3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Sabbath: A Day of Freedom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190029A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent
00:15 to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is, "The Least of These."
00:30 Hello, friends,
00:31 and welcome again to another week
00:32 of the 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
00:34 As always, we are so thankful and grateful
00:36 that you are joining us
00:37 for another incredible week of Bible study.
00:40 This week's lesson is entitled "Sabbath, A Day of Freedom."
00:44 And this is our third week.
00:46 You guys having fun with us? Oh, yes.
00:47 I've really, really enjoyed this study
00:49 and I know it's gonna continue to be a blessing for us all.
00:52 Before I go any further though, I'd like to go ahead
00:54 and introduce this incredible, awesome, amazing panel,
00:58 and friends, and colleagues of mine.
01:01 Directly to my left is Miss Shelley Quinn.
01:02 How are you doing? I am blessed to be here.
01:04 I don't think anybody realizes
01:07 how much fun we have doing this together,
01:10 getting together and studying, and just having a good time.
01:13 That's true.
01:14 I guess they don't really, really know, huh,
01:16 behind the scenes we act kind of crazy sometimes,
01:18 but that's okay.
01:19 Also to your left is Pastor John Lomacang.
01:21 It's good to have you, Pastor.
01:23 Always a blessing and as Shelley said,
01:25 a joy to be here.
01:26 Wonderful. Praise the Lord.
01:27 And, of course, to your left is Miss Mollie Steenson.
01:30 It's always good to have you.
01:31 Well, thank you. It is a joy to be here.
01:33 Praise the Lord.
01:34 And, of course, Miss Jill Morikone.
01:37 It's a blessing to have you on the panel as well.
01:38 Thank you so much, Ryan.
01:40 Privilege to study the Word of God
01:41 with each one of you.
01:42 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:44 I want to inform you
01:45 of how you can get a copy of this lesson
01:47 just in case you might not have one.
01:49 You can go to ABSG.Adventist.org
01:53 and you can access a copy
01:55 of this incredible study for free.
01:58 Or, of course,
01:59 I would always encourage you
02:00 to go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church as well,
02:03 and they will wonderfully provide you
02:05 a copy of that for free,
02:06 and encourage you to study with them.
02:08 At least that's what I encourage everyone to do.
02:10 It's always good to study in small groups,
02:12 you learn more that way.
02:14 Before we go any further,
02:15 I would like to ask the Lord to be with us.
02:18 And I'm gonna ask Miss Mollie Steenson
02:19 to pray for us at this time.
02:21 Thank you.
02:22 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
02:24 And, Lord, we are so grateful
02:26 for Your presence that we sense here.
02:28 Father, we ask now that as we bring before You
02:31 these words that we have studied,
02:33 we ask Your anointing upon them and we ask, Father,
02:36 for this Word to go forth and touch all those hearts
02:39 that you have prepared to receive Your Word.
02:41 If this Word would take root, it would grow,
02:43 it would prosper and we would be conformed
02:46 to your very image and likeness in Christ's name.
02:48 Amen.
02:50 Amen.
02:51 Sabbath afternoon
02:53 is really setting this up for us.
02:55 We're talking about the Sabbath day
02:57 and the Sabbath day is one of...
02:59 In my opinion probably
03:00 one of the most misunderstood topics
03:02 across Christianity today.
03:04 But in light of what we're discussing
03:06 the least of these,
03:08 that is the title of this quarterly study.
03:11 This is one of the most important subjects
03:13 that I find that each and every person
03:15 needs to come to understand
03:17 the deep importance of Sabbath keeping
03:19 and the importance of the day in general
03:21 from a biblical perspective.
03:23 I want to go directly to our memory text
03:25 which is found in Mark 2:27.
03:29 Notice what the Bible says, this is again Christ speaking,
03:31 and He says, "And He said to them,
03:33 'The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.'"
03:40 And I always like to highlight there,
03:41 the word man there because again,
03:43 some people think that only certain men
03:45 apply to this particular principle,
03:47 maybe only certain groups but of course,
03:50 the word man here in the original Greek
03:51 is the word anthropos,
03:54 which simply means mankind or human being,
03:57 so this Jesus meant for the Sabbath commandment.
03:59 The blessing of the Sabbath, the freedom of Sabbath keeping
04:03 to be for every single person across the globe,
04:05 every created individual.
04:07 And I would like to go ahead and just jump directly
04:10 into the Sabbath commandment.
04:12 It's always important to be reminded
04:14 of that great commandment that God gives us.
04:16 So this is found in Exodus 20:8-11.
04:20 We know that this is the longest
04:21 of the Ten Commandments.
04:22 It's certainly not more important
04:24 than any other commandment,
04:25 but you'll notice it starts with the word "Remember"
04:27 because again, we live in a civilization today
04:29 where many people have forgotten
04:31 this very commandment.
04:32 So let's be reminded, Exodus 20:8-11.
04:36 The Bible says,
04:37 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
04:41 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
04:44 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
04:46 of the Lord your God.
04:47 In it you shall not do no work, you, nor your son,
04:51 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
04:53 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
04:56 nor your stranger who is within your gates.
05:00 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
05:02 the sea, and all that in them is,
05:05 and rested the seventh day.
05:07 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
05:09 and hallowed it."
05:11 And I liked the one of the opening paragraphs
05:15 of this particular lesson on Sabbath afternoon.
05:17 The author says,
05:18 often we talk about the Sabbath,
05:21 the conversation quickly moves to how to keep it
05:24 and certainly that's important.
05:26 But he goes on to say,
05:27 what are the things that we should do or not do,
05:29 things like that come in conversation,
05:31 however important these questions are,
05:34 we need to understand the integral role
05:37 that the Sabbath was designed to play in the world
05:39 and in the lives of God's people
05:41 as a symbol of God's grace and provision.
05:44 So what was ultimately the Sabbath given for?
05:47 I think the title of it really gives it away.
05:49 The Sabbath day, of course, is a day of freedom.
05:51 It's given for us to be free in Christ
05:53 and to share the blessing of the Sabbath.
05:55 And I want to move on to Sunday's lesson.
05:57 It's entitled, "Manna Enough."
06:00 And I really, really enjoyed this particular lesson
06:03 because it highlights a story in the Bible
06:06 that I often highlight
06:08 when I'm out teaching and preaching
06:09 these beautiful messages.
06:11 You can't leave this story out because it's so important
06:13 and it has so many wonderful details
06:15 in regards to the Sabbath found in it.
06:18 Of course, we know that the children of Israel
06:20 had been in Egypt for more than 400 years.
06:23 And, of course, a lot can be lost and forgotten
06:25 in more than 400 years,
06:27 and we're talking about, you know,
06:28 multiple generations that have come and gone.
06:30 And we know the children of Israel,
06:32 all the many years that they were in Egypt.
06:35 They kind of lost sight of many of the principles
06:37 and the commandments,
06:38 and the plan that God had for their life
06:41 and so here they are coming out of Egypt,
06:44 and they're wandering around in the desert.
