3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Paul’S First Missionary Journey

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180033A

00:29 The pleasure is mine once again to welcome you
00:33 to the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 This is our weekly gathering together to study the
00:39 word of God and to search into the things of the Lord...
00:43 and we are so happy that you have joined us
00:45 on this very day.
00:47 I'm going to go right into the introduction of
00:49 my fellow travelers and fellow students of the word...
00:52 Jill Morikone, Mollie Steenson, Pastor Kenny Shelton,
00:55 and Shelley Quinn - good to have you all here.
00:58 We've been having a wonderful time because we've been
01:02 looking at the Lord's work in the early Nascent days of the
01:07 church, of the Christian era and we've seen how
01:10 the men and women filled with the Spirit of God
01:13 and with power went forth doing mighty, mighty
01:16 works for the Lord.
01:18 We have been assured that in these last days
01:20 those same things - mighty works will be repeated
01:22 as we come closer and closer to the second coming
01:25 of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
01:27 So we've been having fun!
01:28 We've enjoyed listening to each other;
01:31 fellowshipping with each other;
01:33 and hearing what the Lord has done and is doing,
01:36 and, indeed, will do before we see Christ face-to-face.
01:39 Now, should you want to join us in a more systematic
01:42 way, there are two ways that you can do that...
01:44 First, you can go to your computer,
01:46 fire that computer up and go to "Adult Bible Study Guide,"
01:50 ABSG.Adventist.org
01:56 and you can download your study,
01:58 and that makes it nice because it allows you to sort of
02:00 go with us - you can make notes - I like to have a
02:02 pen and paper in front of me and you can open up your
02:05 computer and sort of add some things and you can study
02:08 right along with us at home.
02:10 The preferred way for me is for you to make your way
02:14 down to the local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
02:16 should one be close to you, introduce yourself to the
02:19 saints there and request an "Adult Bible Study Guide,"
02:23 and tell them 3ABN sent you, let them know,
02:25 and then spend a little time with them.
02:27 They will be more than happy to study with you.
02:29 You will find that the Seventh- day Adventist people are
02:32 wonderful people, loving people and they do love
02:35 to study the word of God.
02:36 So if you show an interest, I guarantee you,
02:39 they will have an interest and you can study together;
02:41 you can make some new friends and should you go
02:43 on a Sabbath or a Saturday, may I suggest that you
02:47 stay by for the sermon and if you're fortunate,
02:50 they will have potluck or what we call "fellowship lunch,"
02:53 stay by for that too, and so you can have a
02:56 wonderful day as together you learn some things from
02:59 the word of God and this is a marvelous lesson that I
03:03 guarantee will thrill you and really give you a
03:07 little pep in your spiritual step
03:10 as we walk together on the road to glory.
03:12 Now, Sister Shelley Quinn, would you open up
03:14 with prayer for us? Absolutely...
03:16 Heavenly Father, We come before You in the
03:17 name of Jesus thanking You for grace; thanking You for Jesus
03:23 our Savior; thanking You for Your Holy Spirit and Your word.
03:28 And we pray right now, Father, You will send Your
03:31 Holy Spirit to just pour Him out on all who are calling
03:36 upon Your name, all who are participating
03:39 in this lesson study and, Lord, let Him be our teacher
03:43 and may Your name be glorified...
03:45 In Jesus' name, Amen
03:48 We will take a look, this particular week, at Paul's
03:52 first missionary journey and this is really
03:56 an exciting study.
03:57 The memory text for this particular week comes to us
04:01 from the NIV, perhaps we should read it together.
04:04 "Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through
04:09 Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you.
04:13 Through him everyone who believes is set free from
04:18 every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain
04:24 under the law of Moses." Acts 13:38
04:27 Truth being told, we could stay on that memory text
04:31 for the next hour and not exhaust it because
04:33 so much has been said, but we need to wind our way
04:36 through this lesson... and an exciting one it is to be sure!
04:42 We were talking about, when last we met,
04:47 the work that was going on in Antioch, home of the first
04:53 Gentile church and Acts 11:26 tells us one of the first
04:57 places that the disciples were called Christians...
05:01 And there is some understanding that this designation of
05:05 Christians really was not a praise kind of a thing,
05:09 it was an epithet; it was sort of a nasty thing
05:12 that they were putting on these new followers of this Nazarene
05:21 carpenter who many did not accept and they were
05:27 ... these new followers were so fervent and so passionate
05:31 that they called them, "little christs," you know,
05:34 "christ-ettes" almost... kind of a thing,
05:36 and so the term was not meant to be a term of praise,
05:39 it was meant to be derogatory, but, you know, sometimes
05:42 when you own some of the stuff, I'm sure the brethren felt
05:44 "that's alright, I'll take that name," you know,
05:46 "I'll own that, if you want to call me a Christian,
05:49 a Christian I will be," and it certainly did not stop.
05:52 So a lot of this began in the City of Antioch.
05:57 And so this fervent evangelistic posture
06:01 of the saints in Antioch really made it one of the first
06:05 really important Christian centers outside of Judea
06:09 as far as evangelism is concerned.
06:13 One of the backstories to the beginning of the church was
06:17 the reticence of the early believers to move away
06:22 from Jerusalem and to focus their efforts,
06:25 in an organized way outside of Judea and that local area.
06:31 Of course, we were just years from 70 AD when the
06:34 City of Jerusalem was destroyed,
06:36 and, of course, they were forced then to spread out.
06:39 But at this point in time, they were somewhat reticent
06:42 for that to happen and Paul and some of these other people
06:46 really moved out on their own as pushed and
06:50 motivated by the Lord.
06:53 So we're dealing with the City of Antioch...
06:55 It's a Greek city founded by Seleucus in 300 AD.
06:59 Now when we think of Seleucus, we think about
07:01 the four generals that took over the Grecian Empire
07:05 after the death of Alexander the Great.
07:08 You had Lysimachus, Ptolemy in the South, Seleucus
07:11 and Cassander.
07:12 So Seleucus founded this city, so of course
07:14 it was a Greek city.
07:16 Now, of course, the Romans were in charge, but really
07:18 the Roman civilization was built for the most part
07:22 on a lot of Greek philosophy
07:24 as far as government was concerned.
07:25 Certainly their pantheon of gods...
07:27 they changed the names, but the same gods.
07:29 So when you think Romans, really there is Greek
07:32 underpinnings too to a lot of the things
07:34 that happened in Rome, and this was a
07:36 Grecian city because it was founded by a Grecian general.
07:39 All three of Paul's missionary journeys began in Antioch,
07:43 I think we established that last week if not the week before.
07:46 So Antioch had in some ways, for a time, some of the
07:50 same spiritual status as did Rome and, of course,
07:53 the intellectual heart Alexandria,
07:57 so it was the third largest city in the Roman Empire...
