3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Images of Unity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180045B

00:01 Well today, we are studying "Images of Unity,"
00:04 and Miss Mollie I believe you have Tuesday...
00:08 "The Temple of the Holy Spirit"
00:11 Yes, more imagery, looking at the temple.
00:14 And, you know, this whole Quarterly - it's designed
00:20 for us to realize that we are one - that if you call
00:27 upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
00:29 it doesn't matter if you're in India or if you're in Russia,
00:34 it doesn't matter where in the world you are,
00:37 everyone that calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
00:40 are one in Him. Amen! We are one together.
00:43 And we've looked at this beautiful imagery...
00:45 Shelley looked at the people of God,
00:48 and that's what we are.
00:50 We are all the people of God.
00:52 Johnny looked at the household of God and you know what
00:55 I thought about that, Johnny?
00:56 Everybody that is born into this world
00:59 has a common ancestor... who is that common ancestor?
01:03 Adam! Okay, everybody has a common ancestor,
01:07 but if you've made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
01:11 it's like we are doubly linked because then we are
01:16 linked also by the Second Adam, is that not a true statement...
01:20 through the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:22 Well the imagery that we're looking at today is
01:27 the temple of the Holy Spirit and let me ask you this
01:33 question... What is a temple?
01:35 When Paul uses this term... now remember to the people
01:41 that he's talking to, he's communicating
01:44 with them, not with us.
01:46 Today, if he were talking to us, Jill, I believe he might say
01:51 to you and I... "The church of the Holy Spirit."
01:55 What was the temple? It was the place
01:57 they worshipped. Where do we worship?
02:00 We worship in this church.
02:02 We worship in a church.
02:04 So it's not just the building that we worship in,
02:11 it's also the place where God resides.
02:14 And Pastor Lomacang, you were talking about this beautiful
02:17 building in England was it? In Darby.
02:20 In Darby? And it was a beautiful church
02:24 for many, many years.
02:25 What is it today?
02:26 It's a pub or, you know, they call it a bar.
02:29 It's a bar, so that building at one time probably
02:34 housed the very presence of God.
02:37 It was a temple where God resided but not today.
02:41 because oh, a building is not the church.
02:45 What is the church? It's the people.
02:49 Shelley mentioned earlier and we talk a lot here on the set
02:54 between programs, and she was talking about
02:57 saying, "Oh what a beautiful church you have,"
03:00 and the people were thinking, "This building is trashy,"
03:02 and she was, "Oh no, we're not talking about this building,
03:06 we're talking about the spirit that is within the people,
03:09 the temple of the Holy Spirit." That's right!
03:11 Okay, I've got four Scriptures that we're going to look at.
03:15 Four Scriptures and the first two are in 1 Corinthians,
03:19 and then we want to go elsewhere,
03:21 but keep your marker in 1 Corinthians because we're
03:24 going to hang there for a while.
03:25 But 1 Corinthians 6:19... "Or do you not know
03:30 that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
03:35 who you have from God, and you are not your own?"
03:39 So what does this say about your body?
03:42 It is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you,
03:46 and it also says, "We are not our own."
03:48 Who do we belong to? We belong to Almighty God.
03:51 Alright, 1 Corinthians now in chapter 3:16-17...
03:57 Laying foundation... "Do you not know that you are the
04:01 temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
04:06 If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will... do what?
04:11 destroy him. For the temple of God is holy,
04:15 which temple you are."
04:18 Now, I want us to go to Colossians - we going to look
04:21 at Colossians 1:27 and then we're going to jump to
04:25 Ephesians but then we're coming back to 1 Corinthians.
04:29 So Colossians 1:27..."To them God willed to make known
04:36 what are the riches of the glory of this mystery
04:40 among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you,
04:46 the hope of glory."
04:47 Where is Christ? Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory!
04:51 Ephesians 3:17... "... that Christ may dwell
05:01 in your hearts, (where is Christ to dwell?
05:04 in your hearts - how?) through faith; that you
05:08 being rooted and grounded in love..."
