3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Jesus and the Book of Revelation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180016A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness the implanted Word
00:11 which is able to save your souls,
00:13 and to be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is Preparation for the End Time.
00:31 Hello, I'm CA Murray,
00:32 and it is my privilege and pleasure
00:34 to welcome you to 3ABN's Sabbath School Panel.
00:39 This is our continuing
00:40 and in-depth study of the Word of God.
00:42 And, of course, we're studying
00:44 this particular quarter under the title,
00:47 the heading, preparation or preparing for the end times,
00:51 and if ever there was a lesson,
00:55 a series of lessons that are needed,
00:56 it would be this lesson at this time,
00:59 preparing for the end times,
01:01 for truly the time of the end is upon us,
01:04 and we are in that time even now.
01:05 So we ask you, we encourage you to join us in the study.
01:09 Grab your Bible, some paper, something to take notes on,
01:11 whatever device you use.
01:14 And should you want a Sabbath School study guide,
01:18 we encourage you to go to ABSG.Adventist.org,
01:23 and you can download Sabbath School study guide
01:26 to study with us, to join us in the study,
01:28 make notes, and keep...
01:29 These are the kinds of things that if you write them down,
01:31 take notes, you will refer to them over and over again
01:34 particularly, if you are a Sabbath School teacher,
01:36 or one who has a chance to give a lesson study,
01:39 or maybe a talk.
01:41 These are the kind of things that can fortify you
01:42 and give you notes and ammunition for your talk.
01:45 So we encourage you to do that even now,
01:47 as together we look at this
01:49 very, very, very important topic,
01:52 getting ourselves ready for the end times.
01:54 I am in the company of some very intelligent
01:56 and articulate students of the Word,
01:59 Ms. Mollie Steenson, good to have you here.
02:01 Thank you. Thank you.
02:02 The lady, Shelley Quinn, good to have you here.
02:05 Greg Morikone, Greg, good to have you here.
02:07 Thank you.
02:08 And Jill Morikone, last but certainly not least.
02:13 Let's go right to prayer, and then we could...
02:15 'Cause there's a lot to say and so much to cover
02:17 as we look at Jesus and the Book of Revelation.
02:20 Of course, the very first line tells us
02:22 why the book is written.
02:23 It is an expose of who Christ is.
02:26 It is an introduction of who Christ is.
02:28 And Christ is woven throughout this wonderful, wonderful book.
02:32 And so, Jill, would you lead us in prayer please?
02:33 Sure.
02:35 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus,
02:37 and we just thank You for the privilege
02:39 for the opening up Your Word.
02:41 We thank You for anointing in Your Word,
02:44 the creative power in it,
02:45 and we just ask right now
02:47 that You would give us clean hands and a pure heart,
02:50 that You would open up our minds and hearts
02:53 to receive what You have for us.
02:56 Give us ears to hear,
02:57 and we thank You in the precious
02:59 and holy name of Jesus, amen.
03:01 Amen and amen.
03:03 Our memory text comes from the Book of Revelation 3:21.
03:09 Shall we read starting together from the NIV?
03:12 The Bible says, "To the one who is victorious,
03:16 I will give the right to sit with me on my throne,
03:21 just as I was victorious
03:23 and sat down with my Father on his throne."
03:28 You know, what is interesting, and we, of course,
03:30 all knows that the New Testament was written in Greek.
03:33 But it was written in Koine Greek which is,
03:36 for one of the better terms, street Greek.
03:38 It's common language Greek.
03:40 And so it's not unusual to know
03:42 and to think that when you're using
03:44 street language, or common language,
03:46 or vernacular to try to communicate thoughts
03:49 that you use things that are very, very familiar to people.
03:54 I found something in the King James,
03:57 of course, the word victorious is overcomer or overcometh.
04:02 I have a series of sermons
04:03 called the theme of the overcomer,
04:05 and there is a theme of overcoming throughout
04:07 the Book of Revelation that if you overcome,
04:09 there are certain things that are laid down for you.
04:12 But in searching the street Greek,
04:15 I found something
04:16 that I thought was very, very interesting.
04:19 The word overcomer,
04:21 does anybody know what that word is in the Greek?
04:23 No, I don't. Yeah.
04:26 Anyone know what this is? Let me show you this way.
04:29 That's a tennis shoe. Yeah, it's a tennis shoe.
04:31 We know that, what that symbol is?
04:33 That's Nike.
04:35 That's a word for overcomer in the Greek, Nike.
04:38 Nike, it is Nike.
04:40 Nike was the Greek god of victory and overcoming.
04:46 In Rome, in Latin, it's Victoria.
04:50 But in Greek, it's Nike.
04:52 She was the god of overcoming, a winged goddess.
04:56 And, so that was used for overcoming.
04:59 So other words therein,
05:03 to subdue, to vanquish a foe,
05:08 not only was she the success,
05:10 she was also the means of success,
05:12 and the primary root is Nike.
05:15 Very, very curious.
05:18 Pronounced Nike.
05:19 But when you bring it into the English,
05:21 Nike becomes Nike,
05:22 it's N-I-K-E, or if I, Nike.
05:26 I thought that was very, very curious.
05:28 So to those who are overcomers...
05:32 We see this in the Book of Revelation,
05:34 there is much that is promised,
05:36 and also there is promise in the Book of Revelation,
05:38 the means for overcoming,
05:40 not only what you get when you overcome.
05:42 I'm so glad that God doesn't say,
05:44 "Do that, and you're on your own to do that."
05:47 He gives us the ability,
05:49 the right to become sons of God.
05:50 He helps us to do what He calls us to do.
05:53 He equips you when He calls you to do.
05:56 So we move now into the study of the lesson.
06:02 What I thought was interesting in looking at Revelation,
06:05 looking at the New Testament,
06:06 in looking at the crucial aspects
06:09 of Old and New Testament,
06:10 33% of the New Testament comes from the Old.
06:15 It's a great amount.
06:17 Some books go as high,
06:18 Hebrews, 69% of Hebrews is Old Testament.
06:22 1 Peter, 69% of Peter is Old Testament.
06:26 Jude, 68% of Jude is Old Testament.
06:31 Most of the books except for just a couple are over 10%.
06:34 So when we talk about the Old Testament and the New,
06:38 the New Testament is just an exposition of,
06:42 a revelation of what was happening in the Old.
06:45 We don't jettison the Old in favor of the New
06:50 because the New is built
06:51 on a foundation of the Old Testament.
06:53 And when quotes were made in the New Testament,
06:56 they were quoting from the Old Testament.
07:00 There are 850 direct quotes
07:01 in the New Testament from the Old Testament.
07:04 And I thought this was interesting...
07:05 Matthew has 96 direct quotes, these are direct quotes.
