3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Experience of Unity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180044A

00:30 Hello and welcome to the 3ABN "Sabbath School Panel"
00:33 We are in the middle of our study on
00:35 "Oneness in Christ," we're in the Fourth Quarter.
00:37 I'm Jill Morikone and I'm delighted that you have
00:40 taken time from your day to open up God's word
00:43 and study with us.
00:44 We are in Lesson #5 which is on...
00:46 "The Experience of Unity in the Early Church."
00:50 We'll be spending most of our time in the Book of Acts,
00:53 talking about the early church
00:55 and the unity that they experienced.
00:57 I want to introduce our panel to you at this time...
01:00 On my left is Pastor John Lomacang - Good to be here;
01:02 Pastor John Dinzey - A great blessing to be here;
01:05 Shelley Quinn - Love it;
01:07 and Mollie Steenson - Joy to be with you.
01:10 It's a privilege to share with each one of you.
01:12 We've been journeying through this Quarter together,
01:14 and have been learning a great deal.
01:16 And, before we go any farther, I always like to open in prayer.
01:20 WE always like to open in prayer,
01:22 and Pastor John Lomacang, would you pray
01:24 for us here? Sure.
01:25 Loving Father in Heaven, As we open Your word,
01:28 we pray that You'll open the hearts of our listeners
01:30 and our viewers - that this program, Lord, will plant
01:34 within them the Living Word, that will not just be an
01:37 intellectual exercise revealing information,
01:40 but that all of this information, through our
01:42 intellect and our lives, that Jesus might be revealed.
01:46 In Your name we pray... Amen, Amen!
01:49 If you would like your own copy of the Quarterly,
01:52 "Oneness in Christ," you can always visit your local
01:55 Seventh-day Adventist Church; they have Sabbath School
01:59 study classes every Sabbath morning and they would be
02:01 delighted to give you a free Quarterly or you can go
02:05 to the website: ABSG.Adventist.org
02:09 and you can download your own copy.
02:11 And that stands for Adult Bible Study Guide.Adventist.org
02:17 and we'd love for you to follow along with us
02:20 as we journey through this Quarter.
02:22 As I mentioned, we're talking about "The Experience
02:24 of Unity in the Early Church," meaning the early
02:27 Christian Church in the Book of Acts.
02:30 And if I were to ask you, as a panel,
02:32 was there unity among the apostles, among the disciples?
02:36 Would you say, "yes" or "no,"
02:38 was there unity among the disciples?
02:39 Before the Holy Spirit came? Laughter...
02:43 That is a qualifier, exactly!
02:45 If you think before, there was definitely no unity,
02:49 before the death of Christ, before their conversion,
02:52 before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit...
02:54 On the day of Pentecost, we could say
02:56 there was no unity.
02:57 In fact, they often argued over "Who would be the greatest."
03:03 I can see them now in my mind's eye...toiling up some
03:06 dusty road in Galilee arguing
03:09 who was going to be the greatest in the kingdom
03:11 that Christ is about ready to set up;
03:14 trying to keep the lesser important people away
03:17 from Jesus - that would be maybe the children or women,
03:21 and they tried to keep the important people around Jesus.
03:23 Mark 9:33-34.. "Then He (meaning Jesus) came to Capernaum.
03:31 And when He was in the house, He asked them,
03:33 "What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?"
03:37 But they kept silent, for on the road they had
03:39 disputed among themselves who would be the greatest."
03:43 Not only did they argue over who would be the greatest,
03:45 they wanted the top place in the kingdom that Christ was
03:49 going to set up.
03:50 Remember in Matthew 20, the mom of James and John,
03:53 the sons of thunder, went to Jesus and said, "I want
03:56 one son on the right hand and I want one son on the left hand."
04:01 (but the disciples, the rest of them, they wanted
04:03 that place too) because in verse 24 it says, "When the
04:06 ten heard about it or when they heard what mama had asked,
04:09 they were greatly displeased with the two brothers.
