3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Times of Loss

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190022A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:08 It says to,
00:09 "Receive with meekness the implanted Word,
00:12 which is able to save your souls
00:14 and to be diligent
00:16 to present yourself approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:21 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Family Seasons.
00:33 Hello, and welcome to another season,
00:36 another session, another lesson of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:40 It's such a blessing to have each and every one of you
00:42 joining us again, and your support and viewership
00:46 is very, very important to us.
00:47 And we thank you for taking the time out to study with us
00:49 each and every week.
00:51 We're trucking along in this particular study.
00:54 This week we're lesson number nine.
00:56 And the title of this lesson is "Times of Loss."
01:00 And we're gonna do lots of studying
01:01 on this subject today.
01:02 But before we do, I'd like to take the time
01:04 just to introduce this wonderful panel.
01:06 Right here to my left is a good man
01:09 and a good Pastor,
01:11 Pastor John Lomacang.
01:13 Praise the Lord.
01:14 May all the glory go back to the Lord for the work
01:16 He's done in my life.
01:17 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:18 And, of course, a good friend and my wonderful boss,
01:21 General Manager of 3ABN, Miss Jill Morikone.
01:24 Privileged to be here and study God's Word.
01:26 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:28 And again, in a humble
01:29 and exciting preacher for the Lord,
01:32 Pastor Kenny Shelton, it's good to have you.
01:33 Lord is good. It's good to be here.
01:35 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:36 And, of course, the lovely, Miss Shelley Quinn.
01:40 Thank you very much for saying that.
01:41 Amen.
01:43 You're a good person, I have to say that.
01:45 We're so thankful again that you could join us
01:47 and just to remind you
01:49 of how you can get a copy of this lesson,
01:51 you can actually access it online for free.
01:54 If you go to ABSG.Adventist.org,
01:58 just go on there
02:00 and you can access that for free
02:01 or just simply go to your
02:02 local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:04 And I encourage that one because there you can study
02:06 this lesson again with a small group,
02:09 large group, just with a group in general
02:11 and you can study more and learn more.
02:14 There's never, you can never study too much
02:15 of the Word of God.
02:17 That's right. That's right.
02:18 And I praise the Lord for the opportunity.
02:19 Before we get started on lesson nine, Times of Loss,
02:23 I would like to ask Brother Kenny Shelton
02:24 if you would pray for us.
02:25 Absolutely. Let's pray.
02:27 Shall we?
02:28 Our loving heavenly Father,
02:29 truly a privilege to come before Thee.
02:31 Lord, we submit ourselves into Thy care, Thy keeping,
02:34 asking, pleading for the power of Thy Holy Spirit
02:36 to illuminate Yourself in our hearts, in our minds,
02:39 in every viewer, every listener.
02:40 Lord, may we be directed to the cross of Calvary,
02:43 and may You be seen.
02:44 And we're gonna thank You in advance
02:45 for what You're going to do.
02:47 And we thank You, in Jesus' name, amen.
02:48 Amen. Amen, amen.
02:50 I would like to get right into our memory text
02:53 for this particular lesson.
02:54 It's found in Philippians 3:8,
02:59 so if you go there with me Philippians 3:8,
03:02 and the Bible says, "Yet indeed,
03:05 I also count all things loss for the excellence
03:09 of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord,
03:13 for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
03:17 and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ."
03:21 Paul was a powerful man of faith.
03:24 And probably he was maybe second to Job,
03:27 maybe a couple of others,
03:29 he did experience a lot of loss in his life,
03:32 but I love that he may gain Christ.
03:34 It's such a blessing.
03:37 This particular study is dealing
03:39 with different aspects of life in which we feel like
03:42 we have lost someone or something
03:44 from within our family, within our relationships.
03:46 We're gonna talk about, you know, loss of health.
03:49 We're gonna talk about loss of trust.
03:51 In fact, I think, Pastor Lomacang and Jill
03:53 is gonna take on two different topics on that
03:56 or the same topic with two different sessions and,
03:58 Pastor Kenny, loss of...?
04:02 Loss of freedom and then, Miss Shelley, loss of...? Life.
04:03 Loss of life.
04:05 All of these are major aspects of the human experience.
04:08 And my particular lesson, I'm gonna get right
04:11 into Sunday's lesson, which is loss of health.
04:18 Just to kind of set this up, you know, Adam and Eve
04:21 would probably be the best example of this
04:23 in a sense that,
04:24 you know, they came from a perfect, uncorrupted,
04:28 uninterrupted relationship with Christ.
04:31 But, of course, when sin came into the picture,
04:33 they more than anyone saw the greatest loss
04:37 then you and I could ever begin to fathom
04:39 because they lost it all literally.
04:41 And had, I mean, just the pain,
04:45 and the suffering, and the dying of the land,
04:47 the dying of the earth, the animals, and, of course,
04:50 even loved ones in the loss of people around them.
04:53 Such a tragic thing, but Sunday's lesson entitled
04:55 Loss of Health, such an important aspect
04:58 that I think require some reflection.
05:01 This was written in the lesson
05:03 and it was so good that I had to copy it.
05:04 And I had to put it in here myself.
05:07 The lesson says, "As difficult as the loss of health is,
05:12 how much more painful when it strikes,
05:15 not just ourselves, but someone in our own family.
05:21 That's tough.
05:22 How many parents have especially
05:25 as they have dealt with an ill child
05:29 wished it had been them,
05:32 the parent who was sick instead of the child?
05:36 Unfortunately, we're not given that choice."
05:39 And that, you know, actually, I can relate to this
05:41 to a certain extent
05:42 because at the beginning of this year,
05:45 my mom was in, went into the hospital
05:48 for a rather serious procedure.
05:51 And she has been in the hospital for a while,
05:53 in fact, at this moment she's still in the hospital.
05:56 And, I mean, she has been through so much,
05:59 but I remember I was there, when she went in
06:01 for this procedure and I could just see it
06:03 on her face, I could just see it in her body language,
06:05 she was disturbed because the doctors
06:07 had told her this is not simple life procedure,
06:11 anything could happen.
06:13 And the reconstructive surgery that she had on her body
06:15 did take a lot from her
06:17 but she made it through the surgery,
06:18 but I remember when she came
06:19 out of the surgery,
06:21 I was watching her lay on that bed
06:23 and she was just moaning and groaning in pain,
06:26 and, I mean, I just felt this sense of discomfort
06:30 come over my body, my mind was not at ease
06:33 and I remember thinking to myself,
06:34 "Man, I wish that I could take my mother's pain."
06:38 Such a sad situation I have to deal with
06:41 to see someone else suffering, you know, instead of yourself.
06:45 You know, a lot of times
06:46 we can suffer but we can't handle,
06:48 you know, others that we love to see them suffering.
06:50 And that's a great example,
06:52 we find many examples in the scripture
06:54 that I would just like to show
06:56 just a couple of them right now.
06:57 Let's start in Mark 5:22-24.
07:01 And, of course, these examples I believe are given to us
07:04 in scripture because these are real life situations.
