3ABN Sabbath School Panel

What Have They Seen In Your House

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190025A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word
00:12 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:17 approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:21 Join us now
00:22 for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Family Seasons.
00:33 Hello, friends,
00:35 and welcome to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:37 My name is John Lomacang.
00:38 And I am excited
00:40 that we have been trekking along
00:41 on this wonderful lesson about family,
00:43 about seasons,
00:45 about all different types of aspects and components
00:48 of the family unit,
00:49 the church unit,
00:50 tradition versus the Word of God.
00:53 And today is going to be another wonderful lesson,
00:55 which kind of somewhat takes a turn
00:58 in an unpredictable direction with the question,
01:01 what have they seen in your house?
01:03 And so this is one
01:04 that's gonna really jar your memory
01:06 to really find out
01:08 what's behind that question
01:09 and how can we move in harmony with the will of God
01:11 as He reveals to us
01:13 what He would like us to do in our house?
01:15 Before we go any further,
01:17 if you'd like to get a copy of the lesson,
01:18 go to the following website,
01:20 ABSG.Adventist.org.
01:23 And you could download a digital copy
01:24 or go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:27 where they will be glad to invite you
01:28 into a study group.
01:30 As you inquire, "Can I have a lesson?"
01:32 "Sure. Come on in and study with us."
01:34 And you will grow in tremendous ways.
01:36 Before we go any further, we're gonna have prayer
01:38 after we introduce our panel and then we're gonna go
01:41 and dive into this wonderful lesson.
01:43 What have they seen in your house,
01:45 and I'll be covering Sunday which is entitled,
01:47 "Learning from a King's Mistake."
01:49 But to my immediate left is Pastor Ryan Day.
01:51 Good to have you here.
01:52 Man, it's a blessing to be here, Brother.
01:54 You're fired up, young man.
01:55 Always, always. Stay lit for Jesus.
01:57 Amen. Amen.
01:58 Jill Morikone, our General Manager of 3ABN.
02:01 I appreciate your lists, don't ever change.
02:04 You put it together
02:06 and God is a blessing through your life.
02:07 Good to have you here.
02:09 It's a privilege to be here, Pastor John.
02:10 I love to study the Word of God.
02:11 It shows, it shows.
02:13 Pastor Kenny,
02:14 you bring to the board an experience of man
02:15 who has been out there proclaiming God's Word
02:17 for some time.
02:18 So good to have you here today.
02:20 It's good to be here. Thank you.
02:21 And Shelley, who loves...
02:23 She likes to write books, love to teach,
02:27 and she has a passion for God's Word.
02:29 Good to have you here today, Shelley.
02:30 Thank you. It's just always a joy.
02:32 Matter of fact, would you have our prayer for us?
02:34 Absolutely.
02:35 Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus,
02:37 thanking You for Your Word, Lord.
02:39 Thanking You that it is a light to our feet
02:41 and lamp to our path.
02:42 And we thank You also for Your Holy Spirit.
02:44 We ask now that
02:46 He would come and speak through us
02:48 and let us all learn from this lesson.
02:51 We thank You for the answer to the prayer,
02:53 thank in Jesus' name.
02:54 Amen. Amen.
02:56 Amen.
02:57 What have they seen in your house?
02:59 Well, I could say right now
03:00 they're gonna see less and less in our house
03:02 because my wife and I've been purging.
03:04 We've discovered that you can't take it
03:06 with you so get rid of it before the call,
03:08 the leave comes.
03:09 I've also discovered and we have seen this
03:12 after being married 35 years, we have seen...
03:14 It's amazing and you know it.
03:16 Kenny, you probably more likely in that category.
03:19 And, Shelley...
03:20 And Jill's married too.
03:22 You're married too.
03:23 Just hang on, you have as much junk as I have.
03:26 But stuff just tends to accumulate and we find,
03:30 we tend to find meaning in everything we touch.
03:33 It is humbling to think as many times as we've moved,
03:37 we have touched everything in our house
03:39 to get out of a place where you used to live,
03:41 you have to touch everything from the minutest paperclip
03:45 to the largest piece of furniture.
03:47 And the reality is, friends, we cannot take it with us.
03:50 Say that with me.
03:52 We cannot take it with us.
03:54 What have they seen in your house?
03:55 Our houses are intended by God to be a blessing.
03:59 And the story of Hezekiah takes us to that very platform,
04:03 a man of God,
04:05 who was confronted with a life changing illness.
04:10 You know, you never know,
04:11 you cannot prepare for the unpredictable,
04:14 but you can live your life
04:15 so that when the unpredictable come,
04:18 your worship to God does not change.
04:20 There's a difference.
04:23 When you make it a pattern in your life
04:25 to worship the Lord in times of blessings,
04:28 when the times of trial come,
04:30 you don't ask the question where is God
04:32 because you have known
04:34 where He's been from day to day.
04:35 So when you live your life as though God is always there,
04:38 which He is,
04:39 you will not have to worry about where He is
04:40 when times of challenge come.
04:42 Amazing story in Isaiah 38 and 39.
04:45 I'm gonna summarize it because it's a long story.
04:47 I encourage you to read it.
04:49 Hezekiah is faced with an illness.
04:51 And he's confronted with the reality that,
04:53 "Hey, I'm going to die."
04:55 And he pleads with the Lord to spare his life.
04:58 And the Lord gives him, how many years?
05:00 Fifteen. Fifteen years.
05:02 I'm still trying to figure out why 15, not why 14
05:05 which is 7 times 2, why not 7.
05:07 But He gives him 15 years, and he asks for evidence.
05:10 And the Lord does... What does He do?
05:12 Sundial goes back.
05:13 The sundial goes back.
05:14 Today, it'll be our watch it will go back,
05:16 all of a sudden we say, "Did you see that?"
05:18 The sun is going up when it should be going down.
05:21 The Lord made it unmistakable through Isaiah the prophet
05:24 that God has heard your prayers,
05:26 He's going to extend your life,
05:28 this disease is not unto death.
05:31 And he is so excited,
05:32 he forgets to give God the glory.
05:35 So people come to his house...
05:36 And the Lord left him.
05:39 I like the way the writer says,
05:41 "The Lord left him to test him."
05:44 God blessed him and stood back and said,
05:46 "Now let me see what he's gonna do.
05:47 Let me see what his reaction is going to be in harmony
05:49 and light of what I just did for him."
05:51 The Lord left him to test him.
05:52 So people came to Hezekiah's house,
05:54 and Hezekiah did not hesitate to show them
05:58 everything that was in his house
06:01 from the smallest to the grandest.
06:04 He didn't leave anything.
06:06 The Lord said, "What did you show them in your house?"
06:09 "I didn't leave anything out.
06:10 I showed them everything.
06:12 A trophy I got from the singing contest
06:16 in New York 35 years ago
06:18 to the commendation I got from the president of Zimbabwe.
06:22 I showed them everything." That's right.
06:24 And He said, "Hezekiah,
06:28 this was a perfect opportunity to tell people about Me.
06:32 And what did they see instead your stuff?
06:34 Yeah.
06:36 You know what, Hezekiah.
06:38 It reminds me of the rich fool
06:43 who said self,
06:46 "I have many things laid up for many years.
06:50 I'm gonna tear down my old bonds,
06:53 build new ones,
06:54 pack it with stuff,
06:56 and I'm gonna sit back and take ease."
06:59 And the Lord said, "Tonight, thy fool,
07:02 your soul is required of you.
