3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Mercy and Justice In Psalms and Proverbs

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190030A

00:01 The Bible tells us,
00:02 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
00:05 and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent
00:15 to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, "The Least of These."
00:31 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn,
00:32 and we welcome you once again to 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
00:36 We're excited that you join us to study.
00:38 We hope that you have a lesson,
00:41 and a Bible, and a pencil and paper.
00:44 And in case you don't have the lesson,
00:47 let me tell you how you can get it.
00:50 You can go to ABSG.Adventist.org
00:56 and download lesson or you can drop by
01:00 your nearest Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:02 they'll be happy to give you a quarterly
01:04 and will most likely invite you to come in
01:08 and study personally with them.
01:10 Our quarter,
01:12 what we are studying this quarter is called
01:16 "The Least of These," ministering to those in need.
01:19 And obviously, you know, this could have been called,
01:22 we could have used Cain's quote,
01:24 Am I my brother's keeper?
01:26 But instead it's using a quote
01:27 from Jesus Christ in Matthew 25:40,
01:30 where He was saying, you know,
01:33 "I was hungry, you fed me.
01:34 I was thirsty, you gave me to drink.
01:37 I was sick and imprisoned, you came to visit me."
01:40 And they said, "When Lord?"
01:42 He said, "If you do it to the least of these,
01:46 you have done it to Me."
01:48 So let me introduce our panel,
01:51 all my brothers and sisters in Christ,
01:53 people I dearly loved.
01:55 We have with us Pastor Ryan Day.
01:58 Ryan, we're so glad you're part of the team.
02:00 It's always a blessing to be here.
02:02 Then we had my precious pastor
02:04 of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church,
02:07 Pastor John Lomacang.
02:09 It's always a joy
02:10 to study the Word of God together,
02:11 especially with this team.
02:13 Well, we feel the same way.
02:15 And then my dear precious sister,
02:17 Jill Morikone.
02:18 It's a privilege to be here and open up God's Word.
02:20 Thank you.
02:22 And then my bestie, mommy aunt.
02:25 BFF.
02:26 Mollie Sue Steenson, we're so glad to have you back.
02:29 Well, it's a joy to be here.
02:30 Well, it's a joy to study with each and every one of you.
02:34 Before we begin, I would like for who has, we'll see...
02:39 Ryan, why don't you open with prayer
02:41 because we need the Lord.
02:42 Absolutely.
02:44 Father in Heaven,
02:45 Lord, we first want to just take this time
02:48 to uplift You and to praise You for being our God,
02:51 because You are worthy.
02:53 Lord, at this time as we open Your Word, again,
02:56 Lord, we just ask for Your Holy Spirit.
02:59 Each and every word that flows from our mouth
03:01 and every thought that is shared here today,
03:04 I pray God that it is in harmony
03:06 with Your Word, and Your will.
03:08 And that each and every person listening or participating
03:11 in this particular program,
03:12 I pray that we will all be blessed
03:14 and drawn ever closer
03:16 to our blessed Savior Jesus Christ.
03:18 And we thank You for Jesus Christ
03:20 and the sacrifice that He gave for us,
03:22 for none of us would be here without Him.
03:24 We praise You, O Father,
03:25 and we thank You for again this wonderful opportunity,
03:28 and we ask these things in Jesus' name, amen.
03:31 Amen. Amen.
03:32 Thank you for that beautiful prayer.
03:34 Well, we are on lesson 4,
03:35 and this is Mercy and Justice
03:38 in the Psalms and in the Proverbs.
03:41 And we see that the Book of Psalms,
03:43 these are hymns, lament songs of Thanksgiving,
03:47 royal psalms, enthronement psalms,
03:51 penitential psalms,
03:52 and in the wisdom or didactic psalms.
03:57 The Book of Proverbs
03:59 basically gives us a godly worldview.
04:03 It leads us into the wisdom of God.
04:07 And when you're looking at Proverbs,
04:09 I always say Proverbs 1:7 is the perspective
04:14 for understanding all of the Proverbs.
04:16 And here's what it says,
04:18 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
04:22 fools despise wisdom and instruction."
04:25 So everything in the Proverbs is about knowing how to revere.
04:31 And that's what that word fear
04:32 is to respect to hope God in all.
04:35 The fear of the Lord is a biblical shorthand,
04:39 if you will,
04:40 for living a life of love in God,
04:43 walking in obedience,
04:45 and worshipping the Lord.
04:48 Our memory text for this lesson 4
04:51 is Psalm 82:3-4.
04:55 And it says,
04:57 "Defend the poor and the fatherless.
05:00 Do justice to the afflicted, and needy.
05:04 Deliver the poor and needy.
05:06 Free them from the hand of the wicked."
05:11 When we look at our world today,
05:14 the world is permeated by injustice, is it not?
05:17 We see so many people being oppressed,
05:20 people in the church, people out of the church.
05:24 But God is still the hope of all nations.
05:27 He is the hope of all people.
05:29 And what this quarterly is doing is showing us
05:32 what true religion is,
05:34 and that is to defend the poor, and the followers.
05:38 So what we hope
05:39 that you'll find in this quarterly
05:42 is inspiration to overcome our own self-centered nature
05:47 and to take care of others.
05:49 So let's look at Sunday.
05:52 And in Sunday's lesson,
05:54 this is "Songs of Hope for the Oppressed."
05:58 I'm going to read a couple of paragraph
06:00 straight from the quarterly,
06:02 'cause I think this was written so beautifully.
06:05 It says, "As we've already noted,
06:06 God sees and hears people who are in distress in trouble.
06:11 Most often in the Psalms we hear those cries
06:14 from people who have trusted in God,
06:16 but are not seeing justice done.
06:19 The affirmations of the goodness,
06:21 justice and power of God
06:23 can seem overwhelmed
06:26 by the injustice and oppression that the voices
06:30 in these songs experience or observed.
06:34 Yet," and here's what I love,
06:37 "these are the songs of those who are still singing,
06:41 neither their life nor their faith
06:43 has been quenched.
06:45 There is still hope.
06:47 And the urgency is for God to act before it is too late,
06:51 before evil triumphs,
06:53 before the oppressed are destroyed
06:56 by the way that the evil brought against them.
06:58 And in this way,
06:59 the writers of the Psalms try to bridge the gap
07:02 between the affirmations of their faith, and the trials,
07:05 and tragedies of life."
07:07 Ain't that beautiful?
07:09 All right, let's look at Psalm Chapter 9,
07:13 and I'm going to ask a few of you
07:15 to read if you will.
07:16 Psalm Chapter 9, and let's start with verse 10.
07:22 Jill, do you have that?
07:24 Sure. Excuse me.
07:25 Start with verse 7, 7 to 9 if you will.
07:27 Psalm 9:7-9.
07:28 "But the Lord shall endure forever.
07:30 He has prepared His throne for judgment.
07:32 He shall judge the world in righteousness,
07:35 and He shall administer judgment
07:36 for the peoples in uprightness.
07:39 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed,
07:42 a refuge in times of trouble."
