3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Change of the Law

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180019A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness
00:09 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is "Preparation for the End time."
00:30 And I want to welcome you to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 It's just a joy to have you with us.
00:36 We have so much fun teaching.
00:39 And don't we, ladies and gentlemen?
00:41 This is a...
00:42 It's such a privilege that God has given us
00:46 to be able to study God's Word and share it with you.
00:49 So thank you for joining us.
00:51 Now, for you that don't have
00:53 one of our Sabbath School quarterlies.
00:55 Let me tell you how to get it.
00:57 Now I believe the address is on the screen.
00:59 But for you who are listening on 3ABN Radio,
01:03 let me tell you how to get 3ABN study guide,
01:07 just go on your computer
01:09 to ABSG.Adventist.org.
01:14 And that you can download it
01:16 or there is another way for you to get to Sabbath School Panel
01:20 and that's go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:23 They would be so delighted to have, share one with you.
01:27 And you know, they would invite you
01:29 to come to Sabbath School as well.
01:30 We appreciate so much you being with us.
01:34 But sometimes sitting in a class
01:36 where you can share your input, you can have input as well.
01:40 Sometimes that's fun.
01:42 So I just want to encourage you,
01:45 being with us at every chance you get,
01:47 but also go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:51 Now on this panel today,
01:52 I like to call it my illustrious panel
01:54 because these are my friends.
01:56 This is my family.
01:58 And next to me is my dear, dear friend Shelley Quinn.
02:01 Thank you for joining us. Pastor CA Murray.
02:05 My little sister I call her, Jill Morikone.
02:08 And then Danny Shelton, our president and founder.
02:12 Danny, thank you so much for being with us.
02:13 Good to be here.
02:14 It's just so much fun to have you all with us.
02:17 Now, Jill, I'm going to ask that you open in prayer for us.
02:20 Okay. Sure.
02:22 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
02:24 And we just thank You
02:25 for the privilege of opening up Your Word.
02:29 We ask right now
02:30 that You would empty us of self and fill us with You.
02:33 We ask for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit
02:36 that You would give us ears to hear
02:37 what is in Your Word
02:39 and a heart to put it into practice.
02:41 And we thank You in Jesus' name.
02:43 Amen. Amen.
02:45 Well, today's lesson is entitled
02:49 "The Change of the Law."
02:50 And every one of us have a portion to share
02:53 concerning that subject.
02:55 Now, most specifically
02:57 what we're going to look at is the fourth commandment.
03:01 And I thought to start it
03:03 to lay the foundation for this lesson today.
03:07 I would have every one of you turn to Exodus 20.
03:11 I hope you've got your Bible.
03:13 Turn to Exodus 20,
03:15 we're going to read verses 8 through 11
03:18 which is the fourth commandment.
03:21 So I'm going to read it.
03:23 It starts,
03:24 "Remember the Sabbath, to keep it," what's that word?
03:28 "Holy.
03:29 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
03:32 but the seventh day
03:34 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
03:37 In it you shall do no work, you, nor your son,
03:42 nor your daughter, nor your male servant,
03:44 nor your female servant, nor your cattle,
03:47 nor your stranger who is within your gates.
03:51 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
03:55 the sea, and all that is in them,
03:57 and rested the seventh day.
03:59 Therefore the Lord," did something.
04:01 "He blessed the Sabbath day and He hallowed it."
04:06 Now we are Seventh-day Adventists,
04:08 we kind of give away in our name what we believe,
04:12 we believe that we are to,
04:14 hey, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
04:18 just like the scripture tells us to do.
04:22 Although we fully understand
04:24 that salvation is by faith alone,
04:27 do we not?
04:28 And that keeping the law and that includes
04:31 the seventh day Sabbath can never save us.
04:36 We also understand that in the last days,
04:39 obedience to God's law
04:42 including the seventh day Sabbath
04:45 will be the outward sign,
04:48 a mark of where our true allegiance is.
04:53 Now that is an understanding that we have.
04:56 I used to work with a lady, her name was Elora Ford.
05:00 Mrs. Ford. Danny, remember Mrs. Ford?
05:02 Precious, precious lady.
05:05 And even she told me concerning the Sabbath,
05:09 she said in the end time and that's what we're studying,
05:12 preparing for the end time.
05:15 She said, "In the end time,
05:17 the litmus test is going to be
05:21 whether you keep
05:23 the Sabbath day Sabbath or not."
05:25 Now, what is a litmus test?
05:28 A litmus test is a decisive, indicative test.
05:33 Decisive, indicative test.
05:36 And I'm looking into the world now as we see it,
05:40 is our world in turmoil?
05:42 Now, it's been turmoil but it appears to me,
05:44 it seems to me that it's declining to its end.
05:48 The things aren't getting better and better,
05:50 things are getting worse and worse.
05:52 And something even in my short years
05:55 of being alive.
05:56 And they are short, I don't care how old I am,
05:59 when you look at the length of the world,
06:03 how old the world is.
06:04 Looking, it seems to me like
06:08 this litmus test Mrs. Ford was talking about,
06:11 whether you keep the Sabbath or whether you don't.
06:14 You know, that's only two camps, is it not?
06:17 Two camps. Well, I look in the world.
06:20 And this is something that it appears
06:22 as though we're singing.
06:23 There are...
06:25 There is either the camp
06:27 that loves the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ
06:31 or the camp that total rejects,
06:34 we'll call it the antichrist camp,
06:36 totally rejects the Lord Jesus Christ.
06:39 Now, this is what I'm seeing happening.
06:41 It appears as though we're falling into two camps
06:45 whereas remember the nominals,
06:48 they were either a nominal Christian
06:51 or a nominal atheist but there was,
06:53 it appears to me in my thinking a third camp, the great camp.
06:57 Now, it seems to me
07:00 that we're either getting black or white.
07:04 We're either for the Lord Jesus Christ,
07:07 committed to Him or we totally reject.
07:11 It's as though that third camp is disappearing.
07:15 The litmus test, either you acknowledge God
07:19 and serve Him or you reject Him.
07:23 Now, this week we look at the law of God, again,
07:27 especially the Sabbath
07:29 and the attempt to change to the...
07:32 The attempted change to the very commandment
07:36 that God said to do what?
07:38 Remember.
07:39 It's though we are forgetting
07:41 the one thing God told us to remember.
07:43 Now our memory text is Daniel 7:25.
07:49 And I want us to all read this together.
07:52 Daniel 7:25.
07:54 Turn into your Word.
07:56 Get your Sabbath School quarterly
07:58 but get involved in these lessons,
08:01 get involved in this Sabbath School lesson.
08:03 Let's read together,
08:05 "He will speak against the Most High
08:08 and oppress his holy people
08:10 and try to change the set times and the laws.