06:46 And, of course, it's not too long
06:48 after they find themselves in the desert,
06:50 wandering around that they begin complaining,
06:51 and whining, and griping, saying, you know,
06:53 the Lord's brought us out here to starve
06:55 and He's brought us out here to thirst to death
06:57 and, of course, the Bible says
06:59 that the Lord heard their murmurings
07:00 and complainings, and He responded.
07:02 He spoke to Moses
07:03 and He gives them this wonderful plan.
07:05 Now it's interesting,
07:06 He speaks to Moses and He tells them
07:09 that He's going to rain bread from heaven to test them.
07:13 You can find that in Exodus 16:4.
07:16 In fact, I'm getting the story, if you want to go there now,
07:19 Exodus Chapter 16 you'll notice these are,
07:21 this is four chapters prior
07:23 to the verbal deliverance from God
07:26 of the Ten Commandments.
07:27 And so we know that this had been a principle.
07:29 This is a principle that God had expected
07:31 and wanted His people to receive and to practice
07:34 and to receive the blessing
07:35 all those years that they were in Egypt,
07:36 but of course they were working, working,
07:38 working seven days a week,
07:40 not keeping God's commandments and, of course,
07:42 that was a major, major, had played a major impact
07:45 on their morality.
07:47 We see there in verse 4, that God says,
07:48 "I'm gonna rain bread, bread from heaven for six days.
07:52 And I'm doing this to test them
07:54 to see whether or not they will keep
07:56 all of my laws or not."
07:57 And I think that's noteworthy there
07:59 because He could have chosen pretty much any commandment
08:01 but He chose the Sabbath commandment
08:03 to be the test on whether or not
08:05 that He would see whether or not
08:06 they would keep all of His laws or not.
08:08 And, of course, there comes day one,
08:11 and that bread rains from heaven
08:12 early in the morning.
08:14 And, of course, the children of Israel go out
08:15 and they see this white stuff on the ground
08:17 and they say, "What is it?"
08:18 And that's exactly what manna means, what is it?
08:21 And then we come to verses 16 through 18.
08:24 Notice Exodus 16:16-18, this is what the Bible says.
08:30 "This is the thing which the Lord has commanded
08:32 'Let every man gather it according to each one's need,
08:38 one omer for each person,
08:40 according to the number of persons,
08:42 let every man take it for those who are in his tent.'"
08:46 Verse 17,
08:48 "Then the children of Israel did so and gathered,
08:50 some more, some less.
08:53 So when they measured it by omers,
08:55 he who gathered much had nothing left over,
08:58 and he who gathered little had no lack.
09:01 Every man had gathered according to each one's need."
09:05 And I just want to highlight that they gathered
09:07 only according to their need.
09:09 In fact, Paul actually responds
09:12 and emphasizes and references this particular text
09:15 over in 2 Corinthians 8:10-15,
09:20 I encourage you to go read that
09:21 from verses 10 on to verse 15 in 2 Corinthians,
09:23 but I'm gonna read verses 13 through to 15.
09:26 Notice what he says here, he says,
09:27 "For I do not mean that others should be eased
09:31 and you burdened."
09:33 Okay, so he said, I'm not meaning
09:34 that others should be eased and you burdened,
09:35 but He goes on to say,
09:37 "But by an equality, that now at this time
09:40 your abundance may supply their lack,
09:42 that their abundance also may supply your lack,
09:46 that there may be," there it is, again, "equality."
09:49 You'll see that that word keeps coming up.
09:51 "As it is written, 'He who gathered much,"
09:53 and this is where he is referencing Exodus 16,
09:56 "As it is written, 'He who gathered much
09:57 had nothing left over,
09:59 and he who gathered little had no lack.'"
10:01 So Paul is emphasizing the concept of equality
10:04 among the brethren, among those even in need.
10:08 I like the lesson.
10:09 It says here in one of the paragraphs here,
10:11 it says the lesson for the Israelites and us.
10:14 So this is just to us as much as it was to the Israelites.
10:17 It says was that God has provided sufficiently
10:20 for His people and His creation.
10:23 If we take only what we need
10:25 and are prepared to share our excess with others,
10:29 all will be cared for and provided for.
10:32 Taking only enough for the day required the people to trust
10:37 that there would be more the following day,
10:40 oppressed people, such as the Israelites slaves,
10:43 tend to focus on their own survival,
10:45 but God wanted to demonstrate to them a life of
10:48 and here's the key word, "trust" okay?
10:51 A life of trust, generosity, and sharing.
10:54 I couldn't help as I was going through this study,
10:55 and I was constantly being reminded
10:58 that God is really emphasizing to the children of Israel,
11:00 trust Me, trust Me.
11:02 In fact, that's the entire anthem
11:04 of the entire Bible, okay?
11:05 God wants us to trust Him as our God.
11:08 We are His people, He is our God.
11:09 He wants us to trust Him abundantly.
11:12 But the text that came to my mind
11:14 as I was studying this was Psalm 23,
11:17 the first couple of verses.
11:19 We often kind of use it in a poetic way
11:21 when we're talking about, you know,
11:22 the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
11:24 But yet notice the wording here,
11:25 "The Lord is my shepherd," Psalm 23:1-2,
11:30 "I shall not want,
11:32 He maketh me lie down in green pastures,
11:36 He leads me beside the still waters."
11:39 Now, I did a little bit of research on this and found
11:43 that our idea of green pastures
11:46 may not be the idea of green pastures
11:49 that the Psalmist was actually trying to communicate.
11:51 Most of us read this particular text
11:53 as well as many other texts in the Bible
11:55 from a kind of a Western cultural mindset.
11:58 But if you study this from a Middle Eastern mindset,
12:01 and you look at the geography of Jerusalem
12:03 and the surrounding hills of Jerusalem,
12:06 when David would have written this particular psalm,
12:10 "I shall not want,
12:11 He maketh me lie down in green pastures."
12:13 There's actually a hillsides
12:15 around the terrain of Jerusalem,
12:18 known as green pastures.
12:20 And I made a few notes here, all around Jerusalem
12:22 are mostly dry, rocky hills, okay?
12:25 Jerusalem only receives about 23 inches of rainfall per year,
12:29 okay, and that's only seasonal.
12:31 Most of the year, it is a very, very dry.
12:33 And I'm bringing this out for purpose
12:34 because it's powerful here.
12:36 During the dry seasons,
12:37 the west wind of the Mediterranean
12:39 blows in just enough moisture
12:41 for small amounts of condensation
12:42 to gather on the rocks during the cool of the nights.
12:46 Just enough moisture for the sprigs of grass
12:49 to grow there here and there, little here and there.
12:52 And so if you go out
12:53 to what is known as green pastures
12:56 around Jerusalem,
12:57 you will find the shepherds leading their flock.
13:01 And it looks like just dry rocky land,
13:03 but there's a little sprigs of grass here,
13:05 here and there, here and there, and he is leading those sheep.
