3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Unity In Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180047A

00:32 Hello and welcome to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 I'm Jill Morikone and we are so happy that you have taken
00:37 time from your day to join us as we go through our
00:40 study of the word of God.
00:42 We are in the middle of our quarter on "Oneness in Christ"
00:46 Last week, we looked at the early Christian Church,
00:49 the believers and how they dealt with disunity,
00:52 how they handled conflict.
00:54 This week our study is: "Unity in Faith"
00:58 I want to introduce our panel to you at this time;
01:00 to my left is Pastor Kenny Shelton - it's always a
01:02 privilege to sit with you and to hear
01:04 what God has to share through you.
01:06 Oh, it's such a blessing to be here, thank you.
01:08 And to your left, Pastor John Lomacang, my pastor,
01:10 the pastor of the Thompsonville Church here...
01:12 Good to be here always. It's a privilege to have you.
01:13 To your left is Ryan Day - we are so excited
01:17 to have Ryan here.
01:18 You are a brand new employee here or sort of brand new
01:24 here at 3ABN - he came from "Amazing Facts" and he was
01:27 an evangelist with them, and it's a privilege to have
01:29 you here on the panel. Thank you.
01:31 And to your left is my Sister Shelley Quinn and thank you
01:34 so much for being here as well. Lovely to be here.
01:36 I want to encourage you to go to the website where you can
01:40 download your own copy of the Quarterly and follow along
01:44 with us from week-to-week.
01:45 That website is: ABSG.Adventist.org
01:50 That stands for "Adult Bible Study Guide.Adventist.org
01:55 or we always encourage you to go visit your local
01:58 Seventh-day Adventist Church; they would give you a copy
02:01 of a Quarterly and you could join a body of believers
02:04 and study together.
02:05 Before we go any further in our study,
02:07 we want to go to the Lord in prayer.
02:09 Pastor Kenny, would you open up in prayer for us?
02:11 Absolutely! Let's pray together, shall we?
02:13 Merciful Father in Heaven, Truly, we are thankful
02:15 that we can come before Thee this Thy Sabbath day,
02:18 that we can worship Thee in Spirit and in truth.
02:20 We can study the word, we ask for the anointing
02:23 of thy Holy Spirit. Lord, how desperately
02:26 we need the Spirit of the living God to come into
02:28 our hearts, into our minds that we might be able
02:30 to, by the grace of God, decipher what is truth.
02:33 and then the ability to walk in that truth,
02:35 Thank you for each one that's here today.
02:37 Open our hearts, open our minds and each one who
02:39 views, those who listen. Lord, may this truly
02:42 be a blessing that will bring honor and glory to You,
02:44 and to You alone today. For heavenly wisdom
02:47 we plead and we thank You. In Jesus name... Amen, Amen!
02:50 As we look at the concept of unity in the church,
02:53 I believe that often, in many churches,
02:56 and probably the Seventh-day Adventist Church would
02:58 be no exception, there are two polar opposites, as it were,
03:02 when we look at unity.
03:04 One concept is built on truth and it says there is no
03:08 unity apart from truth.
03:10 And it says... we need to hold our doctrines pure,
03:13 and hold on to the truth once delivered to the saints.
03:18 The other concept is a concept built on relationships.
03:22 It says relationships are more important than truth.
03:27 The truth concept says that I need to preserve the truth
03:31 at all costs.
03:33 The relationship concept says that I need to hold on to
03:36 relationships at all cost.
03:39 The truth concept says that it doesn't matter who you hurt.
03:43 The relationship concept says it doesn't
03:46 matter who you believe.
03:47 The truth concept says it doesn't matter
03:50 who you step on.
03:52 The relationship concept says it doesn't matter what you teach.
03:56 The truth concept says it doesn't matter
03:59 how you preserve the truth, just do it.
04:03 The relationship concept says it doesn't matter
04:05 how you compromise, just do it.
04:08 Now I would submit to you at home and to us here,
04:11 that there's a third concept.
04:13 The third concept is to hold the truth in love, in humility,
04:21 in relationship with other people
04:25 Authentic Christian unity is not found in diversity,
04:29 it's not found despite diversity - it's rather found
04:33 through diversity.
04:35 Our unity is made evident by how we treat other people.
04:40 I love Philippians 2... I think Philippians is one of my
04:43 favorite books of the Bible.
04:45 Philippians 2:1-3, Paul says... "Therefore if there is any
04:49 consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love,
04:52 if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection
04:56 and mercy, fulfill my joy... how? by being likeminded,
05:01 having the same love being of one accord, of one mind.
05:05 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory;
05:08 but in lowliness of mind let each esteem the other
05:12 as better than themselves."
05:14 I think in every healthy church there is a danger of
05:17 disunity because when our beliefs matter to us,
05:20 it's easy to let the beliefs supersede the relationship
05:24 of the person.
05:25 The relationship is important, but the belief
05:28 is just as important.
05:30 We're not saying we cast away the truth;
05:32 we're just saying how we hold on to the truth in love
05:36 and in humility is important.
05:39 You know the church in 1888, when I say "the church,"
05:42 I'm talking about the Seventh- day Adventist Church.
05:44 In 1888, they had some doctrinal debates regarding
05:47 the ten horns, prophecy in Daniel 7 regarding
05:50 what the law really meant in Galatians 3:24
05:53 and they missed entirely that their attitudes toward
05:57 other people were hostile and they missed the message of
06:00 righteousness by faith, that God wanted to give to the
06:04 church at that time.
06:06 So this week, we're going to look at some key beliefs
06:09 within the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
06:11 and how that shapes our unity.
06:14 My day, on Sunday, we get to talk about "Salvation in Jesus."
06:18 We're talking about the second coming - the high priestly
06:20 ministry of Jesus in the Heavenly Sanctuary;
06:23 the truth of the Sabbath, and the truth
06:25 about the state of the dead.
06:26 So our memory text is Acts 4:12, it says, "Nor is there salvation
06:33 in any other, for there is no other name under heaven
06:36 given among men by which we must be saved."
06:41 Now when you think about this doctrine of salvation,
06:44 I believe salvation in Jesus alone all other doctrines
06:48 find their center and circumference
06:51 in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
06:53 And then the fact that we are saved by grace
06:56 through faith, that not of ourselves,
06:58 it's a gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast...
07:01 That's Ephesians 2:8-9.
07:03 We often say, "What is the gift?"
07:05 The gift is salvation.
07:06 The gift is the grace that God bestows upon us,
07:11 in order to receive that salvation.
07:13 The gift is the faith by which I reach out by faith and
07:17 accept the grace, accept the blood of Jesus to cover my sins.
07:21 When we think about this concept of salvation,
07:24 it's really a doctrine of salvation.
07:26 We know, in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve
07:28 walked in perfect harmony... Right Pastor Kenny? Absolutely!
