Series Code: SSP
Program Code: SSP180044B
00:01 Welcome back to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:03 We're in the middle of our study, 00:05 and Pastor John Dinzey, you want to pick it up 00:07 with Tuesday's lesson? Yes! 00:12 This is an interesting lesson in Tuesday's lesson, 00:15 and the title for this lesson is "Unity of Fellowship" 00:19 "Unity of Fellowship" and this lesson brings us to 00:23 continuing in Acts 2 and I praise the Lord it was a 00:26 blessing to hear Pastor Lomacang as he went 00:29 through the different contrasts between Babel and the Day of 00:34 Pentecost and Babylon. 00:35 We continue with Unity of Fellowship and I'd like to 00:40 bring to you and start with Acts 2:38. 00:48 Acts 2:38... "Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let 00:52 every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ 00:56 for the remission of sins; and you shall receive 00:59 the gift of the Holy Spirit. 01:01 For the promise is to you and to your children, 01:04 and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord 01:08 our God will call." 01:09 And with many other words he testified and exhorted 01:12 them, saying, "Be saved from this perverse generation." 01:16 Question... Do we have a perverse generation today? 01:19 Yeah. Yes, we do! 01:21 So this that Peter was preaching in that day... 01:24 we are preaching again today, "Repent and let every one 01:27 of you be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." 01:31 And the same thing that happened then, 01:33 will happen now - you will receive the gift of the 01:36 Holy Spirit. 01:37 Now, I'd like to continue with verse 40, we did verse 40. 01:42 We have a perverse generation today and I don't know 01:45 it seems like this generation is the worst... 01:49 I mean it's like Satan has been waiting for this time 01:52 to pour out his old arsenal of corruption in the world, 01:56 corruption is everywhere you look and this is why 02:00 God's people need to look at the unity that was there 02:05 among the believers right after the Day of Pentecost 02:09 after the Holy Spirit was poured out. 02:10 There is an example here for us to follow and let's 02:15 consider some of these Scriptures... 02:16 Let's move into verse 41... "Then those who gladly 02:20 received His word were baptized and that day 02:24 about 3,000 souls were added to them." Praise the Lord! 02:29 Now the percentage of believers increased dramatically 02:35 after this sermon that Peter preached under the guidance 02:41 and power of the Holy Spirit, 02:43 and what they did, we need to duplicate. 02:46 What did they do? What was Peter doing 02:48 before this sermon was preached? 02:50 He was in prayer, they were all together of one accord, 02:53 and the Holy Spirit was poured out. 02:55 There was confession of sin; there was a humbling 02:58 of one another and that's why 03:01 the Holy Spirit could be poured out. 03:02 They prepared themselves for the 03:04 blessing that Jesus Christ had said. Amen! 03:07 Now Jesus says, "Tarry ye in Jerusalem," wait for the 03:10 promise of the Father. 03:12 They were not just to wait in idleness; they were to 03:16 wait in an expecting waiting and watching unto prayer, 03:21 and this is what they did, and this is why this 03:23 marvelous experience took place. 03:25 Verse 42, and it says... "And they continued 03:29 steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, 03:33 in the breaking of bread and in prayers." 03:35 Now we had Jill tell us some wonderful things about the 03:39 need for prayer and I ask you... 03:42 Do we need prayer today? Yes! 03:43 Prayer is needed! It's a... I don't know... 03:46 Perhaps I can say, "We're in a much more desperate 03:49 situation and condition in this world than ever before. 03:52 All around us are signs telling 03:55 us that Jesus Christ is coming soon, and I like what 03:58 Sister White says - that there's going to be a revival 04:01 of primitive godliness such as has not been seen 04:05 since apostolic times... maybe we'll have a chance 04:10 to look at the quote later on to tell you where that is, 04:13 but what was going on here is a marvelous experience. 04:17 I think this was a time when angels marveled to see the 04:22 unity among the believers that was taking place. 04:26 "They continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and 04:29 fellowship in the breaking of bread, and in prayers." 