04:13 Verse 28... Jesus reminded them, "The Son of Man did not come
04:17 to be served, but to serve and give His life
04:20 as a ransom for many."
04:23 Still, at the Last Supper, just before Jesus' death,
04:26 they were still unwilling to serve.
04:29 And Jesus, at that point, took the place of the sermon.
04:33 But after Christ's death and resurrection, after Pentecost
04:38 took place - a radical change took place in the lives
04:40 of the apostles.
04:42 There was unity - where before there was jealousy and division.
04:46 There was courage - where before there was fear.
04:49 There was purpose - where before there was emptiness.
04:53 There was unselfishness - where before there was self-seeking
04:58 and self-serving.
04:59 This radical difference came about as a result of the
05:02 outpouring of the Holy Spirit and their conversion.
05:05 We're going to talk about that this week;
05:07 the preparation for Pentecost, the outpouring of
05:10 the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, characteristics of the early
05:14 church, the generosity of the early church and the greed
05:17 that took place within the early church as well.
05:21 Most importantly, we will look at unity as a result of an
05:26 experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
05:29 Jesus said in John 14:6... "I am the way, the truth
05:32 and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me."
05:36 Our memory text is Acts 2:42: It says, "And they continued
05:42 steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship,
05:45 in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."
05:48 Now on Sunday, we look at: "Days of Preparation"
05:51 which is really the preparation for the outpouring of the
05:54 Holy Spirit which was to take place there at Pentecost.
05:57 And, we know that before Jesus died, He promised, didn't He?
06:00 ...that he was going to send the Holy Spirit.
06:04 John 16:7, He said... "Nevertheless, I tell you
06:07 the truth, it is expedient (it is to your advantage)
06:12 that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper
06:15 (parakletos, the Holy Spirit) will not come to you;
06:19 but if I depart, I'm going to send Him to you.
06:22 Again in John 14:26, he says... "The Helper, the Holy Spirit;
06:26 whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you
06:30 all things, and bring to your remembrance all things
06:32 that I said unto you."
06:34 So before He died, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit
06:37 was going to be given to the disciples in great measure.
06:41 Now let's look at Acts 1, we're going to spend the
06:44 balance of our time in Acts 1.
06:46 Acts 1:5... This is after the crucifixion, after the
06:49 resurrection, this is actually just before the ascension,
06:53 right before Jesus returns to heaven.
06:55 In Acts 1:5... He promises the Holy Spirit again.
06:59 He says, "For John truly baptized with water,
07:01 but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit
07:04 not many days from now."
07:07 And then in verse 8, he says... "You shall receive power
07:11 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall
07:13 be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
07:17 and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
07:21 In Acts 1:8, Pastor John, I see three elements
07:24 of Christ's mission.
07:25 The first is the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is
07:28 foundational to any mission.
07:31 They were going to receive power when the Holy Spirit
07:34 came upon them.
07:35 So the power comes as a result of the Holy Spirit.
07:38 Power is needed to witness, to stand, to endure persecution,
07:43 to spread the gospel, to reflect Jesus and power is also
07:46 needed from the Holy Spirit for us to walk in unity
07:49 as brothers and sisters, not only the early
07:52 Christian church, but us as Christians
07:54 today in the last days.
07:56 The three elements of Christ's mission is the Holy Spirit,
07:59 it's foundational with any mission.
08:01 #2... Personal experience. Personal experience is
08:05 best for any mission.
08:06 We see that in Acts 1:8, it says... "You shall receive
08:09 power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
08:11 and you shall be witnesses to me."
08:14 Now the word in Greek for witnesses is an eye or an ear
08:18 witness, so in other words, they're going to share
08:21 their personal experience... what they have seen
08:25 and known of Jesus - that's
08:27 what they're going to share with someone else.
08:29 And the third is the evangelistic plan we see
08:31 here in this verse and that is really laid out
08:33 in the entire Book of Acts.
