Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP180048A
00:32 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we are so excited
00:34 that you are joining us for this Bible study. 00:37 We are in the Quarterly titled "Oneness in Christ," 00:42 and, oh, I hope you've been blessed as much as we've 00:46 been blessed as we all study our individual lessons and 00:48 we come together and we just have church, it is so good! 00:52 We're on Lesson 9, "The Most Convincing Proof" 00:56 You know, last week we looked at how unity is made visible 01:00 through our doctrines and our common beliefs, everything, 01:04 the message that is all based on Christ, 01:07 but this week, we're going to see how visible unity is the 01:12 expression found in our day-to-day lives, 01:16 and the mission of the church. 01:19 So what I would like to do is introduce this lovely 01:24 panel that's sitting here, my brothers and sisters. 01:27 I have my Pastor, John Lomacang next to me and we always 01:32 love what you've got to say. 01:34 Praise the Lord! God leads and guides. 01:36 Pastor Kenny Shelton, and Kenny, we're always 01:40 thrilled to have you here. It's a blessing, thank you. 01:43 My dear friend and sister, the very talented, 01:46 Jill Morikone, and we give God all the glory Jill, 01:49 and God has given you a teaching gift. 01:52 And then we're very excited to have evangelist, 01:56 Pastor Ryan Day with us, and one of these days, 01:59 I promise you, we're going to quit calling you, 02:01 "The new kid on the block." 02:03 But last week was your first time with us? True. 02:07 and you're a wonderful teacher, so glad to have you. Amen 02:10 Thank you. As-a-matter-of-fact Ryan, 02:12 would you open in prayer? Absolutely. 02:14 Father in Heaven... We praise You because You are worthy. 02:18 We thank You for all that You have done for us, 02:21 and for being the mighty and wonderful loving God that You 02:23 are. As we take on this incredible study, 02:26 as we are studying "Oneness in Christ," I pray, Lord, 02:29 that You will give us the Holy Spirit. 02:32 Lead us and guide us in every word, every thought, 02:34 every action - that the message may be clear, 02:37 and that each and every one of us will be drawn 02:39 to the uplifted Savior. We praise You continually. 02:42 And we ask this in Jesus Holy name... Amen. 02:44 Amen and Amen! Thank you Ryan. 02:47 Alright, the memory text for this week is 02:51 John 11:51-52, let me read that to you... 02:55 "Now this he (speaking of Caiaphas) did not say on his 03:00 own authority; but being high priest that year he prophesied 03:05 that Jesus would die for the nation, and not for that 03:08 nation only, but also that He would gather together in one 03:12 the children of God who were scattered abroad." 03:17 So Ellen White makes a comment and I found this in the 03:23 "SDA Bible Commentary," it says, "Unity with Christ establishes 03:28 a bond of unity with one another. 03:31 This unity is the most convincing proof to the world 03:35 the majesty and the virtue of Christ and of His power 03:40 to take away sins." 03:41 So it's as others see us; united in love, 03:45 united in mission - that we really are lifting up Jesus. 03:49 Alright, let's look at Sunday, "Under the Cross of Jesus" 03:54 The spiritual unity of the church is actually a 04:00 gift and a blessing from God. Amen! 04:03 It isn't something that we attain through human efforts 04:06 that we can create - it is through Jesus Christ, 04:11 and His death and resurrection that we have this unity. 04:15 So as we appropriate His death by faith and His resurrection 04:22 through baptism, through forgiveness of sins 04:25 and we join in common fellowship, we, as we're 04:28 spreading the Three Angels' Messages around the world, 04:32 this is what helps us to be united one-to-the-other. 04:37 Let's look at John 11, I'm going to begin in verse 49. 04:42 John 11:49... "And one of them, Caiaphas, being high priest 04:49 that year, said to them, "You know nothing at all (they're 04:54 having their council together) nor do you consider that it 04:58 is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, 05:03 and not that the whole nation should perish." 05:06 So in his arrogance, Caiaphas is concerned about 05:10 retaining power. 05:12 He is concerned about keeping the nation together, 05:17 that there would be no dissolution... 05:18 But what he didn't realize, he thought he was making a 05:22 political statement in condemning Jesus to die, 05:25 but what he didn't realize is God was using him to be 05:29 a channel of divine revelation. That's right. 05:32 It goes on in verse 51 and John points this out. 05:35 "Now this, he, (Caiaphas) did not say on his own 05:40 authority, but being high priest that year, 05:43 he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation." 05:48 So Caiaphas was saying something that was way 05:52 beyond his own understanding, wasn't he? 05:55 And what John says is he was anticipating the atoning 06:01 the atoning death of Jesus Christ for all the people. 06:04 So he thought Caiaphas was saying... Hey, if Jesus 06:08 dies, this one man, that will save the nation politically. 06:13 But what he was actually saying by God's grace is that 06:16 Jesus would save the nation spiritually. 06:20 So, John adds the comment about the scattered 06:26 people and I believe that these scattered children 06:31 he is talking about the other sheep that the Good 06:34 Shepherd said He had and He's going to gather them 06:39 all together one day into one. 06:43 Ephesians 1, let's turn there because 06:48 back and forth I've got some things from Ephesians. 06:51 Ephesians 1:7-10, I love this Scripture. 06:58 Ephesians 1:7... "In Him (in who? in Christ) 07:04 we have redemption through His blood, 07:06 the forgiveness of sins, according to the 07:09 riches of His grace which He made to abound 07:12 toward us in all wisdom and prudence." 07:16 Redemption is when a price is paid to gain the freedom 07:21 of a slave and we were all slaves not only to 07:27 sin and Satan but slaves to self, were we not? 07:33 So anytime you see when it's speaking through the blood 07:36 or about the blood, this is talking about His perfect 07:41 and final sacrifice for sin, so it's talking about 07:44 the death of Jesus. 07:46 And we don't have time to turn to each one, 07:49 but I just wanted to share this... 07:50 We're not only redeemed by His blood, Ephesians 1:7; 07:54 Romans 5:9 says... "We're justified by the blood; 07:57 Hebrews 9:14 says... "Our conscience is purged by 08:00 His blood; Colossians 1:14 says... We are forgiven by 08:05 His blood; Revelation 7:14 says... We are cleansed by 08:09 His blood; Colossians 1:20 says... We have peace 08:13 through His blood and Hebrews 10:19 says... We enter 08:18 the holy of holiest by His blood. 08:23 Halleluiah, we're got to remember 08:25 what 1 Corinthians 6:20 says that we were bought at a price, 08:32 and that means that, when you think about it, 08:35 you are worth nothing less to Christ, to God, than the 08:41 than the price that He paid for you with His 08:43 own precious blood. 