04:32 Let's go to Matthew 28, because the disciples were 04:37 doing exactly what Jesus told them to do. 04:40 In Matthew 28, verses 18-20, and Pastor Lomacang could you 04:46 help us with the great commission? Sure! 04:50 Matthew 28:18-20, here it is. And the word of the Lord reads 04:57 as follows, new Bible, here we are... "And Jesus came 05:04 and spoke to them saying, "All authority (or all power) 05:09 has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 05:12 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, 05:15 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son 05:19 and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things 05:23 that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you 05:26 always, even to the end of the age." Amen!" 05:31 Thank you very much. 05:32 And so we see here that the disciples were teaching 05:35 the people the things they had learned from Christ. 05:37 And it says there, "They continued 05:39 steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine." 05:42 They were learning from the apostles. 05:44 The disciples were with Jesus 3-1/2 years and, oh, 05:48 they had such an experience as they shared... "Tell us 05:52 again, what were the miracles, what did He say?" 05:54 And so the disciples were sharing these things 05:56 and as if their attention was riveted - they continued 05:59 steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine - that is the 06:02 doctrine of Jesus Christ because that what the disciples knew, 06:06 the doctrine that Jesus Christ presented to them. 06:09 And so the changes that took place were marvelous. 06:13 They continued steadfastly in doctrine and fellowship. 06:18 There's the word "fellowship" that comes in and in the 06:20 breaking of bread and in prayers. 06:22 This is an experience which they had which somewhat 06:28 continues today, but not in the magnitude that took place 06:31 at that time because when you see the words "breaking 06:34 of bread," it's not that they were just breaking the bread, 06:36 it was a meal they were partaking of." 06:39 Now, the scholars look at these things and they 06:43 ask themselves... "Well, wait a minute, are they talking 06:45 here about the communion supper or were they talking 06:50 about they were having just a meal?" 06:52 It could be both - communion supper and also fellowship 06:59 because it also talks about house-to-house. 07:02 Now look at the Scripture, it says, "breaking of bread 07:06 and in prayers." 07:07 Prayer was one of the elements that brought 07:10 God's people together during the times of the 07:14 outpouring of the Holy Spirit and prayer is what will 07:17 bring us together today. Yes. That's right. 07:20 This is desperately needed and any time you have a 07:25 time of week of prayer and you actually spend time IN prayer, 07:29 you will find that the people will continue to come. 07:33 The people will continue to come. 07:35 As they present their needs before the Lord, 07:37 it just brings us together to pray for one another, 07:40 and this is something that should be done often. 07:43 And I'd like to point to you also the next verse... 07:48 Verse 43... "Then fear came upon every soul and many 07:51 wonders and signs were done through the apostles. 07:54 You know what happens when fear takes place 07:58 is that people run away, but this was a godly fear; 08:01 a godly fear that brought them together - not one that, 08:06 "Oh no, I'm getting out of here because this is 08:08 something - I can't handle this." 08:10 This was fear, fear of the Lord that brought them together 08:13 and the Lord worked marvelous signs and wonders through them. 08:17 Now it says here in verse 44... "Now all who believed were 08:21 together, and had all things in common..." 08:25 And I want to stop a moment and talk about the 08:27 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church because 08:29 we have a wonderful church here... and I'm not even 08:31 looking at the time, oh I see we have only 08:33 a minute and 25 seconds for my portion... 08:36 The Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church is a family 08:39 of believers that really - we help one another; 08:44 there's fellowship here and this is something that is a 08:49 blessing to people and, you know, it's interesting that we 08:52 have seen people come to the Thompsonville Church 08:55 from far away and they stop here for some reason... 08:57 I don't know who told them that, we here, are a people that 09:00 love the Lord and also help one another. 09:03 God was at work in every heart and the people held things 09:09 in common it says there, and notice what it says 09:11 in verse 45... "And all sold their possessions and goods, 09:17 and divided them among all, as anyone had need." 09:22 Perhaps we can conclude this portion by saying... 