3ABN Sabbath School Panel

That They All May Be One

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180042B

00:01 Welcome back to our Sabbath School Panel discussion,
00:04 and Jill is going to pick up on the lesson...
00:06 "For Those Who Will Believe in Me"
00:08 Thank you so much, Pastor John and Miss Mollie...
00:11 What an incredible study, I love John chapter 17,
00:15 "Jesus Prays for His Disciples, Jesus Prays for Himself,"
00:20 and my portion is Jesus' prayer for each one of us.
00:24 Now as you mentioned, Mollie, Jesus definitely,
00:27 in the prayer for the disciples, that could cover us as well,
00:30 and praise the Lord, that's the case!
00:32 But in a special way, beginning in verse 20,
00:35 this portion I have is John 17:20-26...
00:40 And this is Jesus' prayer for you and I,
00:43 as I like to call it, "Second generation Christians."
00:47 Verse 20... "I do not pray for these alone, but also
00:52 for those who will believe in Me through their word;
00:55 (now the word "believe" is a break-off, as it were,
00:59 from the word "pistis" meaning "faith" in Greek.
01:02 And so Jesus is saying, "He's not praying
01:05 just for the disciples, but He's praying for
01:07 those who will have faith in Him,
01:09 who will accept Him as Lord and Savior...
01:12 not because they walked with Jesus;
01:14 not because they sat under His tutelage or they
01:18 witnessed His miracles.
01:19 They are going to have faith, they are going
01:21 to believe and be justified because they heard
01:25 the gospel through someone else.
01:27 They heard the gospel preached and presented to them;
01:30 they read the word of God for themselves and they
01:34 believed as a result.
01:36 So let's look at our passage here, John 17,
01:39 we're going to pick it up in verse 21, verses 21-26...
01:43 When I read it here, I found 8 principles of unity;
01:48 8 principles for unity.
01:50 Now in verse 21, Brother Johnny, there are actually
01:53 four principles just in that one verse alone,
01:56 so let's read that verse...
01:57 Verse 21... "that they all may be one, as You, Father,
02:02 are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one
02:06 in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me."
02:11 So principle #1... Our unity as Christians is to be like the
02:15 unity of God the Father and God the Son,
02:18 and we could add God the Holy Spirit to that list.
02:21 God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
02:23 It says that We would be one, as You, Father, are in Me,
02:27 and I in You... In other words, Jesus is saying the unity
02:29 He wants us to have is the unity that the Father
02:32 and Son and the Holy Spirit already have - they are
02:36 united in purpose, united in mission, united in motive,
02:42 united - I think most importantly of all in
02:44 the common love for humanity.
02:47 Mollie, you talked about the love that Jesus had,
02:50 reaching out and praying for the disciples,
02:52 praying for you and for I.
02:55 I think about God the Father willingly giving His son.
03:00 We know that verse, John 3:16: "God so loved the world - Why?
03:05 That He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
03:09 believeth in Him would not perish but have
03:11 everlasting life."
03:13 The Father willingly gave His Son, but Jesus willingly
03:19 laid down His life. John 10:15... He says,
03:24 "I lay down My life for the sheep."
03:29 I lay down My life.
03:30 So they are uniting in the common love for humanity.
03:33 So the first principle, our unity as Christians
03:36 is to be like the unity of God the Father and God the Son,
03:38 and God the Holy Spirit.
03:40 #2... Our unity comes from being one with Him.
03:45 Our unity comes when we partake of the divine nature.
03:49 You see it said there that we are the "they all,
03:52 that's you and I may be one as You, Father, are in Me
03:56 and I in You, that they also may be one in us.
03:59 You notice it didn't say, "We become one separate
04:02 from God." No, we only become one
04:05 when we come back into unity and right relationship
04:08 with God - it's kind of like the triangle...
04:10 You imagine, Brother Johnny, you're on this side,
04:13 and I'm on this side and if we become more like Jesus,
04:15 what happens? Eventually we come
04:18 closer together.
04:19 We always use analogy in marriage,
04:21 but it works in friendship and it works in relationships
04:24 and coworkers, with other people as well.
04:27 And the Father and Son's unity comes, they are both
04:30 divine and as you and I become partakers of the divine nature,
04:34 then automatically, we come into that unity as well.
04:38 John 1:12-13, what does the Bible say?
04:41 "As many as received Him, to them He gave power...
04:44 or the right to become the children of God.
