3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Causes of Disunity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180041A

00:31 Hello and welcome to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 I'm Jill Morikone and we're delighted that you have taken
00:37 time from your day to open up the word of God,
00:40 and to study along with us.
00:42 We are in the fourth quarter studying "Oneness in Christ."
00:46 We are in the second lesson of that quarter...
00:49 "Causes of Disunity"
00:51 Last week, we talked about love is the foundation for unity,
00:56 and we talked about creation.
00:57 Sin is the catalyst for division and disunity - as we saw
01:03 that take place in the fall and later with the Tower of Babel.
01:07 And then we saw how God made a call back to unity
01:10 when He called Abraham as His friend back into righteous
01:15 right relationship with Him and called the entire nation of
01:18 Israel and by extension each one of us as Christians
01:22 we're called back into unity with God the Father,
01:24 Son and Holy Spirit.
01:26 I want to introduce our panel to you at this time...
01:29 On my left is Shelley Quinn, lovely to be here;
01:31 Brother Johnny Dinzey, a pleasure to be here;
01:34 Mollie Steenson - we're delighted that you could
01:36 come up and join us for the Sabbath School Lesson,
01:38 why thank you; and Pastor John Lomacang,
01:41 our pastor here - good to be here.
01:43 It's a privilege to open up the word of God
01:44 with each one of you and to share.
01:46 And before we go any further, let's go to the Lord in prayer
01:49 and Shelley, would you pray for us here? Absolutely.
01:52 Heavenly Father, We come in the name of Jesus
01:55 thanking You for unity in Christ; thanking You, Lord,
01:59 for these lessons and, Father, our prayer is that Your church..
02:05 that we may one with Jesus and one with You,
02:09 and one with each other, so Father, help us
02:11 to have ears to hear what the Holy Spirit would say through us
02:16 today and for each one of us to put this into practice.
02:20 We thank You in advance for the answer to the prayer of faith.
02:23 In Jesus name... Amen
02:25 Amen! Thank you.
02:27 Before we jump into our lesson here today,
02:30 I want to give you the website where you can get this
02:33 Quarterly for yourself, just go to...
02:35 ABSG.Adventist.org
02:39 and you can download your own copy.
02:41 That stands for "Adult Bible Study Guide.Adventist.org
02:47 and you can get your copy or we always encourage you
02:50 to visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:53 They would have a copy of the Quarterly;
02:55 they would invite you to sit down in a Sabbath School
02:57 Class and participate in the discussion.
03:00 As I mentioned already, we're on Lesson 2 and our topic is
03:04 "Causes of Disunity"
03:06 Now "Merriam Webster," the Dictionary, defines unity
03:10 as "a condition of harmony or being in one accord;
03:15 the conflict or state of being made one."
03:18 Now Shelley, the potential for conflict is huge the moment
03:21 you introduce someone beside yourself. That's right.
03:24 So anybody who is married would that,
03:27 anybody who has gone to college and lived with a roommate
03:29 would know that anytime you introduce someone
03:32 beside yourself, you automatically have the
03:34 opening, the potential for conflict.
03:38 Now you multiply that in a church by 10 people
03:41 or 100 people or 1,000 people, and Pastor John,
03:44 you could have a great deal of conflict. Understatement.
03:47 Laughter... that's right.
03:49 Unity is a place where there is love instead of selfishness.
03:54 There is diversity instead of control and there is
03:59 humility instead of arrogance; there is doctrinal purity
04:05 instead of tolerance and moral relativism.
04:10 Should unity be preserved at the cost of truth?
04:13 The answer to that is "absolutely not."
04:17 I think of Martin Luther and a quote here from
04:21 "Great Controversy," p.166, Ellen White talking about
04:25 Martin Luther - she says... "Had the reformer yielded
04:28 a single point, Satan and his hosts
04:31 would have gained the victory, but his unwavering
04:34 firmness was the means of emancipating the church
04:37 and beginning a new and better era."
04:39 In that case, unity would not ... should not, should never be
04:43 at the expense of doctrinal truth;
04:46 at the expense of the word of God.
