3ABN Sabbath School Panel

You Will Be My Witnesses

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180027A

00:29 The 3ABN Sabbath School Panel welcomes you to our ongoing
00:34 journey through the word of God.
00:36 This odyssey of truth as we study together the word of God.
00:40 Welcome! We're in a brand new quarter,
00:43 and as has been mentioned, we are studying the
00:45 Book of Acts together, and this is going to be
00:48 an exciting time of study!
00:50 I'm in the company of Jill Morikone, Danny Shelton,
00:53 Shelly Quinn and Mollie Steenson.
00:56 These will be your instructors, dare I say, for the next
00:59 13 weeks, as together we study the word of God.
01:02 Now, this is a fun time together, we learn from
01:05 each other and, hopefully, we will have one or two things
01:07 to say to you that will encourage you
01:10 as together we walk this road that leads to glory.
01:13 There are a couple of ways that you can sort of
01:14 work with us on this...
01:16 #1 is to download the Sabbath School Lesson by going
01:20 to ABSG.Adventist.org
01:26 That's ABSG.Adventist.org
01:31 You can download the lesson, and you can study along with us,
01:35 but my preferred way, the way that I want to suggest
01:38 to you is... to go to your local Seventh-day Adventist
01:41 Church. Amen!
01:43 Meet them, greet them and ask them for an Adult Bible Study
01:47 Guide - they may be more accustomed to hearing
01:50 the words "Sabbath School Quarterly,"
01:52 but if you explain it, they will get one to you.
01:54 A couple of things will happen when you do that...
01:56 #1, is you can make some new friends.
01:57 They'll be happy to service you and give you
02:01 a Bible Study Guide; may I suggest you stay for church,
02:05 and hear a good sermon, and if the church is large
02:08 enough, you'll probably get a pretty good fellowship meal too,
02:11 so it's a win-win situation.
02:13 You get some spiritual food, you get some physical food,
02:16 you make some new friends, you hear a good sermon,
02:18 and you get fed, so that's my preferred way.
02:21 Go to the Adventist Church, they will be more than happy
02:23 to give you an Adult Bible Study Guide,
02:27 and together you can join with us because this is a
02:29 great study as we look at the formative years
02:33 of the church of God, of the Christian era and we going to
02:37 have a really, really good time together.
02:40 Danny Shelton, would you please pray for us as we launch out?
02:43 Dear Lord, We thank You for Your
02:45 many wonderful blessings.
02:47 We thank You for life and health and strength,
02:49 and we thank You that we have the word that we can go to
02:52 that encourages us.
02:53 We know that You died for us, You rose again,
02:58 You are now ever interceding at the right-hand of the Father;
03:01 You have left us the Holy Spirit that will help us
03:04 to continue in all truth.
03:06 Lord, we want to be able to look up very soon in the
03:08 clouds of glory and say, "Lo, this is our God
03:11 whom we have waited for, and He has come to save us."
03:13 We pray now for the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon this
03:16 Sabbath School study... In Jesus name I pray, Amen
03:20 Amen and Amen!
03:21 We do pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
03:25 I want to sort of just launch out and set the culture
03:29 for what we're going to be studying.
03:30 This is a great study... as we look at
03:32 "You Will Be My Witnesses" as our first study together.
03:37 Reading some of the historical material...
03:40 the lesson says many historians believe that the three
03:44 most crucial decades in the world history occurred when
03:48 a small group of men, mostly Jews under the power of the
03:51 Holy Spirit, took the gospel to the world.
03:54 The Book of Acts is an account of those three crucial decades
03:58 which span from the resurrection of Jesus AD 31 to the
04:03 end of Paul's first Roman imprisonment...
04:06 the book must have been written shortly thereafter.
04:09 What is interesting is that the gospel writers,
04:13 particularly Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
04:15 didn't write immediately after the death of Christ.
04:18 Mark was the first to write, we believe, and he wrote
04:22 in the mid-50s, so you're talking 20+ years after
04:25 the death of Christ, followed by Matthew and Luke
04:28 mid 60s, and, of course, John didn't really begin
04:30 writing until the 90s till the close of the first century...
04:33 So it was many, many years after the death of Christ
04:36 that these men began to do their writing.
04:40 But, tradition and the way the book begins lets us know
04:46 that Luke was the author of both Luke and the Book of Acts.
04:52 Now what is interesting about these particular books
04:55 is that these two books, Luke and Acts, comprise
04:58 27% of the New Testament.
05:02 Luke liked to write and, of course, he had a lot to say,
05:05 particularly in the Book of Acts which has 37,933 words
05:11 for both books and the Book of Acts itself 18,451 words
05:17 for 13% of the New Testament is just the Book of Acts.
05:20 Now what is interesting... Paul wrote more as far as
05:24 volume is concerned... He wrote Romans,
05:26 First and Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,
05:30 Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians,
05:34 First and Second Timothy, Hebrews and Titus.
05:38 The longest of his books is Romans 7,111 words.
05:43 His total 32,407 words or 23% of the New Testament.
05:49 Now of course, John wrote John, First, Second and Third John,
05:54 and Revelation... Revelation a total of 9,852
05:58 words or 7% of the New Testament, John's total 28,092
06:03 or 20% of the New Testament.
06:07 So just Luke and Acts alone almost a third of the
06:12 New Testament just in these particular books.
06:15 Some interesting history on Luke...
06:17 There is much scholarship that says Luke was a non-Jew,
06:21 but I need to mention there is some scholarship that
06:24 says he was a Jew, but he was a diaspora Jew,
06:27 in other words, he was a Jew living outside of Palestine.
06:30 There is still some debate on that, but the lesson
06:33 tends to take the idea that he was a non-Jew,
06:38 and there is some debate about that.
06:40 The word "diaspora" meaning "scattered or dispersed"
06:44 came into providence when the Septuagint was translated
06:48 in Alexandria.
06:50 So given that history, we have a little culture of the
06:56 Book of Acts and what we're going to study during these
06:59 next several weeks together.
07:01 As we move into Sunday's lesson, let me just touch on one thing
07:07 before I go into Sunday's lesson...
07:08 One of the things that the Book of Acts lets us know
07:11 is that the gospel is for all people. That's right.
07:14 There is... I don't want to say a "social gospel"
07:16 because that terminology is loaded,
07:18 but there is a social aspect to the gospel...
07:20 saying that to say that the gospel is for all people,
07:24 all places, all times, in all situations.