04:48 To those who believe on His name, who were born
04:50 not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor the will of
04:53 man but of God, we become partakers of the divine nature
04:58 when we are born again.
04:59 We'll become partakers of the divine nature when we partake
05:03 of the exceedingly great and precious promises
05:07 in His word that He has for us.
05:09 That's found in 2 Peter 1:4.
05:12 So the third principle of unity, we're still in the same verse,
05:15 verse 21, is our unity is a witness to the world.
05:20 Did you notice in verse 21, it says that the world...
05:23 (why are we all united?) that the world may believe
05:26 that You sent Me. (our unity is a witness)
05:29 John 13:35... "By this all will know that You are My
05:33 disciples, if you have love for one another."
05:39 Principle #4... Our unity is never invisible.
05:42 The world either sees biblical unity and love
05:47 for one another or the world sees envy and strife
05:51 and confusion and every evil work.
05:55 So the unity or disunity that a church has is never hidden;
05:59 it's never invisible; it's readily apparent to people
06:03 outside the Christian community whether we are
06:05 united in love or not.
06:06 Let's read the next verse, verse 22...
06:08 "And the glory which You gave me, I have given them.
06:12 Jesus said, The glory You (as in God the Father) gave Me,
06:16 I have given them (which is you and I as Christians)
06:19 that they may be one just as We are one."
06:22 So what makes us one?
06:24 Did you see that? The glory... That's right.
06:26 The glory that God gave Him and He gives to us,
06:30 that makes us one.
06:31 We know in the Bible, glory represents
06:34 His character.
06:36 Exodus 33- remember Moses said, "Lord, show me Your glory,"
06:40 and God caused His virtue, His character
06:44 to pass before Moses.
06:45 So Jesus says that our unity is only possible as you and I
06:50 possess God's character.
06:51 It's not possible when we don't represent Him,
06:54 and we don't possess His character.
06:55 The next verse, verse 23...
06:57 "I in them and You in Me, that they may be made perfect
07:02 in one and that the world may know that You have
07:05 sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me."
07:09 Our unity vindicates God's character and reveals
07:14 the Father's love.
07:17 It says, "I in them and You in Me."
07:19 Why is that all happening?
07:20 That the world may know that You have sent Me."
07:23 Our unity as Christians vindicates the character of God,
07:26 and it reveals His love.
07:29 #7... Our unity occurs because Christ dwells in us
07:34 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
07:37 Did you notice it said, "I in them and You in Me."
07:41 That means when Christ dwells in us, the hope of glory,
07:44 what happens? Then our unity really
07:48 fully comes to full fruition, but Christ has to dwell
07:51 in us by the power of the Holy Spirit.
07:53 And the last one, #8, is found in verse 24...
07:56 "Father, I desire that they also whom You gave me,
07:59 may be with Me where I am, that they may behold
08:02 My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me
08:06 before the foundation of the world."
08:08 Our unity precedes eternal life.
08:12 In other words, we don't say, "I'm gonna wait,
08:14 Pastor John, until we get to heaven and then I'm gonna
08:16 get along with them church members."
08:18 I'm going to get along with other people.
08:20 The unity has to precede and be before that eternal life
08:24 ever takes place.
08:26 I want to close with a quote from the 4th volume of the
08:29 Testimonies, page 17.
08:32 "God is leading out a people to stand in perfect unity
08:35 upon the platform of eternal truth.
08:38 God designs that His people
08:39 should all come into the unity of the faith.
08:41 The prayer of Christ, just prior to His crucifixion,
08:45 was that His disciples might be one, even as He was one
08:49 with the Father, that the world might believe that the
08:51 Father had sent Him.
08:53 This most touching and wonderful prayer
08:56 reaches down through the ages... That's to you and I,
09:00 even to our day.
09:01 For His words were, "Neither pray I for these alone,
09:04 but for them also which shall believe on Me through
09:07 their word."
09:08 How earnestly should the professed followers of Christ
09:11 seek to answer this prayer in their lives?
09:15 So the eight principles of unity that I get from this
09:18 passage is that our unity as Christians is to be like
09:21 the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
09:24 Our unity comes from us being one with Him.
09:28 Our unity is a witness to the world
09:31 Our unity is never invisible.
09:33 Our unity is only made possible if you and I possess
09:37 God's character and that is a gift - all we have to do is
09:40 reach out and accept and choose Him and receive that.
09:43 Our unity vindicates God's character, it reveals the
09:46 Father's love; it occurs because Christ dwells in us
09:50 by the power of the Holy Spirit and it happens before
09:53 eternal life.
