3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Second Missionary Journey

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180035A

00:32 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 We are so glad that you have joined us for a study
00:37 as we journey through the Book of Acts,
00:39 and see the growth, the explosion of Christianity
00:43 throughout the world there.
00:45 We are in lesson #9, "The Second Missionary Journey"
00:48 of the Apostle Paul, and before we go any farther...
00:52 I want to introduce to you to our panel here today:
00:55 Sitting on my left - Mr. Danny Shelton, Mollie Steenson,
00:58 Pastor C.A. Murray and Ms. Shelley Quinn,
01:01 and it's always a privilege to share with each one of you,
01:03 and thank you for the study that you put in,
01:06 for the preparation that you do to bring
01:08 the word of God to those people at home,
01:10 it's a blessing. I'm happy to do it.
01:11 So what I want to do right now is give you the website.
01:15 If you would like to download the
01:18 "Adult Bible Study Guide," if you would like to follow
01:22 along with us, you would go to the website that is:
01:24 ABSG.Adventist.org
01:29 that stands for "Adult Bible Study Guide".Adventist.org
01:34 and you can follow along with us or we always encourage
01:37 you here at 3ABN to visit your local Seventh-day Adventist
01:41 Church - they would love to welcome you in,
01:43 and you could join a Bible study group there.
01:45 Before we go any further and open up the word of God,
01:48 we always like to open up in prayer and Pastor C.A.
01:52 would you lead us in prayer today? Be happy to do so...
01:54 Gracious Father, Our hearts have been so
01:56 warmed and stirred as we've seen how Your Spirit
02:00 has moved so mightily to begin this church, this movement
02:06 which has circled the globe and called so many millions
02:09 of people to Jesus Christ.
02:11 We thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit which has
02:14 been seen in the life of Paul and Stephen, Peter,
02:17 and so many others, and we ask, Lord,
02:19 yea we beg for that same Spirit to attend us
02:22 here today, as we study Your word, as we try to
02:26 understand that we can be used mightily of Thee
02:30 if we will but surrender to You.
02:31 Help us to know, to understand and to do
02:35 and bless those who watch and who hear - may together
02:38 we be drawn that much closer to our precious Lord and Savior,
02:42 and we thank You, dear Father, in Jesus name... Amen
02:46 Thank you so much Pastor C.A.
02:48 We are in lesson #9 of our journey
02:51 through the Book of Acts.
02:52 This is on the second missionary journey of the Apostle Paul.
02:56 Two weeks ago, we looked at his first missionary journey,
02:59 that encompassed over 12,000 miles. Wow!
03:02 Paul and Barnabas set sail from Antioch and they
03:06 went with John Mark.
03:07 If I can pretend here... this is a map,
03:10 I don't have a map to show you, but pretend this
03:12 is Palestine and north of it is Antioch and then on the
03:16 west side is the Mediterranean Sea...
03:18 So Jerusalem is here, probably 300 miles north is Antioch.
03:22 They set sail from here, this is the first
03:25 missionary journey... they went to Cypress,
03:27 then they went north to what we would call modern-day Turkey
03:30 in here and they spent some time 2 years' worth from
03:34 AD 47 to 49, traveling through.
03:37 They went to Lystra and Derbe, and Iconium and Antioch
03:42 Pisidian and these other cities preaching the word of God.
03:45 Now we're on the second missionary journey
03:47 and they don't shorten the journey,
03:49 they extend the journey.
03:51 They over-doubled the miles that they do,
03:54 and they do between 2,700 and 3,000 miles
03:58 on the second missionary journey,
04:00 and this took place probably from AD 49 to 52
04:04 or it could be 50 to 52, 50 to 53- somewhere in there.
04:09 And if we hold up our little map again,
04:12 we have here... they departed from Antioch again,
04:14 the same place, but instead of taking the boat
04:17 to Cypress and going north, they took the land route
04:20 this way... they went up to Tarsus and they revisited
04:23 all the cities that they had ministered in before...
04:26 Lystra and Derbe and Iconium, and all of those.
04:28 Then they went over to Troas and they took a boat
04:31 because they received a call...
04:32 "Come over to Macedonia and help us."
04:35 They went over to Philippi, this is modern-day Greece
04:38 this section here and they went to Philippi
04:41 and Thessalonica and Berea, Corinth and Athens,
04:46 and that's our study today.
04:48 On this journey, instead of Paul and Barnabas,
04:50 it was Paul and Silas and Timothy joined them later.
04:54 And during the second missionary journey,
04:56 Paul also wrote the Books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians,
05:00 and maybe the Book of Galatians, we're not entirely sure
05:04 when that book was written.
05:05 Let's read our memory text and we'll go to the journey here,
05:09 We are in Acts 18:9-10 and we'll read it together,
05:14 and you can join us at home.
05:15 "Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, do not be silent
05:21 for I am with you and no one is going to attack and harm you
05:27 because I have many people in this city."
05:31 On Sunday, we look at back in Lystra.
05:34 Now last week we talked about the Jerusalem Council
05:37 in Acts 15 and the decision that the Gentiles did not have
05:42 to be circumcised in order to become Christians.
05:45 Circumcision was not necessary for salvation.
05:49 Just after that, we are in Acts 15:36...
05:54 "Then after some days, Paul said to Barnabas,
05:57 "Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every
06:01 city where we have preached the word of the Lord,
06:03 and see how they are doing."
06:06 You see, as you read the Book of Acts, and as you read
06:08 Paul's letters, his passion, his love for the people
06:12 the people that he ministered to.
06:15 "Now Barnabas was determined... notice that word, "determined,"
06:19 to take John Mark with him."
06:21 Verse 38... But Paul insisted that they should not take
06:26 with them the one who had departed from them in Pamphylia,
06:29 and had not gone with them to the work."
06:33 So they had a little disagreement or should
06:36 we say - a large disagreement over the situation.
06:40 Why did Paul not want John Mark to go?
06:42 Well he had "deserted them," in the midst of their first
06:46 missionary journey and I asked myself, Mr. Danny,
06:48 can I even blame Paul?
06:51 You know, would I want a coworker, would I want
06:54 a partner in the journey, in the ministry,
06:58 who didn't pull their weight?
07:00 Who didn't really step forward...
07:03 who, when things got tough, "I'm going home to mama,
07:06 I'm not gonna be here."
07:07 So Paul says, "I don't want anything to do with him,
07:11 I want somebody else."
07:12 And the contention was so sharp for in verse 39...
07:16 it became so sharp, that they parted one
07:20 from another - so they actually split up.
07:22 Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cypress,
07:24 but Paul chose Silas and departed being commended
07:28 by the brethren to the grace of the God."