07:07 This is not a fairy tale, people in the biblical times
07:10 and during the time of Christ
07:12 dealt with this same situation, but I assure you there is hope.
07:16 Mark 5:22-24.
07:20 The Bible says, "And behold,
07:22 one of the rulers of the synagogue came,
07:24 Jairus by name.
07:27 And when he saw Him, he fell at His feet
07:30 and begged Him earnestly, saying,
07:33 'My little daughter lies at the point of death.
07:37 Come and lay Your hands on her, that she may be healed,
07:42 and she will live.'
07:44 So Jesus went with him, and a great multitude
07:47 followed Him and thronged Him.'"
07:49 You can also find in Luke 4:38-39.
07:54 Another example, of course, Luke 4:38-39 says,
08:00 "Now He arose from the synagogue
08:02 and entered Simon's house.
08:04 But Simon's wife's mother was sick with a high fever,
08:09 and they made request of Him concerning her.
08:13 So He stood over her and rebuked the fever,
08:16 and it left her.
08:17 And immediately she arose and served Him."
08:22 Now we don't have time to read the rest of these,
08:24 but you can go on to read Mark 5:35-43.
08:28 Another example, Matthew 15:22-28.
08:34 Another example, John 4:46-54.
08:39 Yet another example.
08:40 And it's interesting when you read
08:42 all of these passages that we've mentioned here,
08:44 there's a common denominator,
08:46 there's a common theme, and that is people
08:48 coming to Jesus pleading on behalf of another ill,
08:52 or dying, or sick family member.
08:55 You know, loss of health is a major issue in this life.
09:01 It's inevitable that every single one of us
09:03 will die at some time.
09:04 And most of the time, maybe not all the time,
09:06 it's due to a serious illness, disease of some sort.
09:10 We suffer because we live in a fallen world.
09:13 And in core, sin indeed brought death.
09:15 But with that death package came also chronic pain,
09:21 and illness, and disease, degradation, dissipation,
09:25 discomfort, and decomposition.
09:28 And so we can see the effects that sin has brought
09:31 into this world and with that often comes
09:33 a loss of health.
09:35 In fact, you know, I've heard many people over the time say,
09:38 you know what?
09:39 There's few things that I care about my life
09:40 and among that list is, you know, I'm glad
09:43 and I'm thankful that I have my health.
09:45 And so that is a very, very important thing.
09:48 And so often, many of us, we are in such a serious,
09:52 hurting situation that we find ourselves crying out
09:55 exactly what Jesus cried out upon the cross.
09:57 In fact, I'm gonna reflect this from Psalms 22:1,
10:01 through David.
10:02 He's saying and repeating
10:03 the words of Jesus upon the cross,
10:05 while Christ was suffering, He cries out, "My God, My God,
10:09 why have You forsaken me?
10:10 Why are You so far from helping Me?"
10:12 And from the words of my groaning,
10:15 many of us feel like that,
10:16 in this lifetime experiencing pain
10:18 and discomfort, sorrow, disease and, of course, loss of health.
10:24 It always seems like, Lord, do You not hear my prayers,
10:26 Jesus felt that same thing.
10:28 And, of course, God does hear us.
10:30 You know, it makes me think of another instance.
10:33 Not too long ago, my lovely wife, Stephanie,
10:36 she, very slowly but surely over a period of time,
10:41 she took on a case of anxiety, she was having panic attacks
10:44 and anxiety.
10:45 Now some people wouldn't really consider that
10:47 to be an illness or a loss of health,
10:50 but it really, really indeed mental health
10:53 is vitally important for full body health.
10:56 And she was experiencing this
10:57 and I saw in many, many times her struggle.
11:00 And again, it was in that situation,
11:02 I wish that I could just trade places with her
11:04 because to see my wife suffering from this,
11:06 it was overtaking her.
11:08 But praise the Lord, there was an answer.
11:10 We were able to send her to Dr. Neil Nedley's program
11:12 and she learned the wonderful principles and truth
11:15 that she needed in order to bounce back from that.
11:18 And it was just such a powerful witness to see that,
11:20 again, this particular message is not a message
11:23 on the principles of health and how to practice health.
11:25 But again, she did that
11:27 and she was able to come out of it.
11:28 But some people, you know, it's just inevitable.
11:31 It's truthful that you can live the healthiest life,
11:33 many people live a very healthy,
11:35 disciplined life, and yet,
11:36 they still end up with experiencing
11:39 a loss of health that ends up harming them,
11:41 or hurting them, or ultimately claiming their life.
11:45 You know, we have some
11:47 wonderful counsels in scripture on this.
11:50 James 1:2-4, I had to add this one in here
11:54 because it really helps us to understand that
11:57 when we're experiencing trials,
11:59 and I tell you one of the worst trials
12:01 you could possibly experience is the loss of health
12:04 going through a situation like that.
12:05 Notice what James writes here, he says, "My brethren,"
12:08 and as difficult as this may be,
12:10 "count it all joy when we fall into various trials,
12:14 knowing that the testing of your faith
12:16 produces patience."
12:18 You know, nothing is more stronger
12:19 than to see someone suffering.
12:21 But through that experience, that person is suffering,
12:23 say, Lord, I know You know what's best.
12:25 I trust in You.
12:27 And that's hard. That's hard to do.
12:28 We know that, that's difficult.
12:30 It says, "But let patience have its perfect work,
12:33 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."
12:38 Christ sympathizes with us.
12:40 Amen.
12:41 If there's anyone who can say I've suffered,
12:44 I've experienced a loss of health, Jesus Christ.
12:47 Right here, I love this text found in 1 Peter 3:18.
12:51 It says, "For Christ also suffered once for sins,
12:54 the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God,
12:57 being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the Spirit."
13:00 My friends, if you are experiencing loss of health,
13:03 or whatever the trial may be in your life, look to Jesus,
13:06 the author, the finisher of your faith
13:08 because He has experienced it all,
13:10 He holds the answers.
13:11 And, of course, I'm just glad I can count on Him.
13:13 Amen. Amen.
13:15 You know, I just want to really quickly
13:16 in the closing moments, you know,
13:17 I've had an experience my own self, you know,
13:19 I haven't always practice good health.
13:22 And it's my responsibility to do so.
13:25 But I recently, as I mentioned earlier,
13:27 I recently found myself surrendering
13:29 that over to Jesus,
13:30 I said, Lord, I'm ready, no matter what the cost,
13:33 no matter what the case,
13:34 I'm ready to turn this over to You once and for all.
13:36 I attended the Black Hills Health and Education Center
13:39 in South Dakota.
13:40 And I'm telling you, it's transformed my life.
13:42 But, you know, with that learning
13:43 those biblical principles of health,
13:45 and now experiencing this transformation,
13:47 as slow as it may be, you know, I can put my faith
13:51 in Christ knowing that if I were to die tomorrow,
13:53 no matter what the case, I have Him to look forward to
13:56 and the next thing I'm gonna see
13:58 when I opened my eyes
13:59 is Jesus coming in the clouds of glory.