07:09 Romans, 74 direct quotes, Hebrews, 86 direct quotes,
07:13 Revelation, 249 direct quotes,
07:17 150% of Revelation is from the Old Testament.
07:20 How do you get 150%?
07:22 Because sometimes it quotes twice.
07:25 It takes the same quote
07:27 or it quotes twice in the same text.
07:29 So when we look at Revelation, it's not brand new,
07:32 it's not something hidden,
07:33 it is just a Revelation of Jesus Christ
07:35 who is throughout the whole Bible.
07:37 And when Christ taught Cleopas
07:41 and his friend on the road to Emmaus,
07:44 the Bible says he started at Moses
07:46 and went through the prophets.
07:48 He was teaching them from the Old Testament,
07:51 He was teaching them from the Bible
07:52 that He knew which was the Old Testament.
07:57 So you cannot separate one from the other.
08:00 The New Testament simply finishes
08:03 what the Old Testament begins and pulls it all together.
08:06 And the lesson says,
08:09 the same thing can be said for the Book of Revelation.
08:12 Of all books, it is the one that really spends
08:15 a lot of time bringing Old Testament
08:17 things to fruition and to fulfillment.
08:19 And as we saw in the last couple of weeks,
08:21 certainly the Book of Daniel,
08:22 you cannot really answer all of the questions
08:26 in the Book of Daniel
08:27 until you peg it and tie it to Revelation,
08:31 and it makes a nice tight package of understanding
08:34 when you put them both together.
08:38 On Sunday's lesson, we are talking about
08:42 the structure of the Book of Revelation.
08:49 The lesson is asked
08:50 or the lesson asked the question...
08:54 In the verses that we have, in 1 Corinthians 10:1-11.
08:58 We're not going to read them all.
09:00 How do we see the principles talked about
09:03 that we talked about from above?
09:05 And in that text, there is...
09:09 In those scriptures, there is this part that says
09:11 those things which are written
09:13 are written for examples for us.
09:16 So the Old Testament and the New Testament
09:19 are written for examples for our learning,
09:22 for our teaching, for affirmation,
09:24 and for our conduct.
09:28 They are written so that God's people will know what to do.
09:32 And I remember, we had this discussion once, Shelley,
09:35 that unless you are spending considerable time
09:38 in the Word of God, Old Testament and New,
09:40 you don't even know what promises to claim.
09:43 You know, it's like you have this bank account,
09:44 and you don't have a PIN number,
09:46 it's the money sitting there but you don't have access
09:48 because you don't know that you have this account.
09:51 So you can't even claim the promises
09:54 unless you know the promises.
09:56 And a lot of those promises start at the Old
09:59 and are reiterated in the New.
10:00 They're not brand new in the New,
10:02 they're reiterated over.
10:03 When you look at Hebrews 13:5 and 6,
10:06 and the Lord says,
10:08 "I will never leave you nor forsake you,"
10:10 that's a direct quote from Joshua 1:9.
10:13 It's not brand new in Hebrews, that's an age old quote.
10:16 So a lot of the things that are in the Old
10:19 are reiterated in the New,
10:20 and it's important for God's people to study Old and New
10:23 so that they can be well rounded and balanced,
10:26 and they can know what promises to claim
10:28 and know the wealth of spiritual gold
10:31 that they have and lay access to that goal,
10:34 so that they can be prepared to serve the Lord in peace.
10:37 Let me read something here that I found very interesting.
10:40 As we found last week, some of the stories in Daniel
10:45 were localized, historical incidents
10:47 that reflect somewhat the end time events
10:50 depicted in Revelation.
10:51 And that was one of the days
10:52 that I had that we look at the drama and trauma
10:57 as I said of the Hebrew worthies
10:59 and Daniel there in Babylon.
11:02 But it gives us somewhat of an idea of the kinds of things
11:05 that God's people will have to traverse in the last days
11:08 as we come down to the last days of history.
11:12 We are all going to be called to stand.
11:15 You know, I question myself on this,
11:17 the idea that I'm going to have
11:20 to give an account for the faith that I have,
11:23 not only with my words or with my deeds.
11:28 Those things that I hold dear,
11:29 those things that I believe in God,
11:31 I'm going to have to articulate in word
11:33 and deed before Christ comes.
11:35 My belief systems are going to be tested.
11:38 My walk with Christ is going to be tested.
11:41 My love for Jesus is going to be tested.
11:43 And as it is with me so it will be with all of you,
11:47 and all of those who name the name of Jesus.
11:50 Years ago, I had a teacher, said,
11:51 "You're not going to heaven on roller skates,
11:54 you're going on your knees."
11:55 And what he was saying is that
11:57 all of us who have to pray
11:58 our way in and then stand up and walk with Jesus.
12:01 There is no pass on trial,
12:03 there is no pass on tribulation.
12:05 In fact, it is through trial, and testing,
12:07 and tribulation that our faith is made strong,
12:09 and this is affirmed in the Old Testament,
12:12 reaffirmed in the New.
12:13 And my time is running very quickly,
12:16 just a couple more things.
12:21 When we read Revelation 12:1-17,
12:26 the lesson asked the question,
12:28 "Is it historical or is it apocalyptic?"
12:30 Because, of course, Revelation is divided
12:33 into historical sections and apocalyptic sections,
12:36 as is the Book of Daniel.
12:37 I see it personally as a bridge chapter
12:40 containing some of both elements.
12:43 It is a part apocalyptic, so it is symbolic.
12:47 But it is also historical
12:49 because there was war in heaven,
12:51 and Satan was cast out to this earth,
12:53 and he did tempt God's people,
12:56 and he was ultimately responsible
12:58 for the death of the Son of God,
13:00 and the persecution of the Latter-day Saints.
13:02 This is all very, very real.
13:05 And so we have this bridge chapter,
13:07 and then we move into 13,
13:08 historical, move into 14 which is,
13:12 to me, the pinnacle of Revelation
13:14 when you get to the messages of those three angels.
13:18 But they are...
13:20 There are historical sections,
13:22 and there are apocalyptic sections,
13:24 and together they weave a picture of where we are,
13:27 and where we are going, and how we are to get there.
13:29 Last question, then I'm done.
13:33 The lesson says, we seem
13:35 to keep repeating ourselves in history.
13:37 What can we do as a people of God
13:40 so that we don't continue to make the same mistakes
13:43 that our forefathers made.
13:45 It occurs to me that we need to stop often
13:48 on the road to heaven,
13:50 and look over our shoulder and see from whence we've come.
13:53 God does not call us to live in the past.
13:56 In fact, that's dangerous to spend too much time
13:58 looking over your shoulder when you're going forward,
14:00 that's how you have an accident.
14:02 But you don't want to forget about the past.
14:04 To my mind, the only thing
14:05 worse than nostalgia is amnesia.
