3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Choices We Make

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190015A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent
00:15 to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Family Seasons.
00:33 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:34 And we are so excited that you're joining us
00:37 for Sabbath School panel today.
00:39 We are on the second lesson of a new quarterly
00:41 called Family Seasons.
00:43 And today's lesson is the choices we make.
00:48 And we're gonna look at in this week,
00:51 not only some of the choices we make,
00:53 but how we should make those decisions
00:56 and the impact that it has on not just us but on families.
01:01 Let me introduce our wonderful panel.
01:04 Next to me, Pastor Ryan Day.
01:06 Amen. It's good to be here.
01:07 Oh, pastor, we are glad you're on this panel.
01:10 Then my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang.
01:12 Praise the Lord.
01:14 Always exciting to walk through God's Word.
01:16 It's an excursion that's new every time.
01:17 Amen.
01:19 And then 3ABN General Manager, Jill Morikone.
01:22 Always a privilege to study with each one of you.
01:24 And we're so glad my precious sister
01:26 that you're on this panel,
01:28 and then my precious brother, Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:31 Always a pleasure.
01:32 Thank you. Thank you.
01:34 Kenny, would you have opening prayer for us?
01:35 Sure, sure. Let's pray, shall we?
01:37 Our merciful heavenly Father,
01:39 we thank You for the privilege of prayer this today.
01:41 We thank You that we can call You our Father,
01:43 thank You that we belong to the family of God.
01:46 Lord, as we open the beautiful pages
01:48 of this book called the Bible, this lesson study for today,
01:52 we ask that the Holy Spirit would take possession of
01:54 each of our hearts and our lives.
01:56 Lord, maybe not just take it as just a job to do
01:58 but maybe look as heaven is speaking to us,
02:01 giving us encouragement, and help us to watch,
02:04 we pray because the time is coming
02:06 when Jesus is soon to come here,
02:08 we need to be ready.
02:09 We're thankful for the lessons
02:11 that talk about the importance of not only serving God,
02:13 putting Him first, but to remember our families.
02:16 Bless us now we pray to this
02:17 and may You have Your will and Your way.
02:20 All that said and all that's done,
02:22 empty our hearts from anything that needs not be there.
02:24 We only need to see Jesus, we only need to hear from Jesus
02:27 and we're gonna thank You in His precious name,
02:29 we pray in for His sake, amen.
02:31 Amen, and amen.
02:32 And we want to encourage those of you at home.
02:35 If you do not have a quarterly,
02:37 you can always go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
02:41 they'll be happy to give you a quarterly
02:43 or you can go online
02:45 to ABSG.Adventist.org
02:51 and download your very own copy.
02:53 So lesson to the choices we make.
02:57 Life is full of choices
02:58 from the moment we wake up till we go to bed.
03:01 Some choices are routine,
03:03 some choices can be very consequential.
03:08 All right.
03:09 And may impact not only us, but those around us.
03:13 That's right.
03:14 And so it is critical to consider
03:18 the consequences of our choices, is it not?
03:22 Yes.
03:23 But I wanna say this just right up front.
03:26 The good news is no matter how many bad choices
03:29 that you've made in your life,
03:30 there is mercy, and love, and grace,
03:33 and forgiveness in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
03:36 So do not worry,
03:39 even if you've made the worst of decisions,
03:41 God is the God of new beginnings.
03:43 Let's look at our memory text,
03:45 Joshua 24:15 from the New King James Version.
03:49 And here's what Joshua says,
03:51 "If it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
03:54 choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve,
03:59 whether the gods which your fathers served
04:01 that were on the other side of the river,
04:04 or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell.
04:07 But as for me and my house,
04:10 we will serve the Lord."
04:13 So that is absolutely the most important choice
04:16 we will ever make.
04:18 I have way too much for Sunday's lesson
04:20 because I've added some stuff,
04:22 but I'm gonna try to get through it.
04:24 Sunday, we're talking about free will, free choice.
04:28 And I just have to say this.
04:30 Calvinism is a type of,
04:34 one of their beliefs is it's rather,
04:37 it promotes the idea that
04:41 and it's a mistaken belief
04:43 that God chooses some to be saved or lost,
04:48 even before they're born.
04:50 This is a distortion in our opinion,
04:54 a biblical predestination
04:57 because it's saying regardless of your choice,
04:59 you're condemned, some are condemned to be lost.
05:02 And you know what?
05:04 You add that to the false notion
05:07 that there is an eternal burning hell and punishing
05:11 and that makes God out to be a monster.
05:13 That's right.
05:14 It has absolutely turned some people into atheists.
05:18 As the Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
05:20 our church does not believe that theology.
05:23 We believe, as the Bible clearly states in 1 Timothy 2:4
05:28 that "God desires all men to be saved
05:32 and come to the knowledge of the truth."
05:34 And even before the world began,
05:37 He created us and chose us
05:42 to have eternal life in Christ.
05:45 But it depends on our choices.
05:48 So here's what I want to add as a little bonus.
05:52 God granted humanity,
05:55 the freedom of will,
05:59 the freedom of choice.
06:01 We can either choose or reject God's love.
06:04 But He must honor whatever choice we make.
06:09 And for those who misuse this gift of this freedom,
06:15 if we use a free will to do wrong instead of right,
06:19 following Satan and his rebellion,
06:22 the consequences of sin will follow.
06:25 But people ask me,
06:27 "Why did God create humanity with free will?
06:29 If He knew we were gonna do this,
06:31 why didn't He just, you know...
06:33 Was this some kind of experiment?
06:35 Why didn't He just programmed us
06:36 so that we would always do what's right.
06:39 And if He loves us,
06:40 why does He allow us to experience pain?
06:43 From eternity past, God has been involved
06:47 in a relationship of perfect unity,
06:50 the Father, Son and the Spirit.
06:52 And when He created us,
06:55 that perfect unity is because
06:58 the essence of God's character is love, right?
07:02 So when He created us to be His children,
07:04 He created us and designed us
07:07 so that we could have reciprocal relationships,
07:12 that we could love Him, that we could love others.
07:15 And His loving plan is that He gave us this free will,
07:20 if He programmed us,
07:22 you can't program love, can you?
07:24 No.
07:25 If He just made us little robots,
07:26 we would have nothing
07:30 by which we could determine what was love.
07:34 So He created us in His image with His intelligence,
07:38 His ability to choose,
07:40 His ability to create
07:42 and to make us like Himself.
07:45 He made this little special part
07:47 called the prefrontal lobe.
07:49 And that's what makes us creative.
07:52 That's what gives us freedom of choice.
07:54 Guess what?
07:55 It's also the area that creates pain.
07:58 So that is the same part of the...
08:01 I shouldn't say creates pain, but identifies pain.
08:04 So what you have to know is God loved us enough
08:09 to create us like Himself and He,
08:14 without choice we cannot love.
08:17 He is a God of self-sacrificing love,
08:21 and that's what He created.
08:22 He's not the author of pain and suffering.
08:25 Where did that come from?
08:27 Sin. From Satan.
08:29 So, God could have programmed us,
08:33 but then we'd have no choice, no creative ability,
08:36 no ability to rule.
08:38 And that's why He wanted us to experience love.
08:42 So when you think about this,
08:44 it wasn't some kind of experiment.