07:05 Who's gonna get all the stuff?"
07:08 An unfortunate reality.
07:09 Go with me to the Book of Luke Chapter 12.
07:12 An unfortunate reality.
07:14 And the lesson that we immediately learned
07:17 is don't allow our stuff
07:20 to eclipse our God.
07:21 That's right.
07:23 Don't allow our stuff to eclipse our God.
07:27 Luke 12:15,
07:30 "He said to them,
07:31 'Take heed and beware of covetousness."
07:35 And by the way, the 10th Commandment,
07:36 I believe is the foundation
07:38 for all the other ones being violated.
07:40 When we enter into the place
07:44 where we covet with God has never given to us.
07:46 Those last six commandments will always be violated.
07:49 When we covet the place that belongs to God alone,
07:52 when we covet the glory that belongs to God alone...
07:55 One of my favorite writers, Oswald Chambers,
07:57 he says, "Never use God's gifts
08:00 to rob God of His glory."
08:03 And there are so many people that can preach well,
08:05 sing well, they can administer well,
08:06 they're good at what they do.
08:08 But my wife and I've always prayed,
08:09 "Lord, never allow us to use our gift
08:11 to rob You of Your glory."
08:13 And the Lord has been gracious to keep us humble.
08:15 Amen. Praise the Lord.
08:16 But a man's life does not consist
08:18 in the abundance of the things he possesses.
08:21 I remember saying this many years ago,
08:23 and I reiterated here,
08:24 never allow your possessions to possess you.
08:27 Yes.
08:29 Hezekiah had to deal with the reality
08:33 that God was not honored.
08:35 And we know the end of the story.
08:38 Hezekiah was laid to rest by the Lord
08:40 because he didn't use the opportunities
08:42 granted to him.
08:44 I think Pastor Kenny may have said this
08:46 in one of our programs,
08:47 a few programs back maybe.
08:49 He says, "I've never met anybody on a hospital bed
08:52 that said, 'I wish I had more money in the bank.
08:54 Or I wish I had a bigger car.'" That's right.
08:56 "Or I wish I had worked longer hours."
09:00 We always say, "I wish I spent more time
09:03 with my family."
09:04 And they are those
09:06 who in those regrettable moments wish I said,
09:07 "Oh, I think of the lamenting moments.
09:10 I wish I told more people about Jesus."
09:11 Amen.
09:13 And the unfortunate thing is while we are healthy,
09:15 let us use our opportunities to give God the glory
09:18 which takes me to these points.
09:20 I didn't put numbers next to them,
09:21 Jill, for whatever reason.
09:23 Well, let's go to point number one.
09:24 I'll give a point number one.
09:25 1 Peter 2:9.
09:27 1 Peter 2:9.
09:33 Every one of us, by the way,
09:34 whether you are in private or in public,
09:36 whether you are living in a fishbowl
09:37 like each one of us is
09:39 or whether you are in a solitude of your own home
09:42 working in a very,
09:43 maybe even the most docile of environments,
09:46 every one of us is called to be witnesses
09:48 first to God and then for God.
09:51 1 Peter 2:9.
09:52 Notice what we are called to proclaim.
09:54 Who has that?
09:56 Shelley, would you read that for us?
09:57 "But you are a chosen generation,
09:59 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
10:02 His own special people,
10:05 that you may proclaim the praises of Him
10:07 who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
10:12 I mean, how many times, thank you, Shelley,
10:13 we are called to proclaim?
10:15 Proclaim is not always done verbally.
10:18 Proclaiming sometimes is done by the actions of our own life.
10:21 Absolutely. Yes.
10:23 And by the way,
10:24 I don't even subscribe to this
10:26 because, you know, we love to preach
10:27 but some people said the best sermon
10:29 ever preached was never done verbally,
10:30 but it was done through our lives.
10:32 Proclaiming, reflecting, revealing,
10:34 and giving God always the glory.
10:35 But we are called to proclaim
10:37 the praises of Him.
10:41 When you want praises, you cannot proclaim praise.
10:44 That's true.
10:45 And it's so sad. I wanna make this point here.
10:47 Be very, very careful when God has gifted you
10:50 because the gift is not intended for your praise,
10:53 the gift is intended for God's grace.
10:56 You may be good at what you do,
10:57 but don't ever get too comfortable
11:00 in the accolade of men.
11:01 I like it.
11:03 I have a book actually on how to handle flattery.
11:05 It was written by
11:07 one of my favorite professors down at Southern College.
11:12 I won't mention his name publicly
11:13 because he may or may not want me to.
11:16 But how to handle flattery
11:17 and one of the wonderful things he said.
11:19 If somebody comes in and begin to say,
11:21 "Oh, what a wonderful message, what a wonderful song,
11:23 what a wonderful seminar, what a wonderful presentation,"
11:25 say this,
11:27 "If the Lord can use me
11:29 to give Him glory
11:31 and to bless your life, praise His name."
11:33 Amen.
11:34 If the Lord can use me to be a blessing to you,
11:36 praise His name.
11:38 And he talked about how flattery is an instrument
11:40 that kills people
11:42 and eventually gets them
11:43 to build an altar to themselves.
11:45 And later on, they find themselves
11:47 surrounded by monuments that look all just like them.
11:50 And they want everyone else to recognize that.
11:52 The most dangerous thing is to get the gift of God
11:55 and rob God of His glory,
11:56 and then try to build yourself a monument
11:58 to your own glory.
12:00 It'll end your life in a tragic way.
12:02 We are not only called to reflect,
12:04 we are called to shine.
12:07 Matthew 5:16,
12:09 "Let your light so shine before men,
12:12 that they may praise you."
12:14 So what is it say, Jill? See your good works.
12:16 And do what?
12:17 Glorify your Father which is in heaven.
12:19 That they may see your good works
12:20 and glorify your Father which is in heaven,
12:23 not glorify his son, which is on earth.
12:28 When we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God,
12:32 He will exalt us in due season.
12:33 That's right.
12:35 But to be exalted
12:36 when the season doesn't come
12:38 is the most dangerous thing.
12:41 Being at the top is a very dangerous place
12:44 to be when God hasn't put you there.
12:47 Desiring to be at the top is a dangerous thing
12:50 when God hasn't put you there.
12:52 Read the life of Uzziah.
12:53 All of Uzziah's life was a blessing
12:56 until the Bible says,
12:58 "He was marvelously helped by God
13:02 until he became great."
13:05 When he became great, he knew it,
13:06 and then he became a leper
13:08 because his greatness was to his own glory.
13:10 We are also called to declare.
13:12 John 9:25.
13:14 We are to declare what God has done for us.
13:17 "He answered and said,
13:19 'Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know.
13:22 One thing I know that though I was blind,
13:26 now I see.'"
13:27 Tell somebody about the changes
13:30 that Jesus has made in your life.
13:32 Amen? Amen.
13:33 Not about the stuff He's given you.
13:35 If the Lord wants to give you stuff...
13:37 And I believe this, panel.
13:38 I believe that the Lord never gives you anything
13:40 that will cause you to stumble.
13:41 That's right.
13:43 So if it's causing you to stumble,
13:44 I can guarantee you
13:45 it's been a desire of your heart
13:47 and you found a way to make it happen.
13:48 God will never give you a gift to cause you to fall.
13:51 He'll give you a gift to give Him glory,
13:53 which is the last part, which is the last part.
13:55 Also declare how God has been gracious.
13:58 After being married 35 years, I end with this one.
14:01 Zechariah 3:2.