07:44 So the Lord there
07:46 that is the covenant name for God,
07:49 that is Yahweh or Jehovah, as we might pronounce it.
07:53 And he's saying,
07:55 "Our covenant God is still on the throne.
07:57 He is judging the world."
08:00 Even though judgment doesn't come,
08:01 final judgment till the end of the world,
08:04 God is judging the earth even now.
08:07 He executes justice for the oppressed
08:11 and offers protection from the wicked.
08:14 Now, Mollie, would you read verse 10.
08:16 Verse 10? Psalm 9:10.
08:19 "And those who know Your name will put their trust in You.
08:24 For," pardon me, "for You, Lord,
08:26 have not forsaken those who seek You."
08:28 So to know God is to be connected to God
08:32 in an intimate and loving relationship.
08:35 And we can always look to God in our time of need
08:38 and depend upon Him as our vindicator.
08:41 So the whole point of this psalm
08:43 is that we have to trust God
08:45 to uphold our cause and not get down in the mouth
08:49 was filled with hatred for others or self pity,
08:53 when we're falsely accused,
08:54 maybe were ignored or underappreciated,
08:57 we trust God for the perfect timing
09:01 of our reward.
09:02 Now, let's look at verse 13.
09:05 Psalm 9:13-20.
09:08 John, you want to do that? Sure.
09:10 "Have mercy on me, O Lord!
09:12 Consider my trouble from those who hate me,
09:15 You who lift me up from the gates of death,
09:18 That I may tell of all Your praise,
09:21 in the gates of the daughter of Zion.
09:23 I will rejoice in Your salvation.
09:25 The nations have sunk down in the pit which they made.
09:30 In the net which they hid, their own foot is caught.
09:34 The Lord is known by the judgment He executes.
09:37 The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.
09:40 Meditation. Selah.
09:43 The wicked shall be turned into hell,
09:45 and all the nations that forget God..."
09:47 Now, pause for just a second.
09:48 Cover one point, this is a great word play
09:51 on the word forget,
09:52 because hell there is literally shield the place
09:56 of the grave where they are forgotten.
09:59 So if you've forget God,
10:00 you're going to be in the grave and you're forgotten.
10:02 Okay.
10:04 "For the needy shall not always be forgotten.
10:06 The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.
10:09 Arise, O Lord, Do not let man prevail.
10:12 Let the nations be judged in Your sight.
10:14 Put them in fear, O Lord,
10:16 that the nations may know themselves
10:19 to be but men.
10:21 Selah."
10:22 So what he's saying here is God will rise up.
10:26 And He's going to put, when he said,
10:27 "Put them in fear,"
10:28 this isn't the fear of the Lord
10:30 that we experience as His people.
10:33 The fear of the Lord
10:35 that we experience as His people,
10:37 is, as I said,
10:38 the appreciation for God or respect in awe,
10:42 but what he's saying is,
10:43 Lord, track the evil ones with terror.
10:47 They're rebelling,
10:49 the wicked are rebelling against your authority.
10:51 They're plotting evil for others.
10:54 So he's saying,
10:55 "Lord, let them suffer the fate
10:57 that they had planned for the others."
10:59 And you know, we find this.
11:01 And, Mollie, would you turn to Proverbs 26:27?
11:04 Because we find this theme throughout the Bible
11:09 that the wicked are plotting against others,
11:13 and God turns it around on them.
11:15 Mollie, Proverbs 26:27.
11:18 "Whoever digs a pit will fall into it,
11:22 and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him."
11:26 So people may think they're getting away
11:28 when they are spreading rumors,
11:29 when they are doing evil things,
11:31 and trying to bring other people down.
11:33 But God says, "Hey, you're digging a pit?"
11:36 Well, the God of justice is going to remember
11:39 who you're trying to persecute,
11:41 and He's going to turn it around on you.
11:44 So the future is bright for the oppressed.
11:47 God promises, He's not going to forget us.
11:50 And we can count on that
11:52 because He is the champion of the weak.
11:56 So David in this psalm
11:58 is calling on God to bring justice
12:03 so that it brings glory and honor to the Lord's name.
12:07 The tension here, we see throughout the psalms,
12:10 there's a tension
12:12 between David's faith and in God's goodness
12:15 and the circumstances that he faces.
12:18 But the repeated answer to this tension
12:22 throughout the psalms is the hope and promise
12:25 of God's good and just judgment.
12:27 So evil may seem to triumph right now,
12:30 but guess what?
12:32 God's still in charge.
12:34 And here's what I wanted to read one more thing from...
12:38 I thought this was interesting.
12:39 This is a quote from our quarterly.
12:42 It says, "In reflections on the psalms,
12:45 CS Lewis describes his initial surprise
12:48 at the excitement and longing for God's judgment,
12:51 as expressed repeatedly in the psalms.
12:54 Observing that many Bible readers today
12:56 considered judgment, something to be feared.
12:59 He considers the original Jewish perspective and rights.
13:04 Thousands of people who've been stripped
13:06 of all they possess
13:07 and who have the right entirely on their side
13:10 will at last be heard."
13:12 Of course, they are not afraid of judgment.
13:15 They know right now their case is an unanswerable,
13:19 but if only it could be heard
13:21 when God comes to judge at last it will.
13:24 Amen. Praise the Lord.
13:27 "Do something God."
13:29 Amen.
13:31 That's the title of Monday's lesson,
13:32 "Do something God."
13:35 I think all of us have felt that way
13:36 at some point, you know.
13:38 I know that many times in my life,
13:39 I just, you know,
13:41 in kind of our humanistic mindset
13:44 and our kind of a carnal mindset,
13:46 sometimes we want something done
13:48 then and there, and we want a response,
13:50 we want judgment, we want justice.
13:52 And I found myself many times in life
13:54 crying out, "Lord, where are you?
13:57 Please show up and do something."
13:58 And so this is what we find happening
14:01 in this particular lesson.
14:04 I'm not going to spend much time
14:07 in a lot of different portions of scripture,
14:09 because the foundation of this particular lesson
14:12 is actually spent mostly in Psalm 82.
14:14 Now, if you read the lesson, you'll notice
14:16 that's the bulk of the scripture
14:18 that shared there,
14:19 but I have just a few texts
14:21 that I'm going to share throughout this lesson,
14:22 but primarily staying in Psalm 82.
14:24 I want to just read through Psalm 82.
14:26 It's not a very long psalm.
14:28 It's only eight verses, but I want to read through it
14:30 and then just kind of go back
14:32 and just pick this apart to see exactly what it is
14:34 that God is sharing with us through this inspired writing.
14:38 So Psalm 82:1-8.
14:41 Notice what the Bible says,
14:43 "God stands in the congregation of the mighty.
14:47 He judges among the gods."
14:50 Little g.
14:52 Okay, so notice that's a little g there,
14:54 and we'll come back to that in a moment.
14:55 How long will you judge unjustly,
14:58 and show partiality to the wicked?
15:00 Selah.
15:02 Defend the poor and fatherless.
15:04 Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
15:08 Deliver the poor and needy
15:10 freedom from the hand of the wicked.
