3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Turning Hearts in the End Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190026A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:11 the implanted Word
00:12 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:17 approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Family Seasons.
00:33 Hello and welcome again
00:35 to another 3ABN Sabbath School panel.
00:38 We have arrived.
00:40 This is our very last lesson of this quarter,
00:44 lesson number 13, entitled,
00:46 "Turning Hearts in the End Time."
00:48 And, you know
00:50 what a perfect title for this last lesson,
00:53 as we are living in the last days.
00:55 We certainly need more than ever
00:57 hearts turn to Jesus Christ, what do you guys think?
00:59 Amen. Amen.
01:01 Absolutely, 100%.
01:02 And so, we are excited that you have joined us,
01:05 we want to remind you again,
01:06 even though we're on the last quarter here,
01:08 or the last, excuse me, the last lesson,
01:11 we want to remind you of how you can get a copy
01:13 of that lesson.
01:14 Of course, you can go to your local
01:16 Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:17 and I'm sure they would love
01:18 to put one in your hands for free,
01:20 as you can study with them, and of course,
01:22 you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org,
01:26 and you can access the lesson there for free.
01:30 But I want to take the time now
01:31 to introduce this incredible panel,
01:33 whom I have had the privilege and honor of sharing it with.
01:37 And, directly to my left is Jill Morikone,
01:40 General Manager of 3ABN.
01:42 It's a privilege to be here, Pastor Ryan,
01:44 I love sharing the Word of God.
01:45 Praise the Lord.
01:46 And, Miss Shelley Quinn.
01:48 I'm glad to be here. Amen.
01:49 It's wonderful to have you here always.
01:51 Pastor John Lomacang, it's a blessing to have you.
01:53 We're expecting the Lord to continue to bless us
01:56 and so we can bless others.
01:59 Amen, amen.
02:00 And joining us once again
02:02 is Pastor Tom Ferguson, who is the pastor
02:04 of the Marion Seventh-day Adventist Church District.
02:08 Yes.
02:09 So it's a blessing to have you as well, Brother.
02:10 Thank you.
02:12 Amen, wonderful.
02:13 Before we dive deep into this very powerful study,
02:17 we definitely need to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:19 So, Pastor Tom,
02:20 I'm gonna ask you, if you wouldn't mind
02:22 just to have an opening prayer for us.
02:23 Yes, I would.
02:24 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You
02:26 for the privilege of meeting together
02:28 and once again opening Your Word,
02:30 and hearing from You.
02:32 We invite Your Holy Spirit to guide this study.
02:35 You know each and every one of us intimately,
02:38 and I just pray that You minister to us
02:41 as we study together, in Jesus' name, amen.
02:44 Amen.
02:46 Amen. Amen.
02:47 Turning hearts in the end time, and as I said earlier,
02:49 perhaps no other time, at least in our lifetime,
02:53 and for sure in the past few centuries,
02:56 is there a better time
02:57 than to study this particular lesson,
02:59 because we are living in the last days.
03:01 I think of the time of Noah.
03:03 Jesus spoke of the time of Noah,
03:04 He says that His Second Coming has returned
03:07 that the sins in which the world is in
03:11 at that particular moment,
03:13 is reflecting that of the times of Noah,
03:15 which was a time of judgment.
03:17 And, of course, we know, by careful Bible study,
03:19 we are also living in the last days
03:21 and we are also living in a time of judgment.
03:24 And so, God is screaming to us from,
03:27 with love and with compassion
03:29 from the scriptures pleading for His children
03:32 for their hearts to be turned back.
03:34 And, of course, our...
03:36 I just want to, this is from our lesson,
03:37 I thought this was really, really good.
03:39 "Our lives are lived in stages,"
03:42 and we've already established that throughout this lesson,
03:44 throughout each one of these lessons.
03:46 It says, "Sometimes those stages are going well,
03:49 and that's true, sometimes not.
03:52 Sometimes families are intact and strong,
03:54 and sometimes they are fragile, and even shattered.
03:58 Whatever the case may be, we have the promise of...
04:01 We have the promise of God's Word to lean on.
04:04 We must not ever stop depending on the Word of God for,
04:07 obviously, it brings hope and certainty."
04:10 And so that's exactly what we're going
04:11 to continue on doing is going to the Word of God,
04:14 allowing the Word of God to teach us and to tell us
04:16 how it is that we can turn our hearts to Him.
04:19 Our memory text for this particular lesson
04:21 is found in Malachi 4:5-6,
04:26 Malachi 4:5-6.
04:29 I'm going to read that now.
04:31 It says, "Behold, I will send you
04:33 Elijah the prophet
04:35 before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
04:39 And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
04:42 and the hearts of the children to their fathers,
04:44 lest I come and strike the earth
04:47 with a curse."
04:48 So he's promising to send Elijah
04:51 and we're gonna see what that means
04:53 in just a few moments.
04:54 And, of course,
04:55 by sending Elijah, this message,
04:58 the sharing of this special message
05:00 is supposed to turn the hearts of the children to the fathers,
05:03 and of course, the fathers to the children.
05:06 Now that's an Old Testament.
05:09 In fact, it's the last book of the Old Testament,
05:10 it comes from the Book of Malachi.
05:12 But it's interesting how the same message,
05:14 the same theme continues over into the New Testament.
05:17 And in the lesson, you'll see that
05:18 it gives us four scriptural examples
05:21 of how we can see this theme continue through
05:23 even during the days of Jesus Christ.
05:25 Notice, Matthew 11:14-15.
05:29 Notice the context.
05:30 Here it says,
05:32 "And if you are willing to receive it,"
05:33 this is Jesus speaking of John the Baptist.
05:35 He says, "He is Elijah, who is come."
05:39 Now some people find this a little confusing
05:41 because when John himself was asked, are you Elijah?
05:44 What did he say?
05:45 He said, "No, I'm not Elijah."
05:47 And so what is Jesus saying here?
05:48 We'll see in just a few moments but He says,
05:50 "He is Elijah who has come,
05:52 he who has ears to hear, let him hear."
05:54 So he's pleading with the people.
05:56 Please listen to John,
05:57 what he has to say, what he has to share.
05:59 He has come as we're gonna see in the spirit of Elijah
06:02 to share a special message.
06:04 Matthew 17:10, same thing.
06:07 Notice what the Bible says.
06:08 Again, Matthew 17:10 says,
06:11 "And His disciples asking Him, saying, again
06:13 'Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?'"
06:19 So again, there's this theme that carries over.
06:21 This particular text that we just read
06:23 from Malachi 4:5-6
06:26 even still to this day over in Jerusalem,
06:28 the Orthodox Jews for many, many centuries,
06:31 since this has been given, obviously, many millennia,
06:33 we see very clearly
06:35 that they're still waiting for the literal presence,
06:38 the literal arrival of the Prophet Elijah.
06:41 And so Jesus clarified this very clearly
06:43 but, of course, we know
06:45 the Orthodox Jews did not believe
06:46 that Jesus was the literal Son of God
06:48 and really didn't trust His Word very much.
06:50 In fact, they would nail him to a tree eventually.
06:52 But in right here, Matthew 17:10, they're asking,
06:54 why does the scribe said that Elijah must come?
