3ABN Sabbath School Panel

When Conflicts Arise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180046B

00:01 Welcome back to our study here at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:05 We're continuing now on Tuesday's lesson
00:07 with Shelley Quinn, "The Spirit is Leading"
00:09 "The Spirit is Leading"
00:11 Okay, as you've already said, the Jewish understanding
00:14 of the Law of Moses was that a Jew could not
00:17 eat with a Gentile without being contaminated.
00:20 So when the Jewish leaders in the church,
00:24 the Christian Church - they were Christians
00:28 but they were all Jews... they heard about what happened
00:31 in Caesarea with Cornelius and they were highly offended.
00:36 They are upset with Peter and so they demand that he
00:42 explained his conduct and we'll pick it up in Acts 11:1-18...
00:48 "Now the Apostles and brethren who were in Judea
00:51 heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God,
00:55 and when Peter came up to Jerusalem,
00:57 those of the circumcision (that's the Jews, but they're
01:01 Christians), contended with him saying... "You went in
01:06 to uncircumcised men and ate with them."
01:10 But Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning..."
01:16 So he's going to tell them everything that happened.
01:18 ... saying: "I was in the city of Joppa praying; and in a
01:21 trance, I saw a vision, an object descending like a great
01:24 sheet let down from heaven by four corners; and it came to me.
01:27 "When I observed it intently and considered, I saw
01:31 four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts,
01:34 creeping things, birds of the air.
01:36 And I heard a voice saying to me, "Rise, rise Peter; Kill
01:40 and eat." "But I said, "Not so, Lord!
01:43 He walked with Jesus for 3-1/2 years - this is some time
01:48 after Christ's death, he'd still never eaten
01:51 any unclean food and he said, "For nothing common or
01:55 unclean has at any time entered my mouth."
01:58 Why would God say, "Rise and eat and kill?"
02:02 This reminds me of what he did in Jeremiah 35
02:06 when he said, (we don't have time to look at it)
02:09 but He told the prophet, "Go to the Rechabites
02:12 and invite them and come and tell them to drink wine."
02:16 He knew (God knew) that they wouldn't.
02:21 The prophet goes, he brings them in and these guys are
02:24 going... "Absolutely not, we've been taught not
02:26 to drink wine." And then God uses them
02:28 as an example saying, "See, they still mind the words of
02:32 their Father, why don't you listen to Me?"
02:35 So this was kind of a test of Peter.
02:37 And Acts 11:9 continues... He said, "The voice answered me
02:41 again from heaven, "What God has cleansed
02:44 you must not call uncommon."
02:47 He's already defined the answer in Acts 10:28- when he said,
02:55 "Here I was wondering about this dream,
02:58 but God has shown me that I should not call any
03:02 man common or unclean."
03:05 That is what the vision was all about.
03:08 Then he says... okay, verse 10, happens three times,
03:13 gone back up to heaven, then suddenly there's men
03:15 standing outside where I was, having been sent from
03:20 Caesarea, then the Spirit (I love this verse)
03:25 ... the Spirit told me to go with them, doubting nothing."
03:28 This shows that the Holy Spirit is a person.
03:32 The Holy Spirit speaks to people - He leads people,
03:36 and He is an individual.
03:38 And then He says, "Moreover six brethren accompanied me."
03:43 Boy, he was smart enough to take along six Jewish brethren.
03:47 And when I say, "Jewish," they're Christian,
03:49 but of the Jewish heritage as witnesses.
03:53 I mean, he took them along, I know, on purpose.
03:55 "And he told us how he had seen an angel standing
04:00 at his house saying, "Send men to Joppa and look for Peter.
04:05 He's going to tell you words by which you and your whole
04:07 household can be saved.
04:09 And as I began to speak, he says in verse 15,
04:13 the Holy Spirit fell upon them as upon us at the beginning.
04:20 Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said,
04:23 "John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be
04:27 baptized with the Holy Spirit."
04:31 So obviously, the six Christians that have the Jewish background
04:37 that are with him, they see God has poured out
04:40 the Holy Spirit and unquestionably, the Holy Spirit
04:43 led them to baptize them into the name of Christ.
04:46 And verse 18 says... "When they (this is the people
04:51 there at the church in Jerusalem) heard these things
04:54 (it was like "shut my mouth") they became silent and they
05:00 glorified God saying, "Then God has also granted to the
05:04 Gentiles repentance to life."