04:48 As we talk about the history of Israel,
04:53 we see a history of walking with God and then falling
04:58 away from God - we begin to see apostasy;
05:01 we begin to see rebellion - choosing to walk away from God.
05:05 And then we see the results of that of disunity.
05:09 And then God called to His people and they came back.
05:14 They repented - they came back, they were restored into unity
05:18 and right relationship with Him,
05:19 and then we that falling-away again.
05:22 That's what Sunday's lesson is all about...
05:24 "Return O backsliding children," and before we do that,
05:27 I want to read the memory text, you can look up and follow
05:30 along at home - we're in Proverbs 9:10...
05:34 The Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
05:39 and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
05:44 What are the causes for division is disunity in the church?
05:47 Obviously, they are all under one heading and you could
05:50 categorize that as sin, but I like to categorize it in
05:54 three different categories.
05:55 We could say "sin, stubbornness and selfishness."
06:00 All of them really do fall under the category of sin
06:02 and we know that.
06:03 But sin leads, obviously, to disobedience to God,
06:07 and unfaithfulness to His word.
06:09 Stubbornness is me just saying, "I'm unwilling
06:13 to surrender my pride, my own way to the will of God...
06:18 thinking "I'm right and my way is the only way."
06:21 Selfishness is seeking myself and my own needs
06:26 or what I think are my needs ahead of other people.
06:30 Now those are what I would call the three main categories
06:33 of disunity or division in a church,
06:35 but there are quite a few subcategories,
06:37 we could say, under that...
06:38 One of those would be "gossip."
06:41 Now gossip can do a great deal to cause division
06:44 and disunity in the church.
06:46 Miss Mollie, you've told me this for years...
06:49 "If I were to say something about someone else to you,
06:52 what happens?
06:53 You now have to deal with that."
06:55 Now this could be rectified with this other person,
06:58 and this could be solved, but you're going to, forever,
07:00 have something in your mind about that other person. Yes
07:04 Gossip brings division and disunity.
07:07 Evil surmising brings division and disunity.
07:11 Think about 1 Corinthians 13, the chapter on love
07:15 in verse 5 it says... "Love thinks no evil."
07:19 But when I begin to either surmise or think evil of
07:22 someone else, what happens?
07:23 It changes the way I relate to that person
07:26 and that leads to disunity.
07:29 Jealousy! Jealousy certainly leads to division and disunity.
07:34 1 Corinthians 3:3... "Where there are envy,
07:37 (or you can say jealousy) strife, and divisions among you,
07:42 are you not carnal or behaving like mere men?"
07:46 Quarreling - that definitely leads to
07:49 division or to disunity.
07:51 2 Timothy 2:23-24... "Don't have anything to do
07:55 with foolish and stupid arguments because
07:58 you know they produce quarrels and the Lord's servant
08:01 must not quarrel, instead he must be kind to everyone,
08:06 able to teach, not resentful."
08:09 What else leads to disunity? Lack of prayer.
08:12 I think of Matthew 18:20... "Where two or three people
08:16 are gathered in His name (what does Jesus say?)
08:19 I am there in the midst of them." That's right.
08:21 So that means when we come together,
08:22 when we pray, what happens?
08:24 Jesus draws near and we draw near to each other.
08:28 We come in unity, but if I refuse to pray with my sister
08:32 or my brother, if I choose not to do that, that leads
08:36 to disunity.
08:37 I think also a lack of confrontation leads to disunity.
08:42 Now you may say... "How is that even possible?"
08:44 But when you sweep things under the carpet,
08:47 what happens?
08:48 Resentments begin to build up in your own heart
08:52 and you never go to the person and actually address
08:54 or talk about things... that can lead to disunity.
08:58 I also believe a lack of evangelism or a lack of
09:01 evangelistic spirit leads to disunity because if you see a
09:05 church or church members that are evangelistic in heart
09:10 and mind and life and that's all they think about,
09:12 there is no room for division in that because they're
09:15 focused on that one mission.
09:17 As I mentioned already, the history of Israel is filled with
09:20 a repeated pattern... walking with God and then
09:23 following after other gods, choosing their own way
09:26 to walk in sin and selfishness and stubbornness,
09:29 and then that led to apostasy and division...