15:13 They do not know, nor do they understand.
15:16 They walk about in darkness.
15:19 All the foundations of the earth are unstable.
15:23 I said, 'You are gods,
15:25 and all of you are children of the Most High.
15:28 But you shall die like men,
15:31 and fall like one of the princes.'
15:33 Arise, O God, judge the earth.
15:37 For You shall inherit all the nations.'"
15:41 And so you can see
15:42 that the writer of this particular psalm
15:43 is just crying out
15:45 to this injustice that it's occurring.
15:47 But yet at the same time,
15:49 he recognizes in that closing verse,
15:51 which we're going to highlight in the moment
15:53 that he is calling out for God
15:55 to be the great judge that He is.
15:57 I want to go back to verse 1
15:58 and just kind of highlight a few things,
15:59 as we go back through this, and show you
16:01 just how powerful this really is
16:03 in reference to the topic that we're discussing.
16:05 So verse 1,
16:06 God stands in the congregation of the mighty,
16:09 He judges among the gods.
16:12 So God's supreme presidency and power
16:14 in all councils and courts asserted
16:17 and laid down here in this particular passage.
16:20 In this particular verse, it's being established here.
16:24 It is established that the great truth is necessary
16:27 to be believed by the kings, princes,
16:29 presidents, judges, and magistrates of all kind.
16:32 So basically,
16:34 any person who's been given the responsibility to judge,
16:36 been given that honor to be represented in that way,
16:39 they have to recognize first and foremost
16:41 and be humble that, of course, God is the almighty judge.
16:45 And so that's very, very important.
16:47 We see that God is standing here as the chief director,
16:50 the almighty, righteous judge, as He is indeed.
16:54 And, of course, notice this, when I first read this,
16:57 he judges among the gods,
16:59 some people might read that
17:00 and think, "What does that mean?
17:02 What is he communicating there?"
17:03 Like the angels, okay,
17:04 notice this in scripture, like the angels
17:06 and other subordinate figures of scripture,
17:08 God refers to those given the responsibility of judgment
17:12 as little gods.
17:13 In fact, the actual word here, the Hebrew dialect is Elohim.
17:18 And so it's in the, obviously in the subordinate sense
17:22 that like God, notice this,
17:24 good judges and magistrates are to exercise their duties
17:29 and responsibilities with the honor
17:32 God has placed upon them.
17:34 They are His vicegerents
17:36 and meant to be a great blessing to the people.
17:40 And I'm thinking of another text
17:42 that comes to mind, it's Proverbs 16:10,
17:45 which says,
17:47 "Divination is on the lips of the king.
17:49 His mouth must not transgress in judgment."
17:53 So there is a high responsibility
17:55 and that is very clearly communicating
17:56 in the open verse.
17:57 But then we get on to verse 2,
17:59 and it's almost like this particular
18:01 the writer here, the author,
18:03 he's calling out these wicked judges.
18:05 Notice what it says in verse 2.
18:06 "How long will you judge unjustly,
18:09 and show partiality to the wicked?"
18:13 So right here in this particular verse,
18:14 it is indirectly stated
18:16 that the magistrate had been unjust and corrupt.
18:20 And they not only excused the wicked,
18:24 but even decided in their favor
18:25 against the righteous in many cases.
18:28 And so it's interesting that this particular verse
18:30 also ends with a 'Selah.'
18:32 Almost as if there's a pause here,
18:34 'cause it's a question and it's almost like the author
18:37 is indeed looking for a response.
18:39 How long is this going to happen?
18:41 How long are you going to show partiality
18:43 to the wicked?
18:44 Almost like there is a response here.
18:45 Again, Proverbs 28:15, another great text
18:49 that highlights this particular issue.
18:52 Proverbs 28:15, says,
18:54 "Like a roaring lion and a charging bear
18:57 is a wicked ruler over poor people."
19:01 Very much a truth indeed.
19:03 Then we go into verse 3-4.
19:06 "Defend the poor and fatherless.
19:09 Do justice to the afflicted and needy."
19:13 This was our memory text, I believe.
19:15 "Deliver the poor and needy
19:17 freedom from the hand of the wicked."
19:20 So right here in this particular verse,
19:21 the charge is given to all magistrates
19:24 to do good with their power, and they will answer to him
19:28 by whom they are entrusted with it, okay?
19:30 They are to be the protectors of those
19:32 who lie exposed to injury
19:35 and the patrons of those who want advice and assistance.
19:38 And, of course, they are to go on
19:39 to defend people
19:40 like the poor who have no money,
19:42 where with to make friends or to fee counsel,
19:44 and of course, and to the fatherless as well,
19:47 who while they are young and unable to help themselves.
19:50 We know they have lost those
19:51 who would have been the guides of their youth,
19:54 and so we are to help these particular individuals.
19:56 We are counseled through this psalm
19:58 to do that, indeed.
19:59 We are to follow the example of Job.
20:00 In Job 29:12, the Bible says this,
20:04 "Because I delivered the poor who cried out,
20:07 the fatherless and the one who had no helper."
20:11 Job, we're told as a righteous man,
20:13 he was perfect in the eyes of God.
20:15 And he indeed followed in the example.
20:17 Verse 5, again, much like verse 2,
20:19 we see there is a charge drawn up
20:22 against bad magistrates,
20:24 who neglected their duty and abused their power
20:27 for getting that God stands among them.
20:29 So notice what verse 5 says here,
20:30 "They do not know, nor do they understand.
20:34 They walk about in darkness.
20:37 All the foundations of the earth are unstable."
20:40 Okay?
20:42 And this particular point here
20:44 reminds me of a text in Ecclesiastes 3:16-17.
20:48 Notice what Solomon writes here,
20:51 "Moreover, I saw under the sun,
20:53 in the place of judgment, wickedness was there,
20:56 and in the place of righteousness,
20:58 iniquity was there."
20:59 So all of this radical misjudgment
21:03 and exercising the misapplication
21:07 of misuse and abuse of power
21:09 is due to iniquity,
21:10 we just want to highlight that very clearly.
21:12 And it kind of just points me back
21:14 to one of the previous lessons,
21:15 that when we pay attention to the law of God,
21:18 not in the sense that it saves us,
21:20 but that it points out our sin.
21:21 When we pay attention
21:22 to the righteous character of God,
21:24 then we see our self and we see those flaws within us.
21:28 And so obviously, these individuals
21:29 who are misusing and abusing the power
21:31 that God has bestowed upon them,
21:33 they are living a life of iniquity.
21:34 They are not living a righteous life in Christ.
21:37 Ecclesiastes 3:17 goes on to say,
21:39 "I said in my heart,
21:41 'God shall judge the righteous and the wicked,
21:43 for there is a time there
21:45 for every purpose and for every work.'"
21:50 And then we go on verses 6-8,
21:52 I want to end on this one because it's really powerful.
21:54 He says, "I said, 'You are gods,"
21:55 almost like he's bringing other guys,
21:57 I know I said that you were gods,
21:59 but notice what he says.
22:00 "'And all of you are children of the Most High.