05:11 So we see here the reference, the imagery that the Apostle
05:18 Paul is making speaking of the temple of the Holy Spirit.
05:26 Now we look at these Scriptures on a personal level.
05:31 Can we look at these Scriptures on a personal level?
05:34 Absolutely! Where it says that Christ is in our heart
05:37 by faith - that is a true statement.
05:40 And where it says that Christ...
05:43 What is your only hope of glory? That is Christ in us.
05:46 You know I make this statement...
05:48 "You are nothing because of who you are, but you are
05:52 something because of what you contain."
05:54 Christ in you, the hope of glory... and the Scripture
05:58 is referring to the temple of God.
06:01 So we can look at this, we absolutely can look
06:04 at this on a personal level.
06:06 But, we must also look at it on a corporate level.
06:14 We belong to God and He dwells within us,
06:17 and we mustn't defile our body temple.
06:21 We belong to God and we are not our own,
06:24 but when we look at it on a corporate level,
06:28 we are looking at the temple that is a worldwide
06:34 corporate church, a corporate temple, are we not...
06:38 where everyone, I mentioned this earlier, EVERYONE
06:42 who calls upon the name of the Lord, are a part of
06:46 this body and God resides in His church. Amen!
06:52 So we're looking at it on a personal level,
06:54 but we're also looking at this on a corporate level.
06:58 For Paul, God resides within the Christian fellowship;
07:03 hence his warning that anyone who attempts to destroy
07:08 this fellowship will suffer the consequences of judgment,
07:13 that was 1 Corinthians 3:17.
07:16 "If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy
07:20 him, for the temple of God is holy which temple you are."
07:26 Again, looking at this individually and corporately...
07:29 Are we to defile, on an individual basis...
07:33 are we to defile our body temple? No. We are not.
07:37 And let me ask you this... "What are the consequences
07:41 when we defile our body temple?"
07:43 If we put the wrong things in it,
07:46 it brings sickness and disease or we destroy it.
07:50 Okay, unity of believers is at the very core
07:57 of this fellowship and of God's presence in His temple.
08:00 Paul's message is a warning to those who would destroy
08:05 the unity of the church - we're talking about
08:08 the corporate church.
08:10 Oftentimes, when thinking of the destruction of the church,
08:14 we look outward... you're in 1 Corinthians, we're going
08:18 to go look again at chapter 3:2-4.
08:22 Oftentimes if you think of somebody destroying
08:26 the church, we think outward, but let's look at
08:30 what Paul says, is the greatest challenge to our church
08:35 to our unity.
08:37 1 Corinthians 3:2-4, he says to the church...
08:41 "I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now
08:45 you were not able to receive it, and even now, you are still
08:49 not able; for you are still... what's that word?
08:52 you are carnal. For where there are envy, strife and
08:56 divisions among you, are you
08:59 not carnal and behaving like mere men?
09:01 For when one says, "I am of Paul," and the other,
09:05 "I am of Apollos," are you not carnal? "
09:09 Envy, strife, divisions are destructive attitudes
09:13 and behaviors and a real threat to Christian unity.
09:17 When these attitudes are exhibited in the local church,
09:21 God's presence is withdrawn.
09:24 God will not reside in an atmosphere of carnality,
09:30 envy, strife and so forth.
09:32 In other words, conflicts within the local church can destroy
09:38 God's temple. Amen!
09:40 So corporately and individually, we are the temple of God.
09:45 Paul pleads with the Christians at Corinth to walk in unity,
09:50 and to walk in harmony and I think that's our prayer
09:54 for each one of us today; let unity and harmony
09:57 reside in our hearts. Amen! Amen!
09:59 What a wonderful job Mollie, I love that with our body
10:03 being the temple of God, not just personally,
10:05 but corporately - that was fabulous, praise the Lord!
10:09 I especially like this lesson, "Images of Unity"
10:12 because it deals with allegories.
10:14 It deals with metaphors.
