3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Ministry of Peter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180032A

00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:24 Our study today is, The Book of Acts.
00:29 Hello and welcome to our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:33 Thank you for joining us today.
00:34 What a privilege it is for you to allow us
00:37 to come into your homes.
00:38 And today we're going to have great study.
00:40 We've been studying the book of Acts, but particularly
00:43 today, the ministry of Peter.
00:44 Now Peter is one of my probably all time favorite
00:47 characters in the Bible.
00:49 Probably because I can identify with him quite a bit.
00:51 If you're honest, you probably can too.
00:54 But today we're going to have a great study.
00:57 But I'd like to introduce our panel.
00:59 Sister Mollie Steenson.
01:00 Now these folks are regulars on here.
01:02 You all are regulars; probably don't need the introduction.
01:05 But I'll do it anyway. Sister Shelley Quinn.
01:07 Sister Jill Morikone.
01:09 And pastor and brother C.A. Murray.
01:11 We're glad that each of you can be here today.
01:14 I don't know about you all, but are you as excited
01:17 as I am about studying the book of Acts,
01:19 and particularly the ministry of Peter?
01:23 To me it's an incredible, he's an incredible guy.
01:25 So what I thought I would do, actually,
01:27 was just give a little bit of his background first
01:30 before we actually go into our Sabbath school.
01:33 We're going to do a little Sabbath afternoon,
01:35 and then Sunday.
01:36 But I'd like for you to, let me give you some of these things
01:39 you may know or may not.
01:41 I had to do a little bit of background study on it.
01:43 So find out first of all, Peter the disciple was a fisherman
01:47 known as Simon Peter.
01:48 But his father was Jonah. We find that in Matthew 8:14.
01:52 John 1:40 tells us that his wife's name was unknown.
01:58 We know he had a wife, but it's unknown.
02:00 And we know that because he did something
02:02 he shouldn't have done that most married guys
02:05 would know better to do.
02:06 When the mother-in-law was sick, he invited all the
02:08 disciples over to the house.
02:10 That's probably not one of the wisest things that he did.
02:13 His brother is Andrew, we find in John 1:40 here.
02:17 He's first mentioned in Matthew 4:18.
02:21 And his final mention is 2 Peter 1:1.
02:24 Now the meaning of his name, "Simon," means, hearing.
02:28 Right?
02:30 But, "Peter," means, rock, in the Greek.
02:32 "Cephas," means, rock, in Aramaic.
02:34 Now the frequency of his name, he's mentioned 183 times
02:39 in the New Testament.
02:40 So he's a very important figure.
02:43 And we'll find him as one of the leaders,
02:46 mains leaders, of the apostolic church.
02:48 This is a young, new, growing, we'll call it a movement,
02:52 to take the gospel of the kingdom into all the world.
02:56 So to me, this is great.
02:57 Now again, I mentioned his occupation was
02:59 a fisherman and a disciple.
03:01 Birthplace, I think it's, you can help me, Bethsaida
03:05 in Galilee.
03:06 I've got a bunch of theologians here.
03:08 The tradition says that he died in Rome.
03:11 So I'm not sure we confirm that.
03:13 But it seems, and also we told that he was
03:15 baptized upside down.
03:17 ~ Crucified. - Crucified, I'm sorry.
03:20 He was crucified upside down.
03:21 Now why was that?
03:23 I've been told, and you all correct me if this is not right,
03:26 but he really didn't feel worthy to be crucified as Jesus.
03:31 Now crucifixion is probably, there's no worse way,
03:35 no more humiliating way to go out of this life
03:40 maybe than crucifixion.
03:41 We think of the cross as something wonderful
03:44 and great, but when you look at it in the physical terms,
03:47 this is what the governments did to the vilest offenders,
03:53 the vilest sinners, the worst people.
03:55 The ones that Jesus was hanging with on the cross.
03:58 You know, murderers, thieves; these people.
04:01 But to be crucified was bad enough.
04:04 But Peter says, this is the converted Peter
04:08 that we'll be talking about a little bit later,
04:10 he says, "I don't feel worthy to be crucified normally.
04:16 Crucify me upside down."
04:18 That's an amazing trait.
04:20 Especially when we find out where he's from.
04:22 So the important fact of his life,
04:24 he was one of the chief apostles
04:26 and was the author of two New Testament books.
04:29 He also traveled from Jerusalem to Rome,
04:33 many places in between.
04:34 Lydda, Joppa, Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth.
04:38 So he's a man on the move quite a bit.
04:40 And part of that, after his conversion, was teaching
04:43 and instructing others about this new found faith
04:48 in the Lord Jesus Christ, and righteousness by faith,
04:50 and that the gospel is to go to the whole world,
04:52 not just to the Jews.
04:54 So again, this is going to be a great study today.
04:58 And I'm looking forward to hearing what
04:59 each of you have to say.
05:02 Now Peter and his brother Andrew, they were fishermen
05:04 on the sea of Tiberius, which normally
05:06 we call the Sea of Galilee.
05:08 And the first meeting with Simon, I thought it was
05:11 interesting, that Jesus says, He's going to call him, Cephas.
05:14 Does anybody know what Cephas means?
05:16 - Pebble, little rock. - It means a rock. Okay.
05:19 A pebble, she says, or a rock.
05:20 But it wasn't until the second call that Simon Peter actually
05:25 left everything to become a disciple.
05:26 And you know the story.
05:28 That Jesus wanted to go talk to the multitude,
05:31 and He asked him, "Can you take Me out on the boat,
05:34 on the ship, so I can be back from the
05:37 people and talk to them?"
05:38 Well after the talk, He says, "Take Me out a little farther,
05:41 let's do some fishing."
05:43 And of course, you know, here's Peter.
05:45 And Peter, with his personality, he's like,
05:47 "Lord, there's no fish out there.
05:49 We have fished all night, there's nothing there."
05:51 Jesus says, "Well let's," basically, "let's try it anyway.
05:54 Let's go out and see."
05:55 And you know the story.
05:57 The nets were so full they began to break.
05:59 And he had to call James and John, another boat next to them,
06:02 to come and help.
06:04 It's then Peter really realized, "This is the Master.
06:07 I need to follow Him."
06:08 But I think what we really want to cover here today,
06:12 and you all will do the rest of it, but I want to talk about
06:15 the difference in Peter.
06:17 I'm going to call it the before and the after.
06:20 Because you see that Peter did some amazing things.
06:24 He, first of all, was willing to leave everything.
06:27 Now here's a man who knew nothing about Christianity,
06:29 as far as I know.
06:30 But when he met the Master, he says, "I want to follow."
06:33 So just the fact that he was willing to give up his business,
06:37 give up everything, travel with Jesus,
06:39 that's a great step.
06:40 But what we find, even though he was with Jesus
06:44 for three years plus, he was never really converted.