06:56 They're a little confused,
06:58 is this Elijah, is this not Elijah,
06:59 is he to come, is he not to come?
07:01 What are we to believe?
07:02 Mark 6:15.
07:03 Again, the same thing continues.
07:06 "Other said," of course, "it is Elijah.'"
07:10 And others said,
07:11 "It is the prophet or like one of the prophets."
07:13 So we're referring to John the Baptist.
07:15 Again, you can see that
07:16 there was a little bit of a disagreement,
07:17 a contention among the people.
07:19 Is this Elijah, is it not?
07:20 Well, he is Elijah. No, he's just the prophet.
07:23 They were really unsure.
07:24 But obviously this continual theme
07:27 will continue all the way through Israel's history
07:29 because as I said earlier,
07:30 they are still waiting for Elijah to come today.
07:33 And, of course, Luke 1:17 the Bible says,
07:37 "He will also go before Him
07:39 in the spirit and power of Elijah,"
07:41 That's the key point there.
07:42 When John was asked, are you Elijah?
07:45 Was he lying when he said no?
07:46 No, he was not the literal person of Elijah,
07:49 that kind of goes into the truth
07:50 about the state of the dead.
07:51 Obviously, when Elijah, obviously,
07:53 when he was translated into heaven,
07:55 he's in heaven, he's not coming back,
07:57 he's not coming back through John the Baptist
07:59 in a spiritualistic form.
08:00 He...
08:02 What it says here is that,
08:03 he came in the spirit and power of Elijah.
08:05 In other words, the same spirit that influenced and encouraged
08:08 and inspired Elijah
08:10 to preach that revival and reformative message
08:13 in his day is the same message
08:15 that John the Baptist came preaching.
08:17 And we'll see what that message is in just a few moments.
08:19 "To turn," notice, here it says, He will also...
08:21 Well, it is right here.
08:22 "He will also go before him
08:23 in the spirit and power of Elijah,"
08:25 Luke 1:17
08:26 "to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
08:28 and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just,
08:31 to make ready a people,"
08:33 here it is, "prepared for the Lord."
08:35 That is the message.
08:36 A message of reform, a message of grace,
08:39 a message of compassion, the love of God,
08:41 but with that mingled the power of a message of repentance
08:46 and turning away from sin.
08:48 We're coming back to the Lord
08:49 allowing God to transform your life
08:51 before He arrives.
08:52 That's what the Bible says
08:54 that we need to be able to stand confident
08:56 at the appearing of Jesus because we have prepared,
08:58 we have allowed Christ to transform our life.
09:01 Now it's interesting when you go back
09:02 to Malachi Chapter 3.
09:04 Again, we just read from Malachi 4
09:06 a few moments ago.
09:07 In Malachi Chapter 3, very interestingly enough,
09:11 we see the response of Israel
09:12 because God pleaded with His people
09:14 to return to Him.
09:16 But He was met with a very arrogant response.
09:18 Notice what Malachi 3:7 says here.
09:22 It says, "Yet from the days of your fathers,
09:24 you have gone away from My ordinances,
09:26 and have not kept them.
09:29 Return to me, and I will return to you,
09:33 says the Lord of hosts."
09:34 But then notice what it says.
09:36 "But you said," this is God, He's telling the response.
09:38 "But you said, 'In what way shall we return?'"
09:42 You know, I think God is very clear,
09:44 the Bible says that God is not the author of confusion.
09:46 He's very straightforward, He does not change.
09:48 When He delivers a message, it's very clear.
09:51 He's not delivering a confusing message
09:53 or some message that needs to be decrypted of some way.
09:56 These people were, they had their hearts hardened
09:58 and it's almost like a very arrogant response.
10:00 In what really,
10:02 Jesus what way do we need to return to You?
10:04 Very, very serious indeed.
10:05 The Lord would give one last call for revival
10:08 through a heart turning reform.
10:11 God poured out His Spirit
10:12 unto John the Baptist and through him,
10:14 the same reforming message of revival
10:17 would be declared in the days of Elijah.
10:20 And so what does it mean?
10:22 I guess we should address this, what does it mean
10:24 to turn the hearts?
10:26 Oh, that's good.
10:27 What is God saying, you know,
10:28 turn the hearts to the fathers or the fathers to the children.
10:31 In the lesson,
10:33 this lesson suggests that there were
10:34 a few biblical applications we can apply
10:36 as to the meaning of these words.
10:37 And I happen to agree with these
10:39 because they're very, very biblical.
10:41 The first way that we can apply this very clearly
10:44 is that it refers to the reconciliation
10:47 of the people of Israel with the Lord.
10:50 Notice Isaiah 63:16,
10:54 Isaiah 63:16 says,
10:58 "Though Abraham was ignorant of us,
11:00 and Israel does not acknowledge us,
11:03 you, O Lord, are our father."
11:06 And so we have our Holy Father,
11:08 and we had to turn our hearts to Him.
11:10 And so number one,
11:11 it refers to the reconciliation
11:13 of people of Israel with the Lord.
11:16 Number two, it refers to the reconnecting
11:19 of later generations with their faithful ancestors
11:23 through covenant renewal.
11:25 The prophetic call for God's people
11:27 to follow the faith of the patriarchs
11:30 was given repeatedly in the Old Testament.
11:32 You see this theme all the way up,
11:33 all the way through the Old Testament,
11:34 and even actually into the new.
11:36 Remember the message that Stephen delivered.
11:39 He actually was condemning some of the people of...
11:43 Before and, of course, the people of his day
11:45 for stoning and killing the prophets
11:47 that were preaching the true message of God,
11:49 and so He was trying to turn the people back
11:52 to that holy message.
11:53 Notice what Deuteronomy 4:29-31 tells us.
11:58 Again, reconnecting of later generations
12:01 with their faithful ancestors through covenant renewal.
12:05 This is Deuteronomy 4:29-31, the Bible says,
12:09 "But from there you will seek the Lord your God,
12:12 and you will find Him if you seek Him
12:15 with all your heart and with all your soul.
12:18 When you are in distress,
12:20 and all these things come upon you
12:22 in the latter days,
12:23 when you turn to the Lord your God
12:25 and obey His voice,
12:27 for the Lord your God is a merciful God,
12:31 He will not forsake you, nor destroy you,
12:34 nor forget the covenant of your fathers
12:36 which He swore to them."
12:37 So again, this is the Lord, He's turning,
12:40 He's trying to point the children
12:42 back to that wonderful covenant renewal
12:44 that He had established through their ancestors.
12:48 And the third point again that how we can determine
12:50 what this word or these terms are
12:52 or phrase means, turn the hearts.
12:54 Notice what number three is, this is very, very interesting.
12:57 It refers to the restoration
12:59 and renewal of family relationships.
13:03 Again, we're talking about family seasons.
13:05 Parent-child relationships are practical expressions
13:10 of covenant faithfulness with God.
13:13 Here, too, fulfillment of responsibilities
13:16 to parents and children are interwoven
13:19 with continued inheritance of the land and God's blessing.
13:23 That's why Proverbs 2:21 says,
13:25 "For the upright will dwell in the land,
13:27 and the blameless will remain in it."
13:29 Okay, so turning the hearts of the children to the fathers.