07:28 God is no respecter of persons, God, through Jesus Christ,
07:32 has drawn all people to Himself, and we tend to
07:35 make divisions and those kind of things,
07:39 but that's not so with God.
07:40 God is calling all to the precious, bleeding side of
07:43 Jesus and we see that woven through the Book of Acts.
07:47 Now let's go to Sunday and begin our march together...
07:54 Sunday: "Ye Will Be My Witnesses."
07:57 The lesson says and walks us through this idea
08:02 that there are two views of the Messiah as they come
08:06 from the Old Testament.
08:08 There is the kingly view of the Messiah - we see that in
08:11 Psalms 89, Isaiah 9, Ezekiel and the Book of Daniel,
08:15 and certainly there is this kingly aspect to the work of
08:20 Christ, but there is also what I call the "suffering
08:23 servant motif."
08:24 We see that mostly in the Book of Isaiah, Isaiah 52 and 53...
08:29 the fact that He came to suffer, He came to die.
08:34 It is the synthesis of the two
08:36 that is relevant for our study today.
08:39 What is important is the fact that these two views of
08:42 Christ are not antagonistic, they are not.
08:44 They are one building out of the other.
08:49 The suffering had to precede the glorification,
08:53 but they are part, two sides, dare I say, of the same coin.
08:56 The problem was not what the Bible was saying about
09:01 Jesus because in the Bible, the Old Testament
09:03 was very clear that the Tanach or the Old Testament
09:06 was very clear... the problem was Jewish expectations.
09:10 It was... there was a term that we studied in school
09:13 called "popular culture."
09:15 Popular culture means something that's not really
09:17 written down anywhere, it's not codified,
09:20 but everybody thinks that, you know.
09:22 I guess the most, the closest of the modern
09:25 correlays would be this idea that when you die,
09:28 you go straight to heaven, and you hear athletes say,
09:30 "Well my mom was looking down on me, that's how I got..."
09:32 you know, it's just kinda everybody kind of thinks this.
09:35 It's not biblical, it's not anywhere in the Bible.
09:38 It is a non-biblical teaching, but it's part of
09:41 popular culture - so everybody is saying it,
09:43 and a lot of people believe it.
09:45 I guess the other one would be...
09:47 the idea that the Sabbath is Sunday... part of popular
09:50 culture - it's not biblical, it's not in the Bible,
09:52 but people just - they don't question it,
09:54 they just accept it.
09:55 Well popular culture back in the Bible day
09:57 was that Christ had come to deliver us from the Romans. Yes
10:01 It was just EVERYBODY believed it and Ellen White says,
10:04 interestingly enough, even John the Baptist
10:06 had held that belief.
10:08 EVERYBODY believed it and it was just part
10:11 of popular culture.
10:14 The Western World was Rome.
10:16 Rome was one of the larger cities in the world
10:19 at that time and this idea... you know it seems unreasonable
10:24 that God would take this little, tiny country,
10:28 500,000, maybe 700,000 people and free it
10:32 from the clutches of an empire that stretched from Butania
10:36 to India, including all of Europe and North Africa,
10:40 and somehow it got woven into their minds that
10:43 God is going to free us from the Roman Empire.
10:47 Now today, looking at that,
10:48 how in the world could you think that?
10:49 But it was thousands of years in the making...
10:52 this idea that we are God's people, we are never going to
10:55 be conquered and if we're going to be conquered,
10:57 as soon as we sort of get right,
10:58 Christ is coming to free us from all of this.
11:00 This was part of popular culture and it seems unreasonable
11:04 now, but it was part of it back then.
11:07 Here's what's interesting... You have 30,000 people in
11:10 the city of Jerusalem, 80,000 during the feasts,
11:14 you know, during Pentecost the population more than doubled,
11:17 40 days later, 49 days later you had the Feast of Weeks
11:20 which was the celebration of the giving of the
11:22 Ten Commandments in the wilderness.
11:23 Of the 30,000 people living in Jerusalem,
11:26 6,000 were Pharisees - so when you walk down the street,
11:30 one in every five people you saw was a Pharisee, you know...
11:34 And they had a lot of sway on the popular culture of the day
11:38 because everywhere you turned there was a Pharisee, Pharisee,
11:40 Pharisee, Pharisee, Pharisee, Pharisee, Pharisee,
11:42 and, of course, they had a lot to say.
11:45 Now the Sadducees were the actual priestly aristocracy.
11:49 Those of the guys that had the money,
11:50 most of the high priests were Sadducees, but Pharisees
11:53 were out among the people and exerted a great influence...
11:57 But regardless of who they were,
11:59 they wanted to be free from the Romans.
12:01 Even the Sadducees, they were kind of the mindset
12:05 "Well can we all just get along?"
12:07 You know, "They're here, we're here, let's get along."
12:09 But the Pharisees were hardcore separatists.
12:12 "We want to be free, we want to be #1."
12:14 And so the mindset was, "Christ is coming to do this,"
12:21 and so when the New Testament Church began, there was a lot
12:25 of tradition, that it had to disabuse itself of.
12:28 There was thousands of years of tradition
12:32 that they had to get free of.
12:36 The lesson brings out the text, Luke 24:31.
12:40 Even the disciples said... You know, we kind of
12:43 had hope that He would have been the One to free us,
12:46 you know, because that's so much a part of their thinking.
12:49 The lesson asks the question, I think it's important...
12:51 "Why is it so easy to sometimes get stuck in a spiritual rut
12:57 that may not be good for your spiritual growth,
12:59 and may be patently unbiblical." But the Bible
13:02 was clear that Christ is not coming to do that,
13:05 He's coming to set up a spiritual kingdom...
13:07 but we can do that ourselves
13:09 and that's what the lesson is pushing towards.
13:12 Sometimes our desires are a product of things
13:15 that we want - we just want this so bad.
13:18 So sometimes we'll say, "We'll when you come
13:21 to the Lord, all your problems are over,
13:22 you're going to be rich - you know, pray on this
13:23 holy cloth and everything is going to be fine."
13:26 Because it appeals to your flesh and this mindset
13:28 that "We're going to be #1, we're going to be the
13:31 top dog, we're God's people," really appeals to your flesh.
13:34 It's not a spiritual thing.
13:36 I want to be #1, I want to be the top dog.
13:38 So we deceive ourselves into thinking that our desires
13:42 are God's desires and it's not that way.