08:02 And really, it was a very vibrant town and a very
08:06 important town during the days, that we're speaking of here,
08:10 in the Book of Acts.
08:12 Perhaps it is somewhat understandable then
08:15 that fairly early on, there was this pressure to add
08:21 Greek philosophy to this pure religion
08:25 because so much of the world outside of Palestine was
08:29 Greek-influenced, and so very early on, there was this
08:34 subtle pressure and Greek thinking, Greek philosophy
08:41 to the Greek way of approaching life began
08:43 to insinuate itself into the church.
08:45 Now we don't see this here just yet, but as we move
08:48 further on, you see it a little bit more, a little bit more
08:51 and then you have that coupled with the pressure from
08:54 the Jewish community to try to make them Jews,
08:57 and you got the Pagan community to try to make them Greek,
08:59 and so the early church had a lot of fighting to do
09:02 to establish itself hemmed in by these two philosophies
09:07 that were pushing at it all the time.
09:10 It was because of their commitment that Christianity
09:14 became what Jesus intended, and I like this...
09:16 this is directly from the Sabbath School Lesson...
09:18 "A world religion, one in which the gospel would be
09:22 spread to every nation, tribe, tongue and people."
09:25 And so we see beginning as we look at what is happening
09:29 in Antioch.
09:30 Let's move on to the Sunday part of the lesson,
09:35 and I'm gonna rearrange my papers here...
09:39 Salamis and Paphos!
09:46 In the church at Antioch, there already were devout men.
09:51 Christianity had spread to Antioch.
09:55 While they were ministering and fasting,
09:59 and I think this is important, that the sending out of
10:03 Paul and Barnabas, came as a result of fasting and prayer
10:08 and teaching the will of God.
10:10 They did not think themselves so wise and so perfect
10:14 as to select these men without direct intervention
10:18 from the Lord, and I think whenever we're trying to do
10:20 something for the Lord, it's good to get the Lord
10:23 in there early - you know, start with the Lord,
10:25 pray it up, make sure that you're doing the will of the
10:28 Lord and not leading and asking the Lord
10:30 to bless what you've already done.
10:32 And so, these men are praying and fasting,
10:35 and ministering and the Bible says, and this is important,
10:39 the Holy Spirit directed.
10:41 This was not man's decision and that's important
10:43 because of some little rub-up that we're going to
10:45 see in the next couple of chapters.
10:47 But as this began, this was at the
10:50 the direction of the Holy Spirit.
10:52 Now this says this, my fellow students...
10:55 that sometimes even in the church,
10:59 you can have two people who are both blessed by the Spirit,
11:02 both led by the Spirit, who could have
11:04 differences of opinion.
11:06 Being one in the Spirit does not necessarily mean
11:09 we think precisely alike, nor do we act it.
11:13 I think the test of your Christianity is
11:17 what happens once you disagree.
11:19 You know, if we're just agreeing, we're walking along,
11:21 holding hands - no problem.
11:22 It's when we disagree that our Christianity
11:24 leads to sort of bubble and percolate to the surface.
11:27 And we see that a little bit later on.
11:29 So this selection of Saul and Barnabas at that time,
11:33 is important - as we will see later because it was
11:36 initiated by the Holy Spirit.
11:39 This was an action of the Holy Spirit.
11:41 The men laid hands on them and then...
11:46 You know, I like this idea of laying hands on people.
11:49 I'm a touchy kind of person and I think that goes back
11:52 to the days when I was blind, you had to handle people
11:57 to be able to make your way.
11:59 You had a sighted person paired with a blind person,
12:03 and so you're accustomed to touching.
12:06 If I feel comfortable with a person, man or woman,
12:09 sooner or later I will touch you some place,
12:10 on the shoulder - I try to be respectful, you know
12:12 I'm not handling you, but as a blind person,
12:16 you don't feel really comfortable with a person
12:19 until you touch them...
12:20 you know - until you make some sort of contact with them.
12:24 And, I've never lost that, the idea that if I say
12:28 "Good morning" to you and I know you, I will just
12:30 reach out and touch, you know, kind of thing
12:32 because it's just natural.
12:34 So this idea of laying hands on people, I really like that!
12:37 You know, let's lay hands on them and let's give them
12:40 a sendoff in the Lord Jesus.
12:42 So the brethren laid hands on them and sent them away.
12:47 Now the lesson takes pains to note that once we reach
12:51 Acts 13 and 14, the Book of Acts makes a shift
12:56 and from that point on to the end,
12:58 we're really dealing with the journeys of Paul,
13:01 the work as done by Paul.
13:02 We looked at Peter and James and some of the other brethren,
13:05 but now we're kind of focusing laser-like on Paul
13:09 through the rest of the book.
13:11 And Paul has much to tell us and much to say.
13:14 So this is one of the initial strategic and planned
13:17 forays into the Gentile world.
13:19 This one was planned by God, and it was not man's
13:23 initiative, it was God's.
13:25 "There was in these early years, of the Christian era,
13:28 some hesitancy as I said before and I want to
13:33 sort of lean on this, to evangelize non-Jews,
13:38 you know, on a wholesale basis and frankly there were a
13:40 number of reasons - some of it was prejudice, some of it was
13:44 the idea that we are the chosen people,
13:46 some of it was rejection of the gospel message...
13:49 But, for whatever constellation of reasons there was,
13:52 there was this hesitancy to go out into the wider world
13:55 and take the gospel to those who needed to hear.
13:59 When we place ourselves in God's hands with the intent
14:04 of doing God's will... you know what you're going to do?
14:08 You're going to evangelize!
14:09 You're going to take the gospel out - there's no other
14:12 way to be a co-laborer with God - if you've got the
14:15 Spirit of God in you, it's fire shut up in your
14:17 bones, it's gotta leak out some kind of way,
14:20 either you're gonna tell somebody,
14:21 you're gonna show somebody, you're going to do that.
14:24 And I think it was fear and then maybe not knowing
14:27 and we have that today.
14:29 We've done evangelism here at 3ABN so many times,
14:31 and we've seen that people are a little afraid to go out
14:34 and sometimes share the Lord.
14:35 And we have that here... for any number of reasons.
14:39 Truth being though, no reason is sufficient just because
14:43 Christ said, "All power is given to Me,"
14:45 and what we are seeing in the Book of Acts,
14:47 is based again on Acts 1:8, when they were
14:51 given "dunamis" power to do the work of God,
14:54 and all of these men that we have talked about
14:56 certainly Saul/Paul was full of the Spirit of God,
15:00 and recognized his call from the Lord.
15:04 I'm looking at my time because it's getting away from me.
15:08 So, Agrippa kills James, jails Peter and harasses the church
15:16 while this is spreading.
15:17 You know, persecution really is fertilizer for the gospel...
15:24 even the devil realizes, "the hotter I push down,
15:26 the more they'd spring up," so he could not stop.