08:44 1 Peter 1:18 actually states that, doesn't it? 08:48 It says, "... knowing that you were not redeemed with 08:51 corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless 08:55 conduct that you received by tradition from your fathers, 09:00 (the traditions of man) but you were redeemed 09:03 with the precious blood of Christ as a lamb without 09:06 blemish, without spot. He indeed was foreordained 09:10 (He was the Lamb that was slain) from the foundation 09:13 of the world, but was made manifested in these 09:18 last days." 09:19 Now I want to go back to Ephesians, I'm sorry 09:22 I'm popping around here... 09:24 but five times in Ephesians Paul mentions the riches 09:32 that God lavished upon us. 09:35 Once again, you might just want to jot these Scriptures down. 09:38 Ephesians 1:7 says that, "In Him we have redemption 09:41 through His blood, the forgiveness of sin, according 09:44 to the riches of His grace. 09:46 Ephesians 1:18 says... "The eyes of your understanding 09:52 being enlightened; that you may know what is the 09:55 hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of 10:00 His inheritance in the saints." 10:03 Ephesians 2:7 says... "That in the ages to come He might 10:08 show the exceeding riches of His grace in His 10:14 kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." 10:17 Ephesians 3:8, Paul says, "To me, who am less 10:22 than the least of all the saints, (how many of you 10:24 could ever feel like that and know it's true?) 10:27 this grace was given, that I should preach among the 10:32 Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ." 10:38 Unsearchable! I mean, we can study - you know this is 10:42 what I love about the word of God... 10:43 I can have studied a chapter hundreds of times, 10:48 and you pick it up and pray for the leading of the 10:52 Holy Spirit and greater understanding and all of a 10:54 sudden you realize knowing God, this is unsearchable 10:59 riches than are in the Scriptures. 11:01 And then in Ephesians 3:16-17, Ooo! this is a good one! 11:07 Ah ha, I love this Scripture! Paul is praying that God 11:13 would grant them - that He would grant to you, 11:16 according to the riches of His glory... That's right! 11:22 To be strengthened with might! 11:24 This is with dynamite! Power! Dunamis power! 11:27 How? Through His Spirit in the inner man. 11:33 So as you allow the Holy Spirit, invite Him to come 11:38 into your heart - He is saying, "You're going to be 11:41 strengthened with power," and then look what He 11:45 says in verse 17... "That Christ may dwell in your hearts 11:49 through faith and you will be rooted and grounded in love." 11:54 So how does Christ dwell in our hearts? 11:57 You know, when we think about it, Jesus said God is 12:00 a Spirit - before Christ came to earth, He was a Spirit, 12:04 but one thing that I know I've said this before, but I 12:09 can't help it... Every day I thank Christ for the greatest 12:15 sacrifice that He made which, to me, isn't dying on the cross, 12:19 the greatest sacrifice He made is that He came to earth 12:24 and took on our flesh; He, God, humiliated Himself 12:30 to become a man, and the reason I say it's His greatest 12:35 sacrifice is - He came as our second Adam, He united Himself 12:39 to us, but what did He take back to heaven that He 12:42 didn't have when He came here? A body! 12:44 So He limited Himself for eternity by having this body 12:52 like we have - I think that is so amazing. 12:54 And then He was obedient even to the point of 12:57 death on the cross for you and for me. Praise the Lord! 13:01 Ephesians 1:7-10, I'm going to read this again... 13:06 "In Him, we have redemption through His blood, 13:10 the forgiveness of sins according to the riches 13:12 of His grace which He made to abound toward us 13:16 through all wisdom and prudence having made known to us 13:20 the mystery of His will according to his good pleasure 13:26 which He purposed in Himself." 13:28 See, it's not a mystery that you cannot know, 13:33 God's will, all of His covenants are a progressing revelation, 13:39 and you know, Jesus told His disciples often, "I'd tell you 13:42 more but you can't receive it yet." 13:44 So it is as we have the mystery that has been revealed 13:50 from the beginning until the end we are growing 13:55 in the fullness of times, in the right place when He says 13:59 that in the dispensation of the fullness of times 14:01 (the right place in history) that He might gather together 14:06 all things which are in Christ Jesus, both which 14:10 are in heaven and in earth. 14:13 And let me add this one last thought... 14:16 We are all sons of God through faith in Christ. 14:20 Galatians 3:27 says... "For as many of you as have been 14:26 baptized into Christ have put on Christ." 14:31 So let me ask you a question... 14:32 Have you put on Christ today? 14:35 You know, baptism is an important act of obedience. 14:39 It is symbolic - something that's already happened 14:42 in us, but Romans 6 says, It is symbolic that we are 14:47 being buried with Christ and that we are resurrected 14:50 to live in the newness of life, and it is so important 14:55 because that brings you into unity, into the fellowship. 15:00 It's God who adds people to the church, but it brings 15:05 you into unity as you put on Christ. 15:08 And I want to invite you, if you haven't accepted Christ 15:11 as your Savior, aww please just take a moment, 15:15 even if you don't listen to the rest of this study, 15:18 take a moment now, and say, "Lord, I want You 15:22 to be not only my Savior, but the Lord of my life." 15:25 And then be baptized as a public confession of 15:29 your faith and put on Christ! Amen! Amen! 15:32 Thank you Shelley, boy! The more we dive into this 15:35 lesson about unity, the more we see it's really about Christ. 15:38 Absolutely! There can be no unity without Christ 15:41 which takes us to the "Ministry of Reconciliation" 15:44 You know, reconciliation is bringing things together. 15:48 Another word for reconciliation would be "atonement." 15:51 The Lord atoned for us to bring us into oneness 15:54 with Him and with the Father. 15:55 Now He has given us the ministry of reconciliation 15:58 to bring us, as brothers and sisters, that He sends us 16:01 forth as ministers of reconciliation to reconcile 16:04 the world through Himself and we become ambassadors, 16:07 as it were, pleading on His behalf, be reconciled to God. 16:12 I want to begin in Ephesians 2:13, the very chapter 16:17 Wait, I'm sorry... Ephesians 2:13. Okay 16:22 And when you look at the word "but," now it's 16:24 talking about a transition, Ephesians 2:13, 16:28 and just to dive into the transition, it talks about the 16:32 reconciliation of the Jews and the Gentiles. 16:35 In verse 13... "But now in Christ Jesus, 16:42 you, who were once far off have been brought near 16:45 by (once again) the blood of Christ. For He, Himself, 16:48 is our peace, who has made both one and has broken 16:52 down the middle wall of separation, having abolished 16:55 in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments 17:00 contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself 17:05 one new man from the two, thus making peace, 17:09 and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body 17:13 through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity." 17:18 This passage was so misconstrued by many... 17:22 They often use this to say that the commandments of 17:25 God are done away with. 17:27 The commandments of God are not the enmity. 