06:49 Now you would think, being with Jesus you would be converted.
06:54 But Jesus, as you know, said, "I'm praying for you.
06:57 And when though art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
07:00 But what I see in him is in all of us today.
07:03 And I'd like us to get this point.
07:04 Just because we say we follow Jesus,
07:07 and even baptism, doesn't get us to where...
07:11 We start as a diamond in the rough.
07:13 ...doesn't get us to be that perfect diamond.
07:17 It's steps called sanctification.
07:20 So if we look at Peter's life, we see him doing some really,
07:24 we would call, ridiculous things, but he wanted to do
07:26 everything in the flesh.
07:28 And so, okay, you know the story of the Garden of Gethsemane
07:32 and the soldiers, the high priest soldiers come to get Him.
07:35 And what does Peter do?
07:37 Pulls out a sword, right, and he's willing to kill somebody.
07:40 Maybe a bad shot or maybe God didn't allow it, but he
07:43 just cut off the man's ear.
07:45 But he's like, "Lord, I'm going to be with You.
07:47 I'm for You. I'm here."
07:49 So he's a disciple, but he still is in this unconverted...
07:53 How many of us are disciples, we believe in Jesus,
07:56 but we're still literally not converted?
07:59 So now we have him going a little farther, and we see him
08:02 progressing in his relationship, we think, with the Lord.
08:06 And so finally he goes forward.
08:08 But then we see him, this temper and his pride,
08:12 which always gets to him.
08:13 So finally they get to Jesus, and Jesus is speaking to them,
08:18 and He tells them what's going to happen.
08:19 "The Son of Man is going to have to die.
08:23 But in three days I'll rise again."
08:25 And He says something really important.
08:27 He says, "Peter, upon this rock I will build My church."
08:31 So it occurred to me, Peter probably thought,
08:36 as the Catholic church does today,
08:38 "Hey, my name is Peter. That's a rock.
08:41 He's going to build this church on me.
08:43 Wow!"
08:45 I'm mean, I don't know.
08:46 I'm just looking at this guy who is all gung-ho, we'll call it,
08:49 and all excited and very emotional.
08:51 And anytime something needed to be done...
08:54 When Jesus was in the water, you know, and he said,
08:57 "Is that really You?
08:58 If it is, let me out there."
08:59 You didn't hear the other disciples,
09:01 "I want to walk on the water."
09:02 But again, he looked down.
09:05 Because he's so self-reliant.
09:07 And I think some of us today are exactly that same way.
09:10 We so rely on ourself.
09:12 So now we have Peter.
09:15 And Jesus says, "Upon this rock I will build My church."
09:19 And Peter is thinking, "Apparently, wow,
09:22 He's building that on me."
09:25 But then he says to Jesus, "Well come over here just a second.
09:27 I need to tell you something.
09:29 This is never going to happen to You, Lord, when I'm around.
09:33 Because I'm going to see that this is not going to happen."
09:37 And then Jesus says something very strong.
09:41 He says, "Satan, get thee from Me."
09:45 "Get thee behind Me, Satan."
09:47 He literally looks at Peter and says,
09:51 "Get thee behind Me, Satan."
09:52 Now what a shock to Peter.
09:54 And maybe a shock to those who look at Peter as,
09:56 you know, "upon this rock," they look at him as
09:59 the very church, that, you know...
10:02 This is what the Catholic church, for instance,
10:04 says Peter is the rock the church was built upon.
10:07 But no it wasn't. It was Jesus Christ.
10:09 He's the solid rock. The only rock.
10:12 So what we find out is, even at that point...
10:15 But here's the beauty of it.
10:17 Jesus could look at Peter and say to Him,
10:22 "You're going to do great and mighty, marvelous things
10:24 when you come in My name."
10:26 He could see him after his conversion.
10:30 Peter didn't even know it.
10:32 So even at this time he wasn't converted.
10:34 So we continue the story of Peter.
10:37 But again, he shows himself at every hand
10:40 wanting to do something.
10:42 But what he had mostly, and I think it's so important
10:44 for us today, is he loved Jesus.
10:46 ~ Amen. - He had a love for Jesus.
10:49 But it was not until when?
10:51 Until Pentecost when after Christ's death, burial,
10:56 and resurrection, and the Holy Ghost at Pentecost
11:00 was poured out, and when he received that
11:03 and began to teach it, we begin to see miracles.
11:06 These miracles happen.
11:08 The same thing in Lydda, in Joppa.
11:10 We see him going and healing.
11:13 Raising the dead, healing the sick.
11:18 We have Dorcas, we call her, I think, Tabitha.
11:22 He did that miracle.
11:23 And told everybody in the room, "Just leave.
11:25 Just leave.
11:27 I have something that I want to do."
11:29 And he literally had the faith and the confidence
11:31 to look at that dead body and say, "Tabitha, awake."
11:37 It says she opened her eyes and sat up.
11:40 When you look at that man, you remember the man that was
11:44 let down through the roof, he couldn't get to Him.
11:47 Healed him. Raised him. Literally healed him.
11:50 Then He raised the dead.
11:51 All of these things and these signs begin to follow
11:55 once they did what?
11:56 Once they really submitted, committed to Jesus their lives,
12:00 and then said, "Lord, send me. I will go."
12:03 They're willing to go, but they had to ask for the anointing
12:07 of the Holy Spirit.
12:08 So today what we're going to be finding out...
12:11 And I see the same parallels, Mollie, today,
12:14 as I did in the church of old.
12:17 We're a movement, we call us here in the Seventh-day
12:19 Adventist church; we're a movement.
12:21 But sometimes we just are, I guess, we don't have vision.
12:27 We're not looking forward to the end result that
12:31 Jesus is coming back for a purified bride
12:34 and a purified church.
12:35 So we get caught up in the things around us
12:38 and we start worrying about me, myself, and I.
12:41 All of these things.
12:42 And we need to look back to Acts.
12:44 We need to look back to Pentecost.
12:46 And we should be looking forward to the second coming.
12:49 How did this church grow?
12:52 When they all came together in one accord.
12:54 So the devil is out to steal, kill, and to destroy.
12:57 He knows a house divided against itself can't stand.
13:00 So today let's take, let's learn from the book of Acts,
13:06 from the ministry of Peter and the others.
13:08 We're going to be talking that, you know what?
13:10 We've got a great future ahead of us.
13:12 Jesus is coming very soon in the clouds of glory.
13:15 He's willing to take every one of you, and me,
13:18 in our sinful state, looks like there's no hope for us.
13:23 He doesn't see us as that diamond in the rough.
13:25 He can see us for what we will be.
13:28 Sons and daughters and heirs to the throne.
13:31 And to me, that's an amazing thing that God can look down
13:34 on this earth to fallen man, and He can use fallen man.
