3ABN Sabbath School Panel

I Make All Things New

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP190013A

00:31 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 I'm Jill Morikone and we are so excited that you have
00:36 been with us through the journey of the Book of Revelation.
00:40 We are on the very last lesson; lesson #13,
00:44 "I Make All Things NEW"
00:46 And I want to encourage you, I know we're at the very
00:48 last lesson, but it's still not too late, you can download
00:52 your own copy of the Quarterly, "The Book of Revelation"
00:55 by going to: ABSG.Adventist.org
01:00 That stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.Adventist.org
01:05 and you can follow along with us or maybe next quarter
01:09 would be up too and you can download the first copy of
01:11 next quarter and get ready for next week as well.
01:13 I want to introduce our panel at this time...
01:15 To my left is Pastor John Lomacang, it's a privilege
01:18 to have you here... Good to be here always!
01:20 Sitting to the left of you is my sis, Shelley Quinn,
01:23 and thank you so much for
01:25 being here too, Shelley. Oh, I love it!
01:26 Sitting to your left is our president and founder,
01:29 Danny Shelton - it is always a privilege, Danny when you can
01:32 be on Sabbath School Panel... Thank you, it's good to be here.
01:34 And then Ryan Day, who is no longer the new kid on the block,
01:37 we love doing Sabbath School Panel with you as well.
01:39 Amen, it's good to be here.
01:41 Before we go any further in our study of the word of God,
01:44 we always like to open up with prayer and Pastor John,
01:47 would you pray for us? Sure.
01:48 Loving Father... We have week- to-week called on Your
01:52 Holy Spirit to be our guide and, Father, today, we pray
01:56 that the prayer that You have encased in Revelation
01:59 we pray that today we will hear what the Spirit
02:02 has to say.
02:03 Guide our minds and even the listeners and the viewers
02:06 that tune into this program, may the whole message of
02:09 Revelation bring us back to the central figure,
02:13 the person of Christ Jesus today.
02:15 Bless each one of us in our presentation and may all the
02:18 glory and honor go to You. We ask in Christ's name... Amen
02:22 Amen! Amen! Thank you so much.
02:24 Revelation is really a love story.
02:27 It's about God the Father and Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
02:30 the Godhead who are the Bridegroom,
02:33 who love their bride which is the church, the pure church
02:38 represented all throughout Revelation.
02:41 But we have a third player; there's the Bridegroom
02:44 and the bride... and then there's the enemy, Satan,
02:48 and as you read the entire Book of Revelation,
02:51 you see God's efforts to save His bride, to cause efforts
02:55 to transform them and to call people to be His bride.
02:59 Then you see the bride making decisions - am I going to make
03:03 a choice to follow or am I going to make a choice
03:05 to be married to the bridegroom or not?
03:07 And then you see Satan getting his hands in there
03:10 and working in that situation.
03:11 We know we started Revelation with the seven churches
03:15 and that time period from AD 31, the apostolic period
03:18 all the way through the time of present day,
03:21 the time of the end.
03:23 Of course, we discussed the seven seals which really
03:26 follows the very same time period.
03:28 And the fifth seal in particular, the saints
03:31 who were martyred said, "How long O Lord are we going
03:35 to suffer under that persecution from the enemy."
03:39 We went into the seven trumpets and that follows
03:42 the same basic time period... these are redemptive
03:45 judgments of God - the Bridegroom for His bride,
03:49 "Please come back to Me, repent and return to Me."
03:53 Then of course, we had that little narrative in the middle,
03:57 Revelation 12 and 13, with the beast and the dragon
04:00 and some history there and then we come to the
04:02 seven last plagues that are poured out.
04:04 Now these are just at the very end of time, after intercession
04:09 has ceased and these are judgments poured out
04:12 without mercy.
04:14 They're not redemptive because everyone at this point
04:17 has already made a choice, either for or against
04:20 the Lord Jesus Christ.
04:21 Of course last week, we talked about the fall of Babylon
04:24 in Revelation 18 and that was an incredible study.
04:28 This week, we pick up with "I Make All Things New,"
04:31 and this is probably my favorite part of the entire
04:34 Book of Revelation because it ends with the second
04:38 coming of Christ, the Holy City, the New Jerusalem,
04:42 and the new heaven and the new earth.
04:44 So let's pick up with Revelation 19, we're going to read
04:47 actually the first nine verses and then we'll unpack it.
04:50 That's my portion on Sunday, "The Wedding Supper
04:52 of the Lamb," hence the reference to the bride
04:55 and the Bridegroom, "The Wedding Supper of the Lamb."
04:58 Now at the beginning of this in Revelation 19, all of heaven is
05:03 exulting that Babylon had been finally
05:07 defeated in Revelation 18.
05:09 After these things, (this was after that final fall
05:12 of Babylon), I heard a loud voice of a great multitude
05:15 in heaven saying, "Alleluia, salvation and glory and honor,
05:19 and power belong to the Lord our God for true and righteous
05:23 are His judgments.
05:25 He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth
05:28 with her fornication.
05:29 He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her."
05:33 Again they said, "Alleluia,
05:35 her smoke rises up forever and ever."
05:38 And the 24 elders and the four living creatures fell down
05:42 and worshipped God who sat on the throne saying,
05:44 "Amen, Alleluia." Then a voice came from throne
05:48 saying, "Praise our God, all you His servants and
05:51 those who fear Him, both small and great!"
05:54 Now all of this section here
05:57 reminds me of Revelation 4 and 5,
05:59 you know that enthronement of the Lamb there by the right
06:03 and of the Father after AD 31 and Christ's ascension,
06:06 and there's such a praise and worship for what God has done.
06:11 Verse 6... "I heard, as it were, the voice of a great
06:15 multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the
06:17 sound of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord
06:22 God Omnipotent reigns. Let us be glad and rejoice
06:26 and give Him glory for the marriage of the Lamb has
06:29 come and His wife has made herself ready."
06:33 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen,
06:37 clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts
06:42 of the saints."
06:43 So what I'm going to focus on
06:45 here is first the proposal, that is the Bridegroom
06:48 to the bride, then we'll see the preparation on the
06:52 Bridegroom's part - that's the promise;
06:55 then we'll see the preparation on the bride's
06:57 part and that is the provision.
07:00 So we're going to do the proposal, the promise,
07:02 and then the provision.
07:04 So the proposal talks about Christ and His bride, right?
07:07 And they're ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
07:10 Now before you get married, you gotta have a proposal.
07:12 At least any good woman wants a proposal!
07:15 You want the proposal from who, you know, you're going to marry.
07:18 In Jewish tradition, when a couple was engaged,
07:22 they called it "betrothed."
07:24 The groom paid the dowry and, at that point, they were
07:28 considered legally married, even though they didn't
07:30 live together - they were still considered legally married.
