3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Rhythms of Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190014A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says to,
00:09 "Receive with meekness the implanted Word
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:14 And to be diligent to present yourself
00:16 approved to God,
00:18 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now
00:22 for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Family Seasons.
00:33 Hello, everyone,
00:34 and welcome to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:37 We are so excited
00:38 that you are able to join us again
00:40 for another exciting quarter, a wonderful study.
00:43 Wasn't the previous study on Revelation
00:44 such a good study?
00:46 Amen. I was so excited about that.
00:48 And then we have another amazing study
00:51 this quarter entitled Family Seasons.
00:54 And I must say,
00:55 just to the panel and everyone at home,
00:57 this is a much-needed study,
00:59 especially in the times that we're living in.
01:01 We certainly need some insight
01:03 on godly biblical approach to family, right?
01:06 Amen.
01:08 And so I'm very, very excited about that.
01:09 This also gives me an opportunity to tell you
01:11 how you can get a hold of this lesson.
01:13 Obviously, you can go to ABSG.Adventist.org.
01:19 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.
01:21 And, of course, you can access the study there for free,
01:24 or you can simply go
01:25 to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:27 and, of course, I'm sure they would love
01:29 for you to join them in study there
01:30 and provide a copy of this study for you.
01:33 And so I want to introduce this incredible panel
01:35 at this moment.
01:37 I want to start to my left here,
01:38 Pastor John Lomacang.
01:40 Good to be here.
01:41 It's a blessing to have you, brother.
01:42 Always a joy. Amen.
01:44 And, of course, Brother Kenny Shelton.
01:45 Good to be here. Thank you.
01:46 Amen. Praise the Lord.
01:48 And, of course, Miss Shelley Quinn.
01:49 Always excited to join you all for Bible Study.
01:50 Amen. And Miss Jill Morikone.
01:53 Privilege to open up the Word of God
01:54 in this study together.
01:55 Praise the Lord.
01:57 It's such a blessing to have all of you on the panel.
01:58 I learned much from these guys,
02:00 and it's a privilege to work with them to be here
02:03 and to present this powerful, powerful study.
02:07 Before we go any further,
02:08 I would like to go ahead
02:09 and dive right in with the word of prayer.
02:11 In fact, Shelley, I would like for you,
02:13 if you could just pray for us right now.
02:14 Absolutely.
02:16 Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus
02:18 and we come, Father,
02:19 to ask that You would give us ears to hear
02:22 what the Holy Spirit says through Your Word.
02:25 Father, we thank that You created us
02:29 to be relational beings,
02:31 to give us free will
02:34 and give us the choice of loving You
02:37 and loving others.
02:38 And we thank You that You guide us
02:41 in all choices that we make.
02:43 So, Father, please bless this study for this quarter,
02:48 and whether people are married or single,
02:51 everyone is part of a family.
02:53 Please, Lord, have them tune in
02:56 and teach us from Your Holy Word.
02:59 We thank You for Your plan of salvation,
03:03 the gift of salvation, for Jesus, Your Spirit,
03:07 and for giving us Your Word.
03:08 In Jesus' name, amen.
03:10 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:13 I mentioned earlier,
03:15 probably and no other time in history
03:18 was this particular lesson better for specially this time
03:22 because it seems like at every single point,
03:25 the devil is attacking families today.
03:27 Yes. That's right.
03:28 And you know, if the devil can attack the family
03:31 that God instituted,
03:32 then he's taken away the core values
03:34 and the core principles,
03:36 the biblical values and principles
03:37 that of course He established
03:39 in order to show us His character, His love,
03:41 and the understanding of His Word.
03:43 And so I'm very, very excited to begin this particular study
03:47 because there was a lot
03:48 that I myself could learn from it.
03:50 I want to go ahead and get us right
03:51 into the very first lesson.
03:53 Actually, Sabbath afternoon,
03:55 I believe that's gonna be March 30,
03:57 you're going to see here,
03:58 it sets a very clear foundation
04:01 for what it is that we're gonna be studying over
04:03 all throughout this entire quarter.
04:04 And I want to start with our memory text,
04:07 it's found in Ecclesiastes 3:1.
04:11 Very simple but very profound, it says, "To everything,
04:15 there is a season,
04:17 a time for every purpose under heaven."
04:20 Amen.
04:22 And that is the truth that I never heard it.
04:24 But I would also like to continue reading,
04:25 because the opening passage to this particular study
04:30 continues on through Ecclesiastes Chapter 8,
04:33 as we just read...
04:34 Starting with now verse 2,
04:35 notice it continue on that point.
04:37 It's Chapter 3?
04:38 Excuse me, Chapter 3, absolutely.
04:40 Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, we just read verse 1.
04:43 I'm gonna start with verse 2 and just read on to verse 8.
04:46 There's a lot of wonderful information here,
04:48 a powerful yet profound text.
04:51 Notice what it says,
04:53 "A time to be born and a time to die."
04:57 That's the truth.
04:59 "A time to plant
05:00 and a time to pluck what is planted,
05:05 a time to kill and a time to heal,
05:09 a time to break down and a time to build up,
05:13 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
05:17 a time to mourn and a time to dance,
05:21 a time to cast away stones
05:23 and a time to gather stones,
05:26 a time to embrace
05:28 and a time to refrain from embracing,
05:32 a time to gain and a time to lose,
05:36 a time to keep and a time to throw away,
05:40 a time to tear and a time to sew,
05:44 a time to keep silence and a time to speak."
05:48 And then verse 8,
05:49 "A time to love and a time to hate,
05:52 a time to war and a time of peace."
05:57 When I read that particular text,
06:00 it kind of just encapsulates the entire human experience
06:04 over span of a lifetime.
06:06 Our lives go through many different stages,
06:09 changes, and experiences.
06:11 I don't know if there's any truth to this,
06:13 someone had told me.
06:15 It kind of seems like, in my personal experience,
06:17 but somebody told me a few years ago,
06:19 that a person's life, their perspective,
06:21 their experience,
06:22 it changes about every five years.
06:24 Now I don't know if that's the truth or not,
06:26 probably more for some than others
06:28 but it seems like at least for my life,
06:30 it seems like I'm a different person
06:33 than what I was five years ago.
06:34 I know I'm a different person than what I was a year ago,
06:37 but it seems like there's this on-going phase
06:39 that a person goes through that their experiences
06:43 and their life changes so much from year to year.
06:45 And as you read that particular passage
06:47 in Ecclesiastes,
06:48 of course, coming from the wisest man
06:50 to ever live,
06:51 Solomon while he was not perfect.
06:53 We know that the Lord blessed him
06:54 with much wisdom,
06:56 and of course, he's communicating here
06:57 all of the multifaceted experiences
06:59 and changes that happens in a person's life overtime.
07:03 I think that's a great foundation
07:05 for where we are going with this particular study.
07:07 In Sunday's lesson,
07:09 it's entitled "In the beginning."
07:12 And, of course, we get this from Genesis 1:1
07:15 which is probably other than John 3:16
07:18 probably one of the most memorized text
07:20 that people can actually quote
07:22 because it's the very first text
07:23 in the Bible.
07:25 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
07:29 So what is this kind of...
07:31 Within this topic of family seasons,
07:33 family values?
07:35 Why would we go here to "in the beginning"?
07:37 I think it would be a disservice for us
07:39 to not start "in the beginning"
07:40 because obviously,
07:42 God set forth family in the beginning.