07:32 with each other and with their Maker
07:34 every day and in the cool of the day.
07:36 Sin brought separation from God.
07:40 Sin always brings fear and guilt.
07:42 I think of Genesis 3:10, Remember God said...
07:46 "Where are you?" because they always
07:47 met in the cool of the day. "Where are you?"
07:50 And Adam said, "I heard your voice in the garden
07:53 and I was afraid, and I realized I was naked,
07:57 and I hid myself."
07:59 In Hebrew, the word for "hid" is to hide oneself in fear.
08:03 So he said, "I was afraid and I hid myself in fear."
08:06 I was really afraid.
08:08 Sin brought fear, sin brought guilt,
08:11 sin separation from God.
08:13 We know that sin brings death. Romans 6:23... "The wages
08:17 of sin is death."
08:19 Are you thankful that the Bible doesn't stop there? Amen!
08:21 But, "The wages of sin is death, BUT, the gift of God
08:26 is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
08:29 We know that all have sinned; Adam and Eve first sinned and
08:33 we are all guilty by association but we're all guilty by choice
08:37 because every single person following Adam made a choice
08:40 to step into sin at one point or another in their life.
08:45 Romans 1, talks about the sins, as it were, of the Gentile
08:50 world - there's a great list of sins listed there in
08:52 Romans 1 and it's a pretty heavy list if you read that list.
08:56 Romans 2 is the sins of the Jewish world,
09:01 and that's a pretty heavy list too.
09:03 But now we get down to Romans 3:23- I want to invite
09:06 you to turn there with us.
09:08 We're going to spend the rest of our time in Romans 3.
09:10 Romans 3:23... We come to this statement - "All have sinned
09:16 and fallen short of the glory of God."
09:20 So all of us are under that condemnation, as it were,
09:25 and that curse from the law.
09:27 We are all separated from God.
09:30 Aren't you thankful it doesn't stop there? Halleluiah!
09:33 The very next verse, Romans 3:24- what does it say?
09:38 "Being justified freely by His grace."
09:42 So, first of all, in Romans 3:23, we were all declared
09:46 wicked, right? We were all under the curse
09:49 and condemnation of sin.
09:51 What does the word "justified" mean?
09:54 Dikaioo - it means, in Greek, to show to be righteous,
09:57 to declare righteous.
10:00 So we were all declared wicked in the previous verse,
10:03 and all of a sudden, we're declared righteous.
10:06 What took place? John 3:16 took place.
10:10 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten
10:13 Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
10:16 but have eternal or everlasting life." That's right.
10:19 What took place was the death of Jesus - our perfect
10:24 substitute, perfect life... He died the
10:27 death that we deserved.
10:28 He took our sin and our punishment so that we
10:33 could have the life that He gives us.
10:36 What an incredible exchange!
10:38 So we are all sinners; God sent Jesus to give us
10:42 the gift of eternal life.
10:44 And what does He do? He justifies us.
10:47 He redeems us.
10:48 He became the propitiation. Praise God.
10:51 He justifies us.
10:53 1 John 1:7... "If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
10:56 we have fellowship with one another, and the blood
10:59 of Jesus Christ, his Son cleanses us from all sin."
11:04 He declares us to be righteous. How does he do this?
11:08 I always call it the double imputation, I don't even
11:11 know if that's a theological term, but in 2 Corinthians 5:21,
11:16 Pastor Kenny, it says, "For He made Him (that was God
11:19 made Jesus) who knew no sin to become sin for us
11:24 that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him."
11:29 So my sin was imputed to His account - God...
11:33 Jesus took my sin and His righteousness was
11:37 credited or imputed to my account.
11:40 So He justifies us. He redeems us.
11:43 We're in Romans 3:24 (the second half), "We're justified freely
11:47 by His grace through the redemption that is
11:50 in Christ Jesus!
11:52 The word for "redemption" really means a release
11:55 effected by payment of a ransom.
12:00 It means to buy back, to win back what was
12:04 previously lost.
12:06 That's all of us - we're all lost under the penalty of sin,
12:10 and Satan claimed dominion of this world - did he not?
12:13 God gave to Adam dominion of the world, but Satan
12:16 claimed dominion when Adam and Eve stepped into sin.
12:19 He thought, "I'm the ruler of the world,"
12:21 but God bought us back by the death and the blood
12:24 of Jesus on the cross. Amen!
12:26 And then He became our propitiation,
12:29 that's the next verse.
12:31 Verse 25... "...Whom God sent forth as a propitiation
12:36 by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His
12:39 righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed
12:42 over the sins that were previously committed..."
12:44 He set Jesus forth as the propitiation.
12:47 Now that word in Greek is literally "mercy seat."
12:50 You know, in the Old Testament, in the Ark of the
12:52 Covenant, they had what? The Ten Commandments, right,
12:56 the law of God, and the mercy seat was like the lid,
13:00 you could say - the covering over the Ark of God.
13:03 Every year on the Day of Atonement,
13:06 the high priest went in and sprinkled the blood over
13:09 the Ark of the Covenant, over the mercy seat;
13:13 that symbolized, as it were, that the blood was covering
13:17 or appeasing God's wrath.
13:19 Now God doesn't have wrath against sinners,
13:21 but definitely against sin because sin cannot
13:24 stand in the presence of a Holy God.
13:26 So type met antitype when Jesus came as our sacrifice.
13:31 So I just want, in my remaining moments here,
13:35 to make an appeal to you right now - if you have never
13:38 asked the Lord Jesus Christ into your life to accept
13:42 Jesus as your Savior today. Yes
13:44 You might be saying... "But I've been too far,
13:47 and I've gone too far, I've been through too much,
13:50 I've done too much..."
13:52 I love John 6:37, I think it's one of my favorite Scriptures.
13:56 Jesus says, "Whoever comes to me, I will never cast away."
14:02 Come to Jesus just now as you are, know that He will
14:05 accept and cleanse and forgive you.
14:07 1 John 1:9... "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
14:10 and just to forgive our sins and to cleanses us
14:13 from all unrighteousness."
14:15 Know that you can receive His righteousness
14:17 in place of your sin.
14:19 Know that He will work in you, both to will and to do
14:23 of His good pleasure and enable you to walk in victory.
14:26 And then sometimes I think we begin this process and
14:30 know it's all by Jesus and then we think, "But I gotta work
14:33 pretty hard to complete the process."
14:36 The work that He began, He will carry forward to completion.
14:40 Our job is to surrender.
14:41 Our job is to spend time in His word.
14:43 Our job is to behold Jesus and as we do that,
14:47 we're changed into His likeness.
14:49 A closing quote - "Desire of Ages," p.25:
14:53 "Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be
14:56 treated as He deserves. He was condemned
15:00 for our sins in which He had no share, that we might be
15:04 justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share.