14:01 We have hope that one day He's gonna wipe away all tears,
14:04 He's gonna take away all pain, there will be no more pain.
14:08 And behold, He says, I make all things new.
14:12 Amen. Amen.
14:13 Thank you, Pastor Ryan.
14:15 Wow, this lesson is loss, loss, loss, loss,
14:18 but we're gonna find out, it's also gonna be about gain.
14:22 Loss is the beginning of a situation.
14:25 Gain is the end of it.
14:27 Things that begin one way
14:29 through Christ can end another way.
14:31 So while we're talking about loss,
14:33 you ended your statement by saying gain.
14:36 And the passage you talked about in Philippians,
14:39 I count all things loss that I may gain.
14:41 Gain Christ.
14:43 So lost sometimes is how situations begin
14:45 and mine is "Loss of Trust."
14:48 May 27, am I correct?
14:50 And that's lesson number nine.
14:51 I want to share a couple of thoughts that are a part
14:54 of the context of the lesson.
14:55 The writer of this lesson did a very good job
14:58 and the topic of the loss of trust is one
15:00 that we're gonna be dealing
15:01 with from a different perspective.
15:03 I'll deal with it from the relational,
15:04 sometimes marital loss of trust and the dysfunction
15:08 that happens when trust is eroded,
15:11 but also how to recover that trust.
15:13 That's good.
15:15 The writer says, "We are all sinful."
15:17 Well, that's right.
15:20 Romans 3:23. That's right.
15:22 "Dysfunctional people
15:24 who at some time will prove ourselves
15:26 to be untrustworthy to someone who trusted us.
15:32 And who hasn't been the victim
15:33 of someone else's betrayal of our trust?
15:38 And, as hard as such a loss of trust can be,
15:41 it's always so much worse
15:43 when we betray, or are betrayed,
15:45 by a family member."
15:47 And the larger the family, the greater the opportunity
15:50 for somebody to and, you know,
15:52 sometimes the trust doesn't come early
15:54 'cause when your sibling sometimes,
15:56 you know, you can roll with it.
15:57 Children are more likely to forgive each other
15:59 when little things come on.
16:01 But the higher the stakes as life goes on,
16:05 the castle could teeter or totter on larger issues.
16:09 And sadly enough in relationships,
16:11 it could be anywhere from a person
16:14 fighting over the will when somebody has died.
16:17 It could be adultery on the part of a one spouse
16:20 or the other.
16:21 It could be the dysfunction
16:23 of not being able to trust another sibling
16:26 cause I've seen motives change in so many ways.
16:30 Either at the loss of a parent, motives immediately change.
16:34 When property is involved, motives change,
16:37 and the people that you thought you knew,
16:39 you begin to see a different side of them
16:41 because they haven't stuck to that foundation
16:43 that was built earlier.
16:45 And he goes on further to say,
16:46 and the person who wrote this,
16:48 I'm assuming is a gentleman,
16:49 he says, "Sometimes it may seem
16:51 easier to cut our losses and run
16:52 when we decide the relationship
16:54 isn't worth the effort of rebuilding.
16:56 Of course, it's not so easy when it's a family member,
17:00 such as a spouse.
17:02 You could even say
17:03 that one of the purposes of marriage is to teach us
17:06 the lesson of how to rebuild trust
17:10 when it is broken."
17:11 So anything that's broken,
17:14 I watched a commercial.
17:16 I said the other day, but it could have been
17:18 a long time ago.
17:19 And all of a sudden a gorilla showed up in the commercial.
17:22 And the guy was trying to fix his lawnmower.
17:24 And he gave him this tape.
17:26 It's called gorilla strength tape.
17:28 And he put it on this very vibrating lawnmower
17:31 and held it together.
17:32 A lot of times we're trying to fix things
17:35 with other things that are weak.
17:36 That's good.
17:37 We're using human principles to try to fix human problems.
17:41 But we know that for Christians,
17:44 whatever the challenge may be,
17:46 whatever the loss of trust may be,
17:48 wherever it happens, whether in families,
17:50 among siblings, among people that we work with,
17:52 among spouses, among people that are living in your home,
17:56 or you might say I gave you my car,
17:58 look at what you did to it.
17:59 And then people could turn around and say,
18:01 "Well, I'm not gonna give you anything,
18:02 you gave me the car, it's now on you."
18:04 I mean, seeing so many situations happen
18:06 where a loss of trust has come in.
18:08 But what I wanna do is,
18:10 at start I'm gonna bring out some principles here,
18:11 four major principles.
18:13 But I'm also going to say whatever has been fractured,
18:18 whatever has been broken, wherever betrayal has come in.
18:24 The Lord is a God who restores,
18:26 and who also rebuild.
18:27 Absolutely.
18:29 And that's sometimes we forget, and these principles
18:31 that we're gonna be talking about and these scriptures
18:33 that we're gonna be talking about and building upon
18:36 will help us to see that in spite of where you are
18:38 or where you were, there's a journey
18:41 that can lead you to a better place.
18:42 Amen. Let's look at the first one.
18:46 1 Peter 5:6-7. 1 Peter 5:6-7.
18:51 This is a passage that applies to if there are two people
18:54 I'm gonna just use a scenario of two individuals,
18:56 or any two individuals that are in a situation
18:59 where a loss of trust has come in,
19:00 the first thing we have to do.
19:02 It says in 1 Peter 5:6-7.
19:04 Do you have had that, Jill? I do.
19:05 Okay, read that verse 6.
19:06 "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
19:09 that He may exalt you in due time,
19:12 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."
19:15 The first thing that has to happen is humility.
19:17 On both parts because the first thing
19:19 that happens oftentimes when loss of trust comes in,
19:22 is we both seek to win our argument.
19:25 We win our point and both arguments
19:27 could be very, very valid.
19:29 One could be saying, "This is why
19:30 a trust has been broken."
19:32 The other one say this is what I can't do
19:33 because trust has been broken,
19:34 and we want to win on our platform,
19:37 and the steam gets warm.
19:39 I mean, if you've been married as long as I have,
19:42 you never get to 35 years before
19:43 unless you've gone through some of these geysers.
19:46 And that's why I said longevity is the best indication
19:49 of what God can do in any marriage relationship.
19:51 Amen.
19:53 First of all, be humble before one another.
19:55 And when your humility requires the issue being addressed
20:00 because with every issue, there are emotions,
20:03 never try to delegitimize an emotion
20:06 because an emotion is very real.
20:08 Somebody might say, well, this is how I feel.
20:10 And the other person might say, well, this is how I feel.
20:12 And don't try to delegitimize either emotion.
20:14 But don't let emotion be the final stage,
20:17 emotions come like the ride, you may be on a downward side
20:21 of the ride on a roller coaster.
20:23 I mean, that's a serious feeling.
20:24 And you'll have to deal with that
20:26 after you get off the ride.
20:27 But somewhere along the way,
20:28 your equilibrium will return and will be restored.
