioned in the Bible,
36:17 but I was taught to worship Mary."
36:21 And so, you know,
36:22 we just have to remember,
36:25 only God, God alone,
36:26 no one else is worthy of our worship.
36:29 That's right.
36:30 Worship is more than an emotional outburst,
36:34 often people will think that,
36:36 you know, if you are brought to tears through music,
36:40 that that's worship,
36:41 it can be part of the experience
36:43 and I'm certainly not putting away that idea.
36:48 But when our minds are saturated with God's truth,
36:51 when our minds are focused on Him,
36:54 and giving Him Thanksgiving in praise,
36:57 it's just natural that we worship,
37:00 but I have to say this,
37:02 you know what the highest form of worship is?
37:07 Obedience.
37:08 Obedience is the highest expression
37:11 of our worship
37:12 because we are showing
37:14 and demonstrating what God is worth to us.
37:19 So, we worship by prayer,
37:22 we worship by in the Word,
37:24 we worship by singing,
37:26 we worship by taking part in communion,
37:31 we worship in returning our tithe,
37:34 giving offerings,
37:35 there's many ways to worship
37:37 but my lesson today
37:39 is going to show that there is a relationship
37:43 between our worship and justice.
37:45 So Isaiah 58
37:48 is where we want to turn please.
37:50 Because what happens in Isaiah 58,
37:52 let me just set this up.
37:54 You've got a people who are actively religious,
37:59 they are seeking God daily,
38:00 they're crying out for justice,
38:04 they're seeking God with fasting,
38:07 but it's not working for them.
38:10 Yeah.
38:11 I mean, and it's kind of like,
38:12 you know, their religion,
38:15 it was superficial,
38:17 I mean, they've got sackcloth and ashes,
38:20 but God's not responding to them.
38:23 And they appeared to deny self,
38:27 but they were very self absorbed,
38:30 they were exploitative of others.
38:33 And so what happens is this pious people,
38:39 seemingly pious people,
38:41 are actually rebelling against God's commandments.
38:45 And especially, we'll see in a minute,
38:49 even His Sabbath commandment.
38:51 And they're murmuring against God
38:53 because it's like,
38:54 "What do we have to do to get your attention?"
38:57 There's no divine response here.
38:59 So let's look at Isaiah 58.
39:03 We'll begin with verse 5,
39:04 because what God is going to do,
39:07 He urges them to quit worshiping
39:10 with an inward focus only
39:13 and try a different way of serving Him,
39:16 a way that is less focused on self,
39:19 that will bring blessings to others,
39:22 and then guess what?
39:24 God says, "I'll turn in and heal you."
39:26 So Isaiah 58:5.
39:30 The people are fasting, He says,
39:33 "Is it a fast that I have chosen?
39:35 A day for a man to afflict your soul,
39:37 is it to bow down his head like a bull rush,
39:40 and to spread out sackcloth and ashes?
39:43 Would you call this a fast
39:46 and an acceptable day to the Lord?
39:48 God's saying, hey, I didn't appoint this fast for you
39:51 and it's totally unacceptable to me.
39:54 This is your own doing,
39:56 you're merely trying to obtain favor with God.
40:00 And, you know, sometimes people do that,
40:02 they feel like, you know,
40:04 and these people were abstaining from food,
40:06 but not from sin,
40:08 so verse 6.
40:11 "Is this not the fast that I've chosen?"
40:15 Now God's gonna tell him what He really wants.
40:17 "To lose the bonds of wickedness,
40:19 to undo the heavy burdens,
40:21 to let the oppressed go free,
40:23 and that you break every yoke?
40:26 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
40:30 and that you bring into your house,
40:32 the poor who are cast out,
40:34 and when you see the naked,
40:36 that you cover him
40:38 and not hide yourself from your own flesh."
40:42 God wanted true denial of self,
40:47 God wanted them to focus their behavior
40:51 on helping the oppressed,
40:53 including those who are hungry,
40:55 who needed shelter,
40:57 and, you know, it's interesting,
40:59 true worship of God,
41:02 we've talked about... Jill, you said,
41:04 we become who we behold.
41:06 God's nature
41:08 is one of
41:10 self sacrificing love.
41:13 And as we behold God and His self sacrificing love,
41:18 it's interesting to me that
41:19 when we emulate God,
41:22 when we start doing the same things
41:24 that God would do,
41:26 what happens is
41:27 we increase our bond with God
41:30 and then we have this genuine compassion
41:34 that helps us develop a closer relationship
41:36 with the Lord.
41:38 Isn't that interesting?
41:39 So, I thought this was an interesting comment
41:42 from Ivor,
41:43 it's a quote from
41:44 the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary,
41:47 it says,
41:48 "The true purpose of religion
41:51 is to release men from their burdens of sin,
41:54 to eliminate intolerance and oppression,
41:57 and to promote justice, liberty and peace."
