3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180018A

00:01 The Bible tells us,
00:02 "In the beginning was the Word,
00:04 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
00:07 It says to, "Receive with meekness
00:10 the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself
00:16 approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Preparation
00:28 for the End Time.
00:31 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, and we welcome you
00:33 to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:36 It is so exciting for each of us
00:39 on this panel to have the time to take
00:41 just a single day and kind of,
00:43 you know, if you just read
00:46 this through your Sabbath school lesson
00:48 for the week, you kind of get your toes wet,
00:51 but we kind of try to study and go all the way,
00:54 we're at waist-deep, and then we try to back it out,
00:56 don't we, CA.
00:58 Try to back it out
00:59 so that we're at least knee deep
01:00 when we each give our study for the day.
01:04 And we're learning from one another,
01:05 and we hope
01:07 that you are enjoying this as well.
01:10 We are talking today about Christ
01:13 in the heavenly sanctuary.
01:15 This is coming from our second quarterly,
01:18 which is Preparation for the End Time.
01:22 If you don't have a quarterly,
01:24 you can go
01:26 to ABSG.Adventist.org
01:31 and download a quarterly or better yet,
01:36 go to your local Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:38 They'll be happy
01:40 not only to give you a quarterly
01:41 but to invite you to study with them.
01:45 I mean, this is wonderful.
01:47 I am excited about this lesson,
01:50 Christ in the heavenly sanctuary.
01:52 But before we begin, I want to introduce our panel,
01:56 next to me, my dear,
01:58 precious friend Mollie Sue Steenson.
02:00 And, Mollie, we're very thankful
02:01 to have you here.
02:04 You used to be the general manager,
02:06 almost said it again,
02:07 but you're still a vice-president of 3ABN,
02:09 and then we have Greg Morikone,
02:10 who is vice president and production manager.
02:14 Good to be here.
02:15 Wonderful to have you, Greg, and next to him,
02:17 his lovely wife, Jill Morikone, who is our new general manager,
02:22 very thankful.
02:23 And then we have
02:24 the illustrious and articulate CA Murray with us,
02:29 Pastor CA Murray,
02:31 who is the general manager of the Proclaim channel.
02:35 I'm going to ask Greg, yeah,
02:37 we don't get to have you on here very often,
02:39 but would you please open with prayer.
02:41 Sure, yeah, let's pray.
02:42 Father in heaven, Lord,
02:44 we again thank You for the opportunity
02:46 of opening Your Word.
02:47 And, Lord, as we study the Sabbath school lesson
02:50 for this week, we just pray for Your Holy Spirit
02:52 to impress upon our minds the things
02:55 that we need to take to heart.
02:57 And, Lord, we thank You that You never leave us
03:01 nor forsake us, and, Lord,
03:03 that Your Word is powerful and quick,
03:05 and, Lord, that it'll do something in our lives
03:07 if we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell there.
03:10 So, Lord, we just thank You again
03:11 for the opportunity we have here as this panel
03:13 but those at home
03:15 have opened your holy scriptures,
03:16 and in Jesus' name, we pray.
03:18 Amen. Amen.
03:19 Amen and amen. Thank you, Greg.
03:20 But we hope that you at home have your Bible with you
03:24 and something to take notes on.
03:27 What we're going to be talking about is,
03:30 I said, this is lesson five,
03:32 Christ in the heavenly sanctuary.
03:35 And we're going to explore
03:37 what is Christ doing in the heavenly sanctuary?
03:40 Why is it so important that we understand
03:44 what He's doing in these last days
03:46 because after Christ completed His work here on earth,
03:52 as our sacrifice He went to the heavenly sanctuary
03:57 to minister as our high priest.
04:00 I want to read two scriptures that are on Sabbath's lesson,
04:04 Hebrews 10:12, it says, "This man,"
04:07 speaking of Christ, Jesus,
04:09 "after he'd offered
04:11 one sacrifice for sins forever."
04:14 Once for all, no more sacrifices.
04:16 That's right.
04:17 "He sat down at the right hand of God."
04:19 In Hebrews 6:20, it says,
04:21 "Where the forerunner has entered for us
04:25 even Jesus having become
04:29 our high priest forever
04:31 according to the order of Melchizedek."
04:34 So His intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary
04:39 is crucial for us in preparation
04:43 for the end time.
04:44 Let's read our memory text together.
04:47 This is Philippians 2:9-10,
04:51 coming from the NIV version,
04:55 and it reads,
04:57 "God exalted Him to the highest place
05:00 and gave Him the name that is above every name,
05:04 that at the name of Jesus
05:07 every knee should bow in heaven and on earth
05:11 and under the earth."
05:13 I want to read something from the Great Controversy.
05:16 A wonderful book, if you haven't read that book,
05:19 I highly encourage you to get a copy
05:21 of the Great Controversy by E.G. White.
05:24 I know so many people
05:26 who have become Christians and Adventist Christians
05:31 because of reading that book.
05:32 But I'm gonna read
05:34 from page 488, and it says this,
05:39 "The subject of the sanctuary in the investigative judgment
05:42 should be clearly understood by the people of God.
05:45 All need a knowledge for themselves of the position
05:48 and work of their great High Priest.
05:50 Otherwise it will be impossible for them to exercise the faith
05:54 which is essential at this time or to occupy the position
05:58 which God designs them to fill."
06:01 So Sunday's lesson,
06:03 we are studying the supreme sacrifice of Jesus,
06:07 and the lesson asks the question,
06:09 "Why did God send His Son into the world?"
06:11 Well, I started thinking about that,
06:13 and I'm going to give you a number of things
06:14 that I thought of that...
06:16 I won't give you all the scripture references,
06:19 but we know that God sent His son
06:21 into the world
06:23 while we were still sinners as a demonstration of His love.
06:26 Jesus came into the world to be a light in darkness,
06:31 to give us the truth,
06:33 to reveal the true nature of God,
06:36 to be a light to the world, preach the kingdom of God,
06:41 the good news of salvation by grace,
06:44 to call sinners to repentance, and to destroy evil,
06:48 the Bible says. He came to seek and save
06:51 the lost sinners by giving His life as a ransom,
06:55 and He came to give us abundant life right now
06:59 and the promise of eternal life forever.
07:02 So let's look at Romans 8:3,
07:05 we're talking again about Christ
07:07 as our supreme sacrifice.
07:10 In Romans 8:3, this is what Paul writes,
07:13 "For what the law could not do in that
07:16 it was weak through the flesh,
07:18 God did by sending His own Son
07:22 in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin.