13:37 Never be discouraged.
13:39 No matter what happens to you, there's nothing so bad that
13:42 you've done God can't forgive it.
13:44 There's nothing so small that He doesn't hear your request,
13:47 because He lends an ear.
13:49 So I'm encouraged by Peter, to find out
13:52 here's a man who is just like me in so many ways,
13:55 made so many mistakes,
13:56 but after his conversion he became a solid rock,
14:01 a foundation for the apostolic church
14:04 that now begin to go out into all the world.
14:07 ~ Amen, amen.
14:09 Well I get to continue, Danny, on Monday to look at another
14:13 experience in Peter's life.
14:15 I'm looking at an experience that Peter has
14:19 that really changed him.
14:20 And this is at Cornelius's house.
14:23 So I want you to go to Acts the 10th chapter.
14:27 And at this time Peter is in Joppa.
14:31 And he's staying with a tanner, and the tanner's name is Simon.
14:36 Meanwhile, we've got two things going on here together.
14:40 Over in Caesarea which is about 25 miles away
14:45 from Joppa, there lived a Roman centurion name Cornelius.
14:52 He and his household were devout worshipers of God,
14:56 though they had not yet formally adhered to Judaism.
15:00 Meaning that Cornelius was, here's the terminology, Shelley,
15:05 he was an uncircumcised Gentile.
15:07 That's what he was called.
15:09 But God gave, here's the beauty of the story,
15:13 He gave this uncircumcised Gentile a vision.
15:18 So let me read that vision to you.
15:20 That's Acts 10:3-8.
15:23 "About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision
15:28 an angel of God coming in and saying to him, 'Cornelius!'
15:33 And when he observed him, he was afraid, and said,
15:36 'What is it, lord?'
15:37 So he said to him, 'Your prayers and your alms have come up
15:42 for a memorial before God.
15:45 Now send men to Joppa, and send for Simon
15:49 whose surname is Peter.
15:52 He is lodging with Simon, a tanner,
15:54 whose house is by the sea.
15:56 He, being Peter, will tell you what you must do.'
16:01 And when the angel who spoke to him had departed,
16:04 Cornelius called two of his household servants
16:07 and a devout soldier from among those
16:10 who waited on him continually.
16:12 So when he had explained all these things to them,
16:17 he sent them to Joppa."
16:19 Now Cornelius has just sent three of his men to Joppa.
16:23 What are they going to do?
16:25 They're going to tell Peter to come to Cornelius's house.
16:29 Now Peter was a devout Jew.
16:31 Can we say Peter was a pretty devout Jew?
16:34 Danny, this is after Pentecost.
16:37 This is after Peter has been filled with...
16:40 Remember that sermon that he preached
16:42 on the day of Pentecost?
16:43 He's a powerful man of God.
16:46 And the Jews didn't associate with uncircumcised Gentiles
16:50 if they could help it.
16:52 It was unlawful for a Jewish man to keep company with
16:57 or go to one of another nation.
17:00 Peter is having a paradigm shift.
17:02 Can we say that for a fact?
17:05 But now Peter has a vision from God too.
17:08 Isn't God good to intervene on our behalf?
17:11 That's Acts 10:9-16.
17:15 It says, "The next day..."
17:18 This is the next day after Cornelius had his vision.
17:22 The next day, as they went on their journey
17:24 and drew near the city, Peter went up on the
17:27 housetop to pray, about the sixth hour.
17:29 Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat;
17:32 but while they made ready, he fell into a trance
17:36 and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet
17:40 bound at the four corners descending to him
17:43 and let down to the earth.
17:45 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals
17:48 of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things,
17:52 and birds of the air.
17:54 And a voice came to him, 'Rise, Peter; kill and eat.'
17:59 But Peter said, 'Not so, Lord!
18:02 For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.'
18:07 And a voice spoke to him again the second time,
18:11 'What God has cleansed you must not call common.'
18:16 This was done three times.
18:19 And the object was taken up into heaven."
18:22 Now let me ask you this.
18:24 Let me ask you great theologians here.
18:27 Do you think Peter's vision had anything to do with food?
18:30 ~ Absolutely not. ~ No. Not at all.
18:31 Not at all.
18:33 It was about people.
18:35 The vision was to remove the error Peter was living under
18:41 and open Peter up to receive all nations, kindred,
18:46 tongues, and people as God's loved children.
18:50 It was to remove his bias.
18:53 Now do you remember Paul?
18:55 Paul and Peter had something very much in common.
18:58 They had been raised under the Jewish system.
19:02 And this is all they knew.
19:03 And it was truth to them.
19:06 So they weren't doing anything that they didn't feel
19:09 that was what they were supposed to do.
19:12 But what they believed was skewed.
19:17 And so because their belief was skewed,
19:20 God is setting about the process to bring their belief system
19:26 in line with the Word of God.
19:29 God told Cornelius to invite Peter to his home.
19:34 Peter's view was that if he entered Cornelius's house
19:39 and fellowshipped with him, he would be defiled
19:44 and become unfit to worship in the temple
19:47 or to come before God's presence.
19:49 That is what he had been taught his whole life.
19:52 This is significant to him.
19:55 This is vital to him.
19:56 To be, as it were, excommunicated
20:00 from the presence of God?
20:02 That is significant.
20:03 But in a vision from God, God is telling him to do something.
20:08 And you know there has got to be conflict,
20:11 a conflicting thought.
20:12 Uncircumcised Gentiles were segregated, they were shunned,
20:18 and treated with contempt.
20:20 They could have no part in God's blessing.
20:24 But that a Gentile, an uncircumcised Gentile,
20:31 here we've got somebody, Cornelius, that even God says,
20:35 "Your good works are coming up as a memorial to Me,"
20:38 and gives him a vision.
20:40 So this whole concept that they would have no part
20:44 in God's blessing was incompatible.
20:47 It was diametrically opposed to what Jesus' death on the cross
20:53 accomplished for all mankind.
20:56 It took time, but over time.
20:58 Thank God, God didn't get in a hurry with us.
21:01 He's patient with us. He loves us.
21:03 He takes us step by step.
21:05 Over time, this erroneous teaching was being corrected.
21:10 Now it started here with Peter concerning the Gentiles.
21:17 We've already seen where Paul had his experience too.
21:21 So these early pillars in the apostolic church,
21:24 God had to begin with them.
21:26 Because they're the teachers.
21:27 It was like the Ethiopian said to Philip,
21:31 "How am I going to understand if I don't have somebody
21:34 to explain it to me."
21:36 So God started changing the hearts of these apostles
21:43 in the early church so that they would teach a clear message.
21:47 A message that would penetrate the heart
21:50 and remove all doubt.
21:51 Error was being replaced with truth.
21:58 You know, I'm going to say this, and you may think
22:01 this is a controversial statement.
