3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Worship The Creator

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180021A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with GOD,
00:05 and the Word was GOD."
00:07 It says to receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth.
00:19 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:24 Our study today is: Preparation for the End Time.
00:30 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 I'm Jill Morikone and we're delighted
00:37 that you're taking this time to open up God's Word
00:39 and study with us here,
00:41 it's always a blessing.
00:42 We are in the middle of our quarter
00:44 on preparation for the end time.
00:46 The Lesson that we are on this week is: Lesson Number 8.
00:50 Worship the Creator...
00:52 talking about present truth and the first angel's messages.
00:56 I want to introduce our panel at this time,
00:58 sitting next to me is my sister and friend, Shelley Quinn,
01:01 next to you is my sister-friend-and-mom,
01:04 Mollie Steenson
01:06 next to you is, my friend and mentor, Pastor C.A. Murray
01:11 and next to you is my friend and mentor and boss,
01:15 Mr. Danny Shelton.
01:17 It's a privilege to have each one of you here
01:19 and thank you for sharing together.
01:20 Good to be here.
01:22 So... and we are delighted you have joined us
01:25 for our study of the Word of God.
01:27 If you do not have a Sabbath School Quarterly for yourself,
01:30 we invite you...
01:31 go visit your local Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:34 they have Quarterlies, they will give you for free
01:37 and you can join a local study group
01:39 but if you don't have access to that,
01:41 you can always go to the website and download the lesson
01:44 and follow along with us.
01:46 That website is: ABSG.Adventist. org
01:50 that stands for
01:52 Adult Bible Study Guide. Adventist. org
01:56 before we go any further in our study,
02:00 we always want to open up with prayer
02:02 and Mr. Danny, would you pray for us today?
02:05 Absolutely, "Lord, we thank you for this opportunity
02:08 to come before you
02:09 and today, the topic of talking about
02:11 the first angel's Message, it says,
02:14 'Fear God and give glory to you
02:16 for the hour of your judgment has come'
02:18 we're so thankful to be alive
02:20 in these closing hours of earth's history
02:22 and watch what's happening in the world today
02:25 and study the books of Daniel and Revelation
02:28 and see the revealing of the character of love
02:30 to each of us and I pray right now
02:32 for every Viewer, every Listener,
02:34 each of us as we ingest the message in your Word
02:39 that is life-changing for each and every one of us today,
02:43 we pray God for your Holy Spirit upon each one here today, also,
02:47 as we impart the Word
02:48 that everything that's said and done
02:50 is done to Your honor and Your glory,
02:51 in Jesus' name I pray, amen. "
02:53 "Amen. "
02:55 Thank you so much.
02:56 We're studying "Worship the Creator"
02:58 and as we think about the three angels' messages,
03:01 we think as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
03:04 of the term: Present Truth
03:06 and so, I want to ask you at home,
03:08 What is present truth?
03:09 To me, present truth is a specific message
03:13 for a specific time
03:15 and present truth is also a life and death matter.
03:19 Before we get into our study on Sunday,
03:22 I want to look at seven snapshots
03:24 of present truth throughout history.
03:27 The first snap shot would be in the Garden of Eden
03:30 at the very beginning with Adam,
03:32 what was his present truth, what was the command?
03:35 "Don't eat of the fruit of the tree
03:37 of the Knowledge of good and evil
03:39 because if you're going to do that,
03:41 you are going to die. "
03:42 After Adam and Eve partook of the fruit and they sinned,
03:46 there was a promise given,
03:48 we know that promise in Genesis 3:15
03:51 that this world would not be all there is
03:54 and that there was hope...
03:55 that even if they would die the natural death
03:57 that they would be resurrected at the end
04:00 and there there's hope in the coming Messiah.
04:02 Snapshot number 2: Cain and Abel...
04:05 what was the command?
04:07 "Offer a sacrifice... offer the sacrificial lamb by faith"
04:11 in obedience to God's command.
04:13 The promise, of course, it's symbolized the coming Messiah
04:19 who would take away the sins of the world.
04:21 Snapshot number 3: Noah.
04:24 What was the command in Noah's day?
04:25 "Get into the ark
04:27 for a flood is coming that will destroy the world"
04:30 and the promise, of course, we see the rainbow,
04:33 the bow of promise
04:35 that God would never again destroy the world with a flood.
04:39 Snapshot number 4 is Abraham.
04:42 The command is, "Get out from Ur
04:45 and go to a land that I'm going to show you"
04:47 and, of course, we know God's promise to Abraham,
04:50 "I will make of you a great nation
04:53 and in you all nations of the world will be blessed"
04:56 and the coming Messiah
04:57 would come through his lineage as well.
04:59 Snapshot number 5: I think of Elijah at Mount Carmel
05:04 the showdown there...
05:05 and what's the command?
05:06 "Make a choice. "
05:08 "How long halt you between two opinions?
05:10 If the LORD be God, follow Him:
05:12 but if Baal... then follow him. "
05:15 We see the promise when the fire fell from heaven
05:18 declaring that the Lord Jesus Christ is God above all
05:22 and then the coming promise of the rain
05:24 which did fall shortly after that time.
05:27 Snapshot number 6 is John the Baptist.
05:29 What was his command?
05:31 "Get ready...
05:32 prepare a people to meet thy God,
05:35 repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"
05:38 and the promise was that Jesus was coming
05:41 for His first coming as Messiah and as Redeemer.
05:44 Now we come all the way down to the end of time.
05:48 As Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
05:51 we have a present-truth message
05:54 to give to an end-times people
05:57 and that message is: "Get Ready...
05:59 prepare to meet your God because Jesus is coming. "
06:04 The promise is that Jesus is coming again,
06:07 we're looking forward to His second coming.
06:10 He will come as Priest and King
06:13 so, let's read our Memory Text we haven't done that yet,
06:16 we're looking at the first angel's message
06:18 in each one of our studies here today.
06:20 The Memory Text is: Revelation chapter 14 verse 6
06:26 and we'll read it together
06:27 and want to encourage you to read it at home with us as well,
06:30 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
06:35 having the everlasting gospel
06:38 to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
06:42 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. "
06:46 Sunday... we'll look at the universality of the gospel.
06:50 So, if I were to ask you,
06:52 "What is the mission of the church?"
06:53 Different people would have different opinions,
06:56 in my mind, the mission of the church has a three-fold focus.
07:00 An upward focus... an inward focus...
07:03 an outward focus
07:05 not necessarily in that order but it has three focuses.
07:08 The upward focus...
07:10 as a church, we are to glorify God and love Him.
07:13 The inward focus...