07:31 So who was right in this situation?
07:34 Well, you could say, "Should one have
07:35 submitted to the other's authority?"
07:37 We know Barnabas initially was probably better known
07:40 and well-respected; he's the one who brought
07:43 Saul to the brethren in Jerusalem after his conversion.
07:47 But then by this point, you could probably say that
07:49 Paul has eclipsed Barnabas; he's better known;
07:52 he's beginning to write New Testament books;
07:55 he's a great preacher.
07:56 Are we called to ever give someone another chance?
08:00 I would say, "Absolutely!"
08:02 Barnabas chose to give John Mark another chance.
08:07 Later, this is a beautiful thing, many years later,
08:10 in 2 Timothy, this is the last letter that Paul wrote,
08:15 the last Epistle of Paul, 2 Timothy 4.
08:18 He's imprisoned and he is about ready to be killed...
08:21 And he says, "Get Mark and bring him with you,
08:25 for he is useful to me for ministry."
08:28 So that tells you that this sharp disagreement
08:31 was eventually reconciled, and that there was harmony
08:35 once again in their work.
08:36 So they departed on this second missionary journey.
08:40 Now before we get to Acts 16, and the first five verses
08:43 talk about Timothy joining the work...
08:45 These are my three take-aways from this
08:48 situation with John Mark...
08:49 #1... Our past mistakes don't always define our future.
08:55 Aren't you thankful that God can still use you?
08:58 I know I'm thankful He can use me even after
09:01 I messed up, after a make a mistake - God is still willing
09:05 to use me.
09:07 I think John Mark redeemed himself as it were,
09:09 he grew up - you could say.
09:11 He became a mature Christian.
09:13 #2... Our fractured relationship can be mended
09:19 and even restored.
09:21 God can heal your relationships in His time and in His way...
09:25 just like John Mark and Paul experienced the healing
09:28 in their relationship.
09:29 #3... And the third take-away I get from this is that
09:32 it is never too late to forgive someone who has hurt you.
09:37 It's never too late to reach out and say, "I'm sorry."
09:41 It's never too late to say, "Okay, I wanna do-over,
09:44 and can we heal this relationship?"
09:46 So let's look now at Acts 16:1-5...
09:50 This is Timothy joining the work.
09:53 "Then he came...this is Paul and Silas...
09:55 "They came to Derbe and Lystra ...remember they had been
09:59 at Derbe and Lystra... Lystra is where Paul had
10:02 been stoned and had been taken out of the city
10:05 and left for dead on the last missionary journey...
10:08 and behold a certain disciple was there, named Timothy,
10:11 the son of a certain Jewish woman who believed,
10:13 but his father was Greek.
10:16 He was well spoken of by the brethren who were at Lystra
10:19 and Iconium."
10:21 So Paul and Silas journey here, they met Timothy again.
10:26 We know from 2 Timothy 3:10-11, Paul's epistle there to Timothy,
10:31 that Timothy had witnessed Paul's suffering.
10:34 Timothy had been there, had been introduced to Paul
10:37 and Barnabas on the first missionary journey.
10:40 What is Timothy's heritage? His father was a Greek.
10:43 His mother and his grandmother were Jewish.
10:47 He had an excellent training, and probably tradition says
10:50 he was in his late teens when he met Paul,
10:54 and when he first began this journey with Paul
10:57 Now verse 3, to me, is very interesting in light of the
11:01 Jerusalem Council that we just studied last week.
11:04 Verse 3 says, "Paul wanted to have him meet Timothy,
11:07 go on with him."
11:09 Paul saw something in Timothy that he wanted.
11:11 He saw a young man who was on fire for God.
11:15 He saw a young man who had dedication and zeal,
11:18 and who would be passionate in helping him
11:20 support this work.
11:22 Paul wanted him to go and he took him and circumcised him,
11:26 remember his father was a Greek, so Timothy was not
11:29 circumcised yet.
11:30 He came and circumcised him because of the Jews who were
11:33 in that region, for they all knew that his father was Greek.
11:36 And as they went through the city, they delivered to
11:38 them the decrees to keep, which were determined by the
11:42 apostles and elders at Jerusalem."
11:44 So what was the decree that they were taking with them?
11:46 That would be the letter we read about in Acts 15
11:50 that James and the elders wrote saying that it is
11:53 not necessary to be circumcised in order to join the church.
11:57 and yet, Paul just asks, Timothy,
12:00 you need to be circumcised.
12:01 So, initially you can say, well why did he have to be
12:04 circumcised, if they're going out and delivering a letter
12:06 saying, "Circumcision is no longer necessary."
12:09 Well I believe, obviously, Paul understood...
12:13 It was not the requirement for salvation.
12:15 That is not why he had Timothy be circumcised.
12:18 It was to avoid prejudice among the Jews.
12:22 Some people still struggling with that.
12:24 And as an uncircumcised Jew, he would be forbidden to
12:28 enter the temple as well.
12:29 So they wanted to clear that up, so there would be no question
12:33 when Timothy went out.
12:35 Timothy is integral to the work
12:37 of Paul and Silas on their journey.
12:39 He is mentioned by name in Paul's letters more than
12:43 anyone else.
12:45 He is actually called an apostle.
12:47 In 1 Thessalonians 2:6, Timothy became one of the apostles.
12:51 He pastored the church in Ephesus and tradition says
12:56 that he was maybe martyred there around AD 97,
13:01 but he worked and he labored and he ministered.
13:04 He was, as it were, an ambassador,
13:06 a representative for Paul ministering to many
13:10 of the different churches.
13:12 So as we close here in my time, I want to look
13:14 at Timothy for just a moment...
13:16 The advantages that Timothy possessed because
13:19 of his godly heritage passed down to him
13:22 from his mother and grandmother.
13:25 We see the advantage of wise and careful early training.
13:30 Now you can come to Jesus no matter where you are
13:33 or you can be 100 and come to Jesus and He will
13:37 accept you just as you are.
13:40 At the same time, I think because of Timothy's
13:42 early training... and what does it say in 2 Timothy 3?
13:46 "From childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures."
13:49 So because of his early training, he was especially
13:52 equipped as a young man, a late teenager, early 20s,
13:57 to already take his place in the gospel work and to
14:01 be an effective worker for the Lord Jesus.
14:04 Now we see here, after this, they journeyed,
14:07 and they wanted to go a couple of different places,
14:10 and the Holy Spirit forbade them.
14:12 The Holy Spirit said, "No, don't go there."
14:15 And then Paul, this is Acts 16:9...
14:20 "Paul had a vision at night,
14:23 and a man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him
14:26 saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us.