17:30 The enmity is the sin. That's right. Yes. 17:33 You know, when the Lord said to the serpent, "I will put 17:35 enmity between you and the woman, between your seed 17:38 and her seed, the word there in Hebrew "enmity" 17:41 is "discomfort." 17:42 And I remember a number of years ago, one of my 17:44 favorite speakers had a sermon called: 17:46 "The Comfort of Discomfort," meaning when that 17:50 discomfort arises, it lets us know the Spirit of God is 17:53 still in our lives. Amen! 17:55 When we become recalcitrant and our minds are seared 17:59 with a hot iron, we no longer have any feeling 18:01 toward immorality or sin or transgression or anything 18:06 that is corroding and eroding our spirituality. 18:11 When we lose the sensitivity, that enmity is dying. 18:16 That discomfort is now evaporating. 18:18 So when the Lord talks about this enmity, He is saying, 18:21 the law, the commandments of God is not what the 18:25 enmity is, but as Paul made it clear... he said, "I was 18:29 doing fine until I found out about the commandments." 18:32 You know, Romans is one of our favorite books. 18:34 "I was living just great, but when the commandments 18:37 came up, sin revived and I died. 18:40 I found the most uncomfortable existence and that's what 18:44 happens when we are confronted." 18:46 The enmity is not the law of God, but when it talks 18:49 about it here, it talks about it also contained in 18:51 ordinances and so these fleshy ordinances; 18:55 the shedding of blood - so much blood on a-day-by-day basis; 18:59 the taking of the countless lives of lambs to redeem 19:03 to have the sins of someone atoned for... 19:08 To transfer from the sinner to the substitutionary 19:11 sacrifice, this constant shedding of blood was something 19:16 that the Lord never intended. 19:18 He said, "The blood of bulls and goats, I don't 19:20 need that, but this is just a symbol to show 19:23 that this is what I'm going to do - I'm going to come 19:26 in My own flesh and bring about reconciliation. 19:28 I'm going to be that substitutionary sacrifice." 19:31 And in 2 Corinthians 5, where we know the 19:35 wonderful passage in verse 17, "If anyone is in Christ, 19:38 He is a new creation; old things have passed away; 19:41 behold, all things have become new." 19:43 That's reconciliation! Amen. 19:45 You know, when you're finally, as accountants, 19:47 or when you balance your checkbook - if we even 19:49 do that any longer because we get our bank statements 19:52 and balance that, and we do it all online nowadays... 19:56 But, if something is missing it will all show up at 19:59 the very end - I came up with this amount, 20:01 they came up with that amount. 20:03 I'd like to think of that picture as - the Lord is saying, 20:06 "All of My children are not accounted for, 20:09 some of them are missing, so I've got to 20:13 keep going until I get them all." 20:15 That's why he's not willing that ANY should perish. 20:18 So the Lord, in His love and His ministry of reconciliation 20:21 to us - He's not willing to say to the enemy at all... 20:24 "Okay, alright, alright, alright, I'll give you Kenny, 20:26 but that's it." NO, He resisted the devil 20:31 and I love the way the Lord said to Satan... 20:36 "You're just upset because he's a brand plucked from the fire." 20:41 When I read that, I feel good about that because 20:44 He is saying, "I'm not even willing to give you 20:46 John; I'm not going to give you Shelley, not Jill, 20:48 not Ryan - I'm not giving you anybody." 20:50 Satan says, "give me the worse sinner." 20:52 "I'm not giving you the worse sinner." 20:54 He is able to save to the uttermost, those who come 20:58 to God through Him. 20:59 Seeing that He ever lives to make intercession for us. 21:02 So this ministry that makes us all new... now goes to verse 20 21:06 of 2 Corinthians 5 and says, "Now then because of what 21:10 Christ did to bring about reconciliation, "Now then, 21:12 we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were 21:17 pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, 21:20 be reconciled to God." 21:23 So when we preach, our sermons are not, and I'm saying this 21:27 as a preacher, I don't want to communicate great information, 21:30 I want you to find an exit door out of sin and an entrance 21:34 door into reconciliation. Amen! 21:38 I want you to find an exit door out of darkness, 21:40 and an entrance door into this marvelous life. 21:42 And so we implore... and so I say a preacher without 21:45 passion doesn't understand the ministry of reconciliation; 21:48 a teacher without passion, we all have that here. 21:51 That's why we sound sometimes like we preaching 21:53 when we're not, we're just excited about the fact 21:55 that the Lord has granted to us the ministry of 21:58 reconciliation. 22:00 So I can walk up to the worse person and say, 22:01 "Hey, you know what? You are not so bad that 22:05 the Lord can't save you." 22:06 We used to say in New York, 22:07 "He will reach to the "guttermost" and bring us 22:09 to the uttermost," that's what we say in the city. 22:12 Look at John 17:21, another beautiful picture of the 22:15 united ability of Christ. 22:18 This message of Christ, the chapter of unity. 22:21 John 17:21-22, Jill, do you have that? 22:23 I do... Go ahead read that for us... 22:25 "That they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, 22:28 and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, 22:31 that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22:34 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, 22:37 that they may be one just as We are one." 22:39 And so the church is also God's people reconciled 22:43 to one another and here's one of the beautiful things... 22:46 You see, before they could go forth on the Day of Pentecost, 22:49 to reconcile the world to Christ, 22:52 they had to reconcile with each other. Yes 22:55 Begin in Jerusalem - the place where you worship, 22:58 then Judea - your fellow brethren, then Samaria - 23:02 the people you don't like the Samaritans. 23:04 You can't go into the world unless you can deal with 23:06 how you feel about the people you don't like. That's right! 23:08 THEN to the uttermost part of the earth - did you get that? 23:11 That's why He had to take His disciples 23:13 to the Samaritans continually. 23:15 They said, "Why do you give your food to dogs? 23:17 Don't cast your pearl to the swine. 23:19 Then the Samaritans who they so looked down on, 23:23 were the very ones that cared about the needs of 23:25 the people for He was a Samaritan. That's right! 23:28 And the woman at the well... "We don't have any 23:31 dealings with each other, she was a Samaritan. 23:33 The Lord said to them, "You deal firstly - start at the 23:37 church where you worship, then deal with your 23:38 fellow brethren in Judea, but you cannot 23:41 get to the world unless you go past the people 23:43 that you just don't like. Excellent point! 