3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Conversion of Paul

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180031A

00:32 And we do welcome you to 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
00:35 I'm Mollie Steenson and today, we are studying out of
00:38 the Book of Acts in our Sabbath School Quarterly.
00:41 We're on Lesson #5, but let me encourage you to go
00:44 now to your computer and download this lesson
00:47 if you don't already have a copy of it.
00:50 It's very simple to download,
00:53 just go to: ABSG.Adventist.org
00:56 and download it - go ahead and download next week's as well
01:00 so that you'll have it available next week...
01:03 But, you know, there's another way for you to receive
01:06 the Sabbath School Quarterly, and that's to go to your
01:09 local Seventh-day Adventist Church and tell them,
01:12 "I'm studying your Sabbath School Quarterly on
01:15 the Book of Acts and I would like to have a copy."
01:18 They would be so happy to get a get a copy for you
01:21 and you know something else they would do?
01:23 They would invite you to come and study that Sabbath School
01:26 Quarterly with them as well.
01:28 That would be a good thing for you to do.
01:30 So get your Sabbath School Quarterly, get your lesson,
01:33 let's study along together.
01:35 Now let me introduce to you the teachers that we
01:38 have for you today of this lesson on...
01:41 "The Conversion of Paul"
01:43 To my left, I have Shelley Quinn.
01:45 Shelley, it's always a joy to have you with us. Thank you.
01:48 And then Pastor John Dinzey, A pleasure.
01:52 And our local theologian here on staff at 3ABN...
01:57 CA Murray, thank you.
01:58 And next to him is our dear precious sister, Jill Morikone.
02:03 Jill, always a joy to have you here.
02:04 Jill, you always encourage me with your knowledge of
02:08 God's Word and I'd like to ask you now, if you will,
02:11 to open up in prayer. Absolutely!
02:13 Holy Father, We come before you in the
02:15 name of Jesus and we just thank You for the privilege of
02:18 opening up the Word of God.
02:21 We thank You that it's inspired.
02:23 We thank You for Your Holy Spirit and we ask that You would
02:27 give us an extra portion of Your Spirit just now as
02:30 we speak and share from Your word and for our friends
02:34 who are at home watching and listening just now,
02:37 we ask for an anointing of Your Holy Spirit
02:39 that Your Word would go forth with power - that lives
02:42 would be convicted and converted and changed,
02:45 and we thank You in Jesus name... Amen, Amen
02:50 It is our heart's desire, isn't it panel, that this word will
02:53 will go forth powerfully and will touch every one of us
02:56 and change us into the image and likeness of our
02:59 Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!
03:01 Well again today we are looking at the conversion of Paul.
03:05 Now the conversion of Saul of Tarsus - who becomes Paul
03:13 is one of the most remarkable events in the history of
03:17 the apostolic church.
03:18 He was an enemy of the church who became a genuine Christian.
03:24 I mean, that was an amazing event.
03:28 There was something innate within Paul,
03:32 whatever he did, he did it with all his heart. Yes
03:37 Now that's a good quality when it's
03:39 directed in the right direction.
03:42 He had been an incorrigible opponent of the early believers,
03:49 and the harm he could have done to the infant church was
03:53 enormous.
03:55 He had both self-determination,
03:58 that's motivation on his own, and the official support
04:03 of the religious leaders to destroy everyone who
04:09 who called themselves a Christian.
04:11 So he was motivated of himself to do it and he had the
04:15 backing of the church leaders to destroy everyone
04:20 that would call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ...
04:23 But something happened to him
04:25 and that's what we get to study today. Amen
04:27 We get to study, look at, be encouraged by,
04:32 what happened to the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus.
04:37 Well, Sister White tells us, from among the most bitter
04:41 and relentless persecutors of the church of Christ
04:45 arose the ablest defender and most
04:49 successful herald in the gospel.
04:51 You know he wrote more of the New Testament books
04:54 than anybody else.
04:56 He was not just a powerful preacher,
04:58 he was good with pen and paper as well...
05:01 as we're all so thankful for. Amen!
05:04 Paul was converted and Christianity changed forever.
05:10 Let's look at our memory text ladies and gentlemen...
05:12 It's Acts 9:15... now this is our Lord and Savior
05:18 Jesus Christ speaking to Ananias, so let's
05:22 read this together... "Go, this man is My chosen
05:27 instrument to proclaim My name to the Gentiles and their kings
05:32 and to the people of Israel."
05:35 So, talking about the Apostle Paul, well I've got Sunday,
05:39 and I get to talk to you about the persecutor of the church.
05:44 Now who would that be?
05:46 Who was the #1 persecutor of the church?
05:48 This same man that Shelley gets to share,
05:51 and his conversion, but I get to tell you about
05:54 some of the things he did as the persecutor.
05:57 First let me tell you a little about Paul...
05:59 He was a Hellenistic Jew.
06:01 Now, did I say that word right "Hellenistic Jew?" Okay
06:04 To me, that just sounds awful.
06:07 Just that word, "Hellenistic," but all that means is...
06:11 A Jew who spoke Greek and adopted, to some extent,
06:17 a great way of life, but I think because it's got
06:19 the word "hell" in it.
06:21 It just makes me uncomfortable!
06:24 but that just defined his origin of birth.
06:30 That's what a Hellenistic Jew is - someone who spoke
06:34 Greek and adopted some of the Greek ways of life.
06:38 Paul was also a Roman citizen.
06:41 His birthplace was Tarsus, that's why he was called
06:44 "Saul of Tarsus" and that's the capitol of Cilicia.
06:48 But, he was by race a Jew, born of Jewish parents,
06:53 raised in a Jewish home, raised in the Jewish faith,
06:58 and he was educated in the Jewish educational system.
07:02 As-a-matter-of-fact, at a very young age, he was brought to
07:05 Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel - did I say that
07:09 correctly? Gamaliel... the most influential
07:13 pharisaic teacher at the time.
07:17 Paul was a Pharisee and he would tell you very quickly,
07:20 "and I'm the son of a Pharisee."
07:22 Now a Pharisee was strictly Orthodox...
07:27 It's one who adheres to most strictly to
07:30 traditional beliefs and practices.