14:02 I love the Lord and I believe He said this in my behalf.
14:05 The devil came,
14:07 angry with what the Lord have done in Zechariah's life.
14:08 He said, "The Lord rebuke you, Satan!
14:10 The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you!
14:13 Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?"
14:15 I am one.
14:17 So I'm gonna give God the glory the rest of my days.
14:19 Praise the Lord.
14:20 Amen. Amen.
14:22 Well,
14:23 Monday's lesson is entitled "Family First."
14:27 And I just wanna say just ride off...
14:29 You know,
14:32 this message, this particular lesson
14:34 is very, very much needed today
14:36 because over the years as a minister I have
14:39 set in the church,
14:40 and I think we've all done this to certain extent
14:42 we observe, we do.
14:44 We see things, we hear things,
14:46 and, you know, as you grow and mature in the Lord,
14:48 you learn not to so much keep your eyes
14:51 and attention focused on people.
14:53 But nonetheless, you know, when something is in your face,
14:55 and you're seeing it,
14:57 you know, you're experiencing something,
14:58 you're observing something...
14:59 You know, I have been through many different churches,
15:02 I have sat under many different pastors.
15:04 And I'm telling you almost every other pastor
15:07 that I've talked to.
15:08 I ask them this question, you know,
15:10 what is your greatest challenge as a pastor?
15:13 And maybe not all of them with the same words,
15:15 but in some way form or fashion
15:16 would communicate that, you know,
15:18 trying to get my people engaged
15:21 in experiencing the true gospel,
15:24 trying to get my people to be involved in the work.
15:29 And as I hear them use those words and describe,
15:32 you know, what it is, my mind goes to,
15:34 well, it sounds like those people
15:36 they need a transformation.
15:38 They need to come to know Jesus.
15:40 And we know that, yes, there's wheat and there's tares
15:42 and they have to coexist.
15:44 But at the end of the day, you know,
15:45 every single one of us, we have to realize,
15:47 and I've said this over and over,
15:48 we have to have a personal daily
15:50 relationship with Jesus Christ.
15:52 Where does that start?
15:54 Some people think they have this false understanding that,
15:57 you know, "I'm gonna just live my life
15:58 throughout the week, and I'm gonna come to church,
16:00 and I'm gonna fill up on God's goodness,
16:02 I'm gonna hear this powerful sermon,
16:03 and that's gonna last me the rest of the week."
16:05 You know, that's not how it works.
16:07 You know, truthfully, I find that, you know,
16:09 the reason why there's so many people
16:11 that are bringing their problems
16:12 and their issues,
16:13 and we all have them,
16:15 we've all have experienced them,
16:16 it's because they lack Jesus in their home.
16:19 And their family is suffering
16:21 from not knowing Jesus personally.
16:23 Monday's lesson "Family First."
16:26 The most natural first recipients of our gospel
16:29 sharing endeavors
16:30 are the people in our households.
16:32 That's right.
16:33 There is no more important mission field than this.
16:36 If you can get Jesus in the home,
16:38 if each and every one of your family members,
16:39 including yourself,
16:41 can come to know Jesus on a daily basis
16:43 in your home,
16:44 when you leave that home,
16:46 wherever you go, you're gonna take Him with you.
16:47 When you come to church, guess what?
16:49 When the pastor gives a sermon and says,
16:50 "Hey, I need some people to, you know, join me and,
16:53 you know, taking the gospel to this community."
16:55 It's kind of second nature.
16:57 You're just gonna do it
16:58 because you have Jesus in your heart.
17:00 But it seems like today...
17:01 And, Pastor, you know this,
17:02 Brother Kenny, you know this, we all know it.
17:04 It seems like the day you give a gospel call,
17:05 it's like, "Hey, let's go reach the community with Jesus."
17:07 You know what?
17:09 People in that church need to hear Jesus.
17:11 They still need a transformation.
17:13 You know, I look at example given in the Bible,
17:15 John 1:40-42.
17:19 John 1:40-42.
17:21 Notice the experience here of couple of these disciples.
17:24 It says, "One of the two who heard John speak,
17:28 and followed Him, was Andrew,
17:31 Simon Peter's brother.
17:34 He first found his brother Simon,
17:36 and said to him,
17:38 'We have found the Messiah.'"
17:39 Which of course is translated anointed.
17:41 "He brought Simon to Jesus
17:44 who looked at him and said,
17:45 'You are Simon, son of John.
17:47 You are to be called," is it Cephas?
17:50 Which is translated, Peter.
17:52 Now when you read this particular text,
17:54 what does it tell us?
17:56 Andrew, here's John,
17:58 about how the Messiah has come
18:00 who's the first person he runs and tells?
18:02 His brother.
18:03 I mean, you know, I got to tell my family,
18:04 this is great news,
18:06 I'm gonna go back and tell my brother
18:07 because, you know, truthfully,
18:09 I don't believe there's any person in the world
18:10 who loves Jesus
18:11 and who wants to come to know Jesus better.
18:13 I don't know of any person in the world
18:14 who doesn't desire to see their family members saved.
18:17 I believe more than anything,
18:18 I wanna see my family in heaven.
18:19 I wanna see everyone in heaven.
18:21 But, you know...
18:22 But first my mind goes to I wanna see my brother there.
18:24 I wanna see my father there.
18:26 I wanna see my mother, my sister.
18:27 I wanna see my whole family.
18:28 I wanna see my wife.
18:30 And, you know, those who have little ones,
18:31 you wanna see your little ones there.
18:33 Amen.
18:34 Deuteronomy 6:6-7,
18:39 "And these words which I command to you today
18:41 shall be in your heart.
18:43 You shall teach them diligently to your children,
18:46 and you shall talk of them
18:48 when you sit down in your house,
18:50 when you walk by the way,
18:52 when you lie down, and when you rise up."
18:54 You know, that covers the whole spectrum.
18:56 In other words, Jesus is saying here,
18:57 you know...
18:59 Hey, in your home
19:00 that should be a Christ filled home,
19:02 that should be a gospel filled home.
19:04 Whatever you're doing,
19:05 always make sure
19:06 that you have the Lord on your mind.
19:08 The Word of the Lord should be the living manual
19:10 for your household.
19:11 It shall be diligently shared and taught within your home
19:14 as the standard for godly living.
19:16 I found this quote here, powerful quote.
19:18 Testimonies for the Church, volume six, page 93.
19:21 Notice what it says here.
19:23 "Religious instruction should be given to children
19:26 from their earliest years.
19:28 It should be given, not in a condemnatory spirit,
19:32 but in a cheerful, happy spirit.
19:35 Mothers need to be on the watch constantly,
19:37 lest temptation shall come to the children in such a form
19:41 that is not to be recognized by them.
19:44 The parents are to guard their children with wise,
19:47 pleasant instruction.
19:49 As the very best friends of those inexperienced ones,
19:52 they should help them in the work of overcoming,
19:55 for it means everything to them to be victorious."
19:58 This is a powerful quote, it goes unto say,
20:01 "This must be a daily, hourly work.
20:05 Parents, must watch,
20:06 watch and pray,
20:08 and make your children
20:09 your companions."
20:11 That's a powerful quote.
20:12 And it really, really is.
20:14 It should be the experience in our homes.
20:17 Ruth Chapter 1.
20:18 This is another one that in the lesson brought out
20:20 that I thought was very, very good.
20:22 And there's a powerful message
20:23 behind this as well talking about sharing Christ
20:26 with your family members,
20:27 your loved ones.