07:27 He condemned sin in the flesh."
07:31 The law was holy, the law was good, Paul said.
07:35 It revealed our transgressions,
07:38 it revealed the righteousness of God,
07:41 but our flesh is weak, and there is absolutely no way
07:45 that you or I could render perfect obedience
07:48 to the law of God.
07:50 The law did not have the power to justify...
07:53 In fact, the law called for animal sacrifices
07:56 and when you think about this, you know, it showed us
08:00 that it was going to take a substitutionary sacrifice
08:03 to pay for our sins,
08:05 but the Bible says in Hebrews 10:4,
08:08 "That the animal blood could not remove sin."
08:12 The sacrifice merely pointed to Jesus Christ
08:16 who paid the penalty for all of our sins.
08:19 So God so loved the world, He sent His Son
08:22 in the likeness of sinful flesh.
08:26 When you think about it, His divinity was veiled
08:30 by His humanity at the incarnation.
08:34 He came to be a sin offering,
08:36 but He Himself was sinless.
08:40 He walked in perfect obedience
08:44 so that He could offer Himself as a sacrifice,
08:46 so let's look at 2 Corinthians 5:21.
08:52 2 Corinthians 5:21, "For He made Him
08:55 who knew no sin to be sin for us..."
09:00 because our sins were placed upon Christ, the sinless one.
09:04 And then it says why He did this,
09:08 "That we might become
09:10 the righteousness of God in Him."
09:15 There's an exchange here, this reconciliation
09:18 that Christ took our sins upon Him,
09:22 and then He credited
09:24 or imputed His righteousness to us.
09:26 Hallelujah!
09:28 And let's look at the Old Testament,
09:29 Isaiah 53:10. Isaiah 53:10.
09:34 This is such an amazing scripture,
09:37 Isaiah 53:10,
09:41 "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him..."
09:44 This is speaking
09:47 of the suffering servant of God, the Messiah.
09:52 "It pleased the Lord to bruise Him.
09:55 He has put Him to grief.
09:57 When You,"
09:59 talking about God, "make His soul,"
10:03 talking about Christ, "an offering for sin,
10:06 He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days,
10:10 And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand."
10:15 You know, the oath when we think about it,
10:21 the law demanded Christ's death, didn't it?
10:27 The law demanded His death.
10:29 And throughout His humiliation, both in...
10:32 And I'm talking about His humiliation
10:34 not just on the cross,
10:36 but His humiliation in giving up His glory
10:39 and just coming and taking on our flesh,
10:41 throughout His humiliation in life and in death,
10:46 Christ remained faithful, and He became our sin offering,
10:51 a perfect final substitutionary sacrifice,
10:55 and it was the final sacrifice,
10:57 bringing all other sacrifices to the end.
11:00 He condemned sin in the flesh,
11:03 He broke the power of sin at the cross.
11:07 So let's look at 1 Timothy 1:17,
11:11 why did God...
11:15 Why did Christ have to become
11:19 a human being?
11:21 Why couldn't He have just shown up and said,
11:24 "Here I am, tada"?
11:25 Listen...
11:27 'Cause, well, first of all,
11:28 we had to have a substitute that died for us.
11:30 1 Timothy 1:17 says this,
11:33 "Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible,
11:39 to God who alone is wise,
11:41 be honor and glory forever and ever."
11:44 So we see that God is eternal, immortal, and invisible,
11:48 but now let's turn over to 1 Timothy 6:16,
11:53 this explains
11:55 why Christ had to be incarnated.
11:58 He came to walk in our own shoes,
12:02 yes, to be an example to us,
12:04 yes, to experience everything that we'd been through
12:07 so that He could be a faithful high priest,
12:10 but 1 Timothy 6:16, speaking of God says,
12:14 "who alone has immortality,"
12:19 only God is immortal at this time,
12:22 "dwelling in unapproachable light,
12:26 whom no man has seen or can see,
12:30 to him be honor and everlasting power."
12:35 Now before I make my points,
12:36 I want to read one more scripture,
12:37 1 Corinthians 15:51-53,
12:41 it says, "Behold, I tell you a mystery,
12:43 we shall not all sleep,
12:44 but we shall all be changed in a moment,
12:46 in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
12:49 For the trumpet will sound,
12:51 and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
12:54 and we shall be changed..."
12:56 When?
12:58 At the trumpet, the last trumpet,
13:00 so this is when Christ returns.
13:03 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
13:05 and this mortal must put on immortality."
13:11 See, only God can grant immortality to us,
13:16 but as God,
13:19 if Christ had not taken on the flesh,
13:21 He couldn't have died.
13:23 He couldn't have died for us, so He had to come as a mortal,
13:29 become a mortal being, taking on our flesh,
13:33 taking on our immortality,
13:35 so that he could die as our substitute.
13:38 And our quarterly says this,
13:40 "Though divine in though in nature God,
13:43 Jesus took on human likeness, humbled Himself
13:46 by becoming obedient to death on the cross
13:50 and in a way known only to God."
13:53 It says, "The divinity of Christ
13:54 did not die when Jesus died on the cross,
13:57 but in some way, beyond human comprehension,
14:00 the divinity of Jesus was quiescent
14:03 during the nine months in the womb
14:05 and in the days of the tomb
14:07 and Jesus never used it to aid His humanity
14:10 during His life in ministry here."
14:12 The point is this, Jesus was born to die.
14:17 He was born to die for me, He was born to die for you,
14:21 and if you will accept His supreme sacrifice,
14:25 you will be saved.
14:27 Amen. Wow.
14:28 Beautiful, Shelley. Praise the Lord.
14:30 Thank you so much, you know,
14:31 in looking at Christ in the heavenly sanctuary,
14:37 and today, I've got Monday, and I look at the Lamb of God,
14:40 and you're talking about the supreme sacrifice.
14:44 Now, when you look at...
14:46 When you hear the Lamb of God,
14:50 that is sanctuary talk, is it not?
14:52 Oh, yes, He sure is. Yes, it is.
14:55 And I'm looking at...
14:57 We're looking at the heavenly sanctuary,
15:00 now was there a earthly sanctuary?
15:02 Yes.
15:03 What happened every year down at Shiloh,
15:07 that was the sanctuary on the earth at Shiloh,
15:12 every year at the same time, they took a lamb.
15:17 What was applied to that lamb?
15:20 Well, that lamb took on figuratively
15:25 all the sins of the nation, did it not?