05:06 Now I don't know if they thought this was going to be
05:08 a one-time occurrence, but certainly the Holy Spirit
05:12 had other things in mind.
05:13 Let's jump down to Acts 11:19-24, we'll see what
05:17 happened next in the early church.
05:20 Acts 11:19 says... "Now those who scattered after the
05:24 persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as
05:27 Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word
05:32 to no one but the Jews only."
05:36 So as in the early ministry of Paul, these scattered
05:39 Christians first went to the synagogues,
05:41 and they preached to the Jews.
05:43 But verse 20 says... some of them were men from
05:47 Cyprus and Cyrene, who, when they had come to Antioch,
05:50 spoke to the Hellenists, (now there's good manuscript
05:55 evidence that this word should
05:57 be rendered Greeks instead of Hellenists.
05:59 I mean he's talking about Grecian Jews...
06:02 I mean Hellenists were Grecian Jews...
06:06 He's talking about talking to the Gentiles here.
06:09 So and if that rendering is followed, it makes more sense
06:15 why he says, "Jews only" in the preceding verse,
06:18 and now these are bold enough to talk about Jesus...
06:22 And you notice... if he had been talking to Jews,
06:25 the Hellenistic Jews, it would have said - he would have been
06:28 telling them about the Messiah, but he's talking about
06:31 Jesus to the Gentiles!
06:32 So 21, says... "The hand of the Lord was with them,
06:35 and a great number believed and turned to the Lord."
06:40 These people had been driven and scattered from their homes,
06:45 and these anonymous laymen, we don't know their names,
06:51 but they were aggressive in their approach to evangelism.
06:55 God had converted them, He had redeemed them,
06:58 He had changed their lives, and, man, they're ready to
07:02 share what is going on in their life.
07:05 And you know, this is one of the most wicked... Antioch
07:09 was one of the most wicked Pagan cities
07:13 in the whole Roman Empire, and there were a great
07:17 number of people, the Bible says, who believed and
07:21 turned to the Lord and the church starts turning
07:25 the world upside-down.
07:27 Verse 22... "The news of these things came to the ears
07:30 of the church in Jerusalem and they sent out Barnabas
07:34 to go as far as Antioch.
07:36 Barnabas had a great reputation for piety and being
07:39 filled with the Holy Spirit, an encourager.
07:42 And who better to send to encourage and investigate
07:47 the Jews from Cypress, than a Jew from Cypress,
07:51 you know - so the church sends him out and in verse 23 it says:
07:56 "When he came and had seen the grace of God...
08:01 because a great number of Gentiles had been saved
08:04 by the grace of God, Barnabas was glad and
08:09 encouraged them all that with purpose of heart...
08:14 (in other words, with planned action, he is telling them here
08:20 that they should continue in the Lord; in other words,
08:23 once you had a revival, don't let the enthusiasm wane.
08:29 He's saying, "With purpose of heart keep it up,
08:32 remain loyal - don't backslide, don't apostasize,
08:37 but persist in walking in Christ's footsteps.
08:39 And then Luke records, in verse 24 and said...
08:42 "For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit
08:46 and of faith and a great many people
08:49 were added to the Lord." That's good news.
08:51 This is the same description that Luke used of Stephen...
08:55 That he was a good man, filled with the Spirit.
08:59 So apparently, Barnabas went to do more than just to
09:04 observe, he ended up, per se being the first
09:07 senior pastor there at Antioch.
09:11 He stayed by, he encouraged them and there is
09:14 500,000 people in Antioch and so Acts 11:25-26
09:20 "And Barnabas said, "Hey I need help here."
09:22 It says," Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul.
09:26 And when he found him, he brought him to Antioch.
09:29 So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the
09:33 church and taught a great many people.
09:36 And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch."
09:39 So we see that persecution spread the gospel beyond
09:45 Judea and Antioch became the launch pad of Paul's
09:50 missionary efforts to the Gentiles.
09:52 Wow! Amen, praise the Lord! Covered well!
09:55 That's a walk through Antioch, I mean through the
09:58 whole story and then it gets really sweet as it goes on.
10:03 So Pastor Kenny, it's up to you now.
10:06 The ball is in your court. Well and kind of drawing
10:08 from what each one has said so far in Acts 15:1-2...