07:33 The bridegroom went to prepare a place for the bride.
07:37 The bride got ready to be married.
07:41 On the cross, Christ paid the dowry for you and for me.
07:47 On the cross, He paid the dowry... and we can't
07:49 live together yet because we are
07:51 separated from here to heaven.
07:53 But the Groom went, that's Christ, to prepare
07:57 a place for us, the bride. Amen!
07:59 And our job, right now, is to prepare to be married
08:03 to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
08:05 That's the proposal.
08:07 So let's look at the preparation that the Bridegroom,
08:09 that's the Lord Jesus Christ, is doing for us right now.
08:12 We know He's preparing a place for us in heaven now,
08:15 and that's in John 14, you know where I'm going. Yep.
08:17 John 14:1-3... Now this took place right after John 13
08:24 is the last supper, remember the foot-washing experience
08:28 and Jesus had talked to His disciples about going to the
08:30 cross - of course they don't understand it; but there's a
08:33 lot of hurt and confusion and they don't know what's
08:36 going on and He gives this beautiful, beautiful promise...
08:39 John 14:1-3... "Let not your heart be troubled,
08:43 you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house
08:48 are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you.
08:52 I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare
08:56 a place for you, I will come again and receive you
08:59 to Myself that where I am, there you may be also."
09:03 So He's saying, "I'm going and I know it's hurting you,
09:05 but let Me tell you this, I am going to prepare
09:09 a place for you, My bride and I will come again."
09:14 Let's look at the provision.
09:16 This is the preparation on the bride's part.
09:20 Now you notice in verse 8, we're back to Revelation 19:8.
09:24 "To her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean
09:29 and bright for the fine linen is
09:31 the righteous acts of the saint."
09:33 Now the word for "clean" in the Greek means "pure,
09:37 unstained, guiltless, innocent."
09:42 Many times we talk, within the Seventh-day Adventist
09:46 Church, that there are two different garments
09:48 that we could put on, but I'm going to submit
09:51 to you today that there's actually three garments
09:53 and the third garment is what is being talked about
09:56 here in Revelation 19.
09:58 So the first garment is the self-righteousness of man,
10:02 and we know all about that garment because I've tried
10:05 to walk and live in that garment and it doesn't work very well.
10:07 We know Isaiah 64:6 says... "All our righteousness
10:11 is as filthy rags."
10:14 The self-righteousness of man always falls short
10:18 of the perfect standard of the law.
10:20 It can never achieve salvation, we know that.
10:24 Philippians 3:9... "And be found in Him, not having
10:27 my own righteousness, which is from the law,
10:30 but that which is through faith in Christ,
10:33 the righteousness which is from God by faith."
10:35 Now there, there are two righteousness'
10:37 talked about, right?
10:39 First is my own righteousness which isn't worth anything,
10:41 and the second is the righteousness from God
10:44 by faith - that is the second garment.
10:47 So the first one is my own self-righteousness
10:49 which is worth nothing.
10:51 The second garment is the imputed righteousness of Christ.
10:57 Genesis 15:6 is the same as Romans 4:3...
11:02 Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him
11:06 for righteousness.
11:09 Now we know that's that righteousness by faith.
11:12 It was accounted to him... in Greek it means
11:14 to recon, to consider or to impute.
11:16 So this is the imputed righteousness of Christ.
11:20 This is when you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord
11:22 of your life at that moment.
11:24 And Zechariah 3 talks about when Joshua stood there,
11:29 the filthy garments of your sin are taken off and Christ
11:33 clothed you with His righteous white robe.
11:37 So when the Father looks at us, He doesn't see our sins
11:40 and our mistakes and any of that.
11:41 That's covered with the blood of Jesus.
11:43 He sees the perfect righteousness of His Son.
11:47 2 Corinthians 5:21 talks about the double imputation.
11:52 He made Him - God made Jesus who knew no sin,
11:55 to become sin for us.
11:57 So He took our sin, as it were, was imputed to Him, right?
12:00 He took my sin that we might become the righteousness of
12:05 God in Him.
12:06 He gave us his righteousness, now that's the second garment.
12:10 The third garment is the garment we see right here.
12:15 In Revelation 19:8, it says, "The fine linen is the
12:20 righteous acts of the saints."
12:22 The word in Greek, "dikalomar" is the word used for
12:26 righteousness all the way through Scripture, but it ends
12:29 with "mar" indicating that it's a living concrete expression of
12:33 righteousness... What am I getting at?
12:34 This is not the imputed righteousness of Christ,
12:37 this is the imparted righteousness of Christ.
12:41 That is Colossians 1:27... "This is Christ
12:44 in you, the hope of glory."
12:45 This is not the garment we just put on,
12:47 and that is beautiful, and at that point we are saved,
12:51 we are justified.
12:52 This means we have allowed the Lord Jesus Christ
12:55 to walk into our heart; to transform us from the
13:00 inside out.
13:01 Romans 6:6-7, "... Knowing this, our old man is crucified
13:05 with Him, the body of sin would be done away with,
13:07 we should no longer be slaves of sin.
13:09 For he who has died has been freed from sin."
13:12 So when we die to the old man of sin, Christ comes
13:15 in and He dwells with us. That's right.
13:18 Galatians 2:20... "I have been crucified with Christ.
13:20 It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me."
13:24 And the life that I now live by faith in the Son of God
13:27 who loved me and gave Himself for me."
13:30 That's how the fruits of the spirit are evident
13:34 in the life of the bride of Christ.
13:37 So during this time as the bride prepares for the marriage
13:41 supper of the Lamb, Christ has already given us
13:43 the imputed righteousness and He has justified us,
13:46 but during this time, our job is to submit to Him,
13:50 to allow Him to dwell in us so He can impart to us
13:54 his righteous white robe. Pastor John.
13:57 Amen! Wow! Jill, you always get that fire started!
14:02 You know what's so beautiful about what we're covering
14:04 here... "I make all things new."
14:06 We have covered so much in this lesson that
14:10 we just can't wait for things to be new!
14:12 I mean, we've walked through some scenes that have
14:15 almost left the smell of smoke on us... when we've stepped
14:19 into the Battle of Armageddon; when we've stood there in the
14:22 scene and watched the things unfold around us;
14:24 we have been in the dark places of the Dark Ages;
14:27 we have seen the catacombs; we've seen the persecution
14:30 of the saints; we've heard them cry out for justice,
14:33 and now the Lord is about to deliver.
14:35 That's what so beautiful about this, you see there's a
14:38 point at which the Lord says, "Enough," and the "enough"
14:42 is not because He is angry but because He loves His
14:45 bride so much, He cannot stand another moment
14:49 without His bride.
14:51 The New Jerusalem is going to be
14:53 beautiful and Ryan is going to talk about
14:54 that, I'm not going to even mess with that.