07:33 He was zealous - that's that drive in him,
07:37 to the point of fanaticism, he strongly upheld
07:42 what he believed to be true.
07:44 Now is that a bad thing?
07:46 Don't we strongly uphold what we believe to be true?
07:50 Okay, Acts 26, I want to read this, verses 9-11.
07:55 Act 26:9-11... Paul says about himself,
08:00 "Indeed I, myself, thought I must do many things
08:06 contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
08:09 This I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints
08:13 I shut up in prison, having received authority from the
08:17 chief priest and when they were put to death,
08:20 I cast my vote against them.
08:21 Verse 11. And I punished them often in every synagogue
08:26 and compelled them to blaspheme, and being
08:29 exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them
08:33 even to foreign cities."
08:36 Now, why was Paul doing this?
08:40 Because he believed in what he was doing.
08:44 He believed he was doing the right thing.
08:47 Now Paul says this... in 1 Corinthians 1:23,
08:51 this is a statement from the Apostle Paul and I'm
08:54 gonna ask - why did he make such a statement?
08:57 1 Corinthians 1:23, "The preaching of Christ
09:03 is a stumbling block to the Jews."
09:06 Now a stumbling block... what's a stumbling block?
09:10 It's something that will make you fall
09:13 on the path that you're walking on - is it not?
09:16 Make you slip and fall.
09:18 You see, Jesus didn't fit the traditional
09:22 Jewish expectation of the Kingly Messiah.
09:26 Let me ask you this... Is Jesus the Kingly Messiah?
09:30 Yes He is, but He didn't fit their traditional expectation,
09:36 so that means that their expectation was skewed,
09:42 does it not? Okay.
09:44 So when things are skewed, it's like your teeth
09:47 being out of alignment.
09:49 When you have crooked teeth, what do you get put on them?
09:51 Braces. They put braces.
09:53 Okay, if you just put those braces and go (noise)
09:56 straighten them up, what happens?
09:57 It kills every tooth in your head.
10:00 So things were skewed and what God had to do
10:05 was put His people in braces and bring them
10:09 out of the wrong mindset, into the right mindset
10:13 because Paul truly believed what he was doing
10:17 was the right thing to do.
10:19 The religious Jews couldn't by any means accept
10:22 the idea that the one who had died on a cross?
10:26 Could be God's Messiah?
10:28 For the Scripture says in Deuteronomy 21:23...
10:31 "That anyone who is hung is"... what?
10:35 Under God's curse.
10:37 To the Jews, the crucifixion was the clearest
10:41 evidence that the early church's claim
10:44 about Jesus was false.
10:47 Paul was basing his persecution of the early church
10:52 on what he truly believed, even though
10:56 what he believed was error.
11:00 Now, let me tell you something about "present truth,"
11:03 what does the Scripture say about present truth?
11:05 "We are to be established in present truth,"
11:09 and here we have the Messiah, Jesus Christ, His death,
11:14 His burial, His resurrection, His ascension
11:17 to the right hand of the Father.
11:19 Did this bring present truth into the Jewish community?
11:25 Let me tell you something about present truth...
11:28 Present truth never does away with past truth.
11:32 What does present truth do every time?
11:34 Present truth builds on and enhances past truth.
11:40 But here is something else about present truth...
11:43 Present truth will always expose past error. Yes.
11:48 And what we have happening here is - people that are
11:52 operating in error, thinking that they're doing God's will,
11:56 so God is in the process of exposing the error and God
12:03 never wants to expose the error to condemn...
12:07 everything God does is redemptive.
12:09 He exposes the past error to bring you gently
12:12 into present truth. Amen!
12:15 Okay, now... let me say this to each one of us sitting here
12:19 before we get holier than thou...
12:20 None of us would ever do that.
12:22 So like Paul, each one of us base our actions
12:27 on what we believe... is that the truth?
12:29 Well let me ask you... Have any of you
12:32 ever zealously upheld a matter...
12:37 Shelley and I can both say we have...
12:40 and later had to change our mind? Why?
12:42 Because we received the truth!
12:45 And in the light of the truth,
12:47 error is exposed every time.
12:49 Okay, Acts 9:1-2... "Then Saul still breathing threats
12:57 and murder against the disciples of the Lord,
12:59 went to the high priest and asked letters from him
13:02 to the synagogues of Damascus, Where? Damascus!
13:06 so that if he found any who were in the Way,
13:09 whether men or women, he might bring them bound
13:12 to Jerusalem."
13:13 With these letters from the high priest,
13:16 head of the Sanhedrin, the highest supreme council
13:19 in Jerusalem, they had the power over religious,
13:23 civil and criminal jurisdiction,
13:27 Paul became... this word, "shaliah,"
13:32 with authority to arrest any followers of Jesus
13:36 and bring them to Jerusalem.
13:37 Now I found this interesting, in Greek, the equivalent to
13:41 "shaliah" is what word? "apostolos"
13:45 from which the word "apostle" is derived.
13:48 And he is who - He is the Apostle Paul, is he not?
13:51 Thus before being an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ,
13:55 do you know what Paul was?
13:57 He was an apostle to the Sanhedrin.
13:59 Now, he has this letter and why was he going to Damascus?
14:04 It says that he is about to go to Damascus,
14:07 and I'm gonna leave Damascus alone because
14:09 I'm gonna get him on the road to Damascus,
14:11 and then Shelley is gonna take it from there...
14:13 he was breathing out threats, he was breathing out
14:17 anybody that called on the Lord Jesus Christ
14:22 he was going to arrest them.
14:23 That's why he was going to Damascus and bring
14:26 them back to Jerusalem. Sister Shelley...
14:28 Thank you Mollie Sue!
14:31 It is so interesting to me, my lesson is Monday,
14:35 "On The Damascus Road."
14:37 It is so interesting to me how someone can go out
14:41 breathing murderous threats, traveling with his companions.
14:45 This misguided Saul of Tarsus trying to round up
14:50 Christians ready to rid Jerusalem and the
14:55 Jewish religion of what he thought was a dangerous
14:59 heresy and have his life changed just like this.
15:03 But it was because he had a personal encounter with
15:07 the Lord Jesus Christ and you can experience that as well.
15:11 I think many of us have.
15:13 So on the road to Damascus, what happens is that
15:17 Jesus calls Paul to be a minister and a witness.
