3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Preparing for Change

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190016A

00:01 The Bible tells us,
00:02 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
00:05 and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to,
00:09 "Receive with meekness the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls
00:14 and to be diligent
00:15 to present yourself approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now
00:22 for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Family Seasons.
00:33 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 I'm Jill Morikone, and we're so glad
00:38 that you've taken time from your day to join us,
00:40 as we go through the Word of God.
00:43 We're in the second quarter, lesson number three.
00:46 This quarter is on Family Seasons.
00:48 All about family
00:50 and we know that family is especially under attack
00:52 in these last days.
00:54 So what better lessons study than this lesson study?
00:57 Last week we discussed "The Choices We Make"
01:01 and this week lesson number three
01:02 is "Preparing for Change."
01:05 I want to introduce our panel at this time.
01:07 To my left is my sister and friend, Shelley Quinn.
01:09 It's a privilege to have you here.
01:11 Always good to be with you.
01:12 Sitting next to you is Pastor Ryan Day
01:14 and, Ryan, we love opening up
01:16 the Word of God with you as well.
01:17 It's always a blessing to be here.
01:18 Amen.
01:20 Sitting next to you is my Pastor,
01:21 Pastor John Lomacang,
01:23 and it's privilege to share with you as well.
01:24 You know, I said,
01:26 "Birds of a feather flock together,"
01:27 we love the Word of God, all of us I believe.
01:29 Amen.
01:30 And sitting next to you is Pastor Tom Ferguson
01:32 from the Marion district.
01:33 And we're delighted
01:35 that you could take time from your schedule
01:36 and join us today, Pastor Tom.
01:38 Good to be here.
01:39 And we're so glad
01:40 that you have joined us as well.
01:42 We wanna encourage you
01:43 to get your own copy of the quarterly.
01:45 You can always visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:49 join a Sabbath School class
01:50 and they would give you a copy of the quarterly
01:52 and invite you for discussion,
01:54 or you can go online to ABSG.Adventist.org.
02:00 That stands for
02:01 AdultBibleStudyGuide .Adventist.org.
02:05 You can download your own copy and follow along with us,
02:09 lesson number three, "Preparing for Change."
02:12 Before we go any further,
02:13 we wanna go to the Lord in prayer.
02:15 Pastor Tom, would you pray for us?
02:17 Yes.
02:18 Heavenly Father, we thank You
02:19 for the privilege of opening Your Word
02:23 and reading Your truth.
02:24 We invite Your Holy Spirit
02:26 to inspire our hearts and our minds.
02:29 Bring us to Yourself we pray
02:31 and teach us the things You want us to know
02:33 just now, in Jesus' name, amen.
02:35 Amen. Amen.
02:36 We'll read our memory text first
02:38 and then jump into the lesson.
02:39 The memory text is from Psalm 85:13.
02:44 "Righteousness will go before Him
02:47 and shall make His footsteps our pathway."
02:51 Now this core, this lesson is preparing for change.
02:54 You know, they say,
02:55 the only thing that does not change
02:57 is the reality of change itself.
02:59 And that is true.
03:01 Life is full of change, Shelley.
03:03 Yes, it is.
03:04 Ben Franklin wrote,
03:06 this is back in 1789
03:07 in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy.
03:11 He said, the only thing in this world
03:12 that is said to be certain is...
03:14 Change. Death and taxes.
03:17 And we've heard that before.
03:19 From a worldly perspective, you could say,
03:20 well, death is a certainty because we know,
03:22 at one point or another,
03:24 everyone is eventually going to meet with death.
03:26 And we know the taxes for sure, seems to be certain,
03:29 but from a biblical perspective,
03:32 we know that we're saved by the blood of Jesus,
03:34 and that is not going to change,
03:36 today, tomorrow, forever,
03:38 we're saved by the blood of Jesus.
03:40 We know that this world is not our home
03:42 that we are looking for an eternal home.
03:45 And that is not gonna change.
03:46 That is we know with certainty.
03:48 We know that the peace of Christ can be ours,
03:51 that the joy of the Lord is our strength,
03:54 that He is coming again
03:55 and He will never leave us nor for sake us.
03:58 So I just wanna tell you,
03:59 there's a lot more sure in this world,
04:02 lot more surer things in this world
04:03 than just death and taxes.
04:05 We have the Lord Jesus Christ, that assurance of salvation.
04:09 But as we think about life being full of change,
04:12 even with that certainty,
04:14 that assurance of salvation of and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
04:18 there is still change in life.
04:20 There are unexpected things that happen,
04:23 a sudden car crash,
04:25 and then your life changes dramatically
04:28 and suddenly in just a moment.
04:30 Then there is expected changes,
04:32 and we're gonna look at some of those today.
04:34 Sunday's lesson is on how to prepare for change.
04:36 And then we'll look on how to prepare for marriage,
04:39 or for parenting, or for old age, or for death.
04:42 Each one of these are,
04:43 you could say maybe expected changes.
04:45 You expect one of those to happen
04:47 at some point or another in your life.
04:49 But how are we to prepare for change?
04:53 We all experienced trials.
04:54 Would you say that's accurate? Absolutely.
04:55 We all experience temptations and heartaches.
05:00 But how do we deal with that?
05:03 I wanna talk about five keys to handling change.
05:05 But before we do that,
05:07 we're gonna go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 10.
05:09 So if you wanna open up your Bibles with me,
05:11 the lesson takes us here first.
05:13 1 Corinthians Chapter 10.
05:14 We're gonna look at the first 13 verses.
05:17 This is Paul writing to the Corinthian believers,
05:19 the Corinthian church,
05:21 but he's reminding them of some things
05:24 that the children of Israel went through.
05:26 Verse 1, "Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware
05:31 that all our fathers were under the cloud."
05:35 They all experienced the presence of God, right?
05:39 The cloud, the pillar of fire,
05:41 and they all experienced the presence of God.
05:44 "All passed through the sea," the Red Sea,
05:47 "all were baptized into Moses, in the cloud and in the sea."
05:51 Verse 3, "All ate the same spiritual food,"
05:54 that would be the manna in the wilderness.
05:57 Verse 4, "All drank the same spiritual drink.
06:00 For they drink of that spiritual Rock
06:02 that followed them, and that Rock was Christ."
06:07 So we're saying the Israelites,
06:08 they all experienced the presence of God.
06:10 They all had that baptism,
06:12 you could say as it were in the Red Sea.
06:14 And in a sense,
06:15 you could talk about the manna and the water
06:18 being the communion bread and the grape juice, okay?
06:22 They all had some sort of experience.
06:25 But verse 5, we see, it didn't save them.
06:28 It says, "But with most of them God was not well pleased,
06:31 for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness."
06:35 Why?
06:37 Because we look at how they chose to respond
06:40 to the difficulties along the way.
06:42 And they experienced some pretty incredible difficulties
06:45 in the wilderness.
06:47 Paul writes in verse 6,
06:48 "These things became our examples
06:51 to the intent that we should not lust
06:53 after evil things as they also lusted."
06:57 He says, this is written to you
06:58 as an example as it were, Shelley.
07:00 So that you, the Corinthian believers today
07:02 or you and I today,
07:04 we don't fall into those same traps.
