3ABN Sabbath School Panel

When Conflicts Arise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180046A

00:31 Hello friends, welcome to our Sabbath School Panel here
00:33 at the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:35 My name is John Lomacang and thank you so much
00:38 for taking the time to join us in this excursion
00:41 through the word of God which promises to be a blessing
00:44 and also to be very exciting.
00:46 So don't turn away, get your Bibles and we're going to
00:49 pray in just a moment to invite the Holy Spirit
00:51 to be our guide, but before we do that,
00:53 let me introduce to you our panelists today...
00:55 To my immediate left is Greg Morikone, good to have
00:58 you here Greg - Good to be here!
00:59 Shelley Quinn, good to see you Shelley - A blessing.
01:01 Pastor Kenny Shelton, always good to have
01:03 you onboard - Yes, good.
01:05 And Greg, your better half Jill. Alright now, that's right.
01:08 Which makes you the blessed half! Yes!
01:10 I'm the blessed one! You both are blessed.
01:13 And our topic for this Quarter is "Oneness in Christ"
01:18 A dynamic study, it's been a blessing to study
01:22 from week-to-week and we are just floating along
01:24 as we enter into "When Conflicts Arise."
01:29 Lesson #7- if you don't have a copy of that lesson,
01:32 go to the following website to download a version of it.
01:35 ABSG.Adventist.org
01:39 Once again: ABSG.Adventist.org
01:43 or go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:47 join them for a wonderful Bible Study;
01:49 ask for a copy of the Lesson.
01:51 If they don't have one, I know they'll do whatever
01:53 they can to include you in their study and possibly
01:56 get you your own copy.
01:58 It's a beautiful study isn't it?
01:59 Dealing with issues that are very pertinent today,
02:02 the world is so divided, the Lord's word has much
02:05 to say about "oneness" and the need for that.
02:11 Greg, I'm going to invite you to have our prayer
02:12 for us today before we go into our study together.
02:16 Alright, let's pray. Father in Heaven...
02:18 What a privilege it is to open Your Holy Word.
02:21 You have said that it will not return void.
02:24 Lord, I just pray that today, that we would allow Your
02:28 Word, Your Holy Spirit to change our hearts,
02:30 and Lord, that we be open to Your wooing and Your speaking
02:33 to us each and every day.
02:35 Lord, as we open Your Word, we're just thankful
02:37 for what's in it and as we study this Sabbath School Lesson
02:40 this week, Lord we thank You that You have things for us
02:43 to learn. In Jesus name we pray... Amen
02:46 Amen, Amen! Now I'm going to be
02:50 summarizing Sabbath afternoon and then also go on to Sunday
02:53 which is quite a lesson.
02:55 I don't know how you chose me for this one, Shelley,
02:57 but I'm glad you did because I'm kind of a hodgepodge,
03:01 ethnically, and our discussion on Sunday is:
03:05 "Ethnic Prejudices" and the Sabbath Lesson
03:08 leads into it in a summary way.
03:11 The Memory Text on Sabbath
03:13 afternoon is from Galatians 3:27-28 which goes
03:19 as follows: "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
03:23 have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is
03:28 neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female;
03:33 for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
03:36 Can I get an Amen? Amen! Amen! Amen!
03:38 We are all one when it comes to Christ Jesus.
03:40 Now when I look at the topic of ethnic prejudices...
03:47 as a young man with an ethnically-diverse background,
03:50 let me just kinda start out with that...
03:53 Sometimes I meet people and depending on where I am
03:56 in the nation or in the world, I get questions like
04:00 "What are you?" and I know what they mean,
04:03 but sometimes I tiptoe through the tulips
04:05 depending on where I am... because in reality, ethnically,
04:08 my mother is Filipino and white, my dad is native American
04:13 and African-American.
04:14 So I'm literally - red and yellow, black and white!
04:17 And in America, that's a big issue, but when I travel
04:22 the world - if I'm in Indonesia, they think I'm Indonesian,
04:25 if I'm in the Polynesian Islands,
04:26 they think I'm part of the Polynesian culture.
04:28 And I did the DNA - what's that? Ancestry.com. Yes
04:34 I submitted that a number of years ago and found out that
04:37 my ethnicity is quite more diverse
04:39 than I actually thought.