13:45 God's desires are supposed to be our desires,
13:48 so when the New Testament Church began, it began by
13:52 separating itself from a lot of history which not only
13:56 was not progressive, but actually kept the people
13:59 in bondage and did not allow them to understand
14:02 the burden that Christ's mission was which was
14:06 to free people from that bondage and to
14:09 inaugurate a brand new kingdom...
14:11 a kingdom of heaven and a kingdom of the heart.
14:14 Amen, thank you so much Pastor CA,
14:17 that's wonderful good foundation as we open up
14:20 the study of the Book of Acts.
14:22 I think of Luke and Acts as twin volumes, as it were,
14:25 for the beginning of Christianity...
14:27 Of course, Luke is about Christianity's origin...
14:30 That would be the life, the ministry, the death,
14:33 the resurrection of Jesus, and Acts is about
14:36 Christianity's expansion, the spreading of that gospel.
14:40 I have Monday and on Monday, we look at the
14:44 disciples' mission.
14:47 I have one verse for Monday which was our memory text...
14:50 Acts 1:8, but before we read that verse and we will,
14:54 I want to look at a verse before and CA talked
14:57 about this - about the kingly Messiah versus
14:59 the sacrificial Messiah and the confusion that the Jews
15:02 and the disciples had during that time.
15:05 We know Acts begins right after Jesus was resurrected
15:09 and this was right before His ascension,
15:11 but if we look at verse 6... Acts 1:6- "Therefore, when they
15:14 had come together, they asked Him, meaning Jesus,
15:17 saying, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom
15:20 to Israel?" And that's kind of what
15:22 Pastor CA was talking about.
15:23 The disciples wanted answers, and instead,
15:26 Christ gave them a mission.
15:29 That mission is Acts 1:8, and as we go through this
15:34 one verse, I want to look at four elements
15:37 in Christ's mission.
15:38 Those four elements that are foundational to the mission
15:41 of the early New Testament Church,
15:44 and we also see this at the end time - at the end-time
15:47 church - they would be foundational for us as well.
15:50 The four elements... First, is the Holy Spirit,
15:52 the anointing, the power of the Holy Spirit.
15:54 Second, is personal experience.
15:57 Third, is the structure of the evangelism...
16:00 meaning it began at home and it spread.
16:02 And fourth, is the structure of the mission of the church,
16:06 and we'll unpack those four things here.
16:09 So let's read our verse, Acts 1:8- "But you shall
16:11 receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
16:15 you, and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem
16:18 and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth."
16:23 Now the first element is the Holy Spirit.
16:25 What does Jesus say? "You shall receive power
16:28 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you."
16:30 King James, I learned that in King James it says...
16:32 "After that, the Holy Spirit has come upon you.
16:36 So when I read that, I think... "Does that mean the
16:39 Holy Spirit wasn't present before then?"
16:40 They're receiving power after the Holy Spirit comes on them.
16:44 So what does that mean?
16:45 We know the Holy Spirit was present from the very beginning,
16:48 from Creation - all through the Bible.
16:51 You think of Noah - it talks about the Holy Spirit
16:53 working on the hearts of people in Noah's day.
16:55 The Bible says, in Genesis, how Joseph was filled
16:59 with the Spirit of God.
17:01 We know from King Saul, he prophesied
17:03 when he was under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
17:05 Mary, of course, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her,
17:08 and that's when she conceived Jesus.
17:10 The Bible says John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit
17:13 from the womb.
17:14 The Holy Spirit was present working all through the Bible,
17:18 but in a special sense, the Holy Spirit was to
17:21 be given in a special measure, a special outpouring
17:25 to the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascended to His Father.
17:29 We see that in John 7:39.
17:31 It says, "But this He spoke concerning the Spirit,
17:34 whom those believing in Him would receive,
17:37 for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus
17:41 was not yet glorified... meaning the Holy Spirit
17:44 was not given yet in that anointing and power
17:47 that we see came at Pentecost...
17:49 And also, John 16:7- "Jesus says, "Nevertheless I tell you
17:53 it is expedient that I go away; for if I go not away
17:58 the Helper, Parakletos, the Comforter will not come to you."
18:01 So Jesus says... After I go, you are going to receive power.
18:06 Now the word for "power" in Greek is "dunamis" meaning
18:09 miracle-working power, inherent power.
18:13 So the early church, in order to fulfill the mission,
18:15 the commission that God had called for the church,
18:18 they needed the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit.
18:23 The second thing they needed was personal experience.
18:26 You see here, it says, "You should receive power
18:28 when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be
18:31 witnesses unto Me."
18:33 In the Greek, the word for "witness" means "an eye
18:37 or an ear witness."
18:39 So if I'm understanding that correctly, they're not
18:42 witnessing about what they heard about Jesus from John,
18:45 and John heard it from Mary, and Mary heard it from Sally.
18:48 They're witnessing something that they actually saw
18:51 with their eyes, that they heard with their ears.
18:54 They're sharing firsthand experience.
18:58 Turn with me to 1 John 1, John says really the
19:04 same thing here in this passage.
19:06 1 John 1:1-3- It says, "That which was from the beginning
19:11 which we have heard... Notice how many senses
19:15 that John talks about here... which we have heard,
19:18 that's the sense of hearing... which we have seen
19:20 with our eyes... that's the sense of sight...
19:23 which we have looked upon and our hands have handled...
19:26 that's the sense of touch... concerning the word of life.
19:30 And then jump down to verse 3. That which we have seen
19:33 and heard, we declare to you, that you also may have
19:36 fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the
19:39 Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ."
19:42 Now if you look at the Greek for that, that which we
19:44 have heard literally means "to give in the audience of."
19:48 So in this case, John is saying, I'm not giving to you
19:52 something that I just heard from my momma or I
19:54 from somebody else, I actually sat in the audience
19:57 when Jesus talked and I heard these words from Him Himself.
20:02 Then it says, "That which we have seen...
20:05 and that means in the Greek, "To stare at with
20:07 wide-open eyes, to gaze upon."
20:11 He says... I saw the lame healed, I saw the blind
20:15 restored to sight, I saw Jesus calm the waves on that sea,
20:20 I actually, literally saw it.
20:22 And then it says, "What our hands have handled, in Greek,"
20:25 it means "to verify by touch."
20:27 I reach out, I can touch the table.
20:29 Oh, it's a table, I know it's there by touch.
20:32 So John is saying... They are sharing from their experience,
20:36 and I think that's the same thing if we go back to Acts 1.
20:39 That's the same thing Jesus is saying...
20:41 You're going to receive power, dunamis power
20:44 from the Holy Spirit.