13:33 All in all, we know ultimately,
13:35 that it's God trying to unite the families.
13:38 Turn the children to their earthly fathers
13:40 and their earthly fathers to their children.
13:42 And, of course, us back to the original message
13:45 that God had given through the ancestors,
13:47 through the patriarchs,
13:48 through the Old Testament prophets,
13:50 and through the New Testament prophets as well.
13:52 One must seek to restore their relationship with God
13:56 before they seek to restore relationship with family.
13:59 One must precede the other.
14:01 And we know we need restoration with family but, my friends,
14:04 I want to appeal this to you in closing,
14:06 turn to the Lord now, turn to His truth.
14:08 Because once you establish
14:09 that beautiful relationship with the Lord
14:11 and you are walking in His ways,
14:13 then the family will follow.
14:15 Amen.
14:17 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan, what an incredible job.
14:20 I love to hear each person on the panel
14:22 because everyone shares from their perspective
14:24 and their walk with God.
14:26 What a beautiful picture
14:27 of turning our hearts back to God,
14:30 returning to Him.
14:31 Thank you for that.
14:32 On Monday, I have family reunion,
14:35 and I want to invite you to turn with me to 1 Kings.
14:38 We're gonna spend our time in 1 Kings Chapter 16 and 17.
14:42 This is really a contrast of two leaders.
14:46 We're gonna look at two different leaders,
14:48 two different lists.
14:49 You know, this is the last lesson of the quarter,
14:51 I got to get my lesson.
14:52 Two different lists.
14:54 One leader seeks to turn people's heart
14:57 away from God,
14:59 the other leader
15:00 seeks to turn people's heart toward God,
15:03 so we're gonna take a look at that.
15:05 First, we're going to look at the negative.
15:07 Turning hearts away from God, this leader is King Ahab.
15:11 So we're in 1 Kings 16.
15:14 This is six keys that I found in this passage
15:17 for turning hearts away from God.
15:18 Number one, key number one is that leaders have influence,
15:23 they can either work their influence
15:26 for or against God.
15:28 In Ahab's case, it worked against God.
15:31 1 Kings 16:29-30,
15:34 "In the thirty-eighth year of As a king of Judah,
15:37 Ahab the son of Omri became king over Israel,
15:40 and Ahab the son of Omri reigned over Israel
15:42 in Samaria twenty-two years.
15:45 Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil
15:47 in the sight of the Lord, more than,"
15:50 what's that word, "all who were before him."
15:53 Now you see this throughout the history
15:55 of the children of Israel,
15:56 that every time there was a king who served God
15:59 that there were a form or a measure of repentance
16:02 that people began to break away from idol worship,
16:04 they began to return to worship the true God.
16:07 But every time there was a king who walked away from God,
16:11 the people followed.
16:13 The influence of Ahab's leadership
16:16 turning people away from God.
16:18 Number two, we see that evil is progressive.
16:21 1 Kings 16:25-26,
16:25 "Omri did evil in the eyes of the Lord,"
16:27 now who is Omri?
16:29 He's Ahab's dad.
16:31 So Ahab's dad did evil in the eyes of the Lord
16:33 "and did worse than all who were before him.
16:35 He walked in all the ways of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
16:38 and in his sin by which he had made Israel sin,
16:41 provoking the Lord God of Israel
16:42 to anger with their idols."
16:44 So what does the Bible say?
16:46 Ahab's dad was worse than everyone before him.
16:49 But then what does it say about Ahab?
16:50 Ahab was worse than everyone before him,
16:52 so that tells us evil is progressive.
16:55 They thought Ahab's dad was bad,
16:57 but you get to Ahab and it gets even worse.
17:01 Number three,
17:02 whom we marry impacts our future
17:05 and that of the people underneath us.
17:07 That's right.
17:09 We know Ahab marry Jezebel.
17:10 1 Kings 16:31, it says, "It came to pass,
17:14 as though it had been a trivial thing
17:16 for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
17:18 that he took as wife Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal,
17:23 king of the Sidonians,
17:24 and he went and served Baal and worshiped him."
17:27 Now, Jezebel's name is related
17:29 to one of the titles given to Baal,
17:31 who was the God of rain
17:33 or they considered the God of rain.
17:35 And her dad was king of Tyre and Sidon,
17:38 and many sources say
17:39 he was a priest of this idol worship there.
17:43 Jezebel convinced Ahab to plunge into idolatrous
17:47 and immoral worship of Baal.
17:51 1 Kings 21:25,
17:53 "There was no one like Ahab who sold himself
17:56 to do wickedness in the sight of the Lord,
17:58 because Jezebel his wife stirred him up."
18:01 So whom we marry impacts our future.
18:04 Number four,
18:05 Ahab we see lead in idol worship.
18:08 1 Kings 16, we're back to 1 Kings 16:31, it says,
18:12 "Ahab went and served Baal and worshiped him."
18:16 He also built a temple and an altar in Samaria
18:19 for this pagan god
18:21 and encouraged the people to worship Baal.
18:24 Number five,
18:26 Ahab allowed a man to rebuild the walls
18:27 and gates of Jericho
18:29 in direct defiance of God's Word.
18:32 Now it's interesting,
18:34 we will read all that but in Ahab's days,
18:37 while he was king,
18:38 there was a certain man who rebuilt Jericho.
18:41 Now you think that's not a big deal.
18:43 But if you go back to Joshua, look it up later, Joshua 6:26.
18:47 Joshua had said,
18:49 "Cursed is the man who builds the city Jericho."
18:53 He shall lay its foundation with his firstborn
18:56 and with his youngest,
18:57 he shall set up the gates
18:58 and that's exactly what happened.
19:01 The man who built Jericho, his firstborn, died
19:03 when they laid the foundation
19:05 and his youngest son died when they finished
19:07 and put the gates in.
19:10 So Ahab knew this prophecy back in Joshua,
19:12 and yet he openly allowed them
19:14 to go against the direct command of God.
19:16 Number six, even with such open sin
19:19 and leading other people to sin because that's what Ahab did.
19:22 He openly sinned and he let his people to sin.
19:25 God is so merciful
19:27 and He still calls us to repentance.
19:30 1 Kings 21:27-29,
19:34 "When Ahab heard these words,
19:36 he tore his clothes and put sackcloth on his body,
19:40 and fasted and lay in sackcloth,
19:41 and went about mourning.
19:43 And the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying,
19:46 'See how Ahab has humbled himself before Me?
19:48 Because he has humbled,
19:50 I will not bring the calamity in his days.'"
19:54 So I don't know about you, but if it were me, I'd be like,
19:57 he did a great deal of evil.
19:58 We're done with him.
20:00 But yet God said,
20:01 "I am going to extend that judgment
20:03 until after his death."
20:06 That was mercy.
20:07 Now let's look at a leader
20:09 who turned people's hearts toward God.
20:11 That is the prophet Elijah.
20:13 We're in 1 Kings Chapter 17.
20:16 Again, we see point number one, the influence of a leader
20:19 but in this case it's the influence of a leader
20:21 who turned people's hearts back toward God.
20:25 Elijah, I look it as a Martin Luther
20:28 of the Old Testament.