13:08 The sheep are completely dependent on the shepherd
13:10 to lead them to the springs of grass
13:13 each step along the way.
13:15 We need to learn to trust God in the exact same way.
13:17 I think that's exactly what this is meaning.
13:19 The Sabbath is given to us as a blessing of freedom,
13:22 but it also teaches us that in that manna test
13:25 that points to God's law.
13:26 We can trust that not only is God gonna provide for us,
13:29 but it also points to the blessing
13:31 of the Sabbath as well.
13:32 Amen and amen.
13:34 Thank you for such a beautiful opening there.
13:38 I love this lesson
13:39 because Monday is the two reasons for Sabbath.
13:45 I'm gonna divide it into three if I may.
13:48 And here's what I believe you've already brought up
13:50 or someone brought up in a previous study.
13:53 Sabbath establishes our weekly cycle.
13:57 It is the only reason that we have a weekly cycle.
14:00 In Genesis 2:2-3 says,
14:03 "On the seventh day,
14:05 God ended His work from which He had done."
14:08 This is the creation account.
14:11 "He rested on the seventh day
14:12 from all His work which He had done.
14:14 Then God blessed the seventh day
14:18 and sanctified it."
14:19 God made it holy, and I just have to say it here.
14:25 Only God can make something holy.
14:29 Man cannot make something holy.
14:31 "God blessed the seventh day and He sanctified it
14:35 because in it He rested from all His work
14:38 which God had created and made."
14:40 So there are three reasons
14:43 if you don't mind me expanding this,
14:46 that we have the Sabbath.
14:48 The first reason,
14:49 it is a memorial of God as our Creator
14:54 and the one who recreates us in the image of Jesus.
14:58 Secondly,
15:00 it is a memorial of redemption
15:03 and deliverance that we may remember
15:07 that we are saved by grace through faith.
15:11 There's nothing we can do to save ourselves.
15:14 But I would say that that redemption and deliverance
15:19 is what we would call justification.
15:22 Now the third reason for the Sabbath
15:25 is that it is God says a sign between Him and us
15:31 that He is the one who sanctifies us.
15:34 Amen.
15:35 So what does that mean?
15:37 Justification is when
15:39 we've come to the foot of the cross,
15:41 accepted Christ as our Savior,
15:42 all of our past sins are washed by His blood.
15:46 But sanctification is that day by day growing process
15:52 that where God sets us apart from sin
15:56 and that goes on the rest of our life.
15:59 Listen to this,
16:00 and I just have to make a mental jump myself
16:05 to look at my notes.
16:07 I grew up believing the Ten Commandments
16:10 had been nailed to the cross.
16:12 I preached it.
16:13 I preached against the Sabbath.
16:15 I preached why we should keep the Sabbath
16:17 on the first day of the week, Sunday
16:19 rather than the seventh day of the week
16:21 until God got me into a study on the sanctuary
16:26 and a study on His covenant.
16:28 You see, I mistakenly thought
16:30 that the Old Covenant was a covenant of works.
16:33 That it somehow didn't tie in to Abraham
16:37 and this justification by faith,
16:40 righteousness by faith.
16:41 But I want to read to you Exodus 2:24-25
16:46 to show you that even the Old Covenant
16:50 is part of salvation by grace through faith.
16:53 The one thing that is the unifying theme of Scripture
16:56 is that God is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper.
17:00 And every one of His covenants,
17:02 or each step it is building on the process
17:06 of the everlasting covenant.
17:08 And Exodus 2:24-25 when God,
17:12 the Hebrews are crying out to Him
17:15 to deliver them from slavery.
17:16 It says, "So God heard their groaning,
17:19 and God remembered His covenant
17:25 with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
17:28 So God is now, it's like, all right,
17:33 this is gonna be a progression of this covenant
17:36 of salvation by grace.
17:38 And God looked upon the children of Israel
17:40 and God acknowledged them.
17:42 So even the Old Covenant is part of the covenant
17:47 of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
17:49 He is just, He is growing it.
17:51 Now, turn to Exodus Chapter 19,
17:55 I want to show you the covenant love language
17:58 in when...
18:00 Here the Israelites had been feeding the manna,
18:03 they've been delivered, they were saved.
18:06 He parted the Red Sea.
18:08 They've been baptized into Moses,
18:10 they had been delivered from bondage,
18:13 they were saved.
18:14 Listen to this right before He speaks the Ten Commandments,
18:18 Exodus 19:4-9, this is covenant love language.
18:23 God is saying to them,
18:24 "You have seen what I did to the Egyptians,
18:27 and how I bore you on eagles' wings
18:31 and brought you to Myself."
18:33 This is their Redeemer,
18:35 this is God, their lover of their souls.
18:38 "Now therefore,
18:39 if you will indeed obey My voice
18:40 and keep My covenant,
18:42 then you shall be a special treasure to Me
18:44 above all the people, for all the earth is Mine.
18:47 And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests
18:50 and a holy nation."
18:52 These are the words Moses
18:54 that I want you to go tell the children of Israel.
18:57 So Moses goes down and says, "Hey, God loves you.
19:00 He brought to you
19:01 on these wings of eagles to Himself,
19:04 and He wants you to be a special people,
19:06 a special treasure, a kingdom of priests."
19:09 And, you know what they say?
19:11 They say, all that the Lord has said we will do.
19:15 So now He hadn't even spoken the Ten Commandments yet,
19:19 but they're entering into covenant.
19:20 He'd already saved them, they're entering into covenant.
19:24 So now let's look again at the Ten Commandments
19:27 because you cannot leave off first one
19:31 as you are reading in Exodus 20.
19:34 Verse 1 is the preamble to their constitution
19:37 of the Ten Commandments.
19:39 And Exodus 20:1 says this, "God spoke all these words."
19:44 He speaks the Ten Commandments first
19:49 and then He's actually gonna speak the Old Covenant
19:51 that Moses is gonna write down in a book.
19:54 And then He gives Moses the Ten Commandments,
19:56 but He's written with His own finger.
20:00 But listen to this.
20:02 "God spoke all these words saying,
20:04 'I am the Lord your God,
20:07 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
20:11 out of the house of bondage.'"
20:12 I'm the God who has saved you.
20:14 I'm your Redeemer.
20:16 And then He launches into speaking
20:19 the Ten Commandments.
20:20 And I want to read once again, the fourth commandment,
20:23 Exodus 20:8-11.
20:26 He goes through the first three,
20:28 "You shall have no other gods before me.
20:29 You shall not take my, or bow down to idols.
20:32 You shall not take my name in vain."
20:35 Then He says to them,
20:36 "Remember the Sabbath day, six days you shall labor
20:40 and do all your work, but the seventh day
20:42 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
20:44 In it you shall do no work, you nor your son,
20:47 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
20:49 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
20:51 nor your stranger who is within your gates."
20:53 In other words,
20:55 everybody gets to enjoy the state of rest and freedom,
21:00 even the foreigners, even the slaves.