15:28 Yes. And they took that lamb.
15:32 It was a spotless lamb,
15:34 a lamb without spot or wrinkle or any such thing.
15:37 Shelley, just as you described our divine,
15:40 our supreme sacrifice.
15:42 They put that lamb on the altar,
15:45 and they took a dagger and they plunged that dagger
15:49 through his heart.
15:50 Now that was in the natural...
15:53 That was in the natural sanctuary,
15:55 here on this earth, down at Shiloh,
15:59 and all again, what was the purpose of that lamb?
16:03 All of the sins of the nation were applied to that lamb
16:06 once a year,
16:08 but what had to happen the next year?
16:11 Had to do the same thing over again.
16:14 Well, and on Monday, we look at the Lamb of God.
16:20 Now remember, and it's John 1:29,
16:25 John the Baptist addresses Jesus
16:29 as Jesus was approaching him
16:32 in the wilderness at Bethabara,
16:35 did I say that word correctly, Bethabara?
16:37 Sounds good to me.
16:39 That was beyond the Jordan, what was John doing there?
16:42 He was baptizing, and so here comes Jesus.
16:47 Now Jesus was John's cousin,
16:50 but I believe that John received
16:53 this by divine revelation
16:55 because I doubt
16:57 that at the last family reunion,
17:00 John and Jesus got together and said,
17:02 "Do you know what?
17:04 I think I'm the Lamb of God," and John said,
17:06 "Do you know what, I think you're the..."
17:07 No, I think this was by divine revelation.
17:09 Yes. Yes.
17:11 But here what John says, John 1:29,
17:14 "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him,
17:19 and said, " what?
17:21 "Behold!
17:22 The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"
17:27 Now when John called Jesus, the Lamb of God,
17:32 he was making reference to sanctuary,
17:37 he was making reference to Jesus,
17:42 purpose for being here on the earth as you said,
17:45 Jesus born to die, born of a woman to die,
17:49 resurrected from the dead to live forever
17:53 as the King of kings and Lord of lords,
17:55 just to take that thought further.
17:57 Even more directly,
17:58 He was making reference to Christ's death for sin,
18:03 the ultimate culmination of all the sacrificial animals.
18:07 How long had they been sacrificing an animal?
18:11 Ever since God instituted
18:15 the feast of Passover
18:18 had they been sacrificing.
18:21 Even before.
18:22 That was the beginning of that sacrificial system.
18:27 The ultimate common culmination of all of those sacrifices
18:31 of that had ever been slain or sacrificed sin throughout
18:36 Hebrew sanctuary ritual history.
18:39 Okay, did you have a thought that you had on that?
18:41 Well, just...
18:43 I was just going to add that actually that's when
18:45 the sanctuary sacrificial system came,
18:48 but we know that from the very beginning,
18:52 when Adam and Eve lost their Shekinah glory,
18:55 God had to sacrifice,
18:57 and He instituted the sacrificial system
18:59 then we see with Cain and Abel,
19:01 so I know what you were talking about,
19:03 just wanted to clarify.
19:04 With the sanctuary...
19:06 The sanctuary, just wanted to clarify.
19:08 Okay, and that was good clarification.
19:10 Okay all four of the gospels,
19:13 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John do the same thing.
19:16 They tell the story of what Jesus did
19:19 in His role as the Lamb of God
19:21 who takes away the sin of the world.
19:23 Now, here's a point that I think is worth making.
19:28 We aren't...
19:29 Have you ever heard this,
19:31 "I'm just a sinner saved by grace"?
19:33 Now is there truth in that,
19:36 but we aren't just sinners saved by grace.
19:40 We are now saints who are saved by faith.
19:44 That's good. Yeah, that's excellent.
19:46 Jesus takes away the sin of the world,
19:49 he who die to sin
19:52 consider ourselves dead to sin,
19:55 have we died to sin?
19:56 Then we consider ourselves dead to sin.
19:59 We were made free from sin. And, Jill, I'll do it.
20:04 I just have to put it in here.
20:05 If we confess our sins,
20:07 He's faithful and just to forgive us
20:09 and to cleanse us
20:11 from all unrighteousness, His sacrifice,
20:15 and that sacrifice was at Calvary,
20:18 He is the Lamb of God.
20:20 That sacrifice made a way for us
20:25 because He who knew no sin became sin.
20:28 Remember, what that...
20:30 In the natural sanctuary at Shiloh,
20:35 the sins were applied to that animal for the nation
20:39 for that year, and then He was sacrificed.
20:42 Well, He who knew no sin became sin for who?
20:47 For us.
20:48 He took our sins upon Himself as the Lamb of God
20:53 and, oh, is that double imputation,
20:57 I love that word.
20:58 Jill Morikone, to my knowledge, is the one that coined that.
21:01 He became sin for us, He took our sins,
21:05 but then you know what else He did?
21:08 He Imputed righteousness to us.
21:12 He took our sins, and we became righteous.
21:15 Hey, what kind of deal is that?
21:17 Amen. Okay.
21:20 Let me just...
21:21 Let's just look at a few scriptures
21:23 concerning Christ as the Lamb of God.
21:26 Go to Revelation,
21:27 we're going to look at a few there,
21:29 and then we'll probably jump back to Hebrews,
21:32 but Revelation 5:12,
21:37 the scripture says,
21:39 "Worthy is the Lamb
21:40 who was slain to receive power,
21:44 and riches, and wisdom,
21:46 and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessings!"
21:51 Worthy is that Lamb.
21:53 Now in Revelation 13:8,
21:58 we're talking about those that worship the beast.
22:03 Shelley, I know you shared the scripture earlier,
22:06 maybe not in today's lesson,
22:08 but I know this scripture has been mentioned
22:11 a few times, Revelation 13:8,
22:16 "All who dwell on the earth will worship him,"
22:19 and that's talking about the beast,
22:21 whose names have
22:23 not been written in the Book of Life
22:26 of the Lamb slain
22:28 from the foundation of the world."
22:29 Oh!
22:31 Do we want our name written in the Book of Life?
22:34 Okay, and I now I want
22:35 to just touch on this, Hebrews 1:3,
22:38 jump to Hebrews just for a minute.
22:40 Hebrews 1:3,
22:42 we're told that Jesus did this after His ascension
22:47 because He is the Lamb that was slain,
22:50 but you know that...