10:13 there are two points because this is Wednesday's lesson
10:16 and it's talking about what two issues cause serious
10:20 conflict in the church. Okay.
10:22 Well it has to be what we've been mentioning here;
10:24 one of them first was in Acts 15:1-2, when we read it,
10:27 but I want to bring out some other points I think
10:29 is very interesting because the brethren got together
10:32 and it's like they do a lot of times nowadays...
10:34 and they'll come up with some kind of point of doctrine
10:37 or teaching and they'll say to you, Pastor,
10:39 "This is a salvational issue," that means you're going to have
10:43 to listen because that's what.." Well, you know it's in
10:46 chapter 15:1, it said here... "Ye cannot be saved - unless
10:51 you're circumcised," you can't be saved.
10:53 So they're saying this is a salvational issue, so everybody
10:55 better listen up... in Galatians so that's one point,
10:59 and it certainly goes deeper, Galatians 2:11-14,
11:02 here we find that there was a rebuke of an inconsistent,
11:07 I want to say "a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ,"
11:10 of Peter because Peter was one who, after the council
11:14 and after a kind of permission,
11:15 but not really to hang out with the Gentiles.
11:17 He spent time with them, he ate meals with them,
11:20 but when the brethren came around, he was a ghost!
11:23 He didn't show up... so it caused confusion,
11:27 not only with the leadership, but also with the
11:29 Gentiles because they're saying, "Now wait a minute,
11:31 what's right here?" He did this before...
11:33 And sometimes, as Christians, we have that - we'll do
11:36 certain things, but if the Pastor is around,
11:38 we may not say or do that very thing...
11:40 so you have to be very careful with that!
11:42 Today, we do, we hear the same thing - it's salvation,
11:44 and you have to listen to it,
11:46 and it might be or it might not be - so I always
11:49 have ears to hear, to listen and then to decide
11:52 by the word of God - is it something we really
11:53 need to get sidetracked with or is it something
11:56 we need to really study to find out.
11:57 So many claimed, at that time, certainly to follow Jesus;
12:01 following the teachings of Jesus that we know
12:03 they were teaching - the Jews were teaching for doctrines...
12:06 we call it "commandments of men."
12:08 They are teaching things that after Christ died on Calvary,
12:11 that no longer pertained.
12:14 They could be of no value any longer, but they were
12:16 still putting these practices and teachings out there
12:18 and demanding everybody follow in the footsteps,
12:22 so we find the typical service, we find in ceremonies,
12:26 Colossians 2:17 talks about it's a "shadow, a shadow,"
12:29 which these things were abolished at the cross we know.
12:34 The shadow, as we read many times, the shadow ceased
12:37 to exist in the substance... when the substance was there,
12:40 but the shadow is gone.
12:42 The antitypical Lamb of God became what?
12:44 Became the offering! That's right.
12:46 And so they were still trying to push things, so we have here
12:49 an account of the first major, at least from what I can
12:54 figure out here, the first major problem
12:56 that confronted the church.
12:57 And if you're in a church and you have church fellowship
13:00 and you're dealing with people, I guarantee you,
13:02 you're going to have issues.
13:04 There are issues going to be coming out and it's so nice
13:06 to be able to have a pastor who knows the word of God. Amen!
13:10 And so that way, he can understand what's going on,
13:12 and he can - I want to say, "nip it" some time
13:14 before it's gets too carried away because if you let
13:16 things go sometimes, Pastor, you find out, most of us here,
13:19 if you let it go too long, it festers up
13:21 and it's really, really, really a mess!
13:22 So the first major controversy problem in the church,
13:26 we're looking at here, that we knew it was going
13:29 to surface - as you study this, you knew - what?
13:31 How did you know it was going to surface?
13:32 Because the church started to grow and you also
13:35 realized that as soon as the message got farther than
13:39 Palestine - when they began to get out and to reach
13:41 other people, there is going to be others that are going
13:43 to rise up against it, we do know that.
13:45 And the first converts to Christianity were Jews,
13:49 we realize, but what did they do?
13:51 They retained most of their practices and they retained
13:55 most of their prejudices that have been talked about here.
13:58 And so the Gentiles, they said, "Come to church if you want,
14:02 even those they said was filled with the Holy Ghost,
14:04 and we want them into the church, but you know what?
14:06 You still have to be circumcised.
14:08 That's kind of an interesting thought!