20:28 Ruth Chapter 1,
20:30 I'm gonna begin reading in verse 14 to 16.
20:34 It says, "Then they lifted up their voices
20:37 and wept again,
20:38 and Orpa, Orpah," excuse me,
20:41 "kissed her mother-in-law,
20:42 but Ruth clung to her."
20:44 Okay?
20:46 "And she said, 'Look,
20:48 your sister-in-law has gone back to her people
20:50 and to her gods,
20:52 return after your sister-in-law.'"
20:54 Now notice this, Ruth,
20:57 you know, she was of a polytheistic belief,
20:59 okay?
21:00 She worshiped many other false gods that was in her culture,
21:02 that's way she was raised and when her husband died
21:05 and the family all was starting to split up.
21:07 Naomi, the mother, she served the God of Israel,
21:09 she served the true God.
21:11 And, of course, Naomi,
21:12 you know,
21:13 again mourning the death of her son,
21:16 all the emotion, all of the stress,
21:18 all of the worry,
21:19 she just tells Ruth, "You know what,
21:21 you just follow that you guys worship other gods,
21:23 you might as well go ahead
21:25 and follow her going back to previous life.
21:26 There's really nothing here."
21:27 Ruth clung to her.
21:29 And then notice her response, verse 16.
21:31 "But Ruth said,
21:32 'Entreat me not to leave you,
21:35 or to turn back from your following after you,
21:37 for wherever you go, I will go.
21:40 And wherever you lodge, I will lodge.
21:42 Your people shall be my people.'"
21:43 Oh, I love that.
21:45 And notice this, "Your God, my God."
21:47 That's powerful.
21:48 "Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried.
21:51 The Lord do so to me, and more also,
21:54 if anything but death parts you and me."
21:58 And it says, "When she saw that,"
21:59 notice she is talking about, "When she saw that
22:00 she was determined to go with her,
22:03 she stopped speaking to her."
22:04 In other words, Naomi said,
22:06 "Okay, just whatever if that's what she wanna do."
22:07 Now this was powerful here.
22:09 No more...
22:10 This was in the study.
22:11 So in your study on Monday's lesson,
22:13 it says,
22:14 "No more eloquent testimony
22:16 then Ruth's can be given to show
22:18 that youth can meet
22:19 and make a commitment to a perfect God,"
22:21 check this out,
22:23 "even when introduced to Him by an imperfect parent."
22:26 You know, in that particular moment,
22:28 you know, Naomi in her weakness,
22:30 in her struggling, in her mournful spirit
22:34 her lifestyle up to this point had been a witness
22:37 to Ruth who was to worship false gods.
22:41 But when it came time
22:42 when this family was splitting up,
22:43 and it looked like they were about to go
22:45 through a really hard time of trouble,
22:46 Ruth decided, "No, no, no, I'm going with you.
22:49 I want what you have."
22:50 And, you know, we all are imperfect.
22:52 We're striving for that perfection in Christ
22:54 but your lifestyle,
22:56 your choices, especially in the home,
22:58 it affects every single person.
23:00 Family First.
23:02 Child Guidance, page 233.
23:03 I found this powerful.
23:04 I've read this before
23:06 in this particular series of studies.
23:07 Got to read it again.
23:08 It says, "It is the duty of those
23:10 who claim to be Christians to present to the world
23:13 well-ordered, well-disciplined families,
23:16 families that will show
23:18 the power of true Christianity."
23:20 When God is in the home
23:21 and you take that family out in the world,
23:23 you look different, not in a bad way.
23:25 You are different in a good way.
23:27 People notice that and they want what you have.
23:29 And that's a wonderful, powerful witness.
23:31 This comes from Review and Herald,
23:33 November 17, 1896.
23:35 "God would have our families symbols
23:38 of the family in heaven.
23:40 Let parents and children bear this in mind every day,
23:44 relating themselves to one another
23:45 as members of the family of God.
23:48 Then their lives will be of such a character
23:51 as to give to the world an object-lesson
23:54 of what families who love God
23:56 and keep His commandments may be.
23:59 Christ will be glorified,
24:01 His peace and grace and love
24:03 will pervade the family circle like a precious perfume."
24:07 Amen. That is so powerful.
24:09 And my prayer for each and every one of you
24:11 is that you will surrender your home to Jesus Christ.
24:14 Open that front door,
24:16 invite Him in, kick out the devil.
24:17 He doesn't need to be there.
24:19 Allow Jesus Christ to transform your life
24:20 and your family and be a witness for Him.
24:23 Amen. Amen.
24:24 Thank you. Wonderfully done, Pastor Ryan.
24:27 And we're gonna take a short break
24:29 and we'll be right back.
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25:09 Welcome back to our Sabbath School Panel.
25:11 We'll continue with Jill on the topic,
25:14 "Peace That Wins."
25:15 Absolutely.
25:17 What an incredible study so far.
25:18 Thank you so much, Pastor John and Pastor Ryan.
25:21 I love it that God wants to be the center of our hearts,
25:24 the center of our homes,
25:27 the center of our families.
25:29 And when that happens, that influence is unstoppable.
25:32 It influences the entire world.
25:34 But what if you live in a spiritually divided home
25:37 and you have an unbelieving spouse?
25:40 That's what my day is about Peace That Wins.
25:43 How to witness to your unbelieving spouse?
25:47 For that, we're gonna go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 7.
25:52 So turn with me to 1 Corinthians Chapter 7.
25:55 Marriage in Paul's day was under attack.
25:59 We know that from, obviously,
26:01 the counsel he gave to the Corinthian Church.
26:04 But we also know that from records
26:06 and historians of that day
26:08 saying that the early Roman world of that time,
26:12 marriage was under attack.
26:13 Seneca wrote,
26:15 "That women were married to be divorced
26:17 and divorced to be married."
26:19 That the Romans did not date their years by numbers,
26:24 they call them by the name of their husbands.
26:28 There was an example given of a woman
26:29 who had 10 husbands.
26:31 Now this is in the time of Paul,
26:33 when he's writing to the Corinthian Church.
26:35 Another woman who had 8 husbands in 5 years,
26:40 another woman who married her 23rd husband,
26:44 and she was his 21st wife.
26:48 So marriage was...
26:50 We say it's under attack today, and I believe that,
26:52 but it was also under attack in the time of Paul
26:56 when he wrote to the Corinthian Church.
26:58 The Christians in Corinth weren't really even shocked
27:01 by sexual immorality
27:03 because it was all around them.
27:05 If you read in 1 Corinthians 5,
27:08 Paul writes about a man who had...
27:10 Let's read it actually, 1 Corinthians 5:1.
27:14 He says, "It is actually reported that
27:15 there is sexual immorality among you."
27:19 This was in the church.
27:20 So we're talking not only in the world was it degraded
27:23 but in the church.
27:25 "And such sexual immorality
27:26 as is not even named among the Gentiles
27:28 that a man has his father's wife!"
27:30 So the church was almost even more degraded
27:33 in some of their practices than the world of that time.
27:37 1 Corinthians 6,
27:39 Paul talks about sexual relationships
27:41 with a prostitute being wrong.
27:43 Now you and I would think that's a given,
27:44 they ought to know that.
27:46 But Paul wrote that the union of a Christian
27:48 with a pagan prostitute
27:49 has serious spiritual implications.
27:53 So some of the Christians were newly baptized,
27:58 new to Jesus
28:01 coming out of paganism and pagan worship.