10:17 I like words. Pastor John, I like how
10:20 they're crafted; I like to read and you see how people
10:23 choose to craft that.
10:25 So especially this lesson appeals to me because
10:27 it's the analogies; it's the metaphors;
10:30 it's the allegories that Christ uses to refer to us,
10:34 so I love that - the people of God, the household of God,
10:37 the lively stones, the temple of God...
10:40 Mine is "The Body of Christ."
10:42 And if we continue with that metaphor, as it were,
10:46 I want to talk about this portion which is Wednesday,
10:49 "The Body of Christ," as a book.
10:51 So I'm going to talk about, and forward, an introduction,
10:56 a body and a conclusion.
10:58 Now the body of the lesson is what I'm really supposed
11:00 to be talking about, "The Body of Christ"
11:03 That is in 1 Corinthians 12, so turn with me there.
11:06 So before we get to the body, we're going to do
11:09 the forward or the preface to the entire section.
11:12 This is in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, this is how I structured it,
11:18 this is the forward. "And 1 Corinthians 12
11:21 is really about authentic Christian unity...
11:24 And it's about unity not being just in diversity,
11:28 neither is unity despite diversity...
11:32 Unity is achieved through diversity and that's what we
11:37 see here in the body of Christ.
11:38 So we're in the forward portion, this is 1 Corinthians 12:4-6.
11:44 "There are diversities of gifts but the same spirit.
11:48 There are differences of ministries but the same Lord.
11:51 There are diversities of activities but it's the same
11:54 God who works all in all."
11:56 Now it's interesting, both Father, Son and Holy Spirit
11:59 are mentioned in these three verses.
12:03 And the word for diversities, "differences and diversities,"
12:06 is all the same word.
12:08 It means in the Greek, "division, difference,
12:11 distinction, diversity."
12:13 So we could read it then... There are differences of gifts.
12:16 Now what are the gifts that are being referred to here?
12:19 Charisma - A gift of grace.
12:23 There are differences in the gifts of grace that are given.
12:27 There are differences in the ministries that are given.
12:32 Now the word for ministry comes from "diakonos."
12:34 In Acts 6- remember when the deacons were appointed.
12:39 It's the same root word and it means, of course, ministry
12:43 or service, but it literally means "to wait at tables."
12:46 As when you would go out to eat and someone comes
12:49 and is your server - someone serves you at the table.
12:53 So there's differences in the gifts.
12:55 There are differences in the ministry or the service
12:58 that we are called to do.
13:00 And finally, there's differences of activities.
13:04 So there are differences in the gifts of grace and how
13:06 we're to operate in that grace.
13:09 There's differences in the ministry that you and I are
13:11 given and how we choose to serve.
13:14 And there are differences in the tasks that we are given,
13:18 and how we function within that.
13:20 That's the forward - now we're going to go to the introduction.
13:23 This is the list of spiritual gifts that is given to
13:25 the church - we won't read that passage, but it leads us
13:30 right up to verse 12 which is our portion here.
13:33 The gifts, of course, are: wisdom, word of knowledge,
13:36 faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, prophecy,
13:40 discerning of spirits, different kinds of tongues and
13:43 interpretation of tongues.
13:44 The point I want to look at is verse 11... "But one in the
13:47 same spirit works all these things, distributing to each
13:50 one individually as He wills." That's right.
13:54 You know what that says? "The Holy Spirit
13:56 is the One who gives the gifts - that means
13:59 the Holy Spirit is the One who gives the differences
14:02 or we could say... the differences that we see
14:05 within the body of Christ are divine.
14:08 So when I look at someone's gift and I say,
14:11 "Well look at that gift, you have this, I have this,
14:14 so-an-so has this," that is part of God's plan.
14:18 That is divine!
14:19 Now we get into the body of this and this is really the body
14:23 of Christ - the metaphor of the church is the body of Christ.
14:26 I see six lessons in here.
14:29 Lesson #1... Unity does not mean uniformity. That's right.