07:14 we are to love each other
07:16 as brothers and sisters in the Lord.
07:17 The outward focus... we are called to preach the gospel
07:21 and to make disciples.
07:23 That was Jesus' focus while He was here on this earth,
07:27 I think of Mark 1:14 and 15, it says,
07:31 "Now after John was put in prison,
07:32 Jesus came to Galilee,
07:34 preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,
07:37 and saying, "The time is fulfilled,
07:38 the kingdom of God is at hand.
07:40 Repent and believe in the gospel. "
07:43 That was present truth for his time.
07:46 Let's look at our mission at the end time,
07:49 we will get to Revelation chapter 14
07:50 but let's look at Matthew 28.
07:52 This is the great commission and I think Mr. Danny
07:55 of all the verses that you quote in the Bible,
07:58 this might be one of the most often,
07:59 Matthew 28:18 through 20,
08:02 the great commission, "Go ye. "
08:04 Let's look at that, Matthew 28 verse 18.
08:07 "And Jesus came and spoke to them,
08:09 saying, 'All authority' or power...
08:11 'has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
08:15 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. '"
08:18 Now, I want to stop a moment...
08:20 the word "All" there in Greek means "each and every one"
08:24 it's the same word used in 2nd Timothy 3:16,
08:28 what does it say?
08:29 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. "
08:32 So, if I think of all Scripture in the sense of,
08:34 "Okay, all Scripture is inspired"
08:36 that's great
08:37 but if I think of it as "each and every Scripture"
08:41 is inspired by God...
08:44 that changes the way I look at the Bible
08:45 instead of it as a whole... "Wow, it's inspired"
08:48 every Scripture is inspired
08:49 so, the same Greek word is used here.
08:51 It says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"
08:54 so, Jesus isn't saying,
08:56 "Okay, in general, evangelize the world"
08:59 He's saying, "Each and every nation"
09:02 we are called to go and to make disciples...
09:05 baptizing them in the name of the Father
09:08 and the Son and the Holy Spirit
09:09 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you
09:13 and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. "
09:17 So, let's look at Revelation 14 verse 6,
09:22 Revelation 14 verse 6, this was our memory text,
09:26 we're going to read it again.
09:28 "Then I saw another angel... "
09:29 this is the beginning of the first angel's message.
09:32 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
09:35 having the everlasting gospel"
09:37 Shelley is going to talk about the everlasting gospel,
09:39 "to those who dwell on the earth,
09:41 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people. "
09:45 Now, the word for "every"
09:47 "every nation, tribe, tongue and people"
09:49 is the same word as was used in Matthew 28...
09:52 "each and every... "
09:53 so, this first angel's message
09:55 is called to go to "each and every"
09:58 nation, tribe, tongue and people.
10:00 Now, who are the nations...
10:02 the tribes... the tongues and the people?
10:05 "Nation" means... in Greek, literally race or nation
10:09 but in the New Testament, not exclusively but often,
10:13 it is used in the sense of the heathen...
10:16 of the Gentiles in contrast to a Jew.
10:19 Sometimes it's used for a Jew but almost always it's used
10:23 in reference to a Gentile.
10:24 So, this gospel... this everlasting gospel...
10:28 it's called to be preached to each and every Gentile
10:31 or each and every person
10:32 who has never heard the name of Christ
10:34 or does not know about Jesus
10:36 but it doesn't stop there,
10:38 it says, "each and every nation, tribe... "
10:41 in the Greek, "tribe" stands for a clan or tribe
10:45 or race of people,
10:47 almost exclusively in the Bible,
10:49 it's used to refer
10:51 to those who are descendants of Abraham or the Jews.
10:53 So, this everlasting gospel
10:55 is not just going to each and every Gentile or non-Christian,
10:59 it's supposed to go to each and every Christian.
11:02 Then it continues, "Every nation, tribe, tongue"
11:06 that just means language...
11:07 so every single different language group
11:09 is supposed to receive the gospel
11:11 and people... and now it covers the whole broad...
11:15 in Greek it just means, a people... a crowd or populous
11:17 so, I think, what John is saying here
11:19 is that this message is supposed to go to...
11:22 whether you're Christian or non-Christian
11:25 old or young... rich or poor...
11:27 free or bond... whatever we are...
11:30 the gospel message is "to go to them"
11:32 the gospel message needs to go to everyone
11:35 because there's a universal sin problem.
11:37 Romans 3:23, what does it say?
11:41 "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. "
11:45 Now, we know, Shelley, that Romans 1 talks about the sin
11:49 specifically in the Gentile world,
11:51 and you see the progression of sin,
11:54 Romans 2 and 3 talks about the sins of the Jewish world,
11:59 and you see that progression
12:01 by the time we get to Romans 3:23,
12:03 Paul is saying, "All have sinned"
12:05 everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
12:10 Galatians 3 verse 22, "But the Scripture has contined"
12:15 that's kind of a different word for us,
12:17 but in Greek it just mean "shut together"
12:19 to enclose... to shut in...
12:21 so, Scripture has shut together all under sin
12:25 or all under the condemnation of sin,
12:28 "that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ
12:31 might be given to those who believe. "
12:34 So, we are all shut together under the condemnation of sin.
12:38 There's a universal sin problem
12:40 but praise the Lord we have a Savior
12:43 who came to save to the uttermost.
12:46 John 3:16, "For God so loved the world
12:50 that He gave His only begotten Son,
12:53 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish
12:56 but have everlasting life. "
12:59 And Ms. Mollie, we have to get in 1st John 1:9,
13:02 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just
13:05 to forgive us of our sins
13:07 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "
13:10 Amen.
13:11 To us... each one of us has been given the privilege
13:16 of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ
13:18 as our Savior.
13:20 Matthew 10:8,
13:22 "Freely you have received, freely give. "
13:25 The gospel is to go to each and every one,
13:28 Jesus came and died
13:30 so that we each had the opportunity
13:32 to escape the sin problem that we all have
13:35 and that we could spend eternity with Him.
13:38 Since we have been saved by grace through faith,
13:42 we are called to freely extend that message of salvation.
13:46 The message of the gospel to everyone...
13:49 everywhere... at all times... and in all places.
13:52 Nobody is to be excluded in the gospel call.
13:56 Amen and amen, thank you Jill
13:58 and thank you for taking time to explain about present truth.
14:02 There are so many people that when we talk about it,
14:05 they think... this is Adventist Christian jargon
14:08 but it is not, I would just want to...