15:20 I want to read two accounts.
15:21 I want to read Luke's account of Saul's encounter
15:26 with Christ and then I want to read Saul's accounts,
15:29 so here we go... Acts 9:3-9
15:33 "As he journeyed, he came near Damascus and suddenly
15:36 a light shoun around him from heaven.
15:38 Then he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him,
15:41 "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?
15:45 And he said, "Who are you Lord?
15:48 Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus who you are persecuting.
15:52 It is hard for you to kick against the goads."
15:55 So he, Paul, trembling and astonished said,
15:58 "Lord, what do you want me to do?"
16:00 Then the Lord said to him, "Arise and go into the city,
16:03 and you will be told what you must do."
16:06 And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless,
16:09 hearing a voice, but seeing no one.
16:13 Then Saul rose from the ground and when his eyes were
16:15 opened, he saw no one, but they led him
16:19 by the hand and brought him into Damascus."
16:22 He was there three days without sight and neither ate nor drank.
16:27 Now I'm going to add something because I love Paul's account
16:32 and that's found in Acts 26:9-20.
16:35 And in Acts 26:9, He is speaking now before King Agrippa,
16:42 and he says, he has just told him how he was out
16:46 with this murderous intent, and he said,
16:50 "Indeed I thought myself, I must do many things
16:54 contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth, this I also did
16:58 in Jerusalem and many of the saints I shut up in prison
17:01 having received authority from the chief priest when
17:04 they were put to death, I cast my vote against them,
17:06 and I punished them in every synagogue... and he's going on,
17:09 and then he says in verse 12, "While thus occupied,
17:13 as I journeyed to Damascus with authority and commission
17:17 from the chief priests, at midday, O king, along
17:21 the road I saw a light from heaven brighter than the sun
17:26 shining around me and those who journeyed with me."
17:30 Christ said, "I am the light, did He not?" Yes
17:35 And he's saying this light was brighter than the sun and it was
17:39 as it were - he got knocked off his high horse. Laughter
17:44 Here's this hate mongering, religious zealot,
17:49 and he has a face-to-face encounter with Jesus.
17:53 And he says, "And when we all had fallen to the ground,
17:57 I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew
18:01 language, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me."
18:08 So what he finds out here... is that by attacking
18:12 believers, he was attacking Jesus Christ,
18:15 and we need to remember that.
18:18 And then he said, "It is hard for you to kick against
18:20 the goads," now this is a proverb that was common
18:24 to the culture of the day, and what it's referring to...
18:28 it pictures an ox's legs, you've got the tender - the one
18:33 who is herding him along, with a stick that had a chain
18:38 and then this metal ball that had pricks on it...
18:42 And what he would do when the ox wasn't moving rapidly
18:47 enough, he would flick that against it and if the ox
18:52 ... this got the ox to move a little faster, but if the ox
18:55 kicked against it, he ended up wounding himself.
18:58 So now he says... if I can find my place,
19:03 So, here Jesus has said, "You're kicking against the goads.
19:07 And he said, "Who are you Lord?" And He said, "I'm Jesus
19:11 whom you are persecuting.
19:14 But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared
19:16 to you for this purpose, to make you a minister
19:18 and a witness both of the things which you have seen
19:21 and the things which I have yet to reveal to you.
19:24 I will deliver you from the Jewish people as well as
19:28 from the Gentiles to whom I now send you..."
19:32 And wait a minute, here is the Pharisee of the Pharisees;
19:38 here is someone who will not
19:41 have anything to do with the Gentiles, and who does Jesus,
19:45 of all people - who is He going to send Saul of Tarsus
19:49 to minister to? The Gentiles! I love this!
19:54 And now, listen to why He says He is sending him,
19:58 what the message is?
19:59 And this is one of my favorite scriptures, Acts 26:18...
20:03 Jesus said, "I'm sending you to open their eyes, to turn them
20:07 from darkness to light, from the power of
20:09 Satan to God that they may receive forgiveness of sins
20:13 and an inheritance among those
20:16 who are sanctified by faith in Me.
20:18 Faith has sanctifying power when we believe in the
20:22 Lord Jesus Christ, it will set us apart - that belief
20:27 helps set us apart from sin and it's so amazing because
20:32 what we see here... Paul had mentioned to the
20:34 Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 15, He said that Jesus had been
20:40 buried, rose again and on the third day that He appeared
20:43 to Cephas, which was Peter, the twelve,
20:45 then He appeared to over 500, then to James and the rest
20:49 of the apostles and he said that He was seen by me
20:53 also, last of all, as one born out of due time."
20:59 What Paul is saying here is... "I had a face-to-face
21:03 encounter with Jesus Christ," and let me tell you something...
21:06 a personal encounter with Jesus Christ will change your life.
21:11 Paul responded to the heavenly vision,
21:16 and his beliefs changed, his attitudes changed,
21:21 how he viewed others changed, the murder Saul became
21:29 the Apostle Paul and he became God's greatest ambassador
21:34 for grace and righteousness by faith.
21:36 He ALSO became God's ambassador for sanctification!
21:41 I want to read this, 1 Corinthians 15:10...
21:44 He says, "But by the grace of God I am what I am,
21:48 and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored
21:51 more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace
21:55 of God which was in me."
21:57 In these few seconds, let me give you the seven takeaways
22:02 that I see in this lesson...
22:04 If we attack God's people, we're attacking Him.
22:07 We've got to be careful in the church and realize
22:11 what we're doing.
22:12 Don't kick against the goads, don't resist
22:16 the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had been working in Paul's life,
22:20 but he was resisting Him, so we don't want to
22:24 be guilty of that sin.
22:26 Don't be a religious zealot, be intellectually open
22:30 and honest; be like a Berean who is searching the Scriptures
22:34 to make sure that what you are zealously defending
22:39 is the truth.
22:41 Remember that an encounter with Jesus Christ brings
22:44 true faith, but don't be just devoted to the cause of Jesus,
22:49 be devoted to the Person of Jesus.
22:54 Active faith has sanctifying power.
22:56 Power to set us apart for God's purpose is to turn us away
23:01 from sin, make us Holy and learn to be like Paul,
23:05 who developed this personal relationship with the Lord
23:08 was totally dependent upon Him - just as each of us
23:13 are totally dependent upon grace. Amen, Amen!