08:35 First, they go in Jerusalem, at home, right?
08:37 Then they go to Judea and Samaria and they spread out
08:41 in the community to those around them...
08:43 Then it goes to the uttermost parts of the earth.
08:45 So let's look at the preparation for Pentecost.
08:50 There was preparation that took place before the outpouring
08:53 of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
08:54 that Pastor John is going to talk about.
08:56 And we see that preparation take place
08:58 in the Upper Room experience.
09:01 This is Acts 1:12-14, I'm going to be talking about five keys
09:08 to preparation for Pentecost.
09:11 Five keys to preparation for the
09:12 outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
09:14 We're in verse 12... "Then they returned to Jerusalem
09:17 from the mount called Olivet..."
09:19 Now they returned actually from the ascension of Jesus.
09:21 He has just gone up into heaven and immediately
09:24 they came to this Upper Room.
09:26 "They returned to Jerusalem from the Mount called Olivet
09:28 which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey.
09:31 And when they had entered, they went up into the
09:33 upper room where they were staying; Peter, James, John
09:36 and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and
09:39 Mathew; James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot;
09:43 and Judas the son of James.
09:44 These all continued with one accord in prayer and
09:47 supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus,
09:51 and with His brothers."
09:53 So the first key for preparation for Pentecost - actually is not
09:57 mentioned in those verses, but I'll read you another one
09:59 where it is mentioned and that is time.
10:01 They did not enter the Upper Room and then in 30 minutes,
10:06 they were ready for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit...
10:09 it took time.
10:10 Act 1:3 says that Jesus was seen by them - how many days?
10:14 Forty days before the ascension and then we know Pentecost
10:19 took place 50 days after Jesus died - so that means there's
10:23 the space of 10 days, right? that this Upper Room
10:26 experience took place.
10:28 So it takes time in order for us to come together in order for
10:34 all of these keys to be in place before the
10:36 Holy Spirit is poured out in abundance.
10:38 #2... It takes unity - did you notice that?
10:41 It said in verse 14... "These continued with one accord."
10:45 Now the word in Greek for one accord comes from two words...
10:49 the word "same" and the word "passion."
10:52 That means they had the same passion - the same desire.
10:58 We call it, in English it's translated
11:00 "in one accord," but it means the same thing.
11:03 They're united in that mission, united in heart,
11:05 united in ministry, in purpose in their objective.
11:10 #3... Is repentance and forgiveness.
11:14 Now the Bible does not specifically state it here,
11:17 but you cannot come into unity with someone if you have
11:20 aught against them. That's right.
11:22 In other words, if I have an issue, which I don't,
11:25 but if I had an issue with Pastor John,
11:27 it would be hard for me to be in unity with you.
11:29 We would need to come together and I would need
11:31 to say "I'm so sorry" for whatever I did or whatever
11:34 I said and when I did that, that would bring us back
11:38 into unity with each other again.
11:40 And so that repentance and that forgiveness had to take
11:43 place - not only them confessing any sins before
11:46 God, but to each other, and saying "I'm so sorry
11:50 I hurt you in this area."
11:51 "I'm so sorry for what I did in this instance,"
11:54 that is important in order for unity to take place.
11:57 We know that sin brings separation from the Father,
12:00 you know, in Genesis, at the fall, we talked about it
12:02 in an earlier lesson - sin brought fear and guilt
12:06 and separation from the Father.
12:08 And so in order for us to be restored and brought back
12:11 into that one accord, that unity, we need that
12:15 confession of sin and that repentance in order
12:18 to come back together. True!
12:20 Now #4 is prayer! Verse 14...
12:23 "They continued with one accord in prayer and supplication."
12:27 Any true revival is preceded by prayer.
12:34 America's prayer meeting is what they it - it took place
12:38 in 1857 to 1858.
12:41 There was a gentleman by the name of "Jonathan,"
12:43 who decided he was going to institute a weekly
12:46 prayer meeting for businessmen.