14:10 before I get into my lesson,
14:11 I want to read 2nd Peter 1 and verse 12,
14:14 and in this Peter says,
14:17 "For this reason I will not be negligent
14:20 to remind you always of these things,
14:24 though you know and are established
14:27 in the present truth. "
14:29 So, present truth is a Biblical term
14:32 and we take it very seriously
14:34 that God has a present truth for this generation
14:39 and that we are to spread that.
14:42 I... my lesson on Monday
14:45 is the thief on the cross and the everlasting gospel.
14:48 Now, you talked about various snapshots,
14:52 this is a snapshot of salvation by grace
14:55 and we're going to look at both the...
14:57 what's in the foreground of that snapshot
15:00 and the background of that snapshot.
15:02 On another lesson,
15:04 I did talk about the everlasting gospel already
15:07 so what we're going to do is just jump into the Scriptures,
15:12 Luke 23 and verse 32 is where we'll begin,
15:16 Luke 23 verse 32.
15:18 And Luke writes,
15:21 "There were also two others, criminals,
15:24 led with Him to be put to death.
15:25 And when they had come to the place called Calvary,
15:27 there they crucified Him, and the criminals,
15:30 one on the right hand and the other on the left.
15:32 Then Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them,
15:34 for they do not know what they do. '
15:37 And they divided His garments and cast lots.
15:40 And the people stood looking on
15:42 but even the rulers with them sneered saying,
15:45 'He saved others; let Him save Himself
15:48 if He is the Christ, the chosen of God. '
15:51 The soldiers also mocked Him,
15:54 coming and offering Him sour wine, and saying,
15:57 'If you are the King of the Jews, save Yourself. '
16:01 And an inscription also was written over Him
16:05 in letters of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew.
16:07 This is the King of the Jews.
16:09 Then one of the criminals who were hanged
16:12 blasphemed, saying,
16:13 'If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us. '
16:17 But the other, answered, rebuking him, saying,
16:20 'Do you not even fear God,
16:22 seeing you are under the same condemnation?
16:25 And we indeed justly,
16:27 for we receive the due rewards of our deeds;
16:31 but this Man has done nothing wrong. '
16:34 Then he said to Jesus, 'Lord, remember me
16:37 when You come into Your kingdom. '
16:39 And Jesus said to him, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today
16:44 you will be with me in Paradise. '"
16:47 When Jesus was crucified between two criminals,
16:52 this was the most... crucifixion was the most hideous
16:57 and painful form of death that the Romans knew.
17:00 It caused excruciating pain
17:03 with every breath... with every moment...
17:07 it caused throbbing pain
17:09 and what they would do is,
17:11 they stripped the crucified victims naked
17:16 to increase their humiliation
17:18 and they had to use their legs to push up
17:24 because the position in which they hanged... hung...
17:27 caused such weight on their chest...
17:29 soon they couldn't breathe...
17:30 and they'd have to push up with their legs
17:32 to catch a gasp of air
17:35 and so, this usually made the death process
17:39 linger for several days
17:41 and finally, suffocation or heart failure
17:44 is what... is how they actually died.
17:46 It was reserved for only the worst of the criminals.
17:49 So, these two men who were with Him
17:51 were members of a violent band of robbers,
17:54 many people believed that they were followers of Barabbas
17:57 and they were likely Jews
18:01 because Barabbas and his followers were Jews
18:05 and you might remember that Barabbas was a notorious robber
18:09 that was on trial the same time as Jesus
18:12 and he had led an insurrection
18:15 and he had murdered a man during this insurrection.
18:17 So, the interesting thing, if you think about it,
18:20 is these criminals... these two robbers...
18:23 were in the judgment hall
18:25 at the time that Christ's case was being presented
18:28 and they would have heard everything,
18:30 they knew what the raging...
18:33 or what their accusations were against Christ
18:38 and how confusing that whole case was
18:41 and as they were led away, carrying their cross beams...
18:45 they would hear the taunts of the people...
18:49 His persecutors...
18:51 and they would hear the tearful wails of His followers
18:55 so, here's three crosses waiting on the hill of Calvary.
19:00 You've got a robber on the left and a robber on the right
19:04 and the Lamb of God... the Lord of glory...
19:08 was crucified on the center cross.
19:12 Now the tradition in the church
19:15 says that the robber on the right's name was Demas
19:19 D e m a s...
19:21 he knew of Christ's fame,
19:23 he knew that... why He had been sentenced to die
19:28 only for the claims of being the Son of God
19:32 and it's interesting,
19:34 we see... not in the account of Luke
19:37 but in Matthew 27... in that account...
19:40 in his misery...
19:41 at first Demas had also mocked and insulted Jesus
19:47 but he joined in with his other robber companion
19:51 as they hurled these insults
19:53 but the operation of God's grace
19:56 began to soften his heart,
19:57 he observed that Christ had this heart of infinite compassion
20:03 and he became convinced that Jesus was the Messiah.
20:07 that he was suffering wrongly
20:10 and in his horror of recognizing this,
20:14 I mean, the horror of his own actions...
20:18 the abusive language that he had used,
20:21 he repents... and he actually chastises his companion
20:27 and saying, "Don't criticize the Savior,
20:31 he says in Luke 23:40 and 41,
20:34 "Do you not even fear God,
20:37 seeing you are under the same condemnation?
20:40 And we indeed justly,
20:42 for we receive the due reward of our deeds;
20:45 but this Man has done nothing wrong. "
20:48 So, here we see Demas humbling himself before the Lord,
20:53 confessing his sin,
20:55 then he turns to Christ for forgiveness
20:58 and he says, "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom"
21:03 now, you know, I am convinced that he certainly recognized...
21:07 Christ was not coming down off the cross that day
21:11 to have an earthly kingdom... a carnal kingdom...
21:14 a temporal earthly kingdom.
21:17 Demas realized...
21:19 it was a kingdom that was beyond the grave.
21:23 The spirit of grace helped him see
21:26 beyond the shame of Christ that day... to His coming glory
21:31 and he recognized Christ's divine authority
21:35 and confessed Him as Lord.
21:38 You know, I love our God,
21:41 He will never ever turn His ear away from a penitent cry.
21:46 It doesn't matter how bad you are,
21:51 this... the case of Demas... the penitent thief
21:55 shows me... it proves to me
21:58 that we are saved by grace through faith
22:02 not by works
22:04 and as long as a person can make the choice
22:06 and you have the will to make the choice,
22:10 it is never too late to turn to Christ.
22:13 Where there is the will... where there is the hope
22:17 there is the hope of Christ.
22:20 Now, Jesus says to him in verse 43,
22:22 "Assuredly, I say to you, today
22:25 you will be with Me in Paradise. "
22:28 On that day, Christ promised Demas,
22:31 "I'm giving you eternal life"
22:33 and Demas received it,
22:35 he's going to be one who eats from the Tree of the life
22:38 in the midst of the Paradise of God.