14:56 But when Revelation 19 pulls us in, it pulls us into a
15:01 scene and I just want to add something...
15:04 You know, you introduced us to this and since I have this
15:07 section, I want to kind of put two things together.
15:09 There are two suppers, two suppers! I like that!
15:15 Two suppers - look at Revelation 19:9... Two suppers.
15:19 You talked about this, you mentioned this...
15:21 It says... "Then He said to me, "Write: Blessed are those
15:25 who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb,
15:28 and He said to me, "These are the true sayings of God."
15:32 But now I'm going to deal with the other one...
15:34 Revelation 19:17-18... "Then I saw an angel standing
15:39 in the sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all
15:43 the birds that fly in the midst of heaven,
15:46 "Come and gather together for the supper of the great God,
15:50 that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains,
15:53 the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses,
15:56 and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people
15:59 free and slave both small and great."
16:02 In one case, we get to eat, in another case,
16:04 we are eaten.
16:06 Now this is a sad picture.
16:08 As amazing as the connection is, I want to sit down and partake
16:14 of heaven's menu - I don't want to be on the menu! Amen.
16:18 Can we all agree on that? Laughter...
16:20 I don't want to be on the menu!
16:22 I want to sit down and eat of heaven's menu,
16:25 is that okay Jill? Absolutely.
16:27 That invitation is a powerful invitation, but as you pointed
16:32 out and I want to just reiterate this
16:33 in the transition...
16:35 We cannot come into the marriage supper without the
16:38 garment of His righteousness. That's right.
16:40 So if you remember anything about Revelation,
16:43 Revelation is Jesus' determination to sustain
16:47 His righteousness in the midst of a perverse and wicked
16:51 generation.
16:52 He wants the light of His glory to be shining
16:55 through His church, and you know what?
16:57 There are some people that say, (I heard years ago),
17:00 "Well, we say people die and go to heaven."
17:02 You know, only those who want to be there
17:04 are going to go there because heaven will be torment
17:08 to those who have not accepted Christ.
17:10 Why would I want to be where I have not even desired to be?
17:14 So this idea that everybody goes to heaven, you know, I
17:17 hear at funerals - "They're in heaven; they're in heaven;
17:19 they're in heaven; they're in heaven; they're in heaven,
17:21 and we look at their lives and they lived such wicked lives.
17:23 Even though we're not the judge, we're thinking...
17:25 "All you have to do to get to heaven is die!"
17:28 No, you've got to live righteously.
17:31 The Bible says in Titus, I believe it is...
17:33 "The grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared
17:36 to all men, teaching them that denying ungodliness,
17:41 we should live soberly godly and righteously
17:44 in this present age, looking for and hastening
17:46 the coming of our Lord."
17:48 So the whole preparation to be at the table to eat,
17:52 rather than on the table to be eaten,
17:55 is that we must accept the righteousness of Christ.
17:58 But look at this military scene, it's amazing to me.
18:02 Revelation 19:11... "Now I saw heaven open and behold,
18:08 a white horse..." This is where Jesus has already taken
18:11 off His priestly garments, now He's putting on
18:14 His military garments, and if you've looked at any
18:18 of the battles of history in the Bible, throughout
18:21 antiquity, Alexander the Great; the great Babylonian armies;
18:24 the Egyptian armies; these armies were arrayed with
18:28 some of the most amazing weaponry, but the only weaponry
18:33 that is needed in God's army is His word! Amen!
18:41 You see why the word of God?
18:43 The word of God was the weapon that the Old Testament
18:46 church continued to find victory in.
18:50 They continued to go to God's word.
18:51 The New Testament Church continued
18:53 to refer to God's word.
18:54 Jesus, in His onslaught, when the devil came to Him,
18:57 He said, "It is written," the word, and the only way that
19:00 we're going to make it through the final battle,
19:02 I love the way Ellen White says this... "Only those who
19:05 are fortified by the word of God..."
19:07 Fortify doesn't mean you snack on the word of God.
19:10 It means you eat the word of God.
19:12 It means you feast on the word of God!
19:14 It means the word of God is your meditation.
19:17 David said it this way, "Thy word have I done... what?
19:20 "Hid in my heart," and you've got to hide it there
19:22 because in Amos there's a famine coming.
19:25 The devil knows - the reason why he tries to keep us
19:28 away from the word, it is the only preparation.
19:31 You could have the righteousness of Christ, but if you're not
19:34 being fed by the Word of God, you have no offensive
19:37 weapon in the final battle against truth and error.
19:40 Look at the array, it's beautiful!
19:42 It says in verse 11... "I saw heaven open and behold,
19:45 a white horse and He who sat on him was called... what?
19:48 "Faithful and true."
19:49 My Redeemer is faithful and true! Amen!
19:52 "And in righteousness, He judges and makes war."
19:54 This is not the war of anger, this is war to annihilate sin.
19:57 Now I want to make that very clear...
19:59 Some people think that God hates sinners... NO!
20:02 "For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world,
20:05 but that the world, through Him might be saved."
20:06 We're already condemned.
20:08 He didn't send Jesus on a condemnation mission,
20:10 He sent Him on a rescue mission.
20:13 He sent Him not to condemn us, we're already condemned.
20:15 That's why He said to the woman caught in adultery,
20:17 "Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more."
20:20 "Where are your accusers?"
20:22 Well, that's going to be asked there again.
20:26 Where are YOUR accusers?
20:27 And then when we stand in this setting... "Where are
20:30 your accusers," they won't be there
20:33 because the accuser of our brethren who accused us
20:36 before God day and night has been cast down.
20:38 Amen to that? Amen!
20:39 So the Lord is now coming to eradicate sin and the
20:43 unfortunate part of that is those who refuse to be
20:47 covered by His garment of righteousness,
20:49 no longer have a garment of protection.
20:51 You know, when I saw, years ago, the mad cow disease...
20:54 remember that - mad cow disease?
20:55 I heard some of the stories of farmers... they wept!
21:00 As they used their bulldozers and their tractor equipment
21:04 to compile their livestock, their goats, their sheep,
21:07 their cattle - they said they wept!
21:09 Because they said they almost named some of their cattle
21:12 when they run to them in the mornings to get fed
21:15 and they thought...
21:16 They said, "We didn't kill our cattle because we hated them,
21:20 or our sheep or our goats, but we didn't want their
21:23 contamination to spread."
21:25 And in the heaven that is being prepared for us,
21:29 the New Jerusalem and in the earth made new,
21:31 affliction will not rise up a second time.
21:35 So if you ever hear somebody say, "There's a possibility
21:38 that sin will rise up a second time," that's heresy,
21:42 false doctrine and it's completely against the potent
21:46 character and the righteousness of Jesus. Amen!