22:03 But you shall die like men,
22:06 and fall like one of the princes.'"
22:10 And so right here God will reckon,
22:12 He's recognizing that He will reckon with them,
22:14 and will cut them off
22:16 in the midst of their pomp and prosperity.
22:19 They will die like other wicked men
22:21 and fall like one of the heathen princes
22:23 and many of the fallen angels and many of the unjust
22:26 that we are told about all through the Bible.
22:27 These men may be high and mighty now, but God says,
22:30 "Look, you will have your time, your reward is coming."
22:33 But I love verse 8,
22:34 because it brings back the positive nature
22:37 of this whole conversation, that is, he says,
22:39 "Arise, O God,"
22:40 here's the answer to this whole problem,
22:42 "Arise, O God, judge the earth,
22:44 for You shall inherit all nations."
22:47 So when we look at a situation like this
22:49 and we're talking about the misuse,
22:50 and abuse of power, and judgment, and justice,
22:53 we know that we can place
22:55 this whole entire situation in God's hands,
22:58 because He is the righteous judge,
23:00 He is the answer to this.
23:02 A text that comes to my mind
23:04 when I was really studying this particular subject out
23:07 is a text that many people often don't consider
23:10 in this particular subject.
23:11 But that's Isaiah Chapter 9, and we notice verse 6 says,
23:15 that powerful verse,
23:16 "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.
23:18 And the government will be upon His shoulder."
23:20 And it goes on to give all the names of Christ.
23:22 But notice verse 7, I love this about Jesus.
23:24 It says, "Of the increase of His government and peace,
23:27 there will be no end,
23:29 upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
23:33 to order it and to establish it with judgment and justice
23:36 from that time forward, even forever.
23:39 The zeal of the Lord of the host will perform this."
23:41 We can place our trust in Christ
23:43 and know that the vengeance is His
23:45 and that He will rightly judge on behalf of the righteous.
23:48 Amen and amen.
23:49 Thank you for that good word.
23:51 And we want you to stay tuned, we'll be right back.
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24:31 And we're back, we're going to pass the baton
24:34 to Pastor John Lomacang
24:36 who has Tuesday's lesson, "A King, His Promises."
24:40 Thank you, Shelley. Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
24:42 This lesson is an exciting one.
24:44 But in some sense,
24:48 the writer has given us a beautiful task
24:50 of extracting, from this lesson
24:53 things that we haven't often thought about.
24:55 And the king's promises are primarily focused
25:00 on Psalm 101:1-8,
25:01 and I want to take a quick peek at that.
25:04 Because he points out that although written for leaders,
25:10 what important counsel can we take from it ourselves,
25:13 whatever our position in life.
25:15 In Psalm 101:1-8,
25:17 the principles of leadership embodied there,
25:19 but I want to bring out a few points
25:21 about leadership principles.
25:23 Because leadership principles,
25:25 I mean, I like reading leadership books,
25:26 leader, you know, leadership 360,
25:30 number of other books,
25:32 I have just library books about leadership,
25:34 that I've noticed that
25:37 leaders talk about effective characteristical traits.
25:42 They often focus on things that will be,
25:44 if you do this, then this would occur.
25:46 They always work on cause and effect.
25:49 But what I want to point out
25:51 when it comes to Christian leadership,
25:52 we can't just look at cause and effect.
25:55 We have to look at where the power comes from.
25:58 That's a big part of what happens
25:59 in Christian leadership.
26:00 So what I want to do before I go
26:02 into the particular points
26:03 that I brought out about leadership skills
26:04 that are really embodied in Psalm 101.
26:07 I want to make a point.
26:08 First of all, making a pledge to exemplify any good character
26:11 cannot be accomplished by effort.
26:13 It's good. Because you have to...
26:15 Repeat that.
26:16 Making a pledge to exemplify any good character
26:21 cannot be accomplished by effort.
26:23 That's true. Amen.
26:25 Because it presupposes that you're good, right?
26:29 In the Christian life, it presupposes that we're good.
26:31 But the Bible says, Romans 3:12,
26:34 "They have all turned aside.
26:35 They have together become unprofitable.
26:36 There is none who does good, no, not one."
26:39 So to exemplify good principles
26:41 when I can't find anything good in me, Paul says,
26:44 "I know that in me, that is,
26:46 in my flesh dwelleth no good thing."
26:49 So we can't come from our own well.
26:51 And there's a quotation that I found in the book
26:55 "The Ministry of Healing," page 176.
26:58 This is written in 1905, but it's a very powerful quote.
27:00 It says, "God has given us," under the subtitle mind,"
27:05 as power of choice.
27:06 God has given us the power of choice.
27:10 It is ours to exercise."
27:12 But listen to this.
27:13 "We cannot change our hearts, we cannot control our thoughts,
27:19 our impulses, our affections.
27:21 We cannot make ourselves pure, fit for God's service.
27:26 But we can choose to serve God.
27:30 We can give Him our will," and then watch this,
27:32 "then He will work in us to will and to do
27:36 according to His good pleasure.
27:39 Thus the whole nature will be brought
27:41 under the control of Christ."
27:42 So while we can't make ourselves pure,
27:45 we can't make ourselves fit, we can choose who to serve.
27:48 And I've learned as I've walked through,
27:49 you know, Romans, those of us who love Romans,
27:53 Romans is an athletic book of righteousness.
27:56 Romans makes it very clear, you know,
27:58 there are three aspects of Romans,
27:59 Romans 6:16, Romans 7:17
28:01 and then I jump all way to Galatians 2:20,
28:04 which is, "It is no longer I who do it,
28:05 but sin that lives in me," Romans 7:17.
28:08 And then Galatians 2:20,
28:10 "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."
28:12 So you have, "it is no longer, it is no longer,"
28:14 in both cases, books apart,
28:17 but in one case, it's sin that's doing it,
28:20 the other one, it's Christ who lives in me.
28:22 So for those who want to be effective leaders,
28:24 we have to first come to the place
28:25 that Christ has to live in us,
28:27 for anything good to come out of us.
28:29 Because Philippians 2:13,
28:31 "For it is God who works in you
28:33 both to will and to do of His good pleasure."
28:37 So let's look at some of these effective leadership skills
28:38 that are brought out in Psalm 101.
28:41 First of all,
28:42 an effective leader leads by giving the praise to God.
28:46 Psalm 101:1,
28:47 "I will sing of mercy and justice to You, O Lord,
28:50 I will sing praises."
28:52 I believe if we learn how to praise God,
28:55 then we will teach others how to praise God.
28:57 The church cannot rise higher than its leadership.
29:01 That's right. That's right.
29:02 The organization cannot rise higher
29:03 than its leadership.
29:05 The leadership sets the cadence.
29:06 You know, reminds me of a guy that one day,
29:09 I heard about this guy that was called...
29:10 This was actually a true story,
29:12 the White House centuries back, not centuries back,
29:17 but more than 100 years ago had to be repaired.
29:20 And they called in a guy that was a master mason
29:22 to fix the steps.