14:30 Now after he had seen the vision, immediately
14:33 we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that
14:35 the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them."
14:39 What I like about this is Paul is sensitive to the leading
14:41 of the Holy Spirit.
14:43 When the Holy Spirit says, "Don't go to this region,"
14:45 he doesn't go, and then when he received his vision,
14:48 "Go over to Macedonia and help people," what happens?
14:50 Immediately, they got up, they went from Troas,
14:53 and took the journey over to Macedonia,
14:56 and that leads us to Philippi.
14:57 Okay, wow! All I can say is, next time put me before
15:03 Jill, not after her.
15:05 You had some great information, you do such a great job.
15:08 She has such a gift for teaching - thank you.
15:11 Well we're talking about "Mae-cedonia"/Macedonia,
15:14 however you want to pronounce it,
15:15 but Paul and his companions then traveled to Philippi,
15:18 and there, they established the first Christian
15:21 congregation in Europe, and I mean that's a big feat.
15:24 Okay, basically here on Monday, I'm going to be talking
15:28 through, it's Acts and you follow with me.
15:30 We're going to start with verse about 11
15:32 and go through maybe 30 some odd...
15:34 Now some of us know the stories, but I tried to
15:37 study this and just stick with it, but I seemed to get
15:39 sidetracked sometimes; my little mind brings up
15:42 some other thoughts, but what I want to talk
15:45 about here is that it says that Paul and those with him
15:49 decided they stopped at a riverside...
15:51 And it was on Sabbath and normally they would go
15:55 to the synagogue on the Sabbath, but this particular
15:57 time - maybe there wasn't a synagogue near,
16:00 but they met and there was some women who were
16:02 praying and they met with these and some were
16:04 Gentiles and some were Jews...
16:06 And so they went and met with them on Sabbath;
16:08 one of them was Lydia and Lydia had become a believer,
16:11 and Paul said, Hey, I should baptize you and your
16:15 whole house and basically he did and she said,
16:18 Well why don't you come over to our...
16:20 He's probably imaging Sabbath potluck, right?
16:24 We've just preached and been to the riverside...
16:26 hey, why don't you come over to my house and we'll feed
16:30 ya and we'll just have a great time and you can preach
16:32 to the rest of my household, this is gonna be a lot of fun.
16:36 So Paul said, "Great," well they were
16:38 going along and then guess what happens?
16:40 As they're traveling along, all of a sudden there's this
16:43 woman and this woman, she has the spirit of
16:46 divination... now I didn't really know what
16:48 divination was, so I decided to look it up to make sure...
16:52 But she had a spirit of divination which
16:55 her masters brought her.
16:57 This woman says here, I want you...
16:59 and she continued to follow Paul around and I think
17:03 she got on his nerves enough that he said,
17:05 "Okay, I'm going to handle this in a Spiritual way."
17:08 So guess what he did?
17:10 He told the demon to come out of her.
17:13 Well when that happened, that made
17:15 the folk very angry because that was their money.
17:17 She was their bread-winner.
17:20 So now, here's a woman that doesn't have the
17:22 spirit of divination.
17:24 I looked it up, it says, it's a Latin word, it
17:26 comes from "divinare," meaning to foresee or to be
17:30 inspired by a god... that's a little "g."
17:33 To practice divination is to uncover hidden knowledge
17:37 by supernatural means.
17:39 It also is associated with the occult.
17:41 It involves fortune-telling, soothsaying
17:44 as it used to be called.
17:45 For from the ancient times, people used divination
17:48 for a number of reasons; to gain knowledge
17:50 for the future, of course that's the way they can make money.
17:53 We have those today - people claiming... you can see them on
17:55 television - will tell your fortune.
17:58 The practice continues as those who claim supernatural
18:01 insight - read palms, tea leaves, what they call
18:04 tarot cards, star charts and many other things.
18:07 So that goes on, so Paul says, I'm going to have no
18:11 part in this, but the men said, "Okay, we've had
18:15 it, so somehow they were able to get him;
18:18 they took him into the city, into the marketplace,
18:21 and all of a sudden, they were able to get those
18:24 in charge to come... government leaders
18:26 to come and say, "You know what, we're going to put
18:28 these people in prison."
18:30 Now Paul, was going for potluck... he was going to have
18:33 a good time that day; felt like everything
18:36 was going to be going his way and now he finds
18:39 himself... so this time they don't want him out,
18:41 so they say, "Put him inside the prison as far as you can,
18:45 and they put stocks on his legs where he can't possibly,
18:49 Paul and Silas, they can't possibly get out of this thing.
18:52 Well now, you say, here's a guy, he's just had a rough
18:56 day, Sabbath is over, it's beginning the first day
18:59 of the week and on Sunday, but at midnight
19:03 what are they doing... instead of crying, screaming,
19:06 and begging and pleading and saying "Woe is me,
19:10 if I didn't have any bad luck, I'd have no luck at all."
19:12 They didn't do anything like that!
19:14 It says they were singing, and praising.
19:17 Praising God at midnight.
19:19 Now I don't think it's an accident and hopefully
19:22 you don't either, that right at that time,
19:25 all of a sudden there was this big earthquake...
19:27 So the earthquake comes and it's so big of an earthquake,
19:32 it had to be God-ordained of course, that it loosened,
19:35 not only opened the cells, but it loosened the binds
19:39 on them, I mean - that must have been some earthquake!
19:41 Probably off of the Richter scale, but then they
19:45 saw the jailer, and guess what he did?
19:47 He grabbed his sword and said, he's getting ready to
19:51 kill himself because he knew, let these prisoners out,
19:54 I'm dead... so they said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa...
19:56 Paul and Silas, don't do that;
19:58 you don't do that, we're still here."
20:00 Now this man couldn't imagine,
20:02 they were set free, and they didn't take off.
20:04 First of all, he had been listening to them
20:06 all evening, praying and singing praising the Lord.
20:10 So he was so amazed by that, that he actually said to them,
20:14 "You know what? I need what you have.
20:17 How can I be saved?" And what did they say?
20:20 "Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
20:23 then thou shalt be saved." That's right.
20:25 And in a short time, he took them, Paul and Silas,
20:29 to his home; they preached to the rest of his household,
20:32 and it says that they all were baptized.
20:34 Isn't that amazing - when God shows up, things happen! Amen!
20:38 Through His people, that's the amazing thing,
20:41 the love of God - that He could love us enough to even use us
20:44 as frail, human agents to take the gospel to the world.
20:48 So it wasn't Paul, we know that earlier in his
20:50 life, he was the persecutor, now he became persecuted,
20:54 but the blessing of God... I've always said this,
20:57 is on the go, "Go ye into all the world."