23:45 And when you get past them, here's what the 23:47 "Review and Herald" says, February 25, 1890... 23:50 "The only way the truth can be presented to the world, 23:54 in its pure and holy character, is for those who claimed 23:58 to believe it to the exponents of its power. 24:01 The Bible requires the sons and daughters of God 24:04 to stand on an elevated platform for God calls upon 24:08 them to represent Christ to the world. 24:10 As they represent Christ, they represent the Father. 24:14 Unity of believers testifies of their oneness with Christ, 24:19 and this unity is required by the accumulated light 24:24 which now shines upon the pathway of the children of God. 24:29 So we've been given light, but if the light has made no 24:31 difference in us, how am I going to say, 24:33 "Be reconciled," and I can't be reconciled. That's true. 24:36 One more... "The Home Missionary," August 1, 1896, 24:39 "The church will never, as a whole, receive the latter rain 24:43 unless they put away all envy, 24:45 evil surmising and evil-speaking. 24:47 Those who have cherished hatred in the heart until 24:51 it has strengthened and become part of their character, 24:54 must have a different experience if they would share in the 24:57 latter rain. 24:58 Many are not awake to the fact that the Lord is testing 25:01 and proving them to make it manifest whether or not 25:04 they really love Jesus. 25:06 The spirit and attitude manifested to their brethren 25:09 tells their spirit and attitude toward God." 25:13 Ooo! Have mercy! 25:14 So if you can't reconcile to each other, 25:16 we cannot have the ministry of reconciliation to the world. 25:19 Amen! And you know, we are studying... 25:21 "The Most Convincing Proof" 25:23 The most convincing proof to the world will be the unity 25:27 that is expressed in our day-to-day lives. 25:30 We're going to take a one minute break, we'll be right back! 25:36 Ever wish you could watch the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel 25:40 again or share it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? 25:43 Well, you can by visiting: 3ABN Sabbath School 25:49 A clean design makes it easy 25:51 to find the program you're looking for. 25:53 There are also links to the "Adult Bible Study Guide" 25:57 so you can follow along. 25:58 Sharing is easy, just click "share," and choose your 26:01 favorite social media. 26:03 Share a link, save a life for eternity! 26:08 We are glad that you have stayed tuned with us 26:11 we're on Lesson 9, "The Most Convincing Proof" 26:13 and we're ready for Tuesday's Lesson, "Practical Unity." 26:18 I felt this is a great lesson. 26:21 Pastor John, like you say, what you were feeding, 26:23 and what you were doing there, really helped, 26:25 at least in my thinking on this is "Practical Unity." 26:28 You know, first of all, can we really have this unity 26:31 that the Bible talks about and can we have this 26:34 practical unity and what is practical? 26:37 It is interesting, I looked up the word and it says, 26:39 "Something that is obtained through practice or action." 26:43 So, you know, that's very good. 26:45 "Something that's realistic; something that is useful." 26:49 So you talk about "practical unity." 26:51 You know, Paul applies and I think he appeals 26:55 to the Philippians and he says this in one of my 26:57 favorite passages always in the Book of Philippians, 26:59 I think you were talking about before in 2 verse 5. Yes 27:02 It said, "Let this mind be in you which was also 27:06 in what? In Christ Jesus! 27:07 So he was appealing... if you want to have unity... 27:10 if there's going to be unity in the church locally or 27:12 worldwide church, we have to have the mind of Christ 27:16 because we cannot do it with the fleshly mind, 27:18 that's an impossibility. That's right. 27:20 We're having a lot of different issues and a lot of 27:22 problems and we need to have the mind of Christ. 27:25 And I read this article, I thought was interesting... 27:28 "Signs of the Times," July 16, 1902 it was written. 27:32 It puts it this way... "What Christ was in His life 27:35 on earth, that every Christian is to be." 27:40 That just puts a real challenge out for me and it's not 27:44 beyond reach because Christ is our all in all, it should be. 27:47 But what Christ was in (notice this) His life on earth, 27:50 that every Christian is to be. 27:53 He is (we know this... what?) our example not only 27:57 in His spotless purity, but in His patience and 28:01 gentleness and in His (I like this) winsome disposition. 28:07 You know I have to check my own disposition once in a 28:09 while - I don't know if it is "winsome." 28:11 It needs to be our disposition and our patience. 28:14 But what Christ was while He was on earth, 28:16 that's their example for us, that we must meet that 28:19 by the grace of God. 28:20 So our lesson, our most convincing proof... 28:23 what would it be? 28:24 Most convincing proof that we are of Christ would be 28:28 in our character - that needs to be changed in His image. 28:33 It deals with our character and people do watch, 28:36 I've found this out, Pastor, and they do listen. 28:40 You may not know they're around, but their ears 28:42 are perked up and they're listening and sometimes they 28:45 don't get the whole message; they're not getting the 28:47 whole thing, but they get enough - they think they can 28:50 run with it and talk about it. 28:52 So we have to realize that if our religious experience 28:55 is genuine... 28:57 I heard somebody say, gen-u-ine. 28:58 If our religious experience is gen-u-ine. 29:01 Genuine! It's going to reveal itself in our character, 29:05 and it's going to have impact, I believe this on every person 29:09 that we come in contact with. 29:10 They may not tell you that, but again, they're looking, 29:12 they're watching, they're listening... 29:14 But it's going to be revealed the way we deal in our home, 29:17 the way we deal with our family, the way we deal with 29:19 our friends. 29:21 And I thought about this, just imagine if you will... 29:24 Just imagine if, you know, as a people, if we were unified 29:28 the way that Christ said it's going to happen before He comes, 29:32 think what a different world this would be. Yes 29:34 Think about the character of Christ being around the world. 29:39 You know, how could this be? 29:41 How can it be that we can have this character of Christ, 29:44 and you know, I say simply this, real simple... 29:47 You can go into a long Bible study; you can go into 29:48 a long spiel; you can do a lot of things, but to me, 29:51 the answer simply is by beholding Jesus. That's right. 29:55 The character can be changed by beholding, 29:57 that's how we become changed and then I think 30:01 about it... is look at Him the way that He loved, 30:04 and the way that He served, that should be a good example. 30:07 The way He loved, I need to love. 30:09 Unless we love our fellow man the way that Christ loved them, 30:12 heaven will never be our home, that's pretty heavy! 30:15 I cried like a baby after the first time 30:16 I read that because I realized I fell so short. 