09:55 Now that lays a great foundation for Wednesday's
09:59 part of the lesson which is... "Unity Among Christians"
10:03 And I want to say this which has been my experience...
10:06 I've had the opportunity to travel to a few places
10:10 in this world here and there and I have to say
10:13 that when you come to a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
10:16 whether you are in southern Illinois, you go to New York,
10:19 you go to South America, or you may go to Europe,
10:22 I feel like I'm at home in a Seventh-day Church
10:26 because there seems to be a platform
10:28 of truth that unites us. Yes
10:31 And our faith in the Lord brings us this feeling of family.
10:36 That you are among family.
10:37 And so with that in mind, I'd like to come to this
10:41 setting that Jesus brings us and we need to go to
10:46 Mark 9:38-41 first, Mark 9:38-41 it says,
10:53 "Now John answered Him saying "Teacher, we saw someone
10:56 who does not follow us, casting out demons in Your name,
11:00 and we forbade him because he does not follow us.
11:03 I don't know what they did to him, but this is one of the
11:06 sons of thunder that's talking here, but Jesus said,
11:09 "Do not forbid him for no one who works a miracle in My name
11:14 can soon afterwards speak evil of Me."
11:16 Verse 40... "For he who is not against us is on our side.
11:22 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name,
11:26 because you belong to Christ, assuredly I say to you,
11:28 "He will by no means lose his reward."
11:32 So we have here that just because the people are not
11:37 in our church home, church setting,
11:41 and they believe the same as we do, but they're not in
11:46 our same church - doesn't mean that they are not of Christ.
11:49 So we need to look at this and what is Jesus trying to say...
11:52 But we have to be united on a platform of truth.
11:55 This is why I said, it's a great setting for Wednesday's lesson.
12:00 Jesus says in John 10:16, let's go to John 10:16 because
12:08 Jesus says something here that is of vital importance
12:13 and I think Sister Shelley already has it,
12:15 would you mind reading it for us?
12:16 "And other sheep I have which are not of this fold,
12:19 them also I must bring and they will hear My voice
12:24 and there will be one flock and one Shepherd." Amen!
12:28 Amen! And so we have here that Jesus has sheep that are
12:32 not of this fold let's say, and they will hear His voice.
12:35 And the time will come when there will be unity,
12:39 complete unity among God's children...
12:42 And this is a very interesting thing that Jesus says...
12:46 "However we are upon this earth...
12:48 I'd like to bring something else to you...
12:51 Because we are in church and there's this parable that
12:56 Jesus says, and He says, "Didn't you plant good seed
13:02 in the field? Why are there tares? You know.
13:05 And you may be in church and somebody may be doing
13:08 something and you say, "Boy, I thought that person was a
13:10 Christian, but he does or she does something terrible."
13:13 And so there are tares among the wheat that Satan may use
13:19 to bring division in the church body.
13:24 So the church must deal with these things with love
13:27 and a redemptive discipline, if you want to call it that way.
13:33 But there has to be unity among believers
13:37 because the reason to have a Christian body is for
13:42 Christ's will to be fulfilled.
13:44 We read in John 17 that they may be one as We are one.
13:50 And in Matthew 22, we have the two great principles
13:56 that unites God's family...
13:58 #1... Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
14:00 and with all your mind.
14:02 #2... Love your neighbor as yourself.
14:06 These things, God's Commandments brings God's people together,
14:11 and it's a strange thing to me that among some Christians
14:14 they say, "No, no, no, the Ten Commandments are done away with,
14:16 we don't have to keep those."
14:18 But God's Ten Commandments unites the believers.
14:21 Now who wants to be in heaven where people
14:24 steal from one another?
14:25 Imagine in heaven having to lock up stuff! No.
14:28 I remember 3ABN sent me on a mission to Puerto Rico,
14:32 and I had to rent an apartment there and because of the
14:36 robbery that was going on in that place,
14:38 there was this iron gate in front of the door of the
14:45 apartment I was in - a literal gate!
14:48 And it had a lock and then there's the door of
14:52 the apartment and it had several things to lock.
14:56 And after I placed myself in there, the first thing
14:59 I said, "I'm in jail in my own apartment here."
15:01 And this is the society we live in.
15:04 But in God's Kingdom, there's not going to be
15:06 fear of robbery, so the Ten Commandments
15:11 unites God's believers. Amen.
15:13 "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples,
15:16 if you have love one for another."