21:03 And then here in Exodus 20,
21:05 we see how it is a memorial of creation
21:09 because here's what they're to be remembering.
21:11 "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth
21:14 and the sea and all that is in them,
21:16 and rested on the seventh day.
21:17 Therefore, the Lord blessed the seventh day,
21:21 and He hallowed it, He made it holy."
21:25 So this is the one that reveals God is our Creator
21:29 and the one who's gonna recreate us
21:30 in the image of Jesus most clearly.
21:33 And he...
21:35 What God is asking of us, is that we'd remember this day
21:38 because He wants to reestablish a relationship with us.
21:42 That's right.
21:43 And, boy, we can get so busy even in ministry,
21:45 we can get so busy doing good things
21:47 even in ministry, that we kind of put God,
21:54 we give Him leftovers sometimes at the end of the day.
21:57 You know what I'm saying.
21:58 But the Sabbath is something that we get to come
22:01 and spend that entire time with Him and be blessed.
22:05 Now, in Deuteronomy 5 and I've got to hurry.
22:09 Deuteronomy 5,
22:12 it focuses on God as the Rescuer and Redeemer.
22:17 Deuteronomy 5:12-15.
22:21 He says, "Observe the Sabbath day,
22:22 to keep it holy,
22:24 as the Lord your God commanded you."
22:26 And it goes on, in the six days this is what you shall do.
22:29 And verse 15 says,
22:30 "Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt,
22:34 and the Lord your God brought you out
22:36 from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm,
22:41 therefore the Lord your God commanded you
22:43 to keep that Sabbath day."
22:45 So this is the focus on God as our Redeemer.
22:49 But here's my favorite scripture,
22:51 Exodus 31:13.
22:53 God is speaking and He says,
22:56 "Speak also to the children of Israel, saying,
22:59 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep,
23:02 for it is a sign between Me and you
23:06 throughout your generations,
23:08 that you may know
23:10 I am the Lord who sanctifies you.'"
23:13 I'm the Lord who sets you apart from evil.
23:16 This is all about restoring relationship.
23:20 And it helps me from Sabbath to Sabbath to remember,
23:24 it's God.
23:25 Salvation belongs to God.
23:27 There's nothing I can do to save myself.
23:30 He is the one as I just say,
23:32 Lord, I yield to You, I submit to Your will,
23:36 do with me as You want.
23:38 He's the one who's gonna sanctify me.
23:41 All right. Praise the Lord.
23:42 That was such a blessing.
23:44 We're gonna take a short break and we'll be right back.
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24:24 Hello and welcome back
24:25 to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
24:26 We're gonna kick it over
24:28 to Pastor John Lomacang at this time
24:30 with Tuesday's lesson entitled, "A Day of Equality."
24:33 Thank you, Ryan.
24:34 A day of equality once again
24:36 is another component of the Sabbath
24:38 and the way that God intended this Sabbath to be.
24:41 I'd like to sometimes take my mind back
24:44 to when there was no division,
24:46 there was nothing but harmony.
24:48 Everything was in complete cadence with God,
24:52 man had not sinned,
24:53 there was no deception yet entering the world.
24:56 And if we would go back to that
24:58 and put the context of the Sabbath back in it,
25:01 it would say that the prayer
25:02 that Jesus prayed eventually in John 17:20
25:07 was that we will be one.
25:08 Actually John 17:21
25:10 a whole thing from 20 all the way down to 26.
25:12 That oneness, that unity that He prayed for later on
25:16 was what we had in the very beginning.
25:18 He would not have to have prayed for that
25:20 if sin had not entered the world.
25:22 That's true.
25:23 So he wouldn't pray for something that was a part
25:25 of the whole package of creation.
25:27 When God finished, everything was very good,
25:30 relationships were very good, everyone was equal.
25:33 There was no, no one was subservient to the other.
25:36 Everyone was on the same plane, God was Supreme,
25:38 and everyone was under His lordship.
25:41 And there was no jealousy,
25:44 there was no division at all that had entered into creation,
25:48 even though there was a war in heaven.
25:50 It had not yet come into creation.
25:52 But we think now in the context
25:55 of how can God be the one
26:00 who could restore this equality?
26:02 And I believe the Sabbath is not just a day
26:04 to recognize His lordship,
26:07 but it's a day now to restore this equality,
26:10 because right now in Christianity today
26:13 there's anything but equality.
26:14 There's contention, there's division, there is...
26:19 There are internal fights,
26:21 each one claiming to be above the other.
26:24 But if we would all simply follow God's blueprint
26:27 in His Sabbath command,
26:29 we'll find that that equality that was missing
26:31 can be easily restored.
26:33 So I'm gonna bring out about six points
26:38 as to why I believe Jill has affected my life,
26:42 as to why I believe the Sabbath is so important,
26:45 and how it effectively brings back this equality.
26:49 One of the things we have to keep in mind is
26:51 the Sabbath command starts with a simple word
26:54 that has profound impact.
26:56 Remember, I always,
26:58 whenever I get a chance to talk about the Sabbath,
27:00 I always bring two other people into the mix,
27:03 Dr. Luke and Solomon are the wise men who says,
27:07 remember now the Creator in the days of your youth.
27:10 I can't find a pastor, Mollie, that would argue with that.
27:13 The young people need to know the Lord
27:15 while they're young.
27:16 Dr. Luke, who now remember Lot's wife,
27:19 three small words, great impact.
27:21 I can't find a pastor that would argue with that.
27:23 When God calls you out, don't go back.
27:25 That's simply the lesson there.
27:27 But it amazes me that when God says remember,
27:30 I could find a lot of pastors to argue with that.
27:33 Isn't that amazing? Yes.
27:34 Is that an ironic thing? Yes.
27:35 That's true.
27:37 They won't argue with man on either point.
27:38 Remember the Creator while you're young,
27:40 don't do what Lot's wife did, remember Lot's wife.
27:43 But God says remember, and they said,
27:45 okay, on this one,
27:48 you could forget that because I don't know.
27:52 It sounds like the devil saying the same thing.
27:54 Did God say, you get it? Has God said?
27:58 Remember, yes, He did.
27:59 And somehow men clothed in ecclesiastical garments
28:02 have now found a way to dismiss
28:05 what God has said we must remember.
28:06 So let's look at some of these points.
28:08 Let's go to Exodus 20:11.
28:10 First of all, the first one is Exodus 20:11,
28:14 the Bible says, first of all,
28:16 the Sabbath command is a directive for all creation
28:20 to recognize its Creator.
28:22 It's a directive.
28:24 "For in six days,
28:25 the Lord made the heavens and the earth,"
28:28 that's the directive,
28:29 "the sea, and all that is in them,
28:31 and rested the seventh day.
28:32 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
28:34 and hallowed it."
28:35 The directive there,
28:36 it's a command that is directive to all creation.
28:40 It's not an optional thing.