21:48 It won't rise up again.
21:50 The Bible says in verse 12, "His eyes were like the flame
21:52 of fire and on His head were many crowns and He had a
21:56 name written that no one knew except Himself.
21:58 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood and His
22:01 name is called, "The Word of God."
22:03 "And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen,
22:06 white and clean, followed Him on white horses.
22:08 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword that with it
22:13 He should strike the nations and He, Himself, will rule them
22:17 with a rod of iron.
22:19 He, Himself, treads the winepress of the fierceness of
22:22 the wrath of Almighty God."
22:24 Verse 16... "And He has on His robe and on His thigh
22:29 a name written, "King of Kings and... what? Lord of Lords."
22:34 You know what's so beautiful about this scene - is Revelation
22:38 1 Thessalonians, Matthew, they all unite on this beautiful
22:44 scene of the closing work of the great controversy.
22:48 I cannot think, when I read this, I can't think that
22:52 Jesus is angry on His course.
22:55 I think He is more excited than we are! Amen!
22:58 Because He has pleaded His blood for His people throughout
23:02 millennia - He has pleaded in behalf of
23:07 those who are going astray.
23:08 He wants to save us more than anything and now
23:11 He's coming to get us.
23:13 And I could see the constellations, the stars,
23:16 the planets, all moving out of their way,
23:18 and I believe the thundering of the earth...
23:20 I believe the reason why islands are going to be moving,
23:22 and the mountains are to be shaken, is if the mountains
23:25 were shaken at the approach of one angel, at the resurrection
23:29 of Jesus - if one angel caused an earthquake, come on now...
23:33 Ten-thousand times 10,000 and thousands of thousands,
23:38 this planet - if it were not for divine intervention,
23:42 would be shaken out of its course.
23:43 Every island, every mountain shall be moved but the beauty
23:47 of it is - while the wicked are running in...
23:50 the righteous are running out! That's right!
23:54 Saying, "Lo, this is our God, we have waited
23:58 for Him and He will save us."
23:59 "Lo, this is our Lord, we shall be glad
24:03 and rejoice in His salvation."
24:05 I'm looking forward to the end of the Battle of Armageddon.
24:08 Amen! Amen! What a powerful study, Pastor John.
24:11 Thank you so much, I'm so glad Jesus is coming again!
24:14 We're going to take a break and we'll be right back.
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24:54 Welcome back, we're in the midst of an incredible study
24:56 at the end of the Book of Revelation,
24:58 and Shelley, pick it up with the "Millennium."
25:00 Yes I do and I am so excited about that.
25:02 Revelation 20 talks about a thousand-year period,
25:07 and the word "millennium" is not actually in the Bible,
25:11 but the word "millennium" means "a thousand years."
25:15 So this Revelation 20, thousand years generally
25:19 it's referred to as "the millennium" and it is one of the
25:22 most important end time events that there are.
25:26 Now there are some Christians who teach that Christ is going
25:30 to be on the earth and the righteous and the wicked
25:33 are going to live side-by-side during this thousand years...
25:36 There's absolutely no evidence for this in the New Testament.
25:39 As-a-matter-of-fact, Jesus said that He is going
25:43 to send His angels and the righteous and the wicked are
25:45 going to be separated just like the sheep and the goats
25:49 are separated at the end of time.
25:51 So we just saw, Revelation 19, Jesus is riding out of heaven
25:55 on a horse and He is coming to rescue His people.
25:59 He is coming to put an end to sin and to defeat His enemies,
26:04 and the wicked are slain at the second coming and their
26:09 corpses are lying all over the earth - we saw that in
26:12 Revelation 19:18- when it says that the birds
26:16 of the air are going to eat the flesh of the kings
26:20 and the generals and the mighty men - all the flesh of
26:23 all the people free and slave, small and great.
26:27 So the second coming, when Jesus comes again the wicked are
26:33 slain, but what happens? 1 Thessalonians 4:16...
26:37 What happens to the righteous?
26:38 It says that He is going to come with the sound of a mighty
26:43 trumpet and that the dead in Christ shall rise first,
26:48 and then we who are alive and remain are going to be caught up
26:51 into the air and so shall we always be with the Lord.
26:54 So the righteous, whether the righteous dead or the righteous
26:58 living are caught up and, you know, 1 Corinthians 15:51-54,
27:04 explains this is when we put on immortality - when the sound of
27:11 that last trump.
27:12 So what we find then is immediately following Christ's
27:18 second return, we find this millennium period and the
27:23 thousand years begins after the return of Christ.
27:27 Let's look at Revelation 20:1-3.
27:31 Revelation 20:1-3... "Then I saw an angel coming down
27:35 from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit,
27:38 and a great chain in his hand.
27:40 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old,
27:43 who is the Devil and Satan, and he bound him for a
27:46 thousand years and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut
27:50 him up and set a seal on him so that he should not deceive
27:54 the nations anymore until a thousand years were finished.
27:57 But after these things he (Satan) must be
28:01 released for a little while."
28:03 Interesting - bottomless pit, word in Greek is "the abussos."
28:08 And this is the abyss, it's the same word that is used
28:13 in Genesis 1:2 when it's talking about the creation
28:16 of the earth when it says that the world was void
28:20 and without form - so when Christ returns we know that
28:24 in Revelation 6 and Revelation 16, it describes this horrible
28:29 earthquake and when Christ returns, He kills everybody,
28:33 the whole world is just in chaos...
28:36 So what we find here is the prophecy of Jeremiah 4:23-26
28:43 has been fulfilled - let me read that.
28:46 Jeremiah 4:23-26... "I beheld the earth and indeed it
28:51 was without form and void.
28:54 And the heavens, they had no light.
28:56 I beheld the mountains and indeed, they trembled.
28:58 And all the hills moved back and forth.
29:01 I beheld, and indeed there was no man, and all the birds
29:06 of the heavens had fled.
29:07 I beheld, and indeed the fruitful land was a wilderness,
29:11 and all its cities were broken down at the presence of the Lord
29:16 by His fierce anger."
29:18 So after Christ returns, here is the chaos that we
29:24 see on earth and when it talks about Satan being bound
29:30 for the thousand years, he is chained by circumstances.
29:35 The earth has been depopulated the wicked are all slain;
29:40 the righteous are all going up to heaven with Him.
29:43 So Satan and his unholy alliance are just here
29:47 on earth - there's nobody to tempt!
29:49 This is symbolic that he is chained by circumstances.
29:54 Now, when it says then that... let me go on with verse 4.
30:00 "And I saw thrones (he is telling us what's on earth,
30:05 but now he's putting his focus in heaven), I saw thrones
30:09 and they sat on them and judgment was committed to
30:12 them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been
30:15 beheaded for their witness to Jesus
30:17 and for the word of God, who had not worshipped
30:20 the beast or his image.