21:00 But I want to say something about baptism,
21:03 and this may be a little controversial,
21:05 I don't want to be too much so, so I'm going to stick
21:07 with the Bible, but we should realize that we're baptized
21:10 into Jesus Christ. Amen!
21:12 We are not baptized into a church, if you will.
21:15 A lot of folks will say, "I was baptized into the
21:18 church," you know, such and such date."
21:21 When we accept Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus
21:27 Christ and thou shalt be saved,"
21:29 I have to take that at exactly what it says.
21:32 There are numerous Scriptures, Mark 16:16, Acts 22:16,
21:36 Galatians 3:17, Luke 3:16 and 21-30, Acts 8:36-38.
21:44 My point is here without trying to get too off-track
21:47 that we're baptized into Jesus Christ - that means we accept,
21:53 we believe, we want to do like Jesus when He was dead,
21:57 buried and resurrected, we're doing that in the
21:59 physical in water baptism.
22:02 Then we come out a new creature, but sometimes
22:06 we put so much emphasis being baptized in the church.
22:09 Now, does that mean that we don't need to worry about
22:11 doctrine and we don't need instruction?
22:13 Absolutely, we do and I don't believe that people
22:17 should be admitted into a church, a local church,
22:22 if and why would they want to be
22:24 if you don't believe what's being taught.
22:26 Let's say, for instance, there are people who say,
22:29 "Well I think it's okay to smoke and drink."
22:31 Well you know what? Join another church
22:33 because there are many of the churches whose pastors
22:35 smoke and drink or priests smoke and drink.
22:38 So I would say - join a church like that,
22:40 but I would like to just hear our people
22:43 understand that we're baptized into Jesus Christ,
22:46 and, yes, then we should be entered into church fellowship,
22:51 but it's not mandatory because the way the Bible says it
22:54 to me and if I'm mistaken, you all could tell me,
22:57 we're baptized into Jesus Christ, then we want to
23:01 join a church; that's where we get together;
23:03 that's where we begin to study and thank God for the
23:06 layman and the pastors and those helping us
23:09 because once you join a church, now you're part of a
23:12 family who are continually
23:15 working together to learn more and to evangelize to the world.
23:18 Then I want to say one other little point...
23:21 And, I hope I didn't mess that one up too bad,
23:23 but another little point was this...
23:24 On the Sabbath, when we started out, it says Paul and Silas
23:29 went to the river on the Sabbath,
23:31 there was no synagogue there.
23:32 This is interesting to me and people don't seem to realize it,
23:36 that 60 to 70 years after the crucifixion and resurrection
23:43 of Christ, these apostles and the new Apostolic Church,
23:49 they weren't going to church on Sunday because
23:51 of the resurrection of Christ, what day were they going
23:54 worshipping? Sabbath! Over and over and over...
23:56 Sabbath Scriptures: Acts 13, 14:42, 44;
24:02 Acts 17:1-2; Acts 18:4... I can go on, my time is
24:07 running out, but 60 to 70 to 80 years after the crucifixion
24:13 of Christ, the new church, everybody,
24:16 kept the seventh-day Sabbath. Amen! Amen!
24:18 No one said, "Oh well, because Christ died, I think now
24:23 we'll go to church on Sunday."
24:26 No, they didn't. As their custom was,
24:28 just as when it talks about Jesus...
24:30 so to me, it's very important for those of you watching
24:32 and listening today, let's do what Jesus did...
24:35 and that is to go to church on His Holy Sabbath Day.
24:40 And I just think it's such a blessing to study
24:43 and see what these people did because we need the fire,
24:46 we need what they had in the Book of Acts,
24:48 and that may be a newfound experience with the Holy Spirit.
24:53 Say "Lord, accept me just as I am, fill me with
24:56 the anointing of Your Holy Spirit,"
24:58 when you do that, God will bless you
25:00 abundantly and exceedingly more than
25:02 you could ever ask or think. Amen!
25:04 Well Amen and Amen!
25:06 You know, I get to continue with this study
25:09 with Paul and Silas.
25:12 Paul and Silas were in Philippi.
25:14 You know, they didn't even have a synagogue there,
25:17 and they still got in trouble.
25:19 But what happened to Paul and Silas?
25:21 They got put in jail, did they not?
25:23 They got put in jail because they interfered with the
25:28 lady that had the demonic spirit and so in casting
25:32 that demonic spirit out, they no longer had their
25:36 source of income, but, boy, Paul and Silas
25:38 got persecuted a lot and now that's
25:41 what we're going to look at.
25:42 I get to look at Tuesday which is "Thessalonica and Berea."
25:46 So when Paul and Silas were released from prison,
25:50 they left Philippi, they and their companions
25:54 and they went to Thessalonica
25:56 which is the capitol of Macedonia.
25:58 now did we read earlier where they had this Macedonian call,
26:02 did they not? Where in vision, God told
26:04 them to go to Macedonia.
26:06 Now you would think, if God gave you the vision
26:08 and you're being obedient to Him,
26:10 that nothing bad is going to happen to you.
26:12 Well let's look at this... Okay, I'm going to start
26:14 in Acts 17:1-4...
26:17 "Now when they had passed through Amphipolis...
26:22 and if anybody wants to pronounce these words
26:24 better, you go right ahead... and Apollonia,
26:28 they came to Thessalonica where there was a
26:31 Synagogue of the Jews."
26:33 Now, then it says, "Then Paul, as his custom was,
26:37 went into them and for three Sabbaths, reasoned
26:42 with them from the Scriptures."
26:43 Now when it says that Paul reasoned with them
26:47 from the Scriptures, what Scriptures are we
26:49 talking about? Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
26:52 No! They weren't even written yet.
26:54 This is from the Old Testament and look what
26:57 they were expounding... what Paul was expounding from
27:00 the Old Testament explaining and demonstrating
27:03 that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead
27:07 and saying, "This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.
27:11 And some of them were persuaded;
27:13 and a great multitude of the devout Greeks;
27:17 and not a few of the leading women joined Paul and Silas."
27:21 Paul and Silas were having a very successful
27:25 evangelistic campaign.
27:27 God was blessing and great multitudes joined them.
27:31 That they joined them... seems to indicate
27:34 they formed a separate group and met apart from the synagogue,
27:37 possibly at Jason's house.
27:39 Now God is blessing, look at Acts 17:5...
27:44 "But the Jews who were not persuaded became...
27:49 what's that next word? Envious.
27:52 Now Jill, I'm going to quote this from the
27:54 New King James Version, but I want you to quote it
27:56 in the King James... I'm still a King James
27:58 Version girl, I'm sorry.