07:06 We don't go down the same route.
07:10 When we experienced trials and temptations and heartaches,
07:13 we don't respond in the same fashion.
07:17 So what were some of those things
07:18 he's warning them against, against idol worship.
07:20 Verse 7,
07:21 "And do not become idolaters as were some of them."
07:25 We're warned against sexual immorality.
07:27 Verse 8, "Nor let us commit sexual immorality,
07:30 as some of them did, and in one day 23,000 fell."
07:35 Verse 9, we're warned against complaining
07:39 against God and His messengers.
07:43 Verse 9, "Let us not tempt Christ
07:45 to some of them also tempted
07:46 and were destroyed by serpents."
07:48 Now, what is Paul referencing here?
07:50 This is all the way back to Deuteronomy Chapter 21
07:54 when they journeyed by the way,
07:55 and they got discouraged and they spoke out
07:58 and complained against Moses and against God.
08:02 And then remember,
08:03 God sent these fiery serpents in amongst them
08:06 and then the bronze serpent was raised up,
08:07 they could look and they could live.
08:09 So they complained against God and His messengers.
08:12 In verse 10, they complained along the way, it says,
08:15 "Nor complain, as some of them also complained
08:17 and were destroyed by the destroyer."
08:19 The Israelites had experienced God,
08:22 His miracles, His grace, His life changing power,
08:27 but still they reacted kind of badly
08:30 to change in their life, right?
08:31 To the difficulties that they experienced.
08:36 But not just the Israelites, think about Abraham and Sarah,
08:38 she couldn't get pregnant and he decided,
08:40 he's gonna handle things his own way.
08:43 Think about Saul,
08:44 he felt a threat to his kingdom.
08:46 And he thought he's gonna eliminate the competition
08:48 by trying to kill David.
08:50 Think about Ananias and Sapphira,
08:52 they were faced with a question.
08:54 Peter said, "Is this all the money
08:56 that you got from the proceeds of the land?"
08:58 And they both decided to lie.
09:00 Think about Peter,
09:01 faced with the mob arresting Jesus,
09:03 he thought he's taking things into his own hand
09:05 and he's going to cut off the ear of the high priest.
09:08 Those are all almost impulse decisions
09:11 in the midst of difficulty.
09:13 So how do we handle change?
09:15 How do we deal with trials and difficulties
09:18 and these things that arise in our lives?
09:20 In my remaining time
09:22 we'll look at those five keys for handling change.
09:26 Number one is expected.
09:29 Amen. Expected.
09:30 1 Peter 4:12,
09:32 "Dear friends, do not be surprised
09:33 at the painful trial you are suffering
09:37 as though something strange were happening to you."
09:40 King James says, "The fiery trial
09:42 that you are experiencing."
09:44 You know, I often would fail a test,
09:47 if I didn't study for it, right?
09:49 You need to study.
09:50 Or if I didn't even know the test was coming,
09:52 you might fail it.
09:54 Don't get mad at the test, or the trial, or the change
09:58 that you're experiencing in your life.
10:00 Don't blame God.
10:01 Expect that something is going to happen.
10:04 Expect change.
10:06 Number two,
10:08 understand God has already provided grace and strength.
10:12 And He's already equipped you for everything you need
10:15 to deal with it.
10:17 1 Corinthians 10:13,
10:19 "No temptation has overtaken you
10:21 except this is common to man.
10:22 But God is faithful,
10:24 who will not allow you to be tempted
10:26 above what you're able
10:27 but will with the temptation make a way of escape,
10:31 that you may be able to bear it."
10:34 So what is the preparation that He has given to us?
10:38 He's given us the armor of God.
10:40 Ephesians Chapter 6,
10:41 "The belt of truth
10:43 and the breastplate of righteousness,
10:46 the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts
10:48 of the wicked one, the helmet of salvation
10:50 and the sword of the Spirit."
10:52 Speaking of the sword of the Spirit,
10:53 which we know is the Word of God.
10:55 He has given us the Word
10:57 to reveal the thoughts and intents of the heart.
11:00 That's from Hebrews 4:12.
11:02 He's given us Jesus.
11:04 "We all with open face beholding as in a glass,
11:06 the glory of the Lord
11:08 are changed into the same image,"
11:10 2 Corinthians 3:18.
11:12 "He's given us a new heart," Ezekiel 36.
11:15 "He has made you and I a new creation,"
11:18 2 Corinthians 5:17.
11:20 "He's given us the privilege of prayer,"
11:22 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18.
11:25 "He's given us faith
11:26 that of a mustard seed that grows.
11:28 So number one, when you're experiencing change
11:31 or trials or difficulties, expect it.
11:34 Number two, understand that God has already given you
11:38 the grace and strength you need to deal with that.
11:42 And number three,
11:44 recognize that we do not possess answers.
11:47 Some things in life are unexplainable.
11:50 How do you explain a child suddenly being killed,
11:53 or someone running away,
11:55 or someone walking away from Jesus,
11:57 or your spouse dying of cancer?
11:59 Some things are because we live in this world of evil, of sin,
12:05 but yet we can still trust God in the midst of the pain.
12:09 Job 13:15, Job says,
12:11 "Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him."
12:16 Number four,
12:17 learn to practice immediate obedience.
12:22 I think of Abraham when God said,
12:24 "Take your son and sacrifice him
12:25 on Mount Mariah,"
12:27 and he could have said,
12:28 "God, give me a week to pray about it.
12:29 How can I know, I'm really hearing from you?"
12:31 But he's...
12:32 Next morning he got up
12:34 and he practiced immediate obedience.
12:36 James 1:22, "Be doers of the Word
12:39 and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."
12:44 There's a blessing to be obtained in obedience.
12:46 When we walk through these changes in life,
12:49 whether we understand the change,
12:50 whether we even want to obey,
12:53 whether it hurts, there's a blessing
12:55 to be obtained in that obedience.
12:57 And finally, number five, realize that life is about God,
13:01 it's not about you and I.
13:03 Often my life,
13:05 I know centers around my own thoughts,
13:06 and my own feelings and hurts instead of Him.
13:09 We might get mad in the trial because we think it's about us,
13:12 when in reality it's not.
13:13 It's all about Him.
13:16 Know that, Romans 5, "We glory in tribulation
13:19 because that produces perseverance,
13:22 perseverance produces character,
13:25 and character produces hope."
13:27 Amen. Shelley?
13:29 Jill, you are such a good Bible teacher
13:31 and I give all the glory to God
13:32 that He's given you the gift of teaching
13:34 and thank you for laying such a wonderful foundation.
13:38 Okay, I have Monday's lesson and I'll tell you what?
13:43 There is probably no bigger change.
13:46 Well, two really huge changes in your life,
13:50 one is getting married and then, of course,
13:52 another is having a trial.
13:54 So I have Monday's lesson, "Preparing for a marriage."
14:00 Now, I wanna talk about some myths,
14:03 myths, I can hardly say that of marriage.
14:07 The Hollywood...
14:09 What Hollywood has set us up with this fantasy, it's a myth.
14:14 I mean, all the romance novels and the things
14:17 that some people are ingesting all the time,
14:20 this just set you up for unrealistic expectations.