14:34 We see that in verse 12. "For as the body is one
14:37 and has many members, but all the members
14:40 of that one body be many, are one body.
14:43 So also is Christ.
14:45 So we are one body, we are to be united,
14:47 Pastor Johnny, but at the same time,
14:50 we are many members.
14:51 So unity does not mean uniformity.
14:54 Lesson #2... The differences do not have to divide us,
14:59 they can unite us as long as we're in Christ.
15:02 Verse 13, the next verse... "For by one Spirit
15:05 we were all baptized into one body - whether Jews or Greeks,
15:09 slaves or free - and have all been made
15:11 to drink into one Spirit."
15:15 Many times we see those differences of race or ethnicity
15:18 differences of class, differences of money,
15:21 differences of education and we look at that and say...
15:24 "Oh, but you're different than me," but those
15:27 differences don't have to divide us as long as we are
15:30 all one in Christ - we can all be united together.
15:35 Lesson #3... Jealousy cannot exist in the body.
15:40 In fact, it's almost humorous because the example
15:43 is kind of humorous that's given here...
15:45 We are in - I need to turn my page... we're in
15:48 verses 15-19... "If the foot should say, "Because I'm not
15:54 a hand, I am not of the body," is it therefore
15:57 not of the body? And if the ear should say,
15:59 "Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body,"
16:02 is it therefore not of the body?
16:04 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the hearing?
16:07 If the whole were hearing, where would be the smelling?
16:11 But now God has set the members, each one of them
16:14 in the body just as He pleased.
16:16 And if they were all one member, where would the body be."
16:19 Now when you read that, it's actually kind of humorous.
16:21 You'd think, "Of course not, we're not all one eye
16:24 because it would be a freak, right?
16:27 If you have one hand, but you don't have a foot,
16:29 that would be a problem, so we see that as humorous,
16:31 but in the body of Christ, the same thing.
16:34 Jealousy cannot exist in the body of Christ. That's right.
16:38 Lesson #4... All are essential to the work.
16:41 All are equally important.
16:44 Verse 20... "But now indeed, there are many members
16:48 yet one body and the eye cannot say to the hand
16:52 "I have no need of you," nor again, the head to the
16:55 feet, "I have no need of you."
16:57 No, much rather these members of the body which seem to be
17:01 weaker are necessary."
17:04 You know, you hear these stories of someone who maybe
17:07 is out working in the woods and they are felling a tree,
17:10 and all of a sudden, it falls on them and pins their leg...
17:13 And you hear stories - what if they don't have a cell phone
17:16 or what if, you know, they don't have any way to get out
17:18 from underneath that tree... And then they make the
17:22 horrible decision, "I'm gonna cut off that leg in order to
17:27 save myself - in order to save my life."
17:31 Now when we hear of that, we say that is extreme.
17:35 Okay, you don't want to cut off your leg, right?
17:37 That is like a last-ditch effort, but yet in the church,
17:41 we willingly cut off parts of the body. That's true.
17:45 It does not seem extreme in the church.
17:47 We say, "Who do you think you are?
17:49 You're using... what's that gift?
17:51 Well what do you have to offer to the body?"
17:53 And we eagerly and willingly cut people off,
17:59 where here in the natural world, we would never
18:01 cut off a body part unless it was to save someone's life.
18:05 But here, Paul is saying... "All are essential to the work." Amen
18:09 Nobody can be easily cut off and set aside.
18:13 Lesson #5... Exercise care instead of competition.
18:17 Verse 23... "And those members of the body which we think
18:21 to be less honorable, on those we bestow greater
18:24 honor and our unpresentable parts of greater modesty,
18:28 but our presentable parts of no need.
18:30 But God composed the body, having given greater honor
18:34 to that part which lacks it, that there should be no
18:36 schism in the body, but that the members should
18:39 have the same care for one another."
18:42 Instead of criticizing instead of judging someone
18:45 else harshly, instead of expecting them to somehow
18:48 perform better, we are to build each other up.