09:28 When God's people pray together and they know 09:30 one another's need, it seems like the Lord impresses them 09:33 that "Hey, this person has a need - he is your fellow 09:38 believer, I have blessed you... you also bless them." 09:44 And this is something that will bring God's people together, 09:47 this is something that will create a unity - bring a unity 09:50 that is desperately needed in these times that we live in. 09:52 Amen! Amen and Amen! Thank you for laying that, 09:55 you perfectly laid the foundation... 09:56 Just before you begin, Shelley, Pastor Dinzey made a reference 09:59 and we're going to give that time to you. 10:01 That was from "Great Controversy," p.464., 10:04 about primitive godliness. Thank you very much. 10:06 Thank you for finding that Pastor John. 10:08 Yes, Amen! 10:10 So we know that this powerful sermon because Peter was 10:16 speaking in the power of the Holy Spirit. 10:18 The Holy Spirit then was poured out on... 10:21 and how many were converted from his sermon? 10:23 Three thousand! 10:25 But then as we go on down to verse 47, 10:27 it says that the people were together praising God, 10:32 having favor with all the people and the Lord 10:36 added to the church daily those who were being saved. 10:40 So we see that there is expediential church growth 10:43 and probably most of these people were foreigners 10:47 from, you know, they were coming in for this 10:50 Feast of Pentecost and there were probably vast throngs 10:54 of them who stayed by to hear the teaching of the apostles. 11:00 They wanted to hear Jesus' words and this created 11:05 an urgent need; I mean, they were there longer than 11:08 what they thought they were going to be - they didn't bring 11:11 the provisions for all of that. 11:13 So here we've got the people now, as you say... that it says, 11:17 "Some sold their property," It was not compulsory, 11:20 I want to just make that clear, this was a voluntary action; 11:24 private property had not been abolished, but the Christians 11:29 regarded their positions as being at God's disposal. 11:34 I mean they wanted to use their possessions according 11:38 to God's will - so they're selling them to give relief 11:42 for the needy and, obviously, there is a continued time 11:47 of urgent need. 11:49 Look then, if we jump forward, he continues talking about this 11:54 in Acts 4:32, he says... "Now the multitude of those 11:58 who believed, were of one heart and one soul; 12:01 neither did anyone say that any of the things he 12:03 possessed was his own, but they had all things 12:06 in common. And with great power the apostles gave witness 12:11 to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace 12:17 was upon them all. 12:19 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked anything 12:24 for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold 12:28 them, and brought the proceeds of the things 12:31 that were sold, and laid them at the apostles' feet; 12:33 and they distributed to each as anyone had need." 12:37 So most of these events seemed to have occurred 12:40 very soon after Pentecost and the custom of sharing 12:45 things also began then, but this was a work of God. 12:51 It says, "...great grace was upon them all." 12:55 So God had filled them with the Holy Spirit; 12:59 He filled them with His essence of love, others-centered 13:03 love and with one heart and soul, they just had immense love 13:10 for each other and the result, complete unity is the natural 13:18 outgrowth of love. Amen. 13:21 So as they are doing this, the richer church members who 13:26 own some property would sell for the poor so that nobody 13:30 lacked any essentials. 13:33 But now within this context, we are now going to be 13:37 introduced by Luke to Barnabas and to a husband and wife team, 13:44 Ananias and Sapphira. 13:46 So he tells us in verse 36 and 37 that Barnabas... 13:53 and by the way, his name that was given to him actually 13:59 translates "son of encouragement... 14:02 So Barnabas is a mighty man of God, full of the Holy Spirit. 14:06 He sells a piece of land and he brings it - the whole price, 14:10 he lays it at the foot of the disciples as benevolence 14:15 to be used for the others there. 14:18 But now we've got in Acts 5:1-11 and I always like to remind 14:24 people - this is an abbreviated account. 14:28 When you think the Book of Acts covers the first 30 years, 14:32 and I like to call it - "the Acts of the Holy Spirit," 14:35 but the first 30 years of the history of the church... 14:40 So now we're going to get an abbreviated account 14:43 about Ananias and Sapphira. 14:45 It's not all the details. 