14:10 You don't want to forget about the past,
14:13 but you don't want to live in the past.
14:15 And, of course, Ellen White says,
14:16 the only thing we have to fear for the future
14:18 is that we forget God's leading in our past history.
14:21 So the secret to moving forward
14:23 is to know where you are in the span of time,
14:27 to know where you're going,
14:29 and to focus on that, and keep focused on that,
14:32 and that will allow you to traverse the bumps and nicks
14:36 and other things that come to every Christian
14:39 as we walk the road that leads to glory, Mollie.
14:41 Amen, and amen.
14:43 I'm going to give a quote from your lesson,
14:46 and it's about history.
14:49 It says, "One of the lessons we learn from history
14:52 is that we never learn from history."
14:54 And that's a pitfall.
14:57 We need to learn from history.
14:59 I have Monday, and it's images of Jesus.
15:03 And our lesson this week is Jesus
15:06 in the Book of Revelation.
15:08 So I hope you're in the Book of Revelation.
15:11 Excuse me.
15:12 We are going to look at images of Jesus
15:16 in the Book of Revelation.
15:18 Scripture in the Book of Revelation
15:21 that gives us a description of Jesus,
15:23 what He has done, is doing, and will do,
15:28 these are scriptures that teaches about Jesus.
15:31 So I'm going to run through some scriptures,
15:34 and then I'm going to do what Jill Morikone does.
15:37 I'm going to give you four points,
15:39 point one, point two, point three, and point four.
15:42 That way, I think, we'll hold on to it.
15:44 But let's look in Revelation 1.
15:47 Again, images of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
15:51 You know, CA, something you said
15:54 was that Jesus is throughout the scriptures,
15:59 Old Testament and New Testament.
16:03 And these images in the Book of Revelation
16:06 are sharp clear images.
16:08 Excuse me, just a moment.
16:13 So I've got you, in Revelation 1:4 through 5.
16:18 "John, to the seven churches which are in Asia,
16:21 grace to you and peace from Him who is, and who was,
16:26 and who is to come."
16:27 Who is, who was, and is to come.
16:31 "And from the seven Spirits who are before His throne
16:34 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness."
16:37 Faithful, write that word down
16:39 because that's a word you're going to hear
16:41 repeated many times in these images of Jesus.
16:45 "The firstborn from the dead," he's what?
16:48 The firstborn from the dead.
16:50 "And the ruler over the kings of the earth.
16:53 To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins," in what?
16:58 "In His own blood." He's the spotless lamb.
17:02 Okay, this is something that Jesus says about Himself.
17:06 This is in Revelation 1:18.
17:10 "I am He who lives," that was before the cross,
17:16 "and was dead," where did He die?
17:18 At the cross.
17:19 "And behold, I am alive for evermore," after the cross.
17:24 Amen.
17:25 And Jesus says about Himself,
17:28 "I have the keys of Hades and of death."
17:32 Okay, now we're going to go to Revelation 5,
17:35 and we're going to look at verses,
17:38 starting with verse 1.
17:39 But let me, kind of, give you a little setting here.
17:42 John was on the aisle of Patmos.
17:46 Okay.
17:47 And the scripture says
17:49 that while John was on the Isle of Patmos,
17:52 a voice came to him, and the voice said,
17:55 "Come up, hither,
17:57 and I will show you what must take place."
18:00 And it says that immediately, John went into the spirit.
18:05 Now this is what John says that he saw.
18:08 "And I saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne."
18:13 Now as he went into the spirit, he went before a throne,
18:17 a scroll written inside and on the back,
18:20 sealed with seven seals.
18:23 "Then I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice,
18:27 'Who is worthy to open the scroll
18:29 and to loose the seals?
18:32 And no one in heaven, or on the earth,
18:34 or under the earth was able to open the scroll
18:37 or to look at it.
18:39 So while I wept much
18:41 because no one was found worthy to open
18:44 and read the scroll or to look at it.
18:47 But one of the elder said to me, "Do not weep.
18:50 Behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah,
18:54 the root of David has prevailed to open the scroll
19:00 and to loose its seals.
19:01 And I looked and behold, in the midst of the throne
19:06 and of the four living creatures
19:07 and in the midst of the elders, stood," what?
19:10 "Stood a lamb as though it had been slain."
19:13 Who are we talking about here? Jesus.
19:15 The lamb that has been slain,
19:17 the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David.
19:20 "Then he came and took the scroll
19:23 out of the right hand of Him who sit on the throne."
19:26 And now, let's go on to verses 8 and 9.
19:32 Now when He had taken the scroll,
19:34 the four living creatures
19:36 and the twenty four elders fell down before," what?
19:40 "Before the lamb, each having a heart and golden bowls
19:44 full of incense which are of the prayers of the saints.
19:48 And they sang a new song saying,
19:50 'You are worthy to take the scroll
19:53 and to open its seals,
19:54 for you were slain and have redeemed us to God
19:58 by your blood out of every tribe,
20:02 and tongue, and people, and nation,'" out of what?
20:06 Every tribe, and tongue, and peoples, and nation.
20:10 You know what this is telling us.
20:11 Salvation through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
20:15 is an exclusive.
20:17 It doesn't just belong to one group.
20:19 Who does it belong?
20:20 It's all inclusive, it's not by race, it's by...
20:24 Grace. Let's hear it. It's by grace.
20:26 It's all inclusive,
20:28 every tongue, and nation, and peoples.
20:32 Okay, now let's go to Revelation 19.
20:36 We're going to look at verses 11 through 15.
20:40 Revelation 19:11-15.
20:44 And remember that word I said to write down
20:46 that you're going to hear.
20:48 Faithful.
20:50 "Now I saw heaven opened.
20:52 And behold, a white horse,
20:55 and He who sat on him was called faithful and true,
21:01 and in righteousness, He judges and makes war."
21:04 Now remember, these are images of Jesus in Revelation.
21:08 We see several images.
21:10 He's a lamb that was slain.
21:12 but here it says that He judges and makes war.
21:17 His eyes were like a flame of fire,
21:19 and on his head were many crowns,
21:21 He had a name written that no one knew except Himself.
21:25 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood.
21:29 And His name is called the Word of God,"
21:32 in the beginning was the Word,
21:33 and the Word was with God, and Word was God,
21:37 "called the Word of God
21:38 and the armies in heaven clothed in fine linen,
21:41 white and clean followed Him on white horses.
21:45 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword that with it,
21:49 He should strike the nations,
21:51 and He himself will rule them with a rod of iron.
21:55 He himself treads the winepress
21:58 of the fierceness of wrath of Almighty God."
22:02 Now remember, where is John?
22:04 He's on the Isle of Patmos, he's in the spirit,
22:08 and when he went in the spirit, he came before a throne.