15:28 And Paul sails to Cypress, he goes to Salamis,
15:33 and... let me take just one minute over my time
15:36 because I've got to talk about what happens at Salamis
15:38 and to a greater sense what happens on the
15:41 other side of the Island at Paphos.
15:44 Very quickly... We've got a Jewish half-Christian
15:52 by the name of Bar-Jesus, and he is sort of
15:59 "house-sorcerer" for the Roman proconsul
16:03 which is the governor.
16:05 He is trying to dissuade this man from
16:11 coming to the Lord and it's interesting the Jew is trying to
16:14 to push him away and Sergius Paulus, the Roman governor wants
16:18 wants to come... Here then is the summation...
16:21 In verse 10, Paul calls Bar-Jesus deceitful and a fraud,
16:26 and he loses his sight and Sergius Paulus
16:29 comes to the Lord anyway.
16:31 The upside of the lesson is this...
16:33 simply that the worse place you can be in the world
16:35 is between the Lord and somebody who wants to get saved,
16:39 you never want to find yourself there,
16:40 you always want to find yourself
16:42 in the will and on the side of God.
16:45 Amen! Thank you so much Pastor CA.
16:47 What a wonderful foundation for the first missionary
16:50 journey of Paul or, at this time, he is still called Saul.
16:53 Saul and Barnabas!
16:55 I pick up the story when they depart from Cypress.
16:58 They have been at Salamis and Paphos and when they depart
17:02 from there, they take a ship and they go north to Perga.
17:06 So let's take a look at that, we're in Acts 13:13...
17:10 "Now when Paul and his party set sail from Paphos,
17:14 they came to Perga and Pamphylia and John,
17:18 departing from them, returned to Jerusalem.
17:21 So there's a couple of points I want to note
17:23 just in this passage here...
17:25 #1... A name switch has occurred.
17:28 I don't know if you picked up on that.
17:29 All the way through Acts, Saul of Tarsus is called "Saul,"
17:34 until we get to in Pastor's CA section, verse 9,
17:38 it says, "Then Saul, who is also called Paul,
17:41 ... so in that place, he puts Saul and Paul together.
17:44 And then when we get to verse 13 from hereon
17:47 through the rest of the Book of Acts, he is called "Paul,"
17:49 the "Apostle Paul."
17:51 The other thing is - we see a leadership switch
17:53 takes place here.
17:55 Remember when Pastor CA talked about the setting apart
17:58 for the work that was to take place.
18:00 When the brethren in Antioch fasted and prayed
18:03 and laid hands on them, who did they lay hands on?
18:05 It says in Acts 13:2... "Barnabas and Saul."
18:10 We come over to Acts 13, it says when they're in Cyprus,
18:13 Acts 13:7... "Barnabas and Saul."
18:16 You notice Barnabas' name is mentioned first,
18:19 and then Saul's name.
18:20 Now of course, in verse 9, Saul is mentioned
18:24 "Saul who is called Paul."
18:25 Now when we get to verse 13, instead of saying,
18:29 "Barnabas and Paul," because now they're calling
18:32 him Paul, or instead of saying "Paul and Barnabas,"
18:36 what does it say? "Paul and his party."
18:38 Barnabas is not even mentioned here in this section.
18:43 The leadership switch you can see as it progresses
18:45 through the book of Acts... Paul is emerging
18:48 as a dynamic leader of the early Christian church,
18:52 and that continues really through
18:54 the rest of the Book of Acts.
18:58 The other thing I see here is that John Mark left,
19:01 he deserted them and he returned to Jerusalem.
19:06 Perga - they went up to Perga, it's about 150 miles
19:10 from Paphos, going from, you know, they're on Cypress
19:13 the Island in the Mediterranean Sea, it's about 150 miles
19:16 north of Perga and this is the southern part of what we
19:19 would call modern-day Turkey...
19:21 And so they landed there in what we would call
19:24 modern-day Turkey and John Mark decided, for whatever
19:28 reason, "I'm going back home to Jerusalem."
19:32 Now whether John Mark thought "this is too much for me,
19:36 I'm a little discouraged," I know there are different
19:39 philosophies as to why he left and went back to Jerusalem,
19:43 and this is in Acts of the Apostles, p.170,
19:46 "Mark was intimidated and losing all courage, refused to
19:53 go farther and returned to Jerusalem."
19:56 Now we would say later, this is going to cause
19:59 contention between Paul and Barnabas - we see that
20:02 with the second missionary journey,
20:03 but years down the road, I love the ending of this
20:07 passage because in 2 Timothy 4:11, when Paul...
20:12 this is the last book that Paul wrote, he's imprisoned
20:15 there at the end of his life and he writes these words...
20:18 "Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful
20:22 to me for ministry."
20:24 That shows that John Mark, he grew up, he matured
20:28 as a Christian and he was eventually
20:30 reconciled back with Paul.
20:31 So at this time, John Mark has left and Barnabas and Paul
20:36 or Paul and his party, continue on the journey here.
20:39 They're going up to Pisidian Antioch, we're in verse 14.
20:43 When they departed from Perga, they came to Antioch
20:46 in Pisidian, now that's 100 miles north of Perga,
20:49 they're traveling by land.
20:50 "And went into the synagogue
20:52 on the Sabbath day and sat down."
20:54 We will notice this throughout
20:56 Paul's missionary journeys often.
20:58 Pastor CA, when he goes to a new city,
21:00 he goes to the synagogue first, you notice that.
21:03 He preaches to the Jews in the synagogue and then he
21:06 expands the gospel and shares it with the Gentiles as well.
21:10 "And after the reading of the law and the prophets,
21:12 I'm in verse 15, the rules of the synagogue said to them
21:16 saying, "Men and brethren, if you have any word of
21:18 exhortation for the people, say on."
21:21 So this is Paul's first recorded sermon in the Book of Acts.
21:24 Now, obviously, he has given many, many sermons
21:27 before this time, but this is
21:28 his actually first recorded sermon.
21:31 It's his longest sermon as well
21:33 that's recorded in the Book of Acts.
21:35 Almost 30 speeches are in the Book of Acts and they
21:38 comprise probably a third of the book.
21:40 So Luke thought it was pretty important to record
21:43 quite a few of the speeches and the sermons that were given.
21:45 Of the 30 speeches, Paul gives 11 of them in the Book of Acts.
21:51 There are some similarities between what he shares
21:53 with the brethren here at Pisidian Antioch,
21:56 and Peter's sermon - the Pentecost sermon in Acts 2,
22:00 and Stephen's sermon - we could say his defense before
22:03 the Sanhedrin in Acts 7 or you can say the
22:06 offence before the Sanhedrin because he was delivering the
22:10 "rib" to them as far as the covenant lawsuit.
22:13 So the similarities that I see...