20:29 He single-handedly challenged the whole priesthood
20:32 of state religion and all the people of the realm
20:35 to a decisive test at Mount Carmel
20:37 which Shelley will look at.
20:39 Elijah is mentioned in the New Testament
20:41 more than any other Old Testament prophet.
20:44 His name means Jehovah is my God
20:47 or the Lord is my God.
20:49 Number two, when God calls you,
20:52 speak for Him despite the consequences.
20:55 1 Kings 17:1,
20:57 "Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead,
20:59 said to Ahab, 'As the Lord God of Israel lives,
21:03 before whom I stand,
21:04 there shall not be dew nor rain these years,
21:07 except at my word.'"
21:08 Now if I were Elijah, I'd be little afraid.
21:10 Ahab is the powerful man and he's an evil man,
21:12 married to an even more wicked wife.
21:16 And yet he spoke the word of the Lord.
21:19 He was obedient,
21:21 despite the consequences that might have come.
21:24 Number three,
21:25 walk in obedience to His commands.
21:27 So God told Elijah, go hide yourself, remember,
21:30 by the brook Cherith
21:31 and there God provided food and water for him.
21:34 And then later the brook dried up
21:36 and God said, go find refuge in Zarephath,
21:40 and Elijah, what does it say?
21:41 He got up and he went,
21:43 he was obedient to God's commands.
21:46 Number four, be willing to trust
21:48 until God shows you what to do next.
21:50 You know, when the water dried up and well,
21:54 I mean, if was Elijah you are sitting there
21:56 by the brook and saying, where am I supposed to go?
21:58 But what happened?
22:00 God instructed him at the right time
22:02 where he was to go.
22:04 Number five,
22:06 the safest place in the world is where God wants you to be.
22:10 That's the safest place to be.
22:12 Why go to Zarephath?
22:13 I've often wondered that.
22:14 Why not to a widow in Israel?
22:16 Why was Elijah sent to Zarephath?
22:20 We know Zarephath is located in Phoenicia,
22:22 it's the very heart of Baal country
22:24 or idol worship.
22:26 Here God shows he's gonna defeat Baal
22:29 in his own territory.
22:31 God's people will fare better than Baal's.
22:36 The main purpose of this narrative
22:37 is to demonstrate on Phoenician soil,
22:40 where Baal is worshipped that God has power
22:43 over things in which Baal has failed.
22:47 Number six, God's servants are easily recognized.
22:50 Remember when he gets to Zarephath,
22:52 there's a widow woman there.
22:54 1 Kings 17:12, "She says,
22:57 'As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread,
22:59 only a handful of flour and I'm going to eat that
23:02 and then we're gonna die.'"
23:04 You notice she said, as the Lord your God lives,
23:07 in the next chapter Obadiah
23:08 who was a prophet of God said to Elijah,
23:12 as the Lord your God lives.
23:13 So that indicates she recognized him
23:16 as a man of God.
23:18 She recognized, wow, he's a prophet.
23:21 Number seven,
23:22 our upbringing and our past do not determine our destiny.
23:28 1 Kings 17:15,
23:30 she was raised heathen woman following worshipping Baal.
23:34 And yet what did she do?
23:36 She chose to go away
23:37 and do according to the word of Elijah.
23:40 And she and her household ate many days.
23:42 She made a choice to obey
23:45 what Elijah and the God of Israel
23:47 were telling her to do.
23:49 Number eight, some things are unexplainable,
23:52 but we can still trust.
23:55 Her son died and she said,
23:57 "I don't even know what is happening
23:58 and why did my son die?"
24:01 And then God through Elijah brought her son back to life.
24:06 Some things are unexplainable in life,
24:08 but we can still trust.
24:09 And finally, experiencing God at work
24:11 is way more powerful than reading about it.
24:14 At the very end of experiencing,
24:16 God raised her son back to life.
24:18 She said, "By this I know you are a man of God,
24:22 and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth."
24:26 Well, Praise the Lord.
24:27 I hope to be a last day Elijah.
24:29 I hope to have the Spirit of the Lord
24:31 and be able to declare that message the way he did.
24:33 Praise the Lord.
24:34 We're gonna take a short break, we'll be right back.
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25:15 Welcome back to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
25:17 We're gonna continue on with Tuesday's lesson
25:19 with Miss Shelley Quinn, turning hearts at the altar.
25:22 You know, this is so interesting.
25:24 And thank you for setting this up so well, Jill,
25:26 because I'm not sure
25:28 where I'm going with this lesson.
25:29 In our Sabbath School's quarterly it said,
25:32 read 1 Kings 18:23-45.
25:36 And though the context is totally different,
25:39 how can the principles seen in this story
25:42 apply to family life?
25:44 Well, I don't know about you,
25:45 but I don't often think about the prophets of Baal,
25:48 and Ahab, and Elijah.
25:51 On top of Mount Carmel
25:52 is having anything to do with family life.
25:54 So let's take a quick look at this.
25:56 First of all, as has been set up,
25:59 you know, in Deuteronomy, God told him, He told us,
26:02 people don't turn to the left or the right
26:05 to follow after other gods.
26:07 But here you've got wicked King Ahab.
26:10 He is idolatrous and he hates the Prophet Elijah.
26:15 Because the Prophet Elijah tells the truth,
26:18 he's not worried about what he's saying.
26:21 Ahab is supporting pagan prophets,
26:24 who were politically correct.
26:27 Their message was what the king wanted to hear.
26:31 And so now what happens is,
26:34 God has shut up the rain at Elijah's request
26:38 for three and a half years.
26:40 And Ahab is saying, calling Elijah,
26:43 the troubler of Israel.
26:46 He is upset with him.
26:49 So now we're getting ready to have a showdown if you will,
26:54 between the deities, these pagan deities,
26:58 and the true God.
27:00 And Ahab invites all of the people of Israel,
27:04 850 pagan prophets are invited.
27:07 Now only the 450 prophets of Baal show up,
27:12 the 400 prophets of Asherah do not,
27:14 and that too Queen Jezebel supported.
27:18 But now we're about to have the showdown
27:22 between Yahweh and Baal.
27:24 In 1 Kings 18:20.
27:27 Let's look at that.
27:29 Elijah came to all the people and...
27:32 Let me tell you, he had a heart that wanted these people
27:36 to turn back to the faith of their fathers.
27:39 He wanted covenant renewal.
27:41 And what he says to the people is,
27:43 how long will you falter between two opinions?
27:49 If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal follow him.
27:55 But the people answered him not a word.
27:59 Isn't this kind of reminiscent of Joshua's challenge,
28:03 choose you this day
28:04 whom you're going to serve, right?
28:06 It's important that we take a stand for the Lord.
28:11 You know,
28:13 a lot of people worship the God of self.
28:16 And that's why they don't stand for the Lord.
28:18 So let me just kind of,
28:19 I'm gonna pull this together here with a recap, if you will.
28:26 What happens, I mean, Elijah says,
28:30 okay, prophets of Baal, you build your sacrifice here,
28:36 I'm gonna build it over here,
28:38 and the God who reigns down fire
28:40 and consumes the sacrifices, that's who's the true God.
28:44 Well, the prophets of Baal think hey, this is really good.