15:08 He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive
15:12 the life which was His."
15:14 What a glorious exchange! Pastor Kenny...
15:17 Amen, Amen! Covered well, thank you!
15:19 You know, how that really just sets up for the rest
15:22 of us here as we move along because, really, I just kept
15:24 hearing righteousness by faith and righteous by faith
15:27 in Christ - you know, it's part of the "Third Angels' Message."
15:29 I praise God for that and then how can we preach and teach
15:33 on that until you think about the second coming.
15:35 So I have Monday's lesson, "Second Coming of Christ"
15:39 and this is the one that always thrills my heart when I talk
15:43 about it - get a little excited Pastor, so if I get too excited,
15:46 you calm me down because I can't help it, when I say calm me down
15:48 just join in with me because, you know, righteous by faith,
15:52 I get excited and sometimes my feet want to stomp
15:53 a little bit and I want to stand up and shout a little bit,
15:56 and then the second coming of Christ it's a unifying effort,
16:01 a unifying topic, a unifying truth is the second coming of
16:05 Jesus Christ that should bond us and stick us together,
16:08 maybe like no other the second coming of Christ.
16:10 And it's taught strongly in Scripture, the coming of Jesus
16:15 Christ which the Bible talks about here...
16:17 repeats over and over and over and then it says it's the what?
16:20 Titus 2:13, "The blessed hope." I don't know what I would
16:26 really do and I'm not sure most of us feel this way,
16:28 at least as Christians... what will we do if this was it?
16:31 If there was nothing after this, I mean there are good
16:35 things here, praise God - I mean that's nice...
16:37 we have loved ones and different things,
16:38 but I'm talking about looking beyond that.
16:40 If this is all that this world has to offer; we just come,
16:43 we live and we die, I don't know
16:45 if I'd be interested to be honest with you.
16:47 There might be some of us, "Well, I...
16:49 Each one of us has to think to himself because
16:52 all we see is you come and you live and a lot of
16:53 misery, suffering, death, dying, disease and so on...
16:56 but He's promised there is a second coming,
16:58 and to be ready for that second coming is wonderful.
17:00 Jesus, Himself, stated it, that He's going to come
17:03 about the second coming.
17:05 I like what He said... sometimes there's controversy
17:07 but I'm not sure why... in Matthew 24:36:
17:11 Matthew 24:36, it says, "But the day (you'll know it),
17:14 but the day and the hour knoweth no man, no not the
17:18 angels of heaven, but My Father only." That's right.
17:21 Very interesting because people will come and say,
17:23 "See, even Jesus doesn't know."
17:26 I said, "You know, we must consider (this is my opinion)
17:28 we must consider that Jesus, when He was here on earth,
17:31 Jesus was a man and He left that knowledge that He had
17:35 in heaven up there," you see, so in the human
17:38 flesh, when He walked this earth, He did not know
17:41 (my opinion) the day nor the hour."
17:43 But you see, think about it because that's heavenly
17:46 wisdom, but now can we say just for argument's sake,
17:49 can we say, if people say, "No He's in heaven now,
17:51 but He doesn't even know."
17:52 Well that's kinda hard for me to get that through my mind
17:55 because, you know, the One who paid the penalty for my sin;
17:59 the One who went to Calvary's cross and shed His blood;
18:03 the One who the Bible said sits on the right hand of the Father;
18:07 The one who said, "I'm coming back to claim My own;"
18:10 the one who said, "I went to prepare mansions for those...
18:13 preparing and getting ready to come, (you know, sitting on
18:17 the right hand in heaven now" and they say, "Well He still
18:19 doesn't know." I believe He knows.
18:21 I believe He knows! He's been preparing,
18:24 this is what it's all about.
18:25 It's to receive us unto Himself.
18:27 He said, "That where I am, there ye may be also."
18:29 We are to ever be, I think our lesson brings out...
18:32 to ever be prepared for the coming of Jesus.
18:35 While we don't know the day or the hour,
18:39 we can be preparing for that, and that's something I heard
18:42 from youth up - always be prepared... you know,
18:44 "Such an hour as you think not, the Son of Man cometh,"
18:46 anything can happen in your life.
18:48 And so 1 Thessalonians 5:5-6, tells us... "We are to be
18:52 the children of light," and this movement right here
18:56 is a movement like no other in the history of the world,
18:59 this movement, and we need to be involved in this because
19:02 the light has to go into the world.
19:04 We are children of the light... I think that's very important.
19:08 Therefore, we're not going to sleep - this text goes on to say
19:11 as others are sleeping. Yes
19:12 Too many people are asleep; too many people are
19:14 self-satisfied in the religious experience.
19:17 They're not looking for anything else.
19:18 They don't want anything else and when you try to
19:20 give them something else, they don't want you around.
19:23 This is sometimes true, as you well know.
19:25 But it says, "We are to watch and to be what? Sober."
19:28 These are sobering times.
19:30 It doesn't mean you can't chuckle
19:32 once in a while and laugh, I like to do that - "A merry
19:35 heart doeth good like a medicine."
19:36 And sometimes we need that... we need the balance,
19:39 and there's time to be sober.
19:40 When someone is talking about giving their life to Christ
19:43 they're talking about and never receiving it.
19:44 You made the call a while ago.
19:46 It's not a time to be laughing and joking around.
19:48 That's serious, we're talking about eternal life.
19:50 But there's a time that we could put our arm around
19:52 one another and maybe smile and go on,
19:54 but we can pray together and work together and be sober.
19:57 We're not only to look for, our lesson brings out,
19:59 but we are to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.
20:02 You know, how do we do that?
20:04 I want you to think with me, if we really believe that Jesus
20:07 is coming, how would our lives really be today?
20:10 Really, how are they today?
20:12 If we really believe that He's coming... and I thought
20:14 one way to look back possibly would be - How did those
20:18 who were giving the First Angels' Message in 1843
20:21 and 1844- what was their attitude when they really
20:25 thought.. Woo! that He was coming?
20:27 I mean when they really, I mean they believed it
20:29 with all of their heart - what was their attitude?
20:31 And I found something in "Early Writings," p.233...
20:34 And I'm saying, "Lord, help me to embrace this,
20:37 help me to embrace this more than I've ever embraced
20:39 it before," and I want to throw this out to you as a challenge.
20:42 "Early Writings," p.233, quickly says, "Parents felt
20:46 the deepest solicitude for their children."
20:49 The first thing is for your family and for your friends;
20:51 those that are out of the Ark, those that are not
20:53 in a saving relationship with Christ
20:55 and your heart begins to go out.
20:57 It says, "Those who receive the message, labored with
21:00 their... in other words with the unconverted friends
21:03 and relatives, with their soul bowed with the weight of
21:07 the solemn message - warn and entreated them to prepare
21:11 for the coming of the Son of Man." That's right.