22:52 And we understand His death burial,
22:55 but let's look at the resurrection,
22:57 "Who being the brightness of His glory
23:00 and the express image of His person,
23:03 and upholding all things by the word of His power,
23:07 when He had by Himself purged our sins."
23:10 Done what? Purged our sins.
23:12 Here's what happened.
23:14 "He sat down at the right hand of Majesty on high."
23:19 So where is Jesus right now?
23:20 Seated at the right hand of the Father.
23:22 What is He doing for us?
23:24 He is forever making intercession for us.
23:27 His work at His crucifixion, at His death,
23:32 it didn't end there as the Lamb of God
23:36 after His work as the sacrificial lamb,
23:40 Christ became something, Shelley, you hit on it.
23:43 He is now our great high priest.
23:47 And what does a high priest do? What is an intercessor?
23:51 He's forever making intercession for us.
23:53 He is our great high priest.
23:55 And you know what an intercessor does?
23:58 An intercessor stands in the gap
24:00 and makes up the hedge,
24:02 the Lord Jesus Christ, Greg, he takes hold of your hand,
24:06 then he takes hand, hold of the hand of God,
24:10 and He brings us together that is what He's doing for us.
24:14 He's as our great high priest.
24:16 He's forever making intercession for us.
24:21 Let's go to Hebrews 4,
24:22 I think I've got you in Hebrews 1 now.
24:24 Let's go to Hebrews 4 and look at 14-16, it says,
24:29 "Seeing then that we have a great high priest
24:31 who is passed from the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God,
24:35 let us hold fast our confession,
24:37 for we do not have a high priest
24:39 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
24:42 but was in all points tempted as we are,
24:44 yet without sin.
24:45 Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace
24:49 that we may obtain mercy and grace to help
24:52 in time of need."
24:53 As the Lamb of God,
24:55 our sins were transferred to Him,
24:57 as our great high priest,
24:59 He's standing in the gap making up the hedge for us.
25:02 Hooray! Amen.
25:04 Yeah, that's great. Wow!
25:06 This is just a great study,
25:07 Christ in the heavenly sanctuary,
25:09 and I have Tuesday, and it's our high priest,
25:13 and Mollie in this last passage that she was reading,
25:15 here actually mentions
25:17 that Christ being the high priest,
25:19 what I want to do is actually go to Hebrews 7,
25:22 so just a couple of chapters
25:25 further in the Book of Hebrews.
25:27 Hebrews 7,
25:28 and we're going to be looking at verses 22-24.
25:33 And the question that I have here
25:35 is what qualifications does Christ have
25:39 as our high priest
25:41 that no other priest could ever have?
25:45 So let's look at Hebrews 7:22-24,
25:51 and I have it...
25:53 Again, my wife has typed some of this out for me,
25:54 so I'm going to read it here from my paper.
25:56 It says, I have three points, and point number one is,
25:59 "He has a permanent priesthood."
26:02 Point number one. He has a permanent priesthood.
26:04 It says, "By so much more,"
26:06 and that's referring to Melchizedek,
26:08 "Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant."
26:12 Amen.
26:13 "Also there were many priests
26:16 because they were prevented by death
26:18 from continuing but He, Jesus Christ,
26:22 because He continues forever
26:25 has an unchangeable priesthood."
26:27 So there we have it, He, meaning Jesus,
26:29 continues forever.
26:31 So point number one,
26:32 "He has a permanent priesthood."
26:33 Point number two,
26:35 "He is able to save completely."
26:38 Let's confer that. Hebrews 7:25, let's turn there.
26:41 Hebrews...
26:43 Well, a couple verses down actually.
26:44 Hebrews 7:25, and it says,"
26:47 Wherefore, He is able also to save them
26:50 to the uttermost
26:52 that come unto God by him seeing
26:56 He ever liveth to make intercession for them."
27:00 So we have here, He is able to save completely,
27:03 and that is where it says save to the uttermost.
27:06 I'd say that's powerful. Amen.
27:09 Point number three, "He is God, and He is holy,
27:15 and He has authority to forgive our sins, my sins."
27:19 Wow! Praise the Lord.
27:20 Hebrews 7:26 and 27, and it says,
27:25 "For such a high priest became us,
27:29 who is holy, harmless,
27:32 undefiled, separate from sinners,
27:35 and has become higher than the heavens
27:38 who does not need daily,
27:40 as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices,
27:44 first, for His own sins, and then for the people's,
27:48 for He did this once for all
27:50 when He offered up Himself."
27:53 So Christ offered up Himself as the ultimate sacrifice
27:57 for my sins.
27:59 He knew no sin, I think that's an important part too,
28:01 He knew no sin.
28:02 I think, Shelley, you touched on that earlier
28:03 but He died for me, took what I deserved.
28:06 "Christ also came as a man to live this life,"
28:09 verse 26 says, "He became us..."
28:12 Became "us".
28:13 It's something that I have a hard time...
28:15 I don't think I'll ever understand,
28:16 Pastor CA,
28:18 how God could be 100% divine and 100% human.
28:22 You know, that's just amazing
28:23 but God has that all figured out,
28:25 and I appreciate so much His sacrifice for me.
28:28 "Christ's sacrifice was complete.
28:30 It was once and for all.
28:32 It needed to happen only one time."
28:33 And I think, Mollie, you were mentioning that.
28:36 "It only needed to happen one time,
28:37 and it was sufficient to bring salvation
28:39 to every human being."
28:41 And I just have a little side note here
28:43 in my notes, another side note in my notes.
28:46 "Sufficient to bring salvation,"
28:48 and I just have here what a gift...
28:49 What a gift from Jesus Christ.
28:51 It always touches my heart, and I think,
28:53 many times we need
28:54 to just contemplate that sacrifice,
28:56 and Ellen White mentions that too,
28:57 what Jesus has done for us, it's truly amazing.
29:00 So the three points...
29:01 Again, the question was what qualifications
29:05 does Christ have as our high priest
29:07 that no other priest could ever have?
29:08 Point one, He has a permanent Priesthood,
29:11 He is able to save completely, and then point three,
29:13 He is God, He is holy,
29:15 and He has authority to forgive sins.
29:19 I want to look at Hebrews 8:6.
29:22 Hebrews 8:6,
29:24 and this is talking about Christ as our mediator.
29:28 And again, you were talking about Christ
29:29 as our intercessor, Mollie.
29:31 Hebrews 8:6 says,
29:34 "But now, He has obtained a more excellent ministry
29:40 inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant,
29:44 which was established on better promises."