22:04 But more than likely, every one of us
22:06 have some error in our heart.
22:08 I doubt any of us have arrived yet.
22:12 The sin isn't that we have error in our heart.
22:17 The sin would be if truth comes and we reject truth.
22:20 So truth is being poured out.
22:22 I've got to hurry here.
22:24 When Peter arrived at Cornelius's house,
22:28 he told the people who had gathered there...
22:30 Now let me read this to you. I want you to see this.
22:33 Go to Acts 10:28.
22:36 This is so beautiful.
22:38 Because this vision from God had given Peter
22:43 a whole different mindset.
22:46 He'd had a total paradigm shift.
22:49 What he believed one day,
22:52 he believed totally different the next day.
22:55 Why? Because God had touched his heart.
22:57 Look at this Acts 10:28.
22:59 "Then he said to them..."
23:01 Now this is at Cornelius's house
23:04 where they had all gathered together.
23:06 "You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company
23:11 with or go to one of another nation.
23:14 But God has shown me that I should not call
23:18 any man common or unclean."
23:20 The vision had to do with mankind, with humanity.
23:24 Alright, one last scripture in Acts the 10th chapter.
23:30 "Then Peter opened his mouth and said,
23:32 'In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.
23:37 But in every nation whoever fears Him
23:40 and works righteousness is accepted by Him.'"
23:44 This is the theme that runs throughout the whole Bible.
23:48 And here is it in a little nut shell.
23:51 It's not by race. It's by grace.
23:54 Amen and amen. Thank you, Mollie.
23:56 This was just beautiful.
23:58 Well I have lesson six, which is for Tuesday.
24:02 And the title of this lesson is, The Gift of the Spirit.
24:07 But what I'd like to do is just set the stage for a second
24:10 and talk about how the Holy Spirit is given today.
24:15 Jesus said in John 7:37-39 that those who yearn for God,
24:21 those who thirst for God, will be given the Holy Spirit.
24:25 He says, "If anyone thirsts, let him come after Me and drink.
24:29 And He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,
24:32 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
24:36 And it goes on to say, "This He spoke of concerning the Spirit."
24:40 So the gift of the Spirit comes to those who are yearning
24:45 for God and trusting in Him.
24:48 Obviously we know that Romans 12:1-2,
24:51 which is one of ours, that it's a matter of yielding,
24:55 submitting yourself to God,
24:57 consenting to His leading, if you will.
25:01 And then Acts 5:32 says that... Let me just read this.
25:06 It says, "We are His witnesses to these things,
25:09 so also is the Holy Spirit whom God gives
25:13 to those who obey Him."
25:16 So there's something about, you know, there's so many
25:21 questions about the baptism of the Holy Spirit
25:23 or being filled with the Holy Spirit.
25:25 But what I wanted to point out is, God's Spirit was already
25:28 working with Cornelius and is household
25:32 before Peter ever showed up.
25:34 The Scripture says he was a devout man, that he feared God.
25:38 It said that he gave alms to the poor.
25:41 And he and his whole household were generous-natured people
25:45 who were fearing the Lord, it says.
25:48 So I wanted to establish this, that there is no set order
25:54 given in the Scripture for receiving the Holy Spirit.
25:58 Let me run through that quickly.
25:59 Acts 2:38, when Peter is preaching to those
26:03 who he's holding accountable for the death of Jesus,
26:06 what he says to them is, "Repent, every one of you,
26:09 be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
26:12 for the remission of your sins..."
26:13 And it's the name of Jesus and His blood that remits the sins.
26:17 "...and you shall receive the Holy Spirit."
26:19 So the order sounds like, repent, be baptized,
26:22 then you're going to receive the Holy Spirit.
26:24 But in Acts 8:14-17, the Samaritans had already been
26:30 baptized in the name of Jesus.
26:32 They hadn't yet received the Holy Spirit.
26:35 We've got the Jews going out, or Peter and...
26:38 Who was it? Peter and John who went out.
26:41 And they laid hands on them.
26:46 But I believe it's because they, as amazing as it was
26:50 uncircumcised Gentiles, the idea that these Samaritans
26:55 who they thought their religion was so twisted that
26:59 they had ruined Judaism, and they considered them dogs,
27:02 this was a sign for the Jews that went out.
27:07 Paul received the baptism of the Holy Spirit
27:11 before he was baptized in water.
27:14 And now let's get to Acts 10:38.
27:16 Cornelius and his household, while Peter is telling them
27:21 about the powerful life and death and resurrection
27:25 of Jesus, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard.
27:29 So it's on Cornelius and the whole household.
27:32 "And those of the circumcision..."
27:34 See, Peter took six of the Jewish brethren,
27:38 the Jewish Christians, down with him.
27:40 He knew he was going to get some push back on this.
27:43 So he took six with him.
27:45 And it says, "Those of the circumcision who believed
27:49 were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because
27:52 the gift of the Holy Spirit had been
27:54 poured out on the Gentiles also.
27:56 For they heard them speak with tongues magnifying God.
28:01 And Peter says, 'Can anyone forbid water,
28:04 that these should not be baptized who have received
28:07 the Holy Ghost as we have?'
28:09 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus."
28:12 Then he stayed on for a few days and taught them.
28:15 This was the first time that one of the apostles from Jerusalem
28:18 had gone out to a Gentiles house.
28:21 And unlike the Hellenistic Jews who lived away from the temple,
28:26 they were much more quick to accept uncircumcised Gentiles
28:32 into the fellowship.
28:33 But boy, the Judean Jews, ick.
28:36 Because they actually believed that you had to become Jewish
28:40 to become a Christian.
28:41 They thought you needed to be a Jewish proselyte
28:43 to become a Christian.
28:45 So the gift of tongues, speaking in other languages,
28:49 was so amazing as a sign for the Jewish Christians
28:55 that had come down.
28:56 And it just showed them that salvation,
29:00 that God has no favorites, that He's got no prejudice,
29:05 and salvation belonged to both Jews and Gentiles.
29:08 So, we know...
29:12 Oh, let's go to, I've got to skip half my notes, Acts 11.
29:17 Let's look at verses 1-18.
29:20 So Peter is there, he's witnessed this,
29:23 he's had these guys with him.
29:25 Now he goes back to the Jerusalem church
29:28 to give the report.
29:29 "And when Peter came up to Jerusalem,
29:31 those of the circumcision..."
29:32 Those circumcised Jews that had been converts.
29:36 "...say to him, 'You went in to uncircumcised men
29:41 and you ate with them!'"
29:44 They were more upset that he had violated one of
29:48 their traditions than they were worried about
29:52 people coming to the Lord.
29:54 "So Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning..."
29:59 He's telling his vision of the sheet.
30:01 And he says, "I heard a voice saying to me,
30:03 'Rise, Peter; kill and eat.'