22:12 And we've been reading about this one
22:14 that is sitting on the throne,
22:16 our memory verse says, "To him who sits on the throne,
22:21 He says 'I will make you to be victorious.'"
22:25 I think that word was Nike, make us victorious,
22:29 overcomers if we are faithful.
22:32 And He will make us to sit on the throne,
22:36 do you know what?
22:37 We get to reign with Him. Okay.
22:41 So the one that is sitting on the throne
22:44 now looks to John and He speaks to John.
22:47 Revelation 21:5 through 7, "Then He who sat on the throne
22:53 said, 'Behold, I make all things new,'
22:56 and He said to me."
22:57 John is saying this.
22:59 "And He said to me, 'Write, for these words are true'",
23:01 and there's that word, "Faithful.
23:04 And He said to me, 'It is done.
23:06 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
23:10 And I will give up the fountain of the water of life
23:13 freely to him who thirsts.
23:16 He who overcomes shell inherit all things.
23:19 And I will be his God and he shall be my son.'"
23:23 Now, let's recap.
23:25 Number one, He is the lamb
23:28 which points to His first coming.
23:31 Do you know what? He came voluntarily.
23:35 Nobody forced Him to, He came because He wanted to,
23:40 and He knew His end, did He not?
23:42 He was the Lamb,
23:45 slain from the foundation for you and me.
23:48 Number two, He was dead,
23:51 He suffered a cruel and painful death on Calvary.
23:54 Do you remember the scribes and Pharisees
23:56 and those that were passing by?
23:58 They were mocking Him. You know what they said to him?
24:01 They said, "If you be the Son of God,
24:04 come down off that cross."
24:06 And you know what? He didn't say a word.
24:08 But it was this.
24:09 Though in His silence, He said,
24:11 "You just wait till Sunday morning."
24:13 You're going to find out it's better to come down off
24:16 of a cross than to come up out of a grave,
24:19 There in is our victory.
24:20 He didn't have to come down off of that cross,
24:23 He was resurrected in newness of life.
24:26 Yet, number three,
24:29 yet, He is alive for evermore, he arose.
24:32 He is the King of kings, He is the Lord of lords.
24:35 He is seated where?
24:37 At the right hand of the Father.
24:39 What's He doing?
24:40 Forever making intercession for us.
24:43 He's the lamb, He was dead, He is resurrected,
24:46 and now He's at the right hand of the Father,
24:50 and He's praying for you and for me.
24:52 There's some images of our Lord and Savior.
24:55 Amen.
24:56 Thank you, Mollie, it's very good.
24:58 Tuesday's lesson is the sanctuary motive in Revelation.
25:03 And as CA brought out,
25:05 the Book of Revelation has two major divisions,
25:08 the historical and the apocalyptical.
25:11 But there's another structural layer,
25:14 and that is the sanctuary motive.
25:18 This is built around the sanctuary,
25:20 and that goes through both of the divisions of Revelation.
25:24 Let me just quickly do a sanctuary primary.
25:28 In Exodus 25, God said to His people, He told Moses,
25:32 "Let them build me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them."
25:35 And He tells Moses to build according to the pattern
25:38 that He is going to show him.
25:41 And just like He gave Noah instructions
25:44 how to build the ark,
25:45 He gave Moses instructions how to build the tabernacle.
25:49 Hebrews 8:5 says that this sanctuary is just
25:52 a copy and shadow of that which was in heaven.
25:58 Hebrews 9:24 said that Jesus has not entered
26:04 into the sanctuary made with human hands,
26:07 referring to what was made on earth, but that...
26:12 And again, it says only a copy and pattern
26:15 and type of the true one that's in heaven.
26:18 But he says, He entered into heaven itself.
26:23 I think one of my favorite verses on sanctuary
26:26 is Psalm 77:13,
26:29 because he says, "Your way, O Lord,
26:32 is in the sanctuary."
26:35 The sanctuary was theology in physical form.
26:40 It was three-dimensional
26:42 lifelike pictures of God's plan of salvation.
26:46 And all of its structures
26:48 and its ceremonies served as symbols of the,
26:53 illustrating the process of salvation,
26:55 so that the people who could not read at the time
27:00 but they could comprehend God's plan of salvation.
27:03 And it shows how God deals with sin,
27:08 and it shows the sinner's journey,
27:10 the way of the journey back to God.
27:12 Now everything about the earthly sanctuary
27:18 just symbolized the heavenly sanctuary.
27:21 And in case, I don't have time to get through all of this,
27:23 I want to read this.
27:24 In Revelation 11:19, it says,
27:27 "The temple of God was opened in heaven.
27:30 And the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple."
27:35 See, the image of the Ark of the Covenant
27:39 in the heavenly sanctuary
27:43 is just indisputable reference
27:45 to the most holy place, is it not?
27:47 So we're going to look at
27:52 this sanctuary motive.
27:55 Jesus was the central theme
27:59 of the sanctuary, His ministry.
28:03 But what we'll look at now
28:06 is the three main areas of the sanctuary,
28:10 and how they correspond
28:11 with the three phases of Christ's ministry in heaven.
28:14 So we're going to go through this rapidly.
28:17 When you first walked in to the earthly tabernacle,
28:21 the sanctuary, you were out in the outer court,
28:24 what did you see?
28:26 The altar of burnt offering.
28:28 This is where all of the animals
28:29 were slain as sacrifices for sin.
28:32 This was symbolic of the cross,
28:35 the animals were symbolic of the Lamb of God.
28:38 And what happened and transpired there,
28:41 this was all about justification
28:43 with a substitutionary sacrifice.
28:46 You went beyond that, and then you saw the laver.
28:49 This was between the altar of burnt offerings
28:52 and the two-compartment tabernacle.
28:55 This is where the priests washed,
28:57 and this symbolizes both baptism
28:59 and the living water of the Holy Spirit.
29:02 But now as you enter
29:03 into the two-compartment tabernacle,
29:07 when you look to...
29:09 And by the way, I...
29:13 Yeah, I'll say this.
29:15 The two-compartment tabernacle
29:18 was the holy place and the most holy place.
29:22 This represented daily service and annual service.
29:28 So we're looking at in the holy place,
29:32 this is symbolic of sanctification.
29:35 To the south on the left
29:37 was a seven-branched candlestick.
29:41 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world
29:44 and he who follows after me will never walk in darkness."
29:49 And the oil in the candlestick represented the Holy Spirit.
29:54 Now, if you look to the north side,
29:57 on the right was the table of showbread
29:59 with the 12 little things of bread stacked up.
30:05 What did Jesus say, "I am the bread of life."
30:09 That's right. Right?
30:10 And also he said in Matthew 4:4,
30:14 "Man shall not live by bread alone
30:16 but by every word that proceeds from my mouth."