08:14 The holy people will be delivered
08:16 into his hands for a time and times
08:20 and half a time."
08:22 Now, I'm honored to have
08:24 as my portion of the lesson today, Sunday.
08:28 And Sunday's title is the promise.
08:31 One of the greatest promises
08:33 in the Bible is found in Romans 8:1.
08:36 So go ahead and turn to Romans 8:1.
08:39 And you're going to stay there for a little while.
08:42 Romans 8:1, this great promise.
08:45 And let me read it to you.
08:47 "There is therefore now no condemnation
08:51 to those who are in Christ Jesus.
08:55 Who do not walk according to the flesh
08:58 but according to the Spirit."
09:01 Now, this promise is a kind of a capstone
09:05 or a conclusion that Paul is drawing
09:09 to a train of thought
09:11 that he had developed in chapter 7.
09:14 Now, I want us to look at Romans 7,
09:17 we're going to look at verses 15 through 25.
09:21 And what Paul is doing and it's titled,
09:24 "The wretched man of Romans 7."
09:27 Oh, wretched man that I am he says in the end.
09:30 But he is showing us the reality of sin.
09:33 But oh, thank God for the promises of God.
09:35 But I want to read this to you very quickly.
09:38 Paul says, "For what am I doing,
09:41 I do not understand,
09:43 for what I will to do that I do not practice.
09:48 But what I hate, that I do." You ever been there?
09:51 "If, then, I do what I will not to do,
09:54 I agree with the law that it is good.
09:56 But now, it is no longer I who do it,
09:59 but sin that dwells in me.
10:02 For I know that in me,
10:03 that is, in my flesh nothing good dwells,
10:06 for to will is present with me,
10:08 but how to perform what is good I do not find.
10:12 For the good that I will to do, I do not do,
10:14 but the evil I will not to do, that I practice."
10:18 Verse 20, "Now if I do what I will not to do,
10:21 it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
10:26 I find then a law, that evil is present with me,
10:29 the one who wills to do good.
10:32 For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man."
10:36 Spirits will and but...
10:38 Flesh is weak. Weak flesh.
10:40 "But I see another law at work in my members in my flesh,
10:44 warring against the law of my mind,
10:46 and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
10:49 which is in my members."
10:51 Paul says, "O wretched man that I am!
10:54 Who will deliver me from this body of sin,
10:57 this body of death?"
10:59 He asks a question. You know what he does.
11:01 He answers it.
11:03 So how is Paul feeling about himself right now?
11:06 O wretched man that I am! Who's going to deliver me.
11:09 He feels condemned, he feels hopeless.
11:13 And that there is no hope. Have you ever felt that way?
11:18 Just because of your own actions,
11:20 I meant that I was never going to do that again
11:23 and I have done it three times today.
11:25 O wretched man that I am!
11:28 Thank God that Paul answers his question.
11:32 And that is in verse 25.
11:36 "I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord!
11:39 So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God,
11:43 but with the flesh the law of sin."
11:45 Now I want to read verse 25 to you in the Amplified.
11:48 Now, Danny, here's what the Amplified Bible does.
11:50 It amplifies. Imagine that.
11:53 Okay, Amplified Bible.
11:55 This is what it says, "Oh, thank God, He will."
11:59 Meaning God will
12:00 because remember the question that Paul asked.
12:03 Who's going to deliver me from this body of death?
12:07 Oh, thank God, God will.
12:09 "Through Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, our Lord.
12:13 So then indeed I of myself with the mind and heart
12:17 serve the law of God
12:18 but with the flesh the law of sin."
12:20 Then comes that promise
12:22 that we started out with the promise.
12:25 "There is therefore now, no condemnation."
12:28 How was Paul's feeling when he said,
12:30 "Oh, wretched man that I am?"
12:32 Condemned. Oh.
12:34 "There is therefore right now,
12:37 no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."
12:41 Paul takes this hopeless situation
12:45 and turns it into hope.
12:50 But there is a prerequisite,
12:52 "Who do not walk according to the flesh
12:56 but according to the spirit."
12:59 Paul makes the reality of sin very real.
13:04 And I think we can all relate to this.
13:07 That's a struggle.
13:08 I don't know about you,
13:10 but I find times when it's just a struggle.
13:13 Matthew and Mark both tells us
13:15 that our spirit indeed is willing
13:19 but our flesh is weak, for Paul the problem
13:24 we all face today isn't the law.
13:28 And remember, we're looking at the changing of the law,
13:31 it's not the law that's the problem.
13:33 What's the problem? Sin.
13:35 Sin is the problem.
13:36 Our problem isn't the law of God,
13:40 it's not the Word of God,
13:42 it's sin that is at work in our flesh.
13:46 There is therefore now no condemnation
13:48 to those who are in Christ Jesus
13:50 who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
13:54 Now, Shelley, I know I'm getting on your ground,
13:57 because you are going to look at the next verse.
14:00 But the next verse is kind of the capstone.
14:03 "For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
14:08 has made me free from the law of sin and death."
14:11 You see, at one time this law of sin and death
14:15 was the law that we were under.
14:17 But when we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our life,
14:20 we come under a new legal system
14:22 and it is called the law of the Spirit of Life
14:26 in Christ Jesus.
14:28 Sister Shelley.
14:29 I'm glad you said that
14:31 'cause I'm not sure I even addressed
14:32 that one in my notes.
14:35 Okay.
14:37 Mollie, thank you for showing us
14:38 the reality of sin even in the Christian's life.
14:42 But in the previous verse as Paul points out
14:46 the prevalence of sin and how deadly it is.
14:49 So Monday's lesson is the law and sin.
14:53 And we're going to...
14:54 I'm going to read very rapidly, Romans 7:1-14
14:59 then we're going to take it apart.
15:01 But I think it's important that we read this scripture.
15:05 Romans 7:1-14.
15:06 Paul says, "Or do you not know, brethren,
15:09 for I speak to those who know the law,
15:12 that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?
15:15 For the woman who has a husband is bound
15:18 by the law to her husband as long as he lives.
15:20 But if the husband dies,
15:21 she is released from the law of her husband.
15:25 So then if, while her husband lives,
15:27 she marries another man,
15:28 she will be called an adulteress,
15:30 but if her husband dies, she is free from the law,
15:32 so that she is no adulteress,
15:34 though she has married another man.
15:36 Therefore, my brethren,
15:37 you also have become dead to the law
15:40 through the body of Christ,
15:41 that you may be married to another, to Him
15:43 who was raised from the dead,
15:45 that we should bear fruit to God.
15:47 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions
15:50 which were aroused by the law were at work
15:53 in our members to bear fruit to death.