29:48 So we have a more excellent ministry,
29:50 here Paul begins the discussion of Christ
29:53 as the mediator of a better covenant,
29:56 and Mollie again mentioned this,
29:58 but mediator is one
29:59 who mediates between two parties
30:02 to remove a disagreement or to reach a common goal.
30:06 And, Mollie, I liked what you did,
30:08 you know, you grasped my hand,
30:09 and your illustration was just powerful.
30:11 Yeah, because it's really bringing sinful man
30:14 and God together.
30:15 So I tell you, praise the Lord for that.
30:17 Interesting little side note here,
30:18 it says the word mediator occurs six times
30:22 in the New Testament,
30:24 and four times it's with reference to Christ.
30:27 Christ is the mediator between God and man
30:30 and can lay His hands on both us
30:33 as sinful human beings and His connection with God.
30:36 As God, He understands God and can speak for Him,
30:41 as man He understands man
30:44 and can sympathetically minister for Him
30:47 before the Father in heaven.
30:49 It's just like wow, praise the Lord.
30:50 If we could stand up here on this Sabbath school set,
30:52 I think I would.
30:53 Praise the Lord for that.
30:55 I tell you, it's just, wow, it's just unbelievable.
30:58 And I have here, this is from the lesson,
30:59 so if you're following along in your Sabbath school lesson,
31:01 it's, the question is what has Christ obtained
31:05 for us through His death and now His ministry in heaven?
31:10 So let's look next chapter
31:11 over Hebrews 9:11-15.
31:17 And we'll just go verse 11 and 12, it says,
31:21 "But when Christ appears
31:23 as a high priest of the good things to come,
31:26 He entered through the greater
31:28 and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands,
31:31 that is to say not of this creation."
31:34 Verse 12,
31:35 "And not through the blood of goats and calves,
31:38 but through His own blood,
31:40 He entered the Holy Place once and for all,"
31:43 which you were mentioning, Mollie,
31:45 having obtained eternal redemption."
31:48 So Christ has obtained eternal redemption
31:50 and He turned to life to those who believe in Him.
31:54 And redemption to me, and actually it's not to me,
31:57 but this is the Greek translation,
31:59 that also means to ransom or releasing or deliverance.
32:04 So if you read the last part of verse 12,
32:06 it says having obtained eternal deliverance.
32:10 Praise God for that.
32:11 Verse 13 says,
32:13 "For if the blood of goats and bulls
32:14 and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling
32:17 those who have been defiled sanctified
32:20 for the cleansing of the flesh."
32:22 So here we have the type
32:24 which would be the heifer, the goat,
32:26 it's, obviously, symbolic of Christ's sacrifice
32:29 for each one of us.
32:31 Verse 14, here is the anti-type.
32:34 Verse 14 says,
32:35 "How much more will the blood of Christ..."
32:38 He's the anti-type,
32:40 "Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself
32:44 without blemish to God,
32:46 cleanse your conscience from dead works
32:48 to serve the Living God."
32:51 And I took from the...
32:53 I like, you know, to do some different studies.
32:54 And from the SDA Commentary,
32:56 I like what it says here for the word serve
32:58 at the end of verse 14,
32:59 it says, "Serve the Living God."
33:00 It says,
33:02 "Cleansing, or we are redeemed for service?"
33:04 Cleansing is not an end in itself,
33:07 it prepares men to render acceptable service to God.
33:12 I know I'm running out of time, but I wanted to just read this.
33:14 This is from Sanctified Life, page 87 and it says, Paul,
33:19 in reference to Colossians 3:12,
33:21 "But Paul seeks to impress upon the minds
33:24 the fact that the foundation of all acceptable service..."
33:28 We're talking about service to God,
33:30 "As well as the very
33:31 of the Christian grace is love."
33:34 Because sometimes okay, what is my service to God,
33:35 and that's what I was looking up
33:37 because how do I serve God acceptably?
33:39 And it says, "With love, and that only in the soul
33:42 where love reigns will the peace of God abide."
33:46 And then you can look up actually Colossians 3:12-17
33:50 because that scripturally answers
33:51 that as well.
33:53 It's just a powerful passage,
33:54 "Well, let's move on to verse 15,
33:56 we're again into Hebrews 9:15,
33:59 it says, "For this reason,
34:01 He is the mediator of the new covenant.
34:05 So that since the death has taken place
34:07 for the redemption of the transgressions
34:10 that were committed under the first covenant,
34:12 those who have been called
34:13 may receive the promise of eternal inheritance."
34:18 So the mediator of the new covenant...
34:20 What is the new covenant?
34:21 Let's look at Hebrews 8:10,
34:24 so let's just flip back to chapter Hebrews 8:10 says,
34:28 "For this is the covenant
34:30 that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,"
34:33 says the Lord."
34:34 What does He say?
34:36 I will put My laws in their mind
34:39 and write them on their hearts,
34:41 and I will be their God, and they will be My people.
34:46 So Christ is our Sacrifice, He is our High Priest,
34:49 He is our Redeemer and our Mediator,
34:52 and I want to read this in closing.
34:54 This comes from Desire of Ages,
34:55 "Christ was treated as we deserve
34:58 that we might be treated as He deserves.
35:01 He was condemned for our sins in which He had no share
35:05 that we might be justified by His righteousness
35:09 in which we had no share.
35:11 He suffered the death which was ours
35:13 that we might receive the life which was His,
35:16 with His stripes, we are healed."
35:18 That's from Desire of Ages, page 25.
35:21 Amen, thank you so much,
35:23 I loved that passage from Desire of Ages,
35:26 how Christ was treated as we deserved,
35:28 that's that double imputation we were talking about before.
35:30 That's true.
35:31 He took our sin,
35:33 and then imputed to us His righteous.
35:36 What an incredible gift.
35:38 We've been talking today about Christ as our substitute,
35:42 Christ as our sacrifice, Christ as our high priest.
35:48 In my portion,
35:49 some of the scriptures you all read,
35:51 I'm going to touch on again,
35:52 but my portion has to do with Christ as our intercessor,
35:57 still dealing with a high priestly ministry
35:59 of the Lord Jesus, but Him as intercessor,
36:03 we all have a need for an intercessor,
36:07 would you say that's accurate?
36:08 You think about in the Garden of Eden...
36:11 When Adam and Eve first sinned, sin brought fear,
36:16 sin brought guilt,
36:18 sin brought separation from the Father.
36:21 Remember, when God came to talk with them
36:24 in the cool of the day, and they ran and they hid.