28:47 And Ahab says,
28:49 I'm gonna call on the name of the Lord.
28:53 And so the interesting thing is Baal was a deity of...
28:59 I've read they said he was a deity of fertility,
29:02 but he was the deity of storm, of lightning and wind,
29:07 and all of this.
29:08 So, boy, his prophets think, our deities got this, you know,
29:14 they were absolutely convinced he was gonna do it.
29:18 But they build their altar
29:20 and he says don't light a fire under it.
29:22 And it's nice and dry and the prophets of Baal
29:26 build up their sacrifice.
29:29 And then they're leaping about the altar.
29:33 Ahab, I keep saying that, Elijah makes fun of them.
29:37 He actually mocks them.
29:39 I mean, they're calling on Baal and he says,
29:43 well, maybe he's gone away for a little bit.
29:45 Maybe he's out to lunch.
29:47 Then they begin to cut themselves
29:49 the prophets of Baal until the blood
29:52 is flowing freely
29:56 and still from morning to night nothing,
30:01 so the heathen priests failure
30:05 after they have their failure with their sacrifice,
30:08 it's Elijah's turn.
30:10 Look at verse 30,
30:11 "Elijah said to all the people, 'Come near to me.'
30:15 And the people came near,
30:16 and he repaired the altar of the Lord
30:20 that was broken down.'"
30:21 Verse 32 says,
30:23 "He built an altar in the name of the Lord."
30:26 And look at verse 36, "It came to pass,
30:30 at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice."
30:34 Ooh, what does this bring to mind?
30:38 I mean that now we're looking at sanctuary language,
30:41 are we not?
30:42 This is a time of day that drew the attention to them.
30:45 So in verse 37, he cries out,
30:49 he says, "Hear me, O Lord,
30:50 hear me that this people may know
30:53 that You are the Lord God,
30:56 and that You have turned their heart
30:59 back to You again."
31:03 Oh, you know what?
31:05 This is so amazing.
31:06 We cannot turn anyone's heart back to God.
31:09 We can't even turn our own heart back to the Lord.
31:12 It is God, Acts 5:31-32 says,
31:15 it's God who grants forgiveness and repentance.
31:19 It's a gift.
31:20 So we've got to call
31:21 on the name of the Lord for that.
31:23 Now, Elijah is praying for a miraculous sign
31:27 so that the people will know it's God
31:30 and he is praying that God...
31:32 Oh, I forgot to say this.
31:34 Once he sets up his, he tells them,
31:37 okay, build this little trough around,
31:39 now fill the trough with four water pots of water,
31:42 not once, not twice, but three times.
31:45 He's drowning his sacrifice, right?
31:49 I mean, it's wet,
31:50 and it's got a trough of water around it.
31:53 Elijah prays and what happens?
31:56 Boy, the true God,
31:58 Yahweh shows up with His power
32:01 and He consumes all of the sacrifice
32:06 and all of the altar.
32:08 There's no way
32:09 this was just a lightning strike.
32:11 It was a powerful thing.
32:12 All consuming fire falls, and you know what?
32:16 The people,
32:18 they fall on their faces and they're going,
32:20 oh, Lord, He is God the Lord, He is God.
32:24 So just confession in praise burst forward from their lips.
32:30 So let's look real quickly in my remaining time.
32:33 If you are a parent, and you were worried
32:36 like Elijah was about the people,
32:39 if you're worried about a wayward child,
32:42 what we have to remember is that,
32:44 it is God who's constantly drawing
32:47 the wayward toward us.
32:49 Elijah focused on rebuilding the altar.
32:52 He was very intentional and this is equivalent to us.
32:57 Having, say, a family devotional time,
33:01 what we need to do is be intentional.
33:04 Take this opportunity to talk to God,
33:06 speak to one another about the Lord
33:09 and receive a new,
33:11 every day His free gift of salvation,
33:14 His grace and know that He is the Lord
33:16 who sanctifies you.
33:19 The invitation when he said come near to me,
33:22 doesn't that remind you of what the Savior,
33:26 how He welcomes sinners.
33:28 In Matthew 11:28-29,
33:31 He says, 'Come near to me
33:33 all ye who labor and are heavy laden."
33:36 And what's gonna happen?
33:38 "I will give you rest.
33:39 Take My yoke upon Me, learn from Me,
33:42 for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
33:44 and you will find rest for your souls."
33:47 So, as we're praying for our family members,
33:52 God's response may not be
33:54 as dramatic as it was to Elijah.
33:59 But He will give us the courage to stand
34:02 for truth in our homes,
34:04 He will give us the wisdom
34:06 and to help, you know,
34:09 He always helps anyone in need,
34:11 anyone who's calling on His name.
34:13 And like Elijah,
34:15 we can have faith
34:17 that whatever God commands us to do,
34:20 He's going to provide us the resources to do it, right?
34:23 So there's so much more that we can do with this story.
34:28 I actually had 14 pages of notes
34:30 and had to reduce it to four,
34:33 but this is such a wonderful story.
34:36 I want you to look at this story afterwards
34:39 and look at more ways
34:41 that you can apply this to your home.
34:44 Amen. Thank you, Shelley.
34:47 Wow, I can't believe we're down to the last two.
34:49 Pastor Tom, you're gonna be the last shot
34:51 heard over the bow
34:53 and we're praising God for that.
34:54 But this has been an exciting lesson
34:55 through this quarter
34:57 and coming out of Revelation
34:58 and coming into this about relationships.
35:00 Hey, it was somewhat of a challenge,
35:02 but we have learn to appreciate the content
35:05 and thank the author for giving us
35:07 a lot to work with
35:09 because it did require a lot of homework
35:10 and we hope we're blessing you because of that,
35:12 turning hearts at the Jordan.
35:14 June 26, I hope you follow me with that.
35:17 Now this lesson talked about,
35:19 it led out by talking about the prediction
35:21 of the coming of John the Baptist.
35:24 And what that said to me is, as there is always the case,
35:30 the king doesn't come except he is preceded
35:34 by a call that he is coming.
35:38 We are in fact, today, spiritual John the Baptist.
35:42 We are in fact today in the spirit
35:44 and power of Elijah.
35:47 The message that Elijah board to Ahab and Jezebel
35:51 is that they had forsaken the commandments of the Lord.
35:54 We are in fact today
35:56 in a setting that's just like the days of Elijah.
36:02 Elijah was a man raised up to lead Israel, God's people.
36:06 There are many ministries today
36:09 who are called to lead God's people.
36:11 But the unfortunate
36:13 and I'm gonna be candid about this.
36:15 The unfortunate mixture is
36:19 they have link themselves to a woman,
36:22 symbolic of a church,
36:23 whose allegiance is not to God
36:26 but to other gods.
36:28 Because there's no way that in the Christian world today
36:30 the teachings could exist,
36:32 that are not supported by scripture
36:35 except another woman is speaking to the man of God.
36:39 They're getting these teachings from a woman
36:41 that God has not called,
36:42 thus the picture of Revelation.
36:45 There's that woman that is Jezebel
36:48 who has seduced my prophets.
36:50 The message of Revelation
36:51 that we talked about last quarter,
36:53 this is a prime example of what happened.