18:52 We are to take care of each other.
18:54 We're to have compassion on the weaker parts of the body.
18:58 Lesson #6... Final lesson is that all suffer equally.
19:02 Verse 26... "If one member suffers, all the members
19:05 suffer with it; or if one member is
19:07 honored, all the members rejoice with it."
19:11 You know if you stub your toe, Pastor John,
19:13 pretty soon your shin hurts and your calf and then your thigh,
19:17 and sometimes maybe if you break something,
19:19 you could even get a fever... the whole body is affected
19:23 when one member suffers.
19:25 So in the body of Christ, when one member suffers,
19:28 the whole body comes together, or if one member has a joy,
19:31 the whole body can come together in that.
19:34 So we have the forward, we have the introduction
19:37 in the body, the conclusion is that all of this is important,
19:40 but the end of chapter 12 tells us the greatest thing,
19:43 the most important thing we could ever have
19:46 is that of love. Wow. Amen! Amen!
19:48 I'm going to ask you to preach that sermon one day.
19:51 That was wonderfully put together because a lot of times,
19:53 you know what we're seeing in this lesson, this continuous
19:56 theme of unity in so many facets which can only happen
20:02 in Christ, and thank you for breaking that down.
20:05 You have a unique way of bringing things out,
20:06 I like that - putting it together like a book.
20:09 But now we're looking at "Sheep and Shepherd,"
20:13 Thursday, November 8th, and we're going to spend
20:17 most of our time in the Book of John 10.
20:20 John chapter 10, now I have a new Bible, I have the
20:24 "Remnant Study Bible," and I have another Bible
20:28 that I've been toting around for a long time,
20:30 and all my highlights are in there, so I feel like a
20:34 stranger in a foreign land in this unmarked Bible,
20:37 but my wife and I read this Bible together every night
20:40 and so she said, "We need to be on the same page, but I
20:43 feel that..." You know Shelley when you
20:44 work on a Bible and you really get that recipe really
20:47 well down and everything is connected...
20:49 So I'm looking at John 10 and I'm saying, "Where is my
20:51 fingerprint? It's missing!"
20:53 But I know the Scripture is still there, but the Book of
20:56 John 10... you know, one of the favorite Scriptures
21:00 and I use highlighting - I'm now using a new method
21:02 of highlighting - I'm using orange for all of the
21:05 famous Scriptures.
21:07 So if I were to use orange in my Bible, in John chapter 10,
21:12 it would be John 10:10, right? Yes!
21:15 And that is... "The thief does not come except to steal,
21:21 and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may
21:25 have life and that they may have it...how?
21:29 more abundantly." That's an orange Scripture.
21:32 And I'm going to spend time on the Book of John today
21:36 because I want to just... instead of talking about
21:38 sheep and shepherd and shepherd and sheep,
21:39 it's all through the Scriptures and we know that Jesus
21:41 is the Chief Shepherd, I'm an undershepherd.
21:44 We see shepherds... David was a shepherd; Moses was a
21:50 shepherd and we see that the Lord had to teach these
21:56 great men that now echo in the recesses of our minds
22:00 as great leaders.
22:02 We now see why God was able to develop... send Moses out
22:06 for 40 years... He said because if you think dealing with
22:09 those sheep are difficult, wait until I send you back
22:12 to Egypt to get those folk out.
22:15 Because the problem was... you can take sheep out
22:18 and they'll follow you, but taking the Israelites
22:23 out of Egypt was not as difficult as taking Egypt
22:25 out of the Israelites.
22:27 That was the challenge and the Lord says... Learn with the
22:30 sheep first because you're going to have a task
22:32 for the latter part of your life.
22:33 And everything about our lives as undershepherds teaches me
22:37 so much about the Chief Shepherd and I want to make
22:39 this statement - I know we're all excited...
22:41 "Aren't we glad that we have a Chief Shepherd
22:43 that never lets any of the sheep remain unattended." Amen!