28:04 And now they're wondering,
28:06 "Well, if Paul says that
28:08 sexual relationships
28:10 with a pagan prostitute is wrong,
28:11 I'm married to an unbelieving spouse."
28:13 You know, they were both pagans
28:15 when they got married.
28:16 Now they became Christians in the church in Corinth.
28:19 What am I supposed to do with that?
28:21 So what is Paul's counsel
28:23 to those married to unbelievers?
28:26 We see that in 1 Corinthians 7:10-16.
28:30 And we're gonna unpack that as we go through here.
28:33 Well, look at Paul
28:34 and Peter's counsel to those
28:36 who are married to an unbeliever.
28:38 There's a lot of difference
28:39 between those entering marriage with an unbeliever
28:42 versus those staying in a marriage
28:45 with an unbeliever.
28:47 What I mean by that, you know, Amos says,
28:48 "Can two walk together, unless they're agreed?"
28:50 And God has serious counsel,
28:52 that if you're considering marriage,
28:54 do not marry an unbeliever.
28:57 But what happens if you are already married
29:00 and your spouse is an unbeliever,
29:02 maybe you became a Christian later,
29:04 what are you supposed to do with that?
29:05 First principle is do not initiate divorce.
29:09 Paul accounts this in 1 Corinthians 7:12 and 13.
29:14 "But to the rest."
29:15 Now he has given counsels in different categories before,
29:17 so in this case, he's saying
29:19 to those with unbelieving spouses
29:21 this is my counsel for you.
29:23 "I, not the Lord, say this."
29:25 Now Paul was clear to say,
29:26 this is not a direct command of Jesus,
29:28 but I as an apostle,
29:29 I'm giving you counsel concerning this,
29:32 "If any brother..."
29:34 Let me read that.
29:36 Verse 12,
29:37 "If any brother has a wife who does not believe,
29:41 and she is willing to live with him,
29:43 let him not divorce her."
29:46 Verse 13,
29:48 "And a woman who has a husband who does not believe,
29:51 if he is willing to live with her,
29:52 let her not divorce him."
29:55 So the first counsel would be not to say,
29:57 "Okay, I'm unbeliever,
29:58 I'm going to free myself from this unbelieving spouse,
30:01 and I'm gonna marry someone who's a Christian."
30:03 No, the first counsel is do not initiate divorce.
30:07 Second counsel is that your union...
30:10 If you're a believer with an unbelieving spouse,
30:13 results in benefits to the unbeliever.
30:17 We see that in verse 14,
30:19 "The unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife,
30:24 and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband,
30:28 otherwise your children would be unclean,
30:30 but now are they holy."
30:33 Now what does that mean?
30:34 I think about Joseph,
30:36 when he was sold as a slave into Egypt,
30:39 and he served in Potiphar's house.
30:41 What does the Bible say?
30:43 Potiphar and his entire household
30:45 were blessed.
30:47 Why?
30:48 Because of Joseph.
30:49 Now Potiphar wasn't a believer,
30:51 he wasn't following the true God,
30:52 but Potiphar was blessed
30:54 because Joseph within his household.
30:56 Think about Sodom.
30:58 God would have spared that city,
31:00 and it was a horribly wicked city.
31:02 If there were what,
31:03 15 righteous people or less, right?
31:06 Less righteous people in that city,
31:09 God would have spared the city.
31:10 Think about Abraham, Genesis 12:3, God says,
31:14 "I will bless those who bless you,
31:16 and the ones who curses you I will curse.
31:20 And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed."
31:24 So there's almost fringe benefits you could say
31:26 by being married to a believer.
31:30 Paul's not saying that the unbeliever will be saved
31:32 because of the believer.
31:33 They have to make their own choice, that's clear.
31:36 You can't save someone else.
31:38 But at the same time,
31:40 the unbelieving spouse is going to be blessed
31:42 because they live in a home where there was someone
31:46 who follows the Lord Jesus Christ.
31:49 Number three, we're called to seek,
31:51 to win the unbelieving spouse to Christ.
31:54 We're gonna turn to Peter's counsel here
31:56 and then we'll look at Paul.
31:57 1 Peter 3:1 and 2.
31:59 And we referenced this text on a previous lesson.
32:02 1 Peter 3:1 and 2,
32:04 "Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands,
32:09 that even if some do not obey the word."
32:11 In other words, some are not Christians,
32:13 some are not believers.
32:15 "They, without a word,"
32:18 That means without your preaching to them
32:22 or nagging to them they,
32:24 "may be won by the conduct of their wives,
32:28 when they observe your chaste conduct
32:29 accompanied by fear."
32:32 Nowhere in Scripture are men told to ask their wives
32:36 to submit to them.
32:37 But the Bible is very clear to women
32:40 that we are called to submit to our husbands.
32:44 And men are counseled
32:45 to sacrificially love their wives
32:48 and give themselves for her.
32:51 So this counsel says,
32:52 even if you don't speak a word in your home,
32:56 but you actively live Christianity,
32:59 your unbelieving spouse can be won to Christ.
33:03 Paul says the same thing in 1 Corinthians 7,
33:06 we're back to 1 Corinthians 7:16.
33:09 "How do you know, O wife,
33:12 whether you will save your husband?
33:15 Or how do you know, O husband,
33:17 whether you will save your wife?"
33:19 Now it's not that the believing spouse
33:22 can physically save their other spouse.
33:24 But it means that your godly example,
33:27 your conduct, your love is going to make
33:32 such an incredible difference in their life.
33:34 Have you ever been around someone
33:36 that when you're with them,
33:38 you want to become more like Jesus?
33:40 You know, there's a certain woman
33:42 I can think of I won't mention her name.
33:44 Probably, one of the godliest women I know.
33:46 And every time I'm with her,
33:48 when I leave her presence,
33:50 just a conversation or just a hi
33:52 or phone call or anything,
33:54 when I leave her presence,
33:55 I want to become more like Jesus.
33:58 So be that type of person in your marriage
34:02 for the unbelieving spouse.
34:04 Number four,
34:05 do not resist divorce proceedings
34:07 unless the unbeliever initiates it.
34:10 That's in 1 Corinthians 7:15.
34:12 "If the unbeliever departs,
34:14 let him depart, a brother or a sister
34:16 is not under bondage in such cases.
34:19 But God has called us to peace."
34:22 And finally, number five, trust God in your marriage,
34:27 trust God for your spouse's salvation.
34:31 2 Peter 3:9,
34:33 "God is not willing that any should perish
34:37 but that all should come to repentance."
34:41 So I just want to make a special appeal
34:42 to those of you
34:44 who are walking in a difficult marriage.
34:47 Your spouse doesn't know God,
34:48 your spouse doesn't care about God,
34:51 your spouse doesn't love God,
34:53 make a choice today
34:55 to make Christ center of your home
34:58 and with your children.
35:00 And God can use you to influence them
35:04 to make a decision to follow Jesus
35:06 and your home can become a united home.
35:09 Amen. Praise the Lord.
35:11 I say, I like the way you covered
35:13 and the way it's been covered down here
35:15 because it really sets up...
35:16 And I think we've all said this and it really does.
35:18 What each one says we're gleaning from it
35:21 and to see how the lesson really fits together.
35:24 For my lesson, Wednesday is "Family Life Is for Sharing."
35:28 I thought just a beautiful lesson for me
35:30 because of experiences in life and home
35:33 and so on and so forth,
35:34 and how valuable they are.
35:36 But I know this from experience,
35:38 and I think we all do, and we've shared it.
