3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Unity In Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180050A

00:30 Hello and welcome, Happy Sabbath!
00:33 We're glad you joined us today for the
00:36 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, I love the Sabbath School Panel.
00:40 I'm coming to love it more as we spend time together,
00:42 so praise God for 3ABN Sabbath School Panel and I hear that
00:46 as we travel around, I hear that
00:48 an awful lot, so I praise God for that
00:51 and all the work that goes in.
00:52 Some people forget there's a lot of work to the
00:54 Sabbath School Panel, so each one gives a little
00:56 credit, a pat on the back and praise God - it helps us
00:59 along the way but we praise God for that.
01:00 We're glad you've joined us today spending some time
01:03 with us, get your Bible, pencil
01:04 and paper to jot some things down.
01:05 My name is Kenny Shelton and we're going to be
01:08 studying lesson #11.
01:10 So when we study the lesson, be sure if you've got your
01:13 Sabbath School Quarterly, be sure and get it out,
01:14 Bible, pencil and paper; all the things you're
01:17 going to need to jot things down because
01:18 I know the ones on this panel.
01:20 They're going to be putting a lot of things out
01:22 there that maybe you've never heard before
01:23 or maybe you've forgotten, and they're going to be
01:25 reminding you.
01:26 We're going to be talking about "Unity in Worship"
01:29 And, you know, in this Quarter, I found it very, very
01:32 interesting, the title, I think is "Oneness in Christ."
01:36 Oneness in Christ is really what we need.
01:39 This is really what it's all about.
01:40 And also I find oneness with our fellowman.
01:43 Oneness with Christ means oneness with our fellowman.
01:47 And so, as we look at it, I'm thinking with this,
01:50 this is God's original plan that He has for this universe,
01:53 you know, for this earth, is for all of us to be in
01:57 harmony, all of us to be in unity and all of us
02:00 to love one another.
02:02 Pretty simple isn't it? It sounds good,
02:03 what a world that would be and I'm looking and I'm
02:05 thinking - probably when we get to heaven,
02:07 but right now, we're going to be working on these lessons.
02:09 And I've learned a lot from these lessons,
02:11 I pray that you have too.
02:13 And again, this Quarter has just been a good one.
02:15 If you don't already have your lesson study...
02:17 I know it's getting late in the quarter,
02:18 but you can still get it.
02:20 You can simply go and download: ABSG.Adventist.org
02:26 Here we go, I'll do that again: ABSG.Adventist.org
02:31 and you can download those and get them
02:34 and follow along with us.
02:35 That is the "Adult Bible Study Guide,"
02:38 and I think it's very important to have it,
02:39 at least it is for me, to have it to follow along
02:42 and so they can learn and take notes and
02:44 you'll hear a little bit more about that
02:45 a little bit later on as we go on.
02:47 I'd like to just introduce our panel...
02:50 doesn't need any introduction but as I look around...
02:53 and if you'll just allow me just to kind of go on
02:54 for a second here... I look at the panel and I'm
02:57 very grateful and thankful for each one of you.
02:59 You know, you've really been an inspiration in my life,
03:02 and a help in time of need and the willingness to help
03:07 always is what I see.
03:08 Sister Jill Morikone, bless you, all I ever hear is
03:11 "How can we help you?"
03:13 How can we help you, what can we do for you
03:15 to make things easier, and so I thank God for
03:17 your dedication - I'm not trying to build up.
03:19 We know it's Jesus who lives inside, but this is what I see.
03:23 Sometimes I feel like, you know,
03:24 an outsider coming in, but being part of.
03:26 Sometime you can get back and you can look a little bit
03:29 closer and what you see is what you get and that's
03:32 one of the things that I'm asked always is...
03:34 "Are the people real?"
03:36 Any my answer is always, "Yes they are,
03:39 if they weren't I wouldn't want to be a part of it."
03:41 So I'm thankful for all the work that you do
03:43 and your dedication and most of all your love for Jesus,
03:45 has been a blessing to me, glad you're here today.
03:47 Thank you, it's a privilege to be here.
03:49 And Sister Shelley Quinn, I mean, wow...
03:53 an awesome worker, dedicated to the cause of
03:56 Christ and, you know, you talk to her and she just
04:00 wants to talk about Jesus all the time - isn't that wonderful?
04:02 That's a good subject, isn't it? It is. Amen!
04:04 But I learn from that and the dedication and the hard
04:07 work and I just want you to know I appreciate you.
04:10 Okay, we love you. Glad you're here.
04:12 And Brother Greg Morikone, bless your heart,
04:15 I think as I say, "Greg," I can't say Greg without Jill.
04:17 You know, I can't say "Shelley" without J.D.
04:20 We'll get on to Pastor John in a minute and I think of his
04:23 wife - I just think of just couples, but praise God,
04:25 you're a hard worker and every time I look at you,
04:27 you're busy, you're just busy, busy, busy for the
04:29 cause of Christ and, you know, I can look from that
04:32 and learn and I try and think back and say,
04:34 "Was I really that busy at that age, like that for the
04:36 cause of Christ like he is and to have that love."
04:38 And so, again, I praise God for you.
04:40 It's a blessing to be teamed up together as a team. Amen!
04:43 You know and I think that's the key - is that it's
04:45 really lifting up Jesus Christ and being a team
04:47 spreading this gospel around the world, it's a privilege.
04:49 And isn't that wonderful?
04:50 And you have on your left there, Pastor John Lomacang.
04:53 I see a man that loves Jesus, God's man. Praise the Lord.
04:58 Preaching the word in due season and I don't know,
05:02 I just sense a new vision in his heart and his life
05:06 the last year or so and that's just me,
05:09 it's evangelism, it's the winning of souls,
05:13 it's the love of Christ in the heart and that just comes out
05:15 in wanting to win souls for Christ.
05:17 So he is staying very, very, very busy for the cause
05:20 of Christ and I appreciate this.
05:22 And I look at that, and I say, "Lord, help me to be
05:24 more like that.. I'm glad you're here today.
05:26 Good to be here Kenny.
05:27 Praise the Lord! Okay, let's get right in!
05:29 I spent a little time on that but I think sometimes
05:31 it needs to be and I think we need to express how we feel,
05:34 we express our love for God and we need, sometimes
05:38 to express our love and appreciation for each other.
05:40 And we surely appreciate you and your precious wife, Chris.
05:44 You all are a blessing to the ministry here.
05:46 Well, praise God, it's always good to be a
05:47 part of something that's moving on...
05:49 Movers and Shakers are always called that.
05:51 And, let's have prayer, shall we as we begin,
05:54 and Brother Greg, how about you,
05:57 would you just lead us today? Absolutely!