22:41 But Demas could not have entered Paradise
22:45 on that particular day,
22:47 because we know that the risen Savior on Sunday...
22:52 Jesus didn't go on Friday to Paradise...
22:54 or on Saturday... He was resting in the grave
22:57 and when Mary came to Him, He said to her,
23:00 "Don't cling to me
23:01 because I have yet to return to my Father"
23:03 so, it was afterwards he...
23:07 that, we know, Demas is resting in his grave
23:10 and he will come up with the rest of us.
23:13 So, Christ promised Demas that he will rise
23:16 in the resurrection of the righteous...
23:19 that first resurrection
23:21 and he will put on immortality when we all do
23:25 as 1st Corinthians 15:53 says,
23:27 At that last trump, we will put it on.
23:30 So, let me just quickly say this.
23:32 This naked thief on the cross,
23:34 that's a snapshot of salvation by grace through faith
23:38 but there's a darker side to that picture
23:41 and it is the other thief...
23:43 he saw the same thing... he went through the same experience
23:48 but he snubbed the Savior, he spurned salvation by grace
23:53 and he will be among those
23:56 who come up in the 2nd Resurrection
24:00 the resurrection of the condemnation.
24:03 So, the most important thing that we can do
24:07 is remember, as Jill said,
24:09 "God so loved the world... He gave His only begotten Son,
24:12 that whosoever should believe in Him,
24:15 will not perish but will have everlasting life. "
24:18 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
24:20 Oh Shelley, I love that,
24:22 and I love that word, "whosoever"
24:24 do you know who "whosoever" includes?
24:27 We... all of us.
24:29 Mollie: Thank you Lord for that. Shelley: Amen.
24:30 Well, I've got Tuesday
24:32 and it's: Fear God and give glory to Him. "
24:33 Hmmm...
24:35 And, here is a promise... or here is a word
24:39 from an angel that's flying in the midst of heaven
24:42 and it's for "whosoever"
24:44 it's for every one of us, so let me read that sentence,
24:47 Revelation 14... I want you to turn to Revelation 14,
24:50 we're going to look at verses 6 and 7,
24:53 "Then I saw... "
24:54 remember John on the Isle of Patmos,
24:57 he was taken away in vision
24:59 and he was shown scenes from the end time.
25:02 Now, here is something that he saw.
25:04 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
25:09 having... " what?
25:10 "the everlasting gospel
25:11 to preach to those who dwell on the earth. "
25:14 Hey, we're earth dwellers... this is a message for us.
25:18 and it's not just localized, it's to every...
25:21 Jewish... you were talking about...
25:22 all... "each and every nation and tribe,
25:26 tongue and people, saying with a loud voice,
25:30 'Fear God and give glory to Him,
25:32 for the hour of His judgment is come... '
25:34 and do something,
25:36 'worship Him who made heaven and earth and sea... and the sea
25:41 and springs of water. '"
25:42 Now, worship... we've said it before
25:46 and we'll say it again,
25:47 "Worship is what the end-time battle is over. "
25:53 The battle is about worship,
25:55 worship... the expression
25:57 of reverence and adoration for a deity
26:01 and this angel flying in the midst of heaven
26:05 is telling us, "Worship God... "
26:07 now, I think about...
26:10 back in... Revelation chapter 13...
26:12 just a chapter before... run back there...
26:15 Revelation chapter 13... let's look at verses 11 and 12.
26:20 And I'm going to ask a question after I read this,
26:25 what's the beast's purpose?
26:28 What is he wanting to cause the earth to do?
26:31 Now, we're in Revelation 13 verses 11 and 12,
26:35 "Then I saw... " again... John the Revelator...
26:38 this is what he sees, "Then I saw another beast
26:41 coming up out of the earth,
26:43 and he had two horns like a lamb
26:46 and spoke like a dragon.
26:48 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast
26:52 in his presence,
26:53 and causes the earth and those who dwell in it... "
26:58 to do something...
26:59 to do what?
27:00 "to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. "
27:06 Hmmm... hmmm...
27:07 So, we've got like, diametrically opposed beings
27:14 telling us to do the same thing.
27:17 One is to worship God... the God who made heaven and earth
27:23 and one is telling us to worship a beast.
27:26 Pause.
27:28 The angel flying in the midst of heaven,
27:31 let's read that again,
27:32 and remember, this is to all of us earth dwellers.
27:36 "Fear God and give glory to Him
27:38 for the hour of His judgment has come
27:42 and worship Him who made heaven and earth,
27:45 the sea and the springs of water. "
27:47 Diametrically opposed to... so, in this end time...
27:52 again, the battle is over who we worship.
27:56 Who are we going to give our worship to?
27:59 Our expressions of reference and adoration for our God.
28:04 Now, I want us to go to Ecclesiastes
28:08 and it's the 12th chapter,
28:09 but I want to talk to you a minute about King Solomon.
28:13 He had spent his whole life
28:18 trying to find happiness and meaning.
28:22 God had allowed him unlimited resources
28:26 and opportunity
28:27 to find a reason for living any way he wanted to.
28:32 He pursued... did King Solomon pursue
28:36 every possible avenue available to man...
28:41 work, wealth, pleasure, fame, friends...
28:45 do you know that Cleopatra, at one time,
28:50 brought to King Solomon... over 3 million dollar's worth of gold
28:57 and a friend that's bringing great resources...
29:03 I said "Cleopatra" and it's... the Queen of Sheba,
29:08 I'm sorry... my mistake...
29:10 the Queen of Sheba... over 3 million dollars in gold.
29:13 He had such resources... such friends...
29:17 that were bringing him all of these...
29:21 you know why I know that, I've been listening to Joe Crews
29:24 on 3ABN Radio...
29:26 just recently,
29:27 he was telling all of the things that King Solomon had
29:31 do you know that he said that he had 700 concubines
29:35 and 300 brides... 300 wives...
29:38 do you know that's...
29:39 how many is that... 300 and 700?
29:41 I'm not a brilliant mathematician
29:44 but that is a 1,000 women at his disposal...
29:48 disposal at one time...
29:50 he had so much... everything...
29:52 that wealth and fame and friends this world had to offer
29:58 he had absolute wealth unmeasurable...
30:03 he had everything
30:05 and in conclusion...
30:08 I've got you in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 13.
