3ABN Sabbath School Panel

The Results of Stewardship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP180013A

00:01 The Bible tells us, "In the beginning was the Word,
00:03 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
00:07 It says, "To receive with meekness the implanted Word,
00:11 which is able to save your souls.
00:13 And to be diligent to present yourself approved to God
00:17 rightly dividing the Word of truth."
00:20 Join us now for the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:25 Our study today is "Stewardship Motives of the Heart".
00:31 Hello and welcome to our 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:34 So glad to have you tune in.
00:36 I hope you've been tuning in.
00:37 If not, remember this network because we are committed
00:41 to the undiluted three angles' messages
00:44 and even in the topic of
00:46 "Stewardship Motives of the Heart,"
00:48 that message is interwoven
00:50 through every one of these messages.
00:52 So glad to have my panel with me.
00:54 Mollie, good to have you here. Thank you.
00:55 Shelley, Jill, and Danny, my good friend
00:59 and the president, the founder of 3ABN,
01:01 it's always good to have you
01:03 either on the panel or on the basketball court.
01:05 All right.
01:06 And I've been learning lately,
01:07 it's good to have you on my team.
01:09 I'm very glad to have you on our team today.
01:11 You know, we are studying a lesson
01:13 that has been a blessing and this is the last one.
01:15 Isn't that sad, that's an up and down phase.
01:17 It's like a reverse smile
01:19 because we've learned quite a bit, have we not?
01:21 We have. Absolutely.
01:22 And every one of our panelists and we've had different people.
01:25 I think at some times Greg was here
01:27 and also Pastor Kenny Shelton was here.
01:31 But today we're gonna be capping off the lesson
01:33 entitled "The Results of Stewardship".
01:36 We've been talking about that all three months now
01:40 but the results of stewardship now
01:41 as where we're headed today.
01:43 If you want a copy of the lesson,
01:44 go to the following website, ABSG.Adventist. org
01:50 and download a copy.
01:52 But if you already have one,
01:53 you might want to join with one of the local Adventist churches
01:56 or if you don't have one,
01:57 go there and become a part of
01:59 their Bible study fellowship Sabbath school class
02:02 and I know that you'll grow in the Lord.
02:05 But before we go any further,
02:06 we're gonna do a couple of things.
02:08 We're gonna have prayer first.
02:09 Mollie, I'm gonna have you do that,
02:11 and then after that we're gonna read our memory text,
02:13 and then we're gonna dive
02:14 into the study of God's Word together.
02:16 Let's pray.
02:17 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
02:20 And, Father, we are so grateful for Your presence.
02:22 And, Father, we pray for every person
02:25 that's listening to us, that's watching us Holy God,
02:28 that You'll prepare their hearts even now,
02:30 that as this word goes forth,
02:32 it will be planted in our hearts,
02:34 it will take root and it will grow
02:36 and it will produce bountifully for Your kingdom.
02:38 Now, Father, I commend all of this into Your hands,
02:41 ask You Lord to touch us, anoint us,
02:43 let the words that we say bring health,
02:46 healing and deliverance to all that hear.
02:48 This is my prayer in Jesus' name, amen.
02:50 Amen. Amen.
02:52 Amen.
02:53 Stewardship, the results of stewardship.
02:56 This has been a lesson that's amazing.
02:58 But I'd like us to begin with 1 Peter 2:12,
03:01 if you have your Sabbath school lesson.
03:02 That's the memory text which really is the umbrella
03:05 under which all the study continues to go forward.
03:09 Let's read that memory text together.
03:11 And we are told, "Having your conduct honorable
03:14 among the Gentiles,
03:16 that when they speak against you as evildoers,
03:20 they may by your good works which they observe,
03:24 glorify God in the day of visitation."
03:29 When I talked about this lesson or when I studied the lesson,
03:32 I've been learning that...
03:33 When we study the lesson
03:35 and some of you probably had the same experience.
03:36 When you study the lesson in preparation for it,
03:39 more inspiration comes when you sit down.
03:41 Have you noticed that? Yes.
03:43 And as I sit here, the Lord brought me a thought.
03:48 "A godliness is not a debt, it is an eternal asset."
03:52 Yes.
03:54 But godliness will always cost you something.
03:58 But godliness is never a debt but an eternal asset.
04:02 And so when you think about godliness and stewardship
04:06 or stewardship and godliness,
04:07 I think together it brings to us
04:11 the reality that godliness with contentment is what?
04:16 Great gain. Great gain.
04:20 Through the years finagle that text and spun it around.
04:24 It doesn't say great gain with contentment is godliness,
04:29 which many people
04:30 in this materialistic world would think.
04:31 Great gain, I got all I need,
04:33 the rich fool with his bountiful.
04:35 I've got all I need, now I'm content,
04:37 therefore I must be godly.
04:39 It says, "Godliness with contentment is great gain."
04:43 And so we've learned also
04:44 that sometimes it's better to have a little,
04:46 a little that a righteous man has
04:48 is better than all the riches of a person
04:50 that is evil or even have that,
04:52 have access to those things by manipulating,
04:56 or by squandering, or by some kind of unusual practice
05:02 in his or her life."
05:04 The results of godliness.
05:06 What is godliness?
05:07 Let's start with that.
05:08 Godly people live a godly lifestyle.
05:12 Amen.
05:14 And we talked about habits in one of our lessons.
05:17 A godly lifestyle is developed by consistent habits,
05:21 making decisions, making choices
05:23 at critical intersections.
05:26 My wife has a saying. She always says that.
05:27 She says, "Everything in life is a test."
05:30 Everything.
05:31 If you lived your life and thought all day long,
05:33 this is just a test, that's just a test.
05:35 I mean, you won't say that to a person,
05:37 I know you're testing me, it will get irritating.
05:39 But if you think of every decision you make as a test,
05:42 it's kind of like, being in a...
05:45 What did they call? A maze.
05:47 Every intersection you come to has a decision
05:49 you have to make, go right or go left.
05:51 And also in life, every decision you make
05:54 as a Christian will either build on your eternal values
05:58 or begin to erode your eternal values.
06:02 So you have to think of those choices you make
06:04 as stewardship choices.
06:06 Are the decisions I'm about to make,
06:08 investing in my eternal value,
06:10 or are they taking away like a bad investment?
06:13 Are they chiseling away
06:15 like credit card debt and high interest rates?
06:17 Are they taking away from my value?
06:20 I mentioned this before and it just came back to me.
06:23 Benjamin Franklin said that.
06:25 He says, "When you subtract
06:27 your good habits from your bad habits,
06:29 then your real value,
06:31 your actual value comes to the forefront."
06:33 Your real value, when you subtract one from the other,
06:36 your real value comes to the forefront.
06:38 But now one of the things
06:40 that we have to discover is the age in which we live.
06:43 We live in, I would say probably hands down.