15:55 But now we have been delivered from the law,
15:57 having died to what we were held by,
16:01 so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit
16:04 and not in the oldness of the letter.
16:06 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? Certainly not!
16:09 On the contrary,
16:11 I would not have known sin except through the law.
16:14 For I would not have known covetousness
16:16 unless the law had said, 'You shall not covet.'
16:18 But sin, taking opportunity by the commandment,
16:21 produced in me all manner of evil desire.
16:23 For apart from the law sin was dead.
16:26 I was once alive without the law,
16:28 but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.
16:32 And the commandment, which was to bring life,
16:34 I found to bring death.
16:35 For sin, taking occasion
16:37 by the commandment, deceived me, and it killed me.
16:39 Therefore the law is holy,
16:40 and the commandment holy and just and good.
16:44 Has then what is good become death to me?
16:46 Certainly not!
16:48 But sin, that it might appear sin,
16:49 was producing death in me through what is good,
16:52 so that the sin through the commandment
16:54 might become exceedingly sinful.
16:57 For we know that the law is spiritual,
16:59 but I am carnal, sold under sin."
17:02 Okay. What did we just say?
17:06 You know, you read Revelation,
17:07 I mean Romans 7:1-14
17:10 and so many believers are unsure
17:13 about the relationship between the law and grace.
17:18 And what was happening,
17:19 the reason Paul was writing this in the first place
17:22 is his opponents
17:25 thought that the gospel of grace
17:27 was trying to harm or do away with God's law.
17:32 And we've got people today who actually believe
17:34 the gospel of grace just do away with God's law.
17:38 So let's look,
17:40 you know, Paul extolled the virtues of the law, did he?
17:44 He said, it was good, it was just, it was spiritual,
17:48 it's holy.
17:50 So let's look at what the law does.
17:53 Number one, the law reflects the nature of the lawgiver.
17:59 The law reflects the purity of God's character.
18:04 God is holy, He is just, He is good, He is spiritual.
18:09 And Paul just got through saying
18:12 that the law is holy,
18:14 good and righteous, it's spiritual.
18:16 So how did this holy,
18:18 good and righteous law make Paul dead?
18:22 As you've already said the law kills no one.
18:25 It is sin which kills.
18:29 So number two, the law outlines
18:32 the standards of behavior
18:35 that God regards as righteous.
18:40 And when the sin nature confronts the law,
18:44 what you've just seen and what Paul is saying here,
18:47 sin brings to life.
18:51 So when sin brings to life, what happens?
18:54 We die.
18:55 But this reveals how contemptible
18:59 the sin nature is.
19:00 When you can take something that is holy,
19:03 and just, and righteous, and use it for evil purposes,
19:09 that's just the contemptibleness
19:11 of our sin nature.
19:13 So the problem's not within the law,
19:16 the problem is in our sin nature.
19:18 Yes. All right.
19:20 The third thing.
19:21 The law reveals our need for a savior.
19:27 The utter sinfulness of our sin
19:33 enslaved us before we died with Christ.
19:38 You know, Romans 6 before we died
19:40 and were buried in baptism
19:42 and raised up to newness of life.
19:44 When we had a sin nature,
19:47 what is it, Roman 6:16 that says,
19:49 "We're either enslaved to sin
19:52 which leads to death or obedience
19:55 which leads to righteousness," right?
19:58 So what Paul is arguing here is the good news of sinners
20:02 being justified freely by God's grace.
20:06 So the three purposes of the law,
20:08 the law reveals the nature of the lawgiver.
20:12 It reveals His character.
20:15 It outlines the standards of behavior
20:18 that God accepts as righteous
20:22 that what He regards as righteous.
20:25 And it reveals our need for a savior.
20:26 Do we still need a law?
20:29 I mean, there's no question
20:31 about whether or not we need the law.
20:34 So when we think about
20:38 what Paul is arguing here,
20:39 he's saying the good news for sinners
20:42 is we're justified freely
20:43 by God's grace to honor and satisfy,
20:47 the demands of the law have been fulfilled,
20:50 and we uphold the law.
20:53 And we are simultaneously released
20:57 from trying to be justified by the law.
21:03 We are released from the efforts of...
21:08 We died to the law for justification
21:10 is what Paul is saying.
21:12 Does that make sense?
21:14 You know, some people think
21:15 that through obedience we're going to be saved.
21:18 No.
21:19 Through disobedience you can be lost,
21:21 but through obedience you're not going to be saved,
21:23 it's only the blood of Jesus Christ
21:24 and accepting Jesus as your Savior,
21:27 we are saved by grace through faith,
21:28 not of works that any man can boast.
21:31 So we are, we died to the law for justification,
21:35 we die to all efforts trying to be justified by it.
21:41 And we are alive in Christ liberated
21:45 by love to live a morally fruitful life.
21:49 Let me tell you something,
21:50 when you are motivated by love for God,
21:54 and when you understand what Christ has done for you,
21:57 you'll be motivated by love for God.
21:59 Then you're not walking in obedience to be saved,
22:04 you know, you're saved,
22:05 you're not walking in obedience to be saved,
22:07 you're walking in obedience out of loyalty
22:11 to your love for God.
22:12 That's right.
22:14 So now let's look at Romans 6:16-18.
22:17 That was in my notes, I didn't even know.
22:20 Romans 6:16-18.
22:23 Paul says, "Do you not know that to whom
22:25 you present yourselves slaves to obey,
22:27 you are that one's slaves whom you obey,
22:30 whether of sin leading to death,
22:32 or of obedience leading to righteousness?
22:35 But God be thanked
22:37 that though you were slaves of sin,
22:41 yet you obeyed from the heart
22:43 that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.
22:46 And having been set free from sin," and what is sin?
22:49 Sin is a transgression of the law.
22:52 "Having been set free from sin,
22:55 you become slaves to righteousness."
22:57 Amen. Hallelujah.
22:58 I mean, you are yoked with Christ,
23:01 He is carrying you through, is He not?
23:03 So the law still reflects God's nature.
23:07 It reflects His expectations.
23:10 And it's very relevant to the believer today.
23:12 I want to read you something,
23:14 many of you appreciate Oswald Chambers.
23:18 I hear often of Oswald Chambers.
23:22 And I want to read
23:23 what he said about verse 9
23:26 which Romans 7:9 says,
23:30 "I was alive once without the law,
23:32 but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died."
23:36 So let's look at Oswald Chambers.
23:38 He says, "The moral law
23:39 does not consider our weaknesses
23:40 as human beings, in fact it is not taken
23:43 into account our heredity or infirmities,
23:46 it simply demands that we absolutely moral.
23:49 The moral law never changes." Okay.
23:52 That's what he says.