04:41 From the Polynesian Islands, to the Philippines, Africa,
04:46 a little speck of Europe and it's amazing to see that
04:50 I could look the way I do and still have so much
04:56 red and yellow, black and white inside of me.
04:58 Now depending on where we are in the world,
05:01 I did a little research to lead into this topic and I put
05:03 in the phrase, "ethnic conflict."
05:06 And do you know that there is ethnic conflict in every
05:09 nation on the planet.
05:12 And, it's not necessarily against the fair skin
05:14 and the dark skin - there are ethnic conflicts in Africa,
05:17 Rwandan, Bosnia, Nigeria, Sudan, Sri Lanka.
05:21 India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Ivory Coast,
05:25 Western Asia, Western Europe, West Africa, Sweden,
05:29 Russia, Chechnya, Australia, China... there is ethnic
05:35 conflict in all of these countries.
05:37 And these ethnic conflicts are not always
05:40 based on the color of skin, but sometimes
05:42 preferential issues in society.
05:45 For example, we are all familiar with the Rwandan
05:47 genocide, and we know, historically, there were
05:50 Adventists Hutu and Tutsi that were killing each other
05:55 because of the ethnic diversities or differences
05:57 or conflicts because you don't kill each other
06:00 over a difference but over these tribal conflicts.
06:04 You also have the Serbs and the Croats, remember that?
06:09 Years ago, we would hear about the Catholics
06:13 fighting against the (this was in Europe),
06:18 there were fights between different religions,
06:21 and then you also had, years ago, there was controversy
06:25 between Pakistan and India; one kept pushing the border
06:28 further back - taking it from the other country,
06:30 and then also the centuries long conflict between
06:36 the Muslim and the Jew.
06:39 And my wife and I, last year, we were in Jordan and
06:44 I was amazed to find out that there are no
06:46 Jewish settlements in the entire country of Jordan.
06:51 But then we went to Israel and there is in Jerusalem
06:54 a Muslim Quarter, a Jewish Quarter, a Christian Quarter.
06:59 And so depending on where you are in Jerusalem,
07:01 you could get involved, as our tour guide said,
07:05 you could make the wrong turn in Jerusalem and
07:07 disappear as a tourist.
07:09 Or you can make the right turn and have a lot of fun.
07:13 So ethnic issues have been so talked about throughout
07:17 history, but as the lesson makes it clear,
07:20 when we are in Christ, ethnic diversity
07:24 should not be an issue.
07:25 Unfortunately, however, because each of us is in the journey,
07:29 some of us have to come from our background,
07:31 from our upbringing, from the neighborhoods we were raised.
07:34 I'll give you a little story... I was raised in Brooklyn,
07:37 I was born in Manhattan, New York
07:39 in the Polyclinic Hospital that is still there to this day,
07:42 my wife found it, but I was raised in Brooklyn,
07:46 and growing up, I had to do things as a young boy
07:50 in a black community to survive
07:52 the differences that they saw in me.
07:55 They called my sister, "Chink," because
07:58 she looked more Filipino when she was younger,
08:00 and you're looking at me right now, but they used to
08:03 call me "White boy" in my community.
08:04 So I actually got an Afro to survive my community
08:09 by washing my hair with Tide and not drying it.
08:13 But that was in MY neighborhood, in a Black community.
08:16 So prejudice is, in Black communities and white
08:20 communities, and in every shade in-between.
08:23 And then you have those Scripture references...
08:26 let's go to the Book of Numbers - this is one of the
08:29 early references to this creeping in among the
08:32 people of God.
08:33 In Numbers 12- I'm not going to read the whole thing,
08:37 but many of you are familiar with the story.
08:39 Numbers 12:1... This is when Miriam and Aaron had a
08:44 problem with Moses' wife.
08:47 And here it says in Numbers 12:1... Do you have
08:50 that Shelley? Yes. Read that for us.
08:52 "Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because
08:55 of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married;
08:58 for he had married an Ethiopian woman."
09:01 Right, and so that was an issue there... if you look at the
09:04 Ethiopian people, they're not dark, dark,
09:06 dark, dark, skin - they are like a, you know,
09:10 if you would use a word... sugar with milk in it and cream,
09:15 they're not dark, dark, dark skin like different
09:17 parts of Africa, but there was a prejudice attitude
09:20 towards Moses' wife because he had married
09:23 an Ethiopian.