20:46 #1, they need the anointing of the Holy Spirit
20:48 in order to fulfill the mission that God has called them to.
20:52 #2, they are to be witnesses of what they have seen
20:56 and heard, and not only for the New Testament Church,
20:59 I think for us at the end-time church, we are called not to
21:03 share a dead experience.
21:04 We are not called to share somebody else's experience.
21:07 You are called at home, we are called to share
21:11 the experience we have with the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
21:14 What we have experienced, what we have seen,
21:17 what we have heard, what we know of the Lord Jesus Christ.
21:20 Now #3, we see this process of evangelism
21:24 and how it's going to take place.
21:25 "They are to be witnesses to Me... I'm back at Acts 1:8.
21:29 Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria,
21:34 and in the end of the earth."
21:36 We see the progression of Christianity
21:39 as you go through the Book of Acts.
21:41 It goes from really a small sect, 120 believers
21:46 in the upper room and it explodes with international
21:50 religions that go many, many different peoples,
21:54 places and cultures, it really explodes,
21:57 but it begins first at home.
21:58 It begins in Jerusalem, then it goes out to the
22:02 neighboring communities, THEN it
22:04 goes out to the whole world.
22:06 And finally, I want to look at the structure of the mission.
22:11 In the Old Testament, the Jewish people were God's chosen people,
22:16 we know that, and they were called what is to be as it were
22:19 "a light set on a hill."
22:21 The Gentiles, the other people who did not know of God,
22:25 were to come to them... we see that in Isaiah 60:1-3.
22:30 What does it say? "Arise, shine, For your light
22:33 has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you...
22:37 and then it says... Gentiles, what are they going to do?
22:39 ... Shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness
22:44 of your rising."
22:45 So I think in the Old Testament Church especially,
22:49 you see with Israel, the other nations were supposed
22:52 to see what God was doing with Israel.
22:55 They were supposed to be a light to other nations.
22:57 So other nations were to come to them and learn and grow,
23:02 and experience God.
23:04 I believe in the New Testament Church, instead of other people
23:07 coming to them, they are called to go to others.
23:11 We see that in the commission.
23:13 Mr. Danny, you always talk about Matthew 28, Jesus says...
23:16 "Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations."
23:20 And so, we are called to go, they were not called to sit
23:24 at Jerusalem in the upper room and say...
23:26 We're going to be a shining light and everyone else
23:29 is to come to us...
23:31 They are called to get out of themselves,
23:33 to get out of their comfort zone and TO GO,
23:36 to take the gospel message to the four corners of the earth.
23:41 So what I see here in Acts 1:8, is Jesus' commission
23:46 for evangelism, #1 and this works for us at the end time
23:51 church as well as the New Testament Church,
23:54 we are called to be filled and empowered with the Holy Spirit.
23:58 We are called to experience and know the Lord Jesus Christ
24:02 for ourselves so we can share that and His word
24:05 with other people.
24:06 We are called to begin first with evangelism at home,
24:09 and have that spread, and we are called
24:12 not to sit back and wait for people to come to us.
24:14 We are called to GO out and spread the gospel
24:17 to the world. Amen. Amen!
24:19 I don't know how she gets all that in so beautifully!
24:22 Great job, both of you.
24:24 Mine is on Tuesday, "He Will Come Again,"
24:27 and all I can say is "Praise God!" Amen!
24:30 We praise God and those of you at home, praise God,
24:33 He will come again! Now that's a promise!
24:36 John, if you go to 14, Jesus says, "I go and prepare
24:41 a place for you, I will. He says, if I go away,
24:44 and prepare a place for you, I will do what?
24:46 Come again! I will come again and receive
24:47 you unto myself that where I am, there you may be also."
24:53 So that is an incredible promise that He will come again.
24:57 My Scripture is in Acts 1: 9-11, and it says...
25:04 "Then when He had spoken these things, while they
25:07 beheld, He was taken up and a cloud received Him
25:10 out of their sight. And while they looked
25:12 steadfastly toward heaven, as He went up, behold,
25:16 two men stood by them in white apparel which also said,
25:20 "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
25:24 This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven,
25:28 shall so come again in like manner and do what?
25:32 That you have seen Him go into heaven... while Jesus was
25:35 taken to heaven." This was amazing to me,
25:37 and I thought about it... These apparently two angels
25:42 the way they were dressed, says, "This same Jesus
25:45 shall come back in like manner," but it's amazing to me that
25:48 they asked these men of Galilee, "Why stand you here
25:51 gazing?" My question would be, why not?
25:54 Ha, ha...some laughter... I would be shocked if
25:56 they weren't standing there, I'm sure their mouths were
25:59 opened, their jaws dropped because they had seen
26:02 something never before... now they didn't know about
26:05 Elijah back then, but I'm talking about
26:07 in their own personal experience.
26:09 Now while they had been with the Master,
26:11 they had seen miracles; they had seen healings;
26:14 they had seen resurrections from the dead;
26:17 they had seen things, but this was a whole different
26:20 experience because for 3 or 3-1/2 years,
26:23 they had been with the Master, and any time trouble came,
26:27 guess what they could do?
26:28 They could go to Jesus. That's right.
26:29 When they were out in the ship and the storm was coming
26:32 along and all of a sudden, what did they do?
26:35 Instead of taking command of the... "Lord, wake up, wake up,
26:40 we're about to perish," you know, and so constantly
26:44 for these years, they were with Jesus, they saw what He did.
26:50 So the angels say... Why are you looking so shocked?
26:55 Well, I don't blame them, I would be shocked too,
26:58 but here's the good news...
26:59 The good news is... when they saw Him go up, first of all
27:03 ... the first thought was "Oh no we're alone again." Yes
27:06 Because when He was crucified, many of the disciples
27:10 didn't really understand... as you already covered,
27:12 Jesus' earthly mission wasn't just to build a political
27:16 kingdom, and earthly kingdom.
27:18 We see that when Judas sold for 30 pieces of silver,
27:21 he wasn't selling out Christ, in his mind, he was gonna
27:24 force Christ His hand to come out and show
27:27 that He is the Ruler.
27:28 Peter said... I'll take care of this, after being with Him
27:32 all this time, I'll pull my sword out,
27:33 they're not going to take my Lord and so he cut
27:36 a man's ear and so it shows they didn't really
27:39 understand the Master.
27:41 Now I've been one of those to say, many times I'll read
27:44 and I'll think, "how could they have missed the boat?"