15:18 Now I want to bring you to something that is
15:21 kind of something that we're heading to write
15:26 very soon, very soon.
15:27 In Revelation 13, it talks to us about a beast power
15:32 and this beast power is said to exercise authority
15:37 in the world and has power to cause both small and great
15:42 rich and poor to receive a mark on their forehead
15:45 or in their hand.
15:47 But these people as Pastor Lomacang mentioned
15:51 in one of the lessons before, these people unite
15:55 for the wrong reason and they want to pass a law
16:00 that whoever does not get this mark, can even be put to death.
16:04 So while we talk about unity among believers,
16:07 it has to be on a platform of truth, a platform of truth.
16:12 So if you're united for the wrong reason,
16:15 that is not of God's will, then you are
16:18 in a serious and dangerous situation.
16:21 Let me bring to you a condition that there seemed
16:25 to be unity among the people...
16:28 When Jesus was on the cross, there was unity
16:32 among those that were below the cross saying,
16:34 "Crucify Him, crucify Him," they were united
16:37 in what they wanted to do, but it was the wrong thing.
16:41 So that's why when we talk about unity among believers,
16:44 it must be on a platform of truth on God's Holy Word. Amen!
16:49 So when you talk about Revelation 13...
16:52 In Revelation 13, I'd like to read just a couple of
16:58 verses there because we are heading there very, very soon.
17:03 Revelation 13 and I will read to you verses 16 until the end.
17:11 "He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
17:13 free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand
17:16 or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy
17:20 or sell except the one who has the mark or the name
17:23 of the beast or the number of his name.
17:25 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate
17:28 the number of the beast for it is the number of a man.
17:31 His number is 666."
17:34 So we have here a group of people and a large
17:38 group of people united for the wrong reasons,
17:41 and they are going to be persecuting Christians,
17:45 God's people!
17:46 And what are God's people going to do?
17:48 Shall we unite with their group because... Hey, that's what
17:52 everyone is believing or should we be a small group
17:57 that believes what God's word says?
17:59 This is why I'd like to go now to Revelation 14
18:03 because there in Revelation 14, it talks about Babylon
18:07 and it's marvelous that God even has people in Babylon
18:09 and it says in Revelation 18... "Come out of her,
18:12 my people," and this is a message that must be given
18:14 and 3ABN is giving that message. Yes.
18:16 So Revelation 14 brings us to this last Scripture
18:20 that I would like to share and this is verse 12...
18:25 Verse 12 says... "Here is the patience of the saints;
18:31 here are those who keep the commandments of God
18:34 and the faith of Jesus."
18:36 I'd like to read verse 13 as well...
18:37 "Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me,
18:40 "Write, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
18:43 from now on."
18:45 "Yes," says the Spirit, that they may rest from their
18:48 labors and their works follow them."
18:50 So while we talk about unity among believers,
18:53 it must be upon the Holy Scriptures, a platform of truth
18:56 that unites us to do that which is God's will and not
19:00 man's will and not the devil's will because... you know
19:04 we were talking about grievous wolves, what kind of
19:08 wolves was it? It was grievous, savage
19:10 wolves. Savage wolves that are
19:12 going to come even from... they're going to rise up
19:14 even among from the believers that are going to
19:16 try to sway people in a direction opposite
19:19 to God's word, so we have to trust
19:23 and believe in a "Thus saith the Lord,"
19:25 and then we can have unity. Amen! Amen and Amen!
19:28 Thank you Johnny!
19:30 This week's less is... "That They All May Be One"
19:34 And I have Thursday's lesson which is...
19:37 "One Faith Shared in Love"
19:39 Let's look at John 17:3 again, we're going to reads thus...
19:43 and I love this Scripture, John 17:3 reads this,
19:50 Jesus is speaking, He says, "This is eternal life...
19:53 (oh, He's praying to His Father and He says...)
19:56 "This is eternal life that they may know You, Father,
20:00 the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
20:06 And that word "know" in the Greek tense,
20:09 it's a continuing action - that they should know and keep
20:14 on knowing You, but this isn't to know about God.
20:20 This is not cognitive knowledge.
20:23 You know James tells us in James 2:19 that
20:26 "You believe that there is one God, hm, good, even the
20:30 demons believe that and tremble."
20:32 So what this word in the Greek is "ginosko,"
20:37 and it indicates a relationship that keeps on building.
20:43 This is an entering into a personal relationship with God
20:47 and Christ Jesus and accepting Him as our Savior.