21:14 If we believe it... it's not, the Pastor just sitting
21:16 listening to a good sermon that he will preach on Sabbath.
21:19 It's more than that and I know when you preach,
21:21 you encourage them to get up and do something.
21:23 And to me, this is what it's about - to inspire people
21:25 to say - there's a world to be won... my grandma, my grandpa;
21:31 my children, my grandchildren to be won and we can't be
21:34 indifferent to that and so we want to go out and tell
21:37 them just like they did when they really believed
21:39 that Jesus was coming in the clouds of glory.
21:42 Jesus told us a parable - we won't go too much into that,
21:44 we know it, but to me it underlines about the
21:48 parable of the "Ten Virgins."
21:50 It is just two classes always, we realize that.
21:52 One that's prepared and one that's not prepared;
21:56 they both kind of, you know, look alike and both of them
21:58 say, "We are prepared."
22:00 But when the tarrying time came, there was a group
22:03 that was not prepared because they were not staying
22:05 in the word of God. That's right.
22:07 They were NOT witnessing, they were not praying...
22:10 Oh they might pray once in a while but they weren't laboring.
22:12 If we want our children, our grandchildren, each other
22:14 to be saved in the kingdom, we're going to have to labor
22:17 with God on our knees and cry out to God...
22:20 Oh GOD, save these children, SAVE these grandchildren.
22:24 It breaks your heart sometimes when you look around,
22:26 and I cry the same thing for my own life, "Oh Lord,
22:28 save me, only Your grace and mercy can do that,
22:31 but Your grace is sufficient." Amen!
22:34 Ellen White said one time, she said, "There's no sin
22:36 so big that God cannot forgive."
22:38 That gives me encouragement to say...
22:40 "Oh thank You God for that."
22:42 You know, one group continued to believe and I want to
22:45 encourage you today - you're believing that Jesus
22:47 is soon to come; you know that He is soon to come;
22:50 continue believing it; continue to preach the word
22:52 of God; continue to make the spiritual preparation
22:56 for that time - we need to do that.
22:58 Delay may come - don't get discouraged.
23:02 Don't get discouraged, keep right on keeping on
23:05 because the devil loves to throw discouragement in there.
23:08 But you know, if you've made no preparation, guarantee
23:10 you're going to fall before it's over.
23:12 Jesus said, "Kenny, watch and be ready - watch and be ready."
23:17 He tells the world to watch and be ready.
23:19 That's sound teaching as far as I'm concerned.
23:22 The others who lost hope, what were they doing?
23:24 Man, you talk about - they were living on
23:26 emotions, they were living on feelings.
23:27 They were living on some kind of a high, maybe it's
23:29 something they heard or they had seen,
23:31 but, you know, they weren't waiting for the fulfillment.
23:34 I'm waiting for the fulfillment of the promises.
23:37 Someone mentioned in one of our lessons or even last week
23:39 the lesson, John 14:3 wasn't it?
23:41 Where He says, bottom line, "I will come again."
23:44 I will come again...
23:45 But I'm a little bit discouraged and I think a
23:47 preacher can get a little bit discouraged once in a while.
23:49 You're not down, you're not out, you're not out cold,
23:51 you're not laying down, you're not giving up.
23:53 They haven't taken the gloves off, somebody just needs to
23:55 fan me once in a while or throw a little water on me;
23:58 I'll revive and get up again because I KNOW this passes
24:02 away - it was written in Scripture as though it had
24:04 it had already taken place.
24:05 That's how sure it is! Amen!
24:07 That's an encouragement to me
24:09 and Jesus simply said, "Kenny, watch and be ready."
24:11 Pastor, we gotta watch and be ready for in such an hour
24:14 as you think not...
24:15 I jotted this down, I thought it was a very
24:17 interesting closing thought...
24:18 It said, "A union with Christ," this is what we need,
24:21 that is what I need and you know what, Pastor,
24:23 I found that I can tell when that union might be slipping
24:26 just a little bit, I can tell!
24:29 Because of the way that my attitude, the way I talk,
24:32 the way I respond, the way that I love,
24:35 it's different and, right quick, that catches my attention.
24:40 I don't want it to wane right now.
24:41 Union with Christ by living faith is enduring.
24:45 Every other union must perish. Amen!
24:50 Every other union, everything else has to go in the world.
24:53 The only thing we need to concentrate on now is our
24:54 union with Christ that is enduring and I beg and plead
24:58 with you today - get a hold of the hand of Jesus,
25:01 don't let go - He's going to bless you,
25:03 and He's going to save you. Pastor John. AMEN!
25:06 I don't even want to cut in right here because we're having
25:08 church! Thank you so much, Pastor Kenny.
25:10 We're going to a short break, we'll be right back.
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25:48 Welcome back to our study on
25:50 "Unity in Faith," Pastor John, you have:
25:52 "Jesus' Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary"
25:54 Thank you Jill.
25:56 This is, I believe, one of the apex teachings to help us
26:01 know that we are not living on a planet that
26:04 is on autopilot and that God is still in control. Amen!
26:09 When Jesus ascended to return to the Father,
26:14 He made it clear that He will come again...
26:16 Thank you Pastor Kenny. Amen!
26:18 But He is not in heaven.
26:19 Some people will say, "Well, the reason why
26:21 it has taken so long is because He's building us
26:24 mansions" and some people even try to embellish that and said,
26:29 "Well, they're short on materials,
26:31 they're waiting for delivery," all kinds of ridiculous things,
26:35 but he is involved in a priestly ministry. Yes! Amen!
26:40 You know, the reason why He hasn't come...
26:42 the Apostle Peter said, "He is not willing that any
26:45 should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
26:48 And in Psalm 77:13, David the Patriarch says, "Your way,
26:54 O God, is in the sanctuary." Yes.
26:56 So we're going to spend a little time today just peeking
26:59 into the work that the Lord is doing right now.
27:01 And everything about the sanctuary, which was a shadow
27:04 of the actual ministry of Christ, everything that pertains
27:09 to the sanctuary work shows us the way.
27:12 Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."
27:15 And so when you understand the actual working of the sanctuary,
27:20 you begin to see Jesus and His life in components.
27:24 You have pictures such as the outer court...
27:28 well Jesus was crucified outside the gates of Jerusalem.
27:32 You have the "altar of burnt offerings" which is in fact
27:35 a symbol of the cross.
27:36 You have the "high priest" which Jesus has become
27:39 our high priest according to the order of Melchizedek
27:43 not the Levitical priesthood which the Melchizedek
27:46 priesthood - there is no spoken of as the beginning;
27:49 therefore, there is no speaking of as an end.
27:51 But the Levitical priesthood had a beginning and an end.
27:53 The Aaronic Priesthood had a beginning and an end.
27:55 But Jesus is, as the Father said to Him here
28:00 in Hebrews 1... let's go there very quickly and look at that.