09:33 And then they made the choice, God called to their hearts
09:36 "Come back to Me," and then we that repentance
09:39 and that reformation and them coming back to Him.
09:41 Let's look in Deuteronomy 28, this is the law of blessing
09:46 and curses - blessings and cursings I guess you would say.
09:50 Deuteronomy 28 and before we look at blessings that
09:53 take place as a result of walking
09:56 in unity with God - as a result of walking in His commands.
10:00 Let's look at the conditions...
10:01 Now when I read Deuteronomy 28, I see three conditions
10:04 for those blessings to come upon the children of Israel,
10:07 and by extension, you could say, "us as
10:09 the children of God today."
10:11 Let's read verse 1, Deuteronomy 28:1...
10:14 "Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey
10:17 the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully
10:20 all His commandments which I command you today,
10:23 That the Lord your God will set you high above
10:26 all nations of the earth, and all these blessings
10:28 shall come upon you and overtake you because you obeyed
10:31 the voice of the Lord your God."
10:34 So let's look first at the beginning...
10:36 It says, "It shall come to pass, if you diligently obey
10:40 the voice of the Lord your God..."
10:41 Now in Hebrew, the word for diligently is "shema"
10:45 which means "to hear."
10:46 The word for obey is "shema" which means "to hear."
10:51 So in other words, it's almost - now I'm not a Hebrew scholar,
10:54 but if I were reading that, it lists the word twice.
10:57 It says "hear-hear," so it's almost like God is saying...
11:00 "If you really listen."
11:03 You know, He mentions it twice...
11:05 "If you hear, hear."
11:06 "If you really listen to My voice."
11:10 And what are you supposed to do when you listen?
11:11 It says, "To observe carefully all His commandments."
11:14 "Observe" is "shamar, which means "to keep watch over,
11:19 to preserve, to guard."
11:22 So what is God saying here... we are to listen,
11:26 listen very closely because it mentions "hear, hear" twice.
11:29 We are to hear His voice and we are to keep watch
11:33 or guard over His commandments. Amen!
11:36 In other words, we are to walk in obedience
11:38 to what He has called us to do.
11:40 The third condition I see in verse 14...
11:43 It says, "So you shall not turn aside from any of the words
11:46 which I command you this day, to the right or to the left,
11:49 to go after other gods to serve them."
11:53 So not only are we to listen closely for the voice of God,
11:57 not only are we to keep watch over His commandments,
11:59 we are not to walk after other gods.
12:03 We're not to follow after gods of our own choosing.
12:05 So what are the blessings that come upon us?
12:07 There are blessings regardless of location...
12:11 Whether you are in the city or the country;
12:13 whether you're going in or coming out.
12:16 There are blessings on your home and your children.
12:19 Blessings on your job and your finances.
12:22 The Bible talks about garden and herds and food and storehouses.
12:26 Money - That you will be able to lend money,
12:29 and you don't even have to borrow money.
12:31 There will be blessing and protection and vindication
12:35 against your enemies.
12:37 And what is the result of all these blessings?
12:40 That is in verse 10... It says that, "All peoples
12:43 of the earth shall see that you are called by the name
12:47 of the Lord and they shall be afraid of you."
12:50 So all people - in other words, God didn't give the blessings
12:52 for the children of Israel to just sit down in their luxury...
12:56 "I have a lot of blessings from God and I'm having
12:58 a really good day today."
13:00 They were given blessings because they were called to
13:03 be a light - they were called to be as a city set on the
13:07 hill to the Gentiles - to those around them to see this
13:11 is what happens as a result of walking with God.
13:15 You know the history of Israel and they did not always
13:18 choose those blessings; they did not always hear;
13:21 they did not always observe and keep...
13:23 And they DID turn after false gods,
13:26 but God did not forsake them.
13:27 Our last Scripture is Jeremiah 3.
13:30 Jeremiah 3- this is at a time of general disobedience.