05:59 Father in Heaven... What a privilege it is to
06:01 open Your Holy Word and we just pray as
06:03 we study the Sabbath School Lesson for this week, Lord,
06:06 that You would open our minds; as sometimes we see truth,
06:09 but we don't always want to implement it in our own lives.
06:12 And Lord, I just pray that as the Holy Spirit
06:13 speaks to us - that we would say, "Yes Jesus,
06:15 I accept that."
06:17 So Lord, again, today we thank You for this privilege of Your
06:19 Word. In Jesus name we pray... Amen, Amen! Amen!
06:24 Quickly, we won't spend much time on it because it's going
06:26 right down, but Sabbath, we're talking about "Sabbath."
06:28 We will begin with Sabbath for our memory text...
06:31 And the memory text is one that we've all, I'm sure
06:34 have memorized but it's worth reading because there are
06:38 many people who have not heard this... they have never
06:40 read it before, so quickly I will read it, Revelation 14:6-7.
06:45 It says... "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of
06:47 heaving having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
06:50 who dwell on the earth, to every nation, tribe, tongue,
06:52 and people - saying with a loud voice, "Fear God and give
06:56 glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come;
07:00 and worship Him who made what? Heaven and earth
07:03 the sea and springs of water." "Unity in Worship"
07:08 You know, how does this really take place?
07:11 It focuses... this lesson really focuses on our worship
07:15 and how we are to worship, and how worshipping helps
07:18 preserve unity. Yes! That's right!
07:20 ... Which we need among believers in Jesus Christ.
07:23 And our spiritual house is to be, you know,
07:26 is to be one that God approves of.
07:28 I like that 1 Peter 2:5... you can jot it down.
07:32 It says, "Ye are also as lively stones,
07:35 and are built up in a spiritual house."
07:38 (I always liked that) A holy priesthood, to offer
07:41 up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God... who?
07:45 through Jesus Christ." That's wonderful to know.
07:48 Hearts and minds, we realize as we study this lesson,
07:50 are going to be transformed, we realize that.
07:53 Transformation bottom-line leads to service.
07:56 When we are transformed by the grace of God,
07:58 it leads to service every time; you can't help it!
08:01 It's like you can't keep quiet when you want to talk
08:04 to somebody - you want to talk about Jesus;
08:06 you can't keep quiet, you want to do it.
08:08 And also, it leads, like you say - to service
08:10 when our hearts have really been transformed.
08:12 It reminds me of Acts at Pentecost.
08:15 When you talk about the Book of Acts,
08:17 I see every one of you light up every time
08:18 we talk about it because there's so much in there
08:21 and it's a book that we are to study here in the last days,
08:23 the Book of Acts because we can learn
08:25 how to be a soul winner for Christ.
08:27 We can learn how to be ready, as it were,
08:29 for the latter rain. Amen! That's right.
08:31 We can learn how to be ready for the coming of Jesus.
08:33 And they just did the same simple things over and over
08:37 that we need to be doing that we forget.
08:38 In Acts 2:42, it says... "They continued steadfastly
08:42 in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking
08:45 of bread, and prayers."
08:47 Now that doesn't sound very difficult,
08:50 but sometimes it's very difficult in busy schedules,
08:52 so we have to make sure we make time.
08:54 Not going to spend any more time on that
08:56 because we want to try to go hit Sunday's
08:59 lesson, so if you will turn quickly to Sunday's lesson
09:01 with 6 minutes or so that we have here.
09:03 "Worshipping Our Creator and Redeemer"
09:06 You know, how do we do that?
09:07 I've often wondered - how do we really?
09:09 And really, is it acceptable the way that we worship
09:13 our God, our heaven.
09:15 What does it really include?
09:17 How is it done and what does it really mean?
09:21 I think three things, whether we'll get
09:22 into them or not is something.
09:24 Our lesson started out with this passage that I
09:26 like in Psalm 29:2, I really like this
09:30 passage and I know you will too.
09:31 David tells us here... you know when he began to
09:34 praise God, I'm telling you, you stop and you listen,
09:37 to the way that he praised God. Amen!
09:38 He had a lot to be very grateful and thankful for
09:40 just like I do.
09:41 Notice what it says here, it says... "Give unto the Lord
09:44 the glory due unto His name. Worship the Lord in the beauty
09:49 of holiness."
09:50 Worship the Lord is to give Him glory and... what?
09:54 And honor that He simply deserves.
09:57 I looked up that word, I thought, interesting...
09:59 give Him glory - you know, we give Him glory.
10:01 Worship the Lord, give Him glory to worship,
10:04 respect, reverence, homage that is due Him
10:09 because He is our Creator and there will be more things
10:11 that you'll go into in this lesson.
10:13 We beseech Him with reverence and respect.
10:17 We don't (oh, I better be careful here, now we're getting
10:20 on me a little platform here) you know, we need to be
10:22 very careful... we go out like we're going on a picnic
10:25 sometimes to meet with God and to preach the word of God
10:28 when we should give Him our very best whatever
10:30 it might be, so let's just it from there.
10:32 God deserves our honor and respect that we give Him
10:36 because He is our Creator and our Redeemer.
10:39 "Manuscripts 16, 1890," I like this here.
10:42 I've often wondered and read this passage of Scripture
10:45 that we have in Memory Text for years and how can I
10:49 give Him glory? How can I give Him glory?
10:52 How do we give Him glory?
10:53 Well, people say, "Worship." People say, "Just pray."
10:56 And I thought, you know, this is really, really, really good.
10:58 "To give glory to God... just stop right there.
11:00 "To give glory to God is to reveal His character
11:05 in our own; thus, make Him known."
11:09 How do we make Him known to the world?
11:11 Letting Him live in us, right? And let His character come out.
11:14 Notice this... "In whatever ways we make known the Father
11:18 and (notice) the son, we glorify God."
11:22 That's just the bottom line for me.
11:24 So "Whatever way we make known the Father,
11:27 and the Son, we glorify God." That's good.
11:30 And I thought it very interesting here, in the time
11:31 we have... turn in your Bibles, if you will, in Revelation 4.
11:35 I want to know how Heaven worships!
11:38 If I can find out how Heaven worships God, it will help me.
11:42 Does that make sense? It will help, that's good.
11:44 Revelation 4, I'm going to read just two verses here.
11:50 Revelation 4, starting with verse 8 and then 11...
11:54 "And the four beasts which had each of them, 6 wings
11:59 about him and they were full of eyes within and they
12:02 rest not day or night saying, (notice) "Holy, holy,
12:06 holy, God Almighty which was, is and is to come.
12:10 Verse 11 really comes to power.
12:13 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor
12:18 and power; for thou hast created (here we go,
12:21 we're giving glory and honor) because He has created all
12:24 things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."
12:27 Notice they are talking about here - that was in heaven.
12:30 Talking about the created, the angels... we realize it says
12:34 here, the Creator... as I look at it, I thought, "Man, that's..