08:46 Yes, God knew we were going to go astray.
08:48 I mean, the lamb was slain
08:50 from the foundation of the world.
08:52 But parents, when parents decide to have
08:56 or when a couple decides to have children,
08:58 they know the child could, maybe end up rebelling.
09:04 But why did they do it? For the experience of love.
09:07 So let's look at Ephesians 1, I'm gonna begin in verse 2.
09:13 In Ephesians 1:2, now I'm gonna have to turn.
09:16 He says, this is Paul writing,
09:19 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
09:23 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
09:25 in heavenly places in Christ."
09:27 What a promise!
09:29 We've already been blessed
09:30 with every spiritual blessings in Christ.
09:33 "Just as He chose us in Him
09:36 before the foundation of the world."
09:38 So, see when it says, "He chose us in Him,"
09:41 it is referring to spiritual union with Christ.
09:45 So election flows from that union, does it not?
09:50 "So He chose us in Him
09:52 before the foundation of the world
09:54 that we should be holy
09:55 and without blame before Him in love,
09:57 having predestined us,
10:00 His predetermined loving plan,
10:04 to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself
10:10 according to the good pleasure of His will."
10:13 So He planned from the beginning
10:16 to adopt those who accepted His Son
10:19 who are in Christ, to be part of His,
10:22 to enter into this special covenant of family relationship
10:27 where He would accomplish His will in our lives.
10:29 And then He says,
10:31 "To the praise of the glory of His grace
10:33 by which He's made us accepted in the beloved."
10:36 Hallelujah!
10:38 "In Him we have redemption through His blood,
10:41 the forgiveness of sins,
10:43 according to the riches of His grace."
10:45 So we know that grace is His favor,
10:49 and we're not deserving of His favor.
10:53 But holiness and blamelessness are the results of grace,
10:58 not the basis of God's election.
11:01 So He redeemed us from sin and Satan,
11:03 bought us with the price of His own Son's blood.
11:09 Titus 1 verses...
11:13 I'm gonna look at verse 2, and in 2 Timothy 1,
11:16 I wanna look at verse 9.
11:18 It's interesting in both of these passages,
11:21 Paul mentions before time began.
11:24 Look at Titus 1:2, it says,
11:26 "In hope of eternal life,
11:28 which God who cannot lie, promised before time began."
11:33 And in 2 Timothy 1:9, says that,
11:36 "God who has saved us and called us
11:39 with a holy calling, not according to our works,
11:43 but according to His own purpose and grace,
11:46 which was given to us in Christ Jesus,
11:50 before time began."
11:54 You know what's interesting to me,
11:56 physicists have now proven
12:00 time did not exist before our world began.
12:06 Isn't that interesting?
12:07 I mean, the Bible says it all over.
12:09 But they finally, actually this was probably 15 years ago
12:11 that they finally came out and said,
12:14 "Time didn't exist before our world began."
12:17 But God has had a plan all along
12:21 from the very beginning,
12:23 that whoever would accept His salvation
12:27 would become part of His family
12:29 and would spend eternity with Him.
12:31 And you know, however good this news is,
12:33 some people are gonna be lost.
12:35 Why?
12:36 Because of their choices. That's true.
12:39 Because God has chosen us,
12:42 but He's given us this most sacred human gift
12:46 and that is free will.
12:48 Amen. Free will.
12:49 So our lesson asks us,
12:53 what does Matthew 22:35-37 teach about free will.
12:57 Let's look at that. Matthew 25:35.
13:01 Matthew 22:35.
13:04 "One of them, a lawyer, asked him, Christ, a question,
13:10 testing Him and saying,
13:12 'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?'
13:17 Jesus said to him,
13:19 'You shall love the Lord your God
13:21 with all your heart, with all your soul,
13:23 with all of your mind.'"
13:26 See, let me tell you something.
13:28 The Lord doesn't force us to love Him.
13:30 And you might say,
13:32 "Well, He's commanding us to love Him."
13:34 Anytime He commands us
13:38 that bidding to do something is an enabling in His mind.
13:42 You know, that's right. So what God does?
13:43 Romans 5:5, says, is that,
13:45 "He pours His love into our hearts
13:47 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
13:49 so that we can love Him."
13:52 And you know, we can argue
13:54 that the Bible is the story of God
13:55 reaching out to lost humanity
13:59 to restore us to,
14:04 to restore human beings
14:06 to this loving relationship without coercion.
14:10 And I'm gonna stop there.
14:11 Wow, that's powerful.
14:13 I think it was, maybe misquoting this slightly,
14:17 but paraphrasing and I think will be sufficient.
14:19 I think it was CS Lewis who wrote
14:20 and I have to agree with him.
14:23 Let's see if I can get this right.
14:25 The greatest mystery
14:27 that I think none of us can begin to fathom
14:29 is the fact that the Creator created the created
14:36 with the free will to reject His love,
14:39 with the free will to reject Him in general.
14:43 That's right. That's a choice.
14:45 In other words, God has given us the gift of free will.
14:48 He does not force Himself.
14:49 He does not force His love or His will upon our lives.
14:54 My lesson is covering making the right choices.
14:58 We know we have now the free will to choose,
15:01 but how can I ensure,
15:03 how can I know for sure
15:04 that I can make the right choices?
15:05 And if that's possible, how is that possible?
15:08 I'm just gonna take us
15:10 to a good old fashioned Bible study.
15:11 I think the best way to do it is just simply allow...
15:14 In fact, I'm gonna exercise, hopefully,
15:17 the ability to make the right choice in letting God speak
15:20 rather than myself
15:22 because His Word is so much better than
15:23 what I can possibly say in this subject.
15:25 I want to start here in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17.
15:31 So again, just keep in your mind.
15:33 Again, how can we make sure that we make the right choices?
15:36 How can I make the right choices?
15:38 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17.
15:42 I like to just... I wanna...
15:43 In fact, I added verse 16.
15:45 I think in the lesson it might only include 17
15:47 but I added verse 16.
15:49 Two words, here it is, "Rejoice always."
15:52 Amen.
15:54 Now when I read that,
15:55 following what we're about to read in verse 17.
15:57 What that tells me is, I have to make sure,
15:59 I get my mind right first.
16:01 In other words, put yourself in the right mindset,
16:04 set yourself up for victory in making the right choices.
16:08 Rejoice always,
16:09 always take the time to be thankful
16:11 and rejoice to God,
16:13 you know, on behalf of
16:14 what He's done for you and just who He is.
16:16 Amen. Yeah.
16:17 You know, putting yourself in that right mindset
16:19 can so much help you in setting up the possibility
16:22 and the reality of you making the right choice
16:24 every single time, rejoice always.
16:26 Verse 17, it says, "Pray without ceasing."
16:32 "Pray without ceasing,
16:33 in everything," here it is, "give thanks,
16:35 for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
16:40 So get your mind right and then,
16:42 of course, you know, if you're scared
16:44 that you can't make the right choice or you fear that,
16:46 "Oh, am I making the right choice?"
16:48 How about trusting in the counsel of God's Word,
16:50 when he says, "You know, come to Me,
16:52 ask and it shall be given to you.
16:53 Knock and it shall be opened. I will present that to you.
16:56 I will give you the gift of making the right choice."