30:13 In conclusion, here is what King Solomon said,
30:17 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter... "
30:21 and here is the conclusion that he arrived at,
30:25 "Fear God and keep His commandments,
30:28 for this is man's all. "
30:31 "Fear God and keep His commandments... "
30:33 sounds like what that angel
30:35 that is flying out of heaven telling us to do,
30:38 "Fear God and give glory to Him. "
30:40 So, the conclusion... after King Solomon had it all
30:45 and had done it all and had seen it all
30:48 and tried it all...
30:50 he came back to his roots which was, "Fear God... "
30:54 he's telling us that nothing else really matters.
30:59 In the end, the wisest and possibly the most wealthy man
31:05 who ever lived, came to the conclusion
31:09 that life is futile and useless apart from God.
31:14 Amen.
31:15 Now, I'm going to quote John 14:15.
31:18 "If you love me... " what does Jesus tell us to do?
31:23 "If you love me, keep my commandments. "
31:25 And the Commandments, oh, the first commandment...
31:29 is we are to love the Lord our God
31:31 with all of our heart, mind, soul and being...
31:33 is that the first commandment?
31:34 And worship only Him and so... we...
31:38 if we love Him... then we're going to keep that commandment.
31:43 Now, there is a link between fearing God... worshipping God,
31:47 standing in reverent awe of God,
31:50 love and adoration for Him and obeying Him,
31:54 keeping His commandments,
31:56 our obedience... and I want to make this so clear
32:00 our obedience to God... our obedience to His commandment
32:05 is the outward expression... the outcropping and the evidence
32:12 of the condition of our heart,
32:14 what is in our heart is evidence...
32:17 not by our words... we can say anything...
32:21 it's by our actions
32:23 and who we give our allegiance and our adoration to.
32:27 Now, I wanted to ask this question,
32:29 what was the condition of our heart?
32:33 And I'm speaking to those
32:35 who have made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
32:37 what was the condition of your heart when you came to God?
32:43 we were fallen humanity
32:46 we had fallen down and we couldn't get back up,
32:50 we were helpless and we had no hope.
32:53 But now I want to speak to those
32:56 who have never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
32:59 you know, this is where you are today,
33:02 right where everyone of us had been
33:04 you're in, what is called, "A fallen condition"
33:08 you're separated from God
33:09 there is a chasm between you and He
33:12 but that chasm has been bridged...
33:14 you are in a hopeless condition, however, the Lord Jesus Christ
33:21 is extending His mighty hand of redemption
33:26 to your sinful hand... just like He did for us
33:32 and He wants to take your sinful hand
33:35 and pick you up and stand you back up
33:38 stand you up...
33:39 just like He did everyone who has called upon His name
33:43 and then, you will stand in His presence... reach out
33:47 and that's my... my heart's cry for you today...
33:50 if you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life,
33:53 that you reach out to this God
33:55 who has done everything for you, that loves you so much
34:00 that He gave His own life and He'll take your hand
34:04 and He'll stand you up
34:05 and I'm thinking of the rest of us
34:07 you know, I think there are times
34:09 that we... we get forgetful of all that God has done for us.
34:15 Here is a prayer that we need to pray,
34:18 "Father, give us a fresh revelation
34:22 of our sinfulness and your holiness"
34:25 sometimes we need to have a refreshing
34:29 of just how far apart from God that we are
34:33 without that bridging... that bridging of that chasm
34:36 by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
34:39 Fear God and give Him glory.
34:42 Amen.
34:43 Amen, well said, well said... you know it's interesting
34:47 Solomon... after having 300 wives... 700 girlfriends
34:51 said, "Therefore, I hated my life. "
34:54 I think any man who is honest with himself
34:58 must admit that one good woman, Danny,
35:02 is enough for any man.
35:03 Danny: A good woman is the key.
35:05 A Good woman is the key... is enough for any man.
35:07 We, today, are going to move into:
35:11 The hour of his judgment has come.
35:14 I want to give the bad news first
35:17 and then some good news.
35:19 Okay.
35:20 Because the lesson asks the question,
35:22 "How well would I do standing in my own merit?"
35:28 Panel: Whew! Hmmm... hmmm...
35:30 And then, it gives a bunch of texts
35:32 which sort of gives us context for my own merits.
35:36 Matthew 12:36, "By your words you're justified,
35:40 by your words, you're condemned. "
35:43 So, God is going to take into account
35:45 everything that comes out of our mouth
35:47 because out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
35:53 Ecclesiastes 12:14, "Every work is coming into judgment
35:58 along with every secret thing. "
36:01 So, just because you're in the basement
36:03 and the lights are out
36:05 and nobody knows... there is a Watcher who sees and knows.
36:09 That's going into the judgment part.
36:11 Romans 2:6, "We get judged according to our deeds"
36:18 that's everything we've done.
36:21 I have a sermon... I asked the question,
36:23 what if you came to church
36:25 and the sermon was going to be a video presentation
36:29 of everything you thought, every place you've been,
36:33 everything you've done... for the last 20 years.
36:36 How do you feel about that?
36:38 Panel: No... no thank you...
36:40 That could be a little rough and then, 1st Corinthians 4:5,
36:46 God will bring to life all of the hidden things.
36:50 So the truth is, nothing is hidden from God.
36:54 Hmmm...
36:56 So, if we tried to stand in our own merits,
36:59 we're sort of lost before we get started.
37:03 Panel member: Oh boy...
37:05 No, there's no way we can appear
37:06 before a righteous God
37:08 clothed in our own shame and unloveliness.
37:11 So, that's the bad news, now let's go to some good news.
37:14 I want to go back to the
37:17 1st angel's message
37:21 and allow me if you will to give you a...
37:23 I would call this a "Clementonian" version
37:27 of the third angel's message.
37:29 This is... picking it up at verse 7, this is...
37:33 this is my digest of that first angel's message
37:37 and my first several words deal with
37:40 a parsing of the word, "fear"
37:43 I write, "Reveal and give evidence
37:47 of your highest devotion
37:49 and ultimate love, deference and respect for God"
37:53 That's just one word... that's a fear
37:55 "understanding the reality
37:59 that we are in the time when all flesh: every living soul
38:05 will be judged...
38:06 and ultimate destinies will be decided. "
38:11 Shelley: Amen.
38:12 C.D. Brooks used to say, "The innocent want justice
38:17 and the guilty want mercy. "
38:20 If you're innocent, you can't wait for justice
38:24 because you know, you're innocent,
38:26 well the good news is... that we can all exhale and breathe
38:32 because there is... therefore, no condemnation
38:37 for those who are in Christ Jesus.
38:40 So, I can look forward to judgment
38:42 because I'm in Christ Jesus.
38:44 Shelley: Amen.
38:46 I don't have to fear judgment... in fact, judgment is on my side
38:49 because I'm in Christ Jesus,
38:51 there is now, therefore, no condemnation.