20:31 If your relationship is going through that up and down,
20:33 you're gonna get the feelings that are gonna change
20:35 in the rise and fall of the challenge
20:37 you're going through.
20:39 But when you get off that ride,
20:41 the equilibrium of a good relationship
20:43 will be established
20:44 and you'll have a solid foundation.
20:46 So begin with humility.
20:47 And then also that humility means
20:50 you're willing to be exalted.
20:52 You're willing to put your hand
20:53 and you're willing to put your situation
20:55 in the hand of the Almighty God.
20:57 That's good.
20:59 Because when you're not humble,
21:00 you're putting it in your own hand.
21:01 But when you're humble,
21:03 you're being led by the almighty hand of God.
21:06 And then you can cast your cares.
21:09 And the word cares, I'll use another word here,
21:11 you can cast your concerns.
21:13 Rather than shooting concerns back and forth,
21:16 you can cast all your cares on Him
21:18 because you know He cares for you.
21:20 That's right.
21:21 And then He can target and redirect each person
21:23 in that situation,
21:24 to bring about a resolution
21:25 that will be for a restoration,
21:28 both individuals who are broken at one point,
21:30 and then the glory of God to be reflected again
21:32 through each person.
21:34 Second one.
21:35 Let's go to 1 John 4:18.
21:37 Rebuild your love to eradicate your fear.
21:40 Rebuild your love to eradicate your fear.
21:43 1 John 4:18.
21:46 Do you have that, Shelley? Yes.
21:47 "There is no fear in love,
21:48 but perfect love casts out fear,
21:51 because fear involves torment.
21:54 But he who fears has not been made perfect
21:57 in love."
21:59 The two most powerful forces on earth is fear and love.
22:03 That's right. That's good.
22:05 Because if one, it wouldn't be in this...
22:06 It wouldn't be as a contrast.
22:09 It doesn't say death
22:10 because love is stronger than death.
22:13 But fear and love are contenders.
22:16 They want the same stage, you've got to decide
22:19 which one is gonna be on your stage.
22:21 One is gonna keep you a slave,
22:24 the other one is gonna set you free.
22:26 That's good.
22:27 And not just set you free but make you free.
22:30 Because when love is involved, that's why the Bible says
22:34 we have no fear in the judgment
22:35 because love has been perfected among us.
22:37 Another passage,
22:39 when love takes the place of fear,
22:41 fear loses love wins.
22:43 And because love is God,
22:46 both individuals
22:48 when my wife and I have instituted
22:49 a particular principle,
22:50 we both win together or we both lose together.
22:55 But don't insinuate that at the very beginning
22:57 because sometimes you said do you wanna win?
22:58 Do you want to lose?
23:00 Sometimes you don't even deal with the issues, right?
23:02 That's right.
23:04 That you want to just get to the end result.
23:05 As painful as it may seem, let me give you a advice,
23:09 walk through the issues,
23:12 address what has happened.
23:13 That's good.
23:15 Only then can you recognize
23:16 where those things have gone wrong
23:18 and then come to a resolution,
23:20 then the perfect love will cast out
23:22 the obviously terrible fear.
23:25 The third one, James 5:16.
23:27 I'll say this in the interest of time,
23:29 "Confess and pray to facilitate healing.
23:31 Confess your trespasses to one another,
23:33 and pray for one another,
23:34 that you may be healed.
23:36 The effective,
23:37 fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
23:39 A lot of times we get into situations
23:41 and we try to approach them psychologically,
23:43 when you pray for one another,
23:44 when you confess to one another,
23:46 you work for resolution between one another.
23:49 Don't tell other people what you are going through
23:52 'cause they can't help.
23:54 Bring it before you and the Lord
23:55 because only as both of you are committed,
23:58 then you can find resolution.
23:59 And finally, forgive each other as God has forgiven you.
24:03 Matthew 6:14-15,
24:05 "For if you forgive men their trespasses,
24:07 your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
24:09 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses,
24:11 neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
24:14 A powerful four point and I have some more stuff
24:16 on the wrap up.
24:18 But, Jill, I'll throw it to you.
24:19 Ryan.
24:20 Actually, you're gonna throw it back here to me.
24:22 You're right.
24:23 I'm throwing it to you, my Brother.
24:25 I have done that so many times. That's okay.
24:26 The Word of God is so powerful but actually...
24:29 Please don't go anywhere
24:30 because we're gonna take a short break,
24:31 we'll be back.
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25:10 It's good to have you back here with us.
25:12 We're going to continue with our study
25:14 on Loss of Trust with Jill.
25:16 Thank you, Ryan, what an incredible study
25:19 each one of you gave to this with that loss.
25:21 But yet the gain that we can have,
25:23 I love that, Pastor John, through Christ Jesus.
25:25 Loss of Trust continued.
25:27 We're talking on my lesson
25:29 on Tuesday's here on "Healing from Abuse"
25:32 that takes place in the home.
25:34 The home is the most sacred space.
25:36 Amen. Would you say that's true?
25:37 It's the place where we're supposed
25:39 to feel the safest,
25:40 the most protected, cherished, and loved.
25:44 But yet, sometimes because of sin
25:48 and people making choices against God,
25:50 the home becomes the place
25:52 where abuse and violence is perpetuated.
25:57 Here's some statistics on spousal abuse
26:00 or you could say they call it
26:02 this is just how Google does it,
26:04 intimate partner, but we're not even sure
26:06 we like those words.
26:07 But this would be someone that you live with,
26:09 whether it's a spouse, or they're probably
26:12 also saying maybe people that you live with that
26:14 you're not married to.
26:15 Twenty people per minute are physically abused
26:19 in the United States.
26:21 Twenty people per minute, that's in the family dynamics.
26:26 One in three women and one in four men
26:30 have experienced some form of physical violence
26:34 by an intimate partner or by a spouse.
26:36 This is violence such as slapping,
26:38 or shoving, or pushing.
26:41 One in four women and one in seven men
26:43 have been victims of more severe forms
26:46 of physical violence such as beating,
26:48 and burning, and strangling.
26:50 I can't even imagine that.
26:52 One in five women and one in 71 men in the US
26:55 are raped in their lifetime.
26:58 Wow. This is heavy.
26:59 Now I would imagine it could be higher for the men,
27:03 there's probably a stigma
27:04 on both cases with even reporting this.
27:07 Half of the victims were raped by somebody that they knew.
27:11 And of those half, some of it took place
27:14 within the context of family.
27:18 What about kids?
27:19 Kids grow up witnessing domestic violence
27:23 in the home.
27:24 Living with domestic violence alters the child's DNA.
27:29 It prematurely ages them at least 7 to 10 years.
27:33 So if a child witnesses domestic violence
27:36 between their mom and dad in the home,
27:39 it ages them.
27:41 Children who grew up with domestic violence
27:43 are six times more likely to commit suicide,
27:46 50% more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol,
27:49 74% more likely to commit a violent crime
27:54 against someone else.