13:37 As a whole, the nation of Israel had turned away from God,
13:41 and yet, He gives this beautiful appeal
13:43 in Jeremiah 3:14... "Return O backsliding children,"
13:50 says the Lord, for I am married to you.
13:53 I will take you one from a city and two from a family,
13:57 and I will bring you to Zion." Return. That's right.
14:02 So even in a time of disobedience and walking
14:05 away from God - God still wanted to be their people.
14:10 He still loved them.
14:12 He still wanted them.
14:14 He still wanted to restore them and restore them back
14:19 into unity and right relationship to Him.
14:22 Before we go on to Shelley and she's going to talk about
14:24 the judges and the spiritual condition
14:26 in the time of the judges, I just want to say,
14:29 "I don't know where you feel like you are in your walk
14:32 with God today - you might feel like, "I'm like the
14:34 children of Israel and I've wandered far from God;
14:37 I've not listened to His voice; I have not kept
14:41 His commandments; I have turned after other gods.
14:44 And God is speaking to you right now and He says,
14:46 "I love you with an everlasting love, would you
14:49 return to me?
14:51 I am married to you and I love you and I want you
14:54 as my son and as my daughter." Amen and Amen!
14:57 Thank you Jill for that beautiful foundation.
15:00 And, you know, this is such a great lesson...
15:04 "The Causes of Disunity"
15:07 My lesson is Monday and, boy, the title tells you
15:13 what a cause of disunity is.
15:16 "Right in His Own Eyes" When we think that we are right,
15:21 and we believe that our way is better
15:24 than God's way, we're in trouble.
15:26 There's going to be disunity.
15:28 So, you will recall, who succeeded Moses?
15:32 Who was it that took the children of Israel
15:36 into the land of Canaan? Joshua? Yes!
15:39 So the Book of Judges is the history of the period that
15:45 immediately followed after Joshua died until
15:52 the time of Samuel.
15:55 So let's look at Deuteronomy 16:18...
16:00 When Moses instructed, in Deuteronomy 16:18,
16:06 "You shall appoint judges and officers in all your gates
16:12 which the Lord your God gives you, according to your tribes
16:18 and they shall judge the people with just judgment."
16:23 So after Moses and Joshua had died,
16:31 what they did was follow this advice and judges
16:33 were appointed to be the highest civil authorities in the land.
16:37 Now Samuel comes along, he was a priest,
16:41 a prophet and the last judge and he was the first king-maker.
16:47 So he linked the period of the judges with the monarchy,
16:51 but the Jewish tradition says that Samuel authored this book.
16:57 I highly doubt it because Samuel was absolutely against
17:04 making a king.
17:06 Samuel did not - he was totally opposed to that idea.
17:11 And what we see in Judges 17:6 and then in 21:25 as well...
17:17 It's an identical quote, it says, "In those days,
17:23 there was no king in Israel and everyone did what was right
17:30 in his own eyes."
17:32 So the author seems to be in favor of having a king,
17:38 and he thought maybe this would basically prevent
17:42 their spiritual decline.
17:45 But we know that the kings did not solve the apostasy.
17:51 In fact, they led their people into apostasy so often.
17:56 So the theme of Judges is one of sin and apostasy
18:02 from true religion and it's interesting because
18:05 it shows how it always brings God's displeasure
18:09 and then what does God do?
18:12 He permits suffering; He permits disaster,
18:17 but it isn't vindictive, it's supposed to be educational.
18:22 In other words, God allows this to come on the people
18:26 to bring about sincere repentance.
18:29 And then what He does is, He raises up a person
18:32 or circumstances to bring relief from the disaster,
18:37 and we see this pattern in Judges
18:39 just repeated over and over.
18:41 So God's people would only... let me say it this way...
18:49 God's people would only find unity in their nation
18:55 through loyal obedience.
18:58 It's just what you said earlier.
19:00 Righteousness exalts a nation, but moral decay brings
19:06 about the national weakness.
19:09 So let's look at Judges 2:6-13 and we'll look at the spiritual
19:15 and social conditions of Israel during the time of the judges.
19:20 Judges 2:6-13... "When Joshua had dismissed
19:25 the people, the children of Israel went each to his own
19:27 inheritance to possess the land.