12:38 What are these - it says there are four beasts and you think
12:41 "Wow, four beasts!" You know, what are these four beasts?
12:45 You know, really, it's just living creatures.
12:47 These four living creatures and they had six wings,
12:49 and in Isaiah 6, the seraphim's had six wings,
12:54 and in Ezekiel 1:6, they had four wings and so we look at
12:59 these are things that God had created for His honor
13:01 and for His glory and they can teach us how we should
13:06 worship God by what Heaven does.
13:09 Why? Colossians 1:17 says... "He is before all things
13:13 and by Him... what? All things consist! That's beautiful!
13:17 God's purpose then in creating man and creating
13:21 angels and everything is what?
13:22 To reflect His love and we then are to bring that in
13:27 and reflect it to others.
13:28 His character... Show appreciation to our Creator.
13:33 I wonder if we do that enough, do we really do that enough?
13:36 Do we really show appreciation.
13:38 So maybe we can say today, maybe we can say today
13:42 that worship begins when God's creation simply responds to Him.
13:50 Think about that - it begins when we respond to Him;
13:55 respond to His love, respond to what He has done
13:57 for us, just as a response, and certainly that includes
14:00 salvation; that includes the whole thing for sure.
14:03 And I want to make sure we get this in Revelation 15:3-4,
14:07 tells us (notice this)... how heaven worships!
14:11 It says right here, "And they sing the song of Moses,
14:16 that's all of created beings and the servant of God,
14:20 the song of the Lamb, saying: "Great and marvelous
14:22 are thy... what? Are thy works.
14:25 Lord God Almighty! Just and true are thy ways,
14:29 thou King of saints." Oooo, I can hear that
14:31 echoing all over heaven, can't you?
14:33 verse 4... "Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify
14:38 thy name and for thou only art holy: for all
14:44 nations shall come and worship before thee
14:46 for thy judgments are made manifest."
14:50 It's beautiful! Scripture reveals to us... what?
14:53 God! And through the life and ministry of none other
14:57 than Jesus Christ, God is made more fully revealed to us
15:02 (I like that) and certainly He is worthy of our praise!
15:07 Can you think of anybody else
15:08 more worthy of our praise than God? No.
15:10 So there's nothing wrong with going around day by day,
15:13 and simply say, "Praise God!"
15:16 Praise God, even when things maybe are not going
15:18 quite as well as you would maybe like for those things
15:20 to go!. He is worthy! He is more than worthy!
15:24 And you look at your own life today and can you not say
15:27 with me... "He is worthy, the Lamb of God that was slain
15:30 from the foundation of the world." Amen! Amen!
15:34 Thank you so much, Pastor Kenny, what an incredible
15:36 job; what a wonderful foundation for worship!
15:39 It makes me want to come higher.
15:41 It makes me want to worship more, more reveal
15:44 His character to the world.
15:46 I have the opposite of Pastor Kenny's lesson...
15:50 For every truth that God has given us,
15:53 Satan has invented a counterfeit.
15:56 My day, on Monday, is: "False Worship"
16:00 There is true worship - you talked about the true worship,
16:03 but Satan has invented a false worship.
16:06 You know this thing that we call the "Great Controversy,"
16:08 the battle between good and evil, between Christ and Satan
16:13 is all about worship. Yes.
16:15 It's all about who we are going to worship. That's right.
16:19 You think about the origin of sin in heaven...
16:22 Sin, we know, did not begin on this earth with Adam and Eve,
16:25 it began in heaven and that was about worship.
16:29 Remember in Isaiah 14, Lucifer said... "I will ascend into
16:34 heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
16:38 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
16:41 I will be like the Most High."
16:44 So Lucifer turned Satan, wanted the worship
16:47 that belonged to God alone.
16:49 Now we come down to this earth and we see Cain and Able...
16:52 and that was about worship.
16:54 Remember? Cain wanted to do it his way, his fruit, his own
16:59 works of obedience.
17:00 Able wanted to do it God's way; God's provision;
17:06 God's sacrifice, faith in His righteousness.
17:10 We come down quite a few years to Mount Carmel...
17:14 Elijah is standing there and he says, "How long are you
17:17 going to halt between two opinions?
17:20 If the Lord be God, follow Him, but if Baal, then follow him.
17:23 That issue was over worship.
17:26 We come down a few years later to three Jewish young men
17:32 who were in captivity in Babylon on the plain of Dura.
17:37 There was a false image erected.
17:40 We know it was a false image because the true image was
17:43 the vision that God had given to Nebuchadnezzar.
17:45 But Nebuchadnezzar decided he didn't like that vision
17:48 so well and he wanted an entire image of gold - representing
17:52 that Babylon would continue forever.
17:54 We know that's not biblical, but he wanted worship,
17:58 this is false worship.
18:00 Turn with me to Daniel 3, in Daniel 3, we see Shadrach,
18:04 Meshach and Abednego standing firmly for God in the
18:09 midst of everyone else, Pastor Kenny, who worshipped
18:12 the false God who worshipped
18:14 when they were not supposed to.
18:16 Now the word "worship" occurs many times in Daniel 3.
18:20 "And certain Chaldeans came to the king and said,
18:23 "O king, these Jewish brethren that you have elevated
18:28 to a position in government, you know what?
18:30 They're not even obeying your orders.
18:32 They're not falling down and worshipping."
18:35 And we get down to verse 17, and Shadrach, Meshach
18:39 and Abednego answered the king and they say, "If that is
18:42 the case, our God whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the
18:46 burning, fiery furnace and He will deliver us from your
18:50 hand, O king; but if not, let it be known to you, O king,
18:53 that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship
18:59 the golden image which you had set up."
19:02 So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego chose not to
19:05 engage in false worship; they chose not to worship
19:09 a false god.
19:11 We come down to the time of Jesus; the temptations of Jesus.
19:14 Turn with me to Luke, Luke 4 and we know there
19:20 were several temptations to Jesus, but the one I want to
19:22 reference is the one about worship.
19:24 Luke 4:5-8... "Then the devil taking Him (that's Jesus)
19:30 up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms
19:33 of the world in a moment of time.
19:35 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority,
19:38 (that's "exousia," power to act, authority)
19:41 I will give you and their glory, for this has been delivered
19:44 to me and I give it to whomever I wish.
19:47 Therefore, if you will worship
19:49 before me, all will be yours."
19:51 And Jesus said, "Get behind Me Satan for it is written,
19:56 "You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only
19:58 you will serve."
20:00 Now in this case, Jesus refused the authority,
20:03 we could say, that Satan wanted to give Him.
20:07 He refused to worship Satan.
20:11 Adam had dominion, we know that, in the Garden of Eden,
20:14 over all creation, right?