29:24 Well, he was so excited about the steps being completed,
29:26 but he noticed that when he started,
29:29 when it was opened up for people to use it,
29:30 people would stumbling as they walk up the steps.
29:34 He said, "Why is everybody stumbling
29:36 when they're walking up the steps?"
29:38 And they came to find out
29:39 that the guy who repaired the steps,
29:41 repair them to his own standards,
29:43 he had a peg leg.
29:46 So one step was higher than the other,
29:48 and it was fine for him,
29:50 because he set it to his standards.
29:53 And oftentimes when our standards
29:55 are skewed or off kilter,
29:58 people coming in our steps are going to stumble.
30:01 That's what the Bible says,
30:02 "Make straight paths for your feet.
30:04 So the lame wouldn't be turned out of the way."
30:07 So one of the first things a leader has to do,
30:09 a leader step has to be made straight.
30:12 And I believe those steps are made straight
30:14 when we give praise to God
30:15 for the call that He's put on our lives.
30:17 Second, Psalm 101:2, the condition of the heart
30:21 affects the behavior of the life.
30:25 "I will behave wisely in a perfect way.
30:28 Oh, when will You come to me?
30:31 I will walk within my house with a perfect heart."
30:35 The condition of the heart
30:36 affects the behavior of the life.
30:39 I didn't put numbers on this, Jill,
30:40 but I'm on point number two.
30:42 Oh, but I'm numbering them. Okay.
30:43 The third one, Psalm 101:3,
30:45 our character traits are molded by our visual influences.
30:50 Ooh, that's good.
30:51 By beholding, we become changed.
30:53 Verse 3,
30:55 "I will set nothing wicked before my eyes.
30:57 I hate the works of those who fall away.
31:00 It shall not cling to me."
31:03 My wife and I have made this vow in our home.
31:05 We don't watch filthy things on our television.
31:08 Commercials that are suggestive and carnal,
31:12 I don't even look at them.
31:14 If they flash in to talk about something coming up,
31:16 some Victoria's Secret,
31:18 Fall Festival coming up on Sunday at 7:30
31:21 whatever, I get, "Honey, turn off that.
31:23 I don't even need that image in my mind."
31:24 Amen! That's right.
31:26 And so David found clearly when you put wicked things
31:28 before your eyes, it affects your heart.
31:31 You cannot put wicked things before.
31:32 A leader cannot look at wicked things
31:34 and be a righteous leader.
31:36 Cannot do it.
31:38 The other one, Psalm 101:4,
31:40 "Guard the thoughts of your heart.
31:43 A perverse heart shall depart from me.
31:45 I will not know wickedness."
31:47 Guard the thoughts of your heart.
31:49 You know, the Bible says, "As a man thinketh so as he,"
31:53 as he thinks in his heart.
31:54 The reason why it says heart, you know
31:55 when you love somebody you go like that.
31:57 I heart you.
31:58 You don't say, I heart you here.
32:00 You say, "Why is he putting his heart on the brain?"
32:02 Because it's the matter of the heart
32:04 is the heart of the matter.
32:06 And so when your heart is right before God,
32:08 your life will be right before God,
32:10 because out of the heart comes, what?
32:12 Flows the issues of life.
32:14 That flows the issues of life.
32:15 As a man thinks so is he,
32:17 and you could always tell within a person's heart
32:19 out of the abundance of the heart,
32:21 the mouth speaks.
32:22 So guard your heart,
32:24 your words will be seasoned with righteousness
32:26 and your life will be flavored with God's presence.
32:29 The other one, do not participate in slander,
32:32 that's insulting, or display a haughty spirit,
32:34 that's arrogant.
32:36 A leader that's arrogant is a leader
32:38 that may get things done,
32:40 but will never affect change in people's lives.
32:43 You know, arrogant, "Do that!"
32:44 Well, you might do it, but you'll say,
32:46 "You know, I don't want to be anything like him.
32:48 I can't wait to get another job."
32:50 Bible says,
32:51 "Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor,
32:53 him I will destroy.
32:54 The one who has a haughty look and a proud heart,
32:57 him I will not endure."
32:59 God doesn't like people that are arrogant.
33:01 And Christian leaders cannot afford to be arrogant.
33:03 Pastors that say,
33:05 "I'm a pastor, you do what I tell you."
33:06 I don't lead that way.
33:08 I try to be humble
33:09 even when people complain about something I've done.
33:11 I said, "Well, now,
33:12 maybe I don't take everything they said to be legitimate,
33:14 but what did I do to cause them to even want to complain."
33:18 And I asked, "Lord, is that true?
33:20 Can I gain something from it?"
33:22 Never be to the point
33:23 where you are arrogant and never think
33:25 that you're everybody's cup of tea either, all right?
33:29 Psalm 101:6.
33:30 We are called to make faithful decisions
33:32 and choose our paths wisely.
33:35 "My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land,
33:39 that they may dwell with me.
33:41 He who walks in a perfect way, he shall serve me."
33:44 Make wise choices for your paths.
33:47 You can go left and expect to go right.
33:49 It's just not possible. Psalm 101:7.
33:51 Embrace honesty in your business life.
33:54 "He who works deceit
33:55 shall not dwell within my house.
33:57 He who tells lies
33:58 shall not continue in my presence."
34:01 Be honest.
34:02 And the last one, Psalm 101:8,
34:04 do not associate with people that practice wickedness.
34:08 "Early I will destroy all the wicked of the land,
34:10 that I may cut off all the evildoers
34:14 from the city of the Lord."
34:17 Ellen White says in Southern Watchman,
34:18 August 1, 1905,
34:20 "There is no limit to the usefulness
34:22 of one who putting self aside,
34:24 makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit
34:26 upon his heart and live the life
34:28 wholly consecrated to God."
34:30 I believe that's what David the Psalmist intended.
34:33 When your life is wholly consecrated to God,
34:36 then it will show in your words,
34:37 your actions, your deeds and surely in your leadership.
34:41 Amen!
34:42 Pastor, that's powerful.
34:43 I think that's something we all want.
34:45 You know what?
34:46 I'm gonna get those notes.
34:48 I'm just telling you right now.
34:49 I love that Psalm for leaders, Psalm 101.
34:52 Mine is Psalm 146.
34:55 We're going through the Book of Psalms here.
34:57 So just jump a couple of psalms over Psalm 146.
35:01 This is "Walking with the Lord,"
35:03 is Wednesday lesson.
35:05 The Lord watches over the needy.
35:08 "Walking with the Lord."
35:09 The last five psalms really grow in crescendo
35:13 and praise to God.
35:15 The last five psalms, 146, 147, 148, 149 and 150,
35:20 all begin with praise the Lord,
35:23 and they all end with praise the Lord.
35:27 Praise the Lord or hallelujah.
35:29 In Hebrew is hallel combined with yah,
35:34 the word for Yahweh, Jehovah.
35:36 So this exuberant joyous praise for God.
35:42 And so we see this crescendo in this praise
35:45 as we get toward the end of the psalms.
35:48 Praise is not dependent on circumstances.
35:52 I have a little posted note, Miss Mollie,
35:55 and I have it up on my mirror.