07:45 He set forth the order
07:47 and the process of how He wanted things
07:49 to be originally right there in the Garden of Eden,
07:51 right there in the first couple of chapters of Genesis.
07:54 In fact, we know Genesis means origins.
07:58 And we know that one day,
07:59 God is going to recreate the heavens and the earth,
08:02 and He's gonna bring and reestablish it back
08:05 to what it once was, what He intended it to be.
08:07 But, of course, we know,
08:08 sin of course has contaminated much of that.
08:12 But did order,
08:14 did God's order stop once sin came into the picture?
08:17 No. Absolutely not.
08:19 And I think that's what this is pointing towards
08:20 is the fact that still,
08:22 much of God's plan,
08:23 much of what God has set in place
08:25 continued even after sin, even after the fall of men.
08:28 Just a real quick recap.
08:30 I know we already know this
08:31 but we see an example of this
08:33 just in the first few chapters of Genesis
08:35 when we're contemplating the creation week, okay.
08:38 And I don't know about you guys,
08:39 I believe it with all my heart
08:41 that when it says God created the world
08:42 in 6 literal 24-hour days,
08:44 I believe that that's very literal.
08:46 Even though it seems like we live in a day and age
08:48 where people are floating away,
08:50 are getting away from the literal understanding
08:53 of creation,
08:54 I believe that with all my heart.
08:55 So in 6 literal 24-hour days,
08:58 we know that God created
08:59 the heavens and the earth and everything in it.
09:01 Now I'm gonna do something
09:02 a little different really quickly.
09:04 I want to take this in consideration
09:06 in the opposite direction.
09:07 In other words, I want to start with day seven
09:09 and work my way back
09:10 because I want to show you something.
09:12 Well, I'll show you the order here,
09:13 something you probably already know,
09:15 but someone out there may not.
09:16 Let's see.
09:17 If God had established rest first,
09:19 a time of rest, would that have made much sense
09:24 in regards to the process of creation
09:27 that He had in mind.
09:28 Absolutely not. Let's go back to day six.
09:30 He creates the land mammals and, of course, He creates man.
09:33 So you have rest, now you have...
09:35 It's almost like a very inorderly process
09:38 if you take this in reverse.
09:40 Day five, the birds, the fishes, the seas,
09:42 the creatures, where would He put them,
09:44 where everything would have been?
09:45 You can see a sense of order,
09:47 a sense of progression
09:49 as you go through these particular days.
09:51 Starting with day one, obviously God created the world
09:54 and gave it its form.
09:55 And there's a reason why He done that
09:56 because, of course, next He would encapsulate
09:58 that within atmosphere
10:00 on day two, He create the sky
10:02 and separate, of course, the waters from the deep.
10:04 And then, of course, you have on day three the land,
10:07 the oceans, and the plants.
10:08 There is a particular order,
10:10 there is a pattern of intelligent order
10:13 in the work of creation.
10:14 And I just want to emphasize that,
10:16 we serve an intelligent God.
10:17 He holds the water in His hands,
10:19 He knows exactly what He is doing.
10:23 But someone might say, why six days.
10:25 Now I'm asking this question because this is usually...
10:29 Many people say, "Well, if God is so omnipotent,
10:31 He's so powerful, He's all knowing,
10:33 then why didn't He just, you know,
10:35 could He have created all in one day?"
10:36 Absolutely.
10:37 But I believe there's a couple of reasons here.
10:39 And in fact, I want to encourage our audience.
10:41 If you think of something else,
10:42 you know, write us in and tell us.
10:44 But I want you to tell... I want you to consider this.
10:45 I think of three reasons
10:46 why God created the world in six days
10:48 rather than just all in one day.
10:50 Number one, obviously, to demonstrate order.
10:52 Our God is an orderly God, to demonstrate order.
10:55 There was a process, there was intelligence
10:58 as we have mentioned in the process of creation,
11:01 as we see everything unpacking there
11:03 in the beginning.
11:04 Number two, this is beautiful.
11:05 I believe God is demonstrating patience
11:09 through this orderly creation.
11:11 For instance, when you consider day one to day seven,
11:14 the complexity of creation,
11:16 obviously everything becomes more complex
11:17 from day one to day seven.
11:19 So there's a reason why God created in six days,
11:22 not that He couldn't but He did for a purpose.
11:25 For instance, over a period of time,
11:27 God is communicating to us His patience
11:30 through His creation,
11:31 through this intelligent orderly design
11:33 that He put in place.
11:34 Almost I get kind of a wonderful analogy here,
11:37 a wonderful illustration that through creation,
11:40 we can see the patience of the Lord
11:41 as He deals with us.
11:43 He's patient with us overtime.
11:45 He gives us time as He took His time
11:48 and He had a very specific purpose
11:50 for why He created the things on the specific days
11:52 that He did.
11:53 It shows the wonderful character,
11:55 the wonderful patience of God.
11:56 And then number three,
11:58 I believe obviously the 6 day, 24-hour day creation week
12:03 that we have there in the beginning
12:05 demonstrates the need of communion and rest.
12:08 There's a reason why God kind of
12:10 puts the cherry on top of the cupcake,
12:12 I guess you could say,
12:13 right there at the end as He's establishing
12:15 this beautiful communion and rest with His people.
12:19 Ellen G. White writes in Signs of the Times,
12:21 June 8, 1908,
12:22 she says, "Order is heaven's first law."
12:26 Amen. Now just go with me on this.
12:28 Now if we know that this order,
12:30 the order of earth was put into place
12:33 almost like a direct replica
12:35 of what He wanted it to be from heaven,
12:36 so if order is heaven's first law,
12:38 how about on earth?
12:40 You better believe that
12:41 that's exactly what God intended as well.
12:43 After sin, there's obviously still a sense of order,
12:47 rhythm, and regularity.
12:49 Notice Genesis 8:22, the Bible says this,
12:53 "While the earth remain..."
12:54 So obviously this is, I believe,
12:56 this is right after the flood.
12:58 Notice what it says, "While the earth
12:59 remains seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
13:03 winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease."
13:08 And there's good news.
13:10 I don't think it's such a bad thing,
13:11 I still think it's a good thing.
13:13 When God recreates the new heaven
13:14 and the new earth, guess what?
13:16 That same order,
13:17 that same continual progressive creativity
13:20 that God set in place right here,
13:21 Isaiah 66:23,
13:24 "For as the new heavens and the new earth
13:26 which I will make shall remain before Me" says the Lord,
13:29 "so shall your descendants and your name remain.
13:32 It shall come to pass
13:34 that from one new moon to another
13:37 and from one Sabbath to another,
13:39 all flesh shall come and worship before Me,
13:42 "says the Lord."
13:43 You know, I saw,
13:45 and this is enclosing here in my part.
13:47 I found a recent survey, and this is startling that...
13:51 There was a survey, they surveyed 602 pastors,
13:55 and only 19% of these pastors were absolutely certain
14:00 of the recorded Genesis account and creationism.
14:03 So more than ever, I say praise God,
14:06 we need to study about family,
14:08 we need to study the family seasons,
14:09 and we need to get back to the Word of God.
14:10 What better place to go, Pastor John,
14:12 than to the Word of God?
14:13 Amen. Amen.
14:15 Thank you for setting that...
14:16 Amen. Thank you for setting that cadence.
14:17 Now we follow the cadence into something
14:19 called the rhythms of life.