12:47 It was to be a one hour prayer meeting,
12:49 and he set the first date which was September 23, 1857.
12:55 The first one-half hour - nobody showed up.
12:57 Now if it were me, I would have gone home.
12:59 Oh, no one showed up, but he persisted.
13:02 The second half hour, 6 men straggled in.
13:06 The next week, 20 people came to pray.
13:10 The week after that, 30 people attended.
13:13 Now by early November... this began September 23,
13:17 remember was his first day?
13:18 So by early November, it was not even two months later
13:21 200 people attended the daily prayer meeting.
13:26 By the following April which was what.. 6-7 months later,
13:30 10,000 people gathered daily in New York City for prayer.
13:36 Not all at Jonathan's site, but they gathered
13:39 throughout the city for prayer.
13:41 And it's estimated that one-million individuals
13:44 were converted in the space of 2 years - as a result of
13:47 one man who decided to pray. Amen!
13:50 #5... Praise and worship.
13:55 So key #1... Is it takes time.
13:57 #2... It's the common unity in one accord.
14:00 #3... Is confess sin, repent, come together.
14:03 #4... Is earnest, fervent prayer.
14:06 #5... Is praise and worship. Now we don't see that in Acts,
14:09 but in Luke 24:53, this is right after the ascension
14:14 of Jesus, Luke said they were continually in the temple
14:18 praising and blessing God.
14:21 I want to close with a quote...
14:23 this is from "Acts of the Apostles," p.36-37...
14:26 "As the disciples waited for the fulfillment of the promise,
14:30 they humbled their hearts in true repentance
14:32 and confessed their unbelief. (now this is waiting for the
14:35 promise of the Holy Spirit) As they called to remembrance
14:38 the words that Christ had spoken to them before His
14:41 death, they understood more fully their meaning.
14:44 They reproached themselves for their misapprehension
14:48 of the Savior... Oh, if they could but have
14:50 the past three years to live over, how differently
14:53 they would act. But they were comforted
14:56 by the thought that they were forgiven and they
15:00 determined that, so far as possible, they would atone
15:03 for their unbelief by bravely confessing Him before the world,
15:07 putting away all differences, all desire for supremacy,
15:11 they came close together in Christian fellowship."
15:15 And that experience preceded
15:17 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pastor John.
15:20 Wow, wasn't that wonderful? Amen!
15:23 You have laid a very good foundation.
15:24 Thank you so much, Jill.
15:26 And now we begin where we go to Monday...
15:29 "From Babel to Pentecost"
15:32 Now a lot of times, we say "Babel,"
15:34 but it's actually "babble" because it's confusion,
15:38 and I'd like to begin in the Book of Acts 2.
15:42 The essence that really grabbed me in this lesson is
15:47 we talk about Babylon or "babble-on."
15:53 I want to just kind of break it down...
15:54 Babylon which is really a babble-on because
15:58 when you go from Babel to Pentecost, there are some
16:01 similarities you had.
16:04 At Babel there was a false unity;
16:07 at Pentecost there was a true unity. Ooo, that's good!
16:12 And so what I want to look first - I want to read Acts 2:1,
16:17 and we're going to come back to it in just a moment,
16:19 but Acts 2:1, the Bible says... "When the day of Pentecost
16:24 had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
16:30 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven
16:34 as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house
16:38 where they were sitting."
16:40 Now look at the first parallel here, look at the first
16:42 comparison or the contrast.
16:45 Babel, they were trying to reach up to heaven;
16:48 on Pentecost something came down from heaven.
16:52 In Babylon there was a false unity, they were in one accord,
16:59 but for the wrong reason.
17:00 On Pentecost, they were in one accord for the right reason.
17:04 In Babylon, they didn't trust God;
17:07 On Pentecost, that's all they did was trust God.
17:12 In Babylon, they were building their own
17:15 method of salvation; on Pentecost, they were
17:18 proclaiming the right method of salvation.