28:03 How beautiful it is when the Lord speaks to His Son...
28:07 He says, in Hebrew 1:8... "But to the Son, He says,
28:15 Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
28:19 a scepter of righteousness
28:21 is the scepter of Your kingdom."
28:22 And so Jesus - the preexisting One, the Self-existing One,
28:28 He didn't borrow His life, it didn't come from anyone else.
28:34 "In Him was life and that life was the light of men."
28:36 So we have a high priest now actively involved in the
28:40 working of the sanctuary, and the Bible says
28:43 the reason why the sanctuary is there, Exodus 25:8-9...
28:46 The Bible says, "And let them make Me a sanctuary that
28:49 I may dwell among them."
28:51 And then when the sanctuary was built, it says in verse 9,
28:55 "According to all that I show you, that is the
29:00 pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of
29:03 all its furnishings, just so you shall make it."
29:07 You know, one of the saddest stories to me about the whole
29:09 sanctuary services is the fact that the Lord entrusted
29:12 this very sacred service to the children of Israel;
29:16 to the leaders of Israel; to the Aaronic priesthood;
29:19 to those who are involved in the actual functions
29:22 of the service, but as time went on, they became
29:25 more dedicated to the service than to the God of the service.
29:30 And so by the time the Lamb... Behold the Lamb of God
29:33 that taketh away the sins of the world...
29:34 but by the time He came, they couldn't even recognize Him.
29:38 And the lamb was the central figure in the functioning
29:41 of the temple services; taking the life of the lamb
29:45 and, you know, the bulls and goats and calves
29:47 and doves, we understand that.
29:48 But when the Apostle John introduced Jesus,
29:51 he didn't say, behold the dove, but behold the lamb,
29:55 because the lamb is the symbol of the calmest,
29:58 not the sheep, but the lamb, the tenderest picture
30:01 of the heart of God, the lamb, tender without
30:05 blemish and without spot.
30:07 And so there are particular aspects that the Bible
30:09 brings out about the ministry of Christ that, in fact,
30:12 is encompassed in the lamb and we know at the
30:15 second coming of Jesus, it's amazing to me whenever I
30:17 hear the passage, "Hide us from the face of the Lamb."
30:20 You know, who runs from a lamb?
30:23 But the tender pity of Christ becomes a rebuke to those
30:27 who never accepted the propitiation and the sacrifice
30:31 that the Lamb has extended to us.
30:33 But here's a question in the lesson... "What do these
30:36 passages teach concerning Jesus' priestly ministry in heaven?
30:40 Let's look at three of them: Hebrews 8:6... because
30:46 in my Bible - I mentioned this in one of the former programs,
30:49 I had my old Bible, now I have a new Bible back...
30:51 Sorry, I had my new Bible, but I have my old Bible back,
30:54 but my fingerprints are everywhere.
30:57 Hebrews 8:6... "But now He has obtained a more excellent
31:02 ministry inasmuch as He is also mediator of a
31:06 what kind of covenant? Of a better covenant
31:09 which was established on what? Better promises."
31:12 Now the old covenant was established on a priesthood
31:17 where the priest had to sacrifice for his own sin. Yes.
31:21 Now the better promise is we have a priesthood
31:24 established where Jesus never sinned. Amen!
31:29 There is no fault, there is no blemish, there's no spot,
31:32 and that's why the promise is better - a better mediator.
31:38 We don't have a high priest in the most holy place with a
31:41 rope around His ankles! Yes. Amen! Thank you!
31:44 Right, but we could tell He's there because the bells
31:47 are being sounded - the bells of our redemption
31:49 are being heard.
31:50 The other one, Hebrews 9:11-12, "But Christ came as high priest
31:55 of the good things to come, with the greater and more
31:58 perfect tabernacle, not made with hands that is, not of this
32:02 creation; not with the blood of goats and calves,
32:05 but with His own blood, He entered the most Holy place
32:09 once for all, having obtained eternal redemption and that
32:14 eternal redemption is metered out to us in a promise
32:18 but will be experienced by us at the return of Christ.
32:21 Praise God! Eternal redemption.
32:23 And one more, verse 23-28 of Hebrews 9...
32:28 "Therefore it was necessary that the copies of the things
32:31 in the heavens should be purified by these
32:34 that's by the precious blood of Christ.
32:36 But the heavenly things themselves with better
32:39 sacrifices than these... that is the
32:41 blood of Christ, more specifically.
32:42 For Christ does not enter the Holy place made with hands
32:46 which are copies of the true, but into heaven itself,
32:49 now to appear in the presence of God for us;
32:52 not that He should offer Himself often as the high priest
32:56 enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood
33:00 of another - He then would have had to
33:03 suffer often since the foundation of the world;
33:07 but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared
33:11 to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself."
33:15 That perfect sacrifice! Wow...
33:18 "And as it is appointed for men once to die, but after this
33:22 the judgment: So Christ was offered
33:24 once to bear the sins of many.
33:26 To those who eagerly wait for Him (the second coming)
33:29 He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation."
33:33 So let me just put four very important points about the
33:36 ministry of Christ and why we're so excited.
33:38 First of all, He is our intercessor. Amen!
33:41 Romans 8:34... "Who is He who condemns? It is Christ who died
33:47 and furthermore, is also risen, who is ever at the right hand
33:52 of God who also makes intercession for us."
33:56 Secondly, forgiveness. Not only intercession,
34:00 but forgiveness. 1 John 2:1... "My little
34:03 children, these things I write to you so that you may not sin,
34:07 and if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father,
34:11 Jesus Christ, the righteous. I must add this... He is not
34:14 just our lawyer, He is our judge! Amen!
34:17 What a court!
34:18 You know the judge is not fighting the lawyer,
34:20 and the lawyer is not fighting the judge.
34:21 And I gotta pause here and give a picture because
34:23 there's also reconciliation, and there's also restoration.
34:26 I'll just plug those in very quickly...
34:28 Reconciliation - He reconciles us to the Father.
34:31 And restoration - He doesn't leave us broken,
34:33 He brings us back to wholeness. Amen!
34:35 But I gotta end with this picture that I found in the
34:37 Roman Court... When the sinner stood before the court
34:40 and there was no verdict, there was a bag that had
34:44 two stones - a white and a black stone.
34:47 And the accused was told to put his hand in the bag
34:50 and pick a stone - if it was white, he was free;
34:53 if it was black, he was going to face death.
34:56 Can you imagine the fear? And Jesus steps up
34:59 as the lawyer and says in Revelation... "Wait a minute,
35:02 I'm going to give you a white stone with a new name.
35:05 I'm going to give you a way out and give you anonymity.
35:08 You'll no longer be identified by your old name.
35:12 So when he put his hand in the bag, he already had
35:15 the stone of intercession, forgiveness, reconciliation,
35:19 and restoration. He walked away free
35:21 not because HE decided his fate, but the white stone
35:25 given by the Advocate guaranteed
35:27 his redemption and his freedom.