14:21 Now this one is kind of unique to me,
14:23 because I came out of,
14:25 you did too,
14:26 the disc jockey world
14:27 where rhythm was so much a part of everything we did,
14:30 you know, catching the rhythm
14:32 of the former record or tune,
14:33 mixing it to the rhythm of the one coming up.
14:35 Well, there's a rhythm that the Bible talks about.
14:38 It's the cicada rhythm,
14:40 and the Bible doesn't use the word cicada
14:43 but you laid the foundation beautifully
14:44 that God's creation has complete order
14:47 connected to it.
14:48 Everything happens according to God's time clock.
14:51 And the cicada rhythm
14:52 are the physical rhythms of the body
14:54 that are not altered by time, by seasons,
14:59 by weather patterns, by age.
15:01 They happen 24 hours a day,
15:03 they are unbroken rhythms that the body goes through.
15:06 There are also rhythms that are established
15:08 in the cycle of human life.
15:10 For example, life begins at pregnancy,
15:13 that's the first rhythm, then infancy,
15:16 and then the toddler years, then childhood, rhythm,
15:21 unbroken, it happens for everyone.
15:23 Then puberty, remember the puberty years,
15:26 you know, we go from puberty to older adolescence.
15:29 And many of us, particularly guys,
15:32 we go from voices that are high than
15:33 a girl soprano to one morning, wake up, "Good morning, mom."
15:37 And she doesn't know who we are.
15:39 That's that puberty to older adolescence.
15:41 And then adulthood,
15:43 where...
15:44 Many years ago, there's a program on television
15:46 called Wonder Years
15:47 where parents wondered what was gonna happen
15:50 to their child as the acne was coming out,
15:53 the body was going through so many chemical changes,
15:56 they were angry and happy all in the same split second.
15:59 And young ladies goes through so many chemical changes.
16:03 One day, they wanna die, next day they wanna live,
16:06 next day they're depressed, next day they're happy,
16:08 next day they're bored.
16:09 It's a cycle of adolescence.
16:11 And so if you're growing, hold on, hold on,
16:15 let the rhythm carry you the way
16:16 that God intended to do that.
16:18 Then we go from adolescence to adulthood.
16:21 And Paul says, and I love this, he says...
16:24 Not the Apostle Paul,
16:25 but matter of fact, yeah, he does say.
16:27 He says, "When I was a child, I thought as a child."
16:29 Now there should be some changes
16:31 as we go from one cycle to the other.
16:33 There should be some changes.
16:35 Can you imagine a person of the 12th grade
16:37 acting like they're in the 3rd grade?
16:39 There should be some changes.
16:40 Can we get an amen? Amen. That's true.
16:42 So these rhythms are intended not only to change our bodies
16:44 but to change us psychologically
16:46 and physiologically.
16:48 Then we go to middle age.
16:50 For those... Some people get to that middle age,
16:52 and we've had this phrase called,
16:54 "They're in a middle age life crisis."
16:57 Oh, boy!
16:58 Because some guys get to middle age,
16:59 their hair is falling out,
17:01 so they decide, "I'm not gonna cut it,
17:02 I'm gonna make it longer than it's ever grown."
17:05 And at the very top, there's this bald.
17:08 They get a leather jacket, they buy a motor cycle,
17:12 they start to get the cool sunglasses,
17:14 they can't handle the middle age life cycle.
17:17 But the Lord intends at some point,
17:19 we got to embrace it,
17:21 you know. That's right.
17:22 So that's one of the reasons...
17:23 It fits right here. All right.
17:25 That's one of the reasons
17:26 why I decided to stop coloring my hair
17:28 with Just for Men,
17:29 I wanna embrace this rhythm of life
17:31 called adulthood to middle age.
17:34 And then there are the senior years.
17:37 And the Bible talks about the importance of that.
17:39 You know, the Bible says, "First of all,
17:41 let no one despise your youth, but as you get older,
17:43 the older people should be
17:45 an example to the younger people."
17:47 One of the worst things in the cycles of life
17:48 is for a older person to behave worst
17:50 than a young person.
17:51 Yes, amen. Oh, my.
17:53 You say, "Man, they refuse to grow up."
17:54 Somebody once says, "Getting older is mandatory,
17:57 growing up is optional."
17:59 And that's true for many people.
18:00 So let's look at some of the life cycles in the Bible
18:02 because these life cycles
18:04 are intended to teach us something.
18:06 Every one of them
18:08 has a certain degree of regularity
18:10 that exists in our bodies.
18:11 But the body, as the body is maturing,
18:14 the mind should mature also.
18:16 And no mind can mature
18:17 better than when it's guided by the Word of God.
18:19 Amen.
18:21 Let's look at some of these things.
18:22 And one of the questions are,
18:23 what are the predictable seasons of life
18:25 mentioned in the following passages of scripture?
18:27 And how do they directly tie into family life?
18:31 One of the first ones,
18:32 point one, everything has a season and time.
18:35 You made that point but I reiterate,
18:37 a time to be born, a time to die,
18:39 a time to plant, a time to pluck up
18:40 what is planted, everything has a season.
18:44 And I look back, I have clothing...
18:46 My wife and I are going through a purge now.
18:49 We are getting rid of stuff.
18:51 If you want stuff, write us.
18:52 We got stuff.
18:54 My junk may become your treasure.
18:55 We have stuff that we have had, we remember when.
18:59 And you know,
19:01 that piece of wood that you picked up
19:02 when you were graduating out of high school
19:04 that you knew you're going to use one day
19:05 but now it's mildewed 'cause it has no life left.
19:08 We have stuff.
19:09 And we have focused on
19:11 getting rid of at least 75% of it.
19:14 Because you get to a certain point in life,
19:16 when you realize, you can't take it with you.
19:18 Right. That's right.
19:20 You can't take it with you.
19:21 So don't get too connected to the stuff.
19:23 Everything has a season,
19:24 a season to gather
19:26 and a season to chuck, throw away.
19:29 The other thing is each one of us
19:31 goes through a process of growth in our lives.
19:34 Genesis 21:8 says,
19:36 "So the child grew and was weaned."
19:39 Somewhere along the way,
19:40 you have to get to the weaning stages.
19:42 You cannot keep living the way you used to.
19:44 You got to wean
19:46 certain things out of your life.
19:47 This is not just a physical weaning,
19:49 but it's also emphasizing a spiritual weaning.
19:51 And there are those people...
19:53 You know, my sister,
19:54 we have such a great love relationship.
19:56 My sister and I, we talk, we just frank with each other,
19:59 because we're New Yorkers, I mean, that helps.
20:02 And she tells me what she thinks,
20:03 and I tell her what I think.
20:05 But we go through those stages
20:07 where we are weaned from the practices of the past.
20:10 Praise God, He's delivered all of us
20:12 from practices of our past.
20:13 He's weaned us.
20:15 Not only that, Judges 13:24, it says,
20:18 "So the women bore a son and called his name Samson,
20:23 and the child grew."
20:25 Now you could look at Samson's life
20:26 and you might say,
20:27 "In some stages, he grew in the wrong direction."
20:30 So we have to make sure
20:31 we're growing in the right direction,
20:32 because growth is...
20:36 It's circumstantial, which way you're growing.
20:39 One thing I've learned about nature
20:41 and this is something amazing.
20:42 When I lived in California, we drive by highway 680,
20:46 and the mountain or the hills were slanted.