30:22 They had not received his mark on their foreheads or on
30:25 their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ
30:29 for a thousand years. That's right.
30:31 But the rest of the dead, (those wicked who were slain),
30:37 did not live again until the thousand years were finished."
30:43 This, who is in heaven, this is the first resurrection,
30:47 and then he says, "Blessed and holy is he who has part
30:53 in the first resurrection."
30:55 Jesus taught two general resurrections; in John 5:28-29,
31:00 He says, "Do not marvel at this, the day is coming when
31:04 when all who are in their graves will hear My voice;
31:09 some will come up to the resurrection of righteousness;
31:12 some to the resurrection of condemnation."
31:15 So there's a thousand years between these two
31:18 and that is the millennium period.
31:21 So let's look at Revelation again - I just want to repeat
31:25 verse 6, it says... "Blessed and holy is he who has
31:30 part in the first resurrection over such the second
31:35 death has no power, but they shall be priests of God
31:40 and of Christ and they shall reign
31:41 with Him for a thousand years."
31:44 So here we see in verses 4 and 6 of Revelation 20,
31:49 what are the righteous doing in heaven?
31:51 They are reigning with Christ through this thousand years.
31:54 You know, what's going to happen - throughout history
31:58 Satan has maligned the character of God.
32:02 He has told all of these lies.
32:03 What's going to happen when we get up there;
32:06 the books are going to be opened and we're going to
32:09 have the opportunity, the redeemed will be looking
32:13 at the records of history.
32:14 We'll understand - I mean, don't you have some questions
32:18 for God... "Why did You let this happen, God?"
32:20 We're going to understand how God led us throughout our lives,
32:25 and when we look at those records, we would have had it
32:28 in no other way, but we'll also understand why some people
32:32 are there that we are surprised to see there and why some
32:35 that we expected to be there didn't make it.
32:37 So we'll see the fairness of God's decisions and all
32:41 the questions of His justice will be settled forever,
32:45 and once that's settled, the redeemed are ready to witness
32:51 the administration of God's justice in His final judgment.
32:54 So Revelation 20:7-15 says, "When the thousand years
32:59 have expired, Satan will be released from his prison
33:04 and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the
33:08 four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them
33:12 together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea."
33:17 So here Satan was confined by circumstances, but that
33:22 second resurrection when the wicked come up,
33:25 he's got somebody to tempt again, right?
33:28 So at the close of the millennium, if you want to say
33:32 Satan is released from his prison because now he's got
33:36 some people he can deceive further.
33:39 And it says, "They went up on the breadth of the earth
33:41 and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city.
33:44 And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them."
33:48 In Revelation 21:2, John says, "He sees the holy city,
33:53 the New Jerusalem, coming down to earth..."
33:56 So we're seeing something here that's kind of a
33:58 simultaneous act that the second resurrection happens;
34:03 the New Jerusalem is down on earth and Satan is now
34:06 tempting them and leading them in this final rebellion.
34:10 Verse 10 of Revelation 20... "The devil who deceived them
34:14 was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the
34:17 beast and the false prophet are.
34:19 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it
34:23 from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away.
34:26 And there was no place found for them.
34:29 And I saw the dead, small and great standing
34:31 before God, and books were opened."
34:34 This is the final judgment scene.
34:37 The reason they are raised at the end of the thousand years,
34:41 the millennium, is so that they can be judged for their
34:46 evil deeds and condemned once and for all.
34:49 And in verse 14... "Then Death and Hades were cast
34:53 into the lake of fire.
34:54 This is the second death.
34:56 Anyone whose name is not found in the Book of Life
34:59 was cast into the lake of fire.
35:02 Amen! Wow, this is an incredible topic,
35:06 and for me, talking about heaven is one of my very favorite
35:09 topics ever!
35:11 Today we're going to find out a little bit.
35:12 Mine is: "A New Heaven and a New Earth"
35:14 Well, you can understand why we need a new earth,
35:17 but why do we need a new heaven?
35:18 What does that mean, a new heaven and a new earth?
35:21 But when you think about the story of man, it's not very
35:24 good, without a Savior there's nothing.
35:27 In fact, Job says it best in 14, he says, "Man that is born
35:31 of woman is of few days and full of trouble.
35:33 He cometh forth like a flower and is cut low and fleeth also
35:37 as a shadow and continueth not until the heavens be no more."
35:41 That's kind of a short description of a short life
35:45 with nothing at the end of it.
35:48 But praise God, that as Christians we have hope
35:52 of life everlasting through a resurrected Savior.
35:56 I mean, to me, that's great news.
35:58 And where do I base that?
36:00 John 3:16... "For God so loved the world that He gave His
36:03 only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him,
36:07 should not perish but have everlasting life."
36:11 Now that came from Jesus Himself, so we have to be
36:14 excited about that - so this is not fictitious, this is real,
36:20 heaven is real, so it's all about choices today.
36:24 And so what I want to talk about is...
36:27 Well Jill, you read a Scripture too and when I think
36:29 about heaven I always think about my dad.
36:33 My dad who is now resting in Jesus - he had a few
36:36 favorite Scriptures and one of those was John 14...
36:39 "Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe
36:41 in God, ye believe also in Me.
36:43 In My Father's house are many mansions... "
36:44 that you just read a while ago.
36:46 I mean, beautiful Scripture, so we want to think about
36:49 that every day.
36:51 Ellen White says, We should contemplate the goodness
36:54 of God for a while because when you think of the
36:56 love versus what a lot of people see - is this God
37:01 who is in heaven; He's distant; you have no
37:04 relationship and He's looking down with condemnation,
37:06 writing everything bad, when you all are telling us...
37:09 "No, that's not true, God, John, is a God of love."
37:12 You said that He wants to enjoy His creation for eternity.
37:19 And what an absolute blessing that we can be a part of it.
37:22 Jesus promises His followers that, "Yes, when this life
37:26 is over, it's not the end, it's the beginning."
37:28 I've put some notes here.
37:30 When Jesus comes back to planet Earth at the second
37:32 coming, life for the Christian starts an incredible journey
37:37 that will never end.
37:38 1 Corinthians 2:9 paints a beautiful picture.
37:41 It says... "Eye had not seen, (another one of my dad's
37:44 favorite Scriptures), nor ear heard, neither has it
37:47 entered into the heart of man the things that God
37:50 has prepared for those who love Him."
37:52 Isn't that an amazing Scripture?
37:54 I mean, you can't help but get all excited and you get
37:57 pumped up when you say it, but after sin is eradicated,
38:00 the earth will be transformed into the
38:02 home of the redeemed.
38:04 But the question here today, we want to answer,
38:06 is where will this be?
38:07 We have no idea.