20:16 God gave him that dominion.
20:18 He forfeited that dominion when he chose
20:21 to partake of the fruit when he stepped into sin.
20:25 From that time, Satan believed that he had dominion
20:30 over the earth.
20:32 Jesus won that back, once and for all, on the cross.
20:38 John 12:31... "Now is the judgment of this world;
20:42 now the ruler of this world will be cast out."
20:45 Jesus says, "I, if I am lifted up from the earth,
20:48 ... what happens Shelley? I will draw all unto Myself.
20:51 Yes, "I will draw all men unto Me."
20:53 Now let's go down to Revelation 13, the sea beast
20:57 and the land beast... we do not have time to get
21:00 into these and what they really mean, but in Revelation 13,
21:04 we see earthy powers that accept authority from the dragon
21:10 from Satan and we see another false worship established here.
21:17 Revelation 13:4... "So they worshipped the dragon
21:22 who gave authority to the beast and they worshipped the beast
21:25 saying, "Who is like the beast?
21:26 Who is able to make war with him?"
21:29 The sea beast blasphemes God.
21:31 We won't get into the identity and all of that.
21:34 The sea beast persecutes those who will not bow down
21:37 and worship him... that's in verse 7 of Revelation 13.
21:42 It was granted to him to make war with the saints
21:44 and to overcome them.
21:46 And authority was given him over every
21:48 tribe, tongue and nation. All who dwell on the earth
21:51 will worship him whose names have not been written
21:53 in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain
21:55 from the foundation of the world."
21:56 And then we jump over Revelation 13:15, we see another
22:00 false image erected.
22:02 Now this reminds me of the plain of Dura in Daniel 3.
22:07 He was granted power to give breath
22:09 to the image of the beast; that the image of the beast
22:12 should both speak and cause as many as would not
22:14 worship the image of the beast to be killed."
22:16 So at this point in history, we know this is
22:19 at the end of time, it would appear as if you do not
22:23 engage in false worship, you're making a mistake...
22:26 that is a lie from the enemy. That's right.
22:28 We know the Third Angel's Message in Revelation 14.
22:33 Revelation 14, it says... "If anyone worships the beast
22:36 and his image; if anyone engages in false worship,
22:39 he, himself, shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God."
22:42 That means this great controversy, this whole
22:45 issue of worship will be settled and it's going to be
22:47 settled on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's right.
22:50 Anyone who engages in false worship, who looks like
22:53 "Yeah, I might be winning at the moment,"
22:55 that is a lie because God's way wins in the end. Yes!
23:00 I want to give you, quickly in closing, five characteristics
23:04 of false worship:
23:06 #1... Lack of preparation.
23:09 An unprepared heart leads to false worship.
23:12 An unprepared heart fails to recognize
23:15 my own condition; spends no time in soul-searching;
23:18 no time in prayer.
23:20 An unprepared heart focuses on myself more than God.
23:24 Thinks of myself more than God.
23:26 #2... Characteristics: Lack of confession of sin.
23:30 Anywhere people gather and there's no soul-searching,
23:34 there is no confession of sin, there is no repentance...
23:38 that leads to false worship.
23:41 #3... Lack of biblical teaching.
23:45 Lack of biblical teaching and the lack of applying
23:49 biblical teaching.
23:50 Any church that you attend that does not teach
23:53 "a thus saith the Lord," is engaging in false worship.
23:57 Any church that maybe teaches what the Bible says,
24:00 but they do not apply the principles of the word of God
24:05 to their own hearts and lives,
24:07 they are engaging in false worship.
24:10 #4... Lack of Godly leadership
24:16 Ungodly leadership fosters false worship in a congregation
24:22 because the people follow.
24:23 We know this example, Pastor Kenny,
24:25 of the children of Israel - the people follow the leader,
24:28 and if the leader is walking with God, if the leader is
24:31 biblical, if the leader is teaching from the word of God,
24:34 and practicing from the word of God, what happens?
24:37 The people are going to follow in the right way.
24:40 The people are going to engage in true worship
24:43 instead of false worship.
24:45 And finally, #5... The characteristic of false
24:49 worship - they engage in lack of biblical prayer.
24:53 They might engage in prayer, but it's not
24:56 a biblical form of prayer.
24:58 There's a certain type of prayer, contemplative prayer,
25:01 other types of looking inside that it leads us
25:05 into false worship.
25:09 So God calls us not to engage in false worship,
25:12 but to worship the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone. Amen!
25:16 We're going to take short break and we'll be right back
25:19 with Tuesday's lesson, don't go away.
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25:57 Welcome back! Here we are on lesson #11 and we're on
26:01 Tuesday's lesson and sister Shelley, you have that,
26:03 and I know you want to get into it.
26:05 I know you're excited about the topic,
26:07 so we can't wait to hear it.
26:08 Amen and each day builds perfectly.
26:11 Thank you for that lesson on Monday, Jill.
26:14 I have Tuesday's which is "The First Angel's Message"
26:20 And, you know, that is the mission and core message
26:25 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - the message that is
26:27 to be preached at the end of time to all the world.
26:32 So let's look at the First Angel's Message,
26:35 it's Revelation 14:6-7, it says... "Then I saw another
26:42 angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting
26:46 gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth
26:49 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people.
26:53 Let me hit the pause button...
26:55 The everlasting gospel is the foundation of the Three
27:01 Angels Messages and you can preach about the Sabbath;
27:05 you can preach about judgment; you can preach
27:07 about anything else you want, but if you're not basing it on
27:11 the foundation of the everlasting gospel,
27:14 nobody is going to listen to you.
27:16 So he says with a loud voice, this is a voice that all will
27:21 hear and there's a sense of urgency - it's like the
27:25 fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 to let ALL the nations hear.
27:30 He says, "Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour
27:35 of His judgment has come, and worship Him who made
27:38 heaven and earth, the sea, and the springs of water."
27:42 So the message needs to go to the whole world, everyone
27:47 needs to have a chance to hear this.
27:50 So now let's go back and break it to pieces, in parts
27:54 not break it to pieces, but let's break it down.
27:58 What is the everlasting gospel?
28:00 In Malachi 3:6, God says... "I'm the Lord, I change not."
28:04 Hebrews 13:8, it says... "Jesus is the same
28:09 yesterday, today and forever."
28:12 So an unchanging God has an unchanging gospel. Yes.
28:20 Before God created the earth, He had the Calvary salvation
28:25 plan in mind.
28:27 In Revelation 13.8, it says that Jesus was the Lamb
28:31 who was slain from the foundation of the earth.
28:36 And Hebrews 13:20 says, His blood is the blood of the
28:41 everlasting covenant... let me read that.
28:43 "Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus
28:46 from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep,
28:49 through the blood of the everlasting covenant..."