20:48 And I noticed, no matter how slanted the hills were,
20:50 the trees were straight up.
20:52 Come on.
20:53 And I wondered why?
20:55 Because the trees are always growing,
20:56 leaning toward the sun.
20:57 And I believe, if we lean toward Jesus,
20:59 we'll always be straight up.
21:01 That's good.
21:02 No matter how the circumstances of life lean
21:04 and how they angle,
21:06 if we grow towards God, we'll always be straight up.
21:08 Another point is, at one point, each of us was a youth.
21:12 I think this is a good point for older people,
21:14 and I'm going to say this with great respect.
21:15 Some of the older people in our church
21:17 forget that they used to be young.
21:18 Oh, boy. Isn't that true?
21:20 And they are so hard on the young people
21:22 that the young people don't wanna ever get old.
21:24 Because they said,
21:26 "If this is what getting old is all about,
21:27 man, this is horrible."
21:29 We must, even as older people, be cheerful.
21:32 Let the fruit of the Spirit
21:33 still reflect through our lives.
21:35 Don't let young people, at the sight of an old person,
21:37 think, "Run for your life."
21:39 We should also be kind because some people grow older
21:42 and they grow meaner.
21:44 I'm being honest with you.
21:46 Some people don't get away from...
21:48 They don't let the fruit of the Spirit...
21:49 And then at the funeral, we say,
21:51 "Well, that's just how they were."
21:52 The Lord intends for us to grow away from who we were,
21:56 and to who He wants us to be.
21:58 Let the fruit of the Spirit reflect through your life
22:01 at any age, and it should be there
22:03 as you get older.
22:05 Another point,
22:06 ultimately every one of us will face old age and death.
22:10 Genesis 15:15,
22:12 "Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace,
22:15 you shall be buried at a good old age."
22:18 You know, somebody once said, I remember the story.
22:20 There was a king that was getting older,
22:22 and he called his court jester into the court and he said,
22:25 "I'm getting to that point where my departure is at hand."
22:28 And the court jester said,
22:29 "Do you know where you're going?"
22:31 He said, "I don't know."
22:32 He said, "Do you understand what preparation is necessary?"
22:34 He said, "I don't."
22:36 Prior to that, the king told the court jester,
22:39 he says, "You are the biggest fool in our court."
22:41 The court jester's purpose was to make the king laugh.
22:44 But on this day,
22:45 the court jester said to the king,
22:47 "You told me years ago,
22:48 if I find a greater fool than myself,
22:50 to give him my hat,
22:52 because you have not prepared
22:53 for the closing moments of life,
22:55 I finally found a greater fool than myself."
22:56 Wow.
22:58 So we must understand that death is coming.
23:00 We must live with the inevitability
23:02 of what is the next step after death.
23:04 Now we don't believe that you go to heaven after...
23:06 We believe you rest.
23:07 But in the resurrection,
23:09 which one are you going to be in?
23:10 Live your life so that you can be guaranteed
23:12 a place in the first resurrection.
23:14 The other one is every one of us
23:16 has a limited time to live.
23:17 The days of our lives are 70 years
23:20 and if by reason of strength, they are 80.
23:23 I always admire older people.
23:25 We have a man in our church just turned 99, Claude Turner.
23:29 We are praising God from...
23:31 He stands up straight.
23:32 He's still witnessing, he's on fire for the Lord.
23:34 But I love what he said.
23:36 He said, "I went to a nursing home
23:37 and I saw what was before me."
23:38 And he said, "I'm not ready for that yet."
23:41 And he's working in our pastoral department
23:42 and what a job he's doing, praise God for that.
23:45 Point number six,
23:46 each one of us came from the same Creator.
23:50 Acts 17:26,
23:52 "He has made from one blood every nation of men, "
23:55 another rhythm of life,
23:56 but to appreciate where we are headed,
23:59 we have to appreciate where we've come from
24:01 and from whom we have come.
24:03 And finally,
24:05 the glory of the young man is his strength
24:07 and the splendor of the old man is his grey hair.
24:12 Praise God.
24:13 On that note, I am in my splendor moment of life
24:15 and I have learned to embrace it.
24:17 Pastor Kenny, embrace it with me.
24:19 I think we're going to pause right now,
24:21 and we'll be back in just a moment.
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25:01 It's good to have you back with us.
25:03 We're gonna pass it on to Pastor Kenny
25:04 for Tuesday's lesson.
25:06 Thank you. Thank you.
25:07 I'll tell you, it's exciting so far
25:09 because we talked about creation,
25:10 and we talked about changes that take place in our life,
25:13 they're normal,
25:14 but my lesson there on Tuesday is the unexpected.
25:18 Sometime people say,
25:19 "Well, I didn't think this would happen."
25:21 Or they say, "Well, this has happened to me.
25:24 It came on suddenly. I really wasn't expecting it."
25:26 And not all changes is negative.
25:29 Some changes can be good.
25:30 And I think our lesson brings that out.
25:32 We can make something good out of something
25:34 maybe that appears to be bad
25:36 by the blessings and grace of God.
25:38 And sometimes it seems to be going good.
25:40 You probably had this,
25:41 I've had it lot of times in my life,
25:43 things going along real well.
25:44 You think you've got it all together,
25:45 everything's working out real well.
25:47 And then all of a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly,
25:49 something happens.
25:51 And then how do we deal with the issue?
25:53 When something like that takes place in our hearts
25:55 and in our life, then what?
25:57 So, you know, usually something good happens,
25:58 I'm gonna jump and shout, and maybe dance a little bit.
26:01 You know, you kind of get excited,
26:03 "Whoo, something good is happening,"
26:04 you know,
26:05 but what if it's something that's bad?
26:07 How do you react? How do I react?
26:08 You know, how should we react?
26:10 And the changes are going to come,
26:12 there's no doubt about it.
26:13 And when they come,
26:14 it's going to disrupt our family.
26:16 It may disrupt our church,
26:18 it may disrupt our relationship with our,
26:21 you know, friends and family. So things change.
26:25 It's where it comes about. One thing stands good for sure.
26:27 I jotted down Psalms 52:1, just a couple of words.
26:30 Psalms 52:1 says, "The goodness of God endureth continually."
26:36 Oh, and the Bible gives a lot of good examples,
26:39 by the way, of how, you know,
26:40 of our lives and our families
26:42 that were transformed by the unexpected.
26:45 So sometimes things, good can happen in our life,
26:47 we can be transformed, we can be changed.
26:49 And we think of Job, we can think of Abel,
26:52 we can think of Joseph, Paul.
26:56 And so we like to live...
26:57 I think it's been mentioned here in a rhythm,
26:59 you know, like a rhythm.
27:00 If you're playing sports,
27:02 I know you're not going to do that, I know.
27:03 Rhythm, you get in a rhythm.
27:05 You've got it, and you just can't miss.
27:09 That's never been me, but just you get a rhythm.
27:12 That's if you're studying, it seem like it's a rhythm.
27:15 If you're doing something else, it's a rhythm.
27:16 And we all like that,
27:18 that security to be kind of in a rhythm.
27:20 And you don't want anybody to break up that rhythm.
27:23 The dictionary talks about...
27:25 You're just talking about music a little while ago,
27:26 whatever rhythm,
27:27 and it talks about... It defines rhythm.
27:29 It said, "It's a flow, it's a movement.
27:32 It's a beat, there's a rise, and then there's the fall,
27:36 and then it's heavy some time, and then it's light sometime,
27:40 it's weak sometime, and it's strong sometime."