36:28 Sin brought that separation.
36:30 And I know each one of you
36:31 have been touching on that a bit.
36:33 Romans 3, turn with me to Romans 3,
36:36 and we know we can quote this scripture,
36:38 we know that all have sinned
36:40 and fallen short of the glory of God.
36:44 We all have sinned,
36:45 but yet we all have the opportunity
36:49 to be justified by His blood
36:51 'cause this scripture does not stop there
36:54 and praise the Lord, it doesn't.
36:55 It could just stop with "
36:57 all have sinned and fallen short,"
36:58 and we would be without hope, but yet the next verse,
37:02 it says, "Being justified freely
37:04 by His grace..."
37:05 We all have the opportunity,
37:07 the privilege of being justified,
37:09 "By His grace through the redemption
37:11 that is in Christ, Jesus."
37:13 He bought us back,
37:15 He redeemed us out of the kingdom of darkness
37:17 and brought us
37:19 into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
37:20 Yes, amen. Hallelujah!
37:21 Amen. We are justified through that.
37:23 And verse 25,
37:25 "Whom God set forth as a propitiation..."
37:27 On our previous lesson, we talked about that
37:29 in this symbolism of the mercy seat,
37:33 "And through His blood,
37:35 through faith to demonstrate His forbearance,
37:38 His righteousness..."
37:39 I'm sorry, let me read that again,
37:41 "Whom God set forth as a propitiation
37:45 by His blood through faith
37:47 to demonstrate His righteousness
37:50 because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins
37:53 that were previously committed
37:55 to demonstrate at the present time
37:56 His righteousness
37:58 that He might be just and the justifier,
38:00 the one who has faith in Christ."
38:03 Praise the Lord that because of Jesus
38:06 we know we all have sinned but because of Jesus
38:08 we all have the opportunity to be justified,
38:11 and we all could be reconciled again back to the Father.
38:16 Ephesians 2:18, "Through Him,
38:20 we both have access by one spirit to the Father."
38:24 Because of the substitutionary death
38:26 of Jesus Christ, we have access again to God.
38:30 We can be connected back again, that mediatorial work.
38:36 We all also are condemned and accused by Satan.
38:41 Let's look at Zechariah 3.
38:43 Zechariah 3 has an interesting vision
38:47 that is given to Zechariah.
38:49 Zechariah is kind of a hard book to find,
38:52 were almost the last book
38:54 in the Old Testament Zechariah, Malachi.
38:57 Zechariah 3,
38:58 we'll start with verse 1, "Then He showed me..."
39:01 This is the vision Zechariah had,
39:04 "Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest,
39:06 standing before the angel of the Lord
39:08 and Satan standing
39:10 at his right hand to oppose him."
39:12 Now we know that Joshua was literally
39:16 the high priest at that time.
39:19 During the time of Zechariah, Joshua was the high priest.
39:22 And the angel of the Lord being Jesus Christ,
39:26 and we know that Satan was standing at His right hand
39:30 to oppose Him.
39:32 We know Satan is always the accuser of the brethren.
39:37 Revelation 12:10,
39:38 "I heard a loud voice in heaven saying now
39:40 the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God
39:43 and the authority of His Christ have come,
39:46 for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down,
39:51 he who accuses them before our God day and night."
39:53 So what's taking place here is Satan is accusing Joshua,
39:58 the high priest.
39:59 Now the name for Joshua is Yeshua in Hebrew,
40:03 and we also can see that analogy
40:06 that Christ took our sins,
40:10 and we can see that as well, and the Lord said,
40:13 we're in verse 2, Zechariah 3:2,
40:15 "And the Lord said to Satan, the Lord rebuke you Satan,
40:19 the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you,
40:21 it's not a brand plucked from the fire.
40:23 Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments
40:26 and was standing before the angel."
40:28 If we look at Joshua being the literal high priest,
40:31 it's symbolic of the sins of Israel.
40:33 He's standing there,
40:35 you know, symbolizing clothed in these filthy garments.
40:37 Now we know Jesus also took our sin upon Himself.
40:43 Verse 4, "Then He answered and spoke to those
40:45 who stood before Him, saying,
40:47 "Take away the filthy garments from him.
40:50 Take the filthy garments off of Joshua."
40:52 And to him, he said,
40:54 "See, I have removed your iniquity from you.
40:56 I will clothe you with rich robes."
40:58 And I said, "Let them put a clean turban on his head."
41:01 So they put a clean turban on his head,
41:03 and they put the clothes on him.
41:04 And the angel of the Lord stood by,
41:06 Joshua's filthy garments were taken away.
41:09 The filthy garments were taken away,
41:12 and he was clothed and covered with Christ's righteousness."
41:18 We know that Christ does not condemn us,
41:24 instead He stands before the Father interceding
41:28 on our behalf.
41:30 We know that at the point of justification,
41:33 each one of us,
41:35 when we come to Christ, at that moment,
41:38 we stand before the Father as if we have never sinned.
41:42 It's amazing.
41:43 At the same time, after we experience conversion,
41:46 there are going to be times when we make a mistake,
41:49 when we slip up, and I think those are the times
41:52 when Satan comes before the Father
41:54 and says, "Okay did you see Jill?"
41:56 I thought she was a Christian and look at this sin,
41:59 and that's, praise the Lord,
42:00 where we have the intercessory work of Christ
42:04 in the most holy place.
42:06 And we see that in 1 John,
42:08 turn with me quickly to 1 John 2:1,
42:12 it says, "My, little children, these things I write to you
42:15 so that you may not sin and if anyone sins,
42:18 we have an advocate with the Father,
42:21 Jesus Christ the righteous,
42:23 He Himself is the propitiation for our sins
42:27 and not for ours only, but also for the whole world."
42:31 Romans 8:34, "Who is he who condemns?"
42:35 We know Satan is the accuser of the brethren, not Christ.
42:37 "Who is he who condemns?"
42:38 It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen
42:43 and is at the right hand of God,
42:45 who makes intercession for us."
42:48 So I just imagined in my simple mind
42:51 that Christ is there in the heavenly sanctuary
42:55 and Satan is saying, "Well, you know what they did?
42:57 And you know that's sin?
42:59 And Jesus is pleading His blood
43:02 interceding on our behalf before the Father,
43:06 He's saying, "Yes, Jill made a mistake.
43:08 Yes, Jill sinned, but that has been covered,
43:11 that has been confessed, that is forgiven.
43:15 She can stand before the Father in that righteous white robe."