38:09 People think, right now, hell is going on somewhere in the
38:11 middle of the earth and heaven is out here somewhere,
38:14 and we don't even know and we're finding out
38:16 there's more than one heaven!
38:18 So that's important because some of the Scriptures,
38:21 Revelation 21:1-2 says... "And I saw a new heaven
38:24 and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth
38:27 were passed away, and there was no more sea.
38:30 And I, John, saw... what? The holy city, New Jerusalem
38:35 coming down from God out of heaven prepared
38:37 as a bride is adorned for her husband."
38:40 I'm going to go to another Scripture quickly here.
38:42 2 Peter 3:10-13... "But the day of the Lord will come
38:47 as a thief in the night in which the heavens
38:50 shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall
38:53 melt with fervent heat.
38:54 The earth also and the works that are therein shall be
38:57 ... what? Burned up.
38:59 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved,
39:02 what manner of persons aught ye to be in all
39:05 holy conversation and godliness.
39:07 Looking for and hastening unto the coming
39:10 of the day of the Lord, wherein the heavens shall be
39:13 on fire shall be dissolved, (that's interesting),
39:17 and the elements shall melt with fervent heat."
39:20 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for the
39:23 new heavens and the new earth, (here we go again),
39:26 the new heavens and the new earth,
39:28 wherein dwelleth righteousness."
39:30 So what does the Scripture really mean when it says...
39:33 "The heavens and the earth passed away."
39:36 Well, we should talk about it a little bit.
39:38 And let's go to Revelation 20, I'm doing a lot of scriptures
39:43 because it's pretty well self-explanatory,
39:45 then we'll talk about it a little bit.
39:47 Revelation 20:11 says... "And I saw a great white
39:51 throne and Him that sat on it from whose face the earth
39:55 and the heaven fled away; and there was
39:58 found no place for them."
40:00 Now that's amazing... it says the heaven and earth
40:03 couldn't face Him - they fled away when this second coming.
40:08 Now what in the world does that all mean?
40:10 Let's find out, it's not that I've put in here - have no fear,
40:13 as those commercials on television says, "There's more!"
40:16 So this is not the end of it, we're going to find out.
40:19 The word "new" in the Greek, I think is "kainos," (that's the
40:25 best I can do with it), refers to something new in
40:28 quality and not in origin and in time.
40:31 So now we're starting to find out what happens
40:33 before the New Jerusalem comes down to earth,
40:36 it will be purged with fire and restored to its original state.
40:40 Okay, the fire that destroys Satan followers will also
40:45 cleanse the earth for the righteous... think about
40:48 that application.
40:50 So God will restore the earth to its original beauty,
40:53 making the earth new again.
40:56 We're going to go, I think it was read already,
40:58 Revelation 21:3-5... "And I heard a loud voice
41:01 from heaven saying, "Behold the tabernacle of God is
41:04 with man and He will dwell with them and they shall be His
41:08 people. God, Himself will be with them and be their God.
41:11 And God will wipe away every (listen to this)...
41:14 God will wipe away how much tears?
41:16 Every tear from their eyes.
41:18 There shall be no more death, no more sorrow,
41:22 no more crying.
41:23 There shall be no more pain, for the former things
41:26 have passed away.
41:28 Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make
41:31 all things new."
41:33 Is this incredible or what?
41:34 "He said to me, "Write, for these words
41:37 are true and faithful."
41:39 So we're talking about these heavens - the former,
41:41 everything passed away, but I want to talk a little
41:45 bit to you here, the few minutes I have,
41:47 about how many heavens there are.
41:50 Well, the Jews saw three heavens, maybe that's
41:54 what I see too here.
41:55 The Bible writers refer to three different areas
41:58 when using the word "heaven."
42:00 The first heaven consists of the earth's atmosphere.
42:03 That's where the clouds are and the birds are flying,
42:06 and so remember in Genesis when God created the heaven
42:09 between the waters, okay, that's the atmosphere.
42:12 You'll also remember, in 2 Peter 2, the apostle writes
42:16 that the heaven shall dissolve.
42:18 So it's talking about the first heaven - the atmosphere
42:21 around the earth and not where God dwells.
42:23 The second heaven, then, is where the sun, the moon,
42:26 and the stars, and the galaxies all hang suspended
42:30 by God - isn't that amazing!
42:32 They're all just hanging there suspended.
42:34 Now the third heaven is the dwelling place of God...
42:37 So when Paul said he was caught up into the
42:39 third heaven, he's referring to the paradise,
42:42 the very dwelling place of God, so when we say...
42:45 "Our Father which art in heaven,"
42:47 that's the place that we're talking about.
42:49 So, to me, where is heaven?
42:51 God's home will be among His people. Amen!
42:54 So it says, "The sorrows of the world will be passed away
42:58 and will no longer come to mind."
43:01 There are so many beautiful Scriptures that we can go on.
43:03 I've got a couple of minutes left, I'm going to hit a couple.
43:06 This is Isaiah 65:17-19... "For behold I create new
43:11 heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not
43:14 be remembered, nor come into mind.
43:16 But be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which
43:19 I create; for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing,
43:22 and her people a joy.
43:24 And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my
43:27 people; and the voice of weeping shall be no more
43:30 heard in her, nor the voice of crying." Amen!
43:34 Some years ago, I was thinking about heaven, John,
43:37 and I wrote a song entitled, "Heaven Means Home to Me,"
43:41 and as I thought about it, it's very interesting
43:44 and you put it into what we've just been reading,
43:46 the Lord gave me the words, I know that,
43:48 I couldn't come up with them, but I said in this song,
43:51 I was sitting around one evening playing the guitar,
43:53 "I'm longing for a place I've never been, yet it's a place
43:57 I call home."
43:59 Now that sounds, in the human mind, the fleshly mind,
44:04 that doesn't make sense... "I'm long for a place
44:06 I've never been, yet it's a place that I call home
44:09 where the Lamb is the light in the midst of the night,
44:13 heaven means home to me."
44:14 So the chorus is: "Heaven means home to me;
44:16 Where Jesus is; That's where I want to be.
44:19 No more dying up there; This old world can't compare;
44:22 That's why heaven means home to me."
44:25 I had a friend that used to play music with my dad years ago
44:28 and he wasn't a Christian, and he always wanted me
44:32 to go out and play in the clubs with my dad and when
44:35 Melody was young, he said, "You gotta forget about
44:38 all this stuff, you could make some good money,"
44:40 and I said, "Jack, you know
44:42 we're Christians and we don't do that."
44:44 But he said, "Danny, let me ask you a question...
44:46 I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time."
44:48 "What if you get to the end of the road and you find out
44:53 there's no God?
44:54 What if you get to the end of the road and there's nothing?"
44:57 I said, "Well, two things I can think of...