42:02 So now, let's continue in Isaiah 58:8.
42:07 God's saying, hey, when you do my kind of fast,
42:11 when you liberate those who are oppressed,
42:13 here's what's going to happen.
42:15 "Your light shall break forth like the morning,
42:18 your healing shall spring forth speedily,
42:21 and your righteousness shall go before you,
42:24 the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard,
42:27 then you shall call and the Lord will answer.
42:30 You shall cry, and He will say,
42:33 'Here I am,"
42:34 if you take away the yoke from your midst,
42:38 the pointing of your finger in speaking wickedness,
42:43 if you extend your soul to the hungry
42:44 and satisfy the afflicted soul,
42:47 then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
42:51 and your darkness shall be as the noon day."
42:56 True self denial
42:59 is the behavior that is other centered,
43:03 it is not self centered.
43:05 This is the kind of behavior
43:07 that God rewards and He promises.
43:11 See, we don't,
43:12 we think of worship mostly
43:14 of what happens inside the church building.
43:18 God's saying,
43:20 "That ain't so, that's part of it.
43:22 But I want you to go out
43:25 and to help others and true obedience to God."
43:29 We will turn others from evil
43:31 as they see our acts
43:33 and transform darkness into light.
43:36 So verse 11,
43:38 "The Lord will guide you continually,
43:41 satisfying your soul in drought and strengthen your bones.
43:45 You shall be like a watered garden."
43:48 And, you know, I think some of the churches
43:50 are kind of like
43:52 the little plantings in the church
43:54 are kind of limp and dried and in drought
43:57 but when you got a watered garden
44:00 they spring back to life.
44:02 "Whose waters do not fail.
44:03 Those from among you shall build the old waste places,
44:08 you shall raise up
44:09 the foundations of many generations,
44:12 and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
44:16 The Restorer of Streets to dwell in."
44:20 God will bring
44:22 and I don't have time to get to the Sabbath part
44:25 but He says, If you turn away your foot from My Sabbath,
44:29 from doing your own pleasure on My Holy day,
44:34 what does He want them to do?
44:35 He wants to accept ministry on the Sabbath,
44:38 and that's what will renew our delight
44:42 in Sabbath keeping.
44:43 Amen and Amen.
44:45 You know, let me just ask you this question.
44:50 How many of you,
44:52 rhetorical question,
44:54 want your actions to express true devotion to God?
44:58 Amen. True devotion to God?
45:00 Absolutely. Amen.
45:02 See, that's what we've been looking at.
45:03 My lesson is Thursday,
45:06 and it's mercy and faithfulness.
45:09 And I want us to go to Matthew Chapter 9,
45:12 we're going to look at that.
45:14 And Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6,
45:20 when He says,
45:22 "I desire mercy, not sacrifice."
45:25 Now, Ryan, Pastor Ryan,
45:28 covered so clearly,
45:30 God's rejection
45:31 of all of those religious strappings,
45:34 didn't He?
45:36 He hated it, He despised it.
45:38 What is God looking for?
45:40 He's looking for a heart
45:43 that is expressing true devotion to Him.
45:47 He's looking for...
45:48 He desires mercy,
45:51 and not all that's.
45:54 Those acts that didn't depict the heart,
45:59 they were just religious acts
46:02 to try to appear to be religious,
46:05 or try to have a religious heart
46:08 and they didn't.
46:09 All right.
46:10 We're in Matthew Chapter 9.
46:13 Now let me give you a little setting.
46:15 Jesus had just healed the paralytic.
46:20 Did Jesus healings
46:22 upset the religious leaders?
46:26 They were always looking for any reason
46:28 they could to grab Him, they wanted to destroy Him.
46:32 So He had just healed the paralytic
46:35 which upset the religious leaders.
46:38 However, look at this,
46:39 the multitudes saw it,
46:42 not talking about the religious leaders,
46:44 but just us common folk,
46:46 we saw it
46:48 and the common folk,
46:50 "The multitudes marveled, and glorified God,"
46:54 who they recognized as the power
46:58 behind that healing.
47:00 Now in Matthew 9:9,
47:02 let's look at this,
47:04 now this is right after that happened.
47:07 "As Jesus passed down from there..."
47:09 On from healing the paralytic.
47:11 "He saw a man named Matthew
47:14 sitting at the tax office.
47:16 And He said to him, 'Follow me.'
47:19 So he arose and followed Him."
47:22 Doesn't say that he...
47:24 did a lot of procrastinating, did he?
47:27 It's okay, now let's...
47:28 What was Matthew's occupation?
47:31 He was a tax collector.
47:33 Did he collect those taxes for the nation of Israel?