27:42 And then even Webster's gives it,
27:44 I thought it very interesting, an illustration of rhythm.
27:47 And it just simply says, the heart.
27:50 A heart, we want to have good rhythm physically
27:55 in our heart.
27:56 We want our heart right with God, but physically.
27:58 So I kind of pose the question, what if we're 30 or 40 years
28:01 that you live life
28:03 and your heart was in perfect rhythm?
28:05 Everything going just fine, nothing unexpected happen,
28:08 you're just beating good.
28:09 And you say, "Man, this is all good."
28:11 And then all of a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly,
28:14 your heart begins to miss beats, it adds beats,
28:17 it seems to stop at times, and then it goes sometimes,
28:20 it goes a lot faster than you want it to.
28:21 I just wonder unexpectedly, how would we...
28:25 How do we deal with that, because it's an interruption.
28:28 And in this life, we're gonna have interruptions.
28:30 That's right. Things are going to happen.
28:32 Sometimes we say we have to deal with it.
28:34 How will it affect your life?
28:36 How will it affect my life
28:38 if something like that happens to me?
28:40 It could be for good, it could be for bad.
28:43 And again, unexpected.
28:45 But would it affect...
28:46 And I found this out,
28:48 when things like this happen to me.
28:49 It affects my decisions, it affects my decisions.
28:52 If something happens to you that might threaten your life
28:55 or something, a loss of a loved one, death,
28:57 whatever, it affects or it should,
28:59 you know, the decisions that you make in the future.
29:01 Priorities. Yeah, absolutely.
29:02 Yeah, priorities, if we're going to put them
29:04 in the line that they ought to be
29:05 rather than maybe things of the world.
29:07 You know, after all, we might be like Job,
29:10 you remember.
29:11 Bless his heart. Oh, Job said there in Job 1:1.
29:13 It said Job, and it just talked about his character.
29:16 It said, Job was what?
29:17 He was blameless, upright,
29:19 one that feared God and shunned evil."
29:22 So sometimes we might think, "Well, we know we serve in God,
29:24 everything is going to go real well for us.
29:26 Well, we don't have to worry." We move on.
29:28 God blessed and there's no doubt about it.
29:30 He had a good wife, he had, what,
29:31 seven sons, three daughters,
29:33 and he was wealthy.
29:35 He had a lot of things in his life.
29:38 I thought it was very interesting, but he suffered,
29:41 and our lesson brings out six major things,
29:43 most of us probably couldn't get through one.
29:45 We might fall apart. Yes.
29:47 We don't have our hand in the hand of God.
29:48 I'm telling you, when these things come unexpected to us,
29:51 'cause we want order, we want organization,
29:53 we want things to be in rhythm.
29:55 It doesn't always happen that way
29:57 and the enemy likes to kicks out of rhythm.
29:59 It's better serving God, during our Bible Study,
30:00 and so on so forth.
30:02 But he lost all his property.
30:04 Some people lose property, that's all that they give up,
30:06 they throw their hands up.
30:07 He lost his employees, he lost his children,
30:11 he lost his health,
30:13 he lost the support of his wife,
30:15 he lost the support
30:16 and the encouragement of his friends.
30:18 Any of those are enough to just probably,
30:20 you know, put people right down in their bed for a while
30:24 and then want to just simply give up.
30:26 It seems that everything went wrong that could go wrong.
30:30 I don't know if you've ever said that or not.
30:32 Yes.
30:33 I got an illustration on that this morning.
30:36 I had a good illustration, I won't use it
30:37 because I'll just move on with that.
30:40 There's one day I come and say, "What else could go wrong?"
30:42 Well, I guarantee you, something else can.
30:44 Don't ever say that.
30:45 Yeah, just say thank you, Lord, and move on.
30:48 Because we can come to a point in our life
30:50 when things happen unexpectedly,
30:52 and we get out of rhythm or out of source a little bit,
30:54 just like this man, a German man
30:58 at the end of World War II
31:00 when Hitler was, you know,
31:02 no longer in rule and in control,
31:04 and so many things had happened.
31:07 He gave the story and this reminds me
31:08 so much about Job.
31:10 He simply is... He's giving his testimony.
31:12 I'm talking, we can come to wits' end.
31:13 Either these things that happened
31:15 can draw us closer to Christ
31:16 or we will pull away from Christ,
31:19 decision that we must make by the grace of God.
31:21 The man simply said, when I interviewed him,
31:23 he said, "My son was killed in action."
31:25 He said, and notice, "My daughter is missing.
31:28 I don't know where she's at.
31:30 I lost my wife, I lost my home, I lost my property.
31:34 Everything is gone.
31:35 Oh yeah, I've got clothes on my back,
31:37 but they were given to me.
31:38 "I have nothing."
31:41 He said, "The point has come in my life,
31:44 I can't even pray anymore."
31:46 And he said, you know,
31:48 "And I really can't even think anymore
31:50 because of all these things that have happened.
31:52 I just want to give up."
31:55 And he said, you know, "I think I just will,
31:58 because I can't go forward and I can't go backwards."
32:02 Sometimes we get stuck in a rut.
32:05 As Christians, be careful
32:06 you don't get in that little rut,
32:08 and you can't find your way out.
32:09 God could help you get out of rut,
32:10 He didn't want us to be in the ruts.
32:12 He wants us to be up on solid ground,
32:13 you know, solid rock and move forward
32:14 and do what we should be doing.
32:16 So, you know, I look at this and so,
32:17 how do we react when we get out of rhythm
32:19 or something happens unexpectedly our timing?
32:22 You know, remember that in Job Chapter 1,
32:25 I'm not going to read all that right now
32:27 because of our time in Job 2.
32:28 Job Chapter 1 and Job Chapter 2
32:30 is simply said, and this is...
32:32 Every time I read, I said, it said, "There was a day.
32:37 There was a day, and then everything erupted."
32:41 And in your life and in my life,
32:43 I can guarantee you, there will be a day.
32:46 God, help us.
32:48 There will be a day, and it could be
32:49 pretty devastating.
32:51 But we still have the Lord to hang on to
32:53 and we need to be hanging on to Him.
32:54 Purpose of Job's life,
32:56 Desire of Ages, 471 simply says...
32:59 Desire of Ages, 471, "The history of Job has shown
33:03 that suffering is," notice this,
33:05 "is inflicted by Satan."
33:07 Praise God, it's brought out clear.
33:09 "And is overruled by God for the purposes of mercy."
33:13 Thank God that He overrules.
33:15 Things are going to happen,
33:16 God's still in control, He's still on the throne,
33:18 He still wants to help you out of it.
33:20 You know, the Jews believed that a person suffered, why?
33:22 You know, because they were so sinful,
33:23 they suffered a lot.
33:25 And that teaching allowed,
33:27 it prepared the Jews to reject Jesus Christ
33:29 when He came to this earth.
33:31 You know, days of trouble abound,
33:33 we're thinking about death it seems.
33:35 There's days that death to some people,
33:37 seems better than life.
33:39 Many lose their hold on God. They lose, you know, like Job.
33:43 But praise God, what did Job do?
33:45 Through all of these things, he rose out of the heaviness
33:47 and the darkness of the things that maybe easily beset him,
33:50 but this doesn't seem too easy to me.
33:52 Discouraged, he wanted to just give up,
33:55 but he reached a higher plain.