14:10 Recognizing the Holy Ghost calling; recognize the
14:12 Holy Ghost approved; but yet you still
14:15 have to go through these rituals to be one of us.
14:18 So, you know, Judaizing - to me, was a very hard thing
14:22 in my thinking and some could maybe disagree if they want.
14:25 This really affected, in a sense, Paul.
14:29 It affected his writings; it affected the New Testament.
14:34 All over the New Testament, you'll see there were things
14:36 that had to be written about this.
14:38 It affected the post-apostolic times even there with
14:42 the Christianity literature, so this was a major
14:45 issue and it continued right on down...
14:49 all through Paul's ministry.
14:50 It was like, bless his heart, he just had to fight.
14:54 He just had to endure and I think that's what God
14:56 tells us today and when something is right,
14:58 we stand up and we fight with the
15:00 word of God - that it is right.
15:02 A question... "Why didn't Jesus make this issue
15:04 a little more clear?"
15:06 Now my brother said one time, he said, "Well for Pete's sake,"
15:08 if it's alright to say that... he said, "For Pete's sake,
15:10 if Paul had just said things a little bit clearer,
15:12 we could all understand it!" Laughter...
15:15 He was younger, you know, he talked in circles
15:18 sometimes but, you know, he was talking pretty deep.
15:20 And so, but sometimes we say, "Man, just make it clear,
15:23 just tell me - is it right or is it wrong?"
15:25 So we want to know... "Why didn't Jesus just come up
15:27 and say, "Hey, this is the way that it is."
15:28 Well, as you study your lesson, you'll find out - he did
15:31 generally, he explained the importance of religion
15:34 as being of the soul, right, and not of outward observances.
15:39 And so Jesus talked about that many times and I thought that
15:42 that was just gold right there.
15:44 You know God has a plan for His church - we know that.
15:47 What was God's plan for His church?
15:49 Here we have a church that's growing and beginning to
15:51 do well, and so growth with the devil comes in,
15:52 opposition - people begin to complain and gripe
15:55 and separation, division and a little group over there,
15:57 a little group over there...
15:59 But God's plan, I think, for His church is He wanted to lead
16:02 the church step-by-step, that just truth
16:05 on top of truth each time... that would answer the
16:08 questions that confronted the church. That's right.
16:11 And that's what we do, you say, "Well yeah, but how
16:13 is it done?"
16:15 I'll tell ya one thing, it's not done by
16:16 changing Scripture and it's not done by compromising. Amen!
16:20 It's done by searching the Scripture.
16:22 Jesus says, "For in them you think you have eternal life,
16:25 and they are they which what? ... testify of Me."
16:28 Romans 15:4, real quickly says, "Whatsoever things were
16:31 written aforetime - what were they written for?
16:34 For our learning that we, through patience,
16:36 notice and comfort of the Scripture might have hope."
16:39 Those things that are written, they're good, we can hold on to.
16:42 New light is going to come, we know that the new
16:44 churches are growing.
16:46 Today, I find things - I'm learning all the time,
16:48 and praise God for that!
16:49 But new light - God knew would come in the early church.
16:52 But also, He said right here that we need to be aware,
16:55 and when the new light came, it would solve problems
16:58 that would develop, but the church had to be studying;
17:01 but the church had to be praying; the church had to be
17:05 witnessing - doing our part but staying in the study of
17:09 Scripture and if problems then arose and they couldn't
17:13 quite be settled, this was about the Jerusalem here,
17:16 you know, they'd take the problem and it would be
17:18 solved in Jerusalem by the apostles
17:19 and the elders and so on and so forth.
17:21 I think it's nice some time that if we have a problem,
17:24 maybe it's a little too big, we can't handle it,
17:26 that we can talk with one another. Yes
17:28 We can pray about the issue. That's right.
17:30 And then we all would be led back - what does God say?
17:33 It's not what this group said, it's not what he said,
17:36 or what she said... what does the word of God say
17:38 that's the bottom line.
17:39 Now look at this lesson quickly about the bottom line
17:41 on here is - because there's so much conflict,
17:44 things that were going on, but yet when you had Peter
17:47 when he was really ready to go and ready to fight again,
17:49 and Barnabas when he was ready to go do his thing,
17:51 and Paul was doing his deal... we find out they shared
17:54 what God had revealed to them.