30:20 So that table of showbread was symbolic of Jesus,
30:24 the Living Word of God as well as the Bible,
30:28 the written Word of God.
30:30 Now, if you looked directly in front of you
30:33 as you entered into this holy place,
30:37 you got the candelabra over here,
30:39 you've got the showbread,
30:40 but right in front of you was the altar of incense.
30:44 And what this altar of incense,
30:46 we just read in the lesson that the bowl of incense
30:50 before this represents the prayers.
30:53 And how I look at this is, our prayers as they...
30:57 This is where they prayed, at the altar of incense.
31:00 But the priest would take this incense
31:02 and add to our prayers,
31:04 and it was the sweet smelling aroma.
31:08 So you think of Hebrews 7:25 that says that Jesus,
31:14 I look at Him as our incense.
31:16 It is His prayers added to ours
31:18 that make it a sweet smelling aroma.
31:22 So in Hebrews 7:25, it says that He lives forever.
31:29 I mean, He's able to save to the uttermost
31:31 because He lives forever to intercede on our behalf.
31:35 And we also know that the Holy Spirit
31:38 does some intersession for us.
31:42 So when the priest entered the first compartment,
31:47 he was modeling what Jesus did in the heavenly sanctuary
31:52 right after His ascension.
31:54 This was represented in Revelation 1:13
32:00 where we see Jesus walking among the seven candlesticks.
32:04 Let's look at that.
32:05 Revelation 1:12 and 13.
32:07 And John says, "Then I turned to see
32:09 the voice that spoke with me.
32:10 And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands.
32:13 And in the midst of the seven lampstands
32:16 One like the Son of Man,
32:18 clothed with a garment down to his feet
32:20 and girded about the chest with a golden band."
32:24 So Jesus ascended
32:26 and He went immediately to work.
32:29 And by the way, I have to say this.
32:33 He went to work immediately in the holy place.
32:36 What I want to say is this.
32:38 Many Christians believe when Christ cried out,
32:42 "It is finished," that that was the end of the work
32:46 of the atonement.
32:47 No, it was the end of the work of the sacrifice
32:52 for the atonement.
32:53 He made the perfect sacrifice once for all.
32:56 But atonement was not only to do with the sacrifice,
33:01 it was to do with the priestly ministry.
33:05 So this is why we see Jesus doing His priestly ministry.
33:10 Now then there is the most holy place
33:13 which was a perfect cube.
33:14 Just as the New Jerusalem we're told in Revelation 21:16,
33:19 it's the perfect cube.
33:20 And they went in there once a year.
33:23 There was only one priest,
33:25 the high priest went in there once a year
33:26 on the Day of Atonement.
33:28 One piece of furniture in there,
33:30 and that was the ark,
33:32 which represented the ark of God,
33:34 represented His throne.
33:36 Inside the ark with the Ten Commandments
33:38 written by Christ's own finger.
33:42 There was Aaron's rod that was dead and butted
33:46 representing Jesus Christ,
33:48 the rod who was dead and then came back,
33:52 it was resurrected to life, and the pot of manna.
33:57 On the lid of the ark was the mercy seat.
34:02 And I think we talked about this
34:04 in the last lesson that the mercy seat,
34:06 this is the seat of propitiation.
34:09 And the Bible says that Jesus is our propitiation.
34:14 So there was a veil that separated
34:17 these two compartments, the holy from the most holy,
34:19 that veil represented Jesus' body.
34:22 And when Jesus died on the cross
34:24 and His flesh was torn,
34:26 the veil was torn from the top to the bottom.
34:30 And that symbolized
34:32 that the Levitical priesthood was over,
34:34 and we all had direct access to God.
34:37 So everything that we see, and I'm just out of time,
34:42 but let me just say this.
34:43 The two compartments,
34:45 Christ's atoning sacrifice was accomplished
34:48 once and for all at the cross,
34:51 but the full meaning of atonement includes
34:53 both the sacrifice and the priestly ministry.
34:56 And the two compartments
34:58 that we find in the sanctuary and in Revelation,
35:04 this is corresponding to the two separate rituals
35:08 that the daily, and the yearly services,
35:10 the two phases of Christ's heavenly ministry
35:15 after His ascension in AD 31 to 1844,
35:19 He was in the holy place.
35:22 But post 1844 which is the end of the 2300 year day,
35:27 prophecy of Daniel 8, His investigative began.
35:32 We're out of time,
35:34 but this is such a beautiful theme in Revelation.
35:38 Well done, Shelley, you know, this is...
35:39 I don't know how about you all but feels like I'm in church.
35:42 I know this is Sabbath School Panel,
35:44 looks like I'm having all these little mini sermons.
35:46 I mean, it's just great. I mean, praise the Lord.
35:47 Isn't it great to study God's Word.
35:49 It just really comes alive
35:50 and there's just, wow, so much to learn from it.
35:54 I have Christ in Revelation part one.
35:57 My dear wife has part two of Christ in Revelation.
36:01 And I know here in Southern Illinois,
36:03 it's springtime 'cause this is mid April.
36:05 And the farmers start to plough the fields,
36:08 and there's so much, you know, as you dig.
36:11 And I feel that when we open God's Word,
36:13 you can dig and dig and dig and dig,
36:16 and never find the end to what can be found in the Bible.
36:20 So we're going to go today, Revelation 1:1-8.
36:24 And I'll tell you, we're just hitting some of these texts,
36:25 and I want to encourage you at home...
36:28 'Cause I know, Shelley, Mollie, Pastor CA, I know my wife Jill,
36:30 you know, we're just brushing
36:32 just like hitting the tip of the iceberg and all this stuff.
36:34 So we encourage you as you're like, "Oh, wow.
36:35 What was that!"
36:37 We encourage you to study God's Word
36:38 'cause there is so much to be found out.
36:40 So anyway, I better get into this,
36:41 or I would run out of time.
36:42 Revelation 1:1- 8, and it says,
36:47 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ,"
36:50 I'm gonna start right there.
36:51 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, and now that's powerful.
36:54 We've been talking about that already.
36:56 It's revealing who Christ is,
36:58 and Christ as throughout all of Revelation.
37:00 When I think about a work of art,
37:02 you know, an artist has done
37:04 or I don't know, a sculpture, maybe you're a sculptor.
37:06 And they have like this great unveiling or revealing,
37:10 they'll usually have it draped in some beautiful cloth.
37:13 And it's like three, two, one.
37:15 And somebody goes like that.
37:16 And wow, and everyone goes, whoa!
37:18 Usually, when there's something like a famous artist
37:21 or something like that,
37:22 it's been revealed their work of art.
37:25 There's a lot of people.
37:26 They're there to see this event.
37:28 And I believe here, the Revelation of Jesus Christ,
37:31 I believe the unveiling of Christ in Revelation
37:33 and throughout all the Bible will draw many people.