27:46 If I were there or at the cross, you know, I would have said...
27:49 Would I? Do I stand up for Jesus today?
27:53 In other words, we can look back and second guess what
27:55 everyone did, but it's important for us to
27:58 realize that when Jesus was on earth, this was great,
28:03 He was a great teacher, they saw many mighty
28:06 and marvelous things happen, BUT when He died, what happened?
28:11 It says they gathered together for fear of the Jews;
28:15 they had doubts... all kinds of doubting.
28:18 Thomas - you remember?
28:19 All of these things happened, so now Jesus is with them;
28:22 they're looking for this earthly kingdom, but then Jesus
28:26 is crucified - some of them didn't realize
28:30 that He gave His life - they felt like they took His life.
28:33 So now, they didn't know what to do.
28:34 But now comes the great news of the resurrection! Amen! Amen!
28:38 And that's the good news! Yes
28:40 So now, that brought hope.
28:42 So the death brought discouragement and fear,
28:46 but the resurrection brought great hope,
28:50 but something was still missing and that's power.
28:53 That's power to go and do what they had seen Jesus do.
29:00 That power comes from the Holy Spirit,
29:02 but before I go there, I want to read a couple
29:05 of Scriptures here... The angel said, "As you see
29:09 Him go, He will come in like manner in a cloud,"
29:12 but this time it will be a cloud of witnesses,
29:14 maybe a cloud of tens of thousands and thousands
29:16 and thousands of angels will surround Him.
29:19 This time, He comes as King of Kings and Lord of Lords
29:22 and not a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger.
29:25 So what happened when the disciples saw Him go...
29:29 I'm sure it was mixed feelings.. We're alone for the first time.
29:33 I remember training Trinity, for years, to drive...
29:36 And so she was comfortable when I was there,
29:40 but we both had... Uh oh, the very first time she got
29:44 her driver's license, and then she says...
29:46 "Papa, can I go to take the car to West Frankfort?"
29:49 I'm like, "What?" You know...
29:51 "Well Papa, I've been doing this for years,
29:53 you started me early and I'm good."
29:55 But I said, "But Trin," you know.
29:57 And she admitted, she had some intrepidation herself
30:00 because she had never been at the wheel.
30:03 So, all of a sudden, Jesus goes to heaven,
30:06 He ascends to heaven and the disciples... it's time for them
30:10 to get out of training and take the wheel.
30:12 But I can't do that, can't take the wheel until I receive
30:18 what Jesus left... was the Holy Spirit.
30:21 But the fact that He ascended to heaven is incredible
30:24 because they say "He will come in like manner,"
30:26 so that gives hope - they physically saw it.
30:29 If Jesus had just disappeared, it would have gone along with
30:32 the rumors of the leaders at that time... that the death
30:35 ... "Oh well, somebody stole His body," but no, they saw Him
30:38 after His resurrection, isn't that amazing?
30:40 They saw Him after the resurrection.
30:42 So, He's coming back, so that gives them confirmation.
30:46 Let me give you a couple of Scriptures...
30:47 I'm talking too much, all right?
30:48 So here we go... Revelation 1:7- "Look, He is
30:51 coming with clouds and every eye shall see Him,
30:54 even those who pierced Him and all the peoples on earth
30:56 will mourn because of Him, and so shall it be."
30:59 Matthew 26:64, in which Jesus tells the Sanhedrin,
31:03 "They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven."
31:08 Luke 21:27- "And they shall see the Son of Man coming in a
31:12 cloud with power and great glory."
31:14 Zechariah 12:10... we could keep going...
31:17 which says that Jerusalem's inhabitants will mourn
31:20 when they see the One that they have pierced.
31:22 So when He comes in the clouds, people can make whatever
31:25 they want to make out of that, and there is this big
31:28 theory that goes around that
31:29 says He's coming in a secret rapture - not according to this.
31:33 He's coming, and the Bible says that "every eye shall see Him,
31:36 even those who pierced Him."
31:38 And so the hope and encouragement that we have...
31:41 I want to read Luke 24:51, "And it came to pass
31:44 that while He blessed them, He was parted from them
31:47 and carried up into heaven, and they worshipped Him,
31:51 and returned to Jerusalem with great joy and were
31:55 continually in the temple praising and blessing God."
31:59 Now here's the difference... Jesus leaves, He left the
32:03 Holy Spirit... now you have to receive the Holy Spirit,
32:05 so when you ask Jesus into your life and you ask the
32:09 Holy Spirit, great things... He says "greater things shall
32:12 ye do than I have done." We can talk about that at
32:15 another time, but I have some ideas what some of that means.
32:18 He used to go around and talk to people where they could
32:21 hear Him... we can take television and go around
32:24 the world in a matter of seconds, so He has given us
32:26 great and mighty tools that are an advantage
32:29 even over what He had when He was here on earth.
32:32 So here we have - once they receive the Holy Spirit,
32:36 they were in the temple praising God, no more fear,
32:40 no more discouragement; the hope all of a sudden
32:43 became reality and now, guess what?
32:46 They can't wait to tell the world, to be a witness
32:50 to tell the world that JESUS who died and was buried
32:54 was resurrected and now is ever interceding
32:58 at the Father, think about that, for you and me on our behalf.
33:02 So the disciples saw it firsthand, so you know what
33:04 an encouragement that must have been to them.
33:07 So my thing is and I'm running out of time,
33:10 I have a lot more notes than what I should have
33:12 and a lot of Scriptures I could give you,
33:14 but I had a bunch on the Holy Spirit, but I want to
33:16 begin to close with this thought... is that, Molly,
33:20 here we are in a time - how do we relate this to us today
33:25 as a church and its people?
33:27 Are we discouraged? Do we live in fear?... so to speak.
33:31 Because people say, "Well, I wanted to say
33:33 something, but I was afraid to.
33:34 You know, once you receive the Holy Spirit...
33:37 I think right now it's imperative that each of us
33:40 pray and ask the Holy Spirit to come into our lives. Amen!
33:43 Because when it does, all power is given us.
33:46 Jesus says, "All power is given me in heaven and earth,
33:49 go ye therefore."
33:51 So once you receive Jesus and you ask Him for the anointing
33:56 of the Holy Spirit in your life, you will become
33:59 a great witness... not in your own power,
34:01 but in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
34:04 So today, let's don't be discouraged,
34:06 let's keep looking up because this Jesus, as He
34:10 ascended in a cloud, into heaven, He is soon coming
34:13 back in a cloud, but this time King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
34:18 Very good. I hope I can match your enthusiasm and energy!