38:55 Our God is a God of justice and judgment and... and... and...
39:01 thank God that the two are married in God...
39:03 justice... and judgment.
39:05 In other words, God's decisions are always fair
39:10 and right and righteous.
39:13 So, I can... I can look forward
39:16 to judgment
39:18 because judgment is not against me.
39:21 Justice... and let's parse that word for just a minute...
39:24 in light of the everlasting gospel.
39:25 Justice is just behavior or treatment...
39:30 it is fairness... fair play, fair mindedness,
39:35 equity... evenhandedness...
39:38 impartiality... objectivity... and neutrality.
39:43 Now the... some of those words fit
39:45 and some of those words don't.
39:47 Is God impartial?
39:50 Pause...
39:52 Shelley: The Bible says, "He favors no man. "
39:54 There you go, He's not really impartial,
39:56 since the death of Christ, God is leaning in our direction.
40:02 He's not really impartial.
40:04 God's on our side.
40:06 My judge is also my advocate
40:09 you see where I'm going at...
40:13 and I know you hesitate because He... He's not...
40:16 but He is really... God's got His finger on the scale.
40:17 Shelley: Yes, He does.
40:19 God's working in our favor,
40:20 He is not impartial.
40:21 Is God neutral?
40:23 Shelley: Then that would be the Scripture I just quoted.
40:25 Right, He is not neutral,
40:27 because He wants to get us in, Danny,
40:29 He's... He's... He's... He... since the death of...
40:31 He's looking at us through the blood of Christ
40:34 so, He's not neutral.
40:35 He wants us to be saved.
40:37 Is He objective?
40:39 Not totally, because Christ died
40:43 to save us from our sins, to be the propitiation
40:48 and one of the definitions of propitiation
40:51 is a leaning in the direction of.
40:53 Panel: Okay... yes...
40:54 So, God is leaning in our direction.
40:56 We don't have to pull Him, He's already leaning towards me
41:00 which is a great visual... so... so... He's not...
41:03 He's not neutral in this thing,
41:04 He loves us with an everlasting love.
41:07 He is so un-neutral that He sent His son to die
41:10 in our behalf.
41:12 So, it's not God who's trying to keep us out,
41:15 God is trying to get us in.
41:17 So, God will... in no wise excuse sin
41:22 but make... make no mistake about it,
41:27 Brothers and Sisters, Jesus is on our side.
41:29 Shelley: Amen. Amen.
41:30 Danny: That's good.
41:32 Yeah, He's not going to excuse sin
41:33 but He's on our side.
41:35 So, our judge is indeed our advocate.
41:37 Now, inherent in the notion of the everlasting gospel
41:40 is an understanding that sin is the issue.
41:43 Sin has to be adjudicated...
41:46 which is a long term which simply means,
41:48 "The score has got to be settled. "
41:50 It's got to be dealt with,
41:51 so this, 7,000-year dysfunctional relationship
41:56 in the universe has got to be dealt with.
42:00 It has got to come to an end.
42:02 So, the eternal good news... the eternal everlasting gospel
42:06 has to include the idea of vindication
42:10 of God's love and God's law.
42:12 God's love was not wasted
42:16 because somebody... praise God is going to be saved.
42:19 Danny: Hmmm... hmmm...
42:21 Justice and judgment will come together
42:24 and in that, we will see that
42:27 the multitude of people who are going to be saved
42:31 is almost without number.
42:33 So, in the context of judgment, in this context, rather,
42:38 judgment is not to be feared,
42:40 in fact, I'm looking forward to it.
42:43 Because that will be the day when we see Jesus face to face.
42:48 The hour of His judgment has come.
42:53 Every day I wake up,
42:55 I must wake up and live my life
42:57 in the context and the understanding
42:59 that God is looking at the lives of His people
43:03 and making determinations and when Christ comes, He says,
43:07 in Revelation 22...
43:09 "My reward is going to be with me. "
43:12 And I'm ready for my reward, it's like...
43:15 like when we were children,
43:16 we could not sleep on Christmas Eve,
43:19 you just... you're up...
43:20 because you see those boxes under the tree
43:22 and you know one of those boxes has your name on it,
43:25 hopefully, two... but... but at least one...
43:28 so you're kind of staring at the box
43:29 and we will fall asleep right there in the living room,
43:31 right in front of the tree
43:33 and wake up... and my mother let us sleep on the floor
43:35 because she knew that we weren't going to bed
43:36 because if we went to bed, we weren't going to be sleeping
43:37 anyway
43:39 that's why I liked it so much better in Panama
43:40 they open up their gifts on Christmas Eve
43:42 you... you don't have to wait till Christmas Day
43:45 but judgment is coming and... and the reward is coming
43:50 and we know that the reward is going to be a good thing
43:54 because we are in Christ Jesus
43:57 and the penalty for sin has already been paid.
44:01 So, that's what makes it fair, that's what makes it just,
44:04 a penalty for sin has to be paid
44:08 but I don't have to pay
44:10 because Christ has paid it for me
44:14 so now, I can... I can run towards...
44:17 I can run towards judgment
44:20 because I know that the penalty has been paid.
44:24 There is no condemnation now
44:26 because I'm in Christ Jesus,
44:28 and when... so God looks at me,
44:30 He looks at me through... dare I say, "Jesus' glasses"
44:34 He looks at me through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
44:37 Shelley: Amen.
44:38 So, judgment is a good thing, it's a great thing.
44:40 The hour of His judgment has come
44:43 and every day, I live in the light of that fact
44:46 that judgment is coming
44:48 but praise God it's in my favor
44:50 and one day I will get my reward.
44:53 Amen... Amen.
44:54 Wow! that's so profound,
44:56 I'm going to have to regroup here a minute, so,
44:58 all of the stuff... to find how much God is in your corner
45:01 that He is really there,
45:03 He's your Advocate, it's amazing...
45:05 mine is on: Worship the One who made the heaven and the earth.
45:08 Now, the devil is doing on earth what he did in heaven
45:13 that he's misrepresenting the character of God.
45:15 So, when we're reading the first angel's message,
45:18 "Fear God and give glory to Him
45:20 the hour of His judgment has come... worship Him...
45:23 this is all for those of us who are familiar with this message
45:27 and Christian... this is all great...
45:28 but if you're looking at it... I try to think,
45:30 "What if I'm an outsider and I'm looking...
45:32 just reading the Bible... "
45:33 "Fear God" and it was like, "Well, how can you...
45:36 how can you worship somebody you're afraid of?"
45:39 Because the devil wants people to think...
45:42 and I'm talking about... even in the Christian church...