35:29 So we have a high priest who guarantees our redemption
35:32 by His pure character. Praise God! Amen!
35:36 Praise the Lord! Wow!
35:38 Well, I'm gonna have to build off that! Go for it!
35:40 And for those of you who know, my study this evening
35:45 or this morning is Wednesday's lesson which is "The Sabbath."
35:48 That's right! And so unity in faith and we're
35:51 talking about the faith of our Adventist heritage and what God
35:56 has revealed to us - you cannot leave out the Sabbath!
36:00 And so I just want to start by bringing about the fact that
36:04 we see the Sabbath very clearly, as everyone knows,
36:06 right there in the beginning at Creation.
36:08 Two things, as we know, were established in Creation,
36:11 and that would be, of course, the Sabbath and marriage
36:14 institution before Adam and Eve fell.
36:17 And so we know that Sabbath is very, very important.
36:20 It's in our very name - "Seventh-day Adventist,"
36:23 the seventh day pointing us back to the fact
36:25 that God wants us to rest as He did rest from all His work.
36:31 And so there were three things we know that God had done
36:34 on the Sabbath day that He did not do to any of the other days,
36:37 and, of course, we know that He rested obviously;
36:39 He blessed the Sabbath day and, of course, He sanctified it.
36:43 He made that day Holy.
36:45 And we see this carry through even into the relationship
36:50 that God begins to establish with His church with Israel.
36:53 And I'm going to start with a text and I told you I was
36:56 going to build off this sanctuary theme because
36:59 many people, when they think about the sanctuary,
37:02 they don't see the Sabbath in the sanctuary, but the Sabbath
37:05 is in the sanctuary message. That's right!
37:07 And so we know there that as you look at the sanctuary,
37:11 you have the courtyard, and of course, as you continue
37:14 to progress forward, you go into the Holy Place,
37:16 and then of course, we end up in the Most Holy Place
37:19 where, Jill, you were talking about the Ark of the Covenant.
37:22 Now I want to read this text here because the next time
37:26 we really see the Sabbath brought about or emphasized
37:29 in the Scripture, after creation, would be in Exodus 16
37:33 which most of us may not realize this but the Ten
37:37 Commandments, the first record of the Ten Commandments
37:40 are given to us in Exodus 20, and most people think that
37:43 that's where God first initiates the Sabbath
37:47 commandment or the commandment keeping Sabbath
37:50 or resting, but we know that
37:51 that's not the case because we find an interesting text
37:54 or interesting passage in Exodus 16.
37:58 Just to kind of set this up, I'm not going to read it all,
38:00 but basically the children of Israel were out in
38:02 the wilderness and they're groaning and they're
38:04 complaining about... you know, "The Lord has brought us
38:06 out here to starve to death, and to die and they're
38:09 complaining... well God hears their murmurings.
38:11 He hears their complainings, and of course, we know that He
38:14 goes to Moses and He says, as it says here in verse 4...
38:17 "And the Lord said unto Moses, "Behold I will rain bread
38:19 from heaven for you, and the people shall go out
38:22 and gather a certain quota every day (and then notice
38:25 this next part) that I may test them (notice God is
38:29 testing them) that I may test them whether they
38:32 will walk in my law or not."
38:35 Now, you know, when we think of
38:37 the law, we think of the whole law, right?
38:38 We think of all of the Ten Commandments
38:40 that God gave us, but it's interesting that
38:42 as you continue reading this, God says, "Look, I'm
38:44 going to rain bread for manna on the first day,
38:46 the second day, the third day, the fourth day,
38:48 the fifth day, but on the sixth day - I want you to
38:51 go out early and I want you to gather a double portion
38:54 because on the seventh day, I'm not going to rain any bread.
38:58 You're going to have to rest, but not go out and
39:01 gather that bread because that is My Sabbath,
39:03 I want you to rest on My Sabbath.
39:05 And, of course, we know the story, it's interesting because
39:08 many of the people got it; they understood that,
39:11 but there were some that even went out on the seventh day
39:14 ... you might say that they weren't really unified
39:17 in the faith because they did go out
39:19 on the seventh day, and they violated that.
39:21 In verse 28 of Exodus 16, God says, "How long will you
39:27 refuse to keep My commandments and My laws?"
39:31 That was the test.
39:33 And as many of us know... and we're going to get to this
39:35 in just a few moments if I have time...
39:37 Most of us know that test is going to repeat itself
39:41 here at the end of time. That's right.
39:43 The end time message that we have been given tells us
39:46 that that Sabbath issue will rise up again;
39:48 it will be the test, but God did not
39:51 give us the Sabbath as a burden.
39:53 He didn't give us the Sabbath as something to
39:55 ruin our lives, but of course, as we're going to find out,
39:58 to unify the faith - that's what our lesson is entitled,
40:01 "Unity in Faith."
40:02 In the faith that we can, indeed, rest with Christ
40:06 on the Sabbath.
40:07 I just want to consider Exodus 20:8-11,
40:10 this is the commandment itself, most of us know it,
40:12 could probably quote it, but it says. It's starts here...
40:15 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. (and then you read
40:18 there verses 9 through 10 there, God tells us how we
40:23 keep it holy) Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
40:26 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God:
40:28 in it you shall do not do any work. (He says) nor your son,
40:32 nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your
40:34 female servant, nor your cattle,
40:35 nor your stranger that is within your gates."
40:37 And then of course, He gives us the reason why we keep Sabbath
40:41 here) He says, "For in six days the Lord made heaven
40:44 and earth and (of course) the sea and all that is in them is,
40:47 and He rested the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed
40:50 the Sabbath day and (of course) He hallowed it."
40:52 He made it holy.
40:54 We see another mentioning of the commandment here in
40:58 Deuteronomy 5:12-15, but I find something interesting here
41:03 that most people might look over and that is that
41:07 the commandment is basically repeated but if you look towards
41:11 the latter portion of verse 14, where He's going through this
41:14 list of "nor your donkey, nor your cattle, nor your stranger
41:17 who is within your gates, notice what He says here...
41:19 "That your male servant and your female servant may
41:22 rest as well as you." That's right.
41:26 You know, God wants us to rest as Christians, but He also
41:29 wants others to rest as well.
41:30 We need to allow others within our vicinity, within our homes,
41:34 within our churches, within our families, within our every day
41:36 lives, of course, on Sabbath to be able to rest as well.
41:40 That's relational and that's where I'm kinda going with this.
41:42 God gives the Sabbath - yes, to give us rest but also
41:47 for relationship. Amen!
41:49 It's really, really all about a relationship with God.
41:52 Notice here in Ezekiel 20:12,20, I love this passage here,
41:58 these couple of Scriptures in this passage because it
42:02 reminds us of the major significance of Sabbath-keeping.