30:20 When I was in the Spirit of Prophecy, it came out... 30:22 unless we love people the way that Christ loved them, 30:25 and willing to give your life and die for them, 30:27 heaven will never be our home. 30:29 And I said, "Oh Lord, help me to have that kind of love, 30:31 and then help me to have that kind of service. 30:33 This is part of realizing are we... is this part of unity? 30:37 This practical unity together. 30:40 And then, I like 1 John 3 talks about there... 1 John 2:3-6, 30:45 I won't read them all, but the bottom line is this... 30:48 I like to get to the bottom line; I don't like to mince 30:50 around, mess around, dance around, be called around. 30:53 I like to just get down to the bottom to say this... 30:56 Simply walk as He walked. Amen! 31:00 I mean that's getting down to it simply... 31:02 you cannot go wrong, my brothers and sisters, 31:03 today, if you simply walk as He walked. 31:06 Teach the things that He taught, just teach them! 31:09 Live them, let it become a part of you. 31:12 You can't go wrong... instead of saying, "Well I would, 31:14 but now we don't do it, just as things have changed now. No! 31:18 Jesus never changes! Notice that. 31:20 In fact, in this practical unity, we have to let this 31:26 thing called, "The golden rule," I think, a lot of people 31:28 talk about - what's that, Matthew 7:12, it talks about in 31:31 "Whatsoever man should say to you, do even so to them 31:36 for this is the law of the prophets." 31:38 ALL things whatsoever. 31:39 Notice this - that men would do to you - do. 31:44 This is what we should do. 31:45 To them, this is the law of the prophets. 31:47 That means seek, (at least to me), seek the welfare 31:51 of others, wouldn't you think? Absolutely! 31:53 You know, how many of us really do... I mean, to me 31:54 that's a challenge, that's your question... 31:56 How often do I really seek the welfare of others 31:59 the way I seek the welfare of myself. That's true! 32:02 When I get done with everything... my son said 32:04 one time - "Dad, what am I gonna do?" 32:07 He was asking to go somewhere, I said to him one time... 32:09 he was asking to go somewhere and I said, "No, you can't 32:11 go there, son, that's not a place you ought to be." 32:13 "Dad, everybody is doing it!" 32:15 "Everybody is gonna be there!" 32:16 I said, "That's exactly why you're not gonna be there." 32:19 So he looked around - tears, he was crying and carrying on... 32:22 "But dad, what am I gonna do?" 32:24 So sometimes, even as young persons - we grow up... 32:27 "What am I gonna do?" 32:29 You know, we walk the way that He walked. 32:31 In Galatians 6, do I really care about my fellowmen? 32:34 In Galatians 6:2... "Bear ye one another's - what? 32:36 Burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 32:40 And I'm thinking about that... 32:42 You know, we have to consider another person's problems 32:46 as if they were our own. That's right. 32:49 And I look at that and I'm saying... 32:51 "You know, I don't always do that." 32:52 I'm not trying to say - good, I'm just simply saying, 32:54 because sometimes when they're heavy on you, 32:56 you're just compelled to kind of try and deal with what's 32:59 dished out for that day, and so on. 33:02 But I need to, I need to look at them... 33:05 whatever you're going through, you're going through, 33:07 I need to deal with it as if they were my own. 33:10 If we apply that thinking, I think, to our home, 33:15 to our community, to our church... 33:19 you know - in that aspect, think about it, 33:23 the world would be a different world. 33:26 I mean, our life would be made very positive! 33:29 And we certainly could fulfill living out the lesson 33:33 that we're talking about here, our lesson brings this 33:36 out so clearly. 33:37 I read one part that was very interesting, 33:41 that it would do well for us to focus on simplicity, 33:43 notice that, and in spiritual things instead of 33:47 outward display... so lot of times we do that. 33:51 As 1 Peter 3:3 says... it tells us about, you know, 33:55 we're worried so much about the adorning of the body; 33:57 the hair; the wearing of gold and all the putting on of 34:01 apparel... instead of worrying so much about that, 34:04 we need to get back to the simplicity of the gospel. 34:06 Get back to the spiritual things. 34:08 Even though those things are very, very important, 34:10 as a Christian, we have to look them. 34:12 "Manuscript 52, 1892 as this is winding down... 34:15 It says, "There are idols cherished in our families 34:18 and in our churches today which have the same 34:21 influence upon us as did the golden calf 34:24 upon the Israelites." 34:25 So when I read those things, 34:27 I say, "Man, we need to be very careful with that. 34:29 "Review of Herald, 7, 1899," It says, "The time has come 34:32 (notice this) when we as a people should search ourselves 34:36 to see what idols we are cherishing. 34:39 It's time... the article goes on saying, "When the shepherds 34:42 of the flock should do faithful work as sentinels of God... 34:47 (notice this) we do it in dress; we do it in speech; 34:50 we do it in deportment. (notice this) We are to be 34:55 a people distinct and separate from the world." Amen. 35:00 Sometimes that just seems like, sad to say sometimes 35:03 that we put on what God said to take off. 35:08 You know, and sometimes we haven't covered up 35:10 what God says to cover up. 35:12 And sometimes, those people just say, "Well, we just 35:15 can't really do that, this is the way we want to do." 35:19 But, are we really following Christ? 35:21 Do we really have that practical unity that we're 35:23 willing to lay aside these things and to follow 35:25 Jesus Christ as our example? 35:28 And you know, this says that we talk about unity. 35:30 I'll leave these thoughts with you from "First Selected 35:32 Messages, p.175," says... "Goes does not call for 35:35 unity on wrong practices." 35:38 He never calls for unity... 35:39 He never calls for unity on compromising the truth. 35:44 Unity is not to be secured by compromise - "Great 35:48 Controversy, p.45." 35:50 Nice to have unity, nice to come together, 35:53 but we never lower the principle - the truth of 35:55 God's word in order to have the unity. 35:59 In fact, we need practical unity and it can be based 36:02 on God who lives in our hearts. Amen! 36:05 Thank you so much Pastor Kenny, that's powerful. 36:08 It challenges my own heart, as I think about that... 36:12 that practical unity and how God 36:15 wants me to come higher and I know He does. 36:17 So praise the Lord that He doesn't give up on us! 36:20 And He wants to keep working in our hearts and lives. 36:24 I have "Unity Amid Diversity." 36:27 This is in Romans 14, so if you want to turn in your Bibles, 36:31 we're going to spend our time in Romans 14. 36:33 Romans 14... this is all about the strong and the weak 36:40 existing together and tolerance and patience toward those 36:46 who believe differently, but we're not talking about 36:48 doctrinal issues in this chapter. 36:51 We're not talking about salvational issues 36:54 in this chapter... but those who believe differently from us. 36:58 Maybe even in a matter of personal preference, as it were. 37:01 You know, the story is told of a man who went to his 37:03 doctor and, of course, we know this is just an illustration... 