16:59 James 1:5-8, notice what the Bible says,
17:03 "If any of you lacks wisdom,"
17:04 and I think all of us lack wisdom to a certain extent,
17:07 "let Him," there it is,
17:08 "ask of God who gives to all liberally
17:13 and without reproach,
17:15 and it will be given to him," I love that.
17:17 "But let him ask in faith."
17:20 It's one thing to say, "Okay, I'm gonna say a prayer,
17:22 and I'm gonna ask God for wisdom."
17:24 But are you asking in faith?
17:25 Are you truly believing
17:27 that He's gonna come through for you?
17:28 Do you truly believe that He can grant you
17:31 the victory and the ability to make the right choice?
17:33 He says, you know what?
17:35 "But let him ask in faith,"
17:36 this is verse 6 of James Chapter 1,
17:38 "with no doubting,
17:41 for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea
17:43 driven and tossed by the wind."
17:45 I love this verse 7 here.
17:47 "For let not that man suppose,
17:50 let not that man suppose
17:52 that he will receive anything from the Lord."
17:53 In other words, "Well, I might receive it.
17:56 I might receive it."
17:57 No, you will receive it,
17:59 maybe not in the time that you want to receive it.
18:02 I like to think of God as an on time God.
18:05 There was a song out there years ago called
18:07 "He's an on time God."
18:08 Yes, He is.
18:10 He may not come when you want Him,
18:11 but He'll be there right on time.
18:12 I know that's a reality in my life
18:14 because I have come to learn.
18:16 Lord, when I pray and ask of something,
18:17 I'm not just expecting always the Lord to answer immediately.
18:20 Sometimes He does.
18:22 But then most of the time,
18:23 He knows the exact spot, the exact point
18:26 in which He's gonna bless you and answer that prayer.
18:29 And in this case, He's going to come on time
18:32 to deliver you and give you the ability
18:34 to make the right choice every single time.
18:37 Praying, ask, trust in the Lord's counsel,
18:40 believe in faith.
18:42 And, of course, He is an on time God.
18:44 He will show up. He will answer your prayer.
18:46 Isaiah 1:19, I'm just gonna spit them out here.
18:49 They're beautiful verses, promises that we can count on.
18:53 And I love that, I love how this starts out here.
18:54 Isaiah 1:19.
18:57 And I'm also gonna read verse 20.
18:59 It says, "If you are willing and obedient..."
19:02 That's right. Yes.
19:03 Okay, notice this,
19:05 first of all you have to be willing
19:08 to respond the way the Lord would have you to respond.
19:10 Yes.
19:11 In other words, to make the right choice,
19:13 you have to be willing."
19:14 Lord, I'm willing to follow Your counsel.
19:15 Lord, I'm willing to follow Your will."
19:17 "If you are willing and obedient,
19:19 you shall eat of the good of the land."
19:21 But notice, "If you refuse and rebel,"
19:23 we don't want that rebellious attitude,
19:25 but if you are that way, it says,
19:26 "you will be devoured by the sword,
19:28 for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.'
19:30 " So when you go into a decision making process,
19:33 going with an obedient heart and obedient spirit.
19:36 Lord, You know what?
19:37 I don't know what's best for me, but You do.
19:39 You know what's best for me.
19:41 Help me to make the right decision,
19:42 because I don't trust myself.
19:44 That's the spirit that we have to have here.
19:46 A rebellious people
19:47 never make the best decisions, okay?
19:50 When you rebel,
19:51 you're always gonna end up making the decision
19:53 that you're gonna regret later on.
19:55 The Lord knows what's best, He created you.
19:57 Amen? Yes.
19:58 He is the Creator.
19:59 Matthew 7:24-25,
20:01 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them
20:04 I will liken him to a wise man
20:06 who built his house on the...?"
20:07 Rock. "On the rock."
20:09 Christ is that rock
20:10 and who better person to go to or what better person to go to
20:13 than that of Jesus Christ.
20:14 He knows how to counsel us. He knows what's best for us.
20:17 Thy Word oh, Lord, what is that?
20:19 Psalm 119:105.
20:21 "Your Word, oh, Lord
20:23 is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
20:25 Ryan, how can I make sure
20:27 that I can make the best decisions?
20:29 How about go to the Lord?
20:30 Yes. Amen.
20:32 How about trust in His Word?
20:33 I have, you know, I don't always do this perfect,
20:35 I have to admit.
20:36 But I strive in all situations to
20:40 when I'm put in a situation
20:42 where I'm having to endure a trial
20:43 or some type of temptation or something that,
20:46 you know, I'm not very sure about even as a minister who,
20:48 you know, I like to think I know the Bible pretty well.
20:50 But you know there's always that temptation
20:52 to think you know more than what the Lord does,
20:55 and I can reassure you that you don't,
20:58 and so we have to trust in the Word of God.
21:01 The Word of God will always give you the answer.
21:03 Trust in the Lord.
21:05 It's a light unto your path, it's a lamp unto your feet,
21:09 submit to the council of scripture
21:11 in how many things?
21:13 All things. All things.
21:15 Proverbs 3:5-6. This is a powerful text.
21:18 Trust in yourself with all your heart.
21:20 No. The Lord.
21:22 Is that what it says? No.
21:23 That's not what it says.
21:25 Notice again, Proverbs 3:5-6,
21:26 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart
21:28 and lean not on your own understanding,
21:32 in all ways acknowledge Him and He," notice this,
21:35 "He's promised us He will direct our paths."
21:38 There is a way...
21:39 Proverbs 14:12,
21:41 "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man."
21:44 I have not met a person yet,
21:47 who in some point in their life,
21:49 or in some point throughout their day
21:50 thinks that they can make the best decision
21:52 or that they know all that there is to know
21:54 about a certain situation.
21:55 In other words, everything that they choose to do,
21:57 everything they choose to say, it's their way seems best.
22:01 But at the end of the day, you know what?
22:02 Our way always fails.
22:03 His way is perfect. That's right.
22:05 Submit your will to God. Submit your will to God.
22:10 Submit to the will of God
22:13 that will always guide you in this lifetime.
22:16 You know, we just came from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17.
22:21 Notice 1 Thessalonians 5:19, very short, but very profound.
22:27 In this, again, we're asking the question,
22:28 how can I make sure that I'm making the right decisions?
22:32 First of all, 1 Thessalonians 5:19 says,
22:36 "Do not quench the spirit."
22:39 Amen.
22:40 Yes, we can rebel to a point,
22:42 we can reach the point in our life
22:44 where we think, we have it all figured out
22:46 that we are actually,
22:47 where we're creating a spiritual call us on our ear
22:49 that the Holy Spirit can't reach our heart.
22:52 And what did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit
22:53 in John 14 and John Chapter 16?
22:55 I'm gonna read John 14:26.
22:58 Notice what he said about the Holy Spirit,
23:00 "The Helper, the Holy Spirit,
23:02 whom the Father will send in My name,
23:04 He will teach you all things," you have to be willing,
23:08 "and he will bring your remembrance,"
23:10 notice, "to your remembrance all things that I said to you."
23:12 Chapter 16.
23:14 This is John 16:8, 13.
23:17 Notice what he says here,
23:18 "He," speaking of the Holy Spirit,
23:20 "will convict the world of sin
23:21 and of righteousness and of judgment."