43:19 We can stand before Him pure and holy
43:22 as if we have never sinned.
43:24 Let's look at a few verses in Hebrews.
43:26 If you're looking at Christ as our high priest,
43:29 there is no better book in the whole Bible
43:30 to look at than the Book of Hebrews
43:32 'cause it has so many references
43:34 to Christ as our high priest.
43:36 Now, Mollie, you referenced this one,
43:38 we're going to look at it again, Hebrews 4:14,
43:41 we're going to look at a couple of scriptures in Hebrews.
43:44 "Seeing then we have a great high priest
43:46 who is passed through the heavens,
43:48 Jesus, the Son of God,
43:49 let us hold fast our confession,
43:51 for we do not have a high priest
43:53 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
43:55 but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin.
43:58 Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace
44:01 that we may obtain mercy
44:02 and find grace to help in our time of need."
44:05 Now we could not come boldly before the Father
44:07 if we did not have the high priest.
44:09 If we did not have this perfect substitute,
44:12 if we did not have Jesus,
44:14 there would be no way that we could come boldly.
44:16 Remember, we're all under the condemnation of sin.
44:19 Adam and Eve hid from God, but because of Jesus,
44:22 we are reconciled back to the Father,
44:25 and we can come boldly before the presence of God.
44:29 I think we just have time for one more.
44:31 Let's look at Hebrews 7,
44:33 and you talk about this one, sweetheart.
44:34 Hebrews 7:25,
44:37 "Therefore, He is also Jesus, our high priest,
44:41 He is also able to save to the uttermost."
44:44 Amen.
44:46 In Greek, it means completely, forever, entirely, perfectly,
44:52 through all time.
44:54 Jesus is able to save completely.
44:57 He can save forever, He can save entirely,
45:00 He can save perfectly, He saves through all time.
45:05 Those who come to God through Him
45:08 since He ever lives to make intercession for us,
45:12 so praise the Lord that we have a high priest
45:16 and that He is interceding for us
45:19 right now before the Father.
45:21 Amen Amen.
45:22 Well done and a beautiful picture of that process.
45:26 On Thursday, we looked at the Day of Atonement,
45:31 and I would ask you to spend some time
45:34 looking at Leviticus 16
45:36 where we have the Day of Atonement
45:38 as practiced by the children of Israel.
45:41 We don't have time to read through all of that,
45:44 but perhaps we do well to look at the Day of Atonement
45:48 through the lens of the Book of Hebrews
45:52 as you have well said, Jill.
45:56 So I want to go to Hebrews 9,
45:58 and I'm gonna start with verse 20
46:00 and just read a few verses
46:01 to sort of set the stage for our discussion.
46:05 I'm in Hebrews 9, beginning of verse 20,
46:08 and this is the New King James, beginning of verse 20,
46:12 "This is the blood of the covenant
46:14 which God has commanded you."
46:16 21, "Then likewise, He sprinkled with blood,
46:19 both the tabernacle
46:21 and all the vessels of the ministry,
46:23 and according to the law,
46:26 almost all things are purified with blood,
46:29 and without shedding of blood,
46:33 there is no remission."
46:37 Shelley, I really appreciated that list of reasons,
46:40 the rationale for Christ's coming,
46:43 His death, His resurrection, and His ministry even now.
46:48 I want to add one more that may be sort of
46:50 an overarching principle to all of those,
46:53 and that is simply because there was no other way.
46:57 There was no other way for our sins to be dealt with
47:02 because blood had to be shed.
47:05 Now, as was read before earlier in the same chapter, Hebrews 9,
47:10 we know that the shedding of blood by goats and bulls
47:16 could never really deal with sin.
47:19 Those acts were done in faith and were accepted as such,
47:23 but we needed the shedding of blood of Jesus
47:28 to really make this, can I say to make this work?
47:34 Psalms 77:13, God's way is in the sanctuary.
47:38 So we always need to study the sanctuary
47:40 for a number of things.
47:41 One, so we can see
47:43 what's going on in heaven right now.
47:45 We can see where we are in the stream of time.
47:48 We can see what is being done for us.
47:52 We can have assurance
47:53 that we're gonna make it through,
47:55 and that Christ is coming back to get us.
47:57 And all of that is wrapped up in this package
47:59 called the sanctuary.
48:04 The work to be done, the cleansing, the atonement,
48:09 the judgment, all within the sanctuary.
48:12 The heavenly sanctuary needed to be cleansed,
48:15 and we see that from Daniel 8:14.
48:17 What we've got to remember about the sanctuary
48:19 is that we are dealing with the people
48:22 who for the most part were illiterate.
48:24 So when they went to church, they were also going to school.
48:28 Absolutely.
48:29 And God through signs, and symbols, and textures,
48:32 and cloths, and colors
48:35 was teaching them about who He was,
48:39 who they were in Him, their responsibilities to Him,
48:44 and their duties as children of the Lord.
48:49 So the sanctuary is crucial, and as we study the sanctuary,
48:54 one of the things that it does, and you've all touched on it,
48:56 it gives us assurance.
48:58 It gives us assurance that God is working it out
49:00 in our behalf...
49:02 Praise God.
49:03 That Christ's act on the cross was not a static event.
49:07 It's a dynamic event, it ushered in a series of moves
49:12 and things that are going on in heaven now
49:14 that are for our benefit, and that gives us assurance.
49:19 A necessary, intimate,
49:22 inseparable part of the atonement
49:25 is this idea of judgment.
49:28 Sin has been committed, wrongs have been done.
49:32 We got to deal with this,
49:33 we got to get this out of the way
49:35 because God's controversy
49:36 is really not so much with His creation,
49:40 it's with sin.
49:42 And if you love sin, and if you value sin,
49:47 then when sin is dealt with,
49:49 default setting is you're going to get dealt with too.
49:52 You know, you've got... you're the in sin or out.
49:54 I remember...
49:55 I think, it was last week or perhaps a week before,
49:57 this wonderful book, it's no longer in print,
50:00 but you can still get it,
50:01 called Living God's Love by Douglas Cooper.
50:04 Who says basically, sin is a love issue.
50:08 You know, it's who do you love and who do you love more.
50:11 And once you put God first in the love continuum,
50:16 then those decisions will become kind of easy.
50:21 I see a $100 lying on the ground,
50:23 should I take that and put it in my pocket
50:25 and go off and praise the Lord?
50:26 Well, if you if you love God,
50:28 that answer becomes a lot easier.