34:24 My lesson is Tuesday, "He Will Come"
34:28 Wednesday! How about Wednesday?
34:30 You just did that. I'm glad I didn't do that.
34:34 But "Preparing For Pentecost," and what I'd like to do
34:38 I'm going to back up just a little so that we can
34:41 look at what Jesus told these people and why
34:46 they went to prepare for Pentecost.
34:49 Let's begin with verse 4, Acts 1:4
34:55 "Being assembled together with them, He (Jesus) commanded
35:00 them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the
35:03 Promise of the Father, which He said,
35:05 "You have heard from Me, for John truly baptized
35:10 with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit
35:16 and not many days from now, He says...
35:21 Therefore when they had come together, they asked him saying,
35:25 "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?
35:31 And He said to them, "It is not for you to know
35:34 the times or seasons which the Father has put in His own
35:38 authority, but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit
35:42 has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses to Me
35:45 in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth."
35:50 They had a GREAT PROMISE, the Holy Spirit was coming,
35:56 and He had to come to fulfill their great commission...
36:02 And as you already mentioned, Jesus had already told them...
36:05 He said, Go into all the nations and he said, making disciples
36:12 baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son,
36:14 and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything.
36:18 So they've got this great promise...
36:22 I'm gonna give you the Holy Spirit to fulfill the
36:25 great commission and the great hope - is that
36:27 Jesus is returning... how exciting!
36:30 And Jesus made no time commitment, did He?
36:35 About, He said, Hey, only the Father knows when I'm coming.
36:40 But the implication was just like Matthew 24:14,
36:43 when He said that this gospel will be preached in all
36:48 the world, then the end will come.
36:50 Alright, so my day begins with Acts 1:12 and let's just start
36:55 there, He says, "Then they returned to Jerusalem from the
37:01 mount called Olivet which is near Jerusalem,
37:05 a Sabbath day's journey.
37:06 And when they had entered, they went up into the upper
37:10 room where they were staying; Peter, James, John, Andrew,
37:13 Phillip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew; James the son of
37:18 Alpheus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James.
37:22 These all continued with one accord in prayer
37:27 and supplication with the women and Mary the mother
37:31 of Jesus, and with His brothers."
37:34 Luke always mentions the women, I think he wanted to show
37:39 that Jesus regardeth them as equal, so this is pretty
37:42 exciting and then he mentions James and His brothers,
37:46 the brothers of Jesus.
37:49 Well we know His brothers were James, Simon and Joseph.
37:53 And they were either the younger brothers of Joseph and Mary
37:57 or they were the sons of the first marriage of Joseph.
38:00 But interesting to me because during Christ's lifetime
38:05 did they believe in Him?
38:07 They didn't believe He was the Messiah. No
38:10 But then what happened?
38:11 After His resurrection, He appears to James and all of a
38:15 sudden everything has changed.
38:17 So verse 15 says, "And in those days Peter stood up in the midst
38:22 of the disciples, altogether the number of names
38:25 was about 120."
38:28 Now here we have... He's in the upper room,
38:33 they are going to do what Jesus said - Wait in Jerusalem
38:37 until you receive the promise, so they go to the upper room
38:40 and there's 120 and I know that we have all stood in that
38:44 upper room when we were in Israel - it's huge,
38:48 it's like a big ballroom, 120 people wouldn't be
38:51 any problems in that room.
38:54 But here they are, they are waiting and they are in
39:00 persistent prayer, they're in united prayer,
39:03 they are asking - no doubt they were confessing their sins
39:07 and with sincere repentance, no doubt their hearts were
39:10 filled with praise for God resurrecting Christ...
39:15 But the interesting thing is, they were in perfect harmony.
39:18 this was nothing like at the Last Supper when they were
39:21 fighting over who was going to be the greatest, right?
39:24 Because Jesus had prayed for them in the garden,
39:26 when He prayed, in John 17, He said, "O Father, let
39:30 them be one as You and I are one"... right?
39:33 So they're waiting expectantly for God's promise and the
39:39 Holy Spirit comes in response to prayer.
39:43 One hundred and twenty expectant souls there,
39:46 calmed, reverent, but it's a time of joy - you know it was!
39:51 And they are in one spirit and one mind praying earnestly.
39:57 You know, in Matthew 18:19, this is a verse
40:01 that you use quite often...
40:02 Jesus said, "I say to you that if two of you agree on earth
40:06 concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them
40:11 by my Father in heaven."
40:13 So we've got this whole group of Christians who are
40:17 definitely doing what God has asked them to and our lesson
40:27 says - "In our daily choices, what are the ways we help
40:30 prepare the way for the Holy Spirit?"
40:33 Well first, let's do what they did - confession of sin.
40:37 1 John 1:9 says - "If we confess our sin, He is faithful
40:40 and just to forgive us all of our sins and cleanse us
40:43 of all unrighteousness."
40:45 And I suggest that when you confess, you also ask God
40:49 for the gift of repentance.
40:51 In Acts 5:32- He says that He gave Jesus to grant repentance.
40:57 And the reason I think that we should pray for repentance...
41:01 You and I don't have the power to change ourselves.
41:04 Repentance means that you're turning away from sin
41:06 to God - we can only repent by the power of grace.
41:10 It is only as we are filled with the Holy Spirit,
41:13 that then God works in us to will
41:15 and to do His good pleasure, right?
41:18 So that I think is very important.
41:20 Then we should confess our need for His Spirit.
41:26 This is, to me, the definition of humility,
41:32 is absolute dependence upon God.
41:35 In Philippians 2:5-8, I want to read this to you quickly...
41:39 Paul writes and he says, "Let this mind be in you
41:42 which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God,
41:47 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
41:51 but made Himself of no reputation,
41:54 taking the form of a bond servant, coming in the likeness
41:57 of men and being found in appearance as a man,
42:01 He humbled Himself and became obedient
42:04 even to the point of death, even to the death on the cross."
42:10 Christ lived a life just like you and I.
42:14 He humbled Himself, He humiliated Himself
42:18 to descend to be condescend and become a man...
42:22 But then He totally relied upon God and that's what we've
42:28 got to do... then you need to ask for the power
42:33 of the Holy Spirit - pray every day that God will fill you
42:36 afresh with His Holy Spirit.
42:39 In Luke 11:9-13- Jesus says, "Ask, keep on asking,
42:45 Seek, keep on seeking, Knock, keep on knocking,
42:49 and this is something that we do on a daily basis
42:54 that we must do.