42:07 This is God, Himself, speaking and He says...
42:09 "Moreover I also gave them my Sabbaths to be a
42:12 sign between them and Me that they might know I
42:16 am the Lord who sanctifies them."
42:18 So God sanctified the seventh day; He made the seventh day
42:21 holy - when we accept that sign, when we accept the Sabbath
42:25 for what it is, God sanctifies us.
42:27 He sees us as a Holy sanctified people and of course,
42:30 He repeats it again in verse 20, "Hallow My Sabbaths, (notice)
42:34 that they may be a SIGN between Me and you,
42:36 that you may know that I am
42:38 the Lord your God (that's relational).
42:39 God is saying, I'm your God, I want you to be My people.
42:42 When you keep my Sabbath, I know that you're My people,
42:44 and you may know that I'm your God.
42:46 We also see this in the example; Christ gave us the example
42:49 of Sabbath-keeping.
42:51 He is our ultimate example, as it says in Luke 4:16...
42:55 It says, "So He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up,
43:00 and as His custom was, He went into the synagogue
43:04 on the Sabbath day and stood up to read."
43:07 Christ is our example, and you know what?
43:09 Jesus would know better than anyone because He is the Lord
43:12 of the Sabbath - He was the Creator, He created the Sabbath.
43:15 So what better example would you want to follow
43:17 than that of the Creator, right? Right! Makes perfect sense.
43:20 You know, there's another aspect that I want to bring out here
43:23 before we close because I have just a few minutes left...
43:25 We know that there are examples of the apostles
43:28 keeping the Sabbath after the death of Christ - that's a big
43:30 contention among the Christian world and many people
43:33 believe that when Christ died on the cross,
43:35 that canceled out or done away with Sabbath-keeping.
43:38 But there are many examples that we see in Scripture,
43:41 in the New Testament, more specifically
43:42 the Book of Acts 17:2, I'm reading... "Then Paul,
43:46 as his custom was, (remember Christ, as His custom was)
43:50 Paul also - as his custom was, went in unto them for
43:53 three Sabbath days, reasoned with them
43:54 from Scripture and, of course, in Acts 18:4..."And he
43:58 reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded both
44:01 the Jews and the Greeks."
44:04 Notice Jews and Greeks, this is not just a Jewish thing.
44:06 Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the
44:09 Sabbath," so we know that that was made for all mankind.
44:13 It's important that we recognize here in the concept
44:16 of unity in the faith, and when I think of
44:17 Sabbath-keeping, I think of it as a time to bring God's
44:20 people together. Amen!
44:21 What better time to unify God's people than
44:23 on the seventh day Sabbath of the Lord.
44:25 And so the Sabbath is a relational
44:27 blessing that God has given to us.
44:28 Not only can we take the time to worship our Savior and to
44:34 spend time with Him in a relationship, but we also
44:36 can spend time with our brethren in the unity
44:39 of the faith. That's right. Amen!
44:40 We have a rest for God's people here in the last days.
44:43 It has never changed. That's right.
44:45 Hebrews 4:9-10 confirms that, it says... "There remains
44:50 therefore a rest for the people of God; for he who has
44:54 entered into his rest has himself also ceased from his
44:57 works as God did from His." Amen!
45:00 And I just want to end with this...
45:02 This beautiful Scripture from Matthew 11, as we all
45:05 may know, Jesus says in verse 28-30...
45:08 "Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden,
45:11 and I will give you rest." Amen!
45:13 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am
45:15 gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest
45:18 for your souls."
45:19 May we find rest for our souls as we remember
45:23 and keep that Sabbath holy! Amen! Amen!
45:25 Thank you, Ryan, what a great addition to the team
45:28 you are and we're just so glad
45:30 to have you here. Praise the Lord!
45:32 Well, my day is Thursday and it is on
45:34 the doctrine of "Death and Resurrection"
45:38 You know, there's so many people, so many
45:39 sincere-hearted Christians who teach that when we
45:42 die, we immediately either go to hell or go to heaven,
45:45 and this is a pagan belief; Socrates taught it,
45:50 Plato taught it.
45:52 It entered the Christian Church through Tertullian
45:56 and he was a pagan philosopher, he was converted to Christianity
46:02 in 197 A.D. and he became an ecclesiastical writer,
46:06 and that's how it got into the Christian Church.
46:08 But let's look at 1 Timothy 6:15-16,
46:14 because this kind of puts the whole idea to rest
46:19 about the idea that our soul is immortal.
46:23 The Bible says, 1 Timothy 6:15-16:
46:26 "... Which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the
46:30 blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings
46:33 and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality,
46:40 dwelling in unapproachable light whom no man
46:44 has seen or can see, to whom be honor
46:48 and everlasting power. Amen! Amen!
46:51 So the Bible tells us that the One who is infinite without
46:57 beginning, without end is self-existent,
46:59 at this time, He is the ONLY ONE who has immortality.
47:06 The Bible mentions the soul or the Spirit of man 1,600 times;
47:13 not one time EVER is that associated with immortality...
47:19 there is not a single verse there.
47:21 Actually, if you'll turn please, to 1 Corinthians 15,
47:26 and we're going to look at verses 51-54.
47:30 Paul is speaking to Christians here and he is saying,
47:34 Hey, you get to put on immortality at the last trumpet
47:38 at the close of earth's history when Christ returns.
47:41 1 Corinthians 15:51-54... He says, "Behold I tell you
47:46 a mystery, we shall not all sleep (now that's a Bible
47:50 metaphor for death - we'll look at that in just a moment)
47:53 but we shall (but what He's saying is - not everybody is
47:56 going to die before Christ returns - there will be some
47:59 who are alive at His return) but we shall all be changed
48:03 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye... when?
48:07 at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound,
48:11 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
48:14 and we shall be changed. (now look at verse 53)
48:18 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this
48:22 mortal must put on immortality."
48:26 So when this corruption has put on incorruption and the mortal
48:29 has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass
48:34 the saying that is written:
48:36 "Death is swallowed up in victory."
48:38 So when do believers... see, we get the promise
48:42 of eternal life as soon as we accept Christ - the promise.
48:46 But when do we put on eternal life immortality?
48:50 At the last trumpet.
48:52 So what happens when we die?
48:56 Death is the reverse process of creation.
49:00 When God created man, Genesis 2:7 says...
49:03 "He formed man from the dust of the earth.
49:05 He breathed into his nostrils. Man became, it says, a
49:11 living being."
49:13 God imparted life, His breath, the ruach, into man's nostril.
49:19 Man became a living being or a living soul.
49:22 Man doesn't have a living soul, he became a living soul.
49:28 That is the indivisible union of body and breath.
49:33 Adam didn't receive a soul, he became a soul.