23:54 "The moral law never changes,
23:56 either for the highest of society
23:57 or for the weakest of the world,
23:59 it is enduring and eternally the same."
24:03 So the moral laws,
24:05 the Ten Commandments are still there.
24:06 "The moral law ordained by God does not make itself weak
24:10 to the weak, excuse our short comings,
24:12 it remains absolute for all time and eternity.
24:17 If we are not aware of this,
24:19 it is because we are less than alive.
24:21 Once we do realize it,
24:23 our life immediately becomes a fatal tragedy,
24:26 I was once alive without the law,
24:29 but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died."
24:33 And then we know we need a Savior,
24:35 that's what it's all about.
24:37 The moral law reflects
24:40 God's character, it shows us the...
24:44 What He expects from us to be righteous,
24:47 but it's through Christ
24:49 that we receive this righteousness.
24:51 And it shows us our need for a Savior.
24:53 Amen. Amen.
24:54 I am so glad that you ended
24:56 with a quote from Oswald Chambers
24:58 who is not a member of our faith group,
25:00 but who affirms the perpetuity of the moral law
25:05 because my particular portion deals
25:09 with Sabbath the Sunday, which deals with a change
25:12 or an attempted change in that law.
25:15 It's predicted in Daniel 7:25
25:17 that there will be an attempt to change times and laws.
25:21 And I appreciate
25:23 what the author of the lesson seeks
25:25 to accomplish here because what he's trying to do
25:27 is cut through a lot of the chaff,
25:31 the detritus and kind of hone in on the issue
25:34 because the author is saying.
25:37 And I know the author of the lesson,
25:39 he says that this idea that we're not under the law
25:42 but under grace is really a smokescreen
25:45 for not wanting to keep the Sabbath.
25:48 But if Chambers even knows it that the moral law,
25:52 the Ten Commandments is unchanging.
25:54 It is unchanged,
25:55 it is as unchanging as is its author.
26:00 It does not change.
26:03 What people are trying to do
26:05 is justify the rejection of the fourth commandment.
26:09 They're trying to justify
26:10 the rejection of not keeping the Sabbath.
26:13 They have no problem with
26:15 "Thou shalt not commit adultery,"
26:16 that's fine, they have no problem with
26:18 "Thou shalt not covet," that's fine.
26:20 They have no problem with
26:22 "Honor thy father and thy mother," that's fine.
26:24 They have no problem with
26:25 "Thou shalt not steal," that's fine.
26:27 The issue is Sabbath.
26:30 It's the Sabbath
26:32 and not wanting to keep the Sabbath.
26:33 And what is sad
26:35 is that God signs His name in the Sabbath,
26:38 in the fourth commandment.
26:39 That's how we know
26:41 who is giving us the fourth commandment
26:42 because that is where God chooses to sign His name.
26:47 So they are rejecting a God commanded day
26:53 in favor of a day based on tradition.
26:58 So this portion of the lesson
27:01 adopts a defensive posture
27:04 in looking at some of the materials
27:06 that first day worshippers used
27:08 to defend their particular practice.
27:11 And so, he looks at three particular texts
27:14 that people will often point
27:16 to as justification for the change of the day.
27:20 But when you really look at them,
27:24 they do not make that justification.
27:25 No, I don't have time to read all of them,
27:27 so I'll summarize them and then try to readdress them
27:30 as best I can in the time allotted to me.
27:32 John 20:19-23.
27:36 There is a meeting
27:39 of the disciples
27:43 that people will say is a worship service.
27:48 And as such justifies
27:50 the change of the day but it is not.
27:52 The text says
27:53 that the disciples are locked in a room
27:56 on Sunday night for fear of the Jews.
27:59 This is not a work of church service...
28:01 Sunday night, when though? What's?
28:02 Sunday evening, the evening...
28:04 Following what? Following the resurrection.
28:06 Yes. Thank you.
28:07 Following the resurrection.
28:09 They're locked in a room
28:10 because they're afraid the Jews gonna come
28:11 and get them, you know.
28:13 So Christ comes in.
28:14 And praise the Lord, one of the things
28:16 that He did before returning to heaven,
28:18 He had a lot to do was to comfort His disciples,
28:21 they're scattered, they're afraid,
28:23 they're locked in a room.
28:25 Christ comes to them to give them comfort.
28:28 So Jesus appears.
28:30 So it's not, it's not anything
28:33 that justifies the change of the day.
28:36 This is a bunch of scared guys who Christ is coming to say,
28:40 it's going to be all right, it's going to be good,
28:43 I've left but you've got comfort.
28:45 And I'm here to give you comfort
28:49 and to encourage you.
28:51 The next meeting we have is Acts 20:6, 7.
28:57 And the text tells us
28:59 that they met on the first day of the week.
29:03 Now we need to walk through this
29:05 because some people are saying,
29:06 well, that is a Sunday morning worship service.
29:08 It is not.
29:09 And the Bible gives us no indication that that it is.
29:13 It is a group of people meeting on a Saturday evening.
29:18 Now remember, we're dealing with Bible times
29:20 when the evening and the morning
29:23 were the first day.
29:25 So Sunday, the first day of the week
29:28 begins on Saturday evening at sundown.
29:31 There are a lot of things that sort of allude to that.
29:33 The text tells us
29:34 that there were a lot of lamps on.
29:36 You know, there are a lot of lights, torches,
29:38 lamps burning in the window.
29:39 So you wouldn't have that in the middle of the day.
29:42 So this is a Sunday evening service,
29:44 they met to eat.
29:46 Paul is getting ready to leave.
29:48 And so he preaches, you know, his farewell address.
29:51 And evident he preaches on into the evening.
29:54 You know, those of us who are preachers that,
29:56 that can happen occasionally.
29:58 You know, you preach on and he's exciting,
30:00 he's trying to encourage them.
30:02 Eutychus is sitting in a window, it's hot.
30:05 And you know, we've all had a thing
30:07 where sometimes it's kind of hot and preacher
30:08 kind of whacks a little bit
30:10 and you kind of want to nod off on him.
30:12 But he's in a window on the third floor.
30:15 And, of course, the heat, the length of the day,
30:18 it's heading towards midnight
30:19 and Paul's preaching up a storm,
30:20 trying to give that farewell address.
30:22 He falls asleep, falls from the third floor
30:24 and, of course, he's taken up dead.
30:26 And we see one of the first miracles
30:28 of the New Testament times in that he is,
30:33 he is resurrected,
30:34 you know, a beautiful, beautiful service
30:37 but there is no indication here that the day has been changed,
30:41 it's a Saturday night service,
30:43 not even a Sunday morning service.
30:45 And I think that miracles, why Luke put that in,
30:48 wrote it in there.
30:49 I do believe, I do believe.