27:57 Violence or assault takes many forms.
28:00 It could be physical. It could be verbal.
28:02 It could be emotional. It could be sexual.
28:04 It could even be neglect of a child
28:07 that is in your home
28:09 or neglect of your spouse.
28:11 We know in the Bible, there's examples of abuse
28:13 that take place in the Bible as well.
28:15 All a result of sin.
28:17 So I don't know where you are today.
28:21 Maybe you're right now listening to this program
28:24 or watching it and you are living in a home
28:27 where you're being abused.
28:28 Whether you're male or female, it happens on both sides.
28:32 I wanna give you some keys, seven keys to remember.
28:37 One, this is a quote from the lesson,
28:39 there is no excuse for abuse.
28:42 Abusive behavior is the conscious choice
28:44 of a person to exercise power and control over another.
28:48 It cannot be explained or excused by alcoholism,
28:52 stress, the need to fulfill sexual desires,
28:55 the need for better control of anger,
28:57 or any behavior of the victim.
29:00 First, there's no excuse for abuse.
29:03 Second, God hates abuse.
29:07 Let's look at Proverbs.
29:09 Proverbs 11:5.
29:13 Proverbs 11:5, "The Lord tests,"
29:18 or in Hebrew that word test means investigates,
29:21 "the righteous, but the wicked
29:24 and the one who loves violence,"
29:26 what does it say?
29:27 "His soul hates."
29:30 God hates abuse.
29:33 Now, God does not hate the abuser
29:35 and I wanna be very clear about that.
29:37 There is redemption and there is hope
29:39 and healing for someone who is committing abuse.
29:44 However, God hates the abuse.
29:47 He can love the abuser while still hating the sin.
29:51 He hates the abuse.
29:53 Romans 13:10, "Love does no harm to a neighbor."
29:58 Or we could say a spouse or a child,
30:01 "Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law."
30:04 The New Living Translation says,
30:06 "Love does no wrong to others,
30:08 so love fulfills the requirements of God's law."
30:12 So God does not condone abuse.
30:15 In fact, He hates abuse and violence.
30:18 Number three, abuse is the result of sin.
30:21 It's the result of the world that we live in.
30:24 That does not mean that everyone
30:26 who's a sinner is gonna go out
30:27 and commit abuse against someone
30:29 'cause there's different factors, okay?
30:31 But at the same time,
30:33 abuse came as a result of the enemy,
30:36 as a result of sin.
30:38 Proverbs 10:6,
30:41 "Blessings are on the head of the righteous,
30:44 but violence covers the mouth of the wicked."
30:49 So violence here is connected with wickedness.
30:53 Abuse is the result of sin.
30:55 Number four, if you're being abused,
30:57 or you were abused in the past, it is never your fault.
31:03 Here's a quote I wanna read to you
31:06 from Justin Holcomb's book.
31:08 I'm not, I'm saying we agree with every facet
31:10 'cause I haven't read the book.
31:12 But this quote I like.
31:13 It says, "No matter what kind of abuse
31:15 you have experienced, there is nothing you can do,
31:18 nothing you can say, nothing you think
31:21 that makes you deserving of it.
31:24 There is no mistake you could have made
31:26 and no sin you could have committed
31:28 to make you deserving of violence.
31:31 You did not deserve this, and it is never your fault.
31:36 You did not ask for this.
31:37 You should not be silenced.
31:39 You are not worthless.
31:40 You do not have to pretend like nothing happened.
31:43 You are not damaged goods, forgotten, or ignored by God
31:47 or getting what you deserve."
31:49 God says, He has a plan for our lives,
31:51 a plan to prosper us and not to harm us.
31:54 A plan to give us a future and a hope.
31:58 Number five, God can bring deliverance
32:01 in the midst of an abusive situation.
32:04 2 Samuel 22:47-49.
32:07 2 Samuel 22:47-49, "The Lord lives!
32:12 Blessed be my rock!
32:15 Let God be exalted, the Rock of my salvation!
32:19 It is God who avenges me,
32:21 and subdues the peoples under me.
32:24 He delivers me from my enemies.
32:26 You also lift me up above those who rise up against me."
32:29 And now listen to this.
32:31 "You have delivered me from the violent man."
32:36 God is the one who brings deliverance.
32:38 That's right.
32:39 Sometimes that deliverance comes to a divine intervention,
32:42 God intervening,
32:43 I have seen that happen in those situations
32:46 on the behalf of the person who's been abused.
32:48 Sometimes it comes through God helping the person
32:51 make a choice to leave the abuser
32:55 and seek protection and safety.
32:57 Sometimes that happens through outside intervention.
33:00 Maybe a neighbor, or a friend, or a family member,
33:04 or someone willing to step into that situation
33:08 and to help rescue that person.
33:10 Number six, God longs to bring healing.
33:14 Luke Chapter 4.
33:15 This is I think one of my favorite scriptures.
33:17 This is Jesus at Nazareth standing up to read
33:21 and He read from the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah.
33:24 Luke 4:18,
33:26 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
33:29 because He has anointed Me
33:31 to preach the gospel to the poor."
33:34 In Greek, the word for poor
33:36 is one who crouches or cowers.
33:40 One who is deeply destitute.
33:43 So we read that and we think okay,
33:44 people who are poor but people who are abused
33:47 crouch and cower.
33:50 True.
33:51 He has anointed me to preach the gospel
33:53 to you to those people who deal with that.
33:56 "He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,"
33:59 the word for broken means literally
34:00 to break by crushing.
34:03 "He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
34:04 to proclaim liberty to the captives,
34:07 recovery of sight to the blind,
34:10 to set at liberty those who are oppressed."
34:13 The word for liberty means pardon and forgiveness.
34:16 He came not only to bring healing,
34:18 but to enable us to forgive those who have abused us.
34:23 And finally, number seven, God can restore.
34:28 I love that promise where it says
34:30 God redeems the years
34:32 that the locust has eaten,
34:33 but that's not the scripture I was gonna read you.
34:35 This scripture is Jeremiah 30:17.
34:41 God speaking, He says, "I will restore health to you
34:43 and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord,
34:46 'because they called you an outcast saying,
34:48 this is Zion, no one seeks her.' "
34:51 So I just wanna make a special appeal to you.
34:53 If you're in the midst of a relationship,
34:56 if your home has abused in the midst of it,
34:59 you are not alone.
35:01 God can bring healing and restoration,
35:03 it is not your fault.
35:06 And God can bring deliverance to you
35:08 in the midst of that situation.
35:09 Amen. Amen.
35:11 Well done.
35:12 Praise the Lord, you know, all these losses,
35:13 and I like to hear the loss and gain,
35:15 you know, loss and gain.
35:16 And then we're talking about "Loss of Freedom."
35:19 That's in our Wednesday's lesson.
35:21 There's an awful lot to cover on these things.
35:23 And it's just almost like mind-boggling
35:25 because people relate to these things
35:27 because of family and friends and people that we love.