14:47 Acts 5:1, it says... "A certain man named Ananias 14:51 with Sapphira, his wife, sold a possession and he kept 14:55 back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it, 15:00 (they had devised this plan together - they were 15:03 plotting it)... he brought a certain part, he laid it at 15:07 the apostles' feet. But Peter said... (now let me... 15:12 before we go forward... when he and his wife 15:16 brought this part to lay at the apostles' feet, 15:21 they were coveting the same type of reputation of 15:29 generosity that Barnabas had. Yes 15:35 They wanted to act like... "Look at what we're doing, 15:40 we're going to give you all of this for the people, 15:44 the poor people. 15:46 So they put it before and the Holy Spirit lets Peter know... 15:51 He gives him discernment of what's going on and Peter 15:56 says,) in verse 3... "Ananias, why has Satan filled your 16:02 heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back 16:07 part of the price of the land for yourself?" 16:10 So was it... could you say that, yes, it was selfishness and 16:15 covetousness that they wanted to keep that? Yes 16:18 But I think that the most important part is that 16:21 they were coveting the acclaim of being generous, 16:26 and what happened is - it opened their heart to be influenced 16:32 by Satan and led them to lie to the Holy Spirit - how sad! 16:38 So he continues in verse 4, this is Acts 5:4... 16:43 "While it remained, was it not your own and after it sold, 16:47 was it not in your own control?" 16:50 So we see that there was no requirement for the couple 16:53 to give all of the proceeds. It was up to them, 16:57 and it belonged to them; it didn't belong to the church; 17:01 they could have done if they sold that and they could have 17:03 come and said, "Hey, I'm going to give 25% to the church; 17:06 I'm going to give 50%," there was no problem there. 17:09 They were lying though because they were saying, 17:13 "We're giving it all." 17:14 So what we see here is hypocrisy, selfishness 17:20 and greed crept in and listen to what he says, 17:24 continuing in verse 4, Peter is talking to Ananias and he 17:27 has just got through saying, "Why did you let Satan 17:30 influence you to lie to the Holy Spirit?" 17:32 And then he said, "Why have you conceived this thing in 17:36 your heart?" Oh Peter is just... his heart 17:39 is broken and he said, "You have not lied to men, 17:45 but to God." 17:48 So this to me is a very important Scripture, 17:52 a text that proves the deity of the Holy Spirit. 17:55 And you know what? I just gotta say something... 17:58 There is no such thing as secret sin... none whatsoever. 18:02 Psalm 69:5 says... "God, You know my foolishness, 18:06 and my sins are not hidden from You." 18:09 So then it says, "Ananias hearing these words, 18:12 fell down and breathed his last. 18:15 Great fear was upon all who heard these things." 18:18 So the stunning result of this sin of hypocrisy, of lying 18:24 to God, trying to covet this acclaim for being generous, 18:30 is that God surgically removed the cancer of sin, 18:34 and I think this was important because if the early church 18:38 had been infected by this sin, it would have undermined 18:43 what the Spirit was doing. 18:45 So divine judgment was swift and this was a unique 18:51 circumstance because God had just founded the church 18:56 and it is growing... I mean they're all watching the 18:59 miracles of the apostle, but the bottom line is this... 19:03 Ananias and Sapphira acted sinfully - sin is a serious 19:09 matter in the eyes of God and their punishment was swift, 19:13 but what we need to be thankful for is that 19:17 our God often defers punishment and we just need... 19:23 you know, I pray all the time, "Lord, make me quick to 19:27 recognize when I'm not pleasing You, even quicker 19:31 to repent and to receive Your forgiveness... 19:36 And that's what I hope that you are praying for as well. 19:40 You know Shelley, you mentioned the attributes that were 19:48 an outcropping with Ananias and Sapphira... 19:53 covetousness, greed, hypocrisy and selfishness. 19:59 Now where did Peter say that these attributes had been 20:05 conceived? You conceive them where? 20:08 Conceive them in your heart, so, Shelley, you're showing us 20:13 they had a heart problem. Yes There was a heart problem! 20:17 Now let me ask you... What is the opposite 20:21 of covetousness, greed, selfishness and hypocrisy? 20:26 What would be the opposite of that? 20:28 Love and truth. Love, truth, generosity 20:32 and benevolence. 20:33 I'm looking at "Remember the Poor." 20:35 The poor - generosity and benevolence, 20:40 and we're seeing that the opposite of... how many of you 20:45 want to have generosity and benevolence as an 20:47 outcropping of your heart? 20:49 But we're seeing the opposite of that was in the early 20:53 church - it was in Ananias and Sapphira, 20:56 and it was a heart condition. 