36:57 Elijah was called to say to a man
37:00 that God had called and I want to say this,
37:04 and this came out of one of my sermons up.
37:07 Wow.
37:08 Ahab was attracted to Jezebel,
37:11 not because of how she walked
37:13 but because of how he refused to walk.
37:16 That's good.
37:18 Amen.
37:19 Ahab was not,
37:21 Jezebel was not attracted
37:23 to the scent of Ahab's cologne,
37:28 but he was attracted to the scent of her sin.
37:33 And a man that refuses to walk with his God
37:37 will eventually walk with another god.
37:40 And what happened on Mount Carmel
37:42 was the showdown to reclaim the people of God.
37:45 So Ahab was a man that God had called.
37:48 And the mixture today,
37:50 which is sadly in the Christian world,
37:52 is we are listening to and we see doctrines
37:56 that God has never
37:58 put in the mouth of many of those men
38:01 that are claiming allegiance to God.
38:04 How can you test whether or not there is an allegiance?
38:07 Elijah said it, "Well,
38:09 I'm not the one that troubles Israel,
38:10 but you are the one and that you have forsaken
38:13 the commandments of the Lord."
38:16 Go with me to 1 John Chapter 2.
38:18 And then we're gonna end on the points of repentance.
38:20 What does repentance do
38:21 because Elijah called for repentance?
38:23 He called for repentance, but how can you tell
38:25 whether or not a man is connected to the Lord?
38:28 That's a very key issue.
38:29 How can you tell whether or not the man
38:31 that claims his connection to God
38:32 is connected to God?
38:35 1 John 2:3-4, Jill, read that for us.
38:38 "Now by this we know that we know Him,
38:40 if we keep His commandments.
38:42 He who says, 'I know Him,'
38:43 and does not keep His commandments,
38:45 is a liar, and the truth is not in him.'"
38:48 That's exactly what Elijah said to Ahab.
38:52 I have not troubled Israel,
38:54 I have stood firm on the commandments of the Lord,
38:56 but you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord.
38:59 And there are many leaders today
39:01 claiming a connection with God.
39:02 But God is saying based on the acid test,
39:05 I don't know you, I don't know you.
39:07 They claim to be connected
39:09 but He says, I don't know you
39:10 because you're not keeping My commandments.
39:11 If you are a part of a fellowship,
39:13 I say this with all humility,
39:15 look at the commandments of God,
39:16 not the 640 laws of the Old Testament,
39:19 but the Ten Commandments of God,
39:20 of which Jesus is a reflection
39:22 of the character of God's divinity.
39:25 Look at the commandments of God and ask yourself the question,
39:27 is there something there,
39:28 specifically, that is not being upheld in my congregation,
39:31 in my place of worship.
39:33 I can give you one right off the bat.
39:34 The Sabbath is totally ignored
39:37 in so many walks
39:38 of denominations and congregations.
39:40 And although it may be just one instance,
39:43 it is the sign between us and God
39:45 that we might know
39:46 that He's the God that sanctifies us.
39:47 Amen.
39:49 Ezekiel 20:12-20,
39:50 it's a sign that we might know
39:52 that He's the one that's sanctifies us,
39:54 so you cannot get rid of the sign
39:56 as an any sign in a world.
39:58 You cannot get rid of every sign
39:59 in the traffic circle
40:01 and expect to have a safe journey.
40:03 So to get rid of the sign,
40:04 God has called us to put the sign back.
40:08 So I'm gonna say in this particular presentation,
40:11 one thing that repentance does,
40:13 it doesn't just give you a new message,
40:15 it changes the way you walk
40:17 and whatever has been removed, it puts it back.
40:20 Repentance calls for those things
40:23 that will remove to be put back.
40:25 And that's why 1 Kings 18:30,
40:28 one of the first things Elijah did was...
40:31 Look at what he did.
40:32 One of the first things he did,
40:34 whoever gets there first, read it for me.
40:35 One of the first things he did, 1 Kings 18:30.
40:38 Okay, Jill, you have it. Thirty or thirty one?
40:40 Verse 30.
40:41 "Then Elijah said to all the people,
40:43 'Come near to me.'
40:44 So all the people came near to him.
40:46 And he repaired the altar of the Lord
40:47 that was broken down.'"
40:48 What did Elijah do?
40:50 He repaired the altar of the Lord
40:52 that was broken down and is it amazing?
40:57 Go to Isaiah 58.
40:59 Is it is amazing how,
41:01 whatever is broken down needs to be repaired.
41:05 What specifically has the Lord told us to repair?
41:08 And I'm gonna, I want to read it
41:10 from the King James Version.
41:11 Okay, go ahead.
41:12 Go ahead, Shelley.
41:14 Start with verse 12.
41:15 Okay.
41:17 Isaiah 58:12, "Those from among you
41:21 shall build the old waste places,
41:24 you shall raise up
41:25 the foundations of many generations,
41:27 and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,
41:31 the Restorer of Streets to Dwell in.
41:34 If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
41:38 from doing your pleasure on My holy day,
41:41 and call the Sabbath a delight,
41:44 the holy day of the Lord honorable,
41:47 and shall honor Him, not doing your own ways,
41:50 nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words,
41:54 then you shall delight yourself in the Lord,
41:57 and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth,
42:01 and feed you
42:02 with the heritage of Jacob your father.
42:04 The mouth of the Lord has spoken."
42:08 Repair, restore, raise up, rebuild.
42:12 Repair, restore, raise up, rebuild,
42:15 one of the first things that repentance calls us to do
42:18 is to repair the altar of the Lord
42:20 that has been broken down.
42:22 You see, Christian leaders today,
42:24 my challenge is not just to people
42:25 watching this program or listen to the program,
42:28 but to Christian leaders.
42:29 If you want to be the man
42:31 that God can use in an effective manner
42:32 to lead a revolution of reformation in Christianity
42:36 'cause that's very needed.
42:37 I mean, Christianity today
42:39 has become in a great degree an entertainment industry.
42:42 But it has to go back to the word industry
42:45 built on God's Word and His truth.
42:47 Repair the altar of the Lord that was broken down
42:50 and specifically, Shelley pointed out
42:52 the foundations of many generations
42:54 that have been broken down in Christendom today
42:57 is the Lord's Day.
42:58 The Sabbath has been broken down and strangely enough,
43:02 when the Lord says,
43:03 "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy."
43:05 And a religious leader tells you to forget it.
43:08 Something is suspect. Yes.
43:10 You have to get to the place Christian,
43:12 you have to get to the place
43:13 where you are more desirous of honoring the voice of God.
43:16 Remember, than the voice of a religious leader
43:19 that says, forget
43:20 because that's exactly what happened to Ahab.
43:22 Jezebel and Ahab lead the people to forget,
43:25 but Elijah led the people to remember
43:27 and he repaired the altar that was broken down.
43:30 So what is repentance does?
43:32 Very quickly, repentance changes your heart.
43:35 Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
43:36 Matthew 3:2,
43:38 "Repentance produces righteous fruit,
43:41 bear fruit worthy of repentance."
43:43 Matthew 3:8,
43:45 "Repentance brings rebuke," as John made it clear.
43:48 It is not lawful for you to have her stern rebuke.