17:56 They shared the mighty workings of God
17:58 for the Gentiles and they preached from the heart,
18:02 when they told their experience - just like when I
18:06 hear one of you said - "You know this is how I met God."
18:09 "This is how I was born again."
18:11 This is what happened! It's exciting!
18:13 And you will listen every time.
18:15 So they began to relate these things...
18:17 Peter said in Acts 15:11, he simply said, "We believe
18:21 that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
18:24 we shall be saved in the same manner as they,"
18:28 (Peter was talking about the Gentiles)
18:29 So, you know, we find these very interesting.
18:33 If we are, and that's today too, that's talking to you,
18:36 that's talking to me, that's not just - well, that's
18:38 back, you know, in the New Testament or the Old Testament.
18:40 If we're holding on to traditions, sometimes they're
18:44 not easily given up. That's right!
18:47 Sometimes pride won't let us give some things up,
18:49 but notice this and I think good news is
18:52 we can be, through the light of the gospel as it is shared
18:56 as we read, as we study, and certainly we must first
18:59 have a willing heart and a willing mind. That's right!
19:01 But it's hard, it's hard to give up.
19:03 And I find out myself, it's hard to give up certain things
19:05 that you just thought that this was the way that it is,
19:07 and I'm just not gonna give it up.
19:09 You know, the other way is, "God has blessed me all
19:11 these years," and you've heard people say this,
19:13 "I'm not gonna..." Be open to the word of God.
19:15 Let God's word speak to you and I'll tell you
19:17 that if you have a willing heart and mind,
19:18 God is going to do great things for each and every one of us.
19:22 So I encourage you, if you have problems or issues
19:23 in the church, get into the word of God;
19:25 study the word of God; sit down and counsel together;
19:27 pray together; work together, and I guarantee you,
19:30 God has an answer, just like He had for the early church.
19:33 All the problems will be ironed out as you set down,
19:36 as you study the word of God with an open heart,
19:38 and an open mind. Amen! Amen!
19:41 Thank you so much Pastor Kenny!
19:43 What a wonderful setting there for what I have
19:46 on Thursday which is... "A Difficult Solution"
19:50 It's interesting as we have been talking along the
19:52 panel - each one, this issue as you brought out
19:56 so eloquently, Pastor Kenny, of circumcision - of whether
20:00 circumcision was to be a salvational issue;
20:03 whether the Gentiles had to be circumcised even to become
20:06 Christians - it was a huge issue in the New Testament Church
20:10 because it went against their prejudices;
20:12 it went against their traditions;
20:13 it went against everything they had been taught;
20:16 everything the Jewish Christians knew from birth...
20:20 And so it was a complete 180 switch for their minds
20:24 to start to think something different.
20:26 So we know that there was controversy over this issue,
20:29 and that the brethren gathered in Jerusalem,
20:33 at the Jerusalem Council we call it, here in Acts 15,
20:37 to discuss the matter.
20:39 We know there was division and dissention about it
20:41 because verse 2 of Acts 15 says, "When no small dissension
20:45 or dispute arose."
20:46 So we know this was a big issue and then when they met
20:51 together, in verse 7, it says, "When there had been
20:54 much disputes," so that means even after all the
20:58 representatives, you could say, from the various
21:01 churches had come together to Jerusalem - the leadership
21:04 of the church had gathered to address this matter
21:08 once and for all to settle it,
21:09 and to figure out what was to be done.
21:11 Even then among the leadership, there was great discussion
21:15 and dissension.
21:17 Then we see where the leaders spoke...
21:19 As you mentioned, Pastor Kenny, Peter rose up...
21:22 Now he was one of the leaders in the early church,
21:24 and he rose up and he spoke, and I love this Scripture
21:28 you read in verse 11... "But we believe that through the
21:32 grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be saved in the
21:34 same manner as they."
21:36 And he said...Here, this is what happened when I went to
21:41 Cornelius' house and this is how the Holy Spirit was
21:45 poured out and this is how I understood that God is
21:48 no respecter of persons and that the Gentiles, too,
21:51 can become Christians.
21:52 Then Paul and Barnabas spoke and they shared their
21:56 experience and how they had shared the gospel
22:00 with the Gentiles and how they had become Christians,
22:03 and received it as well.
22:04 And then James, he is the leader of the church and he spoke.
22:09 Now we know this James is not James the son of thunder.