35:57 And it says, "Joy is not the absence of trouble,
36:02 but it is the presence of Christ."
36:04 And so praise is not dependent on circumstances.
36:08 As we shall see from this Psalm 146,
36:11 there's some hard things going on.
36:12 But praise is not dependent on those circumstances.
36:15 We are called to praise anyway, even in the pain, in the trial,
36:20 in the difficulty, we are called to praise Him.
36:23 Let's read verses 1-2.
36:26 "Praise the Lord!
36:28 Praise the Lord, O my soul!
36:29 While I live I will praise the Lord.
36:32 I will sing praises to my God while I have my being."
36:36 Paul told us the same thing in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18,
36:40 "Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing.
36:43 In everything give thanks,
36:46 for this is the will of God
36:48 in Christ Jesus concerning you."
36:50 Praise is not dependent on other people.
36:54 No matter how powerful people are
36:56 or no matter how influential they might be,
36:59 they can still fail you.
37:00 I'll read the next couple of verses, verses 3-4,
37:03 "Do not put your trust in princes,
37:05 nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.
37:09 His spirit departs, he returns to his earth,
37:12 in that very day his plans perish."
37:14 We are to put our hope, our trust in the Lord God.
37:19 Verses 5-10,
37:23 I see 12 attributes of God.
37:26 Let's read those verses here together.
37:28 Verse 5,
37:30 "Happy is he who has the God of Jacob
37:32 for his help,
37:34 whose hope is in the Lord his God."
37:35 God is our helper.
37:38 Verse 6,
37:39 "Who made heaven and earth,
37:41 the sea and all that is in them."
37:43 God is our Creator.
37:46 "Who keeps truth forever."
37:48 God is unchanging.
37:51 "Who executes justice for the oppressed."
37:53 God is our judge,
37:55 "Who gives food for the hungry."
37:57 God is our provider.
37:59 "The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners."
38:02 God is our deliverer.
38:04 "The Lord opens the eyes of the blind."
38:06 God is our healer.
38:08 "The Lord raises those who are bowed down."
38:12 God is our encouragement.
38:14 "The Lord loves the righteous."
38:17 God is our lover and friend.
38:20 "The Lord watches over the strangers."
38:22 God is our protector.
38:25 He relieves the fatherless and widow."
38:28 God is our sustainer.
38:31 "But the way of the wicked He turns upside down."
38:34 God is our judge,
38:36 and we already saw that up a few verses.
38:37 "I see judge," here twice in this passage.
38:40 "The Lord shall reign forever."
38:42 God is eternal.
38:46 "Your God, O Zion, to all generations.
38:49 Praise the Lord!"
38:50 The Psalm ends the very same way
38:52 that it begins.
38:53 Hallel-yah, praise to God,
38:58 Jehovah, Creator God.
39:01 What does praise do for me as a Christian?
39:06 Praise is powerful.
39:08 You know, in my own journey, in my own walk with God,
39:12 when I learned that my relationship with God
39:15 was not dependent on how I felt,
39:17 but it was dependent on the promises found
39:20 in the Word of God
39:22 that revolutionized my journey with Jesus.
39:25 I used to think if I woke up
39:27 and I prayed and it felt like
39:29 my prayers hit the ceiling and bounce back down,
39:31 "Well, then God didn't hear me or there was something wrong
39:34 in my relationship with God."
39:36 But when I learned that I can base my faith
39:39 on the promises in God's Word,
39:42 and that I can praise Him any way,
39:45 it changed my walk with Him.
39:48 So I want to give you five things
39:51 that praise does for us as Christians.
39:54 Now, of course, there's more things
39:56 but all we have time for right now is five.
39:58 Number one,
40:00 praise takes the focus off of myself,
40:03 and it turns it outward toward God.
40:05 We're going to Psalm 35.
40:07 You know, it's difficult to think
40:09 about two things at the very same time.
40:11 Now, I can be thinking about one thing
40:14 and then your mind instantly jumps
40:15 to something else, and then you're like,
40:17 "No, wait a minute, I was over here
40:18 and you can bring your mind back."
40:20 But it's difficult for me to be engaged in self-pity
40:23 and thoughts about myself,
40:25 and thinking about something else,
40:27 but the converse is true.
40:28 If I'm focused on Jesus, and praising Him,
40:32 it automatically takes the focus off myself.
40:36 Psalm 35:28,
40:38 "My tongue shall speak of Your righteousness,
40:41 and of Your praise all the day long."
40:44 Praise takes the focus off of me
40:47 and it turns it outward toward God.
40:49 Number two, praise makes the enemy flee.
40:54 2 Chronicles Chapter 20,
40:56 Jehoshaphat was in this tremendous battle
40:58 of the Moabites and the Ammonites
41:00 were coming against him and the people.
41:02 And he went on his face before God
41:05 but what made the enemy flee.
41:07 2 Chronicles 20:22.
41:09 "When they began to sing and to praise,
41:11 the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon,
41:15 Moab and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah,
41:18 and they were defeated."
41:20 So praise!
41:21 When they began to praise, the enemy fled.
41:25 Number three, praise, especially,
41:27 united praise invites God's presence.
41:31 This is one of my favorite ones.
41:33 2 Chronicles 5:13-14, the dedication of the temple.
41:37 And it says, "It came to pass,
41:38 when the trumpeters and singers were as one,"
41:42 that's that you unity, when they were as one,
41:46 "to make one sound and be heard in praising
41:48 and thanking the Lord,
41:50 when they lifted up their voice
41:51 with the trumpet and cymbals and instruments of music,
41:53 and praise the Lord."
41:55 So they're united as one in praise.
41:58 What happened?
42:00 The house, the house of the Lord
42:01 was filled with the cloud."
42:03 And it was so thick
42:04 that they could not even continue ministry.
42:08 God showed up.
42:10 United praise brought the presence of God.
42:15 Now, I was never very good at math.
42:17 But one of the theorems or whatever you call them,
42:19 I remember is if A equals B
42:24 and B equals C,
42:27 then A equals C.
42:28 Do you all remember one at school?
42:30 Yes, absolutely.
42:31 So if we have praise as A,
42:34 and united praise brings B,
42:37 that's the presence of God.
42:40 Now, let's read our next scripture.
42:42 Psalm 16:11,
42:43 "You will show me the path of life.
42:45 In your presence is fullness of joy."
42:49 This means presence brings joy.
42:54 So if you're lacking joy in your life, and you say,
42:56 "I'm struggling,"
42:58 you need to go back to A and you need to praise.
43:00 Praise brings the presence of God,
43:02 and the presence of God brings joy.
43:05 But there's a D.
43:07 The next verse, Nehemiah 8:10,
43:08 "The joy of the Lord is your strength."
43:12 So praise brings the presence of God,
43:16 the presence of God brings joy,
43:18 and joy brings strength.
43:21 So if you're feeling weak, if you're feeling discouraged,
43:24 if you do not have strength in your Christian journey,
43:28 you need to praise
43:29 because that will give you strength.