22:15 They all had a focus on Jesus.
22:16 Jesus in the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.
22:20 King David and the coming Messiah.
22:24 They all talked about Jesus and His death and burial
22:27 and resurrection.
22:28 Now, Paul's sermon begins with the Israelites coming
22:32 out of Egypt and we will look at that.
22:34 Peter's sermon begins with David and Jesus.
22:39 Stephen's defense or offense, whatever you call it,
22:42 actually began as the earliest of the three sermons.
22:45 It begins all the way back with Abraham leaving Ur,
22:48 and the promise to Abraham, and his sermon
22:51 continues probably the longest there.
22:54 So let's look at the line of thought in Paul's sermon,
22:56 and there's probably - if you were to divide it,
22:58 I would divide it into three sections.
23:01 The first section is a sketch of Jewish history
23:04 to the time of David... that begins in verse 16.
23:08 Paul stood up and motioning with his hand, he said,
23:11 "Men of Israel and you who fear God, listen...
23:14 "The God of this people Israel, chose our fathers
23:18 and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers
23:20 in the land of Egypt, and with an uplifted arm
23:23 He brought them out of it."
23:25 Now for a time of about 40 years, He put up with
23:28 their ways in the wilderness, and when He had destroyed
23:31 seven nations in the land of Canaan,
23:34 He distributed their land to them by allotment."
23:37 So what is he saying? God, your God, our God
23:40 brought the Israelites, brought you out of the land
23:43 of Egypt - He sustained you in the wilderness
23:46 for those 40 years and then He destroyed the
23:49 Canaanite nation so you could take possession of the land.
23:52 After that, He gave them judges for 450 years,
23:56 Samuel the prophet, they asked for a king,
23:58 they got Saul and then we get David...
24:01 Verse 22... "And when He had removed him,
24:04 meaning Saul from being king, He raised up for them
24:07 David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said,
24:11 "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after
24:14 My own heart who will do all My will."
24:16 Now it kind of shifts to the second phase of Paul's sermon,
24:20 and this phase he shows Jesus as the fulfillment
24:24 of the Old Testament prophecy.
24:26 That begins in verse 23... "From this man's seed
24:30 according to the promise... that would be from David's
24:32 seed because the Jewish people were looking for the coming
24:35 Messiah - through the seed or linage of David...
24:38 From this man's seed according to the promise, God raised
24:41 up for Israel a Savior - Jesus," and then he talks about
24:46 John's preaching about the coming of the Messiah,
24:48 and then if you go down, he talks about Jesus coming
24:53 and His death... We go to verse 30,
24:56 "God raised Him from the dead and He was seen for
25:00 many days by those who came up with Him from Galilee
25:03 to Jerusalem, who are His witnesses to the people."
25:06 And then he quotes some from the Old Testament from
25:10 David, from Psalm and some of those prophecies and how
25:12 Jesus fulfilled that.
25:14 Then we switch to the third portion of Paul's sermon here,
25:19 and Mollie is going to share more with it.
25:20 I just want to touch on one thing...
25:22 This is the invitation to justification by faith,
25:27 and a warning against rejecting the salvation available
25:32 through Jesus.
25:33 So we see that in verse 38... "Therefore let it be known
25:36 to brethren that through this Man... that's Jesus Christ...
25:40 is preached to you the forgiveness of sins;
25:42 and by Him everyone who believes is justified from the
25:46 things from which you could not be justified
25:48 by the law of Moses."
25:49 The Jewish people believed in almost salvation by works.
25:54 They thought that they had to do things and keep the law
25:57 perfectly and he is saying... Jesus came and Jesus is
26:01 the One who forgives you and Jesus is the One who
26:04 justifies you.
26:05 And Mollie, I know you have more to share with us
26:08 on that with in Pisidian Antioch...
26:10 I will get that out, Pisidian Antioch.
26:13 Okay and thank you for laying the foundation for this.
26:16 It is amazing to me how God has laid these Sabbath School
26:21 Lessons out - one builds on the other and if you hadn't
26:24 laid the foundation, what I have to share
26:27 may not be received as easily.
26:29 So Jill actually just read the two scriptures that I'm
26:33 going to read to you again, that's in Acts 13:38-39.
26:39 Thank you Jill.
26:40 "Therefore let it be known to you...
26:42 ... now where is Paul at this time, where is he?
26:44 He's in the synagogue, so who is he teaching to?
26:48 Who is the crux, who makes up the most of the congregation?
26:53 See, this is the Jewish people.
26:56 So.. "Therefore let it be known to you brethren...
26:58 Paul calls them "brethren." Why would he do that?
27:01 Because he's a Jew and that's something I want to stress.
27:04 Paul LOVED his brothers, he was a Jew,
27:08 and the son of a Jew and had an ancestry of Jews.
27:13 He loved these people, it was vitally
27:15 important to him that they receive the truth.
27:18 "Therefore let it be known to you brethren
27:20 that through this Man... Who is he talking about?
27:23 The Lord Jesus Christ.
27:25 ... is preached to you the forgiveness of sins,
27:28 and by Him everyone who believes is justified
27:33 from all things from which you could not be justified
27:39 by the law of Moses."
27:40 You could not be justified by the law of Moses.
27:44 Now that may not set well with some of these Jewish believers,
27:50 but let's see the purpose that Paul is doing this...
27:55 He is never doing anything really to bring dissention,
27:59 but again I want to stress this, Paul loves his brethren.
28:02 Paul stresses the inability of the law of Moses to justify.
28:07 He is in no way suggesting that the law was bad
28:12 or trying to do away with the law - abrogate the law.
28:17 He was bringing correct doctrine, a correct doctrinal
28:23 teaching where there is misunderstanding.
28:26 See, Paul wants the Jewish faith for all of us
28:34 is the foundation of Christianity - is it not? Yes
28:36 This is our foundation, thank God for the Jewish
28:41 faith that had this foundation of religion laid...
28:45 and the natural progression of this Jewish faith...
28:50 What had they been prophesying and predicting was coming
28:54 all of these years? The Messiah!
28:56 So with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ...
28:59 what was supposed to happen is everybody receive the
29:03 Lord and things just continue to progress and move forward.
29:07 So, I'm going to read this to you...
29:11 This is out of the Quarterly, this is a good Quarterly,
29:14 CA, I agree with you.
29:16 "The law is unable to bring justification because it cannot
29:20 produce perfect obedience in those who observe it.
29:24 Even if the law could produce perfect obedience in us,
29:28 that perfect obedience cannot atone for past sins.
29:32 Now think about this... Brother Kenny, can you,
29:34 by an act of your will, choose to be perfect
29:38 all day long today?
29:40 We can say, "Oh Lord, I'm going to be perfect
29:43 the rest of the day... Oh, I want to be,
29:46 but... there's that "but."