23:23 Verse 13, "He will guide you into all truth."
23:27 Lord, I don't trust myself.
23:29 I know there's a possibility,
23:31 I'm gonna make the wrong choice.
23:32 Lord, I need You to send the Holy Spirit to guide me,
23:35 to teach me to make sure
23:36 that I submit to the council of the Holy Spirit.
23:39 That's a very important point.
23:41 That little voice,
23:42 sometimes we call it a conscience,
23:44 call it what you want, but at the end of the day,
23:46 we know that that is the Spirit of the Lord
23:47 trying to steer us in the right direction.
23:50 That's right.
23:51 You know, I just want to end with this.
23:54 2 Chronicles 7:14,
23:56 "If My people who are called by My name
23:59 will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,
24:03 and turn from their wicked ways,
24:04 then will I hear from heaven,
24:06 and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."
24:08 Humility is the key to making the right decision.
24:12 When you humble yourself before the Lord,
24:14 reject self, deny self,
24:16 you can be victorious in Jesus Christ.
24:18 Praise God. Amen.
24:19 The Word of God is powerful and it tells us
24:22 how to make the right choices.
24:24 Please stay tuned, we'll be back in just a moment.
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25:04 We are ready to advance now to Tuesday's lesson.
25:07 Pastor John Lomacang who's gonna tell us
25:09 what the Bible says about choosing friends.
25:12 I absolutely,
25:14 am excited about this topic, Choosing Friends.
25:19 You know, one of the most important choices
25:21 we will ever make in life is choosing our friends.
25:24 There's a saying that goes this way,
25:26 "Show me your friends, I'll show you your destiny."
25:30 Every one of us is molded by the people
25:33 that are in the circle of our influence,
25:35 undeniable.
25:37 You've heard the phrase
25:38 "Birds of a feather flock together."
25:39 That's why we're always together
25:41 because we're birds of a feather.
25:42 We love God's Word,
25:44 that's why we're always together.
25:45 Birds of a feather flock together.
25:48 And a lot of times people don't choose their friends,
25:52 but sometimes just by hanging around people
25:54 that see things the way that they see things,
25:57 all of a sudden they begin to develop a friendship.
25:59 But today, in this electronic world,
26:03 a lot of people say they have friends on Facebook,
26:05 or Twitter, or Instagram, or whatever, the Snapchat
26:09 or whatever the video portal might be.
26:14 That's not really what I mean by friends.
26:16 Because when the challenges of life come your way,
26:20 oftentimes people that choose digital friends,
26:23 default back to literal friends,
26:27 people that are right next to them,
26:29 a mom, a dad, or brother, or sister,
26:31 people that are in their circles
26:32 that really take to heart,
26:34 their wellbeing and their future.
26:36 So today, we're gonna talk about
26:37 some of the principles of choosing a friend.
26:39 And the Bible gives us some beautiful counsel.
26:42 Let's begin with Proverbs 12:26.
26:47 Proverbs 12:26.
26:49 And the reason why this is also encouraging to me
26:51 is because I was raised in New York City,
26:53 I had a lot of friends,
26:55 but if I didn't choose the Lord above my friends,
26:59 I would be dead today, I honestly believe that.
27:00 Amen.
27:02 I lived the gambler life, the pool, hustler, partier,
27:05 I was the consummate disc jockey,
27:07 I was in the street life of New York City.
27:10 Thank the Lord, I had enough sense not to take drugs
27:12 and I drank alcohol casually.
27:15 But I didn't buy a beer, I never bought whiskey.
27:17 And that was not the kind of person,
27:18 I was in the highty-tighty mindset of,
27:20 you know, you do it in the club.
27:22 But I made enough choices that
27:23 if I continued in that trajectory,
27:25 I wouldn't be here today.
27:26 I would not be in my right mind,
27:29 because many of my friends I go back to New York City,
27:31 back to Brooklyn, back to Bed-Stuy
27:33 and a lot of them are not alive any longer.
27:35 Because they've chosen the path,
27:37 they stayed on a path that led to their destruction.
27:39 So council number one Proverbs 12:26.
27:42 Jill, do have that, read for me?
27:43 Yeah.
27:45 Choose friends carefully, listen to this.
27:46 "The righteous should choose his friends carefully,
27:49 for the way of the wicked leads them astray."
27:51 Amen.
27:52 The righteous to choose his friends carefully.
27:55 Lot of people say, "Well,
27:57 my friends don't influence me to do wrong things,
28:00 it's my own choices."
28:01 That may be true.
28:03 Because we each one of us has a choice that we must make.
28:06 But friends do tend to impress us
28:10 as to how to make decisions
28:12 and what kinds of decisions to make,
28:14 to make a years ago,
28:16 and we're influenced a lot by our media,
28:18 by the culture that we live in.
28:20 A years ago, there was a song that says,
28:21 parents just don't understand.
28:23 Remember that TLC? Parents just don't understand.
28:26 Well, the good news is one of those young ladies in TLC
28:29 is now an ardent follower of Pastor Doug Batchelor,
28:31 and God is changing her life.
28:33 But parents do understand
28:36 because what a lot of young people fail to realize
28:38 is parents are where they used to be.
28:41 That's right.
28:43 So choose your friends carefully.
28:44 And when your parents give you advice to say,
28:47 "That's not a good friend."
28:48 Don't make the parent
28:50 appear to be ignorant about the things
28:52 that you are getting yourself involved in.
28:55 And I made that example one day
28:56 to a girl that was 15 years old,
28:57 I said, "Is your three year old sister smarter than you?"
29:00 She said, "No".
29:01 I said, "Why would you think your mother's dumber than you?"
29:05 She said, "Well, I never ever thought about it that way."
29:07 Choose friends carefully.
29:08 Here's another one, Proverbs 17:17.
29:10 Who can get to that for us?
29:12 Proverbs 17:17.
29:14 You have that, Shelley?
29:15 "A friend loves at all times
29:17 and a brother is born for adversity."
29:20 That means friend,
29:22 that means love and adversity coexists.
29:27 Love and adversity coexist.
29:29 Now, in adversity it's important to know
29:32 who really loves you.
29:33 And love is not conditional, love is not materialistic.
29:36 We should not love people
29:38 because they speak the way we do,
29:40 or because they always have something for us.
29:43 One person once said,
29:44 "A person with much money has a lot of friends."
29:48 You'll really know who your friends are
29:50 when you really have nothing.
29:51 That's a true friend.
29:53 A friend loves at all times,
29:55 that's the purpose of the scripture.
29:57 A brother is born for adversity.
29:58 That means, sometimes the worst trials
30:00 you can have could be with your own siblings.
30:02 Right.
30:04 Right? Yes.
30:05 Sibling rivalry, a brother is born for adversity.
30:08 And so, if you have adversity in your home...
30:12 My sister and I, for example,
30:14 she's three years older than I am,
30:16 I won't tell you what that age actually is.
30:18 But we speak to each other straight.
30:20 I mean, my wife laughs.
30:22 My wife, Angela, she just the other day
30:24 she said, "I cannot help
30:26 getting over the way you and your sister converse."
30:28 What I don't like, I tell her.
30:30 What she doesn't like, she tells me.
30:31 And she says to me,
30:33 "No matter what, you're gonna love me anyway."
30:34 I said, "You're right. I don't care what you do.