06:47 I think we're catching up to the antediluvians
06:49 because their thoughts were only evil continually
06:52 and we're working really hard on that in our world.
06:54 But in the age in which I've experienced through the years,
06:58 I think we live in one of the most
06:59 ungodly ages of human history.
07:02 In our country, on the heels of capitalism,
07:06 on the foundation of capitalism
07:08 is destroying morality at an alarming rate.
07:11 But that's no surprise to God.
07:12 Look at 2 Timothy 3.
07:14 Not a surprise to God at all the way that our world is...
07:18 the way that our world is being developed.
07:20 And we have a saying in America.
07:22 This is a capitalistic saying by far,
07:25 "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of" what?
07:27 "Happiness." The pursuit of happiness.
07:30 But in the kingdom of God, it is the pursuit of godliness,
07:36 not the pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of godliness,
07:39 because those who pursue godliness...
07:41 When you discover the scriptures,
07:42 those that pursued godliness often ended up
07:45 in prisons, or in dungeons,
07:47 or in some kind of adverse condition,
07:49 but their record was preserved
07:51 to this very day to let us know.
07:53 As Paul says, "All those that live godly in Christ Jesus
07:57 shall suffer persecution."
07:58 Look at Timothy's...
08:00 Look at Paul's outline
08:01 to the young protege named Timothy.
08:04 2 Timothy 3:1.
08:06 "But know this, or this know also..."
08:09 Mollie, I want you to read that for us.
08:10 I knew you're about to drink something.
08:11 But I like the way the King James Version
08:13 outlines that, this is locked in my head.
08:16 One through what? One through nine.
08:18 All right. Ready? Go.
08:20 "This know also,
08:22 that in the last days perilous times shall come.
08:24 For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
08:27 covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
08:30 disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
08:33 without natural affection,
08:35 trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
08:39 despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady,
08:44 highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God,
08:47 having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:
08:51 from such turn away.
08:52 For of this sort are they which creep into houses,
08:55 and lead captive silly women laden with sins,
08:59 led away with divers lusts, ever learning,
09:01 and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
09:04 Now as Jannes and Jambres understood Moses,
09:09 so do these also resist the truth:
09:12 men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.
09:18 But they shall proceed no further:
09:20 for their folly shall be manifest unto all men,
09:24 as theirs also was."
09:26 You know, Jannes and Jambres, I want to bring them out.
09:28 In all this, we don't talk about them very, very much.
09:31 When the Lord told Moses to cast down his rod
09:35 and became a serpent.
09:38 Jannes and Jambres
09:40 through illusion resisted in the very same way.
09:43 The devil created an illusion.
09:45 And I remember one day, I thought to myself, "Wow.
09:47 Can the devil create life?"
09:50 Because the Lord gave Moses
09:51 that ability to create out of his rod the serpent.
09:56 Can the devil also do the same thing?
09:58 And I was just battling to try to figure out.
10:00 Wow, how could he do the same thing God did?
10:03 Ellen White says, "No, the devil has no power
10:06 to create life,
10:07 but he creates an illusion."
10:08 Yes.
10:10 And that's why we have to be
10:11 very, very careful in our modern days.
10:12 It's no longer called magic as much,
10:14 it's called illusion, illusionist.
10:16 What that setting the ground for
10:18 is for the marvelous working of Satan, illusions.
10:23 So but the point that is being made is this list,
10:26 this list is a book rather than just a sermon.
10:29 I stopped and took the time to explain
10:31 what we covered here.
10:33 Thank you, Mollie, for...
10:34 And I was quoting that in my head with you
10:36 because the King James Version
10:37 has been the version I was raised with.
10:40 It's an amazing thing when people hate,
10:43 despise those that are good.
10:46 I mean, if you're not good that's one thing,
10:48 but don't despise those that are good.
10:51 And we're living in the day and age
10:52 where people that are godly are being despised.
10:54 I mean, think about the media today.
10:57 The media is motivated to make a person
10:59 who's making good choices seem like an evil individual.
11:02 That's right. Think about it.
11:05 Okay, here goes.
11:07 If you stand for morality...
11:08 All right.
11:10 You are listed as old, out-of-date,
11:14 out of step with society, a bummer,
11:17 you don't want people to be free.
11:19 If you stand up for marriage with one woman and one man...
11:24 If you don't stand up,
11:26 if you don't support all these immorality,
11:27 same sex marriage and all the stuff,
11:29 you're being seen as a person that just don't like people
11:32 and you're called a hater.
11:33 Hate bunker, yeah.
11:35 And this called what, phobia...
11:37 What's the phrases that they use?
11:39 Homophobia? Homophobia.
11:40 Yeah. Sure. No, we're not homophobic.
11:43 We're spiritually centered and that's the society.
11:48 Any time you decide to take a moral stand,
11:52 talk show hosts will belittle you,
11:54 the newspaper will belittle you,
11:56 people will try to subvert your decisions,
11:58 they will try to undermine you,
12:00 all for the sake of preserving godlessness,
12:04 that's the generation which we live.
12:06 So as I said before,
12:07 Job however was a man in his age...
12:11 As Job 2:3 says, "He was blameless and upright."
12:16 Yes.
12:17 "One who feared God and shunned evil."
12:20 In a perverse generation,
12:22 we think that Job lived in an easy generation.
12:24 No, Job lived in a very ungodly generation.
12:27 But I like what the Lord said about Job and the devil.
12:30 Focused on Job saying,
12:31 "He will serve you as long as you're good,
12:34 but if anything falls down,
12:35 Job will curse you to your face and die."
12:38 But he did not.
12:39 And the Bible says in Job 1:1.
12:41 "He was one who feared God,
12:43 he was blameless and he was upright."
12:45 And we know the stories.
12:46 The Lord gave the devil permission to test him.
12:50 I thought about that. I said, Lord...
12:54 I think in our lives sometimes when the test come our way,
12:57 how many times have we failed God?
12:59 But how many times has God got our attention
13:01 and restored us and put us back on the footing
13:04 where He's receiving the glory?
13:07 Remember these points.
13:09 Being godly does not mean that we are perfect.
13:13 It means that we are allowing
13:14 our choices to honor and glorify God.
13:18 Faithful stewardship is not a form of godliness
13:22 but its access to the power
13:24 that is available through the Holy Spirit.
13:26 All that live godly in Christ Jesus
13:28 will suffer persecution but remember,
13:30 "Godliness is not a debt but an eternal asset."
13:34 Amen. Mollie?
13:35 You know, Pastor Lomacang,
13:37 that makes me think of the Bible,
13:39 the scriptures in the Bible that talks about
13:42 a wide road and a narrow path.
13:44 Amen. Matthew 7.
13:45 And we are on that narrow path. Thank you, Lord.
13:49 Well, the results of stewardship.