43:32 Praise will give you joy,
43:34 and praise will bring you the presence of God.
43:36 Finally, number five, praise allows God to work.
43:41 Remember Paul and Silas in the jail in Philippi.
43:44 At midnight...
43:45 What does the Bible say in Acts 16:25-26?
43:48 At midnight, they were praying and singing hymns to God,
43:53 and the prisoners were listening to them.
43:55 And suddenly what happened?
43:58 The Lord brought deliverance.
44:01 J Hudson Taylor,
44:03 founder of the China Inland Mission.
44:05 In 1870, his son Samuel died,
44:09 and that's tremendous pain and devastation.
44:11 Six months later,
44:13 his wife gave birth to a baby who died.
44:16 Two weeks after that, his wife died.
44:19 Now he lost his wife and two of his children.
44:23 She was 33 and he was 38.
44:25 And he wrote in his journal,
44:27 "I am so thankful
44:29 that I can serve Jesus one more day."
44:34 That is a life of praise.
44:36 They say at the time of his death,
44:38 25,000 converts to Christianity
44:41 could be traced to the legacy of his work
44:45 and his mission, and his influence.
44:47 So get out of yourself and praise God.
44:50 Amen. Great job. Amen. I love that.
44:52 The joy of the Lord is our strength.
44:55 That's right. Praise God.
44:56 Okay, I'm going to take you to Proverbs.
44:59 So all of you turn to Proverbs,
45:01 because I'm going to have a little panel interaction here
45:04 with this teaching, okay?
45:06 Proverbs,
45:07 we're looking at Mercy on the Needy,
45:10 and that's Proverbs 14:31.
45:12 We'll look at that here in a few minutes.
45:14 And I love the Book of Proverbs.
45:16 I was talking earlier today about my Amplified Bible
45:20 that is falling apart, I mean, the covers off of it.
45:23 But you can see,
45:25 you can find Proverbs just by shutting it,
45:27 because the oil of my fingers has darkened Proverbs.
45:31 I've been in it so much.
45:33 It's like sitting down
45:35 with the wisest person in the universe,
45:38 and letting him explain issues of life, which,
45:41 you know, what we're doing when we sit down with Proverbs?
45:43 Sitting down with the wisest person
45:45 in the universe.
45:47 We're sitting down with the writer of the Word.
45:51 Who wrote the Word?
45:52 Who is the author of our Word?
45:54 Oh, God. Almighty God.
45:56 Okay.
45:59 The Proverbs tell us
46:01 how to live our daily lives
46:04 outside of the church building, and not just on Sabbath.
46:08 Amen. That's right.
46:10 It's everyday living.
46:11 The ability to live life skillfully
46:15 and issues of life,
46:19 that practical living,
46:20 whether we're in a pleasant valley,
46:23 don't we love our pleasant valleys?
46:25 And when you're in a pleasant valley,
46:28 you better be preparing for the obstacles to come,
46:32 because adversity...
46:35 Have any of you all ever had adversity show up
46:38 on your doorstep?
46:40 If you hadn't prepared yourself in your day of pleasant valley
46:44 when adversity comes, you're not prepared.
46:47 So in that pleasant valley, or in the throes of battle,
46:51 God has practical instruction for you.
46:54 We see instruction for these in,
46:59 for those in poverty.
47:01 And remember,
47:02 that's what we're really looking at
47:03 in our study is people in poverty,
47:06 the rich, the content,
47:09 we see instruction for the discontent.
47:12 For those who are being treated justly,
47:14 Pastor Lomacang,
47:16 and those who are being treated unjustly.
47:18 It's the full scope
47:20 of what we as humanity will face.
47:23 We are going to find practical instruction
47:25 in these Proverbs.
47:27 Now, I want us to go to Proverbs 10:4
47:29 because I'm going to read the scripture,
47:32 then I'm going to ask my knotty panelists
47:35 who are theologians and brilliant,
47:38 godly men and women,
47:40 to tell me what this proverb is saying
47:43 to, just what does he say to your heart.
47:45 So Proverbs 10:4,
47:48 "He who has a slack hand becomes poor,
47:52 but the hand of the diligent makes rich."
47:57 What does that speak to you for your daily living?
48:00 Can't be lazy.
48:02 Don't be lazy.
48:04 Okay, if you have a slack hand...
48:06 It means you don't hold on to things that are valuable.
48:09 Yeah. Yeah.
48:10 But the hand of the diligent, what is the diligent?
48:13 Somebody that gets out there and works that garden.
48:16 That's right.
48:18 You know, you can look at the garden and say,
48:19 "Oh, God has blessed you so beautifully
48:22 with this beautiful garden that you have."
48:24 And you can say,
48:25 "Yeah, but you should have seen it last year,
48:29 when I didn't help him."
48:30 You know, we have a diligent hand
48:33 and we're the ones that God uses to an end.
48:37 God blesses the works of our hands.
48:39 Praise God for that. Okay.
48:41 Proverbs 19:15.
48:46 Here we go.
48:48 "Laziness cast one into a deep sleep,
48:51 but an idle person shall suffer hunger."
48:56 So... Okay.
48:57 I just want to...
48:59 Pastor Lomacang, you want to comment on that?
49:01 There's lazy people.
49:02 You know there's a proverb, I love it.
49:04 My proverbs have so many square boxes around.
49:07 There's another one that says, a lazy man says,
49:09 "There's a lion in the street, if I go out, he'll devour me."
49:13 That reminds me of this one, idle people.
49:16 They don't work and they don't eat,
49:18 and that's rightfully their course in life.
49:20 Yeah, if you don't work,
49:22 you don't eat, just little idioms.
49:25 I don't know if they're Alabama idioms or not, but...
49:27 Molliesms.
49:29 Molliesms.
49:30 There are no free lunches, you know.
49:32 Well, in this day and age there might be,
49:34 but they shouldn't be
49:36 because it teaches people to be idle.
49:40 God will again bless the works of your hands.
49:43 Okay.
49:45 Now then, Proverbs 15:15,
49:47 gonna kind of switch gears here
49:50 and then we're going to go to Philippians 4:8.
49:52 Proverbs, but stay in Proverbs.
49:54 Proverbs 15:15,
49:56 "All the days of the afflicted
49:58 by anxious thoughts and foreboding are evil."
50:02 What are all the days of the afflicted
50:04 who are thinking on,
50:08 have anxious thoughts and foreboding, they're evil.
50:11 "But he who has a merry heart has a continual feast."
50:16 So, what is that speaking to you?
50:21 You know, I do know there's so many people
50:22 who were in Jesus,
50:24 who do not be anxious about anything,
50:25 you can't add anything good in,
50:28 there's enough problems in each day.
50:31 Each day has problem sufficient of its own.
50:34 If we are constantly filling ourselves
50:37 with anxious thoughts,
50:39 our days are brewing but when you...
50:42 As Jill so beautifully put, if you've got,
50:45 you'll find your joy and your strength in the Lord,
50:48 you'll have a merry heart
50:49 and you're going to have a feast with God
50:53 throughout the bad times.
50:54 Amen. That's true.