22:13 This is not John's brother, the disciple because
22:17 that James was already killed.
22:18 In Acts 12, Herod stretched out his arm and killed James.
22:22 This is James, probably, the brother of Jesus and he was
22:27 a leader in the New Testament Church as well, and he spoke,
22:30 and when he spoke, (we are in verse 14) he said,
22:34 "Simon Peter has declared how God, at the first, visited the
22:37 Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name."
22:40 So he reiterates the experience that Peter had already had;
22:44 then he quotes from Scripture to validate Peter's
22:49 experience.
22:50 I think that's important when we're involved in any
22:52 discussion or controversy.
22:54 We don't just gather together and we don't just
22:56 share our experience.
22:57 We need to share a "Thus saith the Lord." Amen!
23:00 He quotes from the Book of Acts.
23:02 Acts 15:16-17, and he says... "After this, I will return
23:09 and we'll rebuild the tabernacle of David which has fallen down;
23:12 I will rebuild its ruins and I will set it up; So that the
23:15 rest of mankind may seek the Lord, Even all the Gentiles
23:20 who are called by My name,
23:21 Says the Lord who does all these things."
23:24 So James is saying... Listen, Amos prophesied back
23:28 in the Old Testament, what did he prophesy?
23:31 That even the Gentiles would be called by My name. Amen!
23:35 So then what is the decision of the Jerusalem Council?
23:39 He gives the decision there and then the brethren actually
23:42 wrote out the decision from verse 23 all the way
23:46 through verse 29- and we won't read it all.
23:48 #1... The decision was - God called the Gentiles
23:52 to be Christians as well and that the Gentiles
23:55 were supposed to be Christians.
23:57 #2... The Gentiles are not required to be circumcised
24:02 in order to become Christians.
24:04 We see that clearly in verse 24.
24:07 He says... "Since we have heard that some who went out
24:10 from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls,
24:14 saying, "You must be circumcised and keep the law,"
24:18 to whom we gave no such commandment."
24:22 So James reiterates and says, Okay, the Gentile believers
24:26 do not have to be circumcised in order
24:29 to be Christians, but he does give the Gentiles
24:32 four things that they are to abstain from.
24:36 He asks them to give up customs that we would say
24:39 are inconsistent with the principles of Christianity.
24:43 The four customs would be: Abstain from foods
24:46 offered to idols; abstain from things
24:49 strangled; abstain from blood and abstain from
24:54 sexual immorality.
24:56 Now why were the Gentiles asked
24:57 to abstain from these four things?
24:59 You could say there is a twofold answer...
25:02 First, they were trying to foster Gentile-Jewish
25:06 relationships, right?
25:07 If this really bothered the Jews, then we need to
25:11 make sure we abstain from that on the Gentile side.
25:14 Leviticus 17 and 18 gives the customs - not only for the
25:17 Jews but for the "strangers who dwell among you."
25:20 So in that sense, you could say - trying to have the
25:23 Gentiles uphold to those same laws that the
25:26 strangers had to do.
25:27 But I think more importantly, the reason that they were
25:31 required to abstain from these four things
25:34 is that all four of these items are associated with
25:37 pagan worship.
25:38 The Gentiles worshiped idols; the Gentiles worshipped
25:42 false gods; they were involved in idolatry and pagan worship.
25:46 And the New Testament Church believed it was important
25:50 that it was apparent not only to other Gentiles,
25:54 but to the Christian believers that the Gentiles
25:56 had forsaken that former life.
25:59 They had put aside idol worship.
26:03 They were to abstain from food offered to idols,
26:05 and if they didn't eat it, it would show that they had
26:07 pushed aside that idol worship.
26:09 They were to abstain from sexual immorality,
26:12 and the Gentiles, especially the Greeks, engaged in
26:15 much sexual immorality.
26:16 So this shows they were becoming separate
26:18 from that old lifestyle.
26:20 They were to abstain from things strangled and the
26:22 Gentiles - that's how they killed the animals.
26:25 And they were to abstain from blood - of course the Jews
26:28 held that blood was life and the shedding of blood
26:32 was a consequence of sin.
26:34 So what was the result of this decision?
26:37 It was accepted with joy by most people.
26:41 We see in verse 30, they sent the brethren...
26:45 Paul and Barnabas with some other brethren back to
26:48 Antioch and it says, "When they gathered the
26:50 multitude together, they delivered the letter.