30:51 So again, no justification for the change of the day.
30:56 And the third
30:58 is this.
31:02 Let's see, that's Acts...
31:04 Oh, 1 Corinthians 16. There we go.
31:06 1 Corinthians 16, we got so many notes here.
31:11 Again it says nothing about the change of the day.
31:15 Paul is giving counsel, he's saying this.
31:18 "When I come I don't want a lot of money changing
31:20 and changing and correcting of things.
31:23 Lay your money aside on the first day of the week,
31:26 put your money, get your money together,
31:28 do your accounting on the first day of the week
31:30 so that when I come there's no handling of money
31:33 and changing of things,
31:34 we don't have to deal with that.
31:36 But this actually is a personal admonition
31:39 for each of you to get your moneys together
31:42 on the first day of the week.
31:44 There's nothing collective about this.
31:45 So there's not a worship service,
31:47 it's in your house,
31:49 you put your money together, in your house, Mollie,
31:51 you put your money together.
31:52 Danny, in your house, you put your money together.
31:54 Jill, in your house, you put your money.
31:56 There's nothing collective about it.
31:58 It's counsel to individuals to take care of the accounting
32:02 before I come so that when I get there,
32:04 this is already taken care of.
32:06 So those three texts
32:09 that are used really say nothing
32:11 about a change of the day
32:12 or even a collective worship service on Sunday.
32:17 They just can't be used for that particular purpose.
32:20 Now I want to say something
32:21 about this particular methodology.
32:25 I want it for a caveat
32:27 because there is a danger
32:32 that when a person brings you text
32:35 and you just sort of shoot down those texts,
32:38 there is a danger unless you are humble
32:41 and surrender to the Lord of allowing self to get in,
32:45 you know, someone brings you a text,
32:47 now you shoot that text down,
32:48 and someone brings you a text and you shoot that text down.
32:52 It's not always the best way to try to defend your faith
32:56 because it can allow self to get.
32:57 I remember, years ago,
32:59 I was still a student working at an evangelist crusade
33:02 for a pastor.
33:03 And the two of us discussed for about five hours
33:07 the Sabbath
33:08 and the Ten Commandments with someone.
33:10 And then the person said, "Well, I don't see it."
33:15 So we went for another couple hours.
33:18 Oh, I don't see it. So now self is there.
33:21 What, are you blind? And you don't see it.
33:24 I've gone through the whole thing with you,
33:26 this is seven hours and you don't see it.
33:28 You don't want to see it.
33:29 Well, see that's self, that's not God there.
33:32 So this idea of, you give me a text
33:34 and I shoot you a text down, that can be a little dicey.
33:37 Sometimes you just want
33:38 to let the Holy Spirit do the work.
33:40 But, and move the hearts.
33:46 We should always seek in our dealing
33:48 with the things of God to approach it as a learner.
33:54 As someone who does not have all the answers,
33:57 I am with you seeking for answers.
34:00 And together the Holy Spirit
34:02 will be pleased to give us the answers
34:05 if we approach him with prayer,
34:08 and humility and in submission.
34:11 God wants us to know, and indeed will help us to know
34:16 if indeed it is our desire to know and to do.
34:20 Amen.
34:22 Thank you so much, Pastor Murray.
34:24 What great counsel for any of us
34:26 when facing any scripture to open up our hearts
34:30 to the Holy Spirit and not to allow my own pride,
34:33 my own prejudice,
34:35 my own self to get in the way of what God wants
34:38 to teach me in His Word.
34:40 Those were some great scriptures
34:42 in the New Testament.
34:43 And wonderful explanation
34:45 how it was not talking about worshipping on Sunday,
34:48 that the day was not changed.
34:49 I have Sabbath, Wednesday, which is the seventh day.
34:53 I got Sabbath on the mind,
34:55 the seventh day in the New Testament.
34:57 But what I really want to do is look at the Sabbath
35:01 throughout six periods of history.
35:04 So I want to take us
35:05 all the way back to the very beginning
35:07 when that Sabbath was first instituted.
35:09 We'll look at the Sabbath at creation.
35:12 That verse I think is one of the first verses
35:14 I ever learned about the Sabbath.
35:16 Genesis 2:1-3.
35:18 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished
35:20 and all the host of them.
35:22 And on the seventh day God ended His work
35:25 which He had made,
35:26 and He rested on the seventh day
35:28 from all His work which He had made.
35:30 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it
35:34 because that in it He rested from all His work
35:37 which God created and made."
35:39 The Sabbath is a sign of the Creatorship of God.
35:45 He made the heavens and the earth,
35:47 no other god could make the heavens and the earth.
35:49 Therefore He is distinguished from all other gods.
35:55 To attack the Sabbath
35:56 is to attack the authority of God Himself.
36:00 That's good.
36:02 Period number two,
36:03 the first period is the Sabbath at creation.
36:05 Period number two is when we see
36:06 when the law was given on Mount Sinai.
36:10 And the Israelites had just come out of Egypt
36:12 and God knew
36:13 that they had forgotten the Sabbath
36:16 which was established at the very beginning,
36:18 that's why the fourth commandment begins
36:20 with the word remember.
36:22 And Mollie, you quoted that at the beginning.
36:24 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
36:27 Sixth day, you shall labor, do all your work,
36:29 but the seventh day
36:31 is the Sabbath of the Lord, thy God.
36:32 But in the middle of the fourth commandment,
36:34 it references back to creation and says,
36:37 "For in six days
36:39 the Lord made heaven and earth."
36:40 And it reminded the people that the Sabbath
36:44 is the memorial of creation,
36:46 a sign of the Creatorship of God,
36:49 He made heaven and earth.
36:51 He is distinguished from all other gods.
36:53 Now, the Ten Commandments
36:55 were also given in Deuteronomy 5.
36:57 We usually just look at Exodus 20.
36:59 But they're also in Deuteronomy 5.
37:02 And if you look at Deuteronomy 5,
37:03 we won't quote the whole fourth commandment.
37:06 But Deuteronomy 5:12-15.
37:09 It has a different reason for keeping the Sabbath,
37:11 not creation but redemption.
37:15 It says, "Remember you were a slave in the land of Egypt.
37:19 And the Lord your God brought you out
37:21 from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm.
37:25 Therefore, the Lord your God commanded you
37:27 to keep the Sabbath day, keep the Sabbath day holy.
37:32 The Sabbath is not only a sign of creation,
37:34 it's a sign that we are redeemed,
37:37 that we were brought out of Egypt,
37:40 out of the land of bondage,
37:41 out of sin into this marvelous life.
37:45 Only God could redeem us, only Jesus could redeem us.
37:49 Therefore, He is distinguished from all other gods.