35:30 And we see him go through a lot of different things,
35:32 but maybe start with like a question,
35:34 you know, like it.
35:36 Is it really possible to enjoy your freedom of choice?
35:41 We kind of taut that,
35:42 we thank God for the freedom of choice,
35:44 but at the same time
35:46 that we're in some kind of a bondage
35:47 that we don't even realize
35:48 that we're in
35:50 because I think it's Romans talks about there,
35:51 Romans 6:16 says,
35:54 "To whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey,
35:57 His servants ye are to whom ye obey."
36:01 So it comes down pretty,
36:02 you know, sometimes we can be addicted to things
36:04 that we don't even realize that we're addicted to,
36:07 and it results in a loss.
36:10 Millions of people were, you know,
36:12 you can do some statistics
36:13 and get on different things and you've...
36:15 Millions, millions of people are struggling with loss.
36:19 Listen, and we're talking about the loss of the freedom's here,
36:21 it is talking about from their whole life,
36:23 their family because of addiction,
36:25 some kind of addiction
36:27 that's completely tears the family,
36:28 completely apart.
36:30 It's interesting that scientists can tell us
36:32 now as they look at the part of the brain,
36:35 they actually said they can spot
36:36 the part of the brain that tells where the cravings
36:40 actually come from and the desires are located.
36:44 You know, that's in itself
36:45 is not really even the cure all.
36:47 That's nice to know that you can look
36:49 and you say this part of the brain
36:51 says this is cravings, this is desire,
36:52 and so on.
36:54 And it's gonna take more than that.
36:56 It's gonna take more where everybody's been talking about,
36:58 an outside help, some heavenly help.
37:00 So, you know, any kind of an addiction affects
37:02 not only the addict,
37:05 but certainly affects the family.
37:07 Affects everybody that you're around
37:09 or by that's close to them.
37:11 And, you know, the question be what makes a person an addict?
37:15 You know, where does it come to the point
37:16 to where you're practicing something,
37:18 doing something else that now you are an addict,
37:21 you know, it's simpler here would be
37:23 a habitual process,
37:25 you know, the natural use or the use
37:28 or abuse of something.
37:30 And so it's an abuse somewhere along the line,
37:33 we might be taking something natural
37:34 and might be helping us we have a headache,
37:36 we have this, we have that and then all of a sudden
37:39 we can't do without it anymore.
37:41 And all of a sudden we're hooked on this thing.
37:43 You know, may come to even a point
37:45 that a person knows that it's hurting them.
37:48 But they've come to a point that they cannot seem
37:49 to gain the victory from that.
37:52 2 Peter 2:19 tells us this,
37:54 it says, "While they promise them liberty,
37:57 they themselves are servants of corruption."
38:00 Now that's 2 Peter 2:19,
38:02 "For of whom a man is overcome,
38:05 of the same he has bought," what?
38:08 "Into bondage." Interesting.
38:10 So an interesting thought, when a person is brought...
38:13 You think about when a person is held captive
38:15 and that's why I think this is we're talking
38:17 about held captive by who?
38:19 By the enemy. Absolutely.
38:20 So everything that person has everything
38:24 that he will ever have,
38:26 the enemy takes control of that too.
38:29 It's not just the body as it were,
38:31 not just the mind, it's everything
38:33 because he's taken complete control on that.
38:35 And, you know, example,
38:38 you know, we're talking about creation.
38:40 Adam was given, what?
38:41 Was he given dominion? He was.
38:42 He was given dominion over this the earth here
38:46 by yielding to temptation.
38:48 He was brought under the power of Satan
38:51 and certainly this world,
38:52 Satan became the Bible says the god of what?
38:55 This world. The god of this world.
38:56 2 Corinthians 4:4.
38:59 I really can't leave it at that point, every time I say,
39:01 well, the enemy has won, he's taken over something,
39:03 you got to go on and let people know
39:05 that there's more to it than this,
39:06 you know, we can't leave it there
39:08 because we need to be reminded that,
39:11 you know, the first Adam,
39:13 the Bible talks about he failed,
39:15 but the second Adam did not fail.
39:17 That's right. Yeah.
39:18 He will not fail.
39:20 Micah 4:8 in the prophecy says,
39:22 the prophet says, "O tower of the flock,"
39:25 Micah 4:8, "the stronghold of the daughter of Zion,
39:28 unto thee shall it come,
39:30 even the first dominion."
39:31 It's going to go back, praise God for that.
39:34 Paul said in Ephesians 1:4,
39:36 "He points forward to the redemption
39:39 of the purchased possession."
39:41 Psalms 37:29, it says,
39:42 "The righteous shall inherit the land,
39:45 and dwell there for evermore."
39:47 I mean, the good promises it may seem to be lost
39:49 for a time, but it's coming back.
39:50 It's gonna be given back to the saints.
39:52 Amen.
39:54 I looked at that, in my mind is that sin
39:57 and addiction are two different things.
40:00 They're both horrible if you think about it.
40:02 Sin and addiction are not necessarily
40:04 the same thing.
40:05 You can commit a sin
40:08 that you're not addicted to.
40:09 It's true.
40:10 You can commit a sin
40:12 that you're not really addicted to.
40:13 Even many times it does,
40:15 it turns out to be an addiction.
40:18 Certainly would be better to cry out before that point,
40:20 say, oh, God help me, right, have mercy on me
40:23 and cry out for that victory and certainly,
40:25 Christ can help us.
40:26 Galatians 5:24 brings this point up here.
40:29 It tells us, "And they that are Christ's
40:31 have crucified," we've read this before,
40:34 "have crucified the flesh," notice,
40:36 "within the afflictions or the passions and the lust."
40:40 So Wednesday's lesson's bringing out here something
40:42 very loss of freedom.
40:44 It challenges us with several Bible passages
40:47 and several texts and several questions
40:49 that we might have.
40:51 What are the things that lead people to addiction?
40:54 What are some of the things that lead?
40:56 Well, Luke 16:13 says,
40:58 "No," it starts out real plain.
40:59 "No servant can serve," Two masters.
41:01 "Two masters."
41:02 "No servant can serve two masters
41:04 'cause you cannot serve God and mammon."
41:08 Now the question comes back.
41:10 Is it possible to serve two masters?
41:13 It's not possible to do it because it's not possible
41:15 for me to say here and look at Brother Ryan
41:18 and look at Pastor John at the same time.
41:22 You have to refocus, at least I do.
41:25 Oh, you can see, you know, prayerfully you can see it.
41:28 No, I'm talking about the focus side eye,
41:30 you can't do that even with your eyes.
41:32 You can't serve two masters here at all.
41:34 You can't serve the wealth and the,
41:36 you know, the mammon of the world
41:37 become a slave
41:40 to that which captivates our time
41:42 and our energy and our mind.
41:43 Romans 6:16.
41:45 And we've read it before nevertheless it says,
41:47 "I know you not, that whom you yield
41:51 yourselves servants to," what?
41:52 Obey. Obey.
41:54 "Obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey,
41:57 whether of sin unto death or of obedience
42:00 unto righteousness."