30:05 But I said, 'Not so, Lord!'"
30:07 Wait a minute.
30:08 This is some time after Jesus died.
30:11 He walked three and a half years with Jesus.
30:13 And now the Lord is saying,
30:16 "Rise up and eat of these unclean things."
30:18 And he says, "You know I've never eaten anything unclean.
30:20 Not even until this day.
30:21 I haven't put anything unclean in my mouth."
30:24 "But the voice answered me again from heaven,
30:27 'What God has cleansed you must not call common.'"
30:30 You know what this reminds me of?
30:31 The story in Jeremiah 35 where God told the prophet Elisha,
30:37 He says, "Go to the Rechabites."
30:40 And He said, "You bring them into the prophets apartment
30:45 there at the synagogue, you give them wine to drink."
30:50 What! Why is He doing this?
30:53 It was because God knew they wouldn't drink of that wine.
30:56 And He was going to hold them up as an example
31:00 of faithfulness in obeying the rule.
31:04 Because they said, "No, our father said that,
31:07 you know, we should never drink wine."
31:08 And then God turns around to the guys and says,
31:10 "Hey, look at the Rechabites.
31:12 They still do what their father says.
31:14 But I keep talking to you, and you men of Judah
31:16 and you men of Jerusalem, you're persistently disobeying."
31:20 So Peter finally understood the vision.
31:23 And as you said, Mollie, he says, "Ah, You know how
31:29 unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with
31:31 or go to one of another nation.
31:34 Oh, but God has shown me that my prejudice is nothing but pride.
31:39 He's trying to get the pride out of me.
31:41 Because He has shown me that I should not call
31:45 any man common or unclean."
31:47 Let me tell you something.
31:49 And I want to look straight into the camera,
31:50 straight into your eyes when I say this.
31:53 And that is that prejudice is nothing but pride.
32:02 Listen to what I'm saying.
32:04 Prejudice is nothing but pride.
32:07 You think you are better than somebody else
32:10 if you're prejudice.
32:11 And pride is the original sin of the devil.
32:15 This is where it all started.
32:17 So please, if you feel prideful in your heart,
32:21 go before the Lord and ask Him to forgive you.
32:24 So now in Acts 11:15.
32:27 He's still talking to the Jerusalem group.
32:32 He says, this is Peter, "'As I began to speak,
32:34 the Holy Spirit fell upon them, as it had upon us
32:38 at the very beginning.
32:40 Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said,
32:43 "John indeed baptized with water,
32:46 but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
32:50 If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us
32:54 when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ,
32:57 who was I that I could withstand God?'
33:02 And when they heard these things," oh, these prideful men,
33:06 "they became silent; and they glorified God..."
33:11 He silenced their arguments.
33:13 He silenced their foolishness.
33:16 "...they glorified God, saying, 'Then God has also
33:20 granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.'"
33:26 Amen. Thank you so much, Shelley.
33:28 Isn't it incredible what God wants to do in our lives?
33:31 He wants to take the gospel to the Gentiles.
33:34 And at home you might be saying,
33:36 "I was never even raised a Christian.
33:38 I don't know anything about Jesus."
33:40 The gospel is for you.
33:42 But not only that, He wants to take the gospel
33:45 to those of us who were raised in the church
33:47 and knew all of those doctrines and beliefs to follow
33:50 but never met Jesus.
33:52 And so, no matter what camp we find ourselves in,
33:55 the gospel is for us.
33:56 And that's the beauty of this.
33:58 Well my section is Wednesday, The Church in Antioch.
34:03 And at this point, Luke kind of interrupts his account.
34:06 He's been talking about Peter,
34:08 and the ministry and the work of Peter.
34:10 And right now he does like a digression.
34:12 And he talks about the work going forward to Antioch.
34:17 The work with Barnabas and Saul in Antioch.
34:20 So my section is Acts 11:19-26.
34:25 Let's pick it up in verse 19.
34:27 "Now those who were scattered after the persecution
34:30 that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia, Cyprus,
34:34 and Antioch, preaching the word to no one but the Jews only."
34:39 So remember at the stoning of Stephen,
34:42 that was the end of Acts 7, the beginning of Acts 8
34:46 what took place.
34:47 There was a great persecution that arose in Jerusalem.
34:50 And the believers were forced to flee from Jerusalem.
34:54 I think this is part of God's plan, Acts 1:8.
34:57 They were suppose to spread the gospel
34:59 in Jerusalem, and then Judea, and Samaria,
35:01 and to the uttermost parts of the earth.
35:03 So while it wasn't God's plan for Stephen to be stoned,
35:06 at the same time God used a bad experience
35:09 and the persecution that arose for the spreading of the gospel.
35:13 So this is actually several years after that time,
35:17 because in just a moment we see that Saul comes and joins it.
35:21 But we know that Saul wasn't even converted
35:23 at the stoning of Stephen.
35:24 He was one of the ones who held the coats
35:26 for the ones who were doing the active stoning.
35:30 Then he was converted some time later.
35:32 He went to Damascus.
35:33 He spend three years in Arabia. He came back.
35:36 So we're at least three years, four years,
35:38 after this has occurred.
35:40 So the brethren have scattered.
35:42 And you notice their preaching the Word not to everybody.
35:45 Did you notice that?
35:47 They preached the Word only, Pastor C.A., to the Jews.
35:51 Because that's what they thought.
35:53 It was suppose to only go to the Jewish people.
35:55 Now let's look at verse 20.
35:56 Verse 20 begins with, "But..."
35:58 And I like that because it means something different
36:01 is about ready to happen.
36:02 But some of them were men from Cyprus and Cyrene,
36:06 who, when they had come to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists,
36:10 preaching the Lord Jesus."
36:13 Now we've been talking throughout this study that
36:15 the Hellenists are Greeks.
36:17 They're Greek speaking Jews.
36:19 We know that Barnabas was a Hellenist.
36:22 We know that Saul of Tarsus was a Hellenist,
36:24 because he was born in Tarsus.
36:27 He was not a native of Palestine, as it were.
36:30 Now these people were from Cyprus and Cyrene.
36:34 So they are not native of Palestine.
36:37 But they're preaching the Lord Jesus.
36:38 Who are they preaching it to? To the Hellenists.
36:41 Now wait a minute.
36:42 How can Hellenists, Greek speaking Christians,
36:45 preach the Word to a Hellenist?
36:48 Wait a minute, it seems like there's something wrong
36:50 here with this picture.
36:51 I would submit to you that the Hellenists they were
36:53 preaching to in this case were Gentiles.
36:56 They're not Jews at all.
36:57 They are Greek speaking, but they are Gentiles.
37:00 You can see that because the previous verse what does it say?
37:03 They spoke to no one but Jews only.
37:06 Then it says, "But..."