23:16 I know you have more to share! I do!
23:19 But it's amazing what God does in the human heart that is
23:22 willing to receive what the Holy Spirit is guiding
23:27 him to do and it's marvelous.
23:30 Paul's conversion is a story that is such a blessing,
23:34 and it's interesting because Paul was sincere in what
23:40 he believed, but he was sincerely wrong...
23:44 to the point of that he was actually doing the devil's work,
23:47 because he was persecuting God's children,
23:51 and he had great conflict in his mind,
23:54 but the Holy Spirit was working in his heart
23:56 and when you hear Paul ask "Who are you,"
24:01 he had Jesus Christ who you are persecuting.
24:04 He realized right there and then, I've been doing wrong,
24:09 because he asked the question, "Lord, what do you
24:11 want me to do?"
24:13 That reminds me of the question addressed before
24:16 in the Sabbath School Lesson when Peter was preaching,
24:19 and he told the people about how they had crucified
24:23 the Savior, the Messiah.
24:25 They said, "Lord, what do you want me to do,
24:28 what shall we do brethren?"
24:29 And here Paul is asking something very similar...
24:31 So I would like to take this up in Acts 9:10-19.
24:36 I want to ask Sister Mollie Sue to help me read Acts 9,
24:40 and will you please read from verse 10 thru verse 14.
24:44 "And there was a certain disciple at Damascus
24:48 named Ananias; and to him the Lord said in a vision,
24:53 "Ananias," And he said, "Behold I am here Lord."
24:59 And the Lord said unto him, "Arise and go to the street
25:02 which is called, "Straight," and inquire in the house
25:05 of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold
25:09 he prayeth. "And has seen in a vision, a man named Ananias
25:13 coming in and putting his hand on him that he might
25:18 receive his sight."
25:19 Then Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard by many of this
25:23 man, how much evil he has done to the saints at Jerusalem.
25:28 And here he had authority from the chief priests to
25:32 bind all that call on Thy name."
25:35 Isn't that interesting how Ananias thinks he's giving
25:39 information that Heaven doesn't know.
25:43 But he was so shocked at hearing that Saul was
25:47 converted that he had to go talk to him that he...
25:49 "Wait a minute, I've heard... you know...
25:52 like he's telling something new to the Lord.
25:55 But look at verse 15... "But the Lord said to him,
25:59 "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name
26:04 before the Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel,
26:08 for I will show him how many things he must suffer
26:11 for my name's sake." And Ananias went and entered
26:14 the house and laying his hands on him, he said... notice
26:19 "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you
26:23 on the road as you came, has sent me that you may
26:27 receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit."
26:30 Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales
26:34 and he received his sight at once and he arose
26:38 and was baptized." Amen!
26:40 Wow! This is a marvelous, marvelous Scripture...
26:43 This is Saul that was persecuting Christians,
26:46 and now he has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
26:51 and is baptized!
26:53 And so, verse 19- remember he had not been eating,
26:57 so when he had received food, he was strengthened.
26:59 "Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus."
27:06 So what is happening here is something very powerful,
27:09 and very interesting that we need to consider and that is...
27:12 that the Lord is speaking to Saul and he says, "Lord what
27:16 do you want me to do?" God has to connect Saul
27:20 to the church - He says,
27:24 you will be told what you have to do."
27:25 The Lord could have told him right there that
27:27 Saul, this is what I want you to do, do A, B, C, E, F, G and..
27:31 No, he connected Saul to the brethren, to the
27:34 Christian family and so he was going to be told
27:38 what to do by the Christian family...
27:41 the church at that time.
27:43 And so, Ananias came and noticed that he spent several
27:48 days with the disciples at Damascus and there he learned
27:52 what his mission was to be and that's what the Lord
27:57 had told him would happen.
27:59 Now notice something interesting that it is written in
28:05 Galatians 1:11-12 concerning the gospel itself...
28:11 In Galatians 1:11-12, Paul makes this statement...
28:17 "But I make known unto you brethren, that the gospel
28:19 which was preached by me, is not according to man,
28:23 ...is not of origin of man... it is of divine origin.
28:27 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it,
28:31 but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.
28:35 Marvelous - it's a marvelous thing to consider here...
28:38 and imagine - here's Paul, he's persecuting Christians,
28:41 he's killing Christians; which one of them
28:43 would knock at Paul's door and say, "Paul, I'd like to
28:46 do a Bible study with you?"
28:47 How many would survive that?
28:50 And so the Lord had to use a means that Paul
28:54 was able to recognize - that he understood that it was God
29:00 talking to him and this is why this remarkable conversion
29:04 takes place - he's on his way to kill Christians,
29:06 but the Lord took him from that mission - to another mission,
29:10 and that is to convert people to Christ.
29:12 And I want to read this from a book called:
29:15 "Acts of the Apostles," because I am concerned
29:19 that there are some Christians that think they have
29:22 to be the "Lone Ranger Christian," that they have to
29:25 be out there having their own church,
29:29 form their own denomination; you see, God has a body
29:33 of believers and He has a church on earth.
29:37 And this is in "Acts of the Apostles," a book by
29:40 Sister Ellen G. White, p.122.
29:44 It says, "And immediately there fell from his eyes
29:48 as there had been scales and he received sight forthwith
29:51 and arose and was baptized, according to the Scriptures...
29:54 And then Ellen G. White says, "Thus Jesus gave sanction
29:56 to the authority of His organized church
29:58 and placed Paul in connection with His appointed
30:01 agencies on earth.
30:02 Christ had now a church as His representatives on earth,
30:06 and to him belong the work of directing the repentant
30:09 sinner and the way of life.
30:10 Many have an idea that they are responsible to Christ alone
30:14 for their light and experience, independent of His
30:16 recognized followers on earth.
30:18 Jesus is the friend of sinners and His heart is touched with
30:22 their woe. He has all power both in heaven and on earth,
30:25 but He respects the means that He has ordained
30:28 for the enlightenment and salvation of men.
30:31 He directs sinners to the church which He has made a
30:34 channel of light to the world."
30:36 And so this is a message that we have here in this story
30:41 for us concerning Paul and his conversion experience.