37:06 And he said, "I'm misbehaving, doctor, and my conscience 37:10 is really bothering me." 37:12 And so the doctor said, "Oh, you want something 37:15 that's going to strengthen your willpower?" 37:17 And the man said, "No doc, I was really thinking of 37:20 something that would weaken my conscience." 37:25 So as we take that into consideration, as we look at 37:28 Romans 14... The strong and the weak. 37:33 First, I want to set the stage, what the issue is not. 37:37 What the issue is not here in Romans 14. 37:39 It's not about absolutes or fundamental doctrines of faith. 37:43 Paul is very clear about the gospel. 37:45 He's clear about the law of God and the Ten Commandments, 37:49 and the importance to keep those Ten Commandments. 37:52 Paul is clear that salvation is by grace through faith. 37:56 He's clear about moral purity and integrity. 38:00 There's a difference in Paul's response here and we'll 38:03 find this in Romans 14- to say his response to the Judaizers 38:08 in the Book of Galatians and the way he addressed 38:11 the issue is completely different 38:13 in the way that he addressed it. 38:14 Paul was very severe with those in Galatians who were 38:19 accepting this concept that you had to be circumcised 38:23 in order to be saved and that circumcision was essential 38:26 or necessary for salvation. 38:28 He was very severe with them, in fact, in Galatians 3, 38:31 he calls them "foolish Galatians," 38:33 "O foolish Galatians." 38:35 In the Greek it means "stupid or mindless," 38:37 so he was pretty strong with them. 38:39 Now in Galatians 2, Paul refused to have Titus 38:45 circumcised - Titus was not circumcised and in Galatians 2, 38:48 he says, "He should not be circumcised because 38:52 this was becoming a point, a doctrine of salvation. 38:56 They were saying, "You had to be circumcised in order 38:59 to become a Christian, in order to be saved. 39:01 So because of that and because of Paul's strong stance 39:04 against that, he said "Titus should not be circumcised." 39:07 Now you contrast that with how Paul treats the Roman 39:13 Christians here in Romans 14. 39:16 It's a very different approach that you see take place here. 39:21 It reminds me of Acts 16:3, Paul in this case... 39:27 Timothy was not circumcised either. 39:29 Titus wasn't circumcised and Paul said, "You don't need 39:32 to be circumcised." 39:33 Now in Timothy's case, he said, "You should be circumcised." 39:38 Now that's interesting because in one case, "No, you should 39:41 no be circumcised," and that is because the Judaizers 39:45 were making it a salvational issue and Timothy's case 39:49 it was so that he would not be a stumbling block. 39:53 The Gentiles knew the Jews knew that his father 39:55 was a Greek and so that he would not be a stumbling block. 39:59 So when we look at Romans 14, we're looking at differences 40:05 of opinion, conviction, preferences and looking at 40:10 not being a stumbling block to our weaker brother or sister. 40:15 So what are the issues in Romans 14? 40:18 One of the issues is disputes over doubtful things. 40:21 We see that in Romans 14:1... "Receive one who is weak 40:25 in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. 40:30 "Doubtful" in Greek means reasoning that is 40:33 back and forth. 40:34 Have you ever known someone like that? 40:36 You ask them a question... "Oh yes, this is the way it is." 40:39 And then... tomorrow maybe you get a different response. 40:42 You get a different answer! 40:44 So we're not to engage in disputes over doubtful things. 40:48 And what are some of the doubtful things? 40:50 In Romans 14, it's really two different 40:52 issues that we're addressing. 40:54 One would be the types of food that is eaten and we're 40:58 going to address that, but this is not talking about 41:00 clean and unclean food. That's right. 41:02 Paul is not putting aside the law. 41:06 What he's saying is... we're talking about ceremonial 41:09 impurity - that's what he's talking about here. 41:12 The other issue - and we will look into that... is about 41:17 a dispute regarding days, and in here, we're going to 41:20 see this has nothing to do with the Sabbath or Sunday. 41:23 This has to do with the feast days and the fast days 41:28 that lead up to the feast days. 41:29 So if we look at the disputes over the type of food eaten, 41:32 we see in Romans 14:2... "For one believes he may eat 41:36 all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables." 41:41 Now, how do we know what he's really talking about here? 41:44 How do we know if this is clean or unclean or 41:46 if this is really just dealing with ceremonial impurity? 41:49 There is no evidence in the New Testament that Christians 41:53 ate anything unclean. 41:55 Every Scripture, every time something is referenced... 41:59 a lesson or two ago, we talked about Peter 42:02 with the sheet that came down and the thing, and he said, 42:05 "I have never eaten anything common or unclean." 42:09 So this is well after the time of Jesus and it makes it 42:12 very evident, very clear that 42:17 the disciples did not all of a sudden start eating 42:20 what was common or what was unclean. 42:23 And it also talks about beverages later... 42:26 he introduces beverages... well, you know, clearly 42:29 then, we're not discussing clean and unclean because 42:31 that would not involve beverages either. 42:33 We also look at Romans 14:14, it says... 42:39 Paul says, "I know and am convinced by the Lord 42:41 Jesus, there is nothing unclean of itself, 42:45 but to him who considers anything to be unclean 42:47 to him it is unclean. 42:49 Now it's interesting to note 42:50 what the word for "unclean" is. 42:52 In English, it's simply translated "unclean." 42:55 But in the Greek, it means it's "koinos." 42:59 I guess that's how you pronounce it and it literally 43:01 means "impure animals," it's not talking about being unclean. 43:06 It refers to maybe the uncleanness of food eaten 43:09 with unwashed hands some of those ceremonial laws... 43:12 ceremonial impurity, some of those ceremonial laws 43:17 that the Jews held - some of those laws we know 43:21 were nailed to the cross, NOT the Ten Commandment Law, 43:24 but those ordinances and those ceremonies were. 43:27 And then we look at disputes over days... 43:30 Romans 14:5-6... "One person esteems one day above another; 43:35 another esteems every day alike. 43:37 Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 43:40 He who observes a day, observes it to the Lord, 43:43 and he who does not observe the day to the Lord 43:47 he does not observe it." 43:49 Now, we're not talking about the Sabbath day here, 43:51 we know clearly, Acts 13:14, Acts 16:13, Acts 17:2... 43:59 all talk about Paul going into the synagogue 44:02 on the Sabbath day; Paul worshipping on the Sabbath; 44:05 Paul meeting at the riverside on the Sabbath day, 44:08 with the women there, to worship. 44:10 And the controversy in the early church was never over 44:12 whether they should even keep the Sabbath. 