13:52 Pastor Lomacang talked about godliness
13:55 and I want to talk about contentment.
13:58 Contentment, one of the results of our,
14:02 that we are going to find
14:03 for being a good steward of the resources
14:07 God has blessed us with as we are going to be content.
14:11 Now let me give you the definition of contentment.
14:13 "A state of happiness."
14:15 How many of you want to be happy?
14:16 Amen. Of satisfaction?
14:18 That's a good feeling.
14:19 When you just feel...
14:21 Sometimes when I go home from work,
14:23 it's the days that I have accomplished the most.
14:27 I got the most done for the kingdom of God.
14:32 That's great satisfaction, isn't it?
14:34 Fulfillment, wellbeing, peace and tranquility.
14:39 Now, where does that come from?
14:40 Contentment.
14:42 And that's, contentment comes from us
14:45 being good stewards of all of the blessings of God,
14:49 the giftings and the blessings God has given us.
14:52 And you might say,
14:54 "Well, I don't feel contentment."
14:56 That's because you aren't recognizing that these gifts,
15:00 callings, anointings, blessings that God has blessed you with,
15:04 God knows exactly what you need.
15:07 So let me read this quote to you.
15:09 "God wants us to know that our gifts
15:13 are not an accident of genetics or experience.
15:18 He knew what He was doing when He made each of us
15:25 and He has intentionally given us the gifts
15:29 we have in the measure that we have."
15:31 You may be discontent because you have,
15:35 God has graced you with the gift of hospitality.
15:39 And what you say, you really want to do
15:41 is be able to sing or play the piano.
15:44 No, God knows what will make you the happiest.
15:48 He knows the gifts, the callings,
15:51 the gracings and the abilities
15:53 that will make you be the most content.
15:57 You know the scripture in Psalms 139:14.
16:01 It says, "We are" what?
16:03 "Fearfully and wonderfully made."
16:07 Well, who made you?
16:09 God made you.
16:10 He designed you.
16:11 He sculpted you.
16:13 He knows exactly what it will take for you to be,
16:17 you're very happiest.
16:19 Do you know where you're gonna find
16:20 yourself to be the most happy?
16:22 Right in the center of God's perfect will for your life.
16:26 You again...
16:28 The Lord may have in His heart for you,
16:31 His desire for you,
16:33 His calling on your life
16:34 is for you to teach children's church.
16:37 But you're saying,
16:38 "I don't want to teach those little kids,
16:40 I want to be on the pulpit.
16:42 I want to teach the big kids.
16:43 But God knows exactly what it would take
16:46 for you to be the most fulfilled,
16:48 for you to have that contentment.
16:52 Let's look at the Apostle Paul.
16:54 We're in Philippians 4:11.
16:57 Let's see what the Apostle Paul says.
17:00 He says, "Not that I speak in regard to need,
17:05 for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content."
17:11 Well, I learned in whatever state
17:13 I was in to be content
17:15 because I was in Alabama and I was perfectly content,
17:19 then I moved to the State of Florida,
17:21 I was perfectly content.
17:22 Okay. But you know what?
17:24 When I moved to the State of Illinois,
17:26 I know but it's not what this means,
17:28 but then came great contentment
17:30 where I feel like God placed me
17:33 in the center of His perfect will for my life
17:35 and there came great content.
17:37 But now listen at this.
17:39 These were the words of the Apostle Paul.
17:42 Remember what he said, I've learned.
17:44 Really, it's whatever condition,
17:45 whatever circumstance, whatever situation,
17:48 I find myself, and Paul says I am content.
17:52 Paul was writing from a lonely cell.
18:00 He was writing to the Christians from his cell,
18:03 he was in Philippi.
18:04 "Those are challenging words
18:07 and far easier to say than to live out.
18:10 Paul knew what he was talking about.
18:13 However, when it came to suffering and tribulation,
18:17 few people had, had it as bad as the Apostle Paul.
18:20 I'm just gonna read you
18:22 a very short portion of scripture
18:24 out of 2 Corinthians 11.
18:27 Paul tells us this, "From the Jews five times
18:32 I received forty stripes minus one."
18:35 What verse you're in?
18:37 It's verse 24, the big part.
18:40 And verse 25.
18:41 "Three times I was beaten with rods,
18:44 once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked"
18:48 for Paul to have found contentment
18:51 under such circumstances.
18:55 We have to know that his contentment
18:59 didn't come from his exterior.
19:01 That's right. There is no way...
19:04 He was in a lonely jail cell
19:07 and he writes to the Christians at Philippi,
19:10 no matter what circumstance I find myself in,
19:13 I'm content.
19:15 He has been...
19:17 He was treated worse.
19:18 His description of how he had, the things that he had suffered
19:22 are worse than any other
19:24 that we find in the Word anyway.
19:26 And he still says, "I am perfectly content."
19:32 Listen to this in Psalms 121:1-2.
19:36 For Paul to have found contentment,
19:39 in any circumstance he found himself in.
19:42 He wasn't receiving his contentment
19:45 from external circumstances.
19:47 Something had to be in Paul internally.
19:53 Psalms 121:1-2.
19:56 "I will lift up my eyes to the hills,
20:00 from whence comes my help?"
20:02 My help comes from who? The Lord.
20:04 "My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. "
20:07 And then Isaiah 26:3, I think we quote this scripture
20:12 so often here at 3ABN.
20:15 "You will keep him in perfect peace
20:19 whose mind is stayed on you because you trust in Him. "
20:23 So Paul finds himself perfectly content.
20:27 That means he's in absolute peace.
20:29 Remember, the definition of contentment,
20:32 happy, satisfied, fulfilled, wellbeing, peaceful, tranquil.
20:38 Find yourself in perfect peace
20:40 if your mind is stayed upon the Lord.
20:43 It wasn't Paul's external situation,
20:47 it was his internal commitment to the Lord.
20:51 Paul also speaks of his contentment in 1 Timothy
20:56 and it's in chapter 6.
20:59 He begins with a description of true godliness.
21:03 Then Paul warns Timothy about
21:06 those who think that godliness is the means to financial gain.
21:11 That's verse 5.
21:12 He describes corrupt teachers
21:15 who will divert believers from true faith in Christ
21:18 by arguing over words, creating trivial controversies
21:23 and pursuing get quick rich schemes.
21:26 Now, we looked at the definition of contentment
21:31 but don't you think this describes discontentment?
21:35 That would be the opposite of contentment,
21:37 is what Paul is describing here.
21:40 The opposite of contentment, unhappiness, dissatisfaction,
21:44 turmoil, misery, sadness.
21:46 Paul describes these men as obsessed with disputes
21:51 from which come in the strife reviling evil suspicions,
21:56 useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds
21:59 and destitute of the truth.
22:01 Godless evil men exhibit
22:03 the characteristics of discontentment
22:06 and who use the gospel as a means of their natural gain.