30:45 And God is still doing conversions
30:48 in such a mighty way, I've heard so many stories
30:50 about 3ABN, I am tempted to tell a story concerning this
30:56 because we have heard of some powerful, powerful conversions.
30:59 Now when you think of Saul and what he used to do...
31:04 I want to bring this point out...
31:05 What he used to do - there were many Christians
31:08 that Paul gave his vote, as he said - now when we all
31:12 get to heaven and Stephen is there and he sees Paul
31:17 coming up to him, he's going to be shocked!
31:20 There will be many, many surprises in heaven.
31:24 People we thought, "Oh no, there's no way that person
31:27 is going to be there," they will be there because
31:29 God is working in human hearts leading them to surrender
31:35 so that they can become active members of God's
31:38 community of the laborers.
31:40 And likewise, there are also some that appear to be
31:43 great lights, but unfortunately, they will be led astray.
31:48 You have the scribes and the Pharisees...
31:51 at some point or another, they had great lights,
31:54 but something the devil did distracted them
31:58 from their mission and now they became active in
32:02 persecuting Christians.
32:04 And so that's why the Bible says to us, "Let every man
32:07 examine himself to see whether or not he is in the truth."
32:11 And I am so glad that 3ABN has been chosen by the Lord
32:15 to bring a message of salvation to the world.
32:19 We are members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church,
32:21 we support the Seventh-day Adventist Church
32:23 in the work of bringing the gospel to the world,
32:26 and 3ABN has been used by God in so many ways.
32:31 I've heard of witches being converted
32:34 to the Lord Jesus Christ, drunkards and drug addicts
32:37 being converted to the Lord Jesus Christ through the
32:39 ministry of 3ABN, but all of these people,
32:42 they go to Seventh-day Adventist Churches,
32:44 and they say, "I'm ready for baptism."
32:48 And there are some pastors that say, "Oh, well
32:50 we'd like to study the Bible with you."
32:51 I've been studying with Pastor Doug Batchelor,
32:54 and Stephen Bohr and that's because they've been watching
32:56 3ABN for so long and so God has a marvelous,
33:01 marvelous work that is being done even today,
33:03 and I'm encouraged to see that even people like Saul
33:07 can be converted to Christians powerful workers for the Lord.
33:11 Amen, Amen... Well said! Thank you so much Johnny.
33:14 One of the things that we are beginning to see here
33:18 is that God is organizing a fraternity that is going to be
33:24 called very soon "The Christian Church,"
33:26 the "ekklesia - the called-out ones."
33:29 He is going to put together a group of people filled
33:33 with the Spirit which are going to take the gospel
33:36 message throughout the world, and this is necessary because
33:40 soon, rules are going to come in and we've talked about
33:44 this in past lessons, Judaizers are going to
33:48 come in, opposition is going to come in,
33:50 so very early on, God is purifying to Himself
33:54 a group of Holy Spirit-filled people and Paul is
33:58 again in that number.
34:00 And the same way in the history
34:01 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church... when we first came
34:04 out of the various churches, there was a call not to be
34:07 too organized - they said it's not good to be too organized
34:09 because then we're going to be Babylon.
34:11 So they wanted to keep it loose and kind of
34:13 nonstructured, but then they realized that there were
34:16 people coming in teaching things that were not,
34:18 can I say "kosher?" And so that were not
34:22 "kosher," and so they said, "We're going to have
34:24 to organize and try to put some structure here
34:27 because everybody can't claim to be in the tent
34:29 if you're not teaching the right thing.
34:31 And so, we can see this here and Paul is another one of
34:36 these Holy Ghost-filled persons who has had a
34:40 personal encounter with Jesus, and it is that personal
34:43 encounter that gonna take him through a lot of bumps and
34:47 lumps and all kinds of stuff in the next several years.
34:50 I want to pick this up... we are in Wednesday of course,
34:54 and in chapter 9 of the Book of Acts and I will begin
34:58 reading at verse 20, just 5 verses...
35:01 Then I've got some extensive things on the
35:03 "Spirit of Prophecy" because Ellen White has much to
35:05 say on this particular chapter...
35:07 "Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogue,
35:13 that He is the Son of God, then all who heard were amazed
35:17 and said, "Is this not he who destroyed those who called
35:23 on His name in Jerusalem" and has come here
35:27 for that purpose, so that he might bring them bound
35:31 to the chief priest?"
35:33 So his reputation had preceded him. That's right.
35:37 But Saul increased all the more in strength and confounded
35:43 the Jews who dwelt in Damascus proving that this Jesus
35:49 is the Christ.
35:50 And after many days were past, the Jews plotted
35:54 to kill him... there's that same pattern again...
35:57 But their plot became known to Saul and they watched
36:01 the gates day and night to kill him.
36:04 Then the disciples took him by night and let him down
36:08 through the wall in a large basket."
36:11 First of all, I think that is so cool...laughter
36:15 They're afraid of this guy.
36:18 He's got a bad reputation, but there's enough of the
36:21 Spirit moving in the hearts of these men - let's do the
36:25 will of the Lord and let him out and get him away from here.
36:28 So Paul is being pressed by Jews who don't want to hear,
36:32 who want to kill him and would be proselytes and Christians
36:37 who were just afraid of this guy because if we accept him,
36:43 if we let ourselves be known to him,
36:45 we might end up in chains heading back to Jerusalem...
36:47 so he's got this double whammy as it were.
36:51 Ellen White has a lot to say and I to want to
36:53 just touch on something real quick because
36:54 we're going to come back to this in just a little bit.
36:57 I'm in verse 20... "Immediately he preached the Christ
37:01 in the synagogues that He is the Son of God."
37:04 That became Paul's missionary pattern, to go to the
37:08 synagogues, meet with the people and preach.
37:10 And we're going to see a little bit later,
37:13 he broke that pattern though in a very, very sharp way
37:15 when he got to Athens because of some other things,
37:17 but this is fabulous.
37:18 I want to read some things that Ellen White said.
37:22 Again we're in the book, "Acts of the Apostles."
37:24 Ellen White informs us that Ananias' words found
37:27 resonance with Paul when He said to Paul, "God has selected you,
37:32 God has called you to be a special vessel unto Him.