28:00 But from the New King James...
28:01 "For where envy and self-seeking exists, confusion
28:07 and every evil thing are there."
28:09 Now... "For where envying and
28:11 strife is, there is confusion and every evil work."
28:14 Every evil work, so they became envious.
28:18 What is envious? They had envy.
28:22 And where there is envying and striving,
28:24 there is EVERY evil work.
28:26 They took some of the evil men...
28:28 now this is what they did here in Thessalonica...
28:31 They took some of the evil men from the marketplace...
28:33 Now who is it that took them?
28:35 This is the Jewish rulers, the Jewish leaders.
28:38 They're the ones that were envious.
28:41 "... From the marketplace and gathered a mob,
28:43 set all the city in an uproar and attacked the house
28:47 of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people.
28:49 Now they were seeking to bring Paul and Silas out,
28:52 Paul and Silas weren't there.
28:54 But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason...
28:58 poor Jason, he was just a young convert...
29:00 and some brethren to the rulers of the city,
29:03 crying out, "These who have turned the world
29:05 upside-down, have come here too.
29:08 ... Jason has harbored them and these are all acting
29:12 contrary to the decrees of Caesar saying,
29:15 "There is another king - Jesus.
29:18 And they troubled the crowd and the rulers of the city
29:21 when they heard these things.
29:23 So when they had taken security from Jason
29:27 and the rest, they let them go."
29:28 So now, Paul and Silas aren't there.
29:31 Look in verse 10...
29:35 "Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas
29:38 away by night to Berea."
29:40 And I got to thinking... See, the rulers and the mob
29:46 didn't actually get to Paul and Silas. Why?
29:48 Because the brethren were protecting them.
29:51 It says the brethren took them and sent them to Berea.
29:56 Now why would they do this?
29:57 This is Paul's second missionary journey,
30:00 and I know we've studied that first
30:03 missionary journey, but let me just give a little recap to it.
30:06 The first missionary journey that Paul went on...
30:10 He was in Antioch - what happened to him in Antioch?
30:14 He got run off.
30:16 The crowd rose up against him and ran him out
30:20 of the city in Antioch.
30:24 Ran him down into Iconium.
30:26 Now what happened to him at Iconium?
30:28 The crowd rose, the people came down,
30:32 stirred up the crowd again and poor Paul got run off again.
30:37 Well now, he goes from Iconium to Lystra.
30:41 Do you know what? He's having great success
30:43 in Lystra, is he not? What happens?
30:46 The people that stirred up the crowds came down to
30:51 Lystra, stirred up the crowds there and you know what
30:54 they did to poor Paul?
30:56 They stoned him to the point to where they thought
30:58 he was dead and they left him.
31:01 So everywhere Paul goes, he... you know, I think
31:06 I could get a complex if I were Paul.
31:08 But here he is, on his second missionary journey,
31:11 and the first place he goes, he gets put in jail.
31:15 Well then he goes to Thessalonica
31:17 and if he doesn't get run off again!
31:20 But this time, the brethren take him by night
31:24 and send him to Berea.
31:25 So now we've got him at Berea.
31:27 Let's see what happens there. Verse 10...
31:30 "When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews."
31:34 So Paul, as was his custom, anytime he arrived
31:39 in a new city and there was a synagogue,
31:41 he went to the synagogue of the Jews because
31:46 he always felt he needed to bring this gospel message
31:50 to the Jewish brethren first.
31:53 And verse 11... "These were more fair-minded
31:57 than those in Thessalonica in that they received the
32:02 word with all readiness and searched the Scriptures daily
32:06 to find out whether things were so.
32:09 Therefore many of them believed, and also
32:11 not a few of the Greeks, prominent women as well as men.
32:16 Now, they used the term "fair-minded" in verse 11.
32:20 It's the word "eugenes" which means wellborn,
32:27 are of noble birth.
32:30 These Jews from Berea are praised - not simply because
32:34 they agreed with Paul and Silas,
32:36 but because of their willingness to search
32:39 the Scriptures daily to find out for themselves
32:42 whether these things were true."
32:44 Now this is a statement that was in our Quarterly,
32:47 and I like this statement.
32:48 The statement is: "An emotional response to
32:52 the gospel without the necessary intellectual
32:56 conviction - that means knowledge of God's word,
32:59 tends to be superficial and short-lived,
33:02 and that reminded me of the seed that was sown by
33:06 the sower in Mark 4:5-6, let me read that to you...
33:11 That's Mark 4:5-6... "Some fell on rocky places
33:16 where it did not have much soil.
33:17 It sprang up quickly because the soil was shallow,
33:20 but when the sun came up, the plants were scorched
33:23 and they withered. Why?
33:25 Because they had no root.
33:26 How do we develop our roots?
33:28 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
33:32 Oh these Bereans, they didn't just take what Paul
33:36 and Silas said, they searched the Scriptures for themselves.
33:39 You know what they were doing?
33:40 They were putting down roots.
33:42 So that when persecution arises, you've got your roots
33:46 firmly established. Amen!
33:49 Okay, let me continue... Verses 13-15
33:52 "And when the Jews from Thessalonica learned
33:55 that the word of God was preached,
33:57 by Paul at Berea, guess what they did?
33:58 They came down there and stirred up the crowds.
34:01 Then immediately the brethren sent Paul away to go to the sea,
34:06 but both Silas and Timothy remained there,
34:09 so those who conducted Paul, brought him to Athens."
34:13 So now we have seen Paul go from Philippi to
34:17 Thessalonica, to Berea and now he's going to Athens,
34:20 and Danny, tell us what the great commission is.
34:23 Well, Jesus says in Matthew 28:18-20...
34:26 "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations
34:29 baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son,
34:32 and the Holy Spirit, teaching them
34:33 to observe SOME of the things... ALL things,
34:36 I'm sorry, ALL of the things."
34:37 So with Paul doing this, he was fulfilling this
34:39 great commission, but just in case he were
34:42 to happen to think he could get settled in somewhere,
34:45 there's a thing called... let me just give you the
34:48 definition: Diaspora or dispersion - That's to sow
34:53 throughout or to distribute in foreign lands
34:56 or scatter abroad.
34:57 Paul went in the first missionary journey
35:01 to all of those cities; every time he'd get thrown out,
35:03 he had to go to another city. What did he do?
35:06 He developed a church there as well, and he developed
35:10 followers and believers.
35:11 So this is what has happened here in the second
35:13 missionary journey... Oh C.A., I'm out of time!
35:16 But just think about this, every time Paul got displaced,
35:20 he just - he bloomed where he was planted!
35:23 C.A., your turn. Amen. Praise the Lord!