17:21 Babylon - there were people that God did not fill with
17:24 His Spirit; on the Day of Pentecost, they were filled
17:28 with God's Spirit.
17:29 And the multitudes on the day of Babylon,
17:33 the multitudes are being broken up;
17:37 in Pentecost, the multitudes were coming together. Yes
17:40 So many similarities, so many contrasts between Babel,
17:43 I'd say Babel in Pentecost or babble in Pentecost
17:47 because we have Babylon and so we won't
17:50 say "Babel-on," so Babel, Babel, Babel,
17:53 it's Babel all the way through.
17:55 That's why the Day of Pentecost is so significant because
17:57 there was a mighty outpouring on the Day of
18:02 Pentecost that could not happen through the artillery
18:07 of humanity - it had to be the artillery of heaven.
18:10 In the Old Testament times, Pentecost, as we know,
18:13 was one of the major feasts.
18:15 It was the best time of the year for the Pentecost.
18:19 It was the best weather, so it was the most attended.
18:21 So when the Lord chose the Day of Pentecost
18:23 to pour out His Spirit, He knew that that was going
18:26 to be the most attended... the feast of the year,
18:29 the Feast of Pentecost.
18:30 It was after the Passover, and what came in after the
18:33 Passover was the Feast of Tabernacles also
18:36 after the Passover.
18:38 You had the Passover, you had also the Day of
18:42 Atonement, then you had the Feast of Tabernacles,
18:45 then you had Pentecost.
18:47 Pentecost - the best weather of the year.
18:50 But what I want to point out are some things in the Bible
18:53 in Genesis - I made these statements,
18:56 but I want to give you the Scriptures for them now.
18:58 Let's go to Genesis 11, and we're going to see
19:02 the unity both false and true that existed in the Bible.
19:06 and then we're going to see why it's so vitally important
19:09 to have true unity and the only
19:11 way that it can be accomplished.
19:13 In Genesis 11, let me see, Mollie could you read verse 6?
19:18 Genesis 11:6.
19:20 Genesis 11:6... This is from Babel,
19:24 from Babel, Tower of Babel. Babel.
19:27 "And the Lord said, "Indeed the people are one
19:30 and they all have one language, and this is what
19:33 they begin to do; now nothing that they propose
19:37 to do will be withheld from them."
19:40 Exactly, so I use the phrase, "When you pursue your own
19:44 course, you run your own course,
19:47 and you have your own finish line."
19:48 So the Lord said, "They have a purpose and nothing that they
19:52 purpose to do is going to be withheld from them."
19:55 It's kind of - I think of maybe one of the lessons in the past
19:57 we talked about consequences.
19:59 Whatever they decide to do... "Whatsoever a man soweth,
20:02 that shall he also reap."
20:04 Shelley, now let's look at the contrast.
20:06 This is way back at the Tower of Babel.
20:07 Let's look at the similarities, it continued, Daniel 3:7.
20:12 Daniel 3:7... This spirit that came into being
20:19 on the other side of the flood continued to
20:22 manifest itself all along and the Day of Pentecost was
20:26 a breaking of that predominant spirit.
20:30 Daniel 3:7..."So at that time, when all the people heard
20:37 the sound of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre, in symphony
20:41 with all kinds of music, all the people, nations, and
20:44 languages fell down and worshipped to the gold image
20:48 which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up."
20:50 Okay, now... let's go to Revelation 14.
20:54 So that is what they sought to do... wait, wait before we go
20:57 to Revelation 14, let's go to Revelation 17.
21:00 Jill, if you have Revelation 17:13 and then Pastor Dinzey,
21:05 I'm going to have you go to Revelation 14...
21:07 But I want you to notice what we just pointed out...
21:09 You have both coalitions representing Babylon.
21:12 In the very beginning, all the people got together, they
21:14 one language, Babylon now in the days of Nebuchadnezzar;
21:18 all the nations, all the languages - they fell down to
21:21 worship - it was once again under the spirit of Babylon.