37:36 I think, is it John 12:32, says,
37:40 "And I, if I be lifted up would draw all men unto me."
37:42 So anyway, the Revelation of Jesus Christ
37:44 is the revealing, the unveiling of Jesus.
37:47 And I think it's interesting too
37:48 because really it's about Jesus Christ
37:50 and a lot of people feel that the Book of Revelation
37:52 is like, "Man, that's too complicated.
37:54 There are scary beasts and stuff I don't understand,
37:56 these prophecies.
37:58 I don't know, that's for some other time."
37:59 Do you know, Jesus Christ
38:00 should be studied every single day,
38:02 and the Book of Revelation is relevant to us,
38:03 so don't be afraid of it, study opening God's Word.
38:07 All right, we've already started verse 1,
38:09 we're not getting very far very fast, are we?
38:11 So let's see, okay, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ
38:15 which God gave unto Him to show unto His servants things
38:19 which must shortly come to pass.
38:22 And He went and signified
38:24 by His angel unto His servant, John."
38:26 Now I should have said this earlier
38:28 but the lesson asked the question,
38:30 and I think it's a good question,
38:31 and we'll look at some of these answers.
38:32 It says, "What do these verses teach us about Jesus?"
38:36 So hopefully, you're following
38:38 along in your Sabbath School lesson.
38:39 Revelation 1:1-8,
38:41 what do these verses teach us about Jesus?
38:42 And again, this is just one thing
38:44 I just picked out is that
38:45 it says here, shortly come to pass.
38:48 Basically, it's talking about end time events,
38:50 and that Jesus is in these end time events.
38:53 Verse 2, again, going quickly here.
38:55 "Who bore record of the Word of God
38:58 and of the testimony of Jesus Christ
39:01 and of all things that he saw?
39:04 I picked up on the word testimony,
39:05 which to me is a message from Jesus.
39:09 So what do these verses teach us about Jesus?
39:11 He has a special message for us.
39:13 Verse 3, it starts with the word blessed.
39:17 "Blessed is he that readeth,
39:19 and they that hear the words of this prophecy,
39:22 and keep those things which are written therein:
39:25 for the time is at hand."
39:27 And I want to just hit on something here.
39:28 Do you know it's the word, it says blessed.
39:30 When you think of the Book of Matthew
39:32 and you think of the word blessed,
39:33 what do you think of, Shelley?
39:34 The beatitudes, right?
39:36 I mean, yeah, and I didn't realize this.
39:38 I'm learning as we're studying the Sabbath School lesson,
39:40 so this was a lot of fun.
39:41 There are seven beatitudes in the Book of Revelation,
39:45 so I want to look at those quickly here.
39:47 And I actually...
39:49 My wife is a really fast typist,
39:51 so I had her type all the scriptures in here.
39:53 So I'm not turning through all the scriptures in my Bible
39:56 just to try and save a little bit of time.
39:57 So let's go, the seven beatitudes.
39:59 Number one, Revelation 1:3, write that down.
40:03 It says, "Blessed is he that readeth,"
40:05 we just read that now,
40:06 "and they that hear the words of this prophecy
40:08 and keep those things that are written therein:
40:10 for the time is at hand."
40:12 I have the blessing, there is a blessing
40:14 to those who read and hear the Word of God.
40:18 Beatitude number two is Revelation 14:13,
40:22 and it says, "Blessed are the dead
40:25 which die in the Lord from henceforth.
40:28 'Yea,' saith the spirit that they may rest from their labors
40:32 and their works do follow them."
40:35 Okay, there is a blessing to those who die in Christ
40:39 because they held fast their faith and hope.
40:42 Praise God.
40:44 And then we have beatitude number three, Revelation 16:15.
40:48 It says, "Behold, I come as a thief.
40:51 Blessed," there's that word, "blessed is he that watcheth
40:55 and keepeth his garments,
40:56 lest he walk naked and they see his shame."
41:00 So there's a blessing to those who keep persistently awake.
41:04 I know I want to stay awake.
41:07 is our beatitude number four.
41:10 Right, "Blessed are they which are called
41:13 unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.
41:15 And he saith unto me,
41:17 'These are the true sayings of God.'"
41:21 So there's a blessings to those who, what?
41:23 Who are part of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
41:26 Amen.
41:27 And we have number five, Revelation 20:6,
41:30 "Blessed and holy is he that hath part
41:33 in the first resurrection.
41:36 On such the second death, it has no power," praise God,
41:40 "but they shall be priests of God and of Christ,
41:42 and shall reign with Him a thousand years."
41:45 There is a blessing to those
41:47 who have part in the first resurrection,
41:49 that's for sure.
41:50 Then we have beatitude number six
41:52 in the Book of Revelation,
41:54 and that is Revelation 22:7, "Behold, I come quickly.
41:58 Blessed is He that keepeth
42:00 the sayings of the prophecies of this book."
42:03 All right, I ask you at home, what is that blessing?
42:07 That's right, it's blessing to those who treasure
42:09 the words of Revelation and the whole Bible.
42:13 And then the last one, Revelation 22:14,
42:16 just a couple verses down.
42:18 "Blessed are they that do His commandments
42:22 that they may have right to the tree of life
42:24 and may enter in through the gates into the city."
42:27 And basically there's a blessing to those who obey.
42:30 And let's...
42:31 Wow, there's a lot to be studied for sure.
42:34 Let's look at...
42:37 Continuing on with Revelation, Revelation 1:5-6.
42:42 And it says, "And from Jesus Christ
42:45 who is the faithful witness," Mollie read that earlier,
42:48 "and the first begotten of the dead
42:50 and the prince of the kings of the earth,
42:52 unto Him that loved us
42:54 and washed us from our sins in His own blood,
42:57 and hath made us kings and priests
42:59 unto God and his Father,
43:01 to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
43:05 Amen."
43:06 And the lesson asked a great question.
43:09 It says...
43:10 Well, basically, how do we find Jesus again
43:12 in all of these verses?
43:14 And I have here, "To him,"
43:15 who begins a list of Jesus' actions
43:19 in our behalf and that's powerful.
43:22 Verse 5 says, He, what?
43:24 He loved us.
43:25 You know, He loves you,
43:26 He loves me, He loves all of us.
43:28 Praise the Lord for that,
43:29 and He woos us with His love for sure.
43:31 Verse 5 also says, "He washed us
43:33 from our sins in His own blood."
43:36 Boy! What a sacrifice!
43:38 So grateful for that.
43:39 You can also look up 1 Corinthians 6:11.
43:43 And it says, "And such were some of you
43:46 but you were washed, but you were sanctified,
43:48 but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus
43:51 and by the spirit of our God."
43:54 You know, to me, this gives us assurance
43:55 because it says, He washes us.