29:48 Oh and that's when... Oh Jill, we thank God
29:51 for 1 John 1:9, but see when you are relying on the
29:55 law - on your perfect obedience, 1 John 1:9
29:58 has no place for you because it's your works...
30:02 1 John 1:9... The Scripture says, "If we confess our sins,
30:09 He is faithful and just... HE is faithful and just
30:12 to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all our
30:15 unrighteousness."
30:16 Well if you are depending on your good works,
30:19 then you're depending on your righteousness,
30:22 on your ability.
30:23 So let me go on with this...
30:26 This is why justification cannot be earned,
30:30 not even partially.
30:32 We can receive it only by faith in
30:36 what Jesus Christ did for us.
30:38 Okay... The Jews wanted to be justified.
30:42 Pastor CA, the Jews - they wanted to be justified.
30:46 They were just going about it the wrong way. Well said.
30:50 They were relying on being justified by works of the law.
30:54 Paul says, "No, the law can't justify - only through
31:00 faith believing in the crucified Savior can we be justified,
31:06 brought into right relationship with God.
31:08 So Paul... it was vitally important to Paul
31:13 that he take them from their misunderstanding.
31:17 You know, I had to call it "error" earlier and it is error,
31:20 but it wasn't an error that they were wanting to be in.
31:26 They just had a misunderstanding,
31:28 they had been taught wrong.
31:30 You know, that's called "ignorance."
31:32 Do you know there is nothing wrong, Jill, in being
31:35 ignorant because what is the remedy for ignorance?
31:38 Education! Being taught what is right!
31:43 But this concept that it's not works, that was a whole
31:49 new concept for them - that's what they had been taught,
31:53 how long? All of their life,
31:56 they had been taught.
31:57 There were three main aspects in the Jewish religion.
32:01 Now CA help me with this, and I think I've got the
32:02 right understanding...
32:04 #1... It's the importance of temple worship.
32:08 #2... The importance of the study of the law.
32:11 #3... The importance of good works.
32:14 So this is what they had been taught.
32:16 And I'll agree with #1, it's important
32:19 that you're in church. Amen!
32:21 That's vitally important that you're in church.
32:23 #2, I agree with that.
32:25 It's important that you study God's word.
32:29 #3, You know, I'm going to agree with that too.
32:31 It's for grace you are saved through faith,
32:34 that not of yourself, it's a gift of God, not of works.
32:38 But we are created unto good works, is that not true?
32:41 So it's not that what they were taught was totally in error,
32:46 but they had just had a misunderstanding of it
32:49 thinking that it was those works that were going to save them...
32:53 Kenny, do our works save us? No...
32:55 It's not our works, it's the shed blood of the Lord
32:58 Jesus Christ and what He wrought out for us at Calvary.
33:01 So let's see how those in the synagogue
33:05 received Paul's message, that's Acts 13:42-44...
33:11 "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue,
33:13 the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached
33:16 to them the next Sabbath.
33:18 Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews
33:22 and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who seeking
33:27 them persuaded them to continue in the grace of God."
33:30 "On the next Sabbath... listen at this...
33:32 "On the next Sabbath, almost the whole city
33:36 came together to hear the word of God."
33:38 How many people Jill? The whole city.
33:41 Almost the whole city.
33:43 Now let me just tell you this right off the bat...
33:45 trouble's brewing.
33:47 Trouble is brewing!
33:48 If they had just been kinda paw pawed at,
33:50 and nobody showed up, trouble wouldn't brew.
33:53 Let's look at chapter 13, again starting with verse 45...
33:58 "And when the Jews saw the multitudes... saw what?
34:02 The multitudes... they were filled with
34:05 "envy"... is an ugly word.
34:07 ... envy, jealousy - causes strife, and it causes jealousy.
34:12 And contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed
34:16 the things spoken by Paul."
34:18 They started contradicting what he was saying.
34:20 Flying in the face of the truth of the word of God,
34:23 can God ever honor that? Never honors that, okay.
34:26 Verse 46... "Then Paul and Barnabas grew bold...
34:29 now they were already pretty bold...
34:31 and said, "It was necessary that the word of God
34:34 should be spoken to you first... he was speaking to the
34:38 Jewish people - it was important that I bring this
34:41 message to you first, but since you reject it,
34:46 and judge yourself... Paul is not judging them,
34:50 their actions judge them...
34:52 and judge yourself unworthy of everlasting life,
34:56 behold we turned to the Gentiles... Mercy!
34:58 for so the Lord has commanded us, "I have set you as a light
35:03 to the Gentiles that you should be
35:05 the salvation to the ends of the earth."
35:07 And that's a quote from Isaiah 42:6.
35:10 Verse 48... "Now when the Gentiles heard this,
35:14 they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord
35:16 and as many as had been appointed to eternal life
35:19 believed and the word of the Lord was being
35:22 spread throughout the whole world."
35:23 The Jewish leaders rejected the gospel and that had a
35:27 two-prong effect.
35:29 #1... Their rejection excluded them from God's salvation,
35:36 but the other side of that was it liberated Paul
35:41 and Barnabas to turn to the Gentiles... for exactly that.
35:44 Well I'm going to look at what I want to bring away from this.
35:47 This is what I think we need to bring away from this
35:50 if nothing else...
35:51 Ephesians 2:8-9... "For by grace - and I've
35:54 quoted it 2 or 3 times already...
35:56 "For by grace you have been saved, through faith
36:03 and that not of yourself, it is the gift of God
36:07 not of works lest anyone should boast."
36:09 Pastor Kenny...
36:11 Well you set it up here the last minute or two,
36:14 you said, "There's trouble brewing,"
36:16 I think that was the words, so that kinda came over to
36:18 my part of "There's trouble brewing,"
36:20 and I think any time that we move forward in the
36:23 cause of Christ, there's going to be some trouble. Yes.
36:25 I think what CA brought out,
36:26 but it's how we deal with the trouble. Yes.
36:28 Trouble is going to come, no matter where you're at,
36:31 or what you're doing is moving forward,
36:32 trouble is going to come and Iconium here is where we are
36:34 with our lesson - Wednesday's lesson and I thought it was
36:37 interesting - but a little background on it,
36:39 but it's an important city in inland of Asia Minor...
36:43 You know, if people don't study that,
36:44 you have no idea and maybe they don't care,
36:46 but it's good to know.
36:48 It was incorporated to the Roman providence
36:50 you know, in about 25 BC, I mean it was
36:53 the early, early stages.
36:55 The city has been constantly inhabited - something has been
36:59 going on there - it says the good seed
37:00 was planted and maybe some bad seed,
37:01 but some things have been going on there.
37:03 Paul and Barnabas went to preach in Iconium, but before
37:06 we get there in Iconium, but interesting what happened
37:09 to them when we were talking about in Antioch...