21:24 Now we're going to see what that spirit is.
21:26 In the last days, it's going to manifest itself again.
21:29 Revelation 17:13... "These are of one mind, and they will
21:33 give their power and authority to the beast."
21:35 Notice from the beginning, then to the Kingdom of Babylon,
21:38 then to spiritual Babylon, there's a unity that exists,
21:41 that God is not a part of and it's all about the mind.
21:44 Whatever they determined in their mind, and you'll
21:47 find out later, in the very same passage of Revelation 17,
21:51 that God put it in their minds to fulfill His will
21:56 because He wanted to rid the earth of that spirit...
21:59 which now takes us to Revelation 14.
22:01 Go to Revelation 14, we'll see how God is going to do that.
22:05 Revelation 14:6... "Then I saw another angel flying in the
22:12 midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach
22:16 to those who dwell on the earth; to every nation,
22:19 tribe, tongue and people."
22:21 Okay, that's the first message, but now I want to hit it.
22:23 I want to show you where God comes into it now.
22:25 Verse 8... I'm just going to pass verse 7, go to verse 8.
22:28 "And another angel followed saying, "Babylon is fallen,
22:31 is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations
22:34 drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
22:38 Notice - Babylon in the beginning - distrust on the
22:40 other side of the flood; Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar's
22:43 day - spiritual Babylon in the end time,
22:46 the Lord says - "It's coming down, it's coming down."
22:49 "It is fallen."
22:50 And the Day of Pentecost was the infusing of the power
22:55 that started the dismemberment, the deconstruction,
23:00 the - what's the word... that when they get that big old...
23:04 the demolition of Babylon began on the Day of Pentecost.
23:09 But here's how the devil tried to misconstrue
23:11 what happened on the Day of Pentecost...
23:13 Now we know, Acts 2- let's go there, Acts 2.
23:18 We know that they got together and the Jews, out of every
23:21 kingdom under heaven, heard the message,
23:24 and it says in verse 6... "And when this sound
23:27 occurred, the multitude came together and were confused."
23:31 Babylon tried to find its way in and confused!
23:34 Because everyone heard them speak in his own language.
23:38 It was a day where confusion was dissipated!
23:40 The Lord said, "It sounds confusing, but the attempt
23:43 of Pentecost is to remove confusion,
23:45 and when you go on, you have all the nations
23:47 represented there, verse 8, verse 9, verse 10, verse 11,
23:52 but verse 12 says, "So they were all amazed and perplexed
23:56 saying to one another, "Whatever could this mean?"
23:59 And others mocking, in verse 13,
24:01 said, "They are full of new wine."
24:03 But as you go further in the narrative,
24:05 you see that they all discovered what God had
24:08 done on that day; here it is...
24:10 Let's go to Acts 2:17 and here's the fulfillment of that day.
24:16 You have that verse, verse 17.
24:17 "It shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
24:19 that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh.
24:22 Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
24:24 and Your young men shall see visions, your old men
24:26 shall dream dreams."
24:27 Exactly, so the Day of Pentecost, the Lord was
24:29 bringing the last days to a culmination by the work
24:32 He started on the Day of Pentecost.
24:34 He poured out His Spirit as Joel the prophet
24:37 said in Joel chapter 2, is going to happen.
24:39 So Babylon in the beginning, Babylon in Nebuchadnezzar's
24:43 day, Babylon at the very end, and God brings it all together
24:47 and says, "I have not only a message for the whole world,
24:50 but to get the message to the whole world,
24:52 I gotta bring unity - that's what Pentecost brought.
24:55 It brought unity, it brought the power of the Holy Spirit
24:58 and today, the message of the Three Angels is only
25:02 possible because the power released on the
25:05 Day of Pentecost is now active in the last three messages.
25:09 Thank you so much, Pastor John, what an incredible study!
25:12 Right now we're going to take a short break,
25:14 and we'll be back in just one minute.


Revised 2018-10-31