44:14 Sometimes it was over HOW to keep it and there was 44:17 controversy concerning that, but there was NEVER 44:19 any controversy concerning over whether they should 44:22 keep the Sabbath. 44:23 So what is Paul's counsel to the issues? 44:25 Four things in closing: 44:27 #1... Look at your own life. Your own issues and don't 44:32 judge someone else. 44:34 Romans 14:10... "Why do you judge your brother, 44:36 why do you show contempt for your brother? 44:38 We shall all stand individually before the 44:41 judgment seat of Christ." 44:42 #2... Practice tolerance towards those who believe 44:46 differently from you. 44:48 Romans 14:3... "Let not him who eats despise him 44:52 who does not eat, and let not him 44:54 who does not eat, judge him who eats 44:56 for God has received him. 44:57 #3... Do not be a stumbling block to others. 45:03 #4... Be willing to give something up 45:08 if it's hurting your brother. 45:11 Romans 14:15... "Yet if your brother is grieved 45:13 because of your food, you are no longer 45:15 walking in love. 45:17 Do not destroy, with your food the one for whom Christ died. 45:20 I think so many times, in the Christian community, 45:23 now our issue is not ceremonial impurity, 45:26 and our issue isn't circumcision or any of that, 45:28 but we have our own issues in the church to contend with. 45:31 And, so many times we think, "Well they need to change." 45:35 And instead of thinking, "Am I being a stumbling 45:38 block to someone else, in the way that I live, 45:41 in my lifestyle, in my habits, in my practice." 45:44 So Romans 14 is about the strong and the weak, 45:48 and we are to adjust and change our own conduct 45:52 in order that we are not a stumbling block to someone else. 45:55 Amen! 45:57 Ooo, hard to follow that one. 45:58 That was a powerful study. Amen! 46:01 This is Thursday's lesson and, of course, the lesson 46:04 is entitled: "Unity in Mission" 46:06 And, you know, being an evangelist for quite some time, 46:10 that really is... Pastor Lomacang, I think you 46:13 and the Pastor here can understand this better 46:16 than anyone and that is... isn't our ultimate goal 46:18 to make disciples, but eventually you want those 46:22 disciples to be grafted into the mission of our church. Amen! 46:25 The mission and the movement in which God has called us, 46:27 and I think that is the ultimate goal, 46:30 but yet that mission is a process. 46:32 It is a process and sometimes within that mission, 46:37 that unity in mission, there can be some 46:39 contentions or there can be some challenges. 46:41 And I think that we see that in the example given to us 46:43 in the Bible, right there with the disciples... 46:46 For instance, Luke 22:24... you'll notice prior 46:50 to the Pentecost experience, we see in Luke 22:24, 46:55 it says... "Now there was also a dispute among them... 46:59 (now keep in mind, this dispute that was happening 47:01 they were with Jesus at the table at the Last 47:04 Supper and Christ is literally hours from 47:08 being crucified and giving His life on the cross of Calvary) 47:11 and so we see here in Luke 22:24, "Now there was a 47:14 dispute among them as to which of them should be 47:17 considered the... greatest, the greatest!" 47:20 You know, as a minister in traveling around the country, 47:25 around the world and having the wonderful privilege 47:27 and opportunity of preaching the gospel, 47:30 you know, you would like to believe that everyone is 47:33 in one mind and in one accord, as the Bible tells us. 47:36 That everyone is pressing forward in that mission 47:39 as God has ordained us and called us as a group, 47:41 as a movement. 47:43 But truly, I think some of us, in our weaknesses, 47:46 we sometimes get side-tracked and those weaknesses 47:49 cause our mission to sometimes often fail. 47:52 But God is not a God of failure, He is a God of victory, 47:56 He is a God of grace and mercy. 47:59 Notice the change in the disciples pre and post 48:04 Pentecost - we're going to see that in just a few moments. 48:06 Notice what it says here in Acts 1:14, it says... 48:09 "These all continued with one accord in prayer and 48:13 supplication with the woman, Mary, the mother of Jesus, 48:17 and with His brothers." 48:18 Now the crucifixion of Christ has occurred; 48:22 they are literally days from this Pentecost experience; 48:25 they know something is coming, but they can't quite 48:27 put their thumb on it, but they know that Christ 48:30 has promised them another Comforter, 48:31 a power than can endure. 48:33 Notice Acts 2:1, 46... it says, "When the day of Pentecost 48:38 had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." 48:43 Wouldn't it be nice to see all of our people 48:45 in one accord and in one place in every aspect 48:49 of church mission and then that is the ultimate goal. 48:52 Verse 46 of Acts 2 says... "So continuing (and I love 48:56 this word here) daily... (not just on the Sabbath, 48:59 but daily) with one accord in the temple (it says here) 49:05 and breaking bread from house-to-house, 49:07 they ate their food with gladness 49:09 and simplicity of heart." 49:12 And so you can see a change in the disciples that may be 49:16 pre-Pentecost, you know, even there in the waking 49:19 moments in which Christ was about to give His life 49:21 for all the world - we see the disciples 49:23 are disputing, there is a struggle there. 49:25 You can see the great controversy at play there, 49:28 but yet, moving closer and closer to that Pentecost 49:31 experience, we start to see almost a revival. Yes 49:34 It was a revival, a change happening in their hearts 49:37 and in their minds - as they began to see that while 49:40 Christ is not with them, yet He's with them, 49:42 and then they have to be in oneness as well. 49:44 How were the disciples able to come together 49:49 in this oneness and in this unity? 49:50 Not in and of their own power, not in and of their own strength 49:55 for we know that Acts 1:8 tells us very clearly... 49:58 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit 50:03 has come upon you, and you shall be... what? 50:06 A witness to Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, 50:11 and then here's the most important part... 50:12 and to all the ends of the earth." 50:14 So we are a global mission-minded 50:16 people, at least we should be. 50:18 God has called us not just to preach here to Thompsonville, 50:21 not just to preach to our individual towns, 50:23 in our individual states, while those missions are 50:25 most important - but we are a global mission-minded people. 50:28 But the only way we can be unified in the mission 50:32 that God has called us to, is only by submitting 50:35 and adhering to the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! 50:38 And I often remind people... some people ask me 50:41 all the time on the road, they say, "Ryan, how can I 50:43 know for sure that I have the Holy Spirit?" 50:45 Well it tells us right here... "And when you receive 50:47 the Holy Spirit, you shall receive power to be a witness." 50:51 If you don't have that zeal and that passion 50:54 to go up there and tell the world about Christ, 50:56 and to be in unity and oneness with your brethren, 50:59 and going to declare the good news of the gospel of Jesus, 51:02 then that is a good test... "Do I have the Holy Spirit?" 