33:56 Praise God for that.
33:58 We need to reach out for a higher plain
33:59 when something unexpected happens to us.
34:01 Job said, Job 13:15...
34:04 Remember, he came to this point,
34:05 "Though he slay me," what?
34:07 "Yet will I trust him."
34:10 Here's what happened, here's the key to it quickly.
34:12 When Job began to look to God rather than to himself,
34:17 he repented in dust and ashes.
34:19 Sometime we look to ourselves too much,
34:21 too many things going wrong, and they're going haywire,
34:23 we dwell on those things and we shouldn't.
34:25 I love this.
34:26 Man, I want to end up with this, this is so exciting.
34:28 In Prophets and Kings 164 tells us this.
34:31 You kind of brought it on a while ago little bit, Pastor.
34:33 Okay. I think you said here.
34:35 But notice what it says about Job, it says,
34:37 "Then after all these things happen,
34:40 after they happen."
34:42 It simply said God revealed to him,
34:43 it says, "The Lord was able to bless him
34:46 when he took his eyes," what?
34:47 "Off of himself,
34:49 begin to view God and all of His glory
34:51 and all of His power.
34:52 Bless him abundantly and to make," notice,
34:55 "his last years the best of his life."
34:58 Amen. Amen.
35:00 That's kind of encouraging for some of us
35:02 who are getting older, right?
35:04 Trust in God. And, you know what?
35:06 The last years we have are going to be the best.
35:08 Amen and amen. Thank you.
35:10 You know, as you were talking, I was thinking,
35:12 every change that comes into our life
35:15 can change the rhythm of life.
35:17 You see, you lose a spouse.
35:20 Boy, the rhythm of your life changes completely.
35:23 You lose a child, you lose a job,
35:26 and it can change completely.
35:28 I have Wednesday's lesson,
35:30 and that lesson is on transitions.
35:35 We do agree, we're all creatures of habit.
35:38 And the longer we practice the habit,
35:40 what happens?
35:41 We can get set in our ways, can we not?
35:46 Let me repeat something that you've probably heard often.
35:50 Watch your thoughts, your thoughts become words,
35:55 your words can become actions.
35:58 Watch your actions because your actions become habit,
36:03 and your habits become your character.
36:08 I'm so glad that God is in the business
36:11 of giving us new character, changing our character.
36:18 And we want to look at an example of that.
36:20 Let's turn to Acts Chapter 8,
36:24 Acts Chapter 8, and we will begin with verse 1.
36:30 This is at the stoning of Stephen.
36:32 Stephen is one of the deacons of the early church.
36:36 He is filled with the Holy Spirit.
36:38 He's talking with the Jews.
36:40 He's going through the whole history of the Jews,
36:43 and they just are gnashing their teeth
36:45 against him in anger.
36:47 And listen what Acts Chapter 1 says,
36:51 "Now Saul," who becomes the Apostle Paul
36:54 once God gets a hold of him,
36:56 "Saul was consenting to Stephen's death."
36:59 In Acts 8:1 Acts 8:1, I'm sorry.
37:03 Thank you.
37:04 "At that time, a great persecution arose
37:06 against the church which was at Jerusalem.
37:08 They were all scattered throughout the regions
37:11 of Judea and Samaria except the apostles.
37:14 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial."
37:18 So here's Saul, this great Pharisee of Pharisees
37:22 who's approving of the death of Stephen,
37:26 it says, "As devout men carried Stephen to his burial,
37:31 made great lamentations over him as for Saul,"
37:35 what's he doing?
37:36 "He made havoc of the church, entering every house,
37:40 dragging off men and women, committing them to prison."
37:45 Now, look at Acts 9, Chapter 1,
37:50 Acts 9, Chapter 1.
37:52 Oh, Acts 9:1, I'll wake up.
37:56 Here we see the continuing saga of the Pharisee Saul.
38:01 It says, "Saul still breathing
38:04 threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord,
38:07 went to the high priest," and what did he ask him for?
38:11 He asked for letters that would give him passage
38:15 to the synagogues of Damascus so that if he found anyone
38:19 that was walking in the way,
38:21 that's what they call the Disciples of Christ,
38:24 whether men or women, he might bring them
38:26 bound to Jerusalem.
38:30 So here is this zealous Pharisee Saul,
38:34 and he becomes the primary persecutor
38:39 in the campaign against the Christian church.
38:43 He's commissioned by the Sanhedrin.
38:46 He's ravaging the church, smashing down doors,
38:50 scaring people off in the middle of the night.
38:53 He didn't seem like a very nice character to me, does he?
38:55 In all the while, guess what?
38:57 He believes he is sincerely doing his job
39:03 to keep the law.
39:04 He thinks that he is getting rid of this destructive force,
39:08 those who walk in the way.
39:10 So now let's look at what happens.
39:14 Acts 9:3,
39:16 "So he's got his letter from the high priest,
39:20 he's on his way to Damascus, and as he journeyed,
39:23 he came near Damascus and suddenly...
39:27 Suddenly. Whoo-hoo!
39:29 "Suddenly, a light shone around him from heaven,
39:33 and he fell to the ground.
39:35 He heard a voice saying to him,
39:38 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?'
39:41 " Wow.
39:43 You see, all sin, no matter who is sin against,
39:45 but all sin is ultimately against God.
39:49 And when you think of Joseph and Potiphar's wife,
39:52 when Potiphar's wife is trying to get Joseph
39:55 to commit adultery,
39:57 he says, "How can I do this awful thing
39:59 and sin against God?"
40:01 Yeah.
40:02 And the prodigal son,
40:03 what did he say when he came back?
40:05 "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you."
40:07 So all sin is against God. So in Acts 9:5, it goes on.
40:14 Saul who's seen this great light says,
40:18 "Who are you, Lord?"
40:20 Then the Lord said,
40:21 "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting."
40:24 Jesus Himself shows up to see Saul.
40:27 "It is hard for you to kick against the goads."
40:29 So Saul trembling and astonished says,
40:33 "Lord, what do you want me to do?"
40:35 And the Lord said to him, "Arise, go into the city,
40:38 and you'll be told what you must do."
40:40 So he is blinded by the light.
40:43 He has had this encounter,
40:45 he goes into the city, three days he is praying.
40:48 He is not eating, he is not drinking.
40:50 I mean, he has encountered the risen savior.
40:53 Yes.
40:55 So he yields to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
41:01 He is confessing his own unworthiness, he wants...
41:04 The focus of Saul
41:06 becomes the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
41:09 So God is bringing Saul into harmony
41:14 with God's eternal purposes for his life.
41:17 So God speaks to Ananias, He says, "Hey, go see Saul."
41:22 Listen to what Ananias says.
41:23 I think this is cute, Acts 9:13.
41:25 I like this. He gets to this...
41:27 Ananias has a vision and God is speaking to him
41:30 through this vision.
41:32 He is saying, "Hey, go restore Saul's sight."
41:35 And Ananias says,
41:36 "Lord, I have heard from many about this man,
41:39 how much harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem.
41:43 And here he has authority from the chief priest to bind all
41:47 who call upon your name."
41:49 But the Lord said to him, "Go."
41:54 The blessings on the go, right?
41:56 "For he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name
41:59 before the gentiles, the kings, and the children of Israel.
42:02 And I will show him how many things
42:05 he must suffer for My name's sake."