37:36 This really found resonance in Paul's heart,
37:38 and perhaps the idea that he was a persecutor of Christians,
37:42 now God is calling me - as you well said, He's call me to
37:46 be a herald for him - this is almost more
37:49 than my mind can take, but God has called me
37:52 through all of this history that I have,
37:54 yet the Lord is using me.
37:57 Ananias said to him, "The God of our Fathers has chosen
38:01 thee," then he told him to arise and be baptized.
38:05 Paul took these words very seriously...
38:07 As he pondered these things in his heart,
38:09 Paul understood more and more clearly the meaning of his call
38:14 to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God.
38:18 So he wasn't called by a group or a man or a committee,
38:21 this call came directly from our Lord.
38:23 The greatness of the work before him led him to
38:27 give much study to the Holy Scriptures
38:31 in order that he might preach the gospel - not with the
38:35 wisdom of words, but in a demonstration
38:39 of the Spirit and Power of God.
38:41 So Paul realizes that I've got to unlearn what I've learned...
38:48 ...we've heard that before, we've got to sort of strip
38:52 ourselves down and I've got to start all over again
38:56 as a brand new baby.
38:58 What I think I know, I don't know,
39:00 so I've got to study.
39:03 Now Galatians 1:17 tells us that he spent some
39:07 time in Arabia. Yes
39:09 Paul says, preparing for this... You know when you
39:12 have a big load to carry, you need to get your mind right.
39:15 Christ went off into the wilderness for 40 days;
39:17 Paul went to just think this thing through.
39:20 I remember when I first got the call to ministry...
39:22 Well I got the call to ministry at age 10,
39:25 but when I was in college and I had to begin to change
39:28 my course work, I fasted for 8 days, from Tuesday
39:34 thru to the next Tuesday because I wanted to make sure
39:38 that what was moving me was not, you know...
39:41 I had a college professor come into my room... yeah,
39:44 they want it to be of human origin - thank you.
39:49 It wasn't of human origin, but my college professor,
39:52 he came in and said, "You know God is calling you."
39:54 "He said you're going to end up like Jonah," you know,
39:58 and he said, "I've seen this in you," Dr. J. J. Beal,
40:01 bless his heart, came to my room about 7 o'clock
40:04 at night and stayed until sun up. Wow!
40:06 All night long - we went thru Scripture,
40:09 and then I went into this fast because he said,
40:11 ...I gave just a little talk... He said, I see it, I see it,
40:14 I see it, I see it... and I'm going to stay here
40:17 until you see it.
40:19 So at 7 o'clock in the morning, I told him,
40:21 "I see it." I don't know if I saw it or not,
40:23 but I needed to get some sleep.
40:25 So Paul is doing the same thing, he's preparing
40:28 for ministry - orienting his mind because he's taking
40:32 this thing very, very seriously and he's devoting
40:35 himself to study.
40:37 As Paul searched the Scriptures...
40:38 I'm back in Acts of the Apostles...
40:39 "He learned that throughout the ages,
40:43 not many wise men, after the flesh, not many
40:47 mighty men, not many noble men are called,
40:50 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world
40:53 to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things
40:57 of the world to confound the things which are mighty,
40:59 and the base things of the world and the things which are
41:02 despised hath God chosen, yeah and things which are
41:07 not to bring to naught things that are."
41:10 So this became what was in Paul's heart.
41:14 This is what he was studying; this is what was moving him
41:18 from that point on.
41:20 So he goes now to Damascus, goes to the synagogue,
41:23 he gets stronger and the Bible says, his arguments
41:27 confounded those that were there who tried to dissuade him.
41:32 And the word for "confounded" in the street Greek
41:36 the Koine Greek is "sugono."
41:38 Now two things had happened
41:40 when someone has an argument that strong...
41:42 The argument can shut you up to the point where you just
41:44 sit and think or the argument can make you so
41:48 upset that you don't know what to do with yourself,
41:50 and this is what happened to Paul.
41:51 To use modern parlance Paul, as young people say,
41:54 "We kinda blew the place up," he just threw them in an
41:57 uproar - everybody was just in an uproar.
42:00 He totally rocked their world with this new gospel,
42:04 and this new idea, and so he moved on and got
42:08 stronger and stronger and God blessed him.
42:11 I want to close with this verse quickly...
42:12 Paul talks about his life and in 2 Corinthians 11:32-33,
42:18 he catalogs his trials.
42:19 He talks about his battles and in 2 Corinthians 4,
42:24 also we see this - pressed but not crushed,
42:28 perplexed but not in despair, persecuted but not forsaken,
42:32 struck down but not destroyed.
42:35 Paul had a tough, tough life, but he was a great
42:39 stalwart for the Lord and God, through His power, Jill,
42:43 sustained him and he became a leading light
42:47 in the New Testament and in the early church of God.
42:49 Amen! Thank you so much Pastor CA.
42:53 What an incredible journey to see what God did in Saul's life;
42:57 persecutor in the church turned to Paul.
43:00 I think this is one of my favorite stories actually,
43:03 to see that God can take anyone, no matter where we are,
43:06 no matter how strong we are against the truth,
43:08 God can turn that around and God can make us the strongest,
43:12 and most ablest and most able to defend the truth
43:17 and the word of God, so that's just incredible.
43:20 My passage is Thursday, "Return to Jerusalem"
43:24 and we're going to pick up with Acts 9:26-30,
43:28 but before we read that, I actually want to jump over
43:31 to Galatians - Paul chronicled this journey, this conversion
43:35 experience and some of his story in several different
43:38 passages in Scripture.
43:40 So turn with me to Galatians 1:17, Pastor CA
43:46 referenced this, he went to Arabia and returned
43:51 again to Damascus and this was his, as we could say
43:54 "wilderness experience," Mollie, where he spent those 3 years
43:57 learning and relearning, unlearning everything
44:01 he had learned before and relearning under the power
44:03 and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
44:05 And then verse 18 says, "After three years, I went up
44:10 to Jerusalem to see Peter and remained with him 15 days..."
44:14 So after 3 years, Paul - his name is Saul at this point,
44:18 Saul wanted to go up to Jerusalem, after this time of
44:22 study, after this time of preaching in Damascus,
44:24 But when he got to Jerusalem, the brethren weren't
44:27 very ready to receive him... we find that in Acts 9.