22:11 Paul then clarifies the meaning of godliness.
22:16 And emphasizes
22:17 that it is the opposite of these troublemakers,
22:20 he was laying a foundation to do a contrast for Timothy.
22:25 He then tells us, this is first, in verse six.
22:29 1 Timothy 6:6.
22:31 And I think Pastor Lomacang, you used this scripture.
22:35 Now "Godliness with contentment is" what?
22:39 "It's great gain. "
22:41 They were looking at using the gospel for gain
22:45 and we see that even today.
22:47 But he is saying godliness.
22:49 And what did Pastor Lomacang tell us?
22:51 Godliness was living in right relationship with God,
22:55 being obedient.
22:58 So let's go back to Paul's in his address to the church
23:02 in Philippians.
23:03 So go to Philippians 4.
23:06 I'm going to look at a few scriptures here.
23:08 Philippians 4:11.
23:10 "Not that I speak in regard to need,
23:13 for I have learned in whatever state I am in to be content."
23:16 Verses 12 and 13.
23:18 Paul says, "I know how to be abased,
23:21 and I know how to abound.
23:22 Everywhere and in all things I have learned
23:25 both to be full and to be hungry,
23:27 both to abound and to suffer need. "
23:30 And this is what he says, "I can do" what?
23:33 "All things through Christ who strengthens me."
23:36 And then Philippians 4:6 and 7, "Be anxious for nothing,
23:40 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
23:43 with thanksgiving,
23:44 let your requests be made known to God,
23:46 and the peace of God,
23:48 which surpasses all understanding,
23:51 will guard your hearts and minds
23:53 through Christ Jesus."
23:55 Another one of the benefits of being a good steward,
23:59 godliness and contentment.
24:01 Amen. Amen.
24:02 Thank you, Mollie.
24:03 I always enjoy listening to your teaching
24:05 and that was very good.
24:07 We're talking about the results of stewardship.
24:11 So when you use the resources that God has given you,
24:14 your time, your talents and your treasures for...
24:18 According to the biblical model,
24:21 what He asks us to do?
24:22 We're going to find that we will have godliness.
24:25 We're going to find that we will have contentment.
24:27 And one of the results of stewardship
24:30 is that you trust God and it's interesting.
24:35 That doesn't make sense that, if you're a good steward,
24:38 you have as a result trust.
24:40 It's because trust grows.
24:43 You know, when you first hear...
24:45 When you first hear of the concept of tithing
24:48 and that you are to return
24:49 that portion that belongs to God
24:51 and you're not making it on a 100%
24:53 and you're sitting there
24:55 thinking, "Oh, my goodness. "
24:57 So you give, return that 10% to God.
25:01 And guess what happens?
25:02 As He stretches that 90% you realize,
25:06 yes, 90% under God's blessing goes further than a 100%.
25:10 So trust begets trust.
25:12 And one of the results of stewardship is trust.
25:15 I do want to repeat the scripture.
25:17 I'm surprised it's not here in our quarterly,
25:21 but let's look at Isaiah 26:3, one of my favorite verses.
25:27 And he says in Isaiah 26:3.
25:31 He's praying to the Lord.
25:33 "You O Lord will keep him in perfect peace,
25:38 him or her in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you,
25:44 whose mind is focused on You because..."
25:48 Why are we focusing on God?
25:51 Because He trusts in you.
25:54 As we trust in the Lord
25:56 and keep our mind focused on Him,
25:58 trust brings that perfect peace.
26:02 Let's look at Proverbs 3:5 and 6.
26:05 Proverbs 3:5 and 6.
26:08 You know this one by heart? Oh, yeah.
26:11 "Trust in the Lord" with how much?
26:13 "All your heart and lean not on your own understanding,
26:16 in all your ways acknowledge Him,
26:18 And He shall direct your paths."
26:21 You know, there's only one person,
26:24 only one being that we can truly trust Him.
26:27 That's right.
26:28 And He is perfect being knows the end from the beginning
26:33 and everything that He does is for our eternal benefit.
26:38 God doesn't just do it for your benefit here.
26:41 Everything He allows to happen in your life,
26:43 everything that He does in your life
26:45 is for your eternal benefit.
26:48 You can trust in His power and His ability.
26:50 You can trust in His mercy, and His goodness, and His love.
26:54 You can trust in God's consistency.
26:58 You know, if you have a broken foot or a broken leg,
27:02 what do you have to rely on to get around?
27:04 Crutches. Crutches.
27:06 Our lives are broken with sin,
27:09 we need to rely on the scriptures.
27:12 That's good.
27:13 Think of that, is that, we don't want
27:15 to try to prop ourself up with our own understanding,
27:18 we need to rely on the scriptures.
27:22 God gave us intelligence.
27:24 He created us in His image.
27:26 He gave us intelligence.
27:28 But the interesting thing is,
27:30 do you realize that His plan of salvation,
27:32 everything about God's plan is total dependence upon Him.
27:36 And so it's easy to trust in the Lord
27:39 when, maybe we have no control over something,
27:43 but when we've got something that we do have control over
27:47 and we have to trust according to what God's Word says.
27:50 It takes a little bit more.
27:52 But we need to acknowledge Him.
27:55 I have recently, I say recently the last year or two.
27:59 I've become aware how many people pray?
28:02 O Lord be with us through the night,
28:03 Lord be with us through this day,
28:05 Lord be with, be with him and...
28:08 He is with us.
28:09 The Bible says, "He will never leave us or forsake us."
28:13 I mean, He's promised
28:15 never to leave us or forsake us.
28:16 So when it says acknowledge Him in all of your ways,
28:20 practice the presence of God,
28:22 recognize that He is with you always
28:27 and He will make a level path for your feet as you do that.
28:33 Psalms 16:11, one of my favorite verses.
28:37 It says, "You will show me the path of life,
28:43 and in Your presence is fullness of joy,
28:47 at Your right hand are pleasures evermore."
28:51 Proverbs 4:18 says
28:52 "That the path of the righteous grows brighter,
28:55 it shines brighter, every day God is leading us."
28:59 Now, why should we trust in the Lord?
29:03 Isaiah 55:9 gives us a good reason
29:07 to put our trust in the Lord
29:09 and not in mankind, not in princes,
29:11 not in our own abilities.
29:15 But He says in Psalm 55:9.
29:19 This is the Lord speaking.
29:21 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
29:25 so are my ways higher than your ways
29:28 and my thoughts than your thoughts."
29:31 God's wisdom, God's knowledge
29:33 is exponentially greater than ours, exponentially.
29:38 There is no way...
29:41 God has given us the ability to know truth but it's only...
29:45 I mean, He's given us truth
29:47 but we only have the ability
29:49 to the limitations of our finite being, right?
29:52 This is why, you know, people who think they intellectual,
29:56 snobbery is so foolish,
29:58 because I don't care how much
30:00 you know, God knows so much more.