09:25 And this story was one of the first examples in Scripture
09:28 that shows us how God looks at it and what God
09:31 wanted to root out immediately from their mindset
09:34 about any kind of ethnic prejudice.
09:37 Jill, read verse 9 and 10 for us...
09:39 "So the anger of the Lord was aroused against them,
09:42 and He departed.
09:43 And when the cloud departed from above the tabernacle,
09:46 suddenly Miriam became leprous, as white as snow.
09:49 Then Aaron turned toward Miriam, and there she was
09:52 a leper." Because she started the
09:55 attitude towards Moses' wife and Aaron jumped
10:00 on board and the Lord said... Hey, if the color of the skin
10:04 is an issue, look at the color of your skin now.
10:08 If the issue of the color of the skin is a problem
10:10 you have, look at the color of your skin now...
10:12 And that was the first and last time
10:14 the Lord had to deal with that issue.
10:16 And then also you see Jesus had to deal with
10:18 the issues of the Samaritans.
10:19 In John 4:9, the Samaritans were SO prejudiced against
10:24 Jesus, that whenever He spoke against
10:26 what they didn't like - look at one of the
10:27 ways that they attacked Him...
10:28 John 4:9, and as you look that up, the Samaritans were
10:32 the Northern Israelite Tribe from Ephraim and Manasseh
10:36 that survived the destruction of the kingdom in 722 B.C.
10:40 But do you have that Greg? John 4:9...
10:43 It says... "Then saith the woman of Samaria unto Him,
10:45 "How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me,
10:50 which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no
10:54 dealings with the Samaritans."
10:56 Exactly, they had difficulties that were just totally
11:00 divisive and the very same thing I'll read very quickly
11:03 in John 8:48- speaking to Jesus, the Jews answered
11:07 and said to Him... "Do we rightly say that You are a
11:11 Samaritan and have a demon?"
11:13 They so hated the Samaritans.
11:15 They categorized Jesus as a Samaritan and a demon,
11:18 the lowest form that you could even associate with a person.
11:21 They categorized him that way.
11:23 So, what I'm going to do is show you just eight quick
11:26 points in the Bible that shows you how the Bible
11:29 deals with these issues of ethnic prejudices...
11:32 #1... 1 Corinthians 12:13. First it denounces racial
11:37 prejudice. 1 Corinthians 12:13, "For by one Spirit, we are all
11:43 baptized into one body; whether Jews or Greeks,
11:46 whether slaves or free, and have all been made
11:50 to drink into one Spirit."
11:53 The Lord is saying - There is no difference,
11:56 salvation is open to every one of us.
11:58 Going quickly... it denounces hate.
12:00 1 John 2:11... "But he who hates his brother is in
12:04 darkness and walks in darkness and does not know
12:07 where he is going because the darkness has
12:09 blinded his eyes."
12:11 It denounces profiling based on appearance.
12:14 1 Samuel 16:7... "But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look
12:19 at his appearance or at his physical stature,
12:22 because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see
12:24 as man sees, for man looks at the... what?
12:27 outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. Amen!
12:31 Prejudice based on appearance.
12:33 The Bible also highlights our uniform beginning.
12:36 Acts 17:26... "And He has made from one blood every nation
12:42 of men to dwell on all the face of the earth,
12:44 and has determined their preappointed times and the
12:47 boundaries of their dwellings..."
12:49 You know, I used to give blood, so many times when the
12:51 blood drives came around in New York and I discovered
12:54 something very carefully... that if a person
12:57 needs blood - they don't say, "Did that blood come from a
12:59 white person or a black person or a Jewish person?
13:01 They say, "What TYPE of blood is it?
13:03 There's A, B and the positives and negatives and the O.
13:06 Blood has no prejudice in it. That's true.
13:09 Going on further, the Bible denounces mistreatment
13:12 of foreigners.
13:14 Exodus 22:21... "You shall neither mistreat a
13:17 stranger, nor oppose him or oppress him,
13:21 for you were strangers in the land of Egypt."
13:24 And the word there in some translations...
13:25 "You should not mistreat a foreigner."
13:29 Leviticus also verse 19:33-34... "When an alien lives
13:33 with you in your land, do not mistreat him.
13:36 (That's what we should do here in America. Amen!)
13:39 The alien living with you must be treated as one
13:43 of your native-born.