20:59 So there is in the Scripture that Jill will tell me 21:02 I tried to use in almost every one of the lessons 21:06 that I teach, it's Psalm 139:23, you thought I was going 21:11 say 1 John 1:9. I wasn't sure! 21:14 Psalm 139:23, I want to start with this, but I think 21:19 we'll probably end with it too, and that just says... 21:22 Remember what problem did Ananias and Sapphira have... 21:26 They had a heart problem. 21:27 "Search me O God and know my what...? Heart! 21:31 Search me O God and know my heart, try me and 21:34 know my thoughts goes ahead and says... 21:36 See if there be a any evil in me 21:39 and lead me in the path that is everlasting." 21:41 So how many of us want today, for God to look into our heart. 21:44 O Father, look into my heart, see if You see hypocrisy, 21:49 covetousness, greed or selfishness. 21:53 In the early church, the sharing of their resources 21:58 with those less fortunate was a tangible expression of their 22:04 unity - they were in such unity, and Pastor Johnny, 22:09 you mentioned the Seventh-day Adventist Church - this 22:14 Thompsonville Church and our benevolent fund, you see... 22:21 Pastor John, we help many people every year, 22:24 Johnny, you alluded to that. 22:26 I was head of the finance committee for several years, 22:30 and as such, I was privy to some confidential information. 22:35 I didn't know how much each individual person gave, 22:38 but I knew what our church did in the benevolent area 22:45 of the church and I was always amazed and blessed 22:50 to see the content of the hearts because this is the 22:55 content of the hearts of the members in their 22:59 concern for others and their generosity 23:03 and their benevolence. 23:04 We are part, here at the Thompsonville Seventh-day 23:08 Adventist Church of a loving church that's full of 23:13 unity, the outcropping of their heart 23:16 is to help other people. 23:18 And we see such generosity, don't we see this 23:23 in that early church in Jerusalem. 23:26 And not only that, not just the more affluent Jewish 23:31 members, but also those that weren't as affluent, 23:35 they still wanted to help. 23:37 Remember the lady, in her giving to the Lord, 23:42 how much did she give? Two mites. 23:44 She gave 2 mites, but you know what? Jesus saw it. 23:48 And what did He say about her? 23:50 She gave more than... see it's not - we say this 23:53 quite often, it's not equal giving, it's equal sacrifice. 23:58 That again is an issue of the heart... it's an outcropping 24:03 of our heart. 24:05 And something that the Apostle Paul did... 24:09 was he contacted the churches that were in Macedonia, 24:15 and Achaia to make contributions to the poor in Jerusalem. 24:20 Now these were Gentile churches and you know what the Gentile 24:25 churches did? They took up offerings as well, 24:30 and sent them to Jerusalem to help the people 24:35 that were there and that is encouraging. 24:38 There were cultural differences, 24:40 there were ethnic differences, but all knew and they were 24:45 new Gentile converts, had grasped the truth that 24:49 they were all in Christ. 24:51 We are what? We are one in Christ, 24:54 and as one body, if one part of the body hurts, 24:59 you know what? The whole body hurts! 25:01 Okay, benevolence... what is benevolence? 25:05 It's helping those in need, and again, I'm looking at 25:09 "Remember the Poor." 25:12 An outward and practical expression of love 25:15 for those who are less fortunate. 25:17 It's an... again I'm going to use this terminology 25:21 "it's an outcropping of our heart," 25:24 and we've already asked God to look into our heart. 25:27 If there's any Ananias and Sapphira "ish" things in our 25:30 hearts - Oh God, show me that, allow me, give me a spirit 25:35 of repentance and cleanse me, Oh God. 25:39 Sharing our earthly goods with others strengthens 25:43 our bond with them and it unifies us. 25:47 Now, I expect that many of us have been on both sides 25:53 of the aisle - we have been able to help others, praise God, 25:59 and it truly is more blessed to give than to receive, 26:04 but I'll just have to speak for myself, I've also stood 26:09 in a position where I needed help. 26:12 You know what Jesus says in Matthew 26:11... 26:17 He said, "The poor will always be with us." 26:22 But you know what? It's not the same poor! 26:26 But it doesn't have to be the same poor. 26:28 Because there are times when Hal and I were in college, 26:32 we were poor as church mice, I guess I can say that, 26:36 and we needed help. 26:40 And one of the things that might want to stop you from 26:43 getting help if you're in need, if your children are hungry, 26:46 if your children need the basics - you're not going 26:49 to be too proud to ask for help. 26:52 But thank God, as you are obedient to God, 26:56 and as He blesses you, then that puts you in a 27:00 position to be a help to others. 