42:02 I mean, to me that passage is read over and over and over
42:04 and it makes so much sense when you just really look
42:07 at know you not
42:09 because people are in denial.
42:11 Have you ever met someone that has different problems
42:14 was letting go different problems
42:16 causes loss in the home,
42:17 the family separation division,
42:19 and they'll say, I don't have that problem.
42:20 Yeah.
42:22 That's not an issue with me.
42:25 It doesn't have that kind of a hold on me.
42:27 And really, that it really does have a hold on you.
42:30 And they don't realize that it's taken over their life
42:32 and we're being obedient to that thing.
42:35 You know, one master notice this,
42:37 one lead you to the heavenly realm
42:40 and the other leads you to the hellish realm.
42:43 Think about it, one lead you toward things
42:46 that are up and one lead you toward things that are down.
42:49 We have to figure it out as we read the Word of God,
42:51 which way am I being led day by day by day?
42:54 Am I doing those things that please God
42:55 or am I doing those things
42:58 that I wanna please myself with.
42:59 Have I got caught up in something
43:01 that I'm not sure even what it really is?
43:03 And we've all said so many times
43:04 anything we put before God with really is our God
43:07 we know that. James 1:14-15.
43:12 This is so true,
43:14 "Every man when he is tempted..."
43:15 You know it well.
43:16 James 1:14-15,
43:18 "Every man when he is, what? Tempted.
43:20 "When he is tempted,
43:21 when he is drawn away by his own,"
43:23 what is it? "Desires."
43:24 Well, the old saying used to be a lot of time,
43:26 remember, what was it the devil made me do it?
43:30 And the world, you know,
43:31 kept saying it the devil made me do it.
43:33 It's kind of like we make excuses for
43:35 but the Bible is very clear on it.
43:36 We talked about the principles of God's Word
43:38 become very clear.
43:39 "We're drawn away by our own lust,
43:42 our own desires."
43:43 We wanted it, we wanted to try it.
43:46 We wanted to be involved. We wanted it our way.
43:50 You know, and so when we went ahead
43:51 and we stepped out.
43:53 Bible says, "We're drawn away by his own lust.
43:55 He's enticed when lust hath conceived."
43:58 Lust comes into view here. And it brings forth what?
44:02 "Lust brings forth sin and sin when it is," what?
44:06 "Finished, brings forth death."
44:10 That just standard, we understand that standard.
44:13 The source of all temptation, then is man's craving
44:17 for that which is simply evil, interesting.
44:21 Message to young people 67,
44:23 closing up here in the last few seconds.
44:26 Said no man can be forced to transgress.
44:30 His own consent must be gained.
44:33 So we can't blame the pastor, we can't blame the elders,
44:36 we can't blame neighbors, and friends,
44:38 and moms, and dads.
44:40 We need to look deep within our own self.
44:43 What kind of life are we living?
44:45 If we're not living the right kind of life,
44:46 there's gonna be an awful lot of loss.
44:48 And not only loss
44:49 we're talking about in this world,
44:51 we're talking about the loss of heaven.
44:52 So I encourage people today to make the right choices,
44:54 make the right decision.
44:56 By the grace of God,
44:57 we can be free of this world,
44:59 free of all of these things that come our way.
45:03 And certainly we can be free indeed,
45:05 when we're free in Jesus Christ.
45:07 Paul said, I can do anything I wanna do.
45:09 Why? Because he's free in Christ.
45:11 Amen. Amen.
45:12 Thank you that is "Loss of Freedom."
45:15 Romans 6:16, is one of my favorite verses.
45:18 And I have Thursday's lesson, "Loss of Life."
45:22 In 1 Corinthians 15:26,
45:25 the Bible says something interesting.
45:26 It says the last enemy that will be destroyed
45:31 is death.
45:34 Death is an enemy.
45:37 It is reality we all must face unless Christ returns
45:42 during our life and translates us.
45:47 But when you think about this, you watch the news,
45:51 you hear about accidents, senseless killings, genocides,
45:56 wars, people get upset over the death of the pet,
46:00 the death of a sibling, or maybe a parent,
46:03 or the death of a child, or a spouse,
46:07 I think are two of the most difficult.
46:10 And I want to give you a promise 'cause sometimes
46:15 I just wanna make sure that I'm gonna give you
46:17 two promises actually.
46:18 Psalm 116:15.
46:21 Some people are like, "Where's God?
46:25 Why did my loved one die?"
46:28 Psalm 116:15 says,
46:31 "Precious in the sight of the Lord
46:34 is the death of His saints."
46:36 Don't think that God isn't there and isn't caring.
46:41 And if you've lost a spouse, hold on to this one.
46:44 Isaiah 54:5, "For your maker is your husband."
46:48 It mean, he's still saying I mean,
46:51 because Christ is the husband to the church.
46:54 This isn't just a promise for women
46:56 when it says your maker is your husband,
46:59 even men can say okay, I've still got a spouse.
47:04 I am still a spouse.
47:06 "The Lord of hosts is His name,
47:07 your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel,
47:10 the God of the whole earth."
47:11 That's right.
47:13 Now when you think about death, to the terminally ill,
47:17 death sometimes is welcomed as a sweet relief.
47:21 I remember when my aunt Lola who was so vibrant
47:25 and active until she was like 92,
47:28 she fell, broke her pelvic bone
47:30 and no longer could be active and she kept telling me,
47:33 honey, when I die, she was never negative.
47:36 But she said, when I die, don't cry for me,
47:37 I'm ready to go.
47:39 And then right at the very end when she was 94,
47:43 it was something she wanted.
47:45 Death is the enemy though of those who are left behind.
47:51 Death is the enemy of the living.
47:54 You know, if you're a Christian and you died,
47:56 you just close your eyes and a sweet little sleep RIP,
48:00 rest in peace.
48:01 Next thing, you know, you open your eyes
48:03 and it's the resurrection.
48:05 You hear Jesus voice.
48:07 But for those who are left behind,
48:11 the emotional suffering of that loss is really,
48:15 when we lose a loved one, it's hard.
48:18 Who introduced death? Romans 5:12 tells us.
48:22 "Therefore, just as through the one man,"
48:26 speaking of the first Adam,
48:27 that Adam from the Garden of Eden,
48:30 "sin entered the world and through that one man,
48:34 death through sin, thus death spread to all men
48:38 because all have sin."
48:40 But guess what?
48:41 The second man, the second Adam, Jesus Christ,
48:45 he came to destroy the sin and death.
48:49 So Hebrews 2:14 says this, "Inasmuch then
48:53 as the children have partaken of flesh and blood,
48:56 He Himself likewise shared in the same,
48:58 that through death He might destroy him, "
49:02 speaking of Jesus, "he might destroy him
49:05 who had the power of death, that is, the devil."
49:09 Jesus has got that keys, doesn't He to death and Hades
49:13 and release those who through fear of death
49:17 were all their lifetime subject to bondage.