35:40 People become like who they behold.
35:42 Yes.
35:43 If we're watching the TV a lot,
35:45 we want to become like those who are in Hollywood.
35:46 If we're studying the Word of God,
35:48 we wanna become certainly like God.
35:50 So, you know, that's a church, that's social media,
35:53 it doesn't matter what work or play,
35:55 we're always beholding somebody.
35:58 We're looking at somebody,
36:00 you know, like what are they doing,
36:02 why are they doing all these things.
36:03 So we're beholding, and it's going
36:05 sinking in our mind whether we think it not,
36:07 whether we're at Walmart,
36:08 music stuff that's going on,
36:10 whatever it might be,
36:11 subconsciously, I think it's going in.
36:13 We always have to be careful.
36:15 I think about all these things here.
36:16 In the home,
36:18 we realized that children imitate the parents.
36:21 And as first ones they really do
36:22 whatever mom and dad did.
36:24 "Well, dad did it."
36:25 I've heard, you know, "Dad did it, Mom, you know..."
36:28 I realized even in the home
36:29 when my mother came to be a Seventh-day Adventist,
36:32 several years before my dad did.
36:35 Mom just made sure the kids went.
36:36 We all went to church.
36:38 We came over my church,
36:39 my dad was sitting there one day watching TV, you know?
36:41 And so I thought, "Well, this is good deal."
36:43 He's watching, I think it was Lone Ranger,
36:45 and I love the cowboys.
36:46 And so, you know, just a little tot
36:48 but, you know what, I seen him doing.
36:50 I didn't say anything.
36:51 But I thought there's really nothing wrong
36:52 with some of this thing because dad's doing it.
36:55 I never considered that
36:57 he hadn't really given his heart
36:58 and remit changed his life, but I was influenced by that.
37:02 You know, our influence is powerful we realize...
37:04 Ministry of Healing, page 354 says this.
37:08 It speaks about social influences.
37:09 It says, "It's a wonderful power.
37:12 We can use it if we will
37:14 as a means of helping those about us."
37:16 And that's what we should be doing.
37:18 Everything to me is to help others,
37:20 everything is the winning of souls,
37:22 doing something for Christ.
37:25 I know there's many ways, you know,
37:26 in families and friends and home and marriage
37:29 things that we can do
37:30 that will point someone to Jesus Christ.
37:32 But, you know, there are many I found out,
37:35 they have no example.
37:37 What goes on in their home,
37:38 they didn't have a clue
37:41 of what they need to be doing for the cause of Christ
37:43 or even given their life to Christ.
37:45 I found this even years ago growing up in home.
37:48 And I'll just share a couple of those examples
37:50 I think in our home, you know, as we were growing up
37:52 there was a number of occasions,
37:54 number of occasions
37:55 that kids from school would be over,
37:58 neighbors would come over,
37:59 then it was really acceptable, you know?
38:01 I need a cup of this or whatever,
38:04 I need a potato, I need...
38:05 And everybody just borrow then you give back.
38:08 Somebody was coming and going seem like in the house
38:10 and we had children to play or to visit,
38:12 regardless of when it was time for worship
38:15 or Bible study or even setting down.
38:18 And I hear mom start playing the piano,
38:20 you know?
38:21 And so they'd say, call, "Kids, come on in."
38:25 You know, that's homes for witnessing
38:26 and for those who are around.
38:28 And it didn't matter
38:29 if we're playing out there in the yard or not.
38:31 But the invitation was given
38:33 for the neighbor kids to come in with us.
38:35 Amen.
38:36 Or the neighbors that are older
38:37 or the mayor, they would come in
38:39 and they would sit down and it's like...
38:42 Sometimes they just sit and they'd stare
38:44 and you want to...
38:46 And as a younger person
38:47 I don't know about your religion
38:49 and things you kind of...
38:50 I'm like, well, that's not what they do in their home
38:51 because I've been over there, you know,
38:53 you're little bit embarrassed somewhat.
38:54 Mom and dad really didn't care.
38:56 "Just come on in, kids,
38:57 we're gonna have a little worship."
38:58 And they always encourage them to, you know,
39:00 to join in and they did.
39:02 I don't think it ever failed.
39:05 It never failed when we had worship
39:07 or we're singing some songs or doing whatever.
39:10 At the end, we maybe go outside...
39:12 And they're not 8, 10-year-old,
39:14 they'd look at you and they say,
39:16 "Wow, I wish we did that in our home.
39:20 My mom and daddy,
39:21 they've never prayed, they never sang a song,
39:26 but we're here hearing it, and we like this."
39:29 So you kind of felt sorry for the way things were going.
39:32 And, you know, again, mom and dad would just,
39:34 you know, encourage them in and we just say, "Well, good.
39:37 Come back, we'll do this thing again."
39:40 And I like too because mom and dad
39:41 talking about examples of witnessing in the home.
39:44 Mom and dad were not ashamed or, you know,
39:47 to show affection and love in the right way.
39:51 And that's something I found out
39:52 that many of my classmates never seen in their home.
39:56 All they seen in their home was dad punching mom,
39:58 mom punching him or cursing each other.
40:01 Really? Not a good word.
40:03 They didn't realize that there were actually a mom and dad
40:06 that loved each other.
40:08 And like go outside the kid would say again.
40:11 "Why so your dad puts his arm around mama?
40:14 He gave her a kiss before."
40:16 I said, "Yeah, they do that all the time.
40:17 It's nothing strange. I grew up with that.
40:19 It's all good."
40:21 Then they said, "I wish," again,
40:22 "I wish my mom and daddy would do that.
40:24 I really wish they did.
40:25 You know, we just don't have that in our home."
40:29 And another thing I thought it was interesting
40:30 is mom and dad used to dress alike.
40:35 Be careful with that word because they dress alike.
40:39 Similar color. I try to clear that.
40:40 Yeah...
40:42 'Cause I thought what we always grin and say,
40:43 "Well, they kind of dressed like they had a shirt
40:45 or some they had the same gown."
40:46 I kind of thought,
40:48 and I didn't would know enough to realize,
40:49 I thought maybe he's going through middle-aged crisis.
40:51 I didn't know why they were,
40:52 you know, putting on the same thing.
40:54 And I notice the other neighbors
40:55 didn't do that, they didn't have that.
40:57 Mom and dad go outside,
40:58 they go for a walk around the block,
41:00 they'd be holding hands, talking as they went.
41:02 And the other kids say,
41:04 "Look, your mom and dad, look their dress,
41:05 and they're going to...
41:07 I wish my mom and dad would do that."
41:08 We know what a witness that was.
41:09 But anyway, it may be kind of funny today
41:12 because people will say something like, you know,
41:14 they'll say, well, I notice you...
41:16 You know, husband and wife and grandma and grandpa
41:19 and stuff right now.
41:21 Here I go again.
41:22 "You and your wife dress alike."
41:24 And I say, "We wear the same colors."
41:26 You know?
41:28 People notice that if something that kind of I think bonds,
41:32 not everybody has to do that.
41:33 It's just your own thing.
41:34 But I find it's good that you're kind of bound together.
41:40 Other people see it.
41:42 They saw when we were growing up,
41:43 they saw it on Warden Street in the house
41:45 that we were born and raised in.
41:47 And all the children came around
41:49 and they always said,
41:50 "We love to go to Shelton's house."
41:51 That doesn't mean we're good or anything,
41:53 it just simply means things were going on in there
41:55 which this lesson brings out here what is...