28:53 It has been before the foundation of the world,
28:58 God had a covenant of grace; He was going to send Jesus
29:04 Christ to redeem and restore humanity to unbroken
29:10 fellowship with Him and this everlasting gospel has been
29:17 abiding from the Garden of Eden.
29:20 In Genesis 3:15, God says... "I will put enmity between
29:26 you and the woman, and between your seed
29:29 and her seed; He shall bruise your... what? Your head.
29:39 And you shall bruise His heel."
29:41 Something that I've always found interesting...
29:44 in John 8:56, Jesus said... "Your Father Abraham
29:50 saw My day and He rejoiced in it!"
29:54 Do you know what he was saying?
29:56 Abraham knew the plan of salvation.
29:59 Abraham saw the day of Jesus coming to earth as man.
30:04 God showed Abraham Christ on the cross.
30:08 This is why he was able to offer his son because
30:13 in Hebrews it says that in faith he figured - Hey,
30:16 even if He takes him, He's going to raise him back up
30:19 because He knew he was the son of promise.
30:21 So - when did this happen?
30:24 I think it was in Genesis 15 when God cut covenant
30:27 with him and put him into a deep sleep.
30:29 I think he showed Abraham that day.
30:33 But the Bible tells us in Genesis 22:8, Abraham says...
30:38 "My son, God will provide for Himself
30:42 the Lamb for a burnt offering. Yes.
30:45 So it shows the faith that he had in the Calvary plan,
30:49 and we know that Paul said, Romans 4:9 that Abraham
30:53 was justified by faith; faith was accounted
30:59 to him as righteousness.
31:00 So it's always been salvation by grace through faith.
31:04 Now this surprises some people...
31:06 Did you know the old covenant is a continuation
31:10 of the covenant of Abraham?
31:12 Let me prove that to you...
31:14 In Exodus 2:24, you know some people think that the old
31:18 covenant, God just did something completely different,
31:21 no, no, no, no... everyone of God's covenants is a
31:26 progressive revelation; each covenant builds on
31:32 the previous covenant.
31:34 He is an unfolding one eternal plan of salvation.
31:39 And look at what happens in Exodus 2:24.
31:43 The Hebrew children are in slavery and it says...
31:46 "God heard their groaning and God remembered His
31:50 covenant with whom? With Abraham!
31:55 He remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
32:00 And so God comes down in covenant love and He
32:03 is going to rescue His people.
32:08 In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah,
32:11 in chapter 33:16, he says, "The Lord our righteousness."
32:18 And then Isaiah 64:6, talks about our righteousness
32:24 is like filthy rags before Him.
32:26 And we know in Zechariah 3, he talks about putting on
32:30 the new robe and the new turban and all this...
32:33 so salvation has always been by grace, always - both
32:38 the Old and the New Testament say that salvation
32:41 belongs to the Lord.
32:42 Now listen to this... Ephesians 1:4-5, it says,
32:47 "Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation
32:51 of the world, that we should be holy without blame before Him
32:54 in love, having predestined us (before the foundation
32:58 of the world) to adoptions as sons by Jesus Christ
33:02 to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will.
33:05 He chose us, He predestined everyone that would accept
33:09 Christ as their Savior was going to be adopted
33:12 into his family and this was planned in eternity past,
33:19 so it clearly points out His grace.
33:22 Salvation is an act of God that pours forth
33:26 from a heart of love
33:28 So now we return to Revelation 14:7... "It says fear God
33:32 and give glory to Him."
33:34 We've already talked about this some - we're to come
33:37 to Him with reverence and awe.
33:41 I believe that giving glory to God means that we
33:44 must surrender completely to Him.
33:48 We must yield to Him and walk in covenant loyalty with Him.
33:54 And then Revelation 14:7 also says... "The hour of His
33:57 judgment has come."
33:59 Well, what are we talking about - the hour of His
34:00 judgment has come?
34:02 In Daniel 8, we don't have time to do the whole thing,
34:05 but there's a 2,300 day prophecy that began in
34:08 457 B.C. and ended in 1844 A.D.
34:14 And 1844 A.D. is the time that when this came to a close,
34:21 the "Investigative Judgment" began.
34:24 And I have to say this... Today is the day of
34:27 salvation - that means next week, if I can say it's today,
34:34 today is the day of salvation, salvation is not
34:36 past for anyone.
34:38 But in 1 Peter 4:17, he says... that judgment begins where?
34:45 With the house of the Lord.
34:48 See, when Jesus returns, He's already
34:52 going to know who is saved, who's not saved.
34:55 He knows who are the tares, who is the wheat because
34:57 He says in Revelation 22:12, "... Behold, I am coming
35:01 quickly and My reward is with Me, I'm going to give
35:04 to each one as he deserves."
35:06 So this Investigative Judgment comes to a close
35:10 before He returns.
35:11 And when He says, "worship Him," in Revelation 14:7,
35:15 "who made," He's talking about worshipping God
35:19 as the Creator and He goes on to talk about...
35:23 "He made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them,"
35:26 that's Sabbath language.
35:29 He is talking about worshipping God as our Creator
35:32 and we're nearly out of time, so I just have to say this...
35:35 Two classes of people when Christ returns...
35:40 those who worship the beast and those who worship God.
35:44 Everybody is going to be worshipping;
35:47 it's a matter of WHO you worship. Yes! Amen! Amen!
35:51 Good job, praise the Lord! Amen! So you know what we're doing
35:53 today is we're - opening the word of God. Amen!
35:56 You know and that's a beautiful thing and my lesson is Wednesday
35:59 and it's: "Bible Study and Fellowship"
36:01 And I don't know if you can see it here on camera,
36:03 but Pastor John, I don't know how many colors
36:05 or highlighters you have...
36:06 I have five... each one has a specific meaning.
36:09 He's doing his Bible Study and marking right here on the set.
36:12 I see Jill here with her marker.
36:13 You know, I wish you could see it because from my angle,
36:16 I can see all these Bibles and there's a lot of marking,
36:18 a lot of highlights in these Bibles and that's powerful.
36:21 And we hope that you are doing the same thing at home too,
36:24 you're marking your Bible, you're putting notes in there
36:26 because God's word is powerful. Amen!
36:30 "Bible Study and Fellowship" in the early Christian Church.
36:33 When you talk about Bibles, do you know how many Bibles
36:36 are sold annually in the world? One-hundred million!
36:41 In the United States on an annual basis, the average is
36:44 between 20 and 25 million Bibles in the United States.
36:48 Now this is a sad fact, they say that 80% of people in the
36:53 United States find Bible study difficult or confusing.
36:57 Isn't that sad? Eighty percent of those in America
37:00 find Bible study confusing and
37:03 difficult and that's a sad thing.