37:54 To attack the Sabbath is to attack
37:56 the authority of God Himself,
37:58 not just as Creator but Him as Redeemer.
38:01 Now let's take it down to the New Testament.
38:03 This is the third period. This is the Sabbath and Jesus.
38:07 This verse, Luke 4:16 shows us that Jesus kept the Sabbath
38:13 when He was here on this earth.
38:16 Now, we know Jesus was baptized in the fall of what?
38:18 AD 27, and this happened in the spring of AD 29,
38:22 we're a year and a half into His ministry.
38:24 And it says, "He came to Nazareth
38:26 where He had been brought up and as His custom was,
38:29 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day
38:32 and stood up to read."
38:35 Remember Mark 2:27, 28.
38:37 He said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man
38:39 and not man for the Sabbath.
38:41 Therefore, the Son of Man
38:43 is Lord also of the Sabbath day."
38:46 Why is He Lord of the Sabbath?
38:48 He's Lord of the Sabbath because He's the creator.
38:50 He's Lord of the Sabbath because He is Redeemer.
38:53 Therefore, He is distinguished from all other gods.
38:56 Jesus taught the commandments.
38:58 Remember when He walked this earth,
39:00 I think of John 14:15,
39:02 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
39:05 And remember Matthew 5, the Sermon on the Mount.
39:08 He said, "Think not, I'm not come to destroy the law
39:10 and the prophets, I am come to fulfill it."
39:14 And the Sermon on the Mount,
39:16 the Pharisees and the Scribes had said,
39:18 "Jesus is doing away with some of the stuff.
39:21 But in fact He brought
39:23 the law of God to a whole new level.
39:26 He brought it from the letter of the law into the spirit
39:29 of a level, the law.
39:32 Remember that He said...
39:34 The commandments say,
39:35 "If you do not commit adultery."
39:37 But then He said, "But I say to you,
39:39 if you even lust after someone, that's committing adultery."
39:43 The commandment say, "Do not murder someone."
39:45 But I say to you if you even have hatred,
39:48 that's the same thing.
39:49 So Jesus brought the commandments,
39:51 instead of negating the commandments,
39:52 He brought them to an even deeper and higher
39:56 and a holier level.
39:58 Now let's look at the Sabbath after Jesus.
40:00 This is period number four, the early Christian church.
40:04 Now we know the lesson brought this out.
40:06 Remember, Jesus rested on the Sabbath even in death.
40:08 He was crucified on Friday.
40:10 It says the woman prepared the spices,
40:13 that's in Luke 23:54-56.
40:16 And then it says, "They rested on the seventh day."
40:19 While Jesus was resting in the tomb,
40:21 they went Sunday morning but He was already risen.
40:25 Now we go several years later,
40:27 this is Paul's first missionary journey.
40:30 Paul, Barnabas and John, Mark.
40:32 So we're close to maybe 15 years
40:34 after the crucifixion.
40:36 Acts 13:14, it says,
40:38 "They came to Antioch in Pisidia,
40:41 and went into the synagogue
40:42 on the Sabbath day and sat down."
40:44 So they're still keeping the Sabbath 15 years
40:47 after the resurrection of Jesus.
40:49 It says, "Paul preached about Jesus."
40:51 And then in Acts 13:42-44, it says,
40:55 "When the Jews went out of the synagogue,
40:56 the gentiles begged that these words
40:59 might be preached to them the next Sabbath."
41:01 Not just the Jews,
41:03 the gentiles are worshipping on the Sabbath.
41:06 Then it says, "Then almost the entire city gathered
41:09 to hear the Word of God on the next Sabbath."
41:13 The gentiles and the Jews,
41:15 the early Christian church honored
41:18 and worshipped God on the Sabbath as Creator
41:21 and as Redeemer.
41:22 Now we take it a few years down,
41:25 this is maybe 20 years after the crucifixion or so.
41:27 This is Paul and Silas
41:29 on Paul's second missionary journey.
41:31 Act 16:13, "On the Sabbath day
41:35 we went out of the city to the riverside,
41:38 where a prayer was customarily made
41:41 and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there."
41:45 Interestingly they're not even worshipping
41:47 at this point in the synagogue,
41:48 you know, in this particular moment
41:50 they are actually out
41:51 by the riverside still keeping the Sabbath.
41:54 In Act 17:2, it says,
41:58 "Paul, as his custom was went into them
42:00 and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures."
42:05 So we see the Sabbath was instituted at creation.
42:07 We see the Sabbath was reminded and brought
42:10 before the people again at Mount Sinai.
42:14 We see the Sabbath,
42:15 Jesus kept the Sabbath not only in life
42:17 and He taught the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments,
42:20 He kept the Sabbath in death and then He was resurrected.
42:23 We see the early Christian church
42:24 and this is up to 20 years
42:26 after the crucifixion still keeping and honoring
42:29 the Sabbath day,
42:31 no change in the fourth commandment
42:33 because there is no change
42:35 in any of the commandments of God.
42:36 He said, "I am God I change not."
42:38 Period number five
42:39 is the Sabbath at the end of time.
42:41 Revelation 14:12,
42:44 "Here's the patience of the saints,
42:45 here are they that keep the commandments of God
42:48 and have the testimony of Jesus."
42:51 God's end time people will keep all ten of His commandments.
42:56 And finally, the period number six,
42:59 we're gonna see the Sabbath in the new earth.
43:02 Isaiah 66:23.
43:05 "And it shall come to pass from one new moon to another
43:08 and from one Sabbath to another,
43:10 all flesh shall come to worship before Me says, the Lord."
43:16 We began with the Sabbath all the way through history.
43:19 God has had a people
43:21 that have kept, and obeyed,
43:23 and honored His holy day as a memorial of creation,
43:28 as a memorial of redemption and I think also as a memorial.
43:33 A reminder of the recreation
43:36 that He can do in your heart and in mine.
43:39 He can take the stony heart
43:40 and He can change us into a heart of flesh.
43:43 He can take us out of the kingdom of darkness
43:45 and transform us into the kingdom of light.
43:49 So praise the Lord,
43:50 for the Sabbath is a sign as Creator,
43:53 a sign as Redeemer.
43:55 He is distinguished
43:56 from all other gods and anytime,
43:58 we attack the Sabbath,
44:00 we're attacking the authority of God Himself.
44:02 And I just want to make a quick appeal to you.
44:05 Maybe this is brand new, maybe you're watching
44:07 and you are not familiar with the Sabbath,
44:10 do not push it aside.
44:12 As Pastor Murray talked about when things are revealed
44:15 in the Word of God,
44:16 come to the Word of God with an open mind
44:19 and an open heart to see
44:21 what the Holy Spirit has for you in there.
44:24 Amen. Thank you so much.