37:08 So if I were to say, "I'm going to the store, Shelley,
37:11 but you stay home," what does that mean?
37:13 Are you coming to the store with me?
37:15 No, you have to stay home.
37:16 You're doing something different, entirely different.
37:19 So if they were preaching to Jews only,
37:21 but now they're preaching to Hellenists,
37:23 the Hellenists cannot be the Jews.
37:25 Because the Jews, they were preaching to before.
37:27 So in this case, they were preaching to Gentiles.
37:31 Verse 21, "And the hand of the Lord was with them,
37:34 and a great number believed and turned to the Lord.
37:38 Then news of these things came to the ears
37:40 of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent out Barnabas
37:44 to go as far as Antioch."
37:45 Now we know Antioch was the capital city of Syria.
37:49 And their population was probably between
37:51 three hundred and five hundred thousand people at this time.
37:53 It was a big city.
37:55 It was the third largest city in the Roman Empire.
37:58 The first being Rome, the second being Alexandria,
38:01 and then Antioch.
38:02 So this is a large city.
38:04 And if you look at a map, like Jerusalem would be here,
38:06 and you go straight north 300 miles, you come to Antioch.
38:11 So it takes a little while for the news to get out,
38:13 I would think, from Antioch all the way down to Jerusalem.
38:16 "Hey, you know what?
38:17 There are some Gentile Christians.
38:19 There's something going on.
38:21 We need to send one of the brethren to check it out."
38:24 So they sent Barnabas to them.
38:28 And now Barnabas comes.
38:29 Verse 23, "When he came," when Barnabas came,
38:32 "and had seen the grace of God, he was glad..."
38:37 Don't you love that?
38:38 He didn't discourage them.
38:40 He didn't say, "Now I don't know exactly what you all have been
38:43 doing preaching to these Gentiles."
38:45 He was glad.
38:46 "...and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart
38:49 they should continue with the Lord."
38:51 To me, one of Barnabas' greatest gifts
38:54 is knowing and recognizing gifts in other people
38:58 and pushing them to the forefront.
39:01 He's kind of an unsung hero of the New Testament.
39:04 But he recognized, "Wow, God is doing amazing things."
39:07 And he encouraged them.
39:09 We know in Acts 4:36, Barnabas is known as
39:12 the son of encouragement.
39:14 So what happens next?
39:15 Verse 24, "He was a good man," talking about Barnabas,
39:19 "full of the Holy Spirit and of faith."
39:22 The word for, "full," in Greek, "pleres," means,
39:24 full, completely abounding in.
39:27 So Barnabas was completely filled up with the Holy Spirit.
39:31 He was completely filled up with faith.
39:35 And what happens next?
39:37 "A great many people were added to the Lord."
39:38 Now at this point I might be saying,
39:41 "Okay, many people are coming to God.
39:43 The Jerusalem church sent me here.
39:45 Everything is going well.
39:47 I'm going to consolidate my leadership."
39:49 But instead, what does he do?
39:51 He sends for someone else to come join him in the work.
39:55 The next verse, verse 25,
39:57 "Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul."
40:01 And he had, remember, met Saul when he first came to
40:04 meet the Jerusalem brethren after his three years in Arabia.
40:07 And Barnabas is saying, "Here is someone who can
40:10 join me in the work.
40:11 Here is someone with gifts and abilities.
40:13 And I want to bring him to join me here in the work."
40:17 And so he brought Saul.
40:18 Now Tarsus is 100 miles north of Antioch.
40:21 So he went north again, brought Saul, and came back.
40:24 "And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch.
40:26 So it was that for a whole year they assembled
40:29 with the church and taught a great many people.
40:32 And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch."
40:37 The first place they were ever called Christians
40:39 was right here in Antioch.
40:41 And Antioch became, as it were, an important center
40:44 for the apostolic church.
40:46 Of course, Jerusalem was.
40:47 But for Paul's ministry especially.
40:50 Each one of his three missionary journeys,
40:52 he departed from Antioch, from that place.
40:55 These are my five takeaways from this
40:58 passage here in Scripture.
40:59 Number one, acknowledge God's supremacy and sovereignty.
41:04 Remember in verse 19 when the believers were scattered
41:08 because of the persecution.
41:10 They could have thought, "I'm going through trials,
41:12 I'm going through hardships.
41:13 I've no idea what God is doing."
41:16 Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 13,
41:19 "You can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth."
41:23 The Jerusalem believers thought it was the end of their
41:25 hopes and dreams, and everything, to be persecuted
41:28 and driven out from Jerusalem.
41:30 But that was God's means of spreading the gospel.
41:33 So you might be going through something today,
41:35 and it seems like, "I'm being persecuted,
41:38 I'm in oppression, I'm in a bad place."
41:40 Acknowledge that God is sovereign.
41:42 Acknowledge that even in the midst of that stuff
41:45 He can do something beautiful.
41:47 He can work to spread His work.
41:49 Number two, accept the priesthood of all believers.
41:53 Everyone is called to preach and teach and share the gospel.
41:57 Not just the leaders.
41:59 Because you notice, who first planted the church in Antioch?
42:02 We don't even know their names.
42:03 They were from Cypress and Cyrene.
42:06 Then the brethren got hold of it
42:07 and they sent Barnabas and Saul.
42:09 But the first people were even people
42:11 we don't even know their names.
42:14 So we might be saying, "I have to be a Rafferty to preach."
42:17 Or a Batchelor, or a Bohr.
42:18 None of that matters.
42:20 God calls each one of us to share the gospel.
42:23 Number three, look for the good in others.
42:26 That's what Barnabas did.
42:27 He saw the good that was happening there in the church
42:30 and he decided to support it and encourage it.
42:34 Number four, realize that God alone gives the increase.
42:39 We're called to speak, to preach, to live, to share Jesus.
42:42 But God is the one who brings the increase.
42:46 And finally, recognize when you need help.
42:51 Barnabas went to get Saul and bring him to help
42:55 the church and the work there.
42:56 Someone with different gifts or different abilities.
42:59 Someone who can walk along side you and carry the ministry
43:02 even farther than you ever could.
43:05 So what an incredible lesson that I see here in this church.
43:10 The first place they were ever called Christians is
43:13 we see the growth of the apostolic church
43:15 here in Antioch.
43:17 - Pastor C.A. ~ Well done, well done.
43:19 Great things done at Antioch.
43:21 I am on Thursday's lesson, Herod's Persecution.
43:26 We move now to Acts chapter 12.
43:28 We're going to read the first five verses,
43:30 and then we'll launch out.
43:32 The Bible says, Acts 12:1, "Now about that time
43:38 Herod the king stretched out his hand to harass..."
43:42 And this harass is no light trifling.
43:46 This is a heavy word up to and including death.
43:49 "...some of the church.