28:42 It's not a suggestion, it's a directive, saying,
28:45 if we follow this directive,
28:47 then all creation will be in harmony with its Creator.
28:50 So what gives God the right?
28:52 He is the Creator.
28:53 He's the one that made heaven and earth.
28:55 And it really troubles me sometimes that we give men,
28:58 men that are finite, men that are temporary,
29:00 we give them more recognition in areas of authority.
29:03 Because really, what preacher can say
29:06 that you should forget what God told you to remember,
29:09 and you choose to listen to the preacher
29:10 over the Creator.
29:12 That means they put man above God,
29:15 the very thing that causes 666 to replace 777
29:20 is six is the number of man,
29:22 a repetitious or recognition of man's authority
29:25 over God's authority really,
29:26 to me is what the mark of the beast is all about.
29:29 Putting man's authority where God's authority should be.
29:31 That's right.
29:32 The second one, the Sabbath day is a day of recognition,
29:34 calling all creation to glorify its maker.
29:38 Genesis 2:3 actually, I'll go there,
29:41 then God blessed the seventh day
29:43 and sanctified it.
29:45 Because in it, He rested from all His work
29:48 which God had created and made.
29:50 You'll find during the Dark Ages
29:52 that was chiseled away at very gradually,
29:54 but eventually,
29:55 it was not a day that men chose to rest
29:58 because Sunday was instituted in there.
30:02 And as, I'm glad you pointed that out
30:04 that the Sabbath is a day of celebration.
30:06 It's not a boring day,
30:08 it's not a day where I can't do this,
30:09 and I can't do that.
30:11 It's a day, where if you love the Lord,
30:12 you don't want to do anything else.
30:14 You want to spend time with Him,
30:16 the lover of your soul,
30:18 the one who alone can redeem you.
30:20 And so when the Bible says
30:21 the Lord rested from all His work,
30:22 is in essence saying to us,
30:24 as creation rest from all your work,
30:27 and Jesus exemplified that in His life.
30:30 Luke 4:16,
30:31 so it's a recognition calling all creation
30:33 to glorify its maker.
30:34 Thirdly, the Sabbath is a day of contemplation
30:37 that life is unsustainable without the Supreme Sustainer.
30:43 It is a day of contemplation that life is unsustainable
30:47 without a Sustainer.
30:49 I give a different application to Acts 17:28,
30:53 "For in Him we live and move and have our being."
30:58 In Him we live and move and have our being.
31:00 How can we live and move without the Creator,
31:03 who is not only the giver of life,
31:05 but He is the sustainer of life.
31:07 If you choose not to recognize the very person
31:09 that sustained you, is like, a car saying,
31:13 I don't need any gas stations, I got an engine, I got tires,
31:17 I got everything I need, I got a nice radio,
31:19 I don't need anything to sustain me.
31:21 It's just a matter of time before we run out of gas.
31:23 The Lord is our only sustainer,
31:25 in Him we live and move and we have our being.
31:28 Not only the Sabbath is an example
31:32 of recognizing our Sustainer, but the Sabbath
31:36 does not exclude any class or race or people.
31:40 Amen.
31:41 Revelation 14:6-7.
31:43 We know it.
31:46 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
31:48 having the everlasting gospel to preach
31:50 to those who dwell on the earth
31:52 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people
31:56 saying with a loud voice,
31:57 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
32:00 for the hour of His judgment has come,
32:02 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
32:05 the sea and the springs of water.'"
32:06 Revelation is calling people back.
32:08 And I believe that one of the reasons
32:10 why Revelation is so looked down on
32:12 is because Revelation is reminding
32:13 the last generation
32:15 with the first generation for God.
32:16 Yes. Amen.
32:18 It's good. It's right.
32:19 Revelation is saying,
32:20 it may have been 6,000 years ago,
32:22 but it still applies.
32:23 That's right.
32:24 So the generation throughout the ages,
32:26 as we saw, I think Ryan brought this up
32:27 before the children of Israel
32:29 got to get the written commandments
32:31 on tables of stone.
32:32 One of the first test was the Sabbath,
32:34 how long will you refuse to keep My commandments,
32:36 My statutes and My laws?
32:37 How long are you gonna refuse to honor My Sabbath?
32:40 And He did it by testing them
32:42 on something as simple as manna.
32:44 Oh, the manna that He rained down.
32:46 So once again,
32:47 the Sabbath does not exclude any class,
32:49 any race, or people.
32:51 And there is no ecclesiastical person
32:52 that can say otherwise.
32:54 But the other thing and I want to reiterate
32:56 what Shelley brought out here a moment ago,
33:00 the Sabbath is not a day of drudgery,
33:02 but the Sabbath is a day of what?
33:03 Joy. Celebrate.
33:05 And celebration. That's right.
33:06 Leviticus 23:32 from evening to evening
33:09 you shall celebrate the Sabbath.
33:11 From evening to evening
33:12 you shall celebrate your Sabbath.
33:14 And you get the point
33:15 that the Sabbath is a point of celebration.
33:18 In light of the Sabbath we all are equal,
33:21 because the Sabbath is made for how many of us?
33:24 The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.
33:28 Mark 2:28.
33:29 An employer during the week
33:33 has no authority to make employees
33:36 work on the Sabbath.
33:39 I just want to plug that in there.
33:41 If your employer is saying,
33:42 you have to work on the Sabbath,
33:44 ask him who said?
33:46 Oh, you said, I remember one pastor once said,
33:49 the store owner said,
33:51 what would you do if I fire you for not working on the Sabbath?
33:54 He said that's okay.
33:56 The same God who got me a job here
33:58 will get me a job somewhere else.
34:00 So fear no man, be obedient to God alone.
34:03 And what God has done
34:05 at the end of creation week is not modifiable by anyone.
34:08 Keep that in mind.
34:09 Nobody can take away
34:13 from what God has given us the injunction
34:16 and the privilege to experience.
34:18 And you know, we work so harder on here,
34:20 thank God, there's a Sabbath.
34:22 I mean, even though we are Sabbath observers,
34:24 we look forward to the Sabbath.
34:26 Our bodies begin to shut down
34:27 at the very thought that what time is it?
34:30 Thank you, Lord, the Sabbath is coming.
34:32 And why is the Sabbath most important?
34:35 John 13:15,
34:36 "I've given you an example,
34:38 that you should do as I have done."
34:40 Amen.
34:41 Amen. Mollie.
34:42 Amen and amen.
34:44 Well, I'm looking at Wednesday, which is,
34:47 again about the Sabbath as a day of healing.
34:50 And when I teach on the Sabbath,
34:52 I want to teach you about the joy, and the liberty,
34:55 and the celebration.
34:57 But you know, it's also a day of healing
34:59 and I never really seen it from this perspective.
35:02 And it's a beautiful teaching,
35:03 Ryan, as you brought out
35:06 on Sunday's lesson
35:07 after being slaves for over 400 years,
35:10 and with Saul maybe 430 years and 40 years in the wilderness.