14:25 Now, there's another myth about marriage that it's 50-50.
14:30 Have you ever found it to be 50-50?
14:32 We're all married.
14:34 It's 100-100 all the time, isn't it?
14:36 Amen.
14:37 Another myth about marriage
14:39 is your spouse will complete you.
14:43 Your spouse will never complete you.
14:45 Ecclesiastes 3:11 says
14:48 that God has put eternity in our hearts.
14:51 And only God can fill that God's shaped void.
14:58 So what we need to do in preparing for marriage
15:03 is learn to let God fulfill His love
15:08 and His purposes in us.
15:11 You've got to before you get married,
15:13 if you don't know God
15:15 as your true source of unconditional love,
15:20 you're going to put too many demands,
15:23 unrealistic demands on the person you marry.
15:26 And we have to remember Jeremiah 31:3, God says,
15:30 "He loves us with an everlasting love."
15:34 So He's constantly wooing us
15:36 and drawing us with chords of love.
15:40 So what's the purpose of marriage?
15:42 Look at Genesis 2:24.
15:46 And this is what the Bible says,
15:48 "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother
15:54 and shall cleave," that is a covenantal term,
15:58 "shall cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh."
16:05 God instituted the covenant,
16:08 and I'm gonna call it the covenant of marriage
16:12 in the Garden of Eden.
16:14 And as I said that word cleave
16:16 is used for other close covenantal relationships.
16:21 One flesh means
16:23 that this is a very permanent covenantal tie,
16:29 it's more important than any other relationship.
16:31 That's why you're to leave your father and your mother.
16:34 And the covenant of marriage is a defined picture
16:39 of Christ and His bride.
16:42 So becoming one flesh
16:47 is more than just talking about sex.
16:50 Of course, God, aren't we glad that God gave us marriage
16:54 in which He created marriage
16:56 for the arena of our sexual expression.
16:59 But when you get married,
17:00 you're gonna share more than a bed.
17:02 You're going to share a lifetime of companionship,
17:06 personal space, time, and money and goals,
17:11 and responsibilities and experiences.
17:14 So you need to be ready
17:15 to become one in all those areas.
17:19 Genesis 1:28 says this.
17:24 Genesis 1:28, talking about this marriage covenant,
17:28 "Then God blessed them and He said to them,"
17:30 Adam and Eve, "Be fruitful and multiply,
17:33 fill the earth and subdue it,
17:35 have dominion over the fish of the sea,
17:37 over the birds of the air,
17:39 and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
17:43 So we see that the family unit
17:46 was to reflect His image,
17:50 the Father, the Son, and the Spirit,
17:51 their harmonious image of love.
17:56 God wants us to love
18:00 as He loves in a self-sacrificing way.
18:03 And trust me,
18:05 I bet every little hand on this panel will go up.
18:08 How many of us know that,
18:10 it helps change us into the image of Jesus?
18:15 That's His purpose, I think in marriage.
18:17 Amen.
18:18 Because there's always self-sacrifice in marriage.
18:21 So was to reflect His image,
18:24 the family unit is to reproduce,
18:27 to be fruitful and multiply.
18:29 And it's more than just multiplying children
18:32 but nurturing children in His image.
18:35 In Malachi 2:14-15...
18:43 God in speaking to the prophet,
18:45 He talks about the wife of your youth,
18:49 your wife by covenant.
18:52 He says,
18:53 "But did He not make them one,
18:56 having a remnant of the spirit?
18:58 And why one?
18:59 He seeks godly offspring."
19:02 So this is one of the reasons
19:06 that we are to reproduce godly offspring.
19:10 This is why it is important
19:12 to why chastity is important before marriage.
19:16 And then the family unit is to reign over the earth.
19:22 They are to work together as helpmates,
19:24 encouraging, cooperating in perfect unity.
19:29 So how do you prepare yourself
19:31 for such a serious commitment as this?
19:34 So that you can have a successful relationship.
19:37 Because when you get married,
19:39 you are making a lifelong commitment
19:43 to one imperfect person with all of their securities,
19:48 all of their baggage,
19:50 you can't expect, you're not perfect
19:51 and you can't expect your partner to be perfect.
19:55 And we are going to be called upon
19:58 many times in our marriage
20:00 to give up individual preferences
20:03 for the sake of our relationship.
20:05 So here's one little piece of advice.
20:08 Make sure you're ready to get married.
20:11 Make sure you're mature enough
20:13 to make these self-sacrificial of this commitment,
20:20 because if you're focused on other goals,
20:22 maybe you should put marriage off
20:24 for a little while,
20:26 become a person worth marrying.
20:31 When JD and I were engaged, I prayed earnestly,
20:36 probably all throughout the day.
20:37 "Lord, make me a scriptural wife."
20:40 I prayed even more earnestly after we married.
20:43 "Lord, make me a scriptural wife,
20:45 make me a scriptural wife."
20:47 I didn't want to try to become my husband's God.
20:51 And I would tell the Lord,
20:52 "Don't let me say something to him
20:54 unless it's coming directly from You or he's asked me."
20:57 And boy, I can't tell you how many times I bit my tongue.
21:01 So we need to also grow
21:05 in relationship and communication skills.
21:08 Learn to communicate.
21:10 If you have to take a class, learn to communicate,
21:14 because what your history, your hopes or dreams,
21:18 your spouse is not going to be able
21:20 to read your mind.
21:21 And if you're not a communicator,
21:23 you're gonna make
21:25 a very difficult start in marriage.
21:28 I'm not gonna get to everything.
21:29 But I do wanna read this because our lesson says,
21:33 there are some crucial traits
21:35 that are important for all Christians,
21:38 for all of us,
21:39 but they're especially important
21:41 to the aspects of preparing for marriage.
21:44 So let's turn to 1 Corinthians 13.
21:47 And I invite you at home to turn with us,
21:50 1 Corinthians 13.
21:52 We're going to look at verses 4-8.
21:56 And it begins... This is a beautiful passage.
22:00 This is describing love.
22:02 And it says in verse 4, 1 Corinthians 13:4,
22:05 "Love suffers long and is kind."
22:12 Let me tell you something, conflict is normal.
22:15 You have two people with two different opinions,
22:19 everybody's got an opinion.
22:21 And usually there are pros in.
22:25 So conflict is normal.
22:27 So you have to learn to deal openly and fairly with it.
22:32 Love suffers long.
22:34 Learn to listen,
22:36 that's the most important communication skill.
22:39 Don't ever walk out on a disagreement
22:42 and be quick to forgive.
22:44 Love, it carries, goes on in verse 4.
22:48 "Love does not envy.
22:50 Love does not parade itself.
22:52 It is not puffed up."
22:55 You need to learn humility.
22:57 You know, it's not about winning.
23:00 Anytime you get into a disagreement
23:03 with your spouse,
23:04 it's not about winning.
23:06 Seek first to understand,
23:10 because that helps tear down the walls.
23:14 Verse 5,
23:15 "Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,
23:18 is not provoked, thinks no evil."
23:21 Don't keep score.
23:23 Oh, if you are a scorekeeper, pray and say,
23:26 "Lord, take this away from me.