43:57 Sometimes, I know, I try and wash myself of the sins,
44:00 but you know, it's Jesus Christ.
44:01 And that takes the pressure off,
44:02 we just have to submit our life to Jesus Christ and say,
44:05 "God, I'm dirty, take me.
44:07 Thank you for washing of my sins."
44:08 That's great encouragement.
44:10 He died for us.
44:11 Verse 6 says, "He made us priests and kings."
44:15 And I'm just telling you, I'm skipping some stuff here.
44:18 So, yeah, I want to get to verse 7.
44:20 And verse 7 says, "Behold, He cometh with clouds
44:24 and every eye shall see Him,
44:26 and they also, which pierced Him,
44:28 and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.
44:32 Even so, Amen."
44:34 What does that say to you at home?
44:36 It says, "Jesus Christ, He's coming.
44:39 He's coming soon.
44:40 And I think what's neat here too,
44:42 John, when he writes this, says, "Behold, He cometh."
44:45 You know, that's present tense.
44:47 So in other words, the Apostle John
44:49 is stressing the certainty of Christ's second coming.
44:53 And I believe that He is nearer than ever before.
44:55 Amen. Praise God for that.
44:57 And let's go down to verse 8
45:00 which is the last of the 1-8 here
45:02 that we're looking at.
45:03 And it says, "I am Alpha and Omega,
45:06 the beginning and the ending,' saith the Lord,
45:08 'which is and which was and which is to come.'"
45:12 The Almighty.
45:14 The part here that says which is, which was,
45:17 and which is to come,
45:18 basically, we've got a God without explicit limit.
45:24 I mean, it's amazing for me even...
45:25 You can't even fathom that.
45:28 And I have here, "The same God who now continually exists
45:32 has always existed and will always exist.
45:37 God's existence transcends time."
45:40 And then at the very end here,
45:42 I want to focus on the Alpha and the Omega, says...
45:44 You know that's the first letter of the alphabet,
45:46 A for us, Omega would be Z for us.
45:49 Everything in between... In Greek.
45:51 In Greek, thank you. Thank you for that, in Greek.
45:53 So it says, "The first letter of the Greek alphabet
45:55 which represents the Lord as the unoriginated originator
46:00 of all life, and that is all eternal.
46:03 Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet,
46:05 God's infinity, endless referring
46:08 to His absolute limitlessness
46:11 to meet all the needs of finite limited people.
46:15 Praise the Lord.
46:16 Is Jesus in the Book of Revelation?
46:18 Absolutely, He's throughout the entire Bible.
46:20 My time is gone.
46:21 But anyway, praise the Lord,
46:23 let's continue to study His Word.
46:24 Amen, thank you so much, sweetheart.
46:25 What a powerful study.
46:27 God is in the entire Bible, because God wrote the Bible.
46:31 He spoken and it was done, the Word,
46:34 that we hold in our hands always never ceases to amaze me
46:38 at the creative energy in God.
46:40 The creative energy that when He spoke in the beginning,
46:42 the world's came into an existence
46:45 and the same energy is in the Word of God.
46:47 My passage is Jesus in the Book of Revelation,
46:50 Christ in Revelation.
46:52 We are looking at part two which is Revelation 1,
46:56 we're looking at verses 9-18,
46:59 and we've touched on some of this already.
47:03 Verse 9, "I, John, both your brother and companion
47:06 in tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ,
47:11 was on the island that is called Patmos
47:13 for the Word of God
47:14 and for the testimony of Jesus Christ."
47:17 Now Mollie already touched on that that John...
47:19 This is probably AD 95 or so
47:22 exiled to the Island of Patmos.
47:25 And it's interesting, he said, "I'm your brother
47:27 and I'm your companion in the tribulation.
47:30 Now, the word for tribulation in Greek is thlipsis.
47:33 I'm not sure I'm pronouncing that correctly.
47:36 But it means persecution or tribulation.
47:40 But interestingly, it refers to someone
47:43 who would be hemmed in,
47:45 in a narrow place.
47:46 It refers to internal pressure.
47:50 So there's another Greek word
47:52 used for tribulation, persecution,
47:54 and that is external pressure.
47:56 So it's interesting to me that John, when he is writing,
47:59 he says, "I'm your companion in tribulation,
48:01 meaning the early Christian churches
48:04 under great mental persecution.
48:07 Now we know about the physical persecution
48:10 'cause that's clear from history
48:12 but obviously, they were enduring
48:13 mental persecution as well.
48:17 And he's writing this exhortation,
48:20 this encouragement, the Book of Revelation to them.
48:23 Verse 10, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day,
48:25 and I heard behind me a loud voice,
48:28 as of a trumpet,"
48:29 we'll discover who this is,
48:30 "saying, 'I am the Alpha and the Omega.'"
48:34 Greg just talked about that.
48:35 The first letter of the Greek alphabet and the last letter.
48:38 "I am the beginning and the end.
48:40 I am Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,
48:45 and, what you see, write in a book
48:47 and send it to the seven churches
48:48 which are in Asia, to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos,
48:52 to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, to Laodicea."
48:56 Now that's Revelation 2 and 3,
48:58 we don't have time to discuss the seven churches there.
49:02 But they are representative of...
49:05 Of course, they were churches in Asia Minor at that time
49:08 but they're representative of churches
49:10 all the way down the stream of time
49:13 to the present day church today,
49:16 the church of Laodicea.
49:18 Verse 12, "Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me.
49:22 And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands,
49:26 and in the midst of the seven lampstands,
49:28 one like the Son of Man..."
49:31 Now first of all, what are the seven golden lampstands.
49:34 Now, Shelley talked about this already
49:36 with the sanctuary language
49:38 that we see here in Revelation 1,
49:41 but the Bible is very clear if you're not sure
49:43 what the lampstands are, Revelation 1:20.
49:47 It says, "The mystery of the seven stars
49:49 which you saw in My right hand,
49:50 and the seven golden lampstands.
49:52 The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches,
49:56 and the seven lampstands
49:57 which you saw are the seven churches."
50:00 Now, of course, there is the sanctuary language here.
50:03 But in addition, he's saying that one like the Son of Man
50:07 appeared in the midst of the seven churches.
50:10 You know what that says to me.
50:12 In the midst of our internal pressure,
50:15 in the midst of whatever
50:16 we are going through as a church,
50:18 Jesus is there.
50:21 Jesus is right in the middle
50:23 of whatever you are going through,
50:25 whatever circumstance,
50:27 these seven churches all represent
50:29 a different time period
50:30 but different struggles they all have.
50:32 And in the midst of all of them,
50:34 Jesus was there in the midst of them.
50:37 And it says, "One like the Son of Man."