35:26 Good! Amen!
35:27 On Wednesday, we look at Paul and now he goes to
35:30 Athens and I'm reading from Acts 17:15-22...
35:33 We will move through this fairly quickly.
35:37 So those who conducted Paul brought him to Athens,
35:40 and receiving a command for Silas and Timothy to come
35:45 to him with all speed, they departed."
35:47 I'm in verse 16... "Now while Paul waited
35:50 for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked
35:52 within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols.
35:56 Therefore he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews
36:00 and with the Gentile worshippers and in the
36:03 marketplace with those who happened to be there."
36:07 And let me go a little further. "Then certain Epicurean
36:11 and Stoic philosophers encountered him and some
36:14 said, "What does this babbler want to say?"
36:17 Others said, "He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign gods,"
36:21 because he preached to them Jesus and the resurrection."
36:26 Verse 19... "And they took him and brought him to the Areopagus
36:29 saying, "May we know what this new doctrine
36:32 is of which you speak?"
36:34 Verse 20... "For you are bringing some
36:37 strange things to our ears.
36:39 Therefore we want to know what these things mean."
36:43 Verse 21... "For all the Athenians and the
36:44 foreigners who were there spent their time
36:46 in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing."
36:54 By the time Paul got to Athens, he had developed a fairly
36:59 well-informed methodology in most of the cities that he went.
37:03 Go to the synagogue, start there, get a read for what's
37:07 going on in that city and then sort of moved out from there,
37:09 but when he got to Athens, he changed
37:13 his methodology somewhat, in fact, not somewhat radically.
37:17 Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:19 says that...
37:23 "I'm the servant of all, I have become all
37:25 things to all people."
37:26 Now we must be careful with that because we know it
37:30 doesn't mean CHANGING what you believe
37:33 to accommodate someone else,
37:35 or changing how you behave, we know that is
37:38 so because last week we saw that little fracas between
37:42 Paul and Peter, so we know he's not talking
37:44 about changing their belief systems.
37:46 What he is saying is.. sometimes you have to
37:49 accommodate the gospel to meet the ears of those that
37:53 you're trying to win.
37:54 The gospel is not "one size fits all."
37:56 You have to look at your audience, find out how
37:59 to approach... and Christ did this.
38:01 Christ talked to Nicodemus differently than He
38:03 did the woman at Samaria.
38:04 He talked to Mary different than He spoke to Martha,
38:06 so He's adjusting the gospel presentation so it meets the
38:11 needs of those individuals that you're trying to reach,
38:14 and this is what Paul is trying to do here.
38:16 Athens was one of those places that Paul
38:18 changed his methodology.
38:20 Of course, when you think of Greek culture,
38:22 they worship a well-developed pantheon of gods,
38:27 more than almost any other city he went to
38:30 or any other country he went to.
38:32 The Greek culture was full of gods!
38:36 There was literature that talked about the gods.
38:39 Idolatry was well-entrenched and it was buttressed by
38:43 a philosophy that truly informed to determine
38:48 everything they did; their society was determined
38:51 by the gods; sociology, how they made war;
38:53 how they worshipped.
38:55 You know, this thing about Grecian ideology,
38:58 it was highly, highly developed and there was
39:01 literature to support this.
39:02 So this was a brand new territory and the gospel
39:06 had not gone to anyplace quite
39:08 as sophisticated as Athens before.
39:11 You got the Odyssey and the Iliad, the works of "Homer,
39:14 Plato, Aristotle, Socrates," plays,
39:18 different kinds of things, so this was a very high
39:21 culture - it was a pagan culture to be sure,
39:23 but it was a very high culture and the gods were very
39:27 much entrenched into their society.
39:30 So Paul now is so distressed because he is seeing
39:32 statues and gods every place, that he's changing his
39:35 methodology because he had to get out of the synagogue
39:38 and into the streets, and begin to address some
39:41 of this stuff because he's... I don't think he has ever
39:43 seen a place like this before... that's so "idol-heavy
39:47 and idol-dominated."
39:49 So when he spoke at the Areopagus, he didn't quote
39:54 Scriptures or go through the classic Jewish history
39:57 like he did in other places because this would have made
40:00 no sense to them.
40:01 They didn't have that history,
40:03 and they didn't have that understanding.
40:05 So he spoke in a way that would resonate with the
40:08 high functioning, sophisticated...
40:10 The Sabbath School Lesson calls them "cultured pagans."
40:14 These are not people running around
40:15 in loincloths and bear skins.
40:16 No, these are cultured people with the high society.
40:21 Much of what Paul communicated could not be comprehended
40:26 by the Grecian society because of their god-consciousness,
40:30 and their understanding of metaphysics,
40:32 and things spiritual.
40:34 So there was no way that they could accept
40:37 this idea of an imminent god, this idea of a close god
40:42 who loved you and cared about you and was concerned
40:46 about every aspect of your life.
40:48 For them, the gods were distant and not really caring,
40:53 kind of capricious - the idea of monotheism was certainly
40:58 alien to them.
40:59 When you think about the pantheon of Greek gods,
41:02 they were astonishingly human, you know, in the way
41:06 that they interfaced with mankind.
41:09 They were angry, they were petty, they were vindictive,
41:12 they were vengeful, they were spiteful, they were
41:17 appeasement-needy.
41:19 They seemed to possess the worst characteristics
41:22 of human nature.
41:24 So that's the kind of gods they were used to dealing with.
41:26 The idea of a one-god who was loving and cares and is
41:30 imminent and wants to be a part of your life - is totally,
41:33 totally alien to their thinking.
41:35 You had Aries, Poseidon, Apollo, Hermes, Zeus, Hades and
41:40 all these different gods mixed with mythological literature,
41:45 and a lot of this was adopted by the Romans.
41:48 They changed the names, but the same gods,
41:50 and the same mindset.
41:51 So let's look at 1 Corinthians 1:23...
41:57 1 Corinthians 1 and I'm in verse 23...
42:12 "But we preach Christ crucified,
42:15 to the Jews a stumbling block,
42:18 and to the Greeks foolishness."
42:21 So the Jews can't get over the fact that we are saved
42:25 by grace through faith.
42:26 They're just tripping on that, it's a stumbling block, Shelley,
42:29 it just makes no sense to a people who we talked about
42:34 last week, Mollie, were really impressed by the temple
42:38 and worshipped in the temple, by study of the law...
42:42 You know, in Jerusalem alone, you got 6,000 Pharisees,
42:45 you only got about 35,000 people in the whole city,
42:47 and 6,000 are Pharisees, you know, studiers of the law.
42:50 And the other thing is good works...