41:58 This is a place, the home is for witnessing.
42:00 The family is for witnessing and you can do it
42:02 without setting them in the corner
42:04 and tell them how good, how bad
42:05 or your house should be like this
42:07 or it should be like that.
42:08 Not at all.
42:09 Simply just set the right example
42:11 and then when you hear that you say,
42:13 "Man, I wish I could do that."
42:14 Influence is more powerful than most of us think today.
42:18 And so 2 Corinthians 3:18,
42:21 I wanna read this real quickly here.
42:23 We know this, what a powerful passage.
42:25 2 Corinthians 3:18.
42:27 Again, the Bible is already said
42:29 these things, we just need to
42:30 by the grace of God follow them.
42:32 "But we all with an open," what?
42:33 "Face beholding as in a glass the glory."
42:37 Notice who we beholding.
42:38 "The glory of the Lord,
42:40 we are changed into the same image."
42:43 Oh, isn't that beautiful?
42:44 "From glory to glory,
42:46 even by the Spirit of the Lord."
42:48 Changes will come.
42:49 People are beholding, people are watching you today.
42:52 They're watching how you act,
42:53 they're watching you
42:54 when you're in a stressful situation,
42:56 they're watching you
42:57 when the other world would fall apart
42:58 and somehow you're holding it together.
43:00 And sometimes they want to know how can you hold it together?
43:02 How can people hold it together in this world
43:04 when it's falling apart before our very eyes right now?
43:07 Wars, rumors of wars or pestilence,
43:09 there's everything you can think of
43:11 going on in the world today.
43:12 Threat of disaster and so on...
43:15 And the situation to where we need extra help.
43:17 People say, "How can you be so calm?"
43:20 Because we know the one that sits on the throne,
43:22 we can point them to Jesus Christ.
43:24 Letter 108, 1899 says this, "When Christ is loved..."
43:28 Notice this,
43:29 "When Christ is loved more than self."
43:31 Here self comes again.
43:33 "The Savior," notice this,
43:35 "beautiful image is reflected in the believer."
43:38 So notice, what is it?
43:39 When Christ is loved more than self,
43:42 then Jesus is seen.
43:44 Itself is loved more
43:45 and we're worried about me, my, I all the time,
43:48 Christ cannot be seen, all it can be seen is me,
43:51 all I can see is my miserable character maybe
43:53 or the way that I act or may I react
43:55 and so on and so forth that needs to go,
43:57 so Jesus can come in.
43:58 So we can reflect Jesus.
44:00 Manuscript 102, 1903 says this, "There is only one..."
44:05 Notice this, "There's only one need
44:10 after which human character is to be formed
44:13 and that certainly is the character of Christ,"
44:15 isn't it?
44:16 The character of Christ formed within, what is it?
44:19 The hope of glory.
44:20 We need that and we can do it in our family.
44:23 Our lesson brings it out the importance of our family
44:25 and witnessing to those round about.
44:27 And, again, people tend to be like those who are around.
44:30 So, you know,
44:31 I'm encouraging you there at home,
44:33 I'm encouraging this panel,
44:34 we know this very simple is to let Jesus come in,
44:37 let Him shine through, let Him be our example.
44:40 In the home don't be afraid if you have visitors,
44:43 people coming in.
44:44 If it's your custom,
44:46 if that's what you do in family worship,
44:47 invite them to come and sit.
44:49 You don't have to make them read anything
44:51 or they don't have to pray,
44:52 they had to just come in and what?
44:54 To just witness and to behold Jesus living in that home.
44:58 And how the children can learn to pray,
45:00 how we can learn to sing together
45:03 and to simply just lift up the name of Jesus,
45:05 the home certainly is a place, is a witnessing tool.
45:08 Use your home for the honor and the glory of God.
45:12 Amen.
45:13 What a blessing as some of you experienced
45:15 in growing up in families that had family worship.
45:20 We never had a family worship in my family.
45:22 So it's quite different.
45:24 I have Thursday's lessons
45:26 "Sinners of Contagious Influence."
45:28 Let me read you a quote,
45:30 "Far more powerful than any sermon
45:32 that can be preached
45:34 is the influence of a true home upon human hearts and lives.
45:38 Our sphere of influence
45:40 may seem narrow, our ability small,
45:43 our opportunities few, our requirements limited,
45:47 yet wonderful possibilities are ours
45:50 through a faithful use of opportunities of our home."
45:55 We're talking about using our home
45:57 as a place of ministry, are we not?
45:59 And it can be as simple as inviting someone
46:02 to come have lunch with you from church
46:05 or one of your neighbors.
46:07 It can be having a Bible study, opening your home can be...
46:12 Maybe you're offering to put up another Christian for the night
46:15 who's traveling through or lending a room
46:19 to an abused victim.
46:21 There's so many ways
46:22 we can use our home to minister.
46:27 But I wanna point out something that our lesson points out.
46:31 And that is sometimes
46:34 we confuse hospitality and entertaining.
46:41 Let me just tell you real quickly the difference.
46:44 We're graded entertaining when we're in town.
46:47 I mean, this is something that when you entertain
46:50 or I'm gonna speak for myself.
46:52 I want my house perfect.
46:54 I've got menu plan.
46:55 I've got everything out there, and it's already...
46:58 And I remember once Jill showed up
47:00 about 15 minutes early,
47:02 and she looked in
47:03 and saw look of panic on my face.
47:05 And she went out with JD to the garden.
47:08 The point that I want everything
47:10 to look so perfect and clean
47:12 that nobody would know that I've been cooking.
47:15 Everything's displayed and then I wanna look so relaxed.
47:20 It is staged to the tee
47:23 when you're really entertaining a large crowd sometimes.
47:27 Hospitality is not about you,
47:30 it's all about meeting the basic needs
47:35 of the other person.
47:36 Whatever rest,
47:38 refreshment if they need to eat whatever it is.
47:41 In the Greek hospitality, the word is filoxenía.
47:48 And you know what it means love of strangers.
47:51 Philia is the first part, I mean, that comes from lio.
47:55 Philia is brotherly love,
47:58 xenía is a stranger or a guest.
48:02 So hospitality is meeting the needs
48:07 of a stranger or a guest.
48:09 And you can invite somebody over,
48:12 maybe from church or you see somebody
48:14 that's going through something.
48:16 If you just open up a can of soup,
48:18 that's hospitality.
48:20 Your house doesn't have to be perfect.
48:22 It's just warm and inviting.
48:24 It is a tangible expression of self-giving love.
48:29 And you know what Jesus absolutely attached
48:32 theological significance to hospitality.
48:36 Turn to Matthew 25.
48:37 Well, I'm just gonna kind of summarize it for you
48:39 because we just don't have time
48:41 for everything that I've got here.
48:43 But in Matthew 25,
48:46 reference would be verses 34-40.
48:52 And beginning with verse 35,
48:53 He says,
48:55 He's talking to His disciples,
48:56 He said, "I was hungry and you gave Me food.
48:58 I was thirsty and you gave Me drink.
49:00 I was a stranger and you took Me in.
49:02 I was naked and you clothed Me.
49:04 I was sick and you visited Me.
49:07 I was in prison and you came to Me."
49:09 And His disciples are surprised and they're saying, "When?
49:12 When did we do any of these things for You?
49:14 And in verse 40,
49:16 He answers them and says to them,
49:18 "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it
49:22 to one of the least of these My brethren,
49:26 you did it to Me."
49:28 You know, we need to have a genuine concern
49:32 for the poor and the needy.