42:55 And I want to teach you, if there's nothing else you've
42:57 heard me say - If you want to be ready for the Holy Spirit,
43:01 Three R's - Remember in school, the three R's?
43:05 Reading, writing and arithmetic.
43:07 Well in the school of Christ it is:
43:11 "Receive, Recognize and Rely" Amen!
43:16 Receive the Holy Spirit, Recognize your
43:19 total dependence upon Him, I mean recognize His
43:24 constant presence with you and then Rely on Him
43:28 recognizing your total dependence.
43:30 So the other thing that we should do is let us understand
43:37 we are dependent upon Him for both Bible study and prayer.
43:41 Two quick Scriptures... 1 Corinthians 2:14
43:45 "The natural man does not receive the things of
43:47 the Spirit for they are foolishness to him,
43:50 nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned."
43:54 Before you open the Bible, ask God to give you the
43:58 Spirit and see this through the Spirit's lens because
44:02 only He can teach you.
44:04 And Romans 8:26- Paul says, "Likewise the Spirit
44:08 helps us in our weakness for we do not know how we should
44:12 pray as we ought, but the Spirit Himself
44:16 makes intercession for us."
44:18 He is your prayer partner! Amen and Amen!
44:22 That something that I realize, this Holy Spirit that all of
44:27 you have been talking about is present with us right now. AMEN!
44:30 He's here and He is accomplishing, by opening up
44:35 our hearts and allowing this word to penetrate in us,
44:38 and that is my prayer for everyone that's listening
44:41 and everyone that's viewing.
44:42 Right now, the Holy Spirit is opening up your heart
44:46 that you will receive this good word and plant it
44:49 into you because it's the power of the word that can change us.
44:52 Do any of you need changing?
44:53 Amen! Oh yes, we need changing.
44:55 Well I've got Thursday and Thursday is
44:59 "The Twelfth Apostle," that's the title of it.
45:01 Now where do we have the 120 right now?
45:04 Where are all the apostles? They are in that upper room,
45:08 and they are fasting and praying, they are seeking God,
45:12 but you know the Holy Spirit moved on Peter to take care
45:18 of some business.
45:19 The first administrative action of the early church community
45:25 was - they needed to replace Jesus.
45:28 Now we know what happened with Judas - he betrayed the
45:31 Lord Jesus Christ and he went out and killed himself,
45:37 he was no longer one of the twelve.
45:39 And so Peter is saying... We've got to be scripturally
45:43 sound, theologically correct, we have got to find us
45:46 a replacement for Judas.
45:48 Now Peter set out the qualifications - because don't
45:56 you think qualifications for a replacement for the
45:59 apostle was very important?
46:01 I want you to look at Acts, it's still in the
46:05 first chapter 21 and 22, okay, let's read this...
46:09 "Therefore, of these men who have accompanied us all
46:14 the times that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us."
46:17 Okay, #1, they are going to choose this replacement
46:21 from Judas out of, you know, with the 12 apostles,
46:29 there's 120 in the upper room, there were many disciples
46:33 that were with Jesus the whole time - did you all know that?
46:36 The whole time. He always had a group of disciples
46:40 that were committed and submitted to Him.
46:42 We find places where when the going got hard,
46:46 sometimes some of those would leave,
46:48 but there were always that core group that would
46:50 stick with Him and so Peter is saying... We're going to
46:54 look in the group of disciples that have been with Him
46:58 the whole time beginning from the baptism of John
47:02 to that day when He was taken up from us...
47:07 One of these must become a witness
47:10 with us of His resurrection.
47:12 So first and foremost, they had to have been with Him,
47:16 traveled with Him and seen His many workings and His miracles
47:21 for the time of His ministry here on earth, but the most
47:26 important thing - they had to be a witness of His resurrection.
47:32 Why do you think that is so important - for this person
47:37 to be a witness of His resurrection?
47:40 It was crucial because the resurrection was one
47:44 of the most controversial points and is viewed as a
47:51 powerful evidence of the Messiahship of Jesus
47:55 and it's foundational to the truth of
47:57 the whole Christian faith.
47:59 Without the resurrection, do we have anything?
48:02 Is there any hope? It's that resurrection.
48:05 Okay, Peter knew that the twelve apostles must know
48:11 firsthand that Christ had risen from the dead...
48:16 had witnessed His resurrection firsthand.
48:19 Jill, you were talking about seeing, hearing...
48:22 Let's see, people can argue with you - any of your doctrine;
48:27 people can argue with you about your beliefs,
48:30 but they can't argue with your personal experience. Amen!
48:35 They can't argue with you of what you have seen,
48:39 and what you have witnessed and what you have heard.
48:41 So they're looking at these men that had
48:45 actually seen the resurrection.
48:47 Now just think about this... Let's say someone
48:50 comes up to one of the apostles - someone that
48:54 was there at Calvary and they say to him...
48:59 "How do you know that this Jesus was actually
49:03 the Messiah?" Well because we walked
49:05 him for 3-1/2 years and, Jill, they saw Him, they heard Him,
49:11 they saw those miracles, personal testimony - they KNEW!
49:16 So this twelfth apostle had to be able to say, "I was there,
49:21 I saw Him - I'm not getting this secondhand from anybody."
49:25 "Well, how do you know He died on the cross?"
49:27 "I was there, I saw them beat Him with stripes;
49:31 I saw them put that crown of thorns on His head;
49:37 and I saw them drive those nails into his hands into His feet;
49:43 I SAW that soldier come and stick a spear into His side,
49:48 and the blood and water gush out;
49:51 I SAW Him die on the cross."
49:53 Are they going to argue with that, can't argue
49:55 with a personal testimony!
49:57 Well how do you know He arose?
49:58 Oh, I was there!
50:00 When He walked up to us and we were just shocked to see Him,
50:05 but He said... and this is a quote...
50:07 "Behold My hands and behold My feet."
50:11 I was there, I saw it... I walked with Him all those
50:15 days that He was with us, still teaching us right
50:19 before His ascension... I SAW Him!
50:23 So, see, you can't argue with somebody's personal testimony.
50:28 So Peter was saying, "We don't want somebody that's
50:30 going to get this secondhand, we want this twelfth
50:33 apostle to be somebody that has seen and heard and knows,
50:38 so there can be no question in your heart.
50:40 You know, the apostle Paul used that same argument
50:43 invalidating his apostleship.