47:37 No.
47:39 Who did he collect those taxes for?
47:41 Romans.
47:43 And so the people of Israel were really pleased
47:47 with tax collectors.
47:49 Tax collectors weren't well thought of at all.
47:54 But what is impressive is that Matthew
47:58 a tax collector had no hesitancy.
48:02 Now, Matthew 9:10, the next verse,
48:05 "Now it happened
48:07 as Jesus said at the table in the house,
48:11 that behold many," what?
48:14 "Tax collectors and sinners
48:17 came and sit down with Him and His disciples."
48:20 Now I just find that just amazing.
48:25 What usually happens if you're a religious person?
48:28 Does it attract the sinners?
48:30 Usually it repels them.
48:32 But there was something about Jesus and His disciples
48:36 that drew the sinner to Him.
48:39 Look at this.
48:41 Okay, and now, verse 11,
48:45 "And when the Pharisees..."
48:46 Who were the Pharisees now?
48:47 Those were those religious leaders.
48:50 "Saw it, they said to His disciples,
48:53 "Why does your teacher eat
48:55 with tax collectors and sinners?
48:59 When Jesus heard that,
49:01 He said to them,
49:02 'Those who are well have no need of a physician,
49:05 but those who are sick,
49:08 but go and learn."
49:09 What this means?
49:10 Now, He's telling the religious leaders
49:12 who are supposed to know the law.
49:16 He says, "Go and find out what this means."
49:20 And He says,
49:22 "I desire mercy and not sacrifice,
49:26 for I did not call the righteous,
49:29 but sinners to repentance."
49:32 Now, Jesus is our example.
49:35 Is Jesus our example?
49:37 So how Jesus conducted His daily life
49:42 is how we want to conduct our daily life
49:44 and we've already determined
49:46 that we want our heart to show a true devotion to God.
49:53 So we want to act like Jesus.
49:55 Romans 8:29, I just love this scripture.
49:58 It says, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined..."
50:02 Do you'll believe in predestination?
50:04 I do.
50:05 Well, I do, based on this scripture.
50:08 That "He also predestined to be conformed to," what?
50:12 "To the image of His son,
50:13 that He might be the first born among many brethren."
50:17 So we want to be conformed
50:20 to the image of our Lord and Savior.
50:22 We want to act just like Him, don't we?
50:24 We want to be like Him,
50:26 we want to be imitators of Christ as little children.
50:30 Okay, is that an external...
50:33 I got news for you,
50:34 I'm never gonna look like a Hebrew man.
50:37 So it's not the external,
50:40 we've been predestined to be conformed to His image.
50:43 So what if it's not the external.
50:44 Where is it?
50:46 Oh, it's that heart, that heart of devotion.
50:48 So whatever Jesus did, that's what we...
50:52 However He lived His life,
50:53 His daily life, what was important to Him?
50:56 Isn't that what we want to be important to us?
50:58 So Jesus lived
51:01 His daily life caring for people.
51:05 His healing miracles,
51:07 and many of His parables
51:09 demonstrated an urge
51:12 that a life lived in such a way,
51:14 was the best way
51:17 to express true devotion to God,
51:21 to express true devotion to God
51:24 is to love and to minister to other people.
51:27 Now, I'm not going to read this whole thing
51:31 but remember when the lawyer
51:33 who was with the Pharisees
51:35 tested Jesus by asking Him a question.
51:38 Remember what that question was?
51:40 "Teacher,
51:41 which is the great commandment in the law?"
51:43 Seems like, every lesson,
51:44 we're going to share this scripture at some point.
51:47 It's like 1 John 1:9.
51:49 Usually I get that into every lesson.
51:51 "If you confess your sins..."
51:52 Oh, thank God for that scripture.
51:54 Okay, Matthew 22:37-39,
51:58 Jesus answered "You shall love," what?
52:01 "The Lord your God with all your heart,
52:02 with all your soul, and with all your mind.
52:04 This is the first and great commandment."
52:06 But what is the second?
52:08 It says, "The second is like it
52:10 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
52:14 The religious leaders were Jesus' greatest critics,
52:18 were they not?
52:20 Okay.
52:23 But we're also the target of Jesus' harshest criticisms.
52:30 Like former religious people
52:32 they believed, the religious leaders,
52:35 they believed
52:36 that they were ensured a special relationship with God
52:41 because of their position,
52:44 not because of the content of their heart,
52:48 but because of the position they have.
52:51 Now is God looking at position, is He a respecter of position?
52:55 He is a respecter of the content of your heart.
52:59 Okay, now, did a teaching some time ago.
53:03 And the teaching was on pride.
53:05 He took each one of these letters
53:08 and He made it a point
53:10 and for the letter I in pride,
53:15 He thee I was,
53:17 I deserve because I serve.