13:44 Love him as yourself for you were aliens in Egypt,
13:49 and I am the Lord your God."
13:50 In other words, I expect more from you than that.
13:52 Another one... The Bible advocates equal treatment.
13:56 Mark 12:31... "Love your neighbor as yourself.
14:00 There is no commandment greater than these."
14:03 In James 2:8-9... "If you really keep the royal law
14:07 found in Scripture, "love your neighbor as yourself,
14:10 you are doing right; but if you show partiality
14:14 or favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law
14:18 as lawbreakers."
14:20 So the Bible denounces prejudice, bias based on
14:23 appearance, mistreatment of foreigners, favoritism
14:27 or partiality and it advocates equal treatment...
14:30 But here's the biggest foundation...
14:33 The reason why all nationalities, regardless of
14:36 skin color, deserve respect is Genesis 1:26...
14:41 "And God said, "Let us make man in our image,
14:45 in our likeness."
14:46 We are all made in the image of God, Amen? Amen!
14:49 My dad's name is Adam, what's your dad's name?"
14:51 Adam. Okay!
14:52 And lastly, Acts 10:28... "Then He said to them,
14:57 (this is an amazing example, when Peter was sent
15:01 to Cornelius, and he had the vision
15:07 of the unclean food, it was NOT about FOOD!
15:10 I'll say - it was not about food!
15:13 It was about racial injustice and racial prejudice.
15:16 The Bible says in Acts 10:28... "Then he said to them,
15:19 "You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep
15:22 company with or to go to one of another nation,
15:26 but God has shown me that I should not call any man
15:31 common or unclean." Amen Pastor!
15:33 It's yours Greg. Oh, thank you very much, Pastor.
15:35 Fantastic! It's great to study the word of God!
15:38 I tell you, it's a blessing!
15:39 You know, Pastor, you were mentioning too,
15:41 for years people have asked you when you were young...
15:43 "What are you?" or maybe even now."
15:45 I get the same thing too, and I'm like... "I'm a man."
15:49 Yeah - of the human race!
15:50 Of the human race - there you go that's better, Pastor.
15:52 Yes, so yeah, I would get that because of my age
15:54 and background and stuff like that, and so even my
15:57 family - back in World War II, some of them because
16:01 they looked Asian, they were actually sent - they were going
16:04 to go into concentration camps, actually here in the
16:06 United States of America which is amazing.
16:09 Yeah, anyway that's some of the family background.
16:11 But it's sad, and to be honest with you, as we look at
16:15 Monday - which is "The Conversion of Gentiles,"
16:17 you may say, "Okay, so what's the big deal with that?"
16:20 I mean, that's great that they're getting converted.
16:22 But the thing is, Pastor, that you were mentioning
16:24 in Acts 10- which is the chapter we're going to
16:26 be looking at today - it's talking about this dream
16:29 and about Peter and Cornelius and about the prejudices
16:33 or the prejudice that was going on, and this was
16:35 huge because you didn't have the Jews interacting
16:38 really much at all with the Gentiles - why was that?
16:43 That had to do with prejudice against the Gentiles, one of the
16:45 big things being they were not circumcised.
16:48 That was one of the things... they weren't chosen
16:49 of God - the Jews thought it was them,
16:51 and so that was the big deal.
16:53 So we're looking at Acts 10:1-48 and we only have a few
16:58 minutes, so we're going to kind of brush over some of these.
17:00 But it's a great study!
17:01 I want to read this from the lesson, so if you have your
17:03 Quarterly, take a look at this...
17:05 "The conversion of the Gentiles to the gospel of Jesus Christ
17:09 is an event in the Book of Acts that sets the stage for the
17:14 greatest conflict in the life of the early church;
17:17 one that would threaten its existence and mission,"
17:20 which is absolutely hard to believe.
17:23 You think, why would that be such a big issue?
17:24 It says the early Christian Church was closed
17:26 to the Gentile community, like we were talking about,
17:28 because one of the big things was that they were not
17:31 circumcised - that was one of the big things.
17:33 Now this just maybe shows my ignorance on this...
17:36 I was doing a little bit of research on what prejudice is,
17:38 and this is interesting to me; the definition of
17:41 prejudice is... "Preconceived opinion that is not based
17:45 on reason or actual experience."
17:48 I thought it was, but it says prejudice is not.