19:29 So the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua,
19:34 and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua.
19:40 (so for that whole generation, everybody that had served
19:44 Joshua and lived during that time)
19:47 who had seen all the great works of the Lord
19:51 which He had done for Israel..."
19:54 (so Joshua and those elders that served with him,
19:57 and lived just beyond his death, they were familiar
20:02 with all the works of the Lord) and it says in verse 8...
20:06 "Now Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord,
20:09 died when he was 110 years old, and they buried him within
20:15 the border of his inheritance at Timnath Heres,
20:19 in the mountains of Ephraim on the north side of Mount Gaash.
20:25 When all that generation... (here's going to be a switch
20:29 now)... had been gathered to their fathers,
20:32 (what does that mean - when they're gathered to their
20:35 fathers, they're sleeping the sleep of death with the fathers)
20:39 Another generation arose after them who did not know
20:45 the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.
20:50 So in one generation, they're forgetting about
20:53 their covenant Redeemer.
20:56 Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord
21:01 and served the Baals, and they forsook the Lord God of
21:05 of their fathers who had brought them out of the land of Egypt,
21:08 and they followed other gods from among the gods of the
21:12 people who were all around them, and they bowed down to them;
21:17 and they provoked the Lord to anger.
21:21 They forsook the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtoreths."
21:27 Now I'm going to jump forward
21:29 just a little bit to Judges 3:5-7...
21:32 "Thus the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites,
21:38 the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites,
21:41 and the Jebusites.
21:43 And they took their daughters (they took the daughters
21:46 of these pagan people) to be their wives,
21:50 and they gave their daughters (the Israelite daughters)
21:54 to the sons of these pagans and they served their gods.
22:01 So the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord."
22:06 That's repeated seven times in the Book of Judges.
22:10 "The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord."
22:13 "They forgot their God and they served the Baals
22:17 and the Asherahs."
22:19 So God had commanded them to be separate from the people.
22:25 He sent them in there as a light to the Gentiles,
22:29 but He wanted them to be separate
22:31 from their unholy influences.
22:34 We are in this world, but we're not to be of this world, right?
22:39 So He was saying to them - don't conform to their pagan
22:44 practices and what happened was, the evil of the pagans...
22:50 they tempted the Israelites and within just one generation,
22:56 one generation, after the death of Joshua, those who had
23:02 participated in the conquest that they've gone on
23:05 and suddenly these people become more and more
23:08 like the people that they were actually charged to displace.
23:12 It's amazing... the Bible says, Bad company
23:19 corrupts good morals. That's right.
23:21 Evil companionship - this is why it is so important
23:25 if you as a youth - sometimes you don't understand
23:29 why your parents may say, "Son, I don't want you to hang
23:33 with this group of kids," and you think, "Well, why not?"
23:37 "Why not?" I remember my mother
23:40 told me once - I always had to bring my friends home
23:43 to meet her and after I brought this one friend home,
23:46 she said, "Honey, I want you to be friendly to her,
23:50 but I don't want you to be too close to her."
23:53 And come to find out, there were good reasons
23:55 why my mother saw through it before I did.
23:58 But what happened - these evil companions ruined
24:04 the training and the good intentions of the people,
24:07 and they began to follow the inclinations of their own heart.
24:10 And this is what happens - the nation lost the memory
24:15 of God's redemptive work and the historical pattern,
24:19 the people abandoned the Lord their Redeemer and then in
24:23 judgment, He would send in foreign enemies;
24:26 they would cry out to the Lord and in mercy,
24:30 He would provide a deliverer.
24:33 So instead of learning the lessons that they should have,
24:38 they kept going deeper and deeper into depravity,
24:41 but God is a bigger Savior than we are a sinner.
24:45 Aww, Amen Shelley. Thank you so much.
24:48 It's amazing they forgot in one generation what God
24:51 had instructed and how they had walked with Him,
24:53 but praise the Lord that judgment is redemptive.
24:56 We're going to take a short break just now.
24:57 Don't go anywhere... we'll be right back.


Revised 2022-09-13