49:36 And so the breath is not an intelligence, the breath is
49:42 not... when we talk about spirit, it is not a separate
49:46 intelligence - it is how God ignited life in us.
49:52 Same spark of life God gave to animals - we find in
49:56 Genesis 7:21-22... It says in verse 22, "... in whose nostrils
50:01 (it's talking about the animals) was the spirit...
50:04 the breath of the spirit of life."
50:07 But then in Genesis 3:19, what does God say?
50:10 "Dust you are, to dust you will return."
50:14 So when we die, it's the reverse process.
50:18 The breath goes from us and then we decompose
50:23 and we're back to the dust of the earth.
50:26 How did Jesus describe death?
50:27 Let's look at John 11:11-14. I love this because it makes
50:33 it pretty clear. John 11:11...John writes
50:40 "These things He (Jesus) said, and after that He said to them,
50:46 "Our friend Lazarus sleeps." He is talking about Mary and
50:51 Martha's brother who had died and was in the tomb,
50:55 but what Jesus said to His disciples is, "Our friend
50:59 Lazarus sleeps."
51:00 You know in the Greek, the word that they use
51:03 for sleep is "koimao," and it can mean asleep;
51:08 it can mean sleep, die or to be dead.
51:11 So He says, "Our friend, Lazarus, sleeps, and we know
51:15 that they took it for this kind of sleep because the disciples
51:21 said to him, "Lord, if he sleeps, he'll get well."
51:25 However, verse 13 says, "Jesus spoke of his death,
51:29 but they thought that He was speaking about
51:31 taking rest in sleep.
51:33 And then Jesus said to them plainly, "Lazarus is dead."
51:38 So what does the Bible say happens when we die?
51:41 I'm going to just really whiz through these.
51:45 You might want to just take down
51:47 the Scripture references here.
51:50 Ecclesiastes 9:5-6... I may get it out...
51:58 Ecclesiastes 9:5-6...
52:02 It says, "Like sleep, the dead are unconscious that they
52:06 know nothing. For the living know that they shall die,
52:10 but the dead know nothing."
52:13 Ecclesiastes 9:10 says... "Like sleep, we are resting
52:19 when we're dead.
52:20 It says..."Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all
52:22 your might for there is no work or device, or knowledge,
52:25 or wisdom in the grave where you're going."
52:27 Psalm 146:4 says... "Like sleep, there's no conscious thoughts
52:33 that we lie unconscious in the grave.
52:35 And it says, "The spirit departs, the man returns
52:38 to the earth, dust to dust, in that day, his plans perish."
52:43 Psalm 115:17 says... "The dead do not praise the Lord,
52:48 nor any who go down into silence."
52:50 Job 14:12 says... "We sleep until we are awakened."
52:54 So man lies down and does not rise until when?
52:58 "Until the heavens are no more, they will not awake
53:03 nor be roused from their sleep." That's right.
53:05 So not until Christ returns.
53:08 And Daniel 12:1-2, Daniel is prophesying a time of trouble,
53:14 right before Christ returns, he says, "At that time,
53:18 your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written
53:22 in the book... (he is talking about the Book of Life)
53:25 and he says, "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the
53:30 earth shall awake - some to everlasting life, some to
53:33 shame and everlasting contempt."
53:35 So death is a sleep from which there will be an awakening.
53:40 In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul writes and says...
53:45 "I did not want you to be ignorant, brethren,
53:48 concerning those who have fallen asleep."
53:51 He's talking about the dead.
53:52 "Lest you sorrow as those who have no hope.
53:56 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
53:59 even so God will bring with Him those
54:03 who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you
54:07 by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and
54:10 remain until the coming of the Lord, will by no means
54:15 precede those who are asleep."
54:18 He goes on, he's saying... Hey, the Lord is going to
54:20 return with a shout with the voice of the archangel
54:23 and we're all caught up together.
54:26 We who are alive and remaining don't precede into His
54:30 presence before the dead.
54:33 So that shows you the dead are in their graves.
54:36 And then, in just these last few seconds...
54:39 Jesus in John 5:28-29 said... "Don't marvel at this,
54:43 for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves
54:48 will hear My voice. They will come forth and
54:52 those who have done good come forth to the resurrection
54:55 of life, but those who have done evil, to the
54:58 resurrection of condemnation."
55:01 We want you to be ready to rest in Jesus until He returns
55:05 and come forth from the grave.
55:08 Amen, what an incredible job each one of you
55:11 have done - I feel as if we need another hour to talk
55:15 more about the unity of the faith and the doctrines
55:18 that we find in the word of God and those doctrines unite
55:22 us in love.
55:24 I want to give each one of you a moment to share
55:26 a closing thought maybe about your day
55:28 or about something else. Pastor Kenny...
55:30 It just really hit me hard here, we need to be careful
55:32 not to try to pull down those beautiful teachings of God
55:34 or the truths in Scripture.
55:37 We need to elevate them, hold them up.
55:38 They've been attacked from the very beginning.
55:40 They'll be attacked in the end and our only
55:42 safety is knowing what is truth. That's right!
55:45 Very simply, the ministry of Jesus has brought the end
55:48 of sin to an end and not a continuing possibility,
55:51 not a chance that it will rise up again.
55:53 Nahum 1:9... "Affliction will not rise up a second time."
55:57 We won't need another Redeemer.
55:59 We won't need another Calvary.
56:00 The blood of Christ will not just forgive sin,
56:03 but eternally blot it out. Amen! Amen!
56:06 Yeah, you know, the title of our lesson today,
56:09 "Unity in Faith," I can't think of anything
56:12 better to describe this unity in faith than that
56:14 of the faith of Christ.
56:16 The Third Angels' Message... "Here is the patience
56:17 of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments
56:20 of God and have the faith of Jesus."
56:22 So that's what I'm praying for.. Lord, give me, help me to
56:26 reflect that of the faith of Jesus. Amen!
56:28 I just want to share John 11:25-26 when Jesus
56:32 said to Martha... "I am the resurrection and the life,
56:36 and he who believes in Me, though that he may die,
56:41 he shall live." And he goes on to tell her... Whoever lives
56:44 and believes in Me shall never die." Do you believe this?
56:47 And in the Greek, it's a strong double negative and He's saying,
56:51 "You shall not die forever." Yes! Amen!
56:56 Thank you all so much for your study of the word of God,
56:59 Pastor Kenny, Pastor John, Pastor Ryan and Shelley
57:03 thank you so much for sharing.
57:04 And we're just so delighted that you have joined us today
57:07 for our study of "Unity and Faith," what a blessing
57:11 to be able to be united on the word of God,
57:15 and to be able to be united in love and in humility
57:18 with each other as brothers and sisters.
57:21 I want to encourage you to join us next week.
57:24 Our study next week is: "The Most Convincing Proof"
57:27 Until then, God bless you.


Revised 2018-11-20