30:35 I'm gonna love you anyway." She's said,
30:37 "All right. So shut up."
30:40 Well, we're that straight. Yeah.
30:41 But if I don't like the guy she's hanging around with
30:43 or the choice that she's making and the place she's going.
30:45 I said, "Come on, Val, really honestly."
30:47 And she says, "It's my choice."
30:48 I said, "I know it's your choice,
30:50 but I'm gonna tell you when I don't like it."
30:52 A brother is born for adversity.
30:55 Here's another one, Proverbs 18:24.
30:57 Look at that one.
30:59 This is really important.
31:00 Who has that one?
31:01 Okay, Ryan, you have it?
31:03 Yeah, sure, absolutely.
31:04 You said 18:4? 18:24.
31:06 18:24 and it says,
31:08 "A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
31:11 but there is a friend
31:13 who sticks closer than a brother."
31:14 That friend is Jesus but... That's right.
31:16 The principle is so vitally important,
31:18 people say, "I don't have friends."
31:20 But they're not friendly.
31:22 Some people are morose.
31:24 You know what morose means? Yes.
31:26 It means they're sully, they're sober, they're crabby,
31:29 they're grouchy, they are testy,
31:31 they're snappish, they're peevish,
31:33 they're crusty, they're waspish,
31:35 they're low spirited, they're melancholy,
31:37 they're doleful, they're miserable,
31:39 they're dismal, they're depressed,
31:40 dejected, despondent, downcast...
31:43 Do I need to keep going? Whoo!
31:44 No, I don't think so. I'm starting to get it.
31:46 Don't be any of those things and say, "Nobody likes me."
31:51 People are not attracted.
31:54 Bugs, even bugs
31:57 don't go to light bulbs that are turned off.
32:02 A bulb will give his life for a bright light.
32:05 Even bugs know when lights are bright.
32:08 Don't have a dull bulb and say nobody's attracted to you.
32:12 Pray for the Lord to change who you are.
32:15 People will be attracted
32:17 to the lovely characteristical traits.
32:20 Ellen White says, we must learn to put
32:22 loveliness into our character.
32:24 You got to learn to do that and that's not even
32:26 because Ellen White said so,
32:28 but the Bible makes it very clear,
32:30 those who have friends must first
32:31 to show themselves to be friendly.
32:33 Here's another one, Proverbs 22:24-25.
32:36 I'll read that.
32:37 Be careful when your friends display constant anger,
32:40 don't follow their example.
32:41 Here's what the Bible says.
32:42 "Make no friendship with an angry man.
32:45 And with a furious man do not go.
32:48 Lest you learn his ways and set a sneer for your soul."
32:52 I recently told a story about three young people
32:55 that inadvertently thought it was a prank
32:56 to remove a stop sign.
32:59 It took the life of three 18-year-olds
33:01 that were returning home from bowling.
33:03 They removed the stop sign,
33:05 these young people ran through the stop sign
33:07 that was supposed to be there
33:08 and got hit by an 8 ton 18 wheeler.
33:11 It was a joke to them.
33:13 Sadly, enough,
33:16 their lives were snatched out and plunged into eternity.
33:20 But there are people that are angry
33:21 and they don't think about the next decision.
33:23 And so many young people they get angry,
33:26 they stab friends at school, they carry guns,
33:30 they talk about what they're gonna do to hurt people,
33:32 brothers, young people,
33:34 don't let your mind with the angry moments
33:37 destroy the future of your life because people are in prison.
33:41 There are some teenagers that are 13
33:43 that are in delinquency homes,
33:45 and they're gonna go to the big house
33:46 when they hit 18
33:48 because they could not control their anger.
33:50 Here's another one.
33:51 God can work through any circumstance.
33:53 Amen.
33:54 God can work through any circumstance,
33:56 but we must practice forbearance.
33:58 Romans 8:28, do we know that?
34:00 Yes.
34:01 "And we know all things work together
34:02 for good to those who love God,
34:04 those who are the called according to God's purpose,
34:07 according to His purpose."
34:08 God can work through every circumstance.
34:11 Another one,
34:13 whatever work that God has begun in you,
34:15 He will complete it.
34:16 Proverbs 17:17.
34:18 Well, actually, Philippians 1:6,
34:20 "He who has begun a good work in you will what?"
34:22 "Complete it." He will complete it.
34:24 Let the Lord work on whatever challenges you have,
34:27 because He will complete it.
34:29 I look at who I am today and who I used to be,
34:31 and I end with this one.
34:33 We will be surprised
34:35 at the perfection of God's work.
34:37 1 John 3:1-2,
34:39 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
34:42 that we should be called children of God.
34:45 Therefore the world does not know us
34:46 because He did not know Him.
34:47 When we change the world loses,
34:49 gauging He doesn't know who we have become."
34:52 But listen, this is the verse I love.
34:54 "Beloved, now we are children of God,
34:57 and it has not yet been revealed
34:58 what we shall be,
35:00 but we know
35:01 that when He is revealed we shall be like Him,
35:03 for we shall see Him as He is."
35:05 When you let the Lord mold your life,
35:08 your choices will be different.
35:09 You'll be amazed at who you have become,
35:12 because your life is now in the hand of a capable Lord.
35:16 Amen.
35:17 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
35:18 Wonderful principles for finding friends
35:21 and for keeping friends.
35:23 And I know I want to incorporate more of those
35:25 into my own life and heart.
35:27 On Wednesday, I have choosing a life partner,
35:31 and I love this topic, so I'm excited.
35:33 Thank you, Shelley for picking this one for me.
35:36 I like this one.
35:37 A sign from accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior,
35:41 the choice for who you marry.
35:43 Your spouse is the most important decision
35:47 you could ever make.
35:48 It has eternal consequences.
35:51 Now our choice for friends has eternal consequences too,
35:53 we're not negating that choice.
35:56 But I think in a special way,
35:57 the choice for a spouse has eternal consequences.
36:01 1 Corinthians 15:33,
36:03 "Do not be deceived,
36:05 'Evil company corrupts good habits.' "
36:08 So who else would you associate with more than your spouse,
36:12 so it can have a negative impact,
36:15 but also can have a positive impact.
36:18 Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron,
36:23 so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend."
36:26 Now the Bible says friend, but you could even say spouse.
36:28 Greg and I've been married going on 17 years.
36:32 The best 17 years of my life,
36:34 but marriage has changed me,
36:37 and I know that it has.
36:38 I'm watching Greg.
36:41 He's my best friend
36:42 but watching his unconditional love for me,
36:47 there's nothing like that,
36:48 having that sense of peace and security.
36:51 Marriage can be heaven on earth.
36:53 I know that, but it can also be painful.
36:56 It can also be difficult.
36:59 Think about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
37:02 We say, how do we know who to marry?
37:06 What are the principles we should look for
37:07 in finding a godly spouse?
37:09 Adam and Eve didn't have a lot of choices,
37:11 it was only two of them, right?
37:13 One man and one woman,
37:14 it wasn't so hard to find a godly spouse.
37:17 But today, it can seem much more difficult.
37:20 Who should I marry?
37:23 We're gonna talk about three keys
37:24 to finding a life partner.
37:27 And then we get to key number three
37:29 and there's five points springboard enough of that.