50:38 Now it's interesting to me,
50:40 I think the Son of man is one of Jesus'
50:42 favorite self descriptions in the gospels,
50:46 He referred to Himself quite often as the Son of Man.
50:50 Mark 2:28, Jesus speaking, the Sabbath was made for man,
50:54 we can quote this, and not man for the Sabbath.
50:57 Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.
51:00 He's mentioning that Himself as the Son of Man.
51:03 Luke 19:10, the Son of Man
51:05 has come to seek and to save that which was lost.
51:10 Now I think there's a danger, you could say,
51:13 when we look at Jesus Christ.
51:15 And I know in my own experience,
51:17 I have been guilty of this.
51:19 Sometimes we look at Jesus as the savior and the servant,
51:23 and He is the savior and the servant.
51:28 Sometimes we look at Him as the king and the judge,
51:32 and He is the king and the judge.
51:34 But sometimes we look at either one aspect
51:37 to the exclusion of leaving out the other aspect
51:40 but the truth is Jesus is our savior,
51:42 He is the suffering servant.
51:44 He also is king,
51:46 and He is coming as judge to this world again.
51:50 So He encompasses all aspects of His character.
51:55 We looked here, what is He clothed in?
51:57 "Clothed with the garment down to the feet."
51:59 This is sanctuary language again.
52:01 "And girded about the chest with a golden band."
52:04 Now in ancient times, either a priest
52:08 or a judge would wear those long robes
52:11 all the way down to their feet.
52:13 "And then He was girded about the chest with a golden band."
52:16 And again, either a priest or a judge
52:19 would wear the golden band.
52:21 The priest often wore right around the waist
52:24 so they could tuck up the skirt if they were,
52:26 you know, the end of the robe
52:27 if they were involved in some sort of service.
52:30 Now, the judge would wear it
52:31 across the shoulder and across the chest,
52:34 symbolizing that authority.
52:36 Verse 14, "His head and hair were white like wool,
52:39 as white as snow,
52:41 and His eyes like a flame of fire."
52:43 We see a double illustration of the purity
52:47 and holiness of Jesus.
52:49 "White like wool, white as snow,
52:51 and His eyes like a flame of fire."
52:54 Now, fire in scripture is often used as a symbol of judgement.
52:59 We see that in 1 Corinthians 3:12 and 13.
53:03 "If anyone builds on this foundation
53:06 with gold, silver, precious stones,
53:07 wood, hay, straw.
53:09 Each one's work will become clear,
53:11 for the day would declare it
53:12 because it will be revealed by fire."
53:15 Fire is often that symbol of judgement.
53:18 The fire would test each one's work of what sort it is.
53:23 "His feet," we're continuing, "were like fine brass,
53:26 as if refined in a furnace,
53:27 His voice as the sound of many waters.
53:30 He had in His right hand seven stars,
53:32 out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword..."
53:35 I want to pause a moment on the two-edged sword.
53:37 In the Bible, the sword represents, Hebrews 4:12,
53:40 the Word of God, right?
53:42 The Word of God is quick and powerful,
53:43 sharper than an two-edged sword,
53:45 but that sword is a different Greek word
53:48 than the sword used here.
53:49 The sword for the Word of God is a short sword or a dagger.
53:53 In this case, it's a long sword used,
53:57 the Greek word, is the long sword that cuts and pierces.
54:01 And this sword, when you see it in the Word of God,
54:05 it's used for executing justice and vengeance.
54:08 So this is showing Jesus coming
54:10 as that executing justice and vengeance.
54:14 "His countenance," it says,
54:15 "is like the sun shining in its strength."
54:18 In the beginning, the Lord made the sun to rule the day,
54:21 Christ is to rule the world reference not only to the deity
54:26 but to the holiness of Christ.
54:28 So John is overwhelmed,
54:30 he collapses as one dead right here.
54:32 And then let's pick it up, verse 17,
54:37 "Jesus laid His right hand on John saying,
54:39 'Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last.
54:41 I am He who lives, and was dead,
54:43 behold, I am alive forevermore.
54:46 Amen. I have the keys of Hades and of death."
54:50 Three takeaways, Jesus is eternal,
54:52 He is the First and Last, the Alpha and the Omega.
54:56 Number two, Jesus is divine.
54:59 "I am" indicates His oneness with God,
55:03 His deity, His divinity.
55:06 Number three, Jesus is victorious.
55:09 He says, "I am alive for ever more.
55:11 I am the resurrection and the life."
55:14 It reminds me of John 11.
55:16 Jesus is victorious.
55:18 He has won because He was raised from the dead,
55:21 you and I have hope,
55:22 and we can have the gift of eternal salvation.
55:26 Wow. Amen, amen.
55:27 Jill, thank you so very, very much.
55:29 As you are reading that description of our Lord
55:32 there in John's wordings,
55:34 I was thinking back to Daniel 10
55:37 when Jesus came to home school Daniel there right in his room,
55:41 you know, He came to explain some things.
55:43 How wonderful it is that in these last days,
55:46 these truths have been unsealed.
55:49 Revelation is not a book to be scared of,
55:51 it's not one to have fear of.
55:53 The gold nuggets are not lying on the surface in Revelation,
55:56 you got to dig to get the understanding
55:58 but if you dig, your digging will be rewarded.
56:02 Does anyone have a closing thought
56:03 in their own mind that they'd like to share?
56:07 Well, I have a quick story.
56:09 Imagine that you are at the zoo,
56:11 and a lamb came up and licked your hand,
56:13 and you think, "Oh, that's really sweet."
56:15 And then you heard a loud roar behind you,
56:18 and you turned around and there's a lion,
56:20 and there's no way that you could escape him,
56:22 and you shut your eyes and think, "I'm gonna die."
56:24 And then all of a sudden, the lion licks your hand.
56:26 Now, which lick means more?
56:28 The lick of the lion, right?
56:30 So I think the primary reason
56:32 that we are not astonished
56:34 at the lamb of God's forgiveness
56:36 for our sins as that we have no sense
56:40 of the lion's raging fury against that sin.
56:44 Boy, that's really...
56:46 Very powerful. Very, very, well said.
56:49 In these last days, we need to come very close to Jesus.
56:52 Our Bibles need to be opened constantly,
56:55 we need to be constantly in prayer,
56:57 for as I mentioned before our beliefs,
57:00 our very love for the Lord will be challenged,
57:02 and will be tested but we can be overcomers.
57:06 We can be victorious in Christ Jesus.
57:09 In fact, Christ has guaranteed
57:12 that victory to those who will abide in Him.
57:16 Stay in Jesus, stay in the Word.
57:20 Let Christ be in you and do all He can for you,
57:24 and He will indeed save you.
57:26 Join us next time on Sabbath School Panel, we'll be here.
57:29 You join us, we'll be blessed together.
57:31 God bless.


Revised 2018-04-23