30:02 And we have a tendency...
30:04 Do we not?
30:06 People seem to have a tendency
30:07 to try to make God conform to their plans.
30:10 We should be striving to fit into His plan.
30:13 Paul said this in 1 Corinthians 3...
30:16 Excuse me, 1 Corinthians 13:12.
30:20 This is such a wonderful scripture.
30:25 In 1 Corinthians 13:12.
30:29 Paul is talking about us now in our current condition.
30:34 And he says, "Now we see in a mirror" how?
30:38 Earthly. "Dimly, darkly, dimly."
30:41 But then when Christ returns face to face...
30:46 Now I know...
30:48 This is Paul who wrote the bulk of the New Testament.
30:52 Now I know in part,
30:55 but then I shall know just as I am also known.
31:01 Did you know Corinth who was known for their fine mirrors?
31:05 They made mirrors out of copper.
31:09 And so this was...
31:11 They beat them out of...
31:12 They polished brass is what it was actually.
31:15 So they had these polished brass and these...
31:17 They gave a pretty fine reflection.
31:19 I mean, these were good quality mirrors
31:21 but no substitute for the real person.
31:23 And what happens to brass?
31:25 It tarnishes easily.
31:27 See, the more I study about the love of God,
31:30 somebody, I've got someone who keeps encouraging me
31:35 from the Bahamas.
31:36 They will say, write a book on the love of God,
31:38 write a book.
31:40 And the more I study about the love of God,
31:42 the more I realized how little I know about the love of God.
31:45 We only know in part and God's image has been
31:50 tarnished by people who say wrong things.
31:54 Paul is actually speaking here in context
31:57 about the gifts of the spirit.
31:59 These just...
32:00 As we exercise the gifts of the spirit,
32:02 even good stewardship,
32:04 we're just reflecting the Lord dimly, are we not?
32:07 But then he says, "We will see face
32:10 to blessed face with our beloved Savior,
32:13 we will see Him."
32:14 And I love what 1 John 3:2 says.
32:17 "Beloved now" right now... That's right.
32:20 "We are the children of God,
32:22 but it's not yet been revealed what we shall be,
32:24 but we know that when He is revealed,
32:28 when He comes, we shall be like Him,
32:31 for we shall see Him as He is."
32:33 Our complete maturity
32:35 and our perfect knowledge will be attained then.
32:39 We will know Him fully.
32:41 So what should our motto be?
32:43 Trust in the Lord with all of our heart.
32:46 Love Him with all of your heart, soul,
32:48 mind and strength,
32:50 because everything that He does is for your benefit.
32:55 And as you become a good steward of the Lord,
32:59 you will find the godliness that God gives to us,
33:04 the contentment that we enjoy, and the peace that we enjoy
33:09 from trusting in Him, it's just amazing.
33:12 I want to read something that Ellen White wrote
33:16 in Gospel Workers, page 25.
33:18 She's talking about the apostles.
33:21 And you know, we know that their character, their motives,
33:26 and their intentions were good.
33:29 But listen what she says.
33:31 "They were by nature as weak and helpless
33:34 as any of those now engaged in the work,
33:37 but they put their whole trust in the Lord.
33:40 Wealth they had,
33:42 but it consisted of mind and soul culture,
33:47 and this every one may have who will make
33:50 God first and last and best in everything."
33:55 So one of the great results
33:58 of being a good steward is trust.
34:01 Amen. Thank you so much.
34:03 Shelley, what a blessing.
34:05 You think about the results of stewardship, godliness,
34:08 contentment, trust
34:09 and all of those are worked in our lives
34:12 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
34:13 Amen.
34:15 Praise God that He wants to work with us.
34:16 I have Wednesday which is our influence.
34:19 And at first glance you think,
34:21 "What does our influence have to do with stewardship?"
34:23 But really our influence, it's stewardship on display.
34:28 Amen.
34:29 The opening scripture
34:30 that I want to turn to is Ephesians 5.
34:32 If you want to turn, you're at home, Ephesians 5:8.
34:37 "For you were once darkness,
34:39 but now you are light in the Lord."
34:43 Every single one of us were in darkness,
34:45 the darkness of sin
34:47 and Christ pulled us out of that
34:49 into His marvelous light,
34:51 now we are light in the Lord.
34:53 Then it says, "Walk as children of light."
34:56 In the Greek, the word for a walk literally means
34:59 how I conduct my life.
35:02 So you could almost then say,
35:04 now that we're light in the Lord,
35:06 we are to live as children of light.
35:10 Does it matter how we live?
35:12 Absolutely, because of our influence on others.
35:17 What is influence?
35:18 If you look at the dictionary,
35:20 it says, "Influence is the power
35:22 to change or affect someone.
35:25 The power to cause changes
35:27 without forcing them to happen."
35:30 Influence is not control.
35:33 We exert influence
35:35 simply by being who God has called us to be.
35:40 The closer other people come to us,
35:42 the greater our influence would be over them and vice versa.
35:47 The attempt to influence is not a conscious thought,
35:50 it happens unconsciously, just by us being who we are.
35:54 We influence obviously our family members,
35:56 spouse, and kids, neighbors, coworkers,
35:59 church, friends, strangers, enemies.
36:03 We influence everybody at some level
36:06 with whom we come in contact.
36:08 We don't have any choice that we do influence other people
36:11 but we can choose whether our influence is for good
36:15 or whether it's for evil.
36:18 There's a bumper sticker that said,
36:20 "Don't follow me, I'm lost too."
36:25 You think about an influence for evil.
36:27 I think about Eve on her husband Adam
36:30 in the Garden of Eden.
36:31 And the Bible says she was deceived
36:32 but she took the fruit and she ate
36:36 that she went against God's direct command.
36:39 Adam was, you could say influenced in a negative way
36:43 by his wife's decision
36:46 and he made the choice to take other fruit
36:48 and eat as well.
36:50 But by contrast we can be an example for good.
36:54 1 Corinthians 11:1.
36:57 We're gonna lay two foundational scriptures here
36:59 and then we'll look at four characteristics of people
37:02 who have a godly influence.
37:04 But before we get to those four characteristics,
37:06 let's look at these two scriptures.
37:08 Shelley, do you have it, 1 Corinthians 11:1?
37:10 "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ."
37:15 Yes.
37:16 In the Greek imitate would be one who mimics another.
37:19 We are to imitate Christ.
37:22 And other people...
37:23 Now it's not by our choice
37:25 but other people can imitate us based on the influence.
37:28 It depends on how strong that influence,
37:30 how much you want to imitate the person.
37:32 But we are only safe to follow if we follow Christ.
37:37 The key is, our lives, our character, our habits,
37:41 our thoughts are to represent the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:45 There's one more scripture I want to look at here.
37:48 This is 1 Timothy 4:12.