37:05 And we want to look at the early Christian Church,
37:07 but I also want to apply it to our own lives
37:09 and the importance of Bible study.
37:10 Let's look quickly at Acts 2 and let's look, under the lesson
37:16 I think it says 42, but let's look at 41-42.
37:19 And it says, "Then they that gladly received
37:23 His word were baptized and this was after Pentecost,
37:27 and the same day, they were added unto them
37:29 about how many people? Three thousand souls!
37:34 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine
37:38 and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers.
37:42 I wanted to just touch on verse 42... "And they
37:45 continued steadfastly."
37:47 In the Greek, that means to "remain firm, to stay in a
37:51 fixed direction," that's really key...
37:54 To stay in a fixed direction, the word of God... that is key.
37:59 So the early Christian Church, 3,000, that's a lot added
38:01 in one day... there were 120 already, isn't that correct?
38:03 So you add 3,000 to 120, that's a massive
38:07 addition to your church. That's right.
38:09 That's for sure... Then just on fellowship quickly,
38:11 The Greek word, I don't know if I'm saying this correctly,
38:13 "koinonia," is that how you say that? Yes!
38:16 The intimate bond of fellowship which unites Christians,
38:19 and I think that's a powerful thing as well.
38:21 You know, there's a common bond there.
38:23 They had just been through this major conversion experience,
38:25 and here they are - that formed a special bond.
38:28 You can have friends with someone but when you go
38:30 through an experience, especially a spiritual one,
38:32 wow - there's a bond like none other.
38:35 1 John 1:7... "If we walk in the light (this is conditional,
38:38 ... IF we walk in the light) as He is in the light,
38:42 we have fellowship with one another and the blood
38:44 of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin."
38:47 We were just talking about the size of the early
38:50 Christian Church family, from 120 to 3,000...
38:53 My sister and I come from a small family; it's just myself,
38:57 she is three years younger than me - that's it for siblings.
39:00 You've heard of the families like 19 kids and counting,
39:03 and you know, large families.
39:06 The largest family or amount of kids that a married couple
39:09 has had is how many, do you think?
39:12 I have no idea. 69.
39:14 Oh my goodness, all by the same mother?
39:17 All by the same mother and father, now this was back
39:19 in the 1700s from 1725 to... Laughter
39:23 Let's hope they were all sets of twins!
39:25 I'm going to give you some statistics on it real quick.
39:27 So from 1725 to 1765 and there's a little discrepancy... to say,
39:31 Aw, I'm not sure, but a monastery actually reported
39:33 this - it's in Russia, a Russian couple,
39:35 and this is what they had...
39:36 They had 69 children over a 40 year period.
39:39 They had 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets,
39:43 and 4 sets of quadruplets.
39:45 Now there is some argument, did that happen, did it not?
39:47 I don't really know, but that's what they're saying
39:49 is from a couple, 69 children, but that happened 40 years.
39:54 Three thousand babies in the early Christian Church
39:57 happened what? Basically over night in one day.
39:59 So you talk about excitement,
40:01 I mean, I can just think about, in a family - there's a lot of
40:04 noise and stuff going on, and a lot of excitement...
40:06 probably like you just heard here on the set. Laughter!
40:08 But there's excitement going on over the early Christian Church
40:12 and I can only imagine the disciples and all the apostles
40:16 like - Woo, boy, this is amazing but wow, what a challenge!
40:19 Acts 2:42... "And they continued steadfastly."
40:23 That is so key. Steadfastly in the word of God, that's what
40:26 kept them on track.
40:29 Boy, time goes by in a hurry, doesn't it? I know! Yeah, wow.
40:32 So the hub to worship is the study of God's word,
40:36 the centrality, that's got to be the central part
40:38 of anything that we do and I think there's something
40:40 beautiful about the word of God - that it is important
40:43 in any part of our spiritual journey. Amen!
40:46 It was very important for the early Christian Church;
40:48 the 3,000 studying the Old Testament, studying
40:51 Jesus Christ and His mission, you know, that had been
40:53 accomplished here on this earth, but in any spot
40:56 in your journey, whether you've been
40:57 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
40:58 you've been a Christian all your life;
41:00 the study of God's word is critical and key.
41:04 I think about 1 Peter 2:2, and it says... "As newborn babes
41:08 desire the pure milk of the word,
41:11 that you may grow thereby."
41:12 1 Corinthians 3:1-2... "And I brethren, could not speak
41:16 to you as to spiritual people, but as to carnal,
41:19 as to babes in Christ.
41:20 I fed you with milk and not solid food; for until now
41:24 you were not able to receive it,
41:25 and even now you are still not able..."
41:28 I want to encourage you, don't get discouraged.
41:30 If you're a babe in the word, don't get discouraged.
41:32 You may see some of the people on the panel like
41:33 "Oh my, how do they break that down,
41:35 I don't even understand that."
41:36 Don't get discouraged, there is a process
41:39 in your spiritual journey.
41:41 I have never seen... I've never seen anyway,
41:43 a mother, a newborn baby one week old, has no teeth,
41:46 his digestive system is still trying to get things
41:48 figured out... and dad says, "You know what, let's give
41:51 baby John a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
41:55 We don't do that, right?
41:56 The poor baby would probably choke, his digestive system
41:58 would clog up... I mean it would be a mess! Yes!
42:01 He's given milk for a reason.
42:02 It's all part of the spiritual process.
42:04 And I like how this is put here because I think in our
42:07 own spiritual lives, that's how we also have to look at it
42:09 and not judge people.
42:10 We are quick to judge, I am quick to judge people,
42:14 and I also don't want you to get discouraged. Amen!
42:16 Go through that process.
42:18 Okay, from the lesson, this was good...
42:21 The study of God's word forms the core of both our
42:24 worship to God and our unity as a people
42:27 who have been called to proclaim the Three Angel's Messages
42:30 to the world.
42:32 You know, this again, just blows me away...
42:36 You think of this - this is God's Holy Word,
42:38 inspired, isn't it? Yes.
42:40 In this Bible, has the menu for a newborn baby,
42:45 all the way to the menu to the mature
42:47 Christian that's still in that process.
42:49 You know, there's milk and there's meat
42:51 in the word of God, isn't that powerful and what God's
42:55 word can do in each one of our lives and you at home.
42:59 Six things the word of God can do for believers.
43:01 I may not have time to read all of this so...
43:03 #1... Convicts us of sin.
43:06 Hebrews 4:12... "The word of God is living and powerful
43:09 and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even
43:11 to the division of soul and spirit, and of the
43:14 joints and marrow, and is a discerner of
43:16 the thoughts and intents of the heart."
43:18 #2... It reveals truth. Acts 17:10-11, and basically
43:23 this is talking about the Bereans and at the very end,
43:26 verse 11 says... "And they searched the Scriptures
43:29 daily to find out whether those things were so."