42:52 so when you've got this background in your mind,
42:55 the idea that "I just need to come and confess Christ,
42:59 and surrender my life to Him is a stumbling block, that's rough!
43:03 And we see this - that most of the... what's a word I can use,
43:08 most of the energy to try to destroy the new work,
43:12 if not most, certainly much of it was coming from the
43:15 Jewish community - they just weren't ready for it.
43:18 And we saw this with Stephen, we saw it with Peter,
43:21 we saw it with many disciples...
43:23 "When I cannot silence you, I want to kill you." Right.
43:26 That's demonic - that's more than just we have a different
43:29 idea on how to serve God.
43:31 That's the devil superimposing himself into the life of
43:34 those who do not want to serve Christ.
43:37 So - I want to kill... so Paul's life is
43:39 threatened many, many times.
43:40 He is stoned and left for dead.
43:43 Now we want him to die... so many, many times,
43:45 we see this - so for the Jews,
43:48 it's a stumbling block, they can't get over it.
43:50 For the Greeks, makes no sense, it's just foolishness.
43:55 How can you have a God that loves you?
43:57 Our gods, we have to appease them;
43:59 we've got to live certain kinds of ways;
44:02 you gotta do certain kinds of things...
44:03 and when the gods get good and ready, they just dump us,
44:05 you know, that's the kind of god they have.
44:08 And now Paul is preaching this God, this loving God
44:11 ... foolishness! We just don't see it.
44:16 You know, I'm so glad that God's word does not
44:19 return unto Him void. Amen! Amen!
44:20 You know, when you preach the word,
44:22 somebody is gonna get saved!
44:23 Somebody's heart is going to be touched, you know,
44:26 it's gonna go out and it's going to capture
44:28 some heart and come back.
44:29 Now Paul had troubles and trials in EVERY city, but praise God,
44:34 he had success in EVERY city. Yes
44:37 There were men and women who gave their hearts to the Lord,
44:40 and the reason that his second journey, Shelley, took so
44:42 much longer than the first journey is because he had
44:44 to go back and visit those churches again that had
44:47 been started from that first journey.
44:49 So he did the first work and then he did EXTRA work,
44:51 and it shows that God was blessing.
44:54 And He blessed in Athens, it wasn't maybe the
44:57 biggest evangelistic crusade he ever had,
44:59 but he did sow some seeds for the gospel and Athens
45:02 has to be considered a success because Dionysius
45:05 a member of the council and Damaris, a woman of stature,
45:10 both came to the gospel; both came to Christ
45:14 through the preaching of Paul.
45:15 Amen and Amen! Thank you C.A.
45:17 Now he's going to go from Athens to Corinth,
45:21 and if you think Athens was interesting,
45:24 I'm sure that his hair was up on the back of his neck
45:28 when he reached Corinth. Amen!
45:30 We'll be looking in Acts 18 and we will get through
45:33 as many of the first 19 Scriptures as possible.
45:36 Verse 1 says... "After these things, Paul
45:39 departed from Athens and he went to Corinth."
45:42 Now Corinth was a very important metropolitan center
45:46 area - it had two harbors.
45:48 And at the time of Paul's day, the population was about
45:53 700,000, two-thirds of whom were slaves.
45:56 But this was the center of trade for the Mediterranean Sea,
46:01 and it was a cultural and political and commercial
46:05 center, if you will, of Greece - more important
46:08 than Athens even.
46:10 And on the hill, just behind the City of Corinth,
46:16 it was a flat-topped hill and they had a temple to the
46:22 goddess of love and war and her name was "Aphrodite."
46:29 Now this is interesting...
46:31 The way in which they worshipped Aphrodite
46:36 they gave of their finances, but there were 1,000 temple
46:44 prostitutes, men and women and the worship was to
46:50 engage in sexual activities with these prostitutes.
46:53 That is how they worshipped Aphrodite and when you
46:58 think about this, the city's walls were just
47:03 the scandal of the ancient times.
47:06 In the Greek language, they actually made
47:10 a verb out of the name, they called it...
47:14 "to corinthianize" and that meant to practice whoredom.
47:18 So that's how bad Corinth was.
47:21 Paul comes in to Corinth and what a challenge!
47:25 Only God could overthrow this!
47:28 But the interesting thing...
47:31 when you read First and Second Corinthians,
47:33 these were written to the church that's going to be
47:36 established at Corinth and he's overcoming their various
47:40 problems and you can see why when you look at the
47:42 history of the city... why they had all of these problems,
47:46 these Pagan worshippers who he converted.
47:48 But then on his next missionary journey,
47:51 on the third missionary journey,
47:52 Paul writes the letter to the Romans,
47:56 my favorite book in the Bible, from Corinth.
47:59 Okay, verse 2... "He found a certain Jew
48:02 named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from
48:06 Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded
48:09 that all the Jews should depart from Rome...
48:14 we see the historians are saying that this deportation,
48:18 when Claudius sent them out, was because of disturbances
48:22 in the Jewish community that had to do with Jesus,
48:27 where they were out preaching Jesus.
48:29 So most likely Aquila and Priscilla were already
48:33 Christians.
48:34 It says, he came to them, so because he was of the
48:38 same trade, he stayed with them and worked,
48:41 for by occupation, they were tentmakers.
48:44 So we don't see any evidence that Paul preached to them
48:48 to convert them, so we're just assuming that they were
48:50 already Christians and they become his lifelong friends.
48:54 He takes them back when he makes his return trip
48:58 to Antioch - he takes them with him.
49:00 He leaves them in Ephesians and they open up their
49:04 home as a house-church in Ephesus...
49:07 I said he leaves them in Ephesians,
49:09 he leaves them in Ephesus and then years later,
49:12 when they move back to Rome, they open up their home again
49:15 for a house-church and Paul even says that they
49:19 saved his neck.
49:20 You know, so they were very devoted friends of his,
49:24 but the interesting thing about Priscilla and Aquila is that
49:28 they're always mentioned together as a couple.
49:30 They had a very effective ministry as a couple,
49:35 and you know that Paul had shared the benefit of
49:39 his great knowledge with them because when they found
49:44 Apollos, who was a very articulate teacher
49:47 of the way through Jesus, he knew not enough
49:52 so what did they do?
49:54 They quietly bring him inside and they bring him up-to-date.
49:57 But I want to make this one point...
50:00 Priscilla and Aquila practiced the gift of hospitality.
50:04 Did you know that your home can be an incredible
50:08 evangelistic tool in the hands of the Lord,
50:11 and that's what they did!