22:48 The most beautiful picture... we have a picture on our wall
22:51 out there in the church of Jesus embracing the sheep,
22:53 the lost sheep, and each one of us is in that very
22:57 beautiful illustration of Isaiah.
23:00 "All we, like sheep, have... gone astray."
23:04 But I'm going to just spend a little time on John 10
23:07 because the things that came to me in John 10
23:10 is first - Jesus is the Door. Yes
23:14 He's not only the Shepherd, but He is the Door.
23:19 I'm going to read John 14:6 to illustrate it
23:23 in a little different way.
23:25 Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
23:30 no man cometh unto the Father but by Me."
23:33 That's the King James Version.
23:35 No one comes to the Father except he comes through Me.
23:38 And He says in John 10:2... "But he who enters by the
23:46 Door is the Shepherd of the sheep. To Him the doorkeeper
23:50 opens and the sheep hears His voice and He calls His own
23:55 sheep by name and leads them out."
23:59 We have so many people in our church that heard the voice
24:02 of the Shepherd... Shelley, your story is one of those.
24:06 Heard the voice of the Shepherd - already a Christian,
24:09 but the Shepherd kept talking and you listened...
24:12 "My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me."
24:15 And so that fold that is talked about in John 10:16...
24:19 we believe, as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
24:21 that God has sheep in all different kinds of folds. Amen!
24:25 But He doesn't say, "leave the sheep there,"
24:28 He says, "Other sheep I have that are not of this fold;
24:30 them also I must bring and they will hear My voice;
24:33 and there will be one fold and one shepherd."
24:35 The other thing that Peter points out in 1 Peter 2:25...
24:39 "For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned
24:44 to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls."
24:48 So Jesus is not just the Shepherd of the flock,
24:51 but He is the Overseer of our souls, and what would
24:53 we be without Him?
24:55 And another method of salvation is often suggested,
24:58 but there is no other name given among men
25:02 whereby we must be saved, than the person of Christ.
25:06 So I want to take the next 4 minutes of my time,
25:08 if it takes that long, and I want to break down one of the
25:12 most beautiful passages in the Bible - The Twenty-Third Psalms.
25:16 I'm going to do this in a poetic way, but you're going
25:19 to follow me in it, and I'm going to use the King James
25:21 Version and I'm going to break down every aspect
25:24 and I'm going to give you 17 points very quickly,
25:27 17 in four minutes.
25:29 The Lord is my Shepherd... "He is my Relationship."
25:33 I shall not want... "He is my Supplier."
25:36 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures...
25:40 "He is my rest."
25:42 He leadeth me beside the still waters... "He is my refresher."
25:48 He restores my soul... "He is my healer."
25:53 He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness...
25:56 "He is my reliable Guide."
25:58 For His name sake... "He gives me a divine purpose."
26:03 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...
26:08 "He is my Comforter in times of testing, in trial."
26:14 I will fear no evil... why? "He is my protector."
26:19 For thou art with me... "He is my ever present
26:23 help in time of need."
26:26 Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me...
26:29 A little different twist... "He disciplines me." Yes
26:33 "He disciplines me... the rod to keep the evil away from me;
26:38 the staff... to keep me from running away...
26:40 He disciplines me..."
26:42 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies...
26:46 "He is my hope - He shows the work
26:50 that He's doing in my life."
26:51 Thou anointest my head with oil... "He is my
26:54 consecrator - He consecrates me for a holy purpose."
26:59 My cup runneth - how? My cup runneth over.
27:03 Every time I read that Scripture, I remember
27:06 Darrell Marshall's song, "I'm drinking from my saucer,
27:10 because my cup is overflowing.
27:12 I mean, that's a constant testimony - my wife and I
27:16 we pause every now and then, and then go back to it.
27:18 We pause every now and then and we say, "Look at where
27:21 we were - two young people in Brooklyn, New York;
27:25 one that didn't know her father and I didn't know my mother
27:28 nor father and the Lord called us out and He brought us
27:33 to a place and now our cups run over with blessings
27:38 and plans that we could have
27:40 never orchestrated ourselves." My cup runneth over,
27:43 and it goes continually.