44:31 Let's go back to Acts 9:26, "And when Saul had come
44:37 to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples...
44:41 remember Galatians 1 tells us he wanted to go
44:43 to see Peter, remember? So it was important to him.
44:46 Peter was a leader in the early church and he's saying,
44:49 "I want to go see Peter, I want to meet the rest
44:51 of the apostles - those who walked and talked with Jesus."
44:55 Because now Paul (Saul) is in love with Jesus and he says,
44:59 I want to go to the Jerusalem church.
45:02 And when he tried to come and tried to join the disciples;
45:05 but they were all afraid of him, and did not
45:10 believe that he was a disciple."
45:11 Now this is three years after his conversion experience,
45:15 and in three years, even though communication is not the
45:17 same way it is today, but in three years you
45:19 would think that the news had traveled to Jerusalem,
45:22 and that they had heard that Saul had changed and now
45:25 he is preaching for the Lord Jesus.
45:27 But in spite of that, whether they thought it was just a
45:29 rumor mill or whether they weren't convinced themselves,
45:32 they were still afraid of him and it took someone
45:37 someone special named "Barnabas" to bring
45:40 Saul to the apostles there.
45:43 Verse 27... "But Barnabas took him and brought him
45:47 to the apostles."
45:48 I want to stop just a moment there and look at who
45:51 Barnabas is - let's turn back to Acts 4.
45:54 Acts 4 is the first time where we see mention of Barnabas.
45:58 This is in the early church.
46:01 Acts 4:36-37, and Barnabas is a Hellenistic Jew,
46:07 Molly, you started with Paul being a Hellenistic Jew,
46:09 and Barnabas was as well, but he became one of the
46:12 early converts of the new church.
46:14 It says... "And Joses...that's also known as "Joseph,"
46:17 who was also named Barnabas by the apostles which is
46:22 translated "Son of Encouragement," a Levite
46:24 of the country of Cyprus, having land, sold it and
46:27 brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet."
46:30 So he was a Greek-speaking Jew who was not from native
46:34 Palestine, he was from Cyprus.
46:37 But he had become a follower of the way,
46:39 he had become a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
46:42 His name means, "Son of Encouragement,"
46:45 and the word in the Greek for encouragement is kind of a
46:48 spinoff of the word "parakletos."
46:51 We know Parakletos is used many times to refer to
46:54 the Holy Spirit - "One called alongside another."
46:57 It's translated other times this word as comfort,
47:01 encouragement, consolation, exhortation...
47:05 And so Barnabas was a man of encouragement,
47:08 and for whatever reason, he took a risk on Saul,
47:13 and he brought him to the apostles.
47:15 Let's read the rest of our passage here in Acts 9,
47:18 and then I want to look at my remaining time
47:20 at some of the qualities of Barnabas.
47:23 Acts 9, we're in the middle of verse 27.
47:25 Barnabas brought the Apostle Saul to the apostles,
47:30 and he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the
47:33 road and now Saul has the opportunity to have his
47:36 personal testimony with the apostles
47:38 and the brethren at Jerusalem.
47:40 He shared how the Lord had spoken to him;
47:42 how he had preached boldly at Damascus
47:44 in the name of Jesus.
47:46 So he was with them at Jerusalem, coming in
47:49 and going out, and he spoke boldly in the name of
47:52 the Lord Jesus and disputed against the Hellenists
47:55 those were them who... they were obviously there
47:58 in Jerusalem and he's disputing with them,
48:01 but they attempted to kill him.
48:03 When the brethren found out, they brought him down
48:06 to Caesarea and sent him out to Tarsus."
48:09 So Saul had a short span of time where he got to be with the
48:13 brethren at Jerusalem, he got to share his testimony, his story,
48:17 he witnessed and boldly proclaimed the Lord Jesus.
48:21 There was opposition that arose against him and the
48:24 disciples said, "We're going to send him away because
48:27 of this opposition and he went to Tarsus which is actually
48:31 where he was raised and where he grew up.
48:33 I want to look here - we see in the story of Saul,
48:38 we see the influence of Barnabas in this story.
48:43 Barnabas to me, is one of the unsung heroes of the
48:47 New Testament. Amen! We hear a lot about
48:49 Paul, we hear a lot about Peter, we hear a lot about
48:52 John, but I think Barnabas is one of the unsung leaders.
48:55 To me, this is a broad definition
48:58 of a Christian leader...
49:00 "You are a Christian leader to the degree that you
49:03 shape others toward the image of Christ," and so
49:08 in that sense, all of us are Christian leaders.
49:11 Every single person has an influence on someone else
49:14 to shape them, to influence them, to accept Jesus,
49:18 and to become more like Jesus.
49:20 So I want to look at five marks of a Christian leader
49:22 from the life of Barnabas...
49:24 #1... He was a risk-taker. We saw that here. He took a risk
49:29 on Saul. He took a risk on him in saying, "No, I'm
49:33 trusting you, I'm trusting your story, I'm going to introduce
49:36 you to the brethren, the apostles here in Jerusalem.
49:39 He also took a risk on his cousin John-Mark and you
49:43 see that later throughout the Book of Acts - that he took a
49:45 risk with John-Mark, remember he left and went back
49:48 and Paul said, "We don't want anything more to do with him."
49:51 And Barnabas said what? "No, I want to take a risk on
49:55 him again," and later John-Mark proved worthy.
50:01 #2... I see that he is an encourager.
50:08 He visited the church at Antioch and we see this over
50:12 in Acts 11 which is for another day, but in Acts 11,
50:16 Barnabas went to the church in Antioch - when he came,
50:19 he saw the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged
50:22 them all - that with purpose of heart they should continue
50:26 with the Lord. So he encouraged the brethren. He saw who
50:30 they could become in Jesus. He encouraged people.
50:34 #3... I see his humility. What did he do when
50:37 his ministry was flourishing in Antioch?
50:41 We're still in Acts 11- the ministry was flourishing,
50:44 the church had sent Barnabas there to Antioch.
50:47 The ministry is flourishing, many people were added
50:49 to the Lord. And then, when everything is going well,
50:53 you would think he'd want to consolidate his leadership.