35:14 We're closing in on 500, closer to 500 years.
35:18 God's people had suffered degradation
35:22 as an oppressed people.
35:24 That is all they knew.
35:28 They were in need of a better concept of living
35:31 and by giving them laws and instruction
35:34 for a better way of life, a better way
35:37 of conducting their daily lives,
35:40 God was changing their mindset.
35:43 Are we all in need of a little attitude
35:45 adjustment at time, a mindset change?
35:48 If that wasn't changed,
35:51 when they come into the Promised Land,
35:53 they would emulate in their new home
35:56 what they knew in Egypt.
35:59 Abnormal is normal to you
36:02 if that's all you've ever known.
36:03 Yes. It's true. Good point.
36:05 So the nation of Israel that went into Egypt
36:11 was not the same nation of Israel
36:14 that came out of Egypt.
36:16 That's very good. Okay.
36:18 How many people went into Egypt?
36:21 Just a family, primarily. Yeah.
36:23 Okay, about how many?
36:25 I think it's about... Thirty.
36:26 Thirty, Shelley is saying.
36:28 Okay, how many came out?
36:31 One million.
36:33 So we have got generation after generation
36:37 after generation of separation
36:39 from those that were walking it.
36:41 And so we've got a people that God has to...
36:45 Pastor Lomacang, you said it in earlier teaching,
36:48 God had to get Egypt out of these people.
36:51 Okay.
36:52 The original vision God gave to His people for daily living,
36:57 most especially the Sabbath
36:59 and Sabbath keeping was broad and inclusive.
37:04 As we have learned today,
37:06 it was to be a blessing to everyone,
37:08 including slaves, servants, and even animals,
37:13 very clear.
37:14 When God gives you instruction,
37:16 it's clear, it's concise and easy to follow.
37:19 However, by the time Jesus came to earth,
37:22 the Sabbath had become something quite different
37:27 for many of the religious leaders.
37:30 Instead of a day of freedom and that word, equality,
37:35 Sabbath had become
37:37 a day of human traditional rules and regulations.
37:42 The original instruction from God to His people again,
37:45 was concise and easily understood.
37:48 However, the Jewish leaders broadened God's law
37:53 by making hundreds
37:54 and I think we were discussing this earlier
37:58 600 some said 640.
38:00 Ryan, I think you said 623.
38:02 Six hundred and thirteenish.
38:04 Okay, that many more rules and regulations were added
38:09 on top of God's concise, easily understood law.
38:18 It had so confused things
38:23 till the Sabbath keeping
38:26 particularly had become a day of great restriction.
38:31 So Jesus stood up against such attitudes,
38:36 especially as they were imposed on others.
38:40 One of the ways He did this
38:41 was concerning healing on the Sabbath.
38:44 It seems that He intentionally performed many miracles
38:49 on the Sabbath as supposed to other days
38:52 to demonstrate something important
38:54 about what the Sabbath should be.
38:57 Now the religious leaders
38:59 didn't like Him healing on the Sabbath.
39:01 They didn't take kindly to that,
39:04 not because it flew in the face of God's law.
39:09 What did it fly in the face of? Man's made...
39:11 Those man-made laws.
39:15 And so I wanted to give us a few examples,
39:17 turn to Mark 3:1-6.
39:21 And let's look at some of the examples
39:25 of Jesus healing on the Sabbath.
39:28 Mark 3:1-6,
39:31 "And He entered the synagogue again,
39:34 and a man was there who had a withered hand.
39:37 So they," who are they?
39:39 The religious leaders.
39:42 "Watched Him closely,
39:44 whether He would heal him on the Sabbath,
39:46 so that they might," do what?
39:48 Accuse.
39:49 "Might accuse Him."
39:51 "And He said to the man who had the withered hand,
39:53 'Step forward.'
39:54 Then He said to them,
39:56 'Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil,
40:01 to save life or to kill?'
40:04 "But they kept silent.
40:05 And when He had looked around at them with anger,
40:09 being grieved by the," what?
40:11 "Hardness of their hearts, He said to the man,
40:15 'Stretch out your hand.'
40:16 And he stretched it out,
40:18 and his hand was restored as whole as the other.'"
40:22 Now, isn't that you see a miracle from God
40:25 right before your eyes,
40:26 shouldn't you be rejoicing and celebrating?
40:30 "Then the Pharisees went out and immediately plotted
40:34 with the Herodians against Him, how they might," do what?
40:38 "How they might destroy Him."
40:40 See, Jesus was setting straight
40:44 the spirit of the law that God had given.
40:48 Flying in the face of all these man-made rules and regulations
40:51 that were meant for nothing more than
40:53 to bring God's people into bondage.
40:57 And Jesus said, "I have come to set you free."
41:00 Thank you, Lord.
41:02 John 9:1-7.
41:03 Let's look at that, John 9:1-7,
41:07 "Now as Jesus passed by,
41:10 He saw a man who was blind from birth.
41:12 And His disciples asked Him, saying,
41:15 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents,
41:20 that he was born blind?'
41:22 Jesus answered,
41:23 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,
41:26 but that the works of God should be revealed in him.
41:29 I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day,
41:35 the night is coming when no one can work.
41:38 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.'
41:42 When He had seen these things,
41:44 He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva,
41:48 and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with clay.
41:53 And He said to him,
41:54 'Go, wash in the pool of Siloam'
41:57 which is translated, Sent.
41:59 So he went and washed, and came back," what?
42:02 "Seeing." He came back seeing.
42:05 Now the rest of this story is very interesting, Jill.
42:09 Because the Pharisees renounced to Jesus
42:14 because He healed the blind man when?
42:16 On the Sabbath.
42:17 On the Sabbath day, that it just amazes me,
42:21 that they didn't rejoice that the blinds are seeing
42:25 rather they renounced the very one
42:29 that healing came through.
42:31 And when the former blind man wouldn't renounce Jesus,
42:35 what did the religious leaders do to the blind man?
42:40 They excommunicated him and excommunication
42:44 was a very serious thing.
42:47 That meant that you were separate,
42:49 is like being shunned.
42:50 Any of you have any experience with being shunned?
42:54 I've had experience with a shunning.
42:57 It's an evil thing.
43:00 They don't allow you to talk
43:03 with your family, with your friends.
43:04 Everybody shuns you, and you can't go to church,
43:07 you can't attend the church.
43:09 It's vitally important that
43:11 we put boundaries around the Sabbath.
43:14 It's not that we shouldn't do that, of course, we could.
43:17 But around the Sabbath there is God intended it,
43:20 not man-made rules and regulations.
43:23 It's a time to keep in a special.
43:26 It's a time to draw closer to God.
43:28 Amen.
43:30 But Sabbath keeping shouldn't be selfish.
43:33 Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:12.
43:37 "It is lawful to do," what? Good.
43:40 "To do good on the Sabbath."
43:42 We are to relieve the suffering of others at every opportunity.