23:28 Don't let me be a scorekeeper."
23:30 We don't give to receive
23:32 and if you get married, and you are saying,
23:36 "Okay, I'm gonna do this for them,
23:37 so they'll do that for me."
23:39 You know what that raises up in you?
23:41 A critical spirit, you will become critical.
23:45 As my time is all gone,
23:48 I won't get to do any more of this.
23:50 I just looked at the clock.
23:52 But continue on reading.
23:54 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
23:56 Amen. What an incredible!
23:58 Thank you, Shelley, for that.
23:59 What an incredible scripture.
24:01 It always challenges me to come up higher
24:03 and that God wants to pour His love in my heart.
24:06 We're gonna take a short break.
24:07 We'll be right back.
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24:47 Welcome back to our study on Preparing for Change.
24:50 And, Ryan, you have preparing for parenthood.
24:52 Absolutely!
24:54 Rather interesting but important topic indeed,
24:58 "Preparing for parenting."
24:59 You know, I'm gonna actually piggyback
25:00 on a scripture you just read in just a few moments ago.
25:03 I didn't plan to read this one but it sets it up perfectly.
25:05 And that is Malachi 2:15.
25:10 Notice what the Bible says here.
25:13 "But did he not make them one,
25:14 having a remnant of the Spirit?"
25:17 And then it says, "And why one?"
25:20 I love this.
25:22 "He seeks godly offspring."
25:26 He seeks godly offspring.
25:30 What does the Bible tell us about preparing for parenting?
25:34 How do we prepare for parenting?
25:36 I found this interesting quote
25:37 that I think will set us up nicely.
25:40 It's from the Ministry of Healing, page 372.
25:42 So notice what it says here.
25:45 "The nobler the aims,
25:47 the higher the mental and spiritual endowments
25:51 and the better developed the physical powers
25:54 of the parents.
25:56 The better will be the life equipment
25:58 they give their children."
26:00 Amen. Very good.
26:01 "In cultivating that which is best in themselves,
26:04 parents are exerting an influence to mold society
26:08 and to uplift future generations."
26:10 Amen.
26:11 Then it goes on to say, "Fathers and mothers
26:13 need to understand their responsibility.
26:16 The world is full of snares for the feet of the young.
26:19 Multitudes are attracted by a life of selfishness
26:24 and sensual pleasure.
26:26 They cannot discern the hidden dangers
26:28 of the fearful ending of the path
26:29 that seems to them the way of happiness.
26:33 Through the indulgence of appetite and passion,
26:36 their energies are wasted and millions are ruined
26:40 for this world and for the world to come.
26:42 Parents should remember that their children
26:45 must encounter these temptations.
26:47 Even before the birth of the child," notice this,
26:51 "even before the birth of the child,
26:53 the preparation should begin that will enable it
26:57 to fight successfully the battle against evil."
27:01 So I wanna just kind of say just right out front,
27:03 and then I'm gonna let the Bible speak for itself.
27:06 But you asked the question,
27:08 how do we prepare for parenting.
27:09 Okay, to properly prepare for parenting,
27:12 it begins with the parents placing themselves in Christ.
27:16 It's good. Amen.
27:17 Absolutely 100% connected to the vine
27:20 that Christ can change them, that Christ can transform them,
27:24 that when this little one comes into the world,
27:26 you are prepared and in tune
27:28 with the spirit in raising that child.
27:31 We have a few wonderful biblical examples,
27:33 and I might not be able to get through them all,
27:34 but I wanna start with a wonderful example,
27:36 we find in 1 Samuel 1:27-28.
27:41 Of course, this is the example we have
27:43 of a lady that was previously barren.
27:46 But, of course, you know, you have Hannah,
27:48 that's the mother of Samuel the Prophet.
27:51 Notice what it says here,
27:53 "For this child I prayed," okay?
27:57 "And the Lord has granted me my petition,
27:59 which I asked of Him.
28:01 Therefore, I also have lent him to the Lord,
28:05 as long as he lives, he shall be lent to the Lord."
28:09 How do I prepare for a child?
28:13 How do I prepare to be the greatest parent?
28:15 The best thing you can do is spiritually, figuratively
28:20 let that child go into the hands of the Lord.
28:23 It's a good one.
28:24 Be the example,
28:26 be connected to the vine and allow God
28:29 to raise that child through you as the parent.
28:33 Another great example we have, of course,
28:34 is found in Judges 13-7, the Bible says,
28:38 "And he said to me, 'Behold...'"
28:39 And, of course, this particular scripture
28:41 is talking about Samson's parents,
28:44 and so notice what it says here,
28:46 'Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son, now,'
28:51 excuse me, 'now drink no wine,
28:54 or similar drink nor eat anything unclean,
28:58 for the child shall be a Nazarite to God
29:01 from the womb to the day of his death.'"
29:03 Now, many people would read that text and say,
29:05 "Well, that principle is for only those Nazarites.
29:08 But I assure you, my friends,
29:09 this is a great biblical principle,
29:11 not just for those who are preparing
29:13 for raising a child,
29:15 but this is a great biblical principle in general.
29:18 We know that our bodies
29:19 are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
29:21 Amen.
29:22 And, you know, here recently, I just have to say this
29:23 just for myself,
29:25 just in principle and just in general.
29:27 You know, God has had to bring me to a place
29:28 where I've had to surrender this part of my life to Him.
29:31 I recently attended
29:32 the Black Hills Health and Education Center,
29:34 where I learned a whole new lifestyle.
29:36 And the Lord has begun to transform me.
29:37 And I recognize that this is not just,
29:40 this is not something I'm preparing just myself for,
29:43 but also this affects others around me.
29:45 My decisions and my choices affects those around me
29:48 and potentially the children to come.
29:50 Amen. Very good point.
29:52 Your lifestyle needs to be brought
29:53 into submission to God.
29:55 And, of course, we need to learn
29:56 to apply those biblical principles, indeed.
30:00 Of course, perhaps no better passage
30:01 would give us a clear insight
30:03 to how to prepare to be a parent
30:07 than that of Luke Chapter 1,
30:08 because we have multiple examples given to us here
30:11 through a couple of different important characters.
30:13 So I'm going to begin with Luke 1:6.
30:16 And we can see that this is where
30:19 God is speaking to the parents of John the Baptist.
30:23 Notice what it says here, "And they were both..."
30:25 Now this is speaking about them,
30:27 "And they were both righteous before God,
30:29 walking in all the commandments and ordinances
30:33 of the Lord blameless."
30:35 How can I make sure
30:36 that I'm going to prepare myself
30:38 to be a good godly parent?
30:40 How about follow the example
30:42 of some of perhaps the greatest parents
30:44 that we've ever known,
30:45 and that is the parents of John the Baptist
30:46 whom Christ said, was the greatest of all men,
30:49 greatest born of any person, any woman.
30:52 And He says that they were devoted,
30:54 blameless commandment keepers
30:56 and they kept the ordinance of the Lord.
30:58 So John had a great example to follow.
31:00 His parents were godly people,
31:02 they placed their faith in the Lord
31:04 and they were obedient to the Lord
31:05 with all their heart and minds.