50:56 You would think as things are going well in the church in
50:59 Antioch - he wants to set himself up as this leader,
51:01 and instead what does he do? He goes and he finds
51:04 Saul and he brings him from Tarsus to Antioch.
51:08 He, as it were, saw someone younger, someone with gifts
51:14 and ability, someone that God was going to use and he brought
51:18 him into the work and pushed him forward.
51:21 To me, that's humility.
51:23 #4... He's patient with the mistakes of others. You see
51:28 with John-Mark, as John left, remember he left the work
51:33 of Paul and Barnabas and he just said, "I'm going back
51:36 to Jerusalem and I'm done with this, but yet Barnabas was
51:39 patient. He gave him another chance. He took, as it were,
51:43 another risk with him.
51:45 #5... And finally, we see that he's free from materialism.
51:49 He loved people, but not necessarily money.
51:53 In Acts 4, the first time when we were actually introduced
51:56 to Barnabas, he sold land - remember?
51:58 And he laid it at the apostles' feet, but in addition to that,
52:01 this is probably 20 years later, Paul is writing 1 Corinthians,
52:06 and in 1 Corinthians 9, he says, "Do we have no
52:09 right to eat and drink? Do we have no right to take
52:12 along a believing wife as do also the other apostles,
52:15 the brothers of the Lord and Cephas - meaning Peter,
52:18 or is it only Barnabas and I who have no right to
52:22 refrain from working?" So in that sense,
52:25 Paul was even saying - he and Barnabas were laboring,
52:28 were supporting themselves as we know Paul was a tent-maker,
52:32 supporting themselves to help support the work in the
52:35 ministry of the gospel. Barnabas was not ministering
52:39 for money - he was ministering and laboring for souls.
52:43 So to me, and this passage, what I see - is the pivotal
52:47 work that Barnabas played, the role that he played
52:51 in bringing Saul to the brethren there at Jerusalem,
52:56 and in helping to launch his ministry as well.
52:59 Amen! Thank you Jill, and thanks to all of you.
53:01 You know, I think and I think somebody mentioned this
53:05 earlier - one of the most encouraging stories
53:08 in the Word is the story of the conversion of Paul.
53:12 Doesn't that give us all hope? Amen!
53:15 Because I think about this...
53:17 Now who is the #1 persecutor of the church?
53:20 That would have to be Paul.
53:21 On the road to Damascus - do you know instead of
53:24 knocking Paul off his high horse and bringing him
53:28 to conversion, God could have killed him. Yes.
53:31 But you know what God says about Paul?
53:33 He says, "You're a chosen vessel to bear My name
53:38 to the Gentiles."
53:39 So what God saw in Paul was the thing that makes him
53:43 so powerful - it's that tenacity to what he believes in...
53:47 he's going to give his whole heart to it.
53:49 And then, not only does God take Paul out of the hands
53:56 of the enemy - it says he could have done horrendous
54:00 damage to the early church, but He brings him into
54:04 that early church and he does horrendous damage
54:07 to the kingdom of the enemy.
54:09 And so that's like a double whammy
54:13 on behalf of the kingdom of God.
54:15 Well each one of you brought such a beautiful message,
54:18 Shelley, you know, this is what I heard you say...
54:20 If we attack God's people, we're attacking God
54:24 and that's powerful!
54:26 And Brother Johnny, there are no Lone Ranger Christians.
54:30 We all need to be in the safety and the security
54:34 of the established church.
54:35 And Brother CA, make your calling and election sure.
54:38 I'm not sure those were your exact words, but it was
54:41 give yourself even if you have to pray to 7 o'clock
54:44 in the morning - to the ministry God has called you to.
54:47 And Sister Jill, you are a Christian leader to the degree
54:52 that you shape others into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
54:55 All of those were so beautiful, and we still have 2 minutes,
54:59 so that's a long time.
55:01 Shelley, I want to start with you
55:02 What was your take-away from all of them.
55:04 My favorite Scripture, Acts 26:18, what Jesus said
55:08 to Paul was... "I am sending you out to open their eyes
55:13 to turn them from darkness to light and from the power
55:15 of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness
55:19 of sins AND an inheritance among those who are
55:24 sanctified by faith in Me."
55:26 And I want you to know that God can do that for you,
55:30 pray, claim Acts 26:18, pray it over your children
55:34 or anyone who needs to know the Lord. Amen!
55:39 Building on that, you know, I'm reminded of 2 Peter 3:9.
55:43 "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all
55:46 should come to repentance," and some of us have
55:48 brothers and sisters out there in the world...
55:51 Paul was persecuting Christians, no one would think he would
55:52 think he would be converted, and we have family members
55:56 and friends and there's hope
55:58 and God is trying to reach them. Amen!
56:01 Amen, Pastor CA... Amen!
56:02 Paul says in 2 Corinthians, "Therefore do no lose heart,
56:07 even though our outward man is perishing, yet inward man
56:10 is being renewed day by day."
56:13 We can always be renewed in Christ Jesus, don't lose hope.
56:16 Amen! I think we live in a world of
56:19 discouragement - we live in a world of fear,
56:21 and God is calling you at home, God is calling each one of us
56:25 to be encouragers for other people...
56:28 to speak a word in season, to believe in what God
56:31 can do in and through the lives of those around us
56:35 How many of us, Jill, like to be around
56:37 discouraging people?
56:38 No, I appreciate what you're saying - we all want to be
56:41 around people that bring courage to us.
56:44 This is what an encourager does...
56:47 They take courage and they put it on the inside of you,
56:50 but this is what a discourager does...
56:52 they take the courage that you have in you,
56:55 and they pull it out of you.
56:57 So it is so vitally important that we surround ourselves
57:00 with people and continue in God's word because God's
57:04 word will bring in you so much encouragement...
57:07 Just this story of the Apostle Paul that went from being
57:12 Saul of Tarsus to the Apostle Paul - one of the
57:16 greatest ambassadors for the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ
57:20 in the early church.
57:21 So I want to encourage each of you - you know,
57:23 join with us again next week, get you a Bible Study
57:27 Guide - download it and then you'll be prepared
57:30 to come and sit with us next week and together
57:33 we will study God's word!


Revised 2024-07-22