50:46 Also, He hadn't walked with Christ during his
50:50 earthly ministry.
50:52 He had an encounter with Jesus where?
50:56 On the road to Damascus!
51:00 It qualified him to bear witness of His resurrection.
51:05 So, let's say somebody questions Paul...
51:08 How do you know that was really Christ because
51:10 He said to me, He introduced Himself to me.
51:14 He told me, "Why are you kicking against the pricks?"
51:19 "You're kicking against Me."
51:22 "Well, how do you know it was Christ asking Paul?"
51:25 "How do you know that it was this Messiah,
51:27 that it was this Jesus?"
51:28 Same answer - "Oh, I saw the nail-scarred hands,
51:33 and I saw the scars in His feet."
51:35 See, you couldn't argue with Paul that he
51:37 had actually seen Him.
51:38 So that was why it was so vitally important
51:42 and the same question that I always want to ask...
51:46 "How is this lesson important?"
51:48 "How can I apply this lesson in my life."
51:51 Oh, because I see Him, I believe, I now
51:54 receive Him into my heart.
51:55 I believe that there is nail-scarred hands,
52:00 and nail-scarred feet that are sitting at the right
52:03 hand of the Father to ever making intercession for me.
52:06 Well, let me get back to this, verse 23 tells us that they
52:10 had to fit those two qualifications and there were
52:13 two men that they looked at.
52:16 Barsabas, whose surname was Justus and Matthias.
52:20 Now it's interesting the way that they chose the one
52:24 who replaced Judas.
52:27 Verse 24 says, "And they prayed and said, "You, O Lord, know
52:32 the hearts of all, show which one of these two
52:35 You have chosen." Verse 26, "And they gave
52:38 forth their lots and the lot fell upon Matthias,
52:42 and he was numbered with the eleven apostles."
52:44 Now how was he elected?
52:46 How was he chosen?
52:47 They cast lots. They did what?
52:50 They cast lots... Well what did they do first?
52:52 First they prayed.
52:55 Proverbs 16:33 says, "The lot is cast into the lap,
53:00 but every decision is from the Lord.
53:07 There is no evidence that there was ever any
53:10 challenge to the decision of Matthias.
53:14 So they accepted that this was a decision from the Lord.
53:19 But we don't cast lots today, why do we not cast lots today?
53:23 Now sometimes, we may do this...
53:25 Let's say, "Hal says to me, "Do you want to go to
53:29 Olive Garden or do you want to go to Ruby Tuesday?"
53:32 Well, either one is great, just like these two men,
53:35 they were both great decisions.
53:36 But we're not going to cast lots, sometimes I might say,
53:39 "Oh, flip a coin." You know, but the reason
53:42 we don't today is because... let me just read this to you...
53:46 How do we make decisions today?
53:48 First and foremost, we pray and ask God to show us.
53:51 Well, let me just read Acts 13:1-2
53:54 "Now in the church that was at Antioch, there were certain
53:57 prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called
54:02 Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been
54:04 brought up with Herod the tetrarch and Saul,
54:08 and they ministered to the Lord and fasted,
54:11 the Holy Spirit said, "How do we make decisions today?
54:14 The Holy Spirit said, "Now separate Me"... gave them
54:17 instruction on what to do, so the reason after the
54:20 Holy Spirit came into us, giving us that dunamis power,
54:24 it also gives us direction. Pastor CA...
54:28 Very well done, well done! Yes
54:30 In the time that is left to us, I want to take just a
54:33 moment and run over what I got from each of you
54:36 in sort of summation.
54:38 Jill, you mentioned "dunamis," the miracle power,
54:42 and another idea of dunamis is the physical ability
54:47 to get the job done, the dynamite power.
54:50 If you have a stump in your yard Danny, it's your yard,
54:52 you can say "stump move," but that's not enough
54:55 to get that stump to move.
54:57 You gotta get the tractor, you gotta pull out the Kubota,
54:59 and take that stump out.
55:00 Well, the dunamis is that Kubota, it's the physical
55:04 ability to get the job done.
55:05 So God promised them, I through My Spirit will give
55:09 you the physical ability to do whatever needs to be done.
55:12 Whatever you come up against, you will be able to overcome
55:15 that through a gift, a physical Spirit power
55:20 that will get the job done, whether it's healing,
55:23 whether it's raising from the dead, whether it's
55:24 casting out devils... whatever you need,
55:26 I will supply! I will supply, that's the
55:29 dunamis - you will get the job done through the dunamis.
55:32 Danny, we have seen, and I think that was also
55:36 very important - that we have seen...
55:39 When you see it, you know, you know it!
55:44 Paul says, "I wasn't there, as you alluded to Mollie,
55:47 but in 1 Corinthians 15, he said, "Lord, do something
55:50 special for me, so I can claim to be an apostle
55:53 because I, too, have seen, I wasn't with the guys,
55:55 but God gave me a little special something
55:57 so that I can say, "I'm an apostle because I saw."
56:00 And when you're in hot water, being able to say,
56:03 "I saw," goes a long way, you know.
56:07 Not, well I think Danny saw, but I saw. Yes
56:12 You know, that gives you the power.
56:14 Shelley, you said so many things...
56:16 One, the inauguration of the Pentecostal experience
56:20 through a particular behest of the Holy Spirit.
56:22 They needed a whole new kind of spirit,
56:25 a whole new level of spirit, a whole new power
56:29 of the spirit... One - to unite them.
56:31 Two - to educate them and to energize them
56:37 for a whole new ministry.
56:38 They were going to go to places where they are not
56:41 going to be received well.
56:43 There were going to do things that was going to
56:45 aggravate the Jewish community and as we
56:49 talked some months ago, the early church was Jewish,
56:52 you know, it was Jewish and we have that.
56:55 Mollie, I want to touch on this...
56:57 Everybody needs Jesus for themselves.
57:00 No apostle died in his own bed.
57:03 You know, they all died horrible deaths.
57:05 When I'm in trouble, Mollie's God can't save me.
57:09 Shelley's God can't save me.
57:11 My God has got to save me, so I need to know
57:13 Jesus for myself and that's what happened
57:16 in that upper room experience.
57:18 They knew God for themselves, so that when they were
57:21 tested, when they were tried, they could say...
57:23 "He is my God and my God will keep me."
57:27 Well, we're at the end of our time.
57:28 Hopefully if you have learned something,
57:30 you've got something that will help you.
57:31 We'll see you again next time. Great study!
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2024-07-22