45:45 people are afraid of God, do you know why?
45:48 Because of the... and I'm going to have to call it a lie
45:52 can I be "straight" here,
45:53 the lie that the devil has used ancients to bring out
45:57 to the world... it's a lie that people are going to burn...
46:01 that "If you don't do what God wants...
46:02 you're going to be tortured forever and ever. "
46:04 So, now, how can a God who... how can I worship a God
46:08 that says, "Johnny, if you're good... "
46:11 little boy Johnny...
46:12 "if you're good, Johnny, and you serve me,
46:14 you love me and you serve me,
46:16 I'm going to take you to heaven and you'll live forever
46:18 and you're going to have the most wonderful time
46:21 throughout all eternity.
46:22 But Johnny, if you're bad, I'm going to torture you,
46:25 I'm going to put you with a fire so hot,
46:28 it won't kill you, but so terrible
46:30 that you're going to be screaming out in pain
46:32 for eternity...
46:34 no relief... "
46:36 so, people... when you say,
46:39 "Fear God and give glory to Him"
46:40 I think, we have to understand what the "fear"
46:43 and some of you have gone through this
46:44 what "fear" really means
46:46 and we've been hearing respect, love, adoration,
46:51 you stand in awe of God
46:53 when you look at Him as what you presented Him,
46:56 is a character of love, it makes it so differently,
46:59 now, when I say, "Fear God and give glory to Him"
47:01 I stand in awe of God who loves me and you
47:06 each of us enough
47:07 that He would come to this earth and make a Plan of Salvation
47:10 to take us out of that, I mean, that's totally different
47:13 I don't have time to go into all the fears
47:16 but the fear of the Lord, Proverbs 9:10 says,
47:18 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. "
47:21 and of course, knowledge... of the Holy understanding
47:24 so, there is a lot of positive things in the Bible
47:27 when you look at "fear. "
47:28 We can look at Joseph and his brothers...
47:30 it says, he wins his brothers
47:32 when he declares he's a God-fearing man
47:34 they understood what that... that meant,
47:37 we can go into Exodus...
47:38 Moses chose leaders to help him on the basis
47:40 that they feared God and they didn't take bribes,
47:43 the Mosaic Law cites, "Fear of God is a reason
47:46 to help the disabled and the elderly. "
47:49 We can go on down in the New Testament though
47:51 Jesus is stronger...
47:53 "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body
47:55 but they cannot touch you, fear only God
47:57 who can destroy both body and soul in hell. "
48:00 Paul says, "We are to work towards complete holiness
48:04 because we fear God. "
48:06 So, now, once we understand this fear and respect and awe...
48:10 now we can talk about worship.
48:12 So, what is true worship?
48:14 So, I've written here, and Paul says it beautifully
48:17 if you look into Romans 12:1-2, if you'll go with me,
48:20 he says, "I urge you therefore, brethren,
48:22 by the mercies of God, to present your bodies" how?
48:25 "A living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God,
48:29 in your spiritual service of worship. "
48:31 And do not be conformed to this world
48:33 but be transformed... "
48:34 Mollie, I've heard you say this a lot,
48:36 "by the renewing of your mind,
48:37 that you may prove that the will of God is" what?
48:41 "that which is good and acceptable
48:44 or well-pleasing and perfect. "
48:47 This passage contains all the elements of true worship.
48:51 Just think about that, it's not what we say,
48:54 some of you have said it, it's what we do,
48:56 you said it a while ago,
48:57 it's our actions
48:59 because our actions tells a lot about our heart.
49:01 I learned that a while ago,
49:02 I've... I've been listening, okay,
49:04 listening to you all,
49:05 first of all, there's motivation to worship,
49:07 "the mercies of God"
49:09 the mercies of God... get this...
49:10 the mercies are everything He has given us
49:13 that we don't deserve.
49:14 What are some of those things?
49:16 Love, grace, the Holy Spirit, peace, joy, faith, comfort,
49:20 strength, wisdom, hope, patience, kindness,
49:22 honor, glory, righteousness, security, eternal life,
49:25 forgiveness, reconciliation, justification, sanctification,
49:28 freedom, intercession... and much more.
49:31 So, you could go on, all of these things...
49:33 it's amazing to me... we don't deserve any of that.
49:38 Shelley: That's right.
49:39 God has given us all of that,
49:41 so the Lord wants to take all of the bad things
49:44 when God wants to take... when we...
49:45 He takes control of our life,
49:47 and we can't... when we give Him our life,
49:49 we get rid of all the fear... all the doubt... all of the...
49:53 "Oh, I don't know what's going to happen in my life"
49:55 the other kind of fear... the negative fear
49:57 and we give it to God... because of His love and His mercy
50:00 He gives us a peace and a joy that only He can give.
50:04 Those of you who've been out in the world,
50:06 and you've been hooked on everything imaginable
50:08 and God has taken that away from you,
50:11 you have gladly given Him control,
50:13 it's not like He says, "I'm going to control you"
50:15 you say, "Lord, I don't want this
50:16 I want what you have for me... your love and your mercy"
50:20 now, why do you worship God?
50:22 You're worshipping out of... out of love for Him
50:25 so God's not up there demanding love
50:27 but His ways are... are the ways of life...
50:30 "I am the way the truth and the life. "
50:32 So, worshipping God... to me... is an amazing thing,
50:36 John 4:24, if you look at it, said,
50:38 "God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him
50:41 must worship Him in... " what?
50:42 Panel: "Spirt and in truth. "
50:43 Danny: Spirit and in truth. Panel: Amen.
50:45 Worshipping God in the Spirit,
50:46 "Everything in life... " I wrote down
50:48 "is everything in life of a Christian"
50:50 If we're not giving God true worship,
50:52 we're going to miss out on some blessings.
50:54 I think I'm going to center in
50:55 for just a moment or two... I have left,
50:57 the 4th Commandment tells us
50:58 that God blessed the Sabbath day He sanctified it... made it holy
51:02 right, a holy convocation...
51:05 He set this day aside,
51:06 so, when we talk about worshipping God,
51:08 it's not about a day,
51:10 when God sets aside a day and says, "This is a holy...
51:15 make this your holy convocation, come to me,
51:17 this is my day, I want to be with you.
51:19 I'm setting aside time... you set aside time...
51:22 let's enjoy that. "
51:24 Then, I say, "Oh, I don't think so...
51:25 I think I'll just do another day"
51:28 So, I'm going to ask you a couple of questions,
51:29 Jill, I'm going to go with you.
51:31 Let's say that it's your birthday...