26:52 When they had read it, they rejoiced over its encouragement.
26:56 They were so excited to know that they were part
26:59 of the believers.
27:00 They were part of the body of Christ as well.
27:04 So what are the takeaways
27:06 that we can take from this lesson?
27:09 #1... Understand the time and place for discussion.
27:12 Discussion is not always to take place amongst
27:15 ourselves - there's a certain time and a place for discussion.
27:19 Mollie always says, "Never complain down."
27:22 In other words, if you have an issue, don't gossip
27:25 to someone who is your subordinate.
27:26 Don't talk to them about issues and neither should you
27:29 complain sideways to someone who is your equal.
27:31 If you have an issue, you need to take it up; take it up
27:34 to a supervisor.
27:36 So in this case, it there is an issue within the church,
27:39 we need to take it to the leadership with
27:45 the representation of the leadership.
27:46 Now in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
27:47 we have the General Conference every 5 years where
27:49 representatives all over the world gather together,
27:52 pray and seek counsel and seek God's word.
27:55 #2... Don't be afraid of discussion or discouragement.
27:58 It's not a bad thing, discussion/discouragement,
28:01 Pastor, discussion and disagreement not discouragement.
28:04 Discussion and disagreement can be a healthy thing. Amen!
28:08 Freely share and be open to hear
28:10 someone else's point-of-view.
28:11 #3... Learn to listen to leadership.
28:15 They listened to Peter; they listened to Paul
28:18 and Barnabas; they listened to James when they
28:21 spoke in the council.
28:22 Come to a decision and support the decision
28:26 once it's made - that is a very important point,
28:31 and I don't have time to read all this,
28:33 but in "Acts of the Apostles," Sister White talks about
28:35 how the entire body of believers was called to
28:38 vote upon this question.
28:39 Not the entire body but the apostles and elders were
28:42 called to vote upon this question there
28:43 at the Jerusalem Council.
28:44 But she says, "Not all of the brethren were pleased
28:48 with the decision and these men indulged in murmuring
28:52 and fault-finding with the decision that took place
28:56 here in Acts 15 at the Jerusalem Council,
28:58 and they worked to counteract the decision that was made."
29:03 So even though we read this and we think...
29:05 "Oh the brethren were happy."
29:06 There were some brethren that were still upset,
29:08 and who worked to counteract that.
29:10 So whatever decision is made, as a body,
29:14 on the unction anointing of the word of God,
29:17 it is our call to standby and to support that decision.
29:21 And don't be surprised by those who oppose the work of God.
29:25 Like Nehemiah, we're called to stand on the wall. Amen!
29:28 And keep doing the work of God. That's right! Wow!
29:31 What a wonderful lesson! Yes!
29:32 It's been gingerly and it's been spicy!
29:37 It's not gingerly, it's spicy! Yeah, spicy!
29:39 Greg, let me give you some chance to summarize
29:41 what your day was about. Okay.
29:42 I'm actually going to go to Acts 10:34-35 and it says...
29:47 (this is after Cornelius has shared his story with Peter)
29:50 Peter says, "And he opened his mouth and said, "Of a truth
29:53 I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
29:56 But in every nation he that feareth God and worketh
30:00 righteousness, is accepted with God."
30:03 I need to do likewise. Amen!
30:06 You said that preconceived opinions is what causes
30:09 prejudice and preconceived opinions CAN effectively
30:13 insulate our mind against the truth.
30:15 So what my day was about was "The Spirit is Leading,"
30:20 and we need to follow the leading of the Spirit.
30:23 As you've been talking about what happened at the
30:25 Jerusalem Council, it was only a handful of the sect of the
30:29 Pharisees who were saying this and they were the ones
30:33 that kept going out and working against the Spirit's leading.
30:37 Amen! I found out something
30:39 interesting - our Fundamental Beliefs, we talk about here
30:41 in practices and lifestyle make us a unique people. Amen!
30:46 Three seconds Jill...
30:48 It's an incredible blessing to be a part of the body
30:50 of Christ and work through issues. Amen! Amen!
30:53 Paul says, "Our citizenship is in Heaven."
30:55 Philippians 3:20, "Let's look
30:57 not where we came from, but where we're headed.
30:59 May the Lord bless you until we meet you again.


Revised 2018-11-15