50:12 Okay, so Acts 18:4... "He reasoned in the synagogue
50:18 every Sabbath and persuaded both Jews and Greeks,
50:21 and when Silas and Timothy had come from Macedonia,
50:25 Paul was compelled by the Spirit and testified to the Jews
50:30 that Jesus is the Christ."
50:32 So Silas and Timothy, they arrived from Macedonia
50:36 with the financial support from the churches that allows
50:40 Paul to go into full-time ministry preaching
50:43 without having to work.
50:44 You know, that's something that was interesting about Paul,
50:47 his policy always was that he supported himself
50:50 in these ministries as he is reaching out,
50:54 BUT, what did he teach in 1 Corinthians 9:14...
50:58 He said, "Those who preach the
51:00 gospel, should live from the gospel."
51:02 So he wasn't setting an example, it was just
51:06 an area in which he took personal pride that
51:09 he would support himself.
51:10 Verse 6... "But when they opposed him,
51:13 and they blasphemed him... this is when he's
51:16 in the synagogue... he shook his garments
51:20 and said to them, "Your blood be upon your own heads,
51:23 I am clean. From now on, I will go
51:26 to the Gentiles," and as you said,
51:27 Paul's practice was always, as a Jew and his responsibility
51:33 to his countrymen, to his nationality.
51:36 He always went to the synagogues first, but then if they
51:39 rejected him, he'd turn and go to the Gentiles and here he
51:44 does something very Jewish...
51:49 He shakes his clothes out saying, "I'm free of your
51:53 blood, it's on your own head," because what
51:56 he's saying to them is ultimately they are their
52:00 own judges - it is their rejection of Christ
52:05 is what brings upon them the judgment.
52:08 But even though he says, "I'm going to go to the Gentiles
52:11 from now on," we know that he continues to return
52:14 to the Jewish synagogues.
52:16 Okay, verse 7, Acts 18... "He departed from there
52:20 and entered the house of a certain man named Justus,
52:22 one who worshipped God, whose house was
52:25 next door to the synagogue.
52:26 Then Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord
52:31 with all of his household. And many of the Corinthians
52:34 hearing, believed and were baptized."
52:38 Don't you know that this was a tremendous defeat for
52:42 the Jews when the ruler of the synagogue and his whole
52:45 household became Christians, but it must have really
52:49 given Paul an incentive to continue his mission there.
52:53 And despite the strong Jewish opposition to Paul's meetings,
52:58 we see that there's Jews that are believing, some Gentiles
53:01 are believing, but MANY of the Corinthians, these pagan
53:05 people believed and were baptized.
53:08 But still, there was a very intense struggle between
53:13 Paul and the Jews, and surely he must have
53:15 felt like, "Hey, I need to get outta here."
53:18 But God then speaks to him...
53:20 Acts 18:9, this is so precious.
53:23 He says, "Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a
53:26 vision." And this is what God said, He said, "Do not be
53:30 afraid, but speak and do not keep silent; for I am with you
53:34 and no one will attack or hurt you; for I have many
53:37 people in this city."
53:39 God was promising His protection, but why?
53:42 Because He knew there were many people in the city
53:45 of Corinth who, once they heard, they would accept the gospel
53:49 and be baptized.
53:51 So He is promising Paul many conversions in Corinth.
53:55 And then it goes on to say that he stays there for 18 months,
54:03 and then we've got a Jew that rises up and says,
54:07 "Hey, he's trying to persuade people to worship
54:12 God, you know, contrary to the law of God."
54:15 And they seized him and they take him before Gallio...
54:20 And it says, "When Paul was about to open his mouth,
54:23 Gallio said to the Jews, "If this were a matter of
54:26 wrong-doing or wicked crimes, O Jews, there would be reason
54:29 why I should bear with you, but if it's a question of words
54:32 and names of your own law, look to it yourselves,
54:35 for I don't want to be a judge of such matters."
54:38 And he drove them away from the judgment seat."
54:41 So God kept His promise, that He would protect him.
54:44 And then it says, "All the Greeks took Sosthenes,
54:48 the ruler of the synagogue, they beat him before the
54:51 judgment seat, but Gallio took no notice of this."
54:55 Then Paul takes Priscilla and Aquila on his return trip
54:59 to Antioch, leaves them in Ephesus and there they had
55:04 such a positive response in that he promised the people
55:08 he would return if it were the will of God.
55:11 Thank you so much Shelley, what an incredible study to
55:14 hear each one of you share the explosion, as it were,
55:18 of Christianity, the spread of Christianity as Paul made
55:21 the second missionary journey.
55:23 And I want to give each one of you a moment to
55:25 share a little bit more from your day.
55:27 Mr. Danny... Acts 16:31: "Believe on the Lord
55:30 Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Amen!
55:33 Then #2, "Be baptized into the Lord Jesus Christ."
55:37 #3... "Join the remnant church.
55:40 You want to be among people who have truth.
55:43 Once you join that... Now Jesus says something
55:47 very specific and individually...
55:49 "Go ye into all the world," that's every one of you.
55:52 We all are ye's... Your own personal testimony
55:56 is your greatest asset that you have - don't hide it under
56:00 a bush - let it go to the entire world.
56:04 And, Danny, on top of that, you've got them in the local
56:07 church, you've got them studying God's word,
56:09 you've got to get a good root system,
56:11 and how does that root system come?
56:12 "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
56:15 So let us drive you into God's word where that word will
56:19 fill you to overflowing and you will have a
56:21 strong confidence in our Lord and Savior. Amen! Amen! Amen!
56:25 So once you have filled yourself with the Spirit,
56:27 realize there is a science to salvation.
56:30 There is a methodology, find out what the people
56:33 know, what they're doing and then give them the gospel
56:36 in a way that is acceptable to them and you will find
56:39 that the word of God will convert souls and change lives.
56:42 Amen! Amen! Amen! I'd say Acts 18:9...
56:45 "Do not be afraid, speak, do not keep silent, for I am with you."
56:51 And I think that's what the Lord wants us to do,
56:54 is to speak out and as you said, " Share a testimony."
56:57 Amen! Thank you Shelley, Pastor C.A., Mollie and Danny
57:00 for sharing from your heart and from the word of God.
57:03 I want to leave you at home with a closing Scripture...
57:05 We've been studying about the persecution that took place
57:08 as a result of Paul's evangelistic ministry.
57:11 Romans 8:35... "Who shall separate us
57:14 from the love of Christ? Amen!
57:15 Shall tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine,
57:18 or nakedness, or peril or a sword?"
57:20 No in all these things.
57:22 You at home, us here, can be more than conquerors
57:25 through Jesus Christ who loves us.
57:27 We'll see you next week. Bye, bye.


Revised 2024-08-06