17:54 It is preconceived opinion that is NOT based on
17:57 reason or actual experience.
17:59 Now you can actually be prejudiced,
18:01 but when you don't act on it, no one really knows about it.
18:04 No one really knows, but if you do,
18:06 then it becomes discriminations.
18:08 So that was just interesting to me.
18:09 Pastor, you mentioned this in your eight points,
18:11 I like this...but today, I hate to say this, but even in
18:14 individual lives - in let's say a church, a family.
18:18 You can have prejudice about religion, about race, culture,
18:23 class, education and the list can go on and on.
18:28 Oh yeah, so many areas.
18:30 But anyway, let's take a look at Acts 10;
18:33 there are some great lessons to be learned and I just
18:35 pray from this study that, in my own heart,
18:38 God help me not to be prejudice to hinder Your work. Amen!
18:41 So, again, we have 1-48, and so you basically have
18:45 Cornelius who is from Caesarea.
18:47 He is a centurion, so he is over 100 men.
18:49 He is a devout Christian and he feared God.
18:52 You may say, "Well how in the world did he learn about God?
18:54 And I was reading Ellen White, and she says that,
18:57 He had interaction with some Jewish people that actually
18:59 influenced him to honor God which is pretty amazing.
19:03 He just didn't know much about Jesus Christ.
19:05 So he was faithful to God, all of his household.
19:08 He gave money to the poor, and he prayed daily.
19:12 So during one of these prayers as he was having
19:15 on a certain day - I don't know, let's just pick Monday
19:16 let's say... he was praying at the ninth hour which
19:19 is about 3 p.m. and an angel says to him...
19:22 "Your prayers have been heard." Can you imagine, wow!
19:26 And then he says, "Send some of your men to Joppa
19:29 and look for Simon Peter."
19:32 So then you have Peter who is in Joppa.
19:35 Now this is kind of interesting on Peter...
19:37 He is in Joppa and he's staying with who? A tanner.
19:41 And a tanner is someone that does what Shelley?
19:43 Deals with dead animals, right? The hide.
19:46 Now for the Jewish people, Pastor, that's considered
19:49 an unclean thing, isn't it? Right.
19:50 So here Peter is staying at the tanner's house.
19:52 That's kind of interesting.
19:54 And so then you've got... going down to verse 9-12,
19:59 you have Peter which is the next day;
20:01 Cornelius has had his vision from the angel;
20:04 the next day Peter is at the sixth hour which is about
20:06 noon - he is on the rooftop which is not unusual
20:09 for the people there at that time and he was hungry.
20:12 So he was waiting for the food to be prepared and he was
20:15 praying and now he had his vision which, Pastor,
20:17 you referred to in your portion of this study and this is with
20:21 Acts 10, I'm going to read actually from the Bible
20:26 verses 11-15, and it says... "And Peter saw heaven open,
20:31 and a certain vessel descending unto him as it had been a
20:35 great sheet, knit at the four corners and let
20:37 down to the earth; Wherein were all manner of four-footed
20:41 beasts of the earth; and wild beasts and creeping things,
20:44 and fowls of the air.
20:45 And there came a voice to him saying,
20:48 "Rise, Peter; kill and eat."
20:51 But Peter said, "Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten
20:55 anything that is common or unclean."
20:57 And the voice spake unto him again the second time,
21:01 (and this is really powerful) "What God hath cleansed,
21:06 that call thou not common."
21:10 So here you have Peter that is having this dream.
21:13 He thinks it has to do with food; like you mentioned,
21:15 Pastor, it has nothing to do with food.
21:17 It has to do, really, with prejudice against
21:21 a certain group of people.
21:23 Oh wow, time is going by quickly...
21:25 So let's jump down here a little bit further in
21:29 Acts 10... "And the three men from that Cornelius sent
21:34 (they are actually banging at the front gate saying
21:35 "Hey, we've come to look for Simon Peter,"
21:38 and I like here what Mrs. White says in "Acts of the Apostles,"
21:41 another great read, "Acts of the Apostles,"
21:44 Chapter "Seeker for Truth," p.135, and Mrs. White says,
21:49 "This vision gave Peter reproof and instruction.
21:53 It revealed to him that God, by the death of Jesus,
21:57 that the Gentiles should be made fellow heirs with Jesus
22:01 to the blessings of salvation.