42:07 So Ananias goes and he says to him, "Brother Saul,
42:10 Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road
42:13 as you came has sent me that you may receive your sight
42:18 and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
42:20 What did Saul do?
42:22 I mean, Ananias touches his eyes,
42:24 the scales fall from his eyes, Saul arises and he is baptized.
42:28 That's right.
42:30 And then it says, "Immediately."
42:33 I mean, he is baptized,
42:34 he starts preaching Christ in the synagogue,
42:36 he has got a personal testimony,
42:38 he is gonna share it.
42:40 And everybody who hears him is amazed and they say,
42:44 "Hey, isn't he the one that the chief priest sent here
42:46 to destroy the way, and now he is preaching this?"
42:51 So what happened?
42:53 God reached into the darkness. Yeah.
42:56 He brings Saul out of the darkness
43:00 into His marvelous light.
43:02 And once Saul had an encounter with Jesus Christ,
43:07 what do we see?
43:08 A total change in his character.
43:10 Amen. That's right.
43:12 He's filled with humility,
43:13 and God changes his way of thinking.
43:17 And because his thinking is changed,
43:18 his actions have changed.
43:20 Because his actions have changed,
43:22 now he gets into a habit, doesn't he?
43:24 Yeah.
43:26 No wonder when you think about it,
43:27 how astonished the Jews must have been to see him.
43:32 But what Paul's action did become a habit?
43:36 And he proved that his conversion was real.
43:39 You know, sometimes people go through and they'll say,
43:42 "Oh, praise the Lord, I've met Jesus, I'm saved."
43:46 And nothing changes.
43:49 In Galatians 1:15, Paul says this.
43:54 He says, "When it pleased God
43:57 who separated me from my mother's womb
43:59 and called me through His grace to reveal His Son in me
44:04 that I might preach Him among the gentiles.
44:06 I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood,
44:10 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those
44:12 who are apostles before me,
44:14 I went to Arabia, I returned again to Damascus.
44:17 And after three years, I went up to Jerusalem
44:21 to see Peter and remained with him 15 days."
44:24 Wow.
44:25 "But I saw none of the other apostles,
44:27 except James the Lord's brother."
44:29 You know, I find it interesting.
44:32 First of all, the disciples were taught by Jesus,
44:35 how many years?
44:37 Three and half years.
44:38 Three and half years, but he goes up
44:39 for three years to be taught.
44:41 And his message came by direct revelation.
44:47 It was Jesus.
44:48 So most conversion stories are not as dramatic as Saul's.
44:53 You know, we wish they would be.
44:55 But the truth is, the process can be long,
44:58 and we've got to hold on to two Bible promises.
45:01 Philippians 1:6 says that, "God is faithful
45:04 to complete the good work He has begun in you."
45:07 And Romans 8:1 says,
45:08 "There's therefore now no condemnation
45:11 for those who are in Christ Jesus,
45:13 who do not walk according to the flesh,
45:15 but according to the Spirit."
45:17 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley.
45:19 As we think of the rhythms of life
45:22 and the seasons of life,
45:23 the decision for Jesus is the most impactful decision
45:26 we could ever make.
45:27 And what a difference that makes
45:29 and the trajectory of the rest of your life.
45:31 Amen.
45:32 On Thursday, I have the lesson titled as Interactions,
45:35 but I've retitled it.
45:37 How to live in relationship with other people?
45:40 Okay.
45:42 How to live in relationship with others?
45:44 You might have heard the song by Paul Simon.
45:47 I am an island I've built walls
45:49 A fortress deep and mighty That none may penetrate
45:52 I have no need of friendship Friendship causes pain
45:56 It's laughter and it's loving I disdain Don't talk of love
46:01 But I've heard the words
46:02 before It's sleeping in my memory
46:04 I won't disturb the slumber of feelings
46:06 that have died
46:07 If I never loved, I never would have cried
46:11 I have my books And my poetry to protect me
46:14 I am shielded in my armor Hiding in my room,
46:17 safe within my womb I touch no one
46:22 and no one touches me
46:24 I am a rock I am an island A rock feels no pain
46:28 And an island never cries I'm here to tell you,
46:32 that is not true.
46:35 We were created to live in relationship...
46:40 That's right. Amen.
46:41 That's right. With other people.
46:43 Now we might push people away because we feel hurt.
46:46 We might try to become an island and push them.
46:49 But the truth is, no one's an island.
46:51 We all touch and impact someone else for eternity.
46:57 Think about Adam and Eve in the beginning,
46:59 God said, "It is not good for man to be alone."
47:01 And that's not only for husband and wife,
47:03 but that's in community as believers.
47:06 We are called to live in community
47:08 and each one of us has an impact
47:11 whether it's positive or negative on other people.
47:15 That's right.
47:16 Every person in my life influences me
47:18 and I influence other people, whether for good or for evil.
47:22 So today on this lesson,
47:24 I want to talk about principles of relationships.
47:27 How we interact with others?
47:29 We're gonna look at three areas that we need to watch.
47:32 Pastor John, you know, I was like malice.
47:34 So three areas that we need to watch,
47:37 and then three lessons that we need to learn.
47:41 So the three areas we need to watch,
47:43 watch how you speak,
47:45 watch what grows in your heart, and watch your thoughts.
47:51 So let's look at watch how you speak.
47:53 We're gonna spend the balance of our time
47:54 actually in the Book of Ephesians, Ephesians 4:29.
47:59 Ephesians 4:29, watch how you speak.
48:02 And there are some dos and don'ts
48:04 in how we are to speak
48:05 and interact with brothers and sisters.
48:07 We're gonna start with the don'ts.
48:09 Ephesians 4:29, "Let no corrupt word,"
48:14 that word for corrupt in Greek is rotten,
48:18 worthless, useless, corrupt or putrid.
48:24 Have you ever spoken a worthless word?
48:26 Yes. I have.
48:28 Have you ever spoken a useless word or a rotten word?
48:32 It says, "Let no corrupt word, no worthless word,
48:36 no useless word proceed out of your mouth,
48:41 but what is good for necessary edification
48:44 that it may impart grace to the hearers."
48:47 So don't use rotten or useless words.
48:50 Yes. Don't lie.
48:53 Ephesians 4:25,
48:55 "Therefore, put away lying," don't lie.
49:00 "Don't speak in anger or carry or hang onto your anger."
49:06 Ephesians 4:26,
49:08 "Do not let the sun go down on your wrath."
49:12 But what are we to do? What are we to speak?
49:14 We're to speak the truth.
49:16 Ephesians 4:25, the rest of that verse.
49:20 It says, "Put away lying."
49:21 And what does it say, "Let everyone of you
49:23 speak truth with his neighbor."
49:26 Yes.
49:28 Now in the Greek, truth literally means true to fact.
49:30 There was a woman I heard speak once.
49:33 She does women's retreats,
49:34 and she was telling a story about
49:36 how she had been with a whole group of friends,
49:38 and she explained the whole circumstances
49:40 of how they had gotten from point A to point B.
49:43 So they took a cruise ship as she described it,
49:46 and she describes sitting on the deck
49:49 and watching the sunset, and the food they ate,
49:52 and the friends they mingled with,
49:54 and she got to the end of this incredible recital.
49:57 And her husband said two words, "We flew."
50:00 They got from point A to point B by an airplane.
50:04 So we are called to speak the truth.
50:09 Speak the truth when it hurts,
50:11 speak the truth when it is uncomfortable,
50:14 when it is hard, when it is unpopular.