31:07 Let's continue on to Luke 1:13-17, again,
31:10 not gonna probably read the entire passage,
31:12 but Luke 1:13-17, again, talking about the leadership
31:18 of John the Baptist's parents here.
31:20 Notice what it says in verse 14, it says,
31:22 "And you will have..."
31:24 This is them,
31:25 basically telling what the parents will experience
31:27 as parents, it says,
31:29 "And you will have joy and gladness
31:31 and many will rejoice at his birth."
31:33 Okay.
31:34 They were so devoted to the Lord
31:36 that they were giving a promise,
31:37 these children will bring joy to your life.
31:39 But we are told that through and through,
31:41 notice when it goes on to say,
31:42 verse 15, tell me if this sounds familiar,
31:44 "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord
31:46 and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink."
31:49 Did we read something like that a few minutes ago?
31:51 That's right. All right.
31:52 So obviously, it's important
31:53 that we take care of our bodies,
31:55 because the habits, and the principles,
31:57 and the practices that we have,
31:58 we're going to pass on and share with our children.
32:01 And so it's best that we prepare now.
32:03 And let me tell you something, if you're a parent right now,
32:05 and you say, "You know what,
32:06 I haven't been practicing those things."
32:08 It's not too late.
32:09 It's not too late to prepare
32:10 and to continue to practice to be a better godly parent.
32:15 The Bible gives us those promises.
32:17 Notice in verse 17, it says,
32:18 "He will also go before him
32:20 and the spirit and power of Elijah,
32:22 'to turn the hearts of the," notice,
32:24 "the father's to the children,'
32:27 and the disobedient to the wisdom and the just,"
32:29 notice, "to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.'"
32:32 When you are practicing being a good godly parent,
32:35 you're preparing to be the best parent you can be.
32:38 The principles and the practices
32:39 and the mentality that you pass on to that child,
32:42 that child could go on to be to do great things.
32:45 And obviously, John the Baptist did that
32:46 because of the godly leadership he had from his parents,
32:50 the right leadership of the parents,
32:52 through John the Baptist's parents
32:53 led to a spirit filled servant,
32:55 making a major difference for the kingdom of God.
32:58 Amen.
32:59 And that's powerful to consider.
33:01 There's so many more texts that I could read through here,
33:03 my time's going away from me,
33:04 I encourage you to read verses 39-45,
33:07 because that tells us the experience of Mary.
33:10 What type of parent was Mary who fathered the Son of God?
33:15 That would have been a big, big, huge responsibility.
33:19 But again, godly parents
33:21 who were in tune with the Holy Spirit,
33:23 you'll notice that Mary chose good company.
33:25 It tells us that she went to...
33:27 She was friends, obviously came to in friends
33:29 with John the Baptist's parents.
33:30 So that's important
33:31 that we make sure that we choose good company
33:33 that we trust in the Lord always.
33:35 You see the praises of Mary coming forth in her song
33:38 in verses 46-40,
33:40 excuse me 46-55, that Song of Mary.
33:44 You could just see the humility pouring from her
33:47 and, of course, an example of praise.
33:49 Your praises, of course, are noticed.
33:51 And they're almost contagious.
33:53 When you're around a person who is contagious,
33:55 there's nothing more powerful to being around a person
33:57 who is always bringing praise and glory to God.
33:59 Amen.
34:00 And I hope to be that type of father one day
34:02 that I can bring praises
34:04 out of my mouth and from my life
34:05 that will rub off on my children
34:06 that they also may walk
34:08 in the presence and in the way of the Lord.
34:10 I wanna share this last little quote here.
34:16 This is from Ministry of Healing, page 352.
34:19 "The mission of the home extends beyond its own members.
34:23 The Christian home is to be an object lesson,
34:26 illustrating the excellence of the true principles of life.
34:31 Such an illustration will be a power
34:33 for good in the world.
34:35 More powerful than any sermon
34:37 that can be preached is the influence of a true home
34:40 upon the human hearts and lives.
34:43 As the youth go out from such a home,
34:45 the lessons they have learned are imparted.
34:48 Nobler principles of life
34:50 are introduced into other households,
34:53 and an uplifting influence works in the community."
34:57 I pray for our homes, I pray for our parents.
34:59 It can be done.
35:00 Trust in the Lord, and you will be a great parent.
35:04 Amen. Thank you, Ryan.
35:06 Well, I don't know,
35:08 I think this is chosen by accident,
35:09 but I'm tending not to think so.
35:11 Preparing for old age.
35:13 How did I get that one?
35:14 Cause I didn't want to know.
35:18 Honesty is the best policy, they say.
35:20 Thank you, Shelley, for choosing this one.
35:22 I mean, instead give me yours, Pastor Tom
35:24 and pram for you when we get to you.
35:26 We love you all. I appreciate it.
35:28 Preparing for old age.
35:30 I think I'm starting to settle into the reality
35:32 that the clock just doesn't listen to my desire.
35:37 The truth and the clock are marching on.
35:41 David the Psalmist recorded the words of Moses.
35:45 In Psalm 90:10...
35:47 And this is Wednesday's lesson, April 17.
35:49 Look at these words.
35:51 "The days of our lives,"
35:53 if you've been around long enough,
35:54 you remember that soap opera
35:56 that really didn't have anything to it so...
35:58 "The days of our lives are seventy years
36:01 and it by reason of strength they are at eighty.
36:04 Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow,
36:08 for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."
36:13 You know, these words of Moses are inexorable or unstoppable.
36:19 There's an unstoppable march of time.
36:22 We said that so many times on this program.
36:24 I think Ryan just said, my time is going away.
36:27 Pastors, we say that same thing,
36:29 teachers that love to teach, the clock is against me.
36:33 But as time moves on,
36:35 we should notice the evidences of time,
36:38 we see the changes in our bodies.
36:40 Now I won't tell you my age.
36:43 But I was born a little while ago,
36:47 and thankful, Lord, I still have good health.
36:52 When I went to Australia walking through customs,
36:54 the custom's officer asked my wife and I,
36:56 says, "Where are you from?"
36:58 We said, "America."
36:59 They said, "Do you have any medication to declare?"
37:01 We said, "No."
37:02 He said, "Where are you from?" I said, "The United States."
37:04 He says, "Do you have any medication to declare?"
37:06 I said, "No, we don't."
37:08 He says, "Every American has medication to declare."
37:10 I said that we don't.
37:12 He said, "Go ahead and go through."
37:14 Thank the Lord that
37:15 when you follow the principles of life,
37:17 you don't have to get too old.
37:19 There are certain things about getting older
37:20 that are not default.
37:22 And we know that Pastor Turner, he's 99.
37:26 Praise the Lord for that.
37:28 And we are all looking at him as an example
37:30 of what we would like to be,
37:31 if the Lord would give us that time.
37:33 My preference would be, I rather be in the kingdom,
37:36 not here on earth when I'm 99 years old.
37:38 The other changes is
37:40 hair turns gray or it falls out,
37:42 those are the two categories.
37:44 And society has done its best to try to substitute that,
37:48 either, you know,
37:49 you go to places around the world
37:50 where they have to color their hair, it has to.
37:52 It's a standard thing of society.
37:54 I've kind of gotten over that.