20:51 It's an intimate thing.
20:53 It's living in fellowship with God where we're
20:56 worshipping, we're obeying and just acknowledging who He is
21:02 as the only true God and acknowledging that Jesus Christ
21:07 is the only way to the Father.
21:10 I want to quickly give you four ways to know that
21:14 we know - I mean, if knowing God is eternal life,
21:17 don't you want to know that you know, that you know God?
21:20 Here's four evidences that you can know that you know,
21:25 that you know God.
21:26 First, we will walk in obedience to His commandments.
21:29 1 John 2:3-6... John says, "By this we know that we know Him.
21:34 If we keep His commandments.
21:37 He who says, "I know Him," and does not keep His
21:39 commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
21:42 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is
21:46 perfected in him. By this we know
21:50 that we are in Him."
21:53 How? By obedience.
21:54 "He who says he abides in Him ought also to walk,
22:00 just as He walked."
22:01 So Jesus is more than an example though,
22:05 He's a gift of grace and He lives in our heart
22:10 by the power of the Holy Spirit, and we are enabled, empowered
22:15 to walk as Jesus walked.
22:18 Now keeping God's commandments does not save us.
22:21 Please understand - we're not trying to say that.
22:23 But, when we live in fellowship with Him,
22:28 we will want to please Him, we will want to obey.
22:33 It's out of loyalty and out of love and you know,
22:39 Jesus did say, John 14:15, "If you love Me,
22:42 keep My commandments," did He not? Okay.
22:44 So that's the first way to know that you know God,
22:47 is by walking in obedience to His commandments.
22:50 The second way is we will be loving.
22:53 1 John 4:8 says... "He who does not love, does not know God
23:01 for God is love.
23:03 So, you know, I love 1 Corinthians 13:4-8...
23:09 It's talking about what love is, it's patient, kind,
23:13 never envious, not jealous, not boastful, not vain glorious.
23:18 It doesn't display itself haughtily.
23:20 It's not conceded. It's not rude.
23:23 It says God's love in us does not insist
23:27 in its own right or its own way.
23:30 It's not self-seeking.
23:31 It's not touchy, fretful, resentful.
23:34 It takes no account of the evil done to it.
23:37 It pays no attention to a suffered wrong.
23:40 Love does not rejoice in injustice or unrighteousness,
23:44 but it rejoices when right and truth prevail.
23:49 It says love bears up under everything,
23:52 so love never fails.
23:54 Alright, so to know that we know God...
23:57 We keep His commandments; we're loving.
24:01 #3 is we have received the Holy Spirit.
24:05 1 John 4:13, it says... "By this we know
24:09 that we abide in Him and He in us because
24:13 He has given us of His Spirit. Amen!
24:16 And in Romans 8:9, Paul says, "You are not in the flesh,
24:21 but in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.
24:24 Now if anyone does not have the Spirit,
24:28 what does that mean? He is not His.
24:32 So now the fourth point... To know God is to be united
24:38 to Christ - it's more than confessing Him as Lord.
24:41 It's more than just bearing His name,
24:44 it's accepting and daily practicing His will,
24:48 believing and obeying by the power of His Holy Spirit.
24:52 1 John 5:10-12 says... "He who believes in the
24:55 Son of God has the witness in himself;
24:57 he who does not believe God has made Him a liar,
25:01 because he does not believe the testimony that
25:03 God has given of His Son.
25:05 And this is the testimony, that God has given us
25:08 eternal life and this life is in His Son.
25:12 He who has the Son, has life;
25:14 he who does not have the Son does not have life."
25:18 And 1 John 5:23 it says... "This is how we know
25:21 that we love the children of God, when we love God
25:25 and keep His commandments, for this is
25:28 the love of God - that we keep His commandments,
25:30 and His commandments are not burdensome."
25:32 So it's so important to know that you know
25:35 that you're in God and that's four ways...
25:38 We keep His commandments, we're loving;
25:40 we receive the Holy Spirit and we're united with Christ.
25:44 Now in John 13:34-35, Jesus says...
25:49 "I give you a new commandment" but wait a minute,
25:51 it's not really new!
25:53 Let's look at it... John 13:34-35 says,
25:56 "A new commandment, Jesus says, I give to you,
25:58 that you love one another; as I have loved you,
26:01 that you also love one another.
26:03 By this, all will know that you are My disciples,
26:07 if you have love for one another."