43:32 #3... The Bible instructs us and teaches us.
43:35 2 Timothy 3:15-17, I do like this passage.
43:39 "And that from a childhood you have known the Holy
43:41 Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for
43:44 salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
43:47 All Scripture - ALL Scripture is given by inspiration
43:51 of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
43:54 for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
43:57 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
44:00 equipped for every good work."
44:02 #4... It washes us. Ephesians 5:26-27...
44:07 "That He might sanctify and cleanse for the church
44:09 with the washing of water and by the word."
44:12 Going on to #5... It gives us direction.
44:15 Psalm 119:105, it says... "Your word, the Holy Scripture,
44:20 is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Praise the Lord!
44:26 #6... It keeps us from sin. Psalm 119:11... "Your word
44:31 have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
44:35 I just have to share in my own personal life,
44:37 Jill and I have some CD Scripture songs that we've now
44:40 put on a hard drive and we love those songs.
44:42 You know, that is, I believe helping to store God's
44:45 word in your heart.
44:47 And I have also found in my life that sometimes an up
44:49 and down journey with committing myself to memorizing
44:53 Scripture but when I commit myself to that,
44:56 I find my mind at a different level spiritually.
44:59 To commit passages of Scripture to memory,
45:02 it does something spiritually.
45:04 I think God wants us to do that.
45:06 This is in closing here from "Acts of the Apostles," p.232...
45:10 "Wherever the truths of the gospel are proclaimed,
45:12 those who honestly desire to do right are led to a
45:16 diligent searching of the Scriptures.
45:19 If, in the closing scenes of this earth's history,
45:22 those to whom testing truths are proclaimed
45:24 would follow the example of the Bereans,
45:26 searching the Scriptures daily and comparing with God's
45:29 word the messages brought them, there would be today
45:32 a larger number loyal to the precepts of God's Law
45:36 where now there are comparatively few."
45:39 So my question for you is...
45:40 "How firmly grounded are you in the study of God's word?" Amen!
45:45 Wow! Very good. Thank you everyone for
45:48 getting the stove started for me.
45:50 I'm on fire right now, so I'm just going to
45:53 sit here and let the Lord warm your hearts
45:55 through the study of His word. Amen!
45:57 Thursday is: "Breaking of Bread and Prayer."
46:01 And as you'll find out in my breakdown or dissemination of
46:06 this study is - it's a component of each of
46:09 what you've covered so far with the exception of the
46:13 First Angel's Message, I'm not going to go there,
46:15 but you cannot proclaim that message without God's word,
46:19 and prayer being a part of that
46:21 and that's the only thing I'll say.
46:22 But the New Testament Church had challenges.
46:26 Do we have challenges? Yes. Always.
46:29 Challenges are a part of the journey of everyone's life;
46:34 therefore, challenges will be a part of corporate life;
46:37 it will be a part of family life; it will be a part of
46:40 marriage life; it will be a part of worship life,
46:43 and surely the reason why there are challenges is,
46:46 as Jill said... "We are living in the midst
46:48 of great controversy.
46:50 The controversy between light and darkness, good and evil,
46:53 Christ and Satan.
46:55 And we know, as Danny would often say, "Read the back
46:58 of the Book, we know that the victor already is Christ,
47:01 we're just joining the winning side."
47:03 But when we look at the challenges of the word,
47:06 we find, and this was pointed out earlier,
47:08 that the New Testament Church was united in present truth.
47:12 So what would Satan seek to do? Divide them.
47:16 They were united in truth; he is seeking to divide us
47:19 in error. That's right! That's a good point.
47:21 And the challenges coming to our church today... I mean,
47:24 we've had one internal controversy after the other,
47:27 but then what church hasn't?
47:28 But the devil would be more desirous to bring controversies
47:33 where he knows the truth is,
47:35 than where he knows the truth is not.
47:37 If somebody is already sleeping, I'm not going to
47:40 wake them up and put them to sleep.
47:41 They're already sleeping. That's true.
47:43 But for those who are awake, he tries to get them
47:47 inoculated to fall asleep and the controversies
47:50 that we've had to deal with through the years...
47:52 have been because of Revelation 12:17...
47:55 "The dragon is angry with the woman; he went to make war
47:59 with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments
48:01 of God and the testimony of Jesus."
48:03 He only wars against those that he knows has an arsenal
48:07 that is successful against him.
48:10 And what is that arsenal, look in Hebrews 4:12...
48:12 The best arsenal. Hebrews 4:12... Let me see
48:18 which one of you get it first.
48:23 Jilleth... Alright! Read it for us, Hebrews 4:12.
48:26 This is the best weapon against Satan's arsenal.
48:29 Hebrews 4:12... "The word of God is living and powerful,
48:32 shaper than any two-edged sword, piercing even
48:35 to the division of soul and spirit, and joints and marrow,
48:38 and is a discerner of the thoughts
48:40 and intents of the heart." Amen!
48:43 So if the devil can keep you from a Book that knows
48:45 what you're thinking and your intentions,
48:47 and you don't know it, then you cannot
48:49 discern what a person is thinking because
48:53 the entrance of God's word gives light. Yes.
48:56 So if the light is off, you can't see in darkness.
48:59 Peoples' thoughts that are dark, you can't see it.
49:01 Peoples' intentions that are dark, you can't see it.
49:03 Satan's imperceptible footsteps, as the servant
49:08 of the Lord says, "They are silent."
49:12 He approaches us silently, and I've taken
49:15 the pleasure sometimes of looking at a lot of
49:17 nature videos - I love nature videos.
49:19 But the ones that always get me to sit up is when
49:21 a tiger is slowly but stealthily...
49:26 And they said a young tiger has to practice because
49:31 he sees the mother doing it and I saw a video where
49:35 he lowered his paw and it cracked a branch and he
49:39 backed up and said, I gotta try this again...
49:40 because he knew that just that crack of a branch...
49:43 the deer heard it coming and the deer fled.
49:46 The devil is that way, but we ought to know
49:48 when we are in enemy's territory and the only way
49:51 to know that is through the perceptive and revealing
49:55 word of God. Amen!
49:57 So what they had in the New Testament Church is this
49:59 constant seeking after truth.
50:01 And a statement I want to make... there are some
50:04 churches that say, "Well we don't teach doctrine."
50:05 Well that's not a church,
50:07 that's maybe a social club.
50:11 And people go to church for all kinds of reasons.
50:13 But the church is an army, the church is an army. Yes.
50:18 The Lord says, "We must endure hardship as good soldiers."
50:20 But a soldier with a beautiful uniform on, that does not know
50:24 how to use his weapon - which is the Word of God...
50:27 you can send 20 million American soldiers to the battlefield
50:30 without weapons and an enemy would say, "They really
50:35 look nice - they're going to be beautiful corpses."