37:53 1 Timothy 4:12.
37:56 This used to be my favorite scripture
37:58 when I was a young person
37:59 and you're probably saying, Jill, you're still young.
38:02 But especially when I was a teenager in early 20,
38:04 I loved this scripture.
38:06 It says, "Let no one despise your youth."
38:10 Right.
38:12 Now whether we're young or old, this scripture applies to us.
38:15 But be an example.
38:17 In the Greek example means a pattern, a figure or a model.
38:22 We are called to be a pattern of the Lord Jesus
38:25 for other people, no matter what age we are,
38:28 we are called to be an example of the Lord Jesus.
38:30 That's right.
38:31 And then it list six things
38:33 that we're supposed to be an example of.
38:35 We're to be an example in word.
38:37 Our word should build other people up,
38:39 not tear people down.
38:41 Miss Mollie, you quote this all the time,
38:43 Ephesians 4:29.
38:44 "Let no corrupt communication...
38:47 "Proceed out of your mouth,
38:48 but that which is good to the use of edifying,
38:51 that it may minister grace to the hearers."
38:53 Yes.
38:54 So we're to be an example of Christ
38:56 in the words that we speak.
38:58 We're to be an example of Christ
39:00 in the conduct that we have.
39:02 That word literally means the behavior.
39:04 So how we live our lives, we are to be an example.
39:09 We're to be an example of Christ
39:11 in the love we exhibit for other people,
39:14 in the spirit that we have,
39:15 in the faith that we possess because we know Hebrews 11:6,
39:19 "If we don't have faith,
39:20 it is impossible to please God."
39:23 And finally we're to be an example
39:25 of the Lord Jesus Christ in purity.
39:28 So let's look at four characteristics
39:30 of a godly steward.
39:31 This is by no means comprehensive, just a few.
39:34 Number one, godly person with godly influence
39:39 would love other people.
39:41 John 13:34 and 35.
39:46 John 13:34 and 35.
39:53 I need to get there.
39:54 "A new commandment I give to you,
39:56 that you love one another, as I have loved you,
39:59 that you also love one another.
40:02 By this all will know that you are My disciples,
40:05 if you have love for one another."
40:08 Now if we are called to imitate Christ
40:12 and He is the perfect example,
40:14 and we are called then to love our brothers and sisters
40:18 just as Christ has loved us, we are called to love others.
40:23 If you care for someone,
40:24 you will give them encouragement,
40:26 you will give them time, you will give them love,
40:29 you will also tell them the truth.
40:31 Amen.
40:33 We sometimes think love is just a nice easy feeling
40:37 and it's just, but love involves principle
40:40 and love also involves,
40:41 if you love someone to tell them the truth.
40:45 Number two, characteristics of people with godly influence.
40:49 They have integrity.
40:51 Let's look at Titus 2.
40:53 Titus 2.
40:55 And, Pastor John, you want to get that for us?
40:56 Sure.
40:57 Titus 2, if you can read verses 7 and 8.
41:01 All right.
41:03 Bible says, "In all things showing yourself
41:06 to be a pattern of good works, in doctrine showing integrity,
41:10 reverence, incorruptibility,
41:13 sound speech that cannot be condemned,
41:16 that one who is,
41:19 that one who is an opponent may be ashamed,
41:22 having nothing evil to say of you."
41:25 Now did you notice that? Wow, it's been...
41:26 Even an opponent, someone who is opposed to you
41:29 having nothing evil to say of you.
41:32 In Greek nothing literally means not even one.
41:36 Now, I don't know about you but I'm sure,
41:39 not just opponents
41:41 but even friends would have more than
41:43 one evil thing to say about me, right?
41:45 And I think about my own life and character and how I live.
41:49 So I read this verse, I need to grow.
41:52 We all.
41:54 People with godly influence have integrity.
41:56 Integrity means you have character.
41:59 You practice what you preach.
42:01 Integrity means you have authenticity,
42:04 you are genuine and real.
42:06 Integrity means you have honesty,
42:09 you are truthful and upright.
42:12 Integrity means you have humility,
42:14 willingness to admit when you are wrong.
42:18 Integrity means that you are trustworthy.
42:21 Now let's look quickly at our last two points.
42:24 Point number three, they reveal Christ.
42:27 I think Jesus said, "I am the light of the world."
42:30 In Matthew 5:14, He says,
42:32 "You are the light of the world.
42:35 Let your light so shine before men
42:37 that they may see your good works
42:39 and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
42:43 Well, Jesus is the light of the world.
42:44 We are called, we can't force light to shine
42:47 but we can let it shine.
42:49 We can allow Jesus as He comes in us.
42:52 Colossians 1:27,
42:53 "Christ in you, the hope of glory."
42:55 As He lives in you,
42:57 you can allow His light to shine forth to someone else.
43:01 And the final characteristic
43:03 is they choose to not cause their brother to stumble.
43:08 Romans 14:13.
43:10 I have New King James Version here
43:12 but I like it in the New American Standard.
43:14 It says, "Therefore let us not judge one another anymore,
43:17 but to determine this, not to put an obstacle
43:20 or a stumbling block in a brother's way."
43:25 So God calls us not to put even with our influence,
43:28 not to put an obstacle or stumbling block
43:30 in someone else's way.
43:32 We're involved in the great controversy,
43:35 the battle really between good and evil.
43:38 And in the midst of that, God is calling for us.
43:42 As Christians, God is calling for you
43:44 at home to make a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ,
43:47 to know that your influence will count for Him.
43:51 1 Corinthians 4:9,
43:53 "We are made a spectacle to the world,
43:56 both to angels and to men."
43:58 And we are to be examples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
44:01 Amen. Amen.
44:03 I'm always amazed that, Jill,
44:05 how organized she is and how she can
44:07 get through these points most of it actually.
44:09 But as we end our quarter on stewardship motives
44:12 from the heart, the end result is,
44:15 what voice...
44:16 When we hear Jesus, what's He gonna say to us?
44:19 Matthew 12:30, "He that is not with me is against me,
44:23 and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
44:27 So there's only two sides in this great controversy
44:30 between good and evil.
44:32 So it all comes down to, not the knowledge
44:34 that we have but the motives of our heart.
44:36 Have we given our life to the Lord Jesus Christ
44:39 completely and said, Lord, take me just as I am.
44:42 We do our best, He'll do the rest,
44:44 but we have to confess our sins,
44:46 come to Him and He's faithful and just to forgive us
44:48 from our sins.
44:50 At the second coming of Christ we will hear.
44:52 Matthew 5:21 says, "His Lord said unto him,
44:55 'Well done thou, good and faithful servant" right?
44:58 "Thou has been faithful over a few things,
45:01 I will make you ruler over many."
45:03 Then he says, "Enter thou into the joy of the Lord."
45:07 Now that's really what we want to hear.