49:21 The last great work of Jesus Christ when He returns
49:27 is the elimination of death.
49:29 The last enemy will be killed
49:31 and at that general resurrection,
49:33 when the believers come forward to everlasting life,
49:39 Christ is gonna reign over death's dominion.
49:43 That's right. So here is when this happens.
49:46 1 Corinthians 15:52-57,
49:51 in 1 Corinthians 15:52 it says,
49:54 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
49:57 at the last trumpet," that's when?
50:00 When he's returning, "For the trumpet will sound,
50:02 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
50:04 and we shall be changed.
50:07 For this corruption, this mortal body,
50:11 must put on incorruption, and this mortal, "
50:13 actually it says, "must put on immortality."
50:18 When do we put on immortality? At the last trumpet.
50:21 "So when this corruptible has put on incorruption,
50:25 this mortal has put on immortality,
50:29 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:
50:35 'Death is swallowed up in victory.'
50:38 O Death, where is your sting?
50:41 O Hades the grave, where is your victory?"
50:45 So there is nothing that makes the resurrection
50:49 better news than knowing that the last enemy
50:53 that's gonna be destroyed is death.
50:56 Death doesn't have the final word,
50:58 Jesus Christ is going to do that.
51:01 And then you know what he says,
51:04 after He destroys this final enemy,
51:07 look at what Revelation 21:4 says,
51:12 Christ returns, He calls us to the resurrection
51:17 and then when everything is said and done,
51:21 Revelation 21:4, one of the promises
51:23 that we all wanna hold on to, is "God will wipe away
51:26 every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death,
51:30 no more sorrow, nor crying.
51:32 There shall be no more pain, for the former things
51:37 have passed away."
51:40 In Isaiah 57, there is something
51:43 that I wanted to read to you.
51:46 Isaiah 57 lets us know
51:49 why some people may go to sleep
51:51 in Jesus early.
51:54 It says in verse 1,
51:56 "The righteous perishes,
51:59 and no one takes it to heart,
52:01 merciful men are taken away,
52:04 no one considers that the righteous
52:08 is taken away from evil.
52:12 He shall enter into peace
52:14 and rest in their beds,
52:18 each one walking in his uprightness."
52:23 So God sometimes allows people,
52:27 He knows the end from the beginning.
52:29 You know, you lose a child
52:32 and I can imagine crying outsaying,
52:34 "Oh, why Lord, why?"
52:37 In Him knowing the end from the beginning
52:40 in His foreknowledge, He may have let your child
52:42 go to sleep to avoid a horrible life.
52:46 But let's look at grief real quickly,
52:51 because this is a natural normal response to loss
52:56 and it's not, the grieving process
52:58 is not the same for everyone.
53:00 I do not mean to even indicate that
53:03 but, let's just look at some stages of grief.
53:06 They're shocked in denial because you know
53:09 shock is actually emotional protection
53:12 from something that's overwhelming.
53:16 I am going to forego the story, I was gonna tell him that,
53:20 just to get through this, but shock and denial
53:23 can be the initial stage of grieving,
53:28 hence often that'll last several months.
53:31 Then another stage of grieving
53:35 is just to be constantly absorbed
53:39 with thoughts of your loved ones.
53:40 You see them everywhere, you look and I mean,
53:43 everything reminds you of them.
53:44 This is a six, six months to a year they say.
53:48 But despairing depression can come in such a way that
53:55 it's most painful and protracted sign
54:00 or stage of grief.
54:02 I remember asking my Aunt Lola who was married
54:06 for over 55 years,
54:08 when my uncle died
54:09 she came out to me and said me about...
54:12 Oh, it was about 30 months after he died.
54:15 And I said, "How are you doing really?"
54:16 I talked to her weekly,
54:18 but she said, "Oh, honey,
54:20 it took a year to get my feet back under me
54:25 and another year to walk without wobbling."
54:29 And you know, I've talked to so many widows or widowers
54:33 who say, "That's about what it's like."
54:35 That first year is the hardest of any loss of a loved one.
54:41 Because you're going through the first
54:43 of all the holidays without them,
54:45 the first of the anniversary,
54:47 of the birthdays,
54:48 and the first time you go out
54:50 to your favorite restaurant without them.
54:52 Whatever it is,
54:54 but I just want to encourage you,
54:57 God is a God of all comfort
55:00 and eventually with time,
55:03 God will help draw back
55:07 that curtain of despair and grief
55:12 to reveal happy memories,
55:15 and to quote one poet,
55:19 "It is better to have loved and lost
55:22 than never to have loved at all."
55:25 Praise the Lord. Glory be to God.
55:27 Well, we are winding down,
55:29 we have just a couple of minutes left,
55:31 but I've figured we would just let the panel as usual,
55:34 give us some final thought.
55:35 We talked about loss of trust.
55:37 Ecclesiastes 7:8, "The end of a thing
55:42 is better than its beginning."
55:44 You know, I take therapy for my finger
55:46 and there's an acronym on the wall,
55:48 H-O-P-E-S on the wall, this is not like hope,
55:50 I'm going through pain.
55:52 It didn't mean hope, she said, it means hold on, pain ends.
55:56 That's good.
55:57 Praise the Lord, that's great, Pastor John.
55:59 Isaiah 57:19, God speaking, "Peace, peace to him
56:03 who is far off and to him who is near, says the Lord,
56:07 'And I will heal him.' "
56:09 So God wants to bring peace into your life again
56:13 after the brokenness and He wants to heal you.
56:16 Amen.
56:18 The Lord assures us that the battle is not ours
56:20 but the battle is His in 1 Samuel.
56:22 He also says in 1 Peter 1, "He promises victory."
56:25 So I wanna encourage people just quickly today,
56:28 today is the day that you begin your victory walk through Him,
56:31 through the blood of Jesus.
56:32 Amen.
56:34 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says that, "God is the God of comfort."
56:37 He comforts us and always,
56:39 so that we maketh comfort others
56:42 with the same comfort He gives us.
56:44 I cannot comfort a woman who has lost her child
56:49 as well as another woman
56:51 who's walked through that experience.
56:53 Let God use you to comfort those
56:56 who are bereaved.
56:58 Absolutely.
56:59 Thank you guys so much for that.
57:01 You know, I know this text has already been mentioned
57:03 a couple of times in this lesson,
57:04 but it just keeps coming back to me
57:06 and that is that blessed hope that we have,
57:07 the wonderful promise.
57:09 Then in Revelation 22:4-5 it says that,
57:12 "When we are in that new Jerusalem
57:15 and we're on that new heaven and a new earth,
57:17 God will wipe away every tear from our eyes,
57:19 there shall be no more death, there shall be no more sorrow,
57:23 no more crying,
57:25 there shall be no more pain.
57:26 Behold, God will make all things new."
57:28 Amen. Amen.
57:30 It is that time and we appreciate you
57:31 so much for joining us.
57:32 Join us next week for lesson 10 for "Little Times of Trouble."
57:37 Amen. God bless.


Revised 2019-05-30