37:11 They were preaching the good news and they were
37:13 doing a good work, what happened? They were driven out.
37:15 They were driven out and somebody was mentioning
37:18 the other day about gnashing the teeth and people
37:21 were getting so mad... I've been to board meetings,
37:23 but I don't think I've ever been to one quite like that.
37:26 People get a little upset sometimes as Christians,
37:28 but there were some people here that,
37:30 I used to have an aunt to say that "If looks could kill,
37:33 there would be a lot of people dead,"
37:35 so, I've never been around all that, but there was some
37:38 horrible things going on in the name of Jesus,
37:41 and so there had to be some straightening out that
37:42 was done when we look here, but they had to flee
37:45 because the persecution broke out...
37:47 And a lot of times we're content to stay, aren't we?
37:50 We're content to stay where things are going well.
37:53 When things are not going so well, we tend to
37:55 jump out of the boat sometimes and then go find
37:58 some other place.
37:59 But backup just a little bit before Iconium,
38:01 what do we find?
38:03 And I think this is something that maybe we need to
38:05 hit a little harder than maybe we've hit it and you
38:07 don't really want to, but we have to look and really
38:10 put responsibility where it really lies.
38:12 Responsibility, many times, was with not only the people,
38:16 us as it were or the early church,
38:18 but the leadership - we have to be careful.
38:21 You know, you look at yourself and you think you're
38:22 leaders here in different departments,
38:24 we're leaders in the cause of Christ.
38:25 We have responsibility in the cause of Christ
38:28 to be the right kind of leader because a man or a woman
38:31 says "I'm a leader," they're going to have to prove it to me
38:33 from the word of God before I'm going to get behind them
38:35 and follow them all the way.
38:37 But notice that the stirring up almost always...
38:39 the leadership was involved.
38:41 I'm not trying to criticize or condemn in any form or fashion.
38:44 People can apply it where they want to do it,
38:46 but I think this is imperative that we look at these issues
38:48 over here.
38:49 Running Paul and Barnabas out of town, right,
38:53 every place they went to preach,
38:55 all of a sudden, they were greeted and everybody was
38:56 happy, they were all excited and pretty soon, uh oh,
38:58 we don't like what we're hearing and stirring up opposition,
39:02 and somebody mentioned... there was jealousy,
39:04 against one another and pretty soon there was all kind
39:07 of problems.
39:08 It was interesting, Acts 13:54 in Wednesday's lesson...
39:12 It says, "And the disciples were filled with joy
39:15 and with the Holy Ghost.
39:17 I love that because when they were thrown out, as it were,
39:21 thrown out... what did they do?
39:22 They were still happy!
39:23 What was that Scripture?
39:25 I think that was Acts 13:52. ... 52 Okay
39:28 Yeah, it still says they were thrown out.
39:30 How many of us who might get removed from a certain
39:33 position or even from church... I would be careful
39:36 to mention the word "disfellowship,"
39:38 but we're going to leave and we're going to be
39:39 happy - we're going to be happy about it.
39:41 They left with great joy because they knew they were doing
39:45 #1 what? They were doing the right thing here,
39:47 and that, to me, joy is fruit of conversion.
39:50 It's one of the fruits of the Spirit.
39:51 So regardless of what happens to us, it may be hurtful,
39:54 we may shed tears over it, but what was the end result?
39:57 We're going to continue on down that same road
39:59 on account of the joy to be persecuted and were things
40:02 to happen in our life as God's little workmen
40:04 to help us to continue to grow.
40:06 Paul constantly - this is what I get from this lesson...
40:09 Paul constantly preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Amen
40:13 That caused him problems, that will cause you problems,
40:16 that will cause me problems, but that's what we are
40:18 commanded to do is to preach Christ, lift Him up!
40:21 As He was lifted up...
40:26 People that are not spiritual don't want to see
40:27 Christ lifted up - they want to see man that's lifted up.
40:30 The arm of flesh, they want to lean to the arm of flesh.
40:34 Now how sad that is because we find that even today
40:38 we cling to the arm of flesh.
40:40 Interesting even in Adventism, and in our world today
40:43 in churches, they'll say, have you ever heard this one?
40:46 "What side you on?"
40:47 I said, "What do you mean, what side am I on?"
40:51 Well they say... you're on this side or this side,
40:55 and either way I look at one side or
40:57 the other, it's the arm of flesh."
40:58 My response simply is, "I'm on God's side."
41:01 "I'm on God's side." "Well no, but you have to be..."
41:03 "No, I have to be on God's side."
41:05 So here was issues that people were... I mean they were
41:09 every day - it came to the point
41:10 they had to make this decision choice.
41:12 Testimonies to Ministers, p.380 says, "They need to cease
41:15 putting their dependence upon men making flesh their arm."
41:20 So they were still doing that because they were listening
41:22 to the ones who were leading out and they got all excited
41:24 and all of a sudden there was division and separation
41:26 and all these problems here.
41:28 Testimonies to Ministers, p.380, says this...
41:30 "The warnings given in the word of God to the children of Israel
41:33 were meant not merely for them... notice this...
41:36 but for all who should live upon the earth."
41:40 So it's more than... Oh, it happened back then,
41:42 we need dare not talk about it,
41:44 I'm not afraid to talk about it today.
41:45 I'm not afraid to talk about it.
41:47 The Scripture is very clear, a lot of passages are
41:48 brought up - we need to be very careful who we follow.
41:51 Jesus must be the One that we follow. Absolutely!
41:54 You know, that said, "Well we understand all that,
41:56 but we'll follow because the brother said this
41:58 or that brother said that."
41:59 I just go back to the word of God and say,
42:01 "Where does it say it in the word of God?"
42:03 If it says it in the word of God,
42:05 we all are willing to do that.
42:06 But see, they weren't willing to do it, that's why some
42:08 of the problems in the early church.
42:10 You know what was laid out was straight, was good,
42:13 the message was good, but they decided not
42:15 to follow that because they didn't want to hear it.
42:17 Jesus said in Psalm 50:15, "Call upon Me in the day
42:21 of trouble... I like this one.
42:22 Call upon Me in what? In the day of trouble,
42:25 I will deliver thee that thou shall glorify Me."
42:29 So we are to glorify God, aren't we?
42:31 How many of you ever heard this... I need to say this...
42:34 "We're the voice of God." Have you ever heard that one?
42:38 The voice of God... It needs to be balanced out,
42:40 but this is true - this is the statement "We're the voice of
42:42 God," and I've always said to those people...
42:43 "If we claim to be, as it were, the voice of God
42:46 or God speaking through us," then we must say those things
42:49 that God would say. Amen!
42:51 See, if we do not say that what God would say,
42:53 we are NOT the voice of God, regardless of position,
42:56 and that just makes good sense.