44:26 Actually, I don't think
44:29 modern day Protestant Christians
44:32 would really keep Sunday
44:34 instead of Saturday without deception.
44:36 That's the reason the devil hates.
44:39 I've come to conclusion
44:40 that he hates Daniel and Revelation,
44:43 he hates the prophecies.
44:44 Most churches skip over to put themself their past,
44:47 they want nothing to do
44:49 but some of the great scriptures
44:50 that you all are reading.
44:52 Here are they that keep the commandments of God.
44:54 They have the faith of Jesus.
44:56 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
44:57 and the word of their testimony.
44:59 The revealing of who Christ
45:01 and His nature and His character is,
45:04 and when we look through Daniel and Revelation,
45:06 we see literally the history of the world
45:10 from the beginning to the end.
45:12 And it says that we win.
45:13 And so, what I thought about this morning the reason
45:16 that Daniel and Revelation,
45:18 so I just wrote down unlike myself,
45:19 I wrote down some notes
45:21 and put some questions and answers,
45:22 because what I wanted to do,
45:24 I said this is an important topic
45:26 and I can go through that my part here
45:29 is the attempted change of the Sabbath,
45:31 and I can go through the beast
45:33 and I go through the image of Daniel
45:36 and I can do those things,
45:37 but I said, maybe, let's do it in a practical way
45:39 that somebody is watching
45:41 because I meet people that says,
45:44 "What difference that may make what day you keep."
45:47 You ever hear that. You guys ever hear that.
45:49 Well, what's in a day? You know, it's no big deal.
45:53 So what difference does it make?
45:55 But, what I found out is that Satan
45:58 and this morning this came to me.
46:01 Satan hates these books because they are an exposé
46:03 of his devious and dubious plans
46:06 for the destruction of human race.
46:09 It says, no wonder he's got most churches,
46:13 he doesn't want churches to read them.
46:15 According to the dictionary,
46:17 devious mean showing a skillful use
46:19 of underhanded tactics to achieve goals, deceitful,
46:23 dishonest, dishonorable, unethical, unprincipled,
46:26 immoral, unscrupulous, fraudulent, dubious, unfair,
46:30 treacherous etc, can go on.
46:33 Then the dictionary also says dubious,
46:35 because those words came to me and I said,
46:36 I don't say dubious very often,
46:38 I better look up what it means, dubious.
46:40 Satan is devious and he's dubious.
46:45 Dubious says, morally suspect about that one,
46:49 not to be relied upon.
46:51 Okay, of questionable value.
46:55 Well, here's what I want to get into
46:57 why is that people don't read, we all read the same Bible
47:00 so why is it that we read it and come up
47:02 with all these different days of keep,
47:04 different doctrines and why is it?
47:09 It's because of Satan's deception
47:11 to follow men,
47:12 so the only way we can overcome this is to stay close
47:15 to the Word of God
47:16 and see what God says and be willing to do
47:20 what God tells us to do.
47:21 What His word says to do,
47:23 because He does it for own good.
47:24 But speaking of Satan, John 8:44, Jesus says,
47:28 He was talking to the scribes and Pharisees,
47:30 "You are of your father the devil,
47:32 and the lust of your father you will do.
47:34 He was a murderer from the beginning,
47:35 and abode not in truth
47:37 because there is no truth in him.
47:39 When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh on his own:
47:42 for he is a liar and the father of it."
47:45 So when the devil speaks a lie,
47:47 he speaks from his own resources.
47:49 Am I right? Right.
47:50 When the devil speaks a lie,
47:52 he speaks from his own resources,
47:53 that doesn't come from God.
47:55 So that's why he is the accuser of the brethren,
47:58 and get this Revelation 12:10 says that
48:00 "Satan is the accuser of the brethren day and night."
48:04 He deceives the world,
48:08 the whole human race and descend
48:10 through devious and dubious deceptions.
48:12 Then he goes and tells God about it and says,
48:15 accuses us, says, look they are sinners.
48:17 Yep.
48:18 He uses his deception to destroy man
48:21 because he wants us to end up
48:23 in the lake of fire in Judgment Day,
48:25 that where he's gonna be.
48:27 So, he deceives us into doing wrong,
48:30 into committing sin
48:31 and then runs and tattletales to God.
48:33 Well, they need, they've sinned,
48:35 you know, shame on them.
48:37 I'm not the only one, look at the human race,
48:39 no one can be perfect and we can't except
48:42 through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
48:45 Without deception I put while ago
48:47 the modern day Christians as I said, wouldn't,
48:49 wouldn't really be worshipping Sunday
48:52 as the first day of the week.
48:53 Now we need to find out why?
48:54 And our lesson to stay a little bit close to it
48:57 that Daniel says, Daniel 7:23-25
49:00 and I think we've read some of the verses there,
49:04 but I want to go down towards the end
49:07 and we're talking about
49:09 that the power is about control.
49:12 What it is?
49:14 Satan is out, the fourth beast, the little horn of Daniel,
49:17 what we see and then in Revelation.
49:19 What is this power out to do? What does he want to do?
49:22 What does the enemy want to do? It's about control.
49:25 So this is none other than Satan use an earthly agent
49:28 to do his evil bidding.
49:30 Now here's the question.
49:32 The question would be,
49:33 what is he trying to accomplish?
49:34 The answer, in heaven his pride and lust for adoration
49:37 and praise from the other angels
49:40 ended up with Satan being kicked out of heaven.
49:42 He said, I should be like the Most High God.
49:46 Now, that Satan is prince of this earth,
49:48 his goal is the same thing as it was in heaven,
49:50 because what he wanted was that adoration,
49:53 he wanted that praise.
49:55 He was full of pride, so he says,
49:57 "I want that praise and adoration
49:59 that God deserves, but I want it for me."
50:02 Now how can he accomplish this agenda?
50:05 Answer is, he wants to change God's rule of life,
50:07 the Ten Commandments,
50:09 so that he becomes the God that people worship.
50:12 Now listen to me
50:13 because we're not just talking about,
50:14 oh, what difference does it make
50:16 what day you keep?
50:17 We're talking about God Almighty,
50:19 we're talking about principles of life
50:21 and we're talking about this great controversy
50:24 between good and evil.
50:25 So how does he accomplish it? By deception but get this.
50:29 Satan knows that he can't get the human race
50:32 to worship an evil god.
50:35 So he doesn't show us, if for instance he said,
50:38 look I want you to worship me.
50:40 I want you lifting your hands, singing all the songs,
50:43 praising Lord.
50:44 You know, all the things, shouting and dancing,
50:46 all the things that you do and praising me
50:49 even though I'm out to steal, kill and to destroy.
50:52 And in the very lake of fire at the end of time,
50:55 I want you to be in it
50:56 and you to be burned up with me.