37:31 So first is the three keys, first is to pray.
37:34 Prayer brings our will into line with God's will.
37:39 Psalm 37:4 says,
37:40 "Delight yourself in the Lord
37:42 and He will give you the desires of your heart."
37:46 It brings my will and to align with
37:49 who God has for me
37:50 and what God has for my life.
37:53 Adventist Home, page 71,
37:55 "If men and women
37:56 are in the habit of praying twice a day
37:59 before they contemplate marriage,
38:02 they should pray four times a day
38:05 when such a step is anticipated.
38:08 Marriage is something
38:10 that will influence and affect your life,
38:12 both in this world and in the world to come."
38:15 So first we want to pray.
38:17 Second is you want to practice.
38:19 What I mean by that...
38:20 We're not talking about a pseudo marriage.
38:21 What I mean by that,
38:23 if you are looking for the right person to marry,
38:26 first you have to become the right person.
38:31 Matthew 7:12,
38:33 "Therefore whatever you want men to do to you,
38:36 do also to them for this is the law
38:39 and the prophets."
38:40 We're looking for certain character
38:42 and habits and all of that in other people.
38:44 Well, that means God calls us to develop within ourselves
38:48 those same character, that same character,
38:51 those same habits.
38:53 Now, I want to be careful here,
38:55 sometimes we try to explain the unexplainable
39:00 and we hurt people right here at this point.
39:03 We criticize or blame because I have heard it,
39:07 unmarried people, by saying,
39:10 "You haven't become the right person,
39:11 that's why God hasn't brought anybody into your life.
39:14 If you would just have more faith,
39:16 you would be married today.
39:17 If you would only bloom where you're planted
39:19 and serve God in your singleness,
39:22 then God would bring someone into your life."
39:26 It's damaging when we say that to other people.
39:30 I have friends, godly friends,
39:33 seeking God's face seeking the spouse
39:35 who are unmarried.
39:37 So we have to be careful with this whole concept
39:41 that we don't criticize,
39:43 or we don't jump on top of people
39:45 because some things we don't understand,
39:48 some things,
39:49 maybe when we get to heaven will know.
39:51 I don't even begin to comprehend that.
39:53 The third key is principles.
39:55 Now these are principles to look for
39:57 in a potential partner.
39:58 Okay.
40:00 And these are conversion, character, chemistry,
40:03 compatibility, and conflict resolution.
40:06 So let's look at those principles
40:08 when looking for a potential partner.
40:10 First is conversion.
40:13 Now we often say,
40:14 we're Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
40:16 We quote Amos 3:3,
40:18 "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?"
40:21 So we say Pastor Kenny, you need to look for a spouse
40:24 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
40:26 within your denominational affiliation.
40:29 But I also want to say,
40:31 you have to look for spouse that's converted.
40:32 Amen.
40:34 There could be men and women in the church
40:36 and we know this happens,
40:38 who don't know Jesus, are not Christians.
40:42 They claim the name of a certain denomination
40:46 of Seventh-day Adventist,
40:47 but you could marry them and be just as unequally yoked,
40:51 as if they did not share your same faith.
40:54 So it's important to look for someone
40:56 with spiritual unity,
40:57 someone who is converted.
41:00 Number two, look at their character.
41:02 Who is the person inside?
41:05 Now I just jotted down
41:06 qualities that are important to me.
41:09 Are they honest?
41:10 Do they possess integrity?
41:13 Are they truthful?
41:14 Are they unselfish,
41:17 compassionate, kind?
41:20 Are they loving toward God and other people?
41:22 Are they generous?
41:24 Do they possess joy?
41:26 Are they peaceful, and patient, and humble, and teachable?
41:29 And now these are character qualities
41:31 that are important to me.
41:33 But I think in any marriage,
41:35 those qualities would be important.
41:38 So look to make sure the person
41:40 that you're looking at are they converted,
41:42 look at their character traits.
41:44 Third is chemistry.
41:45 Now, this is vitally important because sometimes people say,
41:50 "Oh, this person's really converted.
41:52 This is a good spiritual, godly person."
41:55 And they have great character.
41:57 You ought to marry them.
41:58 Well, chemistry is an important piece
42:02 to this entire puzzle.
42:04 Some Christian beliefs
42:08 because I used to be taught this,
42:10 say that you can grow in chemistry
42:13 as long as you have
42:14 the biblical principles in place,
42:16 chemistry is gonna grow,
42:18 but you know what?
42:19 James 1:17, says,
42:21 "Every good gift
42:22 and every perfect gift is from above."
42:25 So why would God bring someone into your life, Pastor John,
42:29 who you can't get along with
42:30 or who you're not even attracted to.
42:32 I remember when Greg and I, we met over 20 years ago,
42:37 that makes me feel little old in college.
42:39 And I remember, I was really attracted to him,
42:45 not only did I like the character qualities,
42:47 but I just liked him.
42:49 And I remember thinking,
42:51 "Surely the one I naturally like
42:53 can't be the one God has for me."
42:55 But how could that be more wrong,
42:58 because every good gift
42:59 and every perfect gift is from above.
43:00 There you go.
43:02 So we look for the conversion, and the character,
43:03 and chemistry, then we look for compatibility.
43:05 Now, this is not spiritual things.
43:08 This is just similar interests.
43:10 Do you both like hiking, and biking,
43:12 and camping, and skiing?
43:14 Okay, well, those are similar interests,
43:16 you can do things together.
43:18 Maybe you like quiet bookstores,
43:20 and walks by the beach, and candlelight dinners.
43:23 Those are similar interests.
43:25 Maybe you like to travel, or to garden, or to cook.
43:28 You don't have to have all interests in common,
43:31 but you need some, that's important
43:34 that you have similar interest things
43:36 to do together.
43:38 Greg, if you were here,
43:40 he would tell you he always kept a list for who,
43:43 what he wanted in a future spouse,
43:45 and this would be some of these similar interests,
43:47 some of this compatibility.
43:48 And he said, he never wrote the list down
43:51 because he's afraid someone would find it.
43:52 And then they'd say now, who are you looking for?
43:55 So said, he kept the list in his head.
43:58 Compatibility.
43:59 Finally is conflict resolution. Very good.
44:03 In marriage conflicts are gonna rise.
44:05 That's right.
44:06 Conflicts over money, conflicts over sex,
44:08 or kids or career
44:09 or when you go through a stressful or traumatic time,
44:14 conflicts are gonna arise.
44:16 How do you handle those conflicts?
44:19 And how does the person that you're looking at
44:22 as a potential spouse,
44:23 how do they handle conflicts?
44:25 I can tell you, Greg
44:27 and I handle conflict very differently.
44:30 But almost 17 years, Pastor Kenny,
44:33 we've each adjusted how we handle conflict,
44:38 and now we actually handle conflict fairly similarly.
44:40 Why because we grew from each other,
44:42 we learned, these are areas that you can grow in.
44:46 So principles to look for is conversion and character,
44:51 chemistry, compatibility, conflict resolution,
44:53 that is not an all inclusive list,
44:55 there's more things as well.
44:57 But the most important thing
44:58 is to pray and to seek God's face,
45:02 and He will show you
45:03 and He will bring you to the right person.
45:06 Pastor. Amen. Praise the Lord.