27:45 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
27:49 all the days of my life... "He is my constant blessing."
27:52 How many days of our lives? All the days of our lives.
27:56 And we know that all things work together for good
27:59 to those who love God, to those who are called
28:01 according to His purpose.
28:02 No matter whether it's raining or snowing; whether it's
28:04 difficulty or joy; whether it's trial or triumph;
28:07 whether it's violence or victory...
28:10 all the days of my life.
28:12 And then it says in verse 16, And I will dwell in the house
28:16 of the Lord... "He is my security."
28:18 How can you find any greater security than
28:20 dwelling in the house of the Lord?
28:22 And then it says, FOREVER... "He is my eternity."
28:27 So when I look at the Twenty-Third Psalms,
28:31 I did do a sermon one day and I said this...
28:33 "If you can say that the Lord is my Shepherd, then you are
28:36 about to begin a journey and each aspect of the journey
28:40 that you're going to experience you're going to go through
28:42 valleys of shadows of death, but He's not going to leave you.
28:45 You're going to have those days when the water is still,
28:47 and sheep don't drink from oceans.
28:49 They drink from still waters. That's right.
28:52 And the other thing - which is kind of a twist is...
28:56 even though He is the Door, Revelation 3:20 says,
29:00 "Behold I stand AT the door."
29:02 When you are not a part of the Shepherd's flock,
29:07 He stands at the door and continues knocking,
29:09 and He says, "If anyone hears my voice...(the same
29:12 language with John 10), If anyone hears My voice,
29:15 and opens the door, I will come in to him
29:18 and dine with him and he with me."
29:20 So my appeal to you today is if you don't know the
29:23 Shepherd, get to know Him now because the door
29:26 that He is knocking at... one day the knocking with cease,
29:30 and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
29:32 Make Him your Shepherd today. Amen! Amen and Amen!
29:36 A wonderful lesson, thank you John - so much.
29:39 We have just a couple of moments left, but I'd like
29:41 for everyone to have the opportunity to
29:44 give us a closing thought, Johnny.
29:46 Yes, when Jesus Christ dwells in our hearts,
29:51 His love will outflow to others
29:54 and it will be a unifying factor. Amen!
29:58 And when you're having the worse day you think you
30:02 could ever have, just look behind you because
30:06 mercy and goodness are following you!
30:09 Capitalizing on Psalms 23, Pastor Lomacang,
30:12 that was beautiful. Amen!
30:14 That was beautiful, I love that.
30:16 I'm just stuck back there in Psalm 23, but I want to
30:19 make an appeal to you at home to become involved
30:22 in a body of believers.
30:24 If you currently are not part of a church,
30:27 we want to encourage you to join a local congregation.
30:31 We would encourage you to join the Seventh-day
30:33 Adventist Church, but to join a body of believers
30:36 that worship God and that study His word and know
30:40 that you can come in unity and be a part of the
30:43 body of Christ. That's right!
30:44 Well-fed sheep do not stray, well-fed sheep produce
30:48 good wool and well-fed sheep attract other sheep.
30:52 But there's one thing that is about a sheep that's
30:54 so true... A sheep when he's on his back, he cannot
30:58 right himself - that's why we need a Shepherd. Amen!
31:02 Amen! Thank you so much each and every one of you.
31:05 John Dinzey - thank you, Mollie, Jill and Pastor John - we
31:10 appreciate you so much.
31:11 You know, we are talking of unity and as we
31:17 think on these things, don't think that we're
31:20 going to be naive because we do realize from time-to-time
31:24 conflict arises - we are just people.
31:29 So join us next week as we look at what to do to deal
31:36 with the situations "When Conflicts Arise."
31:40 But until then, may the grace of our Lord and Savior
31:42 Jesus Christ, the love of the Father and the fellowship
31:45 of the Holy Spirit be with you.


Revised 2018-11-07