50:56 Again, you're in the presence of the Lord,
51:00 there is fullness of strength
51:02 and the joy of the Lord is my strength.
51:04 God inhabits the praises of His people
51:06 and in the presence of the Lord
51:08 there is fullness of joy
51:09 and the joy of the Lord is their strength.
51:10 That is just a truth.
51:12 Well, I've got you in Proverbs 4:8,
51:16 "Finally, brethren,
51:18 whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble,
51:23 whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
51:27 whatsoever things are lovely,
51:29 whatever things are of good report,
51:32 if there be any virtue,
51:34 if there be anything praiseworthy,"
51:36 what are we to do?
51:38 Think on...
51:39 That's what we're to think on.
51:41 So if... Philippians 4:8.
51:42 Philippians 4:8. 4:8?
51:44 Is that what I say it?
51:46 Did I say Proverbs? But it's Philippians.
51:48 I've got it written down right here Philippians 4:8.
51:50 Okay.
51:51 So, we can, if we find our mind and all of us do this,
51:56 we find our mind drifting to this calamity,
51:59 that is before us.
52:00 And we have to by an act of our will
52:03 make a choice to pull our mind back to.
52:07 You know, I am strong in the Lord
52:09 and in the power of His might.
52:11 No weapon formed against me will prosper.
52:13 But what I lay my hand to will prosper.
52:15 I'm trusting in the Lord.
52:17 The Lord is my strength and my deliverer.
52:19 When you bring your mind thinking on those good things,
52:23 then it will lift you out of that pit
52:26 and give you that merry heart that Shelley was talking about.
52:30 Proverbs 17:22,
52:33 "A merry heart does good, like," what?
52:37 "Like a medicine,
52:38 but a broken spirit dries the bones."
52:41 And Proverbs 19:17,
52:44 "He who," we're going to change gears here a bit.
52:47 "He who has pity on the poor lends to," whom?
52:51 The Lord. The Lord.
52:53 "Lends to the Lord,
52:54 and He will pay back what he has given."
52:57 Boy, I think that is so powerful.
53:00 When you...
53:01 Again, what we're looking at today
53:03 is mercy on the needy.
53:06 And this says,
53:07 if we see someone that's needy,
53:10 if we take care of that need,
53:13 we're not giving it to them,
53:15 expecting them to give it back to us.
53:17 We're not expecting anybody to give anything back to us.
53:20 But we know what we do.
53:21 We set into motion a biblical principle,
53:25 and that biblical principle says,
53:28 "As you lend to the needy,
53:31 that who's going to pay you back?
53:32 God's going to pay you back.
53:34 So I want to read Matthew 25.
53:38 Let me go there. Matthew 25:34-40.
53:42 That's a lot of scripture, but I think it's worth reading.
53:45 "Then the King will say to those on His right hand,
53:48 'Come, you blessed of My Father,
53:50 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
53:53 from the foundation of the world."
53:54 And I know we've used the scripture,
53:56 I think already once today.
53:58 It says, "For I was hungry and you gave Me food.
54:01 I was thirsty and you gave Me drink.
54:03 I was a stranger and you took Me in.
54:05 I was naked and you clothed Me."
54:08 And the righteous say, "When did we do this?
54:13 We don't recall doing that to You, Lord."
54:15 What does the Lord say?
54:17 "When you've done it unto the least of these,"
54:21 who have you done it unto?
54:23 Him. "You've done it unto Him."
54:25 Okay.
54:28 Proverbs 14:31,
54:30 "He who oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker,
54:35 but he who honors Him has mercy on the needy."
54:39 And that's what we're looking at,
54:41 having mercy on the needy.
54:46 We just don't know
54:48 the circumstances of the poor and the needy.
54:51 And if we look at their circumstances and think,
54:54 I feel superior to them,
54:56 then we are reproaching our Maker.
54:58 My encouragement for every one of us today
55:01 is that we just ask God to open our hearts
55:04 and soften our hearts,
55:06 show us those that we need to be helping,
55:09 and then allow the Lord to use you to be a blessing
55:14 to those who are in need around you.
55:15 Amen, and amen.
55:17 I have enjoyed so much each one of your presentations.
55:20 Let's take a moment
55:22 for a quick closing thought, Ryan?
55:23 Yeah, sure.
55:25 So this particular lesson
55:26 just makes me think of Revelation,
55:29 ending chapters of Revelation.
55:32 I just feel like shouting with the multitude
55:34 in the times that we're living in.
55:35 Halleluiah for the Lord God Almighty,
55:38 the Lord our God omnipotent reigns.
55:40 I mean, we know that He reigns and He's in control.
55:43 But even the discussion on this particular topic
55:47 draws my attention to Revelation 22:20,
55:49 which says, "He who testifies to these things says,
55:51 'Surely I am coming quickly.'
55:53 Amen.
55:55 Even so, come Lord Jesus Christ!'"
55:56 And I'm saying, "Come Lord Jesus Christ."
55:58 I'm ready to go home.
56:00 Amen. Right.
56:01 Mark 1:17,
56:02 to be an effective leader, you have to have a plan.
56:04 Here's the plan,
56:05 "Follow me and I will make you."
56:07 You cannot make yourself,
56:09 you have to follow the one who alone is able to make us.
56:12 Follow the Lord and He will make you
56:14 what He intends for you to become.
56:15 Amen. Praise is not for God.
56:18 It's not something we do for Him.
56:20 Praise is for you and for me, it changes us and our outlook.
56:24 And Psalm 146,
56:26 there were some serious situations
56:28 that they were dealing with,
56:29 but yet in the midst of that they chose to praise God.
56:32 Amen.
56:33 And we are to show grace and mercy
56:37 to those that are in need.
56:38 We can't be superior or look down
56:40 at judgmental nose at those around us.
56:43 The alcoholic didn't say when he was young, you know,
56:45 "Someday what I aspire to be is an alcoholic in a gutter."
56:50 The lady of ill repute didn't say,
56:52 "Someday, you know what I want to do?
56:54 I want to sell my body for drugs
56:56 and be treated with degradation."
56:58 We don't know the circumstances so we can't be judgmental.
57:02 What we can be is obedient to God
57:04 and show them grace and mercy.
57:07 Amen and amen.
57:08 Thank you each so much for the study,
57:11 the amount of time that you put in
57:12 to prepare these studies.
57:14 You know, for those of you at home,
57:17 we just want you to know,
57:18 you may be feeling oppressed,
57:20 you may be feeling neglected
57:21 or overlooked or somebody has slandered you,
57:24 you may be going through some kind of trial.
57:28 But you have the Prince of Peace
57:30 on your side, He is ready to come to you
57:33 at a moment's cry, and you can look to Him.
57:37 He is the champion of the helpless.
57:42 And I pray that your heart will be filled
57:45 and just overflow with hope,
57:49 that eager expectation that God will show up.
57:53 Our prayer for you is that the grace
57:54 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:57 the love of the Father
57:58 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
58:00 will be with you always.
58:01 Bye-bye.


Revised 2019-07-29