51:04 Because if you do, you just can't keep your mouth shut! 51:07 You can't keep from sharing that joy, that passion 51:10 that you so desire to. 51:11 But, you know, the truth is... even within this 51:15 process of growing this mission, we know that there are 51:21 contentions that we have to deal with even amongst our church. 51:24 We know that the devil is attacking our people. 51:27 He is at war with God's remnant people who keep 51:29 the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. 51:32 You know, one of the major things that can destroy this 51:35 unification of mission in our church 51:38 is criticism of our brethren. Amen! 51:42 And, you know, not just our brethren, 51:43 but also ministries within our church and we're going to 51:46 get into this in just a few moments very briefly, 51:48 but I take into consideration some of the issues that the 51:52 disciples could have brought up as they were gradually 51:56 getting closer to that Pentecost experience. 51:58 They were not with Christ anymore - He has promised 52:01 them but yet the human side of them is 52:02 challenging and doubting. 52:04 You know, is the Comforter really going 52:05 to come - is Christ really going to be with us 52:07 as He said that He would be? 52:09 I could imagine them bringing up Peter's denial... 52:11 "YOU denied Him," and criticizing Peter for being the 52:14 great denier that he was. 52:16 You know, doubting Thomas. 52:17 "Thomas, you doubted the resurrection of Christ," 52:20 you can't be a leader of this church, you can't go out 52:22 and do the mission that God has 52:23 called you to be because you're a doubter." 52:25 I take in consideration the instance in which John and 52:28 James request to receive the most powerful position 52:31 in Christ's kingdom. 52:32 You can imagine how maybe contending against each other 52:35 about that and arguing and complaining... 52:37 And sometimes we look at our brethren and we look at their 52:40 faults, their past faults and it often can come to mind and cause 52:44 us to have a negative outlook or negative experience 52:47 with our brethren and towards our brethren that it's 52:49 actually working against the power of the Holy Spirit 52:52 to fulfill and complete the mission that God has called us. 52:55 I think of Matthew - that former tax collector, "You're not 52:59 even really a true disciple, you were a publican, 53:02 you were a tax collector." 53:03 But yet, I read this quote here, I have to read it here, 53:06 it's powerful - this is in "Acts of the Apostles," p.37, 53:10 and it tells us here... "The disciples prayed with 53:13 intense earnestness for a fitness to meet men 53:18 and in their daily intercourse, to speak words that would 53:21 lead sinners to Christ." Amen! 53:23 This is a lengthy quote but listen to this, it's powerful! 53:26 The experience that they're experiencing as they are 53:28 approaching this Pentecost revival. 53:30 It says, "Putting away all differences, all desire for the 53:34 supremacy, they came close together in Christian 53:38 fellowship. (Shouldn't we all?) 53:40 They drew nearer and nearer to God and as they did this, 53:44 they realized what a privilege had been theirs 53:47 in being permitted to associate so closely with Christ. 53:51 Sadness filled their hearts as they thought of how many 53:54 times they had grieved Him by their slowness and 53:57 comprehension of their failure to understand 54:00 the lessons that, for their good, He was trying 54:03 to teach them. (and then this last part here - powerful) 54:05 These days of preparation were days of deep heart-searching. 54:10 The disciples felt their spiritual need and cried 54:12 to the Lord for the Holy unction that would fit them 54:16 for the working of soul-saving. 54:19 They did not ask for a blessing for themselves merely, 54:23 they were weighted (notice) with the burden of the 54:28 salvation of souls. That's it! 54:30 They realized that the gospel was to be carried to the world 54:33 and they claimed the power that Christ had promised." 54:37 Amen! That's powerful! Amen! 54:38 That is really the ultimate desire - when we're putting our 54:40 attention on Christ and not on each other, but necessarily 54:42 on Christ, then all of us together as a mission-minded 54:45 unified people, can complete 54:47 the work that God has called us to do. Amen! 54:49 You know, we are sanctified as John 17:17 tells us... 54:53 "We are sanctified by the truth because His word is truth." Amen 54:57 So we're not talking about setting aside differences... 55:00 like in an ecumenical sense where we are just putting 55:02 aside all of the truths of God's word and, you know, 55:05 compromising the truth of God's word so that we can be 55:07 unified in love and in happiness, but rather, 55:09 we ARE unified but what are we unified upon? 55:12 According to John 17- Truth! 55:14 So I want to leave us with this wonderful quote 55:16 that I found here, powerful! 55:18 This comes from the 6th volume of the Testimonies, p.295, 55:22 and it says here... "Someone must fulfill the commission 55:27 of Christ. Someone must carry on the work which 55:30 He began to do on earth because He set the example, 55:35 and (notice) the church has been given this privilege 55:37 for this purpose it has been organized." Amen! 55:42 Praise the Lord, thank you so much, Ryan. 55:45 You know, you can see what a wonderful study this is. 55:48 This Quarterly is: "Oneness in Christ" 55:51 and if you would like to get a copy of the Quarterly, 55:55 you can go to: 56:00 to download it so that you can study in advance 56:04 and study along with us. 56:06 We have just a minute left, quick comment anyone? 56:10 Yeah, God united the church with the early rain, 56:12 and the church must be united for the latter rain. 56:15 Amen! 56:17 What would be seen? A question? 56:18 What would be seen in our lives, my life - that would 56:21 encourage somebody else to follow Jesus? Amen! 56:24 My appeal to you would be for myself as well as for you 56:28 at home - get out of yourself, surrender yourself 56:31 to the Lord Jesus; allow Him to work in you. Amen! 56:36 Unity of the faith - that's what we have to have, 56:38 and I love this quote here, very short but very profound... 56:40 "Heavenly angels have long been awaiting for human agents 56:45 the members of the church to cooperate with them 56:48 in the great work to be done, they are waiting for you." 56:52 Powerful quote! Thank you Ryan. 56:54 You know, the one thing that we know is that 56:58 as we are filled with the Spirit of God, 57:02 filled with the love of God, that we will be united 57:06 and we'll work together in mission and that's when 57:09 we will reflect the love, the light and the life of our 57:12 Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 57:14 We will hold Him high and all with be drawn to Him. 57:17 Our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord and Savior, 57:21 the love of the Father and the fellowship of the Holy 57:23 Spirit will be with you today and forever! |
Revised 2018-11-29