49:34 We need to let our hospitality extend as automatically
49:41 to strangers as did Abraham.
49:45 Let's consider this.
49:46 I'll give you the scripture reference
49:48 and then we may just kind of hit on it
49:50 as far as reading it.
49:52 But Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18:1-8.
49:58 Abraham is...
49:59 It's the heat of the day.
50:01 He's sitting in the tent, at the door of this tent,
50:04 he looks out, he sees three men coming.
50:06 He jumps up and runs out to them,
50:09 he bows to the ground,
50:10 which was the typical oriental greeting.
50:13 And he says, "My lord."
50:15 Now that's like using...
50:17 That word is like sir.
50:19 It's not Yahweh, he is not referring.
50:22 Abraham hasn't recognized too this initially.
50:25 He just says, "My lord,
50:27 if I found favor in your sight."
50:28 In other words, "Good sir.
50:30 If I have found favor in your sight,
50:32 don't pass me by, accept my hospitality."
50:36 Now he saw three weary strangers.
50:41 Abraham had no idea that one of them was God.
50:45 Anytime that we see God appearing in, I mean,
50:48 a manifestation of God like this,
50:51 we call it the ophany.
50:54 But we know the other two were angels
50:56 because in the next chapter in Genesis 19,
50:58 it refers to them.
50:59 So what does Abraham doing here?
51:02 He's offering three total strangers hospitality
51:08 and he says to them, "Hey, I'll get some water.
51:10 I'll wash the feet.
51:12 Here's a little morsel.
51:13 Here's an appetizer, little morsel and bread
51:15 so that you can refresh your heart,
51:17 but hold on while you're doing that,
51:20 we're gonna kill the fatted calf,
51:22 we're gonna do this with."
51:23 He prepares a feast for them
51:26 and then somewhere during that meal,
51:29 either during or afterwards,
51:31 the identity of Yahweh becomes apparent.
51:36 And he gives them the promise
51:38 that Sarah would have a son in due time.
51:43 is what this reminds me of.
51:48 Hebrews 13:2 says, "Do not neglect or refuse
51:52 to extend hospitality to strangers."
51:57 In other words,
51:59 "If somebody is in the brotherhood,
52:01 be friendly, be cordial, be gracious,
52:03 share the comforts of your home,
52:05 do your part generously."
52:08 Why?
52:10 "For through it some had entertained angels
52:15 without knowing it."
52:17 Angels unaware.
52:19 So here, the servant of the Lord,
52:23 He's praying to God...
52:26 Oops! I'm skipping something.
52:28 So here we've got Abraham,
52:31 and we're gonna skip over Rebecca and Zacchaeus.
52:35 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 4.
52:40 And let me repeat that because I said it wrong.
52:42 1 Peter Chapter 4,
52:45 1 Peter Chapter 4.
52:47 We have various examples
52:52 of hospitality.
52:55 And as I said,
52:56 we're going to skip over some
52:57 like Rebecca in the Old Testament
52:59 and her family,
53:02 Zacchaeus in the New Testament.
53:04 But let me tell you,
53:05 we are all called as Christians to practice hospitality.
53:11 1 Peter 4:9,
53:14 "Practice hospitality to one another."
53:17 He's speaking to those of the household of faith.
53:20 "Be hospitable,
53:22 be a lover of strangers
53:24 with brotherly affection for unknown guests,
53:27 the foreigners, the poor, and all others
53:30 who come your way who are in Christ body.
53:33 And in each instance, do it ungrudgingly."
53:37 That's right. Wow!
53:38 "Be cordial, be gracious, don't complain about it
53:41 because you're representing Christ.
53:43 As each of you has received a gift,
53:47 a particular spiritual talent,
53:49 employ it for one another
53:53 as befits good trustees of God."
53:55 God didn't give you that gift for your own benefit,
53:58 He gave it so that you can minister to others.
54:02 You know, meeting the needs of others
54:03 is certainly the responsibility of the church at large.
54:07 But each one of us are called to practice hospitality
54:11 and meet the needs of our brothers and sisters.
54:14 And we certainly know people
54:16 who have a special gift at that.
54:18 But let me leave you with one last scripture.
54:22 This is 3 John 1:5-8.
54:26 And He says,
54:27 "Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do
54:31 for the brethren and for strangers,
54:33 who have borne witness of your love before the church.
54:37 If you send them forward on their journey
54:39 in a manner worthy of God, you do well
54:42 because they went forth for His name's sake,
54:45 taking nothing from the Gentiles.
54:47 We therefore ought to receive such,"
54:50 In the NIV translates that as hospitality,
54:54 "That we may become fellow workers for the truth."
54:59 Practice hospitality when you have visiting ministers
55:03 and send them forward.
55:06 Amen. Thank you, Shelley.
55:08 Thank you, Pastor Kenny, Jill, Pastor Ryan.
55:10 Let me give you an opportunity to summarize what you covered.
55:13 Yeah, absolutely.
55:14 You know, I have a lot of stuff that I want to say,
55:16 didn't get to get it all in.
55:18 So I'm gonna say another quote right now
55:20 that I think really sums up my particular day.
55:22 This comes from Signs of the Times,
55:24 June 20, 1911.
55:26 It says, "The sweetest type of Heaven
55:29 is a home where the Spirit of the Lord presides.
55:34 If the will of the God is fulfilled,
55:36 the husband and the wife will respect each other,
55:38 and cultivate love and confidence."
55:40 And, of course, we know that will rub off on the children
55:43 and that will be a godly home, indeed.
55:45 Amen. Jill.
55:47 I wanna quote 1 Peter 2:9 which was our memory text.
55:49 Pastor John, you already mentioned that.
55:51 "Your chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
55:53 God's own special people,
55:56 that we should proclaim the praises of Him
55:58 who called us from darkness into marvelous light."
56:01 Now we're called to proclaim that to the world
56:03 but most importantly to our families
56:06 and those in our inner circle who don't walk with God.
56:10 Amen. Pastor Kenny.
56:11 Follow believers who simply follow Christ.
56:14 And then we'll see that many will catch that spirit.
56:17 And they'll see it demonstrated in the lives of others
56:19 and they also see it demonstrated in the home.
56:22 Amen.
56:23 And I would just say that hospitality
56:25 the word in the Greek is filoxenía,
56:28 it's made of two words philia is the brotherly love,
56:32 xenia is strangers or guests.
56:34 So we are to show our love towards strangers
56:38 and in 1 Peter 4:9 and 10
56:41 tells us don't do it grudgingly,
56:43 meet their needs.
56:44 That's right. Praise the Lord.
56:46 In Colossians 3:23 and 24,
56:50 "And whatever you do, do it heartily,
56:53 as to the Lord and not to men,
56:55 knowing that from the Lord
56:56 you will receive the reward of the inheritance,
56:59 for you serve the Lord Christ."
57:02 You know what we want that to be the principal.
57:03 And remember this vitally important point.
57:06 We all lead by influence, not by authority.
57:11 Lead by your influence, not by your authority.
57:14 People remember what you have done,
57:17 not just what you have said.
57:18 And thank you for talking about that
57:20 in family and peace.
57:21 It was wonderful examples that you brought out Kenny
57:24 and then the hospitality aspect is so vitally important
57:27 in what we do.
57:28 Join us next time for the final lesson
57:30 "Turning Hearts in the End Times."
57:33 May the Lord bless you
57:34 and richly strengthen your heart,
57:36 until we see you again.


Revised 2019-06-20