44:59 One is, if that's the case, then I won't know it, right?
45:04 But let me ask you this question...
45:06 What if you get to the end of the road and there is a
45:08 heaven and there is a hell, there is a God and you've not
45:12 prepared to meet Him?"
45:13 So my question today is... for each and every one of us,
45:16 "Does heaven really mean home to us?"
45:19 "How much do we love Jesus?"
45:21 Let's submit and commit our lives to Him today.
45:24 Amen! Amen! AMEN! Praise the Lord!
45:27 Appreciate you setting that up for me.
45:28 Well, put on your seatbelts because I'm going to take you
45:33 on a nice little tour through this New Jerusalem. Okay!
45:37 And I'm so excited about this, pray for that clock because
45:40 I don't have enough time to say all that I want to say.
45:43 Anyways, I want to start with the verse that we have
45:46 mentioned this entire time, probably multiple times
45:49 throughout this particular lesson.
45:51 John 14:1-3, notice what the Bible says...
45:55 "Let not your heart be troubled, (this is Christ speaking,
45:58 a beautiful promise) you believe in God, believe also in Me.
46:01 In My Father's house are many mansions.
46:03 If it were not so, I would have told you.
46:06 I go to prepare a place for you, (now I want you to remember
46:10 those words), I go to prepare a place for you,
46:13 and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again
46:16 and receive to Myself that where I am, (this is the key),
46:20 there you may be also."
46:22 You know, the Bible can be summed up in just those few
46:24 words if you really wanted to sum it up.
46:26 God desires to be with His people and He's been so long
46:29 separated from His people, I'm waiting for that
46:32 heavenly reunion, Amen? Amen!
46:34 And He has such a beautiful thing waiting for us,
46:36 I want to take you on a little tour of the Scripture;
46:39 some of the details pertaining to this New Jerusalem,
46:42 and the wonderful things that God has prepared for us.
46:44 I'm going to begin in Revelation 21:9, and really quickly
46:49 while you're finding that...
46:50 You know, I remember reading a text, I believe it's in
46:52 Hebrews 11, where it talks about Abraham.
46:55 Now we're talking about WAY BACK in the day...Abraham,
46:58 but the Bible says, Paul wrote under the inspiration of the
47:01 Holy Spirit, that Abraham looked forward to a new city,
47:05 a heavenly city. That's right.
47:07 Well this is that city - the New Jerusalem.
47:10 I'm going to start in verse 9, notice what the Bible says...
47:12 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
47:14 filled with the seven last plagues came to me
47:17 and talked with me, saying, "Come, I will show you
47:20 the bride, the Lamb's wife." (And then we have this
47:24 beautiful description of the city.)
47:25 So Revelation 21:10, we'll continue on down...
47:28 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high
47:31 mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem,
47:35 descending out of heaven from God."
47:37 When I read this text, I think of when Christ was
47:41 taken to the highest pinnacle by Satan and Satan
47:44 offered him the kingdoms of the world, but yet
47:47 we see here, God is offering us the true kingdom of God.
47:50 He's taking John in vision to a high mountain.
47:53 He's showing him the great city, the holy Jerusalem,
47:55 descending out of heaven from God.
47:57 Notice verse 11... "Having the glory of God, her light was
48:01 like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone,
48:05 clear as crystal."
48:06 Now I have to re-mention what you said earlier...
48:08 I think it was either 1 or 2 Corinthians 2:9, where it says,
48:12 "Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, nor has it
48:15 entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for us."
48:18 You know, I read through these texts and I try to
48:20 kind of paint in my own mind, a picture of what it looks like.
48:24 I think of verse 11 here... I could just imagine as John was
48:27 seeing that New Jerusalem, come down out of heaven.
48:31 It says it was like jasper stone, clear as crystal.
48:34 Could you imagine all of the incredible holy lights that were
48:37 being refracted and reflected and bouncing just off
48:40 every little thing - just a marvelous sight.
48:42 In fact, Satan is going to get to see that because remember,
48:46 he's in darkness for a thousand years. That's right.
48:48 You could imagine, he's roaming around in complete
48:50 darkness, probably can't see his hand in front of his face,
48:53 but yet, at the end of the thousand years,
48:55 a BIG night light is turned on and he can just see it
48:58 coming down out of heaven from God.
49:00 It's going to be incredible when we get to see this.
49:03 Notice verse 12... "Also, she had a great and high wall
49:07 with 12 gates and 12 angels at the gates and names
49:10 written on them which are the names of the
49:12 12 tribes of the children of Israel.
49:15 So for every tribe of Israel, there will be, obviously,
49:19 a gate and, of course, you will notice as we go into verse 13,
49:23 notice what it says... Three gates on the east, three gates
49:25 on the north, three gates on the south
49:27 and three gates on the west.
49:28 So this is actually kind of set up like the camp of Israel.
49:31 If you go back and study the Old Testament,
49:33 all of the 12 tribes of Israel, there were camps, and of course,
49:37 the camp was kind of set up in like a square
49:39 or kind of like a cube.
49:40 The city itself, as you're about to see, the New Jerusalem
49:44 City is actually a giant cube. That's right.
49:47 And of course, just kind of like the camp, not a cube,
49:49 but more of kind of a square formation...
49:52 There were three tribes over here, three tribes in the
49:54 north, three tribes in the south, three tribes in the west,
49:57 and so you will see that that's exactly
49:59 how these gates are set up.
50:01 Verse 14, I know I'm going fast, but I'm getting somewhere
50:04 quick because we're going to get to the good
50:05 stuff, well all of it is good,
50:06 but there's some even better stuff, I think.
50:08 Now the wall of the city had 12 foundations and on them
50:12 were the names of the 12 apostles of the Lamb.
50:14 Now that has to be cool, I can imagine James and John,
50:17 and Bartholomew, and all of the 12 disciples - they're
50:20 going to get to walk into this city and they're going to see
50:22 their name inscribed, like that's powerful!
50:25 But all the 12 foundations, according to the
50:28 12 apostles, that's awesome!
50:29 They, of course, were the leaders of the
50:32 New Testament Church, so that's so fitting.
50:34 Notice verse 15... "And he who talked with me had a golden
50:37 reed to measure the city, and its gates and its walls."
50:40 Now, in Revelation 11:2, there's a mentioning of a
50:45 measuring - of course, the measuring of the
50:50 city there, but notice this is the measuring of the reward
50:53 of those found worthy in the judgment.
50:55 So now this is the reward of those people,
50:57 there's a measuring reed pulled out;
50:59 God is revealing to us our reward.
51:01 Notice verse 16... "The city is laid out as a square.
51:05 Its length is as great as the breath and the measure
51:10 of the city with the reed, 12 thousand furlongs,
51:13 and the length, breath and height are equal."