50:39 Because they have on all the pieces of the armor,
50:41 but they have no knowledge of how to use their weapon.
50:44 The weapon was what they did know how to use.
50:48 Acts 2:42, 46, how often did they practice
50:53 using their weapons?
50:55 It says, in Acts 2:42... "And they continued steadfastly
51:00 in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship (there's the word
51:04 "koinonia" again and I'll bring it up again)
51:05 in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
51:08 (in what two things? breaking bread - that's
51:11 Bible study and prayer)
51:12 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
51:17 and breaking bread from house to house, (both locations)
51:20 they ate their food with
51:22 gladness and simplicity of heart."
51:24 And I think that statistic you brought out, Greg,
51:26 about the millions and millions of Bibles...
51:28 One of the reasons why people don't understand the Bible is
51:30 they don't pray - many people don't pray before they
51:33 open their Bibles. Yes.
51:35 You know, we have to pray the prayer David prayed
51:37 in Psalm 119:18... "Open my eyes that I may behold
51:41 wonderful things."
51:43 We cannot see the things that the Spirit writes except
51:46 the Spirit opens our eyes, and how amazing it is
51:49 that one of the conditions of the Last Day Church is
51:51 "anoint my eyes with eye salve that I may see."
51:54 So that's not just a condition in our church but that's a
51:58 condition in Christianity - they don't see.
52:01 They feel - the music leads them to feel.
52:05 So we live in a religion of feelings today;
52:07 in a religion of enterprise, but not a religion
52:10 that's based solidly on the unchanging word of God.
52:14 So they won't have then what the early church had,
52:16 they had koinonia. Yep.
52:17 But the koinonia was based on 1 John 1:7.
52:20 Look at the koinonia that's the fellowship.
52:22 Fellowship is not based on good coffee, which we don't
52:25 drink at all, and donuts in the lobby and wonderful
52:29 praise music and great programs, it's based on
52:32 1 John 1:7, you have that Shelley?
52:36 1 John 1:7... "But if we walk in the light as He is
52:41 in the light, we have fellowship with one another
52:43 and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son,
52:45 cleanses us from all sin."
52:47 So what do we have to have to have fellowship?
52:49 We need to have light. Gotta walk in the light!
52:51 Not walk in the building, not walk in the club,
52:54 not walk in the church, but walk in the light.
52:57 And light is a constant, I mean, I like light,
53:01 I always have flashlights with me, I love flashlights.
53:05 They are constants, you have to
53:06 know where to find the light.
53:08 And the Word of God is the light, but also the Lord
53:10 says in 1 John 2:3-4... "He who says, "I know Him,"
53:14 and does not keep His commandments is a liar
53:16 and the truth is not in him."
53:17 Isaiah 8:20... "To the law and to the testimony,
53:20 if they speak not according to this word,
53:21 it is because there is no light in them." No light!
53:25 The light is the truth of God's Word.
53:27 If the fellowship and the breaking of bread was
53:29 needed at the inauguration of the church,
53:31 how much more is it needed as we prepare
53:34 for the coronation of the church. Amen!
53:36 The beginning - the glory that it began with
53:39 will be the glory greater that it ends with,
53:41 but the Word of God is always there...
53:43 And it's not a consideration,
53:45 but it's not a coincidence either...
53:47 that when Jesus comes back, on His thigh will be written
53:50 the phrase, "Word of God."
53:52 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with Christ
53:55 in the garden of temptation and the Word
53:57 is going to be at the end because He is not only
54:00 the Word, but the Living Word and the victorious Word.
54:03 And that's why, the church, when it comes time
54:04 for Bible study, and Shelley, you all know this is my
54:08 this is my pet peeve, as a pastor...
54:10 I cannot understand why we don't gather together
54:13 as a church to study our Bibles more - when
54:15 opportunities gather - with the reality of Hebrews 10:25...
54:19 "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together
54:22 as is the manner of some (I say the manner of many)
54:26 but exhorting one another and so much the more
54:29 as you see the day approaching."
54:31 Very quickly... why do we need to study God's Word?
54:34 Four very important points.
54:36 1... We are spiritually weak.
54:38 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
54:41 2... Prayer increases our faith.
54:44 How? Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.
54:48 And when they pray, whatever things they ask,
54:50 believing they'll receive it.
54:52 Prayer is also an intercessory act.
54:55 I exhort, first of all, supplication, prayers
54:58 intercession and the giving of thanks be made for all men...
55:01 1 Timothy 2:1.
55:03 And then Philippians 4:6, prayer opens our heart
55:06 to God... "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by
55:09 prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God."
55:13 Very quickly, "Steps to Christ," "Why should the sons and
55:16 daughters of God be reluctant to pray when prayer is
55:19 the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven's
55:21 storehouse where are the treasures and
55:24 boundless resources of omnipotence,"
55:27 "Steps to Christ," p.94-95. Wow! Amen, Amen! Amen!
55:31 Well done, praise the Lord!
55:32 There are a lot of things that I've been soaking in
55:35 and jotting down, praise God for that!
55:37 Let's wrap it up, shall we?
55:38 Last few seconds, thoughts each
55:40 one of you might have on this lesson...
55:42 Mine was on false worship, but I just want to
55:45 make an appeal to you at home...
55:46 At the end of time, specifically the days that we are
55:49 living in - God is calling us, "Who will you worship?"
55:53 Make a choice for Jesus. Amen!
55:55 I just want to remind everybody that there are two classes
55:58 of people at the end of time; those who receive the mark
56:01 of the beast and worship the beast or those who have
56:04 received the seal of God and worship God.
56:06 And we need to remember that the Third Angel's
56:14 Message, even though the beast says they're going to
56:18 kill anyone who doesn't worship him,
56:20 The Third Angel's Message says judgment comes on the
56:24 people who do worship. Amen!
56:27 I want to encourage you to involve yourself in
56:31 daily Bible study.
56:32 My lesson was on Bible study and I want to go
56:35 to Psalm 119:11, we read it earlier... "Your word have I
56:38 hid in my heart that I might not sin against You."
56:41 That's right... And prayer is the opening
56:44 of the heart to God - as to a friend. Amen!
56:49 Make the Lord your friend by opening your heart
56:51 in prayer and the study of His word. Amen!
56:55 "Desire of Ages," p.22, quickly, says... "The plan for our
56:57 redemption was not an afterthought, a plan
57:00 formulated after the fall of Adam.
57:03 It was a revelation of the mystery which has been
57:06 kept in silence through times eternal." Praise God for that!
57:10 And praise God for you joining us here on 3ABN Sabbath
57:12 School Panel... we've had a good time.
57:14 We pray that the Lord has blessed you and we look forward
57:16 to spending some time with you next week.


Revised 2019-01-28