43:46 Sister White tells us work self-mercy and benevolence
43:51 were in accordance with the purpose of the Lord,
43:54 to relieve the afflicted to confront the sorrowing
43:57 is a labor of love
43:59 that does honor to God's holy day.
44:01 Now, I've got just a minute I wanted to share this.
44:04 I recall a time
44:05 when on the Sabbath morning we got up.
44:08 There had been a tornado
44:10 that have come through our area.
44:12 And you know what, some of the men in our church,
44:14 dear Pastor Lomacang, took chainsaws out
44:18 and help clear the debris off of driveway,
44:21 so people could get.
44:23 What were they doing?
44:24 Were they dishonoring the Sabbath?
44:26 No, they were doing good on the Sabbath.
44:30 The Desire of Ages said,
44:31 "The sickness must be cared for,
44:33 the wants of the needy must be supplied.
44:36 He will not be held guiltless
44:38 who neglects to release suffering
44:41 on the Sabbath."
44:42 Amen, what a wonderful study, Mollie.
44:46 I love the Sabbath.
44:48 What a privilege to spend time with Jesus.
44:51 What a privilege to learn more about Him
44:55 and to celebrate the gift that He's given to us
44:59 through creation, redemption and sanctification.
45:02 I love that, Shelley, I'm gonna remember that.
45:05 On Thursday we take a little shift,
45:07 it's still the Sabbath.
45:08 Thursday's title is "Sabbath rest for the land."
45:13 This is not to be confused with the weekly Sabbath
45:16 that we have been discussing through the panel.
45:19 But there's still lessons that we can learn
45:22 and some of the same similar concepts found here.
45:26 So turn with me to Leviticus Chapter 25.
45:28 We're gonna spend our time here
45:30 at the Sabbath rest for the land.
45:34 First, I want to talk about the importance of the land,
45:37 then we'll look at the nuts and bolts
45:39 of what it really meant
45:40 for the Sabbath rest for the land.
45:43 And then the lessons that we can learn
45:46 from this experience,
45:48 so first of all, the importance of the land.
45:51 The land of Canaan,
45:52 this would be the land of the Israelites
45:54 was consistently viewed in the Old Testament
45:57 as the place of God's promise and blessing.
46:01 You think all the way back at creation,
46:03 the Garden of Eden, God created
46:05 this is Genesis Chapter 2 and Genesis 3.
46:08 Adam and Eve were placed in the garden to dress it,
46:12 to keep it, to watch over.
46:14 There were blessings to be found
46:17 for them there in that land.
46:19 What were the blessings?
46:21 God would walk with them in the cool of the day.
46:24 They received everlasting life from Eden of the tree of life.
46:30 But there was a condition,
46:32 there was actually only one condition
46:33 for them there in that land.
46:36 Don't eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
46:40 We know that they did eat of the tree.
46:43 And what were the consequences?
46:44 They were expelled from that land,
46:47 removed from the Garden of Eden,
46:50 and they were kept from eating that tree of life.
46:54 Those are some of the consequences
46:55 that took place.
46:57 We come down to the time of Abraham.
46:59 God called Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees
47:02 where he lived to a place a land
47:05 that God would show him.
47:08 Now what were some of the blessings
47:09 of the Abraham at covenant?
47:11 There was land included in that,
47:14 there was a seed or we could say
47:16 through his lineage would come Messiah,
47:20 Christ the deliverer.
47:22 There were blessings to be found from that.
47:24 The blessings of the covenant
47:25 were really inseparable from the land.
47:28 We have Jacob.
47:30 He was driven from the land,
47:32 but he was given a dream, remember,
47:34 and the ladder ascended up to heaven and the angels
47:38 were climbing the ladder ascending and descending.
47:41 And he was given a promise
47:43 that he would be able to come back to this land
47:47 and that God would bless him.
47:49 There was Joseph, he went into Egypt,
47:51 but what did he tell his sons when I die?
47:54 Take up my bones, take my bones
47:56 and carry them with you back to the land of Promise.
48:01 The Israelites, Leviticus 26.
48:03 God promised to bless the people and the land.
48:06 And then in Deuteronomy 28,
48:08 we have the law of blessing and cursing,
48:10 and a lot of those laws,
48:12 the blessings and the cursings were associated with land.
48:15 Not all of it, of course,
48:17 but many of them are1 associated with land.
48:20 Ruth the Moabitess woman,
48:21 she found rest in the land of Israel's God.
48:26 So we look at that significance
48:28 to the children of Israel of the land.
48:30 And now we look at the Sabbath rest for the land.
48:33 We're in Leviticus Chapter 25.
48:36 We're gonna look at,
48:38 this is the Sabbath rest which is every seventh year,
48:42 so every seventh year this was to occur,
48:44 will look at the condition of the land every seventh year,
48:48 the condition of the slaves every seventh year,
48:51 and the condition of the debtors
48:53 every seventh year.
48:55 So let's look at the land.
48:56 Leviticus 25:1-4,
49:00 "And the Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying,
49:02 'Speak to the children of Israel,
49:04 and say to them.
49:05 When you come into the land which I give you,
49:07 then the land shall keep a Sabbath to the Lord.'"
49:11 Now we've been talking this whole week
49:14 on us as people, right?
49:17 Observing, celebrating the Sabbath,
49:20 the weekly Sabbath on the seventh day
49:22 that God has given to us.
49:23 And this is talking about the land
49:26 keeping a Sabbath for the Lord.
49:28 "Six years you shall sow your field,
49:30 six years you shall prune your vineyard,
49:33 and gather its fruit,
49:34 but in the seventh year
49:36 there shall be a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land,
49:39 a Sabbath to the Lord.
49:41 You shall neither sow your field
49:43 nor prune your vineyard."
49:46 So on the seventh year, the land must lie fallow,
49:50 it must be given its Sabbath rest as it were.
49:54 The crops were not to be planted
49:57 and permanent crops could not be pruned
50:00 or cared for as another year,
50:02 so this would be like maybe the vineyards, the grapes,
50:06 they weren't supposed to prune them
50:07 on that seventh year.
50:09 It said in verse 4,
50:10 "You shall neither sow your field
50:12 nor prune your vineyard."
50:14 Now, of course, annual crops would receive themselves
50:17 and perennial plants would still bear fruit.
50:20 Verse 5,
50:22 "What grows of its own accord..."
50:23 Now this is just the things
50:24 that would naturally spring up,"
50:26 What grows of its own accord
50:27 of your harvest you shall not reap,
50:30 nor gather the grapes of your untended vine,
50:33 for it is a year of rest for the land."
50:37 So no harvests were allowed during this Sabbath year
50:41 or I would say, harvest for sale,
50:44 like you're harvesting your food
50:45 and then you're gonna sell it and make a profit.
50:47 But they were allowed to eat
50:49 from the produce from that year.
50:51 We see that in the next two verses,
50:53 verses 6 and 7,
50:55 "And the Sabbath produce of the land."