42:58 I'm not trying to tear anybody down or raise knots
43:00 on anybody's head - it's simply to look at the word of God,
43:03 and say, "Ooo, that's what God's word says, that's what I want,
43:05 that's what I want to do."
43:07 Well jealousy developed, we know that scene.
43:09 If we won't get through all of it, we want to think about it,
43:12 but anyway... no, who does, but as we look at this
43:15 lesson here, what happened?
43:17 The Jews began to get jealous because of the Gentile
43:21 converts... when they came... Ooo - when they came into
43:24 the faith, they were happy. Yes!
43:26 See I'm starting to get happy now!
43:28 The Jews looked at them and they had long faces, you know,
43:32 they weren't so happy, they were hearing the truth,
43:35 but these Gentiles when they came in - think about it,
43:37 this was the first time they heard this message possibly.
43:40 It was exciting, it was new, it was thrilling and
43:43 sometimes they might have raised their hand or they
43:45 might have shouted - well it offended other people.
43:48 But I've kind of let that go, and Lord if I want to raise
43:50 my hand, I'll raise my hand, if shout, I wanna shout!
43:52 Because why? Look at here...
43:54 They were so excited... think about you when you
43:56 first came into the faith. Absolutely!
43:58 When you first heard this, you thought that you were
44:00 just going to what?
44:02 I'm just going to pop! Yeah I'm just going to pop if I
44:04 can't tell somebody, if I can't do something,
44:07 you know, if I can't tell it show on my face,
44:09 I'm just gonna pop wide open!
44:11 There would be nothing left of me.
44:12 But see, that's kind of the way the converts were,
44:15 and some jealousy occurred and because they weren't
44:18 showing this kind of a religious excitement in the cause
44:21 of Christ - the witnessing saving power of God is awesome
44:25 when it touches down and reaches down to get an old sinner
44:29 and brings you up right?
44:30 Them bootstraps bring right on up, you know through
44:32 the grace of God.
44:34 Find Paul and Barnabas continued to speak,
44:36 to the Jews first and then certainly they went to the
44:38 Gentiles, but notice... the work still flourished
44:41 even though the enemy was working very, very, very hard.
44:44 I like it because you brought out two points and this time
44:47 is almost up... because it says, "Paul on every
44:50 occasion, he went to church on the Sabbath...
44:52 hmm, I like that. Now why did he do it?
44:55 Well two certain reasons is, #1... I think is because
44:58 he could make contact with the Jews which priority,
45:01 contact with the Jews.
45:03 And certainly #2, he could certainly keep the Sabbath
45:05 of the Bible. Right. According to Luke 23:56.
45:10 So he was just following along in the footsteps that he should
45:13 that his Master had showed him; things that Jesus had
45:15 encouraged him to share.
45:17 So, yes, things are going to go on, we're going to have
45:20 problems; we're going to have tests; we're going to have
45:21 trials - the early church did.
45:23 There were divisions and separations, but God's people
45:26 God's real people I believe will come together. Amen
45:29 God's real people - there will be a unity.
45:31 A unity that Christ prayed for in John 17.
45:34 That I look at it now and I say, "Oh God, only You know
45:36 how this can come about, only You know why"
45:39 because there seems to be such division and separation,
45:42 but we need to be shouldering together, pulling together
45:44 put our heads in the word of God and say, "This is
45:46 what God's word has said, by God's grace,
45:49 by God's strength, this is what I will do.
45:53 Amen and I have to just say Brother Kenny,
45:55 I love your enthusiasm.
45:57 The word "enthusiasm" is... theo - it's God within,
46:02 and then the "iasm" - I am sold myself, so Ooo!
46:07 Alright, I have Thursday's lesson and we need to
46:10 talk about "Lystra and Derbe."
46:13 So let's just begin in Acts 14:5...
46:17 So here they are, we're starting off,
46:19 they're still in Iconium, the city is divided.
46:22 Some are siding with the Jews, some with the apostles,
46:25 and verse 5 says, "When a violent attempt was made
46:28 by both the Jews and Gentiles with the rulers
46:31 to abuse and stone them, they became aware of it,
46:35 and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia,
46:39 and to the surrounding region
46:41 and they were preaching the gospel there.
46:43 And in Lystra - now they spent some time in Lystra,
46:46 but Luke only records one story,
46:49 and we're getting ready to look at that.
46:51 In Lystra, a certain man without
46:53 strength in his feet was sitting,
46:55 a cripple from his mother's womb who had never walked...
46:58 so from birth he has been crippled.
47:01 This man heard Paul speaking and Paul observing
47:06 him intently... now notice this...
47:10 and seeing that he had the faith to be healed...
47:14 see faith can be seen, I've always said that...
47:17 seeing that he had the faith to be healed,
47:20 said with a loud voice, "Stand up straight on your
47:23 feet and he leaped and he walked.
47:26 Now when the people saw what Paul had done,
47:29 they raised their voices saying in the Lycaonian
47:33 language, "The gods had come down to us in the likeness of
47:38 men and Barnabas, they called Zeus...
47:41 Zeus was the supreme god of the Greek pantheon.
47:46 And Paul, they called Hermes because Hermes was the
47:50 attendant and spokesman for Zeus - he said, because
47:55 he was the chief speaker."
47:57 Our Quarterly points out that there was a Latin poet
48:01 who had written a story about these same two gods,
48:06 Zeus and Hermes, who had come down incognito and gone
48:10 to visit in a little village and when they got to the
48:14 village, the people didn't receive them, they were very
48:17 indifferent, but there was this humble, little, elderly
48:19 couple who brought them into their home, treated them with
48:23 great hospitality and respect and you know what happened?
48:26 In the story, this is all legend, of course,
48:29 but in the legend, what happened was that Zeus
48:34 and Hermes turned the little, humble house of this old couple
48:40 into a temple and the old couple into priests and they destroyed
48:45 the rest of the city.
48:46 So this is the story that was circulating about the time
48:49 that Paul and Barnabas are there and so,
48:53 then it goes on in verse 13...
48:55 You can see why these people reacted the way they do
48:58 if you understand that story...
49:00 Verse 13... "Then the priest of Zeus, whose temple was
49:03 in front of their city, brought oxen and garlands to the gate,
49:07 intending to sacrifice with the multitudes,
49:10 but when the Apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this,
49:13 they tore their clothes... that was always a sign
49:16 that somebody was committing blasphemy in your presence...
49:20 you tore your clothes.
49:21 And they ran in among the multitude crying out and saying,
49:25 "Men why are you doing these things?
49:27 We also are men with the same nature as you and preach
49:32 to you that you should turn from these useless things
49:36 to the living God who made the heaven and the earth,
49:38 the sea and all the things that are in them.
49:41 So turn to the Creator God who in bygone generations
49:45 allowed all nations to walk in their own ways.
49:49 Nevertheless, he did not leave himself without witness
49:52 in that he did good, He gave us rain from heaven
49:55 and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts
49:58 with food and gladness."