43:51 John made that very clear when he saw what was wrong,
43:54 he called it out.
43:55 Repentance is also the step to removing sin.
43:58 John says,
44:00 "Repent for the remission of your sin."
44:03 Repent and be baptized for the remission of your sin.
44:06 You cannot repent and leave baptism out.
44:10 You have to wash away that past,
44:11 you have to bury that past.
44:13 Repentance should also produce fruit,
44:16 bear fruit worthy of repentance.
44:19 Repentance, remove the focus from self.
44:23 If somebody has two tunics, and he wants the other one,
44:26 give it to him, don't make self the focus.
44:29 God calls you to give up something,
44:31 give it up for the glory of God.
44:33 And finally, repentance points everyone to Christ.
44:37 Behold, the Lamb of God,
44:40 which taketh away the sin of the world.
44:42 Our only hope is to repair what has been broken down
44:45 and point people to Christ.
44:47 Amen.
44:49 Amen.
44:50 You know, when you went to where you did there
44:52 made me think of a text out of Isaiah 4:1.
44:56 Isaiah 4:1.
44:59 And in the immediate context,
45:01 it's talking about the result of Israel.
45:04 But I look at this in a prophetic sense.
45:06 And it says, "In that day,
45:07 seven women shall take hold of one man,
45:10 saying, 'We will eat our own food,
45:11 wear our own apparel.
45:13 Only let us be called by your name,
45:15 to take away our reproach."
45:16 You know, we think about not only was it Elijah,
45:19 but it's also like what Noah had to preach.
45:22 Every time there's judgment that's happening,
45:25 it seems as if the enemy has infiltrated
45:27 God's people in His church.
45:29 And here in these last days,
45:31 we've had the influence of 1260 years of darkness...
45:35 That's right.
45:37 An attempted reformation out of that,
45:38 confusion in our midst, and as a result,
45:42 there are many people that are not hearing the truth.
45:45 And so I was asking myself,
45:47 I said, "What is the mission
45:49 or the call of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
45:51 in these last days?"
45:53 And just this morning,
45:55 I opened up the book Last Day Events,
45:57 these are some of the compilation of writings
45:59 of E.G. White,
46:01 that I found these powerful quotes
46:03 that I want to share,
46:04 because I actually found the answer to my own question.
46:06 The distinctive mission of Seventh-day Adventist
46:10 is what this is the category.
46:12 It's on page 45 of that book, if you're interested.
46:15 "The Lord has made us the depositories of His law.
46:19 He has committed to us the sacred and eternal truth,
46:22 which is to be given to others in faithful warnings,
46:25 reproofs, and encouragement."
46:27 Now, this next one.
46:28 "Seventh-day Adventist have been chosen by God
46:30 as a peculiar people, separate from the world.
46:34 By the great cleaver of His truth
46:36 He has cut them out from the quarry of the world,
46:40 and brought them into connection with Himself.
46:42 He has made them His representatives
46:44 and has called them to be ambassadors for Him
46:47 in the last work of salvation.
46:50 The greatest wealth of truth,"
46:51 this is the one that really hit me,
46:53 "the greatest wealth of truth ever entrusted to mortals,
46:56 the most solemn and fearful warnings
46:58 ever sent by God to man,
47:00 have been committed to them to be given to the world."
47:05 So we're talking about a holistic approach
47:08 to a message that God is pleading with the world.
47:11 And when you think of Elijah,
47:13 and you think of the population of the world today
47:15 and think of the calling, it is a huge calling,
47:17 and also all the deceptions
47:18 that had been set into even the church.
47:21 The last one I wanna share is,
47:23 "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists
47:24 have been set in the world as watchmen, as light bearers.
47:28 To them has been entrusted the last warning
47:31 for a perishing world.
47:33 On them is shining wonderful light
47:35 from the Word of God.
47:37 They have been given a work of the most solemn import,
47:40 the proclamation of the first, second,
47:42 and third angels' messages.
47:44 There is no other work of so great importance.
47:47 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
47:52 And too often, we're trying so hard to be relevant
47:55 in these last days,
47:57 that we're forgetting our mission.
47:59 And we're finding ourselves attempting to become like that
48:02 which is around us,
48:03 because somehow we find people are drawn to it.
48:05 And as you mentioned, Pastor Lomacang,
48:08 sometimes it's just an entertainment event.
48:11 And so we find that really,
48:14 I was also looking at the actual Elijah,
48:17 what the name Elijah means,
48:18 it was mentioned earlier.
48:19 But the Lord is my God.
48:22 Anyone who is sharing
48:23 the Elijah message in the last days
48:25 will be someone who has the Lord as their God.
48:29 And I want us to go to a text and went to earlier
48:31 but look a little bit earlier than that,
48:32 go to Luke Chapter 1,
48:34 and not just verse 17,
48:35 but I was intrigued with verses 15 and 16,
48:39 as well,
48:40 because we're looking at John the Baptist here
48:42 and the special calling that God had on his life.
48:45 And I want you to know, if you think about
48:47 with 7.5 billion people on this planet,
48:49 and for you to be part
48:50 of a small movement in this world.
48:54 For God to give you this message,
48:56 He has entrusted it for purpose,
48:58 and that is for you to share it with those
48:59 that you know and love.
49:01 And here we find in verse 15,
49:03 it says, "For he will be great,"
49:04 this is speaking of John the Baptist,
49:06 "in the sight of the Lord,
49:07 and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink."
49:10 So interesting because uniquely almost,
49:13 the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a health message
49:16 that you're not finding necessarily
49:18 in the rest of Christendom.
49:20 And it is a special calling,
49:22 you think about the Elijah message.
49:23 that's one of the characteristics
49:25 or identifying marks.
49:26 The other one is,
49:27 "He will be filled with the Holy Spirit."
49:29 We think about Revelation 18:4,
49:31 after the three angels' messages,
49:33 the difference is the same message
49:35 with Holy Spirit outpouring happening.
49:38 But the message is always the same.
49:40 And the other thing we have to keep in mind.
49:42 When I think about Elijah,
49:44 it was not a message of popularity,
49:45 it was a message that actually brought
49:48 judgment and divide
49:50 in the hearts and lives of people,
49:52 because they either have allegiance to that
49:53 which they followed, or they have allegiance
49:55 to the Word of God.
49:56 And that messenger oftentimes
49:58 goes through persecution of some sense.
50:00 So if it's your family,
50:01 sometimes you're gonna be standing up for right,
50:03 and you're gonna find immense forces against that.
50:07 When we think about the prophets of Baal
50:09 and bringing in the foreign gods,
50:10 oftentimes,
50:12 the strongest Christian in the home is not leading,
50:15 and someone else,
50:17 others are bringing in influences from the world
50:20 and contaminating the atmosphere in that home.
50:23 It's not just who you marry,
50:24 but it's also what you're allowing
50:27 of the enemy's food to be taking over
50:30 because he's working relentlessly for those
50:33 that are not following him
50:34 to bring that influence into the homes.
50:36 That's right.
50:37 And I also think about,
50:38 it was a spirit of Jezebel that entered the church
50:40 during this 1260 days,
50:43 or years, I should say,
50:45 but God is calling His children home.