45:09 Am I right? Everyone of us here.
45:10 Can you imagine what it would be like
45:12 in the second coming to look up
45:14 and Jesus coming in the clouds of glory
45:17 and as the saints go forward, He says,
45:20 enter because everyone going in.
45:22 Enter into the joy of the Lord. We think we're happy now?
45:25 Right? Wait till then. Wait till then.
45:28 We might see some of our saints
45:30 that are little tight
45:31 and getting lose and happy and...
45:32 Mollie always says, "Doing that happy dance, right?
45:35 Or on the other hand and we hope and pray
45:37 this is not for any of us.
45:40 Matthew 7:23, "And then will I profess unto them,
45:44 I never knew you: depart from me,
45:46 you workers of iniquity."
45:48 And that is sad.
45:50 But I want to tell you something.
45:51 We here at 3ABN we're dedicating,
45:54 I've dedicated 2018 to the year of present truth.
45:58 And the reason we're doing that...
45:59 In the very beginning, John,
46:01 when I was impressed to build a television station
46:03 to reach the world,
46:04 this impression to give an undiluted
46:07 three angels' messages,
46:08 I didn't know what that meant
46:10 because far as I knew our church is the only one
46:11 giving three angels' messages.
46:14 Why diluted?
46:16 It's the times in which we're living.
46:17 Right now when I looked in the past 33 years,
46:21 we've seen a lot change.
46:22 God hasn't changed and His law hasn't changed,
46:25 but His people have changed.
46:28 And this is what we have to do.
46:29 It's a calling impart and so we are dedicated
46:32 into giving present truth to the lost and dying world.
46:36 I won't attempt to go into John,
46:38 the three angels' messages because you have done it
46:39 so beautifully and folks can go to our website.
46:42 But present truth is the three angels' messages.
46:45 End times message for an end times people.
46:47 God loved us enough that He gives us a warning message,
46:51 that's out of love to say,
46:53 look, you don't have to be lost.
46:55 Satan cannot deceive you if you keep your eyes on Me.
46:59 Turn your eyes upon Jesus, right?
47:00 Look full in His wonderful face.
47:02 If we do that, we will not be deceived.
47:05 So the trouble that I'm seeing is,
47:08 because of the way the climate,
47:10 the spiritual climate in the world today.
47:12 Satan knows that his time is short.
47:15 It's getting inside the church.
47:17 Political correctness has no business in the church.
47:21 Absolutely. That's right.
47:22 Leave in politics, right? Absolutely.
47:24 But we tend to allow to come into the church.
47:27 The trouble is, I put here,
47:29 most SDA seem to think that because we as a church
47:32 have long taught obedience
47:34 to the Ten Commandments of God including the Sabbath,
47:37 we will not be deceived in the near future,
47:40 when a National Sunday Law is passed.
47:42 So logically we think or we, they, who may ever it is,
47:47 who may ever we're talking about here,
47:49 I hope it's not me but I've to put myself
47:52 and the rest of you.
47:53 Logically we think
47:54 there will be a light into the world...
47:56 We will be a light into the world
47:57 to stand for God's commandment
47:59 and be counted among those that hear.
48:01 Well done thou good and faithful servant.
48:03 But I want to tell you, if that's what you're thinking,
48:06 we really need to refocus and re-look at where we are.
48:10 Satan is way too smart for that.
48:12 Do we dare think that, he says, oh, I have one people,
48:16 a remnant group of people
48:17 and they are just waiting for this time,
48:19 they are gonna be all perfect and ready,
48:21 they are gonna be the bride of Christ
48:23 and then when these things happen
48:24 and Sunday Laws are passed,
48:26 they are gonna stand up and be counted.
48:28 It's what we do today decides whether we're gonna be ready
48:32 when this time comes or how do we know
48:34 we'll even live till tomorrow.
48:35 So we have to be ready today.
48:38 But Matthew 24:24.
48:40 Now, I've read this scripture lot of times and so of you.
48:42 "For there shall arise
48:44 false christs and false prophets
48:45 and shall show great signs and wonders,
48:48 and so much that if it were possible,
48:50 they shall deceive the very elect."
48:52 Now, how many of us
48:54 consider ourselves the very elect?
48:56 We really want to, right?
48:58 We really want to be but the devil
49:00 is the great deceptor,
49:01 that's who he is, he's the father of lie.
49:03 So deception by definition is someone
49:06 who's out to deceive.
49:07 So Satan is not gonna be happy with those who profess.
49:11 And I've done that and I'd think, boy,
49:12 I want to be part of the elect.
49:14 I'm those who keep the commandments of God
49:16 and have the faith of Jesus.
49:17 So we tend to put that Seventh-day Adventist Church
49:21 because we keep all the commandments of God.
49:23 Well, if that's what you're thinking,
49:25 let me rattle your cage for just a moment if I may.
49:28 But it says...
49:29 Well, who would have believed...
49:30 John, you hit on while ago.
49:32 Who would have believed, only a few years ago
49:34 many SDAs would support same sex marriage and abortion?
49:38 Now, aren't these also commandments of God?
49:41 Aren't they, the seven commandments of God?
49:43 So if we're saying that we are remnant folk,
49:47 remnant people, remnant church, that God is coming back,
49:50 that's the church who keeps the commandments of God
49:52 and have the faith of Jesus.
49:54 And yet we're not keeping these commandments,
49:56 are we really remnant people or a remnant church?
50:00 So I'm gonna give you some,
50:02 a few little shocking things here.
50:04 Did you know that we now have colleges and universities,
50:07 stick with me for a minute,
50:08 that support gay and lesbian students,
50:10 allowing them to be openly gay, promote their agenda on campus,
50:14 while at the same time
50:16 not allowing those opposed to this lifestyle
50:19 and opportunity to call sin by its right name.
50:22 Would you have ever thought that?
50:24 We have pastors, would you have ever believed?
50:27 Remnant church, would you have ever believed
50:29 that we have pastors who are now petitioning
50:32 the General Conference leaders.
50:34 I just talked to one last week,
50:35 the General Conference leader.
50:36 Are petitioning the General Conference leaders
50:39 for permission to do
50:41 same sex marriages in our churches.
50:43 Now, if you don't think we're at the end of time,
50:49 let me give you something to think about.
50:51 Did you ever think...
50:53 No matter what you read in the Bible
50:55 about all these terrible things it's gonna happen
50:57 and how people will be so deceived.
50:59 Did you ever in your wildest imagination,
51:02 Shelley, Mollie, Jill, John, folks at home,
51:05 everything that we would live in a generation
51:08 right before Jesus comes,
51:09 when people don't know what gender we are.
51:12 We don't know if we are boy or girl.
51:13 We don't know if we're male or female.
51:15 Now it's funny, a five and six year old child,
51:18 first grader knows if he's boy or girl,
51:20 but by the time we get 25, we don't know.