26:09 Well you know what? He's really quoting
26:12 Leviticus 19:18 that says... "You shall not take vengeance
26:15 nor bear any grudge against the children of your people,
26:18 but you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
26:21 He's saying you gotta love the other.
26:24 So what is new about this commandment?
26:27 I'll tell you what's new... Christ is setting Himself up
26:31 as the unparalleled example of how we should love.
26:36 This is not just a little feely-touchy thing,
26:39 and when we talk about love, you know, we're not talking
26:43 ... When God talks about loving one another,
26:46 this is not romantic love.
26:47 The word "eros" is not even in the Bible. Right.
26:50 This is that self-sacrificing love.
26:53 It's loving one another unconditionally as a brother
26:59 or a sister in the Lord that were family.
27:01 And so what we are to do, ... it's an attitude that
27:05 is revealed in practical actions and this brings us
27:10 together in unity that makes us powerful witnesses.
27:14 It keeps the church united when we love
27:17 like Jesus loves.
27:19 It prevents petty bickering and division and it is
27:24 the mark of a true disciple.
27:27 I'm glad I've got a minute left.
27:28 I have to read this real quickly to you.
27:30 It's a quote from Angel Rodríguez' Book,
27:35 "The Universality of the Church in the New Testament"
27:38 Oh excuse me, his book is "Message, Mission and Unity
27:42 of the Church," - he is quoting Eckart Muller,
27:46 and he is one of our Seventh-day Adventist scholars...
27:50 Here's the quote... "Although the Seventh-day
27:53 Adventist Church is a worldwide church with many local
27:57 churches, Adventists do not claim to be
28:01 Christ's universal church.
28:03 The Universal Church is broader than any denomination.
28:07 It is visible and invisible insofar as it consists
28:11 of those who believe in Jesus and follow Him.
28:14 This particular theological issue is heightened
28:17 if we take into consideration apostasy among Christians
28:21 addressed poignantly in the Book of Revelation.
28:24 The pure church of Revelation 12 is contrasted
28:27 with the harlot of Revelation 17.
28:30 Babylon the great city which, in turn, is contrasted
28:34 with the Bride and the Lamb; the holy city or the
28:38 New Jerusalem of Revelation 21 and 22.
28:41 In the first century the Universal Church
28:44 may have been quite visible.
28:46 It is much more difficult and complex to see
28:48 for instance - during the Medieval Ages."
28:51 But here's what he says... "Adventists do not
28:54 limit the concept of God's true church to their own
28:58 denomination, nor do they automatically extend it
29:01 to other Christian churches.
29:03 God's true church consists of those individuals
29:07 who truly believe in Him.
29:08 God knows them.
29:10 Adventists on the other hand claim that they are
29:12 God's special visible end-time remnant of Revelation 12:17,
29:18 and chapters 12-14.
29:20 This remnant has a local as well as a
29:24 universal character." Amen. WOW!
29:26 You know, when you mentioned Revelation, Shelley,
29:29 I perked up, that's my volcano.
29:31 Yeah, I saw your eyes open. Eye-opener in Revelation.
29:33 It's an eye-opener.
29:35 Well thank you all, you know the lesson
29:36 "That They All May Be One," I'd like to give each one of our
29:39 panelists an opportunity to summarize,
29:41 and Mollie, I'll begin with you.
29:42 I think that what would come to my heart is that
29:50 where Jesus says in John 17:11, "Holy Father, keep through
29:54 Your name those whom You have given Me that they
29:58 may be one even as We are one."
30:00 You know, that is a supernatural unity, a unity above
30:06 what we, as mankind, could accomplish.
30:08 It is us being one with God the Father and God the Son.
30:13 Thank you Mollie, Jill...
30:14 In John 17, Jesus prayed for us that we would know Him,
30:17 that we would love Him and that
30:19 we would reveal Him to the world.
30:21 Amen, Pastor Dinzey...
30:22 I will read it from 2 Corinthians 7:14...
30:25 "If My people who are called by My name will humble
30:28 themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their
30:31 wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive
30:33 their sins and heal the land." And Shelley...
30:36 The mark of a true disciple is love and love means that
30:39 we also walk in obedience. Amen!
30:42 You know friends, our time comes and goes so quickly,
30:44 I would like to encourage you to join us the next time
30:46 for our continued study in the oneness
30:49 that we can find in Christ.
30:50 Until we see you again, may the Lord bless you
30:52 and keep you centered on the person of Christ
30:55 where oneness is possible.
30:57 God bless you.


Revised 2018-10-17