37:55 And you know what helped me one day,
37:57 Pastor Ryan is...
37:59 One of the young ladies in our church,
38:00 one of the young girls in our church, said, "Pastor?"
38:02 Because you know, we think
38:03 sometimes you're cutting out hair
38:05 to make the young people think we're older.
38:06 She said, "I like your gray hair,
38:08 stop coloring your gray hair."
38:09 And you know what,
38:11 now people are paying for their hair to be gray.
38:14 So young people. Huh? Young people.
38:16 Young people are paying for gray hair nowadays.
38:18 So mine is courtesy of God's divine hand.
38:23 The other thing is old age comes,
38:25 we begin to slow down,
38:26 there are aches and pains that come.
38:28 As Pastor Mark Finley, one day, he said,
38:30 he doesn't play basketball any longer.
38:31 He says, "And at home when I kneel down,
38:33 I say, what else can I do while I'm down here."
38:37 He say, "What else can I do while I'm down here."
38:39 Those are the changes of life.
38:41 For those of us that don't have children,
38:42 my wife and I are childless,
38:44 but we'd like to spoil other people's children
38:47 and send them back home.
38:48 But for those who have children,
38:50 then later on in life,
38:52 they can enjoy their grandchildren.
38:53 That's another blessing of life.
38:55 And then also,
38:57 Psalm 71 also teach us to prepare for the inevitable.
39:01 So I'm going to bring out so to speak,
39:04 Jill's been rubbing off on me,
39:05 I'll bring out seven quick principles
39:07 that Psalm 71 has illustrated.
39:10 See, infectious.
39:11 Her chronicling is very good.
39:13 The first one is Psalm 71:17,
39:17 develop a deep personal knowledge
39:19 of God from youth.
39:21 Remember the Creator in the days of your youth.
39:24 The wise man Solomon said that to the young people,
39:27 in Ecclesiastes Chapter 12,
39:29 "Develop a deep personal relationship
39:32 or knowledge of God from youth."
39:33 Because you know what?
39:35 All the things that are going to be valuable
39:37 as we get older,
39:38 we begin when we are young.
39:39 Yes. Yes.
39:41 "Train up a child in the way that..."
39:42 He should go.
39:43 "He should go, and when he is old,
39:45 he won't depart from it."
39:46 We learn things from young,
39:47 and whether those things are biblical or not,
39:49 they tend to stick with us longer sometimes
39:52 than we want them to,
39:53 and sometimes you try to get rid of them,
39:54 but they're so ingrained in our personality
39:56 that they take over by default.
39:58 Like the person who once...
40:00 Now we don't need him we know but this is an illustration.
40:02 Young lady, when she had Thanksgiving,
40:04 she would cut off an inch of the ham.
40:06 And her husband said, "Why do you do that every year?
40:08 She said, "My mother did that."
40:10 She asked her mom, "Why do you that?"
40:11 "Well, my mother did."
40:13 Thankfully, they had three generations here.
40:14 "Grandma, Mom, why did you do that?"
40:16 She said,
40:18 "Because it was too big for the pan."
40:20 They had no other value, none whatsoever.
40:24 But they saw generational things happen.
40:26 And so when you establish practices
40:28 in your own life personally,
40:30 it becomes a generational practice.
40:31 Let your children know.
40:34 When you study your Bible,
40:35 make it short, make it interesting,
40:37 let them appreciate the time they spend in the Bible.
40:40 Don't put your family together.
40:42 As fathers and mothers,
40:43 those of you who are overly religious
40:44 and I say this respectfully,
40:46 sometimes we could wear children down with Bible.
40:49 And we say, tonight our Bible study
40:51 is gonna be hour and half before you go to bed.
40:52 They dread the idea.
40:54 It's time for Bible studies.
40:55 Even Ellen White counsels,
40:56 make it interesting, make it short,
40:58 make it delightful,
41:00 so that they can establish habits from young
41:02 to know who God is.
41:04 The other one, these are the promises we get.
41:07 Psalm 71:1-7.
41:09 By the way, I didn't read Psalm 71:17,
41:11 did I?
41:13 It says, "Oh God, You have taught me
41:15 from my youth.
41:16 And to this day, I declare Your wondrous works."
41:20 So when we learn from young about God,
41:22 we declare Him through our lives.
41:24 And by the way, let me make a point.
41:26 It is okay to be young and godly.
41:30 Amen. Amen.
41:31 It's a beautiful thing to be young and godly.
41:33 Forget the generation around you.
41:35 It's a beautiful thing
41:36 as one person when they called me square.
41:38 They said, "You're so square."
41:40 I said, "That's okay."
41:41 Jerusalem is a perfectly square city,
41:42 I'll fit right in.
41:44 So it's okay to be spiritual when you're young.
41:46 It's okay to talk about Jesus when you're young.
41:49 Let no one despise your youth.
41:51 Because you notice some things about growing up
41:53 and the promise that God made to us.
41:54 One, God will be our strong tower.
41:58 He will be our strong refuge.
42:00 Psalm 71:1,
42:02 "Can you, O Lord, I put my trust
42:04 let me never be put to shame."
42:06 Verse 7,
42:08 "I have become as a wonder to many,
42:11 but you are my strong refuge."
42:13 You know what that means?
42:14 That means sometimes people see God in your life
42:17 and they wonder,
42:18 "I've never seen a godly young man like that
42:20 or a godly young woman."
42:21 They become wonder too many.
42:22 People say, "Man!
42:24 That kid is way beyond her years,
42:26 or way beyond his years."
42:28 The entrance of God's Word
42:30 develops us quicker than the words of man.
42:33 It gives us wisdom and understanding.
42:35 Dr. Ben Carson, he said,
42:36 his wisdom came from a practice
42:38 his mother instilled in him when he was young.
42:40 She said, "Every day before you leave this house,
42:43 read a chapter in the book,
42:44 read a verse in the Book of Proverbs."
42:46 He said, "To this very day it carries him in wisdom."
42:49 So that's from your young.
42:50 The other one,
42:52 the Lord promises to be our Savior,
42:53 not only our strong refuge, but our Savior.
42:56 Psalm 71:2,
42:58 "Deliver me in Your righteousness,
43:00 and cause me to escape.
43:01 Incline Your ear to me and," what?
43:04 Save me. "And save me."
43:05 Only the Lord can be the Savior in our lives,
43:08 if we put Him there when we're young,
43:11 so that when we're old, we won't say,
43:13 "Where is God?"
43:14 So many people wonder where God is
43:16 because they didn't look from when they...
43:17 He says, "Seek me, when you can find me," right?
43:20 Seek the Lord while He may be found,
43:22 call upon Him while He's near.
43:24 When you fail to do that when you're young,
43:26 you have those moments where you wonder where God is.
43:28 God is not missing.
43:30 We just haven't saw Him when we should have.
43:32 Third one, God is a rock and a fortress.
43:35 Psalm 71:3, "Be my strong refuge,
43:38 to which I may resort continually.
43:41 You have given the commandment to save me,
43:43 for You are my rock and my fortress."
43:46 He's our rock and our fortress. You know what?
43:48 He wants to be your rock and your fortress.
43:50 So many young people today
43:52 don't have the assurance of God.