53:21 That, my dear, is of sin.
53:25 Looking at your position that you deserve
53:28 because of the position you hold,
53:30 not because of the content of your heart.
53:33 "In their position as a religious leader,
53:36 they were guilty of..."
53:37 Here's some of the things they were guilty of.
53:39 Exploiting the poor and ignoring the needy.
53:43 Their actions spoke so loud,
53:46 their empty worship had no meaning, did it?
53:49 Did God accept their worship?
53:51 Jesus saw their hypocrisy
53:54 and addressed it at every opportunity.
53:59 And I've got two examples here now.
54:02 Let's just look at Mark 12:38-40.
54:07 "Then He said to them in His teaching..."
54:10 The Pharisees and the Herodians
54:12 were sent to catch Jesus in His words,
54:14 "Beware of the scribes
54:16 who desire to go around in long robes,
54:18 love greetings in the marketplaces,
54:20 the best seat in the synagogues,
54:22 and the best places of feasts,
54:24 who devour widows' houses,
54:26 and for a pretense make long prayers.
54:31 These will receive the greater condemnation."
54:34 Jesus is very clear
54:36 that it's not the position that you hold,
54:39 it's the content of your heart.
54:41 And if you want to have a heart
54:44 that is given over to pure devotion of God,
54:48 then it is...
54:49 Ask the Lord by the power of His Spirit,
54:52 to search me, O God, and know my heart.
54:55 Try me and know my thoughts.
54:57 See if there be any evil way in me
55:00 and lead me in the path that is everlasting.
55:03 Amen. Amen.
55:04 Thank you so much each one of you.
55:06 What an incredible study.
55:08 As I listened to each one of you
55:09 I was reminded that worship matters,
55:14 not just whom we worship,
55:16 but how we worship and the motivation behind that.
55:19 I want to give each one of you a moment to share something
55:22 about this lesson.
55:23 During the lesson
55:25 we had an epiphany at the same time
55:26 while Ryan was speaking
55:27 and you're talking about all these sacrifices.
55:30 1 Samuel 15:22,
55:31 "To obey is better than to sacrifice."
55:34 Shelley brought this out.
55:36 Obedience is the highest form of worship,
55:38 then,
55:39 that to obey is better than to sacrifice
55:42 and to listen then all the fat of rams."
55:46 So remember, in the middle of pride is I,
55:49 in the middle of sin is I,
55:51 when I is out of the way,
55:52 Jesus Christ will be worshiped.
55:54 Amen. Wow.
55:56 I'm out to take one from your book.
55:57 Okay.
55:59 I like that little saying you say,
56:00 the issue of the heart is the heart of the issue.
56:03 And so, you know,
56:06 worship is truly the attitude of the heart for sure
56:10 but it's also a way of life,
56:11 it's just who we are, it's what we do,
56:13 it's our natural response to God.
56:14 And I love the scripture, John 4:24,
56:17 "God is spirit,
56:18 and those who worship Him
56:20 must worship in spirit and in truth."
56:22 Amen. Amen.
56:23 I just want to make certain that my comment
56:25 when you ask if we believe in predestination.
56:28 We do not believe in predestination
56:30 in a Calvinistic sense
56:31 where that God has determined before you're born,
56:35 who is going to be saved or who is not.
56:40 It's day by day,
56:41 choose you this day whom you will serve.
56:43 So we choose God,
56:45 but we definitely believe
56:47 because the scripture says
56:49 that God's going to work all things together
56:51 for our good to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ.
56:56 That's our predestination. Absolutely.
56:58 You know, there's a trap
57:00 that we're all at risk of falling into.
57:03 Thinking that having
57:04 and knowing the truth is enough.
57:06 That's what these religious leaders did.
57:08 They had the truth, they can teach it,
57:11 but they just couldn't live it, they didn't live it.
57:13 But James 1:22,
57:15 "But be ye doers of the word,
57:18 and not hearers only..."
57:19 What happens?
57:21 You fall into self deception goes on to say,
57:23 "Deceiving your own selves.
57:24 Amen.
57:25 Thank you so much, Pastor John, Pastor Ryan,
57:28 Shelley and Mollie
57:30 for your insight into the Word of God.
57:32 And we thank you at home for joining us.
57:34 You know, I'm reminded of the temptations of Jesus
57:37 and the third one was about worship,
57:39 who would He worship,
57:41 we get to the Book of Revelation
57:42 and the central focus in the issue
57:44 is who are we going to worship.
57:46 And not only who we worship,
57:48 but the Spirit
57:49 and how we engage in that worship.
57:52 So today, we're just choosing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
57:56 As for me in my house, we will serve the Lord.
57:58 Join us next week.


Revised 2019-08-09