50:00 And with these things, they could scarcely
50:03 restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them.
50:06 So then... now watch this... Here they are in this
50:12 situation here and the Jews from Antioch and the Jews
50:18 from Iconium, they were both just been run out of these
50:21 cities, right?
50:22 ... came there and having persuaded the multitudes,
50:25 they stoned Paul and dragged him out of city
50:29 supposing him to be dead.
50:31 Can you believe this... Jewish opponents from
50:34 ... these were people who just had pushed Paul and Barnabas
50:39 out - they are following them to cause problems
50:43 and they cause a complete reversal of the situation.
50:46 The people go from adoration, wanting to worship Paul,
50:51 to wanting to kill him.
50:54 So perhaps what they convinced these people
50:58 that - alright, these men have said they're not gods,
51:00 perhaps they convinced them they were demons,
51:03 I don't know how they did it, but what was Paul's reward
51:05 for the miracle that he did for this lame man?
51:08 Well, he was stoned and drug out of the city
51:12 and left for dead.
51:13 They thought he was dead or they would have finished it off.
51:15 So now let's look at Acts 14:20.
51:20 "However, when the disciples gathered around him,
51:23 he rose up and went into the city... now these disciples were
51:27 the new believers and it probably included Timothy.
51:30 Timothy was a native of Lystra, his father was Greek,
51:36 his mother was Eunice, his grandmother was Lois
51:39 and they were both Jewish.
51:41 And then it says, "The next day he departed
51:44 with Barnabas to Derbe."
51:46 Alright, and he being Paul, the whole...It's...
51:51 when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and
51:54 went into the city and then Paul and Barnabas
51:56 go into Derbe.
51:57 So they're compelled to leave Antioch,
52:00 they're compelled to leave Iconium, now they're
52:04 compelled to leave Lystra... don't you think that Paul
52:08 could have felt a little bit gloomy, have a little
52:11 pity party - you know, here I am serving the Lord.
52:14 Lord, You called me, You turned my life upside-down,
52:18 but he wasn't, he was zealous and he was ready to go
52:23 witnessing - and he is on his way to Derbe,
52:25 and what does God do? Hm!
52:28 He gives him an abundant harvest of souls
52:30 in Derbe, let's look at verse 21...
52:32 "And when they preached the gospel to that city in Derbe,
52:36 and made MANY disciples... so God gives them an abundant
52:41 harvest... then now watch what they're going to do...
52:44 They're going to backtrack, they're going to go back
52:47 to Lystra, Iconium, on their way back to Antioch,
52:51 strengthening the souls of the disciples exhorting them to
52:55 continue in the faith and saying, "We must through many
52:58 tribulations enter the kingdom of God."
53:01 So they evangelized Derbe, now they're backtracking
53:06 because they're ready to go back to Antioch and give the
53:09 report, but they go back right into Lystra again where
53:14 they just stoned him and left him for dead;
53:16 then they go back to Iconium, and on to Antioch.
53:21 These are the same cities that threatened them and physically
53:25 abused them and kicked them out, and it's interesting to me...
53:28 that the Bible doesn't talk, Luke doesn't record
53:32 any renewed opposition, so maybe when they went back,
53:37 they confined their ministry just exclusively to
53:40 the small group of new believers
53:44 that they were there to strengthen.
53:45 But you have to know that these churches were all
53:49 in the Roman providence of Galatia and this is
53:54 probably the churches to whom Paul wrote this
53:58 Book of Galatians and they're in southern Galatia,
54:04 but they endured opposition from the Jews,
54:09 they endured opposition from the Gentiles and they needed
54:13 encouragement during their time of suffering.
54:15 When he said in verse 21, "We must through many
54:18 tribulations, enter the kingdom of God,
54:22 he's not preaching a theology of suffering for salvation.
54:26 This doesn't mean that you're, you know, going on the
54:29 long - what's the word they use... pilgrimages
54:35 with the crosses on their back or something.
54:37 He's just saying that we're going to share in
54:39 Christ's sufferings, but boy, Paul,
54:41 in 2 Corinthians 11, he tells about how much he
54:45 understood this, doesn't he?
54:47 Forty lashes he got five times.
54:49 He was imprisoned, he was beaten with rods,
54:53 shipwrecked, etcetera.
54:54 He wrote to Timothy later, 2 Timothy 3:12...
54:59 He said, "Yes, all who desire to live godly
55:01 in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution."
55:04 See, this is just when you enter the Kingdom of God...
55:08 and he told the Colossians that God has brought you
55:11 into the Kingdom of the Son He loves,
55:13 but these tribulations that we suffer are consequences
55:17 for entering the Kingdom, but the grace of God
55:20 will work in us and through us until such time as Christ
55:27 returns. Amen! Amen! Amen!
55:31 So very, very well done!
55:35 Paul's methodology was so consistent in that he went
55:39 into the synagogue and there he got a read on
55:43 how the city was functioning and what he was facing.
55:47 A couple of things come to my mind in the last 1-1/2 minutes
55:50 that is left to us...
55:54 #1... He found resistance in everything.
55:57 Sadly, many times from his own countrymen.
56:02 In fact, the most pernicious resistance was from the Jews.
56:06 There was resistance from the Gentiles - sometimes
56:08 it was because he was eating into their profit-margin;
56:11 he was preaching things that they could not support.
56:13 But this kind of evil backbiting resistance came
56:17 from his own countrymen.
56:18 But that resistance was also accompanied by
56:23 converts in every city, miracles in every city,
56:28 and the establishment of the brethren in every city.
56:31 There are two texts that come to mind that I want to just
56:34 reference very quickly...
56:36 Paul in his letter to the Hebrews, he says,
56:38 "Let your conduct be without
56:40 covetousness, be content with such things as you have,
56:43 for He Himself has said... and this is what keeps you
56:47 when you got resistance... "I will never leave you
56:49 nor forsake you, so we can boldly say - I like this part,
56:54 we can BOLDLY say...
56:55 "The Lord is my helper." Amen!
56:57 You think Paul knew that the Lord was his Helper?
56:58 Of course he did, boldly he could say,
57:00 "I know God is with me, I could see His keeping hand."
57:03 "I will not fear what can man do to me," it's powerful.
57:08 And the last one, 2 Timothy 1:12,
57:12 this is a great text... "For this reason, I also
57:15 suffer these things; nevertheless,
57:17 I am not ashamed for I KNOW Him in whom I have believed."
57:22 You see, when you've got opposition behind
57:25 and opposition in front, you gotta know
57:29 who you believe and that's the word for us today.
57:32 Once you know Jesus, you can stand for Him,
57:34 you can take it because you know Christ is on your side.
57:37 We'll see ya next week! Bye, bye...


Revised 2024-08-06