50:47 And I like what this says here in our lesson,
50:50 it's on Thursday, on the bottom of the page.
50:52 It says, "The Heavenly Father
50:53 has turned the hearts of His children
50:55 back to Himself
50:56 and it's turned the hearts of His children to each other
50:59 through the cross of Christ."
51:01 And really the heart of the gospel is in second,
51:03 let's go to 2 Corinthians Chapter 5.
51:08 2 Corinthians 5.
51:10 And we're gonna take a look at verses 18 through 21.
51:15 "Now all things are of God
51:16 who has reconciled us to Himself
51:18 through Jesus Christ and has given us
51:20 the ministry of reconciliation."
51:23 So he must be the center of the message.
51:25 You think about the three angels' messages
51:27 given in Revelation 14:6,
51:28 it is the everlasting gospel, is the forefront message.
51:33 "That is that God was in Christ
51:35 reconciling the world to Himself
51:36 not imputing to trespass it to them
51:38 and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
51:41 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ,
51:43 as though God were pleading through us,
51:46 we implore you on Christ's behalf,
51:48 be reconciled to God.
51:49 For He made Him
51:52 who knew no sin to be sin for so we might become
51:55 the righteousness of God in Him."
51:57 In essence, this is really the mission
51:59 that God has given us.
52:00 That is the everlasting gospel of Revelation 14:6.
52:04 You know,
52:05 those in your world are the ones
52:07 that God has called you to call.
52:10 As matter of fact, they have another quote here
52:11 on our lesson here,
52:13 on Thursday's lesson,
52:14 I wanna share, it's been jumped right into another sentence.
52:16 We must remember that the message
52:19 we have for the world is also for ourselves.
52:22 Until the principles of gospel, the unity of love,
52:26 of self-sacrifice are made manifest among us,
52:28 especially in our own families,
52:30 we will be powerless
52:32 to share this message with others.
52:35 So how do we find that power?
52:37 "Christ in you is the hope of glory,"
52:38 Colossians 1:27.
52:40 "I can do all things through Christ
52:41 who strengthens me," Philippians 4:13.
52:44 So we are called first
52:45 and foremost to be disciples of Jesus
52:48 that is the first and foremost calling for us.
52:50 But those who were to be called the disciples
52:53 that are also making disciples.
52:55 That's good. That's right.
52:56 And God wants to through us
52:58 share a message that no one else is sharing.
53:00 This Advent movement has a unique calling
53:03 and unique insight.
53:05 And as we saw,
53:06 we're entrusted with the most truth
53:08 that needs to be shared
53:09 at this very hour of earth's history.
53:11 That's right.
53:12 You know, when I think about Revelation 18:4,
53:14 let's go there together.
53:15 This is something some of us know very well.
53:21 But even when you go to verse 1,
53:25 Revelation 18:1, says, "After these things,
53:27 I saw another angel coming down from heaven,
53:28 having a great authority,
53:30 and the earth was illuminated with his glory."
53:32 First and foremost,
53:33 the Holy Spirit is driving this
53:36 and we find verse 4, it says,
53:37 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying,
53:39 'Come out of her, My people,
53:41 lest you share in her sins,
53:43 and lest you receive of her plagues.'"
53:45 That right there is Elijah's showdown.
53:48 That is it, right there,
53:49 happening again in modern terms.
53:52 It is told to us,
53:53 so this is exactly the way it's going to be happening.
53:56 We're living at the last hours of earth's history.
54:00 And God has blessed us to be alive here and now,
54:04 and He has a purpose for us.
54:06 As a matter of fact,
54:08 Ellen White when she was in vision,
54:10 she saw sincere Christians holding their Bibles open
54:15 with tears in their eyes,
54:17 pleading with the people
54:19 that this is the way, walk ye in it,
54:21 which shows me that they had love for God
54:23 supremely, they had love for others
54:25 that were in their world.
54:27 One thing we have to always remember is every one of us
54:30 that's viewing this or listening to this program
54:32 is gonna be meetings people
54:34 that no one else in your world will ever know.
54:37 And God has ordained that opportunity for you
54:39 to actually systematically through His power.
54:43 He knows where the people are. He's working on their hearts.
54:46 Call them into His glorious light
54:48 while there's still time.
54:50 And before that ark is saved, right now,
54:52 as I was thinking as the others are speaking,
54:53 there is an open door.
54:56 Let's take advantage of that time
54:57 that God has gifted us.
54:59 Amen. Praise the Lord.
55:00 Wow!
55:02 This lesson has really opened my heart and mind
55:04 to a lot of things.
55:06 It's really stirred my heart.
55:08 And I praise God for that.
55:09 Why don't we take the last few minutes we have
55:11 and just go back through the panel
55:13 and let you guys open your heart
55:15 and share something for the Lord?
55:16 Thank you, Ryan.
55:17 As I think about this quarter, it's all about families.
55:19 And we could talk self-help,
55:21 we could say these, these are steps,
55:23 this is what you can do to help your family.
55:25 But it means nothing
55:27 unless you make the Lord Jesus Christ
55:28 as the center of your heart,
55:30 your home and your family.
55:32 2 Corinthians 6:16,
55:35 he says, "I will dwell in them,
55:38 walk among them,
55:40 I will be their God, and they shall be My people."
55:43 That's God's desire for each one of us.
55:46 Amen.
55:47 I just think this thought
55:49 that hit me the greatest was 1 Kings 18:37,
55:54 when Elijah's calling on God, and He says,
55:57 "O Lord, hear me
55:59 that people may know that You are God,
56:02 and that You have turned their hearts
56:05 back to You again."
56:07 I think that anytime
56:08 we're trying to turn hearts back at the altar,
56:12 what we need to do is pray earnestly
56:15 and know that it is God who gives the change of heart.
56:19 All we have to do is reflect His love
56:22 and His light in His Word.
56:24 And finally, 2 Timothy 4:2,
56:26 "Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season.
56:29 Convince, reprove, rebuke, exhort
56:31 with all long suffering."
56:33 And that's what God has called us to do.
56:34 If there's gonna be any reformation or any change,
56:36 we have to uphold the Word in our family,
56:39 uphold it in society,
56:41 uphold it in the church family,
56:43 and uphold it before the world,
56:44 so that reformation and revival can occur.
56:47 That's right.
56:48 And if you're living in a home
56:50 where the influence of the enemy has infiltrated,
56:54 get on your knees, open your Bible,
56:57 and claim this promise, "I can do all things
56:59 through Christ who strengthens me,"
57:01 and invite His Spirit and His Word
57:04 to rule in your house.
57:06 Amen. Wow!
57:08 Well, friends, we certainly appreciate you
57:10 joining us week after week studying with us.
57:13 But we're gonna start a new quarter next week,
57:15 and we encourage you to join us.
57:17 That's quarter number three,
57:19 and we're gonna be dealing with the subject of
57:20 "Ministering to Those In Need."
57:23 And I hope that God continues to bless you
57:25 and Holy Spirit continues to lead and guide you.
57:29 Listen to the Spirit,
57:30 go to the Word of God
57:32 and allow God to transform your life.
57:34 Until next time,
57:35 we appreciate you joining us here
57:37 at the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
57:39 Amen.


Revised 2019-06-28