43:54 And when they get older, they fall into this,
43:56 what I call this reprieve,
43:57 this encampment that they build around themselves.
44:00 They have no assurance when they get older.
44:02 I can count the number of times
44:03 that I've met with older Christians
44:05 that have said,
44:06 "I'm not sure I'm gonna be saved."
44:07 And I thought, "How tragic to be a Christian all your life
44:11 and have no assurance of salvation."
44:13 And they say, "I don't think
44:14 I have enough time to get ready."
44:15 And I'm thinking, "Don't you realize,
44:17 it's His righteousness and not your own."
44:20 The other one,
44:21 God is our hope and our confidence.
44:23 Psalm 71:5, "For You are my hope,
44:26 O, Lord God, You are my trust from my youth."
44:30 Young people make that
44:31 a principal staple in your life.
44:34 Don't leave your house in the morning without praying,
44:36 reading a devotional thought.
44:37 My wife and I do that now in our marriage
44:39 and that holds us together, praise God for that.
44:41 But if you want to have a strong relationship
44:43 as the future unfolds, become the person,
44:46 I think and one of the problems you mentioned,
44:47 become the person that you'll one day desire
44:49 for the other person in your life to be.
44:51 And finally, develop a passion for God's mission.
44:55 Psalm 71:8,
44:57 "That my mouth be filled with Your praise,
45:00 and with Your glory all the day."
45:03 Develop a passion in your life for the mission of Christ.
45:06 And when the years come,
45:08 you will find pleasure in knowing the Lord.
45:10 Pastor Tom? Amen.
45:12 Well, thank you.
45:13 You know, one of the things
45:14 that a lot of people do struggle with is old age,
45:17 as they're aging,
45:19 I think one of the reasons they struggle so much
45:20 is because what I'm gonna be covering today.
45:22 It's a very good point.
45:23 And that is the fact that you know,
45:25 there's a time for everything,
45:26 there's a time to be born and there is a time to die.
45:29 There's a time for everything, it has a purpose under the sun.
45:32 Now when it comes to our birth, we like to celebrate that,
45:35 as matter of fact, so much we do it every single year.
45:37 When we get married,
45:39 we celebrate our marriage every year
45:41 through our anniversaries.
45:42 We'll even celebrate our retirement.
45:45 But when it comes to death,
45:46 it's something that we don't wanna face
45:48 and we wanna think
45:50 that it never it's gonna happen to us.
45:52 As a matter of fact, so much so that around the world
45:55 from pulpits is being preached of the lie of Genesis 3:4,
46:00 and that, "You shall not surely die."
46:01 Wow!
46:03 Because nobody wants to go through that experience.
46:05 But I want you to think about the fact
46:08 that no one is really ready or prepared for death,
46:11 unless they are a Christian, a born again Christian.
46:14 Because that is where you get an understanding
46:17 of the cosmic conflict,
46:18 what's going on between good and evil,
46:20 and the great controversy
46:21 and the plan that God has for each one of our lives here.
46:25 And you know, it's interesting, just recently, just yesterday,
46:30 I came across a man because death can happen
46:32 at a time you do not expect to happen.
46:35 Every one of us is terminal.
46:37 There's not one of us unless Jesus comes first,
46:39 that is going to escape death.
46:41 But nobody wants to prepare for it often.
46:44 But I was just talking to a gentleman yesterday
46:46 and he said that his wife wasn't feeling well.
46:49 And when she finally went to the doctor,
46:52 they took some tests and discovered
46:54 that she had pancreatic cancer.
46:57 He said, it was four days later that she passed.
47:00 And he said that,
47:02 you know, she handled all the bills,
47:04 she did all the housework, she did all the laundry,
47:08 and he didn't do any of that.
47:09 He went out worked, made the money
47:10 and came home.
47:12 And I guess,
47:13 he was not prepared for her loss.
47:15 And he told me a kind of humorous story
47:18 about how he did his first load of laundry.
47:20 And he didn't know exactly what to do,
47:22 so he put the detergent
47:24 and he saw the bleach sitting there
47:25 and figured why not you're supposed to put that
47:26 and he poured half of a container of bleach in.
47:29 He said, his clothes, he had to pull out in pieces.
47:32 And then his daughter finally stepped up in
47:34 and helped him.
47:36 Oftentimes, one spouse will take care
47:38 of a lot of important things,
47:40 and the other one does not learn those things.
47:41 I think in preparation for death,
47:44 as you go through life, it's important for your spouse
47:46 to be in step with and in tune with,
47:49 what will be happening.
47:51 Another thing that is important too is to have a will.
47:55 I remember talking about that for 10 years or more,
47:58 I got to do that.
47:59 We kept saying we have to do that.
48:01 And finally, a number of years ago,
48:02 my wife and I sat down
48:04 and we had our will made out, because you do not know.
48:08 It could be sudden,
48:09 it could be an accident in a car,
48:11 it could be a heart attack,
48:13 it could be a terminal illness,
48:16 you know,
48:17 preparation for death.
48:19 I want us to turn together.
48:21 Let's go to 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.
48:33 And there's a question in our lesson,
48:34 what do these verses tell us about death?
48:36 Well, this is actually some scriptures
48:38 that I go to at a time, at a funeral usually.
48:42 And I'm gonna skip verses 24 and 25 right now,
48:45 but I just wanna jump down to verse 26.
48:47 "The last enemy
48:49 that will be destroyed is death."
48:51 And that tells us that death is an enemy of God.
48:54 Oftentimes, people are confused,
48:56 and they think, "Well, if God is good,
48:57 why does he allow something like death?"
49:00 I remember one time hearing of somebody
49:01 who was very angry
49:03 because their 90 year old relative passed away.
49:06 And I thought they have never wrapped their mind
49:08 around the fact that they're not gonna live forever
49:10 here in this world.
49:12 And, but realizing that death is indeed an enemy.
49:16 You know, as you go back to verses 24 and 25,
49:20 it mentions here, "Then comes the end,
49:23 when He delivers the kingdom of God the Father,
49:25 when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power.
49:28 For He must reign
49:30 till He has put all enemies under His feet."
49:31 And then it talks about the last one
49:33 to be defeated is death.
49:35 You know, prior to those verses,
49:37 I wanna go back to verse 20.
49:38 It says this, "But now Christ is risen from the dead,
49:41 and has become the firstfruits
49:43 of those who have fallen asleep.
49:46 For since by man came death,
49:47 by man also came the resurrection of the dead.
49:50 For as in Adam all die,
49:52 even so in Christ all shall be made alive.
49:55 But each one in his own order, Christ the firstfruits,
49:57 afterward those who are Christ's at His coming."
50:02 And what I love about that verse is
50:04 that is the blessed hope for everyone
50:07 who is a born again Christian,
50:08 who dies, who passes away in Christ.
50:13 You talked about assurance of salvation
50:15 and how you come across people that aren't sure of it.
50:16 I'm gonna give you another example.
50:18 Just in this last month, I had a member pass away.
50:22 He was feeling a lot of pain for six months,
50:24 had some tests done, discovered he had bone cancer,
50:28 and he ended up in the hospital,
50:30 and they were gonna put them in hospice.