22:04 As of yet, none of the disciples had preached the gospel
22:07 to the Gentiles." Isn't that amazing?
22:09 None of the disciples had at that point.
22:12 Let's go down to verse 19 in chapter 10.
22:16 And while Peter was thinking on the vision, because he's a
22:19 little confused, "... was thinking on the vision,
22:22 the Spirit said unto him, (or God told him)
22:24 "Behold, there are three men that seek you.
22:27 Arise therefore, and get you down, and go
22:30 with them, doubting nothing;
22:32 for I have sent them unto you."
22:35 Now I think, isn't that precious of Jesus?
22:37 He said, "I've sent these men to look for you,
22:39 but what they ask of you, don't doubt at all."
22:41 I've got this all taken care of because these men
22:44 are Gentiles and I think this is really beautiful because
22:47 this is all happening and I'm thinking in just minutes...
22:50 They're banging on the gate; they invite them in,
22:51 and what does Peter do to Cornelius' men?
22:54 He says, "Come on and eat with me."
22:56 Woe... you shouldn't do that, right?
22:58 A Jew invite a Gentile to eat with him.
22:59 Then what did he do next?
23:01 He says, "Stay the night with me...
23:02 all you men, stay the night with me."
23:04 That's huge too - so you can already see
23:06 Peter's heart changing which is just precious. Amen!
23:08 It's just happening that quick and I believe he is taking
23:11 the promise of what God told him here in verse 20 it says,
23:15 "Arise therefore, get thee down, go with them,
23:17 doubt nothing; for I have sent them."
23:22 So then you have... I'll just go on quickly here...
23:24 Peter meets with Cornelius; Cornelius bows down to Peter;
23:28 actually worships him; Peter says, "Stand up,
23:30 Cornelius, don't worship me."
23:32 And I think Peter, at that moment, could have said,
23:34 "Oh, here he is bowing to me, that's good because I have a
23:37 very high spiritual status, but he didn't... he said,
23:40 "Stand up, we're equal."
23:41 And I think that's one of the key things too...
23:43 As we deal with whatever prejudices - because I think
23:45 we all have a prejudice - it could be against someone that
23:47 maybe is a little less than us, what it is - that we need to
23:50 realize that God looks at us all the same.
23:54 Verse 28 says... "You know how that it is an unlawful
24:00 thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company or to come
24:03 unto one of another nation; but God has showed me that I
24:07 should not call any man common or unclean.
24:10 And then Cornelius tells Peter
24:12 his story which is just precious.
24:14 Then Peter actually has the opportunity to share with
24:18 Cornelius about Jesus Christ and then the Holy Spirit
24:23 comes upon Cornelius and his entire family; they start
24:26 prophesying, speaking in tongues is what the Bible says.
24:30 And Peter says, "What hinders you from being baptized?
24:32 Let's baptize them!
24:34 And so you can see the conversion of Cornelius
24:36 which is just powerful from Peter obeying God,
24:40 breaking down the prejudices and saying,
24:42 "God, this is what You have asked me to do, I will do it."
24:46 The take aways from this... God handpicked Peter
24:49 to help break down the barriers of prejudice
24:51 between the Jews and the Gentiles.
24:53 #2... God calls us to break down
24:55 barriers or prejudice around us.
24:57 It's always easy to point to others instead.
25:00 You know, we need to be a part of the solution.
25:03 We also recognize that we are all equal in God's sight.
25:06 There can be prejudice on both sides, but we have to remember
25:09 that we're all equal and I also think we should look at
25:12 John 3:16 which basically all of us know and it says...
25:16 "For God so loved the world (it doesn't say that He loved
25:19 only the Jews, only the Greeks, only the blacks,
25:21 only the whites) it says - "God so loved the world,"
25:24 and we're to follow that.
25:25 And in closing, I just pray...
25:27 Oh God, remove from my heart any prejudice or judgment
25:31 that I will not hinder Your work. Amen!
25:34 Wow! Sorry I got a little bit
25:36 rushed on the 48 verses!
25:37 Well that's okay, I don't know how you even
25:39 tackled 48 verses, but there's so much there that
25:42 goes with studying and participating. A great story!
25:44 And we're going to take a short break...
25:46 a one minute break and right after that
25:48 we'll be back to continue our studies... stay with us.
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Revised 2018-11-15