51:32 and on your birthday,
51:34 Greg is too busy really to think about your birthday,
51:38 so, Greg says to himself,
51:40 "I'll just celebrate Jill's birthday tomorrow"
51:43 so, all during your birthday, he never brings it up once
51:47 and you've been married lots of years...
51:49 how many years? Jill: 15.
51:51 Fifteen... so 15 years... he knows it's your birthday
51:53 and he doesn't deny that he knows it's your birthday
51:55 but he just says, "Well, Jill, I've got...
51:58 I'm mowing the yard today, I've got to work in the shop,
52:00 I'm going to run to Walmart, I've got to get a few things"
52:03 and... and he just ignores you.
52:06 So, the whole day goes by... it's your birthday...
52:09 you came into the world... you can't change that...
52:11 you didn't have any say about it...
52:13 that's when you were there,
52:14 now, you go to bed,
52:16 and you're not the happiest camper in the world... I'm sure,
52:18 but by the next morning, Greg greets you,
52:21 and he says, "Happy Birthday, Jill"
52:24 here's a cake... let's celebrate your birthday"
52:26 now, how do you receive that, really?
52:29 Jill: He'd say, "What's wrong with you?" Right?
52:30 Danny: Yeah, "What's wrong with you?"
52:32 Now, what did that tell you, what did it tell you about Greg?
52:34 Now, this is not true, Greg is everything but that...
52:37 that's why I can use this illustration...
52:38 but anybody... what would that tell you about his heart?
52:42 Jill: That he didn't care.
52:44 Danny: That he didn't really care, right,
52:46 and you're going to know that because you say,
52:48 "He's more worried about...
52:49 he's celebrating his birthday when he wants to...
52:51 my birthday... when he wants to...
52:53 not when it really is.
52:55 So, don't you think, in a sense,
52:57 God is the same way with us?
52:58 He sets aside the Sabbath... but we watch football...
53:02 we go to town...
53:03 we do all the things we want to do,
53:05 when He's saying, "Worship me.. "
53:07 who created the heavens and earth,
53:09 but then, Sunday morning... I show up and say,
53:11 "Okay, God, I'm ready for the celebration...
53:13 let's have a celebration... this is your holy day"
53:16 What does God say,
53:18 "No, I want you to worship me in Spirit and in truth. "
53:22 So, my time is running out here, but I just wanted to say here
53:26 Acts 17:30-31 "And at times... "
53:31 and I want to say this kindly, dear folk,
53:33 "And in the times in this ignorance, God winked,
53:36 but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent:
53:38 Because he hath appointed a day, in which He will judge
53:41 the world in righteousness. "
53:43 So, what I'm saying here today is...
53:44 I don't want to sit up here and say,
53:46 "Wow, we have all the answers,
53:47 if you don't do what we think and what we're saying here,
53:51 then... you're not really saved, you don't really love God. "
53:54 Because there's a reason why...
53:56 that we don't keep God's holy day...
53:59 there are two reasons that I can think of, there may be more,
54:01 one is either ignorance or rebellion.
54:04 Rebellion... God won't deal with...
54:06 but if Greg... when you were dating him...
54:08 and he wanted to give you... celebrate your birthday
54:12 but he didn't want to ask you,
54:14 but he asked a friend
54:15 and they mistakenly give him the wrong day,
54:17 you probably would accept that
54:19 and say, "Well, Greg, I appreciate it and I love you
54:21 this is great what you did but it's not really my birthday
54:23 but I understand. "
54:25 But see...
54:26 so, when we don't know... God doesn't hold us accountable
54:29 so what we're doing in the... the ministry of 3ABN
54:32 is to take the truth...
54:34 an undiluted 3 Angels' messages
54:36 one that would counteract the counterfeit...
54:38 into all the world...
54:40 so that we can worship God in Spirit and in truth.
54:44 I'm thankful to be a part of a ministry
54:46 and work with folk like you
54:47 and thank all of you
54:49 for your love and your prayers and support
54:51 as we continue to take the three angels' messages to the world.
54:54 Amen... Amen.
54:56 Jill: Thank you so much, I just feel like sitting here...
54:58 that I've been to church...
54:59 just... my soul has been fed with the love of God
55:02 and His incredible goodness and...
55:05 and you think about the three angels' messages
55:08 and in subsequent lessons...
55:09 we'll look at some of the other ones,
55:10 the second and the third angels' message
55:12 but to know that we don't have to be afraid of the judgment...
55:15 to know that we can truly understand the character of God
55:19 and that God is love,
55:21 to see that and understand that and know that...
55:24 that is revolutionary...
55:25 you know, it changes your life...
55:27 we hope and pray
55:28 that God is in the process of changing your life
55:31 at home as well.
55:32 We have a few moments left,
55:34 so I want to give each one of you a moment
55:36 to share a closing thought, if you want, about your day.
55:38 I would just like to...
55:39 my day was on the thieves on the cross
55:42 and the everlasting gospel
55:44 and the comment that I want
55:45 is just to read from the Sabbath School Quarterly.
55:49 It says, "The everlasting gospel is the foundation
55:53 of the first angel's message
55:56 but without this truth,
55:58 nothing else we teach about the Law...
56:00 the Sabbath... or the State of the Dead...
56:02 matters...
56:03 the most important thing is
56:05 to remember the everlasting Gospel.
56:08 Amen... amen.
56:09 There is a battle going on and it's over you...
56:15 it's over who we are going to give our allegiance to,
56:19 we've got the... the angel flying in the midst of heaven
56:23 saying, "Worship God... "
56:24 and then we've got the beast coming up out of the earth
56:27 saying, "Worship the beast... "
56:29 we have to come to the conclusion
56:31 of who we're going to give our allegiance to...
56:34 who we are going to give our worship to,
56:36 I encourage us all... be obedient to God's Word.
56:39 Amen.
56:41 Just two lines on the lesson,
56:42 The God knows the number of hairs on our heads,
56:45 is going to judge the world
56:47 but that is precisely why
56:49 the everlasting gospel is such good news.
56:52 Amen.
56:54 We want to worship God in Spirit and truth,
56:57 Matthew 15:9 says, "But in vain do they worship me,
57:00 teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. "
57:02 We don't want to be on that side,
57:04 we want to be on God's side.
57:05 Panel: Amen.
57:07 What an incredible lesson,
57:08 thank you each so much for sharing from your heart
57:11 and from the Word of God.
57:13 And we thank you for joining us as well,
57:15 we want to encourage you in the end time...
57:17 it's all about who we will worship.
57:20 I know at 3ABN, we have done this
57:22 and we encourage you at home
57:24 to choose today whom you will serve.
57:26 God bless you and keep you.


Revised 2022-08-23