50:32 Just before he went to the hospice
50:34 there at the hospital,
50:35 I walked into his room
50:36 and his wife was standing by his side.
50:38 And he said, "Preacher," he always called me a preacher,
50:41 "I want to go home."
50:42 And he started to cry. And he pointed up.
50:45 He said, "I don't want to go to that home,
50:46 I want to go to that home."
50:47 He was ready to be with Jesus.
50:50 He was ready to rest
50:51 and wait for his Savior's arrival
50:54 at the Second Coming.
50:56 And his wife is standing right there by his side,
50:58 she was prepared for his death as well
51:00 because she didn't say,
51:01 "Oh, no, I want you here.
51:03 I want you to hang on to you."
51:04 Instead, she knew it was his time.
51:07 And as soon as he finished with that,
51:09 a CNA walked in the hospital room.
51:12 And he said to her, he says, "This is my preacher.
51:16 You need to come to our church.
51:18 You need to meet my Jesus."
51:20 And he started witnessing to this young lady.
51:24 And as I thought about that experience,
51:26 later on, I realized, wow!
51:28 That is the Ten Commandments being lived out
51:30 and he loved God with all his heart,
51:31 mind and soul and he loved his neighbor as himself,
51:33 right there,
51:34 all the way through to till he passed.
51:37 He was in that state of mind.
51:40 So being ready for death
51:41 is something that I believe is...
51:43 Well, we need to have Galatians 2:20 experience,
51:45 really.
51:47 Galatians 2:20 says,
51:50 "I have been crucified with Christ.
51:53 It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.
51:58 And the life which I now live, I live in the flesh.
52:01 I live by faith in the Son of God
52:03 who loved me and gave himself for me."
52:07 It is a journey of faith.
52:10 You know, the lesson also talks
52:11 about the experience that David had,
52:14 and we can go to 1 Kings
52:18 Chapter 2.
52:20 One of the things that I have noticed,
52:22 you know, David did not live a perfect life
52:24 and our lesson brings that out.
52:26 But also there isn't another person
52:28 that I know of that has lived a perfect life
52:30 and a perfect example.
52:32 But there is one of the most serious times in life
52:34 and that is when they are near death,
52:36 and their children are around them,
52:39 they may be have not fully lived the example
52:41 but they have.
52:42 They wanna make sure, that the final words they have
52:44 to their loved ones are ones that are going to be lasting.
52:48 And so we see here David saying in verse 1-4, here.
52:54 "Now the days of David drew near that he should die,
52:58 and he charged Solomon, his son saying,
53:00 'I go the way of all the earth, to be strong, therefore,
53:03 improve yourself a man
53:05 and keep the charge of the Lord your God
53:08 to walk in His ways,
53:09 to keep his statutes and His commandments,
53:11 His judgments, and His testimonies,
53:14 as it is written in the law of Moses,
53:17 that you may prosper in all that you do
53:19 and wherever you turn.
53:20 That the Lord may fulfill His word,
53:22 which He spoke concerning me saying,
53:25 'If your sons take heed to their way,
53:27 to walk before Me in truth
53:29 with all their heart, with all their soul,' he said,
53:35 'You shall not lack man on the throne of Israel.'"
53:38 So God was promising a blessing.
53:40 If you train up your children the way they should go
53:43 and commission them as well,
53:45 just as has been covered as Ryan had shared earlier.
53:49 You know, I think that is a very important thing.
53:52 I've watched time and time again,
53:54 where someone is preparing for death.
53:57 The children maybe are out there in the world.
54:00 And I have watched that faithful soul
54:03 and the way they faced
54:04 the biggest trial of their life,
54:06 which is death,
54:07 do that in God's strength and not their own.
54:10 And I have found children converted thereby.
54:14 And sometimes it is at those funerals that I find
54:17 that's when children finally come home.
54:19 The prodigal comes back.
54:21 So what a testimony that can be.
54:24 You know, I'm almost out of time,
54:27 let's turn to 2 Timothy
54:28 because I think this is probably
54:30 a good example.
54:32 The Apostle Paul, who also was not perfect,
54:34 he was a murderer.
54:36 2 Timothy 4:6-8.
54:45 And he says these words,
54:48 "For I am already being poured out
54:50 as a drink offering,
54:51 and the time of my departure is at hand.
54:53 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,
54:56 I have kept the faith.
54:58 Finally, there is laid up for me
55:00 a crown of righteousness,
55:01 which the Lord, the righteous judge
55:02 will give to me on that Day,
55:04 and not to me only,
55:06 but also to all who have loved His appearing."
55:09 And I'll tell you,
55:10 that is a commission for all of us
55:12 to follow the example
55:14 of the Apostle Paul and of David,
55:17 to live faithfully to the very end.
55:19 I think the greatest preparation for death
55:21 is staying in Christ.
55:22 Amen. Amen.
55:23 Thank you so much, Pastor Tom, and each one of you.
55:25 What an incredible study, preparing for change.
55:29 The biggest change of all I think of is Revelation 21:5.
55:33 "He who sat on the throne said,
55:34 'Behold, I make all things new.'"
55:36 So that is the decision we make
55:38 to accept Christ into our life and to spend eternity with Him.
55:42 We have just a few moments left,
55:43 wanna give you each a few moments to share.
55:46 Preparing for marriage, Proverbs 11:14, says,
55:50 that there's great wisdom in a multitude of counselors,
55:53 I would recommend everyone who's preparing for marriage
55:57 as a couple would go through pre-marital counseling,
56:01 and be open to self-examination and growth.
56:05 Amen. I won't mind to be...
56:06 Ministry of Healing, page 376 and 377.
56:10 It says, "Happy are the parents
56:12 whose lives are a true reflection of the divine,
56:14 so that the promises and commands of God
56:16 awaken in the child gratitude and reverence.
56:20 The parents whose tenderness and justice and long-suffering
56:23 interpret to the child the love and justice
56:26 and long-suffering of a God
56:28 and who, by teaching the child to love and trust
56:30 and obey them are teaching him to love and trust
56:33 and obey His Father in heaven."
56:36 Amen.
56:37 And David the Psalmist made a very important point.
56:40 He says, "I once was young, and now I am old.
56:44 And I've never seen the righteous forsaken
56:46 nor their seed begging for bread."
56:47 What a promise! I embrace that.
56:49 Amen.
56:51 And I wanna say that death is nothing to fear.
56:54 It is one of the things that is part of our life,
56:57 course of life here on this earth.
57:00 And that we serve a God
57:01 that has victory over the grave,
57:03 and He has given us promises,
57:04 if we hang on to those in faith,
57:05 He will see us through.
57:07 Amen! Amen.
57:08 What a wonderful study!
57:10 Thank you so much, Shelley,
57:11 and Pastor Ryan, and Pastor John,
57:12 and Pastor Tom, thank you
57:14 for your study of the Word of God.
57:15 And we thank you for joining us as well.
57:18 Education, 57,
57:19 "The greatest want of the world is the want of men or woman
57:23 who will not be bought or sold
57:26 and who will be true to God though the heavens fall."
57:29 That is our prayer for you.
57:31 Next week, join us for our study on "When Alone."


Revised 2024-08-26