45:08 What a platform you set up here,
45:10 so we come to the point Thursday's lesson
45:13 is choosing a course.
45:15 So they're all pretty similar.
45:16 But you know, there comes a point in time,
45:18 we have to make a choice.
45:19 We look at all the principles, and we line them all up,
45:21 and so on, so forth.
45:23 But there comes a time,
45:24 we have to choose and someone said,
45:25 pull the trigger.
45:27 So there's times we have to make that...
45:28 I'm gonna start with a question.
45:31 And let's take it right from there.
45:32 So how many people, notice this,
45:34 at the end of their lives
45:37 would wish that they spent more time at work,
45:40 more time at the office
45:42 than they did and less time with the family?
45:45 Nobody.
45:46 Probably all of us would probably say,
45:48 "Well, no, we wouldn't."
45:49 But many people are making that choice today.
45:51 Oh, it's so true.
45:52 Because we're trying to gain the world.
45:54 Maybe we might lose our own soul,
45:55 maybe lose our own family, but there comes a time that
45:57 we need to make a decision on that.
45:58 That's right.
46:00 So when choosing a course, there's a warning here, beware.
46:03 And then our lesson brings out, 1 Timothy 6:10.
46:07 That's very familiar, it says,
46:08 "For the love of money is the..."
46:10 Root.
46:11 1 Timothy 6:10, "Is root of all evil,
46:14 which while some coveted,"
46:15 notice, "after, they have erred from the faith,
46:18 and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
46:21 Well, that's kind of interesting here
46:23 and I'm not gonna try to re-punctuate the Bible,
46:25 Pastor, but I thought very interesting.
46:26 It says, "Which while some coveted it,"
46:31 put it, comma there instead of after,
46:34 "they have erred from the faith."
46:36 If you're in the faith,
46:37 you probably wouldn't come to that point to covet
46:40 after all these other things.
46:41 Right.
46:43 You know, just think about while you're in the faith,
46:44 really money or the love of money
46:46 should not really be an issue,
46:47 if Christ is your object or my object,
46:50 money really wouldn't be the issue.
46:52 And so, you know, Paul implies this,
46:54 the love of money, material things in verses 9-10,
46:58 I thought was very interesting.
47:00 He implied, they're really not God's men or women.
47:04 If you have a love for the world
47:06 and things of the world and money,
47:08 you're really not man, not God's man or woman.
47:10 I thought how interesting that is.
47:13 For because Matthew 6:24 says, "No man can serve," what?
47:16 Two masters. "No man can serve two masters."
47:18 It seem like
47:19 we have a world full of people that try.
47:21 And maybe you've tried, maybe I've tried in times past,
47:24 but the Bible is always right.
47:26 Principles are always there. You can't serve two masters.
47:29 And then in Luke 12:34, says, "Where your treasure is,
47:34 there will your heart be also."
47:37 And I know from decisions that we make
47:39 are going down lives road, and we begin to make decisions
47:44 and some of the decisions that we have made,
47:47 we might regain.
47:49 We may have fallen by the wayside.
47:51 We may have made the wrong choice.
47:53 But you know, when we can come back to God
47:55 and when we come back to God,
47:57 you know, there's gonna be some bruises,
47:59 and some bumps and there's gonna be some scars
48:03 many time that remain just like, you know,
48:05 with our precious Lord and Savior,
48:07 these scars you'll have them for all eternity.
48:10 It makes me weak to think about
48:12 that what he carries with him for eternity
48:13 to remind us about sin.
48:15 And sometime we carry some things around with us
48:17 because we made bad choices maybe,
48:20 you know, long ago or maybe last week,
48:23 but we know we can recover, praise God from that.
48:27 I think of some don't. Wasn't it the rich young ruler?
48:31 What God's, you know, Jesus said to him.
48:33 Go sell what you had all, sell everything
48:36 and give to the poor and he turned away sorrowfully.
48:39 So sometime riches, you know, money, things of the world,
48:42 people make final decisions right there
48:44 need to be very careful.
48:46 Paul makes it a difference between, I like this,
48:48 between the love of money and the possession of riches.
48:52 You know, it's not wrong. It's not wrong to have money.
48:55 It's not wrong to be blessed of God
48:58 and have things of God.
49:01 For those he be trustworthy.
49:03 You know, I said many times on here I,
49:05 I prayed every day I think,
49:07 I'll say God help me to be trustworthy,
49:10 trustworthy in the little things,
49:11 trustworthy in a bit, whatever it might be
49:13 just to be trustworthy that you could trust me.
49:15 And, of course, God knows how to work on you
49:17 when you pray those kinds of prayers.
49:19 Interesting, this, the passage we read,
49:21 it says, the root, money is the what?
49:24 Root. Is the root of all evil.
49:26 Love of money. Huh?
49:28 Love of money. The love of it. Yeah.
49:29 So I think about,
49:31 I'm gonna use the word root here.
49:32 If you think about the interesting enough,
49:34 the roots are not seen in anything,
49:37 the roots are below the surface.
49:39 So sometimes we think because you have something,
49:41 you have money, we begin to judge and,
49:43 you know, whether not this or not that.
49:44 We don't see the roots down below.
49:46 And we're not to judge the motives of the heart
49:49 that only the, you know, what's below the surface.
49:52 So we need to be very careful.
49:53 There's danger in prosperity, there's no doubt about it.
49:56 But you know what?
49:57 I think the danger and prosperity
49:59 is of our own doing,
50:01 not being prosperous, but how we act with that.
50:05 My grandpa used to give us a shovel in the corn bin
50:07 and he say, "Now how you gonna act?"
50:10 In other words, how you're gonna shovel,
50:11 where you got to act right when you shovel?
50:13 There's pitfalls, there's sorrows that happen,
50:16 you know, in this life, but a lot of them
50:18 when it pertains to money material things
50:19 are self-induced.
50:21 That's true.
50:22 They're self induced, we bring them on our self,
50:24 it doesn't have to be that way.
50:26 But the choices that we make, we put other things before God,
50:29 we certainly don't want to do that.
50:31 Many spend their whole life...
50:33 And I think maybe good intention.
50:35 I've always loved to work.
50:37 I've always loved to work with my hands.
50:39 And I think in times past,
50:40 I spent too much time doing that,
50:42 and less time with my family, which we come back later on
50:46 and you know, and sometimes those are wrong choices
50:48 and wrong decisions.
50:49 But as always busy and always felt
50:51 this is the way it should be
50:52 and the man is judged by what he accomplishes,
50:55 you know, and the other stuff will take care of itself,
50:57 that's not true and maybe too late in life.
51:00 That many, some of you may be,
51:02 you know, you're watching or listening,
51:03 you may come to the point that you wake up one day,
51:05 mom and dad you wake up one day,
51:06 "I don't even know my children."
51:08 And the children may wake up some day and say,
51:10 "I don't even know mom and dad." Why?
51:12 Maybe we made wrong choices
51:14 because we went to the ways of the world
51:16 not just wanted so much,
51:17 we just figured that's the way it was,
51:19 we were making decisions along the way.
51:20 And I can guarantee you this,
51:23 there's no amount of money that can be put in the bank,
51:26 you know, that's gonna buy back our neglected time.
51:30 You can't get it back.
51:32 Once it's gone, you cannot get it back.