43:51 Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword.
43:54 And because he saw that it pleased the Jews,
43:57 he proceeded further to seize Peter also.
44:01 Now it was during the Days of Unleavened Bread."
44:04 So we're at Passover time.
44:06 "So when he had arrested him, he put him in prison,
44:10 and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him,
44:15 intending to bring him before the people after Passover."
44:19 Now these Herods were political operatives.
44:21 So he knew the time.
44:22 He didn't want to do anything during Passover
44:23 for the would not have gone well with the Jewish people.
44:27 Verse 5, "Peter was therefore kept in prison,
44:31 but constant prayer," praise God, "was offered to God
44:35 for him by the church."
44:38 I want to take just a moment and give you just a little
44:40 historical perspective on the Herods.
44:43 Because we hear these names so very much.
44:45 There are a lot of Herods.
44:46 Three of them dealt directly with Christ's life.
44:48 There were six in total that the Bible sort of deals with.
44:52 And there's an easy way to sort of remember
44:53 what Herod is what Herod.
44:56 Herod the Great, the grandfather of them all,
44:59 that's the Christmas story Herod.
45:01 That's the one that the wisemen went to seeking Jesus.
45:04 That's Herod the Great.
45:05 And they knew something was wrong,
45:06 so they went back another way.
45:08 That's Herod the Great.
45:10 His son, Herod Archelaus, was on the throne
45:14 when Joseph and Mary were coming back,
45:17 and instead of going to Bethlehem
45:19 they went to Nazareth because they feared him
45:21 because he too was a trickster.
45:24 You've got Herod Antipas.
45:27 This is the one that Jesus called, that fox.
45:29 That fox.
45:31 And, "fox," is an interesting term.
45:33 It means, trickster, but it also means,
45:35 in modern terminology you could say, that small fry, you know.
45:38 He thinks he's a big guy, but he's really kind of a small fry.
45:41 Kind of a minnow in a big pond.
45:43 So Christ said, "Go tell that fox," that small fry,
45:45 that little minnow, "that he's not all that he thinks he is."
45:49 He, of course, killed John the Baptist.
45:53 Herod Philip, his brother, ruled north of Galilee,
45:58 built Caesarea Philippi.
45:59 Now what is interesting, Herod Antipas, Herod Philip
46:03 were married to Herodias.
46:07 They shared the same wife.
46:09 Herodias not only was wife of them both,
46:11 she was niece of them both.
46:14 So the tightness of the intermarriage.
46:16 So when Herod Philip went to Rome, Herodias left Philip,
46:22 moved in with Antipas.
46:24 And this, of course, was what John was railing against
46:27 when, at the suggestion of Herodias, Salome danced.
46:32 And of course, they got together and Herod Antipas,
46:37 so aroused by this young lady,
46:40 "Anything you want you can have."
46:41 And of course, her mother said,
46:42 "Ask for the head of John the Baptist."
46:44 Now we've got Herod Agrippa.
46:47 This is the Herod that we're dealing with now
46:49 that is reaching out to please the Jews
46:54 by assassinating Christians.
46:56 He, of course, is followed by Herod Agrippa II.
46:59 He was on the throne during the trial of Paul at Caesarea.
47:04 So we've got six Herods.
47:06 They were not Jews, by the way.
47:08 They were Edomites, or Edomiter; desert people, they were Arabs.
47:11 But they practiced Judaism because it was convenient.
47:16 You know, these are political operatives.
47:18 They'll do whatever needs to be done to get the job done.
47:22 Sometimes they killed for Jews,
47:25 sometimes they killed Jews themselves.
47:27 But the Herods did whatever was necessary
47:31 to get the job done, and what was expedient.
47:35 They found, Agrippa found that executing James
47:40 pleased the Jewish leaders.
47:42 So now he reaches out to take care of the big fisherman.
47:48 He wants to put Peter aside.
47:50 He puts him in prison.
47:51 He remembers, this is interesting, he remembers
47:55 what happened in Acts chapter 5
47:57 the last time Peter was in prison.
47:58 You know, they took him from the temple,
48:01 put him in prison, came back the next morning,
48:05 doors locked, guards standing in place, no Peter.
48:08 Well, where's Peter?
48:09 In the temple preaching right where he was before.
48:12 And they said, "Didn't we tell you not to preach in this name?"
48:14 Of course, we get the famous statement in Acts 5:29,
48:17 "It is better, rather, to obey God rather than man."
48:20 So he remembers that just normal prison work
48:24 is not going to hold Peter.
48:25 So he puts him in the deepest part of the prison,
48:29 four squads of soldiers, two chained one on each arm.
48:34 You know, he's got this guy locked down, or so he thinks.
48:37 Because he wants to silence Peter.
48:40 You know, Danny, we see here the evolution spiritually of Peter.
48:44 When we started, this was a guy whose mouth
48:47 runs at 78 and his brain working at 331/3, you know.
48:51 He's not going to do this, he's going to do this.
48:53 But now he is growing in the Lord.
48:56 And you can tell a lot about a person by the friends he keeps.
48:59 You can also tell a lot about a person
49:01 by the enemies that they have.
49:03 And Peter is picking up some enemies
49:04 in some very high places.
49:06 He's got Herod who wants to silence him.
49:08 And he's got a Jewish community that also wants to silence him.
49:11 But the common thread that we've all seen
49:14 over the last several weeks is that these men
49:17 are filled with the Spirit of God.
49:19 When Christ said in Acts 1:8, "I'm going to give you power,"
49:23 He meant, "I'm going to give you the ability
49:26 to do what you have to do to move this church forward."
49:28 So here we have Peter, another man,
49:30 filled with the Spirit of God.
49:33 So, he's chained.
49:36 The angel comes in, taps him on the shoulder,
49:39 and says, "Get up quickly."
49:40 The chains fall off. You've got two soldier there.
49:42 The chains fall off, the doors open, he comes out.
49:47 And they are praying at John Mark's mom's house.
49:51 They are praying, praying, praying for Peter.
49:53 Praying for Peter.
49:54 And the story is really kind of cute here.
49:56 Let me just go to something here in the lesson
50:00 before we sort of tidy this up.
50:01 I'm looking at my time.
50:03 "Because James' execution was effective and fulfilling
50:06 Agrippa's agenda, he planned to execute Peter."
50:08 So he wanted Peter gone as well.
50:11 "Peter was arrested and delivered to four squads
50:14 of four soldiers each..."
50:15 Four squads of four soldiers each.
50:19 "...to guard him, one squad for each of the
50:22 four watches of the night."
50:24 So they're changing soldiers. Nobody is getting any sleep.
50:27 Nobody is going to nod.
50:28 We've got four squads of four soldiers.
50:31 "Peter had four soldiers at a time with him:
50:34 he would be chained to two soldiers, one on each side,
50:38 and two would guard the entrance.