51:16 Now 12 thousand furlongs, I did a little bit of research
51:18 on this... that's equivalent to about 1,378 miles.
51:24 Now, the text doesn't state whether or not
51:27 it's the circumference or if it's just the city on one side,
51:30 but if it is the circumference, each side would be about
51:33 345 miles long. Wow!
51:37 Now I've never been to New York, I've heard that it's
51:38 called "The Big Apple," I've never been there.
51:40 I know Pastor John is from New York and I've heard
51:43 you can get lost in New York.
51:44 I could imagine how big and marvelous this city is going
51:47 to be - it's incredible.
51:49 Verse 17... "Then he measured its wall: 140 cubits,
51:53 according to the measure of a man, that is, of an angel."
51:56 Now a little bit of research done here...
52:00 The basis of the New Testament cubit was about 17-1/2 inches.
52:04 And that would mean the walls are about 210 feet high.
52:08 So this is not your normal average city.
52:11 This is an incredibly huge city, and here's what's cool too...
52:15 This is verse 18... "The construction of its walls
52:17 was as jasper and the city was pure gold like clear glass.
52:23 So you could imagine, everything is like translucent
52:26 and clear, and pure, and it's just amazing the scene
52:30 that you... actually, I'm reminded of when that
52:33 New Jerusalem City comes down, all of God's people are on the
52:36 inside - all of the wicked are on the outside.
52:39 You see that picture in your mind for a moment.
52:43 You know, the Bible says we're going to
52:44 behold the judgment of the wicked.
52:45 You know, I can imagine people standing on the outside
52:48 wishing that they were in there for a moment like
52:50 you know what looking people
52:51 in the eyes... "You know that guy gave me a
52:53 Bible Study, I should have listened."
52:54 I can't say that that's exactly how it's going to be,
52:57 but that's the image I get in my mind... that those who are
53:00 on the outside - they're going to wish that
53:01 they were on the inside.
53:03 They're going to wish that they would have given their
53:04 heart to Jesus for all that God has prepared for us.
53:07 Verse 19... "The foundations of the walls and of the city
53:10 were adorned with all kinds of precious stones,
53:13 and, of course, it lists all of these precious stones,
53:15 and there are 12 different stones, of course,
53:17 and it reminds me of the breastplate that the high
53:20 priest wore representing each tribe of Israel.
53:24 And, of course, verse 21... "The 12 gates were 12 pearls;
53:29 each individual gate was of one pearl and the street of the
53:32 city was pure gold like transparent glass.
53:37 I could only imagine the size of the oyster
53:41 that that thing came out of or the size of the clam
53:43 that the pearl came out of.
53:45 That's a huge pearl, but the Bible says that it will be
53:48 made of a single pearl, each individual gate.
53:50 I want to go on through to chapter 22 or actually
53:56 read through to the end of the chapter there.
53:57 "But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty
54:01 and the Lamb are its temple. That's right.
54:04 And the city had no need of the sun or of the moon
54:08 to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it.
54:12 The Lamb is its light."
54:14 I mean, we have all this list here... I want to read it all,
54:17 but it's true... you notice verse 25... "And the gates
54:20 shall not be shut at all by day, there shall be no night there."
54:26 No night... it reminds me of that song... "No more night,
54:29 no more pain... beautiful song.
54:32 There's going to be no night there.
54:33 The light of the city is going to be Jesus Christ.
54:35 And I want to skip to verse 27
54:36 because I am quickly running out of time.
54:38 Notice verse 27 and this will probably be my last point.
54:41 "But there shall by no means enter in anything that defiles,
54:47 or causes any abomination or lie, but only those
54:50 who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life."
54:52 I just have to say... the reason why there's
54:55 going to be nothing enter into the Kingdom of God
54:57 of defilement, no sin will enter the Kingdom of God.
55:01 If God allowed sinners into the Kingdom of God,
55:03 they would be miserable; they wouldn't be happy.
55:06 And you, for sure, wouldn't be allowed into the city
55:09 because then you would get sunburn... "son-burn," S-O-N,
55:14 Son-burn because the Bible says that the light of Jesus is
55:17 constant.
55:19 You know the glory of God, sin diminishes
55:21 in the presence of God.
55:22 You know, I want to encourage my brothers and my sisters
55:25 at home, read these chapters.
55:27 Continue to read through chapter 22 there,
55:29 it is beautiful, you know, "No more night," there's a
55:31 beautiful pure river of water that
55:33 proceeds from the throne of God.
55:35 We're going to get to eat from the Tree of Life.
55:37 I have to believe there's going to be basketball size avocados
55:40 on that tree!
55:41 All of the wonderful things that God has prepared for us.
55:44 And so I pray that each and every one of us will
55:47 humble ourselves, seek God and may we all be
55:50 in that city together with Jesus one day.
55:52 Amen! Amen! Thank you so much Pastor John and
55:55 Shelley, and Danny, and Pastor Ryan.
55:57 What an incredible study!
55:59 I want to be there and we hope and pray that you want
56:03 to be there; you want to be a part of the 144,000;
56:06 you want to be a part of the sealed who will stand
56:09 on that sea of glass!
56:11 I want to give each one of you a moment to share
56:13 something in closing here.
56:14 A final invitation, Revelation 22:17... "And the Spirit
56:19 and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears
56:22 say, "Come!" And let him who thirsts come.
56:26 And whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."
56:30 The invitation is open today, don't squander the invitation.
56:34 This is the moment of salvation. Amen and Amen!
56:37 I just forgot what my thought was... listening to you.
56:39 Essentially, when we go to heaven, we're not going to be
56:43 floating around, playing harps...
56:46 When Christ returns and takes the redeemed back,
56:50 we're there for a thousand years looking at the
56:54 records, then He comes back, He makes this earth a
56:59 lake of fire and the second death is when people are
57:04 thrown into that lake of fire and then we've got
57:07 a city home and a country home, we'll go out.
57:10 All I have to say is this earth is a wicked place.
57:13 It's so wicked that even when Jesus comes back,
57:16 the earth can't stand His brightness, even the atmosphere,
57:19 the first heaven is all destroyed because of sin.
57:22 Today it's a matter of choice.
57:23 Who are we going to serve?
57:25 Let's serve Jesus today. Amen! Amen.
57:27 Ezekiel 33:11, God says, "I have no pleasure in
57:30 the destruction of the wicked, but that the wicked will turn
57:33 from their evil ways and live." Amen!
57:36 "Great Controversy," p. 678... "The great controversy is
57:39 ended. Sin and sinners are no more."
57:43 The entire universe is clean.
57:46 That is the inheritance of the saints and just, right now,
57:50 make a choice and accept Jesus into your heart.
57:53 Next week we begin a brand new Quarter: "Family Seasons"
57:57 Bye, bye.


Revised 2024-08-26