27:03 And something that we see around here... 27:07 when we're able to help others, there are times that I never 27:11 want my right hand to know what my left hand is doing... 27:14 Are you all in agreement with that? Yes 27:16 You never want people to thank you... or "Oh, you are such a 27:20 blessing," no, you want to tell people, "Praise God, 27:23 from whom all blessings flow." Amen! 27:25 The only reason I have anything to help you with is because 27:30 God has blessed me. 27:31 I want to read this Scripture to you, 27:34 it's 2 Corinthians 9:8-11, and it says... "And God is able 27:40 to make all grace abound towards you, that you always having 27:44 all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance 27:48 in every good work. 27:49 As it is written: "He has dispersed abroad, 27:53 He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures 27:57 how long? Forever. Now may He who supplies 28:01 seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply 28:06 the seeds you have sown and increase the fruits of your 28:10 righteousness, while you are enriched in everything 28:14 in all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God." 28:19 So where do our blessings come from in the first place? 28:22 They come from God! Thank God from whom all 28:25 blessings flow! 28:27 And I just want to read this to you in Luke 6:38... 28:32 "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, 28:36 pressed down, shaken together and running over, will men 28:41 put into your bosom, for with the same measure 28:44 ... for with the same measure... let me underline that... 28:47 underline that in your Bible... with the same measure that 28:50 you use, it will be measured back to you. 28:53 So let's ask God today, once again... "Search me O God, 28:58 look into my heart." If there is anything in your 29:00 heart that is unlovely and unlike God, let's ask Him to 29:05 purify and cleanse our hearts so we can have a 29:08 heart of generosity! Amen, Amen! Very good! 29:12 Thank you so much, Mollie, what an incredible study, 29:14 each one of you has put into this! 29:16 I know my own heart has been blessed as we look at the 29:19 experience of unity in the early church. 29:22 I love the early church because they had that passion for 29:26 God; they had that oneness of spirit; 29:28 they had humility; they had prayer; 29:30 they had that coming together and it was all for the purpose 29:34 of spreading the gospel of evangelism. That's right. 29:36 I want to give each one of you a moment to share something 29:39 regarding your day or something about the lesson, 29:41 Pastor John... 29:42 Well, mine was from Babel to Pentecost and I would say 29:46 clearly, God is not the author of confusion but of peace, 29:50 as in all the churches of the saints - if there's confusion 29:54 in your church, pray for the Spirit of God to come into your 29:57 personal life - that you can be the seed 30:00 where confusion can be banished and the Spirit of 30:03 God can be uplifted. Amen. 30:05 I would like to share from Psalm 133:1, it says... 30:10 "Behold how good and how pleasant it is 30:14 for brethren to dwell together in unity." 30:17 It is God's desire for God's people, God's family 30:20 to be united, be in unity and it is pleasant. 30:25 And it attracts others that are not believers 30:29 to see unity and love among us. 30:32 There's a thought formulating in my mind and I don't think 30:35 it's quite there yet, but it just occurred to me 30:38 that as Ananias and Sapphira came and lied before 30:43 the apostles - trying to get the acclaim of generosity, 30:48 they were lying to the Holy Spirit and I just want 30:50 to encourage you... if you're doing something 30:53 in the church trying to... if you covet a claim, 30:57 if you covet recognition or you're making it... 31:01 If I lied to my pastor, I'm lying to the Holy Spirit. 31:06 I mean that's really kind of scary, isn't it? 31:09 So, of course, we know not to lie, but be very cautious. 31:13 Just a quote from Sister White: 31:15 "There benevolence testified that they had not received 31:20 the grace of God in vain." 31:22 Our benevolence, that issue of our heart, shows us 31:25 that we are in right relationship with God. 31:27 What an incredible study! 31:29 Thank you Pastor John, Pastor Johnny, Shelley 31:31 and Mollie and we thank you for joining us here at home. 31:35 Next week, we'll be going to lesson #6... "Images of Unity" 31:39 Join us then. |
Revised 2018-10-31