50:32 You know, stealing,
50:35 the breaking of the commandments.
50:36 If you put God first,
50:38 then those questions resolve themselves
50:41 because I'm putting God first,
50:42 you know, my secretary is flirting with me,
50:46 should I respond
50:47 or should I act like a good Christian husband
50:49 and go home to my wife?
50:50 Well, if I love God first,
50:53 how can I sin and do this great wickedness.
50:54 You know those questions become a lot easier
50:57 when you put God first,
50:58 so you're living God's love, so a necessary, intimate,
51:02 inseparable part of the atonement
51:04 is this idea of judgment
51:07 or the adjudication the settling of accounts
51:10 and dealing with sins,
51:12 so we're living now in this anti-typical
51:15 or cosmic day of atonement,
51:17 and we understand that
51:20 by our understanding of the sanctuary.
51:23 It took place on the 10th day of the 7th month,
51:27 which was October 7th called Tishrei.
51:29 And, you know, it's funny.
51:31 When I was in New York,
51:32 and you have such a large Jewish community in New York,
51:34 on Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement,
51:37 New York City shuts down,
51:39 schools are closed, banks are...
51:41 It's like a bank holiday.
51:43 Things shut down
51:44 because the Jewish community is so large
51:47 that they influence the workings of the city,
51:50 it is called a High Holy Day.
51:53 In fact, the most important day in the Jewish calendar,
51:57 so the work of the high priest typified in the work of Christ
52:02 in the heavenly sanctuary.
52:04 The high priest becomes the main actor on this day.
52:08 During the daily sacrifice, a head of a family comes in,
52:13 he brings a lamb, he confesses the sins of that lamb,
52:18 the jugular slit, the blood is drained.
52:22 Those sins are now transferred symbolically from that person,
52:25 from that family warehoused in the sanctuary.
52:29 And so, spiritually, once a year,
52:31 that sanctuary has got to be cleansed,
52:33 those sins have to be dealt with.
52:35 And so now the main actor is the high priest.
52:39 He goes into the holy place one time
52:42 to deal with those sins.
52:44 Well, they're parallel that we have just seen
52:46 that you've all explained so beautifully
52:48 is what Christ is doing even now.
52:50 We are in that Day of Atonement,
52:52 so we know, among other things,
52:55 we're almost at the end,
52:56 ladies and gentlemen, we're almost at the end
52:57 because when Christ comes out of that sanctuary,
53:00 off come the priestly garments, on go the kingly garments.
53:04 And when He comes back,
53:05 He's coming as King of kings and Lord of lords.
53:08 But right now, He's dealing with those sins.
53:11 He is cleansing the sanctuary.
53:13 And some decision has to be made
53:16 as to who is going to make it when Christ comes.
53:20 He says, "When I come, My reward is with Me."
53:24 So a decision has to be made
53:25 as to who gets that reward and who doesn't.
53:29 So when He comes back, the reward is handed out,
53:32 and of course, that is eternal life.
53:33 So those decisions are being made now.
53:36 And that ought to, as Seventh-day Adventists,
53:38 that ought to inform everything we do.
53:41 We are people of the eschaton.
53:43 In other words, we look at the second coming
53:45 and work our way back.
53:46 We are so close to it, there's no time for playing,
53:49 there's no time for laughing, there's no time for jesting,
53:52 there's no time for not being serious with God
53:56 because we are right,
53:58 as you intimated a couple weeks ago, Shelley,
54:00 in the toes of the image, as it were,
54:03 but Christ is getting ready to come out of that sanctuary
54:05 and bring His reward.
54:06 And we, as the people of God,
54:08 must be ready for that grand and glorious day.
54:13 I had a professor once say,
54:15 "Really, this salvation thing is awfully simple
54:17 when you study it,
54:19 simply awful if you don't get it."
54:20 You know what I mean?
54:23 And that's really the way it is.
54:25 This sanctuary shows us where we are,
54:28 shows us what Christ is doing.
54:30 His death on the cross opened up,
54:32 as you so well in telling, Jill,
54:34 a ministry of intercession for us
54:37 which will go on till the day we see Christ face to face.
54:41 And thank God Christ is working it out
54:43 in our behalf in the kingdom, in the sanctuary
54:47 even as we speak, before He comes,
54:50 "He that is just will be just still,
54:52 he that is holy will be holy still.
54:54 He that is unholy will be unholy still."
54:58 It is my prayer and I notice
55:00 the prayer of everyone here on this panel
55:02 and hopefully the prayer of everyone who is watching,
55:04 listening, that you will make your,
55:07 we say, calling and election sure,
55:10 make your life right with Christ,
55:14 surrender to Christ so that when He comes back,
55:17 you'll be a part of that kingdom
55:18 and in that number.
55:19 Wow. Amen.
55:21 You know, I just have to say this,
55:22 it was when the Lord took me to a study of the sanctuary,
55:29 this is when I understood, for the first time in my life,
55:33 salvation by grace through faith.
55:35 We have only touched on this.
55:38 We've talked about Jesus Christ as the supreme sacrifice,
55:43 as the Lamb of God
55:46 which is the sanctuary language.
55:48 We've talked about Him as our high priest.
55:51 And the high priest had to be the one to apply the blood
55:55 in the holy place to do this cleansing.
55:58 We've talked about Him as our intercessor,
56:02 as the one who is, as the Bible says,
56:06 the only mediator between us and God
56:10 and then the Day of Atonement.
56:12 I want to encourage you at home, if you have...
56:16 Perhaps, if you're a Seventh-day Adventist,
56:19 you may be somewhat familiar with this,
56:22 the whole sanctuary system.
56:23 I want you to look at it again through the eyes of grace,
56:28 through the lens of grace, study the sanctuary.
56:31 If you are not a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
56:34 perhaps you're a Christian from another denomination,
56:37 or perhaps you're yet to be a Christian,
56:41 if you will look at the sanctuary system,
56:44 look for Christ,
56:46 He was the central theme of the sanctuary system,
56:50 and this how we understand not only
56:54 how He was our substitute
56:57 but how He is our surety,
57:00 the one who is able to save to the uttermost.
57:04 Well, I just want to thank Mollie, Greg, Jill, and CA,
57:09 and we want to thank you, please join us again next time.
57:12 This is such an exciting...
57:14 As we study Preparation for the End Time,
57:18 our prayer for you is that
57:19 the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:21 the love of the Father,
57:23 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:24 will be with you always.
57:26 Thanks for joining us.


Revised 2018-05-09