51:22 And we don't know because there are so many
51:25 genders out there that people are telling us about,
51:28 but people within the church, this is,
51:31 this political correctness is coming in the church
51:33 because as you already mentioned,
51:35 we don't want to offend others, so we're being careful.
51:38 So we don't want to call sin by its right name.
51:41 Now, I do want to say,
51:42 homosexuality is not any bigger sin
51:44 than any other sin, but it is sin
51:47 and it needs to be called by its right name.
51:50 So 10 to 20 years ago I wrote down,
51:52 "If a preacher talked about sin or transgression of God's laws,
51:56 he would just get a room, big room full of amens."
51:59 Today, if he does that,
52:00 he's considered politically incorrect
52:03 and he's gonna find himself in hot water.
52:05 But as I said earlier,
52:07 there's no room for political correctness in the church.
52:10 That's right. Now let me really...
52:12 Well, I'm gonna have to finish,
52:13 it looks like my time has gone here.
52:15 So I'm gonna jump up just a little bit.
52:16 But I want to say this that people are saying,
52:19 why are you harping on this
52:21 and why are you harping on that?
52:23 For Seventh-day Adventists have promoted the Sabbath...
52:27 Shelley and I
52:28 about 12 years ago wrote a book called
52:29 the "Ten Commandments Twice Removed",
52:31 because our people wanted to get the message out
52:34 of keeping all of God's commandments,
52:36 over 10 million of those are in print
52:38 have been distributed around the world.
52:41 But now I want to fast forward you to 12 years later, Shelley.
52:44 I've written a book called "Spiritual Vigilantes".
52:47 But in this book, as part of the book,
52:50 I talk about how same sex marriage
52:53 became law of the land here in the United States of America
52:56 and I talk about abortion
52:58 and people within the church are writing and saying,
53:03 you shouldn't be putting this information out.
53:05 We also talk about keeping the seventh day Sabbath.
53:08 But isn't it interesting,
53:10 we're all about promoting what we believed,
53:12 everyone else, but if it hits us in the face,
53:15 we're not so sure we want to hear that.
53:18 But I'm happy to tell you that we have reports of people
53:21 who already from reading this book have said,
53:24 that I'm now keeping the Sabbath because,
53:26 see, we name...
53:27 We'd only just talk about those things,
53:29 we talk about those from a biblical standpoint.
53:31 But sin is sin, whether it's adultery,
53:34 whether it's infidelity, whether it's lying,
53:37 whether it's gossiping, all sin is sin.
53:39 So we're not picking on any one sin.
53:41 But right now to see whatever sin is creeping into church,
53:44 we have to as the ministry and as individuals
53:47 and members of this church stand up
53:50 and give a wake up call to a lost and dying world.
53:53 So what I find out
53:55 is that people want to know the truth.
53:58 And we want to give the truth but we can't give something
54:02 that we don't have ourselves.
54:03 I don't have time to get the whole quote,
54:05 but I had a quote from Ellen White.
54:07 She says, "Near the end of earth's history,
54:10 a special bestowal of the spirit of grace
54:13 is promised to prepare the church
54:15 for the coming of the Son of man.
54:16 This outpouring of the Spirit
54:18 is likened to the falling of the latter rain."
54:20 Now she says this.
54:23 "Before the final visitation of God's judgments
54:25 upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord
54:28 such a revival of primitive godliness
54:30 as has not been witnessed since apostolic times.
54:33 The Spirit and power of God
54:35 will be poured out upon His people."
54:37 So what we are running into and what we're...
54:39 I am happy to say is happening.
54:41 John, there is a great tribulation about to fall,
54:45 but the latter rain is beginning to fall.
54:47 And when the latter rain falls,
54:49 it just separate the wheat and the chaff,
54:50 and suddenly everybody is gonna know where we stand.
54:53 But if we're gonna be ready, we have to be ready today.
54:57 Not look forward to
54:58 when the Sunday Law is passed or when...
55:00 So the question today, "Where will you be,
55:03 what voice when Jesus speaks will we hear,
55:06 enter in or will we hear, depart from His?"
55:09 My prayer that each and every one of us hear Jesus say,
55:12 enter into the joy of the Lord.
55:14 Amen.
55:15 But on that note, Danny, let me give you
55:17 about a minute more because we're winding up here.
55:18 And I think that will give us enough time to go ahead
55:20 and each person could summarize what we talked about.
55:22 But that's a powerful thing.
55:24 Any closing thoughts on that, since you're on a roll?
55:26 Well, I just...
55:27 When I do it, I want people to know
55:29 what I share is out of love.
55:30 I am not condemning people
55:31 or trying to call out colleges or people,
55:34 but I want to know that we're not immune
55:37 as Seventh-day Adventist Christians
55:38 that we don't, because we know the commandments of God.
55:41 We're not immune. Satan has a plan to destroy us.
55:43 Who does he hate the most on earth?
55:45 Those who are standing up for God
55:48 and keeping the commandments of God.
55:50 So it's a prayer.
55:51 Well, I may sound like I'm harsh.
55:54 Please I'm doing this in love.
55:55 And I intend to give a wake up call
55:57 to get us thinking,
55:59 where am I and how will I stand
56:01 when I stand in the presence of God?
56:03 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:05 Well, I'm gonna just come with the line.
56:06 Jill, summarize what you have covered for us
56:08 as we close out this wonderful lesson on stewardship.
56:11 Our influence is incredible because as we follow Jesus
56:15 and as we walk with Him,
56:17 then our influence will point other people to Jesus.
56:20 That's right. Shelley? Amen.
56:21 And when you think about being a good steward,
56:23 this, this is an...
56:25 I mean, people see that, it has strong influence.
56:29 Simply that, as good stewards...
56:32 One of the results of stewardship
56:34 is that we learn to trust more and more
56:38 and we enjoy the perfect peace of the Lord.
56:40 Mollie?
56:41 The results of stewardship contentment.
56:43 But, Danny, from what you're saying,
56:45 the results of being a good steward
56:47 for all that God had entrusted to us,
56:49 is that we'll be obedient to His Word.
56:52 Amen. That's right.
56:53 Friends, remember godliness will always cost you something,
56:55 but godliness is not a debt, it is an eternal assert.
57:00 And all of us together, we're looking
57:02 as we examine our lives this quarter,
57:04 this lesson has caused each one of us
57:05 to examine our lives in so many areas.
57:07 And thank you, Danny,
57:08 for casting the vision as we entered into 2018,
57:12 that this is the year of...
57:13 Present truth. Present truth.
57:15 The truth is always present
57:17 because Jesus is never, "a was."
57:20 He is and He is to come.
57:22 May the stewardship of God's Holy Spirit
57:24 guide you to be ready when Jesus comes.
57:27 God bless you until we see you again.


Revised 2018-03-29