50:20 But we always speak the truth in kindness and in love.
50:23 Amen. That's right.
50:25 Ephesians 4:32, "Be kind one to another."
50:29 That word for kind,
50:31 we don't have any word really in English
50:34 that would be the same as the meaning in Greek
50:37 because that means both good and kind.
50:39 So not just kind, but it also means good.
50:42 "Be kind and good to one another,
50:45 tenderhearted,
50:46 forgiving one another
50:48 even as God and Christ Jesus has forgiven you."
50:51 Amen.
50:52 So we're to watch how we speak,
50:53 we're to watch what grows in our heart.
50:57 Ephesians 4:31, "Let all bitterness..."
51:01 Let's stop right there.
51:03 Do you have bitterness growing in your heart today?
51:06 Do you have resentment in your heart
51:09 growing against a brother or a sister?
51:12 That impacts your relationships
51:15 and how you relate to other people.
51:17 Yeah.
51:18 "Let all bitterness, let all wrath,"
51:21 that word in Greek is a passion-driven behavior,
51:24 like a sudden outburst of anger.
51:27 But the next word is anger,
51:29 and that word in Greek is a fixed,
51:31 settled, anger, opposition.
51:34 So not only are we to put away bitterness,
51:37 we put away those sudden outbursts of anger
51:40 which can really hinder relationships.
51:42 We put away that fixed or settled anger
51:45 that just lingers and simmers there.
51:47 "Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor,
51:50 evil speaking be put away from you with all malice."
51:54 Yes.
51:55 We watch how we speak.
51:57 We watch what grows in our heart.
51:59 We watch our thoughts.
52:02 Proverbs 23:7,
52:03 "For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he."
52:07 Yeah. Yeah.
52:09 What you think about other people
52:10 affects how you treat them.
52:12 Oh, boy, yeah.
52:14 What you think about yourself
52:16 also affects how you treat other people.
52:18 That's true. That's right.
52:20 What you think about God
52:21 affects how you think about yourself,
52:23 and in context, how you treat other people.
52:27 Amen.
52:28 All of that comes back to our thoughts,
52:30 comes back to how we relate to other people.
52:33 Those are the three watches.
52:35 Now let's do quickly the three learns.
52:38 Learn to forgive, learn to walk in humility and unity,
52:44 and learn to love one another Number one, learn to forgive.
52:49 We're back to Ephesians 4:31, "Be kind to one another,
52:53 tenderhearted, forgiving one another."
52:56 Yes.
52:58 Forgiveness is freely done,
53:00 not based on any merit of the person
53:01 receiving the forgiveness.
53:03 We forgive because Christ forgives us.
53:06 We forgive because...
53:07 I don't know about you, but I am in need
53:10 of forgiveness and mercy.
53:11 Amen.
53:13 We forgive because God commands us
53:15 to forgive our brothers and sisters.
53:18 Number two, learn to walk in humility and unity.
53:24 Ephesians 4:1-3,
53:27 "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord,
53:28 beseech you to walk worthy of the calling
53:31 with which you were called,
53:32 with all lowliness and gentleness,
53:36 with longsuffering,
53:38 bearing with one another,
53:39 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit
53:41 in the bond of peace."
53:43 I remember, several years ago,
53:44 I got an eight-page handwritten letter
53:47 from a precious woman
53:49 who decided to address some issues she saw in my life.
53:52 Well.
53:53 There was an issue on every page.
53:55 So I had over eight issues, Pastor Kenny.
53:57 And I remember reading it, and then taking it to God,
54:00 and just trying to get over it, you know.
54:01 All right.
54:03 And then one day, I read Romans 15:5-7,
54:06 "May the God of patience and comfort
54:08 grant you to be like-minded toward one another,
54:12 according to Christ Jesus, that you may,
54:14 with one mind and one mouth,
54:16 glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
54:19 Therefore, receive one another just as I have received you."
54:23 That's right.
54:25 And as soon as I read that, it was like the Holy Spirit
54:26 pricked my conscience, and said,
54:28 "I have received this woman who sent you the letter.
54:31 Do you not think you could receive her
54:34 as your sister in me?"
54:37 And so the Lord rebuked my heart,
54:38 and I asked for forgiveness,
54:40 and I reached out, and we became friends.
54:43 What a beautiful picture.
54:44 God wants us to walk in humility and unity
54:48 toward one another.
54:49 Amen.
54:51 And number three, we are called to learn to love one another.
54:54 1 Thessalonians 3:12 and 13,
54:58 "May the Lord make you increase,"
55:00 Shelley loves this scripture.
55:01 I love this scripture.
55:03 "And abound in love to one another and to all,
55:05 just as we do to you
55:06 so that He may establish your hearts
55:08 in blameless and holiness
55:10 before our God and the Father at the coming of our Lord
55:13 Jesus Christ with all His saints."
55:16 Christ is the one who enables us to forgive,
55:18 to walk in humility and unity, and to love one another.
55:22 Amen. Amen.
55:24 Good job. Absolutely.
55:25 Wow. Praise the Lord.
55:27 This is gonna be an exciting study.
55:29 That's right.
55:30 It's gonna be an exciting study.
55:32 And so I guess we have just a couple of minutes left,
55:34 wanna go back through the panel here.
55:36 Start with you, Pastor John, just give us some insight.
55:38 Sure, well, I see
55:40 because of the timing and of the rhythm,
55:41 "We lived in deeds not years,
55:43 in thoughts not figures on the dial.
55:45 We should count time by heart-throbs.
55:48 He who lives who thinks most, feels the noblest,
55:52 and acts the best."
55:54 That's good. Amen.
55:55 Wow.
55:57 Well, I think from this lesson, I've drawn out some
55:59 quite a few different things, but one of that,
56:00 I know, by God's grace,
56:02 I need to learn to live, and to act,
56:05 and to work, you know,
56:07 in such a way that when we think about,
56:09 we're around our family,
56:11 around our friends, people that we work with,
56:14 there's no longer they see us,
56:16 but they see the one who lives inside of us.
56:18 They need to know that we have been with Jesus.
56:21 Amen. Amen.
56:23 My thought right now is that change can be challenging.
56:27 Yes.
56:28 But what we have to do during times changes, go to the Lord,
56:32 and let Him help us through the transition
56:34 because 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,
56:37 "He's made us into a new creation,
56:39 and He'll work it out for us."
56:40 Amen. Amen.
56:42 No man or woman is an island,
56:43 we all live in community as brothers and sisters,
56:47 so God calls us to guard
56:48 our influence over other people.
56:52 Praise the Lord.
56:53 Just a few seconds, but you know,
56:55 Jill, to kind of playing off
56:57 what you said in your lesson and also mine as well,
56:59 you know, in the Garden of Eden,
57:01 God established a family.
57:03 That's right. He created family.
57:06 And, you know what, family goes beyond blood.
57:08 Each and every one of us are of the family of God.
57:11 That's right.
57:12 Inside the church, outside of the church,
57:14 in relationship with God,
57:16 or not really in a relationship with God,
57:18 we serve a mighty God and we are family.
57:20 But that being said,
57:22 we're so excited that you were to be able to join us this week
57:25 and we hope that you join us next week
57:27 for our second lesson, which I believe is entitled
57:30 "Making the Right Choices."
57:32 So you have a wonderful day.
57:34 We hope to see you next week. God bless.


Revised 2024-08-26