50:41 Such extreme precaution was certainly taken
50:44 to try to avoid what had already happened
50:47 to Peter and John some time before."
50:49 And of course, that's Acts chapter 5.
50:51 So this is an exciting story because God is going to let
50:54 Herod know, "You can't keep My people down.
50:57 You can't hold the work of God back."
51:01 So no matter how much you chain,
51:03 the grave couldn't hold Jesus, and four squads of four soldiers
51:07 can't hold Peter either.
51:08 So it's a wonderful story.
51:11 So the Bible says the night before he's waiting for
51:13 Passover to be over so that, you know, things are down.
51:16 Plus the crowd is not so big because the Passover
51:18 crowd has left.
51:20 He intends to bring him out the next morning.
51:24 And the Lord chooses that night to deliver him, you know.
51:27 Eleven o'clock, 11:59:59 Peter is coming out.
51:32 It's a wonderful story. And they're praying.
51:35 Now here's the cute part, as we look at a little bit later on.
51:40 Rhoda is with the group.
51:43 And they're praying for Peter.
51:45 And Peter comes, and we find that he comes to the house.
51:51 And let's look at Acts chapter 12 and verse,
51:57 I'll do this very quickly, 13.
51:59 Let's look at this.
52:01 "And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate,
52:03 a girl named Rhoda came to answer.
52:05 When she recognized Peter's voice..."
52:07 So she knew who he was.
52:08 "...because of her gladness she did not open the gate,
52:12 but ran in and announced that Peter stood before the gate."
52:16 So she's so excited that she doesn't connect the dots.
52:20 She running in to tell them, "Peter is here! Peter is here!"
52:23 But the Bible says Peter keeps knocking.
52:24 He's like the Lord, he keeps knocking.
52:26 He doesn't knock and leave. He keeps knocking.
52:28 And they come and realize that she's not out of her mind,
52:32 but that their prayers have been answered.
52:34 So Peter has been delivered.
52:37 Now here's the question I want to ask
52:39 in the last few seconds that are allotted to me.
52:41 James was not delivered.
52:44 Peter was delivered.
52:46 Is that a commentary on James or Peter?
52:48 It is not.
52:50 God takes care of His people.
52:51 There are many, many, many who have sacrificed for the Lord.
52:55 And then every now and again God chooses to hold up a trophy
52:58 to say that, "I can do this."
53:00 God is God.
53:02 You know, had He not delivered the Hebrew boys
53:03 He still would have been their God.
53:05 They said, "Though He slay me," Job said,
53:07 "yet will I trust Him," you know.
53:08 The Hebrew boys said to Nebuchadnezzar,
53:11 "If we die in this, we're not going to bow down."
53:13 So our job is to stand for Christ, whatever happens.
53:19 Even if our life is cut short, those who live in Jesus
53:23 will die in Jesus, will also live again.
53:26 I did 117 funerals several years ago.
53:28 And at every funeral I said the same thing.
53:32 Death in Christ is not such a bad thing.
53:34 Better to die in Jesus than to live without Him.
53:38 ~ Amen. Thank you so much.
53:40 This has been really an eye opener for all of us.
53:44 And it's so neat to be able to study
53:45 together and hear each of you.
53:47 I know, Mollie, you said some really neat things.
53:50 Of course, the gospel is for everyone.
53:52 And you said it's grace and not race.
53:55 And so that includes all of us when you put it like that.
53:58 And Shelley, you said something similar.
54:00 But you talked about receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.
54:03 But you also said that we should...
54:07 Prejudice, I think you said, I wrote that down, is pride.
54:12 And so pride, of course, pride goeth before a fall.
54:15 But it's what Satan really had in heaven.
54:17 So what we're finding out is that
54:20 God has people in all churches.
54:21 And maybe sometimes we're too quick to judge other people
54:25 because they're not just like us.
54:27 So I think the lesson, and some of you watching
54:29 who are maybe not of our faith, you're saying, Oh, those..."
54:32 Last Sabbath I turned on another gospel channel,
54:37 and the man said, "I want to give you some information
54:39 on Seventh-day Adventists.
54:40 They're a cult," he said.
54:42 "And so we have this DVD you can order."
54:44 Of course, you know I'm still in Peter's process,
54:46 so I emailed him, I got the email address,
54:49 and said, "I'd be happy to talk to you about this,
54:51 you know, any time you want to."
54:52 And come and visit, and what have you.
54:54 But what we're finding is, we tend to judge each other
54:57 if someone is not like us.
54:59 And so, Jill, you told us we really should recognize
55:02 the gifts and the good in other people.
55:06 And we also should acknowledge God and His
55:08 supremacy and sovereignty.
55:11 And so, then C.A., just as we're all happy and getting
55:15 everything, you know, all excited, you remind us
55:19 that being a Christian...
55:20 I don't know if this is politically correct.
55:22 We use to say, being a Christian is not for sissies.
55:24 But being a Christian comes with a price to pay.
55:29 But these men were now willing to pay that price.
55:34 They weren't of their own strength.
55:36 And again, we go back to Peter and how bold he was
55:39 and, you know, how physical he was.
55:42 But then after this true conversion,
55:44 how he acted totally in the Spirit.
55:47 How he rightly represented Jesus Christ and how humble he was.
55:53 And yet, you know what?
55:54 He went from boldness in the flesh to boldness in the Spirit.
55:58 So there's nothing here that says that we need to
56:02 back away or be afraid, or whatever,
56:05 because this world is just temporary.
56:07 And we're just strangers here.
56:09 We're just passing through, the old song says.
56:12 You know, this world is not my home,
56:13 I'm just passing through.
56:16 My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.
56:18 The angels beckon me from heaven's open door,
56:21 and I can't feel at home in this world anymore.
56:24 So hopefully that's each and every one of us.
56:27 We want to thank you for joining us on the Sabbath School Panel.
56:30 Again, if you don't have the Sabbath School
56:35 lesson, you can get it.
56:37 Can somebody have the address where to get it?
56:46 But the best way is to actually visit your
56:49 Seventh-day Adventist church.
56:51 We know that there are people there who are praying
56:54 that you will come and meet with them
56:56 and literally abide with them.
56:58 And it can kind of be like the book of Acts.
57:00 We can get together, be in one accord,
57:02 and ask God for an anointing of the Holy Spirit.
57:05 God has great, and mighty, and marvelous plans for you.
57:09 And remember, when you come in the name of the Lord
57:11 you no longer come as yourself.
57:14 You can come like David did against Goliath.
57:16 And guess what? You know who won that battle.
57:18 But we encourage you to come in the name of the Lord.
57:21 Once again, thank you for joining us.
57:23 And we'll see you next week once again at our
57:26 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.


Revised 2024-07-22