51:34 So at some point in life,
51:35 we just all have to make a decision, a choice of
51:38 what we're gonna do in life,
51:40 whether it's a job, whether it's a,
51:41 you know, kind of career, what we're gonna make a living,
51:44 which is where we're gonna work,
51:46 but whatever the choice.
51:47 And many times there's choices around the world
51:49 that's limited.
51:50 Say, I feel like in this country,
51:51 where we're not really limited.
51:53 There's a lot of things that we can do.
51:54 But in some country you're limited to
51:56 how far maybe you can go,
51:57 we're not talking about how God can bring us but just,
51:59 you know, they're limited with that.
52:00 But I just encourage you this, when you're making a choice,
52:04 you're going down life's road,
52:05 you're making decision of
52:06 who and what you're gonna be doing,
52:08 do not leave God out of the calculation.
52:12 Put Him in there. That's the very first thing.
52:14 I think, everybody's kind of brought that
52:15 out on their own, their principal here,
52:17 because it says whatever we do, was it 1 Corinthians,
52:20 whatever we do, 10:31,
52:23 "Whatever we do, do to the," what?
52:25 Glory of God. "Do all to the glory of God."
52:27 See, I like that.
52:28 Whatever we do, whatever we choose to do,
52:30 whatever occupation, wherever you go in life,
52:32 if we do all to the glory of God,
52:34 you know what?
52:35 It's gonna be good, because we're doing it
52:37 for His honor and for His glory.
52:39 Work is good.
52:40 Nothing wrong with that, that was given to us
52:42 in the very beginning, in the garden,
52:43 when we go back to the Genesis 2:15.
52:45 But I encourage you this, work is good,
52:48 but balance it, learn to balance.
52:50 I don't know that I've learned to balance it yet.
52:52 I want to balance it.
52:53 I wanna do the right, I'm just being honest,
52:55 I'm just laying it out.
52:56 And I say church, pray for me.
52:58 Because sometimes it's just there things there
52:59 and you're just doing one thing right after the other,
53:02 and we need to be balanced with it.
53:04 Don't make your work or whatever might be,
53:06 and we're talking about not in ministry and so on,
53:08 but don't make that the center of your life
53:10 and your joy, make your family, bring them in there.
53:12 Make them, you know, it's important
53:13 and certainly the cause of Christ.
53:16 And you know, I keep thinking about,
53:18 this is one way we can stay on track.
53:20 That the end of all, you know, it was Solomon,
53:22 remember, he looked over everything,
53:24 we don't have time to go through it.
53:25 But just quickly run a couple of things, Solomon,
53:27 as he tried everything.
53:29 Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, there's a lot of things,
53:31 there's 11 things that he mentioned there.
53:33 And I'm gonna mention quickly as I can, first of all,
53:35 he just starts off, it's vanity.
53:37 He talked about laughter,
53:38 we're talking about foolish gesture here.
53:40 Merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
53:42 Praise God. I like to chuckle some time.
53:44 I love to laugh. It does good for the heart.
53:46 But he's talking about foolishness here.
53:47 And he said, "It's all mad and all mirth."
53:50 He also, he tried wine.
53:52 And he said, "Along with my wisdom,
53:53 and it's folly, great works..."
53:56 He had great works. He had houses.
53:57 He had vineyards. He made pools of water.
54:00 He had servants. He had maidens.
54:02 He had great possessions.
54:03 Do you notice all that, all these things he had?
54:05 He had silver and gold
54:07 and singers there in verse, was 8
54:09 and musical instruments, verse 9.
54:11 "So I was great."
54:13 He even come, I was great, he said, my wisdom remain.
54:16 Whatever I saw, he said, I what?
54:18 I enjoyed it. I enjoyed.
54:21 This was the portion, he said of what?
54:24 Of my labor.
54:25 But when he backed up, he looked at all these things.
54:27 Verse 11, he said, "I looked at the works of my hands,
54:30 had brought on my labor,"
54:31 he said, "Behold all is vanity and vexation of spirit."
54:36 Without Jesus, without Him being you control,
54:37 your heart, and your life,
54:38 without putting Him first in your home,
54:41 first in the world, everything, just put Him right,
54:42 the center of your joy is Jesus.
54:44 Everything at the bottom line, when the bottom falls out,
54:47 your time runs out in this life,
54:48 you wake up you were 30 one day,
54:50 it seemed like the next day you were 65,
54:52 I'm telling you right now, you don't leave Jesus out,
54:54 and make Him the center of your joy.
54:56 He shattered nerves, quickly, I'm gonna read this right here,
54:58 Review and Herald said,
55:00 "He shattered nerves and wasted frame
55:02 show the results of violating nature's law.
55:05 He confessed to a wasted life and then successful chase
55:08 after happiness is mournful,"
55:11 notice this, "is mournful will was all is vanity
55:14 and vexation of the spirit."
55:16 Amen.
55:17 And then thank you for that, you know, as you were talking,
55:19 I was thinking, I sometimes thank God that
55:23 He didn't trust me with riches
55:25 because it would be easy to get prissy.
55:29 I mean, you see it happened to too many people.
55:32 So what is this lesson saying this week?
55:35 It's the choices we make.
55:37 I believe that number one important choice
55:40 that we can make in our life
55:41 is to accept Christ as our Savior.
55:44 But beyond that,
55:45 there's no eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
55:48 We need to pray and go by biblical principles.
55:51 Why don't each one of you just give us a little wrap?
55:53 And I just wanna really quickly
55:55 talk about on my lesson entitled
55:56 making the right choices.
55:58 There was an aspect, I didn't get to go through
56:00 And that is that Proverbs 24:6, reminds us
56:03 that there is safety in a multitude of counselors.
56:06 Amen.
56:07 You know, God has placed spirit filled people in our life
56:10 that when we can't trust ourselves,
56:12 and sometimes
56:13 we don't have the faith to go straight to God,
56:14 you know, He has placed people in our life.
56:16 And I praise the Lord for this panel
56:18 because I can trust these wonderful people
56:20 and the people that God has put in my life.
56:22 Praise God. Amen.
56:24 Well, above choosing what to do,
56:28 we are told to choose who to serve.
56:31 When we choose who to serve, He chooses what to do.
56:34 Choose you this day
56:35 whom you will serve as the council.
56:37 And then He your Savior will choose what to do.
56:40 He'll do it through you.
56:42 Piggybacking up for what you said,
56:43 Pastor, choose you this day whom you will serve.
56:45 But as for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord.
56:49 So whether you're married or single,
56:51 with a family or whatever state you're in,
56:54 choose today to serve Him.
56:56 Decisions that we made, gonna be making,
56:58 make sure we keep Christ in mind,
57:00 if we realize how they impact our own life,
57:04 and our family's life and our future life,
57:06 it'd be a lot different than we made in the past.
57:08 Amen and amen.
57:10 Well, thank you so much each and every one of you
57:12 for the study you put into this,
57:13 and we hope that you have really learned something
57:16 that you can take home.
57:18 Take it to the bank, if you will.
57:20 Grace writes the check, faith takes it to the bank.
57:24 So join us next week,
57:26 we will be looking at a lesson called Preparing for Changes.
57:31 Our prayer for you is the grace of our Lord
57:33 and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of the Father,
57:35 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:37 will be with you always.


Revised 2024-08-26