50:57 That's the produce that just naturally receives itself
51:01 or the things that naturally grow
51:02 on that seventh year.
51:04 "The Sabbath produce of the land
51:06 shall be food for you,
51:07 for you, your male and female servants,
51:09 your hired man,
51:11 and the stranger who dwells with you,
51:12 for your livestock and the beasts
51:14 that are in your land
51:15 all its produce shall be for food."
51:17 So basically everyone, the slave, the servant,
51:20 the strangers, the animals,
51:22 everybody was allowed to glean and to eat from the field.
51:27 You know, in other years,
51:28 they were allowed to glean maybe a quarter of the fields.
51:31 Now the gleaners could come in,
51:32 but here they're allowed free access.
51:34 That's the condition of the land
51:36 on the Sabbath rest.
51:37 The condition of the slaves, we won't read this,
51:40 but in Exodus 21, you can look it up.
51:42 Exodus 21:1-11.
51:45 It talks about in the event,
51:46 any Israelite was indebted as a slave,
51:49 they're to be freed in the seventh year.
51:52 Exodus 21:2-11 says,
51:54 "If you buy a Hebrew servant,
51:56 he shall serve six years and in the seventh
51:59 he shall go out free and pay nothing."
52:02 There's also the condition of the debtors
52:03 on this seventh year.
52:06 Deuteronomy 15:1-11 talks about
52:09 any outstanding debts to be cancelled
52:12 at the end of seven years.
52:14 So what are the lessons that we can learn
52:17 from the rest of this Sabbath year,
52:20 the seventh year?
52:22 I think there's a lesson number one
52:23 of trust in God.
52:26 The manna you talked about, Ryan,
52:27 that the Israelites received,
52:29 that's an act of trust in God that He's gonna provide me food
52:33 for every day that I can eat.
52:35 In this case,
52:36 if you're not planting crops on the seventh year,
52:40 it's an act of trust that God is the one
52:42 who's gonna provide food for year,
52:45 Food for you to eat for that year.
52:48 Number two, we're called to extend mercy
52:51 to those who are less fortunate.
52:54 The release of the slaves in the seventh year
52:56 is an act of mercy toward others
52:58 and it's also an act to trust
52:59 that God's gonna provide for your needs.
53:01 Canceling those debts in the seventh year
53:04 is an act of mercy toward those less fortunate.
53:07 I think as we extend mercy toward others,
53:10 God works to remove the selfishness
53:14 from our hearts.
53:16 It's a way to remove that selfishness.
53:18 Number three,
53:20 we remember that God owns everything we have
53:23 and everything we possess.
53:26 God is the owner and we are simply stewards
53:30 of what He has entrusted to us.
53:33 So this practice of the Sabbath year
53:35 of letting the land lie fallow
53:38 for that seventh year reminded the people of the fact
53:42 that God really owned their land
53:44 and that they were brought into this land
53:46 as a result of the blessings of God.
53:49 It's the same with the principle
53:50 of tithing today.
53:51 We don't practice the principle of the seventh year
53:54 of Sabbath rest today.
53:56 But we do practice the principle of tithing.
53:59 It's the same principle
54:00 that God is the owner of everything we possess.
54:04 And finally number four,
54:06 we are called the lesson I learned
54:07 from this is to walk in obedience.
54:11 The Sabbath year is a test as it were,
54:14 of whether we're gonna walk in obedience to His command,
54:17 because it definitely took faith
54:19 to obey this and to do this,
54:21 and it definitely took some unselfishness, Mollie.
54:25 The Sabbath year was almost designed as it were
54:27 to keep materialism in check.
54:31 I see the example of Boaz in closing,
54:35 the laws of the land when he offered to Ruth,
54:38 not just to glean in the corner,
54:40 but you can glean further
54:41 and I'm gonna give you gleanings,
54:44 I'm gonna give you wheat.
54:46 The laws of the land were something too high
54:48 to be striven for.
54:50 They were instead viewed as a minimum
54:52 that were called to surpass.
54:54 That's just what Jesus said,
54:55 the spirit of the law goes way deeper
54:58 than the actual letter of the law.
55:00 That's right. Wow.
55:01 Powerful, thank you so much to each and every one of you.
55:03 Why don't we take the few remaining minutes we have
55:06 and just go back through
55:08 and if you have any last comments or share with us?
55:11 Three things or reasons for the Sabbath,
55:14 it is a day to celebrate God as our Creator
55:20 and the one who recreates us
55:21 in the name of Jesus the image of Jesus,
55:25 it is our celebrating God as our redeemer
55:30 and the one who has saved us and he also says Exodus 31:30
55:37 that the Sabbath is a sign that He sanctifies us.
55:40 All right.
55:41 Equality can only be accomplished in obedience,
55:46 cannot be accomplished in disobedience.
55:49 The Sabbath is not a suggestion,
55:52 it's a command.
55:53 Honoring that command we will find unity in Christ.
55:57 Amen. It's good.
55:59 And rather than allowing people to subject us to laws,
56:04 we are to celebrate the spirit of the Sabbath
56:08 and know in our heart, what the Lord said is true,
56:12 "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
56:14 That's right.
56:16 I think every principle that God gives us
56:18 in His Word is for a purpose.
56:21 And what He calls us to do is to study His Word,
56:25 to learn to trust Him,
56:28 whether we understand or not, whether we even agree or not,
56:32 but to walk by faith and to walk by obedience
56:36 to the things that He has called us to do.
56:39 Wow! Praise the Lord.
56:41 You know, when I think of the Sabbath commandment
56:43 and the beauty of Sabbath keeping,
56:45 my mind goes to the sanctuary
56:48 because in the most holy place,
56:49 you have the Ark of the Covenant,
56:51 inside the Ark of the Covenant were,
56:53 there were three articles.
56:54 But one of those articles of course,
56:55 with the Ten Commandments was the part of manna,
56:57 which was on my day,
56:59 I was talking about manna enough.
57:01 But that part of manna not only does it show us
57:04 and remind us of the wonderful trust
57:07 that we should have in God to provide for us
57:10 and the promise we have from God to provide for us,
57:12 but also when I think of that part of manna,
57:14 I think of the promise and the gift of freedom
57:18 that the Sabbath gives us if we would just honor it.
57:21 And I just want to leave you with these couple of texts
57:23 in Ezekiel 20:12-20.
57:27 Verse 12 says,
57:28 "Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths,
57:30 to be a sign between them and Me,
57:32 that they might know
57:34 that I am the Lord who sanctifies them."
57:36 And of course, verse 20
57:37 in Ezekiel Chapter 20 also says,
57:40 "Hallow My Sabbaths,
57:41 that they will be a sign between Me and you,
57:43 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
57:45 That is relationship wording there,
57:48 is relationship terminology.
57:51 We are so blessed that you have been able
57:52 to join us this week for an incredible study.
57:55 We hope that you can join us next week again
57:58 for another incredible study.
58:00 We hope you have a blessed day and we shall see you soon.


Revised 2019-07-22