50:58 Now, who would serve him? We wouldn't do that.
51:00 So he says, how can I get to people?
51:02 I don't want, I can't be truthful with them,
51:04 they wouldn't serve me,
51:05 but I want to be the God of the universe
51:07 and that they worship, so how am I going to do it?
51:10 By deception.
51:12 So what he does, he decides to appear as God,
51:15 wanting to do good for his children.
51:17 He allows them to continue their worship of God,
51:20 but he becomes the god they worship.
51:23 Now think about that.
51:24 So how he replaces the fourth commandment, why?
51:27 Because the fourth commandment
51:29 as some of you have already covered
51:31 is the only commandment
51:32 that has the seal of the Living God.
51:35 We read it,
51:36 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
51:38 Jill and all of you went through
51:40 that it says God's seal.
51:42 Who He is? The Lord, thy God. What did He do?
51:44 He made, He's a Creator and what's His dominion,
51:47 heaven and earth and everywhere, all right.
51:50 Worlds we don't even know exists,
51:52 we kind of limit Him to right here.
51:54 So I put right here, I saw a great,
51:57 great quote from Patriarchs and Prophets, it says,
52:00 "A seal contains the name,
52:02 title and authority of the lawgiver.
52:04 The Sabbath commandment
52:05 can therefore be considered a seal,
52:07 because it is the only one of all the ten
52:09 which are found in both the name
52:11 and the title of the lawgiver.
52:13 It is the only one that shows by whose authority
52:16 the law is given,
52:18 thus it contains the seal of God affixed
52:20 to His law as evidence
52:22 of its authenticity and binding forces,"
52:25 that the Patriarchs and Prophets, 307.
52:28 Here's another, Signs of the Time,
52:30 "The Sabbath was placed in the Decalogue as the seal
52:33 of the living God, pointing out the lawgiver,
52:36 and making it known his right to rule."
52:39 Thus the Sabbath is the sign of a relationship
52:42 between God and His people,
52:44 serving as " a test of their loyalty to Him.'"
52:48 Then Testimonies to the Church,
52:50 "The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist,
52:52 a church can be described in presenting the law of God
52:55 as a test of character
52:57 and as the seal of the Living God."
53:00 One last quote here, this is J. N. Andrews,
53:02 "The importance of the Sabbath as the memorial of creation
53:05 is that it keeps ever present the true reason
53:08 why worship is due to God because He is the Creator,
53:12 we are His creatures.
53:13 The Sabbath therefore lies
53:15 at the very foundation of divine worship,
53:18 for it teaches this great truth
53:20 in the most impressive manner, as no other institution does.
53:25 The true ground of divine worship,
53:27 not only on the seventh day merely,
53:29 but of all worship,
53:31 is found in the distinction between the Creator
53:34 and His creatures.
53:35 This great fact can never become obsolete,
53:38 and must never be forgotten."
53:40 So some...
53:42 Just absolutely powerful statements.
53:44 One time, probably 25 years ago, Shelley,
53:47 for no reason I just woke up,
53:49 this thought came to my mind and I wrote it down,
53:52 "The antichrist is nothing
53:54 more than the spirit of the devil garbed
53:56 in the cloth of Christianity."
54:00 And so, what we're looking at today is in my closing here
54:04 the time is out.
54:06 But what we're looking at in the change of the Sabbath
54:09 is about whom...
54:11 For Satan, it's the worship that he wants,
54:14 so the Catholic Church, the papacy,
54:17 it's a matter of history in 321 AD began,
54:21 but changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday,
54:23 the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week.
54:26 Now we're not saying things about them,
54:27 they don't say about themselves,
54:29 Shelley and I have written a book.
54:30 If you write in, we'll give it to you free,
54:32 the Ten Commandments Twice Removed.
54:33 It will go into a lot of this
54:35 that we're not able to discuss here today.
54:38 But the question for you and me today is simply this.
54:41 Who are we gonna serve?
54:43 We gonna serve God or we're going to serve man.
54:46 Revelation says, "Jesus is coming back for those
54:49 who are willing to give their lives unto death
54:52 if necessary for the cause of God.
54:55 So the Sabbath is God's holy day,
54:58 it's not the Sabbath of the Adventist,
55:00 the Sabbath of the Jews.
55:02 He said, "It's my holy day and He blessed it,
55:04 He sanctified it, made it a holy day."
55:07 So let's enjoy that time with God, say,
55:09 "Lord teach me truth."
55:11 When we ask, God will show us truth.
55:13 Amen. Very good.
55:14 Excellent, Danny. Amen. Amen.
55:16 Now, the title of our lesson today
55:18 was the change of the law.
55:20 Let me ask you this. Has the law being changed?
55:23 No. No.
55:24 Who established the law? God.
55:26 Can fallible human beings change anything
55:30 that God has established?
55:31 No. No.
55:32 Shelley, you laid a beautiful foundation
55:35 of the strength of the law and the beauty of the law.
55:38 CA, you and Jill,
55:40 both showed us the beauty of the law
55:42 and, Danny, you addressed
55:44 who is actually behind the changing,
55:48 the attempted change of the law
55:50 and why he attempted to change it.
55:53 What I would like each of you to do,
55:54 I think we've got the time
55:56 is just give us a closing thought.
55:58 And, Shelley, we'll start with you.
56:00 My thought is this,
56:02 there's only eight references in the New Testament
56:05 to the first day of the week which is Sunday,
56:08 of those a five refer to the very same event
56:12 the woman at the tomb, the other three you covered,
56:18 and we see that none of those...
56:20 There is not a single scripture in the Bible
56:24 that changes God's worship day,
56:30 the Sabbath day to Sunday.
56:31 Very good, CA.
56:33 Archbishop Cass Bardia
56:34 came up with an idea in the 1500's, he said,
56:38 "You can't be Sola scriptura
56:40 if you worship on a day that's not in the Scripture.
56:42 Amen. Yeah.
56:44 Amen. Absolutely.
56:45 Sister Jill.
56:47 I would say the Sabbath is a gift, embrace it,
56:48 accept it and experience
56:50 what God wants to do in your life.
56:52 And I would stay, say study the three angels' messages,
56:55 because in it inherit eternal life.
56:57 Amen. Amen.
56:59 Thank you all, and thank you for joining with us
57:03 for this Sabbath school lesson.
57:05 We appreciate you being with us, and again,
57:07 we want to encourage you to get the quarterly,
57:10 so as you study along with it, you will feel like
57:13 you're more part of this lesson,
57:16 and we encourage you
57:18 to study to show yourself approved
57:20 unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed
57:23 but rightly dividing the word of truth.


Revised 2018-05-23